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DRAN -TJO L Ia- JXZIMO, Zdzislaw, dr. mod.. Wroclaw, ul. C.Sklodowskiej 40/8 Julius$ IMMA"'AWN Secoudary mobilization of jeju-m in reconstructive surgery of the esophagus. Polski przegl. chir. 26 no-9:769-776 Sept 54. 1. 111. Ilinika Chirurgiczna Akademil Medycinej we Wroclawiu; kierownik dr. mod. Zo Jesioro (ESOPHAGUS, surgery plastic, with secondary mobilization of jejunum) (JEJUNUM, surgery mobilization in plastic surg. of esophWe) r) t-C, I IL ); ~- 5 -4- REOZEK, Halina; z "12 ~ljul~luaz Conservative treatment of i3echanical perforation, of the Intrathoraclo esophagm.*Otolar. polska 11 no.4:391-396 1957. 1. Z Klin. Ieryngologicznej A.M. we Wroclawiu. Kierownik: prof. W. Jankowski 1 2 111 Mus ChirurgiC2nej A. M. we Wroclawiu. Kisrownik: doe. Z. Jezioro. (ISOPHAGUS, perf, management (Pol)) EXG~RPTA HEDICA See 9 Vol 13/2 Surgery Feb 59 1127. CICATHICIAL STRICTURC OF THE OESOPIIAGUS AFTER SURGICAL TREATMENT OF PEPTIC VLCER DISEASE - 13liznowate zwczenie prze)yku ,po chirurgicznym leczeniu choroby wrzodowej - Drak J., J ezioro Z. and K u d If. III Klin. Chir. Akad. Med., XV-PUEM'G. LEK. 1957, 12/49 (1892- 1896) Illus. 5 Wrociaw Two cased are described. A difficulty in swallowing appeared on the 12th day following the operation - In the first case resection of the stomach and in the 2nd case gastroenterostomy. In both patients a very good remote result was obtained by oesophagogastric anastomosis. The clinical course, the radiological pict4re and the anatomical lesions found during the operntion In both cases showed that the complication was a consequence of the healing of peptic oesophagitin. Oeso- phaRogastric anastomosis in combination with resection In considered to be worthy of recommendation. _A BCRON, Zdziolaw;QDRAK, Jultuell NUS, Henryk Pnrtial and totnl diavhraguatic relaxation with aDecial referenCO to differentinl diagnosis. Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.41:1566-1570 lo o 16o. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurglosuej A.M.; kierownik: doc.c1r med. Z.Jestoro i z Kliniki Radiologicznej A.M. we Wroclaviu; kierownik: e doo.dr mod. Z.Kubraki vi (DIAPHRAGM d15.) Kalignaut tumors of the small intestine. Polski tygod..Iak. 16 noas .15-21 2 JA 161. I. Z III Iliniki Chirmrgicsnej A.M. we Wroclaviu; Iderownik: doc.dr med. Z.Jazioro. (IMSTINE SKALL neopl) (SARCOMA case reports) MILEWICZ, Zygmunt;_RFA&,-Jullumz-_ A bonip gangllo-collular nouroma of-the mediastinum In the x-ray picture. Polski pmagl. radiol. 25 no.61555-556 161. 1. Z.Kliniki Radiologicanej AM we Wroclawlu Kierownik: doc. dr med. Z. Kubrakiewicz i z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr med. Z. -Tezioro. (GANGLIONEUROMA radiog) (FXDIASTINUM neopl) DILU"k, JulluBz m Me behavior rjf the contract melium "projjyl.l(;dorI-,.,'lagff in tiBsue spaces after.exi.-arimentul perforation of the. esophagus. Pol. przogl. radiol. 28 no.6:517-524 N-D 164. 1. Z III Klinlki Chlrurglcznej Akademii Medycznej we Wro-.lawiu (KierownAt prof. dr. med. Z. Jezloro). JEZIORO, Zdzislaw; DRAK, Juliusz; DRAKO'WA, Danuta Apropos of the treatment of aardiospasm In children. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.21:799-800 18 Myt64 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akademli Medycznej we Vxncla;jiu * (kierownikt P--fe dre med. Ze Jezioro) I z I Kliniki Chorob Dzieciecych Akadev~i Medycznej we Wroclawiu (kierownik: prof* dr. med. T. Nowakowski, TRAKY Juliusz; DRAKOWA, Danuta; GOLEN-TETER, Paris, A case of perforated intestinal cyst in a child. Ped 4~at. Pol. 39 no.7&845-847 Je 164. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirur icznej AM we Wroclawiu (Kierowniks prof. dr med. Z.Jezloro~ i z I Kliniki Pediatrycznej Akademli Medycznej we Wroclawiu (Kierownikt prof. dr med. T. Nowakowski). DRAK, Julf.uv, GRIMSKI, Tadeusz; PIFGZA, Stanislwi; SO! -,Y:':, Wif-slaw Benign t-.LTors of tne small Intestine. Pol. przegl. chir. 31'~ no.7;895-899 Je 164. 1, Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akademii Modycznej we WrQi1aw1u 'X.erowniki prof, dr Z. Jezzioro) I z TV Szpl~tal Okrk~cwgo- e a ~F '~ ~roclaw-'u (Ordynatcr-, dr T. Orlow'sk!). DRAK, Juliusot ORLOWSKIO Tadeuen Intestinal invagiiiation in adultso Polo tyg. lek. 20 no.41142-143 25 X& 165. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgioznej Akademli 14edyoznel we Vroolawiu (Kiorowiks profs dr. to Josicro) i t Oddzialu Chirurgicznego Sapitals, Ckregovego we Woolaviu (Ordynatori dr, mod. T.Orlowski)f BM"'311AT, MlenzyjItiv; BIIUWSrl, Tanj..-jz; J)~tl, Julbiri;,; Malignan' -egencration of (,. J sinn anti of -a-ious etlology. Pol. tyg. lek, 20n,).6t2Z4-Mj 8F 1. "' TIT Kliniki Chtrurgient-vj AkadiDm.u, I.L.".-%),,,!-awlu (mur-6milce. prof. dr. 7. ~'Axlarzj). -- DRAK, Juliusz; HIRNLEO Zbigniewj MISTERKA, Stefan Unusual etiology of an inflammatory tumor of the 110jum simulating a malignant neoplasm. Polo przegl. radiol. 29 no-3:297-300 M~r-Je 165. 1, Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej A14 we Wroclawi-i (Merown1k: prof. dr. med. Z. Jezioro) i z Kliniki Radlologicznej AM we Wroclawiu (Kierownik: doe. dr. Z. Kubrakievicz). DRAK, Juliusz; BUGAJSKI, Adam; ZDOER, Zenon; SOLTYS, Wieslaw Foreign bodies of the posterior mediastinum. Otolaryng. Pol. 19 no.3:397-399 165. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM we Wroclawiu (Kierownik: prof, dr. mod. Z. Jazioro). MAUTAISKI) B. inzh,, nauch, trudnik - -- - 'p- B~ Felletization of iron concentrates. Min d6lo 17 no.7:33-37n 162. 1. NIIH. 4. NIKOLOV, A., insh.; DRAKALIISKII B., insh.; CIM=OV.. Iva.* in2he Distribution of the eharde in the blast furnace top at the Lenin Metallurgio PleAt. Min delo 17 no.9:20-26 S 162. 1,, Romitet po promighlenoptta, (for Nikolov)* 2, Nauohnoizaledovatelski institut po motalurglia (for Drakaliiski and Charkezov)e S % - DPJYJ,LIISKII, B.,,.-.inzh.-,- .. Separation of lead by chlorinating pelletixation of Kremikovtsi concentrates. Min delo 18 no.10t 23-30 0163. 1. VauchnoizoledovatelsId institut po chernata metalux- giia. ANISIWW9 G.M.; GALYAMICMp V.A.; GOLIDBERG, A.M.; DRAKE, A.D - - .. ej KTJZIMIN, Yu.M.; LYSOCHENKO, A.A.; MAGIROVSKIY, II.P.; FEDCSE'MPO.V. Studying the operational conditions of the TDT-55 timber-skiddini tractor, Trakt, i sellkhozmsh. no.11tl-4 N 165, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kafedra tyagovykh,mushin LesotekYnicheskoy akademii imeni Kirova (for Anialmov., Ga.1yamichev, Gollberg, Drake). 2. Onezhskiy trak- tornyy zavod (for Kuzlmin, Lysochonko, Magirovski7, Fedoseyev). DRAKEI K.V. I- -- ------- Action of Japanese elecampane on kidney function. Trudy inst. no.20s193-200 160. (KIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii (zav, dotsent K,V.Drake) Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo inatituta. (KIDNEYS) (ELECAWANE) DRAKE , K.V. Diuretic action of birch buds. Trudy no.20:212- 218 160. (MIRA 15:10) .1. Iz kafedry farmakologil (zav. dotsent K.V.Drake) Khabarovskogo meditsinakogo inatituta, (BIRCH) (DIURETICS AND DIURESIS) BFATETS,, Ye.T.; BEMNO., LoD.; GWASIMOV, A.I.; GOROVMO, L.I.j DMMG, A. I. I DRUS L. V Treatment of pulmonary-tubermaosis with phthivaside inhalationso Vrach.delo no.11%341-11+2 N 162o, (KMA 3.612) 1, Oblastnot ptotivotuberkhleznyy dispanser g. Nikolayeva, pervaya bollnitua g* Pikola-yeva, taberkuleznoye otdelenlys i -detskly tuberkulsonyy sanatori-ya No.1 g. Nikola-yeva. (TUBMMUSIS) (FMIVAZIDE) VALUYSKIY, llikolay Tikbonoviebi POPOV, Ivan MikhWlovicb, kando ekonomo red.; MARAKASOVA9 nauk; MOISEYEV, M.I., red.j P~~~Ajjq L.P., tekhn. red. [Undivided funds are the foundation of commnal econor7l Wedelinye fondy - osnova obshchestvennogo khoziaistva kolkhozov. Pod obshchei red. Moineeva M.I. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovetskaia Rosaiia, " '1961 23 pe (MIRA i4:11) 1. Predsedatell kolkllbza "Pobedall Kantemirovskogo rayons. Voronezhskoy oblasti (for ValuyskJy % 2. Chlen-korrespondent Vsesoyuzncy akademii sellskokhozyaystvenwjkh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Yloiseyev). ~ (Collective fams-Finance) t 44729-66 EWTW/FW(e)/ZR(t)ZMT upcq) _.tnA,,vAz ACC NRs AP60 4 SOUCE CODE,..- W0Q-w6q AUITIOR: Pavlovskiy., M.:N.1 _P, 73 OFG: none TITLE; Concerning the metallic phase of ca*on SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pialma v redaktalyu. Prilozheniye, v. 4., no. 5,, 1966j 169-172 , TOPIC TAGS: carbon, metal propertyp phase transition, high pressure researchp graphite, shock wave propagation ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the shock compressibility of graphite in the re- gion of its bypothetic transition into the metallic phase.. The method and the mea- suring apparatus are described in earlier papers (with L. V. All huler et al, Fiz. iAl' aV~ te 1 tverdogo tela v. 5, 279, :L963 and earlier). Synthetic hite 1.77 and 1.85 9,/cmF) 3 and Ceylon graphite pressed from finely crushed powder 2.23 c 3) were used. The cM 2 23" resultant plot of the pressure against.the specific volume (P-V) is compared with the data of N. L. Coleburn (J. Chem. Pbys. Y. 40, 73P 1964) and with the results of B. J. Alder's and R. H. Christian's dynamic measurements of the compressibility of graphite (Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 7, 367, 1961). Satisfactory agreement between the authors' data qLnd the results of Alder and Christian is observed up to pressures of the order of 600 kbar, but a great disparity is noted in the pressure region 600-900 kbar, where Alder and Christian conclude that the graphite becomes metallic., whereas the authors Card L W4729 ACC NRg 0 find that the shock adiabat in this pressure region is merely a continuation of the adiabat of the tetrahedral modification of carbon. To explain the causes of the dij- parity and to obtain absolutely unique results with large measurement bases, the authors developed a large-scale measuring apparatus with an explosive charge of 600' mm diameterp imparting a velocity -5.6 Rm/sec to a steel striker 5 mm thick, and tested two-layer samples of synthetic and Ceylon graphite., 7be wave velocities were measured in each layer separately. The values obtained f6r the shock compressibility of the graphite at pressures 1.55 Mar and 3-25 Mar demonstrate that the Alder and Christian claims of observation of a metallicphase of carbon at pressures -8W kbar are in error. They were apparently obtained with samples whose thicknesses did not correspond to the striker thickness) and consequently, the parameters of the shock wave In the graphite were distorted by the relaxation waves* Orig. art. has., I figure. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 1_1Jun66/ ORIG REF; 004/ OM RV: 006 Card DRAKHLI, M.Ta., podpolkoynik moditainakoy aluzhb7. Epidemiological abservations In epidemic parotitis. Toon.-mad. shurs no.9:61-63 5 151. OUL 9:9) (HUMM) DRAMUN, M.Ya. (Perml) .,eroes in thi) oolution to hic-aU ,~ Mat. D0-508-64 165- (KIFul, 38:20) DRAKHI,lN, M.Ye. (Perm') ---Some prlnc~pies or comparison for Riccati differential equations. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mat. no.3174-77 165. (MIRA 180) DRAML111, YE. USSR/Phries - Rest Exebange MAY 52 "Thermal Convection in a Spherical Cavity," Ye. Drakhlin, Molotov State U "Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol )=It NO 51 PP 829-831 Solves the problems of weak.. freep stationary con- vection in a spherical ervity at a specified temp gradient toward infinity by the method of power- cxpansion of Grasshof's number and by using the Ist approximation for the temp and the 2d approximation for the velocity. Received 31 Jan 52.- 2=85 DRAXT=_ Ye, - Rh - =7Ph3FEfic6'--'Convection FD-657 Card 1/1 : Pub. 85 - 12/20 Author : Drakhlin) Ye. Kh. (Molotov) Title : Convection in an infinite horizontal elliptical cylinder Periodical : Prikl. mat. i mckh.p 18) 215-218, Mar/Apr 1954 Abstract : Sets up the equations and boundary conditions for convection in an infinite horizontal elliptical cylinder. Obtains the zero approx- imation and the first approximation. Three references including the author's earlier work in Uchenyye zapiski Molotovoogo Universiteta (Scientific Notes of Molotov University) Volume VIII) 1953. Institution Submitted January 20, 1953 Abet Journal: Refamt Zh= - Mekbanika,, No 3, 1957, 3183 Authors Drakhlin, Ye. Ma. lastitutions None Titlet Free Stationary Thermal Convection in a Spherical Cavity in the Absence of a Threshold, Original Periodical: Uch. zap. Molotovsk. un-t, 1955# 9j, No 4, 29-39 Abstractt An approximate solution is obtained for the problem of the stationary convection in a liquid or gas medium filling a spherical cavity in the mass, when a constant temperature gradient, having any direction but not vertical,. is specified in the mass at infinite. The problem is assumed to be plane. The equations are solved by a successive-approximation method, based on expanding the solutions in powers of the Graashof number. Card 1/2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur Mekhanika, No 3, 1957, 3182 Autb,or: Drakhlin,, Te. Kh. Institutionl None Title: Free Stationary Thermal Convection in a Space Bounded by Two Coaxial Horizantal Lifinite Cylinders Original Pericdical: Uch. zap. Molotovsk. un-t.: 1955, 9. No k, 41-47 Abstract: An apprcocimate sol*.ion Is given for the problem of the stationary cc,nvection In a liquid or gas medium filling a cylindrical alit, bo'unded by coaxial circular infinite horizontal cylinders, when a c"stant temperature gradient, perpendicular to the axis o T~ e cylinders but not vertical, is oftecified in the mass at in inite. It is assumed from s~*etry contraeration that the problem Is a k. plane oDe. Card 1/2 Abst Journals Referat Zhur - Mekhanika) No 3, 1957, 3182 Abstracts The equations of the thermal stationary convectic'n are solved by a successive-4pproximation method, based on expanding the solution in powers of the Grashof number. The temperature distribution in the liquid and in the external and internal masses are found in the zero and in the first approximations and the distribution of the hydro- dynamic velocity of the liquid is found in the first approximation. Card 2/2 U3SR/At=ic and Molecular Physics Heat, D-4 Ab!jt J.--urnal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12.. 1956) 3441l Auther: Drakhlin) Ye. Kh. ------------ - Instituticn: None Title: Free Stationary Thermal Convection in Spherical Cavity in the Absence of a Threshold Original Periodical: Uch. zapiski Molotovsk. un-t., 1955, 11, No 4, 29-39 Abst-ract: Investigation of the steady-state free thermal convection in a liquid fillirg the spherical cavity, surrounded by a solid mass for which there is speci- fied, far from the cavity, a temperature gradient that is constant in space and time ard has any nonvertical direction. The hydrodynamic equations are used in the usual approximation of convection theory. The boundary conditions are chosen to agree with continuity of the temperature and of the thermal flux and with the presence of an adhesion layer. The solution is sought under the assumption that the flowlines are in the parallel planes, determined by the direction of the tempereture gradient ir the solid body far from the cavity, and by the vertical direction. To obtain the solution, successive-approximation method is used, in which the functions that must 1 of 2 - 1 - USSR/Atcmic.and Molecular Physics - Heat, D-4 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 34411 Author: Drakhlin, Ye. Xh. Institution: None Title: Free Stationary Thermal Convection in Spherical Cavity in the Absence of a Threshold Original Periodical: Uch. zapiski Molotovak. un-t-, 1955, 11, No 4, 29-39 Abstract: be determined are sought as power series of the Grasshof numbers. The corresponding equations are solved rigorously in each approximation. The zero and first approximations obtained for the zeibperature and the zero, first, and second approximations are obtained for the velocity. In the first approximation the current lines turned out to be circles, and the central part of the liquid rotates as a whole. 2 of 2 2 - ~) (k rN K ~A I I' V1 :41 ~e. . ~- L' USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Heat, D-4 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, Fo 12, 1956, 34412 Author: Drakhlin, Ye. Kh. Institution: None Title: Free Stationary Heat Convection in a Cavity, Bounded by 2 Coaxial Horizontal Infinite Cylinders Original Periodical: Uch. zapiski Molotovsk. un-t., 1955, 11, No 4, 41-47 Abstract: Discussion of the stationary free thermal convection in a liquid that fills a cavity bounded by 2 very long coaxial circular cylinders, separating the liquid from a solid body. A temperature gradient that is constant in the space and in time and directed perpendicular to the axis of the cylinders (but not vertically) is specified far away in the solid body. The problem is a plane one. It is assumed that the temperature and heat flow are continuous on the boundary between the liquid and the solid body and that an adhesion layer exists. The usual convection equations are solved approximately using expansion in powers of the Grasshof number with the corresponding equations being solved rigorously in each approximation. The zero and first approximations are obtained for the temperature of the liquid and of the solid and for the velocity of the liquid. / a-c/ - 1 - DRAkIkIll-Ity, K,K//Y. ATJTHORs DRAKHLIN, Ye. Kh.* rml 40-5-11/20 -spa TITLEs The Solution of the Equation for the Case of Stationary Heat Convection in an Infinite Inclined Circular Cylinder (Resheniye uravneniy dlya odnogo sluohaya statsionarnoy teplovoy konvektsi". v beskonechnom naklonnom krugovom tailindre) PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya Mat. i Mekh.,1957,Vol-21,Nr 5,pp.693-695 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author found rigorous solutions for the problem of sta- tionary heat convection in the medium part of an extended, inclined circular cylinder. The cylinder is assumed to be in a fixed body with a temperature gradient constant in the space as well as with the time. It is supposed that the streamlines are parallel to the axis of the cylinder, and that there exists no temperature gradient along the cylinder axis. Applying the gi- ven suppositions it is possible to transform the initial equa- tions for the heat convection of the cylinder in such a way that rigorous partial solutions can be found. The solutions can be transferred to the limit cases of the vertically stand- ing and of the horizontally lying cylinder and then give aolu- tions which have been already investigated by other authors. For horizontally lying cylinders with vertical temperature gra- Card 1/2 dient only a solution with vanishing velocity of flow is pos- The Solution of the Equation for the Case of Stationary Heat 40-5-11/20 ,Convection in an Infinite Inclined Circular Cylinder sible.-This cannot be expected in another way according to the assumption of axial-aymmetrio velocities. There are no figurest no tables, and 2 Slavic references. SUBMITTEDs April 24P 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 DUKHLIN, Ye.n. Stat lonory-conveat ion equat ions. ITauch,,dokl,vys,sb'col7; fiz.-mat.ra-*,-I no-5:71-77 158. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Pern-skiy gornyy institut. Oleat-Convection) (Functional equations) 32495 0 0 3/044/61/000/011/017/049 C111/C444 AUTHOR: Drakhlin, Ye, Kh~ TITLE: '~i~heapp ~icai`ion o~fthe method of successive approximations on the equations of heat-convection in the case of the three-dimensional problem PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no, 11, 19061, 41, abstract llB207,.(Sb. nauchn. tr,. Permsk gorn in-t, 1959; no. 4, 79 - 98) TEXT: By aid of the Green functions of the harmonic and the bi- harmonic operators the author reduces the system of '~he three-dimen- sional heat-convection, consisting of five equations, to a system of 64 integral equationsl lie proposes to solve these by successive appro- ximations. Further on the author falsely claims that the second and fourth derivatives of the Green functions of the harmonic and bihar- monic operators are absolutely integrable, On this base he derives conditions for the convergence of the successive ap:,roximations. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.! Card 1/1 32524 16, 5 SV0 141 5,30 o S/044/6!/000/011/047/049 CIII/C444 AUTHOR: Drakhlin, Ye. Kh. _4_~ TITLE: The application of the secant method to the equations of heat convection in the three-dimensional case PERIODICAL: Roferativnyy zhurnal, Matsmatika, no. 11, 1961, 43, abstract 11V248. (Sb. nauchn. tr. Permsk. gorn. in-t.. 1959, no. 4, 99-113) TEXTs The system of equations describing the free stationary heat convecti3n in a certain domain 0) with the closed boundary S 0, is solved by aid of the secant method. One introduces a vector Cx, Y, Z)v the components of which together with all its derivatives up to the fourth order inclusively belong to the space of the continuous functiors C(co), and a function e(x,y,z) which together with its three partial derivatives of first order belongs to C(W). On the initial equation the operation "red" is applied and one passes over to a system of four equations in dimensionless variables. Under the supposition that the first boundary value problem for the Laplace equation and for the biharmonical equation possesses its Green functions in CO, the obtained system is reduced to a system of seven integro-differential equations. Card 1/2 32524 S/044/61/ooo/oll/047/049 The application of the secant . . . C111/C444 To the latter a modified secant method is applied, the successive approximations being determined according to th o formula V1( Xn+1 , Xn - 0 (xn) (a-xo). It is proved that in the modified secant method the successive approximations converge to the solution of the initial equation, an-j that this solution is unique under certain ccnditions. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation.] Card 212 ~v AO! 11"I":~', ir4v~~4ff XWC rw 922cma -------- ~~es cri the s ta%i,na.7;- c,,%-inder 4.1 (Sb. na-i-,chn. tr. Perm-sk. t~ollitel&n. in-t, no. 7, iss.l, 19L-A) 67-75 -,c-m o' e-quatiorz 'or st-tiorary heat convect4 `n s lopec -!-3 tern c f A. S/044/61/000/011/018./049 C111/C444 AUTHORs Drakhlin, Ye. Kh. TITLE: On the convergence of the process of successive approxi- mations for the equations, describing the stationary heat convection in an infinitely inclined cylinder PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 1t, 1961, 41, abstract 11B208.(Sb. nauchn. tr. Permsk. gorn. in-t, 1959, no. 5, 124 - 136) TEXT: Described is the same method as in the above referred article (Ref. 11BI07)- Yet the assumption of the flow being plane in the tube simplifies the equations and permits the author to avoid the formerly made mistake. Abstracter's notex Complete translation.] Card 1/1 L 19411-63 EPR/EVI(1)/EPP-(c)/Epp(n).~2/BDS AMCIASI)ISSD .'r_'3-4/Pr-4/Pu-4 ACCESSION Mi: AR300078 S/0044/0/000/06WBOWBO65 SOURCE: RZh. Matem~tikaj. Abe.-_6B288- ATMOR: Draltain, Y6. Kh. MLE: On equations of the three-dime:tional problem of convection theo CITED SOURCE; Sb. nauchn. tr."Pormske politekhn. in-t, no* 9) 1961S 103418 :TOPIC TAGS! differential equation convection theory IZA~NSIATION: The author considers the boundary problem for equations describing- free stationary thexmU- c6nvection'within a sphere S if on the surface o~C the_- sphere -the velocity is equal to zero and the temperature is spgc=eds----___ d1v v-0. -0. 'T"IS-4p (S), The solubility of this problem is proved for the case of small resultant velocities and temDeraturess It is shown that Newton's method is applicable to the solution, of the problem. K. Oolovkin. DATE kQQt 24Jul63 SUB COM MH ENCLi 00 Card-1/1 ACCFSSIOII NR: AR401h415 8/0124/64/000/001/~02/W62 SOURCE: RZh. I*khanika,, Abs. 1B514 AUTHOR: Droldilin, Ye. Kh. .JITLE: F4 uatJonc of the three-dimensional problem of the convection theory CITED SUMM St. nauchn. tr. Pernisk.' politekhn. in-t, no. 9, 1961, 105-118 TOPIC TAGS: convection, heat convection, three-dimensional convection TRANSIATION: The boundary problem for equatl6ns describing the free stationary heat convection vithin a sphere 9 has been described for the case when the veloc- ity is zero at the sphere's surface,'and the temperature is given by d1vv_0 The solvability of,this problem for small resulting velocities and temperatures Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4014415 has been shown and the solution can be found using Newton's method. K. 0olovkin DATE ACQ-,. i8peb,64 MM CODE: Alp PH ENCL: 00 Cord 2/2 KOMGIN, L.P.. kandidat teklmicheskikh nauk, dotsentj j1JI" Te.Te., inshener; PATLOV, M.S., inshozer, Investigation and improvement of existing water softeners used by the railroads. Sbor.LIIZHT no.150.-120-148 156. (MU 9t1l) (Yeed-water purification) DRAXHLIN, Ye,Ye,, insh, Using contact water purifier# at railroad stations. Sbor. LIIZHT no.152:69-79 158* 041RA 1116) (Food-water--Purification) (Railroads--Water supply) KORTAGIN, L,]Po, dotsent, kand.takhno nauk; DRAK,HLI#,,.,TgpTr,.,, jazh. ... Removal and use of sediment rom calcium-soda water softeners* Sbor. LIIZHT no.152:80-127 158. (MIRA 11-6) (Food-water purification) (Railroads--Water supply) DRAHLIN, Ye.Ye., inzh. . investigation of tho operaticn of a now kind of thermochemical water softener. Sbor. trud. LIMIT no.185:130-,143 1620 (MIRA 17g1) MAY IS, inzhoner-kapitan Ground training of flight pereonnol Is a good idea. Tent.Vozd.Fl. n0-7:83 J1 160. (HIM 13:7) (Ylight training) AID P - 3700 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 5/25 Author : Drakhman, D. L., Eng. Title : Removing steam corrosion of boiler pipes Periodical : Energetik, 12, 110 D 1955 Abstract : The author describes a case of corrosion of boiler pires of a Clark Chapman boiler which worked for It" years without defeat. In 1950 the steam separating equipment of the boiler was remodeled and shortly afterwards trouble began. Some pipes burst and heavy steam corrosion was found to be the cause. The author describes preventive measures applied. One drawing. Institution : None Submitted : No date DRAKIN, Aleksey Ivanovich; SOKOLISKAYA, Zhozefina Markovna) 2bm-mltvt;--POMp A.S.., red.;'ZAYTSEVA, L.A., tekhn. red. [Organizer of mass production work) Organizator proizvod- svenno-massovoi raboty v profgruppe. Moskva, Profizdats 1963. 43 p. (Bibliotechka profsoiuznogo Ektivista, no.22(70)) (MIRA 17:3) 1. Predsedatell zavodekogo komiteta profsoyuza Elektro- stallskogo zavoda tyazhelogo mashinostro7eniya, Pod- moskov'ye (for Drakin). SOV/58-59-4-8%9 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 4, p b1 (USSR) 1AUTHOR: ITITLE: Drakin, A.V. Noise Diode for 10-cm Range I PERIODICAL: Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta, 1958, Vol 36, PP 158 - 166 1 ABSTRACT: The author describes the design of a noise diode intended for the measure- ment of the noise factor of radio receivers in the 10-cm range. The diodej is made in the form of a coaxial line loaded from both ends by wave guides. To excite the wave guide the ends of the cathode protrude from the anode. The design assures the strain of the tungsten filament of the cathode in the hot state. The author provides expressions for calculating the power of the noise. He describes the methods of measuring the noise factor of the receiver. Cf also J. Inst. Electr. Er4pig, 1946, Vol 93, part IIIA, 1436. Yu.B. Chernyak Card 1/1 01.~ i.J.,Croas. 7rakin (".r, . .!e Yl VF, C, :"Ilr n r t. T 0 UC r, V j t or, d b. r'r~,bl -rm uni .3, Snrin;~ so.! pj-~~P-,ratinr.3, t1he crtiii - -31,.", 1n;, !ird thi tl,-inqpo.,-t-:ti on of t-..z b. AF, . DRAKII',~~, G. G., Cand Agr Sci -- (diss) "Efficiency of square-hill chec?. and square methods of' raising sugar beets under the conditi-cris of' Kuban . " Krasnodar, 1060. 16 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture Xuban Agricul- tural Inst); 150 copies; price riot given; (KL, 2/-6Cj, 1561, SZVJYAMV, P.M., insh. L DRABUN, G.Ho, lush.; GAMNA, N.Z.. arkhitaktor; TISHIN, A.M., a~k-hil-telrbr-- Standardization of auxiliary construotion elements of multistoried industrial buildingp. Prom. stroi. 3B no-10:52-57 16o. (miRk 13:9) (Factories-Design and construction) (Stiireasso-Standards) 5/147/62 ~000/001/008/015 le, 57/0C E191/E135 AUTHOR: 2Ea~~. TlTLE. Determination of the optimum geometry parameters in the design of aircraft PERIODICAL; Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no.1, 1962, 66-74 TEXT: The criterion of optimisation for the design parameters of an aircraft is the achievement of the lowest take- off weight for a given useful load and given flying qualities, since it is assumed that the cost of the aircraft is proportional to its take-off weight. For convenience in this analysis, a no- called ballistic drag coefficient is introduced, defined as the drag coefficient divided by the wing loading. A change in any geometric parameter of the aircraft changes the take-off weight in three ways. 1) The relative contribution to the total weight of the aircraft portion directly measured by the particular parameter. 2) The ballistic drag coefficient changes, causing a change in the fuel carried. 3) The 'scale effect' causes a Card 1/3 Determination.of the optimum goo S/147/62/000/001/008/015 E191/E.135 further change in the relative weight of the aircraft portion and in the ballistic drag coefficient. The scale effect is the effect of the overall size of the aircraft on the relative weight and drag contributions. The condition of minimum overall weight is introduced and the general case is formulated in analytical terms leading to a formula by which the rate of change of relative weight as a function of the geometric parameter divided by the rate of change of the ballistic drag contribution due to that parameter must be equal to a certain quantity which can be described as characteristic for the aircraft in question and whose computation is given. In the case of geometric parameters which interact with each other, two simultaneous equations are obtained which have to be solved together. By way of example, the optimum wing loading is examined at a given fly'ing speed and flight altitude. )1aking certain approximations, an explicit formula is obtained. A second example of the optimum slenderness ratio of the nose portion of the fuselage is examined. The optimum value is shown to depend on the skin friction coefficient and the mean I-Aach number. Card 2/3 Determination of the optimum ... S/147/62/oOo/ool/oo8/oI5 E191/E135 The formula so obtained is applicable to the optimum slenderness ratio of any cylindrical body in the front section, whose axis is parallel to the general flow. There are no figures or tables. ASSOCIATIONs Kafedra 101, Moskovskiy aviatsion'nyy institut (Department 101, Moscow Aviation Institute) SUBMITTEDt November 16, 1961 Card 3/3 15 PH= I BOOKmawITATION SM15623. Drakin, 1. 1. Aerodinamicheskiy i luchistyy nagrev V polete (Aerodynamde and Radiative Heating Daring 7light) Moscowp Oborougizp 1961, 94 p, Errata slip inserted. 5,8W copies printed. Sponsoring Agencyt. Ministerstvo vysshego i arednego spetsiallnogo obrazovaniya RSFSR. Ed.: K. Ya. Zayteeva.. Engineerj Ed. of Publishing House, N. G. Kopylovaj Tech. Ed.: V. P. Rozhin; Managing Ed*: A.S. Zaymovs"ya., Engineer, PXMM: This textbook is intended for technical schools of higher education and will be useful t9 aspirantsp teachers, and engineers specializing in the field of gas dynamic and radiation beating. COVERAGE: The book describes methods for determdning the temperature of the outer skin in aerodynamic and radiation beating in flight. Stationary and non- stationary conditions of thermal processes an discussed and working formulas Card-t(5 Aerodynamic and Radiative Beating (Cont.) 507~~r,621 as vell as, tables of physical data are given6 Examples of con;ilic&ted, compating methods am gVren, No personalities are mentioned. There an 53 references: 37 Sa-riet (including 8 translations),, and 16 English. TAME OF C 8: Foreword 3 Conventional Designations 5 Ch. I. Heat Exchange in Aerodynamic Beating 7 1. Heat flows at the surface of a body in flight 7 2. Heat transfer coefficient in the flow over a plam plate at ze-ro angle of incidence 12 3. Heat transfer coefficient the flow over an inclined plate,* ~ tion airfoil,and a body of rev 1T. 4* Heat transfer coefficient the f1w over leading surfaces 23 5. Factors influenciM the transition laidn to turbulent bcPandary layer 25 66 Special features of beat transfer at hypersonic velocities 36 Car&-2713- 69317 1000 S/147/60/000/01/006/018 10~Uuo E191/E581 AUTHOR: Drakin, I.I.- ----------------------- TITLE: The Effect of the Variations of the Weight and Aero- d namic Characteristics,,~f a Designagon the Flying Weight of a Flying Machine PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Aviatxionnaya tekhnika, 1960, Nr 1, PP 52-62 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The derivations are applicable to an aircraft or guided missileA The effect of the weight and drag of the separate units and of the specific thrust (ratio of thrust to the rate of fuel consumption) of the power unit upon the total weight of the flying machine are evaluated when the performance and useful load are kept constant. To do so, requires the change in all the units of the design when one unit is modified. Thus the wing area, if altered, requires the modification of the power unit, the fuel. reserve, the fuselage size and others. The performance is determined by the total weight, the fuel reserve, the thrust of the power unit, the specific Card 1/4 thrust, the aerodynamic drag and the lift. The relation 69317 S/147/6o/ooo/01/006/018 E191/E581 The Effect of the Variations of the Weight and Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Design on the Flying Weight of a Flying Machine specific thrust, each with the appropriate derivative. The take-off weight is the sum of the useful load, the structural weight and the fuel load. From this equation the derivatives just mentioned are deduced. For the derivative in respect of the structural weight, use is made of weight formulae (e.g. Fomin. N.A. "On Methods of Determination of the Basic Parameters of-the Aeroplane and its Wing", Trudy MAI, Issue 108, Oborongiz, 1959 and Shanley, F.R., quoted in Russian translation: "Weight and Strength Analysis of Aircraft Structures", Oborongiz, 1957). For the effect of the drag on the take-off weight, the present author's derivations on the required relative fuel weight are used ("Determination of the Required Fuel Reserve for a Flight at Variable Speed and Altitude", Trudy HAI, Oborongiz, 1960). In obtaining the relevant derivative, the variation of fuel Card 3/4 weight is assumed to include the weight of fuel containi 69317 S/147/60/000/01/006/018 E191/E581 The Effect of the Variations of the Weight and Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Design on the Flying Weight of a Flying Machine means. In deriving the effect of specific thrust, this is assumed constant during the entire flight. Some approximations made depend on the extent of take-off weight variations examined. It is recommended that take-off weight variations exceeding 50% should be treated in several stages. A short discussion is devoted to the constituent parts of the specific drag namely the part dependent on the total weight, the part corresponding to the power unit and fuel volume and the part corresponding to the useful load volume. There are 1 figure and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra LA-1, Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Chair LA-1, Moscow Aviation Institute) SUBMITTED: January 15, 1959 Card 4/4 MAKIN, I.I. Determining optimum geometrical parameters of airplane structures Izv,vys.ucheb.s&v.j av.takh. 5 no.lt66-74 162. (?aR& 16M 1, Moskovakiy aviatsionnyy instituts, kafedra No.101. (Aeroplanas-Detaign and caretruction) DRAKIT, I.I Method for economic analysis of the reliability of aviation parts ajid systems* Izv,vys,ucheb,zava; av.takh. 5 no.31 177-186 '162. OaRk 150) (kirplanea-Design and construction) (V) IJP(C) W~ 'D -6 W(d)/W(M)/WP( -~L 0-6 ~23 _py7r~j (k)L 1)j T6031848 So E CODE: UR/0000/66/000/0( AUTHOR: Drakin, 1. 1. (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: none TITLE: Design and selection of materials for the thermal insulation of aircraft SOURCE: Metody raschetov temperaturnykh poley I teploizolyataii letatellnykh apparatov (Methods for the calculation of temperatxne fields and heat insulation of aircraft); sbornik statey. Moscow, Izd-vo Mashinostroyeniye, 1966, 35-76 TOPIC TAGS: thermal insulation, aerodynamic heating, insulating material, ablative heat transfer, heat conduction equation, mathematical analysis, heat transfer, instru- ment panel, radiant heating, thin airfoil, approximation method i STRACT: The use of various types of thermal Insulation for aircraft was analyzed. e basic insulation parameters were derived by approximate calculation methods for fferent conditions of kiuetic gas heating..- A comparison was made of different types insulation, including ablative materials,*and their utility under various condi- ons. Equations were given for the necessary insulation mass on 1 M2 of its surface. en plotted as a function of time, it showed that the heat insulating properties of at imsulating materials were satisfactory during rapid heating. One-dimenalonal heal nduction equations are presented for coating type Insulation, and methods of solu- qqrd . 1/2 on were outlined. The heat exchange equations were simplified by assuming the Biot mber to be constant; the resulting solutions were given for both a constant and a anging equilibrium temperature. An approximate determination of the necessary thick ss of insulating linings was derived from a consideration of the temperature differ- ce on the internal surface and the Fouri umb r An analysis of the criteria for ideal insulator showed that P/017r2 :hold'be proportional to the mass of (1314 1 N of insulation. The use of insulating_coating;k different portions of the aircraft a anag zed by means of appropriate heat transfer equations. The temperaturedistri- ,tionl- a metal sheet with a thin insulating coat and the necessary thickness of is coat were approximately detemined. Among coating materials considered were oxies, resins, and ceramics. For the Insulation of instrument compartments, the fol wing topics wer* Included: the heat generated in a compartment, the heat capacity instrumentation, the equivalent coefficient of air heat conductivity and radiation at transfer in the ocapartment, heat transfer equations for the Insulated compart- nt. the influence of flight altitude on the temperature of the chamber,'the influ- C f air layer thichmse, and the degree of darkness, and the Internal heat shield- V instrame t compartments with appropriate materials. Orig. art. has: 13 figures ; table, 07 fanwlaa. COVEI 01613/ SON DATE: 25NavG6/ ORIG PEFt 016/ OTH RM 005, D 121A PI) t,) L , A], DZWAMDZA, V.11.; IMA 1. L.A. Studying the coking ofMorgian coal with semicoke. Trudy Inst. not. i gor. dela AN.Gruz. 8n 2:233-248 149. (MIRA Iltl) (Georgia--Coal) (Coke ovens) r1 d%~ IMWt" at 0 "llu Cridte 2 1 a Pat tol . GrWn. dectrol lM.OH conspa. be rM I "d ealk -MOZ.- kd dw=pWdm of wage Hqw hm woduttlen and Its utilization P N D fin. A. MWn (Metal and MIX"S "w. Aft'd. S.S.R.. Tiflis). Soobshzheniyu Ah4d. Nauk Ito 647-UJI9301in Russfam).-Practical t sulfite I quor s fewdble as a sounv a( :pf"m the absorption of 6% tonned hem de- anodic liquor (1). T'he resulting Na#90. can 1 to lon. Didn. of I yields org. adds t an themat decon pn. yields 8% L ppended. . -0. M. Kowlapoff I rocks k Tk&W'sk coals. P.N.Whateridreand Der. PrOls4, K4imm. 271 all-DOIRM).- COR Is "4"n arc hetef ote. ConsIder..- ablq quantities of fossil resins whMareeoutoou"r'd Its cAvItIcs of different shapes anti in veins, The poisible origin of the--m bodies 6 d6cusmd at great length. When hrmted vis to 32D-M' thtse resins begin ta melt with sorne demrspn. and about 15% of a Autif liquid, brown and with a characteristic Odor, Sep$. out. n Ch of on of the sever-d t recorded Is SICZ ;%: 'FMIS, A'1A 31.05p CaO L B-ncowitx- Kcsksokhimicheskaya laboratoriya Instituta met&U& i gornogo dele A"de~!I-nauk Gruzinsk6y-SSR.-- DIRAKIN, L. L. DRI ", I "I L. A. .- "Investigation of p)~cnolz~ in Itlic t,~r (.f' 71dLuli Pitch lipto-bloliths"- TbAisi, 11Q~,5- PlAll~'i".111i of Llic Acad Sci Gcorrivai SSR. Acad :,ci Gcovi-inn Inzt of' ChEmistry imu~td P. G. INclikishvili. (Dirsertationn Cor thc. Degree of Gancdc4ite of lici(necs) SO: Knizhneya lctopisl-, No. L~2, 2L Lcumber 19155. 1;'cS(llCW. DZRAPARIDZI, P.N., DRAXIN, L.A. ------ Production of metallurgical coke from gaseous and weakly-coking coals. Trudy Inst. met. i gor. dela AN Gruz. SSR no. 8:253-268 '57- (KUU 11:8) .(Coal) (Coke) M"AIMU, kV,; D=RAxl!l LoA.- 1- TVARADZI, L.R, Investigating Tk1bull tarry liptobiolites for the purpose of obtaining varnish. Zhur. prikl. khim. 30 no.lltl647-1652 N 157. (MIRA 1112) 1. roksokhimichookaya laboratorlya Instituta metalla I gornogo dela AN Gruzinskoy SSR. (Tkibull-Uptobiolites) (Varnish and varnishing) RUM, L.A. I Investigating phenols from generator tare formed during the gasification of Tkibull resinous liptobioliths. Trudy Inste met. AN Gruz.SSR 99227-234 '58. (MIRA 12:8) (Tkibull-Liptobioliths) (Phenol--Testing) DZHLPARIDZM, P.H.; DIUKIN, L.A. Some problems in the theory of coking in connection with the developmant of a now technology for the production of com- preased metallurgical fusl. Trudy Inst.met. AN Grus.SSR 9:241-253 158. (MIRA 12:8) (Coal-Carbonization) (Coke) DZHAPARIDZ3, P.N.; DRA M, L.A.-, DZHINITA, S.I.; TVAR&M, L.R. Investigating conditions for the preparation of compressed metallurgical fuel from Tkibult coals. Trudy AN Gruz.SSR 9:255-262 158. (MIRA 12:8) (Tkibuli--Coal) (Coke) DRAKIN L.A ; TVARADZE,, L.R.; IAPIMI N.A. Coking of Tkibuli coals in-the'~Iarkov rAperimental Plant, Trudy Inst.prik3..khim.i eL9ktrc)ddm.Aff Gruz.SSR. 3:1&.4-193 162. (MA 16s1) (Kharkov-Coal-Carbonization) CZECrIOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology - Carbohydrates and Their H. Processing. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimlya, No 16) 1958,, 554-17 Author Mincher, Shandera, Drakhovskaya, Shandera Inst ------------- Title Biological and Technological Prerequisites in the Production and Quality of Molasses. I. Techmlogical Methode for Decreasing the quantity and Increasing the quality of Malasses. 2. Biological Factors Affectiag the Production of Molasses. Orig Pub : Listy cukrovarn.., 1958, 74, No 1, 15-21 Abstract : lo A discussion is presented on the theories of basic problems connected with the production of low quality molasses (M) in minimm amounts in the sugar and refi- nery indistries. A theory is presented on the relation- ship (in M) existing between the saturation coefficient, good quality, and the concentration. Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology - Carbohydrates and Their H. Processing. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Xhimiya., 11o 16) 1958) 55417 The author points out the steps that have been worked out and utilized by the 14,.-1 Institute of Sugar Indus- try concerning the innovation in the methods of sugar and cube oug%r production. 2. A discussion is given on the relationship between the M quality-and quantity in sugar beets, from the staadpoint of its quality, the methods for its transDor- tation and storage, and more particularly, its soluble ash. Charts are given, showing the relationship between the amount of M, and from an ash content, and the other materials (excluding sugar) in raw sugar beets. It is specifically emphasized that the amount of M obtained could be decreased by employing a prolonged diffusion and by using short beet cuttings. Card 2/2 DRAYIN, L. Dral~ii , L. - "Methods of' rlcw--lopiny, joint anlral hurnl.,;, (Jiryll, (Or the retclutior: of thz~ Couricil cif Ylri-'sters USS7.11 an(] cf thf, ToK VKF(b) on I'Th~, thmu-year plan fox, the do-volop-crt uf Io-'~ !A lkhoz and so-I.-ho:. PrOCIUCtiV(' IAI)I--:Ial (l lqll(,, 110. 5, O'r s '"hurral SO 1" C, 57), (L, to i, DRAKINt L. I. eds Organizatsiya zhivotnovodstva v kolkhozakh (?.%nagement of livestock raising on collective farmsp ed. by) L. I. Drakin, .11. Yu. Taynkov i L. M. Zalltsman. Moskva, Sellkhozgiz, 1952. 518 p. illus., diagrs., tables. At head of titles Trekhletnlye kolkhoznyye agrozootekhnichei3kiye kursy. N/5 727 .D7 DRAKINt L. I. BudapeGt - Livestock ExhlbItions Budnpest Livestock Exposition. Sots. zhiv. 14 No. 8, 1952 I-Ionthl;y List of Rurmlrn Accesclons, Libriry of Con~ress, Novemlhpr 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. I . I)RAKIN, L.I. 2. IJ33R (6001, 4. Stock and Stockbreeding 7. Livestock at an agricultural exposition in the German Democratic Republic. Sots.zhiv. 14 no.10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - January 1953. Unclassified. 1. DRAKIN. L. I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Calves - Diseases 7. Controlled raising of young cattle. Trudy VIZh 20, 1952. 4 9. Monthly List of Russian &qceqsionp, Library of Congress.. March 1953. Unclassified. 1. DMIN, L - 1. 2. ussn. (6oo) 4- Stock and Stockbreeding 7- Controlled rearing of the young is an important method for Im- proving live3tock, Sots- zhiv, 15, No. 2, 1953- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, -1953, Uncl. USER/Aryriculture - Stock raising Card 1/1 Flub. 86 - 7/37 Authors Drakinp L. 1. Ti t 1e, S ientific methods of developing Live-stock raising Periodical : Priroda 43/10, 54-57s Oct 1954 Abstract. : Scqnnia description is given of the otock-raining eyJiibit at Un All-Union Agricultural Fair. Methods of artificial inscm-ination are discussed with --varticular reference to varieties of sheiip. An .71ccount is ziven of the success attained in recent ycars in triis work. 'Liustrat-Ions. InstitLtion : Submitted : DRAKIII, L..T. , ~rp~ko I + 'IF" 7 M ~ search methods in raising calves] Hatodika iosledoyanii po YyrashchiTaniiu molodniaks krupnogo rogatogo skota. Moskva. 195-5-27 P. (MIRA 10:4) (Calves) DRAKIN, L.I., radaktor [Raising ca Ivan; C collection of scientific papers on methods of raising calves] Tyroshchivanis molodniaks krupnogo rogatogo skoti; oboratk nauchnykh robot o astodakh vyroshchivanils molodniaka. Moskva, Goo. isd-vo selikhos. lit-ry. 1956. 189 P. (MLRA 10:3) i lo Moscow# Yeasoyuzu" nsuohno-looledovatellskiy institut shivotno- Yodetys 1.61TOO) KIN.- Ioe I nt'Zevlgh.. ISIMSIN, Alekeandr Grigorleyvich; - 211012-1-773#0 rodakroor; uURIVIGH, M.No, tokhnichaskly roUL-tor [The *Xommarks" State-Farm] Sovkhoz Ilommunarka.2 Moskys, Gose ltd-vo sallkhoz.ltt-ry, 1956, 211 p. (KMA 10:3) (state farms) DRAKIN ALrgU_jy"Dujnh,_ [Modern theory of acids and bases] Sovremennala teoriia kislot i osnovanii. Moskvaq Hoek. khimiko-tekhnologich. in-t im. D.I.14endeleva, 1964. 26 p. (MIRA 17:10) 11,Y6 11 T U.'.)'SR/Ch eqi s try - Methanes Chemistry - Benzene l"47 "Chemical Compounds of Benzene 'Uth lialold-Substituted Vcthnre'll A. F. Knfustinqkly, S. 1. Drakin ,Moscow Chem Tech Inst imen! D. I. Merdeleyev, ~ Tr "Izv Aka-l Nauk SSSR, Otd Khim Eauk" No 5p pp 435-42. Describes study by therimal analysis of sy5ter.:3 consis"Aw- cf 1)~ rzine -Ind cbloro- and bromo-, anal iodo-substitute4 metbnnes. -ExIst,orce cf hither'V~ ur'known molec- ular com-founds, some of whicl, wern Is--lated In cr~,.,otalline form, Ell 53T9 4'tj'~'O 0 Tkfmw "dYlk of F. Kitpuslistail OW Own -Tw kwA NO , in", .rw= .. A Adsk C.Its 40 wo4 plomd It," q tem tube pro. vul"I 01114 4 lbrilmai'mPlo wm~z=mlll 4 an4 a Otitt" - I hk trof IVbV Ode C: INAk 4114041W lit"IMI .kb lliciltalm witv. Tile ev " Ill" MV041 in a 3rd tot tulw.' TIW tot tube mote. lbt "OttAt was hw ak to #1411111% Ow n&L, " trame6a"d back to OPP- tbom-p-dad. TbeWit-WIrMbW 41 nts cme4parAing t* 111) $4. mA 26 ad,% J V.11SAM -2hi). -36.051FA 401. rw W4 rutert" at U.7% Cafe and -liV. 17.111 114 404 31v% Cells aml -43.14. end 31.7,r_ M', 5w CJI# and - 44.4'. This is taken to Indicate file niste"O'l O(CM_ C4114 2CCI,.CJ14. and 3C".C*Hs. Tbt "em Cjh- CHr, bad a distectic At 50% CeHa and 30.8 -6cs Poodinx to, WU mWjJqd 2 culft corers I IS And .6 and - 4.3'. go, This arotem form caly Clk.- 14. Thim coavd, was Imo- Idled. It Conshled of kille prioulatle ce"ale ubkb cvaW be kept Indefinit'lly to a weaw Container. The avv(am CA -C14 could not be aludled " dw otbervi because of The instalmlily of Cl.. Therefore, a bows cla"t" of C&% WAS Added to C I. in a W*kd it" tww. the hatter Was teml- nected too a pump and the It" ad C4"# *an file law. Wall in wt. The othrrolma suWcM Rm bW it break at 00% C~Ifg Indicatimir Ow possible misteme at Mr4W - TUb mitul" - - __' - - ~ - - - .-I carapd. witbout hwOm atudy. xq_ w" C111CU falled to reveal Its COMP4. W" COO CM "Otme C41"H'j bad 3 PeTh"de Poinu at 4 "d -60.3* Milil Cild and -68.91 mad as 392 CO -7'?,4-. TW m4 rutectit Was at lois COS 107 . Tbw. the a)mtem NOW Clisch-Cife. 9chamc-4mi. -d 3CICOMCOH4. lem tompels. w"o leds stable thm Ow a mg CO. nos. To vhKidate the ntitme W ile' ti oh~ Pd.. "Plo. -ere Made *Ilk Thil yWem showed no tnealmls. The fairm4tion of pd. Olt Tlem C4114-hak~tbanc is altributoble to Me 3 t.- CM&t n. 9 double bonds In Wfa and to Me dipok mowcav~ of the C-luslooren bonds to halowthane. The syntheiiied MUP41- ILIV fTfMtd t0' AS "Cfy5tAll0IPMZ4AAlC% - Tb, best Offormation olone of them. Clir. CA. W" dall 1t 3 9 M CA. 44, rtwA. %I- II*.h