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Ciuntry CIABC110 ZZOWZ U, O"togory T[wraa and Animal Physiology* Effects of Physioal Fuctors~ Abs. Jt)iir. 'Ref Liur-Biol,,q No 23, 2.9582 Autbor inatitut. T It 10 OriR Pub. -ract ,%bst T Ion~zing Radiation lD6U0?9 cont) fatalities which occurree wi.,ong :;,)me ol' the troated animals apparently hav-:~ ao relationship to radiation activity but azo caused by rnntige- nic inoompatibility of introduced tissues. It may be assumed that, hematopoietic orgq-qs are equipped rith therapeutic PTorerties which are put in action by t-he substitutional cell mecha- nism. -- L. F. Semenov S't , 4 i!ZECHOSLOVAJaA/NucIear Physids InstAllations and InstrLments. C-2 Mlethods of Measurement and Re8earch Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizikap No 4., 1958.- No 773-7 Author Drasil Vladigrt Klainwachter Vladimir '-Sf- insti Inst opWaTEi tute,, Brao., Czez:hoslovakia Title :How Much Fadioactive DuBt Palls on Our TerritoW Orig Pub :Vest. CSAV, 1957, 66: No 00-4, 172-173 Abstract :To determine the amount of radioactive dust of Sr9Oj falling on the earth as a result of the experimental tests on atomic eand nuclear bombs., the authors employ the following method: a glass vessel measuring 20 x LO x 35 cmi on the bottom of which there is a layer of water approximately 0-5 cm thick) is left in the air for a month to capture the dust. After which the water is evaporated and the precipitate is coated on a plate to measure its activity. The decay of the material during the month is computed. ~Seasurements of the activity by means of a -counter with mica window 30 mm in diameter with best geometry gave 69 pulses per minute above the Card 1/2 M.'sil" V.; m q'e-:--hbn!srr. of t,~e ']~-veloPment of ltqrp,~! roum] -,o.,jjr lirl~,r t1e jnfjuen:!. of per.1c. _1 In "1f .111,r'. " OaSKOSLOMTSKA "TKIOBIOJ,CI,-TE, Praha, Czec'(Iosjovbkjp p '101. 3, no. 6, 1951 Monthly lilt of E~3t ElLrope Acces3lons (EBAI), LC' Vol. 9, No. 6, SeDt 59 LTnc2 es Country : CZECHOSLOVAKIA Catogiry= : Human and Animil Physiology, T Effects of Phyfical Factors, Ionizing Radiati 'A'.bs. Jour. : Ref Zhur-Biol,,, No 23, 1958, 106882 .Autl*lor Soska, Jiri; stitlit. it 10 The Protective Activity of Hematopoietic Tis5uo in Radiation Sieluie.,s, IV, The ActIvity of Cer- tain Splenic Homogoilate Fractions. orig. Pub. : Ceskosle biole 1958, 71 110 12 23-29 Abotract : No abstract. (;-, rd: 1/1 J)R/1 S1 L, V KARPYELIO Z# (Irarpf Olt 2.); SOSHKA, Tu. (Solka, Jj; MASHIL. V. Iffect of some neuclootides and nunleosides on the regeneration of hemopoiatic tissues following irradiation [with a"- In Inglish]o Biofisika 4 no.l,.64-70 JTa 159, (MMA 12:1) it rnstitut blofisiki Chftofilovatakoy akademil nauk. (NUCIROSIDES AIM MUCUOTIM. effects, on hemopolotlo regent after Irradiation in animals (Rue)) (E31HOPOrRTIC SYSTIM, effect of radiations, Off* of nucleosides & nucleotidee on post-irradiation regent (Rue)) (RADIATIONS, off. on hemopoletic system, off. of nualoosides & nuolootides on regent (RUIN)) SOSKA, J.; MASIL, T.; URMLO Z.; SOSIMA, L.; PAIBCRK, R.; B3035, L. Significance of desoxyribonuole ides in irradiated organiam. Cook. f3raial. 8 no.3:247-248 Apr 59. 1. Biofysikalni ustav CSLV v Brue a Biolopicky ustav Isk. fakulty v Brue. Predneseno na 111. fysiologick7ch dnech v Rrne dne 15. 1. 1959. (RADIATIONS9 off$ desoVribonucleic acid activity in irradiated animal as index of effectiveness of tranopl. hemapoietic ,tissue (Gs)) (imaxyRiBmwGIRIC AGMS. metab. in irradiated animals, as index of effectiveness of transpl. of hemopoietic tissues (Gs)) (H&MOPOIBTIC SYSTIM, transpl. deeoxyribonualeio acid activity in irradiated animal# as index of effectiveness of transpl. (Cz)) DRASIL, V.1 KARPFELy Z.) SOSKAv J. Bone marraw transplantation as an indicator of the absence of Mitonle inhibitors in irradiated mice. Folia biol. 7 no.6:409-411 161. 1, Inatituto of Bio hysics Czechoulovak Academy of Sciences, Brno. Mu DIVISION radiation aff.) (BONE I-LAMW transpi.) DRASIL, V. The influence of very low temperatures on the sensibility of the ascites tumour to x-irradiation. Neoplasm& 8 no.2:185-193 161. 1. Institute of Biophysics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czechoslovakia. (R&DIATION MECTS) (NEOPLAS143 4xper) (COLD) DWILp V. Effect of.low temperatures and protective agents on radiosensitivity of some animal cons. llolisbiol. no.1:34-39 162. 1. Institute of Biophyiice,, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciencas, Brno. (RADIATIMI EkTECTS experimental) (RADIATION PROT,-,GTIL'!11 experimental) (OOLD) BENES, L.; E!~ - Incorporation of formate-14C and orthophosphate-32p in b one marrow cells in vitro. Folia biol. no.1340-47 162. I..Inatitute of Biophysics# Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno. (FOINATES metabolism) (PHOSPHATES metabolism (BONE MAI-OW. metabolism) (TIS31YE RSTABOLISM~ (NUCLEOSIDES AND NUCLEOTIDFZ pharmacology) -A b0789 Z/002/62/000/CO4/003/003 DOO8/D1O2 AUTHOR% Drasil, Vladim~r TITLE: Symposium on cellular bases and etiology of belated somatic effects of ionizing radiation in London P---'RIODICAL: Ceskoslovenska akaddmie ved. Ve'stnfk', no. 4, 462-464 (,7,- TEXT; The "Symposion o buneonych zakladech pozdnich ucinkii Zareni" (Symposium on Cellular Bases of Belated Radiation Effects) was hold on IMarch 27-31, 1962, in London. Vladimfr DrA'Sil, Doctor, of the Biofyzikaln~ ustav 6AV (Biophysical Institute, Cz'echoslovak AS) in Brno was the only Czechoslovak scientist to be invited. His contribution preaented research results showing that when cancerous ce'lls were injected'intravenously into an animal, tumors developed much faster in those parts of the animal which had previously (about 30 days be~lore the injection) been exposed to refa- tively small doses (20-180 r) of X-ray radiation. Also mentioned in the discussion were the results of experiments conductod by Karpfel, Doctor, of the Biophysical Institute, Czechoslovak AS, who observed a high percent- age of chromosome aberrations in nonirradiated marrow-tissue cells which Card 1/2 Z/002/62/000/004/003/003 Symposium on cellular bases and ... DOOB/D102 nore injected into irradiated mice. Results presented at the zymposium showed that ionizing radiation causes a number of belated harmful effectz in living organisms. This fully justifies efforts aimed at a reduction of the radiation dose to which the human population is being exposed. Based on his experience at this symposium, the author reco=,ends that Ozechoslo- vakia also should arrange international conferences at which attendance would be limited to a small number of invited participants. ASSOCIATION: Biofyzikaln~ u"stav CSAV (Biophysical institute, Czechoslovak AS), Brno IA Card 2/2 KAR~M, Z.; DRASIL, V. - SKAM M. F Dynamics of cell proliferation in the bons marrow of irradiated mice, using certain factors with a protective effect. Folia biol. 8 no-3- 152-158 162, 1. Institute of Biopbysice, Czechoslovak Acadeny of Sciences, Brno. BONE MARROW radiation effects) DIATION PROTECTION experimental) t BLAZICSK, G.; DRASILO Preparation of 32p-marked thymidise-51-phouphate. Coll Cz Chem 27 no.7:1715-1717 J1 162* 1. BiophysikalJocheo Institut, Tochachoolowakiache Akadomie der Wiseenschaften* Bmo, IDRASTL, V.; JURASKOVA, V. The effect of irradiation on the progressive growth of metastases followingintravenow injection of Ehrlich ascites tumour cello# Veoplasma 11 no.2sl7l-176 164 1. Institute of Biophysics , CSAV [Ceskoslovenski akademie ved), Dimo, Czechoslovakia. jURA,S)!f r VA, V. ; ',r-ATXQA,, f'. -, Ib, V. Tho "nfluence of the tir-ii of henatopoio3l.9 11 nc*6:591-599 '64 ",hrl-Ich's aa--itez t=o-:- c?!,. tl:c I-SF!maTs- In IrrtdintAd m!vn. Noopl~ -zn II'I 1. blophysinal 71~,sLl~-ute of Czachos,f- . "'. 0.", Brno; MUlitary 11 ' - '!~A Paseur-h and j lrlntitutm V'T.!,'. Nrkyn.), Hradec Kral7we, Cze.;hcv"l,,)vnk lit. DRASILp'V.; JURASKOVAj Vera -- ... I-- Effect or KcN on md1osensitivity of Ehrlich ascites tumour cello. Folia biol. (Praha) 10 no.5066-372 164. 1. Institute of Biophysics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno. JURASKOVA, Vera; TKADLECEK, L.; DRASIL, V. Note on the differentiation of colonies of haematopoietio t1asue cells in'the spleen of irradiated mice. Folia b1ol. (Praha) 10 no,5081-385 164. 1. Institute of Biophysics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno and Military Institute of Medical Research and Postgraduate Study, 11radea Kralove. V-; JUIMSKOVA, Vera Survival of, and ch&ngus in, Mrli,7h a!3,,jtei '~um:)ur cells fc;110'Wing irrwiintIrin wiih large d,-,stiv -,f X-- wid IJV rad'Ofon. Folla btf)l. (h-aha) 11 no.2t]03-108 16 r '0 ',. imitAtute ct Mcnphyat-,-s, ll'aJr~:ji rf Bmo. BEMS, Loj_DRASI~0*j PETRLIKj J, Autoradiographic determination of low alpha activities in water. Casko hygo 10 no97t393-399 Ag 165. 1. Biofyzikalni ustav Caskoolovenake akademie ved, BMo a Vyzku=y uotav Yodohospodarskyj Praha. a~v~----~SOURM CODE- HU/2 OR S.; Drasil, V. ORG: Institute of Uni%rerEity ME!4-~- Resear-h Tns*itule of the AcadeMr of Scier)re~ r j i05/65/028/003/0259/0263i c effect, Ehrlich aaci%es, su1!'hytr-.,' -Jer ~-laxify the manner in which t 5 j zed inhibitors, monui odos-if'- - rm Ehrl-~h ~Lc; s r-, W" 7 4.20c) shoved ACC NR: AP6005992 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0053/65/011-MV0269/0269 AW11011: Juraskova, V.; Tkadleeeko L.; Drasil,,,Y,,,,, ORG: Institute of Biophysics CSAV, Brno (Biofysikaini astav CSAV) TT.TT.2,,: Chnracteriatics of the hemopoietic tiesue oc' n tile spleen of mice expo3ed to Irradiation [This paper was preser' id -it n,-.ssion of Biophysics SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM ME: none / OTH REF: 001 (J- A 000 SOME CODE: C?/0O53/65/%4/b04/0V72/0272 I AUTHOR, Jura3kova, V.; Tkadlecek, L.4 V. ORG: Institute of Biophysics CSAV, Brno (BiofyBikalni ustav CSAV) TITLE: Effect of the presence of Ehrlich asciteu tumor cells on hemopoietic regeneration in spleens or irradiated mice [This paper was presented at meetiru" of the Biophyzlcal Society Section of the Czechoslovak Biological Association at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno, 4 Nov 64-1 SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska fYsiologie, v- 14, no. 4, 1965, 272 TOPIC TAGS: tumor, mouse, radiation biologic effect, hematopolpsis ABSTRACT: Study of mice irradiated and injected with cell. 5uspension5 of Ehrlich ascites tumor indicated that undinaged twor colls of this ntrain secrete some metabolic product which is a stinulating factor in the colonization of spleen-by hemopoictic tie_eu.e following -irradiatione-ci PTI-17 SUB CODE: 06 / SUM DAM none / OHIG W: 001 / OTH REF: 001 Card 1/1 0 ~A) W2 SOURCE CODE ACC NRt A i /655j /6 ~76i4f(67,02 AU711OR: Tkadleeck, Lq Juraekova, V.; 0 --pnill OFIG: VLVDU JEP, Hradec Kralove; Biophysics Institute COAV, Brno (Biofysikalni ustay CSAV) TITLE: Cliaracteristics of secondary colonies of hemopoietic tissue in the spleens of, irradiated mice (This paper was presented at the working session of the CzechoslovakI Biophysical Association in Brno, 3 February 1965-1 5OURGE: Ceskoslovenska fysiologle, v- 14, no- 4, 1965, 273 TOPIC TAGS: radiation biologic-effectp-mousei--hemitop-oiO,6is ABSTRACT: Rosuspension and 'rijiviji~tlon -of splente hemopoletlc colonies In irradiated mice revealed that the characteristic differentiation of these according to ultimate evolution into arythro- or leukopoictic cell groups is less a factor in any intrinsic celLproperties than in local harst conditions. M. Fabova and J. Cibulkova partfc 1~Aed in the technical work. LJ4113-7 1 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 001 / OTH REF: 004 0-) ACC NR, AP6020839 SOURCE COM HU/0018/65/017, AUTHOR: Damjanovich, Sandor Drasil ORG: Institute of Pathophysiology, Madi al Vnly-areW of Debmen (Korelettani Intezet, Debreceni Orvoatudomanyi Egyttem); Biophysical Research InstWitif Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciencest Brno TITLE: Effect of SH-inhibitora on the radiosensitivity of Ehrlich Ascitee tut SOURCE: Kiserletes orvostudomanY. V. 17, no* 5. 1965, 492-495 TOPIC TAGS: tumor, drug effect,, radiation biologic effect, cytology, gastroei ABSTRACT: It has been determined that the radiosensitization based on SH-Inhibition and described by Alexander, Y,Ikulr,kX as well as other authors -- and assumed- on the basis of experiments carrip.4 out with monoiodo-acetic acid and iodoacetamide m- is most probably independent.of SH-inhibition in the case of colls- Based on the results of experiments carried out on Ehrlich ascites tumor ;ells, the possibility is raised that radiosensitization is satisfactorily explained by the chemically active radiolytic products derived from monoiado-acetic acid, as described by Lee at al,, and by the partial inhibition of 02-utiliza. tion caus6d by vonoiodo-acatic acid since more specific SH-inhibitors (parachloro-mercuribenzoate and n-ethylmaleimide) do not exhibit any radiosensitizing effect. Orig. art. has% 2 figures. (JPRSI SUB CODE, 06 / SUBM DATE: 12Nov64 / ORIG REF: 001 / OTH REF: 008 L Effect t)f vulpMvdryl inlAbit= (r, mdIatIM W DIUV37 of Ehrlich auciton tumour oollue Acta p4al'ole acads SOU Amu. 2-8 nco3t2I,)-263 0 65 1. liatituto of Pathop?Wvioloav UrIvornity liedical Sobodg Datvwov an4 inluptWoloul TWsearal, D!aututa or the Cmho- almukigm Amdww of 301W.00130 nkros OubmitUd PoVember 13# 1964. 21-1 CZECHOSLOVAXIA TKADLECEX, L. t JURASKOV.A,_ ~_., PU"L.,V,,.,)rLVDU JEP / Abbreviation not explainedl li_rad6~_Kralove; Biophysical Inatitut'60 Czecho- slovak Academy of Sciences (Biofysikalni Ustav CSAV), Brno. "Protective rxfect of Cystamine and AM in the Formation or Endogenous Colonies of Bloodforming Tissue in the Spleen of Irradiated Mice." Praguep Ceskoslovonska asiolo&ie,Vol 15, No 2, Fab 66,p 131~ Abstracti The mice were irradiated with a Cobalt source and received an irradiation dose of 470 to 4,100r. In all cases both Cystamine and ALV showed a protective effect. 1 We-stern reference. Submitted at a Meeting of the Biophysical Section of the Branch of the Czechoslovak Biological Society at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences at Brno 17 Nov 65- 1/1 CZECHOSLOVAKIA JURASKOVA, V.p TKADLECEKO L., DRASIL,,. V;, Biophysical Institute, Czechoslovak av CSAV) Brno; do sikalni Ust VLVDU XEF ZA-bbroviation not explaine 3, 11radec Kralove. "The Influence of the Interval Between Intraperitoneal Administra- tion or Cystanino and Irradiation on the Ratio of Protected to Unprotected Bloodforming Calls." ?raeue, Ceskoslovenska Pysiologie,Vol 15, No 2, Fab 66, PP 134-135 Abstract: Cystamine was injected into mice 5, 20 or 50 minutes before i radiated with 420 to 960r. Best results were obtained with administration 5 minutes before irradiation. The experiments were repeated with oystamine administration 3, 5 or 8 minutes before irradiation with 350 to"650 r. Here again the best protection was obtained when eystamine was given 5 minutes before irradiation. 1 Western, I Ozooh reforenoe. Submitted at a Meeting of the Biophysical Seetion of the Branch of the Czecho- slovak Biological Sooiety at the Czechoslovak Academy of Soienoes at Brno, 17 Nov 65. 197 - PACIC, Zoran, dipl. inz., earadnik; DRA.9K!C, Dravllsa, dr inz., docent Application of the flotation method for mlrerale of the ran- ganeem nxide ore gangue, Rudar glasnik 4127-34 1648' 1. D~Partment for Processing Mineral Raw Materials of the Mining Institutep Belgrade (for Pacic). 2. Faculty of Mining and Goology of tho University of BeV,rade, BoIRrade (for Draski0s _(p Iq lugWAVAdso-Irm *9&44 am I* the kad,4d" domqt 4v*, Of NOTO B(dO (IS SUbIA). lw a.- (Z4y,,d I . ,M'(74'Yod 1. ge46. _M and Aom PON=- em Lai Q ult Of thO I&ttt Za 2M. PI GLLJ let wo by tursuds"Nal ca Me aw, jw# Id 15.13 10.11 GOR DMKIC, Dragisa, Inz. - C - - ~11~port of the Comdesion for the Schools and Cadres of the Union of the 11ining, Geologic, and Motallurgic Engineers and Technicians of Yugoslavia. Tehnika Jug 17 no.8iSuppl.: Rudarstvo metalurg 33 no.8:1522i-1512k Ag 162. 11 DRASKIC, Dragioa,,-inz. Consultations on the industrial safety in mining, geologyt and meta.Uurgy. Telmika Jug 17 no.8:Suppl.- Rudarstvo metalurg 13 no.8:1512n Ag 162. DRASKIC Dragisa r inz.; SER, Filip, dipl. im. Possibilities of concentrating the Blagodat and Podvirovi lead and zinc ore deposits. Rudar glasnik no.3:17-27 163. 1. NaceInik Odaljonja za metale 2avoda za FIS (for Draskic). 2. Sef grupe z& metale, Zavod za WS Rud. innt., Beograd (for Ser). DRASKIC...-4AgIsA dr inzo, diplomirani inzenjer rudarstva, , . $,- docent (Beograd, Duains. 7) Sixth International Mineral Dressing Congress; Cannes, Hay 26-June 2, 1963. Tehnika Jug 18 no. 12: Supplement: Rudarstvo metalurg 14 no. 12: 2248-2251 D 163 1. Rudarsko-geoloski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu. wol. 3, ,o. rlontldy Li. o-, En~t. Eli Ss rooearl Acce -Librar, -?,a. w, October, ~iicla-dfi(-d - , . -%j 1# 1 1 SAHOVIC, K.b ORISCANIN,B; BATA, A.; MIHAIIOVIC, L.; DRASKOC1. M; DIMITRIJXVIC, K; STOJANOVIC# B. Observations on the behavior of cardiovascular system and respiration in animals in hypothermia, with special reference to the functional variations during szoanguination and consecutive transfusion. Glas Srpske akad. nauka, odolj. mad. no-801-52 1953. 1. Institut za patolooka finiologiju Kedioinakog fakultets. U Beogradu; pr W jono na VII skupu Odoljenja Xedicinakth nauka 14.V.1953 go WKWORREIAGE, exper. *off, on cardiovanc, system & rasp. in animals in hypothermia, 'off. of consecutive transfusion) (GARDIOVASCULAR SYSTAH, physiol. *off. of exper, szoanguination & consecutive blood trans- fusion in hypothermia in dogs) (RESPIRATION, physial. *off. of exper. ozzanguination & consecutive blood trans- fusion in hypothermis. in dogs) (BODY TIMPERATURA *h1pothermia, exper., off. of exper. exeangaination & consecutive blood transfusion on.cardioTasc. & reap, system in dogs) (BLM TRANSYUSION, exper. *off0 on cardiovasoo & rasp, system after exper. szowguination in hypothermia in dogs) i MIHAIL6VIC. L,; WSKOCI. M. Rele.tion between potassium and carbohydrate metabolism; effect of intravenous injection of adrenaline. Glas Srpsko akad. nauka, odelj, mod. no.8:135-152 1953. 1. Inatit-at sa'patolooku fisiologlju Hadicinskog fakultsta u Beogradu; primljano za na X okupu Ods1jenja medicineldkh nauka 24.1X,1953 god. (SPINAMINA, off. *on potassium & carbohydrate metab, on rabbits, intervenous inJoet.) (POTASSIUMO notab. *off. of epinephrine in rabbits, intravenous inject.) (CAMOHYDRATHS, metab. *eff. of epinephrine in rabbits, Intravenous inject.) IIDRWNI~ M SAHOVIC, K.; ORISCANIN, B.; MWAIMIC.L.; BAU, A.; DINITRUPNIC, X.; ,TWANOVIC, B,; DRASKOCI, 'K. Biochemical changes and variations of the blood picture in animls in hypothermia; effect of e3manguination. and consecutive transfusion. Glas Srpska akad.'nau , odelj, mad, no.8:153-182 1953. 1. Institut ma patolooku fistologiju Nedialnekog fakulteta. u Beogradu; primljeno na X mkupu Odoljenja medicluskih nauka 24.1X-1953 god. (BLOOD TRAMSFUSION, exper. *off. on biochem. changes A blood picture in hypothermis, in rats) (BODr TIVERATURN, .*hypothermis, exper., off. on blood picture & blochem, changes after oxnanguloation & consecutive blood transfusion in rats) (HEMOSRUGS, exper. *eff, on blood picture & biochow. changes in rate In hypo- thermia, off. of consecutive blood transfusion) (BLWD OpIcture, off. of stisanguination & consecutive blood transfusion in hypothermia In rate) DRAKOCT R .; MIHAIWVIC* Lj. Iffect of intravenous glucose on potassium level in blood in normal and 1Wpoglyeemic animal. G34,w orpoks akad. nanka, odelj mad. 211 no-7:33-45 1953. 1. Prin1jeno na XVIII skupu Odolj. mad. naukA 18 111 1952 god. (ETPOGLY(MMIA. exper. off. of Intravenous g1noose on potassium In blood in rabbits) (GLUCOSSs off, on potassium in blood in normal & bypoglycomic rabbits) (BLOOD potassium, s.ff. of Intravenous glucose in normal & bypoglycomic rabbits) (POTASSIUM, in blood aIff. of Intravenous glucose In normal & hypoglycomio rabbits) nUN001. M. dr. lajwioum effoots of barbitumtes. Arb. fame, Beogr. 4 no*2-3i 73-77 Apr-June 54s (UUIVJRATIS, Injo off,) SAHOVIC,K.; DRASKOCI, H.; MI11AILOYIC, Lj. Investigations on potassium metabolism In the central nervous system; distribution of potassium In thebrain, cerebellum and Spinal cord. Glas. Srpske skad.nauka, 215 no.9:179-185 1955. (CXHTRAL MYOUS SYSTSM, metabolism. potassium) (POTASSIUM, netabolism, CIS) SAHOVIC, K.; MHAILOVIC, TAJ; DRASKOCI,M. Investigation on potassium metabolism is the central ze"o -us. system; distribution of potassium Ilk the brain, cerebellum, and spinal cord in tubercalons peningitis. Glas,Srpske skad.sauka, odslJ,med. 215 no,9:187-194 1955. (Tumanom, RMINOM, metabolisa,ix,, potassium in C16) (POTASSIUH, metabolism, . ONS, in tuberc.,mentogeal) (CMITRAL =VMS SYSTA4, metabolism, potassium, in tuberc., senifteal) SAHOVIC, K; DRASJKOCI. It.,- gIHAIWVIC, Lj. Investigations an potassium metabolism In the central noryous system; distribation of potassium in the brain, cerebellum, and spinal cord in urenia. Glas.Srpske akad.nauka, 215 no.9:195-203 1955. 1. Institut do PtWelopathologis do I& Faculte do Hadecine do Beograd, (UP-VIA, metabolism, in potassium in CBS) (ONTRAL XWOUS STSTICK, metabolism. potassium, in uremia) (POTASSIUM, metabolism, ONS, in ur"mia) SAHOVIC, K.: MIIIAIIDVlC. Lj; DRASXOCI, M. Investigation of potassium metabolism in the central nervous system; distribution of potassium in the brain, cerebellum and spinal cord following nophrectotV in dogs. Glas.Srpsko akad.lauka odelj.mad. 215 no.9;205-209 1955. 1. Institut do Physiopathologio do la Faculte do Medicine do Beograd. (KIDNWS. affect of excision, a& CV5 potassium In dogs) (POTASSIUM, metabolism. ORS, off. of aephractomr In dogs) (CPMRAL NZRVOUS SYSTICK, motabolim, potassiutm, off. of zephrectW in dogs) SAHDVIC, K.; DRASKOCI, It.; MIHAILOVIC, Lj, w ~hw - WMMM4 Investigations on potassium metabolism in the central nervous system; distribution of potassium In the brain, cerebellum, and spinal cord in various pathological conditions. Glas Srpske almd.sauka. odelj.vkid. 215 no.9:211-219 1955. 1. Inaiitut do Pbysiopathologle de I& Faculte do Hedecine do Beograd. WENTRAL NERVOUS STSTZK, metabolism, potassium, in various dis.) (POTASSIUM, metabolism, GNS, in various die.), MASKOCI, N. SUzu*l~ (in cado); Given Flaraca coluatry: Yugoslavia Deg-rec3: ITono given Ai'f ili:-,ticn: "Iona given Galonika, Belgrade, Vol 7, No 5, 1961, PP 305-317 "The Phannacology of Antibiotlics.11 JANGSOO M*;GABORe A.J*;IAKCS, A,.09666 Storage,ol.natural and sluthetic macromolecular polymers Sx the tissues. Aota physiol. hunk. 4 ftppl:30-3~ 19534 , (OUG 23:1) I* Of the Institute of Pharmacologr,pf SikeCod University. D-,IASKD-,'7,Yl P. Jancso, M.; a~qAk-Lq~jJ-; Lakos, A. IT-unction of the Kidneys during E erimental Hydronephrosis.0 p. 46. (Actq h stql ica, t Supplenent to v. 4, 1953, Budal t SO I M I U11L n~qliqj, Vol 3 No 6 Library of ConE;ress, Jun 54 Unol dalt jq~ Qj- -qst of F _Rq%n-ASSq- DRASKOVICp D. Measurement of teVeratures in high-velocity gas streamso, p. 1110 TEMIKA., Vol 1O,, No. 8,, 1955 Beograd SO. UALj Vol 5, Noo 71 July 1956 araimt ciil tac-'7oull~ic!'%, tn t,c, --;trli I-o Morava I Cave's-- -rrrl (:.I ici (~-"IIT I ~;A'2132,Am,A-J) eFco -rad, Yu~-031-avia) NO. 1/1", T- n..;- filc . Indnx of T-'~aqt Euro-)eAn Accession.4 (~_'.AT'j !.r: Vol. 7, No. DRASKOVIG, Dorde From the application of mechanography on Yugdslav railroads. Zeleanice Jug 18 no.n/12:38-41 162. DRASKOVIC., Dorde I - - ---l ....I Remmeration of the workers in mechanography by piecework. Zelemice Jug 18 no.2.1/12sl#2-47 162. DRASKGVIG, Dorde 3, Pconomic effects of the organization of mechanograpby in the E Tugoolav Railroad Conamitys Zeleanice Jug 18 no.5/6:11-29 t 62.. KATIC, Milivoje;.DRASKOVIC, Dorde Tasks and organization of mechanical accounting on Yugoslav Railroads. Zeleznice Jug 19 no.5S24-37 M7163. DRASKOVIC, D.; SOCAIIAC, V. Use of punched card eyatem by the U.S. railroads. Zeleznice Jug 19 no*6:39-46 Je 163, ,DRASKOVIC,, jwdkml= Is. the ki A, 'a M zKolmomillur~,=- Sci."B,vitKidrkV( 12341(tow).-Rates of abomption of Ce sad Mt-119Nxetrlyl crystal lattk-c wer InveAlpted by the an d COO And Co", reap. Count was made wlth an end-whbeqw 11.1", counter. Absorption rates sWw a different amchan6m For tb4 abamptloa o(Co compared wkh that for Co. 7U absorption of Co k as.' cribed to homorphous reptacement, that of Cs to cheml- pervarptim. Alfred 1. Mi5 7L DRASKOVICS.R..j MAKSIMOVIC, 7.; K020MARA, S. 51 Production of Cr of high specific activity. Bul Inst Nual 14 no. 31 143-153 JI 163o .1. Hot IAboratory Department, Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Beograd-Vinca. GERANICiT,; NIKOLICpR&; KAXSIMVICOZ*;,,DRM.KOVIGp,%. Chemical fomv of ruthenIm In bydroohloria acid isolutiona; abstract. M" flen dr 27 no.9 101512-513 164 1. The Boris Kidrie botitute of Rualear Scienco9j, Hot-lAbo- ratory Departmantp Belgrade-Vinca. DUSKOVIG,R.1 MAKSIMOVICIZ.; KMMM,S. Obtaining 510r of higb specific activity; abstrad. Glas Hem dr 27 no.9/100529 964 1, The Boris Rldric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Hot-labo- ratory Departnent,, Belgrade-Vinca. Vauct JoUsayka, dipl. hesdoar, saradnik (Beograd, Xnaza Milos& b-. 68/1); dipl. fis, henLicar; NMDA, Dusanka, dipl tehn; PROf G, Drank* Chtmioal and radiochemical control of radioisotopes used in wdiains. Tshnika Jug 19 no.5tSuppl:Radioisotope zrao,3 no.5t 822-827 My 164. 1. Boris Kidrio Instituts of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade- Vines. 6 - vol. 1 _/4 TUPTA MICA See. I 4 j k0 Vrc /Y IF, Apr - 57 2551. DRASKOVICII It. Pestmegyei Tanics Semmelweis Korhdza Fdlosztdly- Anak, K8zl. ;;Az otogen nephritisrOl. Otogenous nephritis FULL- ORR-GEGE GY. 1956, 2 (66-69) Tables I In the course of the last 5 yr. nine patients were treated who suffered, besides otitia and mastolditis, also from an acute glomerulonephritis. In 5 patients an otologic genesis of the nephritis was probable, in 2 patients It was beyond doubt. In one of the latter the nephritis appeared 2 weeks after the beginning of the acute otitis and recovered after the ear operation. The glomerulonephritis in the second patient appeared 4 months after the performance of labyrinthectomy as the result of a sequestration of the bony labyrinth, and was accompanied by a transient paral- ysis of the facial nerve. In cases where nephritis appeurs as the result of an otitis or mastoiditis an operative intervention should be carried out earlier than in other cases. (XI, 6) GMZI, Ar'nadi KOVICH Postoperative thrombosis of the intact sigmold slaus. Yul orr gagegy0gy. no.3:99-103 Oct 57. 1. A Pestwegyel Tanace Rokus Korhaza Yuloaztalyanak (foorvon: Gotse ArDad) kozlemeiWe- - (SUM MMOSIS sigmoid sims, postop., pathogen. & prev. (Hun)) MWXOVICH' Iva rAr. external and middle ear in radium therapy, of eczema of the auditory meatus. Ful orr gegmeyogy. 4 no.1:41-42 Mar 58. 1. A Pestmagyei Tanaca Semmelweis (Rokus) Korhaza PaloostalyangLk (loorvost. Gotze Arpad dr.) koxlemenye. (FAR. EXTEML. die. severe lesions caused by radium ther. of auditory canal eczema (Hun)) (20 , WMLI, die. same) VILDIUM, Inj. eff. severe lesions of external & middle ear in ther. of auditory canal eczeria (Han)) -DRASKOVICH, Eva, dr. Mass survey of aoouotio trauma at the Coopel automobile factory. ftlorvgbgegyogyassat 9 no.1&20-21+ Mr 163. 1, A Postmousi Tanaes Rowlelointesete (Budpaent) FV.U-orr-gege- es audiologiai azakrandelosenak (Foorvoss Draskovich Eva dr.) koslemenp. (MASS SCREENING TECHNICS) (NOISE) (OCCUPATIONAL DI~EMES) (BARING TZSTS) (ACOUSTIC TRAUMA) t 383 36-M (d) ACC NRs AP6027992 SOLT?C.I, cz oo45/66/0 OT06~10WOIJ 0 AUTHIOR: Draskovicaa, 4, Wratislava) 0:!G: Dapart. -r-nt of i*-wrorical llthomtica xm-' til tural Sciencov, Ko mnslg Univorsity, Bratislava (::atodra niu)ozric~-Oj nat-ona ;,;Ze nztonatickoj statisti1q, Itirodovedska Fakulta, Univarzita Kononslwho) TITL~: 'Sono proportion of a Irbotwoon" relation 5,~ 1,~: CI;atonaticko-fyzikalnv casopia, no. 1, 1966, 13-2o T1,111C TAGS: nathonatio rolation, mathomatio ordoring Sorn proportion of a "boUtoon" rolation in notric lAttlcoo-aro extonded to tho caso of eonoral latticos. A characterization is Civon of modular and distri- '!:;-ativa lat'vicos with the loast elonont by ternary oporationse f5asod on author'n absti. fJPR.-,: 36.a4ff 5U3 COI~: '12 SUM DATFt 290ot64 OM RLIF: 006 Cat"d 1/1 rATOLCICK, Jo; HMIK, J.; ODLIR, I.; SITAR, 1,; nUSKOVICOVA, M. Rxperimental treatment of carriers after typhoid & paratyphoid, epidem. mikrob. Imun. 7 no.1:57-65 Jan 58. Cook, 1, Oblastrq ustav spideniolopis a mikrobiologio v Bratislave, riaditel Dr Jan Karolaek I, interns, klinika, inf. oddelenie v Bratislave, Prednosta nrof. Dr Mik-alas Ondrejcka. J. K. Bratislava, Soeinkova 9. (TYPHOID 71M, there of carriers (Cs)) (PARATYPHOM 117M, ther. name) KAROICK0 J.; MWKOVW::!V~AX. Is ODUR, 1, 7urther studies on imu=nobiological state of typhois vectors and immunological prinotples in typhoid fever. Cask. epidem. mikrob. imun. 8 no.2:103-106 1kr 59. 1. MI. ustay spidemialogle a m1krobiologie v Bratislave. J.X.. BrAislava, Sesinkovs, 9. (TYPHOID M , transe. oarriers, immuno-biol. aspects (Cz)) KBOLCUP J.; ODLER, I.- DRASKOVICOVA, M. I--------------- Irnunity reactions In man and animaln following inoculation Bath typhoid vaccines, vith special-reference to the bactericidal activity of the serum. J. hyg. spidem., Praha 5 no.2:210-223 161. 1. Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Bratislava. (TYPHOID Imunology) (MUNE SERMIS) Q 11,01 lot 0 -CP 0 tr 10 a go pi" 9.3 Piz 4-x T VFW TI: 4 t - -at;t,,m. r 17 KMLCEKp J.; DRASKOVICOVAI M.j OD1SRj I. Now findings in the immobiological study of typhoid carriers and of anti-typhoid immunity. J. hyg. epidem. 6 no.4:436-441 162. 1. Institute of Epidemiology and Hiorobiology, Bratislava. (TIPHOID) . KMI,CEK; J.; RUSINK09 M.1 DRASKOVICOVA., M. I=mwlogical roaotivity to typhoid vaccina in subjects with varioas histories of infootion. Bratial. Lek. Listy 1.2 no.1:37-41. 162. 1. Z Ustavu apidemiologie a mikrobiologia a a Katedry mikrobiologia Slov. ustavu pro doakollovanie lekarov v Bratislave, veduci doc. MUDr. J. Kuoleek. (VACCIlaTION) (T7PHOID immunol) KARIUEKp JT.; ODLERp I.1 DWKOVICOVAp M,; LUZOVA, D. Use of serologiso-1munobiological methods in the diagnosis of typhoid carriers. Cook. spidem. 12 no-42215-219 Jl 163. 1. Ustav spideniologie a mikrobiologis v Bratislava. (TYPHOID) (SALMOIMLLA TYPHI) (PHAGOCYTES) (MMOGLUTINATION) KAROLCEK, J.; HUSINKO, M.; DRASKOVICOVA, M.; ODUJ~ ) I.; 113ATCROVA, L. - 4 . - W -& -- Imune reactions In human beings vaccinated with typhoid 0, V! and 0 + VI + H vaccines, with special references to the specific hactericidal activity of the serum. J. hyg. epidem. (Praha) 8 no.2:1'7'1-189 164. 1. Institute or Epidemiology and Vicrohiology and Derartment of Microbiology of the Slovak Pontgraduate Medical In.9titlite, Bra- LIS Inva. Ly"Isim,vics, K DfUt,AOVICS, K. Production of sporting goods. P. 317. Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1954 FAIFAh. budapest, hungary. SCURCE: East Eurol,-,ean Acmsions List (EKAL) Vol. 6, Fo. 4--Ayril 1957 DRASKY, Jaroslav.. doc. inz. Tcst3 of screw joints. No-zaalizace 12 no.8:218-221 Ag 164 1. JUgher Schoul of l4oahanical and Textile, Liberec. DR=n , Irabi (Drae1q, Jiri [Theoretical oalculatim of thi nonstatiov4ry field of a flow with a wake and a narrow flow around a cylJnder) Teoretlo~evkoe re'sbenie neustanovivobegosis. polia potoka so sledom pr.i. plosilcom obteka.Aii tailindra. Prague# Gos. isal. In-t teplotekhn.i 1958. - 134. (MIRA 14, 11) (Fluid dynamics) Tabomal problans In station corAtructlon. Thermal rechurC, 1111, Ddskf M PragEtel. 74 $;-:04XIOSQ-4rincipics 6 volved in the thermal problems of nuclear and conventint power generation are comp". The problems dlscus~td Include: (1) the hydrodynamics of the flow 44 coolant In oWer to minimize #ht pressure drop, and Its relation tu, the structure of the fuel elements and their arrangement In a lattice. Sdety requirements are stressed, vW It Is shown that theortUral predictlimt must be confirmed b elpt. It maybe advisable for coolant to Avw, faster thmu&K scim fuel elements than others. The beating effect o( -y- radiation must be considered. (2) The beat exchange be. tween the primary and the se"wtary loop. A 2-presswe t.. system (10 M., and 2 atmj I, di?"~I, The dis- cussion Men to a h"vy-water-modented gas-cooled reactor. 11. NcwaQoda&- DRASKY, Jiri, ins. CSO. Theoretical solution of two nonstationary limit cases of the influence of supporting structure of wire resistance thermo- meters on temperature data and determination of limit value of time constants. Stroj cas 15 no.6041-564 64. 1. State Institute of Heat Tech:nology, Prague, DRASKOCI,-H. ca,~u); Givan I;a=a co-inti- .(: Yugoslavia Academ~c Degreea: [not givaq A."Mir-tion: [not give Source: Belgrade, Arhiv za Farmaeiiu, Hr 5, 1960, pp 305-317o Data. 'Farmacolosy of Antibiotios-I r,U, "Iry I %, !1,~rength 110 (MinisttraLvo tez~:,,!ho itrojirenstvi, mInI!.-,'e4x--3t-vo 1,ri~;-,neho ntrojirem3tvi Ministe:-sf.vo auro-obilow-ho -)mmyslu a ze:nedel5kych ltr-,.~jj) PrOia, Allzecho:!lavakia Vol. ', no. 2, Feb. 1959 Yonthly list of L"a3t Europr)an Accessions (ZUI), Lr, Vol. '3, Po. 7 July 1050 Urncl. State Phycics - Structuml CI-Ystalloomphy E-4 3^ 2 Abs Jour IL-f &ur - Fizilta, No 21 1959, No1-,'3 ,'.uthor Drasnar Jan. Linc'A. :dlan Inst Title Computing Wchine for a Ihpid Swxiation of Fourior Sorics .,ri:; Pub : Caskoal. CaSOP- fis-) 1957, 71 No 5p 606 ;.b3tract : Sic Mfenit zhur EAzilm., 1958, No lly 25053 C. -=d l/I 31 CZECHOSU)VAKIA/Solid State Physics - Structural Crystellogrephy E-4 Abs Jour t Rof Zhur - Fid keg No 11, 1958, No 25153 Author t Drroncr Jan Linok Allm Inst -1-Instilut, oohnicel Physics# Czachoolovtk Acadouy of Sciences, Fraguel Czechoslovakia Orig Pub iChokhool. fiz. zhap 19579 7, No 5, 6)0-631 Abstrnct iAt the Inatituto of Toohnioal Physics of the Czechoslovak Aordony of Sciences (Froguo) there has boon developed c rachrnionl computer intended principally for structural analysic. In the ganortl anon it own series of the typo f.(X) Ala. BhKh(x)t with tho coofficient Bh being Colocto; oiAho control pnnel, the function K(x) being spoci- fied by rionns of runchod cnrda, end the rocults ~9 W being printed et, the outrut, of the instrwont. If Xh(x) a coo 277hx or sin 2irhxj Fourior series rro surmodp with the coefficients being selected in the interval fra-, -511 to 511, the highest hermonic to W9, x has discrete values of the period divided by 60 or 120 parts. CnIculetion of ono value for varieblo, x Cerd 1 1/1 tckon two seconds. iR " 'J.", DRASNAR J.P 1111FIA J. Karam-mon mneethenia in Onecological operations of short, duration. Ceak* LDrn. 1514-5 1950, Po 374-81 1,, Of the Third Oynecological and Obstetriul Clinic (Ilead - Prof. Jiri Trap1p i's D.)O Charles University$ Pmguea Cum 19, 50 NOV,, 1950 u, 3-- CWH. J. ; DRAS-W, J. Analjvals of causes of prenatal anoil*. Cask.gun. 13 no.lo.-667-676 1950. (CLML 20:6) 1. Of the Third Obstetrical and Oynecological Clinic (Head-Prof. J,Trapl.M.D.). DR4UR J Medicinal painless labor. Prakt. lek., Praha 33 no.3-6:130-136 20 Mar 1953. (CIML 24:5) 1. Of the Institute of Mother and Child Welfare, Prague. DUA&R, Jan, MUDr Uorapy of female genital tuberculosis. Cesk.gyn. 19 no.6:388-392 Noy 55. 1. UPKD, Fraha, Podolto reditel prof. XUDr J.?rapl, a ?be lecobna n& ?lost, reditol KWr J.Ungr. (TUBMULOSIS, nML19 MITLL, therapy,) DUOAR, JjLn, MUDr of goultsl tuberenlanise Cooke gyno 20 no.l17-13 Feb 55. 1, UPHD Praha Podoll, reditel prof, MUDre JeTrapl. (TURBROULDSIS, FWUM GINITAL. diagnosis) RLBOCH, Jan;CAW, Josef;,DWNLR. Jan ~' - -.1, 1 ~ - - - Spermatological and gynecologIcal findings in repeated losses in pregnancy. Gesk. gyn. 24081 no.8:6396~4 0 '59 1. Sexeologicky ustav lekarske fakulty KU v Prase, preduosta prof. dr. J. 4nie Ustay pro peci o mtaku a dite, Praha-Podoli, reditel doc. dr. M. Vojta, zael. lekar GSR. (ABORTION etiol.) (Sun) MICH. Josef 1 MOUA*#_~&n. Analysis of certain causes of fetal damage and lose.* 251391 no-3az08-2% 196o. ABORTION etiole) AINCMULITIn atiol*) ~ (COMMICABIS DISIASIS in pregn.) H=. DOCA.; GUN, J. . DRASIAR$ J.; Mns' J. Latent blood coagulation disorders in sterile women* CsBkogyn, 25[391 no-3:232-234 196o. 1. Laborator pro vyeetroyani poruch koagulace pri nolo 71e Mtrw# predn.doc.dr. V. Rule. UFO, Praha-Podoli, reditel doo.dr. M. Tojtae. STUILITT FMLM blood) ow COWULATIOU) - W CECH, Josef * DRAMUR# Jan_ The application of pr*duisone with chemotherapy In the treatment of Infertile women with latent Infection. Ovesk, gym, 25[391 no.7: 564-569 S 160. lo Ustay pro pect o matku a dite v Praze-Podolt, red.doc. dr. N.Vojta, Zaslousily l9kar CSSR. (S73RILITT# FZKALZ etiol.) (GMEICOLOGY, ther.) (FUMMISOIN ther.) 21884 Z/014/61/000/OOIV004/009 6'*400 A205/A126 AUYHOR: Dra;nar, M. TITLE: Measuring of receivers with ferrite antennae PERIODICAL: Sd;lovact technika, no. 1, 1961, 26 - 27 TEXT: The scope of the article is to make readers acquainted with a simple method of measuring the sensitivity of ferrite-antenna equipped receivers. This method is successfully used abroad, and a modified version is supposed to be taken up In Czechoslovak Standards. Mutual inductance is used to transmit the voltage of the measuring-signal generator to the receiver. The measuring transmitter is equipped with a loop antenna and a series resistor. The antenna consists of 3 turns of enamel and silk insulated wire, 0.8 mm in diameter, led through a 10 - 12 mm diameter copper tube, and bent to a ring with a diameter of 25.4 cm. The tube is insulated In the middle, to prevent wire turns from forming a shorted coil. At a distance of 61 cm between the centers of the two (transmitter and receiver) loop antennae, the field strength amounts to 1/10 of the signal-generator voltage. The series resistor connected'in the live part of the coaxial cable has a value of 403A, but must be modified when loop antennae are installed at distances leas Card 1A Measuring of... 21884 z/014/6i/000/001/004/009 A205/A126 or m ore than 61 cm. The following provisions should be observed in the test arrangement: the capacitance of the coaxial cable, connecting the measuring transmitter with the loop antenna, should be as low as possible to avoid resonance; conducting objects must be kept away at least twice the distance between both loop antennae; ground leads must be efficiently shielded; the transmitter loop antenna should be mounted on a rotary frame to check ambient Influences on field, by turning the antenna 1800. The signal generator should have the lowest possible output resistance OOM . Both, the described and the conventional method, were used to measure the antenna sensitivity (expresses in /zv/m, related to the nominal output, or for a certain signal-to-noise ratio) of a "TESLA-Minor" battery re- ctiver. In the first test, made in a shield chamber, homogeneous field strengths, originating around horizontal conductors, were calibrated by the comparative methoel Field-strength magnitudes were measured by the resonance method with a direct field-strength meter. Antenna sensitivities, determined by this method, are plot- ted in Figuee 4, curve I. Measurings, made under sama conditions, with a loop ant8nna and series resistor, are plotted in curve II. The values listed show that t,h,) method described produces an accuracy of 't .10% which is sufficient for antenna- -sensitivity measuring in practical engineering. The method is simple and cheap Card 2A Measuring of... 21884 Z/014/61/000/001/004/009 A205/A126 and can be made more precise by repeated measurings. There are 3 figures, 1 photo and 5 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the most recent English-language publication reads as follows: P. E. Terman, Radio Engineer's Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., New York, 1943, 1112. Card 3A 21884 Z/014/61/000/001/004/009, Measuring of... A205/A126 Figure 4: Graph showing measuring results obtained by two methods ES 44 U 40 card4A DRASNARoK. Reliability of parts has priority. Sdel tech 12 no.2t77 F164 FEDOVAOD. DRASNARO M.j SVEJDA, J,j PIRKOVA, Z.; SODJA, J.; SYRUCEK, L Epidemic of influenza in Czechoolovakia In Fabruary-April. 1964. J. hyg. epidem. (Praha) 9 no.1:95-110 165 1. Inotitute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Prague. cmws J.* DRASNARv V. Vagotmw in tbo troatmwt of peptin uloer. Rosbl. chir, 29t5s 1950. P. .145-54 L Of the SmZi=l DerArtm* .; Dramiang X* D.) md of thg Woun 71. wouvirt', It. D.) 0strava41tkovioat (Itead-Head-Rovicim Intenzi Dispgztaent (Hud,-Head. of the Udustrial Hospital in CLML 191 50 Nov.t 19P DP"IAT?. VIndimir a -' -- ... --- . 'w -77=eT T71iramadtillary needle for diagnostic & therapeutic mneture of . t4bone --Prrcw. Rothl. chir. 36 no.7:492-49)s July 57, 1. Chir. oddel. ZURZ Cstrava VII, prednostaL Dr VI. Dractar. (SPIMA.-I PUUC",VTMS, appar. & instruments Intramedullary needle (Cs))