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DRCGCK, Jerzy,, mgr, #z. Eleatrolytialt%fteration of chromic acid solutims. Przegl mach 23 lso.89'40-2" 25 AP"64 1. Wytwornia Spcrzttu Komuh4acyJnego, Rzeszov. - 4-~ DROGOSZEWSKI, Bohdan .... ....................... .. -.- Experiments in weed control by using herbicides in forest nurseries. Roczniki wyz szkola rol Poznan 14 31-34 163. 1. Department of Forest Cultivation, College of Agricultural Poz nan. X DROGOSZEVISKI, Bohdan; PACYNIAK, Cezary Experiments in generative and vegetative multiplying of Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Svingle. Roczniki wyz szkola rol Poznan 14 35-38 163. 1. Department of Forest Cultivation and Department of Sylvan Botany~ College of Agricultural Poznan. DROGOVWXO, I.Z., inzh. Subaqueous trench work to rocky soils under winter conditions. MontA spets.rab.v stroi. 22 no.10:21-22 o ,6o, (mmA 13t9) 1. Treat Boyuzvsryvpron. (Yanimay River-Pipelines) DROGMYKOp -1.2.3 inzh.; KOLCDOCRKIN, YuS., inzh, Fa-perience with the blasting substance of the Mining Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. in drilling and blasting. Mont. i opetoo rab, v stroi. 25 no.5:26-28 My 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Blasting) GOLUBETITSEV'A.U. Lliolubentsev,, 0.',-1. (Kiyev); DMGG'jCq,, A.14. (Drohovoz, A.M.) (Ryev) Liniting valluos of the parr-metars of an integral equation of vilwation. Fryld.mekh. 7 no.4.-388-395 161. (11MA 14:9) 1. Institut mokhaniki AN "SSR. (Vibration) ~0(30 AUTHORS: T.rTL---: PERIODICAL: sJ198/62/008/004/002/W D407/D301 Holubentsev, O.M. and Drohovoz, A.M. (Kyyiv) On criteria of aperiodic stability of motion P-,7kladna mekhanika, v. 8, no. 4, 1962, 379 - 388 TEXT: Aperiodicity criteria are obtained which are closer to the sufficient conditions of aperiodic motions than those obtained in earlier works. The characteristic polynomial is taken in the form xn+ a 0xn-1 + aIxn-2 #+ .00 + an-1 " 0. (5) It is assumed that all the coefficients of (5) axe positive. A change of variables x=aoy is effected and the notation ojoaj / aoj+1 is intro- duced. Thereupon polynomial (5)-assumes the form: yn+ y n-1 + cly n-2 + 00. + On-1 ' 0. (6) Card 1/3 B/198/62/008/004/002/006 On criteria of aperiodio stability D407/D301 It is required that the roots of-(6) be real and negative. After cal- culations, one arrives at the following criterion: The roots of polyno- mial (6) are real and negative, only if its coefficients satisfy the inequality k (n-1) ... -k) -2n ~2,i (n E__ "K_ (k+l)l nk 11 -k iF _I 01] (1 +kV _1 01 ) (&1 ) ... (n-k) - _2n _2n k 0 1 +k~fj c k \< k r~_j The lower bound of the coefficients ck can be written in =ore accurate form (expressed by inequality (22)). The accuracy of Euler's criteria for aperiodio stability is compared with the obtained inequalities ((21) and (22)). The comparison is effecied by means of 2 exampless the cubic equation Card 2/3 S/198/62/008/004/002/006 On criteria of aperiodic stability ... D407/D301 X3 + X2 + aix + 0 2 = 0. (25) and the polynomial of the 4-th degree x4 + X3 + OIX2 + 02x + 03 ~ 0. (26) The comparison showed that the proposed criteria are more accurate than Luler's criteria. Hence inequalities (21)(22) can be used for determining the values of the coefficients, so as to obtain aperiodic motions. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. ABliOCIATIONs Instytut mekhaniky AS UkrRSR (Institute of Mechanics of the AS UkrRSR) SURMITTED: Xaroh 10, 1962 Card V3 ACCEWICN NR: AP4010374 8/0198/64/010/002/0200/0205 AuTy.oRs Drogoics, A. M. (Kiev) TITLE: Damping of*the transient procoas In the shortest Use SCURCEs Pry*kladna mekhmallog Y* 20p no@ 29 1964v 200-105 TOPIC TAGSt transient prooess, damy-inq r-th order differential eauation,, constant :ooeffident, rapid clamping 'ABSTRACTs An analysis of differential ecruo*tlon X10 alic", + - - - x 0 is presented. This in an equation of n-th order with constant o*eMdftts (a being understood to be an even nunbW By oxaWging the veriab2o and argusenti ,card 'ACCESSICK NRz 04010374 this a * tion takes an the form + i-*+ Ciro-* + - - - + .0. The solution of the lost *emotion produces the sum of two fanctiong. + 'Analysis of thwiresults obtaiied indicates, that function yjL('C) to liatted (00ef- are governed Iv corAition ;fIcIsOtN 02P 0,41,99-1 %-2 + c4y" (1) + M Mr 1 (1) + M" (T) + Ci V" + C'M. ~i~troduced tv 0. Me Golubentsev and A. I.' Drogovoz (Pro grv~lebrd zIacbMffldy% parkanstriv intogioll nop vinganVe koliventp Prildafta, ukhudkes, to VIII vo,4, :3.961 Since y('C) Is an inereasing functiong y2(t) =wt be iiaoreasing,, amid who coefflateots o1v 030 0500"t % &PP"*Oh *M6 Y2(T) aim appm"b" ConsHering 00 "Utt -?Zen esame, fu"'160 lose eso and seree OU *)I Ot CW4 - 2/4 ACCESSIM FR& AP4010374 .coefficients ao' als .... an., of the, original differential equation as being exprossed by formUs a& + n) (1 2 0 and bj~2 'the autbore arrive at that relation between co-efficiante a0p alt at which Card ,;ACC=CN NRt AP4010374 Oamping of the transient, process occurs roat repid2y. Orig. art. bass 24 formUs.; ASSOCIATICS iIwUtut makhodid M #MR (InstAtute of HaaMmics ii MOTO 'MWTISDI 020at63 ;bATE AGQI UFAU IWCLI 00. :1 SUB COMS lei TO HEF 307t 003 OT9SR# COD Cwd 4/4 MULAM, Olga; DABROWSKIp StanIslaw; DROGOWSKI, Marian The sleot-oijhoretic pattern of piotelne of the flulu in senile dementia. Ncurol,g nourochir,p 11, no../.i629-M Jl-Xg 164 1, Z KlIniki Neurologicznej Akademil Modycznej (Kierownikt doc, dr. med. H.Wender',j z Kliniki Aademji Medycznej w Poznaniu (Kierowniki pror. i zo Szpitala d1a Werwowo i Psychicznie Chor7ch (Dyrektor Szpitalat dr. Z. Elaszkiewicz). cerebral-ipinal psychint. Polo v Poznanlu PsycMatryczne dr. P.Dreezeri w DzIekance MMART, Miro3lav; VjJTUC-M.,, Vojto-.h; DR0111AV., Radek Fluid drying of glass sands. Sklar a keramik 14 no.11011-312, 313 11 164. 1. Research Institute of Inoreanie Chemlstry, Usti nad Labem (for Vanecek and Drbohlav). 2. Institute of Inorganic CheW.atry of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences2 Prague (for Markvart). DROJECKA, R. Why only into high mountaine? p, 10. June 1955. TUMM Warszawa, Poland. ,kio. 61 So: Eastern European Accession. Val 5, no. 4, April 1956 DRWEKI, Andrsejj ZIELINSKI, Janusz Mental complications during therap7 of lupus cry-thematosus with atebrinee Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.14:505-508 4 Ap 160. le Z Kliniki Dermatologlesnej; kierovnik: doo.dr H. Proobacki L x Kliniki Psychiatryosnej P.A#M. v Szoseoinis; kieroynik: x-ca prof.dr F. Platkovski. (qunuaRlEs toxicol.) (LUPUS 11R1 KATOSES ther.) (MENTAL DISMORS etiol.) - MRWICII # Andrzej Griseofulvin - a now antiblotio for the treatsent of nyooses. Prsegl,deru. Wares. 47 no.&501-510 I-D 160. 1. Z Kliniki Dermtologlosuej P.A,X. v Szosecluis, Kierownik: doo.dr B.Proohaoki. (ORIBBOYMIN ther) FROCHACKI., Henrykj DROJECKI,,_ArArsej; BIELUNSKA, Sabina Therapeutic value of grisooftavin in microsporosis and other mycoses. Przegl. dorm. 49t221-223 162. 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologiczaej PAM w Szozecinie Kierownikt prof., dr H. Prochaeld. (GRISEOMVIN) (TIVA) FOLA11D WINIARSKI, 1,"aclaw and DROJECKI Andrzoj; First Clinic of In- ternal Diseases (I Kifn-lk'a:~~o-4r-oS;~%o~;;~etrznych) (Director: Prof. Dr. Foliks BOLECHOWSKI) and Clinic of Dermatology (Kli- nika Dormatolo,-iozna) (Director: Prof. Dr. Henryk PROCHACKI), both of PAM [Pomorslca Alcademia Medyozna, Pomeranian Medical Academy] in Szczecin 11 El ek tro cardiogram Tracings in Scloroderma." Warsaw, Polski Tygodnilf Lelcarski, Vol 18, No 29, 15 Jul 63, pp 1060_1065 Abstract; (Authors' English summary] Authors report seven cases oF generalized scleroderma (3 women and 3 men) aged 21-62, two of which died with symptoms of circulatory fail- u re. In all the patients the ecg tracings shows abnormali- ties, mostly lowering of the QRS volta.-o, flattening or in- version of the T wave, and levelling 0f the ST wave. Von- tricular fibrillation was noted in one case. 7hore are 32 references: One (1) Soviet, 6 Polish, one (1) German, and the other Western, primarily in English. 1/1 AUTHORs Drok, A.1,Chief Me-,hanic 127-58--4-26/31 TITLEi Modernization of the Joints of the SE-3 Ex,za-;-ator (Modernizatsiya uzlov ekskavatora SE - 3) PERIODICALt Gornyy Zhurnal, 1956, Nr 4, PP 71-73 (USSR) ABSTRACTs SE-3 excavato73have been used by the Yelenc7qkoye rudoupravleniye tresta Ogneuporne-U4 (Ye'Lenovka Mining Administration of the Ogneupornerud Tritat) since 1946. The repair shep of t'--e mine modernized the 5oints of this excavator 1~y xerlacirg amall pins with largir ones; building protec-,ive covers over the sockets of the excavator to shield them from pieces of rockA, etc. There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Yelenovskoye rudoupravleniye treat& Ogneupcrnerud (Yelenovka Mining Administration of the Og-teupornerud Trust) Card 1/1 1. Earth moving equipment - Design 2. Mines - Equipment SOV/127-58-12-19/26 A.UT11,ORt Drok, A.I.f Mining and Electromechanical Engineer TITLE: The Modernization of the Operating Mechanism of the Excava- tor SE-3 (Moddrnizataiya napornogo mekhanizma ekskavatora SE-3) PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1958, Hr 12, pp 6o - 62 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author proposes minor changes in the working parts of the operating mechanism of the SE-3 excavator, which will double the life of the cog wheels and the gear racks of the handles. This unit is produced by Uralmashzavod (ZTM), the Magnitogorskiv zavod gornogo oborudovaniya (the Magnitogorsk Plant of the Mining Equipment)(MZGO), and the Krivoy Rog Plant of Mining Equipment "Kommunist"(KZGO). The proposed modernization is very simple and can be carried out by any industrial installation. There are 2 diagrams and 1 graph. ASSOCIATION: Yuzhnyy gorno-obogatitellnyy kombinat (YuzbW KWag- Concentration Combine) Card 1/1 .MOKV A.I.p gornyy insh.-elektromelchanik "----------- I I . , -1 Repairing okulywnt-at the-S6uthern Mining and Ore-dreBsing Combine " -1 Cor. zhur. zo,3i46~54:Nr 161- , - (MIRA 14:3) (KrIvoy Q lksin machinery-44aintence and repair) DROK, A&I gozmn inxhaner-ole SGR-SM pumps Gorabur. no*5s72 My 161. ()OA 14s6) is DrITorosbakiy I%Lzbnyy gorno-obogatitelln" kombinat. (Ore drovilting-Wpwnt and oupplies) (rwoping mm*iuex7) DROKp A.1.9 gorW inzh.-elektromekhanik ------- Protecting vacuum pumps of dressing plants. Gor. zhur. no.11:75-76 N , 61. (KM 13:2) I# Xr:tvorozhvkiy YuzVaW gorno-obogatitellnyy kombinat. (vacuum pumps) (ore dressing) MOK A 1 -0 in2h. - Now denign of the tooth of the EKG-4 excavator for rock excavation* Strois i dore mash* 7 no.9sl4-15 S 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Excavating machinery) .!!O~., A.Ij inah. Increase the life of parts of working equipment of the Sr,-3 and KK&4 excavators. Strol, i dor. isash. 7 no.12:3-6 D 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Nnavating m4chinery-Equipment and supplies) i. DROX_p A.I.,,, gornyy insh.-olektrowkhanik Drainage in inolined trpnching. Gor, shur. no.9s73-74 S 161. 1 (MVU 16 t 7) 1. Yuzhnyy gornoobogatitellnyy kombinato Krivoy Rog. (Mine drainage) DROK, I.T.; WATINKO, S.Z. -----'~struction of storap warshouzes Is an iWrtant task,, Bakhe 'Pro". 33 ro.6:i?-i8 is 159. OaRA 12:8) 1. Gorodishchenskiy sakharzWr savod. (Sua r-storage) (warehouses) DRDK. I.T. Technical, Industrial, and financial plan for ougar factorleso Sakh.prom. 34 no.2s46-48 7 1609 (MIRA 13:5) 1. Gorodishchanakiy oaMarnyy zavod. I (Sugar Industry) S/035/62/000/011/069/079 AOO1/AlOl AUTHOR: ~M.~ TITLE: On the problem of correction in elevationibr the combined effect of Earth's curvature and vertical refraction in geodetic leveling for short distances PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodezlya, no. 11, 1~62, 25, abstract lIG180 ("Nauchn. zap. L%--Ivsk. politekhn. in-t. Ser. geod.", 1962, no. 7. 3 - 30) TEXT: The author describes field investigations of the vertical refraction effect on the results of geodetic leveling with short sighting rays, carried out by the workers of the geodesy department of the LI'vov Polytechnic Institute In May 1956. nie Investigations consisted in multiple measurements of vertical' an- gles at Point 13 durin .g 12 days, Observations were made with rods provided with three sighting marks, (at heights 1, 2 and 3 m) mounted at six points located at distances 400 - 1,000 m from Point B. Vertical angles were measured every hour by two observations. Every time, upper, middle and lower marks on the rods of all six points were observed, DurIng the first ob6evvatlons, the OT-02 theodolite Card 1/3 S/035/62/000/01 1/069/071) On the problem of correction ln*41evation for the... W0611AI01 4 1 was set on the conventional s6nd (1-1.56 m), and during the second observation on a high stand (1-3.02 m). Simultaneously with angular measurements were con- ducted also meteorological observations. Elevations between the points were de- termined In advance by geometric leveling. Vertical angles were simultaneously measured by reciprocal observati6ns in two directions. The rms error In measuring a vertical angle amounted to + O.'g. The author considers specific features of temperature distribution In the ground air layer and analyzes In detail the ob- servational results, arriving at the following main concliu;ions. Errors due to refraction are of positivo*sign (refraction Increases the vertical angles meas- ured) in morning, during 1 - 2 hours after sunrise, and in evening, 1 - 2 hours before sunset. whereas during the larger part of the day they are of negative sign (refraction decreases the vertical angles measured). Positive errors due to refraction are the largest during sunrise and sunset, and negative are the largest during the hours about noon. The course of diurnal variation of refraction errors is the same for different weather conditions, but their magnitude depends, to a considerable degree, on the state of weather. Introduction of corrections In ele- vations due to combined effect of Earth's curvature and refraction according to the-formula f - 0,43 (d2R) during geodetic leveling for distances up to I km Is Card 2/3 s/035/62/boo/oll/069/079 On the problem of correction In elevation for the... A0011AI01 not subntantiated, since refraction Index varies In the ground air layers within very wide range, considerably differing from 0.14 in absolute magnitude, and has the negatIve sign during the larger part of the day. The absolute value of re- V, fraction index decreases with Increasing line length.and with sighting ray height over the ground surface. There are 9 references. A. Ostrovskly (Abstracter's note.- Complete translation) Card 3/3 3, AUMOR: Drok, M. K. 42999 8/035/62/000/011/043/079 AOO1/A1Ol TITLE: The accuracy of determining elevations in traverses of geodetic leveling with short rays in a hilly country PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astironomiya i Geodeziya, no. 11, 1962, 8 - 9, abstract 11G84 ("Nauchn. zap. L'vovsk. politekhn. in-t. S~r. geod.", 1962, no. 7, 31 - 39) TEXT: In order to study the accuracy of geodetic leveling with short di- rectional rays and the effect of vertical refraction on elevations, elevation traversea were run in a hilly country. The traverses were run through the pot-ft of a polygonometric network consisting of three poiygons totalling 12.2 km. The average separation between points was a370 m. Elevations between the points were determined by geometric leveling; the rms error was �3.9 mm per I km of traverse. Geodetic leveling was carried out from the sunrise to sunset. Ver- 14P ~langles were measured with an OT-02 theodolite by four observations. Ob- -"ere made of marks located on a rod at heights of 1, 2 and 3 m. At ,1/035/62/000/011/043/079 The accuracy of determining... AOO1/A1O1 the same heights the air temperature was measured with Assman thermometers. The rms error in measuring the Inclination angle by one observation while sighting the upper mark amounted to +1".1, the middle mark +1".4, and the lower mark �V'.5. The rms error in determining elevation in o-ne direction, calculated with allowance for the error mjand errors in measuring distance between points (I : 25,000), instrument height (�1.5 mm) and the sighting mark height (�0.5 =1 turned out to be +2.3 mm. The rms errors of elevation per I km traverse, Cal- culated from polygon misclosures, amounted to +21 mm in one-way determination of elevations, +4 mm in two-way determination, an~~ +10 mm in leveling from the middle. To budge on the effect of refraction, w-ere cajculated differences ~ ,h between elevations determined by geodetic and geometric levelings. Refraction Index was calculated by the formula: k. f-hp (p Is correction for Farth's cur- P vature) and from meteorological data accordift to the formula: c km - X0 + g i~_' (1) (see RZhAstr, 1956, no. 2, 1433). Results of calculations have shown that in air layers near the ground surface refraction index varies from 3.00 to -2.85 Card 2/3 I S/035/62/000/011/043/079 The accuracy of determining... A001/A101 during a day. On the basis of investigations performed, the following conclu- sions have been drawn: 1) Vertical refraction is the main error source in one- way geodetic leveling with short rays; in leveling from the middle (across the point) this effect is partially compensated. In two7way leveling, errors due to residual effect of refraction bear the appearance of random errors. Two-way geodetic leveling can be carried out during the whole day, excluding hours of strong oscillations of rod images and 1 - 2 hours after sunrise and prior to sunset. 2) Introduction of corrections for refraction at one-way leveling using a factor determined in advance, does not yield desirable results for small dis- tances. Introduction of refraction correction according to Formula (11) improves measurement results, but calls for an additional expenditure of time and means for determination of temperature gradients while measuring vertical angles. V. Sinyagina. jAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 3/3 8/035/62/000/012/043/064 A 000101 AUTHORi Drok, M. K. TITLE: An investigation of accuracy of elevation determinations in short- distance geodetic leveling in plain countries PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 12, 1962, 9, abstract 12a68 ("Nauchn. zap. L'vovak. politekhn. in-t. Seir. geod7, 1962, no. 6, 183 - 199) T W To study accuracy of geodetic leveling, elevation traverses total- ling 18 km were laid out in the region of Galich. Distances between points were measured with a 48-m steel wire with accuracy of 1/?0,000. Elevations between ends of each side of the traverse were determined by the 3rd class geometric le- veling; the rms error of leveling was �3.4 mm per I km of traverse. aeodetic leveling was conducted during to days from sunrise to sunset. Vertical angles were measured by means of an OT-02 optical theodolite. Marks of the rods at heights of 1, 2 and 3'm were observed. -At every station were measured air tell- perature (at heights of 0-5, 1.5 and 3 m over the ground), pressure and force of Card 1/2 3/035/62/000/012/043/064 An investigation of accuracy of... AOOIA101 ' wind, and cloudiness and quality of images were registered. The rms error in determining elevations, calculated with allowance for errors In inclination angle measurements, instrument height and height of sighting marks, amounW to �3.4 mm. Refraction indices were calculated by the formulae: LIVI, k~ P P where 6N' is divergence of elevations determined from direct geodetic leveling ~ 11 and geometric leveling, I N is divergence of elevations determined from rove roe geodetic leveling and geometric leveling, p is correction in elevation for Earth! a curvature. On the basis of an analysis of investigation results the following conclusions have been drawn: vertical refraction is th6 main source of errors in short-range geodetic leveling in1plain countries. In two-way leveling and level- ing from the middle, refraction effect is compensated (at equal distances to the forward and back rods and sighting mark height of 2 - 3 M) to a considerable de- gree, refraction index varies from +2-3T to -4.80 during a day. Geodetio level- ing can be performed during the whole day, excluding hours of strong image fluc- tuations and also 1.5 hours after sunrise w4 before st4nset. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Ye. Xlyushin card 2/2, ' I - ACC N% AR6004312 SM103 COM UV0270/6 AUTHOR& Drok, K. K TITLEs A study of the daily variatign of discrepancies in the mosses of ROW leveling in a triangle.. SOURCE: Rafe she Goodosiyap Aboo'10*52*186 REr SOURGEt Good. kartogr* i asrofotos"yemka. Respe mexhved. nauchnotekhne sb*p vyp. 1, 1964, 25-34 TOPIG TAGSt triangulation,, meteorologic observation# geodesy, refractive index ABSTRACT: The zenith distances to marks along the sides of a triangle whose vertices are situated on the slopes of a valley were measured aimultaneously during 3 days in July (every hour) and 9 days in September (every even hour)e The transit lines (1.0 ka < a - < 2.6 ka) were for the mat part at a height of I%j 50 a. In all. W series of bilateral measurements were made along each side of the triangle, Second- class geometric leveling with an ran error of +1.6 am/im was performed between the vertices of the triangle. Meteorological observations were also awide, at each point. The obtained results confirmed earlier conclusion.3 (RZhj 1963,, 8,,52.78) on the daily variation in the refractive index when the direction is reversed and when changing from one direction to another. In the daytimej, the refractive index was close to -0-14. It was established that the nights naming, and evening observations with Card 1 2 UDG 1 52 6 ~,_Q&c4_ L 00796-67 '--ACC- NRi AMM4312 unilateral geodetic leveling contained refractive errors which were greater by an approximate factor of 2 than in the daytime hours. In nonsimultansous bilateral leveling with intervals of 2, 4, 6j 8p and 10 bra between measurements *forward" and "backward." the average discrepancies in the excesses in the tMang3s were, respectivelYs 369 349 44,, 22, and 15 = (for the July period) and 23, 33* 29v l0v and 2 mm (for the September period). When the "direct" July and "reverse" September measurements with the same time intervals were used, the average disorepancies were 40, 46, 50, 38v and 24 an; when the Mirect" September and OreversO July obsurva- tions were used, the average discrepancies were 19p 28,, 26, 16j, and 22 mm, It was concluded that the discrepancies in the triangle with non3imultansous bilateral leveling did not exceed the toleraiaes for fourth-elms geometric leveling. Better results of nonsimultaneous geodetic leveling with the transit line at a considerable height can be obtained with symmstric arrangement of the *forward* and "reverse" observations relative to meridian time A* Trofimay Llranslation of abstraeg SUB COM 08 - ~w I. R's, "I --' - 0 -~ ~,P_ 211M 15 2 IN, 7 ~,-- I M - I L-0,41 t %:~,,~i~~---~~ - , w sliml I I I I SMIAM: i ~ XATAYEV, S.I.; KURDOVp L.I.; KHROMOY, V.P.; UL'YAN(;V, V.N.; DROKHANOV, AA Enerimental electronic rear projection system in the Moscow Television Center. Vest, aviazi 22 no.50-6 VV 162, (MIRA 150) 1. Sotrudniki kafedry televideniya Moskovakogo elaktrotekhni- chaskogo Ins tituta avasi. (Moscow-Television staticns--Electronic equipment) BURLAKOV, Nikolay Mikhaylovich; IROKHMOVA, ye.N., red.; ILTUGMA, T.D.0 tekhn."d, [Urgent task of animl husbandry; sources for increasing the output of 'baef] lamushohnsia sadmohm shivotnoyodetva; Istoch- niki uvelicheniia proisvodstya govisdiny. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovetaksia Rosslia," 1959. 86 p. (mm 13:6) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Yeasoyasnoy ekademii seliskokhozyaystven- nykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (VASMIL) (for Burlskov). (Stock and stockbreeding) POM. Ivan Mile ylovich; TAW71T. V.N., red.; DROKHANOTA, Y6.1.0 red,; KUZRRSOVA, G.I., [Ways for a better use of production funds on collective and state formal Puti luchshago ispollsovantis proizvodetvennykh fondov kolkhosov i sovkhozov. Kookya, Izd-vo *Sovetakain Rosolis." 1960. 38 p. (Dlis slushatelei sel*skikh nachallnykh ekonomi- obaskikh shkol I krushkov. few 3) (Km 14:1) (Agricultural administration) GLUKFOV, Anatoliy Alakeandrovich; VASIVYEV, V.?;., red.1 DROKHPIIGVAp Ye.N., redq IUUCHEVA, T.D,, tekhn, red* [Increasing labor productivity is the path to abundance] Povy- shenie proizvoditellaosti truda - put' k izobiliiu. Moskva# Izd- vo "Sovetsknia Roesiia," 1960. 37 p. (Dlia slushatelei. sellsk4kh nachallnykh ekonomicheakikh ohkol i kruzhkov, Tema n0,4) (MIRA 15:1) (Agriaulture-Labor productivity) RASPOPOVA, Anna Ivanovma,,- DROKWOVA, Ye.N., red.; YEIAGRI, A.S., tekhn. red. [One-hundred and forty calves a year] Dvesti sorok teliat za god, Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovetskaia Roseiia.," 1961* 15 P, (MMU 14:11) 1. Telyatnitsa kolkhoza "Rossiya".Annenskogo rayona Voronezhslcoy oblaoti (for Raspopoval. (Calves) KRETOVAy Ollga Kapitonovna; DROKHANOVA, U.N., red.; YEIAGIN, A.S., tekbn. red. t=- [Nikolai Manukovskiia Ouniversitieo."]Universitety Nikolaia t4umkovskogo. Moskva,, Izd-vo "SoVetskaia Roseiia, 1961, 124 pe (AIRA 25:3) (Manukovskii, NikoW Pedorovich) - NOVMM.. I.A. j KOTOVO 0. G..# doktor ekonom. nauk, red. j M019MOVA Ye.N. , red.; YEIAGIN, A.S.j, takhn. red. (Knowledge of economics is the basis for able management] Zna, nie ekonomiki - onnava umelogo khosiaistvovaniia. Moskva, Izd- vo "Sovetskaia, Rosaiia.." 1961. 186 p. WMA 15:3) (Agriculture-Economic aspects) ZA'YTSEV, Vasiliy Vasillyevich, Geray Sotsialistichookogo Trudaj DROKHAROVA, Ye.N.9 red.1 YZIAGIN, A.S,j tekhn, redo -va- [If you havemodmiW than help the othero]Dobilsia sam - pomogi drugoma. Moskva,, Sovetskaia Rosaiia., 1962. 53 Po (KIRA 15:7) lo Predsedatell kolkhoza. "Fobeda" Chuvashakoy ASSR (for Zaytsev). (Agriculture) CHERNYAKEOVSKII., Ivan Grigorlyevichj Ted-,; - I POPOV, N.D.p tekbn. red. (Notes of a shop foreman]Zapiski nachallnika tsekba. Mo- skvap Izd-vo O.Sovetakaia Rossiia.." 1962. 129 P. (KIRA .15:9) 1, Nachallnik liteynogo teekha Vladimirskogo elektromotor- nogo zavoda (for Chernyakhovskly). (Founding) .AMV, Vladimir Fedorovich; MHANOVA, Ye.N.,_red.; POPOV, N.D., tekhn. red. (Joy of difficult roads) Sebast's trudnykh doro Moskva SovetskiLia Rossiia, 1963. 154 p. &IRAL l6t5i (Ir?a and steel workers) (Privilov, Mikbail Moiseevich, 1913- VASILENKO, Mikball Paylovicb; DROKHANOVA. U.N., red.; POPOV, N.D., tekhn. red. [Ways to overcome seasonal work factors on collective fame] Puti preodolenfla, sezonnoeti truda v kolkhozakh. Moskva, Isd-vo "Sovetskaia Rosaiia," 1963. 198 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Collective farms) RUKHADZE, Aleksandr Konstantinavich; RUDAKOV, Veniamin Fedorcrvich; -JDROMUIOVA, Ye.N., red.; MARAKASOVA, L.P.., tekhn. red.; YELAGIU, A.S.., tekhn. red. [IndustiPes of the soutbern Urals) Industriia IUzhn,ogo Urala. Moskvap Sovetskaia Itosaiiay 1962. 141 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Ural Mountain regio&.-Industries) BMIXOT, P.P,~ GNVORKTAN, 4.9r. kandidat tekhn1cheskIkh nauk; DR jWMT U.N.. redaktor; DWWV, AoS., takhnichookly redaktor. - , I no-w4w [Porcelain] Farfor; vyedsuiS T takhnologiiu. Moskva, Goa. isd-vo mestnoi prowyahlonnosti RSPOIL. 1955. 203 p. OUA 91'6) l.Deyvtvitellnyy chlen Akmdeuii nauk USSR. (for Dwinikov) (Porcelain) 11~-' BOVA, Tevceniy Yedorovich;..DROMMOOTA, TO.N., red.; BUNO, N.Te*# tokhn,red, [Vhat it means to catch up with and to surpass the U.S.A.] Chtq snachit dogmtl L peregast' SShA. Moskva. Isd-vo 05ovetaimia Romaiiaol 1960. 62 P. (MIRA 13t6) (Russia-loonomie policy) SUPONITSKIY, Se=11 Abr&vo"eh;Q=WNOrAp Te,Nsp redel YSIAGINt A.S.f teklmo rod. (OutstriPPIng'tilwYOperathala, vremia. Moskvaq Izd-vo "Sovet- skaia Rosoiiag" 1961.* 141 p. (MIRA 14:8) (Russia-Economic policy) to DROKIN, A.B. [deceased]. , - Axes of coordinates; file scenarig,on alkebre, for classes 7 and 8 Uch.'sap. labsped.inst. no*8:33-41 155. (MIJU 10,23 (Coordinates) Votion pictures in education DROK"N', A. T. "Study of Ter- .rA--ratime Eagnetic Hysteresis of :iickel by 1,-,-an~; of r, Aut-matic -botorecording." Cand Phys "ath Scl, I oncow ."-da~orlcal inst, I-oscow, 1954. (RZhFiz, Feb 55) so; Stuns 'Ntoo 631, 26 Aug 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at US'31R Hiqher Educational Institutl--nF (14) MZI!lSXIZ, Leonid Vasillyovich, doktor.fisiko-satsmat~cheskikh nml jg-A- IjW t fiziko-vatematichook1kh MOMM - yLLhl kimAMa nau1c; MrSaiv rsdNEW; XDKOULIRA, A.. takhnichaskiy re- daktoro [Atovio one aid its utilization)Atommia onergils, i so primenonloo ItrasnolaraTzannolarskoe knlzhnoe isd-vo 1955. 46 P. [Microfilal (KLIRA 10:5) (Atomic power) F rD-1823 RDI Fr A.. :V. Card 1/1 Pub 146-8/25 Author Drokin, A. 1. Title New Method for checking the compensation of the earthls~ magriatic fiel(I in investigations with vertieal &static maSnetometer Periodical i Zhur. eksp. I teor. fiz. 28j 199-200j February 1955 Abstract The author gives a new method for verifying the necessary amount of --rarreDt in the coils of the vertical astatid magnetometer which co--vencates -,he vertical component magnetic field of the earth and other extrane..;uL Para- sitic fields. The proposed method is based upon the use of temperature magnetic hysteresis (Ya. S. Shur. W. A. Baranova, and V. A. 7,aykova, DMI SISSR, 81, 557,, 1951); that is, upon the non-unique behavior of the Irten- sity of magnetization In a constant weak magnetic field during heating and cooling of a ferrouw~gnetlc swVle. Nine references. Institution: Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogic Institute Submitted : MaY 7o 1953 Abst Journal: Awferat Msur Fizika., No 12., 1956., 34916 Authart 4v Drokin, A. -I!j. Illymbahko, V. L. Institution: Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical Institute, USSR Titles Effect of the Method of Demagnetizing a Speelmn on the Temperature Dependence of the VAgnetization of Nickel in Weak Fields Orligb&l Periodical: 2h. eks;4win. i teor. fizik:L, 1955, 29., So 3., 339-344 Abstract% An investigation was mad of the affect of the metbod of demiNwertizing, produced by chwid g the mapetic field or by cooling from the Curie temperature,, on the temperature dependence of the Tarlation of t&e mag- netization processes an attributed by the authors to the fact that dif- ferent depagnetization methods lead to a different magwtic etructure, Card. 1/1 VEfftct of the method of demitgnon2sition of thl 9.1nit,lo on e temperalura coefficient of the vlagactic suncq'uHlry A nickbi in weak fields A 1. Vo,k-in mi(i v. L. Itenka. Satirl Phys, J~l #z, 1~ IU 0 ~ Vilgi. trim4a- C.A. 50. DROKYN, A. 1. VTYURIN N 1: 1 VLASOVP A. 1;P KIRENSKIY, L. V., IUV, and .0 == TLT"V,, R: I , (Krasnoyarsk "The Tlemperature and Rotation Hysteresis in Ferromagnetic Materials," a paper submitted at the International Conference on Physics of Magnetic Phenomenas, Vverdlovskp 23-31 56. '~~ uv- ~ I AUTHORS: Kirensklyj L. V., Vlasov, A, Ya,, Vtyitrln) N. Is 48-2~12/26 Drokin,, A. Ij Ivlevs V. F., Tukalov, H. 1. TITLE: Note on the Temperatureq. and Cirealar-Hyateresi3 in Ferromagnetic Substanns (TemperaturW i vrashchateltnyy gisterezis Y ferromaga netikakh). PERIODICAL.* Izvestiya AN SSSR Seriya. Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Nr 9. pp. 1262-1267 (USSR,)o AB,13TRACT." In thib paper experimental investi-ations,were conducted of&* 1) The temperature hysteresis of magnetization according to the Bacycla (cooling-theating) (TMH), 2) the temperature hysteresis or magneto- strietion (TMH), 3) the temperature hystereiis of the galvanomagne- tic effect (THGE) according to the A*cycle*(heating-cooling), 4) the phenomenon of the "circular', hysteresis of magnetostriction was established and investigated parallel to the study of the losses in rotating magnetic fields. The Investigations were conducted on varioux samples of niekel.. on the examination of the TMH1 effect thick samples showed a much more marked effeet than thin ones. If further cooling is applied, the thicker samples are subject to the effect. of the deis magnetization factor, which reduces the originaUy weak field. The Card 1/2 importance of the energy of anisotropy grows, because of which fact Note on the Tompnraturs. and Circular-k!y4teresis in 48-9-1?/26 Ferromagnetic Substances, the magnetization vectors of the domains do not, arrange themselvetv parallel with the magnetic field, but along the easter direction of magnetization, which cannot coincide with the orientation of the weak field, It is shownj that-Ahe THM-effect diminishes with the growth of the field, No THU-effect is observed in fields of the order of magnitude of loo 09. Analoguous observatioms;were made in the case of the THGE-effect, The magnitude of THU and THGE depends on the inis tiar temperature of heating and on the final point of heating (con- version point)j If it 19 belowthe Curie point. Analysis of th* mag- netographs from the magnetic recorder showed, that the magnetostric- tion as well as the UHM-.affant grows strongly with an increase of the field from loo to looo Oe and on a further increase of the fields tends asymptoticaUy to its maximum values. There are 11 figures and 8 31a'vic referencen. ASSOCIATION: State Institute for Pedaeogics of Krasnoyarsk (Kra3n,)yarskiy Cos. pedagogicheskiy- institut). AVAILABLE: Library, of Congress. Card 2/2 DROI"d~-l - - - .' A: V.) CITPIASHIN) V. a. and MOM10 A. I. "Investigation of Phenomena Accompanying the Propagation of Ultrasound and Methods to be used in Work in this Field: Me Effect of Ultrasound on the Ferromagaetic Properties of Matter." report presented at the 6th Soi. Conference on the Application of Ultrasound in the Investigation of Matter, 3-7 Feb 1958, organized by Min. of Education FMW and Moscow Oblast Pedagogio let. im N. K. Krupsksyn. DROM) A. 1.J 1JLPTEY) D. A. and SMOLIN, R. P. (Krasnoyarak) "Studies of the Temperature Magnetic Hysteresis on the Points of the Hysteresis Loop." Nickel and Iron-nickel alloy samples bad been studied for this purpose. DROKINY A. I. with Kirenskiy, L. V. and Cherkashin, V. S. " The results of the Influence of Ultrasonic Waves on the Magnetic Properties of Ferromagnetics at Various Temperatures." Popov ;r*"nW at the All-Uhlon motlag an Magootic Struature of rwromoution June 190,1 In Xwnqmk. _9001ag opwAar*d by Imt. of FbivIce.. Aced. Sol. UMO &zA Com. for Y^potlms Dept fts4lRth Sol, AS UM, KIRNNSKIY, L.V.-.-DROXIS. A.I.-, LkMV, D.A. I Bffect of compression on the magnetic hystereois of nickel underfluctuating temperature. lzv.Sib.otd.AN SSSR no.2:9-14 159. (MM 12:7) 1. Institut flulki Sibirskogo otdalentya AN SSSR. (Hysteresis) (Nickel) LAPTIff, B.A.; MDIIN, A.I. I' - 1-1 Iffect of the wkgnetla condition of the test piece on the temperature- =Lpetio h"tereals. Inv. Vs. ucheb. sav.; fiz. no.4:43-47 '59. MRA 13:3) l.KrasnoyarskiLr pedinatitut i Inatitut fisiki AN SSSR. (Vagnotto Induction) 85755 S/112/60/000/018/003/00,,- V1,75?00 (163x-111YYj1166) AOO5/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elcktrotekhnika, 1960, N,~. 113, p. ~P,, # 5.9839 AUTHORS: Kirenskiy, L. ,, Drokin, A.I., Cherkashin, V.S. TITLE: On the Effect of Ultrasound-.on the Magnetic Properties of Ferro- magnetics, T PERIODICAL: V 8b.% Primeneniye ul'traakust. k issled. veshchestva, No. 9, Moscow, 1959, PP. 131-137 TECT: Results are presented from an investigation of the ultrasound effect on the hysteresis loop of a nickel specimen in weak magnetic fields and at various temperatures. The measurement of the intensity of magnetization of the specimen was carried out on the vertical 4statio-magnetometer. A considerable increase in the intensity of magnetization was detected owing to the sonic irradiation of the specimen; the growth decreased with Increasing temperature (vanishing at about Card 1/2 85755 S/112/60/OCO/018/003/005 A005/AOO1 On the Effect of Ultrasound on the Magnetic Properties of Ferromagnetics 3000C) and was retained after finishing the sonic irradiation process. The mag- netic permeability of the specimen increased, too. The results obtained are ex- pounded. - There are 12 references. ASSOCIATION: Krasnoyarsk. ped. Int,in-t fiziki AN SSSR (Y~asnoyarsk Pedagogic M.G.S. Translator's note.- This is thefUll translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 5010526 Vse:3oyuznoyo noveshchanlye po magnitnoy strukture ferromagnetlkov, Krasnoyarsk, 1956. Magnitnaya struktura. forronvLgnotikovi waterialy Vnosoyuznogo soveahchanlya, 10 - 16 Iyunya 1958 9., Krasnoyarsk (maGnetic Structure of Ferromagnetle Substances; Materials of the All-Union Conference on the Magnetic Structure of Forroragnatic Substances, Held in Krasnoyarsk 10 - 16 June, 1958) Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd, AN SSSR, 1960. 249 p. Errata slip inserted. 1,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fiziki Sibirokogo otdeleniya. Komiaslya po magnetl=u pri Institute fiziki metallov OMNI Rasp. Ed.: L. V. Kirenskly, Doetor of Physical and Yathematical Sciences; Ed.% R. L. Dudn:ikj Tech. Ed.: A. F. Mazurova. PURPOSE: This collection of artioles Is intended for researchers in forromagnetiom and for metal scientists. Card 1/11 Magnetic Structure (Cont.) SOV/5526 COVERAGE: The collection contains 38 scientific articles prezented at the All-Union Conference on the Magnetic Structure of Ferro- magnatic Substances, held In Krasnoyarsk In June 1958. The m.2- terial contaihs data on the magnetic structure of ferronagnotic materials and on the dynamics of the structure In relation to magnetic field changes, elastic Btres3es, and temperature. Ac- cording to the Foreword the study of ferromagnetic materials W a successful beginning In the Soviet Union in the 193013, was subsequently discontinued for many years, and was resumed In thi 1950'a-. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany individual articles. TABLE OF CONTMPrS; Foreword 3 Shur, Ya. S. [Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR - Institute of Physics of Metals, AS USSR, Sverdlovsk]. On the Magnetic Structure of Ferromagnetic Substances 5 Card 2/1:L Magnetic Structure (Cont.) SOV15526 Observation of the Domain Structure and the Barkhawi,~n Effect 14T Fodichev, A. M., and M. K. Savchenko [Institute of Physics, Sibcrian Branch AS USSR, Kre-anoyarsik]. Mechanical Barkhausen Effect in Monocrystals or Tninsformtr Sten' 1 _91 Puzey, 1. N., V. M. Lutoahkin, anl A. 1. RadIkov (ToNlIChERNIET - Central Scity-tific Resc-arch Listitut-3 of Ferrous I-16tallurgy). Study of the Dynamics of ths Domain Structure in an Ultrasonic Pleld 155 Kirenakly, L. V., A. 1. Drokin, and V. S. Ch(-rVaihIn [Institute of Phyi'TEB-,-Z~n Branch AS UZER, Tea-,hers Institute, Krasnoyarsk). Effect of Ultrasound on Mae- notic Proportion of Ferromagnstic Substances at Variou3 Temperatures 165 Cherkashin, V. S. [Institute of Phyaias, Siberian Branch AS USSR, Krasnoyarsk]. Effect of Rapidly Changing Stressea Card 8/11 Magnetic Structure (Cont.) on the Magnetic Properties of Ferrites SOV/5526 Dekhtyar, M. V., and N. W. Kazantseva EFhyaics Department of the Moscow State University). Anomalous Temperature Dependence and Irreversible Changes in the Magnetic Properties of Alloy NJ - Fe (50% NJ) Spivak, 0. V., and 1. A. Pryamkova (Physics Department of the Moscow State University]. Development of the Electron- Mirror Method for the Visual Observation of the Domain Structure of Ferromagnetic Substances Spivak, G. V., Ye. I. Shishkina, and V. Ye. Yurasova [Physics Department of the Moscow State University]. Concerning One Method for the Detection of Magnetic Inhomogeneities Dro cin.,-~I... D. A, Laptey, and R. P. Smolin [Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch AS USSR.. Krasnoyarsk]. Thermo- magnetic Hysteresis of Ferromagnetic Substances at the Points 175 177 185 191 Card 9/11 Magnetic Structuxe (Cont.) of a Hysteresis Loop 195 Kl~ren3kly, L. V., A. 1.,Drokin and D. A. I'Ipt6y fln'titute of Physics, Slberliki~~~SR, Krainoyaroki. Fff,~ct of Ela3tic and Plastic Deformation3 on the Magnitude, of ~Ahenno- magnetic Hysteresis 201 Margolin, S. D., and I. G. FLk1dov [In3tItute of Phyales or M-tals AS USSR, Sverdlovsk]. Magnetic StudIP3 of Alloy-4 of the Manganese - CormaniUm System 211 Kir-.nskly, L. V.,-and B. P. Khromov Jlnntituro~ of Phy-41ca, Siberian Branch AS USSR, Krasnoyarakl. Study or th- Approach- to-Saturation Law on 1-lonocrystals of Iron Silleide 217 D'yakov, 0. P. (Physics Department of the Moscow Statt Universityj. Current State of the Problem Concerning thi Study of Parity Effects In the Approach-to-Saturation Region 227 Card 10/11 33683 3/058/6 11AC0,J01 2/.,55/C,93 A058/A1Ol AUTHORSt Kirenskiy, L.V., Drokin, A.I., Cherkashin, V,,S. TIM: Effect of ultrasonic waves on the magneti.- pro~*rtips of ferromag- netics at different temperatures PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 12, 1961, 380, abstract 12E656 (V sb. "Magnitn. struktura ferromagnet.1kov", Novo3ibirsk, Sib. otd. AN SSSR, 1960, 163 - 173) TEXT: The effect of ultrasonic irradiation on the magnetiza-.Ion and hys- teresis loops of Ni, Permalloy and s1liceous Fe in the range from -16-A.0 tc +5400C was investigated. It turned out that the lower the temperature at which the ex- periment was carried out, the greater was the Increase In magnetization brcugh-~ about by ultrasonic irradiation of specimens. For N1 and Perma!Ioy at 650C the I dependence of log A I/, (whe re I is the magnetization) is linear. TIre results ot- tained along different crystallographic directions in a siliceous Fe single crystal am more complicated, but the variation of the A I/I-f(l) curve 1.8 close to exponential. L. Boyarskly [AbstracterIs note. Complete translation] Card 1/1 Aq.,3o oo S/058/62/000/004/077/160 A058/A1O1 AUTHORS: Laptey, D. A. TITLE; Effect of ultrasonic waves on dynamic hysteresis loops PERIODICAL: Reforativnyy zhurnal, FIzika, no. 4, 1962, 38, abstract 4G319 (V ob, "Primoneniyo ulltraakust. k icaled. vashohostva". v. 12, Moscow, 1960, 171-175) ,TEXT: The authors Investigated the effect of ultrasonic waves on particu- lar 'hysteresis loops. They give data for closed specimens in the form of IF transfom,ers. It is shown that the narrowing of a particular hysteresis loop depends on a decrease of the magnetizing field. In the specimen winding an alternating emf of ultrasonic frequency was induced. The greatest amplitude of these oscillations was observed on the steep part of the hysteresis loop. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 S/058/62/000/004/079/160 A058/A1O1 A17MORS: Drokin, A. I., Cherkashin, V. S., Smolin, R. P. TITLE: The effect of ultrasonic waves on irreversible magnetization pro- cesses in single-crystallized nickel I PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhunnal, FizIka, no. 4, 1962, 38, abstract 4G321 (V sb. "Primenaniye ul'traakust. k issled. veshchestva". v. 13, Moscow, 1961, 181-187) T EXT The authors describe experiments aimed at elucidating the effect of ultrasonic waves of frequency 20 kc. on the intensity of magnetization of specimens and on the shape of their magnetization curves. The experiments were im carried out on specimens of recrystallized N1 with cubic texture that had all .the properties of Ni single crystals, It was established that Irradiation of specimens with ultrasonic waves resulted In an Increment of magnetization which had a sharply expressed maximum at field strength ::~4 oersteds and depended somewhat on the orientation of the specimen% crystal axes. After the passing of the cycle of temperature magnetic hysteresis, the maxima of the specimenst magnetization increment are shifted to the region of weaker fields. The Card 1/2 S/058/6R/000/004/079/160 The effect of ultrasonio waves on irreversible ... A058/Alol. * magnetization curves of specimens after sound-irradiation and the passing of the hysteresis cycle climb to the saturation region more steeply than in or'-nar7 specimeni, a greater effect being caused by magnetic hysteresis in fields of 0 - 5 oersteds, and by sound-irradiation in fields above 5 oersteds. The described results are discussed on the basis of ideas regarding domain-boundary shifts and spin rotation under the action of ultrasonic waves. * I. Viktorov [Abstracter's note; Complete tran'slatfon] Card 2/2 S/058/61/000/012/06.3/083 A058/A1O1 AUTHORS: Kirenskiy, L.V., Pnokin, A.I., Laptey, D.A, TITLE: Effect of elqtstic and plastic deformations on the value of tem;era- ture magnetic hysteresis PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 12, 1961, 385, abstract 12E699 (V sb. "Magnitn. struktura ferromagnettkov", Novosibirsk, Sib.:otd. AN SSSR, 196o, 2o1 - 2og) TEXT: The variation of temperature magnetic hysteresis was :investigated in electrolytic cold-drawn Ni and 65-Permalloy subjected to compression and elongation respectively. It was established that, regardless of the sign of magnetostriction, one-way mechanical stresses that do not exceed the yield point always lead to a decrease of temperature magnetic hysteresis. This decrease Is explained by a reduction in the r8le of boundary shifts between domains, as well as by a decrease of the boundary-energy gradient. Above the yield point, sharp inhomogeneities arise in the specimen, and this leads to an Increase of the boundary-energy gradient and a rise of temperature magnetic hysteresis. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 GUREVICH, F.A., DIOX13i, A.I., BARXHATUVA* I-)G Iffect of ultrasound on the earlyperiods of plant Frowtha Izv- Sib-otd-AIF SSSR noo7:83-90 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Kraenoyarskiy mediteinskiy institut fisiki Sibirskogo ctdeleniya AN SSSR. (Plants, Iffect of ultrasonic waves on) 69684 S/126/60/009/03/004/033 Elll/E414 AUTHORSt Kirenskiyj L.V., Laptey, D.A., Drokin, A.I. and Smolin, R.P. m m TITLE: n-lro~n Single ilico Temperature MaZnetic Hysteresii ~fS Crystals PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 3, pp 337-344 (USSR) ABSTRACT3 The authors point out that although investigation of magnetic hysteresis should be carried out on single crystals, polycrystalline specimens have only been used for temperature magnetic hysteresis studies (eg Ref I to 3). The present authors have used single crystal 5.4 x 0-43 x 0.076 cm specimens of 3-8% Si- iron cut by etching along the principal and intermediate crystallographic directions. Crystallographic orientation was determined by the Laue method. Before measurements, specimens were vacuum annealed at I!Oo*c for 4 hours and cooled slowly. Measurements were carried out with a heating-cooling cycle of +50 to 0 to +50*C on a vertical astatic magnetometer described previously Card 1/4 (Ref 4). Fig 1, 2 and 3 show magnetization as a function 6P684 S/126/60/009/03/004/033 Ell.I/E4.14 Temperature Magnetic Hysteresis of Silicon-Iron Single Crystals of temperature for the [1001 1 11101 and [111] directions, respectivoly, and for various ield strengths. At low field strengths (under 1 oersted) the curves in Fig I have two maxima and one minimum and intersect, but they become simpler with increasing field strength and at 100 oersted hysteresis is practically absent and the curve shows a continuous fall with increasing temperature. For the other directions, fields up to 3 oersted give curves with one pronounced maximuml at higher fields (100 to 150 oersted) the curves again become simpler but even at 150 oersted a maximum remains in the curve for the (111) direction (Fig 3e). With specimens cut out along intermediate directions (15, 40 and 75 0 to the T100 IL 3 direction) considerably different curves were obtained. Fig 4 shows the hysteresis as a function of field strength for the main directions and one for a specimen cut out at 400 to t1003 (curve 4)1 all have a maximum. Corresponding functions for relative change in magnetization are shown in Fig 5 with an additional Card 2/4 curve (5) for a 15* inclination to [Iod3s all curves 4/ 69684 s/126/60/009/03/004/033 Elll/F,414 Temperature Magnetic Hysteres:U of Silicon-Iron Single Crystals fall continuously with increasing field strength. The authors propose an explanation of their magnetization vs temperature curves on the basis of a comparison of these results with known data (Ref 7,8) on the temperature dependence of the magnetic-anisotropy and magneto- striction constants and the original domain structure. There is a discrepancy between Fig 5 and corresponding results of Baranova and Shur (Ref 9)1 this is attributed to differences in the alignment of the easy- magnetization axes. Fig 6 show a series of domain structures -for magnetization al:ng [llq in fields up to 30 oersted. The authors explain the similarity between magnetization vs temperature curves for polycrystalline silicon-iron specimens with those for single crystals along [110] and E111] by the presence in the former of more crystals with these and similar directions than with 3. f-100). The authors note that the foregoing can exp a n occasionally observed sharp dips in magnetization 3 Card 3/4 va temperature curves. There are 6 figures and 69684 S/126/60/009/03/004/033 Elll/E414 Temperature Magnetic Hysteresis of Silicon-Iron Single Crystals 9 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONtInstitut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR g. Krasnoyarsk (Institute of Physics, Siberian Division of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Krasnoyarsk) SUBMITTEDt July 1, 1959 Card 4/4 S/07o/6O/OO5/oo6/oo8/oo9 E021/E3o6 AUTHORS: Dvlxerov, V.D. and Droki TITLE: Domain Structure on a Single Crystal of Yttrium- iron Garnet PERIODICAL: Kristallogiafiya, 1960, Vol, 5, No. 61 pp. 945 - 950 TEXT.- The ideal form of a garnet crystal is shown in Fig. 1. The single crystal used in this investigation had twelve distinct faces, two rhombodecahedral, two hev- octahedral and eight under-developed shapes. Powder figures were obtained on the faces in the usual way (Ref. 2). The faces did not require polishing before applying the powder. Fig. 2 shows photographs of the powder figures on seven of the faces in the absence of a magnetic field. The powder was found to be in parallel lines or strips, running along the large- diagonal of the rhomb on the rhombodecahedral faces (first and seventh photographs, Fig. 2). Fig. 3 shows photographs of powder figures produced on the Card 1/3 5/07o/6O/O05/oo6/Oo8/O09 E021/E3o6 Domain Structure on a Single Crystal of Yttrium-iron Garnet rhombodecahedral faces by magnetising the crystal along the large diagonal of the rhomb. On increasing the field to 35 Oe, the powder on some of the strips thickened and on the remaining strips the powder was thinned out. With further increase in the magnetic field, the ro'gions with the thickened powder divided, and gradually became more diffuse. After switching off the field and demagnetising the sample, the original powder figures were obtained. When the crystal was magnetiaed along the least diagonal of the rhomb (perpendicular to the powder lines on the (110) face) further changes occurred. As the field was increased, some of the lines disappeared and others were intensified. The powder figures on the hexoctahedral faces J321~ in the absence of a magnetic field had a complex fine structure (second to sixth photographs, Fig. 2), The figures produced when this face was magnetised were extremely Card 2/3 S/07o/60/005/006/008/009 EOZi/E3o6 Domain Structure on a Single Crystal of Yttrium-iron Garnet complicated and no photographs are shown. There are 4 figures and 3 non-Soviet references, ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (Institute of Physics, Siberian Depnrtmeiit oCthe'AS U_�SR) SUBMITTED: ManuarY 7, 196o Card 3/3 2 20D 32222 S/ 131/0 1 /0()0/()()'1/0 1 3/W'3 E073/f:r,3i i i101"S Li Ip t f'Y 1) A, TITLE Magnet I k i elifilof it t III- C ilvm t Prem I. s I) f it I (. k(-] - z I nc and Inant, alle -- I tic tes P~AUODICAL: Izveliti. I %. it ticiivt;itvkii zavedent.y Pi zika ijo,4~ ]:)w 11cl-1111 TEXT-- Hie itill) t"I* tilt, work described III thr. paper was t'l: study the, tf-wItf-tature hystere-si-s of titfket-zilic .111:i manganese-/iuc 1'erriles ~400 ("F--600) and M-2000 as a I On o f the in i t i~al 111,11~gflf- t I L 3 t,1 t (~ , Thetie ferr I I -s -were cne-!:eii br-cause they are extf-iisi vel y u.-.,Pd tn camponents sIjc1i as ('I I t ers, Pupi it col J ,; itttd vvido- 1;i.tid t I-.% it s f-o I'm t, v sTit #- S f! ma t ei I ! s ar v I it I ended for oput a ; I (lit it v-irt ot, s I wilp"t .1 Uu r '!s tt slia Y I I; re I at ively t,,eak f I el d-, I W I I i C h a ll:.*Ag n e I I v I f-itt -i~t o hy s 1 e I -S I I.s Observed Ifle allihor, ~;tvdlcd file Inagirili-tic I hysteresis of' tile -Set.-on(f type. 'which is the )vc ( it'llsf-'d by -'hl, otocesses of' .~md riot tnat caused Ly chan)~,es Ill '11*~ crystal lattice. Tit till, experiments thk. oimpot d'd no', exceed 220"C. 1he hpot imelis Were so!ld !'0 1111-~ JoI1,14 Card 1//Y 32222 kt,ii.vilt'! I ic t k-111pe I at it I e Ilyt, I ere I% im S/ I '111/0 1/000/0011 /0 13/0213 %im (I i air) #-ter o tli~! fer , i ~ es F.-6(s(, '19 0 Znf) N1 19 O.t~ illol "llid %I ~J)Oo (Fe"o- i. I ITI vro t - ? I S V, 1 3 2) blo I I I I I I c I. i I tire ilv- , measured, to tile CYcJv "A" 111g) In 11 t vnip era tur e ra tig v - 20 'C t v 0 1 () .,_, 0 1 C Felt- .7111.1~11 I 1-: 10 L F, ~njtial magrieti,er,ilturi cor-r-eKpondrd to 114t, pYln0- fl" 7nit)..,l iii-tgoctizaticyn c 1! 1,,6v -oid it I s c) to t It (! po ~4a t I it t. A.4 , P.- T ji i fLU Ci descendin,g bt-aticlips (,( the. lo(ei, 7 It, J:~ for -t 'k it value of the field, tile Iflagliel, A c t oflipp I it I ~11 v 11), S ( e I c ~~i 1'errites wa6 ivivestj gafed for tbrep ini tial mayneti( -Stote-q !t-f- :-~ 11 f.- c i. m ens . Pritty to u,%c).tncn5uranmt, 1he -pvc initmi.-, by heating above Lhe C'utip point and subseclucirit cvoliiig to (I-,.- mitial temperatiare in a 7,ero intensiXty field. $.as by momis Of a fleld fluctilatilig betwf.'ert ~ 55 0-:, Tit I eiiip era tu t- e d e p e nil e n c. e we. s i. n v e s t Ji ga I (A i it t Fle !"., I I f, i.- I J: ~t i ields; 0 (residual magnt-tization) 0, 26 7 - I 'i V 00 Oe fri P j g the chatiget i it I lic magnot i te t )o 25.Oo N i- Zn ferri tes due to t empet atilt e '. 11,111ge'! a 1 4, p 1 4D 1 d fc, 1 g j tit vns! t i, L- s a - 0 0 6"; i of the followiti, I Oe The ful.1-Jine curveti relate L) h va ( i o g 'h# Ca i d 2 ~/~ 32222 Magnetic temperature hysteresis ... s/i3g/61/000/004/013/023 E073/9535 dashed-line curves to cooling, The bottom curves relate to the init*al state on the descending branch of the hysteresis loop and the top curves to the ascending branch of the hysteresis loopt the middle-curves refer to the-initial magnetization curve. The following conclusions are arrived att 1. As in the case of metallic ferromagnetics, the magnitude of magnetic tempera tUre hysteresis and the temperature dependence of the magnetization depend on the initial magnetic state. The magnetic temperature hysteresis in highest if the points on the ascending branch of the hysteresis loop are taken as the initial points. 2. The existence of magnetic temperature hysteresis was observed for the same fields for which ordinary magnetic hysteresis was observed. 3. The temperature dependence of Ir and H in manganese-zinc ferrites in progressive and decreases up to the curie point. Nickel-zinc forrites show a pronounced anomalous dependence of Ir and Hc, the nature of which has not been clarified. There are 3 figu; Card 3/~and 11 referen .cost all Soviet. Magnetic temperature hysteresis S/139/61/000/004/013/023 E073/9535 ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki 50 AN SSSR i Krasnoyarskiy pedinstitut (Physics Institute SO AS USSR and Krasnoyarsk PedaXoSic Institute) SUBMITTED: August 18, 1960 too 0 00 to QO 0" me. of I" I" jw for $ W - -- 1 1 life 8,0 site RW*uo 9 0 Card 4 17 ~i/ 1.19/6 J /()00/004/0 15/0;!-; E073/E535 %liTHOR-S Ovigerov. V.D. and Droki.n, A,I. FLE: fnv~-stigation of powder patterns on single crystal,,4 ot' It-ad hexa-ferrite IODICAL tz~,:sliya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy Fizika, no.'I, J.gbl, 120-123 4- 1 plate Tlie authors studied the magnetic structure of single of PbFe () ~- Single crystals of this compound as well 12 L9 Y ar' 1" 1 3F 5012 12 0,9 were produced by A. Q, Titova at the iristi.tut polupzov,.~OY)Lkov A.N SSSR (5emiconductor Institute AS USSR) by method de-5 ~b-~,d by 1. W. Nilson and E. F. Devrborn. (Ref.3t, ),-urn. Appl. Pitys. ~ 1!9, 3, 390, 1958. Ref.4, J. Phy'.156'Chew,. Solids, "1 3 - 202, 1958), To obtain large crystals, a mixture of lead o%r(lc and boron anio'dride was used as a solvent; in this case the rr) ~.t"rv was of tht- l'ollowing composition- 7-14% 0 0 . 38-45 PbO; 2 3 ,I 1~e 0 1 5 Y 0- The constituents were mixed, dried and heated 2 t11 a crucible to 'A 7,409C, maintained at that temperature for 4 hours 'no cooled to 11)~.,CCC iit it rate of 4 to 5OC/hour. By long botLing v? d 1/3 .v,, 4-stq,-ation of 1~i I . r pat Lerns S/139/61/000/004/015/023 E073/E535 20% aqueous solution of HNO Y Y3rp50 12 and PbFe 12. 019 single Were. Prl'-filiced, The PbFe 12 011) single crystals were 7 to single crystals hav i ng ,0 az-~i hcotvy is the Y3Fe50-1-1 izNestAgated (3f, UT hingle cry5tal-% of p nkm The In 3 tem in dlamLter jiid 1.48 and 0.6 mm thick -n C~ il The faces of th(! svngle cryst.~Ls wvro tn~irrvs e t I on )OU and jiot iequirp polishing. The magnetic susp(-Ilslon W,4, ~tlircd In the- sitay and the powdf-t patterris were pIlcitographPd a mit:ioscope-1 tho magnetic field was produced by means SPC,C:a1 The Irowder patterris wrre invef4tigatod -1; tie 5VII, Wool Ind (11001, Pho ~ogl aptim of' Snme of tht% po-wdi,r patterns are reprodtitced in the paper, The following at' Die doma2u strut turc kn single cryFtals of' PbEe 0 s a 4 12 19 c-ill Q f I)l 11!% 1 domai ns, and the planes are pat allel. 1he hexag~orlal _~4imilar pattern!f were observed by K. Krr,~! aberg and R. Uenzc-r ~Ref.l Appl.11hy!F., 27, 19 -)6'j Phy%. Soc, 70liv 441, 1957~ 2/ 3 Investigation of powder patterns ... S/139/61/000/004/015/023 E073/E535 on crystals of BaFe 12019- 2. The magnetic structures of PbFe 12019 and of BaFe 12019 are identical to that of cobalt. 3. The structure in the plane (0001) depends on the thickness of the crystal along the hexagonal axis; in thin specimens a forked structure was observed. 4. Apparently for any hexagonal single crystals of ferrites with a magneto-plumbite structure, the magnetic structure is identical with the structure of cobalt. Acknowledgments are expressed to A. G. Titova for producing the single crystals. There are 3 figures and 9 references: all non- Soviet. Four of the English-language references are quoted in the text. ASSOCIATION: Krasnoyarskiy pedinstitut i Institut fiziki SO AN SSSR (Krasnoyarsk Pedagogic Institute and Physics Institute SO AS USSR) SUBMITTED: April 7, 1960 Card 3/3 30472 s/i3g/61/000/005/009/014 5. 0 0 3 7/ /* 7/ E194/E133 AUTHORS: Kirnnskiy, L,V.9 Drokin, A.I., Cherkashin, V.S.s and Smolin, R.P. TITLE; ideal magnetisation curves of ferro-magnetics PERIODICALi Izvestiya vyash,ikh uct%ebnykh zavedeniy. Fizika, no.5, 1961, 78--83 TEXT- The concept of an ideal hyateresia-less magnetisation curve of ferromagnetics has existed for a long time. Varioux methods of producing the -ideal curves ha-re been used, such as application to the specimen of d.c. and &.z. with amplitude decreasing to zero, appIttation of suctessive heating and cooling, and also magnet4.c. shock. It was considered that these various kinds of treatment would suffice to establish a condition of parallel magnetisation in neighbouring ferromagnetic domains. The problem of whether or not ideal curves produced in different ways coincide has still not been reaolved and this was the object of the present investigation. The ideal curves were obtained by applying to the specimen direct and alternating fields of amplitude diminLahing to zero, by ultrasonic methanical shaking Card Vf V 30472 Ideal magnetization cur~ioa of s/i3q/61/000/005/009/0i4 E194/EI35 and rapping and by temperature variation, heating the sample to temperatures both below and above the Curie point followed by cooling to the initial temperatures. For temperatures balow,!h Curie point the protons was repedzed four times. The tests * r: madt with the materials lkated in Table 1. Sample 4 was highly work hardened, These compositions were chosen because they had a fairly wide hysteresis loop and comparatively low Curie points. No special heat treatment was applied because this would narrow the hysteresis loops and reduce the differences between materials. measurements were made in a vertital astatic masnatometer. Kondorskiy's indication that the method of demagnetization could affect the shape of the magnetisation curves was found to be true in practice. Accordinglyj before every measurement the samples were demagnetized by heating to the Curie point followed by cooling in the absence of a magnetic field. Fig.2 shows graphs of the relation between the magnetisation and field for the nickel specimen Nol, The initial curve No.1 lien below all the others and only at high fields does it intersect curve 2, which was produced by ultrasonic mechanical treatment: curve 21 was Card 2/x~ 3002 Ideal magnetisation curves of S/1'59/61/000/005/009/014 E19 4/ZI35 obtained by mezhani.r-al treatment whilst reducing the magnetic field. The hysteresis-teRs turve could not be obtained by ultra- sonic treatment because when the treatment was made more intensive the specimen failtd, Curve I was obtained by temperature cycling, heating from 20 to 250 I-C and recccling to 20 OC. Curve 4 was obtained by applying to the specimen an alternating field diminishing to zero, Very similar curves were obtained for samples Nos~ 2 And 3~ It was -Lonfirmed on sample No.4 that hysteresisless curves obtained in different ways approach one another and coincide Lf uniform mpchanital stresses, within the elastic 11imit, are applied to the sample during the measurements. WIthin thn elasti: limit, compression of the spezimen extends the hysteresis !oop and it is possible that under these conditions the hy3terestsless curvem wLght. differ, However,, this would be diff:'~cult to cherk ba~-ause of banding of the sample. The inveatigations showed that mechanttal treatments (impact and ultrasanic osci!lation) ganerally do not give hystereBia-less curvem, Evidently,, suth treatment may not be sufficient to over- c-cme the patentt&L energy harri,!tr and to establ'~sh parallel Card 3;/,/