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DWONIN, and KINDYAKOV "An Experim.-nt on thePurification of the Foob and Mouth Disease Antigen and Use of It in the Precipitation Reaction in Foot and Mouth Disease." It. KAzakh. NIVI. to 2p 1939 (Bibliography frou article Foot and Mouth Disease by A. L. Skomorokhov, State Publishing House for Agricultural Literature,, Moscow/Leningrad 1947.1 SO: U-1625, 3-1 Jan 52. DORON IN I "An Experiment on the Immunization of Guinea Figs Against Foot and Houth Disease with Chlorofom Vaccine." Zhurn, mikrobiol., epidemiol i immunobiol., 1940s No 8. (Bibliography from artiche toot and Mouth Disease by A. L. Skomorokhov, state Publishing House for Agricultural rifteraturej ftocow/Leningrad 1947.) SO: U-1625, 3-1 Jan 52 DCRONT11 )JjTDYAlCJ, V. 1. Foot-and-lbuth Di3enrq Labov:,tc Ep.-alkli z;cjcjt3.fjc Research Veterinary flperin.'entzill Station Revealing the Possibilitipe of Lhploy-ing i`rccipitztion rterx~ion In Fcnt-And-lbuth Diseazell - Pre-lisaitzry Hepol-t Zhtu-nal lakrobiologii, Epidemiologii i bmunbbiblogii, 8, 1940, pp 86-87; Tran3. (in ful.1) No. 545 by L. Lulich 9 par:cs K- DORONIN, Kn4DYAKOV,, and RATN M- $'Results of the Commission's tests of the active propeties of antifoot and mouth disease aluminum hydroxide vaccine." Veatn. e-kh. nauki (vaterinariya), 1941j, No 1. SO: U-1625p 11 Jan 52. DORONIN., No N.,, Doe of Vet Sci -- (diao)*Contagious Pleurcyneumonia in She-gostop" Leningrado 1959,, 15 PY (Ministry of AgricUture,, R3FM Leningrad Veterinary Institute) (KL, 7-60, 109) SHITOY, K.A.) dotsent; VII'MiLOV, V.P., ve Lori. iarn.,q vrach; N.F., ,, doktor veterIn. nauk aspirant,*_RqIfOIIIN,_ Testing BCG vaccine in tuberculosis o:' poultry. Veterinariia 41 no.2:41-43 F 165. O-Iipt, 18:3) 1. Voronezhskiy sellskokhozyaystvennrr institut (for Shitov). 2. Hossoshanskoye proizvodstvennoye upravleniye (for Vitkalav). 3. Donskoy sel'skokho2;yaystvenny:y inst,itut (for Shcherban', Doronin). DOROINIU, N,i4,, prof.; MURATOV, S.I., doteent; KO.VH, B.A., dotsent; GEM4N, I.I., kand. veter. nauk; KAPADIIII, Y--.V., assi3teent Studying tuberculosis in cattle infectsd wl.h the pathogen of the avian type. Vaterinariia 42 no.11:34-35 11 165. OMITRA 19: 1) 1. LIvovskly zooteklmictie.,!ko-voter-iniirTiyy InslAtut. 90.= VQAOV ZWWZ4 Jn 1~nr-kwvvmrrw~ To agimuonmad =m 'oav%o*qwd awwd 9M Uft*D -QGMq OW UT 3JMA JO -.VMWMXM 'APAO&fM%j UT MWA*d t=Ftm p= pwTuwqoou o4 Im 4wlqo jp=M jD suotsa 9 c o 91(M DOAV rm gonadawl*ue Jvm4TtWTJVR SO WTtWAPdo. so see,44pmo qwwCqo. jo 9=Tlouoj TsoT"xmqt~ Vm Tntq.=,99uTrM MA, XIM jD u=*W qoj Cq unnigm So .4Tne" am 'AMMOO Iva= jo lwTtpj4vTupmp a; soft=M somnoM L't oil 'empa viva4zZoa, da OT~ I(q) M jo *9,4qpux>o 4snqo XgmM.Cmq n==a j gm modboo rQ6la4l=Tft/,m V~, DOROXINO Pavol Ivanovich '%L et. [C& Swlensk land] So soul* asolemakei. Mankva, Got.ixd-ve polit'llt-rre 1958. 178 P. (KIU 12&7) ~ 44 (Owleask Provinoo-Collostive farms) I DMONINO P.T. V.,7-"-,-. '-' 1. 1'-, ftnn4mg out oiblo heads without growing the conductors, Avtom., toles, i. xvias 1 2 =,6t34-35 jo 158. (MINA 111~) 1. Zomotitell noob-I !niks Sollvydbegodskoy distantaii signalizateii. i vrMI Plechorskoy dorogL (ftectrie cables) DOROMM. P.V.; TXVTUSMWKO, I.No; IRMEM, TvV~ , starshiy alektromakhanik Portable telephone sets for linemen. Avtom.. telem. i evias' 3 no.2:26-28 7 159- 1 (MMA 12:4) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Vyahegodskoy distantaii signalizatell I evyasi Pechorskoy dorogi (for Dororin). 2, Zamestitell nachallnika Saksaullakoy distantsil signalizati-ii I vvyazi Kazakhokoy dorogi (for Yevtushenko). (Telephone-Iquipment And supplies) DOROMN, P.V. Use of point type automatic cab signaling. Avtom.telemsi eviaz' 3 no.10:23-24 0 059. (WIRk 13:2) 1. umestitel, nachallulka SolIvychagodskay distantaii signalizataii i avyasi Severnel dorogi. (Railroads-Signaling) DOROKIN, S.V. insh. I - What's now in making reinforced concrete crosettes on stands. Tracep. strot. 10 no. 12:30-A D 160. (MIRh. 13:12) (Railroads-.Ties, Concrete) DORONIU, P.Ts --------- Device for tm laying ou of folls Ayton.teles. I Bylas' 3 no.1209-4o D 159. (MIRA, 13:4) I* Zamostitell nachallutka Sol'VehoWskoy distantsil sigmlizatelt t maid Severnoy doroitte (Illectric wire) DCIRONINO S.Y.0 inzh. Increase the efficiency of autoclaves. Tranop. stroi. 12 no.6:34-36 -To 62. (AUtDOUVOIS) (MIRA 15:6) -(Precast cozmwete) DORGIIIII, S,V., inzh, Increase the production and L-...prove the quality of concrete crosation. Transp. atroi. 14 no.4:24,26 Ap 164. (:M 17-9) GOLOW.Y.N.; OUMOW.Y.S.; MMXIN,B.T~.; DCROKIN,Y.A.; DONOZHIROV,lr.D Samidry pressing of steel casting equipment. Ognsupory 17 n0-5: 195-201 My 152. (IML 8:9) 1. lishne-Tagillekly ognsuporzWy x&vod (Foundry maebinemy and supplies) PAPAKINp Kh.M.; DORONINp V,A,I: Prinimali uchaotiyel. OBUW, A.A.; GOWV, V.K. rdamanel; OSTROVSKIY, B.N.; MURATOV, A.A.; DOMO==Vj K.D. Molding fire clay grates for coke ovens from moist misture. Ogneupory 26 no.9s4M-404 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Nizhae-Tagillakiy metallurgichoskiy kombinat. (Niahniy tagil--Fire brick) WROKIN, To 1. 1, insh. Selecting the transmission type for high-speed passenger train locomotives. Yest.'ISNII WS 19 no.401-53 160, (KM 13:7) (Locomotives-Trans&Lssion devices) DORONIN, V. 1. Now sathod for determining the balancing force. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.1 mashinostr. no.4t5-10 164,, (NIRA 18il) 1e Starahly prepodavatell Mabaroviskogo inatituA zheIsznodorozhnogo tr&nswrta. starshiy prepodavatell, kand. tekhn. nauk Kinamatio and power daimign of Assurlo meahanism. Trudy Khab. IIT no.16409-217 164 (HIRA IM) FEWROV, G.K*, doteentp kand. tekbne nnuk; DORONINp V.Iv starshiy pre- podavateltv kandb tekbn. nauk ".1. Construction of velocity and acceleration plans using a pro- jeotion metbod. Trudy Khab, DT nool6t235-249 164 (MIRA 18t2) 0 or oil 0 0 V 7jr ~ 'A it ss oe Is. Investigation of the pmperties ~fiWc;invuWd chroatir. 00 nitkof site) E5 by the method of ffequeocy 4tittistics V. val 6. 2, W III-ill . NI $ l1 IN C It 1938 I w so i r . fIllf. e , . , I * 7 " I . . to. .1 , C. 0. 1. 41 G Si. it J ,~ Ital,d ir,wilmlivil of. i It. 1 -00 00 t %in. 11.11. 0.9 3.25 M. Stalt'li"it 1, - 00 0 lotortord its Aw Irtation twtw.-n IN. uu, 1. pwtvillk , .11141 l lht 11irtal, 111c wilu.1w,, .4 wilillcl.,11w 00 pir"Ill *fill that .4 I.n-11%, '.11 Ill. It."ll .00 afe a l: M.8111h .4 Ow mf$A. *".I IN 104own 1.1tv.1-11 .11A.. *411 r dw .00 00 t see i 4 0 1 Soo 000 age 0 0 0 00 w zoo 000 00 14114.11-#49.&4. LITORA140111 CLA 11111111CATION .900 bell of 6-11 1 1 1 TI IA I It Is %1 0 Is a 0 a 0-- 314 4 -ww u 11 iv so k 1". 0 0 a III III, V"'I , Iu 0 11014 f : 0 0 SI 0 0 0 4 . 0 0 0 4 of 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 il 0 0 0; 0 Ve : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 IS # 0 It 4 0 oil M "I I ., 8_166A 0- t,4 p"C911114 AND #44#16 -ioitz d d of Ne r A e " Qkqmb=.Ni*d-Tus" lb"wd OW 25Kh.%TA W 181 MW %' 21 56 IM9 N Il 1l 1 X - o. eta urg, . . pp. 5MMSA (K 16). . ( "F t i ll d I A r tiv! A ham, f le fo fir- M), (in Ilunlan). i , owing alv O' 0 15 . silicon 0,17-41-37 W2 44141 ton4plen O-M-NW - plumolobtorus