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DOROTA, P. P.), FRIS11) V. F.) MAKAROV) A. N. "New Methods in Borehole Logging of Brown Coal Deposits" (Wew Developments in the Weth.Aft iml Tochniques of mxplollttl,~Uj I Leciw,rad, GwtapteklAzdat, 195' - 423 ;. (Serlert Its: !A).-imlir !rtjd,3v '.) XAMHOY. A.Ns; YRISH, V.7.; MOM# P.P. low method for logging boveholes In lignite deposits@ Trudy VITH no.1:341-356 158. (KIRA 12: 1) (Logging (fleolosy)) (Lignite) DOROTA, Tadousz The Budapest International Fair is an important factor of the devoloWent of the Poliah-Mm9arian, economic relations, Musz elet3Su~pl.: LengYelorazag ipara OB kulkereskedelme 18 no.12i 1~4 6 Ize 63, ,/I- T-OngYel Nepkoztarsasag Budayesti NagYkovetsegenek kereskedelmi. tanicaosa, DOROWAK D.; ZAI,f,LK, 'I Certain prof,lemb of cit,.,r plartribig in Cf-ntrbl Slovaki a. p. 2~4b. STAVETWHU" GASUP[S. (Slovenska bkademia vied) Pratisltiv, Czechosloviikia, Vol. 7p no. 5, 1959. N 41onthly List of East E--iropean 16.,:~essiol-is 1, nc.. 1) Jan) 1960 Lh*14 DOROVATOVSKri, N. Solar eclipse. Krestiw*a 30j~ No 200 F152"A' DOROVATOVSKIY, X., red.; SKMNOT,Z., takhn. red. [Reports of the Second Congress on Probleam in Geiontolo&7 and Geriatrics] Tesisy dokladov Soveshchonlia po voproBam geyou- tologii L geriatrii, 2na. Moulma, Monk. ob-vo ispytatelei pri- rody, 1960. 129 p. (miRA 14:5) 1. Soveshchaniye po voprosem gerontologii t gerintrii, 2nd. (AGM-CONGIRSSMS) DOMVj%TOVSKIY. 3., red.; SMWOT,Z., tekhn.. red. (Reports of the Secend Congress on Problems in Goicntology and Geriatrics] Tesisy Aokladov Sovesfichnnila Po vopronam ge,oAl- tologil 1. garlatrii, 2nd. Monkva, Vosk. ob-vo ispytatelei 5ri- rody, 1960. 129 p. (ME 1. Soveshchaniya po voprosam 1,,erontologii i geristril, 2nd. (AGO-CONGRESSMS) DORDTATOTS11Y, P. I ~ ,, '', From radio amatsur to rjkdio spscialist. Radio no.9:10 5 154. (Ginkin, Georgit CVrigorlsvioh) (KM 7:9) - " - - - ~- -i- 7: , ~~ ~2, ) I I , , ,/ I, DOROVATOVSKIY# Po;_ROGONKOV, N. r- ~X,,,Zant tradiq unions of trade personnel In Petrograd. Soy. torg. no.11:45-47 N 157. (mm 10:12) (Leningrad--Trade unions-.-History) DOROVATOVSKITj Mweian physician LV. Grimm as an organizer of medical and sanitary services in Bulgaria. Gig. i 9an. 24 no.4:41-43 Ap 159 (MIRA 12:7) 1. Iz kafedry organizateii sdravookhrunenlya i istorii meditsiny Leningradekogo sanitarno gigiyanicheskogo neditsinskogo institutao (PMLIC MULTH, hist. in Ihilgaria, contribution of I.V. Grimm (Ras)) (BIOGHLPRMO orimmo Ify, (RUS)) DOROVATOVSKIY, P.N. (Leningrad) History of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanita i n and Hy iene. Sov. zdrav. 19 no,9s75-80 160, t mio RA 13: 311 1, Iz kafedry organizateii zdravookhranoni3ra i istorii meditsiny Leningraitilkogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo institute.. (SCHOOLS 9 MEDICAL) (LENINGRAD-MMICAL COLLEGES) -DOROVATOVSKIT, P.S., radaktor; TARASDV, Y.I.. redaktor, LARZONOV, G.To., .1--- le_k6_1 ~6 skiy'~redaktor. [Radio amateurs' recoivers constructed by B.N.Pittrov] Radioliubi- tellakie priemniki B.N.Mtrova. Pod red. P.S.Iforovatovskogo. Leningrad. Goo. anorg. lud-vo, 1932. 45 p. (Hastovela radiobibliots- ka, no. 163) (KLRA 7:9) (Radio--Receivers and reception) DOROVATOVSKIY, Pavel Sergeyevich; IVANOV, Viktor Kikhaylovich; - XARTA IRA, M.S., (Replies,to questions of radio amateurs] 01;vety na, voprosy radioliubitelei. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSA", 19(4). 142 p. (Radio) (MIRA 13:7) SINSGUB-LAVRNIMD, A.A., kandidat takhaichaskikh nauk;, =LA 1-0-T S-K-I-T -I T - ~S- I. TARASOVA, L.A.; STAS M T, G.A. Method of manufacturiag calico printing rollers without pigment. Toket. pros. 16 no-306-57 Mr '56. (MLRA 9:6) (Calico printing) DOROVSKAYA I F -Z~ Produotivity of photosynthesis of self-pollinated lines and interlinear hybrids of corn4 Nauch. dokl. vyv. shkoly; biol. nauki, no.1:145-148 162. (KM 15:3) 1, Rekomendovans, kafedroy darvinizm Mookovelcogo gosudarst- vennogo universiteta im, H.V. Lomonosova. (PHOTOSYNTHESIS) (OW"PAIZE)) DOROVSKAYA, I.F. Growth of the root system in self-pollinated lines and interlinear hybrids of corn. Nauch.dokl.vys.ehkoly; biol.nauki no.4-.137-141 162. (MIRA 15-10) 1. Rekomendcvana kafedroy darvinisma Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosova, (OSSETIA, NORTH-CORN BREEDING) (ROOT3 (BOTANY) DOROVSKAYA9 I.F. Formation.and photosynthetic activity of the assimilating surface of inbred Q hybrid corn. Fiziol. rast. 9 no.5:631--638 162. (MIRA 15:10) lo North Ossetian Agricultural Institute, Ordjonikidze.. (Corn breedirg) (Leaves) USSR Cultivated Plants, Fodder Grasses and Sdible Roots* Abs JOur j Rof Zhur - Bioloeiya, No 6, 1959j No. 24928 Author : DoXRvsk"a.&_j_!!_ _A,, Inst : Kenerov State Agricultural Experimental Ststion Title : Aleoont Alfalfa Variety, "11,usbaaskaya" OrIS Pub 8yul. nauchno-tekh. Inform. Kemerovsk. goso so-khe opytne stop 1957, No 19 35-37 Abstract The recent variety Is characterized by a high yield of hay and good seed productivity. The variety was obtained by meane of an individual selection of highly productive plants, For 3 years, on the average, tho variety mixed with awnless bromagrass, gave CarA/2 92 FAYERSHTEYN, V.D.; J)OROVSKIKH, A.S. Mechanizing the production of the vibrated brick wall panals of induotrial plants. Trudy BashNIIStroi no.1010-215 '62. (HIRA 170) TORGOVSKIY, Mikhail Nikolayevich, dots,; kand. tekhn. nauk; DOROVSKOY Ivan ch reteenzent; FMRMXO, Mikhail Mikheylovi lre-Co-iovichp reteenzent; LO Vp N.V., red.; PITMWI, Ye.L., red. izd-va; PAUKHINA, N.L.p tekhn. red. [Principles of construction work) Osnavy stroitellnogco dela. Ytoskva, Goolesbumizdat, 1961. 221 p. (MIRI. 150) (Construction induotry) Q~vo 1.7.; DMVM'f. Y*Te; PWAMV. S.1.; OLIIHOTOT. T.; SMUSOV, S. i IN Omr work experience] Nash opyt raboty. Xoskya, Uglateldiisdat, 1953e 31 P. (MLAA 7:1) 1. Mashinist kombayns, shakhty imoni B.M.1irovs, treat&. Istivetayantratsit kombluata lostormoll (for Tinnikov). 2. Ykahintat kLiba:ms shakhty "Oktyabrlskays revolyutolyal treate, Makhtuntratsit, mastor uglys, (for Passobey)- 3* Prokhodchlk shakhty insul Yorovskogo trestu Shakhtan- tratelt, Pochatnyy shakhter (for Dorovokoy). 4. Xashinial, vrabOTOY mashirq shW&ty ONov"sovskayal treat& Shakhtantrateit, imater uglya, (for Mlkhovoy). S. Parenoachik konveyera. shW&ty Momaoiaollakeya, pravdal treat& Shakhtantrateit. Pochatnyy shakhter (for Bolousov). (Coal mines and mining) P-- I .~Po-7-A~Svx Me;~:5a-ojm m6k" JAWMI r 1 9 AMMd% pnto dq MMAIAMo " ~ 1 #0 ~ i dre fter4awk of Gown, amwifurt UAv*wdtr-JKat*dM C3wmU OIDUWJ uAl-onsfasi- too Ae M106Smoloss), ftsmik - (for both). Vswswk~o Cb=U j~MU=b We 69 Xwmba-Dwodwv 1961t VP 13U- IXG* all I I MANSSIM 9t smVj~w br the Ampropstims aeftod*' G r', : . I T (~ 7 1. ,(,. -~., ;bOROZHIN, C.S- . - I I *3,-fr--r-,jd absorpt--~cn spectra cl' cmpl.&Y rxmprunile or bivalent rapper with LriabdsinfRg flaurbst-mi(ftir Tfi,-.IGlJ nr,.~.2z44-54 0 1 - -Wv~trfid 3pe;7tr-jm cf nrutbhiiltio. (MIP-4 1'1:8) DORZRM=CG:I.P.-p gorny insh. Basic teohnical trends in the planiiing,of shaft equipment in the ,pe of-a general reorganization of the Krivoy Rog Basin. Ugoll a ito Md. 5 no.2:19-21 f'61. (MIRk 14:3) 1. Xravb&esshakhtoproyvkt. (Krivoy Rog Bavin--:-Shaft sinking) ,A) ic4""li I NK'N [(~H , -1 . 11. , '. "I, 'I , , , " , " . *,~,. , t ,,~ ~,. I ~ ! ." k ". . , - , I C, - - :.. 1. ~ ~ . 1 ", - ~, ., - . , I I itev st.anAuri ir. --l-. ' ~~ no.": 1:1- 13 J 1 1 . ~, . 1: 1,!; " t') i. Institut. Ilu~, f, 4, KULIZADI, Kyasim Worrus Ali ogly- doteenl~. POHOMINSKIT... -TIC A.S." ied.; GONCHAROT, I.A.. red.isd 1*1 1 LColl action of examples and problems for the coursol "Electric equipment in the petroleum industry.4] Sbornik prLmerov t sadach po kurou "Blectrooborudoyants neftianykh promyslov," BAku, Azerbaifthenskoe goe.isd-vo neft.i nauchno-tokhn. :Lit-ry, 1957. 488 04IRA 11: 1) pjZlectric machinery) (Oil fields--Equipment and supplies) PiOROZ11INSKIY, V.B.; KUDRYASIICIV, Yu.B.; LOMOVA, M.A. Distribution of carton-labeled oleic acid in the animal organism. Nauch.dokl.vyv.shkoly; blol.naukl. no-3:77-80 1,55. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Rekomendovana. kelodroy biofiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. q IM Re- 35 13/614 01-1~ 8/057J63/0 /0, :13104/13180 N K: orozhkin,~_ Arov, it, ,I jUT HORS A A. 7 - -7. M t TITLE i :Con-914otro -0 so some metalq-in 'the pr .*it once n Mi of hydrogen..,: PERIODICALi v 33 no.. 3, 1963,~ 350 355 ~TEXT.-' ',Omi 86166' 1from targets 1: Of tungeteng molybd nun The ion-electron V nickel 'Ind'-copper is,-studied und9r,thelaotion of fagt hydrogen ions. ..The hydrogen-pressure nearl-tho~firgot,_ a 9; whioh-had previously b4pon d 'en.'jd- --vacuum annealed, ill shown-- -was-varis betwo -and 10 mm Hg. It '-thAt when th + - + Oils MOtAls &TO bombarded lith H ions of up 11 H2 &nd H .1 ~. -.-: ~ii . 1, , 0 3 20 kov the'electro OmiBBiOnJaAe orm nod n l'inoident atomic Pattiolds-'And pe dent nly-by the number, of 4--or move Of Aether,~they form &.molecule,, d'. indepondently'.to-the Urge surf ao ~ The '-'from, Uo and t Iii -ion-olootron emission ond: ~~'on hya rogen prossure between,,., Card 1/2 A - 25'"11t-65 R-10/11u-J., IJP(c) J DIX L 1CCESSION,NR: APS003422 S/0181/65/007/001/0118/0122 AUMORSi Doreighkin, A. A.; Petrov, N. N. rl TITLE: Potential extraction of electrone from ~ungqten and mok denum b mercu.a ions '~77 Y SOt7RCFt Fiziket tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 1., 1965, 1.18-122 TOPEC TAGSt tungsten, molybdenum, electron emission,,potential emiasion, tempexature dependence ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to eetermine the ion-electron emission induced from tungstert and molybdenum by posi- tive singly-charged mercury ions over a wide targot temperature rango. The mercury ions had energies frtm 500 to 2800 eV, and tho measurement procedure waa that described by one of the authors else- where (Petrov, PIT v& 2# 949, 1960). A monokinetic Ion beam, peri- odically modulated in intensity with a specified frequoncy, was di- _Y 51 1),-A5 U~_ WIJ ,W rected -60--t1ii argot-.- - --A- tank- circuit tuned to- the4im e-f - r- e qu en c y served as a load for the measured currents of primary and secondary particles. A block di4gram of the test setup is shown in Fig. I of the, enclosure. The system made it possible to measure the primary current of the particle bombarding the targets the current in the collector circuit (secondary particle current), and the mirrent in it the circuit of a screen located behind the target to control the ions striking it. A vacuinn of not less than 2-3 x 10-7 MM Hcj was main- tairied. The results show that only potential eXtraction of the electrons is produced by the bombarding ions in pure tungsten and molybdenum targets; this- extraction depends noticeably on the tem- perature of the metal. Neither kinetic nor potential extraction of the elect:rons from tungsten by Ar+ ions with energy from O.S to a keV depends on the tomperature over the entire range from 300 to 21001%. Tito data obtained are discussed from the point of view of a tut-stage extraction of the electron*. consisting of resonant neu- tralization with a subesquent de-excitation by moans of the Auger Card 2/4- 12511.b-65 ACCRSSION NR: APS0034122 effect. "The authors tbmnk professor M. A. YerenLe-y�v for t-ontinuous interest Li the work and for advice, and to student H. S. Lekakh for tochnioal help." Orig. art. hast 5 figuree. ASSOCIATIObts Leningradskiy politekbnLche9kiy_insl!ltut im. Kalin-ina U-6-h-Timr-ad-I SUBMTrEDt 27jun64 ENCL: 01 SIJB CODEt Nel eM ~NR REP BOVI 008 011IM3 005 Card 3/4 L 3kJ19-66- EWT(1)/ZWT(m)/EWP(t)/ET1 IJP(c) AT/WW/JD/HW/JG ACC NRI AP6015787 SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/005/0868/0869 AUT11011: Dorozhkin. At At. Potrove N. N. OAG: Leningrad Polytechnic Institute im. ti.I.Kalinin-(Loningracl.-;),,Iy politeldiniclieskiy inst itut) TITL'~.': Dependence of the ifln- some metals on the hyx1rogen prcasur( rReport , Twelf th All-Union Conference on the Physical Bases of Cathode Mactronies helc in Lciingrid 22-26 October 1905/ SQjaa.: AN SSSR. Izvestiyn. Soriya f izichonkayn, v. 30, no. 5, 1966, 868-869 TOPIC TAGS: electron emission, ion bombardment, hydrogen ion, gas pressure, copper, nickel, iaolybdentan + ~BL;T.ZAC ions of Ito F: The electron emission due to bombardment with 8A keV 112 inlid CAfiis been monsured at rotAn temperature niml 11000 K, and at H,, prcssurc!T-f;oM'--'-j1O-E Jo 0.3 m, H.-. The residual gas pressure did not exceed 3 x 10 mm fig. The 1124 ion bonm wis produced with the aid of n gas discharge ion source and a mnl;notic mass mono- chr";icter described elsewhere by the authors (Zh. Toldin. f iz. , 33, 350 (190)). The meAnIs were subjected to n preliminary high temperature anneal. The electron emission I io~r Mo wns found to be independent of the H pressure at both investigated temperatures. IT;w- emission of Ni and Cu was indopendont f pressure at pressures below about 0.01 mm L 36319-66 ACC NRi AP6015787 At room temperature the omission of Ni was independent of pressure at all pressum 't invositignted, nnd at 11000 Kit docronsed to 65% of its hit;h vacuum value at 0.3 mm IIg Ilt room temperature the emission of Cu Increased to 280% of its high vacuum value at 0.3 mm 11g, and at 11000 K it decronsod to GO% of its high vacuum value at 0.3 mm 11g. I is suggested that the temperature dependence of the ion-induced electron omission in nssociated with the character of the chemisorptio of H2 onto the metal surface. The authors thank M.A.Yeremeyev for his interest. UrIg. art. has: 2 figures. ISUB CCDE: 20/ SUIN DATS: 00/ ORIG REF: 001/ 0711 REF 000 rt tf.!,i 4'lp- n r, Ir cl rq J,(~RWYLPO Ul -i w: 3 9?7 Nc I in 89275 3/18lj6l/003/001/007/042 B102/B212 AUTHORSt Petrov, N. N. and Dorozhkin, A. A. TITLE: Extraction of elect~rons rom tungs~e by positive ions PERIODICAL: Fizika tvordogo telas ve 3, no. i9 1961, 53-6o TEXTt The effects of several factors on the ion-induced electron emission, especially those of mass and energy of ions and also of the structure of the electron shell, have not been investigated too well. The present paper is a contribution to those problems. The studies have been conducted with a mass spectrometer having a magnetic field with 900 sectors. The ion source was in one focus and the target in the other, surrounded by a spherical collector. The target was bombarded with He +, Ne+ , Ar+, N+' N + and Ca + ions. The results of these measurements are illustrated in diagrams which show the coefficient as a function of energy. Inert gas ions show a very distinct effect of Yhe surface purity of the target. While the curve VI(E) for a cold target increases rapidly as E increases, the curves obtaiAed for a hot target show a smooth increase. In general, Card 1/3 89275 S11 81/61/003/001/007/0,12 Extraction of electrons from... B102/3212 it was found that curves started with a lesser slope for cleaner surfaces. Under optimum conditions with respect to purity, the slopes of thef (E) curves were nearly equal for all three inert gas ions, and the cur .s were practically lineari values were higher for heavy ions than for light ones. r(E) curves 0Mined for atomic and molecular nitrogen ions nearly coinoided, and In the range of 1-10 kev they were linear. The slope of these curves decreased monotonically for higher enorgie8i at E