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I . 4. - - - . --- .-. @ zxz., ;z-, -1 @. - @-Vv" - - - - -,-- -111.3 x - - - - _7 - I - -- I - - -, r . @ + I @-P. , - .@ @ 4 @ , -A - 11 :- - - @ --j . -.TA T-, (@ , -, --- . - .i . 1. . AUTHORSt Shostakovskiy, 1. F.. Bogdanova, A,V., SOV/62-53-6-16/37 Plotnikova, 0. I.f D@brovs, Te, V. "i9M""VVV4WAW Im, TITL.Et Investigation in the Field of Low-Molecular Polymerization (Issledovaniya v oblasti nizkozolakulyarnoy polimerizatail) Communication 3. Interection Between Divinyl Ether and Carbon Tetrachloride (Soobshcheniye 3. Vzaixodeystfiye divinilovogo efira a chetyrekhkhloristym uglerodom) PEPIODICAL: Izvestiya, Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimiohaddkb nauk, Mr 6, pp. 756-759 (USSR)__@t_ ABSTRACT-1 tion of the properties of tattachloropropyl- alkyl- and tetraohloropropylaryl ethers (Refe 1,2), which was (%ArriaA niit, hy tho ati+hnra- ahm*&A +hn+ +@imaa i@t%mi%nit;iAga 17@" Investigation in the rield of Low-Molecular SOY/62-58.6-.16/37 Polymerization. Communication_3. Interaction Between Divinyl Ether and Carbon Tetrachloride the properties of the products of the compound composed of carbon tetrachloride and divinyl other. The conditions of the irteraction 'between divinyl other and carbon tetrachloride undvr the Influence of benzoyl peroxide and nitryl azobutyrate 3,3- 4 Moreovef th Aetraahia .4 ad ift -roprop.Y -it fr-1084@- lb _4i@@ hap -od- -propyl- 0 the r in the reactions of hydrolysia was demonstrated. There are I table and 10 referenoes, 7 of -which are Soviet. ASSOCIkTIONs Institut organicheakoy khtaii Ia. H. D. Zelinskogo Akadem.ii nauk SSSR (institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D, Zelinskly,&S USSR) SUBMITTEDt December 25, 1956 Card 213 Investigation in the Field of Low-Molecular SOY/62-58-6-16/37 Polymerization. Coamunioation 3. Interaction Bvtv-,jn 111vinyl Ether and Carbon Tetrachloride 1. Divirql etbers--Chemical reactions 2. Carbon tetrachloride---chemiloal remotions 3. Ethers-Properties 4. Benzoyl peroxide-4hemical effects 5. Nitrobutyrates --Chemical effects 11 Card 3/3 AUTHORS i Shostakoyskiyt V. P#, Dubrova, Ye. V. 62-58-3-14/30 MALEs Synthesis and Conversions of Divinyl Ether (Sintet I preyrashcheniya divinilovogo efira) PERIODICALt Izvostiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Nr 3. PP. 339-343 (USSA) A.BSTIRACT i The above-mentioned other has hitherto only been used in surgical practice. Only after a thorough investigation of the divinyl ethers it is possible to evaluate the possibility of their use also in other domains. The authors occupied them- selves with the investigation of the properties of this ether and founds According to its structure (CH2 - CHOCH - CHf) it belongs to the simplest ethers. Under the influence of orric chloride and stannic chloride it cannot be polymerized. In this paper it is shown that divinyl ether quantitatively splits according to the following schemes HC1 Ce0 CH2 W CHOCH W CS 2. + H20 4==O 2 C H3 Then the authors do- Card 112 scribe the properties of divinyl ether. The addition of Synthesis and Conversions of Divinyl Ether 62-58-3-14/30 hydrogen chloride was performed according to a method already described earlier (Ref. 14). The reaction takes place in stepas 1. CH2 a CROCH -a CH 2 + HC 1 -0 C H2 - CHOCECICH 3 2. CH2 - CHOCHCICH 3 + HC1 -4 CH 3CHC10CHClCH 3* In the case of addition of one hydrogen chloride molecule the authors obtained vinyl-4..-chlorethyl ether. In the case of addition of 2 molecules of hydrogen chloride they obtained however,aA..,ot-dichlorethyi- -ether. The chlorination was performed according to the method worked out for the"synthesis of the at-,P-dichlorethylalkyl- -others (Ref. 15). The authors synthestsed and describedt vinyl -OL- e thyl- ether, ot,oe -dichlorodiethyl-okot-I 8,81 -tetraohlorodiethyl- and K'QUI Pf I- tetrabromodiethyl-other. fieie are 16 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Institu @ organicheakoy kbAmii im. N. D. "elinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinakib AS USSR) SUBMITTED i November 9, 1956 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: TITLE: PIMODICAL: ABSTRACT: Ca rd 1 3 Shantakovskiyj M. F., Shapiro, E. S., SOV/79-28-12-34/41 Dubrova, Ye. Y. Synthesis of Folyfunctional Sulfur Compounds Starting From the Divinyl Ether and.Hydrogen Sulfide (Sintex poli- funk-tsional'nykh sernintykh soyeaineniy nn o9nove divintlovoga efira i serovodoroda) Zhurnal obahchey khiniij 1958, Vol 28, Nr 12, PY 35il - 3316 OGSR) Earlier (Rafe 1-3) the authors had inve3tivated the ¬- nlous affiliation of hydrogen culfide to the vinyl others and they found that dinitrile of the azoiaobutyric aoiC was the most efficient of all catalysts used. In this paper the affiliation reaction of H2S to the divinyl ether is carrie4 out in their presence. Some other affiliation reactions to this ether are deacribed as well; Halogenation and hydrohalogenation (nef 4), affiliation of CCI 4 (Ref 5)- un zhis problem there are only affiliations of S to the diallyl ether and ito homologs in the pr 5 butyl anine to be fovr.4 in publicationa. HaArmnn and Vnughalk (R*f 6) obtained cyclic thioxanen and thiananis besides the poly- Synthenis of Polyfunctional Sulfur Compounds 3tarting 301/79-20-12-34/41 From the Divinyl Ethor ard Hydrogen Sulfide more of the structure (_S_C11_ H 2- O-CH 2- C11) (Ref 6) 1 C13 CH3 At low temperatures, increased pressure and under ultra- violet irTttliation viscous products of aone practical import,%nce (scheme 1) were obtained scoording to data Mentioned itt patents (Refs 7,0). The authors carried out the reaction of H S with divinyl ether in the presence of the d1nitrile 9f asoiaobutyric acid. This reaction took place stepwise tinder the fortlation of a mixture of chain- like dithiols of different composition (Scheme 2-a,biv). The formAtion of conpound (111) can be explained by scheme 3-1,b. The compounds (I-III) were obtained with a great excess of H2S (Table 1). The fornation of cyclic and poly- neric produati was not observed. Vnrying the conditions of the Initial products sulfide dithiols could be obtained in laree quantities (11, 111). H S was used in liquid state. Thus, the dithiol and nulfide diihiol were synthesized, and it va3 demonntratei that these conpounds have a still greater Card 2/3 teniency to anomalous affiliation to the double bond than thiole h@ve. Sam* dithio- and trithioethere (V) were synthesized. There are 2 tnble3 and 14 references, 9 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOll: Inatitut organicheakoy khImli Akademii nauk SSSR (Inatituto of Org-anc Chemistry of the Acalemy of Sciences IUSSR) 5=111PTED: Novenber 16, 1957 Card 3/3 DOGONDWYA, 1.7.1 DUBROVAT, O,K# Addition of halogen derivatives to cloffas under high pressure, Rasetinn of carbon tetrachloride with Isobutylens. Trudy Insto neft. 8:176-179 136. (WAA 9110) (Carbon tetrachloride) (Propane) tkj M:,.1qRy USSR V rcc r A-. Dxps Fharmacology and Toxicology. Cardiovascular i T-, " &,,E Agents Ra-B1014) go. 5 1959* No', 23203 Dubrovehsrac@, L. P. G-h-ka-10-V MediBM-IH-3-RtUtO Some llemodynmnio Indicators in HyperternslvG Patients rreated with 3Rlsolln in Different Doses 26-31 Chkalovsk. mod. in-ta, 1956, vyp. Oil% RM. t Tr. ABSTMOT : 14o abstract 1 Ca rd i see kii@ SIXAGINA, T.A*, prof.; Mamimo, L.P. (Cwmlov) Tonous pressuse in Xi999341 noel Supplawientt6 Ja 157, (KIRA 11$2) 1. It kafodry obehohey terpail (say. - prof. V.A.Simagins) Chkolovskogo maditainokogo lostitutas (HY 16103) (BLOOD PRUSURI) DUBIOUC-E.t KRAJINDTIC. 3.1 DICE-POPOVIC, S. Problem of cbronic dysos4i7 In-aChildrens Rome. Srpskl an, coloka, Isko M so&WO44D7 lob 56. 1. 91krobtalooki InstItut Modletaskog fakultata u Boogradu. Upraynik: prof, dr. 91101a Djuriste. NOLITTS. astarocolitts spidsodc in child.0 bacteriol. (Ser)) (SHIGILIAO Infect. enterocolitte In childo Oor)) Ps-4/?r-N/Pu-4 W'W AGGESSION NR: AT3001859 S/Z909162/000/006/0051/0060 'AUTHOR: TITLE: Nonstationary ljeatexc4 e under laminar flow of a fluid in a tube, SOURGE: AN SSSR, Institut dviiZateley, Trudy, no. 6, 1962, 51-60 TOPIC TAGS: heat exchange, heat transfer, stationary, nonstationary, laminaro flow ABSTRAGT: The paper employs the relative simplicity of laminar flow in a tube, with its molecular conductivity and parabolic velocity profile, to simplify the equations of the nonstationary process and to analyze them theoretically. It is a9sumed that a viscous, incompressible, fluid is engaged in a stezdy-state laminar flow within a semi-finite circular tube and that, following an initial period in which no temperature differences obtain, suddenly the tubular walls attain a temperature that is at variance with the temperature of the fluid, where. upon a nonstationary temperature field arises within the fluid. Assuming that a heat flux adduced to the wall maintains the wall at its now temperature, the pro- cc 9 s will become stationary after the passing of a sufficiently long time. The author seeks to obtain the distribution of the temperature of the fluid in an axial Card L 1822M3 @,ACCESSION NR: AT3001859 and radial direction, both foethe transition period (nonstationary process) and for. the terminal case (stationary regime). Basic stipulations: (1) Temperature- independen! physical properties of the liquid; (2) the fluid temperature in the initial section remains constant throughout the process; (3) the wall temperature at any given time is uniform; (4) the viscous diffusion of energy is negligible; (5) the the rMal diffusion in an axial direction is negligibly small in comparison with the diffusion in radial direction; the axial temperature conductivity, therefore, is d%sregarded. The problem of the stationary state (disregarding the convective term) is first solved; the solution is expressed in terms of a solution of the Sturm- Liouville problem and is found to solve the stationary problem fully. The nonsta. tionary problem is then resolved. and it is found, as expected, that for large values of the tirne t the solution obtained assumes the form of the steady-state solution. The stdf@-by-step procedure of the calculation of the temperature fieldi that is, the temDerature at a point (xl , rl ) at the moment of time tj is set fort@6 Orig. art. has: 41 numbered equations. ASSOCIATION: non* SUBMITTED: 0_0 -DATE -ACQ-. llApr63 ENCL: - OG- SUB CODE: AP. PH NO. REF SOV-. 004 OTHER: 00i Cord 11 -- - .-1 -.11- - . - ---- -- -- I--.: ---- -.---------- i-- - -- 11 - -I- V FA==A,T.S.; BOKONUMA,NJ*- DMOFAT.r. Ivifluesoo of growing conditions as the formation of a stand of clover. Test.16sauno 10 ao.4t3-16 Ap 155. (=A 6:8) (Olover) The problem of construction of the northern ships, the Naval Symposium, No. 6, 1934. DOJBKVIN, _j@@A!__(Dubrovinp A.0.] Rop-lariLy of convex ourfaces having a regular met-ric. Ccp. AN URSR no.7:852-855 It5s (W RA 18:8) 1. Fiziko-takhnicheskiy institut n.jzkIkh temperatur AN UkrSSR. DUBMVIN, A.I. (Dubrovin,, A.0.1 Regularity of comex surfaces vith regalar motrics. Dop. AN URSP no.StIO02-lW4 165. @mm 1818) I. Fisiko-takhnicbeakiy institut niskikh temporatur AN UkrSSR,, Kharlkov. Reasons for the breaking down of tho rcol ef a -c--,2nt plant. stroi. 39 no. 204-55 161* WJI@jl 14:2) (l,uyby,jhov---Cewnt Pluut's) ACCMION NRi-- AP401'9480 35/64/000/003/0245/0246i @IMIMSI KoWasyt To I.,- j, P*r*A7at'ko9'Ve Nel Wegrons 0' X, so: TITL& Heating and rolling insota'af stalmlloss steels, 111ill and 31432 :SMGES Stal,# no- 3# 1964P 245446 h4&t TOPIC TAGSs sta.Wees steel# host troatmentl rolling effect# roll =*onur*$ ABSMCTs Rolling of chromi=-nickel &aid-rooistant and heat-resistant stools i MIM (KhIM392T) and U432 (Xhi7Ni3M?) w" successfully attw9ted after a WIWI* heating at the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combinee The work was done to improve the former method which called for two beatings and light pressure rollop and which of ton "rimts netal.wao malleablized at VOA26W for 6 houne This allowed inareaaing the miss reduotiom to 25@-55 m =4 ognpleting the rolling process in 2) passes. The terminal temperature wea above 11OW sn4 was within the renp or maxima stool plastioitye the vidMe quality was found to Yo th the. ). fte total increase of the torainal tAmwaturs (see Fig. I an the Enclosure heating time was reftood frm 16 hr 45 aft to 12 hr 15 mini the nusber of Passes L Card CHELISHWO N.A.; XOBTZ3Vj T.K.; BDGWOVA,, N.G.; DUBFDMII A.K.; XACHURIN, D.S. Radioaotive isotope study of metal deformation in bloming mM rolling. Isve v7s. uoheb* savo; chern, met, 7 no*12:65-72 164 (MIRA 1811) 1, Sibirskiy metaLU:urgIcheskiy Institut i Nmetakiy astallurgi- chaskiy kombinat, CHIMHKVj N.A.1 XOBYWO V,LS:8OMVMAt 1.0.1 DUBROVIN, A.K.; UGHMM, D.S, Investigating metal dofamUon on a blooming aill with the help of radioactive isotopes* Isv.M.u*Mb.xav#; cherne met* 8 no*/#t 96-101 165, (MIRA 1814) 1, Sibirskiy uetallujidwskiy inatitat i Kusnatakiy metallurgich9skiy kombirAt. -flit v t, x. I A pr h a s 4@' rl@ 4 P. -,3n 0 @;s vi@ F, vc, a d i h f -I tc3tar n p vv -AC w 4 danign of th'a m"ll Out MICL Dr-- 0 DUBROUJ4 AON* Deteruining th* location of ps leakap. in tU production emin of ps wens, au, O@rcu* 7 no*3s$-l:L 162. (KM 17t 8) AUULIN. I.T.; TIASOTA, X.M.; DATMTA, Te.A..- DANILIM, I.S.; DZIOT, V.A.; MNLII,A.X.; YIFANOVA. L.T.- IARPMD, L,T.; KWIKOT. L.N.; WTMIM. S.T.; LUXITANOT, N.I:; XKLIXIKOY, N.V., prof., obahchly red.; =TTCHAV, A.A.; NINTINOT, A.M.; POOOSTAM, T.K.; SIXIS, N.D.; SEDBtD. G.I.; SWBODCRMV. P.I.; SMIRNOT, T.M.; SUSHOEOUMO. A.A.; SOZDWVSIIY, M.N.; TUTITAXOT. X.R.; YISH, Ye.A.; IwTj A.G.; TSTPKIS. T.S.; CHMMYSKOY, P.A.; CHIZHIKOT. T.1,; ZHUKOT. T.To. -red.lsd-vat KDROTIMU. Z.L*, tokhm.r*d.; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L., (Prospecto for the opon-pit mining of coal in the U.S.S.R,: studios nd analysis of mining and geological conditions and technical and : conowle Isdiess for ape%-pit mining of coal deposits) Porepaktivy otkTrtol dobrehl uglta v SSSR: Issledovasto i analis garao&ologi- chesktkh uslovii I takhalko-skosomichookikh pokasatelel otkrrtot rasrabotki ugollwqkh mostorosbdomil. Pod obohchot rod. N.Y.Nall- alkova. Moskva, Ugletakhtsdat, 1958. 553 P. (MIRA 11112) 1. Tessayuss" teentrallayy Coqudarotyearqy proyaktnry Insfitut OTsestrogiprosbakht.0 2. Chles-k-orrespondent AN SSSR (for Moll- likov). (Coal wines and mintag) INS- ffiu; f t thy 0 N? Sfl:@; 114 31. FA J.", 00 ZU Al! RINI A Hilo V, tVile: 0 1 H 4 d POF Iv oil -t is was fit; .4 -all 3111-34.-Jiga-ij; 13 804:43-.03! SO'V/68-59-3-4/23 AUTHORS: --ZjhKqvin, and Vlasova, R.M. TITLE: On-the Problem of Benefication of Coals in the- Unclassified State (K Yoprosu obogashcheniya ugley v neklassif itsirovannom vide) PERIODICAL:Koks i Khimiya, 1959, Nr 3, pp 1?-21 (USSR) --kBSMACT@; tages--o@bewf ici-ation-of-wal"m-the- -unclansif i-ed--- atate siv diveusaed and a brief outline of the beneficiation scheme for coking coals of the Donets and Kuznetsk basins proposed by Teentrogiproshakht (ref 1) is given. There are 4 fieu'es, 5 -cables and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Tsentrogiproshakht Card 1/1 WWROVIN A.S.; PLMR, YU.L- Toriparsture of the altimincothercia rr--rebg outoldt blast furrAce, Izv. Sib. otdo M SSIR no-1219-15 162,, (MTRA 17j8) 1. Nauchnc-isoleduntelfaikIr inctitut metcllurgil, Chelyabinsk* At t@i Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Re"arch Institute, Stal 22 no*10:918 0162, (MIRA 15,10) (Kotallmrgical research) -SUBRUIN A.S. (Qwayabinsk)l RUSAIOV, L.N. (Chelyabinsk) 14wr chromium oxides in slag' of an out.-of-furnace aluainothoradc process. Isv. AN SSSR. Otd, tokh, nouk, Mat. i gor. dela no.D53-58 .Ta--I? 163, (KIRA 16:3) 1. Chelyabinskly usuchno-Issledovatel'skiy imtiU%t metall-L-Lio (Aluminotbermy) (Chromium oxide) RISPELIP X.No; DUMM Ixothersda interials with cbroaLum &W mangamse for &Uoying st4ol in the limUse Stall 23 i2o*4015-320 Ap 163o W RA 1684) 3.1 Cholyabinakiy nwohno.-IssledovatelvaUy institut wta.UurgUo (stselp-matailurgy) (Iron-whromiun-ampnese &Iloys) RMAKOVI L.W.; DUMOVINO, A.S. Structural obArmtm of the of lower oiWes In Dokl,AN SSBR 149 noels=-,110 W 163, (WA 16til 1. Chelyabinsidy nambno-Isalsdavatel'sidy Institut metallurgile Predstayleno akademikom N.T.Balovp. - (Metallic ouldoo-4fetallograpbr) (slag) DUSRIVIN@- PLISAP!Vt , ll'i"I"t, % ' U-S-A J*-* Aluminum v4C.-at Ion wid vot ting dvrtig the alamIrmtLenda mluo- tion. Tive Aff SSMI I-let. I g57. tie!,) nods5L-.57 !.@r-Apf64 PLINER, Yu.L.; DUBROVIN, A.S. 0 h --l I --- - -- We - 14 Speed of ahoff-furzace al=inothemie reduction process. Zhur. prikl, kbUn, u37 rf).8MOB-1713 Ag 164. (MMA 17: 11) Rr, I a a f T-r@,ro iui=ii an =R. Moto no"f Affr% Top pf'.0 'P ACC NR. AP7002300 SQUNX COWt UR/0133/66/000/001/0046/004'9 AUTHORI Dgg&&LLn.&.A&&@ 4arkovd# No A#; Sh*stakovq S. Sol Lostovi _-to kaye Klokotlna$ Le Is 090: ChelyAbinsk Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgy and Ch*JXAWOL@_ Electrometallurqical Comb~r!~!_(Ch*tFa-6fn-&-kry-no-to Institut metallurgii I ChelyabInskly eloktaometallurgichookly kmbinst) T1=1 Optimal conditions for matting forromolybdonum SOURCEi Staill no* to 19"t 46-49 TOPIC TACSt Iron allay, molybdeauke alloy, metal melting ABSTRACTi The optimal average tmpersture for malting forrowlybdenum is '1850-19500C in which the heating process Is determined to & large degree br -duration-of the --pr*co3s9--------- Cortrol of proc633 rate and, comequentlyp piecese temperature for notallo.- ,thorutal malting of forroollbdonm can be achicyod by changing. size of char" -componentso Grinding femalliconi to less then Gel m helps to accelerate the process wA to reftee cottaunqUaft of alumiam by a factor of It,$-2* Maximuia extraction of uo4bdaun Into an Ingot of odtable metal (up to :97.5%) and a significant lown1mg of the smowt of tailings are simuiltansousli, 'durina nrinding of the c=c4*tr4e*...0P4=l conditiom of the moltins processi- .a- - - 0 - are Insured at a com-entrato partial* visa to ferreallicon particle 15 is ratio (it 1.5-1.7. Orig. 'art. have 4 figureag 8 facmdas wA I table. LrJPRSI ;3,5261 SUB cooo 11 Sam DAIXI mm ORIG got ON Ou KIII 002 ANT r T T *as md =mesh= V%== to K0. I.Amw 1" 41 f IAI a lump with at w "A 42 xvso, I UM bow heft, 009 got 604 so's i dG* 0: 4 wee w to* goo goo so* 44;y L ftew S.."41604 - two IdW4,19 too "lot 01 O.W. 0 4 at as H1 Ilk Nei R a lilt j, A i q @jk 2131 14 t Is 21 J. 81574 S/076/60/034/06/19/040 S.- B0151B061 AUTEORSt klekseyevsklyt S. Y*.# Dubrovin, 1. V., Karatens, 0. E. tKoscow) \ I-- ly TITLE; The Use of Mass 19sotromsters With Heterogeneous Magnetic Fields for Oss Analysi!_1 PERIODICALi Zhurnal fixiaheskoy kbinii, 1960, Vol. 34j No. 6, pp. 1275-1z?q TEXTi The use of a heterogeneous nagn*tio field in sees spectrometry has some advantages. The gas content in samples of bismuth, gold, germanium, zirconius, lanthanum, and various types of copper was deter- mined here. The experiments were carried out in a special glass apparatus (Fig. 2), and a special device (Fig. 1) was used for the introduction of the gages. The gas current wa;)r:gulatod with a bimets.1 capillary (of 91A -69-(RU-69), or M-3C (SI-3 teel). The analysis of the gases separated from the metals was carried out with a glass mass spectrometer (radius' 50 ma), and a metallic mass spectrometer (radiu!i- 152 am). The a ectra wire shown up with a self-recording electronic BtIT-09 (EPP-095 potentiometer, attached toan 3MY-21 (M(U-2P) amplifier, - Ai Card 1/2 815 iL The Use of Mass Spectrometers with Hetero- 3/076/60/034/06/19/040 g9neous Magnetic Fields for Gas Analysis B015/Bo6i In ordor to achieve complete gas separation froa the sampl*# thismac malted down in a vacuumby the use of different methods corresponding to the aelting-tem -oratur,oof _th*_woxpls_- With-samples of a high gas content 0 1`64_ frequency furnace, and the aspirated ps was diluted in a a, scial collecting device (fig. 3) by liquid helium. The values obtained (Tabl-) show that 10 _3 to 10 -4% gases were separated from the samples, and thuh gr*&tly-*x6w#4*4 --th*- contest-of- other--- impurities. Even smaller quantities of gas can be detormined by the meth- od described. There are 3 figures, I table, and 4 referencest 3 Soviet aAd 1 American, AS:30CIATIONs Akadeaiya mauk SSSR lastitut fisicheskikh problem (AcadeU-of Sciences USSR,- -Institute for Physical Probltas)_ CTMUTn"LITA. A--46 n 4 15C a Cord 2/2 Cobtaotleas exeitation fore1W of qvohroams botorse Prom. or*r 20 aa.%17 W 163* (KRA i me 1 @ @ ' uO Ing ny E Ma On Ion oid 1 P r,7r@ @ 1 -4, -. . I @. M. : ". . i I - . - I C %a C, @ ! I @ - '! - -, r. n -, @ T, c n f @ @ , , .1-i @ ACC Nks AP6025670 SOURCR-CODE:---VR704131WI000/owoI INVEMR; Dubrovin. A. V. ORG: none TITLE: Control column. Class 62, No. 163595 SOURCE: Izobratiniya, prosyshlonnyye obrazteys-tovarnyye znaki, no. 131 19661 143-144 TOPIC TAGS: aircraft cabin equipment, flight control system, aircraft central column, aircraft actuating equipment ABSTRAM An Author Certificate has been issued for an aircraft control column con- sisting of a support pedestal vith flanges and a hollov-c-rain-F -with a head. Tba@cavt- Fig. 1. Control column 1 - Pedestal; 2 - recess; 3 - sector; 4 - actuating arm; 5 - upper shoulder; "L j4N 6 - articulated pull rod. 629.135.138 ACC Mitt AP6 2 610 trol column contains a sprocket with a chain transmission, a control wheel, and 6 system of lovers and actuating arms (see Fig. 1). To increase the control system's stiffness, the column's support pedestal contains a recess in which Is mounted a sector interlinked with an actuating arml the upper shoulder of which Is articulately connected to a pull rod which, by means of actuating elements, trans- mits the control whoel's motion to the lovers of the control mysteme Otige art* haai 1 figure. JKT) SUB CODE: Ol/ SUBM DATE: O3jul65/ ATD PRZSSi.3 N@A ACC- Nit- AP6008080 SOURCC CODE: UR/0020/66/166/00$/1000/1020---.,@ AUTHOR.- Alekseyevskiy, H. Ye.; Dubrovin A. V.- KqK!!t!kjXt_G- A. ORG: Institut@ o'! Physicsi Problems-, Acodemv_o (Institut f"IzIch-sakVkh probl'*'_@Akadevii nauk SSSR) TITLE: A small high-resolution mass spectrmeter with a variable magnetic field for light gS!_palysIs SOURCE: AN SSSR. D%okadyj V. 166's no. 5, 1966, 1088-1090 TOPIC TAGS: miniature mass spectrometer, gas analysis ABSTRACT: The feature of this spectrometer is that the ion source and collector and the magnat are inside the vacuum chamber which is a direct extension of the high vaeu7- um diffusion pump. The resolution of the instrument, based on the half-peak width, to 7200. A diagrm of the pecVomejer Is shown In figure I; d1mensions iuv in m. Rej sults of a test with HHH -11D _3He are discussed. Presented by Acadcm.,cian P. L. Ka", pits on 16 June 1965. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. UDCi 621.304.8 V 1/2 L 02451-47 ACC NR, AP6008oeo rig. 1. 1--shell; 2--high-vacuum trapg 3--diffu3ion pump; 4--magnet pole; 5--upper chamber; 6--ion source; 7--steel plate; 8--collector; 9--ion source sloctrodes; 10-- ion trajectory-, 11--aparture diaphrqp-, 12--magnst screens; 13--supportLng ring; 14-- output amplifier. SUB CODEI 18107/ SUBM DATEt lWun6S/ ORIG REr: 005 2 *77 -.f'AC -------- SOURCE-CODE: --UR/0020/66/171/O0Yi666TW v AUTHOR: Alekseyevskiy, N. Ye. (Corresponding member kq SSSR); Dubrovin. A. V.; ',Ukhaylov, N. N.; Sokolov, V. I.; Fedotov, L. N. ORG: Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy im. 1. P. Bardin (Tsentral'nyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut chernoy metallurgii) TITLI"; Basic properties of 65BT-type -superconducting alloy wire in Specimans-and solenoids SOURCE: AN SSSR. Daklady, v. 171, no. 3, 1966, 566-569 TOPIC TACS: superconducting alloy,niobium titanium alloy, zirconium containing alloy, niobium titanium alloy wire, alloy wire superconducting property ABSTRACr: A m.-thod of protecting 'superconductors from damage during the transition from superconducting to normal state has been developed. The 653T superconducting niobium-titanium alloy vire (65% niobium and some zirconium) was developed 'by the Institute of Precision Alloys at the Central Scientific Research Institute,- of Ferrous Matallurgy. At 293, 77 and 20K the wire has a tensile strenith oi 81, 140 and 192 kg/mn7-, a notch touShness of 18.5, 5.8 and 4.4 kg/cm . -b ohm-cm, and a resistivity of 70, 59 and 56 10 respectively. The critical temperature of the wire is 9-7K and the critical magnetic field at 4.ZK to 90 kilo-oersteds. It was found that a thin copper coating effectively ACC NRz AP7001546 prevent& wire during the transition fromjhe superconducting to the' normal state. Wire 0.25 mm in diameter was'l @4&ted with a layer. of copper, Iq-20 u thick, and used for solenoids with-field intensities of 19 and 54 kilo-oersteds. The solenoids withstood lcong periods of operation and pioved to be stable and reliable. They were used in studying galvanoossmetic properties of pure metals in sonicanductors.* in investigating the critical. parameters of supercanducUng materials, etc., .'Orig.''art. has': 4'figurts and SUB CODE: llb 09. 20/ SUBM DATEt 30Jul66/ Ult OOl/ OTH UP: 003 ATD PRESSt 5111' Subject usSR/Aeronautice A 11) P-25 Card Authors Verkholetov, A.# Lt. Co., Dubrovin, B., Lt. Col. Title Pilotage of hve Reactive Alre-raft in a Group Pericdical Veat. vozd. flota, 2. 23 - 27, February 1954 Abstract The flight of groups of five aircraft is a traditiol-v_, In USSR parades. Groups of five jet aircraft have been flown since 1948. The author gives a number of names of Soviet pilots who fly, or flew jet aircraft In group formation. Photo page 24 shows five jet pilots who recently took part in a group flight. Institution i None Submitted : No date TMEO Toward Sm Horlsom (X noq Carizontm) PXRXOMCAL: Grashdansksp wiatslys, 1958,, jr 4,,- -pp U-12 (WSR) ABSTRACT: The story relatek b*w Anatolly Gortach4vs a yotmg stWftt of the Gorlkly 'Autmobtle Kodhanicso School,, became a:piloto and nov is co-pilot of a Tu-10k jet airliner, The persistmice of the yotM in parning ble abo -Is specifically stressed. The text In accampa- nied by a photogreph showing Gorbadmv with his little daugUter, 1. Aviation-UM 2. Personnel-Performance Card 1/1 DUBROVIN. B. Courage* Voeno sn"o 40 no.8:47 Ag 164a (MIRk 17tll) BALKINp N.Asp otv. za vMok; AZIVAN# A.K.j, otV, ze vmoks sa, vypusl RM , V.F., otv. %a vypusk; CbM-iBMO,, H.B.,, oty. sa vypuzkl NOVIIMVA, L.D.,, tekhn, red.; MMUWIKOV, V.V., tokbn. red.; ShMW, L.I.,, tekbn. (Earth-space-earth)-Zemlft - komos - ?Amlia; abornik mate- rialoys opub.UkovauMkb v gasete "Pravda.' Moskyal 1962. 95 P. (MIM 15:7) (Nikolsov, ArArlift Grigorlevicb, 1929- (Popovich., P&"l PxvAwvich, 1930- ) PH4S8'I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6450 Chernenko, H.B., A.K. Asixygo, V.e. Rout, and S.A. Dubrovin, ads. V kosmose Nikolayev I Popovichg knigs o besprimernom gruppavou-p-o-Yete vokrug Zemli kosutch*skikh korabley "Vostok-3" I "Vostok-4" (Mikolayevand Popovich In Space; A Book on the Unprecedented Group flight of the Spaceships "Vostok-3w-- s-a --"osto-k- 4"_ ar"a-d-the---- Earth'* (Hoscov, '*Prav4a", 1963. 495 p. 50,000 copies printed. Tech. Ed.t V.V. Masleadikov. PURPOSE; This book Is Intended to acquaint the general reading public vith the various phases and results of the Nikolayev and Popovich flights. DOVERAGE: The book covers many facets of the Vostok-3 and Vostok-4 flights as reported in TASS, official documents, press conferences, articles, Intervievs, etc. The material ranges from official flight-progress reports to poetic eulogies of the cosmonauts and their flights. H*uy photographs and illustrations are included. Card 1/0 .DMOT2, Boris fodorovichl KOMMISSIff, D.A.. rs"ktor; MOM, KOPOO ITKImIcasslay rWaktor (Radiotolepbadia oommication vith moving objects) Ra4iotelefoassis, *visa$ a pq&vIshAymI obOoktami, Kaskva, Oos, energ, isd-vo, 1956a 94 p. (Kessovala radlobibIlotaks, no.248) (MMA 9:9) (Telephorte, *Wireless) M,I J@T, 1-1 lk, tR k P 5 02 12 09 )ttg, art, has, 2 figures. ASSOCIATION, HDlkDvdMT 904Udxrvtv#ftnyv unt"rottet te. M V. @>-o K r a v 1 -4 -@-c Dd r * &-r tyNFR : 0016 L fz-955-6-6 w in mv-@hq fm v Ar J/ '...D Opt L 4895-66 TR- 050212-09 VA@ V, "A14 xlnll Alm Cord AP502 1209 Irplt 112 11 % ,r7v.1 izi Vo I @;ne r i c a I, at L&C Ics I a T. S. diagram for the Red see. Al -v s us jw AV PM Card 5/6 L .44C-q MR.- AP5021209 (contd.) ERCL. 04 jr-W ff tfw@zr Z04 fit Oj 7 Ad MTIRDT. U.S.: DONDARIM. S.M. agranoo-satomolog; PWROVIN. BA., Possibilities for usIPS the A046 aerosol generator Is cottoa growing. Zasbeh. rast. ot vred. I bol. 3 no.4-.16-17 JI-Ag 158. (19R& 110) 1. Starshly agrano"atonlog Kinisterstva sel'skogo khosyaystva UsSSR (for Nesterov). 24WMentskoye obleellkhosupravlentys (for Snudaremko, Dubrovjj). (Cotton-Disesses and posts) (Aerosols) KOZALINIM, VA. WNWIN, B*N,;: WHOM V.A.; RMGIL, O.N*: MAINOTOXOT# A*X* Using Do"ler effect In determining orbit parameters of arti- flotal earth smtellites* 16kv#`pUt9ZWA* n*el*-50-61 158* (KIRA 2212) (A"IfIcla satellites) InOTIN, B.N., keyed. t*kha.sank: OUMKIT. V.A., kanCtekhaaank. Iffect of the oomnexess of the food an ball mill capselty. ?Svet.%*t. 27 40.5t22-26 8-0 154. (MIRA 10:10) le awhisery) 137-58-6-IIZ91 Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 5 (USSR) AUTHORS: Dubrovin. ., avicheva, Ye.S. TITLE: Test of a Centrifugal Laboratory Mill (Ispytaniya laboratornoy tsentrobezhnoy mel'nitsy) PERIODICAL: Obogashcheniye rud, 1957, Nr 3, pp 28-33 -ABSTRACT- A description-it offered of the design and operation-al per- formance of a mill (MI designed in accordance with the system of *A-,,A. Petrosyants and K.D. Andreyev. The M is driven by a vertical 7-kw motor through a V-belt drive. The M is divided vertically into 4 chambers by working disks mounted on a shaft. In addition, four-pointed bosses, each of which carries a vane, att-m-oun-ted-on-this-thaft-in-,each-chambo.--Tlie-diarrLete-r.-of the disks is less than that of the vertical cylinder. The crushed material passe 11 through the remaining gap; the number of _--stages-of -pulverization- is -determined-by--thenumber of -cham-berm. As the shaft rotates, the vanes throw balls against the wall of the housing. The dimeter of the working space is 206 mm, the height 440 mm, tb4kAvakAvqorjA&'I0.4 liters,the weight of the balls Card 1/2 (of ZZ mm diameter) is 0.7 kg, and the shaft rpm is 500- 1500. Test of a Centrifugal Laboratory Mill 137-58-6-11291 The optimum output is 600 kg/hr. Tests show this output to be 52 times as great as that of an analogous ball mill and 3.5 times as great as that of a hib- ratory crusher fed with 3-0 mm Krivoy Rog ore. Power consumption is f@ss by 29-4716 and 69-770%, respectively. The use of grinding cylinders instead of balls increases grinding intensity by 50% while raising power consumption UY JW70. 1. M. 1. Crushers--Design 2. Crushers--Performance 3. Ball mills--Design 4. Ores--Processing Card 2/2 SOV/137-58-9-18258 Translation f rom: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 5 (USSR) AUTHOR: Dubrovin, B. N. TITLE: and Theoretical Work of Mekhanobr in the'Field of Crushing and Grinding (Obzor issledovatell skikh i teoreticheskikh rabot Mekhanobra v oblasti droblenlya i izmell cheniya) PERIODICAL: Obogashcheniye rud, 1957, Nr 5, pp 5-8 f ABSTRACT: A review is presented of the scientific research works of the Mekhanobr Institute in the field of crushing and grinding in the periods, 1) from 1917 to 1927, 2) from 1927 to 1945, and 3) from 1945 to 1957. Further development of the work pro- vides for the utilization of a centrifugal field and the con- struction of high-speed vibratory crushers and mills. 1. Universities 2. Ores-Processing 3. Scientific research M. M. Card 1/1 MIAMI% B.S.. kand.tekbu.nauk Preparation of domatic *microcorraxs* trudy P6khnnobr no,102t 316-337 157. (HIRL 1119) (Abrasives) m- - - -, - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - DUMMIN B.,N.l FEDOROTS, B.N. Somulte *f testing inertial mushers and contrittg4a awe* mog m 7 no.3*34-3a 162. (HIM 164) (Tp@*r4rwhiV saahinary-Teating) VORONrN, A.D. j DILODN, M.S.; DO=114-FJ4*-; GORDEM, P.A.,, red.; KASrAGV,, D.Ta., tekhn. red. (Album of drawings of equipmentp devices and tools for the erection of large-Wel houses of the 1-464, 1-335, and 1-468 series] Allbom chertezhei inventariiap prisposoblenii i Instr=,entov dlia montazha kruFncpane1'rWkh domav serii 1-464p 1-335 1 1-468. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. No.l. 1963. 18) P. (MIRA 171l) 1. Gosudarstvermyy proyektrqy institut po organizataii sell- skogo stroitellstva i okazaniyu tokbnicheskoy pomoshchi. Tsnz7wkl#%*# insbe; 1@0=1 A.I.p tumb.1 K"HIKAt Yu.P., Insh.; -%siiiani!!built-r*Ut-Wxi~l!aLfor the mnufacture of st4al ball for ball *11U*-ftts i gornand, prom, no,1:36-38 Ja-I 162. (MM 16:6) 1. Uvod #Aso"talls, (Rolling adl1a) (Orushing macWory) FILIPPOV, I.H.; GUNIN, I.V.1 Prinix&U wbastlyet DABAGUN, M.P.; CHEIMIMI, A.V., MIROSTINICIIENIO,, V*G.; FRADIR, M.D.; PAVLOVSKIY# V.Ya.; FILICHAKOVAt V.A.; ALERSANDROVA, L.A.; DVBROV;Nl F.S. Investigating the buokling of webs on lightweight I-beam. Stall 23 no.10&915-918 0 163. (MIRA l6r1l) 1, Ukrainskly Institut, ustallov. 2. Ukrainaldy institut ustallov for Dabagyant Chet"rikoyt Kiroohnichenko). 3. Zavod "Alovotall" r Fradint Pavlovskiy, FiVchakoya, Aleksandrovap Dubrovin). M PAV.I,()Vr),Klyl V.yn.j, DUBROVIN F.S. inzh, i tng a Nc. 1-6 bu t foo rfli y 1-. 3 irn, lightwOght channal. Stal 2-4 no,9t82&83! r, 164. 1. Zavod "Arrntsll. 4. DONDA,MSKIY, Dmitriy Ivanovich; TRMWMKOt Mikhail Grigorlyevich; IN CMTOK, Mark Somenovichi Aq@iov ---q G.A., red, [ for studying the regulations of the technical opera- tion of trammyB] Fosobls4,dlia izucheniia pravil tekbnicheskoi ekspluatataii tramvaev. Poskvap Izd-vo V-va korimn. khoz. RSMI 1963. 302 p. (KIRA 17:8) @,JL*dmwdq4j4w NAMM,"W. a 9. M-P 00 was* M. (U. 8, it, 2"41 " "Oa m r s@ A r" ON. IVA INOWr" 44 C Wftt! amp 4 04 Llk t f i . vi o tv, . , A d N vi . 00 c i -06 00 .06 go 7we* 00 1000 400 see 00 0, 00 4 6 t 4 a 1 0 ad o m mi, i 41 @ Joe 1 a '10 o 0 0 1 1 so 00 & 000 & 0 a 00 as 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 00 0 0 f 0000 a 00 1;7 @tl .1 . @01_ I a 11 L_LU_& -&-t ff [Lfffl, A&A Kit- 1 8 IWO f.0 .*W01#1 9. ntLt. All i. I badw ohm wo maimi -I %Kewtia, C.Ok".144 ma@'bw so R.) low. bw *as PIWO, bg aw C "wh with a crawal at vw. 7.00 mial.. twmihw. diViag aW C IN-440.1 Ao so .00 00 f .64 d! .00 00 so .00 00 see '00 so AV l'o 00 2@ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 00 0 00000 of sees 0 1 133-?-3/28 AUTHOR: Prikhodlko, I.P. and Levshin, B.A., Engineers. TIM: On the Designing of Blast Ftrnace Skip Hoists (K proyektir. ovaniyu Skip 0 vVkh Yod"Yemnikov domennykh pechey) PERIODICAL: Stall$ 1957, No-7, PP- 584 - 586 (UBSR) ABSTRACT: This is a criticism of the paper by Ya.F. Chelltoov and V.-A- rkl'h"Awi" (9%4-all 10RA wn-al i 130-9-8/21 AUTBORS:Krivitftir, ItY8,4abrovin, G.A. (Engineers) .TITLEt Steel-Pouring Ladles of Lightened Construction, (Stalerazlivoohrqye kovehi oblegohetnoy konstruktaii) PERIODICAL-r Metallurgi-.1957tIr 9# pp.18-20 (USSR). ABSTRAM In standard Soviet teeming ladles the weight of the un- lined ladle amounts to 24-25% of the weight of liquid metal. At the "Zaporoxhstaltw works the authors, together with 1'.P.Gulyatitakiy- and N.1'.Vorodimovp have developed a type where the proyortion is reduced to 15*8%o the capacity beizg 220 tons. The reduction has been effected by correct stress distribution in the elements of the steel-work. Bv ado ti an all-welded corstruction a further reduction to wit a 1 a capacity increase to 230 tons has been achieved# ena li steel produotion rates to be raised by 12-13%. Details o? the ladles are given in this article. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATIONs "Uporozhatall" works-, (Zavod "Zaporoahstall") AVAILABLi: Library of Congress. Card 1/1 mnovis, G.A.s MUTITSM9 X.Te. Light-4tal&t, stool-teeming laddles. Blul. TSNIIMIX no.15S42-43 157. 11t5) (NotaUmvicAl plant s-Squipmut ewd supplies) SOVII 37-59- 3-5351 Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 3, p 61 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kichayev, P, Dubrovin, G., Gulyanitskiy. K. T IT LE: Employment of Light-weight Welded Steel-teeminR Ladles of Large Capacity (Primeneniyc oblegchennykh svarnykh state razlivochnykh kovshey bol'shoy yemkosti) PERIODICAL: Tekhn.-ekon. byul. Sovnarkhoz Zaporozhsk. ekon. adm. r-na, 1958, Nr 1, pp 34-36 ABSTRACT: Sincc 1956 the "Zaporozhstall 11 plant has used welded steel-teeming ladles (WL) with a Z20-ton capacity instead of the old-desi&n (riveted) ladles with a 200-ton capacity. The employment of the new WL per- mits an increase in metal capacity by ZO - 25 tons. The shell of the WL is made of three drums of 20K steeL The upper and lower barrel sections are assembled from four plates 22 and 24 mm thick. They are welded on a stand with longitudinal seams. The middle barrel section is assembled from four 26--nm plates, two cast blocks, and two stiffener rings. The blocks were pre-annealed. The shell of the ladle was assembled on a special stand. The barrel sections Card 1/2 were joined by annular seam3. The dowels were set in the blocks SOV/1 37-59-3- 5351 Employment of Light-weight Welded Steel-teeming LidLes of Large Capacity from the inside. The bottom of the WL had the shape of a spherical segment with flanges. 26 - 30 mm 2OK steel plate was used for the bottom. After welding the WL were tempered in a pit furnace. The tempering comprised heating to 600 - 7000C and soaking for 3 - 5 hours with subsequent complete cooling in the furnace. Malla are adduced on the welding procedures for the inner and outer seams, the macrostructure, and the mechanical properties of the scam metal. Measurements -an&-Lti,~.--eatigatiorw-of-maximum-stresses-in--the-individual-members-of,thc--WL-str7uc~~---- ture under full load (with the ladle full of met-al) established that in spots of the greatest loads the tensile stresses attained 400 - 250 kg/cm2. The author notes that in individual members of the WL structure the stresses incr6ase appreciably (by 10 - 200/6) at the moment of the lifting of the ladle hv the crane, which fact is explained by the dynamic acceleration of the ladle during hoisting. Investigation of the WL showed that they possess sufficient strength. V P. Card 2/2 SOV/122-58-8-20/29 AUTHORS: Xichayev, P.M., candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent and b4brovin , G.A. . Nngineer TITIE: Steel Works Ladle- of Welded Design (Svarnoy staleraz- ,liVochnyy kovsh) PMUODICAL: Vestaik mashinostroyeniya, 1958, ;.r 8, pp 56-57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The desi of a welded steelworks ladle, shown in a drawing rpiaure 1) was developed in 1956 at the "Zaporozhsta11'-' 3teel Works. It has a capacity of 230 tons and has withstood load tests with satisfactory results. Nxazples of the approximate stress analysis of some ladle elements are given, such as the thickness of the cladding at the bottom and the lower hoop of the ladle. The main design dimensions for ladles of different capacities are given in a graph. There are 2 figures. re,ults Card 1/1 SOV1133-58-10-15131 AUTHORs: Krivitskiy, M.Ye@, Dubrovin G.A.$ Sysoyev, A-V- and SaLpko , A. I. TITIZ: Modernization of the Slabbing Kill at the Zaporozhstall Works (Rokonstrukteiya slabinga zavoda "Zaporozhatall") PERIODICALi Stal 1958, Nr 10, pp 910-916 + 1 plate (USSR) ABSTRACT: The second stage of modernisation of the above slabblft mill is described and illustrated. Main points: replacement of the top roll positioning and balanciag arrangements and the drive of vertical rolls by a more rational nechanian operated by a 50 aft, hydraulic system. As a result of this modernisation the output of the mill 1ncreased approximateLy by 25%. There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: Zavod "Zajorazhstal!" (*Zaporozhstall" Works) and Dnepropetrovskiy setallurgicheskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute) Card 1/1 OVA=Vp (;,A,,, dotaent..- jCWd Aekhn.nauk; DUBMVIN, G.A., inzh. Increasing the load capecity of stool pouring bridge cranos. Stall 22 no,1:94-95 Ja 162. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Zaporozhakiy mashinoatroitellnyy imstitut I zavod "Zaporozhatal-". (Open,-bearth fumcea-lquipient mid supplies) (Qranes, derricks, etc.) woo *Sal 00146 10 ISVI 446%4t*- A. Ir, W so - Ifs--im A 'sm ti lee So* 14.1.,W44 loy (SAP "I dw-&Nwul i.. see **A Win ankawim- ri V it W. 1 .4m rvwtim With gat kh1p; the pf"reft of F Y*L11 a yonow c4m. The &kl^l to The *AIL ohm &VOW"Oka ol the *04 droo@ see less goo goo ago goo 'See Noe V Sell 41.0 4 *ad 69411@ &A OW it. os 42 vo vi 00 "k 1@ tol m M 04 no 'o e, Ile id 00 & e- N' Country- (;ato8#jry Abs. Jour Author Institute Titlo i qormal I Ror So L" j 195S, 72@1979 i Dub-ovin, Gq D. I-=- t The Proaervatior 0-7 Cr-@en Plnnhs -.1th Mionical,mO's tons. -OvIK-Pubi- oVkh0--40Y#-Pf-O:E-Z-- 06f-19-57-1-110 5-3-56 Abati-60-t vjjOjf-r4-@of -sjlij@e *;*Ich-las prose r-104-4ith che-1c I Preparations W'7 'IrM proved to,.bo 11,00d at all timill r1a,,vitait, sciall, yallo; -,-,een A o!! th,) strue.- tUrr., of P1Pntq TIP.3 @-ell presq,rvGd. In term 0 1 jr.,j el 0.0 "Oro"'ein Vitaml" urototo, Inatte) Pr;hm, &O'd butyric acid: 01miceny rranervel cre*n foddei proved to be of better ruaUty tli-n co.-mon si.. lrgr dar@vad 4- rom the sure c;:op3, The Josg of Card: 112 USSR / Farm An!mal@ I POW tv Abs Jo Ur; Rof Z04F-0,1014 No 40 W00.213170 Author Int2h"nul A- nA Inst N7@791,v Title fA'Slmilt lod-!Asth@d 6t.'Detorm-Intng -th*__ESqfs-"L Orig Pubs Hit'' @V- o 1, 0" ii,@iqai 6,6; 36-40; Abstract: Thi:a*'ut r-- de-@titd' Method of doterminlngcaeo- tenolds In the'yolk'6f the egg without --aponifica- tion by means of usual gasoline extractton of carotenoidso In this procedure, O#Z 0 Of on aver- age yolk sample,are ground In,a mortar vith 243 Ml of alcohol until the uhite residue falls out the ontents are poured Into a test tube throuq@ a funnel, and the remnants are also washed Into it with 2-3 ml of alcoholi, Four ml of aviation gas6. Card 1/2 DMT1X&_.q4p,- B=AYXT, K*G.; ORMU. Z.V.; KAMEDY. S.T,; SMGBTIITA, T#T&. PUSMCAR37A. V.I. Unrefined bion"In In stockbrtoding. Taterinarila 36-no.12:55-58 D 159. (MM 13:3) 1.3kuchno-proisvodefttanap laboratoriya po bor'be s bolmyssi uolWmpka well mkakhamyW*tv*umyft -shivotafth 14intaterstva sellskoo khom ystva RSM. Gursom"In) (Stock and siockbreeding) 15.9000..8-300 75674 SOV/*80-32-10-23/51 AUTHOM Dubrovin, 06 L TXTLEt Aging of Cable Rubber Insulation PERXODXCALi Zhurnal prikladnoy khlmlij 1959, Vol 32, Nr 10# pp 2261- ABSTRAM .-A method to offered for calculating the approximate ex- pected life ;)f - cable --insulation and of the relative elongation or rubber in the aging process. The aging teats were conducted at 800 for 200 days, and at 900 for 100 dayso according to OOST 271-411 the samples were prepared according to GOST 269-53; the mechanical characteristics were determined according to GOST 270- 53, and the electric breakdown, according to GOST 2o68-54 and GOST 6433-52. The aging of rubber Is a first or- der reaction which can be expressed by equationt Card 119 Aging of Cable Rubber Insulation OP at Imp Card 2/9 75674 SOV/80-32-10-23/51 where-K-le the oxidation-rate constantj P_- is the- 0 relative elongation at the momient of rupture, prior to aging (in fl; Ft is the relative elongation at time tp in %; P1kp is the relative elongation at the end of the aging In presence of inhibitor (in %); e0a is the lAmiting value to which the relative elongation conver es in the aging process (in %); t_ Is time of aging M days). The relation ofl@ .'tic to t. In coordinate system for first order reaction in expressed by a straight line. The plots of St against time (Fig. 2j showed a considerable deviation from straight line at the end period of aging. The Aging of Cable Rubber Insulation '75674 ;OV/80-32-10-23/51 start of this deviation is characterized by the critical elongation value Pkp' It was determined that the In- sulation rubber 78-35, 6K-50 showed E - 70% and G kp 290 to 350%. The corresppnding figures for cable sleeve rubber ShN-40 were,Eo* 25% and Ckp 105%. jW, to 0 40 $0 tie 00 AV 0 Fig. 2. Aging of insulatioh rubber TS-35 SK-50 at .,@z A, relative elongation St (in %)j B, vaiue of 1, Card 3/9C' time of aging (in days). tj_&M