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- - \,MOKHOV, -!~ RUBAMIT, YXI BILIGILIDITBV, A.S.; DOKAXOTSKIT, Aj, Use of syntbetio oils and fatty acids for oil-coativg of rabbit pelts. Xosh.-obuv.prom. 2 no.5:15-17 Yq 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Hides and skins) SOLOVIIEV, D.A.; DOROIaIOVp V.N. --- international Fan Fair in lelpzig. Kozh.-otuv.prom. 3 no.6: 30-31 Je 161. WIRA 14:8) 1. Direktor pushno-mekhov)y ~ontory Vseaoyuznogo ob"iedia"d3* "Soyuzpushnina" (for SolovIyev) 2. Glavnyy Lnzhener ~ouingrad- skoy mekhovoy fabriki (for Dorokhov). (Germany) East--Fu-r industry) (Leipzig--ahibitions) ' DOROKHOV, V.N.; CIIERNOMDRDIKp L.M. New developments in the equipment of Leningrad Par Factory No.l. Koah.-obuv,prom, 4 no.2tl7-20 F 162. (KRA l5t4) (Leningrad-Fur industry) _V 117 f U&9R/Nuclear Physics Structure and Properties of Nuclei. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fi-rik , No 4, 1957, 8706 Author : Demirkhanov, R,A,, Gutkin, T.I., Dorokhov, V.V., Rudenko, A.D. --------- Inst 4 C12 Title : Masses of Isotopes H, D, He and Orig Pub : Atom. energiya, 1956, No 2, 21-27 C-4 Abstract : A erw exait measurement of the masses of the atops H) D, HA and C 2has been made. The measuremento were car- ried out vith a mss spectrograph developed by Ardennet vith the participation of Eger and the authors of this 'work. The appara;tus has double focusing by means of electric and magnetic fields, effected respectively by cylindrical capacitor and a sector magnet. The iron beam is created by a plasma source 'vith sini4e contrac- tion of the discharge. Recording of the matis spectrum is photographic; "Schummm" plates are used. There Card 1/3 USSR/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei. c-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizila, No 4, 1957, 8706 is the possibility of visually observing the spectrum with the aid of an ioh-optical converter. The mardz= resolution of the instrument is 100,000 -- 120,000, and the dispersion (roughly calculated) is not less than 2.34 cm percent of relative mass difference. The calibration of the scale of the masses of the instru- ment is made using photographs of certain basic lines, nsim those of the groups N14-1-- N14H N14 + - Nl4.H ' C~2i~ _ C~2 + 4 H4 `4 ja5 31 4 and 016 -f __ 016it - OX -4 The masses of the atoms H, D, He4 and C12 wer found from photographs of the doublets H2 -- D, D2 -- H , D3 -- 1/2 C12H 4 -- 016. The results are:. Card 2/3 USSR/Nuclear Physics - structure and Properties of Nuclei. c-4 0 . Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizikaj No 4, 1957, 8706 H -. 1=8142 � io-6, He4 __ 4.003872 :t 4 x 10-6, D - M14736 -~ 2 x 10-6, and C12 -- 12-003620 T 5 x 10-6. The data obtained are in agreement with the values deter- mined from the energy balance of the nuclear reactions. Card 3/3 71i i7 USSR/Nuclear Physics"- Structure and Properties of Nuclei. c-4 Abu Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 452 Author : roemirkhanov) R.A., Gutkin, I~I*, Dorokhov, V.V. Inst Title Mass of the Isotope He3. Orig Pub Atom. energiya, 1957, 2, No 5) 469-470 Abstract A mass-spectroscoiie determination was made or the mass of the Isotope He I in a mixture of helium Isotopes en- riched with ffe3 to .99.5%, using a setup previously dee- cribed (Referat Zhur Fizika, 1957, No 4, 87o6). The mass was measured la the doublets H3 -- He3 and M)3 -- He3. The results or the measurements were checked against the HD -- H3 doublet. The mas scale was cali- brated against the spectrum H14 H __ N14 H2 _ N14 H3* The value obtained for the mass of HO is 3-016970::!- 2 atomic units of mes. The data of this Card 1/2 -V6P,()"0,V5 V, V, USSR/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties Of Nuclei c-4 Aas Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 1, 1958, 453 Author Demirkhanov, R*A,p Gutkin, I.N., Dorokhov, Ar.V. Inst Title Masses of the Isotopes c13, N14, and N15. Orig Pub Atomn. energiya, 1957* 2, No 6, 544-551 Abstract Results are reported on new maps-spectrographic measure- ments of the masses of c13, W14, and N15. It is shown that there exists "an internal agreement" for the values of the masses of the3e isotopes, obtained frDm, various systems of coubletse The measurements were performed under conditions that exclude the systematic errors. A procedure is given for a precision adjustm;n 0 It f the ion-optical system. For the masses of c13, 1 1 and 111-51 the values obtained were 13-007491 = 3 x 10-f), 14-007527 t 4 x lo-6 and 15-004890,t 5 x 10-6 atomic imits of mass respectively, which is in good agreement with the values Card 1/2 24(5) AUTHORS: r% onv/56-35-4-13 '-2 Denirlzhanov$ R. A., uutkin, T. I., Dorokhov, V. V. TITLE: Bond Enu~-y in the Region of +Jie 82 Proton and 12S Neutron Magic Numbers v ool: i,.:, cl il.,,~--11 P0 Pz.-Otonar. C2 i -.iel-, 12 61 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal cknpoxi:3eiitallnoy i teoret-i--.-,vqkoZr fizi':i, V.3;, J- PP 917 - 925 (USSR) A13STRACT: The authoru of the prezent p%-~e~xeport on i c7-, C:.- peri,-iental material which is 4.- z-. cl~~-r ~aa.,-,ner in tr-bles. By mon-no. of a m,..oo (recolving power 60000-80000, de,-,cription in references 4,5) the -maa3es of the following isotopes ,-,ere moarured: Lead.: Pb 204, 206, 207 and 208 (Table 2) Mercury: Ht3 1G, 199t 200, 201, 202 and 23,', (,,,.'-.Ie Thallium: Tl 203 and 205 (Table 4) Bionuth: Bi 209. Determination of manoes was carried out by direct Card 1/3 coxparison with the masoes of the the Region of the 82 Proton qni -4- 13"' Z' 3.26 ftnitron Magic Numbers 0-,-, -)()Undo, as e.js for Pb 204 C116H120 Pb 208 C1411802' Ili; 'S)9 C13H110' Hg 204 C1611121 T1 203 C16H111 TI 205 - C16H13' Bi 209 C141113N2' The manses for the various iootopeo are given up to 6 decimals, data given are accur-te uP to 3-4 decimals. From mass measurements the nucleon bond energies in the nucleus are calculated. The resiilts obtained indicate a ohell structure of the nucleus with a well-filled shell of 82 protons and 126 neutrono. The difference of tile nuclear bond energy for --n even and odd number of nucleons in the nucleus and its smoothing out as the shell is filled up can distinctly be aeon. After the shell in filled up with Z. 82 and N. 126s the bond erergy of the next neutron ic hik;her than that of the next proton. Vne ener~;y of two bound neutrons (which yield-- the HE; 204 nucleus) is E;reater than the encrb-y of attachniont of two protons in the for.-.taticn of the Pb 20,t nucleus. The authors Card 2/3 thank Ye.Ye.Baroni, T.N.Leboadze, X. A. 'luclear 3o d In the Region of the 82 Proton and .~;jv/56-35-4-13/52 33?6 Neutron Magic Munbere Kovyrzina and V.M.Shoniya for placing the metallographic compounds and the heavy hydrogen at their disposal, and they also express their gratitudr. to P.S.Brostyuk, M.I. Dzkuya and G.A.Dorokhova for their practical help. There are 2 figures, 9 tables, and 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTEDs May 17, 1958 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Demirkhanov, n. A., Gutkin, T. 1.0 2o-nB -6-14/43 Dorokhov, V. V. I------------------- TITLE: Masses of Lead Isotopes (Massy izol;opov svintsa) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 118, lir 6, PP- 1103-1104 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper reports on the reouitg of the measurin the masses of load isotopes Pb2041 ,b 0 1 Pb207 and Pb2og .of These measurements were carried out in connection -ith the determination of the binding energy of the nucleons in a nucleus in the range of the magic numbers 82 and 126 with respect to the protons and with respect to the neutrons, respectively. All this is connected with the necessary exact definition of the mass of the isotope Pb2o8 which is used as base value for the computation of' the masses of heavy isotopes with z k- 82 from the data of the nuclear reactions. The measurements were carried out by means of a device described already Card 1/3 earlier by the same authors (ref 1). The dissolving power Masses of Lead Isotopes 2o-118-6-14/43 of this device amounted in this region to 60,000 - 80,000. In order to increase the accuracy of' the measurements the masses of th3 lead isotopes were determined by immediate compari'son with the oorres onding m 9s of hydrocarbons which contain the isotopes H1, CV2 and 0191. The values obtained here were controlled by the determination of the mass of the lead isotope from various doublets and by the production of lead ions from various compounds. Each value &M of the doublet was determined by treatment of 18-20 mass spectrograms (which were photographed on different plates). The results of the measurements are given in a table. Following is shown by the data of this table: Within tht3 measuring error limits a satisfying "inner" connection exists between the mass values detected from various doublets. The 378OUltS found here confirm the absence of systematic measuring faults and the reliability of the data obtained here. Finally the differences between the present measurements and the earlier ones are pointed out Card 2/3 in short. Masses of Lead Isotopes 20-13B -6-14/43 There are 3 tables and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet PRESENTED: September 26, 1957, by L. A. Artsimovich, Member of the Academy of Sciences,'USSR S17BMITTED: July 5, 1957 .'' . I I - Card 3/3 '?1(7), 21'1) AUTHURSt Demirkhanov, R. A.f 'Vutkin, T. I., SOV/56-36-5-62/76 Dorokhoy, V. V. TITLE: The Mass of the Isotope Pu 239 (Mass& izotopa Pu239) P~!RIODICAL; Zhurnal ekepaiimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 5P pp 1595-1596 (USSR) AD5TRACT., Already in a number of previous papers the authors reported on the mass determinations of lead end uranium isotopes, and they also described the mass-spectrometric device used for these measurments (Refs 1, 3, 4). In the present "Letter to the Editor" they give a report on measurements carried out with Pu 239 by means of this spectrometer, which has a resolving power of 60,000 - 80,000. Tor mass determination doublets of various organic compounds were used, which consisted of the already exactly known elements H, C 12 and 016 , viz. alizarin (C 14H8 04 , M a 24C) and perilen (C 20H12 , M w 252). Ion formation occurred in an arc Card 1/3 discharge in helium, the pairs Pu 239 _ organic compound The Mass of the Isotope PU 239 SOV/56-305-5-62/76 were introduced into the discharge by evaporation from special crucibles. The mass differences 2A M of the doublet and the corresponding mass values of Pu ares doublet H[mUE] mass of Pu 239 1UE3 PU 239 C 14H7 04 18-44810-082 239-120922+92 CigHli Pu 235 33-4,17.t0-067 239.128695�74 239 Mean value: 239-128784�165 The mass of Pu calculated from nuclear reactions gives 239-128025�155 if a correction of the more accurately known value of Pb 208 itt taken into ac,,=nt, and 239.126999!150 if this correction is not taken into account. It is found that the difference of the masses of Pu 239 and U238 calculated according to the authorstdata, when compared with the data obtained rrom nuclear reactions, amounts to only 0.166+0.250 mUE, i. e. that it is still within the limits of errors. It is therefore assu=ed that Card 2/3 the error of ~ I mJ4E is due to an inaccurate q-value. The Mass of the Isotope PU 239 SOV/56-36-5-62/76 There are 1 table and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTEDs February 2, 1959 Card 3/3 21(8) AUTHORS: Demirkhanovq R, A#, Gutkin, T. I., SOV/20-124-2-16/71 Dorokhov, V. V. TITLE-. The Massoo of the Isotopes Th 232 , U'234' U235'and U238 U234 U235 i '1 238 Th 23z M i zotopov aesy.; , , ( PERIODICAL: Doklady. Ahadeynii nauk SSSRt 1959, Vol 124, lir 2, PP 301-303 (USSR,)-, ABSTRACTs u234 U235 and U238 made Measurement of the masses of Th 232 , , it possible to determine the binding energy of nucleons in the nucloi"not only of those isotopes but also of many radioactive isotopes connected with them by the naturally-radioactive series 4n, 41, + 2 and 4n + 3. The exr..ct masses of these isotopes have hitherto not been determined by direct measurements. The authors determined the masses of these isotopes by imeans of an already previously (Ref 3) described mass-spectrographical device having a resolving power of tlie order of 60000 - 70000 The masses of the isotopes were detexmined by direct comparison with the correspondin7, mass of organic compounds. Thesqorganic compounds contained Hi , C12 and N14, the masses of which are Card 1/3 known. The blasses of the Isotopes Th232 U234, U 235 and U23U SOV/20-124-2-16/71 The nubstancov uned for reanuremento nre j;iven; control wac carried out by determining the rxaas of U 2 from tLe doubloti; 12 236 12 13 A 2 30. rence iu mado to a C19 J: 10-U arCl C18 C I!, - U Short refe second control muthod. Each doublet waz! determined by the evaluation of 18-20 mass sDoctro,-rams r!,,rhich had been photo- graphed on difforcnt plates). Fw3ulta of measurements are given by a table,,, The mnoses cif the isotope lj2313, which werodetermined from 2 different doublets, aeree well with one another within the likiits of measuring errors. The I'mean value" calculated by taking account of wei&rht amoun~ts to M1 238-127284 t 35-10 -6 u!38" mass units.. The mass values determined by the present paper are lower thamthe corresponding values determined by nuclear reactions. Also these differences remainwithin the limits of permissible deviations, an exception bein.- formed only by uranium. Card 2/3 The Masses of the Isotopes Th 232 t U234, U235 and U238 SOV/20-124-2-16/71 The authors thank Ye. Ye. Baroni and K. A. Kovyrzina for placing heavy hydrooen at their dispocal, and they also thank M. I. Dzkuya, G. A. Dorokhova and P. S, Brostyuk for their active help. There are 3 tables and 11 references, 6 of wYich are Soviet. PPX-SE,iT[,:D- September 26, 1958, by L. A. Artaimovich, Academician SUBMITTED: August 29, 1958 Card 3/3 89257 5/048j6l/O25/001/023/031 Do29 /Bo63 AUTHORS: Demirkhanov, R. A,p Gutkin, T. I#, orokhov, V. V. TITLE: Masses of heavy atome and binding energies of nuclei-7174n the range of 174 -4 M < 239 P.SRIODICAL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fiz.1cheskayaq v. 25, no. 1, 1961, 124-120 0 TEXT: The results of mass-spectrographic measurements of nuclear massee in the range of 1744C M~.2399 carried out for a large number of isotopes with an accuracy of 10--f to 5-10-7# are prosented. The mass spectrograph with double focusing used for the purpooe had a resolution of 50,000- 80,000. The masses of heavy nuclei were measured b the doublet method and with the use of the organic compounds C n Hm0 CnC~3Hm0 C,nNMHk' and Cn0mN kHp as standard masses. The question as to whether there is a fine structure in the curve of binding energy in the mass range with A,- 200 can only be answered if the accuracy of measurement is improved by one Card 1/10 89257 Masses of heavy atoms and binding ... S/040/61/025/00/023/031 B029/BO63 order of magnitude, i *so # to j5 U/M - 3- 10- 7, and a discontinuity of. -3 Mev in the binding energy can be established with an accuracy of -20,4 6 if AH/M , 3-10- . The high degree of accuracy with which the dispersion coefficient can now be measured, and the method developed by 'the authors make it possible to increase the accuracy of measurement in the respective mass range by a factor of 10-50. In many cases, the mass of the isotope was determined from various doublets, i.e., the "inner agreement" was tak- en into account. Table I contains the masses of the Re, W, Ta, and Hf isotopes andt for comparison, the masses obtained by the mass-:3pectro- scopic method and nuclear reactions. The masses of Re185, Hf1791 Hf1771 and Hf174 were measured for the first time. The mass values of the majority of isotopes measured by the authors are higher than those obtain- ed in Refs. 8 and 9. This is obviously due to the fact that 9 defective standard mass had been used. A comparison of the present data with similar values obtained by other methods is of particular interest. The results of the present paper are compared in Table 2 with those of other papers. They agree with those published by W. H. Johnson and V. B. Bhahot card 2/10 892.57 Masses of heavy atoms and binding 3/048/61/025/001/023/'031 B029JB063 (Ref# 17) within the limits of error, but differ from the results obtained from nuclear reactions by about the double error. According to what has been said abovet the q values for the reactions Hf177(V,n)jjf176 and Hf179(V,n)Hf178 are probably err~.-neous, or the 2imits of error in the determination of the Q values of these reactions must be increased two or three times. The nuclear masses of 42 stable isotopes measured by the authors were then used to determine E/A as a function of A (per nucleon) within the range 174 4 M < 210 (cf. Fig.). In additiOnt the binding energies of 66 radioactive nuclei were calculated. Table 3 contains the binding energies B n of the last neutron and B p of the last proton, and also the pairing energies P n and Pp of the neutrons and pro- tons, respectively, for the Hf, Tal W, and Re isotopes. on the strength of these measurements it is possible to establish some rules concerning nuclear energies. The nucleus has a shell structure, and the shell is completely filled at Z - 82 and N - 126. In the case of nuclei with odd A, the binding energy is always lower than in the case of nuclei with even A. At equal values of Z, the shell structure may be derived also Card 3/10 89257 gasses of heavy atoms and binding ... 3/048 61/025/001/023/031 B029%Bo63 from the mutual behavior of the (Z+l)th proton and the (N+l)th neutron (Z - 82, N - 126). The binding energy of the last neutron or proton satisfies the law of conservation of parity. The authors thank Ye. Ye. Baroni and his co-workers K. A. Kovyraina and V. M. Soyfer for several preparations, as well as M. 1. Dzkuya and G. A. Dorokhova for assistance. This is the reproduction of a lecture read at the Tenth All-Union Con- ference on Nuclear Speotroacopyp Mosoowt January 19-27, 1960. There are I figurep 3 tables# and 21 references; 8 Soviet-bloc and 13 non-Soviet- bloc. Card 4/10 DEMIRKHANCV, R.A.; DORCKHOV, V.V. Mass of the isotope pu240. Zhur. ekap. i teor. fiz. 40 n-.).4rlO33-1034 Ap 161. (Plutonium--Maaa) (MIRL 14:7) IMIRKHANOV, R.A.j DOROXHOV V.V.; DZKUYAj M.I. Isotope masses and binding energies of nuclei in the region hwom strontium to ruthenium. Zhur, ekep, i teor, fiz. 40 no.6j1572- 1582 Je 161 (MIRA Vt8) Nuclei$ Atomic~ iIsotopes-MRSO) J o1 6 31 oa/, Bli 132' acmIr!hanov, R. 4~., joromiov, V. V. . T:i:: rhe isotcj,)c~ i,aswo of luteciun, ytterbimi and thulium Akneemlyn nauk Jjjh. Dolkl-dy, v. 146, no. 1, 1962, 72 - 74 Thc isotope mas-es tere mcnuured with a double- f ocusinc. mas3 of the ele~%ent to I be For rcference, doublets formed by ionr U nd by or~,-tnic co~:,',,ounds consisting of H 1 '. C12 13 1,:, 16 e r e i, X 12 13 C ~,C- Tho spoctroEraph 3ble to resolve the mas:;es of C and -ass c)f each isr)tope caloulated from the n,,iss'o'f the doublet. -esiilts rood af-reument rrith those by V. B. .3hinot et al. C - . 12"-, no. 1, 235, 1960). There are I fiFure and II table. 3, 1962 by L. A. .%r4sirovich, Acade:-.ician A-arch 2G, 1')62 1/2 0 ml U d 8 0 f 7;lb1c. 169 e. 1'~: t rf i rC. tc,:IC 1 v r -a ma s s o r -170 the ercor refers to the IPPA fi Eure 5 . 171 172 M 174 1-15 175 176 Garl 2/2 T 71,, 3211 C,,11,,N - TWO O I.S*. K I , ; i&A tv~m,.L,,2 llv~ - Tul-CI 70:4 . Kl 4). M 1"17911tloo 147 (153 - 0,103 r,,Ii,.N - lbl*l 169,P90171�43 C") I ON - I bll- j6j,ON7.,m ~15c, 165.rR, 1 j3131, qLj'li,.N - Jb-1- I~i.37t:tO,LIO 169,2S22671210 C'. I I ~ ().-41 -, Ibl" 10 417, r LO. Z-v) II-) r.X,5X.-tZ7u cip;11"N - lb", IvI.V.-M3j,.Yj lb"I - Jbil. I(X,1.53:)jOx6O q,11,0,N - Ibl" IV- - lb:ll ~Tlll:ox,; 1-h 9~elfl-,�..,,10 ;0 1b- - lb C,.11, - MIT' cvjl. - lb,~. 11)". - IbIlt Wmtololq MI:631�0,64 C'.1 1. - IV- ), 175 M I.N - I bl" . 1 Lu-'s 114.157�0.017 174 1 *,4 *21 ; o . t c"ll, - Luill L L ul~ 1002.301:L9.00 ;5jvj65jbj DEMIRKHANOV, R.A.1 DOROKHOV_.V.V.; DZXUA, M.I. I . ~ - 1 -.4 - Isotope Mao so and nucleon bindin e ien in the rare- a ,,,A .4,176p 6394 Izv. AN SSSR. earths region (1504 :Zl). Ser. fiz. 27 no.lOtl338-1356 0 163. (MIRA 16:10) Va.; btriling ctiergy ef Ve,,, lait two reutrorio in the rog-Alon 0.4 2 no.-I 3 S! 16-5. (MIIRA 18:8) y Institut yadsrriyk~ is:31edr-vardy. DVXIIYA, M.I. EEMUKHANOV, R.A.;_nq~LOV Masses of stable isotopes of neodymium, praseodymium, cerium, and lanthanum. Izv. JLN SSSR.Sor. Az. 29 n0-5:857-861 Vq 165. (MIRA 180) ITUMALIMSKil, N.D,; ANDREMA, Ye.A.; GRISHANKOVA, Ye,L.; GOLOVLEV, Te.L*j D~,OPIIOV~Al V,V,; ZHUKOVA, L.N. Study -f microflora of refinery waste waterB. Prikl, biokhim. i mikxr tiol. 1 no.2tl63-:L66 th-Ap 165. (MRA 3.8:n) 1, Injti.tut mikrobiologii AN SSSR, MoBkva. L 36o92-66 W(m)/T WE CA) SOURCE _C3T&46~ ACd NR, AP6015206 CODEj UR/0411/65/601/002/01 I f AUTHORSt lyeruaalimskiyL_tf~ D.; Andrej.~Ka_L_T~. L.1- Grichankova, Ye. L.; Golov1G_vq._Y.0*_, Doro hov, V. V.; Zhukoi4_, Lo 11 -57 ORG: Institute of Microbiolo AcadeuV of Sciences,SSSR, Moscow (Institut R 9Y 0 mikrobiologii Akademil nauk SSR TITIS: A study of the mioroflora of sewage of petroleum refineries SOURCE: Prikladnaya biokhimiya i mikrobiologiya, v. 11 no. 21 19651 163-166 TOPIC TAGS: bactoriap fuel mioroorgan',--n, industrial waste, petroleum refiningi yeast, aromatic hydrocarbonp diesel fuel, kerosene ABSTRACT: The results of a study of active slime from petroleum refineries arc &ivono Active iflimes from waste phenolic water tuid from oil traps (purified of petroloina by six-fold extraction by benzene) were studied. Recent and old slimes from oil refinery floo 4 and a sample of slime from the trap of No- 4 wore also studied. The specimens were kept in the active state in Se"ngen's medium at pH 7- From the slimes, 575 cultures were extracted, and 145 other cultures wore extracted from similar sources. The mycobacteria were 44%, the bacteria 2V11, and yeast 2(f,4. All the bacteria were gram-negative nonspo-Ire-forming. They were represented mostly by Pseudomonas and Achromobacter. The yeasts were Candida and Torulopia. All of the extracted micro- organisms grew well in pure kerosene, pure paraffin, diesel-fuel\~aistillate, and Cord__._1/2 Tmn. 622#35+613#663 , h lOq2 _~C __:�6 ACd NR, 060f~-266-- 0 paraffin-base petroleum. It was found that only certain rqeobacteria and bacteria grow in aromatic hydrocarbons. Orig. art. hant 3 tablea. I SUB CODE: 06~1/5014 DATEs ISJan65/ ORIG REF- 003/ OTH REF: 009 LS Cord -2,/2--- DOROKHOV V.Ya G6nssio of platform strtwtures of the s3cond and third orders. Izv.AN SSER.Ser.gool. 25 no.1:15-27 a 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Nizhne-Volzhakty filial Veesoyuznogo nauchno-tooledovatellskogo geologo-rauvedochnogo neftyanogo instituta, g.Saratov. (Saratoy Province--Geology. Stractural) ACC N~71~29303 SOURCE CODE: UR/0271/66/000/006/BO56/BO56 AUTHOA: Dorokh ov,.Ye. Ya. TITLE: The*optimum frequidney'of data readout from discrete signal transducers SOURCE: Ref. zh.'Avtomatika, telemekhanika i vychislitel'naya tekhnikat Abe. 6B426 REF SOURCE: Sb. Algoritmixg proizv. protsessov. Seminar. Vyp. 8. Kiyev, Nauk. dumka, 1965, 16-~31 TOPIC*TAGS: data readout, data retrieval, discrete automation, optimal control ABSTRACT:- The problem is considered of selecting the frequency of data readout from discrete signal transducers; thereby it is assumed that a certain value of the fre- qqency can lead to data losses. -Both data losses caused by equipment failure and structural losses associated with the method and speed of processing the given type of input signals serve as.the criterion of system's operation. A method for determin- ing the optimum-frequency of data readout is indicated, and the upper and lower limits of the optimum frequency of data readout are shown. Equations are derived which make it possible, for a given magnitude of permissible data losses, to select a definite value of the data processing cycle which would determine the upper limit of the optimum frequency of data readout.. (Translation of abstract] 4 illustrations and bibliography of 8 titles. N. S. SUB dODE-. 09 NS Carcl 1.07 1 r--. e.0.1 TAII BYKHOVSKIY, I.I. (Moakva)j-QQ=OVA,-A.P. (Moskva); "AARETSKIY, L.B. (Moskva); LVKCMSK1Y, S.I. (Moskva) Some periodic movements and the structure of the phass apace of an impact-vibration system with a regularly recovered force. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekh. i mashinostr. no. 2:161-165 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) BOROVIKOV, Vaa~liy Aleksandrovich; KOSAREV, Vladimir KuzImich; KHODOT, Gsorgiy Alsksandrovich; SLAVIN', M.I., kand. takhn.nauk, retsenzent; DOROKHOVA, Aar. retsen t; GESSEN, V.yu., doktox- TeK=. naulf, Pd!n,,t~QIV,, tekhn. red. f. (Electrical networks and eysteip) Elektricheakie seti i si- - . stemy. Moskva, Cosenergoizdat, 1963. 459 P. (MIRA 16t8) (Electric lines--Overhead) USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals# Non-Contagioue Diseases@ Abe Jour i Ref Zhur-Bioloj i~q jQv 1958, 83583 Author t Fedorov,, B, LO Mirclyubpv, I.I.j Pclivanskaya, K* D.j Darokhova.._Aj.._Kj Institute i No instl_'Eu~is given Title t Steatitis Disease in Minks, Orig Pub : Karakdevodetvo i zverovodstvo, 1957p No 6. 54-56 Abstract i At one of the sovkhoses for animal breeding, an outbreak of polyavitmainosic steatitia Oyeftew fatt, disease) occurred among young minkea- The disease was-ohareateri- zed by a general depression.. by food refusal., by dia- rrhea with yellow or dark-green feces,, sometimes by seizures accompanied by spans or paralyses, An auto- psy of succumbed animals uncovered a well advanced de- generative adipoeitye The disease was caused by con- tinuous feedings of fish remnants containing rancid fat to the animals. CardlA DOROKHOVA, D.V. Vasomotor lesions in focal inflamnatory brain diseases in children. Fiziol.zhur. [Ukr.] 10 no.4t551-554 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA 18tll) 1. Detskava paikhonevrologicheakaya klinika i laboratoriya fiziologii vyashey nervnoy dayatellnosti Ukrainakogo poikbonevrologichoskogo inatituta, Khar1kov. DOROKHOVA, K.Ta.; SOKOLOVA, T.A. ............... w Chemical composition of the layer covering the grains of primary minerals in some mountain,-taiga soils of eastern Transbaikalia. Pochvoyedenie no.1004-36 0 163. (MIRA l6sl2) 1. Pochvennyy Institut imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva. FRIDLAND, V.M.j- DOROKHOVA a ZHITKOVA, A.I, ,t,~ Nature of the Btructure of humid tropical soils (Morth Vietnam). Dokl. AN SSSR 164 no. 3:707-709 Ja 164, (MIRA 17:5) 1. Pochvennyy inatitut im. V.V.Dokuchayeva i MinIsterBtvo Bell akogo khozyaystva SSSR. PredBtavleno akademikom I.P.Gerasimovym. DOROXHOVA, M.A. lollowing Valentina Gaganova's example. Tranap.stroi. 10 n0-317 * 060. (MIU 13:6) (shipitsina, Anfisa Ivanoyna) I. fJ; 0". n. x" d w4md" NO& V, F. *ad, 11h. x4mr. ObI&A4 xMin. W ors. MVW-j.(5;;, cum. Clem Tvareset")l d.11"tew"amw C.A. IS. brUl Yet 9 811041-41-Aamw"l. ~ F142.(i -C6'Al Sourfam" art 0. from m; - With Im". I calwis with Nil irM oWtiss of fe 1% eads. T1110=ft V-#*-&4M , I do"". of =41701 of,& vw. cgovVedommally Irmo I I &logo ao ;Z*'W"j. S. gaels. .1 "me n 738%. 00 "I (from pea. 00w); w M- W: 710 01-7 (bvm ccl~wir~ ethewh a C A44*: OL-Owban'sw(ly).74 .1".I0&4*(frtwaCClr tr. ,f0w). pnwd. PCL Ow The mobt. mtirfM III sells. at Oo &W I be. at twu tt"P.. fiketral. and twavd. is varawr uitk adds. at pew, erther. J430p:2112.34 . I.w. decom tome WS In &k ur twe betaliss b6h-Reshial ywer, CV&PS I., 4 0~46 Ad v -9, 1 1W *=4j .4wownp, 61 tg4shik III let slq up. 44 -1 vft 06% J-8a 4 S, 7W46 Mlay, L. ewbabru We ):rs. JV IRW s4 00 Me" In d ,,L-dA- 9 A h%.d It. kh edW as ties maid; VAIAZing fi- gik I hr. yiew J- in-lio (imm clicls). ad. Well sold. vrith 1, let 0% glwtq 1. "it PL-4-1,641211 4', ohk-b. hjW vold l- - Tk+""j " wo "A is t.jj.. 414#1 Nil'. 6awd! "t. 04& 0. fib "4%. is Wis. W. Tf -0., g.L-oo,&W#*030i& P; J- I* u4 at w4,S~j,"WjaAA~rMwwt. 41covilt I (" . -- low in 1 is of am an. M10'. 1k. W. 1 -4 - - br. be is of ti~ "'" *--t "let it"An' ~ fft"kess with the Onsem" VM babultu Nil. in the in &Y WON at -Thpm mewn. to 3-4 rnwo" nl the aminr tawwq4l by at iber 3-alkyl-*1.."ikrto6"n1l~ stfli& of Ow bank "Moord to statill I bf - V*W% tlw hr. to Mcoll. it- %Kb 11 Ineet- it"Od" i. M,-5 ylkh. drund 4krarbc"Yd (1) (S-3 i1w "110114120 t Ownt of of OL". the Mopsiff .1 9. VNI=-mik. dmm ~-.V-mvtk sh"llotly. dw S4Pr %Wlk *Raft of I on" AFONA ask a( DL-,w4t%rbAMr a 146MOP, WIN* whirk rx. P, 11, wide b, III', J: MCSS.-liario., -154- assino-N-imedyka"mOdt. bs I~W*. al? IAGM dll on rd stasull"j. il~h- brmayl ww* p" -0. b, 166-79. low-awking willd. Mud- ==Mmlll pvv adtog aumdkfhwi: OL.4""whawo-Aff4som rearik b, 10-11'. my vwMv 0.916L ly saw. off C7 H.66 on. 0-3 ). .%d'fvpfv- ( b, 174 . erm. cas cooling. DoaOlMOVA, H. L USSR/Chemistry - Pharmaceuticals 11 Feb 53 "The Synthesie,of Quinuclidinecarboxylic Acid-(2)., Q, .M. V. Rubtsov,-M. I. Dorokhova;'All-Union Sci-Res Chemicopharmaceutical Inst im S. Crrdzhonikid.ze A. DAN SSSR, Vol 88,'No 5, PP 843, 844 Worked out a simple 5-step synthesis for quinu- clidinecarboxylic acid-(2) starting withe-picoline and mesoxalic eater. Presented by Acad V. M. Rodionov 28 Nov 52. 264T26 vy-4- ' V Mw lb T Ur k V t ,;!, ia . , A. , P. K l, , F. 4.wi h r Jim re, a;-YWt~i i4_4'a ~'cx- .6.1ticat Avil It odd halvta of thc cortcq-ar~dta~ t;z g- aLfld& i.1 tbe e stt-e- Co- ~hnlM Awlik iwi~ tbt (1,60 grOtlp rviured by &f RMI L 7 -77Z-7-~ I , I Y t~", i , , - I . : , ..- . f . . .1 .11 m- I , ''. I I ~ Gilt 9 mm~~ Ilim V 0 v - j - -~ 7 - H, ~- I - T, 1 ~k I . and thelf di-P. JU cc~r"ptltllqg %tyxile lulctlydrbi are flehydru!cti by h~:,:t- 4 ts, cx7 otFtr dehydrilif;g ~~mf. S~%rh f~ 117E,04 la A~idu. on4l the rt?uIcimF I Witzi tire rivatt4 wiJ, DOROKHOVA, H. 1. Dorokhova, M. I. -- "Investigation of Certain Transformations of Simple Ethers of Styrol Halohydrins." All-Union Sci Res Chemicopharmaceutical Inst imeni S. Ordzhonikidze, Mowow, 1956. (Disseration For the Degree of Can- didate in Chemical Sciences.) So: KNIZHNAYA Letopis', No. 11, 1956, pp 103-114 IK (44(rab) ax-1 F~wim C-4. 44, U,4 tv-')linalc -uh 1"':i u I WvAle hmi "'S fa. (fry brIrxO 2-?.5 ful. Wavt Or- ;ulJ t. cif R ijO 91Z% qt%atrrn&tr-f vilt, t-,%. wbkti t,~ dr'l rtutrd ~ti EM11 cvcr Ilt at atm. pf-lare to 71;-5 CA %letl. w4l to 11-5 r, jx,w-i- 144 iz mtph at rethal ykl4linx adt--.- ~j tna =tnt lev IAT60'. Tnis uta" ftith lrr tic Ll CHCL kt,r " wil beatiat 2 firs. on a stalLm buttiz t-wer t~, 4':, W--,ag HC zaZv. tz. VrEt ch with N.'OJ ove th-, fra c4arUe (1), L, M-Ao-, a,,! I L47C. A gfrealu d dr cDc4mt W, wgS r~'~wd I ht th~ mish 0.3 C. NA In 20 9. fiqtaj N71, a:A U- 1 & Fr- i N Os~ ' tbil mix- w2-- ~hca umatcl wilb tA g N~ so! %J 'red I hr. arld at CmIting luspolska of N-NiG uc'~c4j wd th 12 S. j*=G(Wuirw;; When R'Md btAn. furm-td, 0 C. I wi * tddO atul dw 2 ba-1,41f, 'kits &7--td- and LL' rts"'ve aw's 4 It's to M-401. III-cer rdiuxlar t hl. witL 161cNa a i;i~ dwad ~A ttlo and dd~ lip, 49,C) 141, M. 56-V; MC: UU. m. 210-11'. G. M. K i1i MIKEIAISV, V.A..;1k.2pk0pQyk, .4jLLSMOLIN&, X.Ye.; ZBXIOKHOVMBVA, A.M.; IVANOV, A.I.; X.I.; SKOHODROV. Y.A.; S90LIN, D.D. Styrene as rnw material for the production of synthomycin and levonW- cetin. Part 1: Synthesis of p-nitro-A~~aylaminoticetophenones. Anti- bioliki, 4 no.2:21-24 Hr-Ap 159. (MIRA 12:7) L VaesoyuzWy nauchno-isel6dovatellakly khimiko-farmataevticheakiy institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (for Mikhalev, Dorokhova, Smolina, 7.hfilokhovtoova). 2. Institut farmakologii i khimioterapii AXN SSSR (for Skoldinov, Ivanov, Arenduruk, Galchenko, Skorodumov; Smolin). (CHT,ORAKPMICOL, prep. of. synthesis from styrene through p-nitro-c(-acylamino- (VINYacetophenones (Fins)) L CON POUNIZ styrene, use in chloramphenicol synthesis through p-nitro- 4-acylaminoacetophenones (Rue)) (KIT01W p-nitro-4(-acylaminoacetaphenonen, intermediate in chlor- amphenicol synthesis from et7rene (Thxs)) -A~e~ MIKHALHV,, V.A.; PPPPOVA,, Me;e; SHOLINk, N.Te. I ZHELOXHOVTSIVA, A.M.; 'rimmirovA, O.Ta.; bKOLI)INOV, A.P.; ARHNDatIK, A.P.; SMOLIN, D.D.; GOLOVKINA, T.V.; SLONOVA, L.A. 3tyrene as an initial product for synthomycetin and levomycetin production. Part 2: Bynthesis of p-nitroac,3topbenone and p-nitro-q(-bronmetophenonee Antiblotiki 4 no.4:21-24 JI-Ag 59- (HIH& 12:11) .i. Vseooyuznyy nauchno-ineledovatel'skly khimiko,-faruatsevticheskiy Inatitut imeni S.Ordshonikidze (for Mikhalev, Dorokhova, Smolina, I'Shelokhovtoeva, Tikhonova). 2. InBtitUt farmakologii i khimio- terapti AJ411 SSSR (for Skoldinav. Arendaruk, Smolin, GolovkIna, Slonova). (OHLORkMPHINICOL *All) WTOIRS chem) MIKHALLT, V.A.;,DORDKMVA, M.I.; SMOLIAA, M.Te. Machansix of conversions of o~-acylamin*oxyproplophenonse Into the corresponding benspyl acetyls. Part 2s Synthesis and cleavage ofcO, b~r wde.L,,r accepted, matho4a. In order w reduce danger a,-.d to f acilitate Card L 41024-65 ACCESSION las AP5COS582 the )rocesa, a diAlkirlaodnoethyl-ch-lorids salt im us(dj aucb as chllorb4dratre, Tile pracess is also facilitated and sinV34fied by us1mg cauivtic potash. or caustic soaa as the alkali e4;ont. To prevent excessive ctilution of the reaction masrs, the exco3s solvent ia d0tiUed similtansously with iAtrcdwatior of the alcohol Bolution-q of tile ratetion products. For all the synestrol to react, 150-170% of t.he theoretical-Ij computed diethylaminoethyl cblo.--ida rKuired is usod. mum EML 00 SM3 CODEs OG# 19 &MUTO: 1310v61. NO REF WV 000 OMMI 000 Cord 2/2 ------- MIRHALEVP V.A.; DOROKHOVA M.I ; bMOLINA, M.Ye.; TIKHONOVA, O.Ya. t!~~ fialoalkyl amines and their transformation products. Part 21 rivatives of HIp N"-di spi rotri pipe raz inium. k 1 nc).3t460-464 Mr 165. (MIRA 1814) 1. Vqesoyuzrqy nauchno-issledova tell skly khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy inatitut im. S.Ordahonikidze. ~ACCi~SiYONR': A4 A.P50,19028 IJR/O~86/65/000/012/0063/006'3 6,56.266.3 XHHOR: Lekc, V. It'- #, Dorokhova# .4. L. TITLE: Glass for, glass cerAtkidimAterials. Cleas 32, No.,172001 SOURCE-1 Byulleteal izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. :12, 1965, 63 TOPIC TAGS: glasal 1~ semiconductor cerami; _PYTQC_e~~s kBSTRACT L: ki Authcr Certificate--has been issue-1 fox a g1aus for glass ceramics., T6--- mics vith an electronic condwtiv-.Ity of' .0- ohm-, -CM-11 ~produce glass -crw 9 to 10-12 1;-15% 1.107, 5-25% Al-011 ;-711--9s Is 'ormulated to contaft- 30-50f S402 , z 3r" MFLX B203, 10-23 HgO, 15% max CaO, 3% mra Ha20, h% IK2kr), and 2-101" Al t me ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED- 21mar64 ENCLe. 00 SUB CODE: MT JNO REF 60'V-. coo 111~R: 000 ATD PRESS- 4052 ZMMOVSKIT, V.I.: WROXHOU, M.P.: ZARIHRA. H.Te.: NEW, D.G., affg, G.T. Data of the thermographic investigation of barium titanate vith some admixtures. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. fiz. 24 no.10:1294-1295 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Barium titanate) .I)OF