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DRVOTA, S. Franz Kafka from the viewpoint of peyohlatry. Cask. psychiat. 60 no,31183-192 J9164 1. Psychiatricka kliniks, fakulty v~aobecneho lelcarstyi 19 (Karlovy university]3, Praha* FISCHEM, R.; DRVOTA, S. The fomation of conditioned reflexes in depressive and anxious patients. Activ. nerv. sup. (Praha) 7 no.2t195 165 STUDWIT, Ve Muscular tenslon during stress interviews with aggressive and t .anIxious patients. Activ. nerv. SUP* (Praha) 7 no.2:199-200 165 . 4" 1. Research Labo?atory of the Psychiatric CaInIc Gharles University, Prague. 2. 0". Drvotats addresstPraha 2, Ke Karlovu 4 11. - _FXCC~14 AP6Od5686 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0079/65/007/009/0195/0195 AUMOR: Fischer, R.; Drvota,, S. S~') ( I Clinic, Charles University, Prague ORG: Research Laboratory, sych TITLE: Formation of conditioned reflexes in depressive and anxious patients [This paper was presented at the Third Interdisciplinary Conference on Experim?ntal and Clinical Study 9;1 tqns he ld fn--I;ia-- __ggh~_K_Nervouq F_un~t - rianske Lazne from 19 to 23 October 1964.1 SOURCE: Activitae nervosa superior, v- 7, no. 2, 1965t 195 TOPIC TAGS: conditioned reflex,, drug effect, nervous system drug, p'sychoneurotic disorder ABSTRACT: Formation of'bofiditioned refiexes in varioiis mental Idiseased is di q ed.*The offset of administering Sh- PSY ropic drug, 'r n-C& condit on- t i&"Md latej~ after the first formatio 'ed reflexes is describe , Zxperimanta with 15 patients hospital- ized at the authors' clinic are described. TxApramine, improved the differeritiation ratio within one hour after a dose of 75 Mg- Therapy using amitriptyline is deacribed. ffPR5_7 SUB CODE: 06,, 05 / SUBM DATE: none ~q U-) ~--ACC-NRt AP666~691 S OU W, 9-0)) -.-Cz 0-0, 7- 00'19/65/ AUTHOR: Drvota, 34; Student, V. ORG: Research Laboratory, Psychiatric Clinic, Charles Univeriity, Prague TITLE: Muscular tension during stress Interviews with aggressive and anxious patients [This paper was presented at the Third InterdiscipLinary Conference on Experimental and Clinical Study of Higher Nervous Functions held in Marianske Lazne from 19 to 23 October 1964.1 SOURCE: Activitas nervosa superior, v. 7, no. 2, 1965, 199-200 TOPIC TAGSt psychoneurotic disorder, psychiatry, electromyography ABSTRACT: Differentiating anfrer and anxiety by means of electro- myography-is discussed. An apparatus designed by the authors for this purpose is described, and experiments with 6 patients dis- cussed. Subjects with ag, -,ressive and hostile tendencies had a higher forehead and ant. tibial muscle tension ; their overall muscular tension was also generally higher. Anxiety was associated ,rossion with with the highest tension in the forearm muscles, agp Ithe maximum activation in the leg, Shifting of tho subjects' attention from the interview setting with spontaneous responses to a deliberate imagining of specific traumatic situations provoked a general de,:rease of muscular tension. CJPRS-7 SUB CODE.-- 06, / SUBH DATEt none CZECHOSLOVAKIA z . DIZVO -A psychiatry Clinic of Faculty of General Nedicine, Charlos UnIversity, rra,gue. '~Vaziability o,' Dru.- Effect (Irspecially 1~ffcctivei-,csr, and Safety of Vnin,-. LSD.)" rra,nue, Activitas Vervosa Sure ior, Vol 5. No 2, May 63; rp 217-218. .............. Abstract: Discussion of unexpected and at first elusive variability cf response to drugs in apparently normal healthy emotionally balanced volunteer scientists author found highly atyrical reaction to L 'SD in 3 out of 12 such paranoid hallucinatory state for 2 days in 1, pronounced dysphoria and asthenia with depersonalization for 7 rasp. 14 days in the other 2. In all 3, indifference tovard experimenter was replaced by hostility. Eo data on dose and related details. 1/1 J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - an zinc and its alloys. 1. Phos- inc In Yn(H,110,~ solutions. and BUM acrId. polor. lei., claile IA 1!&-~ 1953 nerid Zn alloys %cre immersed at 98' in . 1, . 9 solmq. oontg. Nin(If,M)i (1) 0. 1-4) 8 and II.P0. 11) 11.01-42 4 tunit [wt L, the ratio (1111 of free to combined ill'04 varyinir from 1:211 it) 1:2.5, Titnti of immeridon l ranged from 16 to 60 inin. in 10-11-An. Interval't. 'file qual- !ty of the coatitirs was eisind. by applying n drop of soln. contg. XaCl .1, CuSO..511.0 8 g.. 0.01,V )IC1 10 ml., and di3td, water to IOU mt., and tileasutilig the tinit for the Ilurface below the dmp to become covered with Cu. The. most effective soln. for Zn was that In which III was 1:6.67. Increuing the cmicn. of tolutci, while mahOining III const., decreased the time mquired for the formation of the best coming. Thelsoln. producing the hightit quality of coating and showing the least loss of efficiency contained 10.2 and It 0.06 mole per 1. at 30-min, immerslou titne. The validity of tilt IM tc.4t WFA confirmr(l by Subirctifix III -1011 btst coating to a quAnt. corrm IIA"n. Tilt quality of the phoiphatecoatiults incfc~;A. with thicknesa but dtcrra3rd as the pho3phate crystn13 grew Insize. Hence, a chancteristic max. in quality was c- d which was dependent on the phosphatizing time. Th,.:~Vj Ingi wela considerably lek% effective oil Za alloys. , W. C. Pattenden -UGEMA-M01U-b*c.ti.-vo"iij" - - - - 4*rN3,y .70 2588. 6RIME COMMITTED BY A MINOR - Czyn przestVpczy maloletniego chlopca - D r w a I T. - PRZEGL. LEK. 1957, 13/ 5 (154-156) Description of a-ffiluffid-ercornmitted by a 10-year-old boy, in several generations of whose family crimes of a serious character had occurred. The. factors of this boy's upbringing and envir6nment are analysed, and the importance of the dy nam ic Inadequacy of the social instinct in the family is stressed. The root of the crime is considered to lie in the completely inadequate psychic development of the boy. Mikukowski - Cracow rriztr, 4E?b(v)/4E2e(j)/4E2c(m)/4E;3bAzE3c 2 cYBALE3d of C..vooteral !n h.3 al, h~ DRWAL, Tadeuszo mgr inze Metallic lead malting in oscillating rotating furnaces. Pt. 1. Rudy i metale 9 no. 1: 18-23 Ja 16k. .DRWAL, Tadauazo mgr Inz, Lead metal melting in rotary oscillating furnaces. Rudy i meta.16 9 no.2t92-98 F '64. 4,, 0 _O~WIZUp - Avnap, mgr ins & I IMLICIA p Marias, up ins. Potentionstric method of zino determination in ores and Ooncentrateae Rudy i metals 6 no*10&442-444 0 061, 0/061 631OW100110361061 B1 44A e6 AIJTRORB 1, Ryssarld -It as I TITLEt. of aluminum In ores PERIODiOAM'. Reforativavy-shurnal. no'. is 1965s 197 j. abstraot 042-(Rudy I' Ustale nisial"I va, Tt no* 6o i962l 271-275 Pol. summaries In. Russ ,p EM French and Car"] I TEXT: A rapid compl&xonoqqtrio method-has been developed for. 49taraWng -Al In Fe-I CU-9 and Zn_Pb ored' 0,25 - I g or* Is melted with 065 - 2 g* 9* 00 ~ et 90000 for m1ne' The,slute,r is leached with . .. 2'. 3 20-30 ml,901 (10)j the solution is evaporated to syrupy consistency# Izi 20 ml- if* gelatin solution and 100. =1 boiling water are added and left over.a,boiling water bath (until.complate precipitation of B102 occur*). dett The precipitation is filtered off# wasbod'thres times with boiling water Acidified with HOIltnd then again three timea.with bolli water. the '-filtrate is evaporated to 200 mll Oe25 X Complexons 111 (11 solution is added -in exceed and,,boil*4 until-Al is completely bound In the C42-d Card 1A DRWIEGA, S. A traveling crane of welded and riveted construction. P. 205 ( PRZEGLAD SPRWALNICTWA) (Warsaw, Poland) Vol. 9, no.8, Aug. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5. 1958 r Iz-),, , /.~- -, - ~ DRWILA, S.; ZYTKA, J. Results of seindc prospecting in the region close to the Carpathain I.Iountains. P. 275 (Nafta) Vol. -13o No. 10j, Oct. 1957, Krakow, Poland SO: MONTHLY INDFA OF EAST EUROPFAN ACCFSSIONS (EZAI) LCI VOL. 7, N-D. 1, JAX. 1958 85023 616-0 S/04 601024101010331033 B013YB063 AUTHORS: Kachkacheva, M. M., Dryabchuk, A. A., Rusakov, L. Z., Smazhevskaya, Ye. G:~_ TITLE: High-temperature Piezoelectric Acceleration Transmitters PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No- 10, PP. 1304-1306 TEXT: This article gives a description of a new acceleration transmitter. The sensitive element was made of the piezoceramic material (Pb o.6Ba 0-4 )Nb206' A general view of the transmitter is shown in Fig. 1, its design is given in Fig. 2. Due to its compact design the transmitter stands an overload of up to 300 9. It weighs about 50 g, and has a sensitivity of 10 mv/g. The sensitivity for the transverse vibration component is 5 - 6% lower than the axial sensitivity. The frequency characteristics and the temperature dependence of sensitivity are illustrated in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, respectively. Data for piezoelectric Card 1/2 85023 High-temperature Piezoelectric Acceleration S/048/60/024/010/033/033 Transmitters B013/BO63 transmitters with sensitive elements of (Ba 0.797 Ca 0.083 Pb 0.12 ) TO3and BaT103 are added for comparison. The dimensions and the weight of the acceleration transmitters were the same. A comparison between the various characteristics speaks in favor of high-temperature transmitters. These were exposed to a temperature of 2000C for 72 hours, after which their sensitivity and frequency characteristics were checked. The measurements indicated that the above-mentioned quantities remained unchanged. This paper was read at the Third Conference on Piezoelectricity, which took place in Moscow from January 25 to 50, 1960. There are 4 figures and 3 references: 2 Soviet. Card 2/2 UML"InA, M6 M. I DRIABINA, M. M. and SHTROBINDER, M. F. "Uperizent on the UBe of Conn-Cholodny's Method in the Microbiological Investigation of Vegotables and Fruits during the Wrap,* Mlkrobt2jo&jia, vol. 4, no. 3, 1935, pp. 379-384. 448.3 M582 SOs SIRA Sl - 90-53$ 15 December 1953 11 - spoW to toft of MU for faborcakiis 7abl" Mcnintrad Rellonol Nnit, HYS P01, - -T iSamell. ~ Me, t-f Imple is I.,. th a..&-jA% KOII alki theft troil"I with zykm or other hytiranutions that cauw tim. of guN r- W upper surfeeme(tbe inits. The upper. cireamy low is narad. mkvowvn"ly. The alkile t1rostromt ..quka 30 mim. at 60'. The method apptan ,a be moot siccursit mW mialn than emudispols. G. U. KomAmpod DRYABKIIT, S. I. Popular movement for improved public health in Perm.' Pro7ince.' Zdrnvo' RoseVeder, 2 noelltI6-18 N 158 (MIU. 11112) 1, Predeedetell Permakogo ovlactnogo komiteta Obshchestva Krasnogo Kresta., (Pmm, PRovixcr--PMLIC HEALTH) ZBEGALIft,I-X.; PUSTYGIN, A.A.,, glav. agronom; SPODa-YUK, N.J.; -B%KOV,N.I.; REDIN, P.N.', glav. agronom; LOGVII;, II.p.., Geroy So- tiialistichookogo Truda; GUSEV, I.D.; PETROV, S.N.; VLASOV, A.U., glav. zootekbni ; SHEREMET, L.D., glav. bukhgalter; SKAK00V, N.V., glav. inzh.; SHUMILIN, V.S., glav. in2h.; CffMOiIUBASFdM, N.A., kombayner; DR7IBQ*-fi.X**j* ZABNEV, V.F., redaktor; SKIAOKOV, B.G.; SHEPELEV, M.A.; UMNOVA, T.S.; SAYTANIDI, L.D., takhn. red. [Hundred million poods of grain from Stalingrad Province] 100 mil- 3.ionov pudov stalingradekogo khleha. Moskva, Izd-vt: M-va sall.khoz. RSFSRI 1960. 133 p. (KMA 14:9) 1. Pervyy sakretarl Stalingradskogo oblastnoro komiteta KoTm -mini stiche- skoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza (for Zhegalln). 2. Oblastnoye upravlenlye sel'skogo khozyaystva Stalingradskoy oblasti (for Pustygin). 3o He- khayevskiy rayonMy komitet Komministicheskoy partii S'Ovetskogo Soyuza (for Spodenyuk). /+. Nachallnik Kotellnikovskoy rayonnay sellskakho- zyaystvannoy inspektsii; Krayniy Yugo-vostok(for Bykov). 5. Kolkhoz "Dominskiy" Novo-Amenskogo rayonal Staling-radskoy oblasti (for Rodin). 6. Prodapdatell koMoza "Zavety Illicha" Kalininskogo rayona (for Log- vin). 7. Nachallnik Novo-Annenskoy rayonnoy sel'skokhozyaystvannoy in- spektsii (for Cusev). 8. Direktor sovkhoza imeni Frurze Serafimovich- skogo rayona Stalingradekoy oblasti (for Petrov). 9. StalinEradskaye oblastnoye upravlaniya sellskogo khozyaystva (for Vlasov). 10. Sovkhoz "Dinamo" Nekhayevskogo raydna Stallr4,,radskoy oblasti (for Sheremet). (Continued on next card) ZHEGALIN,I.K.- (contimed) Card 2* n. Oblastnoye upravlaniye sellskolgo khozyaystva Stalingradskay ob- lasti (for Skakunov), 12, Sovkhoz "Varkhne-Buzinovskiy"Stalingrad- okoy oblasti (for Shumilin). 13,, Otdeleniye Ilo.6 sovkhoza "Serebrya- kovskiyu Mikhaylovskogo rayona Stalingradskoy oblasti (for Charno- rubashkin). 14. Zvenlyevoy kolkhoza imeni Lenina Zhirnovskogo rayona, Stalingradskoy oblasti (for Dryabo). 15. Dardlovskaya rayonnaya gaze- ta "Kolkhoznoye znmWa* Stalingradskoy oblastl (for Zabnev). 10. Zamle- stitell predsedatelya oblastnoZo ispolnitellnogo komiteta Stalingrad- skoy oblasti (for Shirokov). (VolgWad Province-Grain) -E -fo34~1-65/000/009/0011'10014--- - AP5029189 SqURCC CODE, UR) C, AUTHOR: S In, V. H.O. Roatanenko, V. F.; J(j, tf. Onufriyev, V. P. ORG- All-Union lReseamh rnstitute of root and Mouth Disease I-(Vsesoyuznyy rauchno-"-j issledovateVoRy yashcburnyy Ins-t-11-4-t-T- TITLE: Principles in studying the genetic characteristics of foot and mouth disease virus SOURCE: Veterinariya, no. 9, 1965, 11-14 TOPIC TAGS: virus disease, foot and mouth disease, vaccine, virus genetics, veteri- nary medicine ABSTRACT: Two ccrclusions emerge from this sur-,rey of the literature (79 Soviet and foreign references) an new approaches to directed variability of the foot and mouth disease virus. First, no method of adaptation variability of this virus is now con- ceivable without simultaneous utilization of the methods of selection of a virulent clones because the genetic heterogeneity of the virus population Inevitably Increases in the course of adaptation at any given period. The clone selection method Is use- ful here in shortening the tine required for obtaining vaccinal strains experimental- ly. Second, during adaptation the virus initially loses Its specific pathogenicity for naturally suaceptJble animals while retaining for some time (depending an the biological properties of the strain and method of attenuation) its antigenic and im- :ard 1/2 UDC: 619 : 616.986.143=09S.57 ACC NRe APS020189 V munogenic properties. This period of practical value of the virus as a vaccinal strain is related to a host of genetic characteristics which must be carefully stud- ied by the investigator. Unless these characteristics are taken into account, fur- ther attenuation will definitely result in a loss of the virus' immunogenic proper- ties. The authors state Ihat an absolute prerequisite for the preparation of hoof and mouth disease vaccine(fla an Intensive study of the virus' genetic characteristic, and their connection with the vaccine's avirulence and Immunogenicity. If this is ignored, the final product will be hyperattenuated, ncn-immunogenic, and virtually useless. SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM VATEt 00/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH RErs 071 Card 2/2 DRYAGALGV,_A. Promote the introduction of business accountingIn collective farm production. Dan. i kred. 20 no.3:57-60 Mr 162. (MRA 150) 1. Zamestitell upravVayuohohego Belgorodskoy kontoroy Gosbanka. (Belgorod Province--Collective farms--Finance) TIRTAULOV, O.A. .,: - r ., ~ I-, ~ , ; S.;~. , Concerning the article 'Improving and reducing the cost of water Met'ers." Vod.1 san.tokh. no.9:13-16 D 155. (=A 9:3) 1. Glawnyy inshoner nookovskogo sayodLa 'OVodopribor*. (WAter motors) DRYAGIN, A., polkovnik Pay m,)re attenti,)n to the educatiDn )f youth. Tyl i snab. S7v. T)ir. Sil 21 no-7-7-12 JI 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Communist Youth League) MYAGIN) A. p po:Lkovnik How to organize politioal educational vork in a unit, Tvi v) mabe Sov. Voor. Sil 21 no#901-35 8 161, (MIR& 14:12 (Russia--Arm~- -.Political activity) DRYAGIN, A., polkovnik; VOROBIYEV, A.0 polkovaik I I Pay more attention to soldiers. Tyl i suab. Sovs Voor. Sil 21 no.lltl6-20 N '61. (MIRA 15:1) (Rusaia-Amed forces-Political activity) 'I DRXAGIN~ A. V. 489 Peredoviki llnovodetva Udmurtii. 1zhavak, Udmurt. kn. isd. 1954. 39 a. a ill. 19 am. (Uchasrn4k-4 Vagsoyuz. a-kh v tavki). 3.000 eks. 35 k. - Na obl. avt. as ukazan:_ r54-55283/ p 633-521 sr. (47.M4) SO.- KnishraLya Letopis,, Vol. 1, 1955 O"ILY"ACM-, F. A. D,IZYAGI,',', F. A. "rhe sexual cyclc and 3pawning of fich", Izvc:jti,,,a liz;esojuz. nauch.- issled. in-ta ozer. i reeh. ryb. khoz-va, Vol. XXVIII, PJ49, p. 3-113, - -~. 108-13. 30: U-4393, 19 August 53, (Latopis 'Zhurnal Iny1ch LjWiteyl, N'u. 22, 1949). D (Chelyabinsk, Ogorodnaye ul.,d.28,kv.15) Rupture of the rectum with the prolapse of loops of the small intestine through the anal orifice. Veat.khir. 89 no.9tl25- 126 S #62. (KIRA 15d2) 1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - N.Ya.Skinder) meditsinakoy oanitarnoy chasti (glavnyy vrach - Ye.N.Konkina) Chelyabinakogo elektrometallurgic,ieskogo kombinata. (RECTUM-RUPTURE) (HERNIA) CAI- i 004 0*8 till r a ~JWA a- JL_ a _j,-%_.irA-t.1' lit A. iwolsil AND .6"rei'll .1-0. _000. Cents IM, 1W CM New. k *,S, S. 9, hO4 OWI. de, Poe: in dogs cause ervase In the amt. of Wine elkowted. h . ig.1-47.317p demm" In Cl a derman in the (utkw CIMOmarrulm Imimle CI) I;J Wiloo/00"lar #Atmtv talium (OW latter 60.4% of AA mormal). and act larmse ill I be creatimim (1) content of the strivor (to 111.1%) and In the coeff. of urine I cam - to 144.2 Thav is lit tk change in the Cl central. the coom.-voell and the amt. of the gloomerular filtrate. Neg. mndftkw4 Conditioned felleirs cause a 12.9-47.9% imveame in urine excrotim, with a 4.340.4% Increstse in Cl content. a de. crease in the I content of the urine with coiresponding in- civasesin the (urine Cl)/(gkmwmW filtrate CD and urmel slotnevular Mrste rmtU.. It. 1W. &"-KWtmy dt- nemlion In dup causes an increase In urine rxcrrlion by IA-23.3% 'an I , Iv winary 1. pptd. 1 117.4-70c'). blood 1 (1.4-7%) and glomenda filtrate (to 160.4q). No particular changes were obseried in the C1 content of the witse and Wood plosms. the urine Cl/glonstrula: fil- trate, CO and the ufinE/gkmnrndav filtrate ratim. If the =yvisfunction isclestroyed together with denervation the left kidney, an increase a(29.1-80.2% in urine excre. lion with 743-100.1% Increase In C1 occurs, together with on Inermse in blood plasm Cl of 1.14% and an ia- create, in Outd. urku" 10( 73.7%. 14. A. Knijak !-iF-A-,-s-IL_.__, 'ad I-At L-IPRG,K- A L,-t- I T-14-IAT W__I 1414CI wit d4v do( 511111241f ~U IN AV 00 A 'A A 0 0 coltOPM Mol It So M a 0 a In I to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4111 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 I So. 03~01 Old a 0 V 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 me* nee coo too 800 coo "4111411 a fire Me* 1800 1141111111 ties DRYAGIN) K.A. Dryagin, K.A. 1114ethods of using H2S-CO2-mud baths", Trudy Kazancko gos. med. in-ta, 19h9, Issue 1, P. 5-13, -Bibliogs 41 items. SO: U-411,, 17 July 53, (Letopis' Zhurnal Inykh Statey, Noe 20, 1949) DRYAGIN) K.A. Dryagin) K.A. and Poptsova, P.S. "The effect of mud treatment on the Acidity if the gastric juicesll) Trudy Kazansk. gose reds in-ta, 19h9) Issue 1, p. 65-69,-Bibliog: 8 items. SO: U-411, 17 July 53j, (Letopis' Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 20, 1949) ra-1ACIN, K.A. Dryaginj K.A. "Treating disesees of the gall bladder with an alcoholic infusion of barberry leaves", Trudy Kazansk. gos. med. in-ta, 19h9p Issue 1. pe 71-7hi-Bihliog: 9 items. S): U-411,,17 July 53, (Letopili'Zhurnal In;ykh Statey, No. 20, 19h9) DRYAGIN, K. A. I . ~ Dryaein, f. A.s "Treatment of the gallbladder bj alcoholic infusion of barberr7 leaves," Trudy KazaxLgk. gos. stomatol. in-ta, Issue 2, 1949, p. 273-276, - Bibliog: 8 items SOt U-53402 17 Die. 53p (Letopis 1zhurnal lrqkh Statey, No. 25, 1949). DPYAGMi. X. A. k_j-------!--%~.W.1~- Treataent of patra-Intestirial diseases In the health center on Lake Hod"thefe. Sovat. Awd, No. 52, May 50, p. 13.4 I* Kazan' Medical Institute and Osero Med"shlye Resort, Xurganskaya 01x1ast. CUIL 191, 50 NOV.0 1950 - -- r rA. 4drosulfide-oarbonato and therapy. Sovet sod. 16 ao,4;10-12 Apr 1952, (CIRL 22:1) l.' Professor. 2. Faun% WAGIN.I.A. tt" '-- - [Hydrogen sulfide and carbonic wid wad baths] Serovodorodno- uglokielo-griasevyo vs, W ; novyl vid ballneoterapti. Koskya, 1953. 143 p. (KLRL 8:6) (Baths, Moor and mud) , ~x e DRYA IN, I.A., professor (Mmon') OR*nal diseasse.4 (professor] B.D.Belsollmn. Reviewed by I A.Drlagln. Torap.arkh. 25 no.6:80-82 31-D 153. ixLBA 711) (Kidneys-Diseases) (Belsellman. S.D.) IIRTAGIN, K-A,-,profeesor AM ~ - MIr Blood transfusion for treating &cut@ hepatic dystrophy complicated by hepatic coma. Vrach. dolo'no.1;19.21 Ja 157 (KLRA 10:4) 1. Leningradskiy meditsinekly pediatricheekly Institut. (BLOOD-TRANSFUSION) (DYSTROPHY) (LIVIR-DISBASIS) MYAGIN, N.A., professor (loningrad) -MMNWWMWW.. ODLeasses of tba kidneys* by B.D.Ralsellman. Reviewed by N.A. Driagin. Trach,delc zio~2:217 7 157, MRA lo.-6) (XIDUTS-DISIASIS) (RXIZILIKAN, S.D.) IJK V"I- I Al 1.11 lu 'UVRk. prG'!' Blood transfusions for treating necrotizing aephrosis caused by morcury chloride. Vrach.delo no.12:1343-1345 D '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1e Kafedra gospitallnoy terspil (zav. - prof. K.A.Dryagin) lanin- gradakogo pediatrichookogo meditsinakogo institute. (BIZOD-TRANMSION) (KIDNEYS--DIWUSI;S) (WMUELY CHLORIM--TOXICOLMY) EXCERPTA 1-MUCA Sec.6 V61.12/1 Inter.!-W. jan 1958 225. BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS IN THE TREATMENT OF BOTKIN'S DISEASE (INFECTIOUS HEPATITIS) (Russian text) - Dry TER.ARKH. 1957, 29/2 (43-46) The trial of this treatment began In 1948 and was performed in 51 aduit patients who received a total of 198 transfusions. In 8 patients the treatment began less than 5 days after the appearance of jaundice, in the rest later. In the first 10 days after the appearance of jaundice small quantities of blood (50-75 ml.) were given; later the quantity was gradually increased to 200 or 250 ml. In acute dystrophy of the liver. In 3 cholaemLc Intoxicated patients with a normal blood pressure before the transfusion 100-200 ml. of blood was drawn. Post-transfualonal reactions were observed in 14% of cases - the same percentage as in other diseases. The majority of reactions occurred In those patients who received the blood In the first 10 days of the disease. The transfusions were in serious cases repeated more often (4-6 or even up to 12 times) than in milder cases. Some symptoms (general malaise, dyspeptic symptoms and itching) disappeared after the first, 2nd or 3rd trans- fusion. All the patients treated recovered completely. Twenty-nino were followed up for various periods of time from 6 months to 5 years and showed no sequelae. I,- f- DRYAGIN, X.A., prof. (Leningrad) Therapeutic role of cervical vago-sympathatic novocaine block in stenocardiao 35(i.e.341 no.1 Supplament:8-9 Ja 157. (MIU 11:2) 1. Iz loningradskogo pediatricbeakogo meditsinakogo institute. (NOVOCAINN) (ANGINA PECTCRIS) DRYA professor (Leningrad) Treatment of bronchial asthma vith blood transfusion. Klin. med. 35 no.2-.111-114 1 '57 (KM lo:4) 1. Iz Laningradskogo pediatrichaskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ASTHKA, ther. blood transfusion) (BLOOD TIUNSrUSION, in various die. asthma) DRYAGIN. K.A,, pruf. - , f~%-. - --- %---, Treatment of soma dineasas In the aged wl *,.h a ," T*rcen' ri'mcalne sc,- - 1. lution. Trudy Urfll 31 no.eZOO-33 163. (MIRE, 1:7v!,O) 1. 1z kafedry gospltallvay terapil l*nlngra,i--kogc pedlfatri,,~heskcgo medl.t.5inskogo inctituta, -MAGIN, K.A., prof.; SILIGHENKO, K.Ya., dotsent .1 diseares with r- Treatzient of cholecystitis and poB tcholecys toc tour be berry tineture and berberlne sulfate. Trudy LFMI 31. no.2.-48-54 163. (MIRA 27:10) I, 1z kafedry gospitallnoy terapil lenljigradskogo pedla'Lricheakogo meditsbir-1cogo inatituta. __P~GINj K.A., prof. Therapeutic significance of the cervical vagcaympathatic nov"aine block in disorders of the motor function of the stomach. Save ned. 27 no.3:16-20 Mr 164. (MM 17:11) lo Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - prof. K.A. Dryagin) Leningrad- skogD pedlatrichookogo meditsinskogo imtituta. DYININ, G.H.; HISUNSKIT, I.M.; DUBKOT, A.A.; IkVAXHOVSKIY, G.?.; _DRTAGINLP.A.; BUGHSLINIKOV. D.T. Working placer layers In a transverse ravine with the aid of explosives. Prom.energ. 15 no.2:20 7 160. (KM 13:5) (MiniM enginoering) LILI.LKJIAI) US As 22617 DIRV,.GIN, P. A. Movjye dannyye po geografii ryb kontinp-ntallnykh vod Sibiri. Trudy Vtorogo 'loe3oyuz. lgr~,ogr. .:;"yezda. T. ~h. V.0 1949, s. 215 -20. SOt tetopial Zhurrallnykh Statei, ?,.o. 2-9, !!o:;k-wa 1949 ERTAGN, Pe L* 32629. BlologUa albirsicogo oestrup ego sapasy :L ratsionallsoyo Ispollsovarlye. IzvestVa vessoytax. Ranch-isseled. In-ta oxer. I-rech. Ryb. Khoz-va, T. xxix. 1949. 9. 3-51, -bibllogr: a. 30-31 801 Letopts' Zhurmllnykh Statoy, Vol, 44, Moskva, 1949 MTAGIN, P.A. Methods of estimating commeroW fish reserves in fresh-imters. Trwir probl. i 131. (MA 9:7) (Fishes) 1. DRYAGINO P. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Fishes - Physiology 7. Problem of the vitality of fish. Agrobiologiia noo 5, 1952. 9. -onthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of CongressyJanuarye -1953. Unclassified. DRYAG IN, I . A. Adaptations of fish in egg laying in relation to the vize of the egg. Dokl. AN SWR 86, No 1, 1952. 'v='&uLx F A. ussR 6oo Irishes, Variability of resistance to heat and cold in fish , Priroda 41 No 3- 1952 9. Mgnzhly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - - __ jWZ 195?. Unclassified. MAGIN. P.A., doktor biologichookikh nauk. Theoretical principles and plan of fish acclimatization in inland watere of the U.S.S.R. Trudy sov.lkht.kom. no.3:9-20 154. MU 7: 8) i 1. Vaeaoyusnyy nauchno-ionledovatellskiy institut osernogo rechnogo rybnogD khosyaystva - VNIORKh. (Tishes) (Acolimatisation) profesoor-, CMCRFAS, B.I., professor, reteensen mmnTw,-F---.-L, professor, r0sensent; BORISOV, P.G., professor, reteensent; KOSSOVA, O~W.,j rodaktor; GOTUM, R.N., tokhatchaskly redaktor* [Biological principles for the restocking of fish in lakes of the U.S.S.R.] Biologicheskle oenovy rekbnotrnktoit fauny ryb v oseirakh SSSR, Hookm, PishchoWoulsdat, 1956, & p. (KLHA 10:4) (71shes) USSR / General Biology - General Hydrobiology. B Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Biolq, No 9, 1958, 38101, Author Dryagi&L, P, A. Inst Not given. Title Preliminary Classification of Reservoirs in the USSR. Orig Pub: Nauchno-tekhn. byuli Vaes, n.-i# in-ta oz. i rechn, rybn. kh-val 1957, No. 5, 28-34. Abstract: Distributions of reservoirs (R) in the USSR by river basins and landscape zones; areaq volume, and depth of R; the yearly water level; the flow; relation of the original basin areas to the R area with normal background support; char- acter of inundated areas; oxygen content and salinity; 9 piscicultural R types are differ- entiated. Card 1/1 JWMWMO. S~V.; DRTAGINq P.A.l.,prof.edoktor biolog.nauk, red.; BULAT, 0., red-A9d,:fi-;-ALEKSANMVICH, Kh., takhred. EBlology and distribution of ealej Biologiia I rasprostranenle ugria, Kinsko Izd-vo Akad.nauk BSSR, 1958. 131 P- (MIRA 12:2) (1018) DRYAGIN, P.A. Leading factors determining the distribution of fiahea in rivers. Vop. ekol. 4:25 162. (MIRk 15tll) 1. Goaudarstvannyy nauchno-isaledovatellakiy institut ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozyaystva, Leningrad. (Fishes, Freshwater) (Rivers) VILIKOV, Prokhor Ivanovich;,DRYAGIN, P.A., prof., red. [Fishes of White Russia] Ryby Belorussil. Minsk, Hauke i tekhnikal 1965. 414 p. (MIRA 18:7) CIIIZH,, Antoniza. Mikolayevza*, MTAa]X,S.Y., redaktor; CMJLYWA,Z.1r., takhnichaskly, rodaktor --- [Baboola -of cattle] BAboliellos krupnogo rogatogo skotad Hooky&, Goe.lzd-vo solkhos. lit-ry, 4955- 79 P. (NMA 9:3) (Babesia)~Cattl*-Diseases) PANFIROT, Andrey Sevenovich; DRYAGIN, S.Y., redaktor; CHUUTVA, Z.T., takhnicheakiy redaktor - (Raising healthy calvesl the work practice of the mSeenoyeg state farm] Tyrashchivanie xdorovykh tallat; opyt raboty sovkhoza "Issnoe." Moskva, Goo. izd-vo selkhos. lit-ry, 1956. 63 P. NM 9:8) 1. Glavnyy vaterinarnyy vrach sovkhoza OlAsuoye" (for Panferov) (calves) USJRIDIs~jr-,ncs of P,,Lrn 1.11irmls. Diseases of UnImovin R-3 Et i0logy. .'-bs Joua? :Rof Zhur-Biul,, 20, 1958, 92756 Author % RaBtogayova, ;~, r , a Q Tr In.; t : Loningrid Sciontific losoarch Vctcrinary In.9titut(.,. T ltl,,-- : Sona Data on the Etiology, Troatric-urit, and r'. Provontion of' Mona Disease in Swino Survoy uf Litoratur(.: nnd' tho Imthors I Orin Exporionco). Orig Pub : Byul. nnuchno-tclihii. infor:~i, Lcriingr. n,-i, vot. in-ta, 1957, vyp. 4, 10-16 Abstr,-Lct : This stuOy cites (1-ita indicating that the ba5is of the disease lies in disturbancer. in the feeding -and care, of the y9ung pigs Card : 1/3 4-4. USSR/Disca5es of Farm Animal-je Diseases of Unkn--nin R-3 Etiology. Ab s Jour Ref Zhur-Bioloj Vo 20, 1958, 92756 and sousl, as well as in the lack of vitamin B complex explained by the peculiarities of the gastro-intestinal tract of the swine. The pathogenesis of the edemic disease may be described as an interdependent action on the organism by various unspecified fac- tors and by the ~3 -hemulytic intetsinal ba- cillus. In the therapy anC prevention of the disease, the creation of good sanitary and feediN conditions for the animalsq which YiQuICI provide for the demand of their orga- nism for vitamins (A, C, ana D) is of great importance. Sulfamides and vitamin B complex are used with varying success by different Card 2/3 7k5S-!VDis eases o-" Farm Animals, Diseases uf Urillurio-i.,Ii R-3 I It Et iology. Abs Jour r. Ref Zhur-Blol.,, No 209 1956, 92756 authors, There are reports of &~,od results from the use of cortisone, anti-allergy pre- parations and laxatives. -- A. D. Musin Car(I 1 3/3 45 SWSHKIN# RkoUy Romanovich, doktor vat. nauk; IIRTAGIN, SeTo, red.; GEMYRA, Z.V*, tekhn. red. - - --l . - Diagnosis of conal diseassi] Diagnostilm sabolevanli varbliudov. Izd.2,, ispi. i dop, Nookwa, Goo. lzd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry# 1958. )02 p. (Camle-Diseasse) (MIR& 110.9) GU9FV. V.F.. dote.; PIROO, P.P., prof.; DRYAGIN, S.V,, starshiy anuchW sotrudnik. Sixtieth anniversary of the first vaterinary research Institution in Russia. Veterinarila, 35 no.8:11-13 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Direktnr Loningradakngo naucbno-lasledovatell5kogo vaterinarnogo instituta (for Gusev). 2. Zanestitell direktora po nauchnor cbasti Leningradakogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo vaterinarnogo Institute, (for Pirog). 3. UcheMry ankretarl Leningradskogo nauchnn-Isele- dovatellskogo veterinarnogo instituta (for Dryagin). (Leningrad-Veterinary colleges) AUTHOR: Dryag-in, YU TITLE: Investigation Oscillators PERIODICAL: Izvestiya 1958, Vol 1, 06469 Am- sov/141-L-5-6-13Y28 of the "Technical" Frequency Deviations in vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, Nr 5-6, PP 93 - 97 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The technical frequency deviations are defined as the random frequency changes caused by the variations of the parameters of the tubes and circuit of an oscillator, changes of the supply source voltage, variations of tko ambient temperature, etco The aim of the work described was the development of an equipment suitable for the investigation of the frequency deviations " vacuum-tube oscillators. The measurements were carried out as follows, The frequency to be measured was mixed with the fundamental Qx a harmonic of a quartz oscillator. The fluctuations of the resulting signals at the output of the mixer represented the frequency deviations of the investigated oscillator, since it could be assumed that the crystal-was very stable. The difference frequency signal was applied to a frequency Cardl/3 detector (based on the principle of an electronic frequency 06469 S OV/14 1-1 -54-13/28 Investigation of the "Technical" Frequency Deviations in Oscillator* meter). The detector was preceded by an amplitude limiter. The voltage at the output of the frequency motor was applied to a low-frequency filter having a passband ranging from 0.1 c.p.s. to 2 kc/z. Since the meter was i-n. the form of an Integrating device, the voltage at its output was proportional to the frequency deviation of the investigated oscillator. The above method was employed to investigate- the oscillators operating at frequencies ranging from 20 - 200 Me/B. The experimental results are shown ;Ln Figure 2, where the spectral density of the frequoney fluctai&tIons is plotted as a function of the oscillator frequAncty. It was found (Figure 2) that the spectral density is similar to that of the flicker noise effect, From the Investigation it was concluded that one of the main causes of the frequency deviation was the variation of the internal capacitance of the generator tube, A opecial oscillator was, therefore~devised (Figure 3), where this effect was consJderably reduced by decreasing the coupling between the circuit and the tube, The experiments showed Card2/3 that this type of oscillator (Figure 3) reduces the frequency, 06469 sog/141-1-L-6-1 a Investigation of the "Technical" Frequency eviatio iNflcillators deviations about 40o times as compared with thase of a 'normal oscillator circuit. The autbor expresses his gratitude to I.L. Bershteya for his valuable remarks and for discussing the manuscript. There are 3 figures and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Issledovatellskly radiofizioh*skiy inst1tut pri Gor1kovskom universitete (Radiophysics Research Institute of th* Garskly University) SUBMITTED: April 22, 1958 Card 3/3 "The Application of a Molecular Generator as a Stable Frequency Reference Signal for Phase Automatic Frequency Control of a HWPoweer Generator". They describe an experimental unit operating in such a -way that the eighth 0##### harmonic of the klystron oscillations coinincides with the oscillation of the molecular generator. The relative frequency stability of the output signal is In this case equal to the relative molecular generator stability. report presented at the All-Union Conference on Statistical Radio Physics, Gor'kiy', 13-18 October 1958- (Izv. vyssh uchev zaved-Radiotekh., vol. 2, No. 1, pp 121-127) COMP= card under SIFOROV, V. I.) "An Investigation (f Ifechniml Frequency Drifts or Nbe Oscillators." Explained a measuring method and presented measuring results obtained with oacillators in the range of 20-200 me. Shoved experimentally that the spectral density of the frequency changes as 1/f. He miggested an oscillator circuti providing a greater frequency stability than the zrxKmm conventional netvork5, because of the new way of coupling the tube with,the network. report presented at the lst All-Union Conference on Statistical Radio Physics, Gortkiy, 13-18 October 1958. (Izv. vyssh ucheb zaved-Radiotekh., vol. 2, No. 1, pp 121-127) COMIILM card under SIFUROV, V. I.) 06343 SOVJ141-2-1-15/19 Sibiryakov, V.L. AUTHORS: Bershteyn, I.L., Dry# TITLE: Stable-frequency Power Oscillator Provided by a Molecular Oscillator PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 1, PP 130 - 131 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An ammonia source works at too short a wgvelengt~o (X = 1.25 cm) and too low a power (10-" to 10- W) to be generally useful. The present proposal reduces the frequency by 8 times and increases the power to some tens of mW while inheriting a large amount of stability. The basic principle is the phase-lock loop described in Refs 1, 2 and 3 (M. Kaplanov, V. Levin and the author). In the. diagram-of-,Figwe -1, the klystron to be stabilised, a K-12.operating at 2983-75 MC/B, diverts 10 mW into a germanium diode multiplier and its 8-th harmonic feeds a balanced mixer whose other input is the 3rd harmonic of a K-18 klystron working at ?9?8.33 Me/s. This latter frequency is also used as an input to another balanced mixer connected to the ammonia source. The outputs of Cardl/2 each balanced mixer are intermediate frequency signals S Y41-2-1-15/19 V Stable-frequency Power Oscillator Provided by a Molecular Oscillator at 65 Me/s. That obtained from mixing the two klystrons is amplified (gain X50, bandwidth 7 Me/s) and applied to a balanced phase detector. The "reference" channel to the detector has a gain of X3000 and a bandwidth of 1 Me/s. The output of the phase detector, via a video amplifier, controls the K-12 klystron. The frequency of the K-18 local oscillator is stabilised with reference to a crystal-controlled oscillator. The phase loop has a capture bandwidth of 0.5 Me/a. The mean sq8are phase deviation of the stabilised klystron is 0.2 . The work was carried out in the IRE Laboratories of the Ac.Sc., USSR. M.Ye. Zhabotinskiy is thanked for assistance. There are 1 figure and 3 Soviet references-. ASSOCIATION: IsBledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor1kovskom universitete (Radiophysics Research Institute of gca!kiy University) SUBMITTED: November 17, 1958 Card2/2 3 s/141/62/005/002/025/025 r.073/E335 AUTHII"~2S Gorohhov, N.A., Drya-in, Yu.A. and Fadosoyev, L&I. I T L E: 2adio-radiation of the Sun at the wavelength x = i . '01 M i 1 1. PERIODICAL: Izvostiya vysshiRh uchebnyRh zavedeniy, Radiofizilca, v. 5, no. 2, 1962, 413 T EVI'; T:ie radiations %,rare measured in July and August, 1960, near the Ellbrus Mountains 3030 m above sea level,by a radio telescope i-irith a radiation-pattarn width of 201. Th e of-fective toziparature of the Sun was determined at 5 300 + 700 a!:. This coi-apares with imeasur wa ants at other IJ- wavolan'-Iths obtained by A.G. Kislyalcov (Ref. 1 - Izv. vyssh. lach. zav. - Radiofiziha, 4, 433, 1961), C. W. Tolbert and A.W. Straiton (Rof. 2 - Astrophys. J., 134, 91, 1961), as follo-ors: Card 1/2 Radio-radiation .... X, min T(D 1 0X s/i4l/62/005/002/023/025 E,073/E335 I.E. 3 96oo + 5oo (aof. 2) 11. 0 8000 + 700 ( " 1) 3.0 5870 * 950 ( " 2) 2-73 5500 + 715 2) 2-15 5433 + 500 2) 1.3, 5300 + 700. Sin~je meansura;-.ients uero also made of the radio brightness of the 14oon near the third quarter. The effective temperature -as n - easured at 250 doz. ASSOCIATION: Nlauchno-iss~ed6vatellslciy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor1!-.ovs1xoin universitote (Radio- Card 2/2 physics Scientific Research Institute of S IT Go.-'!-.iy u; iver*ity- b2 N l UBX TED: January 9 , ACC NR- AP70Oi2l0 souRcE -60DE-.-uA/_6f 1~11661_0051_OC61! 0',13/1084 AUTIHOR: Dryagin Yu. A.; Kislyakov, A. Q.; Kukin, L. K.; Naumov, A. -, = !_L_ I - Fedoseyev ORO: Scientific Research Institute of Radiophysics at Gorlkiy State University (Nauchno-issiedovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor1kovskom universitete) TITLE: Measurement of atmospheric radio wave absorption in the 1.36-3.0-ram range SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiofizika, v. 9, no. 6, 1966, 1o78_lo84 TOPIC TAGS: millimeter wave, radio wave propagation, radio wave absorption ABSTRACT: Results of an experimental investigation of atmospheric absorption of radio waves in the 1.36-3.0-mm range are reported. Coefficients of atmospheric absorption were measured using special transmitting and receiving equipment. Detector-type.modulated radi- ometers and parabolic antennas with diameters of 300 mm formed the receiving system. The transmitting system'consisted of a parabolic mirror 920 mm in diameter, a plane reflector (diameter, 130 m), and a I backward-wave tube serving as a power generator. Antennas equipped forl : 621.371.166 orientation purposes with optical sighting devices were installed on roatry systems of the vertical-azimuth type. Methods of varying humid- ity.and of measuring the distance between transmitting and receiving points were used while determining the absorption coefficient. The absorption coefficients of water vapor (over the entire wave range indicated), and molecular oxygen (near the 2.53-mm line) were measured. It was found that the absorption coefficient of water vapor in the frequencies far from resonance is 1.5-2 times larger than the theo- retical value calculated for it by S. A. Zhevakin and A. P. Naumov Izves'tiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly. Radiofizika, no. 6, 1963, 4~. The resEnance absorption coefficient (X = 1.63 mm) is equal to 8 .26. +1 db-Im- as compared to 31.6 db-IaCl given in the same calcula-, tion. The great discrepancy between measured and calculated values of -the absorption coefficient of water vapor at frequencies far from resonance cannot be explained by an incorrect choice of line half- width. The easured value in air of the line half-width is 0.1025 + 0.0035 cm-r; the calculated value is 0 . 1 0 087 cm . The absorption coefficient of oxygen at the 2-53-mm wavelength closely agrees with the calculated one. For wavelengths other than 2.53 mm the measured --l-absorption coefficient exceeds the calculated one by a factor of 1-5-10. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 6 formulas. [WA-31 SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: 26Jan66/ ORIG REF: 007/ 07H REP: 01 ATD PRESS: 5111 'Cord 2/2 ACCESSION NRi AR4028478 -k/O;'75/64/000/002/VO2S/VO2S SOURCE: Referativny*y zhurnal. ElektronikA i yeye primenaniyeb Svodny*y tom, Abs, 2V158 AUTHOR: Dryagint Yuo G* TITLE: Modulator for ultrasonic delay line A A CITED SOURCEs Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta, vy*p. 42, 1963, 115-116 TOPIC TAGSs ultrasonic delay line, modulator for delay line, diode bridge circuite analog computer application TRANSLATION: The schematic diagram of a,modulator required to have a broad modu2atLon-frequency band starting -with direct current# a linear modulation characteristic, and a broad dynamic range is do- scribed. 'The usual pentodo'circuit with modulation on the third grid is replaced by a diode bridge. The carrier frequency voltage Cord 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4028478 e- is one diagonal of the bridge and the modulating-fr quency voltage picked off a cathode follower is applied to the other. The modulator output voltage is applied to a power ampli-, fier with 6P6 tubes. The complete scbedatic 4iagram of the Modula- The tor used to modulate a carrier of 10.25 Mc/sec is described. limits of the modulating voltage are :tS V. The ultrasonic delay line together with the described modulator-is intended for an analog computer* So B& DRTE ACQt 3lKar64 SUB CODEt SD ENCLS 00 Card 2/2 DRYAGIN, V. K., Cand Phys-Nath Sci -- (diss) "Vertical profile of the potential gradient and the density of volume charges of an anowalous electrical field in the atmosphere." Leningrad, Hydrometeorolory Pub- lishinU House, 1960. 8 pp; (Main Administration of Hydrometeorological Services under the Council of Mlinisters USSR, 1,1ain Geophysical Observ- atory im A. I. Voyeykov); 150 copies; price not given; (KIIJ, 2/-60, 147) inah.; BABA ---DRYGA A.I. USHO V.G., inzh* Investigating the strength of reinforced-concrete base parts. Ma- Ehinostroenle no.0110-112 Jl-Ag-- 163. (MIRA 1712) 1. Nauchno-inaledovatellskiy i proyektno-tekhnologichenkiy insti- tut, mashinostroyeniya, g. Kramatorsk, DIRYAG111A, -1. V., and GAZOVSKAYA, N. 1. Importance of summer shading of citrus trees in Crimea. 1)okl, Ak. sellkhos r,, No 7, 1952. "'M rcfrZ'TfK"0',-).R..&vm~.-PlYUFt-TSOVSKIY, M. A.; LAYOK, V. D.; '.~IRYAGUIA. I. V.; LEVSHIN, A.R. Honey Plants New honey plants, Pchelovodstvo, 29, No. 10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. S/020J60/135/005/040/043 B016/B052 AUTHORSi Isayev. S. Lt Dr a in -!,,-V-. dnd Vorshinkina, 1. M. TITLEs Influence of Chronical Exposure to Cc 60 Radiation on the Growth of Gladiolus and the Development of Vegetative Descendants PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 135, No- 5, pp. 1250-1253 TEXTt The authors report on their experiments on the chronical exposure of Gladiolus plants (speciess "Sommerfreude", and "Vincent Van Gogh") to the radiation of Co6O. They studied the influence on growth and vegetative propagation. The cobalt radiation source was iii the y-field of the Vaesoyumyy institut udobreniy i agropochvovedeniya (All-Union Fertilizer and Soil Science Institute) of the VASKhNIL (Vaesoyuznaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V. I. Lenina, All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni V. 1. Lenin). In 1959, young bulbs were planted at a distance of 2.85-30 m from the cobalt source (highest dose: 28301,r) (lowest dose' 347 r). The control plants received only Orduring the whole period of vegetation. Thece experiments showed Gladiolus to be highly Card 1/2 Influence of Chronical Exposure to Co 60 3/020/60/135/005/040/043 Radiation on the Growth of Gladiolus B016/BO52 and the Development of Vegetative Descendants res istant toward ionizing radiation# and within four months it withstands radiation of higher intensity than that applied to the bulbs before planting. Only the development of vegetative descendants is considerably inhibited. The effect on growth germinative faculty, size of the developing bulbs, and photosynthesis was not uniform. The photosynthesis of irradiated plants was not inhibited. Among the plants exposed to strong radiation there were some individuals with high radiation resistance and propagation coefficients. The authors mention the AA;~robiological Station of Moscow State Universitv at Chashnikovo. There are 5 tables and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTEDt June 24, 1960, by N. V. Tsitsin, Academician SUBMITTEDs June 21, 1960 Card 2/2 KU'ROYEWV, Aleksandr Ivanovich; WAGINA Irina Viktorovnat DANIVOWTIMI O.P., red.; MASLEIINIKGVA, te (Social and goseological roots of '4eisompnism-Morganim) So tsiallrqe i gnosoologicheakie korni veismanizma-morganizma; lektsiia cilia studentov-zaochnikov gosudarstvenrqkh universi- tetov. Moskva.. Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1961. 36 p. (MIM 15:4) (WETICS) KUROUMVp A.I,f kand,filosofskikh nauk; - DRYAGINA, I.V.., kand.biologicheakiklr nauk Social and gnoseological roots of formal genetics (to be concluded), Biol. v ahkole no, 1s67-71 Ja~F 161. WMA 14:4) 1, Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet imeni. M.V. Lomonosova, . (Genetics) KMIM, ~.L, kand.filosof.nauki-DRYAGNAt I.V.t kand.biolog,neik Social and pooiological-rooto of-formal genetics.(conclusion). ~Biol. Y shkole no#2381-85 Kr-Ap f61, (MIRA 14-:3) I IP 1. Moskavskiy gosudaretyannyy universitet imeni N.'.to Lomonosova. (Genetics-Philosophy) ISAYEV, S.I.; DRYAGINAv I.V#j SAVCHFMOf G.V. Irradiation of apple trees by C060. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.3tlO5-108 161. (MIRA 1/,:7) 1. Rokomendoyana kafedroy genetiki i selektaii Moskovokogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosava. (PIANTS, EFFEGT OF GAMA RAYS ON) (JLDPLE) DRYAGIMA, I.V.; AKHRAMDVA, V.F. Vitality and fertility of the vegetative offspring of gladiolus corms which were exposed to chronic radiation in a field. Nauch. dokl.vys.ahkoly; biol.nauki no-4:98-102 162. f~MIRA 15:10) 1. Rokomendovanana kafedroy genetiki i selektaii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. Lomonosova. (PLANTS, EFFECT OF GAM RAYS ON)(GLADIOLUS) ISAY.By# B.I.1 DRYAGINA, I.V.1 WAYEV, V.P.1 AGAKALOVA, S.P. Rkpariments in irradiating apple buds with Co6O and I rayn before their inoculation. Ucb. sap. Kabo-Balk. goop uno no.12s255-260 162. (MIRA 16:6) Plahts, Iffect of radiation on) Budding) (Apple) ~ ISAY.rV. S.I.;-DRYAGINA, I.V.; PU7AYFV, V.P.; YEGOROVA~ Some physiological and biochemical nhuractorlst.'-~7,i (,f t~,(j genetically rolated vw-letles of apple with varlou.3 fro3t reolstance. Vest. Mock. un. Ser. 6sBiol. pochv. 17 iic).6: 40-47 N-D 162. (1-11 PLN 17: 6) 1. Kafedra genetiki i selektsii Moskovskogo unlvpraiteta. DRYAGINA, I. V., ------------ "Influence of Ionizing Radiation on Genetic Variability of Gladiolus -Seedlings. " report submitted for the 11th Intl. Congress of Genetics, the Hague, Netherlands, 2-10 Sep 63 DRYAGINAP I.V. - Applioation of ionizing radiation in experimenting with gladiolus. Vest. Monk. un. Ser. 6s Biol.,.pochv. 19 no.5s46-56 3-0 164. (MM l7jl2) 1. Kafedra genetiki i selektsii Moskovskogo universIteta. DRYAGTINA I V ; IWARMOV, G.Ye. , Effect of ionizing radiations on the tubers and seeds of gladioli. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauk! no.2:91-94 165. (MM 18:2) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy genet1kI i selektali Moskovskogo gondarst- vennogo universiteta. LOYUKHINA, G.; KOLESOVA, V.; GEGICHKORI, A.; TSVETNVA, A., rll;yj,, Y., agronom; DRYAGINA,,_L., agronom; SYCIDN, V., in-ph. Lov-voltute spraying of orchards. Zashch. rnst. ot, vr~:& I boll. 10 no.8s25-27 165. (MURA 18--11): 1. Zaveduyushchava labo-atorlyey Pushkinskoy w-5hincispytatellnsy atantaii, p/io Pravdinskiy, Moikovskoy obla5t,i (fr- 2. Starshly agronom-entomolog Pushkinskoy mash~ncsvytatell- noy stantaii, P/o Pravdlnskiy, Moskovskay ablaot' (for kolssovaj, 3. St&rahiy agronom-ekonomist Pushkinskov m5hin!~,I-.pytatollnoy stantaii, p/o Pravdinskly, Moskovskoy cbl&Bb "for U'egichkorll. 4. Zaveduyushchaya laboratorlyey ispytanlya yadokHmIkatov Moldavskoy mwhinoispytatellnoy stantall (for 7~:;vitkova)- 5. Voldavskaya mashinoitspytateltnaya atantnlya (for Gidu, Dryagina, Sychav).