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DRAZIC, Milan, prof, Ir A proposal submitted to the 3d CoWeas Of the Pederation of Geodetic Engineers and Geometricians of Yugoslavia on the Integration of geodetic works. Geod list 17 no. 4/6: 162 Ap-je 163. Distri 2V- DR A7 C, -Analytical signiduo.-o cad **M'e roduttones. Vanadlum, tdose-reductane 0 Ud utavi-teductic acid tornplex milk, A. fluk, and M. B. Pravka r - kj;~L"~07vsdt' Ta L ric k" i 4 11 1 i , Wr c .1 , f t l d b 4e% o he c n 43-WIMM.-The high molar obtor ancy W and 680 mp max. at pH 5.6 of the covalently lwnded complex of 2 I= V(V)/fiwl. tziose-reductone, .'and at pli /mol. triose-teductone, facilitate the spec- 3.7 of I ion V(V2 , ttophotorittric eta. of V(V) at concris. above 0.2.5 y~ml. UNII and V(V) are dod. as their tri4se-reductone corn- l y a matrix method basedon the diffirence In molar plexts alosorbancy indexes of the respective complexes at EM and 63) mju. The V triw-reductone complex gives 2 poUvo. 6-3 5 ra hi w v 2 f whi h I w 1l dev l ed In the 2 c a e . one o c s e . e g p op PH range sod moving frota Es/. - -7. to Sy, - -0.0 a of d the other* hi the H rar ith h a H ulft y. w . an n p p g .g.".0 moving By, - -0.14 to RI/S - -4.5 V. The mWAtIon state of, In the tricae-rctluctone complex ' t is Indicated from the" data to be 4+. V does not affect the i ftwhotometric 4tta. of the 1A.Mour UNII)- redmM am complex. W Mo(VI) exhibiting OIMW absorb. Oncks at RU wave lengths makes the dela. of ow In the resence Of the other not Muible. Cr(;nl) interferes to a ' ' i t f th d Z JT I I Cd 1O 11 F e e- er n an n re Ser ext n( Mt. PX . ) ). ' ua UNII) reductle add complex.: 'polwWolplJo &tn. of the ! l &fi s % d Wb ti th I N I - ne ) ence orms 0u 4 m enrvea n e pre y JOHANIDESSI V.; DRLZIC Z I In#ced =tante of Aspergillus algera. in the protection of citric acid, Nemija u industriji 11 no*8:471-rl+75 '62. 1. Zavod r-a microbiologiju i tehnologiju antiblotika,, Tehaolooki falall tot,, Zagreb, COMM YUGOSLAVIA E cATw.ORY Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Annlications. Water Treatment. Sewage ABS. JOUR. N~ 19 1959, No. 68335 Tilux , (-vratinns T :-Fffluent Ts.-ters from Metal Plfttinp, 01UG. PUB. : Zast. mater., 19.58, 61 No 7 - 8, 297 - 300 A M' MA 0 T: !-'o abstract A i. 315-t0j--66 IJP(c) BY/a ACC NR# AP6029567 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0057/65/000/009/C)377/0380 AUVOR: Drazilt A.- Prabhala, K. 8 ; Buzek) Z ORG: [Drazil) SONP, Kladno; [Prabhala; Buzek) VS__L Ostrava TITIE: Unusual aspects of higkLchrome-nickel steel' production in are furnaces using oxygen LT-h a er was presented at the Steel Casting Section of the Scientific pncgu 1: M 0 36lurgical Faculty VSB held in Sept.1964 in Ostrav S f05 t hY7 9851ff . fnfikt.' no@ j TOPIC TAGS: are furnace, metal oxidation, high alloy steel, chromium ateel, nickel steel, metallurgic industry, molten metal, stainless teel ABSTRACT: The influence of the content of Ni on the course of 1:,e6rbon-oxi-dation in the system Pe-Cr-Ni-0_19 discussed. A lab-i. ,oratory investigation of oxidation conditions of liquid steel .containing Zep Or and 0-5% G at 16309 -_ 1760'0 was conducted. 'The results of 30 experiments showed that a high Ni content in-" icreasos the oxidation of 0 and limits that of Or, This is ex- plained by the promotion of the aotivit7 of 0 in the presence ,of H1. The results were put to practical use by the author at the Kladno steel works in the produotion of stainlesa stools :With 25 Cr,, 19 Vi,, and 21 Or and 38 91,; the 0.25% of.0 usod in ~the'past was reduced to 0,15%s Orig. art, has': 6 figures and 2 tableNr_mg SO CODEs 11, 13 SUBM DATEs none / om HEFz ou / orH REFs ool Card DRAZIL, PEIROSLAV. Za dalsi rozvoj socialistickeho sutazenia na statrUrch m2jetkoch a na strojynch a traktorovych staniciach (Z ceskeho rukoolsa prel. Ratibor Bodecky. -Vyd. I) Bratislava, Praca*1 vydavatell stvo ROH. 1954. 108 p. (Kniznica odborobych svazov - Zivot odborovych svazov, S7. (For futher developnent of mcialist competition on the state farms and In nachine-tractor stations 1st ed) SOURCE: Eeast European Accessions LIA (E-EAL) Library of Congress. V01. 5. No. 1, January. 1956. "eJ DMIL, 1. I'Vore Attention to otir Inventors". P. 20 ('f"FC,'7l',TCr7 I'C-Vli;'f, Vol. 2, 17o. 15, Aug. 1954, I-rr-.ha, Czechorlovakla) SO: ~'ont)ily List of' East European Acc-ssions, (FFAL), LC, Vol. I ,To. 1, Jan. 1955, Uncl. Production of agricultural rAchines in the LTWIR- P.3- (Tedudcke Novirq, Pz*ha.. Vol Zj No. 21v Nov 1954) SOt Monthly list of East European Accessions ~UQ)v LC Vol 49 No* 6, June 1955, Uncl '0 f, jx%AZIL M Agricultural machines. p.?. (vr.) Literature In Poland and in the German Democratic RApublic. p.8. ( Noviny, Praha, Vol. 2. No. 23, Dec. 1954) SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAL). IC Vol 4. No. 6. June 1955, Uncl D9AZq It, 14f M:XAV. Uj munkamodszerek az allml gazdasagokon es gepallo-masokon. Bratiszlava, ROH Konyvkiado, 1955. 1?1 p. (Szakszervezeti tagok konyvtara, V.6) F~w work methods used at state farms and gjachine-tractor stations. In Hungarian. Tr. from the Slovak/ DA Not in DLZ SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EM) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 DRAZIL, M.1~aKs"=V-7 AGRICULTURE Periodical Y.~'Ci,:ANISACE ZDffiLELSrVI. Vol. 8, no. 24, Dec. 1958. DIAZIL, DUCHLK, J. Open the door to development of the rationalizers' movenent., P. 564. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EIAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3, Flarch, 195 . Uncl. 59 DIWIL, VIROSLAV Zlepsovatelske hnuti v semedelstvi. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Statni zemedelske nakl., 1959, 138P. Monthly List of East European Accessions (MI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959. Unclassified. DRAZIL., M. ; DUCHEK, J, "Competing for the titlej 'Brigade of Socialist WorM." p. 100. MECHANISACE ZEMEISTVI. (NINISTERSTVO ZEMEDEISTVI A LESHT"In HOSPODARSM). Praha) Czechoslcvakiss Vol. 9., no. 5., May 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (ZEAI), LC, Vol. 8. No. 8, August., 195~- Uncl. CZECHOSLOVAKIA . UDC 616-33-002.44:616.24-006.6 .DRA,ZILOVA I- V#* 11INGEROVA, A.; 3rd Intornal Clinic, Medical Pacul- ty; TOM Furk-yne Univernity.(III. Vnitrni Klinilca Lek. Pak. UJEvP)j Brno, Chief (Prednosta) Prof Dr J. POJIM, "Peptic Ulceration and Lung Cancer," Prague, Casopis Lekaru Ces1cych, Vol 106, No 7, 17 Feb 67, PP 181 - 184 Abstract Aut hors' En,!lish summary modified 7: 98 men r.nd 2 women sufferTn-g from bronchial cancer were examined. In 17 cases the cancer was accompanied by a gnstroduodenal ulcer; this ulcer usual- ly proceded the cancer. 8 of the patients underwent gastrectomy. Relationship between the 2 diseases is discussed. 3 Tables, % Western, 2 Czech, 1 East German reference. (Manuscrint received Oct 65). 1/1 V 'D I- I L () i MM-51-9 Zir. C"im); rilvall 11m co'uitry.' Czechoslovakia Mad~-'al a [not givenj Internal Clinic III of Masaryk University (M. vnitrna k1inika Af f LILiticn: Prof Dr Jaroslav Fojer Souree; Brno, Vnitrni Lekarsty-1, Vol VII, No 8, August 1961 pp 841-M nata; "llepatio, Changes in Obesity" Authors; PoisiN J -.LLqZ'r4 C VOGI-JAREK, J, Technical collaborator DRA71LOVA, V.; MkRTINEK, K. Peptic ulcer in the corave uf pulmmiary emphysema. Cas. lek. cesk. 102 no,39:107-3-1077 27 S 163. 1. 111 vnitrni klAnlRa lakarake fallilty UJ-EvP v Brno, prodnosta prof* dr. J Pojer. iPEPTIC UIZER) (PUMONARY WIMSEMA) (PUMNARY HEART DISEASE) (AUTOPSY) (STATISTICS) DRAZILOVA, Vera. KUDr (Brno, Imerchova, 58) Differential diagnosis of various forms of pleurisy. Lek. listy, Brno 9 no,15-10346-347 I Aug, 54. 1. Z III vultrui kliniky Y Brno. Pov. prodnosta prof. dr J,Fojoro -(;Iialsy, differential diagnosis, tuberc., determ. of glucose In pleural effusions) (TUBIaGULOSIS, RIMMARY, differential diagnosis, plourisyg determ. of glucose In pleural effusions) (GLUCOSX# in pleural effusions, determ. in differ. diag. of pleurisy from tubero.) WAZIN, He M* Dissertation: 'StuTjr of the Functional Condition of the Thyroid Glad tV Means of Radioactive Iodine." Cand Red Scit Central Sci, Res Roontgeno-Radtological Inst, Lenin- grad, 1934., (ReferativMy Zhurnal-Shimiya, Moscow. No Ut Jun 34) SOs SUM 318, 23 Dee 1954 4&ZHIN, U.N.; CHXMVA, A.M. (Minsk) Treatment of tbVrotomicoois with radioactive iodLne. Probl. andokr. I gorm. 4 no.5:49-54 S-0 158, (MIRA 11:12) 1. is Belorusakogo reepublikanskogo protivozobnogo dispausers, (glavvrach kandidat meditBinakikh nauk N.M. Drasnin). (XODM, radioactiTe,, ther, of byperthyroidiSM (RUG)) (HYPZRTffn. oiDism, ther', radioiodine (Ibis )) I ~-i J DRAZ Ij..A.L,,kand.m9d onauk 'Od01' . - Op"ot - Goiter and its tramtment. Rab. i slal. 14 no.4:22 Ap 158. (Goiter) (MrRA 11:5) C OU '_,;T R"t Yugoslavia H-17 C A T, 0 a I ABS. JCUR. RZKhim., No. 16 19~59' F.O. 5SOOV5 AQIA_11~10R Kranjcevic, M., Drazin, V., and Broz-Kajganovic'V. I p. ;i'~ . Not !given L, The Determination of Sodium, Potassium, and Cal- cium Salto of Organic Acid8 and of Na-diphenyl- hydantoin in Mixtures Containing Luminal and 0.-UG. PUB. Acta Priarmac Jugoslav, 6, No 11?-125 k1958) A 8:3 LVA C T The authors have established the feasibility of using the H-form of the cation-exchan7ge resin ITserolit 2251 LCerolite 225?3 for, the determina- tion of Na, K, and Ca salts of acidic, benzoic, citric, salicylic, lactic,and glucon.1c acids. Lne cations of the organic salts are retained on the ion-exchange resin while the acids pass through the column and can be titrated. The de- termination of ha-dipheny1hydantoin (1) in pure form or in mixtures with salts of barlbituric acid CAIID: 1/2 COU14TRY Yugoslav ia H-17 CAREGOIff AB-3. JOUR. AZ%hiia. 16 1s;39, ;0. 58095 A,',,' T i i OR TIT U~, 0-:1114. PUB, A B: ILI RA 0' Tis based on the fact that weak acidn nuch as 1, luminal, and prominalare retained on the ion- txchange resin* xhereas tne I combined with Na passes throigh the column as a H&OH solution. Detervin&tiaae In. which the Oh-form of 17serolit FF1 was used gave good re-viltii. The tethods uned in the amalyie3 and a table of the res;jlts ot- tained are given. From authors' au-mmary RD 212 DRONZHKEVICH, Menrik (Drazk-4ewicz, flenryk) Successful aotivitieo of the Organization of Socialist Countries for Cooperation Among Railroads (OSUD), Zhol.dor.,Lranap. 46 no.60-9 Je 164. (MIRA .18il) 1, Predeedatell Kmiteta Organizataii sotrudnichestva zheleznykh dorag. ni-ca-1yurT, JFZY. Drpzkiewicz, Jerzy. Arytmetyka tolerancjI i jej zastrsowanie przy planowaniu obrobki skrawaniem. Warszawc, Panstucwe Technicme, 1950. 64 p. (The arithmetic of tolerance and its application in the plaming of forra; a guide for engineers and ski2led workers. niur.l. '30: 11onthly list of IAst European Accessionsj, LC, Vol. 3, 11o. 1, Jan. 1954, Uncl. R#V&hUg TVARIMISS With RAfd-AUW fil"'M WWI-- (Borlin), 19,62. 4 (211. M -W, -- - I conaldeted in clude: (,z)oxy-%cetykne or el!ct. vlding. (6) trfttjng 4 ryed vmt:n; with an acetykne fivne or in ri fmmace. and 6 eloct. melting of a pulte or powder* Th -3 = of various ferrous and non-forroui 11--milming alloys are givtn.-,P. M I T", I ~ '12, 1 ~ E- ~ " -,, ; z-; , 17, 5 ; b V , J, I r, .a. Chf-mical Abstracte I-lay 25, 1954 Metallurgy and Motd1lography JIAAU~ of at=ttd tad I it as ,wdlb 0( dA"j I'y I ew .1%ndt4m r~ It Ntiwj- of low-C steel analyzing- C (), 15, P O.Gul, anti S 0.044c" were coated With At &C,"d4- Ing to 3 diflerv~lt methcxls: (I'1 coati"t with Al powder in&- subsequently htating for 3 bri. at 5W* and If. min. at 700"-. (2) dipping in molten At; (3) sprayingo(mniten A]. Samplei made by the method No. 3 were mted with YtrJaus protec. tive coating mitterials: water glim. wiphalt, Ik,&cWr-, =d a mixt. of water Class anti silica sand. T'.-e -upes -ex te-ted for 100 hrs. at 400, 70), and 950*. Chinmsin appear- nce anti weight were morded at 20-hr. intervals. The )-tchisionq rcached in the investigction am: (1) water CLus; I -ovidcd the best pmtection for the Al-coated steel, (2) In the tcuip. raitFr of 400' sairiples cocited with all 3 raothods shnwcd almost identical cot". ion rv%ktance; at M' the method of dipping shaivvi the highest and the methads of Immiter cocling the lowest resistance to conrosim; at 9,50. th,4 dipping anti the spraying methods showed satisfactory r"Wance while the Powder Method was entirely Uasatis. fa,ctory: (3) law-C steel coated with At by dippinc or by sivayitig msult3 in materials of almost WentkAl quality. ht. 0. HaOS&W-) .. I i I, , "ll I I .. I 'i. - . -a ~ . .-i PRAZKIF,WTCZ9 T. Adhesivences of a uprayed coating layerp po 10h* (PRZEGLAD SPA'WALNICTdA, Warszawa, Vol. 6o no- 5,, may 1.95h.) SOt Yonthly List of East European Accessionsp (EEAL), LCI Vol. h, No. Ttn. 1955, Una!. DRAME"JIM0 T. "Influence of Distanco P-rKI Angle of Spraying in the Adhesiveness of a Layer", p. 204p (PRZEGLAD SPI.WALITICTWA, vol. 6, ITO* 9, Sept. 1954) Warsv~vm, Polmd v SO: Monthly Ust of East European Accessions, (EF2,L), LC, Vol. 4p No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. DRAMIEWICZ, T. Electric welding in the service of heavy Industry. P. 133 Phenomena occurring during the smeltIng and spraying of metal in metal spraying. p. 140 PRZWJ.AD SPAWALNICTWA (Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i. Tech- nikow Mechanikow Polskich Instytut Spawalnictwa) Warszawa. Vol. 7, no. 6, June 1955 SOURCE- East European Accessions List, (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 4, no. 12, December 1935 DRAZKIEWICZ, T.; KRLTZSCM", E. Methods of investigating metaLlic spray coatings. Pt. 2. Iaboratcry investigations. p. 102 FREZEGIAD MECHANCZNY (Stowarsyazenic Inzyinerow i Technikow I-Sechanikow Poliskich) ~hrszaga, Poland. Vol. 18, no. 4, Februz47, 1959. Monthly lint of Eaut European Accessions Index, (LUI) IL. Vol. 8, no. 66. June, 1959. uncla. DRAZKOWSKI, Henryk Toxopla=osiv in the etiology of abortion and premature labor. Ginek. polo 34 no,,5:601-W8 163 1. Z I Kliniki Poloznict-.ra i Chorob Kobiecrych AM v Gdansku.. Kicromik Klinikis prof,dromede S*Motler. 4- D ?J,7 -, _ 1, j . ', : . Z!, ?- I ?,) ":P! i. 11 b - li. L. 17 lxtostoroldy i -naclaorilyj il:h ivach.-Jalya v '1010. l'0- 8, 5"n'. 7165-tk~- SO: D--topis, .1,0. 32, 1910. ' me=, Nx~ Ka=VICK, N.A. "Three Years' Experience vith 411factive Indicators, at the UKRAINIM Institute of Experimental EndouTine n the book rle~nceln ~the We o dtloZ~ctlve JaZa y T. MV _j~oto e cim R. Te. KAVMM and I T. pu lished Mythe R~ jj_ _ WSWDVSDAT Publishing House of the MRAINIAN SMq KM 199,;5, represents medical transactions of a conference held in KIKV from 18-20 January k954. So: 1100235 MAZNM N.tL, TIMOVA.. YE.P. "Methodical Problem of Studies on the bbtabolism of tte Vitamin B, ~,abeled with Radioactive Sulfur" p. 86., in the book Ez --in the Use of Radioactive __,TarJg,nr - -.__._-_____ _Ts?~opes In Wdicine R. Ye. KAVLIMM and I.T. SHEVCHENKO, pubifiiEeidby Goaiiidfi~ii__PaHilifi~g House of the UMAINIM SSIR) KrEV 1955, represents medical transactions of a conference held In KIEV from 18-20 January 1954. So: 1100235 DRAZNIN, N.M., LOBMOVBKAYAs L.I.,, ZHMOVA$ M.V. "The Problem of the Functional Conditions of the Thyroil Gland during Pregnana" y. 90, In the book Experience in the Use of Radioactive Toot s in Medicine R. Ye. KAV=KIY AIM I.I. SHUCHEM, published by the Goamedizdal-nbliabing House of the MUNIM SM I K3XV 1955, represents medical 'transactions of a conference held in KrKV fvoo 18-20 January 1954. So: 1100235 DRAZNIN, N.4.(HIn~k) , - Suxnar7 of the dissertation for the degree of Gandidate of Medical Sciences on the 'StWy of the functional state of the thyroid gland by radioactive iodine,- no.6:87 Je '55. KRA 8:12) 1. Ix klinicheakogo otdola Ukrainsko instituta eksperimentallnoy Z.M.DInmrshtey;F endokrinologii (dlr. (TffMID GLAID) (IODINI-ISOTOPES) EXCWTA WICA Sac 16 Vol 7/12 Cancer Dee 59 51,12. Diagnosis of superficially situated malignant neoplasms by means Of radiophosphorus (Russian text) DRAINt-4 N. M. and BARNIMIM N. 1. Zdra- tvok-hr- Belff- 1957, 12 (7-11) The patient,% were giveo 120 JLC. Or radionctivc lAimphonis I)y M011111; its acrtinitila- tioll lit the tiv-111es of' tile patient was detwed by means or a ft-1).irticle counter. Alingether 49 patients wcre investigatcd, with timotirs or tim thyroid gland, I)rcast, skin and lip. An incrrasc by more 111,111 25(,,, in the count%' ntimlwr sugg(--sts a inalignant neoplasm, which was. confirmea by hi%tological eximination. - In (I atients the diagnosh of malignant neoplasm was cxclttdcd, and this was ronflnned histological examination. A - DRAZNIR. N., kand.ned.nauk Anl)f%r 17oads. Rab.1 slal. 34 no.11:24 9 158. (MIRA lltl2) (AMMA"j.S) (THrROID GLAND-DISIAS3S) DRamix, xaum-Xai&uwoh-, LZONOT, V.A., akademiko red.; BULAT, 0.0 red. .- ---1-24--v8; SIJXRXO, N., (Use of radioactive iodine in clinical practice] K primneniiu radloaktivnogo ioda v klinike. Minsk, Isd-vo Akad.nauk BSSR, 1959. 167 P. (Hiu 12:9) I.. AN BSSR (for Leonov). (IODIMS-450TOM) DRAZNIN, N.M., red.1 MEREZHIMKIY, M.P., r6d.; TKACHEVA, T., red. '~"- VOL40XHANOVICHO L., takh-. red. (Fundamentals of andocrinoloir j Oonovy endokrinolo ii Hinskp Isd-vo Akad. nauk BU11, 1963, 419 P. %;A 160) - (UDOCRINOL400Y) -.-I -I ~~, DF4ZWH, N.M. (Minsk) Incidence of endemic goiter In the kralte !Wsaian$.s,~j. Froul. &Mok. I gorm. no.2:95-98163. WU 16.7) 1. 1z Bolerusakap reXpublikwu;kft* protiv*aabmago dispamera Ualateratra ifts"okhraneniya B55R. (W11171; RUJ-SIA,-GOITER) e n (I ok 'fI 7~A 17 11 Bello- DRA2NIN, flaum 11uive - GRITSUNICII, Valentin Petrovich qty~c ~4 (1.1umal on endocrinology] Endokrinologicheskii spra- vochnik. Minsko Nauka i tekhnika, 1965. 330 . (MIRA 16W DRMINp S. . ---ftlish-physicians in Braut Province. Zdmv. Belor. 6 no.8:77 Ag 160. ~ I (MIRA 13:9) .1. Saveduy"hahLy B"atakim abladravotdolome (BREST pWvIMT--PHlSICIANSj POLISH) RADINOTICHO To.A., dotsent; PRAZEIRA, S.Z. (Arkhangelsk) late results of conservative treatment of suppurative processes in the lungs. 35 no.4-.82-B4 Ap '57. (KM 10:7) 1. Is kafedry Cospitalluoy torspli (say. - dotment TA.S.Rabinovich) ArkhAngellskogo seditsinskogo institute (dir. - doteent A.A.Kirov) (LUM DISUSIS. ther. suppuration, drug the,, comparison with surg.) DRELL t C. , mUDr. Observations on realization of the public health aspects of preventive medicine. Cask. sdrav. 11 no.2:71-72 163. (PFMVMIVE MDICINE) DPaAL, Ctibor. PP2k., MUDr. N principal A#poots of the theory of the ore4nization of health '86"IC00" (with gpeoial reference to the orgmnization And tactics Pf military health services). Ceek.rdravot. 8 no.12:680-6e4 D 16o. (KILITART XgDICINX) -DRUL, Ctibors Mr. A plea for the active concept oil public health care. Ceok. zdravot. 9 no.2176-81 161. (PUBLIC HEALTH) t- 7 ICZECMSLOVAKIA% Lt Col Ctibur DRBAL MD rAmitstIon not stated.) "Further ()utlook and Our Tasksft Prague, Vo qnske Zdravarnick* Ltsty. Val 31, No 6, Dee 621 pp 241-242. Abitrsett Evhort*tery essay oi socialist principles and aima in medicine; P b - health, physical *ducatlon# disuso prevention, military snd social readln*ssl organizational ta;ks in military medical activities; Crk-rLIMpoint of references to resolutior.4 of the 12th congress ef the Cli"hoslovsk Communist rarty. DRBAL, X. The effect of phenol formaldebyde resins In foundries. Cook. dem, 36 no.5:346-347 Ag 161. 1. OUNZ Bmo--vankov, savodni sdravotnicke stredisko TOS Kourim, vedouct lakar MUDr. Arl Petr*k. (OCCUPATICUAL DEMATITIS stiol) (PMINS toxicol) (TOMUEMS toxiool) (PHENOLS toxicol) CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Laboratory E,.uipment. Aparatuses. F Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-1(himiya, L958, No 20, 67360, Author , Dyhal- J. Inst iNot given. Title :New Concept in the Design of Analytical Balances. Orig Pub: Jemna mech. a opt., 1958, 31 No 3, 99. Abstract: Design and arrangement of new analytical balances havir,g one pan Is briefly deocribed. These bal- ances are being manufactured by Meopta Company in Prague. Card 1/1 33 C=11OGLOVAKIA / Laboratory Equipment. Instruments: 1heory, Con3truction and Application. Aba Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, 11o 10, 1959, '110- 34685 Author : Lebo4p All.; Drbal, Jon Ins t Not givon Title Measurement of the Surfacc Ton3ion of Liquid3 with a Torslon Balance moopta K-', Orig Pub Jamna moch. a opt., 1958, 3, 110 3, 2061-263, -289 Abstract A definition of the concept of surface temion, a survey of the methoda of Its wasurawnt, and a doscription of the zzthod of surface tonnion mcaeuromont by tho I/nopta K-2 tarsion balnnce, are given. -- From the authors' resume Card 1/1, F - I DRBAL, Rri, inz.f C.5c. Problem oV soil pores. Vodd~oqp cas 10 no.4:402-413 162. .1, Katedra melloraci, Ceske vysoke uceni tachnicke, Praha. DPBALI Josef, inz. 1.1-1 1~ -1 - - I. ~ !, ~4;11- WAOW~-47 i Information on the occurrence and lulport4ince of mycosis in alrafa sand growing. float vyroba 10 no. 3:343-352 Mr I U.. I . Clover and Grass Research Station, Researcl~ 1natitute of Animal Feeding, Troubsko. DRBkLa, K. DRUL, K. Development of easily constructed coa3d&I end resistors* pe 235~ Vol. h no 80 Aug. 1956 6HOVICI iIANIKA MIMOLOOT k'rahv.,q Czechoslovakia So* East European Accession Vol* 6, now 2, 1957 S/194/62/000/005/143/157 D271/D308 AUT'-'(',R: 'Drbal Absorbine material for waveguides !I--;'RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 5, 1962, abstract 5-7-197 t (0--echoslov. Pat. k1. 21 a4v 77v no. 97549, 15.12.1960) TEX'": A composition is oatented for a microwave absorbing material# LAbstractor's note: Compiete translationj. Chemistry, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-KhImIya, No 14, 19590 5?.209* Author t Cafelin., P.; Trekoval,, J.; Drbalek Z. Inst :Nnt given, Title ISpecific Gravity Determination of the E-Caprolac- tam Polymerization Products. Orig Pub: Chem* listyx 19589 5Z, No 7, IZ43-1248, Abstract: Dependency of the polymer melt's specific gravity and the degree of polymerization was established, The polymerization was conducted at different temperatures with the mnomer content reaching up to 9,71*' and the determinations of specific gravity of polymers were made for the temperatures ranging from 50 to 2600, Specific gravity (d) of a poly- mer depends on Its weight fraction (c) and tem- Card 112. H-ZO9,- 1-1 CZECHOSLOVAKlA / Chemital Technology. High Molecular Chemistryo Abs Jout: Ref ZhdOgMimlya, No 14, 1959, 52209. Absti-act: perature (0.- d 1,0971 . 8,66 ~ lor*4 + (3.-00 a 10-4t + 3.31 10-2-)C. At a constant monomer content, specific gravity Is the linear function of temperature and does not depend on the degree of polymerization, At the crystallization point and near the melting point (135-2200),, specific gravity depends on the rate of these processes, The experimentally determIned values,,' for equally rapid changes In state condi. tions, Indicate existence of hysteresis. The d1latometric method Is described In detail, toge- ther with comments pertaining to possible deter. mination errors, Card 2/Z CIMM, P. I TRUML, ;. I MALK, Z - Deteruination of the SP0*if1C_8T&v1tY Of PrOductG Of POlY=r1s&t1Ou of &-caprolactax. In Germn. uoll,Cx.Chem. 24 no.9:2898-2902 S 159. Chemie' Prag. lfl$tttut fur P14091,2 CWhe HechlOhule fur - (Spealf lo - gi%vfAy)- (Pblynere and polymerizations) (He3mbydroasepi none) DRBALEK, Z.; VAVRA, J. Effect of the addition of polyvinyl alcohol in preparing the magnetically hardy-iron (III)-*xides on tho magnetic properties of end products. U11 Cz Chom 28 no.4:1063-1065 Ap 163. 1. Forselmngainstitut fur Ton-,, Bild- vM Reproduktionstechnik, Prag. KATAR'rANg T.G,l IIRDDGLAT, X.A,; DLTYDOTA, X.Y. Iffect of gibberellic acid on different grape variation. Fisiol.rant. 7 no-3:345-348 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. All-Union Institute Scientific Research Institute of Viticulture and Wine Xaki OXagorach", Yalta. (Gibberellio acid (Grapes) DRBOr,LAV, M.A. catalooe activitv in grapevine tissues. Biothim. vin. no.6:253-260 ,6o. (MIR& 13:10) 1. Veasovusnyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut vinodeli..Va i vinogradaretva "Hagarach". (Catalase) (Grapes) KATARIIANj T.G.j MBOGLAV, M.A, -[Effect of gibbgrellin on the orop yield and qua3ity of the table varieties of grapesl Mianie gibbeivl- lina na urozhai i kachestva, stolovykh cortov vino- grada. Simferopol$# Krymizdats 1963. 34 (M'Im MRB CHISTOVICH, T.A.; RUDMVTSZV, V.I., retsensent; '-211 SAIAk, N.7., spetviallnyy redaktor; MOLOVA, Te.7., redaktor; GOTLIB, B.M., takhalcheekly redaktor. (microbiological control of obampagne production and the preparation of yeast starters] Mrobialogichaskii kontroll proisvodstva shaa- panskogo I prigotorlenie drozhshevykh rasvodok. Hooky&, Pishchoprou- isdat, 1954. 70 P. (MM 7:12) (Champagne (Wine)) (Teast) DR30GIAV, YO.S. New methods of preparing semisweet table wines. Izv.vysquchsb* sav.; pishch.tekh* no.1:79-86 '60. (MIRA 13tO 1. Kafedra, tekhDologii vinodeliya Krasnodarokogo instituta pishchevoy promyshlennosti. (Wine and wine making) MWGLAII. Ye.S* Dynamics of the change of the n1trogen content of wine during the cation excb=gs, Izv, vys, -ichebe zavo; pishch. tekhe no.2:72-78 160, (MIRA 14:7) le Krasnodarokiy inatit pishchavoy promyshlenno!-;ti, kafedra takhnologii vinodali 's. (Wyin; and wine making-Filt'ration) DRMIAVs To 8 Changes in the comPolition of vin0l in cation exchange. Izy;TYO* 160. (HIRA 13 12) 1, Krannodarskiy Inotitut tekhnologii vinodelira. . (Wine and wine making) pishchavoy promyshlennosti, lafedra, (Ion exchange) DRBOGLAV,, Te.S.; MAYOROV, V.S.; LIPOVICH, L.M. Desulfuriza.tion of fruit and berry juices by means of ultrasonic waves., Trudy.TSentr.nauch.-issl.inst.piv., bezalk.i vin.prom. no-11:59-60 163. (MIRA 170) DRBOOLAV,Ye.S.; IBOROVKOVA, L.M. CalculatirW the level and degree of mechanization In the Plants Of aecondo.ry'vine making. Trudy TSentr.nauch.-isslAnst.piv., bezalk. 163. (MqA 170) DRBOMAV, J. *UpoelM of )hpotite in the Krkonose (Riesengabirge) HourA&iw,l p. 99. (Lujj, Vol.l,, Mo.7v Sept. 1953l ft*M.) SO: Lontuy Li,~t of Zaat zurop--an jLr Oionz Vf~ 41LT]01?d~ 110 - 31 --- Y of (;Ongr-,-,S, 1',--.xch 1954, Uncl. , - ., I _rr ori, - obrcky r t i~ -~ Di Wrt.1j,iny of ~iorjd -1clar, Vladimir ~' a T - r.,;t,u 1) no*/,-C21~4,250 10 1jv, I .. . ".). VANECEK, VoJtech; MAMART, miroslav;.PRqHLA~, Radek Eoonony of fluidized drying. Cbam prum 11 no.11:577-580 N 161. I. Vyzkumny ustav anorganicke cbemle, Usti nad Labem. DRBOGLAV,.YE. S. Can Too Soil Dias ---'"Application of cation exchange for stabilization of wines resistant to fermentation". Krasnodar, 1961. 17 pp, 22 Cm (Min of Higher and Inter Spoo Eduo RSFSR. Krasnodar Inst of the Food -Ind), Not for sale (KL, No 9, 1961, p 182, No 24337). Z61-5304-V AGABAL'YANTS9 G.G.; DABOGLAV, 're.s. Use of ion-exchange resins for the stabilization of semisweet table wine. Trudy KIPP no.22026-330 161. (14IRA l6s4) (Ion exchange resins) (Wine and winemking) DRBOGIAV, Ye.S. Now methodis for obtaining Bealsweet table vine. Trudy XIPP n'0.22R331-338 161. (MIRL 1624) (Wine and vinemaking) AGABALIYANTS, G.G.; DRBDGLkVr . ................., Experience in the application of ion exchange in the manufaature of fruit and berry juices and wines. Trudy KIPP no.22s361-370 161. (MM 16:4) (Wine and vinemalting) (Ion exchange) DREOGIAV Ye S. Studying -the changes In the composition of wines during filtration with cation filters. Trudy KIPP no.22s339-353 161. (MIRA 16:4) (Wine and winemaHng-Filtration) DRF~OHLAV, J.; INELISEK) J. Autommti7,ation of hydroelectrid-pmer plants. p 7~5 ENMOTIYA. (Ministerstvo onergetik, it Ceskoolovenska vedecka tefticks- spolemost- pro energetiku pri Ceskoslovenske adaemii ved) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol-5, no.10,, Oct-1955 Monthly List of East~Eifi~bpean Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol.8, no.11 Nov.1959 und, j - DRBOHLAVj; SEHNALq Z.; POSSFIT, A. Automation in hydroolecttic-power plants. p. 313. MMEGMIKA. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 9, No. 6, June 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions* (EUI) LC, Vol. 8. No. 10 Oct. 1959 Unol. DHDOHLAV,- J. ; Si-MNAL. Z. --- ....... -- ---- Speeding up automatic starting of aggregates in hydroelectric-power. stations. P. 530. EXPRGETIKA. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 9, no. 10, Oct. 1,~.59. "'onthly liwt of East European Accessions (E~11') LC. Vol. 9, no. 2., Feb. 1960 Uncl. DRBOMAVp Rri. _ , r A note on decadic digital codes. Aplikace mat 7 no.5:393-398 162. 1. Statui vyzku=y ustav tepolne technikyj Praha 1j, flusova, as Gruppenartige MultigrupperL Cze- J. 7~82) (1957). 183 (Russian The author examines multigroupoids, that ;s, systems with a multivalued operation. The main TtSWt is a charac- terisation of those multigroups (gruppenartige Multi- gruppen) which are isomorpbic to the multiplicative system of cosets for a group G with respect to a subgroup H. Let M be a multigroup with . scalar righ t imi t i so that jX:)X' Xj=x for x e Al. A permutation r of At is essential when The essential permutations form a group r and those with v(j)~j a subgroup A. Then At is isomorphic to a coset expansion, namay r/A, if and only if I' is transitive on At and A traniltive fo! cacti proc" ct u CGr set jx. 0. Ore (New Haven, Conn Gro like Multigroups tip- DRBOHIAV. H. Mechanization of the construction of distribution networks. p.4. Nitration increases the durability of implements. p.5. (Technicke NovijW, Praha, Vol. 2, no.23, Dec. 1954) SO: Monthly list of East European Accossiona (&UL), IC Vol 4, No. 6, .rrbohl,av, M, - -,-. IAgnat,, new material in the power industry. p. 128. RNEIRGETIKA. (Ministerstvo paliv a energetiky. Hlavni sprava elektraren) Praha. Vol. 6, no. 3, Mar. 1956. Source: EEAL LC Vol. 5, No. 10 Oct. 1956 mzoHuvovA, Daguarg MUDr; BAJUOVAO AlenAj UCU, Tvslo Dr Virological * analysis of Jnf lusugm dui kag the 1954 spIdenice -Prano lekes, I?rM& 34 no*201462-463 20 Obt 54., 1. 2 virologicksho oddelent HLSY-~MIV. Reditel: Dr V.Xrasna (MMIZA. epideniolW, In Cxech., virol, analysis) DRCHAL, V. Technical science in the Czechoslovak AcaderAy of Scienct;a. p. L. (ELMROTECHNICKY OBZOR,, Vol. 42, no. 1, Jan. 1953, Czech,)slovakia) SO: Monthly Listof East European Accessions, Vol 2 #8, Library of Congress, - kltm a t ---1953, Uncl. 7 .or - hantiv Nture. -.- 33 strojil-en:,tvi a n f ~, r:i vo i-iliv a --r-OLa. Vol. no. JulY 1954. -.1' 77 t 'IEVropean Accession3 Liz;t, Vol. 5, nn. -,,n-t 7a 5 DRCHAL, V. For new technological methods in the rietallurgic industry and founding. P, 193. (HUTNIK, Vol, 5. no, 7. July 1955., Praba) SOs MontKIV List of East European Accession.,(UAL), IC, Vol, 42 No* Up Nov. 1955, Uncl- DRCH.A1, V. Technical develoyment at the side of the USSR. P. 561. ELMMOTECHNICKY OBZOR no. 11, Nov. 1955 Vol. 44 CZECHOSLOVAYIA Source: EAST EUROFM LISTS Vol. 5. no. 7. Ju1Y 1956 DRGIM) V. Eatablialzment of the Czechoslovak Scientific-Tnrhnical Socitty of Electrical Engine-:ring. p. 393. KY, C).'~~"'R. ('-Ini3tnr'qtvO atrojir-!~mntvi ft 1-Un13tnrstvo paliv a ener';7ttiky) Prnhn. Vol. 44P no. 8f Aug. 1955. 3 TRCE: Fa3t Europe!m Accessions List, Vol. 5, no. 9, S~-ptemher 1956