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L'17162-6 EWT (1 /100C (*)/ra 2/6D$/E5 (Y) T~GW- pe~yn 4/Po;4/Pq-4 SS~ ON N iAC 'AUTHORs Borisenkov. Yo. P Doronik, Yu.1P.; gondratlj"_.._~a, TITLEt Structural the~earthls radiation,field as a planet SOURCE: KoemichaskLyo,tostedovaniya, v i, no. 1, 19630 '113-125 -:TOPIC TAOS% Tiroa 110 -radiation', radiation field, weather: ..satellite, Isotropyg atmospheric absorption band, atmospheric f :'window, terrestrial thermal radiation A been made with the BSTRACT: A statistical investigation ha~ 1, ~~Ural-2 computer of the Itields of outgoino' radiationAtearth 1 9 surface to atmospheric system) based on data obtained on channels. Radia- ~;lj';;2, and 4 of Tires 11 and later presented in the Tiros 11 `,tion Data Catal Sue (1961). The mean and:most probable v&lues.of for each of the 52 orbits.: the structural and correlation functions esented. The isot'ropy of those fun'ttions was found to be are pr Card 1/2 L117A62-63, 1!. MCESSION NR: AP3007339 beit achieved for Into r 1." radiation anti most poorly for radiation 9 4 i~' the absorption band of vapor. The change in 4tructural a ~1 fractions ii seeu*.to occur rapidly at the onset and then cease Correlations are made ween I bet jto~ grow for all practical purposes. ! !t~e structural characteristics of the fields, of Integral outgoing r~4iation and outgoing,radiation in the "'atmospheric window" _(S to A:, '12: P) and be two-eA _-,tho__xadL%t Lon f Lelds andithe meteorological r er of the atmosphorm. Orig. art,~ has% 6 figures and 24 iL ame t 8 P 11ormulas. ~'ASSOCIATIOH: none SUBMITTED: 20Feb63: DATE ACQ: 210C653 ENCL:- 00 .NO '~U FSOV: 004 OTHERt-.- SbB CODEs AS 006: rd 212 ACCESSION NR: AR4015471 SOURCE: RZh. Geofizika, Abs. 12B350 AUTHOR: Doronin, Yu. P. TITLE: Thermal balance of the Central Arctic 8/0169/63/000/012/W25/BO26 CITED SOURCE: Tr. Arktich. i Antarkt. n.-i. in-ta, v- 253, 178-184 - If63 TOPIC TAGS: thermal Wmce, turbulent flux, heat balance, Arctic research TRANSLATION: The values of the turbulent flux of heat between the ice and atmos- phere P and the loss of heat by evapo.l7ation from the imderlying surface LE in the Central Arctic are determined according to data of gradient observations on ."Severnyy Polnyus" Clqorth Pole driftine, stations. In cases when there are air tem- perature and humidity data for only one level in the gr%rand surface layer,, approxi- mate computations are made using radioscnde data collected according to a method proposed in a previous work by the author (see: RWiz., No. 8, 196o, goo6). mew. monthly and mean-annual values of P and LE are given. Also given is an estimate of other components of heat balance of ice connected with ice-formation, melting of :, Cord 1/2 r-I ~CCESSIOK IqR.- AR4015471 'ice and the thawing of snow. From the conditions locking in the heat balance it was ,found that the radiation balance of the underlying surface in T Central Arctic is ,negative on the average for the year and consists of -2 kcal/cm - The problem of I ,the heat balance of leads Copen watejr is examined. Tho approximate solution of an 'equation for the steady transformation of a moving air i0ass with a given difference between the temperatures of the lead's isurface and the surrounding ice fields is i:Used for this purpose. M. Berlyand. b-ATE AOQ,: OgJan64 MM COM AS, PH ENCL: 00 DOROXINI Y. P., KONDRATIEV) K. Y. and WRISMOVi Ye. P. (Acad. Sci. tr,513) "Structural Characteristics of the Radiative Field of the Earth as a Planet" Report presented at the COSPAR, 5th Intl Space Science Symposium, Florence, Italy, 8-20 May 1964 BORISENKOV, Ye.P.;-j~2RON~N,,YU-P- Use of artificial earth satellites fcr studying the polar regions* Probl, Arkt. i Antarkt, no,17:5-13 164. (MIRA 1834) DORCKIN, Yu.P. He.thodology of calculating the thickness and tem~eraturq of ice* Trudy AANII 267d27-142 264 (MLU 18sl) DORONINP YU.P. ApproxImate calculation of the convective overturn in -he upper layers of the sea. Trudy AANII 271:82-.89, %64. (MIRA 16:2) I .I Yu.".; OWSHRINA, A,S. Calculation of the Influence of therwxil factors or trie comIxiction of lee in packs. Trudy AANIT 2071:89-96 16L. (ICHA IW) A ff ~74 ~i-,-7-- two AP"_4' 4W N-0 WCESSION P.-AP5015671 UR/0293/65/003/003/0433/04k3. 551-521.32:629.195.2 AUTHO, R - Do 1yev, K. YR. risenkov, Ye.~ P.'V ltrp~ ~n# 4u. P. lCondrat TITLE: Striktural characteristics:,of_"~fieldz of-- t 'i iati rad on' according-- c ng __Lto -date-of--the-art-i-fict, i Uros and T ros 11". and their interpretatiod SOURCE t Kosmicheskiye iasledovantyao v.,3- no. 3, 1965, 433-443 1-- ITOPIC 11"PAGO'k. radiatioti field-,, structurtLl--,f=ctioa,-stLtellite, shortwave radiation,- funt-tion upwelli-n-g- radiat'i- on. IABSTRACT.- The structure'of the ra416_~1o6__fiei& _1e*v1j1k--tht!, earths- atTwspher_e___v_d_S_ studied-arj~--the- b--a-s-fis'---o-f `7~adiwtim - d6ta cataloga of the, satellites Tiros 11 and. Tircs:111,ifhtcb characterize the winter, eand summer, - radl,ttion fields. A special coef-1. f feient wa.,) introduc-ed for comparing-, the -radiation mewtured by the two satellites. I . : I~Structural functions of Integral radiatJon obtained fr(ra meosurem-ento made by the ~two satellites differ from ond enother# and the dlffert~nce Increases with distance. Y, ne shor-twizve radiation ifteasured by those salellites dupended upon the reirlectivit :of tb- clouds ~Lnd grou:nd of -the regiorts over which the,.v flow, St rlictural Mictiong !Of radlatioP fielda obtained from satelLite measUrements alio differ. It is more I Card. .1/2 J. ROOM CESSION NR' AP5015671 Iconvenient to use correlation functiove and_ comrite Ote-9pectral density a nee it is independent- of -the -filter- tftii6iiia on. ~, The analysis of dot% A obtained by Mroa III led to the conclusion that the rAdiation field is isotropic In a space extending 1000-2000 km. Raliable resultB about upwqlling radiation may bcobtaine, by performing measurements at points citose to, each ot'lor. OrIg. art. has: 2 table 2 f igures 4 and 11 formulas A.S30CIATION: hone ENCLI-, 0 SUBMITTED: 2hMar64' 0 -8UB mm. AA NO- RXF, $OV: 00h 008'L~ - ATD PIUM ' L 1,2' rd--2 DORONIM& imollsk) .. - Birth of a giant fetus. Felld. L atuh. 27 no.2:43 F 162. - (IAB(R, CWLICATED) (MM 150) ACCESSION NR: AP4013330 Sf0020/64/154/003/0624/0626 AUTHOR: Batsanov, S. S.; P9_:r0n1na,_.L. M.; Podberezakaya, N. V. TITLE: Chromium chalcogenosulfides SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 3,.1964, 624-626 TOPIC TAGS: chromium chalt ogeno sulfide, chromium sclenida aulfide, chromium aulf ide telluridA.chromium sulfide, chromium oxide sulfide, chromic oxide, crystal lattice, x-ray constants, thermogram, synthesis ABSTRACT: CrS was prepared by elmaatal synthesis by graduated heating from 360to 900C. Cr2S2Se and Cr2S2Te were prepared by fusing CrS with 1=eoise amounts of Se or Te ab 2W ma *5.OW Xr6r 30 and 35 hours, respectively. Miyz;ical data (dznsity, x-ray, thermo grams) and chemical analysis establtshed the identity and indi-. viduality of each of these compounds deslAte- the latticeii of the Se and Te compounds are similar to that of CrS., CrS, heated in air, undergoes polymor- phic transition'at 330C,btdwawt 4r,.G. :Ln weight or appearance. At 580C it is card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4013330 oxidized to Cr2S20, and at 730C to Cr203, X-ray constants are given for all the compounds. Orig. art. has: 31 figures, 2 tables, and 3 furmulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya.A~ademii nauk.SSSR (Institute of In,organic Chemistry, Siberian Brancb~AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 13Aug63 DATE ACQ. 26Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GC NO REP SOV: 006. OTHER: 00 2 Cord 212 USSR / Human and Animil horpholory 0,'omal nnd Tzth'olo,ic~!).). 5 Cardiovascular Systeri. 11o 97097 Abs Jour i Ref Zhuj~ '- 13io1q., ')o 21-P 19500 Author : Doroninv,,1,1,- Inst :'MdTe-n--ikT-edicnl InStituto Title On Surgical Anvtory of Veins of t;,e Liver. Orig Pub Tr. Smolonskoro mod. in-ta, 1957, 6, 234-2112 Abstract It w.-s slicirn on t!v liver of 6C' hunpns rt ppes of 1 month - 70 years, by toe nothod of prepprptjon,, rcentgeno,-raphy and corrosion, th3t by rik-ristral type of fori-.ption, the veins of the liver exceed the veni porta in diancter. On their entire lenfth they ir- non-coll.,psible. In hcpntic veins, ps well as in musculpr sphincters at tho place of their merper into tie vcn,- cora inferior., no v:,lvos were found. The z-,uthor considors t" o liver to be n vnilob,!r org,-n since its lol,)cs 'i:,ve no isol.,ted blood sup-31y, Veins of the liver anastinose, wofusely with eic-, other, whic:i is importrnt to bear in mind in stirgicel interventions. C;~rd 1/1 DORONINA, L. V - , Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Surgical anatomy of hepatic veins." Smolensk, 1960. 34 pp; (Smolensk State Medical Inst); 350 copies; price not given; (Kb, 17-60, 168) Fedorov, M* Kwy Antonav) V. 8.1 Doronina, N. A,, Gi(trologiya rek Smetskaf Arktiki (Hydrology of the rivers of the Soviet; Arctic), LenIngrad Morsk. Transport Tm-=e ~r~nsport)j 1956) 96 pages (g-,RzhGeofl.z 1-1/57-9884 K) (Book) DOUNDIA, N.A. $ome meteorological characteristics of the northeastern part of Fadday Island. Trudy AANII 2248133-142 163 (MIRA. 18:1) DMONINA, N.A. Us of rain floods for navigation on tho lana, Probl, Arkto i Antarkt. no, 17 54-60 164, (MIRA 1814) DORONIZA, N.D.; TALIGIN, X.Ta. I Ifficient doslMn for mechanized bitumen plants. Ayt.dor. 19 no.4: 24-25 Ap 156. (KM 9:8) (Bituminous m0erials) TILIGIN. Mikhail Takovieviob; DMIZIA, jetallya Dattriyevna,- TIGOZOT. T.P.. red.; M."'NOTA, Iff.V.# tekhn,red, - (Mechanized bitumen supply bases] Makhanlilrovannys bitummye bazy. Moskva, Nanohno-tekhm.1sit-vo avtotransp.:!it-r7. 1958. 100 P. (Bitumen) (1(331A 12:6) TNIAGIN, M.Ta., kand. tekhn. nauk; MMIA, 14 .. inzh, Ifficient length for read sections serviced bjr Une subdivIlInso Avt. der. 21 noel2:17-19 D 158, (MIRA 12tl) (Roads--Maintenance and repair) DOROKNA, N. K. DORONINA, N. K. -- *Experiment in Treating Suppurative-Septic Diseases with Penicillin Ionophoresis (ClInIcal-8xperi;mental Invoistigation)., KharIkov Medical Inst. Stanislav-Llvov, 1955o (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.) SO: KnizboAxa Jetopjal, No. 4, Moscow, 1956 DORONINA, N-K-o,nauk (L'vcv; ul.Pozharskogo; d.5pkv.7) Studies on gas metabolism and the respiratory function of the blood in experimental acute diffuse purulent peritoniti:3. Transfusions of whole blood and its components. Nov. khir. arkh. no 4:85-89 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 15:2) 1. 1-ya gorodskaya bolinitsa L'vova. Nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty - zav. kafedroy propedevtiki khirurgii Stanislavskago meditsinskogo instituta prof. D.L.Rotenbe:rg. (BLOOD, GASES IN) (BLOOD--TiUMii:51ON) (PERITONITIS) MWIUHA~ N,,K.; Gas exchange, hemodynamics, and respiratory fmiction of the blood in acute diffuse peritonitis. Voen.-med. zhur. no.S:Y7-42 Ag 161. (PERITONITIS) (AWPIRATION) (BLOOD) (MIRA 15:2) DORONINA, N.K., Gas exchange., hemodynamics,, and reepiratory function of the blood in experimental acute diffuse peritonitis and its treatment. Vrach. delo no.8:38-4+5 Ag 161. (,MIRA 15:3) 1. Pervaya gorodakaya bollnitsa g. Llvava, Nauchnyy ruko-.-Nditelf - zav. kafedroy propodevticheakoy khirurgJ.i Stanislavokogo meditsinakogo inistituta professor D.L. Rotenberg. (RESPIRATION) (BLOOD) (PERITONITIS) BELYAYLVP A.V.; GRIGORIADIV M,G 2-Di. AI Now developments in tho finishing technology of hide chrome Aer Combine. Kozh.,. leather for shoe uppera In the Hoacow JAntk obuv.prom. 4 no.1201,32 D 162. KRA 16W (Moscow-Leather !Industry) VASIL"YEV, Vladimir GrIgrorlyevich; WRONIIIA red.; FIRMEBY.111A, M., tekhn. red. -1- [Ways to improve production quality] Puti povysheniia ka- chestva produktsil. Moslcva) Mosk. rabochil, 1963. 69 p. (MIRA 17:2) SELIVANOV, Timofey Alekneyevich; D(RONIIIA, R,, ::-ed. [Two-year plan for the construction of apartment houges and buildings serving cultural and publ~.c needs in Moscow] Dvukhletnii plan zhilishchnogo !. kullturno- bytovogo stroitell stva v Moskve. Moskva, Mosk. rabuchii 1964- 46 p. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Predsedatell Moskovskoy gorodskoy ple.novoy kamisaii (for Selivanov). red.; SHLYK, M., TEREKHOVA, Lyubov I Andreyevna; JW40 tekhn. red. [Analysis of the regular flow of production of an enter- prise] Analiz ritmichnosti raboty predpriiatiia. Moskva Moak. rabocbiij 1964. 60 p. (MIRA 17:31 LEVITIN, I.A.1 POLOSKINs YS-N-J BYSTROVAq Z.L.; IADYNINA, E.F.; DORONINA, T#P* Intensifying the production of resoroltol-formaldehyde solutions for latex impregnation compounds. Kauch.i re.s. 21 no.1:47-49 A 162. (MIM 15t1) 1. Moskovskir shinnn savod. - . '(Tire fabrics) RUMIANTSEV, Pavel Mikhaylovich,, podpolkovnik milits3ii; DOWIINAJ, 1~,) red. j KUZIIETBOVA, A. 0 tekhn. red. [Merciless war on drunkenness] Plianstvu - besposhchad- nuiu voinu. Monkvap Moak. rabochiij 1963, 62 P17:1) (y, L I A (Alcoholism) ISVIT.M. 1.A.; POLOSKIN, Yo.N,; KALACHLTAl A.V,j MONZA, T.P. Polarographic study of the condensation of resorcinol with formaldehyde in solutions used in the prepara*,ion of latex inpregnation compounds* Kauch.i rez, 21 no.7:4"9 J1 162, (MIRA 15--7) 1. Moskovskiy ohimyy zavod. (Resorcizol) (Formaldehyde) (Polarography) DMER, T.V., Variations In the nerve structure of the batik of the human hand. Zdray.Dolor. 3 no.10:34-37 0 157. (Km-4 13:6) 1. Is kaf*dry anatoull cheloveim (say. -prof. D.N. Golub) Muskogo waitsinskogo Instituta. (RM-NMUTIONS) 6T USSR/Morphology of Man and Animals (Normil and Pathologin.). Research MethrxIs wid Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1958, 16976 S-1 Author Doronina, T.V.j Pashuk, V.P. Inst Title The Use of eurohietologic Methods for the Study of Trichinella - Infested Muscles. I Orig Pub 7Aravookhr. Belorusaii, 46, No 8, 44-46 Abstract The Kamoos method,, as modified by the authors, gives the best results for visualization of Tricbinel.lae. Frozen sections were washed in distilled water, transferred to a 10% silver nitrate solution for 2-3 minutes uatil a light-yellow tinge appeared, rinsed In distilled water, successively transferred through 4 portiont of 0.5% for- malin solution, kept in 10% ammonical silver for 2-3 mi- nutes and thoroughly washed in distilled water. Impre- gnatLed Tricbinellae assume a brown, nerve fibers a black Card 1/2 5M SOV/76-33-2-16/45 AUTHORS: T;~i;er, A. A., ToMpol.kina, 11. V., Doronina, V. K. e- - TITLE: The Effoct of the Molecular Weight Df Vitreous Folymirs on the Packing Density of Their C'hains (Vliyaniye molekulyar- nogo vesa stekloobraznykh polinerov na plotnost' upakovki ikh tsepey). 11. Polymethyl Methacry'tatea (TT. Polimetil- metakrilaty) PERIODICAL: Mirnal fizicheskoy khi-.iii, 1959, Vol. 33, Nr 2, pp 335 - 341 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An estimate of the packing density of' polymer chains can be obtained by a determination of the heat of solution (HS) and the sorption isotherms (Refs 1-3), an well as from the change in entropy (E) of the solvent (Refs 4,5). In this f s wny the packing of polystyrene 1-4), cellulose (Ref 6), A' e er and polyvinyl alcohol (Refs 5r e deternined. The data on the integral HS of polymethyl methacrylates (I) show (Ref 10) that an increase of the molecular wei,5ht to M= 10000 leads to a loosening rhich varies clowly but continuously with a further increase in K. For this reatson three s-niples of Card 1 /3 1 (1) were chouen; sample I with Id. 1-3.06.,106 ; sample'2 with Tho Effect of the Molecular 'Veight of Vitreous Po1j,ners SOV/76-33-2-16/45 on Une llaclinj; Density of Their Chains. Ila Polynethrl '-'--4thacrylates r,11- 2.4-10 5; and sample 3 with M- 1932., The preparation of the samples has V6en-described previously (Ref 10). Sorption isotherms of dichloroethane (II) and nethyl isobutyrate (ITI) on (I) were investi.L:ated, and the (ITS' of (I) in (II) (Fi~,-s 1,2) was-determined; from the dLta obtained values for 111pand.&S, were calculated. It uns found that (n) is more closely related to (1) than is (III The sorption isotherms (Fig 3) of (TI) on 3 sAmples of (I~-give a picture analogous to that of polystyrene of various molecular wei,-,hts. The function curves of the (US) (PiC 5) of the solvent- composition ~~how that with an increase in III the (ITS) be- comen pocitive. The marked decrease in the (2) of the solvent in oorption on the samples rith hith M cannot be explained only by the orientation of tka colvent molecules on the groups of the polymer. This observation (Fig 7) is explained by a loose packing of very long, rijid chains which require a lon.--er time for "consolidation". The looser p,,icking thereby evidencen a relaxation. ',Vith the increase Card 2/3 in the M of the vitreotis poly7ers the packinG loosens and The Effect of the Volecular Weight of Vitr,)otia Poly-iern BOV/76-33-2-16/45 on the Packing De?,13ity of Their Mir& !i. II. Folymethyl 1'etYacrylates thus increases the sorptivity, which occurs with an increased heat effect and a decrease in (E). The malor ,y between loosely-packed, high-molecular reight glasses and solid porous colloidal sorbents is only valid during the beginninG sta-e of the nor2tion. There are 7 figuro3 and 18 referencen~ 15 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy univernitet Im. GorlkogoSverdlovsk (Ural Stute Univercity imeni GirlkiySverdlovsk) 3 1 " B.Y I T -T ED July 8, 1957 C ar d 3113 'DON, N:tl M IV i1rVI. I erals Spectral analysis, Card Vj %4 -'76/97, Authorly ch~=devas N, I.; Doroninit, Vs-Ka; end Fedorov,, K, 119 Title Quantitative spectral am3pis of low-grade ore cozicent-mtion products IzY* AN SSS, Ser, f is's 18/2j, 2894%. Mar-Apr 1954 Abstract f The results obtained during quantitative spectral ana3yeis of low-grade ore concentration products are brief3y ounmrized. The method applied in carrying out the arAlysis is Wlained, Institution t The INKUMBRII Institute SuUdtted S DORONINA,_'!,,~P.; BATSAIJOVA, L.H. Solublllty of lanthantim fluoride In bprylliuir, n'-t-:-al,e solut-'ons. Izv. SO AN SSSR no.3 Ser. khim. nauk no.lt128-130 165. (MIRA IS: 8) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy Uhimii 5lbirskogo otdolenlya AN SSSER. Novosiblrsk. DORONINA$ V.V. Use of the TSAM 10-5 sine antifriction alloy in railroad transportation of yeat enterprises. Torf. prom. 36 no.5:32-33 159. (HIRA 13: 1) 1.Demikhovskiy mashiuostroitel'un savod. (Peat--Transportation) (Zinc alloys) (Bearings (Ha:hinery)) DORON11k, V ., Inzh.. RUSTARIT, G.G.. Insh. ------- ~ -Y-Y ?or a wider adoption of technological assemblies by machine- building plants. Torf.prom. 37 no.1:26-27 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Demikhovskiy sashinostroltell "y zavod, (Machinery industry) DORONIIU, Yu.A. -- Quillwort laostes aoiaticaHsIc'no I a now opecieo in the flo:ra of the Maritime Territory. Bot. zhur. 46 no. 5:733 My 161. (MIRA 14#.7) 1. Sikhote-Alinakiy gosudaratvann" sapovednik, (MLritime Territory- W Ilwort) c- DORONINA, Yu. Now plants in the flora of the Uda region. Bot. zhur. 50 ncOM03- 404 Mr 165. (MIFA 180) 1. Biologo,-pochvennyy institut Dallnovostochnego I'Mala Sibirokogo otdelmiya AN SSSII, Vladivostok. D OR ON I NLI L-Y.U.A- Flora and vegetation in the basin of the Uda River (Khabarovsk Territory). Izv. SO AN SSSR no.8t Ser. biol..,med. nauk .. no.2:23-27 165. kmlicA 18,.v) X. Biologo-pochvennyy Institut Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSM, Vladivostok. DMON MA. Z.P. Work of a nurse at a clinic. Ked. sextra no.11:28-29 N 154. (KLRA 7:12) 1. Meditainskaya sestra 34-y- bollnitoy Sokollnichookogo royom, moolma. (NtMSr?iG PRMSSION In Russia, work in hoop.) DCRONIMA, Z.F., moditsinskaye sestra Rendering first aid at a health center in acute cardiac diseases. Med.sestra 16 nool:28-30 Ja 157. (KLRA lo: 4'.) 1, Gorodsimya bollnitea no-34. Kookva. (?IRS? AID IN IIJMSS AND INJURY) (MUM-21SEASIS) DORONKIN B. 7o,_ M&i1 and baggage trains on main railroad lines. Vest. sviazi 24,no.12t22-23 D 164 (MIRA 18*.2) 1. Starobiy dispatcher C[Lavnogo pochtovogo upravleniya Mini- sterstva ovyazi =14 DOEONKIN ie., F., Gario Tucb Sci (olss) "Certain qu.~-st:,Dns ~--n theon 1. .1 aid -ractice of trans istorizea multivibmtors," ~ jcv) lc)'~Q' 14 pp (Kiev Folytechilcal Institute) (KL., 39-tO) 115) 81119 S/142/60/000/01/012/022 0 ; 9"'q 30 E140/E463 AUTHORt Doronkin Ye.F. MMM=M=aii~~ TITLE: Analysis of Transistor Multivibrator with Emitter- Circuit Capacitance 1P PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Radiotekhnika, 1960, Nr 1, pp 106-111 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In usual transistor multivibrators with collector-base coupling using germanium transistors types P15 the repetition period varipCby 15 to 25% with temperature variation from 20 to 8 . The principal cause of this is the dependence of the cutoff collector current on temperature which affects the discharge of the time- determining condensers. The present article analyses a multivibrator with the principal time constant in the emitter circuit. Experimentally it was found that in the temperature range of 20 to 800C, the repetition period variation did not exceed 2 to 3%. Table 1 indicates the satisfactory agreement of experimental and calculated parameters of the multivibrator. There are 5 figures, Card 1/2 X 81119 S/142/"10/000/01/012/022 Ei4o/E463 Analysis of Transistor Multivibrator with Emitter-Circuit Capacitance 1 table and 4 references, 2 or which are Soviet and 2 English. SUBMITTED: May 8, 1959, initially September 21, 1959, after revision Card 2/2 Temperature stabilization of the time parameters of pulses from transistor oultivibrators, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radtotokh, 2 no,6t672-678 N-P 159. (MML 13:6) 1. RokomendDvam kafedroy radipriyamny1ch ustroystv liyevskogo ordena Lenins, politekhnlchookogo instituta. (Transistors) (Pulse' techniques (Electronics)) DORONKIN To F. Aimilysis of a transistor multivibrator with capacity in its OmItter circuit. Isv.vyo.ucbab.zav.; radjotekh. 3 00.1:106-111 ja_jp l6o. (mm 13:10 1. Rokondendovaua kafedroy radiopriyemnykh ustroyetv Kiyevekogo ordena Lenina politakhnichookogo Inetituta. (Oscillators, Alectric) (Transistors) iZ3 /0 S/109/60/005/07/022/021+ E14o/zl63 AUTHOR: DorRnkin, )Le.F. TITLEt Sil-FIR"RfWon Regimes of a Symmetrical Transistor Multivibrator PERIODICALS RadJotekhnika i elektronika, Vol 5, No 7, 196o, pp 1186-1188 (USSR) ABSTRAM The existence of various types of excitation regimes for transistor multivibrators is considered with respect to active or saturated operating conditions of the transistors. Five qualitatively different zones are found on the excitation diagram7 all of which have been experimentally observed. There are 4 figures and 6 references* of which 2 are English and 4 Soviet. SUEMITTKD: November 9, 1959 Card 1/1 DORONKIN, Yqvgepjj-Fijjpf)ovich; VC.SKUSENjKlY, VladIrrAr VlarlIcArr.~11cb; PAME-YEV, V.G.p . red.; TSEYTLIN, F.G.,, red. (Transistorized pulse generators] Tranzintornye gencratory impullsov. Moskva.. Sviazi, 1965. 237 p. (VIRA 18-,") SIKONTOV. Isaak Yoiseyevich, kand. takhn. naak~ tekhnsnauk;retsenzenti TKAUFMOO L,N.p lnzhsp redo (Design of automatic gain control systems of radio receivers] Proektuvannia system ARP radioprylmachiv. Kyivs Tekhnikap 1964. 109 p. (MIRA 17:9) VMEOVP V.A.; VITUMNOVSKAYA, B.S.; P~RONKIk A,.R. F. Ghangoa in solubility of germanium dioxide in water with an increase in temperature from 0 to 1000C. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; khim.i khim.tekhe 7 no.6:1018-1019 164. (MMA 18:5) 1. Dnopropetrovskiy metallurgichaskiy institut,, kafedra obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimil. GWMA?NrKOV, DePts LasboL- Pf insho Autmtla makdra for pressiM mcUs wWft- h4gh spodfla pftoxuzv. oanditUmo %wl&mb"nl* nos6oS69 I&-D 163a (KCRA 111122) DORNOT, A.M. "Wagww" ra Caleader roll safety device with automatic stop motion. Obs. takh,opyt* CHU] noolOt2l-28 156. (MIRA 11111) (Textile machinery--Safety appliances) DORONOV, JL*Mo, inzh. , e--W" Device f,or branding continuously moving bands. Isobr. 10-11 Mr 138, (Karklng devices) SM 3 n0.3: (Nnu lit3) DOROSt 91 MMSj L; SCHULZKx E. Data on the hpirolyois of sulfur and chemistry of polysulfides. In German. P. 291. ICTA CHEMICA. (Magyar Tudcoanyos Akademia) Budapest. Vol. 10, no. 113, 1956. SOURCEs East European locesoicas List (EUL) Library of Congress, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 1951L DORDS, Gabor, dr. 1- -- - Cosmetic problems In gerontology. Borgyogy. vener. snmle 37 no.4: 15.4-160 J1 161. (COSMETICS) (GERIATRICS) LUI'AS"T', Ghq, p.*cCe dr. so o, dr. T., DP.,- HAIVV'. r.4 r d-n tiuneh df-, m0'.!,,H-,- (lin Amn,. ?CNVW no Inflow Unto the followlas mWors M4 title$ at "fit ON---, 'ft. "t-1 vem" is UA 'qrr M-pir." WAIMY, h6ar L, Prtfosser, Institute of lutritton, moseov, 'Wetote troatmost at alcorc-s FAPWVMV, A. F., Frafteser, LAfdmdr" Twervalools Institute, -UCA K"r to me or. 19tb Z10"Pubtlawal poet.4roonste ;;;'41441 coorm . OwIgned, c GOP -choolarome, lk-19 MITSYUKj B.M.; DOROSH, A.K.; SKRYSHEVSKlY, A.F.; VYSOTSKIY, Z.Z. X-ray diffractlon otudy of dehydration of allicic acid hydrogel. Koll. zhur. 27 no.6t846-849 N-D 165. (MIRA l8sl2) 1. Institut fizichekay khimii AN UkrSSR imeni L.V. Pisarzhevskogo i Kafedra molokulyarnoy Miki Kiyevskogo universiteta. D Oft CSI I , A. P. SKt?Y 41 A. F. Stnictul-al CharectAristics of nnar cation surrounrUrFrin 3j,iao,.s solutions. Zhm-. strukt. khim. 5 no.iOll-013 14-D #(A. MIRA 18t4) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy univursittt. 1/0 goo **A 004 1) 00 t 004 006 go goo 001, ti 0 0 9 Wyl 4T a a -AAA 0 6 of- A-pr Imp lAft" wiscakwavems d Owww Dhn* Im a Gruijr Wit. IFA%t%Ww)N 141"Wat"Viyo. 1*411.4kt4. IN. w 4ftvTibwJ in wh" orram dur to panallax an said to be TtilnJAMI, (um NXI'vMMI with thr rmbha of smvimotdo -0 in Ifou Imirw this OIMNWWUO. logo 9o0 see Wee 604 see 1100 goo use so* be* If --4 dL jk,-j malauviscAL L"RIPAIM CLAIWICAIM jjj4W wit Or is m A s 9 a 0 1 4 3 1 1 DMOSH, F.P. for drying the 2:215-218 155. with hygroscopic tilters. (KLRA 9:5) TSentraltnaya laborstorlya Krivoroshokogo VGSO. (DUST COLIJCTMS) OKONEVSKIYI AJ*j *OTSKIIO A.Vol DO OSH 1~.P. Now apparatus for removing dust "ass. Bor'ba a oil. 5s260-264 162* (MIRA 1635) (Dust-Removal) I V t, 14~, DMOSH, I.I., insh. 40"04""&y8 of lowering electric power costs. Makh, oil'. hoe, 9 no.4:20-21 Ap 158 illectric power--Costs) (MIRA 11:5) DORDSH, I.. insh. Braluating the effectiveness of investments. Takh. v sellkhos. 20 no.70-8 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Ukrainskiy uauohw~-lvsledovatel'skiy institut skonomiki i organizateil sallskogo khozyay-stya. (7&rm mechanization) (Agriculture--konomic aspects) AARTYNMO, I.I.,, kand.teklm.nauk; DOROSH, I.I., kw3d.ekonomicheakikh mauk. Electric pover supply for collective and state farms in the Ukrainian S. S. R.' Mekh. i slek. sots. sellkhoz. 19 no.6:45-49 161, (MIRA 14:12) 1, Ukrainskiy nsuohno-iaoledovatellskiy institut makhanizataii i elektrifikateii splIskogo, khoz7ayotva (for Martynonko). 2. Ukraiwkiy nauc!bno-issiodovatellskiy institut ekonomiki, i organizataii sellsko 0 khozyaystva (for Dorooh). lUkraine-Blectricity in agriculture) J)OROSH, ky-qu, losi~qqyigbj PITULIKO, Vitaliy YemelinovichiPytullko, ... -4.6ji. SEREDENKO, Boris Nikol-syevich [Seredenkop B.M.); KAVUNj V.M,p Geroy Sotsialistichesko o Trudal red.; TOGOBITSKAYAj, N.V.[Tohobitslkaj, N.V.1.9 red.; GULWKO,, 0.1. [Hulenko, 0.1.12 tekbn. red. (Use of machinery on a collective farm] Vykorystannia tekh- niky v kolhospi. Kyivl Derzh.vyd-vo Sil'slkohospodarolkoi lit-r-y URW, 1963. 139 p. (MIRA 17:3) kand.ekonom.nauk; MARTINFoKo, I.I. (Martynenkof DOROSHI I Y Doroah i I i p-FAnd, tekhn. nauk Effectiveness of the use of electric power in agriculture, Mekh. sill, hosp 13 no.7t26-27 J1 162. (MUU 1713) MARTYNENKO, Ivan Ivenovich;,JNBQS,H, LY-,- KISTEN', G.Ya. (Kystent, H.IA.1; KOIDMIMS', I .F.[Kolomiistal, I.F.3; LEVITSKAYA, G.P.lLavytalka, H.P.], red.; GULENKO, 0.1. (Hulenko, 0.1.], takhn. red. (Use of electric power on the "Shliakh do kminizmu" Collective Farm) Vykorystannia elektroenergii v kolhospi "Shliakh do komunizmu." Kyiv, Derzhsillhospvydav URSR, 1962. 58 P. WIRA 16:5) (Electricity In agriculture) DMOSEI. L.A.. kliuiaheakly ordinator Some physicochemical proportion of the blood in stanocardla. Xed.zhur,Usb, no,7t2l-24 JI 138. (XITU, 1316) 1. Is kafedry gospitalluoy terapil (zav. - chlou-korrespondent ANN SSSR Z.1. vaiaova) lechobnoga fakulfteta Tachkentakogo goaudaristvannego maditsinabgo hatituta, (ARGINA PSOTORIS) (BLOOD-EXUaNATION) DMOSH, L.A., assistant Use of dicoumrin In myooardial Infarot. Ned.zhur,Uzb. no.11t 31-33 IF 158. (KM 13:6 ) 1. Is k1lulki goopitallmW terapti lachobnogo fakullteta (say. - prof, Z,J* Unddova) T"bkontskogo goeudaretyannago rieditsinakoeo Inatituta. (REA --IMARCTIO]r) (COMR11) DOROSH., L.A., Cand Led Sci. - (diss) "Coagulation ,.rxl protein fractiof~of the blood in infarct of the myocardium and stenocardia." Tashkent.4 1959j 20 pp (Ijin of HeAlth UzSSR. Tashkent State gad Inot) 250 copies (KL, 33 59, 121) - 62 - DOROSH, L.A. --------- ;~ Blood protein fractions in iWocurdial infarct and stenocardia. Izv. AN Uz. SSr Ser. med. no.1:49-52 159 (MIRA 12:7) 1. Tashkentokiy goo. mediteinskiy institut, kafedra goopitallnoy terapii lechabnogo fakulststa. (BU)OD PROTRIS) (HURT-INFARCTION) (ANGIRL PNOTORIS) :)OR-WH, 14A,, Coagulability and,viscosity of the blood in myocardial infarct, Uv* AN Us. SSR. Ser. mad. no.2:41-44 159. (MINA 12: 7) 1. Tashkentakiy goeudaretvamW meditzinekly institut. (MUn-INFARCTUX) (BUMr-COAGUIATION) DOROSH, M.M.; KOSTYU, Ya.Ye-I SIIKODA-UL'YANOV, V.A. (Shkoda-Ullianov, V.0.] Use of the yield of dsl&7ed neutrons from a t~'ck wate f7 target in determining the reaction cross o9exlon 8v N 0)711 beyond the giant resonance region. Uk-r. fiz. zhur. 9 no.9:1040-1041 S 164. (MIFA 17:11) 1. Uthgoradakiy gojudarstvemyy univorsitet. LORGSHP M.M.; KOSTYU, Ya.E.; SHKODA-ULlYidlut" V.A. IfIghest possible yielos of dolt-yed n1yutrons produced by certain photonuclear reactions. Atom. enorg. I'/ no.3: 215-217 s 164. (MIFA DO) ACCESSION NR: AP4037562 S/0056/64/046/005/1540/1544 AUTHOR: Dorosh, M. M.; Parlag, A. M.; SIOoda-Ul 'yanov, V. A.; Shabalinao~. TITLE: On contradictory results of measurenients of the (Gamma, n) reaction cross sections for lead SOURCEs Zh. eksper. i toor's' fiz., v. 46o no. So 1964, 1540-1544 TOPIC TAGS: lead, gamma neutron reaction, cascaae, gamma quantum, If 'photoneutron ABSTRACT: in view.of the disparity between the experimental yields for heavy and medium-Z elements at low energies and the values cal- culated by the Belenlkiy-Tam cascade theoryo an experiment was set up to measure the cross sections of the (yo n) reaction on lead, in- duced by bremastrahlung, nince the pub2idhed data for the cross sec- tion of some elements,.including lead, are contradictory. The me&-, Card 1/5 ACCESSION NR: AP4037562 :surements were made with a 25-MeV botatron with a tungsten target. 'The neutrons were registered with a setup analogous to that described by Gavrilov and.Lazareva (ZhETF v. 30, 855, 1956). The cross sec- tion obtained in the maximum was 0.65 b, coinciding with the value obtained by means of monochromatic y quanta. A comparison of the calculations of the photoneutron yield with the aid of the obtained cross section and with the experimental data of Grizbko et al. (ZhETF, v. 38, 1370, 1960) confirms the discrepancy between theory and experiment. It is therefore suggested that the Belen'kiy-Tamm spectrum is not accurate in the entargy region in question, greatly distorting the (,y, n)-reaction cross section both in form and in absolute. magnitude. The reasons for the observed discrepancies are now under investigation. Orig. art. hass 2.ficjurese ASSOCIATIONt Vzh9orodskiy 9osudaz*tv*nny*y universitet (Vghqorod State University) Card 2/5 'ACCESSION NRs AP4037562 SUBMITTEDs 20JU163 ~,SUB CODE: NP Card 3/5 DATE ACQs 09Jun64 NR REP BOVs 007. ENCLt 02 OTHERt 006 'ACCESSION NR: AP4037562 47111 JT X_ 44.4 Card 4/~ ENCLOSURE: 01 Cross section of (,Y,n) reaction on lead and photoneutron yield from an infinitely thick sample of lead, induced by electrons. The left ordinates are the (,y,n) reaction cross sections inbarns, and the right ordinates are the 'absolute neutron yields in neut- ron/electron units; curve 2 represents the (,y,n) croB3 sea- tion on lead, obtained in the present work and calculated from the-yield curve of encl. 02 ACCESSION NR: AP4037562 ENCLOSURE: 02 Yield curve for photoneutrons from lead, induced by bremostrahlung 1 noutrona/mole-g-A-seo --Card..5/5. -Xcc '3032400 SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/66/0-21/003/ol63/ol66 AUTHOR: Dorosh, M. M.; Mzyuk~yich, N.'P.; Shkoda-Ullyanoy, V. A. ORG: none TITLE: On the feasibilit:r of an analysis of certain metals for oxygen by recording delayed neutrons produced in the reaction 011(y. p)N17 SOURCE: Atomnaya, energiya, Y. 21, no. 3, 1966, 163-166 TOPIC TAGS: metal analynis, oxygen, photoneutron, particle accelerator, neutron detection ABSTRACT: The authors point out, first, that photone~tron methods offer certain advantages over chemica]. analysis or'radioactive-tracer techniques, since chemical- analysis is not sensitive enough and radioactive procedures call for expensive and cumbersome reactor instiLlIations. The recent availability of strong-current acceler- ators,.-producing electron beams of 10 - 100 microamperes and stronger and having smAl dimensions, or y quante.vith appreciable energy, can be used to irradiate samples con- taining oxygen. If the sample size is large'enough, an electron-photon cascade is produced in it and the resultant radioactive N17, vith L half life of 4.15 sec, de- cays to produce the stable isotope 016 and a neutron. These delayed neutrons, Vhich equal the number of 018 nuclei in the sample, can be counted to datersine the oxygen ACC NR, AP6032hOO content. The authors present sample calculations for a.bypotbetical accelerator vIth 100 microampere'.current and shov that if the measurement time is of the order of L.5 minutes and the electron energy is Ov 25 MeVj the method permits measurement of oxygen contents of 10-4%. The contents in thick blocks of Be, Ti, and Zr. It is concluded that vith strong-current accelerators and at medium energies, metals and alloys coul4L be analyzed on a conveyor-belt b"iss Orig. arte but 1, figure, 2 formul", wd 1 table. Stm CODR:1~2011VS7 DAM -24Apr64/ oRiO RV 1 014/. OTH BEY: 002 .Card 2/2 8/879/6:2/000/000/079/066 D234/D308 AUTHOR: borosh, N. A.'(LIvov) .......................... TITLE: Stressed state or a'thln cylindrical a ell, rectangular in plan, subject to a uniXormly distrituted load Sol RICE: Teoriya plAotin i. obolochek: trudy. 11 Vsesoyuznoy konf e- rentaiii . Llvov, 15-21 sentyabrya 1961 g. Kiev, Izd,-vo ~AN USSR, 19621 498 502 -TEXT: The curvilinear'edgeb of the ahell aro assumed to be hinged the :rectilinear edges to be rein-forced by ribs to which the hypothes.'Ls'.of plane cross-sections is appliel. The problem is sol- ved by ~the'Variational method, obtaining '64TJ 1 2n -,q 4y4 2(1 /i)Gh + 4 ~x Card I/2~ POR VPhrochmicst studies on plants ol:lbe Prunells VU14 atb vatlety and of the " of thie commoii meadow getsmot-a. N. Ni. DorAh ai"l 4), P, Dinnaratiknyn. HOPI 1'rer. Mrd. bw. 14154, ` 2, 61-7; X~jerw, ~Infi. Khiso., Iliel. Khr,j, 1955. Nil. 173W.--Quatit. and itivA. imli(iltO I],,- i~ P,Ux,lj. r"1R.Irij ,I C,"11111-1 f.'"llift Ow p% - r,,r Mot gr,,tilt, rmlit,itit: rind I, ~i,l, 'c. C~tt.Avlw. K, ,I!,. :,W-, nji'l lit Illp thr vfm,h-v% I"J.- ll~ and alk-A"itil :-I'll "flor li-!.I1,-J,I,t-l ,it lit, I., tt!-. f.wwl Its 'I., DOROSH, T.P.; ALEMEM, V.S. (Aleksiolev, V.S.) Electrochemical inolation of senecipWlline from raw alkaloids of wwamp ragwort (Senecio paludosus L.). Faxnatsev. zhur. 15 no.6t44,47 160. (RIRA 14:11) 1. Dnepropetrcyvsld7 meditsimkiy institut, kafedry analitichedkoy khimA - zaveduyuhchiy kafedroy dotsalit Kukhtevich, I.L.; kafedra farmatsevticheskoy khimii - zaved"pohiy kafedroy dotsent Red1ko, O.L. [deceased]. (SERECIPHILLINE) (SENECIO) DMWH. T.,P.; TUUW, YO.A. LTuka.10, IZ.A.] Electrochemical method of isolating the glycoanaloid tcwtine from plants@ Fhrmataev. zhur. 16 no.l;"-47 161. (HIRA 17: 8) 1. Rafedra. a~aIlticheqkqy kbinii (zavedu.,mahchiy kafedroy dotsent I.L. Kukhtevich) i kafedra tekhnologii lekaretv (zave- duyushchiy kafedroy dotsent V.K. Yaahohenko [IAAhchanko,, V.K.]) Dnepropetravokogo meditainakogo inatitutet, ZAV(IORODNYAYA, Ye.F,; ULWHKOp Vj.; DOROSH# T.P,_ Machaniom of the cathodic reduction of oopper oxide. Part Is Cathodic polarization of the copper oxide electrode. Ukr. khims shur, 27 no*10-0 161* (KIU 34s 2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gosudaristvennn universitet im. 3OD-letiya voosoyedineniya Ukrainy a Rossiyeyo (CoRper oxide) AUTHORS: Dorosh, T. P., Galushko, V. P. 2,7678 S'?07~J61/027/005/002/004 B'!03/B101 TITLEi Reduction Of silver ,hloride by hyd,rogen adsorbed on the surface of powdery silver PERIODICALs Ukrainskly khimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 27, no. 5, 1961, 03-607 TEXTj In earlier papers (Refs. I and 2, in print) it was proved that the sparingly soluble compounds silver chloride, - sulfate, and - sulfide are reduced at a current density higher than the limiting density. In spite of this, the current yields calculated for metallic silver approach 100%. The reduction and the formation of black silver powder require a potential jumpiDward negative values and a simultaneous H 2 separation at the beginning of the process. The formation zone of the black silver powder is locat(:d at the place of contact of the reduced silver with the non- reduced valt. This indicates that the reduction of sparingly soluble compoundei is not only possible via the stage of dissolution. With low concentrations of silver ions (10- 10 and 10-17 g-ion/liter, respectively) Card 11A 27678 S/07 61/027/005/002/004 Reduction of silver... B103YB101 the diffU3ion cannot safeguard the reduction rates actually observed. On the other hand, the fine-disperse powder is formr.-J under conditions that would not permit an inhibition of 11 2 separation. Tho purpooo of the) present paper was to examine whether hydrogen adsorbed on the surface of silver powder acts as an intermediate reagent in the reduction of sparingly soluble silver compounds. Fig. 1 shows the cathode part of the cell used, Fig~ 2 the electric circuit for recording the charge-discharge curves. Silver powder formed by reduction of silver chloride was found to be capable of adsorbing large H 2quantities. This H2 reduces silver chloride in a secondary process. The 9polarizing capacitance of the surface of sil- ver powder reaches jo3 Pf/cm , oalculated from the charge curves. The H2 adsorbei is assumed to take,part In the reduction of silver chloride as an intermediate reagent. This increases considerably the total rate of reaction. Mention is made of Bagotskiy, lofa, and Frumkin, as well as papers by A. 1. Shlygin (Trudy soveshchaniya po elektrokhimii, M., 1953, P. 322)r and A, A. Rakov (Vliyaniye predvaritellnoy obrabotki serebra na yego absorptsionnyye I elektrokhimicheskiye evojetva (Effect of silver pretreatment on its absorptive and electrochemical properties), Candidate I S/077637~6 1/02 7/005/002/004 Reduction of silver ... B103/B101 dissertation, M.p 1947). There are 5 figures and 9 references: 7 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows't G. M. Schwab, J. Phys. and Coll. Chem., 2A, 576 (1950); A.G. Fe:7guson and P. K. Turner, J. Electrochem. Soc., 101, 362 (1954)- ASSOCIATIONs Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Dnepr6petrov3k State University) (T. P. Dorosh) Dnepropetrovskiy moditsin- skiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute) (V. P. Galuahko) SUBMITTED: June 15, 1960 Card 3/4