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KUYAZEV, Me.) DVUKRAYEVj I'Al Press for straightening shafts. Mashinostroitell no.1204 D 164. (14-M .18s2) LAVILEETIYEVA, Ye.V.; DVULIT, P.D. Program of latitude observations for Ulan-Bator. Trudy Polt. grav. obser. 12:48-58 163. (VIRA 16:9) (Ulam-Bator-Latitude) PANCIIENKO., N.1.1 DVULIT,, P.D. ...' Systems of declinations of the centers of Talcott pairs obtained from observations performed by the International Latitude Service, Trudy Polt. grav. obser. 12:110-134 '63. (MRA 16:9) (Stars.-Observations) (Latitude variation) DVURMIIENSKAYA., A.P. Development of the cognitive activity axid independence of students in geograpby classes. Geog. v ahkole 26 no.5:40-46 S-0 163. (MM 16:11) 1. Srednyaya shkola No. 2 g. Dipetska. FACC'NRI AP70011,48 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/021/0184/OfW INVENTORS: Omirov, V. S.; Krivovyaz, R. M.; Shteynberg,A. S.; Markochov, V;-T- Dvurechensk N. 1. ORG. none TITLE: A combustion chamber of an automobile gas turbine engine. Class 46, No. 188221 Za-nnounced by Central Scientific R(.soarch Institute of Automobiles and Auto- mobile Engines (Tsentral'rWy nauchno-issledovatellskly aytomobillrrjy i avtomoto=07 institut)~7 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, proryshlenrWye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 21, 1966, 184 TOPIC TAGS: automotive industry, gas turbine, turbine engine, gas turbine engine, combustion chamber ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate preeentm--a combustion chamber of an automobile gas turbine engine. The-chamber-emta*wwwo*4t*ad--with-a-stabilizer and a fire tube (see Fig. 1). To improve the process of mixture forming, a spherical diaphragm with a main central opening and with several amiliary openings on the periphery of its- surface is placed in the head of the chamber between the stabilizer and the fire tube. C,,d 1/2 UDC: 621.1,38.056 ACC NR3 Al-7001"8 ,Fig. 1. 1 - chamber head; 2 - otabilizer; 3 - fire tube; 4 - diaphragm; 5 - central opening; 6 - auxiliary openinga MIRGLYUBOVAp L.V.; DVUREGHINSKAYA., G.S. Use of the luminiscent, serological method for the diagnosis of typhoid fever and paratypboid A and B. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 33 no.1083-7 0162 (MIRA 17:4) 1. Iz Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologil imeni Gamalei AMU SSSR i kliniki infektsimmffi-.h bolezney Il Moskyoskogo meditsinskogo, instituta imeni Plrogova. ,iODYAKIII N.F., prof.; DVURECIIENSKAYA N V.; DEVLISHbVA, I.V., red. , -. [Cutaneous lelsamoniasis (Borovskii's disease); a bibliographic index to the literatuve, 1862-1960 gg. Ashkhabad, Rnspublikan- skaia nauchnaia med. biblioteka, 1962. 133 P. (MIRA 15:12) (DELHI BOIL) PVUPFCT,IRi5KAYA, r,. S. DVURFCHINSKAYA, G. S. : "Observations of the formation of bacteria car- rierF in typhoid patients treated with sintomycin.1' First Moscow Order of Lenin Meiical Ifist'.imeni. T. M. Sechenov. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertations for the degr;r. of candidnte in Hedical Sciences). SO: Knizhnays Letopis'. No. 22, 1956 PMOVSKIT, V.I.; MWHINSY4T~'. Synthosqcin sensitivity of Salmonella typhosa isolatod from patients. Zhur.atirrobioleept(l. I immun. 28 no.5:36-38 Xy '57. (XLRA 10:7) li Is kafedry infektotonnykh bolesney I Mookovskogo ordena lonins maditsinskago Instituta imeni Sechenovs. (BAZKOJMIJA TTPHOSA, of f . of drugs on ablorsophonicol. sensitivity) (CHIAMAXPHRUICOL. off . sensitivity of Salmonella typhoss) BILIBIN, A.F., prof.; DVURBCH$NSUYA, G.S.,; MARGORINA, L.M., -1----1-;---,-:---" Clinical aspects and diagnosis of salmonellosis. 23 no.12: 34-43 D 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Iz kafedry infektatomWkh bolazuey II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta i otdala ep~demiologii Instituts. epidemiologii i mikro- biologii imeni N.7. Gamalei. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Bilibin). (SALMDMUA IWWTIOUS) DV-URICHANSKAYA, A. _- ~ - ~ -, In a training center. Mast. ugl, 7 no,2:24a-24b 7 158, (MIRA 110) (Xining engineering--Study and tigaching) DVUZHILIITAYA If H - IVANOVA, N.V.; LIMITS, K.M.: 14I]IMIKO. 0.A.; ZIIO?,YNV, 9 1 -0- , re or; ALADOVA, T.T., tekhnicheskiy rodaktor [Accelerated method of analyzing coal] Uskorennye matody analiza ue,lia. Moskva. Ugletnkhizdat, 1954. 58 P. (1-aak 8:7) (Coal-Analynis) ,.I# SOV/28-58-5-12/37 AUTHOR: Dvuzhiltnaya, N.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Yegorkin, P.A., Engineer TITLE: Determining the Clinkering Tendency of Coal from the Donets Basin by the Rog Method (Opredeleniye spekayemosti ugley bonetskogo basseyna po metodu Roga) PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1958, Nr 5, PP 44 - 46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The DonUGI carried out tests of anthracites from the Donets Coal Basin to select a standard corresponding to the anthracite from the West ^aerman "Sophie Jakob" Mine, accepted as the standard for an inert impoverishing addi- tive. The most suitable coal for test purposes was found to be that from the "Ivan" Mine of the Sovetugoll Trust, a comparatively poor coal. The clinkering tendency was determined by both the Rog and the plastometric method and the respective results drawn up in tables for com- Card 1/2 parison's sake. The tables show that the Rog index 3OY42P-;P-5Sy12/37 Determining the Clinkering Tendency of Coal from the Done a n the Rog Method differentiates well the low-clinkering coals with a high degree of metamorphism. However, coals with high clinker- ing propertion and an average degree of metamorphism are quite satisfactorily differentiated by the plastometric method and do not lend themselves to classification by the Rog method. There are 4 tables and 2 graphs. ASSOCIATION: Donetskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy ugollnyy institut (Donets Coal Scientific -Research Institute) 1. Coal--Chemical reactions 2. Coal--Test results Card 2/2 DTUZHILINAYA, N.M., kand.takhn.nauk Coals of tho Donato Banin, in the International Classification system. Sbor.DouUGI no.18:107-125 159. (14IRA 13;1) (Donate Basin-Coal-Grading) ,DVUZHZLIWA, N.H.,,_)~~nd.takhn.nauk: YNGORKIN, P.A.. insh. . I - 1. --..q - Determining the coking capacity of Donets Basin coals by the RW method. Sbor.SonUGI W.18:126-135 '59- (14IRA 13:1) (Donets Bamln--Coal) DVUZHILOROA, N.M., kand.tekbu.naulc - Testing Ukraine coals by Internatiorial standard methods. Sbor.DbnUGI no-18;136-145 059. (MXRk 13:1) (Ukrain-Coal-Testing) (Coal-Standards) DVUZHILIB,AYA, N.M., kand.tekbn.nauk Grading of Donato Basin coals according to tho now classification (state standard 8180 - 56). Sbor.DonUGI no.18:149-157 159. (14M 13:1) (Donato Basin-Coal-Grading) SHTROMBERG., B.I.; DVUZHILINAYA,, N.M. Typfication of Ionets coal and anthracite mined in 958 in accordance with the international coal classification. Koko i khim. no.D12-14 162, (MIRA l5t2) 1. Ukrainskiy uglekhimicheskiy institut (for Shtromberg). 2. Donetskiy, nauchno-issledovatellskiy ugolInyy institut (for DvuzhilInaya). (Donets Basin--Coal-Classification) DVUZHILINAYA,, N.M,, kand. takhn. nauk; IVANOVA, N.V., inzh. ClavoifyIng .Donets E6min coals with a lower plastic layer. Sbor. DonUGI no.25--3-9 "62. (M-*MA 16: 6) (Donets Basin.-Coal-Glaosification) DVUZHILINAYA., N.M,t )mnd. tekhn. nauk; YEGORKIN, P.A., inzh. Heat of burning of damp ashleas coal; problem of establishing a class for Donato coals in accordance with the international classification. Sbor. DonUGI no.25:10-16 162. (KIRA 16:6) (Donets Baoin-Coal-Classification) HILIWA. N.M.v *and. tokhn. nauk; YEGORKIII, P.A., inzh. M-11- Varieties of Donets Basin anthracites which can be thermally treated and wed as raw material in the manufacture of elec- trodes. Sboro DonUQI no.25*.321-128 16Z. (MIRA 16% 6) Electrodes, Carbon) nets Basin-Anthracite coal) t U. KEROSHNICHENKO A.M.; S11TROMEM, B.I.; XMOKON, Yu.G.,; SHIIMIUVA., T.Y.; DRUY: &N.; DV;~H4A.%Up -11.,X; GUT14AN,, LJL; IMMIKU1, R.K.; KOVALEVSKAYA, iuL Coking of a charge contaiidne 4,0% gas coals and blast-furnace smelting with coke obtained,by thisi.mothdd. Koks i khim. no.2:20-24 163% (MIA 16:2) 1. UkreApskiy uglakhimichetikiy institut (for ~Jjroahnichenko, Shtrow)erg, Krivokor~', ,, Shinkareva, Druy), 2. Donetskiy nauchno-issledovateltak4y ugolinyy inatitut (for DvuzUllnaya). 3. Donetskiy koksokhimicheokiy zavod (for Gutulan, Rullman, Novalevskaya). (Coke-) (Metallurgical furnaces) DVUZHILIKAYA Ye.D., professor; SOKOWVSKrY, M.P.. redaktor; GITSHTM. redaktor [Disease@ of the anterior abdominal wall following wounds and laparotomy) Ubolevanita perednei briushnoi stemki posle raneniia i laparotoxii. Kiev, Is&-vo USSR, 1956. 195 P. (MIRA 9:8) (AMOMM-DISSAM) vet 2- USSR/Morphology of Man and Animals (Normal and Pathologic). S-3 Vascular System. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., no 4, 1958, 17030 Author : Dvuzhillnaya,-Ye.D. Inst : Title : Vascular Changes in Trophic Tissue Disorders. Orig Pub : Novyy khirurg. arkhiv, 1956, No 5, 33-36 Abstract A study was made of the state of the vessels accompanying long-standing non-healing trophic ulcers and fistulas in the anterior abdominal wall of 100 patients and in experi- mental trophic neurogenic disorders in 20 dogs. The vas- cular changes consisted of the appearance of necroses of the walls, angiiiis and sclerosing phenomena. This was accompanied by the destruction of elastic fibers, which remained partially preserved'only in the intiA and by a spreeding grovth of fibrous connective tissue. The muscie layer sometimes disappeared, but, in some cases, was Card 1/2 USSR/Iluman and Animal Physiology - Nervous System. T-10 Cortex of Cerebral Hemispheres. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 32159 Author :__rjzuzhilInaya, Ye.D,, Sorkov, F.N. Inst : Title : Biopotentials of the Cerebral Cortex During Acute Blood Loss. Orig Pub : Khirugiya, 19571"No 6, 18-24. 3E "Sq A Abstract : During acute blood loss in dogs and rabbits, a decrease of the amplitude of oscillations was observed, as well as the appearance of slow waves on EEG. The introduction of a(b-caalin caused the strengthening of the electric activi- ty of the brain. The changes of the EEG caused by acute blood loss found in animals 'under pentothal rzrcosis were le3s sharply expressed than in animals under morphine- ether narce-is. Card 1/1 UVUZHILINAYA, Ya.U., professor (Odeses, u1. Podbellskogo, d.47, kv-3) Gicatrioial inTI-ammatory "Tumors" of the abdominal cavity and its anterior wall [with summary in Jnglishl. Vest.'Ichir. 79 no-8: 41-46 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. It kafedry obshchey khirurgii (sav. - prof. Ye.D.Dvuxhillnays) lechebnogo fakul'teta Odesakogo meditainakogo inatituts im. N.I. Pirogova ZABDCNBN. wounds and inj. eicatricial inflammatory tumors, management & prev.) I)VUZHIL'NhYA. Ye.D., prof. Comparative electroencephalographic data on patients with cancer, peptic ul'car, and other stomach diseases. Vrach. delo no.3:247-249 Hr '59. (MIRA 12;6) 1. Kafedra obahchey khirurgil lechobnogo fakullteta (zav. - prof.Ye.D.Dvuzhil'naya) Odeaskogo moditainakogo instituta. (NIXTROENCEPH&LOGRAM) (STOMACH--DIUASES) DVUZHILINAYA, Xo"teriua Danilovaa (Electroencephalography in clinical Burger7]Ejoktroentsefa- .lbgrafiia v khirargicheskoi klinike. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1962. 144 p. (MIRA 16:2) (EIECTROENCEPRALOGRAPHY) (SURGERY) OPERATIVE) DVUZHILINAYA Ye D prof. (Odessa,ul.Podballskogo,d.47,kv.3)j 560*-Riya: A. M." 9taoistent :v Change in the protein fractions of blood serum in complicated cholecystitis. Klin.khir. no.5&30-35 My 162a (KRA 1694) 1. Kafedra obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. Ye.D.D1vuzhi19naya) lechebnogo fakullteta Odeaskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (GALL BIADDER-DISEASES) (BLOOD PROTEINS) ErdARONkT, Alice, graduate biologist; Humboldt University, Institute of Para- erinary ir 41-;dical Zoology (director: HIEPE, Th., Dr vet. med., professor) (Humboldt-Universitat, Institut fur Parasitologie und Veterinar- medizinische Zoologie), Berlin. "Investigation of Ectogenous Stages of Helminths. 3. Experimental Study of the Life- Span of Miracidia of Fasciola Hepatica by the Consideration of Different External Factors." Jena, Angewandte Parasitologie, Vol 7, No 1, Feb 66, pages 31-38. Abstract: [Author's English summary modified] An experimental study, made on the life-span of the miracidia of Fasciola hepatica under the in- fluence of various external factors, is discussed. The oxygen concentration in the water as well as different temperature and light conditions were found to have a decisive influence on the life-span of the miracidia. The results of experiments to - ~ study the effect of the molluscicides HL 2448, copper sulfate and sodium pentachlorophenolate are analyzed. 2 Eastern European, 14 Western references. [Manuscript received 19 Feb 65.1 BIELICKI, Henryk, mgr., inz.; DWIGUBSKI, Witalis, inz. Originating causes and evaluation of the vibrations and noise in roller bearings. Frzegl mech 20 no.22:680-W 161. 1. Centralme Biuro Konstrukcyjne Lozysk Toemych, Warszawa. (Roller bearings) (Vibration) DWMMKIg Gustav Behavior of the urepepain level under the influence of ACTH and adrenal cortex hormones. Polski tygod. lok. 16 no.9*325-328 27 F 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrsnych A.M. w Lublinie; kie-rownik: prof. dr mod. M. Kedra. (CORTICOTROPIN pharmacol) (ADRENAL CORTEX HORMONES pharmacol) (UROPEPSIN urine) E -U40RA,K) Andrzej, mgr inz.; MOROZ, ZblgniLiw, inz.~ ZIFTANSKI, Rysiax-0, mgr inz. The FYA-310' milling irnnhinp with continuous nviierical control device. TecIn lotn 19 no. J1 164. 1. Institute of Elactrical 7-',ngineering, ',,arsaw,, BUG, Jerzy, mgr inz., st. asystlent; !.ndrzej, mgr v Errors of program-controlled machi-ne tcol.s. Prz6~,! 24 no.6:167-170 25 Mr 165. 1. Department of General and Aoronautic I~bchanioal Technolo. V of the Warsaw Technical Unlvet!sity (for Buc). 2. SiIn-for Veolgne- in the institute of Electrical Fnglneering, Mtedzvlesie. BOCHINSKI, Karol; D~PRAK, Wlodzimiarz; DYBICKI, Jerzy- Distreptase in the treatment of post-operative blood clots following extrapleural, of extrafascial poeumothorax. Gruzlica 23 no.12:883-888 Doc 55. 1. Z Panstwovego Sanatorium Przeciwgraziczego 41& Mlodxtesy v Dzieriaznie. Dyraktbr: dr. W. Dvorak. Dzierzazno. pow. Kartuzy, Panstwowe Sanatorium Przeclwgrazlicze dla Mlodziezy. (PNIMTHORAX, ARTMCIAL extrafascial & extrapleural, postop. hematoma tber. with streptokinase & streptodornase) (HINATOMA postop., In extrafascial & extrapleural pneumotborax, streptokinase & streptodornase tber.) (STRIPTODORME AND STRWTOKIMIC, tber. use postop. hemstoma in extrapleural & extrafascial pneumothorax) DTBICKI, Jerzy; BOCHINSKI, Karol; NORAK, Wlodzimierz Ixtrafascial pneumothorax as an adjuvant to thoracoplasty. Grazlica 24 no.5:371-377 Hay 56. 1. Z Sanatorium Prseciwgruzliczego dla Hlodziezy w DzierzaznIe Dyrektor: dr. W. Dvorak. (COLLAPSE THXRAPT, thoracoplasty with extrafascial pneumothorax (Pol)) (PNWMOTHORAIP oxtrafasetal, with thoracoplasty (Pal)) *ORAX, Wlodzimlers; DYBICK'I, Jerzy; BOCHINal. Karol Montuberculous lesions in the lungs of patients erroneously directed to the sanitorium. Gruzlica 25 no.7.'587-593 July 57. 1. Z Sanatorium Przecivgrusliczego dla Mlod2iezy v Dzierzasnie Dyre~tor:, dr W1 Dworak. Adres: Sanatorium w Ikierzaznie. (LUPO DISMSM, differ. diag. palm. tuberc. (Pol)) (TMJRCUUSIS. PUIMURY.' differ. diag. lung die., nontubere. (Pol)) DnICTI, Jrm.,!; 'UWOWK, Wlodzimierz Parlon plomliage in therapy of cavity of the lower loben. Gruzlica, 27 no.2:147-150 Fell 59. 1. Z .13anatorium Przaawgruzliczeg-o dIn Hlodziazy w Dzierzaznis Wrektar: dr If. Dworak . Adres: Gdansk-Wr208ZCZ, Ul. Fuhrenheita 4. (TUMCLTICSIS, PUIMONART, puthol. cavitation of lower lobtm, perlon plombage (Pol)) DYBICKI, Jerzy; DWCRAK, Wlodsimiarz,- BOOHIVSKI, Karol Ixtramusculo-parionteal pneumothorax in the treatment of cawer- none tuberculosis in adolescents. Gruslica 28 n0-3:211-218 Mr-160. 1. Z 11 KlInIkI ChIrurgicunej A.M. w Gdansku. Dyraktor: prof.dr K. Debicki. Z Panstvowego Swmtorium Przeciwgrualiczego dla Hlodsie- zy w Dzierzatnie. Dyrektor: dr W. Dvorak. (PWWMOTHCRAX ARTIFICIAL In adolescence) 14URCZY.ISKA, Wanda; GREC, Stefan; KRYGIER, Aleksandra; TUSTANOWSKI, Stani:31aw,- DWORAK, Wlodzimierz Early immunological reactions in tuberculosis studied with bacilli labeled with the isotope P32. Gruzlica 29 no.10:841-890 0 61. 1. Z Zakladu Millcrobiologii PV4 w Szozecinie Kierownik: prof. dr W.1-lurezynska Z Osrodka Izotopowego PAM w Szcz.ecinie Kierownik: prof. dr C.Murczynski Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej PAM w Szczecinis Kierownik: prof. dr K.Stojalowski. (MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS) (PIMPHORUS radioactive) (TUBERCULIN 1MCTION) SZCZYGIEMKI, lAssek; DYBICKI, Jerzy; BOCKNSKI, Kari)lj DWORAK, Vloftimierm; STAROSCIAKj Tadeusz; MOLESTA, Jadwiga----~-.1 . , --*A- AM." A Notes on the functior. of the respiratory system following extensive bilateral 11-onary resection (in brDnehiectasis). Gruslica 30 no.10065-970 162,, 1. Z II KI:Lniki Chirurgiesnej AN w Gdansku Kisrownik: prof. dr mod. Ke Debicki i Sanatorium Przeciwgruslictego dla Mlodziezy w Daiersasnie Kierownik: dr mod. W. Dworak. BRONCHIECTASIS) (PNEUMONECTOMY) SPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS) M NAIRK 1 -1,111/411 C I ras I'l va ; JYB I C' K I , .1 e rz,,,r; ~,,C)J , ~-:wa f-, z H 0 G I i I it ~, F I , ir, u r o I ; 'S YG I I ~ LL K 1 , 1 ,c j 1'. ; I L 0,40RAK, !,:Iodzimiovz Apropos ur Llia maJignamv of 00-C,11143(i br-OTIC!dZil Crruzhca 3' no.3:243-*22,9 1-11- ' 64. I . V Ll K' lin i Ii Chint., r.- ic ~:iitJ ( 11J.o~- ;-o-.4nik : prc).,~' . d r rl . D-, 'b i cki 1 ,, "alclaclu Ailatoinii Czarnook-I [deceased] oraz z S,ur!atcri,,IE;, Hlocliziezy w dr. 1.% Dworal"). DYBICKI, Jerzy3 BOJ, Ewa; DWORM,-Wlodzimierz; BUZYGIELSKI, Lesvekj MOLESTA, jadwili-tMUIRsKi,~-ki~a-T - Studies on reactions of the bronchial wall to some types of thread used in surgery in dogs. Gruzlica 32 no.10t915-9242 0 164 1. 3 11 Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akademii Medyc:znej w Gdansku (Kierowniki prof. dr. K. Debidki); z Zakladu Anatomii patologioznej Akademii Medycznej w Gdansku (Kierownikz prof. dr. W. Czarnocki); i z Sanatorium Przecivgruzliczego dla Hlodziezy w Dzierza2mie (Kierownikt dr. V. Dworak). BOJ, Ewa; DYBICKI, Jerzy; UdORAK, W.Iodzimierz; SZCZYI"rFISKI, Leszek; MIOSTA, Ja&wiga; SMEZYMSKI, Kazimierz Studies on the appearance of bronchial fistulae following the excision of tuberculous pulmonary tissues in adolescents and young adults. Pol. przegl chir. 36 no.7:905-916 Je 164. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej kMG (Kierownik: prof. dr W. Czarnock.-) i z 11 Kliniki Chirurgicznoj AM3 (Kiercwnik! prof. dr K. rebicki) i Panstw. Sanatorium Przec.LwgruzIIczego dla Mlodziezy w Dzierzaznie Kierownik: dr W. Daora-k. TtaASZKIF,,,TIGZ, Stanislaw; DWORAK, lrnodzimleiz Perirenal abscess caused kv Mocardla asteroidi--3. JPU". tyg. 1(-k. 20 no.8:285-286 22 F'65- 1. Z Kliniki Urologicznej Pomovskli-2j A.IZ .adeM4.1 Medy2mme-, -,,r I - .1 .) Szozocirde (kier~--luniki doc% dr-. A. KLkrobiologll Poinorskiej Xkadnmli W (kierownik: prof. dr. W. Murczyneka). IAPINSKA, Jozefina; or#z wspolpracownicyt BANASZKIEWICZ, Halina; STALINSKA, Elzbieta; DOBRUCKA-KOKINSKO, Ewa; KALINOWSKI, Jan; KROSNIAK, Francieska; GWOZDZ, Jozef; WTZ, Hanna; LVTZ, Jerzy; DI,IORAKO,,Wlodxiaiors.;..NARUSZEWICZO Wanda The efficiency of occupational rehabilitation in sanatoria for young people. Gruzlica 33 no-41323-332 Ap 165. 1. Z ZeBpolu Nadzoru Specjalistycznego Inetytutu Gruzlicy (Kie~7ownik: lek. A. Kwiskowa) (for Lapinaka). 2. Sanatorium w [Aliewnikach (for Banaszkiewicz, Stalinska). 3. Sanatorium im. rkrzei w Otwocku (for Dobrucka-Kokinsko, Kalinowski), 4. StInatorium, w Istehnej (for Kroaniak, Gufozdz). 5. Sanatorium w Mekanowie Leanym (for H, Lutz, J, Lutz). 6. Sanatorium w Dzierzaznie (for Dworak, Naruszewicz). DWORAX, Zbigr4iew . Calcium, phosphorus. iron and some trace elements in tap water in the Sezeecin Region. Roasn. pom. akad. med. Swierczewski. 8:161-180 162. 1. Z Zakladu Higieny Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej Kierownik: doe. dr med. I. Cwojdzinaka-Gadzikiewiez. (WATER SUPPLY) (CALCIUM) (PHOSPHORUS) (IRON) ' (TRACE MMWTS) DworakqUU,_j, "Conveyors In the Production of Case and Bentwood Furniture", p. 257, (PRZEHYSL DROBY, Vol. 3, #9, September, 1952p Warszawa, Poland) So: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 2, #8, Library of Congress, August, 1953 Uncl. DW0-R,'KM`3KT, J. U14eans of Improving the Work of a Dry Kin in the Limb-T Industry", ~)- 24, DRZETTY, Vol. 5, No. 9, Sept. 1954, Warszava, Poland) SO: Monthly Ust of East Europacn. Accessions, (E:,,AL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 5, 1-~ay 1955, Uncl. I-IV0RAFCIWSII",I ) i , DWCRAYCWSEI, J. Method of calculatiziE, the time for &yinr and roistening lumber. p. 252. Vol. 6, 1~o. 9, Sept. 195" PRZE~,.,YSL LRZE'WIY TECHNOLOGY Warszawa, Poland So: East Europeon Actession, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 1956 Country : Po le. n d H-29 CatC3OZ'Y= : Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Applications--Synthetic polym.~r8. Plastics. Abe , Rjur. Referat Zhur--Khim., No 11, 40646 A'lut"lor Dworakowski, J. InstitCA. INOF -g`rv e n- Title Plastics ir. the Wood-Working Industry Ori,S. Pub. Technik Drzewn, No 2, 261L-2164 (1958) Abstract Plastics find wide application in the wood-working industry, either ~n combination with wood (plywood sheets, combinations of wood with varnish-impreg- nated fiberglas materials) or in pure form as wood subntitutes (construction materials, linoleum, tians lucent-roofing materials, wall facing materials, interior decorating materials, toys, handles, etc.)., The author lists the basic types of plastics and synthetic glues used in the wood-working inductry. L. Sedov Card: V1 GWIAZDOWSKI, Bohdan; MAJEIqKA, Irena, L~LCPAKOWMI, Marim; MACKMICZ, Henryk. Physical aspects of cuneiform filters for the cobalt-60 tele- therapy apparatus. Howotwory 13 no-4:359-365 O-D'63. 1. Z Zakladu Fizyki Instytutu Onkologii. im. Harii. SklodowsUej- Curie v Warszawie. KierowniTc: mgr. inz. J.Malesa; dyrektor: W.Jasinski. 41 Directives for development of weldiri: in Ule yt,,ar's l"55-11.60 in the light of the order of the lilreEidium of the Govermient, janum-y 29, Ij~,;5- 105. ~i~A'-~;AMICT,`A, 'arozawa, Vol. 7, no. 5, DaY 19515. ~'C, :Ilon'lhlv List of &-ist Dir-o- -~~an A,~cez;s- ons, 1,',, Vol. 11c). 1J, c'. 1955, L . p Uncl. CZERNIAI.-ISKI, J.j ina.; IMORdZYK, M.j, 6 Inz. [tranalatorl U Participation of the employees in the mobilization of internal production reserves. Mechanik 34 no-10:502-504 161. 1. Inst ut Organizacyjny Przemyslu Maszynowego, Warszawa (for Dw--- Ar. ,r DWORCZYK, Stanislaw, inz. Washing of machine parts. Mechanik 37 no.5:274 My'64. MEISEL-MIKOLAJCZYK., F.; j UIRP=M -A- ~ _KIv- Polysaccharides isolated from Clostridium histolyticum. Pt. 2. Bul Ac Pol biol 11 no.7:327-331 '63. 1. Department of Medical Microbiology, School of Medicine, Warsaw. Presented by E. Mikulaszek. ROSZKOWSKI,, Ireneuss; DWORCZYNSKI,, Andrzej; KRETOWICZ, Janues; TROSZYNSKI, Inflayawtory conditions of the vagina and inflamation of the urinar7 tract. Ginek. Pol. 34 n0-3:365-370 163. l. Z II K3-iniki Polosnictva i Chorob Nobiecych AM w Warazawie Kierowniks pr9f. dr mad. I. Roazkowski i z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Lekarskiej w Waresawis Kierownik: prof. dr mod. E. Xkv-1a9zek. (CERVICITIS) (VAGINITIS) (PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS, INFECTIOUS) (MUNARY TRACT INFECTIONS) (PIELONEMITIS) MITT EK , Ferdynand G. Lj~4q]19W,~Kl, Andr7e.1 Clinical. and bacteriological studies on thn affeat o4f the pre- paration "Regram"'in urological. diseases. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.49sl896-1898 7 D 164 1. Z Kliniki Urologicznej Akadmili Modycmej w Warqrmwia (kierownflk prof. dr. med. Stefan Vesolowrski) i z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Akademii Redycznej v Vars-zawin (kierouni-ke prof. dr. med. FAmnd Mikiilaszek). DWORNICKA, IL; JASIENSKA,. A.; SMOLARBWi; WAWRU,,R~., Attempted determination of fetal reactions to acoustic stimuli. Otolaryngo pol. 17 no.,4072-373 163. 1. Z Kliniki Laryngologicznej Sl. Akademii Medycznej. Kierownikt prof.dr, T,Ceypek. YMMIDERY Stanislaw; NOFOUCKT, Jerzy A case of pulmonary hemorrhage as a manif-station of Rendu-CBler disease. Wiad. lek. 18 no.8:685-687 15 Apt65- 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych i Zawodowych Slaskiej Akademii Medyeznej w Zabrzu (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. W. Zahorski). DWOPIIICZEK) Jan Chelmek celebrates ito 30th anniversary. Przegl skoftany 17 no.1:23-2-4 Jw-162* 1. Poludnime ZWLIMy Skorzane Chelmko HUNGARY LINDNER. Karoly, Dr, DWORSCHAK, Erno Dr TARJAN, Robert, Dr; National Institute of Food and"M Tri"o-n(director- TARJAN. Robert, Dr) (Orszagos Elelmezes- es Taplalkozastudomanyi Intezet). 11 The Potassium, Sodium, Calcium and Magnesium Content of Cardiac Muscle in Man." Budapest, Orvosi Hatilap, Vol 108, No 11, 12 Mar 67, pages 493-495- Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] The amount of K. Na, Ca and Mg present in the muscles of the ventricle was studied in subjects who died suddenly from accidents, sui:,ide or other causes. On the basis of the study, the K level of the heart of young males is higher than that of females of the same age group or of older males. The heart of young males contains less Ca than that of young females. The Ca content of the cardiac muscles of young vales increases with advancing age but it will not exceed the values obtained in young females. The alkali and earth alkali metal composition of the female cardiac muscle varies with age. Cardiac damage (infarct, in- sufficiency) sustained by the advanced age group does not result in a change in the content of the metals studied in the total ventricular muscle tissue. 9 Hungarian, 10 Western references. 1 /1 V S C W). 1-";ov. vo, 1, VC Dfj0RSKI,.Miecxyxjaw; KOZARSKA, -Tadviga, Vegetative seizures of central origin. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. pol. 12 no.lt79-85 162. 1. Z 11liniki Psychiatrycsnej AM we Wr~claviu Kierownik: doc. dr M. Demianowska. (AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM dia) (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM dis) DWORSKI, Mieezyslav,- KOZARSKA, Jadwiga ~. I ~ 1, EEG and pneumoencephalographic studies on a case of epileptic mental disorders. Newrol. nourochir. psychiat. pol. 12 no.11,;623-626 162. 1. Z Kliniki Psychiatrycznej AM we Wroolawiu.Kierownik: doe. dr M. Demianowska. (EPILEPSY) (ELECTROENCEPRALOGRAPIrt) (VENTRICULOGRAFHY) (WTAL DISORDERS) DWORSKI, Miecayslaw; KOZARSKA~ Jadwiga. A case of psychic disturbances of epileptic type in the light of EEG examinations and the pneumoencephalogram. Neurol neurochir psych 12 ns).4-623-626 J1-Ag '162. ' 1. KUnika'Psychiatryeana, Akademia Madyczna, Wroclaw. Kierowniks doe. dr M.Domianowska. 9~ KCZARSKA, Jadwiga; DWORSKI, Mtemyslaw Unusual cases of prehypnotic stupor (so-called hypnotic ecstasy in psychiatric legal expertise. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. pol. 13 no.4:561-566 163. 1. Z Kliniki Psychiatryvznej dr M. - Demianowska. (UNCONSCIOUSNESS) (JURISPRUDENCE) AM we Wroclawiu. Kierownik: doc. (HCMICIDE) (PSYCHIATRY) 'HAUS., Derj~VdORZAK, Barbara Influence of the scope of production series oil productivity and wages. 1'r,,,em drzowny 13 no.4:18-19 Ar '62. 0 00 A 001, t * a 09 it 8: 43 GOW L A - - - - - - - ROAM "d WO. X. QW19AX i, ~ fj"o, AWL a *"Wkm is no& of th i i b W h A q o m poptt W okm, cmpm u W^ -p yo t a o w w f G f k4 t" a , w", ra m o * fr th" br o 44 o Kwd" "Wowdlo kko hAVO a highot 111"Hoolft ) ~haa dw Wink6a. with mw- i C0001111 (> zft% t . g r 41a"A Vftfmw ""d t4bactoriaws FAS&I kmL A bW-fts 4jjAWSj UWM tb~= kV* VkMUS )own ?",11gap to ad lowa Afi% UM. th f tm l t I iA o a &t o*er a s saa ( t6 hj it h it h k e 0 4!f pofo~ *0 obn i&a Sp_ # oft "&t&" to 84 atm n a B d bd* m a w ma " o( the Rumian cakined r ** 1 je 46 sum IN to WARVAildow. vim., abmt 1. 0 0 With as %UAW OW movokka SAW4 &ad if fiat" mad f o rop"m dl OKWU 6 Wo V'bat I W o f Im up to 15% -of with a grWft 0im of 41 a is be odded to 111a Humian maga"to -so 41 ftLr 416m, fill ... . . = Small" W49 Qkv aft a"*.. I I rw 0 0 a 1 9 14 0 a 't 0 1 u 1A I Jt if a, al It AV 10 U u - 11 - el . a a is T"WIMA is v a w a 36 v x if 6 &1 a -j a *ice 00 00 *06 *00 Im d-A04 j Ow With as - .00 oo'e low*' W .4-ssdii -S% of She mtal ',MOO zoo 00 w " Yold*i ecommmim " inhibits do - 5806;m. in Ibe "f ad the Wer rurnt " 400 -3 0 0 Only-11,.14 or seW m nquiad, and only " L9 coo - so,, tem9waftm (AW) Is is 3D min. 000 L Twomomaj. woo I WOO woo it S L A MITALLUKICAL WINAVOI CL&UWKAIM too too Dow -"Q. woo a.. cat vi"11 &L om~ it,' goo AV so if aIrk a I zm A %#two of 911614- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 OAS S 0 11) rer cent alurninium, will. after !t has hcen mnne~'.c~d for 74 a jcmporature at IGGGIC. be campp4iritivc-i-- -- an oz per cent Siriltar Cmdes of Cast-imn annealed at 2 !vmperalu~-- -~f reveai an Rerag~ e!angati~rt ~f 7 r ~as added mnlaln~-l 1r, a-icra4c for !h, I P !a high]', jh!j-, and Aheres bell '~ tht f~-.!c tt-ides formr-d ~n the iur!~;,-~ - tt,~.Ick: it mcked, and br~kc a Iligh ChvIrnlum ccnten~ car- be uMd ll~ a fire-tesistine ~-t-lao 1- 11" r"'Um um bte umd fttr I 'IT k m A Li le" expensive than ~Nnimium *Aarrovcf i~rxc t~ Of Cast-ir(m Contmainiz Z5,j. aluminlum. atrt-r,:~ to -T~4t~P. - ; Iz -V. it,* weight of variowl casUnp rrad(- fr-~ tt, -or, :P. nign ternia"-otures will be arip-clably mjuk~d c-Lainine tflout titan 18 per cent aluminlum is kwligzak Pr?ystunliiehl H, Corroillon Proverilex tit %nAt Alloys. ~iu.Rnogcl korozy'ne slaiTft typu ZnAl". Przeglqd 17"honluny. No. 11, 1054, pp. 34"50, 14 figs., 4 tubs. With a view to effecting savings on s,:arce non-ferrous metals In industry tho ZnAI alloys (mostly of con.ponition Al - 3.5-4'1s, Cu - 0.1114, Mg - 0.02-0.05110 are being u-wd. At tha Mnt-d Technology Department of the Wroclaw Polytechnic 4rivestig., flons have been car- ricd out with the follovilng objects, to establish the rite of corrosion In relation to the quantity of foreign metal present; to InvesUgato the lnflucnce of stresses In the alloy an the progre.,vi of Inter-crystalline Corrooton; and to. establish On progress -of corrosion when the alloy Is in contact with C% Pli, -and cast-lion. it vins proved that the foreign matter mich fist Pb, Sn, Cd decrcaiw$ the capacity of the alloy to with- Bland corrosion; Pb,, In parlitniltir, lotlitences the Inter-crystalMne cor7 toslan., investigations cvrrl~d out with ZnA14 alloy parts In contact with other metals show6a that fit every case direct contact with metals web as Plot Cu and cait-tron Increases corr~slon, Icni beinj In this case the most Injurdous, of 6tals. While tmder mechanical stre~q, the ZnAI4 alloy, submitiq to corrosion live ilmev more rapidly than under normal wuritIng condittong. '0 DWORW,, E.; GRONOSTAJSKI# J. ----------- -_. Heat-treated spheriodal cast iron and its use for itieels of narrow gauge cars. p- 519 - PRZEGLAD MECHANICZNY. (Stowarzymnie Inzynierow i Technikow Mechanikow Polskich) Warnawap Poland., Vol* 18j no. 16,, Aug. 1959- Monthly list of East European Accessions (EELI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncle A a Id 11 it AT I; a 4k 4' v age J"-A =A 0 OL 4-~-.k k A SOA is? ..D 2-10 WITS 90 00, 0--mccf-1111 AM FIC01101.1% -09 toW sUmUs rind micro- ooj OW - 9 it.husu it de6semimUois cd sodium "sodium wwql soetats. (Mcro4maLysis of mismal Asee.) - RjUg2MAI; and A. fall I)Itfcff- U, X, wW Me aulphakv are staW at 7W. and non-hygrowalk, and suitable The determining total alkalls. a ex. of mineral It () ate ova"tnl with go HUI to rm&r 910 irwil ;& rosidue is diantilvixt 00 In H 0 srA filter"Anto M'CS(OH) =Won, which 00 is ~~ for 20--W min. to rpt. ions. C* in pptd. fitom the resulting so t tion by trfttment, with Ifflij.00, A the. (NN. Th ue in n, e resid 004 t pursted with F10406 ed at 700'. Na I W, may be ppW. dimcily as A UID, acetate I'"Im Sol moot ininwral waters without Interfmnee from other Ions In the relative conenn. usually kund. 7`he influence of other Ions on the pptn. of Na in discupsed. J, S. A. AWN-SLA StIALLURGICAL LITtRATURC CLASUPICA110% J.1 I U it AT It; it ~-T-j A -)'%- -4--' a TO IT IT it op it a 0 Is a go " tt It At 0 00 0 0 0 090 60 00 4 :io Go* 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-9-4 0 0 Woo V T Y- It an N 0- a I 40 A 1 14 6099 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00400 90 a i-coli-e-o'ce 0 0 66,60994,66 9 0 OA 0:0 _9:0 100 0 Iff: 0 see G I to to u11mis 14 it0 ifa a a v _uj -MMIM, &ftrwAmmm ad PAMMMM w" do Uwe. a$ ps"M*m AUG a OPWROM d COMAND" R Ow H. 00 sudwo 144"Whan'. low. ONM.-K am be dAw. 00 me, WAOW maodw*, M* of tiamierykakw) (fix) it 00 9': 460% swim Of Pam ppiAL in Ommms ti pwo dry Ilk- JIM It is dew for 30 'QM?SO,,. InthOW00- as sawaW wab X2 an und. of a lulp wriew dX& or 1A tim adutim is got w" am" of furthw we am IR MA it at anit Aftw =inw Ow.4,1R.. 7 bi. it iw'FwO'4jO for 3 days aM tbon Altered, dwks with saw 4wmmtn of 04)7x- Wob OW thou, 04h A HOU 1,40 .-W w nis mahm wa we I S a in rrwamm of XK =WUNIM its canclit. Of No. J. W. L4. v it a itw 00 go *g~ 0 Doe coo COS 000 #00 OT U S AV go All 19 to t1twoom mam% K a a to It AS 4 i I i-4 IF so 0 a 0 2 1 000000000000040000 4 SOS goo .344 too A am IWfic awleyele Is l"Ol" &ad K:rt=" k,-A)wtxsA se-st It. a, *%I- IV( 11"w- NIOSIVI V%Ill*. 'A ith IIY%'Iilr tee left,= hill Imm., td '11A. 604Nclit) (1). 1.1cliti. ml sty'! rhytit Willi Vill6frel Jill-,atill4l'- levy letivilitri., t,vvfk flu*j,th It 1104 11111M) IbAt 111V A16101114131 1.4)1141 Im free, fietalkil by 111PH1110 Ow *+W lww With 11#11. I sual 3. alml 1-11INcill'C"ll ONLIVII 01111161 jwlmlsnl.~ I'lle 2-CAllielity Alm) wrti, 11"I I'Mimbiary ottrinpose tomium twoss, M~OW)AvICIM (U) by the Rtmenmusid Yedwikesi tuethuel Juntol that anhyd. ciamilliosto at trempa. Gi WOW# Xylefir Iter 24 him. with led mlWyetis "m is"Pliewl. Optically active Welk mief. puti" by viwumn dislij., Wit -3.142". U, the M.2 4. H Its W cv. zYkne med 3 them with 11.23 g, INI. "bftt`-s CMIJYA in t1w INCKI" of Ii hir :% lift. Tbr illnervik-al sent. of 11CI was "Aft o9. mful the amll group was rcclue-al to AM. Lactaklehyde. fell" -2.65 . Waltoci J. Stnith ,Amwt- if 'a'allai co'M-P-mids 'Fn 10, A"nd ralAted p ucts. K sty"a Dworzadska. *107"AIGHWIce) )2, I , IV . . analyzea. Polish mvme and relattd kin gltigdj wal S and S compds. Crude btniche. refin ht tme, pare batzene, pure toluene.pure xylent, motor- e benzene for export, and purified xYlme - - - , -1-0. 12, 054-0.00, 0.00.5-0.01, 0. 0.1-0.2. and 0%. aii. thlophene 0.25-0.3. 0.12, 0.15- 0.2. 0.00".03, 0. 0.16. and 0.0=7c. ms6.; CS2 0.14-0.2D, 0.10.,0.0.04-0.09. and 0%, rop.; inerraptan Sand free 30.002, O.OUI, 0.000,15.0,0002, O.OW5, 0.(M-0.0000, and 0.0001%, rest). F. J. liciltlet.-.- DWRZANEn~ J. Our political- educational activities. p. 2. HOLNIK SMKDZIEI,CA. (Centrala Rolniczej bpolkztelni !15ampopomc Ghlopukall) Warszawa, Poland. Val. 8, no. 37, SePt. 1955- Monthly list of East European Accessions (EW) LC, Vol. 2, no. 2, Feb. 196o Uncl. DWCRZAWKI. Idalerian "I 51~- --~. -- -i"M Protective clothing made of synthetic fibers, Chemik 16 no,6: 158-161 Je ' 63. DWORZANSKII R. SCMCE Periodicalst CIMUK. Vol. U,, no. n. xoy, 195a, DWORMSKI,q R. Control-siensuration service in the chemical industries. P. 372. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EM) IC Vol. 8. No. 4,, April 1959., Unclaga. DIVORZECK!, A. "A Problem of Production Potential." D.269 (PM./EMYSL TZOLNY I SPOZYWCZY Vol. 7, no'. 8, August 1953 Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of last Europe Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, no. 5, MaY 1954/Uncl. /4V k. rwedho of and" of sommobdo am Air Wick mawalve of dm*W mg*. GaTiAnt. M. A.. ANLD&waw-" 9Mj. si.. jw& 15-16. Pr. &A Aw.. 1941.-Mm "rat" cokmim- ha,,* bwa hemA mini to do wpft-y of mom" ,haslowk supply im"Worsk MW ow. saimplilici a*$ OW a low nft gftg am pw"ocj. L 1. POUND / Virology--Plaht Viruses Abs Jourt Ref Zhur-Blologiyas No 21, 1958, 94832 Author : Kozlowska, Ai,, Dwur.2,~~M.Haj, Z, Inst : Not given Title : X-Virus in Potato and the Y-Virus. Diagnostic Methods Orig Pub: Rocza, nauk rolniazych, 19~6, D77p 82 s., ii. Abstract: Results are reported of seven-year investigations in Poland of X and Y potato viruses. Data are cited on the irregular concej-,tration of X- and Y-viruses in separate organs of the plant. The Y-virus switches to an open form when potatoes are raised in high mountain conditions in es- pecially arid and sunny years. In view of the Card 1/2 coup-try : POLAND Category s Plant Diseases. Diseases of Cultivated Plants. 0 Abs Jour : RZhBiol.9 No 6, 1959, No 252o8 Author : %,juraznay He Inst Title : Distribution of Potato Fungus Diseases in the Region of Krakow. Orig Pub : Roczn. nauk rolniczych, 1957, D781 145-158 Abstract : As a result of 7-Year investigation of the development of diseases of potato varieties~ vihich had been imported into Krakow from Po- morze, the author came to the conclusion that the intense development of Phytophthora infe- stans is caused by increased humidity and the absence, or a slight Infectiong of the pabato by the virus disease. Plants, which had been infected by virus, were not infected with Card t 1/2 DY, J. Third annual meeting of the Scientific Technical Society for Electrical Engineering in Plzen. P-394 ELENII.OTECHNICKY OBZOF. (Ministerstvo tezkeho strojirensx-tki a Ceskoslovenske vedecka technicka spolecriost pro eletrotechniju pri "eskoslovenske adaemii ved) Praha) Cezecholovakia Vol.h8, no-7, July 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol.8, no.11 Nov- 1959 Uncl. ,0,1/ j) DYABINII P. 1. Therapy and prophylaxii of nexual or~-?.arl diseaseo in 'W111,15. VoterInarila 41 no.2:84-80' F It"'5. (.~,-' T P I 1S:3) . I-."- I 1. Starshiy voterinarny .y vrach Krymskoy oblastnoy gosuriprstvennoy plemennoy stantsii. DYAB14, K., Inzh. Engims should be trasted during overloading. Mor. flot 22 no.9:30-31 s 162. ' (MIRA 15:12) (Marine engines-Testing) kt, n dhe tn,'.1, no cwy o f i t.,-. r-Lfa a rr.F, t hc Nel ~;y.Aom. 3,11or. noL 25 z-,tj Tocli Sdi Pr cc:.-t tP,: Ilt L.D. f br- cz' /-In o- 1010 DYA E: L.D., v-,~ nj r IneLl,NJ foz ~eq (,r ar en g M t part's is., th", IA;;:iemb.Ly C; by M-aula 5f-, a hr-sive pr 8 162 trA,7 (\,'- 11 -17-.7) DIABLOVA., L.D., kand. tekhn. nauk Intensification of the steam treatment of garments. Nauch.-iBS1. trudy TSNIIShveiproma no.12:42-57 163. (MIRA 17:9) i0*046066*0* - IN-W-W-W-W W W -.- - - 6 i 0 , 96069999 0 0 0 0 0 0 : t a fff 0 0 0 0 * oar 6-M w - W I 1 1 $ 4 1 # I $ # 4 it ?A Is ?no ta 11 9 13. MilammullmAlau As 400 A ', " 0 Ct pQ.U i A 4 A %,V P-X-1- 4 kit) 049- 4 ;AW ' The infiiss"e of voratrint an the potasslum contraction ed striated mumde. 11.11. Oyablova Mrningrad 11chatr. H lost.), J. Physiol. (U.S.S.R.) 32, N-FiMmoi)(in iH lt"%ian).-The pre~,nt work confirln~ llacq'~ ob%erva. ~i!j tion,% (C.A. 34. 51681) concerning the semitiLation of styrnach njuxle to K ions under the influemr of matrine. 00 Even In diln. of I;l,f11XI,fkM) the latter mid, the mu,cle - i th i ( b h h l l o Contract on e tw-cm, o n su 1 r- t o cnot 11%. of K. The contraction is characterized not only by duration Nit also by its amplitude (charti are prcsentetl). Wocaine, - 0 0 0 which lowers the Anu%cle contraction. wai a1sn investi. 0 Catett anti was found to reduce contraction even in conell. : of 1:50,10). It is concluded that org. carious may sig- nificantly affect tile physiol. rflect.1 of illorg. Cation". G. M. K1-4aIH)fl -00 an 8*0 =00 S:* & 0 0 see ;Do L A _!!1~jkL.LU*GKAL LiTIENATtAll CLASSIVICAll" use 401131 09 Q.V All 3 9 1 AV 0 ALjk-" I seed* 0 0 0 0 0 0 9-* 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 6 0 0 00 0 0 0 USSR/Medicine - Nervous Sy'sten i AoV 49 Muscles -1) Two Variants of the Sensitization of a Muscle to Potassium Ions " P. Ye. Dyablova, Leningrad Pediatric Inst, 4 pp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXIX, No 1 Faperiments show abrupt increase in potassium contracture under influence of gusmidine is connected with normal state of neuromuscular synapse and disappears during degeneration of motor nerve or curarization of muscle. Neither degeneration nor curarization lessened veratrine 156T63 UsnZmedicine -Nervous System 1 Nov 49 (Contd) Sensitization to potassium ions. It must, there- fore, be assumed that veratrine effects muscular substance itself. Hence, sensitization to potAA_ sium ions can proceed inside and outside symp- tic region, and various pharamcological agents have selectiye action on these functionally dif- ferent parts of a muscle. Submitted by Acad L. A. Oibeli 31 Aug 49. 156T63 The effect of denorvallon of skslOW ususda on 601104614- tion to pousaluin Was taused by awaidlop, teltaoibylAns tUouiLlin mitt, autinopyrUlne, snJ watriuc 1. . 1-1 1) blov Med. 1114t., txoillcrad). MV". UP. .1 JT, 351 With iSUlA(Vd (COC 113wde specitums krpt in Rinctv wiln. show~l a coacn. ,-,t( I : of or Rt.N k Invil of I : 13'(W o( pooli'lille C.llkws WIT'itmolon of the isoawle to KC1. Tlo- witAilujilon lo K imm afirr rurxiuthm ana citended denemi- tunj of thr nautcle. Veratrint(l: 1j0),nW)inducrql ~Volitiu- dan that docs not vAnish Atul it fV94rd"I 44 tkill% 4 IM14XItY of the numle jwr w: the otlw :; Ate wmitioug Ow tnirw ".Mlml ~VnAlvws. il" M, K-141.ot