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S/120/60/000/005/04/051 9192/2382 -arnov.- V.Ve A_.S. TITL3% Projection on the Screen of the Photograpks of ti Ultrafast Photo-r*cording Equipment, Type COPISFR) FERIODICALt Pribory i takhnika sk-sperimenta, ig6o, No. 5, pp. 141 - 143 11b TEXTs The ultrafast photo-recordins equipment. type 5FR - (Ref. 1), in employed in the investi-84iiion of very rapid processes. However* the resulting photographs cannot be projected-directly-onto-a screen-duo to the non-standard form of the pictures (frames) anti their limited nvAbor. Consequently, a special equipment was constructed at the Institute of Chemical Physics of the AS USSR which makes It possible to obtain standard filmst from the photographs so that those can be projected onto a screen. An example of a photograph showing the explosion of a charge in given in Fig. -1; this was taken by means-of the SVR equipment. The same picture photographed on a standard film is given in Fig. 2. The "converting" device is illustrated in Fig.3. The orration of this system is an follows. A film from Card A S/120/60/000/005/044/051 9192/9382 Projection on the Screen of the Photographs of Ultrafast Photo-recording Equipment, Type SYR the SYR equipment 4 in illuminated by a device consisting of a lamp 1 and a condensing objective 2 . The current of the lamp is controlled by a special variable resistance. The frames of the film 4 are situated in the focal plane of the_objectiv-a-6 __ and ara"reproduced" by*the objective 8 in the focal plane of a projection camera. type "Rodin-0-4- where another film 11 to pl&ced. The focusing of the optical system is achieved by displacing the objective 6 A shutter 7 is situated between objectives 6 and 8 1 this permits obtaining the exposure times up to 1/250 see. The system is fitted with a diaphragm 5 . When a frame is changed a mirror shutter closes the optical channel. The image of- the -frameb-situated-on the--film 4 is reconstructed-- on the grid of the sight 13 by means of the mirror shutter 9 and can be observed visually through the eyepiece 16 . The sight with the grid permits setting of the successive pictures of the film 4 with an accuracy up to 0.01 am. Card 2/4 ------- --- S/120/60/000/005/044/051- - 19192/2382 Pr@jection_on the-Screen of--the Photographs of Ultrafast - Photo-rc.-ording Equipment, Typo SPR After fixing a tram* the shutter 7 is closed. The mirror shutter 9 opens the optical channel and the exposure of the frame in done by means of the shutter 7 . The operation of the mirror shutter 9 is synchronised with the drive mechanism of the film 10 . A prism 15 and a photo-resistor 14 are placed in the plans of the grid 13 and theme operate an an exposure motor. By aaans of this device It Is vossible to determine the necessary exposure time for achieving uniform densities for various frames of the film. The photo- graphic resolving power of the optical system of the equipment is 50 to 40 lines/mm. The projection of the resulting film has dimensions or 1.5 x 2 m and in effected by employing a p-r6~ye-eto-r--typ7e-Kg~--Y-(KW.~~Y,-which-g-iv4sa 24k- frame 8/8 eeri@-- --Sine* the therilm-into aclosed-*irclo-in-order to obtain continuous projection. Card 3/4 3/120/60/000/005/044/051 9192/9382 Projection on the Screen of the Photographs of Ultrafast Photo-recording Equipment, Type SPR There are 3 figures and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Phy@i.@cx of the AS USSR) SUBMITTEDt July 30, 1959 Card 4/4 89052 S/07 61/005/005/003/006 B019YB0509 AUTHORSt Garnov, V. V., Dubovik, A. S. TITM High-speed stereoscopic exposure and projection PERIODICALs Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinematografii, v. 5, no. 5P 1961, 356 - 360 TEXT: At the institute given under association, a method of high-speed at ereo acopic, - expo sure_ by- means--of- arv C4)P(SFR -apparatus -was -dove---_- Thia method, in which an additional stereoscopic attachment is used, waq suggested by 0. L. Shnirman and A, S. Dubovik. Fig. 1 shows the opticalV scheme of this device with the stereoscopic attachment. As was described _-in earlier publications, the SFR device bas a two- or f our-ch annel recording system in order to reach faster recording. Exposure is made si"multa-ne-ou-s-17- with both or all four ray paths, respectively (Fig. 1). 12 000 to 300 000 pictures per second can be taken with a two-channel camera, and 50 000 to 1 250 000 with a four-channel-camvra. Stereoscopic Investigations of explosions were made by I. I. Tamm oy means of such a camera. These investigations led to new knowledge concerning the departure of the Card 1/3 89052 S/077/61/CO5/005/003/006 High-speed stereoscopic exposure... B019/BO59 explosion products. The pictures were projected by means of two synchronous projectors -with- tbO-f'ilm having -been- re@copied -zo, standard-size, The sterecacopic attachment was-devised at the Eksperimentallnyye masterskiya MY AN SSSR (Experimental Works of the IKhF AS USSR) under the super- vision of design engineer To. A. Zaytsey. The major part of the experl- ment5 was made by the laboratory assistant V. V. Shauro. There are 4 ASSOCIATION: Institut khitaichoskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciencez USSR) SUBMITTEDt February 14, 1960 Card 2113 Fig. 1 Legend: denotes the object. Periscopes; 2) a"Qrture diaphragms; 11) objective; 4) collector; 5) revolviri; reflactor; 6) Small lense3. Card 3113 5/077/61/"005/0"5/ 0@1 0 _p.06 B019/W-59 AUTHORS: _Dubovik, 1. S., Granigg, A. B. TITLE: On the work of the Section for Photographic Recorders at the Second All-Union Conference on High-speed Photography and Cinematography PERIODICALs Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinematografii, v. 5, no. 5, 1961, 39"? - 400 TEXT: In the Sektsiya e"yemochnoy apparatury na vtorom Ysesoyuznom saveshchanii po wysokookorostnoy fatogTafii i kinematografti (Section-for Phctographic Recorders at the Second All-Union Conference on High-speed Photography and Cinematography), A. S. Dubovik (-TKhF AS USSR) hold a lecture on the mods of operation of a number of refie-0tor compensators of film motion. A. B. GrAnigg, Ye. A. Tarantov, and I. I. Kryzhano7skly read Pap"- on problems of calculation and construction. Granigg (!KhF AS USSR) derived an equation which permits the calculation of the basil data of a camera, such aa recording speed, light intensity, etc. Tarantov gave formu'La3 fcr the calculation of the "dynamic resolution", for the calculation of the Card 112 S/077/61/005/,'05/006/006 On tLe work of the Section for... B019/BD59 picture shift during exposuro, eto. Krythanovskiy made a rerort --n a camera designed in the LITIM taking ur- to 500 000 piotures per 3ezoni cn a 16-= film which can be used in a standard 16-mm, projector. S. G. Grenish' , and Yu. P. Shohopetkin (001) spoke on a now film transpo.-ter which cpera,.ea smoothly. In ae much as the film is transported over drums. The design and manufacture of lens screens was discussed by S, P. Ivanov andL.V. Akizakina (RIKFI). 0. F. Grebennikov, V. B. Gusev, and S. M. Provornov (LIKI) gave a report on a camera of the type ?KC-II(RKS-11) with two lens screens which was worked out by them. L. A. Vasillyev, L. A. Skurstova, and Te. A. Tarantov investigated the use of screen cameras with dark-field and Nnterfqrence devices for ga3dynamical investigations. V. V. Gnrnov arid A. @. Dutovik (LIChY A3 USSR) described,the atereophotography by meana of an COP (M) Ca orn vi tb 1 ')50 000 Ix_S_0v_ LAFOKI AS 'USSR) suggested- some attachments and alterat--ons of the CKC ___JSKS) camera,- which should widen the -field of application of this camera. The improvements concern control before and after picture taking, attach- __-Ment a Jo?@_zacratalkings_and-an- tnIargement-of- the--d4ilaphtt~g-M.--Th-e-r-e-a-r-'P--_---.--------I 3 figures.-- Cr.ed 2/2 IKMOVIX -A Set CWAKWj AO DO "About the Il*texzL=Um of-Sump Clentm and-the Uneqw%lness of the Framing Rate in Froxing Cwerss witkCamutating Mirror" repart presente4 at the 6th inti. Cong. of Higla-Speedl Photograpby@ The Hague, 1T-22 Sep 160 1* Inatitut kh'adcheWwy fisiki AN SSSR, (Cmam"m) mam"N' 0. L., VMMM, A. S., n%MKVW, P. V., ORMOO, A. P. mpom, r. A. "nn High "4 No Nad-Time rrodng Crewrl repert pTvsented at the 6th Intl. Ccng. of Righ-Spce4 Motowsphy, The Esow., iTv sop 162 AN-m-1 ce -+*-.cr4 bed he rv r" - sr,,epTl Nhooo- @ @m : I , 1- 1, SHNDJU, O.L.; DUBIDYN, A.S.1 MUSH MI, P.V.; GRAMIGOp A.B.1 ZDROLEV-,I.k. HIgh-speed mZhLV-ll time 1"so camera. Zhur.nauch.i prild. fotsi kin, 8 no.ls5O-56 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16&2) 1, Institut khiadchookoy f%%;kJL AN SSSR. (cameras) (Photography, Time lapse) DOMIX,A.Ij 811SINUM, LM.; KOU:SOVp GA. The OUR-ROhigb-oped phatoodarographic units Zhuromuebio i prikle fot* i kin. 8 no.2422-1A Mr,-4p 163. (IMU 160) L Iwtitut kh'alchoWmy flidki AM =R. (PhatoaLarog4po-Squipnent and supplies) X D "ALE=- LEI"- 93-LI iz e;qxrlmer-tal @!onditlonn. nib v c heetmlm ni heaprit -Km-epeed pho p"tOV&PhIc tqulrvel-@@ b"k ia dovoted to a dn-ac7rIpticc -v- em -@Corw," of hich-4pead PMVSSA66 an" -@c-r@*Jc Fquip, @-,hcxts at procent have be" da"lupA-d ,n a 4roaz of phlynics and techn*IW (plamem @ar x r. 4 @, t fIll0to etc. ) a 7be mmoogmph em,>njA 7f@!,crv gin trittim of higb-oped procesver a of P@qsioal promams Of fast. ProceItsms tc -r-T.--rimatal 1*Wvicists aud opticti encimmart; tv- j@@Pd Lr r--dd,,,.at* stddeatt In higher teotmLc&l kll,',ity in high-er-eerd owwrar - 31-14 -ja of tjhjOtOgr*pkda "Carding of high-5 naAw and Lnter.@crrtmce pmtog"0-17 40 ArivsG for rotating mirTor;R SIM C 003 @-Ip 'ACCMION Iffil AP4026819 Ireprocenting the nuinber of wiposures per unit time for i and 2 respectivelys The frequency of stereopair formation hot in then given by k(I WS k ZT At pulsation points the time lag in synchronization Atp Is An additional relationship to pro- 2(n - k) Yj'Wh 2m 2h ;nx,. 'MS sentod rolaUng filming parameter* to process speed, The independence of "mrs, t operation is eaphLeizod by a schematic diagram* A test of the method was mae by Itraoing the throw-out trajectories of soil during an underground e"losionj i accuracies between 1/6W and I/OW won obtained for path coordinates* Stereameter oonAitions Is mainly depenident an stability of filming fr*quenoye Analysis showed that a film speed of 100 wrpoeures per sooond must be accompanied by a filming frequency accurat* to 4 for coa results. The withars thank N. M. -Sitainakays for discussing the works OrIge art, bass 12 equtions and 4 fisures* I ASSMUTICRt rustitut &M-4oheakay flaiki AN OR Inotittals 0 ji DUBOVIK, A.S. Modern methods and equipment for the photographic recording of rapid events. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 9 no-5:379-396 S-0S.44. (MIRA MIO) TITLE: State of the art and gmw developments in e@ha@to SMCN: Zhurnal nauchnoy I prikloAmy fotografti i kinematogr&M, Y. 11, no. 1. 1966, _33-38_______ &Wapmd-photograi9w,-=OtLon-picture-pbato-- -notiou-pItAure-projector _ABSTMCT:_ This-paper is- a report -on- the present state of high-speed st.ereophotogreow as well as on developing trends in this fiel4. Righ-speed stereoscopic photograpbar is conditionally divided into two classes according to base length: 1. base length less than 1 meter; 2. base length greater than I meter. A single camera is generally used for the first class while the seecawt ordinarily requires tvo cameras. Camera aynebro- nization in the second case-to accouplished. either by mechanical methods or-by rmote_ control, The Institute of Physics of the Earth AN SSSR wee an instaLl1ation With two AKS-2 'q;2nr'_;;fsep4Lr&ted by a distance of 2 meters and mounted on aL rigid base. This =it may be used for photography at 100 framea per second with an exposure time of I CaM 1/2 UDC: INVENTON: Bashilov, I.-P.; Bulanshe, Yu* D.;JhAbQYU*_.A.*.S.; Yerofeyey,-Y*_I*' Kevliah-illij P, V.; Kabrin, L. V.; Koganj B, Ya.1 Knalmin, As Iol Popov, Teo I#; MikhayloY, No Nol Churbakoys A, Is; Shileyko, A. Y. OHG: None TITLEt An autematic device for determining acceleration due to gravity- on a-mowAle- base. Class 42, No. 181833 (announced by the Institute of Physics of the Earth imeni 0. YU. Sbuldt, AN WSR (2natitut rix'&kl Zemli AN GSBR)j SOMCS: Izabreteniya, prcoyahlennyye obrattay, tovarnyye weld, no. 10,1966, 86 XOPIC TAGM gravity$ eleatran optics, electronic aquiyasnt, grayim*ter ABEF-LUCT: This Authorts Certificate introduces an automatic device for deteraining' acceleration due to gravity on a movable base, using a strongly damped elastic gravi- meter system. The installation contains a meter for acceleration due to gravity, & system of mirrors, lens, light source, two condensers and a slotted prism. Ac- curacy of mea-aurement is improved, and processing of the resultant information is automated by using an electron-optical converter vhich changes angles of turn of a pendulum to digital code. This converter Is made in the form of a code mask vith lenses attached, A prian is amted behind the lenses vith metallic mirrors and photocells. C..,d 112 Me: SU.768.08!S28.026 1-.4ccelerometerl 29-system of mirrors- 3--objective lens; 4-light source; 5 and 6- condensers; 7--slotted prism; 8-_e@_d n-optical converter; 9--code wwk; 10- lenses; 1.1-phortocalls; 12-prim Mheta.11ic mirrors SUBS CODE: 09,'08/ SM riass .Aiw6h Card -2/2 ACC N2s AP6026777 SOURCE CODE: UR/O077/66/0l1/G03/0l87/0i90 AUTHOR: -_Dubovik, A. S, ISitsinskaya, N. M. 0 "nsti-tu-te-of RarU %I wp@ -aG -7- Physics in.-,O.YU. Shmidt AN5SSR (Institut f iziki seali JL -t --SFR-SyAtem With unsy=etric-objecti vei TITLE- High luminosity lens adaptat tar he SOVIRCE: Zhurnal nauchnot I priklidnoy fatografti i.kinematografii, v. 11. no. 3, 1966, 187-190 TOPIC TAGS: optical equipment, high speed camera high speed camera, high speed! camera adaptor, optical instrument [Si1v i ABSTACT: The high luminosity multi-lens adaptor was developed at the Institute of Earth Physics (IFZ) ANSSSR to increase the speed of the reliable and popular high speed S111TR photvgraphic camera. The systen is capable of registering from 25,000 to 2,500,000 image& per second,-at- a - high- -optice-1 quality-of the image. The adaptor ex- tends, the range of photography to subjects a( lower brightness. -7ha multi leda &4&p--- tot, 6 is shown In Fig. 1, which depicts the SPR system schematically. The high J 4 TW- Pit. 1. schmuc 0( tho 3FR system, C-d 1/2- TIAXIC NPj AP6026777 I _J_juAino3ity_Ad&ptpg@ version differ& (too the original one in that the objective8 age not sy=etric with respect 0 r Opti-cAl-&Xes-and-are-located-in-~contact-with-each.-- other, p4mitting the design of a twice higher aperture diaphragm. In practice it was found possible with the new adaptor to increase the relative opening of the instivaent frcm f 1/16.7 to f 1/114 without an increase of the light passage di=easions of the we ten her optical coaponents of the SPR system. 7he resolving po r of the optical sys has not been decreased and is determined, in the main, by the 1=Lge shift in the air- ror reflection development. Some additional advantages of the new multilens adaptor are Cited, Its applications to shadowgraphs. and'to interference imager.. SUB CODEs 14, 17/ SM DATIs MUM/ ORIG REPt 003/ 'QM RW; 001 DUDOTIK, A*T* Dstermlaing tho amunt of trash In beetoo Bakhoprou*30 no*2:34 1 136. (MU 917) I.Tesolo-ftdolymmidy eakharnyr sayod. (Supr beets) w@ 1. ." I 7- .1 "F@ 1: ,jl,. @ 4 @; , .r -@ :: .i'@! i,:@oa Tr vi .1'.- -r"q t !@Ia I.,tonw, jf, al P@: T 11 n WI re ame Th-@ r 4 1re ci m, -vi rF h r ad I jkl , r-Pp' ;>,,v n @mibus nn %,, rcduc s FT @ @,Ier n i f ro gi c,- rl n1 ow me 1, --e -,I n In ch&rKe6, vi th c,7 i Lnlr. -,ondacted to ettablinh the mc@,fi_n' rz illy-in. 71he metalts vh-.wm-4 th#att !ieA hil lpt M.Atia-m wev- may be attri fa rw, dd4ring the dmtonatlor, in! ol- @t.4u t t s in ',he a lie I I wl th a 2tich h I gh- ltlJfl "tal-e. ("_ -!DOC wWsecl. Tbc s'rv -N r) vare- ca@lsts (its C-AtilftO ties (bolof, rj@ I - A - ') 1, 1 Acmased the sound V_loctty In @,q 'he Wch=iOjm Of tile low-vo-locity Afr-t -1@q, ri-olid emplusivo-P. OT I art. - n". U5 011541 t a r so i n -_-mt !.he -tklvv - c, r"ll to BOBCU'V., V.K. Noskya); (Koekva) Slov-speed prcp&Vtion of an explosion in solids. PWP no.2tl%- 151 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA is,?) F. DU -ILY To WOMMOVA, To.T.1 GW3Vj A I.; DANOWCO., I.t.; D=v No AA.$ ;it1UCW=, T.*.l IMT, &.No; ;;IT'!; MIKMCBp LV.1 M'Tr=O,, LJj 0 1.V*j RWTp Volol TALAYNO T9191 TAMAWAp N,Zo; TMOTOYMp A.P.1 SHM 1 1 1 , Z.B. Research on Vharmaeological agmte with prolonged hypotemlys action. Ton-to ANN SSSR 18 no*lt69-86 163o (KXRL 1W) 1. laboratoriya &Wtslellnogo orgamiohookogo sintmm khtmichaskago fakulfteta Nookovskogo, gasudamtrwmogo universiteta immi Umono- sova I kafedra farmkologii Mnskogo waditsinakogo Institute* (MTOMWCN) Uo=) At -the Wejr*j*trovsk,-XInLag. I Utute-In Art#*-Sergsyev.tron-April-1939-to-ApriI 1947r. the following dissertations were d*f*ided in connection with attaining the scholarly aegree of CarAidste of Technical Sciences (sFecializinr in rining electrical angineeringi The late D, V, Dabovik on 28 June 1940 defended his diczertAtion on the subject "The use of lov-yawr synchrumus motors to drive mine machinery". The offititl oppments of this dissertation-- were Candidate of Technical 5xiencee Docent -T. -Zherdsv-and Candide-to-of Technical -Sciences Docent V. S. hakit4is The theoretical Investigation was presented ot the exciter circuit of low-pwor aWnchronoub motors from a 50-cycle AC line (woLng currox and selenium rectifiers). The conclusions drawn were confirmed onerlmentally an ascillograms, Technical-economic indexes were derived for the oporstIon of mine machinery with synchronous motors. SO: Xlektriches vo, -194-1. -- V sccw- .0 Evu-1toratior, from tho, @-mtsr ---faao In the torrl"27;r r-f the Crinsa. Tru47 TIL- 7WHI no..',@,:0-73 L'.. DUBMIK a Blood preservation and transAasion under mral conditions. Probl. g*mat, i perol,krovi nol2s54-55 062, (PMU 16.,S) 1. Is HbUavskoy rospublikanskoy stantaii prelivaniya krovi, (BLOOD-Ca=TION AND FUMVATION) (BLOOD-TRARUMION) MOTS, L.L.; Foasilrerent :)f the contatt -liffererce of Tot-sntinI4 the comfenser-t4-pe r-wthc-1. Flektrokbin!ia I ro.*;;5(r,-5l'L Mr 165. 1. In9titut,slektrokhJrdl AN SC,6P. DUBO'/IKq G.G. --Tvpes of - bla-Aalder forests i -n-the Belovuz@_nkaya Pusho..ia. LWTSo L,L9j@..PUB(VKj G.G. Technique of generating self-oazillations in a cell for -measuring the Volta potential difference by the condenser wthods Alaktrokhistia 1 no*7088-793 Jl 165, (HIVA 1800) 1. Institut olektrokMaU AN SSSR. XASATIZA. B.S.: DMVIK. 0.1. Us* of the prejoratAwk parenpit (bydrolysate of protein) In trokumatological, clinic. Sov.sed.19 no,10:77-80 0 155. (XLRA 8:12) 1. Is TSentrallnoge Institut& travmtolocii i ortapeat (dir. chlen-kofrespondent Akademit meditainakikh nauk SSSR prof. I.N.Priorov) (PROTIM, hydrolyeate,thero use In trawatol.) (VOUNDS AND INJURINS, therapy protein hydroly"te) [cj)ukhaj3, 1. T. Us- of a "Minsk-l" co-ziputer In vj@vln,- 0.,'! the structure of a quasi-equillbrium bridr,(i clr;@-LdL. Vestsi AN N;SR. Ser. fis.-takh. rav. no.4:,Ffl-/,.4 163. 1,702) !A 0 MINOR D@bwdk, 1 1- KlIAPr, At" ight transf-sr 1*%**-q4m m' @,r smJ FIS!k,11 n*. ea4,95 (V 51,-. 'Taal". proteesecy pervioaa. vopr@ -,6oril 0.4otittl1witt', A,lt&-A,.&, !959, gr,1-100) 11" On modA! of lIght. 401ta vit::,,)- pro@ltm of -.he *tan% trar-@f#r b4@@WOPTI two al"Or rjrf&,5ei;-axzd ';r-*+xL%tn &:,d UfINsion Surfe,"O. ter's nctel -30MVIIII-6 trumle.11cr-1) c-&rd 1h, rk IVA lit lit -, - -0 0- -7-7, ADti ODW]"lly1@0 1"I': VWTYY, I.Y.; GOWTACV.VA. DUMVIK, V. I.; Mi(OLTAPIU, R.I.: LWOW, A.M.; MUKMVA, U.S.; TIMMYAWA. A.A.; SHM110, L.P. Results of examining rodents in TrRnsb"1kAlinn atepp*n for pathogenic m1croflorm. Tes.1 dokletonfolr~*.goo.nAuch.-Seel,protivoch=.Inst. no.1:1P,19 155. (MIRA 11-1) (TRO@BAIIALIA-ROMff 1A) (141CROOROAHISHS, PATHOGENIC) TI*WAUVA4LY9* ZgOVTYY, I.P.; XVIPMll Y.N.: OOWIACIMYA. Ms.; Gmlm"O. P.G. I .; KORORRSIXOTA, A.I.; M110901, L.P.; Mtvxo 86F.1 &"KOO L.P.; VASINOVICHO, X.I. Incidence of bacterial infections to steppe rodents of southeastern Treasbolkalla. Tes.i dokl.konf.Irkgoo.nauch.-Lool.protivochums lost. no.2t63-65 157. (KIM 11:3) (WASMIULIA-VaURIA-DIMUM AND PUTS) (BACTMA ft?MMIC) - 1 , @-- @,;-, @@` : @, *@J t- @ ; . - I . , I... - - .1 @ @T @ "- @ fl, TIXOMXTA@ -;Z.A.t -2ROTM. 167.1 NUIPMV.-M.1,; BUSOTIMA, Segel 00LOTACH317A. T.TA.; bd@,-I.N.; DMWIIC, V.I.,. ZRMLYAPIU, P,3,;--1M1V Ti A a YMMMA, TINDFIMA, A.A SEMMOO LOPS --aaarch for plague and other opisootic diseases In Trausbatiallan p as (MNSUICALIA-RODMIA-DrSBASIS AND PaTS) WSOMWTAI 1.91, DMVIKO V01.1 MBOTM,jA.; UOrITT. I.F.; LIPAYNt T.N. Ileas of rodents In the flood-Unds of the Air= Plyar (Wans- 17139- 46 $58, (NIU 13:7) (ARM RIM (IBAIMIMIA)--ILUS) (PASASZUS--ZMWU) TINOTIMA, L.A.; IPSWT, W,T.; OOLOUCHWA, T.To.; OMITMO, Me; DUBOVIt IL; KORONNIKOTA, A.1,; MIROW07A, Lm9__k_fW4 L.P.; XnMT, S:.P.. MATAFMOTA, Z.G.; SHTMO. L.P.; Saarch for plague and other spiso'OtIc diseas"s in a Tramoballmlian plae,nq focuso- Raport To.2. Izv. taizch. -tool. pro ttvo;@h-vn. inst. 20t3_13 159. (MIRA 1)17) (TROSBAIMIA-RMINITA--DISUM An PmsTs) Non-twisting wire rqms In at" hoisting. X"t.ugl- 2 no.22:17 D 453. (KLRA 6#11) I* lanchmy sotrudalk Tsoooluanaga nanahno-Iseledovatel pimp Instituta orgsaizatell I makhazisatelt shakhtnogo stroitolletva. (Wire raps) (Mine hoisting) winirestlisUon and raelp of fttvisUng CiroWL&r Strand Undergrowd rAbles.4 Cand roch -Ui-;-Mwfe-OV 1954. (IL, No 5, :an 55) 3vvv7 of SolesUfle aed UoWwa DIssertsUocks Def=4*4 at USSR IU&her timal Ustituticus (12) Sol am. No. 556, 24 Jm 55 SOV/124-57-7-8450 Translation from: Refera 'Wivnyy zhurnal. Mekh2.nika, 1957, Nr 7, p 148 (USSR) AUTHOR: Dubovik. K A. TITLE: 'On-thc-Ftinclamentails of the Design and Manufacture of Twistproof Steel Cables (Ob osnovakh rascheta i konstruirovaniya nektrutya- .-Sb-ChLkh-3-ya--staPnykh-_kana-tov)------- PERIODICAL: V sb.: Metiznoye proiz-va. Nr 1, Moscow, Metalturgizdat, 19_55. pp 153-166 ABSTRACT: The author criticizes the theoretical bases for the design of twist- P-roof -wire - strand- cable s- p ropos-ed, -by S.-_T. Sergeye-.-(RZhMekh, 1955, abstract 3309). Includedaire. data on industrial p_ractic_e___with______, respect to the manufacture of dables, G. N. Savin Card 1/1 -------- --- ',@TIZ. ILA., hUA.tekbn.nftk SM bOi�tIV49 roos wltb looks&."Ll strwturso Asoll Wo 4 no-5131-33 IV 160s (XM 13:8) (Noistift mehinery) (wirs ra"s) . . I I I PATIMCMZD. MaKel AZUWVICR. BMG0. N.N. Microelseents, (B*Nn,Sr,Za) and their quantitative spectrum determinat- Ion In salts of Stardbin deposits* Sbor. nauch. rfkb. Inst. khIn. AW (Starobin-Potasslum- salts) ----- ------ 47, 7:7 N., FARME "Trace Elements (B, Mn, Sr) Zn) in Salts of Starobinskoye mestorozhdeniye (Deposit) and Their quantitative Spectrun Analysis" p. 102 Sbornik nauchnykh raboty vyp. 6 (CoLlection of Scientific Works of the Institute of Chemistry, Belorussian SSR Academy of Sciences, No. 6) Minsk, Izd-vo AN Belorusskoy SSR, 1958, 271 pp. .5/71 6010coloul/00,11C,05 D204X303 AUT HO h3: Pavlyuohenko, II.M., -Dabovik, K.V. ar@d Pikulik, V.A. 1'.-2 L L Spectrochenical. determination of the rare earth@ in pho3phorus-containing raw materials Akademia nauk BSSR, Minsk, Institut ob3hchey i neor- Canicheskoy khiciii. Sborrdk nauchnykh rabot. no. 1, %'insk, 1960, 43 - 50 The present work was aimed at 4oternining the rare ear-;hs in a nutber of apatites ana phosphorites Ly aytictrochenical methods, as these are believed more rromisinE ,-haa the conventior-al ones. For qualitative estimation, the samples were nixed with powder- ed carbon, (Isl ratio) and the spectra were photoeranhed or. the " .-@i P 4 r. @ -51) spectrogra@h, using the -b4 'W-o4) camera, I k 4500 A region. Experimentally details are (;iven. _Ia, Y, Yb, Gd and Nd were found in the apatites and ir. orne phosphorite, whilst the remain- ing phosphorites required chemical concentration before the spectroe- copic arAily.sis. All the lanthanons were detected. For ihe quantitative Card 1/ 3 5/71 @0/000/001/005/005 Spectrochemmical determination ... D204403 analyses the lanthanons were first concentrated, usin6 tI-e oxalate ziethod. *T'his is de3cribed in some detail. The precipitation oll' oxa- lates should be corducted in neutral rather than acid nedium to avoid losses. CaC12 was added to act as a pteciFitato carrier. Analysis ca- IA-bration curves were first aonstructed with 8 specitlene of known com- positions. The samples were tixed with powderad carbon (ig2 ratio) to which Zr had been added to act as an internal atar-dard. "lie folio-wing ;airs of lines were used for the analysis: La 3986*.50 Z-'r 399)-13, iq:@2 r4-Zr Y@5qU-2-.-60---zr-3-949rI-- 13-,@V"587-- 979@-_Zr-3991,13-- a V_dc . _t -." - 3958.22 . The results were reproducible to 5 - 6 % . Ytt-rium was also determined, with lo - 12 % accuracy, by the natholl. of additionso usingr Gd as an internal standard (the pair Y 4371-.11 G,-;, 437' -b@ The od of calculation is given. Cerium was also deternined chemically in Whe a;atite3. Results of the different methods are tabulated. The total lanthanor. contents were 0.4 - 1.2 % in the apatites and 0.07 - 0.6 % tea on--, -deposits. Tnere are- 2 -figures i in the phospho-r-i- 'he 3 tables and 19 referencess 12 Soviet-bloc ani 7 non-Seviet-bloc. .00 S/713/60/000/001/G03/005 Spectrochenical determination D2o4/D3o3 T'he references to the English-lan6uage publica-.J,-,,.n3 read as follows- J Aeckers and H. Kremers, J.Am.Chem- Soc., '150, 950, '1926@; L. Sarver and P. Brinton, J.An. Chem. Soc., 49, 943, (1927) Card 313 PAVLMCKK@KO, N.M., akadmlkl DUBMK, X.V. Intensity of spectral lines of trace elawnts in a silicats ov.stem an dependent or it* equilibrium di*Vam. DAL AN S-SSR is ImUtut obahchey i tworganicheakoy khJuli AN BeVxr.4skoy M 29 AN Belorusekoy SSR (fcm Pexlyuchenko). -180-0-tila'Awlymis) APhase r%tU- and equMbrim)- Du@@@@AVLYUCMNKO, Study of the supply of slement-o from a mixture of oxides by means of reaboorption* Zhur. anal. khim. 20 no. 1IM74-3-179 165 (MIRA 19ol) 1, :bstitut obehahey i neorganlabeekoy Wali AN BSSRj Minsk. ftbuitted 9pril 27, 1964. W 2 862 S/I I @/61/Wo/Wi/006 ATITHMS, Reykh, V. R.1 Waus,, A. Ye.; PoInialavskiy,, D. P.; Npilevo A. I.; Dutovikj-L. Parndushkinp, Yh. q., And Fedoroval Yu. 1. -- T IT Lr- Tern."ry covolymrs or NVOiene, st.,n-ene -nd 2 -vw-- thYl-5 -vinyl- pyrldine PrRIMICAL: Knuchuk-i retina, no. 3, 1961, 2-8 T PXT -Th-- AechnicAl re s ,?t _prop-rties., incluOinp wir- , i --nee,, of-buta- diene-styrene polymers can box- Improved by introducinp, links (,cntLqin:Lnp? nne'6 tional. Frotips into the polymr chain. The main shortcominFs of the conoly- r.-rs with 2-methyl@-5-vi*lpyridine are their roor coma-tibility with othar nni,vrm-ra hPv-n-rirq the achie"ament of satisrn