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lAchine f cr making bars from iron mid coM r shavings. p. 239
PATSIONALIZkTSIIkj vol, 59 not 12j Dec. 1955
Soflya,, Bulgaria
SOURCEt Fkat European iccessions List, Library of Congress.,
Vvlo 5p no* 7# Juiy 1956. -
Rapid method for determining acetylene in the air of closed
Opacese Sudontroneis, 29 no.2s62 F 163. (KERA 16s2)
(Air-Analysis) (Acetylene-Analysis)
SEN9 ?.X.j FARUKLARI G,B.; DRUVAO A.Zh.; ZHAVERI, P,M. (Bombey, In&3a
Open-heart surgery vitij jeivc~iivo cerebral hypothermia. Eksper.
..khirs.~ aneot. 8 mo.405-59, J1-Ag 164. (MRA 17:5)
1953 DRUVIST, R.Y.I.
"Characteristics of the Stratigraiby of the Peat Derosits of Latvian SSh,"
Vorrosy Gsicht -4ya I C svoyeniyrL Torfyanvl,l i rchv Litviyokby SSR, 3-!)0,
The areq of the peat dejosits of Latvia constitutes 9.1"'; of the total
area of t~e country. The upstream peat b9ds OCCUTY '(1'7 of the dnrcsits;
the lowlAnd Teat 1-,As, 117%o; and the intarmodiate eit 1-~Isj 10"-. . Cne
third of tYe T-eat beds 1s on toy of a sayrorel. te6 10 cm-11 r! tl-lc~.
Yedium Ieds, corgilex beds, and fu,,-cur- beds, I-elong to doIcsits Of the
upstream t~Te, ind sedge beds, to deposIts of the lowland type. Tie
the distribution of 'P5 ~e-it heds, their
ut~or T-resents tables giving
averare tbickness, derren of deccm-osition, tsl~ content,, rolsture
and foam-like character. (KIG901, NO 1, 10"5)
SO: Sum. No. 536, 10 Jun 55
2 083 PoXiye t. R.
Zagotovka Torfa Na Udobrenie. Riga, IZD-Vo Akadnauk Latv, SSR. 3.954- 32
B's In, 20 wn. (Akad. Nauk letv. SSR. In-T Helioratsli. Seriya Hauch-
Popul. Proizvedeniy). 1.500 EKZ. 1 R. 5 K. - Viblioer: 5 52-- Na Latysh.
Yaz. - (54-5563-5) 62-2.3314631-874016.3)
Outting of peat litter rmint be mechanized.
P. 26 (!'AfX)F,,i 1,,'irIJ"%'; Rjra, Jatvia Vol. 9, Fo. 6, June 1957
SO: Eonthly Inclex of Past European Aces:-Jons (jUrl'.1) Vol. 6, 11o. 11 tover-lk 1957.
---- - , ... -up
DRUVIYEM, R. Ya. -- *Percentage of Stumps in Workable Peat Massifs in the Latvian SSR
and Its Determination from the Removed Layers of Stumps.* Latvian Agricultural Academy,
1949. In Latvian (Disaertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences)
SO-. Izvestiya Ak. Nauk Latvjy!Lq SSR, No. % Sept.. 1955
Coking of a charge containini,40% gas coals and blast-furnace
owlting with coke obtainediby thisypethdd. Koks i khim. noe2:20-24
163, (RDA 16:2)
1. Ukr4pakiy uglekhimicheakiy institut (for Hiroshnichenko, Shtromberg,
KrivokoRl', Shinkareva, Druy), 2. Donatskiy nauchno-issledovateltak4y
ugollnyy inatitat (for Dvuzhillnaya). 3. Donetskiy koksokhimiche8kiy
zavod (for Gutm~an, Kullman, Kovalevskay.4).
(Cok6) (*tallurgical furnaces)
AP60357~,A~A' SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/019/0097/0097
AUTHOR: Kaplan, V. I.; Druy, M. G.; Libki I __B. N Agafonov,_k. S.
ORG: none
TITLE, Exhaust system. Class 42, No. 186743
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyy obraztsy, Lovarnyye znaki, no. 19, 1966, 97
IDPIC TAGS: engine test stand, exhaust gas removal system, rocket test facility
ABSTRACT: The proposed exhaust system for testin -kip
g engines contains a shaft, a gaa
collector with an outlet, and a gas line whicli is connected to t02 gas collector outlet
and to the shaft. The exhaust gases from the_te
-,a_L_gUjnq no;zle re fed iato the gas
collector. To test engines with exhaust in the vertic - 2, the outlet is
mounted under the gas collector and is made in the form of concentric bends, 6-rranged
one inside another.
ISUB CODE: 211 SUBM DAM 07May64/ ATD, PRESS: 5103
DRUY, M.G. (Hoskya)
Damping of a alipstrwo in a cylindrical pipe. Ixv,AN SSSR.Otd,tom,,
nauk*Mekh.i mashihootro no.3:185-18? It-,To 161. (KMA 14:6)
DRUY, M.M., inzh.; YV"TSZV. V.V.. inzh.; SALIKUY, P.G.. kand.tekhnnauk
Studying two-stage pulverized coal combustion in connection with
now air regulation system, Ilek,sta. 29 no.8:12-16 As 1589
(MMA 11: 11)
(0001, Pulverized) (Boilers--Furnaces)
KRUGLOVp Vasiliy Ivanovich) DR!NA,--Xa.Ya., otv. red.; WMROVICH, M.,
red.izd-va; LEEMMI, A.-' tekhn. red.
(Accounting in savings banks] Uchet v aboregatellnykh kassakh.
Moakvaj, Gosfinizdatp 1962. 270 p. (MIRA 15t7)
USSR/Morpholo(W of Man ana Animals - Re8pirat-.)ry Systen. s-4
Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol,, No 6t 19561 26455
Author I L
Title Suraic;TA~Mtomy f the Lunr, Root in Patientg with
Pulmonary Tuberculosis,
Orig Pub 7Aravookhr. Belorussii., 1957, No 6, 26-29.
Abstract The topography of the lunC; root was stueie~' ill 33 cad'a-
vore (53 preparations) with pulmonary tuIberculosos,
In most cares there were complete obliteration of the
pleural cavity and an almost complete absence of fatty
tissue between the luna root and overlyina pleura.
The division of vessels into branches of the first or-
der commonly occurs within the lunG root. The intimate
relationship between the pulmonary veins and the peri-
cardium, necessitates caution during their eisbeations
Card 1/2
DRUYA'%?,, I.L., Cand Ved Sci -- (diss) "Surgical anatomy of the root
of the lung in patients with pulmoiary tuborculosis.11 Gomell, 1959j,
16 pp 01in of Health USzR. Len State Order of Lenin Init for the
Advanred ITaiiijif, of PIWsicians im S.M. Kirov) 250 copies
M, 36-59, 11b)
- 90 --
Intraperleardial sootion of the T~Ogelg of the radix pelmouls
In patients with pulmonary tubaroulosis. Zdrav*Belor, 6 uo*2t
20-23 7 160. (MMA UtO
1. Iz Gomellskogo moshoblastnogo gospitalys, dlya 107 (naobll-
nik gospitalya A.7, TSurkog uauchVy rukovoditell raboty -
professor A.P* Wain),
KIT. L.: "Cii the prollem of thl~ effoct of cn tyke pr-,th-
oLenesis aml course of m1crobal eczema." Simferopolf, 10,55. Crim~~,an
State Iledical Inst imeni 1. V. Stalin. (Dissertation for the Degree of
Camlidate of Medictil 3ciences)
SO: KnizhrLayek Ietoi-191 No. 47, 19 Novembcr 1955. Moscow.
Resection of the lung In tuberculosis; according to data from a
hospital for disable World War II veterans. Zdrav,Bel. 8
no.W3-15 F 162. MRA 15:11)
l.: Machallnik Gomel'skogo mezhoblastnogo gospitalya dlya
Invalldov Otechestvennoy voyny.
kand,madonaukl TAFLIIMSKAYAp M.I.
Blood transfusion with the support of an antlahock fluid in
elinical pulmonary tuberculosio. Zdrav.Bel. 8 no.l2tl3-l5 D
162. (KnU 16ti)
1. Iz Gomel'skogo meshoblastnogo gospitalya dlya invalidov
Otecheatvennoy voyny ( I.L.Druyan).
hccEs=cw nR: AP4035100 5/0-191/64/000/005/0015/0019
AUTHOR: Popovs Ve A6; 2m Varshal, B. G
TITIE:1 Investigation of the processes occuring during heating polymers by the
method of therual analysis of phenol-aldebyde resin.
SOURCE: Plasticheakiye massV*0 no. 5,, 1964,, 15-19
1TOPIC TAGS: thermal analysis,, themogram., weight loco curve$ thermal effectp
polymer, tharojil oxidation# thermooxidativa dastruction,, phanol fomaldohyde roain,,
Novolac 111, Bakelite, Resol 300, Resol 214, Reeol 211, Renol 236, linear polymer,
combustions aniline phenol formaldehyde resin
ABSTRACT: The themo-oxidative destruction of phenol-formaldehyde resins (novolac
113, Pulverized;'Bakelite, resol 300, resol 214, resol 211., rerol 236) was invecti-
gated. -Thermograms and weight loss curves were drawn and a detailed discussion is
gi-mn of the thermal effects observed. A linear polymer, ouch as novolac without
a harde! r., burna completely, but with hexamethylenediamine the weight lose in
clover and combuotion is not ccuplete. Recol 300 has weight losses similar to
.,hoadened novolacp but combustioa is slower. The presence of analine or rosin
Card,j 1/2
oonewhat lxwers the yield of coke and the temperature of the start of large weight
loss. Orig. art4 hm! 3 figures and I table.
~ASBOG=Off,. None
ENCL: 00
UUB CODS: HT NO MW BOV: 010 orm: oo6
Card 2/2
;!ACCE=CN'NR- A?4039950 8/0191/64/000/006/0052/0053
Xo.-Se; Varsball Be 00
'MTIE: Investigatim * tboommal, analysis of the prmasses occurring during hea;tIng,
of polymers
i'SOUME: Plastichasklye masey*# no- 6: 19641, 52-53
Topic TAr-s: tba=&l mmOZmUp polymer tba=al degradatAon.. polymer degradation
,'PrOCCOO) SKN 40 rubberp uLtrile rubberi, nitrile rubber sulfur compocitUmp nitrile
.rubber navolac composition.* tbarwgroaj, viscoe~astla otatep fluid flow,, tbanul
oxidationj combustion
BSTRAm: SKU-40 rubberp alone or mi I I ed with 3% sulfur; and a c iti c
A Ompos on OM
~Prising 40 parts by weight of the nitrile, rubber plus 100 parts of novolac resin
;,were subjected to therml analysies A comparison of tha thermograms for SXM-W
lk'heated at 20 mA at I=/mlno showed the characteristics were easeatialli the
but the features were much sharper at the slower hosting rates Aa latial. ando-
mio effect at, 6D-2200 is attributed to the increase in the mobility of tAm
rubber and transition frm Aswelastic to fluld state. iWarrangemant of tha
. .. .. ........
AccEmiou NRt AM39950
internal structure of rubber occurs at-the exotherm above 250C with practicaw no~i
-weight loss. Inteme thenal o)dA&tion of rubber and weight loss atats alt .360C
,-with beat being absorbed frcm 360-455C and combustion then taking Place to
i,Therciograms of the rubber-sixlftr and the rubber-novolac compositions were o tained
':'!by beating at 20 dej./miu. '(fig& 1)9 Addition of sull%w changes the behavior of
rubber Uttle; the initial endothe=ic, effect Is al=st absent and the thermal
eftecto are abifted 30-40 degrees towaxd the louer temperatures. In the rubber-
novolac thermogram #a first two endothenw an attributed to successive z val ot
volatiles and transitions to the fluid state. The first e=the= at 315C Ic
acempanied by yractically no loss'ln. waiebt (as in the other two ccapoeltions)o
Thersooxidative destruction occurs at 44546w and cmbusvioa at 48o,, with tba am-
ibustion proceeding at a almier rate than the thernial o3d"tion. Combustim is
of t
'c=pleted at 7WC with Us tomatim of a saw-11 amomt coke Orig- ar - us;
12 figures*
SVkC=S oo INC14 01
';Cord 2/4
P. ar
/so- Ar 315
2w -
01 Ar 15 jig 80-
8p", MUM.
rieftf, fo;n.
Fig* 1. Themogrem of SML140 nibbers -imd an -411 vith sulfur or Yhenalformal A
byde reoin of the novol" t7pe: &--W-40 rabber -t 3% sulfur; b-4=-40 nibber+~
movolac xresla Xce'113 (100 vto parts resLm to 40 of.rubber).
d 4/4
;Ca -T.
V WW, r YJ 1!
IL 2268-66 -Ei4TXM)/EPFf-c)/EWP(J)/-T/FTC(m)
ACCESSION NR: APS022226 UR/0191/65/000/009/0030/0035
tit. 41 6, 1
AUMOR: Popov, V. A.; Druyan, 1. S.; Lipatov, Yu. S.0'
T17LE: Thermomechanical properties of phenol-rubber compositions in the massive
tand foamed state
SOURCE: Plasticheskiye ma.ssy, no. 9, 1965, 30-35
TOPIC TAGS: thermomechanical property, foam plastic- thermosetting material.
phenolformaldehyde, resin, nitrile rubber
ABSTRACT: Phenol-rubber compositions are used to prepare heat-stable foam
plastics. in order to make a close study of the starting compositions and
finished foam materials under various heating conditions, the authors lized
customary methods of evaluating the quality of thermosetting resins and thermo-
mechanical methods of studying polymerg. The curing rate and degree of curing
of the phenol-rubber compositions are investigated. It is found that thermo-
mechanical studies of such compositions can be used to justify and refine the
experimeptalty determined parameters of their processing into foam plastics.
Thermomechanicalcurves of various foam plastics show that all are in a vitreous
state u~ to 120-130C, and that on further heating the properties change as a
iCard_ .1/
,-L 2268-66 - ----- -
-ACCESSION -NR.-- --AP5022226-
result of thermooxidative degradation. The experimental data describing the
heat stability of the foam plastics by means of the change in their properties
as a function of temperature are found to be in complete agreement with the
Ithermomechanical data. Mie study confirms the usefulness of thermomechanical
methods in studies of thermosetting polymer systems of complex composition.
iOrig. art. has: 9
NO REF SOV., .019 OTHER: 001
Card 2
Treatment of lupus erythematosus with resochin. Vest. derm. i
.ven. 36 no.702-64 J1 162. (MIRA 15-7)
1. Iz kafedry koshnykh i venerichaskikh bolezney (zav. - doteent
W. I. Met2ltakiy) Krymakogo maditainakogo inatituts. (dir. -
dotsent S. I. Goorgiyevokiy)
0 0 A
get, if
0 0 3i'
of 0;
114114 -
*0 IF 0.9
u 5 1 00 IS. It a a 4 a
0 0 e 0
is it U " M is 16 u S A If I a b A I
at" LUZ I a
S -L-1 1. 11-1-1 1-11
tit A-9 I " roots$
0. 1 .0
The effect of alumlouni on the mechanical propr1i#% of
cart virlit, NI. A. l1ruyAn aud A. A. Cahhlnm-v~ 1 -.4
9, 119 711)- 111 A IIIII'l 431111K. k' it 15 Siff 11 fAI
it.761 $111.196-41.415. 11 005 AMI -, O.Jvj~" jvj~ a.1.111 Id At
litirtitter obeporvelty vI The Inirticavato 1.1 IIIA%. 41!19 AW
tilt Plastic prowties. 1he ilww~l 4 the 1"Ill III
aw I
[A%lk- deforsuation vm% cm-tiderably smalkir tit the haftl
lerls. Addav. of Al hall no "I the 1.1.4~ffc pf'.J.-r-
had a Shalular 1 pe tit indusions, ithdr thi- .41rch j4p--
Z-11irs h."I I'luallf-hic ifil-twuniq
stfix, ml#)*r -last
".14 1 I;j prim rMialsintheforvir4anet. 11w
't, ary
villitrill of FtO was the mc"t ittilmniant faciffe III fill,
I'v"witift fit varit'liv lischl-kiriq, W R. If, fill
I a
.41- "_
oil,&, awc
a I 3F Is I a 4 3 d"MR,
on I
DRUYA112 M. A.
VWR/Retallurgy - Bronze, Melting Jul 52
"Loss of Elements In Melting Low-TIn Brorze2" M.A.
Druyan, P.P. Malyarov, Engr
"Litey Proizvod" No 72 pp 24, 25
Establishes that oxidation of Cu, St, and Pb in
presence of Zn is lov and practically may be Ig-
nored during calen of charge. Oxidation of Zn
can be prevented by ad&n of finely divided char@!
and small chips into molten metal-, loss of Zn due
to evapn must be decreased by use of covering
fluxes. Oxidation of Fe during melting of bmnze,
being a factor established by prolonged practice,
ermits use of nonferrous metals scrap containing
i -"" a,i MALIAROV, P.
"Slag of Alloy Ingredients in Brass of Low Tin Content. I Tr. f rom t he Russian. p.100
(PRZEGLAD ODLEWNICTWA Vol. 3, no. 3, March 1953 Krakow, Poland)
SO: Monthlv diet of East QD�AU A92890ions, LC, Vol. 3, no. 5. may i954/uncl.
DRUY11-, Vt. A.
44.90. Flnvka Bronzy rod Shakovymv Fo~crovom (Opyt Bryan. Parovozostroit. Zavoda).
M., Ymshpiz, 1954. 16 c. c. Graf. 20 Sm. (M-vo Transp. 14ashinostroyeniya
SSSR. Vsyesoyuz. Proyektno-Tyekhnol In-t Ipti. Otd. Tekhn. Informatsil.
Ob,myen Tekhn. OF-Itom. Vyp. 78). 4:500 LKZ. Bespl.-Avt. Ukazany Na 3-y
5.- (54-15035 Zh) 6,,9.356 t',
50; Letopifj'Zhurnallnykh StAteyt 'Vol. 370 1949
DRUYAN, M. A. (Engr.)
"Effect of the Method of Steelmaking on the Mechanical Properties of Steel"
in bouk - Improving the Quality of Steel Cawting3; Transaction of the All-Union
Conferenco, Moscow. Mashgiz, 1958. 214 p.
Of the factom investigated. the most important 13 the rapid burning-o%t of
aarbon in the bath, made Possible by high-temperature malting and proper care of the
hearth. Other factors are addition of coke to the charge, manner of deoxidizing the
molten metal, and the method of de3ulfurization.
100), 100)
AUTHOR: SOV/1 '3-:
TITLE: On the Theory of For-ation cf Grj.,i-Shz~pcd Porocity
toorii protsessa
FERI"I'DICAL: Natichaiye doklady vyi-johoy Ah"01Y. 1958,
Nr 4, pp 63 -, 70 (USSR)
ADSTWXT: The pro.,;once of porouity wiklur tho
Crust layer of inCoto i,3 one of the
the dcv~31op,~cnt of '~:ds ~lot'cct crys4~1,1':,,. -t n
of the metal. Moot freq-.,e.-,tly aff-ceted bare tl-e
irjr,ots obtained by castlln,3 tl-.e in grf?pn-o:~nd
lllol~s. An addition of alo,,t 0.1~', of Al always
`.i2t no porosity ccours. Bi,.t in kind's
of turbine castinZ:, an addition cf over
O-OZ is not admiscible. Besifles, these i-,.-
1) -,ot s
arr, tested u-nder a pr-In2ture of hu-,.drc~~c of at:.,.os~hurec.
This dem,nded a furthr~r c-rific:..ticn -)f
-is' !ir,(~ea zfloc-,ti,,.C ll-c fur-a-lon -.1 -;,,i~-slial)ed
-ircu.- 6 . .. I -
Card' 1 /4 porosity. Here, a sl-iort survey i_, of the ex-
On U., Theory Of FOL-MLILiO.11 ~f Grid-Shaped
-)I~Aiiaticnz; availalole in llteraturo on thc c,,.tises of
this defect In in,-,ots. It i~; fhown it is
neceogary to cut a differoi!t ide i of t h
fo-,:],-tlu:-, of t"..:-
Gn acojunt Of
VIP (Rcf 6) on t:.e
of !-.j Ci,. 1i bcfore
tl:c oo! A i~:,
t The h,,-clrrj--f,,n
--Intent alrcM:~ in t'.-~, by
czastinL; irto M01,16 by tho of mold
IA-,t::i-idi-ty. T1,-JAs of
~tion of
L'.e dk,,~(,,mpoo~ tion of mol"
oy an im--~C(!L:te exier-,,:~Cr.t Oef 7)- .--cecz- cf
viate- v-por
i:,, ther.-iody;~,%,-.Ucally doccri'~A, a!!] it iE: shown
procaon of
. ; I licinid
"'Oel iz; vCry in, ta
and t',~~
Ca-d 2 4 z a t,,,, 1 1 'Ole
of 1i,.,-,ii-d iti2ol -.iit:: o-!. 1:, u;i:,.vo
01- t*ie Theory of For-.iation of Grid-S---pr-d Poro~;ity SOV/163-58-4-11/47
at the contact wit.- thQ grpen-.,;and molli. The in-
tonoity of this ~,rocass. m~'.y be indirj-~,-;tI;, ch~lracter-
ized by t1iie oxidizability of ;;.Jer T:~,e
period of intorection !~'ct-.Tcon -.rd mvold
is Cxam`.iO(!. it i'; "'."-t t*,,.c- lelay
of the r'tart of fo--- t"C- in--ot in
a non---'.,.)ta'-Iic ziold tu'-.ez pl-ce lonc;
pp~-iad oil, an-I tilat Ittrin,:: tl;,,ic ti,-,p the liquid
.m~atal interact7, with ~'. old humidit--,. This 1)r.)ce--r
I V ':~
is osp-(;Iilly inte- *civu at L-.,- -nd
decreases w'th the red UCt 4on of in the
lininL area. Fijhtizi~-- th.- ~~rid---'-!,)od ~-oro-qity
io polntcd ou". At tho Bryanc'-iy
LL:,;Gd (Brya:is:. Machine-building Works), the tapping of t%
nboiiii:~;" i-lic~al is cniried o',A. Thic an
efficiort dem~;ificntior, and a
0 ' - . I s'
rodiiction of the Ily1ro'l-e- cu::te~'L in t:.e cteel.
In meltinZ; illoye,! critical of the
...Qt 1 is to a f'=oC'r3.-.e.
Card 3/4 0wi"I;-'- IL(, t'-11.3 t1." 0 rio
On the Theory of F)v~iation of Grid-Sbaped Poroo-Ity SOV/10'3-56-4-11/47
P corld" tiunod 1-y !"ur "'.ary Thcre c..-,c 1 3 112 S-vii.~t
A S S 0) C I ,, T I 3-~ -. Br~iano, inctitut r Uzi L-)..iya
(Dryannolc Institute for Construction of Transportation
S U B'. 1 i I'TAE'D March 11, 1950
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: __R~~,11-A~-Ilqcent and Soyfer, V.M.
TITLE: Preliminary Deoxidal-fion and the Content of Hydrogen in
Steel (Predvaritellnoye raskisler-iye i soderzhaniye
vodoroda v stali)
PERIODICAL: StallI 1959, Nr 3, pp 221 - 224 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: At the Bryansk Machine-building Works steel for shaped
castings is smelted in open-hearths with an addition of
blast furnace ferrosilicon in an amount of 4-6 kg/t in
order to interrupt boiling. On tapping (8-10 min after
the addition) the bath is boiling again. This interruption
is necessary in order to obtain a correct carbon content.
The described investigation was carried out in order to
determine the influence of such preliminary deoxidation
on the degree of saturation of metal by hydrogen. For
this purpose, samples of steels were taken before the
preliminary deoxidation (I), after the addition of ferro-
silicon (for carbon steels) or ferrochromium (for alloy
steels (II) durin tapping (III) and from the ladle
during teeming (IV5. The results obtained are shown in
Figures 1 and 2 for carbon and alloy steels, respectivel3,.
It is concluded that an increase in the content of hydrogen
in a sample taken after the sidition of ferrosilicon can be
W V" '] 3 -' - 1~r)---,-9152
Preliminary Deoxidation and the Content of Hydrogen in Steel
explained by the fixation of hydrogen in the metal killed
by silicon. Tapping of metal in the boiling state aids
its effective degassing with a noticeable decrease in the
content of hydrogen. The production of good castings
(with a small addition of aluminium) and the absence of
hydrogen brittleness for many years confirms the effective-
ness of degassing of steel during tapping.
There are 2 figures and 7 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONS: Bryanskiy institut transportnogo mashinostroyeni.
(Bryansk Institute of Transport Machine Buil di4ja
Ukrainskiy n.-i. institut metallov (Ukrainian
Scientific Reseach Institute of Metals)
Card 2/2
lj,",U'Y~ .*, I. A. Giaid Tt~oli Sci - I' as iil ,,. L- ~ '-~; ~! -.n 1 r.(=
smieltlll,no, in-ncess ard the ! --roon llk-c v,.nn)sl L,, in SudivO)
1960, 19 pp (Lonets InQustrial Institute) (YL, 35-60, 125)
rknr-.LWV . I.N.
Making 30G1, 5L steel vith addition of ferrommnganese ip the
ladle. Lit.proizv. no.7t8 Jl 162,, (MIPIA 16t2)
(Steel-J%taUurgy) (Farromanpnese)
BARY L I if, VSK I YIA' dl.~' OAPP11YIN, DRUYAN, R.L., fi*4111CPFN~:-~' S.1 ."
Oil-fre" KOI binder. Lit, prcizv. no.2:11-13 ~ 165.
(VIRA 18;6)
Using the KO oillosq 'binder for preparing core mixes. Blul.takh.-ekon.
infonn.Gon.naur-,',ot.riauL:h.1 tokh.inform. 18 no.509-42 My 165-
(MIRA 18:6)
Dvukhputnaia magistrall Severa. -(Sefernaia zheleznrJa dorogs). Clewo-way trunk line
of the North (Northern railway)_/. (Sots. transport, 1937, no* 39 P. 27-33).
DLC S kd%
SO: Soviet Trans2ortation and Commmications A Bibliostraphy. Library of Congress.
Reference DepartmenU. 9-Mingtoa, 1952, n7la--sMled.
DRUTAN.S.. avtonlesarl
Plastic plates and rivets for securing them. Avt. transp.
33 no.5:33 My 155. (Km 8:8)
VATKINP Ya. L., kand. tekhn. nauk; MMDYANSKIY, M. Gep inzhe;
BRODSKIY, I. I., inzh* DRUM V. M., inzh.; NOLPOVSKIY, N. M.,
'- Y; P'OM I p
inzh.; KAGARLITSM, A S.~Onz ~. SKIY A. M. in2h.
Fixed mandrels on automaldc mills. Nauch. trudy. DMI no-482
174-185 162. (MIRA 15:10)
(pipe mills)
Measuring forces acting on the mandrel of an automatic mill. Izv.
vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.3:118-123 164. (WRA 17:4)
1. Dnepropetrovskiy metaUurgicheskiy institut.
t rl,~)
DRU~Ali' M.
Putl snizhenlia sevestoiwosti passazhirskikh aytoperevozok. J17-ans for lowering
the cost of passenger automobile transportation-7 Leningrad, Izd-vo Ministerstva
kommunal0nopo khoziaistva RSI?SR, 1950, 175 p. diagra. DLC: H95613.D7
SO: Sovis& TransportatJon and Communications, A Bibliography, Library of Congress.
Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified.
DRUYAN, TaI.Y,k- kandidat ekonnmichookikh n6uk; SUKHOTIN, R.; VASILIIWA, T.
... -.111-
Organizing freight haulage aling the most effective routes. Avt.
tranap. 35 uo.8%8-9 Ag '57. . (KLU 10t9)
1. laningradakly filial Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo Instituta
avtomobillnogo transporta i Leningradekly treat Isinftlitovan-
nykh perevosok.
(Transportation, Automotive)
DWAN. Ya.M.; MMMU. Ta.1o; SIMMn. N.D.; SKUSTOV, A.B., otv. sa
[Organization of the centralized direction of automotive
freight transportation In Leningrad] Opyt organisatell
toontrallsovannogo rukovodetva grusovyui avtonobillnyM
pere.voskami v LenIngrads. Noskya, Nauchno-tokhn,isd-vo
avtotransp.lit-ry# 1958. 44 p. (Nm 12:6)
(Leningrad-Transportation, Aatomotive)
DRUTAN I TA.M.0 kand.okonom.nauki RMCHIN, Ts,2.0 luzh.-skonomist;
"L=OT, M.P..
[Directions and forms for drawing up a technical, industrial. and
financial plan for city water-supply and sewerage systems) Uka-
zaniia i formy po sostavlanliu. tekbpromfinplana, gorodskago vodo-
provoda i kanalizataii. Moskva, 1939. 90 p. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Kinisteretvo komamnallnogo
khozyaystvas Ze Saktor ekonomiki Laningradekogo nauchno-issledo-
vatel'skogo instituta AkBdenii kommunallnogo khozyaystva Im. X.D.
Pamfilovs (for Druyan, Rokhchin).
(Water-supply engineering-Tables, calculations, etc.)
(Sewerage--Tableso calculations, etc.)
-JMUDN Takov !LeZq=Ujh QMSAIT, Romma Holseyevich; SIDOTA, A.P.t
red.; UALA IONOTA, U.N.,
.[Organization of motorbas lines; Leningrad practices) Orge-
nizatelis raboty avtobusov na mrshrutakh; is opyta Leningrade.
Koskva, Nauchno-tekhn.Isd-vo X-ve sytomobillnogo transp. I
shoseeinykh dorog RSFSR, 1960. 80 p. (MMA 14:3)
(Leningrad--Kotorbus lines)
DR UY A NY,-; " 4
Ve thoda ot analyzing the npair con'. of residential cost of
bulldings. Much. trudy ;dKKH no.310-19 164. (KIRA i8ig)
Part played by ferric chloride in the polymerization of vinyl
butyl, other. Vysokom.sood. 3 nooll:1730-1733 N 161. (MIRA 14:11)
1. Urallskiy lesotekhnicheakiy institut.
(Ethers) (Polymerization)
AUTHORS: Sallnikov, V. V., Pan'shina, Z. K.,_.Pruy~~ ~.A.
and Makarova, F, Ns
TITLE: Polymerization of vinyl butyl ester in an ultrasonic
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no.1, 1962, 214-217
TEXT: Satisfactory polymerization of vinyl butyl ester depends on
instantaneous distribution of a small (0-005 %) proportion of a ca-
talyst in the monomer. The authors studied the use of a low-power
ultrasonic field generated by a magnetostrictive emitter, with a
vibration frequency of 24 kc/s. The tests were carried out in 50
and 100 ml glass vessels enclosed in a water jacket with the tempe-
ratare thermostatically controlled. The monomer was prepared by
Shostakovskiy's method (Ref. 4: Izd. AN SSSR, M, 1952). The cata-
lyst was fed to the monomer in doses of 0.005 - 0.010 ml with the
ultrasonic field operating. A 5% butanol solution of FeCl 3 was
used as catalyst. Progress of the polymerization was followed by
Card 1/ 3
2 9
3/08 2/035/001/012/013
Polymerization of vinyl ... D245TD3'.10'4
measuring and plotting the refractive index of the reaction mass.
The following stages of polymerization were noted: (1) An induction
period of 5 - 15 seconds immediately following the introduction of
catalyst. (2) Partial polymerization accompanied by a temperature
drop and increasing in proportion to the degree of saturation of
the eater by the catalystq e.g. at temperatures below 300C, with
4 0.4% impurities, partial polymerization resulted in the forma-
tion of polymer particles which settled at the base of the reactor.
At this state the degree of polymerization was 10 - 25%. The dura-
tion of this second stage was between 45 seconds and 5 minutes, de-
ending on the extent of saturation of the monomer by the catalyst.
The final stage of total polymerization was reached during sa-
turation of monomer with the catalyst (2-5 - 5,0 mg per 100 ml) and
the temperature rose above the boiling point of the ester. (4) A
falling-off of polymerization occurred which was characterized by
a rapid temperature decreaeb followed by a slower decrease, the re-
action mass being reddish-yellow in color. This stage lasted for
about 10 minutes. (5) A periodq lasting up to 90 minutes, of poly-
mer stabilizatiola followed, characterized by a gradual and Blower
Card 2/3
S/08 62/035/001/012/013
Polymerization of vinyl ... D245%304
increase of refractive index. The tests showed that the butanol
content of the monomer had a considerable effect on polymerization
in ultrasonic fields, particularly on the viscosity of the polymer.
The maximum polymer viscosity was obtained with a butanol content
in the monomer of less than 0.1% and at a temperature of about
200C. Thereare 4 figures, I table and 4 Soviet-bloc references.
ASSOCIATIONs Ural'Bkiy lesotekhnicheskiy institut (Urals Timek~
Technical Institute)
SUBMITTED: September 29, 1960
Card 3/3
7 ~ F3
~,11'nlko-i, 7. 7.1 Rompol S - Ma 7 r- -~f a.:-.
v of the ccr-tinuaus pq~,t~r4 - -f
z-a t I un V 1 t7v t.1 2 ~L, tX klith the uBe
SCURCE: Flasticheskiye masay*t not 8, 1963, 3-7
ultrasonics, Y-AY1 butyl etherr FeCliaub 3
AB ST RAC2 iThe feasibility of the titled reaction was shown. It was proposed uld
experimentally verified to divide the polymerization process for vinyl butyl
ether (Vm-E) into stagest mixing (50 see.), activation (heating to 700, polymert-
min.), and aging (70-90 min.). Cond,~tions for each- s%aze were in-
7se of ult.rasonice in mixing statse aa-sures lnst&ntanecus
-f the re,,,l catalyst in VBE, and retju",s in ac;re even ~enper&ture
4zat on ~-iago, oliminatea cha-ract~-
n-c-ly--er-i - r-istic and boiling
over an~ promotes higher degree of polymprizaticn, of TBE. -r'g. Lr*. hast 8
fl.~,-re!3 arld 2 tablee.
SUET4177ED.- 00 DATE ACQt 28Aug63 FNGLt 00
Card 1/1
Regeneration of the catalytic properties of palladium black
in an-ultrasonic field. Izv..vys.,ucheb. zav.; khim. i khim.
tekh. 6 no.N416-4.19 163. (MIRA 16t8)
1. Ural'skiy lesotekhnichosk1y inatitut, kafedra crganicheektif
i fizicheskoy khizii.
(Panadim catalysts)
(Ultrasonic waves.-Industrial applicp'#;ions)
- 1, _~Wz_ ... .---
masultitaft" [WiSrmleallan Of C#fho". 1174NW4% and
S. A. C
*at A nafitkiieskof Xhisaff (JWuiviqa_'6I` 'Analytical
Chmistry), Y. 3, Mar.-Apr. 194a, p. 123-130.
Dewribes new calorimetric -bomb method requiring
about I Itr. Typical results are tabulated. 14 ref.
%Sam **.&AV
timiso 04 saidv* wit &19 a" 814411 ow ~ AS,
o , , 4 1 v U #A A 9 a 04 a a 9 1 IF IS
U W it 00 It As
0 * 1 0 e 0 0 o o a 0 0 9 e
10 4
: 00100000 0 * 0 * 0 * 0
GZTVISH, T u.G.; KUZffZTSOV. I*T.# redaktor-, DRUTA V, A.L.. radaktor;
POLYAXOVA, T.V.9 tekhnicheekly rodaktorr-l'"'
Iftul laugovin, itclentlet and figbter for peace aind democracy]
Poll lanzheven - uchonyi, borets za mir i demoki-atilu. Moskva,
Izd-vo Akadenti naukSSSRO 1955. 124 p. (KLRA 8:6)
(Langovin. hal. 1872-1946)
AUTHOR: Druyanov, B. A. (Moscow) SOV/179-59-3-28/45
TITLE: The Pressing of a Rigid Stamp into a Thick Non-uniform
Plastic Plate (Vdavlivaniye zheatkogo shtampa v tolstuyu
plasticheski neodnorodnuyu polosu)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 3,
pp 161-166 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The plasticity of a plate is defined in this work as a
relation of yielding to the coordinates. Non-uniformity
can be caused by thermal processing etc. The distribution
of the limit of yielding can be determined from the
distribution of hardness of the material. The hardness of
the surface is denoted by Hot while the hardness of the
interior is denoted by H 1 . When (H 0_111)/Ho < 0.5,
the corresponding limits of yielding are k 0 and k1 and
c = (ko - k I)/ko. The linear equations defining the
stresses of the material are based on the equation of
equilibrium (2.1), where the relation of yielding to the
coordinates is expressed as in Eq (2.2) and H - half the
thickness of the material, a - half the thickness of the
Card 1/4 stamp (Fig 1). The criterion of yielding can be satisfied
The Pressing of a Rigid Stamp.into a Thick Non-uniform Plastic Plate
when the variables w and E) (Eq 2-3) are introduced, thus
the formula (2,l) can be written as Eq (2*4), the solution
of which can be defined as Eq (2.7) for the sufficiently
small parameter c. By substituting Eq (2.7) into Eq (2.4)
a system of equations (2.8) is obtained, the right terms
of which are the linear functions w i and ()i (i> 0)
defined as Eqs (2.9 to 2.11), which represent the final
form tf the solution for t = 0, i.e. k = k = const. The
limiting conditions of the problem can be aescribed by the
formulae (3.1) and (3-2), where R defines the linear
function y = Y (x) which determines the boundary between
two plastic reg2ons I and II. The equation defining the
characteristic parameters of the problem can be based on
the formula
y Y W.
By substituting this formula into the first equation of
Eq (2.9), the differential equation (4.1) de:ining Y i is
obtained. In this way the equation of velocity can
Card 2/4 be determined from Eqs (5-1 to 5.8) and the limiting
The Pressing of a Rigid Stamp into a Thick Non-uniform Plastic Plate
conditions of v ai and v Pi can be determined from
Eqs (6.1 to 6-5), where v and v - projected velocities
on the coordinates a and 0~ F:kg ~ illustrates the general
case of the distribution of the yielding in the cross-
section of the material. Fig 2 shows the plastic regions
at the moment of pressing the stamp (left part of the stamp
is shown); the non-uniform condition is shown by a
continuous line, the uniform condition - dotted line
(a > 0). The distribution of pressures under the left
part of the stamp is shown in Fig 3 and the distribution
of velocities at the distances OD of the static surface
is shown in Fig 4. Some formulae related to the figures
are as follows: Eqs (7.1) determines the characteristics
OB11 AB1 and B1 CI (Fig 2); Eq (7.4) - the coordinates of
the point DI (Fig 2); Eq (7-5) - pressure under the left
part of the stamp (Fig 3). The distribution of
velocities illustrated in Fig 4 was obtained from the
formulae at the end of the article, p 166, where V - rate
of pressing (Fig 4).
Card 3/4
The Pressing of a Rigid Stamp into a Thick Non-uniform Plastic Plate
There are 4 figures and 7 Soviet references.
SUBMITTEDt February 41 1959
Card 4/11
24(6) SOV/20-127-5-15/38
AUTHOR: Druyanov, B. A.
TITLE: The Limit Equilibrium of a Plastically Inhomogeneous Wedge
PERIODICAL: Dckla Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 5, pp 990-992
ABSTRACT: In the case of the problem meationod in the title it is assumed
that the flow limit of a particle of the wedge material may be
expressed by an exponential function of the polar angle of the
particle k - k
e2aill. The equations for the stresses in plastic
4s intro--
space are written down aLd the parameter ty~ Arc 4.
duced. Figure 3 shown the dependence of the position of a stresa
crack on the limiting stress a. Figure I shows thi general
course of the characteristic lines within the wedge. There are
4 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universito'k im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
PRESENTED: April 27, 1959 by Yu. N. Rabotnov, Acadeziuian
SUBMITTED: April 21, 1959
Card 1/1
DRUYANOV s E. A., Cand Phya-Math Sci -- (di8s) "Some plane problems in
the theory of plasticity of a heterogenous medium." Moscow, 1960. 7 pp;
(Moscow State Univ im M. V. Lomonosov, Mechanics-Nathematics baculty);
150 copies; price not given; (KL, 18-60, 146)
DRUTANOVt B.A. (Moskva)
Indentation of a r1gid stamp into a thin pLietically nonuniform
bar. Isv.AN SSSR.OtdOtekh.nauk.Xekh.i mash:Lnostr. no.4:156-158
Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13.8)
(Deformations (Mechanics))
DRUTANOV, B.A. (Wdkva)
Nunerical,so.lution of the problem of preoving-li of a omooth stamp
into a plastically nomm1form sem1plane. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd,tekhonauke
Mekh.i mashinostr. no,3:163-166 Yq-je 161. WMA UtO
(Deformations (Mechanic*)
IFUIANCV., B.A. (Moskva)
Dio$ribufton of stress beneath a stamp with a curvilinear base
when clipping an ideally plastic strip. PMTF no.6:155-157 N-D
1619 (MIRA 14:12)
Strains and miresses)
DRUYANOV, B.A. (Moskva)
Initial flow of an Inhomogeneous strip caused by the preasing-In
of a rough stamp. Insh.zhur. 2 no.10.11-116 162. (KMA 150)
Method for solving statically indeterminate problems of the
two-dimensional flow of ideally plastic bodies. Dokl. AN SSSR
143 no.4:808-810 Ap 162, (KRA 15:3)
1. Vassoyuznyy saochnyy mashinostroitellnyy institut. Predstavlenc,
akademikom Yu.N.Rabotnavym.
(Laminar flow) (Plasticity) (Boundary value problems)
AUTHOR: Druyanov, B.A. (Moscow)
TITLE: Plastic deformation of a sheet duriniz change of* Corm
by rolling
PE P I Ob I CA1,; Zhurnal prikl*adnoy mekhaniki i teklinicheskoy- fiziki,
no.1, 1963, 117-120
TEXT: It is assumed that the sheet is cow-posed of ideally plastic
maLerial and that the roller is rough. The Plastic region is
consist of a curvilinear triangle, arid the elocities in
'~h~ re.~ion are tnen determined by the solution of the Cauchy
problc;n. Expressions are obtained for the forces and moments
in the system, assuming that the frictional forces may become as
large a s the yield value in shear. By considerinz a more general
Case, :ormulas are derived for the velocities and for t~-ie network
C). slip 11nes. These expressions involve Besael f,,irctions,and
q,i-stionq ralating to the ovaluation of inte..zra-s involving
L:i~-sc functions by the Laplace transformation are dimcusaed,
r-i- figures.
U Wi I TED July 4. 1962
DRUTANOV, B.A. (Moscow)t
"Rolling of a strip with inverse tension."
report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64.
FjMJYAtl,')V, D.A
. (Ho., ~"a)
Rollit.g a utrlp .*I th lb.Lck pull . T~~v. JVI ":;SR.
105-109 ~~Y-jo 165.
At-r; NKI
AP6012915 SOURCE CODEi UR/002o/66/i67
AUTuORt 1) A.
Manov$ B.
ORGi rone
'10231la24 I
TITLE: Integration of equations for plane flow of perfectly plastic bodies
-~SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167t no- 5, 1966, 1023-1024
TOPIC TAGSt mathematic physics, theoretic physics, plasti.c flow
ABSTRACT: A method for integrating the eauations for plane flow of ideally plastic
bodies is presented. The solution is based an earlier work published by B. DriWanov
(Zhurn. prikl. mekh. i tekhn. Mot No. 6, 19611_._T1jj~_m.qt.hod. consists of integratintT
Aq- - (V.Jz/C?- X --
L r
alcng some selected path (such an ;~417Ar pi, AnAaAVAU. AuCDAxAu,' AUUAWAss ) in
~4, a
2rder to evaluate R and j at pointI c:IF go 1),where i and j are given
x z_cos (P '+1 V sin T. Sin* 940M and 0 in the angle between the abscissa and
the cc famili-6f c-har-'ao- tisristics~~-Ke_.,. 0_ - cc + a. Daploying the relationaMps
-du + dU 0,
UA. A4jAa
+ 411;+ W; + dV i etol,
Card 113 UDct 532*4
Fig, 1, generalized field or
,characteristic curves.
PlastiP medium
the expression
Lxy Is (SA + 9D) T~12 Xf
is obtaineds The expression for is derived by an analogous procedure. Moreover,
for a - b 0, at A 3E o xt yt then#
(V*G--X4Q)- - (y*-X44+?G4-fOd)+ -2a dU
2 7/1 rv-;v Ifil
..Ca,d 2/3 A-AWA-4
ACC NRs AP6012915
--Since.--it ----Ov- this vielda- an- equation for -the-position of -the POintG -44,,-A
- 100 34'_
Tlz,i.-paper was prosented by Acadezioian Yu* N. Rabotnoy on 24 June 1965- Orig- art,
has: 1 figure and 5 equations*
SUB COM 20/ SUBM DATEs- 171&465/ CRIG REPt 00i
IAR TIMI'llmimemm
Reault of use of free skin transpUntation. Xhirurgiia 34 no.l2t83-86
1) 158. (HIBA 12: 1)
1. In khirurgicheakogo otdalanlys. (sav. I.Z. Shiskin) Norillskoy
goroddcoy bolluitay.
- transpli'i Oinew))
Polyps and polyposis of the rectum. Felld. i akush. 25 no.9t2O-23
8 160. (KM 13:9)
DRUYAI,.'OV, B.M. (Moskva, ul. MmIffa, d.18, kv.3-1)
Case of strangulated obturator hemia. flovokhiroarkh, no,D77-
78 162. (MIRA 15s8)
1. Kafedra obahchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. A.N. Volikoretskiy)
sanitarno-gigiyanicheskogo fakulltata I Mockovskogo ordena
Lienina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.Me Sechenovae
Liposarcoma of the omentum in pootoperative hermiae ViestAbir.
noo6t86-87 162. (KERA 1513-1)
lo Is kliniki obehohey khirargii (zav. - prof* A.N. Velikopetakiy)
nanita=o-giglyenichookogo fakullteta 1-go Mookovalcogo ordena
lani-aa moditainakogo inatituta im. I*H. Sechenova.
UWANOV, L*A, (Moscow).
YArxist-leniniatio teachings on mtter.
Tiz.v shkole 13 no.5;6-14 s-o 153,
"-: - ", ~--
Oluergatism" Is a variety of *physical* idealism. Yiz.v shkole
14 no.6:15-23 11-D 154. (91-RA 7:12)
MVWOV# ZoA~# kandidat filomofsklM nauk.
- 1. 1
- - . I
Yalelftere of science. I&Wm I shisal 21 no.1%4" A 154.
(NUA 711)
OMIL'YANOVSKIY. Mikhail Brassovich; TIRLWSKIY. U.N. otvatstveanyy
redaktor., DWjjAjOj,.-h,A. redaktor isdatelletva; ZILINIOU, Ye,T.,
takhaichookiy red-akwi
CPhilosophical problems of quantum mechanic@] JPilosofskis voprogy
ovantovoi nekhantkL. Moskva. Izd-vo Akadexii mauk SSSR. 1956. 267 P.
(Quantum theory) (KLRA 9:10)
IIRUrAVDV, L*A.,(Xoskva)
I 11plow I
On various form of motion of matter. Fig. T shkols 16 n9-3:17-26
My-je 156. Notion) (KWA 9:7)
AUTHY, Druyanov, L.A., Candidate of Philosophic Sciences 25-7-39/51
TITLEs Enemy of Science and Progress (Vrae nauki i programs&)
PERIODICALt Hauka I Zhiznlt 1957t # 7t P 56-59 (USSR)
ABSTRAM One of the very charaoteristic ways of bourgeois reasoning to
agnosticism - an idealistic school of thought which hol4e that
Man can know nothing 6f ultimate realities. Hume and Kant are
the beat known representatives of this philosophy. The author
quotas passages from Lenin's books in an attempt to prove that
there is enough evidence of science being able to explain
nature's phenomena# and that Communism will make f-arther progress
in that direction without resorting to religion an the ultimate
truth as it is being done by the adherents of agnosticism.
The article contains 3 cartoon-drawings.
AVAILABLEs Library of Congress
Card 1/1
ZZALOUT & - , kand.filosofskjkh nauk; OVCHINNIEDY. N.Y.,
kand.filosofskikh nauk, nauchVy red.; 1010TAWY, I., red.;
[Matter and its forms] Moterits i foraq e* sushches%voTaniia.
[Moskva] Mook.rabochii, 1957. 66 -P. (MIRA 10:12)
DRUTANOV, L. (g. Moskya)
~ - . -6 oIuf.erence on philosophical problems of modern natural history.,
Yis. v shkole, 19 no.2193-94 Kr-Ap 159. (KU 12 t 4)
(N&tural history-Congresses)
AUTHOR: Druvanov L A. SOV/89-6-5-1/33
TITLE: Half a Century of the Great Book (Polveka velikoy knigi).
On the 50th Anniversary of the Day of Publication of the
Book by V. I. Lenin "Materialism and Empiriocri-tioism"
(K pyatidesyatiletiyu so vremeni vykhoda v avet knigi
V. I. Lenina "Materializm i empiriokrititsizm")
PERIODICALz Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 6v Nr 59 PP 509 - -c12 (USSR)
ABSTRACTz The book "Materialism and Evilpiriocritioism" is diacu-s-sed in
connection with the theses set up by V. I. Lenin with
respect to the status of the natural sciences, especially
of materialism, as a philosophical trendo
Card 1/1
.--DRUYPIlOV, Loy-Alaksandrovielv; PUITSKHAVp I.D.,, prof., red.;
AGAFMOV, A.Ye., red.; ZYKINA, T.N.# tokhn. red.
(What matter is] Chto takoe materiia. Pod red. I.D.
Pantokhava. Moskva, Uchpodgizp 1961. E0 p.
(MIRA 15:10)
-."1-XYuqj VAISCL - a
Icil of notn5flun) chlatato trAces of potaulum chloride.
L A-1. IIRVKT K R I JR. Mot-5, F-VY-717-11gollav. 3. 01
r q 01 - -%~
ow~07,-Opgc 1k sts the hygrr.,~kapy of KC10,6 t0.10 tiuws- Itispai,iblettlat tills
i4ttrity is NSPOSISible for loymiq Qi t1m p-~" T r
tit. IN
Ally givrs Itp al fqg. -,--ArNt P,
d. awl livgm t
Epidemiology of cutaneous leiehmaniasis in the Tw*emen S.S.Ro;
preliminary report. Hed.parax.i paraz.bol. 29 no.4450451
JI-Ag t60. (DUU BOIL) (MIRA 13211)
Cutaneous lelehmaniasis in the villagoi of 01al-Mor in
Turkmenistan. Vop.kraev.paras.Turk.SSR .3#89-97 162.
(MM 1W)
1, Otdel'ry7 protivoofiu=Vy ot2#ad No. ll'goroda Ashkhabad&.
DRUZ', Aleksey Kbaritonovich; MIKHAYLEM, A.A., insh., retsenzent;
(High,production equipment for machine tools] Vyookoproizvo- 'r-~
ditelinaia oanastka dlia metallorethushchikh stankov. Moskva.
Goe.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 64 p.
I (MIRA 13:11)
j Ofachine tools)
. I
28(5) SOV/32-25-8-36/44
AUTHORS: Drus', B. I., Zubkov, G. S., Kulaging Va Dej Magulaq V. E.,
IVASSICazu e. V., Tsukerberg, B. I.
TITLE: Determination of.-"" -Internal Stresses According to the Method
of the Control Points
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 8, PP 1005-1006 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The most reliable determination methods of the absolute internal
streBSeS Of sheet metal constructions are the trepanation me-
thods based on cutting out smaller sections of the structure.
The method described in this article Is of this type and is
suitable for the determination of stresses of the first order
which are of the greatest importance in large sheet metal
structures. The designed instrument consists of an optical
comparator and a special puncher (Fig 1). The puncher is a sol-
id disk of steel with three cones arranged to form a delta-
rosette and made of a hard alloy (from the Rockwell instrument).
Under a 2-12, kg pressure three microscopical imprints are made
on the surface to be investigated and on the standard sample.
The latter is made of the same material as that of the tested
Card 1/2 sheet metal structure and both are-kept at the same temperature
Determination of the Internal Stresses According to the Method of the Control
during several hours. Then they out out strips (90-100 mm
wide) from the sheet metal structure (the stresses of the first
order developed at I cutting-out are removed) and the dis-
tances between the imprints on the stripe and on the standard
eamples are measured in three directions with the optical
comparator. The comparison-with the standard sample is necee-
sary because of the temperature deformation of the metal. The
distances between the imprints are Indirectly measured (Fig 2)
and the dimension and direction of the stresses is determined
by means of an equation. This method was used for stress
determination on two large seagoing vessels and can also be
applied at reservoirs, bridges, and other structures. There are
2 figures.
Card 2/2
DRUZ'9 B.p starshiy prepodavatell: MACRITA, V.t dotsent, kand.tekbn.nauk;
----------NGVOSELCV* M-s icapitan-nastavnik
Flexible c6rinking water containers for t1he dock. Mor.flot 21
no.1:39 Ja 161, (MIM 14: 6)
1. Kafedra "Teoriya i ustroystvo korablya" V ashego voyenno-
inzhennernogo morskogo uchUishcha (for Druz' ~- 2. Nw;halInIk
kafedry "Teoriya i ustroyetvo korablya" Vysshego voyenno-inzhenernogo
morsk,)go uchilisheba (for Magula). 3. Primorr7bprom (for Novoselov).
(Ships--Equipment and supplies) (Drinking water--Containers)