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Simplifying calculatiou of basic, indices of the development of
banded sectiono of oil Poole. Trudy-YNII no.10:240-246 157.
1 i (KEPA 14:6)
(oil reaervoir engineering)
11(0) SOV/93-58-11-7/15
AUTHOR: Krylov, A.P, . Maksiwv, M.M., -0-1,
TME: Studying the Fluid Gatbaring Properties of the 13, Formation at the Bayly
Oilfield by Means of ta 2M-8 Electronic Integrator (Izuebeniye kollek-
torskikh a D% Bavlinskogo mentorozhdenlyn na elektrointe-
ipatore EI-Srty plasta
PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystro, 1958, Nr 11, pp 34-41 (USSR)
ABSTRAcT: This is an experimemtel. study of oilvel.1 spacing st the D formation
of the Bavly Ollfield. The experiments were carried amt by the ii1i Institute
by means of an EI-S electronic integrator [Ref 1] under-water pressure con-
ditiono The D, formation is of a nonuniform structure tmd of changeable
facies iRef 21 and it was developed by pressure maintenance through water
flooding (Ref 31. The data on its development from 1949 through 1956 are
given in Table 1. The formationts resistivity to filtration is reflected
in Fig. 1. The formation pressure recorded by the electroaic integrator
at low and high electric grid capacitance and at an increased volume of
water injection is shown by Fig. 2. The electronic integristor produced more
accurate data on the formation's resistivity to filtration (Fig. 3) and these
are reflected in the isobar maps (Figs. 4 and 4b). The EI-S integrator made
it possible to reproduce for the first time the oilfield di-velopment process
Card 1/2
studying the Fluid Gathering (Conto) SOV/93-58-11-7/15
under vater pressure conditions and to learn in detail the nonuniformity of
the formation as well as the chanp in oilwell yield during the 10 years of
its development, The results olytained vith the Integrator characterize the
formation's structure better than those obtained through imll drilling and
this will make it possible to employ the Integrator in studying the fluid
gathering properties of formations with sparse vells prior to actual ex-
ploration. "Furthermore, the nev data on the structure of formations vill
make it possible to carry out correctly the preliminary development of an
oil deposit vith the alm of increasing the oil output. Mere are 4 figures,
1 table and 3 Soviet references.
Card' 2/2
Important experivient carried out in the Bavly oil field. Neft.
khos. 37 no.3.*41-47 Mr 159. (MIRA 12:3)
(Bayly District-Oil field flooding)
DOROKHCV, 0. 1., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Effect of the density of
a well network on indices of the development of deposits and on the
process of their exploitation. (From the example of the Romashkin
and the Bavlin petroleum deposits)." Moscow, 1960. 12 pp; (Gosplan
USSR, All-Union Petroleum Gas Scientific Research Inst --- VNII); 170
copies; price not given; (KL, 23-60, 124)
DmiHov, o.r., DkEll, A.H.
increasing and selecting the pressure gradient between the
Injection zone and bottoms of ezploitation wells. Neft. khoz.
IS no.1:44-49 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:7)
(Oil fields--Production methods)
Daimov, 0.1.
Mothod, of atudying oil rocovory under field conditions in the
Bjivly oil field. Nauch,-takh, abar, po dobe nefti no.33:5&-60 161.
(*4jRA 16:7)
1. VsesoyuzW naftegazovyy nauchno-iseledavatellskiy inatitut.
(Bavly Region-Oil fields-Proc,Luotion methods)
Effect of the density of the well pattern on the nature of the
displacement of the oil boundaries as revealed by a study of
the Bavly oil field. Nauch.-tekh.sbor.po dob.nefti. no. 14t
30-35 161. (WRA 17:6)
Estimating petroleum production on -the i~nvli oil iield. .','auch.-takh.
sbor. po dob. nefti no.24:9CL-94 164. (,XJRA 1,1:10)
1. Vaesoyuznyy nottegazovyy nauchno-ioola~uvatol':;'~iy inntitut,
Goncerning the Bayly experiment. Geol. nefti i gaza 9 no.9:53-3 of
cover Ag 165. (MIFLA 18:8)
1. Vaesoyuznyy neftegazovyy natichno-lonledu,.taL,.-ill.-5ki,., instlt,,IL;
Tatar!-'-.iy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatellakly InctItut, g. Bugullma;
Goaneftekomitat 1, Ob"yedineniye Bavlyneft'.
Calculation of the most ."favorable moistness of tobacloo for its processiAg
in the factory. Tabak 13,, No 3) 1952.
tekhn. red.
(Toolmology of tobacco and production control] Tekbnologiia
tabska i tokbnokhimichaskii kontroll. Mockva,, Pishcheprom-
izdat.. 1961. 359 p. (Tobacco industry) (MIRA 15:1)
DOROKHOV, Petr Konstantinovich; DIKKEIR, Grigoriy Lazarevich;
MOViZOVA, I.I.., red.
[Tobacco technology and technochemical control] Tekhno-
logiia tabaka i tekhnokhimicheskii kontroll. Izd.2.,
perer. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo "Pishchavaia promysh.lennost', "
1964. 391 P. (YJRA 17:6)
USSR / Mmu and Animal Morphology (Normal and Pathological). S
Circulatory System. Blood Vessels.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - 31ologiya, No 1, 1959, No. e972
Author : DcwoMov,.R. N.
imt I Institute
Title Surgical AnatooV of the Proximal Segment of the
Anterior Tilblal Artery
Orig Pub :.Tr* Otchatne nauchn. konferantaii (Rostovsk.-n/D med.
in-t) z& 1956 go, Rostov-na-Donu, 1957, 193-195
Abstraot On 44 lover extremitios of humans of 'both seXes, 18-70
years of age, it was dwwnstrated that the anterior
titial arts" (ATA) originates from the popliteal artery
2 '" 0,5 om 'below the most prominent point of the head
Of the fibula. In 77-3% of cases ATA is occupied by 2
veirA and in 224 by one vein. 7or puzVosed of ligation
of the prozimal sepent of ATA the most convenient
Card 1/2
A -0, 1 11
DOR - 0 , 0. 6Ue an,, lake v ch; PYSHKIN.
- --9, 11002-20#~- ~,tekhnBrede
A.Y., spatersdaktor; KIJZIMINA, V.S..
[Controlling posts which damage fish products] Bor'ba s vreditelismi
rybnykh tovarov. Moskva. Pishchapromisdat, 1957. 95 p. (MIRA 11:3)
(Pisheries--Fq,gionic aspecto)
XAKATZV, K.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; SKIRNOV, A.V., kand.takhn.anuk;
A3PANAS17EV, I.Y.; VOIoODIKO, I.Y., kand.takhn.nauk; BZQTAROV, S.Ae;
MM. V.~
Zh.I.; FA UTO Ve .0 kand.takhn.nauk; KULIKOV, P.Te.; SHIKANOVICH,
S.V.; DELITSIN, H.V,g retsenzent; BRAUDE, I*D,, retsenzant; BIRTSHU,
A.M.; retsensent; GRIGORTANTS, A.S,, retsenzent; IGNATYR, G.L.,
rGtSGn2Gnt; KALABUGII, A.Ys., reteenzent; KRNXZKSTSUT, N.D.,
retsenzent; POPOV, K.Y., retsenzent; ORLOVA. V.P., red.; LITHNV.
V.Ya., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N.,; FIMOVA, A.F., takhi.rade
(Handbook for hydraulic and agricultural engineers] Spravochnik
gidrotakhnika malioratora. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkh02.lit-ry,
1950. 766 P. (MIRA l2s3)
(Hydraulic engineering) (Agricultural engineering)
YJISAULOV, P.A.. kandidat sell skokhozyaystvennykh nauk; ALIKAYMY. V.A.,
kandidat vaterinarofth nauk; GRUNT, D.I., kandidat sellskokhozyay-
stvannykh nauk-nQvQjMQT- 9 TARANOV, G.Y.. kandidat sellsko-
- A"
khosyaystvennykh nauk; YAIDBYBV, B.Y.. kandidat seliskokhosyaystvan-
nykh nauk; BRAIN. S.S.. professor; PSTROVSKATA. A.P.. redaktor;
TATAPOY, K.I., tekhniebookiy redaktor
[ftndamentals of stockbreeding; a textbook for students in secondary
rural schools] Onnovy shivotnoyodstva; uchebnoe posoble dlia uchm-
shchikhola aellskoi arednei shkoly. Pod red. P-A.1saulova. Koskva.
Goat uchobno-podagoge izd-vo Ministeretva proeveshchanit&,RSYSR,
1956. 294 p. (MIRA 10:1)
1. Starshty spetsialist Ministerstva sellskogo khonyaystva SSSR
(for Dorokhov)
(Stock and stockbreading)
[For the young pisciculturist; textbook for secondary schools]
IUnomi rybovodu-, posobie dlia uchashchikheia arednei shkoly.
Moskva. Goe.uchabno-pedagog.izd-vo H-va prosv.RSFSR. 19.58. 159 p.
(MIRA 12:9)
(Fish culture)
(Raising fish in ponds] Prudovoe rybovodstvo. Pod red. G.D.
Poliakova. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-z7, 1958. 295 p.
(KIRA 12:4)
(Irish cultnre)
F.G.. prof., nauchnyy red.; PSTROT, A.A., red.; UDALOT. A.G., ft..
(Fish culture on farms] Beliskakhosiaistvannoo ryboyodstvo.
Moskva, Isd-vo X-va solikhox.SSSR, 1959. 198 p. (MIRA 13:6)
(Irish culture)
AUDMOV, A.Kh., kand.biol.nauk; BATWO, A.I., kand.sallskokhos.nauk;
BRUDASTOTA, M.A.j kand.tekhn.nauk; OOLOTINWAYA. K.A., kand.biolog.
nauk; GCBM. L.K., kand.ekon.naukt DOROKHOV. S.M.. rybovod-biolog;
TIMOKHINA. LeVes rybovod-biolog: ]%Tlg,--T.-R.-,--r--yVo-vod-biolog;
ISA7V. A.L. i7bovod-biolog; KADZUICH. G.V., r7bovod-biolog;
KOKAROVA, I.T.. kand.biol.nauk: KRYKOVA, R.T.. rybovod-biolog;
rMAYOVA, I.M.. rybovod-biolog; XAMONTOVA, L.N.. kand.biol.nauk;
HBTSMM, Te.V.. kand.biol.nauk; KmUWYZV, P.V., kand.biolaauko,
KMINA, R.I., kand.biol.nauk; PAKHOWT. S.P.. kand.biol.nauk;
SUKROVIMOV, P.M.9 kand.biol.nauk; SOKOLOVA, Z.P., rybovod-bio-
log; TSIUNMIIK, R.I.* ryboyod-biolog; RYZH=O, X.I., red.; KOSOVA,
0.1i., red.; SOKOLOVA, L*Aop tekhn*red*
(Handbook on pond fish cultural Spravochnik po prudovomu rybovodstvu.
Red.kollegilat A.I.Isaev i dr. Xoskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1959o 374 p.
(KM 13:4)
1. Moscow. Vearossiyakiy nauahno-inaladovatellskiy institut prudo-
vogo rybnogo khosyaystva.
(Fish culture)
red.; GUREVICH, M.M., tekhn. red.
[Pond fish culture] Prudovoe rybovodstvo. Pod red. G.D.Poliakova.
Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 263 P.
(Fish culture) (MIRA 16:4)
Subject USSRAleotricity
AID P - 1954
Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 3/25
Author Dorokhovs S. S., Eng.
Title Improvement of performance of the To M 60/75 type
Periodical : Energetik, 4. 7-100 Ap 1955
Abstract : The author describes the improvements introduced in
1952 in two two-drum, vertical water tube,, 75 t/hr"
33.atm., 4250C TsKKB boilers. After reconstruction,
the ca aoity of the boilers increased to 85 tAr.
The Mhor presents a list of characteristics ror a
period of one year of operation, Since there were no
visible improvements, complementary reconstruction work
was done in 1953, with marked improvement of boiler
characteristics, The author summarizes results ob-
tained, Five detailed drawings,
Institution: None
Submitted No date
ACCESSION NR: AP4ol0052 S/0062/64/000/001/0-199/0201 -'14
AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, B. M.; Dorokhov,-V..1.; Mostovoy,, Ne' V.
TITLE: The effect of allylamine on tetraalkyldiboranes
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Ser. khim... no. 1, 1964,, 199-2o1
TOPIC TAGS: allylamine, tetraalkyldiboranesj (3-aminopropyl)-di-n-
alkylborons, asymmetric borotriallcjls,,,addition compounds, nucleo-
philic reagents, NH sub 2 deformation, NH sub 2 valence vibration
ABSTRACT: Adding 1 M tetra n-butyldiborane to a 2 M ether solution of
allylamine with subsequent boiling yielded (3-aminopropyl)-di-n-
butylboron and twice as much allylamino-di-n-butylboron. Reversing
the order of mixing the reagents yielded 65% of the first compound
and insignificant amounts of the second compound. Similar results.
were obtained for the other tetralkyldiboranes. This reaction was al-
so carried out with but :Lmorcapto-di-n-butylboron. IR spectra of the
(3-aminopropyl)-dialkylyborons '(N-H absorption bands at 3292 and 3350
Card 1/2
cm-1, NH deformation band at 1590 cm-') and 'their unusual stability
to air ad to temperatures up to 200 C* are indicative of intracom-
plex structure. The laboratory procedures are described, as are end
products and yields for the propyl and butyl compounds. Their proba-
ble structure is discussed. Reaction formulas for the first and the
reversed sequence of mixing are presented; "The authors wish to
thank 1. P. Yakovlev for determining the IR spectra." Orige, art. has:
5 formulas.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D Zelinskogo.Aka-
demii Nauk SSSR (N.D~ Zelinski Institute of Organic 6hemistry AN MR)
SUBMITTED: l9jul63
Card 2/2
DATE ACQ: 14Feb64
ENCL: 00
OTHER: 000
Interaction of molybdenum disilicide with beryllium. Fiz. met. i
metalloved. 16 no.5s751-753 N 163, (NIRA 17s2)
1. Fiz*co-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR.
ma: Ar4ol3lol s/ol26/64/017/601/6142/o..
lva.-Iov, V. YO.; 1.100hiporanko, Ye. P.; Zmiy, V. I.; Ollushko, P. --.1-0
=d-rov, 0,. N.; DoroI:hov'._Y!,_;!,_,
erature oxidatioa of molyodenua disilicide
Fizika metallov i metalloved. *t. 17, no. 1, 1~91, 142-144
.1 L't
rtol,*denum, silicon, molybdenum dicilicide, molyblenun diL
molybdcn= disilicide micraharctiess
Molfbdenun disilicide is a metal with great prcmise for une I-r. _=.u.c iz-
to vithztancl high temperatures. Ln tlia technical literature therc arc
~a ",n the oDddation of MCSi2 achieved by various methods: hot pressing, sinterinj~
Tha authors of this rphort article conc-ucted a rtudy of the kinetics of McGi.
,_-Icn in a temperaturo interval of 1400-1700C using a hi3h-temperature res-Ist-
fu=ace. The heater was a spiral 5= in diameter mad* from a =.oIybdcnt= rod,
---or cc(idatica., znmples of mo3.ybden= disilicide 25)(10X0.15 = in size were uZed;
t'hesc sampler. were obtained by the vacuum method. The temperature vus coatrolled
b,Y a the=ozokTla (Pt - Rh 7~ center: Pt-Rh 2%) and an optical pyrozeter, the
lattei- placed directly on the heater. The temperature gradient between the heater
Cc -:7
LR: AP4013101
t,-.e smple was not more than 30C. A metallographic analysis of the s=?1C --FaS
'-~=icd out V-4th CM ME4-7 microscope, Ath mierchardness tested on a Fen!-5 :Lnstrla-
Oxidation time was 10 hours. 11, vas found that with increasing time ana
tcm,_)cr_-'Vure the oxidizability of MoSi,,, increases, the rate of oxidation obeying a
1.arabolic lav. No transiticn from a p:LraboUc law of oxidation to p logariz1=11C Cz.
v.-.L doteota& in tho toots, X-ray anal,-zio in tho temporature range in&iccte&
(1400-17OCC) revm1ad an amorphous cocid-t- film oa the surface of the Oxidized S=P"
Preliminary analysis showed that this film.. in addition to S102, contains unknown
components. These are, apparently.. lawer molybdic addes, the vapor tension of,
which is later than that of 11??3. The miarchardness of the molyb~en= dicilicide
"nich did not change during the coddation process., VUS 1200 kgfnm~'. Orig. art.
!_--s- 3 figures.
.;ZSCMILTION: Fiziko-takhnichaskly Inatitut AN USSR (Physicabecbnleal Institute, AN.
summm: o3m=63
NO MW S07:- 005
=Lt 00
MR: 003
COrd 2/1-1
5(2,3) SOV/20-127-5-25/58
*AUTIiORS. Mikhaylov, B. Ho, Kozminckaya, T. K., Fedotov, IN, S.,~orokhu4-LA.
TIM, t Esters of Organothiaboric AeAds and Some of Their Tranaftrmativils
PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, 'to! -.2-1t, Nr 5, pp 1023-1026
ABSTPACT: Since the esters of dialkyl thieboric acids (Refs 1, 2) proved
to be very reactive compounds which may bp used for the synthesis
of various oreanoboric compounds the authorn were interested in
the production of the acids mentioned in the title and in their
behaviour. The known aliphatic monosubstituted and the aromatic
substituted esters of the thioboric acids are enumerated
(Refs 3-5) and their production methods are rientAioned. The
authors found that the n-butyl esters of the alkyl thioboric
acids (Ref 1) are produced in Vod yiolds in the boiling of the
alkyl boron dichlorides and -dibromidos with n-butyl mercaptan
(see Scheme). By the same method n-butyl criter of the phenyl
thioboric acid (II) was produced. Diphenyl boron chloride and
di-o(,-naphthyl-boron chloride r,--act in ijimilar -.,,ay with n-butyl
mercaptan and form n-butyl esters of diphenyl thioboric acid
Card 1/3 (111. Ar = C H and of di-oe,-naphthyl thioboric acid
6 5
Eaters of Organothioboric Acids and Some of SOV/20-127-5-25/58
Their Transformations
(III. Ar - od-C 10R7). All caters produced are highly reactive.
This permits their transformation into other organoboric
compounds. By the action of ethylene diamine the mentioned esters
are smoothly transformed into cyclic compounds, under the
separation of n-butyl-morcaptan i.e. into 2-alkyl-2-boron-1,3-
diazolidine (IV). In the action of ammonia on the eaters of
alkyl- and aryl thioboric acids at lovi tanperaturea the two
latter were transformed into the corresponding boron trialkyl-
and boron triaryl borazoles (V). The reaction botween the eater
and the phenyl thioboric acid and diethyl amino takea place in
one direction under the formation of phenyl-di(diethyl amino)boron
with a yield of 80%, whereas the amino compound (VI) is produced
from the phenyl boron dichloride only in a 14145 yield (Ref 0).
Under the action of n-butyl e3ter of diphenyl thioboric acid
is transformed into diphonyl butyl amino boron (VII) in the
action of n-butyl amine in a 80% yield. The esters of
Card 2/3
Esters of Organothioboric.Aclide and Some of SOV/20-127-5-25/58
Their Transformations
diphenyl thioborio and di-oc-naphthyl-thioboric acid react with
ammonia at low temperatures. In this connection diphenyl amino
boron (VIII. Ar - C 6H5 see Scheme) are formed or di-m-nasphthyl-
amino-boron (VIII. Ar - ot-C joH7). There nre 9 raference3,
5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONt Insti tut orCanicheskoy 1-.h'Lmii im. It. D. Zelinokogo Akademi L nauk
sssn (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni 11. D. Zelinskiy of the
Academy of Scienceaq USSR)
PRESENTED: April 20, 1959, by B. A. Kazanskiy, Academician
SUBMITTED: April 18, 1959
Card 3/3
S/62701?0/1 33/01/33/070
S.".3 9 e9 0 r8j C/C') B01 1 B003
AUTHORS: Mikhayloyq B, .? Dorokhovo Y. A.
Ilk. Reactions of 1, 2-Diagl Boranes
TITLE: Aricsnoboron Compounds
With Olefinsland DieneiAydrocarbons
PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No. 1,
ppe 119 - 122
TEXT: The authors developed a method of preparing 1f2-diaryl boranes
from eaters of aryl or diaryl boric acids and from diborane (Ref. 1),
which makes it possible to study these diborane derivatives. Their
chemical properties had been almost unknown. The authors examined the
reactions of 192-diaryl diboranes with olefin and diene hydrocarbons:
with the formerp ioeop propylene or a-butylene, 192-diphenyl diborane
eaters into reaction in an ether solution on cooling. The resulting
phenyl-boron dialkyle are unstable and are symmetrized to triphanyl
boron and boron trialkyls already at room temperature (of. Scheme).
When triphenyl boron reacts with olefin hydrocarbons, it is possible
that part of it is formed by symmetrization of the initial 1,2-diphenyl
Card 1/3
Organoboron Compounds. Reactions of 3/02PI26/133/01/33/070
1,2-Diaryl Boranes With Olefine and Dieno 2011 B003
borane. Reactions with dienes were carried out in benzene or toluene
solutions between -40 and -300C. Besides I, 2-diphenyl diborane, the au-
thors used 192-di-o-tolyl boranop which had been synthesized by thou.
for the first time. A cyclic compound having a boron atom in its ring
is obtained from 1,2-diphonyl diborane and butadiene in a 51% yield:
1-phenyl boron oyclopentane (I). An analogous addition of 1,2-diaryl
diboranes to dienes took also place in the case of 1D2-diphenyl di-
borane and isoprene. This addition led to the formation of I-phenyl-3-
methyl borocyclopentane (II), whereas 1-o-tolyl borocyolopentane (III)
was synthesized from 192-di-o-tolyl diborane and butadiene. Moreover,
these conversions were accompanied by the formation of boron triaryls.
This is indicative of a partial symmetrization of the used 1,2-diaryl
diboranes during the reaction. 1,2-diphenyl diborane reacts with cyclo-
pentadiene at -40OCi thus forming a solid substance which is insoluble
in ether and only slightly soluble in benzene. 1-phenyl borocyclo.-
pentane had earlier been synthesized (Ref. 3) from phenyl boron di-
fluoride and 1,4-dilithium butane (in analogy to Ref. 4). Ls regards
the reaction of I-aryl borooyclopentanes to active hydrogen compounds,
Card 2/3
8/02'0 60/133/01/33/070
Organoboron Compounds. Reactions of 171
1,2-Diaryl Boranes With Olefins and Diene B011 B003
the authors found that I-phenyl borocyclopentane reacts more easily
with isobutyl alcohol tLan boron trialkyls (Ref- 5)- In this casoi, the
isobutyl ester of n-butyl-phanyl boric acid is formed under ring
cleavage. Under the action of n-butyl mercaptan, I-phenyl borocyclo-
pentane passes over into the n-butyl ester of n-butyl-phenyl thioboric
acid. This ester is the first representative of the eaters of alkyl-
aryl thioboric acids. There are 7 references: 3 Soviet, I American,
2 German, and 1 Scandinavian.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khinii im. X. D. Zelinskogo
Akademii nauk 0OR (institute Of Organic Chemistry
imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the ko-a-le-my of ScienTS-8, USSR)
PRESIETED: March 9p 1960, by B. A. Kazanskiy# Academician
SUBMITTED: March 3, 1960
Card 3/3
3/062/6 110001W-101010 10
B1 18/B220
AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B. M. and Dorokhov, V. A.
TITLE: Bia(alkyl-amino)-boranes
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izveatiya. ;O:kdeleniye khimicheskikh
nauk, no. 6, 1961, 1163
TEXT: It was stated by the authors that the reaction of the primary
amines with n-propyl mercapto(dimethyl-aminq)-boran~ at 60-70'3C resulted
in high yields of bia(alkyl-amino)-boranes un'xnowA'*up to that time:
(CH 3)2 N-B N11 SC H + 2RITH2 O(RNH)2 B H + n-C2H7 SH + (CH 3)2NH
3 7-n R -n-C 4H91 i-C 4 H91 C3H5'
n-propyl mereapto(dimethyl-amino)-borane was obtained by reaction of
n-DroDyl mercaptan with dimethyl-amino borane: 48-500C (13 mm Hg);
d 20 .0-8706; n 20. 1.4701. Data obtained: C 46-43; H 10-64 fo; molecular
4 D
Card 1/2
2 04
3 062/61/000/006/010/010
Bia(alkyl-amino)-boranes B118/B220
weight: 134.9 corresponding to C 5H14 NSB. Bin(n-butyl-amino)-borane boils
20 20
at 46-480C (2 mm Hg); d 4 .0.7879; nD .1.4306. Data cbtained; C 61-491
H 13.25; B 7.05 0,6; molecular weight: 147.9 corresponding to C8H21N2B.
Bio(isobutyl-amino)-borane boils at 59-610C (9 mm Hg); d 420- 0.7794;
n D .1.4263. Data obtained: C 61.26; H 13-33; B 7.23 $; molecular weight:
155.0 corresponding to C H N B. Bia(allyl-amino)-borene boils at 62-670C
20 . 8 2102
(30 mm Hg); d 4 0.8181, n D -1-4520. Data obtained: C 58-311 H 10-38;
B 8.92 0/6 corresponding to C6H13 IT2B. When heated above 1500C, bia(alkyl-
amino)-boranes are converted to N-trialkyl borazoles, splitting off alkyl
amines. There is 1 Soviet-bloc reference.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni
N. D. Zelinakiy Academy of Sciences USSR)
SU1311ITTED: April 26, 1961
Card 2/2
Synthesis of N-trialkylborazinea from alkylamine boron hydrides
in the-presence of mercaptans. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.kbim.nauk no.
7:1346-1348 JI 161, (MIRA Il,,;7)
1. Institut organichaskoy khimli im. N.D. Ze'Linskogo AN SSSR.
.J/ Z6110oullo 11 /V-'10,/C) 12
B 103 B147
AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B. M., and Dorokhov, V, A.
'PITLi;. Synthesis of some dialkyl-amine boranes and alkyl-mercapto
(dialkyl-amino) boranes
PE'RIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh
nauk, no. 11, 1961, 2084 - 2086
T&XT: The following compounds were synthesized: (a) n-Propyl-ml6capto
;,dimethyl-amino) borane (boiling point 48 - 500C at 13 mn Hg; d 4 - 0..2706;
n20_ 1.4701); (b) ii-butyl-mercapto (dimethyl-amino) borane (boiling point
D 0 20 20
57 C at 7 mm d _ o~8666; n _ 1-4669); (c) n-propyl-mercapto
4 D
(diisoamyl-amino) borane (boiling point 92 - 940C at 1.5 mm Hg;
0.8422; n 1,4640), and (d) n-butyl-mercapto (piperidino) borane
D 0 20 20
~boilinE point 73 - 74 -5
C at 1 mm Hg; d 4 0.9170; n D 1.4944)z The
initial gubstances were dirlkyl-amino boranes: (e) dimethyl-amino borane;
Card 1/3
S/062/61 /000/0 1 i /0 1 Oj/O 12
3,-inthesio of some dialkyl-amino.. B103/B!47
(f) diisoamyl-amino boranel and (g) piperidine borane with yields close to
t'--, theoretical values The reaction uried for the synthesis of (e) - (g)
flas pr,?viously been described by the authors (Dokl Ali SSSR, 136, 356
(1961); "Uh obshch. khtmil, 31, 7384 (1961)) It permits the synthesis
of different alkyl-mercapto Fdialkyl-amino) boranes from boran,~, Poi,,plexps
with secondary amines, e) - g) were ottained by passing diborane low
te-peratures through an ether solution of the relevant seccrdary amani!
i.n easy mothcd of synthesizing dialkyl-a-mino boranes con~.Jsts ir. re.-cting
lith= boron 'hydride with t~s hydrochlorides cf the amines ,.n ether
d i um .a) d) were synthesized by e1lowing the relevant mercaptanz
,00 - 1200C as follows:
ac-. on e) g) at I
3 2 2
d) ex st in a monomeric form. "hey can be hydr~:.`izt.,, -.nd are
oxidi?ed in air, They react -rith al-,ohols at room.
,parating If2 Their alkyl-me-capto groups are substitult~d bY an
alk~l-amlno or dtalkyl amino group -,.nder the effect of primarv or eecondary
:.1111.11C,3 On liqating vith hiChpr mercaptan8, a) - d) -,heir RS
11,,ri 2P.
2/61/(;00/011/0101/ 12
Synthculs of nomu dinlkyl-amizio ... ImVB147
,:.L-oup.,) for a hi~-,her ulkyl-i.-iercapto bioup. then hunteL with Nr, of
a M4~her svcoud:iry ninine, both the alkyl-merctipto an"I the di
&roup !ire subntitutvd. Finallyq data on infrared and Raman Spectra of
b) are presented. There are 5 ref.-,rences: 2 Soviet and 3 non-Ooviet.
The reference to the Ent-lish-lanfuage publication roads as follows:
A. BurE, C. Good, InorLyan. Nucl. C-'nem. 2, 237 (19'A).
A~*,Z;CCiAi'!--'*"-': ltintitut or4;-,nicnev1::)y khivJi j:i;. c), o
miuk (lnstitut(! of Or, .-.ijIc
/,("1j 11okil., 0t, tile ',Cj
SUB:411-2i5ji, k':y 1", 11 '~l
Card '1/3
AUTHORS i Mikhaylov, B. M., and_Rorokbov, 'V_ K,
TITLE: Alkylmereapto-(diethylamino)-,boranes
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obstichey khimiiq ve 31, no. Ily 1961,, 3750--3756
TEM Previous research )--- B. M. Mikhaylov and Vo A. Dorokhov (Ref. 1!
Dokl. AN SSSR, 136, 3569 1961~ disclosed the existence of a now class of
organoboron compounds-the &Ikylmercapto-(dialkylamino)-boranes (1).
The present work is devoted to the study of three more such inibstanceaf.
ethylmercapto-(diethylamino)-borans - Et2NDWEt (11); phenylmercapto-
(die thyl amino)-bo rams - Et?IMPh (III) I and n-bu tylme rcap to-(di ethyl-
amino)-borane - Ztpl=u-n (w). II(b.p. 65 - le) was prepared by
distilling a ijolution of disthylaminoborane which was preheated at 100 -
1100 foE 4 hr. during the dropwise, addition of diethylamine. III (bopo
82 - 84 ) was obtained by distilling a mixture of diethylaminoborane and
thiophenol, that had first been heated at the same temperatune for I hr~.
Card 1/4
Alk-ylmercapto-(diethylanino'l-borantm D22B[D305
The physical properties of 119 1119 and TV Indicate their occurrence in
a monomeric form. By studying the reactions of 19 the authors exposed
the relative mobility of this alkylmercapto and diethylamino groups bonded
to the boron atom. Thusp Vie butylmercapto group in IV may be replaced
by an arylamino group when treating this compound with aniline or o.-
toluldine at fairly low tem.Peratures; similarly, the diethylamino group -
and not hydrogen-is replaoid when III is treated with aniline at 60 -
809. In thin connection, the authors note that V. 1. Mikheyeva and Ye,
M, Fedneva (Ref. 5s ZbNKhq 29 604, 1957) also synthesized a comround with
the composition (PhNH)2BH from diboran* and anilineo For the reactions
of I with aliphatic amines~ howeverp the conditions are different,,. On
boiling a mixture of IV &ad diethylamine for 5 hr., only half of the
former substance is converted into bis-diethylaminoborane-e. compound
which the authors prepared, too, by slowly adding diethylaminis to a solutim
of diethyleminoborant at a temperature of 130 - 1500. The aomparativ,&
inertness of the hydrogen atom in I Is further illustrated by the fact
that it cannot be replaced by an alkylmercapto groups even when such com-
Card 2/4
S/070/6t/031 110 11.1006 '01:1
A I kyl me rcrpt-o-(die thyl amino) -boranes D228/D305
pounds (ire heated with mt?rcuptan at 200 In the ctoie of tli-~ higli-ar
verctiptruis. the lower mereapto group is repInced by the hipbe-.- IT
react.9 wiCh ti buty1morcaptan to form IV and ethylmercdptnn T Iv? r,~ ar
tioji.i between I tind alcohol are believed to proceed fi,reto through thp
introduction of the alivImercapto and diethylamtno groups, nftomr whiTh
the dialkoxyborane either nets directly on the alcohol to give hydrogen
or else is symmetrized into orthoborate- and diborano when the latter
reacts with the alcohol. The low mobility of the hydrogen atom bond'~d t-D
boron ui also displayed bj the inability of I to combine with unsaturated
hydrocarbons-even at 120 in the presence of pyridino, The Introduction
of boron and its deri-jatives Is beat accompliahod if the electron shell
of the B-H bond is rclatively dense., According to their tendency to
rea,rt, with unsaturated coutiounds, the varicua d-~rivative,-q of borem ar'!
11need in the following .3f.-T-tes- 111311, NS B 11, ILS ) J1,11 T. ,N B! I
(I. N),31L There are 12 references 'j Soviet 1110, cf1l
Tho reference to the English-Iringuage Imblirnti.-
Du rg licuidalph. J Am. Chem., Soc - 7 3 , C 53 ( I
Card 3il
Alkyl me rcapto....(die thyl ounino). -borane a
SUBMITTEM D-ocembe;r 6 1960
1 Z-j A I
1~2 2 B JW 0*5
2'11 D
S/07 61/031/012/005/011
AUTHORS: Mikhayloir, B. M., and Dorokhov, V. A.
TITLE: Organobo:~on compounds. LXXXVII. The action of diborane
on the aryl derivatives of boron
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, v. 31, no. 12, 19619 4020-
TEXT: When diborane is reacted with esters of aryl- and diaryl bo-
ric acids, 1,2-diaryl. diboranes are formed, according to the fol-
lowing reactions:
6ArB(OR) 2 + 2B 2H6Z=�3(ArBH 2)2 + 4(R0 )3B (1)
3Ar2BOR + 2B2 H64.- 3(ArBH 2)2 + B(OR)3 (2)
In the case of mono-aryl acid esters the yields are low and about
20-25% of an unreacted ester is recovered, due to the back reaction
Card 1/4
8/079 61)0?1,/012/005/011
Organoboron compounds. D227YDD301
and preferential displacement of the equilibrium to the left, In the
second reaction the quantity of boric acid eater obtained is 4 times
less and, therefore, it proceeds more readily to the right giving
higher yields of diaryl diborane. The mechanism of the former re-
action is assumed to be based on the fact that the exchange of
groups between aryl and alkoxyl derivatives of boron takes place
through the formation of bridged compounds given by electron de- X
ficient atoms (B-H-'B and B-O-B), followed by decomposition of the
dimers. The mechanism of the latter reaction consists of two stages,
initial substituticn of the alkoxy group with hydrogen and forma-
tion of diaryl borane (in dimeric form) and alkoxyborane followed
by the reaction between the former and diborane to give diaryl bo-
rane. An attempt to isolate diaryl borane (reacting diborane with
n-butyl diphenyl borate) was not successful as the latter converts
To triaryl boron Which reacts smoothly with diborane to give diaryl
Card 2/4
Organoboron compolandee oo, D227/D301
dib oraneo In this reaction the structure R -~, occurs, in
,,,, Hl-"' 2
which B-R-B bond is formed with the utilization of the carbon sp3_
orbital and two sp3_orbitals of the boron atoms. In the experimen-
tal part 1,2-diphenyl diborane was reacted with n-butyl orthoborate,
in ethert by stirring the two compounds at 30-35'60 for 5 hours.
After the removal of diborane the product yielded, on distillation,
di-n-butyl phenyl borate ( 106-110OC/3mm)l n-butyl orthoborate,
n-blultyl diphenyl borate and triphenyl boron, DipHenyl diborane was
5repared by passing diborane through n-butyl diphenyl borate in
hexane. When an excess of eater was iie-ed triphenyl boron was first
formed, (m.p. 137-1450C), which reacted with diborane in ethereal
solution to give 1,2-diphenyl diborane, 82-8500. 1,2-Diphe-
nyl diborane was also prepared by passing diborane through an
ethereal solution of diphenyl borochloride, and the yield corres-
ponded to 60~. There are 3 references: 2 Soviet-bloo and 1 non-
Card 3/4
Organoboron compoundow so#
Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publicatton
reads as follows: E. Eberhardt, B. Crawford, W. Lipscomb, J. Chem.
Phys. 22, 989, (19;4).
SUBMITTED: January 6, 1961
Card 4/4
AUTHORSi Mikhaylov, Be Me and Dorokhov, V. A.
TITLEt Organoboron Compounds, Complex Compounds of Borane and
Phenyl Borane With Diethyl Amine and Some of Their
PERIODICAM Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961p Vol. 136, No. 2,
pp. 356-359
TEM It has been noted that a 90% yield of diethyl amino borane (I) is
obtained ty the reaction between diethyl amino and diborane in ethereal
medium: 2(C2H5)2NH + B2H6 -)2(C2H5)2NH-BH3(1). In contrast with data of
Ref. 1, 1 is no crystalline substance$ but a colorless liquid which is
distillable in vacuum and is stable to water and alcohols at room tempera-
ture. A similar behavior is displayed toward diethyl amine by 1,2-di-
phenyl diborane which is smoothly converted into diethyl amine phenyl
borane (C,,H 2NH BC6H (II). The latter is less heat-resistant than I.
- 5) 'H2 5
I and II are associated in benzolic solution and certainly more strongly
Card 1/4
Organoboron Compounds. Complex Compounds of S10201611136100210221034
Borane and Phenyl Borane With Diethyl Amino B016/BO60
and Some of Their Conversions
so in the liquid state. At 130-150OCt I se arates hydrogen to give rise
smoothly'to bis-(diethyl amino)-diborane r 2H 5)2NBH2-2 (III), a crystal-
line substance that undergoes sublimation in vacuum. III reacts with water
and alcoholn from 600C on. At 90-1500C, II is converted in vacuum to a
diphenyl diethyl amino boron (C6H5)2BN (C2H5)2 mixture (V) and diethyl
amino borane (VI). At -700c, VI gives rise to a mobile liquid, which,
when heated, dimerizes to crystalline III under heat evolution and
hydrogen separation. The first atage of the pyrolytio process is belioved
to give rise to phenyl diethyl amino borane
C6H5B~ N(C2H02 (IV), which is subsequently symmetrized to V and VI. The
symmetrization is reversible. Pyrolysis of 11 under atmospheric pressure
loads, beside V, to the formation of a fraction which violently reacts
with alcohol under hydrogen separation. The same fraction results on heat-
ing of V and VI. The authors believe this fraction to be IV with an ad-
mixture of III. III and n-butyl mercaptan at 1000C give rise to n-butyl
Organoboron Compounds. Complex Compounds of 5/020161/136/002/022/034
Borans and Phenyl Borane With Diethyl Amino B016/B060
and Some of Their Conversions
mercapto (diethyl ami'no)-bbrafis constituting a novel type of a substituted
boranes (y 5)2NB\/SC4R97 (V11k). Alkyl meroapto-(diethyl amino)-
boranes (VII) can be produced in an 85% yield directly by the action of
meroaptans u-Pon diethy2 amino borane at 1000C. This process probably has
the following courses a) a complex of diethyl amine with alkyl mercepto
borane (VIII) is formid with hydrogen separationj b) VIII is converted
into a complex of diethyl amino borane with mereaptan (IX); c) VII results
from IX under hydrogen separation. VII is a liquid with an unpleasant
odor which~readily 9xidizee in the air and is distilled in vacuum in un-
decomposed state. As it is a monomer it reacts *ith aicohols violently
under hydrogen separation. As contrasting therewith, dimers do not react
with'alcoholb at room temperature. III adds to olefins in the presence of
pyridine at 120-130OCo Di-n-butyl diethyl amino boron (IXa) and.Di-n-
oetyl-diethyl amino boron (M) are formed in this mannerg though not
readily and in lesser yields,.There are 6 references, 3 Soviett 1 USt and
I German.
Card 3/4
Organoboron Compoundsm Complex Compounds of B/020/61/136/002/022/034
Borane and Phenyl Borane With Diethyl Amine B016/BO60
and Some of Their Conversions
ASSOCIATIONs Institut'organiohookoy'khimii im. No D. Zelinskogo Akademii
niuk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni'N. Do
Zelinskiyj Academy of Sciences USSR)
PRESENTEDs* July 7, 1960, by B. A. Kazanakiy,'Academician
SUBMITTED: July 4, 1960
Card 4/4
8/062/6~'2'~0'00/007*/OO 3/013
Mikhaylov, B. X.# and Dorokhn. 1.
Organoboron compounds, Report 101. Synthesis and conversions
of complex aryl borane compounds with secondary amines
PZRIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR* layeatiya. Otdjeloniye khimichookikh
naukj no- 79 1962, 1213 - 1218
TEXTt New aryl borane complexes (dinothyl-phonyl boranep diethyl-amins-
p-tolyl borane,-and diethil-amine a-naphthyl borane) were synthesized from
.1,2-diphenyl, 11,2-di-p-tolyl, and 1,2-* di-a-naphthyl diboranes and the
correspondent oooondary amines in other and bonsone at -10 - OcC and their
conversions were studied; Diaryl(dialkyl amino)boron and dialkyl amino-
borane compounda were obtained from dialkyl amino-aryl borane by pyrolysis
at 70 - 150OC- Dialkyl aminoborane reacted with moroaptanes, yielding
large amounts of aryl(alkyl-morcapto)dialkyl aminoboroncompounds. To
complete this reactiong which s9)@ in at room temperature, the mixture
has to-be heated to 15000# sinol(the &rYl(alkyl meroapto)borane forming
in the initial stage reacts with morcaptane to form aryl(alkyl mercapto)di-
alkyl amino borans. Aryl(alkyl atroapto)dialkyl aninoboron compounds
Card 1/2
Organoboron compounds~oo B117/BI80
are oolorlseeg easily hydrolyzable liquids which oxidize-in air and are
converted into &:ryl-di-(alkyl amino) boron compounds by primary &mines.
They are more stable than secondary anines~ To obtain aryl-di-(alkyl
amino) boron compounds, higher-boiling secondary smines mustb6usedfaipd Ahe
mercaptanes and ascondary amines fornAng in the reaction zone must be
distill-d off~
ASSOCIATIONt Inetitut organioheskoy khinii im. No Do Zelinakogo Akadesil
nauk SSSR (Inetitcts of Organic Chemistry imeni
No Do Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED& January 23
Card 2/2
A HORS Mikhaylov? B,M.p andporokhovt V.A.
TITL7.3: Orga;-ioboron com00unds XCIV. Bia(dialkylamino)boranes
and bis(monalkyiamino~ boranes
PBRIODICAl: Zhuraal'obshohey khimii, V. 32, noo 5, 1962t 1511-1514
TEXT: In continuation of earlier work (ZhOlffi, 319 3,7509 1961) the
authors synthesized bis (di-iso-amylamino)borane (I . bis-(dipiperi-
dino)borane (II) and bis (diallylamino) borane (Iffl, by the reac-
tion R~N--, BH + 2R2NH __* R2NH BH + R21NH + R' ISH, where I - R
iso-C5Hiv RI = C'H 39 R" = n-C4H9; II - R2 = C5H1 Ot RO = Ety R"
Bt; III - R = C 3E5p R' = CH3v Rt' = n - C3E7 , The reagents were hea-
ted in a Claisen flask, R21NH and WISH being distilled off. The
yields were 73 % for I I and 87 - 85 ~ for II and III@ Bio(N-methyl-
X-phenylamino)borane (IV) was obtained from n-PrSH and methylaniline
Card 1/2
O.-ganoboron compoimdep XCIVO 06e D204/D307
borane (V), in 84 % yieldt where V itself was. prepared.almost quan-
titatively from mothylaniline and diborane. The authors also prepa-
red bis(iso-butyliLmino) borane (VI) ' bia(R-butylamino) borane (VII)p
and bis(allylaminc)) borane (VIII)p in 87, 70 and 56 % yields respec-
tively, by the reILCtion (CH 3)2N"-~Bli + 2RNH2 _* RIIH--,BH + (CH 3)2 NH+
a- C3jl7S'-' RIVHI/ '
+ n-PrSH, where R = isb-Bup D,-Bu or C 3H5* The reagents were added
dropwise, with coolingg and the mixture was then boiled for 1 - 1.5
hours. All the above boranes (not V) could be distilled in vacuo,
without change. Chemical properties were similar to those of alkyl-
mercapto (dialkyltunino) boranes, especially as regards the low re-
activity of the H-atom bonded to the B. The B-N bonds of these com-
pounds were less stable..
SURIJ:TTED: May '19P 1961
Ca.rd 2/2
Organoboron compounds. Report Wo.96s Reactions of 1,2--diaryldi-
boranes idth primary amines. Izv.AN SSSR Oi;d.khim.nauk no.4s
623-627 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimli im. N.D.Zellnskogo AN SM.
(Boron hy&ides) (AxInes)
Organoboron compound.B, Report No,101: Synthesis and conversions
of complex compounds of arylboremes with secondary amines., Izv.
AN SWR.Otd.,khim.nauk no.7a1213-1218 J1 162. (KMA 150)
1. Inatitut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelizukogo AN SSSR.
(Boron organic compounds)
Organoboron compounds. Part 949 Bis(dialkylilmloo)boranex and
bia(monoalkylamino)boranes. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.5t1511-1514
my 162. (KM 15:5)
(Boron organic compounds)
0THORSs Mikhaylovo B,' Me I A~ v ~,V.~A. and Shche-goleva T, A*
TITLEs Organoboron-Compoundet Co=.unioation 114- 30&otiol% of
dialkyl-merce,pto-boranse with secondary amines
PERIODICALs 'Akademiya nauk SSSR. lavestiya. Otileloniya khIlaicheskikh
naixkt no. 30~1963# 498 - 499
TEXT t The reaction of di.W'4-butvl moroapto-borans with diothyl- mino in a
-ure gave n-butyl,
molar ratio of Iii in nitr6gen atmosphere at room temperat
m,arcapto-(di.athyl-amino)-V5rane in 53 0 yield. Under eque.1 conditions
n-butyl Mercapto-(Piperidiao)-borane was obtained in 71 ~ yield by reao-
tion of di-n-butyl meroapt~!-borane with piparldine. Di-n+utyl. neroapto-
borane and diis'0amyl amine.gave n-propyl moroapto-(diisoaa7l-emino)-borans:
in~85 ~ yield. On renotioil of two moles of secondary amine with one mole
of.dialkyl mereapto-borane:1 bio-(dialkyl-imino).-borane as forxedo Di-n-
propyl-mercapto-borano and~,diiuo-amyl amino-thus gave bie-(dii6o&myl-.
anti no) -i-borane in 80--fo yieldl, and- di-'n-propyl-moroapto-borans and diallyl
amine ga*e bis -(dial lyl-amf0o) -borane in 90 yield.
Csxd 1/2
Action of allylamine on tetraalkyl diboranes. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.khim.
no.ltl99-201 Ja 164.
2-n-Butyl-1,2,azaborolidine. Ibid.s201-202 (MIRA 17:4)
1. Institut arganicheskoy khJmii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
ACCESSION NR-. AP4010053 sifOO62164/000/00110201/0202
AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, B. M.; Dorokhoy "Y .4.Moatovoy, N. V.
TITLE: 2-n-butyl-192-azaborolidene
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Ser. khim, no., 1, 1964, 201-202
TOPICTAGS: 2-n-butyl-1 2-azaborolfden.e..83~nthesis, 2-n-butyl-1,2-aza-
borolidene dimer, 2-n-buty3.-1,"2-izaboroU&)rw# jiz-a-~tyl-a P 2-a Is abo"Al I&zw
trimer, tri-n-butylboron, hydrbborating
ABSTRACT: A mixture of 2-n-butyl-1,2-azaborolidene (in an equilibrium mlr-~
ture of monomer and dimer or trimer) and tri-n-butylboron is produced bi
hydroborating allylamino-di-n-butylboron:
N 1l - Clio
2-n- butyl- 1, 2-azaborolidene may be syntheisized in 37% yield by adding allyli-,
mine to a mixture of tri-n-butylboron and triethylamine heated to 100C:
NH - He
(ii-C411I)sD + 2 (W&)sW-DH# + 3CHo CHCHoWHo "HIB/ + 3116
The subject compound may also,be prepared by heating 3-aminopropyl-di-n-
N He Clio N R CHI
+ CHo+ He
"Authors thank 1, P. Y~kovlsv for obtaining the IR spectra. Orig. art. has:
4 equations,
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheakoy. khimill im. N. D. ZeUnskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Aeademy of Sciences SSSR)
SUBMITTED: 19Jul83 DATE ACQ: 14~GbS4 ENCL: 0*0
Car 3/3
.;.AUTHOR: Mikhaylov, B. M.; Hostovoy, N. V.; Dorokhov. V. A..
TITLEt Thiaborolones - new haterocycli.c boron compounds
SOURCEi AN SSSR, IzvestLyas Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 79 19641
,1TOPIC TAGS: thioborolane, borolane derivative$ thiaborolane
ABSTRACT: Three new heterocyclic boron compounds, l-phenyl-2-thLa-
borolane (1), 1-butyl-2-thiaboralane (11), and 2-aninoothyl (3-
mercaptopropyl)butylborinate (111), have been prepared. I (mp '
38-41C) wee obtained in 30% yield by reacting ally1mercaptan with
1,2-diphenyldiborane(6) in benzene solutions It (bp, 48-50C at 2 mm HA
was synthesized in 34% yield from tributylboranot diborane(6) and
allylmereaptan. III (mp, 65-73C) was prepared in 87% yield by the
reaction of ethanolamine with It*. III has an inner complex structura&l
Orige arts hasi 3 formulas*
ASSOCIATIONS Institut organicheskoy khLmii ino N. Do Zelinskag
Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistryg Academy of Sciences
SUBHITTEDt 23Apr64' ATD PRESSt 3075 ENCLs 00
KMAY10.10 B.M.; LOROKIIOV..-V..,I,-,
2-Alkorj-1,2-oxaborolt.n,~B. lzv. AN rt.-m. :1c.'A
166,11-1.663 165. ~ i4l:ts a I -) "
1. lng'Utut orgnnicheakoy kl~iln~ Ys!'.'iriskogo AN Y7SR.
I/ 1 -1
Organoborcn compounds. Report Nc.162.-
K'Lam I nopr olry I boron compound;3. %V.AN LQI'.I-hJTl.
6o.1:90-96 106. O"IRA 19t I)
1. InstlAut orgitnicheii~oy kiiiiiiii in. N.D.1elinAcizr, ,N
SSSR. Submittod Atly 29) 1965-
1890S." wr(S)IMingIr ww/s/Int/w
ACC NR: AP6006082 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/166/005/lU4/1117
'AUTHOR* KP ~aylo~v.B. ~M. (Academician); Dorckhov, V. A.; Mostovoy, N. V.
,'ORG: Institute of Organic Chemistry Jjk. N. D. Zelinskiv, Acadow of ScIencesqSSSR
'Unstifu-torganichaskoy khivii Akademl r-naukSSSR) f
!TITLE: Synthesis and properties of thlaborolanes
'SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dokladyq v. 166, no. 5, 1956, 1114-1117
;TOPIC TAGSt organoborim compound, organic sulfur compound, heterocyclic lease
compound,. organic synthetic 'process
'ABSTRACT: The article describes some Teactions of thiaborolanes, five-membered
ihoterocyclic compounds Vith a,boron an,l a oulfur atom In the ring, having the form
Card 1/3
VD0; 661o71M
L 18905-"
kc "Ni.- -4640-i60
2-n-Butyl-1,2-thiabowlane.fbms a stable liquid complex with pyridines -0
HO + CitiN
M-Q E14t
-'. '~ff
Alkylthiaborolants also fmmm stile complexes with secondary and tertiary mines
and ammoniat
Card 2/3
L 113905,-66
1ACC NR: -AP6604002''
!In contrast$ the action of alcohol on 2-alkyl-1,2-thiaborolanes splits the B-S
ibond to form compounds of trivalent boron, ~iisters of (y-mercaptopropyl)alkylboronic
+' ROH- 5!'-1BCH'Cv6C)1'S)i
~InfVared spectra showed the association of inine .complexes of thiaborolanes due to
lintermolecular hydrogen bonds. The paper waLs presented by Academician B. A. Kazan-
jakLy, 20 July 196*S.' Origt art. hass 8 forculas.
SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATEt 00/ ORIG REN 008/ OTH REr: 002
Card 3/3 rh
L N!!~1_66 j-
N xdD ;x
ACC NRt' AP6009803 EOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/002/0364/0366
AUTHOR: Dorokhov, V. A.; Hikhaylov, B. M.
RG: Institute of Organ c Chemistry im. N. D. Zelinskiv,_Acpdqny SSSR
(Institu~ organicbeskoy khimii Akademii rauk SSSR)
TITLE: New reactions of esters of tbloboric acids
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicbeskaya, no. 2, 1966, 364-366
TOPIC TAGS: organoboron compound, thioboric acid, sulfide, organic sulfur compound,
alkyl vinyl sulfide
ABSTRACT: Thioborinates, which are readily prepared, have a high reactivity and can
be used in synthetic organic chemistry. Various vinyl alkyl sulfides can be prepared
from the appropriate esters, viz.. thioborates or dialkylthioborinates, and vinyl
ethers. Aminomercaptalg can be synthesized by reacting thioborates with dimethyl-
formamide. On heating of dialkylthioborinates with cyclohexanone anilide, the
mercaptan is split-off ani an organoboron enamine is fomed. Apparently, cyclohexa-
none anilidareacta In ita tautomeric forn as an enamine. PC]
SUB CODE: 07 DATE: 17Jul65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS:
q2'?, 7-
t 369ga-66 wp(plm(m) Rm/wwfjvt
ACC NR: AP60085OZ SOURCE C13DE: UR/006Z/66/0oo/ooi/ooqo/ooq6
AUTHOR; Mostovoy, N. V. ; Dorokhov, V. A.; Mikhaylov, B. M.
y, Academy of ciences3
ORG: Instilute of Orpanic Chemistry im, N. D. Zelinski
SSSR (Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR)
TITLE: Oruanoboron compounds. Communication 162. Chelate Gamma-
aminopropyl boro compounds
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheakaya, no. 1. 1966, 90-96
TOPIC TAGS: chemical synthesis, organoboron compound, chelate compound,
boron compound
ABSTRACT: In this investigation the authors synthesized a number of new
organoboron chelate compounds in order to further study their properties, in
particular, to elucidate the effect of substitutes in the presence of boron and
nitrogen atoms on the strength of the coordination bond B*-N. The authors
describe the synthesis of 12 new organ boron compounds containing the y-amino-
propyl grouping. The dipole moment of some of the compounds synthesized are
measured to compare the strength ofile internal coordination bonds. It was found
that the replacement of hydrogen atomq in the presence of nitrogen by alkyl groups
lowers the strength of the coordinatio linkage between the boron and nitrogen atome.j-
UDC: 541.49+661.718.4
ACC NR- AP6008502 4~
The authors also point out that the introduction of the alkoxy group to the boron atom
'in y-aminopropyl compounds weakens the donor-acceptor interaction between the
boron and nitrogen atoms. It is demonstrated that the strength of the internal
coordination bond between the boron and nitrogen atoms is determined by the same
factors as the stren th of the usual coordination bond in complex boron compounds.
The boron trialkyl4ave a higher complexing capacity than the esters of boric and
thioboric acids, and the basicity of tertiary amines with respect to the organoboron
compoundd\`~decreases with an increase in the volume of the alkyl groups at the
nitrogen atom. The authors thank A. N. Niki ina and V. Smorchkov for determin-
ing the dipole moments. Orig. art. has: 13 formulas.
SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 29Jul65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 002
Card 2/2 )w
EWT(M)/3wp(j) "/Jw/rm
~ACC NRt AF6009798 -SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/002/0332/0331~
AUTHOR: Mikbaylov, B -M,; Doziokbov,, Vo A.; Yakovlev, I. P.
ORG: Institute of Organic Cbemistry im. N. D. Zelinskiy, Academy of-%
SciencesISSS (Ins-Elfuz organlaff-eskoy icnimlX Alcademil naux Muni
TITLE: Tbiob,orating aoetovitrilfbA
SOURCM AN SSSR. Isvestiyat",Seriya kbimiobaskaya,, no. 2t 1966a 332-
TOPIC TAGS:' obamical reaotionj organic :nitrile compound,, organic sulfur
compound, organoboron compounds cbemioal purity
ABSTRACT#.- Tba.reaction of asters of dialkyltbioborio soidl(I) witb
acetonitriia was investigete-d-7-Mm-ple 9:nd mixed etbyl, propyl and butyl
esters of I were added to acetonitrilo forming crystalline adducte whiob
decomposed to the original material on b,sating. Reactions were run at
room temperature, witb or witbout solvent and 70-80% -yields were
obtained, Adducts were stable in air, alcobol, water, and HCL at room
temperature, IR studies sbowed the addui)t monomers were formed first
adduct formation and
and then dimerized, These reactions of
decomposition may be a means of purifyini; .9sters of dialkyltbioborio
Ca 1/2 UDC 1 542 - 91+661,718.4
Fatisov, S. ri. and DorokJiovp V. I. "The eliquation of stesl or,
chromium bottoms," Trudy StaUnskofyc ohl. otd-niya
Vnitom, No 1, 19W, p. 46-48
SO: U-521~1, III Decarilimr 19~3, (Leto-,ds l4iiwilaj 1-iy)di Statey, ~w.
AUTHORS: Dorokhu and Lopatin, A. V., Candidates of
MrMSMariAntin-ce and Molotkoir, V. A.. Engineer
TITLE: On the Evaluation of the Quality of Boiler Plate
(K otsenke kachestva kotellnoE;o lista)
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1958, 1Tr 4, PP 348-1352 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The evaluation of the quality of boiler plate (up to
25 mm thLck) according to GOST 5520-50 based on the
examination of fracture for lzminations is discussed.
on the basis of evidence collected on the Works imeni
Illich during the inspection of the plate and special
investigations carried out in order to establish the
nature of laminations and the influence of testing
conditionc on the results obtained the following
conclusions are drawn: 1) on evaluating the quality of
boiler steel accordinG to laminations observed in the
fracture of test specimens, it is necessary to
differentiate laminations of the first type, i.e. such
laminations which physically exist in the steel in the
form of breaks of continuity before the tests, and
laminations of the second type which are form-ed during
the break of the specimen in placor, of liquations,
Card 1/2(segregation) strips, 2) The appearance of laminations
On the Evaluation of the quality of Boiler Plate 133-58-4-23/40
of the second type depends on the temperature of the
test, spread of applying the lcad, structural state of
the metal of the specimen and cther test conditions.
All factors promoting brittle fracture of the specimen
lead to a decrease of dimensions and number of such
laminations or even to their complete disappearance.
Therefore, the evaluation of the quality of steel from
the appearance of fracture without taking into considera-
tion test conditions cannot be considered as reliable.
3) Therefore the test for frocture according to GOST
5520-50 should be replaoed by an investigation of the
macrostructure of plate. 4) In view of the development
of the production of thick plate GOST 5520 should be
extended to plates up to 200 to 250 mm. thick. In view
of a large range of thickness of boiler plates, scales
of macro-structures for various thickness ranges should
be included into the standard. For plates 50 to 150 mm,
thick the scale used on the works imeni Illich (Fig-7)
Gan be used. There are 7 figures and 2 references, both
Card 2/2 of which are Soviet. In the editorial note further
discussion on the aubject is invited.
ASSOCIATION: Zavod im. Illicha (Works imeni Illich)
1. Metal plates--Quality control 2. Metal plates--Test results
3. Metal plates--litspection 4. BoJ.lers--Material
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1960, No. 10, P. - 60, # 22882
AUTHORSt Skoblo, S.Ya., Dorokhov, VJ. 4 Molatkov, V.A.,, Fereverzeva, Ye.Q.
TITLEt Investigation of the Heterogeneity of 7-ton and 16.5-ton Killed
Steel Sheet Ingots
PERIODICAL: Sb, Zhdanovsk. metallurg. in-t, 1960, No. 5, PP. 95-114
TEM Results are given of Investigations of' various indices showing the
heterog~sneity of killed CT.3 (St.3) steel sheet ingots of 7-ton weight and of
C7.22 (St.22K) ingots of 16.5-ton weight. The steels were melted in a basic
open-hearth furnace by the scrap-ore process. The 7-ton Ingots were syphon-cast
into a compact-bottom mold of H/D w 2.8 and 3 - 5% conicity. Me 16.5-ton Ingots.
were top-cast through an intermediate ladle with 2 bu2ketn into an upward expand-
ing through-mold of H/D = 2.4 and I - 3% coniolty. The 7-ton ingots are charac-
terIzed by a sharply marked axial (particularly In tho middle portion of the height)
and off-axial-heterogenalty. The 16.15-ton ingots are characterized by a stronger
axial and off-axial heterogeneity. The main defects of the ingot macro-structure
Card 1/2
A006/AOOI -
Investigation of the Heterogeneity of 7-ton and 16.5-ton Killed Steel Sheet Ingots
are segregational streaka, enriched with P and sulfide lmputities, occuring at the
side of the ribs and penetrating Into the body to a depth of 50-80 mm. The authors
established the high isotropic degree of the mechanical properties of the sheet
Ingot cast metal. The mechanical properties of the metal in flat sheet Ingots
show a higher relative homogeneity than those of multi-face'ingots. The distribu_
tion of C, S and P is characterized by -their moderate s.~gregatlon on the upper
levels of the ingot and considerable negative segregation in the zone of the
precipitation cone. A higher conicity of the ingots w.11 reduce the negative
segregation of carbon, The amount of ncn-metallic impurities and the ability to
pickling of the specimens, characterizing the compactness of the metal, increase
from the surface to the axis of the ingot. The mechanical properties of the metal
decrease in the same direction, which indicates their direct connection with the
amount of non-metallio Impurities and the compactness of the metal. The average
content of non-metallio impurities in tho 7-ton syphon-cast Ingots is somewhat
higher than in top-cast 16.5-ton ingots.
Translato?s note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract,
Card 2/2
-V, --"
Use of calci= ollicide for the deoxidation and alloying of
steel with silicon. Trudy Mr. nauch.-isal. inst. met no.6t69-
89 160. (MIRA 140)
Steel-Metallur )
loium ailicidle
AUTHORS: Kazachkov, Ye. A., Skoblo, S, Ya., Kir-yushkiri, Yu.
V,. I.Sapelkin, N. F.
TITLE: Investigating the thermal work of molds for lorging Ingots
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1%2, 44, abstract 3V268
("Sb. nauchn. tr. Zhdanovsk. metallurg. in-t", 1960, no. 6, 68-109)
TEXT: The thermal work of molds was investigated during the solidification
of three different sizes of forging Ingots, cast into octahedral through-molds
with a floating riser. One of the ingots weighing 24.5 tvns was cast into a
mold at top position of the floating riser; the second irgot weighing 24.5 tons
- at a lower position of the floating riser, and the thirt. Ingot, weighing 42.5
tons, at a considerable immersion of the floating riser Into the mold. All the
ingots were cast from grade 55X (55Kh) steel from different heats, melted In
basic open hearth furnaces. The temperature distribution at various spots across
the mold walls was determined during the solidifying of tl~e ingot from readings
of A - 26 thermocouples, which were placed on the mold wElls at different depths
and several height levels. Moreover, during the solidification process, periodic
Card 1/2
Investigating the thermal work ... A006A101
measurements were taken of the air temperature In the lower, middle and top
section of the caisson, where the molds were placed. Datit on the temperature
distribution In the mold walls were used to determine the amounts of heat, its
storing at any moment of time, and the amount of beat transferred to the Sur-
rounding medium by convection or radiation. On the basis of data on heat losses
of the ingots, the advance of tAte crystallization front in the ingotoduring
their solidification wan established. The heat balance structure of the ingot
solidification process was revealed. It was established that at the moment of
completed solidification with a heavier weight of the Ingot there is a rapid
increase in the fraction of heat, transferred to the surrounding medium by
radiation from the mold surface, and a decrease in the fraotion of heat stored
by the mold walls.
P. Arsent'yev
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
In the Ukrainian Scientif4c Research Institute of Metals.
Stall 21 no,8t688,731 Ag t61. (Mmh 14:9)
(Metallurgical-plants-F.quipment and supplies)
(Rolling (Y&Ulwwk)
AUTHOAZ Dorokhov, V.I.
TITLE; At the Uki,ainskiyniiuchno-lasledovatel'Bkly 1nstitut metallov
(Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Motals)
PERIODICAL: Stall, no.. 12, 1962, 1,lo6 - i,lo7
T=: 1) In cooperation with the Kommunirskly meta:.lurgicheakiy zavod
(kommunarsk Metallurgical Plant) and TsNIIChM, a new technology for two-ply
Aeets has been developed. Instead of being cast, the combInation of basic layer
and cladding metal is electro-welded. The seam is*gas-imparmeablej which pre-
vents oxidation of the Inner con-tact surface and permits fracture-free rolling,
The slabs of the basic layer are planed on one-side, the l.Lminates forming the.
second layer are nickel-coated on the upper surface. A ref'ractory layer is ap-
plied between the laminations to prevent their sintering together. After roll-
ing, the two-ply sheets are heat-treated, cut to size, picUled and surface-fin-
ished. This technology is adapted for low-carbon steel (all basic layer), the
coating Is made of 1 X 18H 9T (1Kh18NqT) steel and Hff-2 (NP-2) nickel. The two-
Card 1/3
At the Ukrainskiy nauchno-isaleddvatellskiy .... A054/A127
ply sheets cut to (6 - 35) x (1-1200 - 1,700) x (4,000 --10,000) mm satisfy the
standards. Their shear resistance is 16.5u; 30 kg/mm2 (against the standard 15
k&/mm2)- The sheet surface is of a high q lity L rOCS5,520-50 (GOST 5520-501
and finishing can be carried out more easily than in the case of cast two-ply
sheets. 2) In cooperation with the zavod "Zaporozhatal"' ("Zaporozhatall" Plant)
Z-sections from Ogr 2 (0902) and 20 Cn (20Sp) steel glades, sections for the
transverse border of platform wagons and bent square sections with parting at the
.angle and sides have been produced on a pilot plant scale. The new method made
it possible to eliminate the forming of a screw shape in rolling the Z-sections.
The 60 x 60 x 5 mm square sections could be produced with more accurate dimen-
sions and smaller gape at the seam edges with a parting at the side. "Zaporozh-
stalf" produces Z-sections, trough-shaped sections, channel sections, panel-pro-
files for all-metal cars, window-frame sections, etc. The use of bent sections
saves about 17 rubles per ton of steel. New methods for,designing and calculat-
ing grooves for the U-nections have been developed; the~change of the metal
pressure on the rolls, the torques for Z-shaped and b9nt sections have been in-
'vestigated- 3) New systems of grooves have been developed for rolling ribbed
and corrugated sheets. A new calibrating acheme has been established, Involving
Card 2/3
At the Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy .... A054/A127
the sinking of the corrugated sheet, which considerably reduces the thinning of
the metal in the bends and improves the shape of the finished section. Grooves
have been designed for corrugated sheets with wide and narrow zones at the edge.
The sinking method of calibration has been adapted for the 18-stand section mill
(1 -4- 4 x 400 - 1,500) of the "Zaporozhstall" Plant. The new grooves permitted
the reduction in length of slabs for ribbed sheets by 10 mm and their width by 7
mm. 4) Closed square and rectangular aections used.mainly in agricultural ma-
chinery are usually produced by the welding of iwo angle Irons or channel Irons.
At the shape rolling mill of the institute tests were made (at I : 1 scale) with
new groove systemsto produce such sections by calibration. Part of the grooves
is adapted fcr the 14-stand mill (2 -t- 7 x 80 -1- 500) at "Zaporozhstal"'. The see-
t1ons rolled on this equipment have the parting line at the center of the side.
The new method increased the strength of the sections by 24.8%, their yield point
by 19.5%, whereas their relative elongation was reduced by 42%.
Card 3/3
Renearch carried out at the Mcrainism histitute of Metals.
Stall 22 no.12slosip n06-11079 1122o-1123, 113o, n36 D 162-
(Mcraine-Metallurgical reaearch)
AUTHORS; Glushko, V.,% and Nechiporenko, Ye.P.
TITLE: Contribution to the kinetic-ii of the oxidation of
molybdenum disilicide
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallcivedeniye, v. 1"#,, no. 6.
1962, 923 - 924
TEXT: The results of a study of the kinetics of the oxidation
of molybdenum disilicide in air at 900 - 1 300 OC are given.
Specimens were prepared,by_ eating molybdenum plates with silicon
powder at a pressure of 10 ~ mm Hg and a temperature of 1 350 0 C.
After metallographic and diffraction analysis for Mosi, the 0
oxidation kinetics were studied in the Interval of 900 - 1 200 C
and a duration of 6 h. The rate of oxidation per unit surface was
determined from the gain in weight. Th* activation energy was
found to be 82 +,,2.5 kcal/mole and the process followed the
equation: n
V W K-r.
where W is the change in weight, the time, X the
Eats ionstant (1.998 x 10-4 at 900 2.590 x 10 -2 at 1 200 0 C)
ar a7
Contribution to Elll/E352
and n a kinertic parameter (0-72 at 900 ~- 0.42 at.1 200 0C).
There are 3 figures and 1 table.
ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR
(Physicotochnical Institute of the AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTED: November 28, 1961
Card 2/2
Investigating oxide inclusion in killed carbcn steel. Sbor. trud.
UNIIM no.9:420-432 164 (mi.%A 1821)
DOROEHOV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; KLEPFSHOV, G.A.1 kand. to~hn. nnuk
Secondary oxidation of ateel. Stall 2,, no.11:995-997 11 164.
(141FUt 18: 1)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-inaledovatellski.y Anstitut metallov.
DOROKHOI/P V.I. (Darlkor)j KILKI,'SHOV, G.A. (Kha.:-Ikov)
0-hanr.u cf or