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KALKiIIIIIK, I.A., dnktor voterin.ruiuk; IXAJUGAYA, Z.I., vntorllULrW vrach. Influence of tissue extracts on the reactivity of anitnal organ- Inme. Voterinartla 36 no.6:57-60 Je 159- 04IRA 12:10) 1. Ilartkovskly vaterinarnyy lastitut. (Tissue extratte) XALAMIX, I. A.~ PEREDERAI n. Ya., BOUMV, V. 1. tall DOIA)GAYA) 2,. 1. 11 Conserved blood of animals in the biogen atimulator dwing hog fattening." VeterInariya Vol. 37, Ho- 3, 196o., p. lo ",u p - Vd- Dr. K kL,~ ktc, V d- - 55~., f - KALASHNIK, I.A., doktor veter.nauk; PEREDERA, B.Ya., kand.veter.nauk; BOZHKO, V.I., kand.veter. nauk; DOROGAYA, Z.I,, veterinarnyy vrach - f-1_1 - ' Conserved animal blood is a biogenic stimulator in swine fattening. Veterinariia 37 n(;.3:70-72 Mr 160. (imu 16:b) 1. Kh,trtkovskiy veterinarnyj Institut. (Blood as food or medicine) (Swine--Feeding and feeding stuffs) 4-6 V 9 A'j -I-AO-1-JIL-L"Al-as rw- f-1 I 1- 110 fit A-0 if* t-dipfel RSPVO#Wg 00 RPONAMMID HOP AU1 UPCAYUPUQeN" "men 0 NOPOOTPawsm y Mae Pm Kar4ulL IIWAM- lima to Zt1sullom Safi perswis working With Polaw variedird its rellanj to the immoures to Im, taken for the preventimi of the Intniduct"t smiat I in our ct'untly I tile Potato wart viii, 2. lip, b7 -1)), 3 OKA, 1931. Aftw givissig a very brief defecrilition of tLe niorpholivy slual I biology of Hy"CAJOrivIlt aft&6i'dieups 1which i0i stafteil to IV No far aboang from the Union of Soviet Republics)), the author givea goo A 0 Of I I L A, 414TAItALVIDGICA4 Lill CLAVIVICAti" so Its. Pgot 684 "Odej t 6 Vv- U w AV id is W~r 00 0 lad a a 11 4 - 'Aw-i-i a too see , 0 * "FW-- * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a-- 0 4 0 0 fit Orp ft few reeommendatkm for &be O"eful ,by tholoirical exataing. = 00 00 tion Of all potato Varieties jup"W from A 1. appecially f. 0 00 (kM&My' Isis poinw out that some of tho - resistant'varistito. so 04-- JU141, Originstillf fMm that country are pwrtkularly.1s row insamuch sis they I*iu*nUy bear imsil, 1WxWplCUoUqn=". 0* 00 whieh way be "ly overlooked, and can only be 41#tMed under h W l b i j 00 t e eroveope or nmu at on tw"L In the eshe of the &M. y dantal introduction of the ww -& dims," into an dm%tic lomlit 00 , y, y StOP4 Should ImUmliately be taken for its complete eradication. 00 including &W thorough MOM-41 frctB the soil of all pa_rU of the 00 14ftaftl ]plant* and their destructhm by Are, the isolation of the of 1"fretiOn NO with 0 UMWOn not under 2 m. all #^MnJ, tire disin- (setion of the qmnd under the jnfoctel aa)l* will, fullpel l- ' Zr'v ow kee h mxb under el f ll w f t I t egis o or . e M on yosrw~ a p q 00 of 00 00 90 90 00 00 00 14z,t-4- OC-) I ri V11 AID P - 320 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Author Dorogin, P. Ya. Title Stock protective barrier for "at type hoiats Periodical Sbor. mat. o nov. tekh. v stroi., 3, 14-15, 1954 Abstract Movable protective barriers for mast type hoists are described. They are of two types: one tubular, the other, a fence of wooden boards. 2 graphs show details. Institution : None Submitted : No date DGRCGIN'411) 11. 1. ECKCGIVIN, V. I.-. "Hydroeloctric power station aggregAes as L.-enerators of reactive power." Min Higher -Education USSF.. ~~Oscow Order or Lenin Power Enginecring Inst iv.eni V. E. Molotov. Moscow, 1956 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate In Technical Science-s) So: Knizhnayu Letopiol, 1,-'0, 18, 1956 DOROGI kand. takhno nauk JIL Use of the gererators of hydroelectrio power stations as "nchroncrue c(Openilatord. Elek. sta. 34 no.7143-46 JI 163. (MIRA 16:8) rN, TELEZILLINKO, V.P.; q(IRSHENIN, Yu.V.; DOROGINITSKAYA, L.M. Dynamic characteristics of seismic recordings in tLe case of wedge- shaped layeris batied on modeling data. Trudy SMIGODIS no.27:95-121 162* Oju 16:9) 1. Sibirokiy nau..-hno-iseledovatel'skiy institut geologii, geofiziki i minerallnogo syrIya, (Wext Siberian Plain-Seismic prospecting) DOROGINITSKAYA, L.M.1 TELFMHFYKOp V*P.; FROLOVAt L. A. Experimental study of the reflection coefficient and propagation velocities of elastic vayes in fluid-caturated porous media. Trudy SNIXGGIMS no. 3008-110 1 64 (MIRA 19:1) .) 0 1 .3 *; C) ,,~ t j-, , A . .", Tne Distribution of tension of an orthotropic plate with a circular openirl~ with pure :;,iear. "Inzhinernyy --J~bornikl' ;Lcadwy of icience of t~ie U:I~SA ely ,~er,art.,,-ierit o*-' .-I*ciew;es, Lnstitute of Ilechanics. ].0- " DOROGOMM.Aoso (Leningrad) Pure shear-induced stress distribution in an orthotropic plate with a circular aperture. Inzh.sbor. no.21:113-119 '55. (Strains and stresses) (HLRA 8:11) IF7 621 0 Wt=leq,~'RUERTI FS OF CUM ni VF d )-VIno -K400-fr DUV~Cb1d G.M. KNI, I.E.. -QJ~ !~~C7, T 1955. (2),*+a-,- ft"Y". Is er ~ ( li full 4"Calu Imly of tha 4jtfoM;M or bOWIng cLnd mixtre on ;ha cia;Conal (If mainly ash (Kctorki Ot cm'~ ehwgr4 rMoc-dlmg to Ockc ~,'v AVI, ~F %)At til'i Prol f Z~;;~co In all nm plwra Is ;rZr.,d. Micro ji,j tho coal dcio not pass throujM cko boMina sym~am ic la stag"ti-4 ut two alaula bo alklod III Cormt4n; proporr.1m frm acramto bwgurs. A ri yy PJ -~j C, r" 1-0 1 Pj AT AYCKIN. T.B.; BURTSEV, K.I.; BYSTILOY, S.N.; VIMS, G.B.; VCDNEV, G.G.; VORCYIN. A.S.; GEVLICH, A,S.; GRYAZNOV, H.S.; GUDIM, A.F.; GUSTATINSKIT, N.A.; DVCIIIN, B.S.; DrDHHX0, V.Te.; DMIITRrM, N.H.; DCIMZ, N.H.; G.M.; ZHDANOV. G.1.; ZAGCIRULIKO. A.1.; ZELXWSKIY, A.G.; IVASHCHMO. a". ..- KAYTAN. S.I.-. IVASHA, A.S.: K=Yff, A.D.; )MISHNVSrIT, G.S.; KOZYMN, V.P.; KOLOBOV, V.N.; IDAIM, K.I.; INYTHS, V.A.; LWUM, B.Z.; LOBCDAI H.S.; LUBDWS. I.A.; MARMTKIN, I.I.; MUSTAP0, P.A.; NIMIROVSKIT, N.Mi.; NM9M, V.A.; 03MOVSKIT, U.M.. P3W-SXV, M.A.; PETROV, I.D.; PODCROZHANSKIY. H.0,; POPOV, A.P.; RAK, A.I.; REVYAKIN, A.A.; ROZRKov. - A.P.; ROUNGAtM, D.A.; SAZCKOV, S.A.; SIGALOV, M.B.; STOKAIRIM. Ta.B.; TARASOV, S.A.; FILn'M, B.S.; PRIDNAN, N.K.; FRISHMG, V.D.; XMIKOV- SKIT, X.V.; KHOUPTSIff, V.P.; TSARNV. M.N.; TSOGLIN, MON.; CHMIZ, I.I. CHMOK, V.T.; SHWZCN, A.K. Samuil Berisovich Bame.Koks i 156. (Km 9:10) (Bamme, Samidil Bertsevich, 1910-1956) -b 0 R o I D Gr. N .1-8(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPD914TATION SO11/1247 Dostizheniya domenshchikov Magni-'-.--ogorskogo metallurgicheskogo kombinata (Achievements of Blast Ftu~rsce Operators of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Comb-ine) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1957. 279 p. 3,000 copies prtnted. Ed.: Bannykh, A.I., Professor; Ed of Publishing House: Yablonskaya, L.V.; Tech. Ed.; Attopovich, M.K. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for engineers, foundry foremen, and personnel in research institutes. It may also be useful to students and othe::-s interested In foundry prantice. COVERAGE: This book deals with achievements of the foundries of the Magnitogorsk, Metallurgical Combine. The processes of preparing the charge, melting and pouring are described. Improvements In foundry methods and the theory behifid these improvements ate.presented with numerous graphs and illustrations. ~The book is the combined . effortr6f the following authors: Foreword: Bann-kh, A.M.. (editor); Introductlon., parts 1 and 2: Bannykh, A.M.; peirt, 3 by Card 1/6 -Achievements of Blast Furnace Operators (,;ont.) SCV/1247 Stefanovich, M.A.; Chapter I, part 1 b-ir Dorr cbid G.M.; part 2 Part 3 by Yakobeo- _~ _? pter If, Part 1, by Shitov, I.S.; 41 . ~h a p ~te r'~ A.F.; 2, and 3 by Galatonov, A,L.; Pam 4 by Banny1ch, A.M. and Nayasov, A.G.; Chapter Ill., aalatob.-.~v, A.I,. and GolchirtJ V.I.: Chapter IV, parts 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 by Gala-',onov, A.L.; pat by Stefanovich, M.A,; Chapter V by Stefanov~.-,!h, M.A.; Chapter VI by Babarykin, N.N.; Chapter VII by Shastin, V.A.; Chapter VIII by Gorriostayev, V.K. There are 51 references, of which 43 are Soviet, and 8 are English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 5 Introduntion. 1. Brief description of a blast" furna(,~e 7 2. Results of technical and economIc ach:evements c-f the blast furnace shop,, 195(-- to 1955 8 Card 2/6 Achievements of Blast Furnace Operatrrs (cont.) SOV/1247 3. The nature of processes in a blast furnace 16 Ch. I. Preparation of Raw Material and Fuel for Blast Furnace Operation 36 1. Method of coking 36 2. Blending of ore 68 3. Agglomerate plants and prepara'v',ion of agglomerate 79 Ch. II. Flux.-bearing Agglomerate 87 1. The use of flux-bearing agglomerate in the charge of a blast furnace 87 2. Quality of highly basic flux-bearing agglomerate 91 3. Resulto of blast furnace performace with flux-bearing agglome-rate 92 4. Theoretical principles and reasons for using flux-bearing agglomorate 97 Card 3/6 Achievements o:*.' Blast Furnace Operators (Cont.) SOV/1247 Ch. III. Elimination of Manganese Additives from the Charge and -the Production of Low Manganese Cast Iron 113 1. Productivity of the blast furnace and coke requirements 115 2. Quality of pig iron 117 3. Economic results 126 Ch. IV. Increased Pressure of Blast Furnace Gas 128 1. Application of increased top pressure 128 2. Plan for a changing over of blast furnaces to increased top pressure 129 3. Operation of blast furnaces with increased top pressure 134 4. Control and measuring instrinents and their readings .137 5- Special features in the operation of blast furnaces with increased top pressure 140 6. Changes in the distribution of the charge materials in the stack 142 7. Theoretical principles of blast furnace operation with increased top pressure 146 Card 4/6 Achievements of Blast Furnace Operators (Cont.) S011/1247 Ch. V. Application of Blowing With Increased and Controlled Amounts of Moisture and Increased Heat (Temperatare) 175 1. The role of hydrogen and water vapors in blaet furnaces 175 2. Results of using blowing with variable arnount of moisture 182 3. Direction of changes in moisture content (from normal t6 optimum) 191 4. The importance of high temperature blowing In relation to changes in the blast furnace prricesses 193 Ch. VI. Controlling Blast Furna,,e Operations From the Top 210 1. Analysio of motion and distribution of charge material3 in the otack 212 2. Characteristics of the basic principles in controlling blast furnace operatioxs from the top 229 3. The use of principles of controlling the blast furnace from the top for the elimination of certain troubles In the functioning of blast furnace 237 Card 5/6 Achievements of Blast Furnace Operators (Cont..) SOV/1247 Ch. VII. Constructional Improvements of Blast; Furnace Shop Equipme.-,rit 248 1. -Lodd Ing-. arrangement for blaer, furnacas 248 2. Receiving hopper 250 3. Hot air duct equipment 255 4. -Arrangement, for removal of melt products 26l 5- Ovethaul of blast furnaces 261 Ch. VIII. The Role of the-Blast Pirnace Foraynan 266 1.. The Magnitogorsk school for fr4remnr. 266 2. Foreman -- a blast furnace technologist 267 3. Foreman as the organizer of work at a blast furnace 2;74 '4. TTnifom wojiking-vnethods for the various shifts 276 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress GOlksv 3-10-59 Card 6/6 AUTHORS: Varshavskiyt T.P., Shevc1aenkog N.S. TITLE: Smokeless Charging koksovykh pechey) PERIODICAL: Koks i Xhimiya, "OV/68-59--6-7/25 Dorogobid, G.M., Seppar, A.M. and of Coke Ovens (Bezdyinnaya, zagruzka 1959, Nr 67 pp 2_~+-31 (USSR) I ABSTRACT: In 1955 VUKhIN developed a method of smokeless charging of coke ovans with two collecting mains. The basic deficiency of the method was a decrease in the weight of the charge and an increase in the ash content of tar due to carry over of the coal dust during steam injection. In 1957-58 VUKhIN in co-operation with the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine investigated various methods of charging ovens in order to improve the technology of charging. The main attention was directed towards decreasing the amount of dust carried over into the collecting mains. The characteristic features of the methods tested are shown in Table 1 zmdthe dependence of concentration of dust in the gas in ascension pipes on the moisture content and the content of particles belov 50 p in the blend in Fig 1. The best results were Card li2 obtbLint3d when charging was cairled out In two stages; Smokeless Charging of Coke Ovens SOV168.-59..6-7125 first through two outside holes simultaneously or in turn charging 12.9 tons (without levelling) and then after 15 - 25 minutes, through the middle ho I a (3-3 t) and levelling. Under these conditions the carry over of dust into the collecting mains was the lowest (9.85 - 11.8 kg/oven). The method can be used at; a moisture content up to 7.5% and with the inje(-tion of steam a(:cording trj the VUKhIN-MMK scheme (Fig 6). The use of vibrating filter screens for the removal of susponded matter from tar was tested with satisfactory results (no details) and will be incorporated into the operation practice on the MMK plant. Continuation of the work on the smokeless Card 2/2 charging of coal blends with a moisture !:!ontent. abo;ra is recommended. There are 6 figures, 5 tables ASSOCIATION: Y-agnitogorsic-ty Meta-llurgiQheskiy Kombinat (Magnitogorsk Metallurgical C,Dmbine) Seppar a:--d % . DOROGOPID, G.M. 'I Cokr-. c?,emlcal engineers of Magnitka are strivinF for t,~&nichl pro roes. I;oks i f~dm. no-9:3-8 161. (VIII(A 3.5;T 1. Magnitogorskly metallurgicherkiy kombinat. I (Magnitogorsk--Coke induEtry) KROLI, V.L.; _ROROGOE3ID - PRAZD,,,IKOVA, V.A. ___ -G." Effe4t of the aJdition of mazut on the quality of coking products. Xoks i khim. no.9:12-16 161. (MIRA 1.~:I) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurEicheskiy kombinat. (Magnitogorsk--Coke industry--By-products) (Mazut) DOROGOBIO, G.M.; KADUKKVICH, R.V. New equipment far the coke and coal chemicals production in the Magnitogorsk Metal-lurgical Combine. Koks i khim. n0.6:53-56 163. MRA 16:9) 1. Magnitogorski:r metallurgicheakiy kombinat (for Dorogobid). 2. GosudarstyeMry institut po proyektiroywdyu predpriyatiy I.oksokhimichasko,r promyshlennosti (forr Mordukhovich) - (MagnitogorSK-4oke ind--ietry-Equipment and supplies) 40 0 0 0 0 0 # -i 0 --g* 0 0 0 m "-, - ld~ rj 0 0 a 0 & 0 0 a 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 a 1$- - 0.'a p ;- 0 0 1 T i I fl a to A flax at, it#- A 1 A U 0 a t . 0 0 4 00 f 0.0 (.6 "Itlot - A S.", Asti -00 of & 0 lo, 1- - 69 maws feat"", Kh. KMWL"V. -00 0* N-W A4.4 A; ISM 1 . ... . . 74 9, - tow cr.g- I The cak'a .4 low owes valor rol ," t l -00 , l ,, jj~ IMIN"'Ill SCUMMY fi-F OW .4 low ow,j .4 , I 1 -0 0 Ur beat 4 1. tion,frl I'V thr 1*41.1 A 60 4,; 0 di-1441r. sh, fdolo 4 low I&. %iil I.. It,, O.M40"M 41-111141, Op"s low low 11111flWal low alsis 1.1 "Is'Itkind" 00 00 &1 M WOU CA $11 41~W 1.0 11.1s,ij 111taW VlaiLtil, low bk., .4 tr&clkm of efor Im"atift tli.itliatc, j. v . .11ts its kg, _I c u to O d l i fl * . or w s em l u xt ac%urery, bill im.t tistvAur.4 pM kg.,-'. - hiffbi, --Hr " d l 0 we n making eaknis, f Jnr tdffmvo, A. A. Fkwhtfingos =00 00 -3 too *0 W 00 ;of see ulleblof CLMIFIC1000 be* It V F'-V -f AA a a 0 1 M Is p it at It 9 4 1 0 00 09 0 0 IN 0 0 0 u la 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 90 96 0 0,4 000 00 0*@*go 00 a 000 00 o~o 7,o--*oa#s 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -W W-UIV I f Itf L 0 11 1to 1 60 1 1 1 17 0 0 V. A 11 a A 00 4 1 is 0 1, 11 , . . 00 a 1 00 0 1 00 Is. A. A. Mel' "1 , OK ( t 00 11 rit "Pix &S w 0 t -00 ti,tioli. in the unall WInkler-K-mit, lylv furnace to Wi " 0 i yis-1,14 N-7 p Iste"tift AIWIIIslr, alth4vuSh the irdtkins , : s-lInt Is 111inifillord Olt Ills- fillAlly 1.. 4 -00 0 s 1.11WO twill .4 .14.1111141~ is% tiss, Will. littlitstv all 0 1,114.6 t,Als at-Its .00 the timml satitwl is,,lu,ing wrilital 11111VAW1, Ille rural 0 yirW 14 Inir,souir ditstillAis, fly It % llftNaintiended lis 00 ewiy tout the r-lut 4% its ths, luramce at 40M)' 1%* 2 3 itan. and in the evalostr2tor at 4LW Ism 41P M) trun. 'the lu- - i l d Z* 00 Alt ur Ctraft of kmplrne fractions in the "Mi m ng reducing requirrs virAbdrawal of thm frwittrisl through : [lie eveyn attm and cracking undcr in-wr ~.wvrte e,mdi. 00 0 premattv). I-Irlivil IfIrmlerl. A. A, It-lillmak 600 0: 00 goo 40 9 300 40 1 .00 DIPI 00 :1 1:4 0 00 :)0 0 IL - did AM I 1 9 wa 0 If 14 Of it it it 11 ld 0 000000,0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 411, 00 W 0s0 glow 0 0 00 0 0 000000 000 0 000*0000 e4 A- , 9 A I I AA N LL UD U Is k A I A mv 1 00 -00 00 Now readied for 404010141% the asswinit potential log AturtIk4n,I k. crockiftmessistrills. 1 1; '00 , , . 11111411. Selflumn." oft 21. sk., ' - 1 L I 0o 1 . A 4 M r IM one fill imi, 1. "MA. - v d 4 A I t 11le e Its" ac .4 Ow .41111,1e 1. thit VIM 14 v " .00 0 0 j .1101 When IPJ Call"Ad. air 4-10111"1 sn'.1 the vi- s4 IIVP I"WOO 16 IWIt at till' 41thl 111.011 9 % 'it 1 4-w1v'F4 Me .1,414 I l f l t goo - i a I144 f to plevissna .14 in Isy It"Wis u .14, 0,141"1 by Alto t.4100614 nt. osqtlmul~ In 2 pagalivi 3 I"te. of 180 5. warb. rimut is vraiviml in lob. autudev" At S atm. mW W* within 40 anti 119 inin. The Pp. Sr. W u dw 1161ilkle, and the via."Fily AM thr nubilld content -of 1 15, i see " var 6 the frAlvir air dotd. The I with end I"Aftit . q differritt wasut- Irmn MIA to 43%. A. K. li-stors I. goo U1111,6110111 CLAISOPKAM16 11a 11-9111.. 1ILM a J.e lowirv -A I b u IN &I : As '00 0 IP -4 It a a 4 If 0 of a If If 6690966469969 So Too ago uso 000 1 ;.z 000 boo -00 All, SOMWO *.IV IN goo 1 00009 enj -*-~W 0 W 0 W 9 W 0 W W' 04 16 74rrr1w.,W,. IS 346 Pau 11111041m Valuate 1LLI-16- 'a A-L, ,A U-M W.Ufl b 4 U B- A 4 t-4-1018 A A A L' 04 0" ~~fojoj litt O.C. It. t00# J, Doc I $,It o4 sell 0 a -00 :0 a till mak W ea amwo 'WAN is Or'W. -00 wilovo~r,,w JJ Nu.4.07- 14411"T"' am Wd"d. 11K .00 '(1L,11 jjjwjjjL anti I kift'011-11111OLMI K-1 we* 11talut We IN N j"S t stem" zoo nit t&kfu "" love a A, K. t1w raw ntaq~nw ii, tKA Stiffidrutly U'lliml. coo zoo see 41, 'age age J see ne* t 941411UNSICAL tiffIlAIdON CIASSOKAVION ties Iwo* I 1 0 pw 0 a I I to U a Al 00 is 0 0 ait 0 al ---oooooolooooooeoooo00000*06100000000000,9oogooooI 10,Z;;; ; ;;; ; ;; ;; ;;; ;, ~ 1-0 a I 1 4 1 0 1 4 9 0 t# tip to 04 is is 11 .1 10, ~o 09"; A-" .,L-j-k- A 9 L ik I- p-9 -0- , ,-- _1 P-tq., - - - __ .-,. __ ~ __ '' 1 00 *0 ::.4 00 60 3 '00.2 00 a #0 0 0 1-, .- 5o6o. DavoaNATiom or umaAmATED HrxtocAwNs IN THF, auTAxb;- BUMM,YRACTION BY ABSORMOM IN BRMIKS WATER. Dorojochinaldij, A. 2, Iyuter, A. V. and Musnikovap D, M. (Azarbiidshanskoe Neftyanoo Rhos.: 1947# 21, No.3, 13-181 Chem. Abstr. 1947, Al, 5818). water is beat The ahearption of unsaturated hydrocarbons by Br2 when the reagent Is fresh although the results are amlly too high. If the saturatedi agueous colution of Br is trested with KBr, the usefulAsso of the reagent Is evtonded. In most oases a solution sisturated with Br and 30% satunitod with KBv is to be recommended. The results are vithin 1-1,3S of the truth. Isobutax does-not affect the results, but 5% of pentanes causes erros of about 5%. -00 -00 -00 .00 Moo too coo see 000 moo 11040 too use 9 1 -T -2 Pei, Sdl)4~ r Miw it W. 'lot ai,44- 0.0 Air a At IQ AST 0 10 1 Iff 4a 4 1 1 v 40 it agrit pallwa 0911 "61 it if IN 10,41 0 4119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 i 0 a 40 Tdo 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 a *;* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Is 0 00.00.000 DOROGOOHINSKIY, A.Z.; )MLIMEDVA, N.P.; SXUMZADOVA, I.A. Douterium-bydrogen exchange of song bydroearbons on alumino silicate oestalysts In cracking. Probl. kin. I kat, 9:162-167 '57.(MIU 1113) (Catalysts) (Hydrogen-laotopes) (Cracking process) 39-4-5-15/26 AUTHORS - Y)t1okhin, B. Z., Dorogochinskiy, A. Z., Meltnikova, It. P. TITLE: A Radiometric Method of Control of Interfaces Between Different Varieties of Petroleum Producte Pumqed Throug~ A Single Pipeline (Radiometrichookiy metod kontrolya pooletiovateilnykh perekachek razlichnykh.sortov nefteproduktov po odnomu magistrallnomu truboprovodu) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya Energiya, 1958, Vol. 4, Hr 5, PP. 475 - 477 (USSR) ABSTRACT: If the oil transport from the fields to the place of ship- ment is carried out by way of a single pipeline and if, for example, gasoline, crude oil and diesel oil are sent through in direct succession it is especi"lly import.1-nt to know the interfaces between the transported products. If the time of arrival of one product at the place of shipment is exactly known a very economic working can be achieved by due regulation of the brnneh lines to the varicous reservoirs. In the GrozNII the following method has been Card 1/2 elaborated:At Ine same time when at the starting point of the 09-4-5-15/26 A Ardiometric Method of Control of Interfaces Between Different Varieties of Petroleum Products Pumped Through a Single Pipeline pipeline another oil product is cent throuCh, a radio-active liquid in added to this oil. At the place of arrival, i.e. at the pumping stations,it in recorded when the naximum in- tensity is reached. Thin is then the sign for the due and economic switching over. Thin method has been tried at a 086 km lonr,- pipeline and proved to be very nuccecefull. 124 Triphenylstibine which contains ra,,Iio-active Sb served as indicator. There are 2 fiCures. SUBMITTED: August 1, 1957 AVAILADLE; Library of Congrean 1. Radioactive substances-4pplicetions 2. PipolUes-4peration Card 2/2 5(3) AUTHORS: Kozorezovq Yu. I., Dorogochinskiy, A. Z. SOV/2o-123-5-24/50 TITLE: Alkylation of Toluene by C 0 Olefines in the Presence of Sulphurio Acid (Bernokinloinoye alkilirovaniye toluola ole- finami C 10) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 5, pp 857 - 859 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the production of the most commonly ufied synthetic detergents- the alkyl-aryl sulfonates - benzene, as a possible deficient item, should be replaced ty other aromatic hydrocarbons, in particular by toluene. No informations has been published on the effects of various factors on the intensity of the course of the reaction of the toluene alkylation by C 10 olefines in the presence of sulfuric acid. Of late it has been proved that high-molecular olefines (preponderantly C 10) can be obtained from the polymerization with phosphoric acid of the amylenes from the C 5 fraction of thermal cracking. Therefore, in the present paper the reactior, mentioned in the title was studied Card 1/3 with the polymerization products of the pentane-amylen* Alkylation of Toluene by C 10 Olefines in -the Presence of SOY/20-123-5-24/50 Sulphuric Acid fraction. Chemically pure sulfuric acid was used as a cata- lyst. A description of the laboratory equipment used is given. Numerous experiments with the fraction of the amylene dimers (boiling point 125 - 1750) and for the purpose of an ex- planation of the effect exeited by the following factors were conducted: a) concentration of the initial acid, b) duration and temperature of the reaction, a) molar ratio of the olefines with regard to toluene, and d) relation of the acid to the hydrocarbons. The resultis are nummarized in table 1. Thus, the following optimum conditlons could be indicated, which secure the highest possible yield of alkyl products; cioncentra- tion of the initial acid 95 -- 97_p7rocent by weight calculated for monohydrate; temperature 10 5 , duration of the reaction 30 - 40 minutes, molar ratio of olefinee to toluene 1:4 - 1:6, proportion by volume of the acid to the bydrooarbona 0.12. Under these conditions, the yield of the alkyl product amounts to 140 - 143 per cent by weight calculated for the initial olefines. The formerly (Refs 5-8) dreaded significant depolymerization of the initial olefines by acids has turned Card 2/3 out to be much lower (12-13 per cent by weight). It was proved Alkylation of Toluene by C 10 Olefines in the Prenence of SOY/I.o-123-5-24/50 Sulphuric Acid moreover that the yield of the amyl toluene fraction is affected only by the concentration of the initial acid and by the temperature of the reaction (Table 1). Figure I shows the distillation curve of an alkyl product. Constants of tho products obtained are given. There are i figure, I table, and 12 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Groznenskiy neftyanoy naiichno-isalt-dovi~tellsl,:i.-f institut (Groznyy Scientific Research Institute for Petroleift) .4 PRESENTED: July 23t 1956, by B. A. Kazanskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: July 20, 1958 Card 3/3 f3, 'Z' CMM 0 CSDACMA RAOTZM86M rrAEDOXOrOAofl c AAMM4 www"I MMUO &A of vs.tbosss& IL M moo p fw OMMI as Applies abalml a %dNDUW It ftwa. Pat. bf h". IM .p.,% do&" IA b0 IWOMM"A 64 d~ WAMM4 ONMOFSW- 13 owes W". .~)ORo6-01CHAVgk)y ')6- C"LTANNC RPOKAT*rrA*NlqgCKM AACOFF411" c 13AMPATUbHUM TNAPNPMNNIX ItPX AWAlMlt ILILMoss-moso. A. TM mmmkl*m ONO tw ftm"l ad 4wa ft-tafty ft omtuu or ftwinwr Q-t-S Vnkw"W 09 pot. IN am. Md. M. wo- 2"P OVWSSW t q.WW dftW I* ft PIGNIMAG tA 0696 00%IOM& OWWW"I Swam, 3$ Oweb &W- KDZOFjZOV, Tu.I.; DOROGOCHINSKI WP. Sulfurio aold alkylation of tolmqns by diisobutrlana. Izv. vym, uchab. zav.; neft' i gaz 2 no.5:49-54 '59. (MIRA 12:8) l.Crozneuskty ueftyancy Institut I Grozneneskiy nauchno-iseledo- vatellskiy inatituto (Alkylation) (Toluene) KOZORNZOV, Yu.i.; DoRwcHiNsur, A.Z. Sulfuric acid alkylation of toluene by C12 olefins. Izv. vys. acheb. zav,; neft' i gas 2 no.6:45-49 '59. (MIRA 12:11) l.Groznenokiy neftyanoy inatitut; Groinenakiy neftyanoy muchno- Iseledovatel'ski.y inatitut. (Toluene) (Alkylation) DOROGOCHINSKIT 'A.ZA~,,', -I Contribution of Groznyl petroleum workars to the development of the petroleum refining industry. Trudy GrosNII no.4.-5-16 '59. (KIRA 12:9) (Groznyl--Petroleum--Refining) DOROGOCHIBSKIT Vays for the further development of the petrochemicals Industr7 in Groznyi Trudr GrozNII no*4.*203-217 159. (MIRA 12:9) ?Groznyi--Patroleum chemicals) VOTLOKIIIIN, B.Z., DOROGOCIIIIISKIY, A.Z.; MLIHIKOVA, H.P. 0 Use of radioactive indicators for checking consecutive pumping over of petroleum products in min pipelines. Trudy GrozNII no.4: 253-265 '59. (MIRA 12:9) (Petroleum-Pipelines) (Radioactive tracers) 5.11100 AUTHORS: Dorwoc) trok! A ; - lve,t ) 21all-0i"I 1 TITLE: Sflpal-jt , iCr~ 0: F , t ~0 v or P(! 1, ro I)fll POd 1:20 c, 0- t PF,RTODICAL: K~ilmlv~) to; 1 1- 0 , ABSTRACT: T~~e ;t(.' Ld- :1,1 0' 1 o I!. j e (-j a- or) of' if, f r, 41 cll~p I oye.-A "'o." e o -a -e C a r d I Vva(~ I I o- -~z ,,,c r ~i e < , o,: t) i C I L',-OtTi a ioE. rapr I c Sep jr- Practions oC Secondary 0,,,Ig'L.r, -~s t-c 1 10.) 1 1~~- i urr, be r, t (x I 10 Q e C, a cno to" 10 i Tne f t ac~ 0 r~a e 1. eq c 011-P 0 t~ r I,Orl~ D'a 1, - and to,ls 1, r:jr a-o ~7,zj r,,- On - s 10 C 0rq'0 1-3 0 1, Ln* r j t~ o, separat lo,-, 0 L 0! F, 41 n a L "j A e xas 3elecr.ej aS b ir o f j PCOV!c c Card -ul 0,1 C) ar -w e Y!, lot] of' 131,oA FO-1-01QUIn PLPOIIU(Jt~l Of' C,c~.--oti-dary Ovil I 0 n veoult-.3; devlatlollo did 11(fl, The Cori- C111"1011 olatC3 that- of f 1, ~,.l c ~, I o no poi,mito an of the Content Ot, "ll-Olflatic, 111(1 1111":11 oi, comblned. V-) L,efei,ctic(2L;, 10 Soviket., 6 Thu, U.S. vefevencoo are: Molpol.dcv, F., et zil, frid. Enq:. Chem., 1111.), lo~)2; Ct-Lchile, D., r,~- ~rrjl, It.) Aria I .Chem. , 'L! ~ ,I G".) ,11) ~) I ;F1, 11.) .,Lt -,,,i 1 :3,1~ . Weio.,-, F., Anal. C11("In., "- 11'' A., Andve-vio, A., Plemilic', if. W., 'Frid. Ciiem. , 'j, 1949; Jonotlon, 11., ApjjleL),,;, 1W., M. , Anal . C11--ril, 210, 8o,,,, 1911"3. ASSOCIATION; Groznyy Petroleum 5clentil'Ic u U~ Sci)ai-Litlon ot, 131-owl tons 01 pe ~ t r.0 secondavy 01.1g,111 Table 4. Propertim, Gf the fj.pntjOrj tographle . method frorL cePlirnt the e,i by `-he chromn- Gelective oreucel 11atillatr,, hydrogeratlon. bpfore ar4 aftfr 21, IAII)L X rol rf V;j r,-Ilr ,F I n J FW - r Hy,)Avc4oC- ql)p a9r- OAJ T 5 1 --0 4Y1,11- Q, Qt 1,e 'C T j f (MPA'1141 - 41,4 0,7595 - .Ica (nV!fn4l AhAl 7 rp 19: 0,77R7 1 0,77-SI I V)'X) 1 j 31.11 ~ 1~s 1 0 :~J ; Jlp 6 OJM7 0.771.8 :. 1 ,330 IS-1 j .. .... ItA 1 ".5 0ASM o lifox I i "go I . S-14 (A 16,3 N 97 034' 'l 2 ~ KAZANSKIT, B.A.; J)OROGOCHINSKIT, A.Z.; ROZINGART, M. I.; LTUTER, A.V.; MITROPAN6V, 'M.G. - Arormtizatlon of narrow bexane fractions of Groznyi gasoline on an aaumina-chromic oxide catalyst. Kin.1 kat. I no.2:294-299 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:Et 1. Institut organiobe:koy khimli im. Y.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR i Grnznenskiy nauchno-i aledovatellskiy neftyanoy institut. (Aromatization) (Hexame) 86-IL6 S/152/60/ooo/Coi./002/003 B023/BO60 AUTHORSt Derogoohinskiv. A.. 7. Nakhape yan, L. A., Lavrenttyev, V,J., A. N., Yershov, V, V TITLE,. Antioxidizing Propertiesilof Some PyrazolineliDerivatives PERIODICALt Izvestiya vyssh1kh uchAbnykh zavedenly. N,-f" i gaz, 1960, No. 3, ppi. 69-71 TEXT: In "he authors' opinion, the stability of-mo-tor fuels 11 to oxidation is a most important problem. They therefore studied the antioxidizing propertiee of some pyrazoline 4erivatives in their capacity as inhibitors The authors first obtained numerous pyrazolines having no subs-.ituents 'In position 1, and then such having different sub3tituents in this position. The following compounds were synthesized as possible inhibitorst 1-carbamido-3-phenyl pyrazoline 1--phenyl carbamido-5-phenyl-4-ethyl- pyrazoline, 1-tliiocarl)ir,i,(!o-3,5:5-trimetliyI pyraz'oline, 1--phenyl thlo- carbamida-3,5,5-trimet'-.~,! pyrazoline, I-phenyl thiccarbam:ido-3-methyl- 5,5-pe-itamethylene pyrazoltrie, 1-phenyl thiocarbamido-3,5-diphenyl pyrazoline, 1,3,5-triplienyl pyrazoline, 3--amino-l-phenyl -:)yrazoline. Card 1/3 An~~oxidizing Properties of Some S/11 52/~,C//G1k. i0 0 ? 100 3 Pyrazoline Derlv.,!~iro,- B02 3/Wf~o Derivatives of phenyl thiocarbamides of variOU3 pyra7oline3 were. obtained by the action of' phenyl isothiocyanate upon thezip pyraioliiies (Ref. 5). In a similar manner, the following compounds were obtaint!d from the cor- responding pyrazolines: 1--carbamido-3-pheny" pyrazoline ivid I-phenyl carbamido-3-phenyl-4--ethyl pyrazoline (Ref, 2), 3-amino-1-phenyl pyrazoline was synthesized from acrylonitrile and phenyl hydrazine (Ref,6). 1,3,5-triphenyl pyrazoline was obtained by interaction of benzal aceto- phenone and phenyl hydrazine (Ref, 7). The efficien-.y of the preparation examined was estimated by comparing their inhibiting eff.?et with the effect of para-oxy diphenyl amine, which was taken as a :3tandard, as well a3 with the effect of 2.6-ditertiary butyl-4-methY1 phenols Two samples Of motor fuels A and B were taken, the properties of which are given in Table 1. Sample A was prepared by intermixing equal amounts of fresh distillate of thermocracking and of the benzene-ligroin fraction. Sample B was prepared by intermixing the same amounts in a ratio of 30 : 70, Both samples were inhibited by -iariouq additions on the day of their preparation. The additions were allow-A to disqolve in the motor fuels by being added as benzene solutions. Benzeno wa3 taken in an amount of fU0,1% of the fuel Yolume. The effect of stability of' namples A and B Card 2/3 86146 Antioxidizing Properties of Some S/152/60/000/005/002/003 Pyrazoline Derivatives B023/ '0060 was examined first, For this purpose the authors studied the inhibited motor fuel for its stability to oxidation by determining the induction period on the basis of rOCT 4039-48 (GOST 4039-48) within 6 h. The content of potential resins in the motor fuel was determined next. Results show that some pyrazoline derivative samples have a considerable Inhibiting effect. The best results were yielded by the use of 1-phenyl thio- carbamido-3,5,5-trimethyl pyrazoline. In the sample inhibited with this substance, the resin formation appeared only after two months, whi.Le resins in a noninhibited sample increased with uninterrupted intensity throughout the whole storage time.. There are 3 tables nnd 7 referencess 5 Soviet, 1 US, and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet in.. M.. V. Lomonosova Moscow S&ate University Imeni M. V. Lomcnosov) GrozNII Groznyy Petroleum Institut2i ~ SUBMITTED: September 3, 1959 Card 3/3 KOZOBBWT, Yu. L; Alkylation of toluene by Cio olefine In the prasence of sulfuric acid. Xhim.i tekh.topl.t maael 5 no-5:36-41 my 16o. (MIR& 13:7) 1. Orognenskiy nauchno-ionledovateltakly neftyanoy institut. (Toluene) (Olefins) (Alkylation) 67171700 68999 AUTHORS: Dorokochinekly. 1. Z.P Lavrentlyev, V. I , 8/020#0/131/02/045/071 N9 P.9 Boll/Boll Kupriyanoip Ve As %% TITLE: Synthesis and Properties of Naphthenic H11rocarbons With a Long Side Chain PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk sssR, 196o, Vol 131, Nr 2, PY 367 - 370 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors wanted to work out a general method and conditions for the synthesis of technical -fractions of the substances men- tioned in the titlep an well as the study of the properties of these fractions. Pr lene, _jXjene Spy _,Iam:rlens, hexylene, and 'I bu heptylene were used for the purpose. As a result of the experi- ments conducted at the authors' instituter a 3-stage scheme of synthesis was suggested: 1) synthesis of olefine with a given number of C-atoms, or polymerizationg respectively. A dehydrated pentane-amylene fraction from thermal cracking, purified from the sulphur compounds, was utilized. The catalyst was phosphoric acid on kieselgare Olefins with ramified struoture were obtained in urred at oo this connection. The highest yield of itiodecene flov-A 11A I q 170-1800, pressure of 50-60 atm, volume rate 3- h- * Amylenes : 68998 Synthesis and Properties of Naphthenic Hydrocarbons 3/02o/60/131/02/045/071 With a Long Side Chain B011/BO11 were transformed to 70%. k concentrate boiling between 120 and 1850 was obtained from the polymerizate (yield 85-90%). Table I shows the resulting (mostly ramified)atructures of isodeconeso Table 2 shows their physico-ohemical properties (the raw material was fraction 6 of the thermal oracki-ag and benzene). Isomeriza- tion and hydro-dehydro polymerization of the olefins were ascer- tained as side reactions. 2nd stage: alkylation. Aromatic hydro- carbons (benzene, toluene) were alkylated by means of the iso- deoense produced (Refs 3-5). The beat conditions were: 97% 92SO 49 reaction time 2 hours, ratio benzencisodeoene a 5:1. Tem- perature 10-200. The alkylate amounted. to 140% by weight of ole- fine or 9CP16 of the theoretical yield. A fraction boiling between 1800 and 3500 was obtained from the a:Lkylate as a concentrate of isodecyl benzenes (85% of the alkylate). It chiefly consisted of mono-substituted derivatives of benzene (Table 2). On using alu- minum chloride as catalyst the yield was higher and attained 97-98%. Disproportionation occurred as side reaction. 3rd stage: hydrogenation. The alkylate concentre.te was hydrogenated on 2 catalysts: a) nickel catalyst. The optimum condition were: pres- rArd 2/A sure 7 atm, molar ratio hydrogen:alk:rlate - 2.801 1;0-2000a, 68998 Synthesis and Properties of Naphthenic Hydrocarbons 8/020/60/131/02/045/071 With a Long Side' Chain B011/B011 Volume rate 0.2 h'1 I b) nickel-tungsten catalyst* Optimum oondi- tions: pressure in the reaction zone 200 stmi Imolar ratio hydro- gen-alkylate - 64:11 30001 volume rate 0-5 h- . To prevent a tem- perature increase on the latter catalyst# the alkylate was diluted with gasoline distillate (fraction 80-1200) of the trade-mark "Zaloshall In. a ratio of 1:2. Destruction was recorded as a side reaction. 7he desired naphthene fraction was obtained from the hydrogenation product by rectification, It boils out between 180 0 and 350 , Its yield attained 90% of the aromatic hydrocarbons con- tained in the alkylate (Table 2). The range of the fluctuation of properties in dependence on procedure and raw materials is shown in table 3. Data obtained show that the scheme described here leads to naphthene hydrocarbons with a long side chain, high den- sityp high oaloricityp and a low freezing temperature. The follow- ing names are mentioned: Ye. G. Vollpova, L. A. Potolovskly, 1. F. Blagovidov, L. I. Kostiking Yu. A. Golldshtein, Yu. I. Kozorezov, A. Z. Dorogochinskly, and K. I. Zimina. There are 3 tables and 6 Soviet references. Card 3/4 68997 Synthesis and Propertiev of Haphthenic Hydrocarbons 8/020/60/131/02/045/071 With a Long Side Chain B011/BO11 kSSOCIATION: Groznenakiy neftyanoy nauohno-iseledovatellskiy institut (Groznyy Saientifio Research Institute of Petroleum) PRESENTED: November 28# 1959, by B. A. Kazanakiy, Academician SUBMITTED: November 25p 1959 t4. Card 4/4 S/081/61/()00/021/060/094 B138/B101 AUTHORSt Gonikbergj M G Dorogochinskiy, A. Z., Mitrofanovp M. G., Gavrilova, A: V. K., Vovk, L. M. TITLEs Homogenous demethylation of toluehe. Basic characteristics of the process at 750 to 7900C FERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 21 1961p 319, abstract 21L34 (Neftekhimiyal v. 1, no. 1, 1961: 46 - 53) TEXT: The homogenous demethylation of toluene (I) in a flow system is studied at temperatures of 750 to 7900C and pressures of < 40 at. Lt a volumetric feed rate of 5 to 7 br- I the conversion of I Into C6H 6 is as much as 75 to 80 % in one ran and the 0 6H6 yield is 90 mole%, calculated from the amount of I which has undergone reaction. By rectifying the products of the reaction in a column with a theoretical efficiency of 20 Card 1/2 3/081,/61/000,/021/060/094 Homogenous dem'bthylation of toluene ... B138/BIOI platee,very high purity C6 H6 is produced, and a small quantity of a mixture of high boiling-point aromatic hydrocarbons containing >_ !iO % diphenyl. The possibility is discussed, of tieing the bimolecular reaction equation to provide an approximate description of the kinetic laws governing this process& EAbstracter's notet Complete translation.] Card. 2/2 -D,,OROGOCHIMKlY, A.Z.; GONIKBERr., M.G.; MITROFANOVI M.G.; KUFRIYANOVt V.A.; VOVKI'LOMs' Homogenous dometby3Attion of toluene. Report No. 2s Experi- menta with gas cyclirg. Neftekhimiia I no-4001-504 J3.-Ag 161. (MMA 16: 11) 1. Groznenskiy neftympy nauohno-issledovatellsidy institut i Inotitut organichegkov khWi AN SSSR imeni N..D. Zelinskogo, JUMSKIYp B A DOROGOCIIINSKI'Y A.Z.; ROZENGART, M.I.; LTITER, AN.) Effectk,of the feed ratw on the process of aromatization of h 0 0 over aA.' al=inutn-chrom~xm catalyst. Kin. i kat. 2 no,2:25~~6 Mr-AP 141. (MIR 14 67) 1. Insti ut organicheskoy khimij All SSSR imeni N. D. Zelinskogo i Gorzneikiy neftyanoy-nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut. Otoxane) (Aroumitization) 8/081/62/C,00/006/099/li7 B162/BIOI Dor AUTHORS: ~~ochinskiyp-Ao Z.t Baahilovt Ao Aot Chertoryahokiyt A* V4 Arutyunovaj Oo Los-krechatovat P. I., Shestmk, go P. 10 TITLE: The problem of the ohoice of solvent for polirmerisation of ethylene into polyethylene at low pressure PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiyap no. 6, 1962, 614, abstract 6P35 (Tr. Groznensk. neft. in-t, v- 3, eb. 25, 19619 17-29) TEXT: An investigation is made of the possibility of using extraction benzine as a solvent for ethylene when polymerizing it into polyethylene at low pressure. It is shown that the following are suitable: an extrac-i 2 tion benzine fraction evaporating at 65-900C with an aromatic. hydrocarbon 1 content of 3.0 before do-arQmatization and of 0.70 after do-aromatization or a fraction evaporating at 75-95()C in the case of which de-aromatization' is not needed (aromatic hydrocarbozt*ooncentration,0.7$)- It is shown that~ the presenoe of aromatio hydrocarbons has no effect 'on the polymerization process, 1-~ impairs the regenerabIlity of the solvent, [Atstraoter's n ote: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 S/153/61/004/01)1/007/009 B110/B203 AUTHORSs Kozorezovt Tuslat RoL~gochinskiy, 1.Z. TITLEj Intensity of the reaction of polyalkylation in the sulfuric acid alkylation of toluene with high-moleoular olefins PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysehikh uohebnykh zavedeniy. Xhimiya i khimi- cheskaya tokhnologiya, v- 49 no. 19 1961, 133 - '137 TEXT# In the alkylation of aromatioa, especially toluene, with low-mole- cular olefine, undesired polyoubstituted derivatives are formed in part, the formation of which is reduced by excess toluene. The tendency to po- lyalkylation decreases with increasing molecular weight. Few publications, howeverg deal with the intensity of t-cluene polyalkylations with high-mo- lecular olefins. In the present paper, the authors study polyalkylatione in sulfuric acid toluene alkylation with isodecenes separated in distilla- tion from the polymerization products of the pentane amylene fraction of thermal cracking with phosphoric acid catalyst. The authors utiedi to- luene w1th bromine number - 0, the isodecene fraction between '25 and 1750C, with molecular weight - 1341 bromine number - 120, and chemically Card 1/8 3/153J61/004/001/007/009 Intensity of the reaction of ... B110/B203 pure H2SO4 as a catalyst. The method described by the authors (Rafe 6a Tu*I. X(izorezov, A.Z& Dorogoehinskiyo Dokl. AN. SSSRq inp, 857 (1959)) was used for the production. Table I shove that in the toluene alkylation with isodecenes yields of more than SC~o of monodecyl toluenes (fraction 220-3000C) are obtained'which only slightly decrease with decr,)asing mo- lar ratio toluene/oleffile. A decrease in the ratio from 4-7 to 1 increa- ses the rield of residue boiling above 3000C only from 2-3 to 5,-5~ by weight. The decreaeo.'In densities and 'refractive Indices shows that the aromatic fraction does not increase to the same extent. An increase of the bromine number and the aniline point indicate an increaso in, side re- actions of olefin polymerizations, A decrease of the molar ratio from 7 to I reduced the fraction of aromatics from 95 to 83 % by weight. Here, a proper excess of toluene should reduce the undesired olefin polymeriza- tions to a minimum. The iaodecyl fraction between 220 and 3000C was oxi- dized in an oscillating steel autoclave with 5% KNO 3at 2000C for 2 hr. Terephthalic acid, Identified as methyl aster, was formed in a W% yield, The absence of o-phthalic acid establishaa with reeorcin suggestcd a p-structure of the original decyl tolueness H 2so4as a catalyst does not card 2/8 S/1 53/61/004/001,1007/1009 Intensity.of the reaction of ... B110/B203 permit Tormation of m-isomere. Ortholsomerism is sterically impossible due to the isodecone structure. In tho isodecene fraction obtained with 0 H PO ('120-180 C), compounds with tertiary C at the double bond (RR'CwCH 3 4 2 band RRI - CURIO are prevailing. The aromatic compound adds to ihis tertiary U in the presence of R so The introduction of the t5rtiary C 4# atom into the ortho-position of toluene is already difficult in the case of simple isobutylene. Therefore$ the-alkylation %X p-xylene with Isode- cone is also difficult; it yields 55% unsaturated olefin polymors and Only 19,5~* aromatics (after silica gel adsorption'). In the alkylation of o-xylene, however, a 98% yield of alkyl xylone with aromatic hy&rocarbons was obtained, corresponding to 161~ by -weight or the initial oltfins. The alkylation of p-xylene with n-nonene and n-octons produced yields near those of o-xylene (Table 2). Thuat the o-alkylation is facilitated with decreasing branching of the olefin molecules and absence of the tertiary C atom at the double bond. There are 2 tables and 14 reforencest 9 So- Viet-bloa and 5 non-Soviet-bloo. The reference to the English language J. publication reads as followet Ref. 10. B.Priedman et. al. J. Amar. Chem. Soo. 79, 1465 (1957) Card 3/8 3/1.53J61/0041001/007/009 Intenoity of the reaction of ... B110/B203 ASSOCIATIONt Groznenskiy neftyarioy-inatitutg Katedra tekhnologft nefti i gaza (Grozr*,y Petroleum Institutep Departnent of Pe- troleum and Gas Technology) Grotnenakiy neftyanoy nauchno- iseledovatellskiy institut Woznyy Petroleum Scientific Research Institute) SUBMITTEDi June 1, 1959 A Cr at noHOaro lo % 219 In 'VVOAYOLrHmrt Yoxiq F4 z 00JAU0 vial Intensity of the reaction of ... 0', to 40 CL Ci R 0. C4 0 C~ V) L) C4 owe Ck C-4 C4 C4 - CL Iq CL CL ort tl -Ilem) exhOL R 12 !2 12 OV)Iih IT o t- co %k -r CL w q C14 S/153J61/004/001/007/009 BlIgB203 ! ( K nuwe 300 C d~ no 0,&~18- 1,4796 0.8(06 1,4M OSfA 1 1,4865 Ors 50 1,4843 0,8686 1,4M 0,Wj 1,4915 0,8716 1.4915 0,9000 1,4930 0,3746 1,4921 0,9010 1,4950 -~~"Card 5/8 0.8746 1,4927 0,9014 1.4970 Intensity of the reaction of S/153/61/004/001j'007/099 B110/D203 40 Legend to Table Is Sulfuric acid alkylation of toluene with isodecene (H2so4 concentration 96% by weight, referred to monohydratel temperature 100C, reaction time 60 min; volume ratio acid/hydrocarbons C,12). (1) -:5-o Test number# (2) molar ratio toluene/oiefinsp (3) alkyl toluene yieldt % by veight of olefinst (4) alkyl -toluene properties, (5) fraction abovs, 1750C, (6) bromine number, (7) aniline point, (6) fraction composition, (9) -above 3000c, (10) losses, (li~ fraction 175-2200C, (12) fraction 220_3000c, (13) fraction above 300 C- Card 6/8 Intensityof the reaction of ... Table 2 S/153/6i/004/1)01/007/009 B110/B203 CDOACTSS a-m-3KC11.1m BbI10A $A- A see % HIM Apomantye. onm- cxmn x0m. :"s u yrAesoAopoA 0 1 log HOWIT, d04 02e- I 1-Co- tj 0 m +mforl PKH & , ; 32, 51 Owa-KCIMOA fluJO-AeU" 81.3 - Omm 1. 4695 38,1 71.8 19,5 53 120,VMO.KCHAOA ~U.10-jletxen 161,0 - OA810 1.5m 1.3 16.6 98.0 78 ftnapa-KCRAOX IN-Ho"CH 14T.1 80.0 0,M1 1,4880 3.4 - 9 j.0 161 finapa-KCHAO.M ~M-OgTeff 162,0 83.0 O,8M2 1.4890 3.2 11.8 96,0 166 aopmo-Kamw fm-HoHeii 162.0 88.0 0,8749 1,4972 0.7 17,8 99.0 Card 7/6 S/153/61/0041/001/007/Oog Xntensity of the resotion of B110/B203 Legend to Table 2t Sulfuric acid alkylation of xylenes with olefins (H SO Conoentration - 96A by weight; 10 0C1 60 min; molar ratio xylene/ 2 4 /olefins - 71 volume ratio acid/hydrocarbons - 0,12). (1) Test number, (2) aromatic component, (3) clefint (4) alkyl xylepe yield, ~ by weightp ~5j referred to olefinal (6) of the theory (7) *alkv:L xylene propertiest. 6 bromine -numberg (9)(,anillne pointp (io~ content -)f aromatiost % by wei tj (11) P-xylene, 2) o-xylenep 0~) isodecene, (14) u-nonene, (15 n-octene. DOROGOCHINSKIY# A#Z.j MELINIZOVAt NoP. I-- --.- Deuterium exabange of some bydrocarbons of the axomatic and naphthene series on an aluminooilicate cracking -:atalyst. Zhur.VKHO 6 no.ltl3.e-n9 161. (MIU 14:3) 1. Groznenskiy nauabno-isoledovateltakiy neftyan-3y institut. . (Hydrocarbons) (Deuterium) 5/065/61/000/006/ooi/ool E073/E335 AUTHOR: Dorogochinakiy, A.Z. TITLE: tWe--'5~eve1Tt-1-efh--BTrthday of Academician B.A. Kaxanaldy PERIODICAL: K imiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, 1961 6, P*67 TEXT: B.A. Kazanskiy was seventy on April 25, 196l. He graduated at Moscow State University in 191e and subsequently worked in the Chair or Organic and Analytical Chemistry. He has worked for over forty years at Moscow University. He became Docent in 1930 and in 1935.Professor and Head of the Laboratory for Catalytic Synthesis of the Institut organicheskoy khimi Akadewli Nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry of the AS USSA. in 1945, B.A. Kazanskiy becamc Assistant Head and then H4ad of the Chair for Oil Chemistry at Moscow State University. In 1943 lie was elected Corresponding Member and in 1946 Full Member of the AS USSR. In 1954 he became Director of the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the AS USSR im. N.D. Zelinskiy. Under his guidance, many investigations Card 1/3 S/065/61iooo/006/001/001 On the Seventieth Birthday E073/E335 were carried out on a multitude of hydrocarbons and their catalytic transformations. Kazanskiy was the first to discover and study the reaction of hydrogenolysis of quintinary naphthalene hydrocarbons and their transformation into paraffin hydrocarbons. Jointly with other Soviet scientists he discovered and studied the dehydracyclisation reactions of paraffin hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons. Under the guidance of Kazanskiy a large number of active catalysts were developed. During the last twenty years he, carried out major investigations of catalytic hydration of mono- and poly- unsaturated hydrncarbons and of dehydration of paraffins in olefins. Ile and his team studied the proporties, and developed mettiods of synthesis of hydrocarbons with three and four chain cycles and cycles in which the number of carbon atoms exceeds six. He has written over 300 papers and was the chief editor of a number of classical publications in chemistry (journals, etc.). Kazanskiy initiated and participated in numerous Card 2/3 's/c,65/61/ooo/oWooi/ool On the Seventieth BIrthday .... E073/E335 chemical congresses and meetings. Ho was awarded the Order of Lenin,, the Red Banner of Labour, the Stalin Prize and i:iany others. There is I photograph. Card 3/3 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: S/08 62/000/001/060/067 B162YBIOI Saponj M. F.f2nMa2h~~~, Thermal stability of distillates of' various origins Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 1, 1962, 449, abstract 1MI82 (Tr. Groznensk. neft. n.-i. 4.n-t, no. 11, 1961, 38 - 52) 0 0 0 0 TEXT: The 50 C thermal stability of 150-200 C, 200-250 C, 250-300 C and 300-350 0C fractions separated from a non-sulfur Groznyy paraffin-base petroleum mixture, an Lastern sulfur petroleum mixture and from the mazut thermal cracking products of these types of pet:-oleum on semi-industrial GrozN11 apparatuses with columns having 28 theo::-etical plates, was investigated on an JICA(LSA) apparatus. The thermal stability was evaluated from the quaniity of reaidue and resin in the f:ractione after oxidation. The catalytic action of metals (electrolytic co:?per, 124H3A(1Wi.NZ&)stdeland BPP-24 (VB-24) bronze) on the oxidation process -nas demonstratod. It is shown that for narrow rectified and cracking fractions of non-sulfur and sulfur petroleum the principles determining the quantity of residue forming during oxidation cannot be explained by the content of unsaturated hydro- I Card 1/2 5/08 62/000/001/060/067 Thermal stability of... B1621YBIOI carbons, resins or sulfur compounds in the initial fractions. The magnitud6 of the resin content in the oxidized fractions io greatly affected by the quantity of resinous substances contained in the fractions, the oxidation temperature and the catalytic action o~ the metals. Sulfur compounds stimulate resin formation. [Abetraoterts note: Complete translation.] '50 Card 2/2 3h888 B/061/9,2/000/003/067/090 iO 40/.iji 01 jJj D.oro aoch i n W: iy ,Z. , :."c 11 n i'cov n- c- t, o z --, rov .-i, 0. 1. T ITLE - Effect of the lc-r,)c of aelacted hjero!7cnntion of unsaturzlt--~! 'q S in 41 ydrocarbon thermocracking distillate on its thermostabili- Ily PERICDICAL: Referativny~ zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 3, 15162, -~35, abztract 3Mlr,2 (Tr. Grozncnsk. ncft. n.-i. ir-t no. 11, 1961, 53 - 57) TEX": The effcct of the group composition of hydrocarbons on the thar%-,al ot2bility of the iiEtill3te from thermocrackin,-, boilinF wit at -20 - 260 0C (obtained from the ma7out of Gvoznenrs--i~ paraffin-bast~d mi-,ed pevroleum), after selective hydrogenation to different de,,-reo3 of tho unsatUr-tc-d hydrocarbons (ori,.7,inal content in tha diz;tillate: -~as invc&tiF,,ate-1. It was shown that the decrease of tho fuel thermal staUility deponded on the nresence of diolofins and aromatic 'hydrocarbons -.,.,ith uns~tur%tcd 3ide chains. Uld hydrorenation (up to 16ci~.) of thie unsatur,.to-, 'hy,-'rocarbonr. 4- 0 ,rom the distillate resulted in a -'ucl with satisf,,.ctcri 1h otability Card 1/2 0 Effect of the decree ... :IAbstracters rot:!.- Complete translation.~ 0 j/0~11/'?/000/003/067/090 B14c,/BlCil V411, C.-rd 2/2 34414 B/C,81/62/000/002/085/107 157 JI? cc B157/B110 AIJTHORS% Dorogochinskiy, L. Z_ Multnikova, N. P,,, Shakhzadova, I. A.9 G~onar_OT _T7'Ya. TITLEi A study of the reaction of iso'.ope exchange of certain aromatic and naphthenic hydrocarbons on a deuterated aluminosilicate cracking catalyst PERIODICALx Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no.. 2, 1962, 489, abstract 2M229 (Tr. Groznensk. neft. n.-i. in-t, no.. 11, 1961, 246 252) TEXTj The deuterium exchange of aromatic and naphthenic hydrocarbons of varying structure on an industrial aluminosilicate cracking catalyst has been investigated in a flo,g-through type plant in -the vapor phase at 1500 - 2000C and atmospheric pressure; volume flow rate 0.10 - 0.15 hr-1. For comparison, the hydrogen exchange was studied between certain aromatic hydrocarbons and tritium oxide in the presence of the srme catalyst specimen. It was shown that the capacity of alkyl derivatives of benzene to undergo hydrogen exchange on a deuterated catalyst increases with the length of the aide chain of the hydrocarbon; the presence in the side Cara 1/2 5/081/62/000/002/085/10't A study of the reaction of... B157/B110 chain of a tertiary C atom (isopropyl benzene) increases the depth of I deuterium-,hydrogen exchange. Naphthenic hydrocarbons will undergo isotopic exchange readily only when a tertiary C atom it) present in the molecule (methyl cyclohexane, ethyl cyclohexane, isopropyl cyclohexane). (_~bstracterls notes Complete translation.~ Card 2/2 s/o65/62/000/004/001/00 E075/El3b AUTHORS Gonikberg, M.G. , On-aachin-JUX Mitrofanov, M.G., Gavrilova, A.Ye., Uroixin, A.F.t Kupriyanov, V.A., Makarlyev, S.V., Zamanovj V.V.t and Vovk, L.M. TITLE: A process of thermal dealkylation of aromatic hydrocarbons MIRIODICAL: )"'.himiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, no.4, 1962, 11-15 TEXT. As a result of investigations carried out in the years 1953-1960 in IOKh AN SSSR and GrozrIII, a technological scheme was developed for an industrial process of thermal dealkylation of monocyclIc aromatics such as toluene and methyl- naphthalenbs, A pilot plant for the process producing 30 000 tons of benzene per annum consists of a small number of simple units. it contains a tubular furnace of only 3 mil. cal/hour capacity. The main production indices for the plant are as follows: reactor pressure 50 atm; maximum temperature 790 OC; separator temperature 35 OC; -1 '1/, A process of thermal dealkylation... vo65/62/000/004,lool/004 E075/E136 pressure in benzene column 0.1-0.3 kg/cm2; temperature in benzene column, top 87 OC, bottom 130 oC; pressure in the recycle stock separation column 0.1-0.3 kg/cm2; temperature in the recycle stock separation column, top 2600, bottom 304t `C; molar ratio hydrogen/feedstock 4:1; space velocity of' feed 4.0 h-1; consumption of hydrogen 2.10,,o wt of feedstock; yield of benzene 78.7*,,j wt of toluene. It was calculated that ,iigh grade benzene produced by the process from petroleum derived toluene is considerably cheaper than th4t obtained currently in the coking industry. It was established that thermal demethylation of methyl naphthalenes (700 OC, 50 atm) gives naphthalene with a yield of ca-5Q,10' wt of fcedstocli~ after one cycle. The most suitable raw materials for the process are aromatic products obtained during reforming, pyrolysis and catalytic cracking processes. It is expected that the dealkyla- tion process will constitute an important source of benzene and naphthalene for the Soviet petro-chemical industry. There are 1 figure and i table. Card 2/2 S/204/62/002/004/003/019 E071/E433 AUTHORS: Kazanskiy, B.A., pRr_q&ochinqkiy-,-~z , Sterligov, O.D., Lyuter, A.V., Dmitriyevskiy, M.L., Nazarov, P.S' TITLE; Dehydrogenation of isopentane into isoamylenes on an alumochromopotas3ium catalyst PERIODICAL: Neftekhimiya, v.2, no.4, 1962, 448-456 TEXT: A systematic study of the process of dehydrogenation of isopentane into isoamylenes under condit-Lons of a stationary and moving layer of granulated catalyst K-544 was carried out on experimental installations of Groz NII. Tests on the stationary layer were carried out on a laboratory enlarged installation. The reactors with a stationary layer of the catalyst were of the capacity of 40 and,500 cm3 respectively. Tests in the moving layer were made in a co-current continuous. pilot plant with a reactor (4 litres) and a regenerator (4-7 litr*s). The volume of the catalyst - 35 litres, throughput - about 100 litrea/day, the velocity of circulation of the catalyst up to 16-litres/hour. The analyses of the reaction products were made by chromatographic and other chemical methods. The influence of the temperature, volume velocity and rate of recirculation of Card 1/2 S/204/62/002/004/003/019 Dehydrogenation oflaopentane ... E071/E433 the catalyst on the main parameters of the process an well as the behaviour of the catalyst were studied. It was found that the catalyst had a good and stable activity. During an operating period of 1100 hours in a stationary layer and 400 hours in a moving layer its activity remained practically unchanged. Under the optimum condition of the process (temperature - 540*C and volume velocity - 1 hour-1) the yield of isoamylenes amounted to 30 to 31 wt-96'. calculated on raw material (98.6% of isopentane) with a total yield of unsaturated hydrocarbons C5 of 34 to 38 wt.%. The catalyst has a satisfactory strength and good regeneration characteristics. The velocity of burning out of coke from the most inaccessible layers of catalyst K-544 amounted to 20 litres/litre of catalyst per hour, in comparison with that for aluminasilicate catalysts of 13 to 16 litres/litre of catalyst per hour. There are 6 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheakoy khiniii AN SSSR im. N.D.Zelinzkogo (The Institute of Organic Chemlstry AS USSR imeni N.D.Zelinakiy) GrozN1I Card 2/2 KAUMUY9 B.A.; pgMQMMjjX,,_A.Z~; ROZEAGAHTj M.I.; TYUNIKIU,, N.I.; KUZNETS(IVA, I.M.; MWER, A.V.; NITROFANOV$ M.T. Aromatization, of mixtures of n. hexane with 2-mothylpentane.. with 3-methylpentane or methyloyclopentane. Izv.AN SWR.Otd. khim.nauk no.7t1308-1309 Jl 162. OMA 15:7) 1. Inbtitut or anicheskoy kbildi im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. lAromatization) (paraffins) L1636 3/080/62/035/009/010/014 D204/D307 AUTHORS: Dorogochinskiy# A.Z#, Viktorova, Ye.A., Shuykin, N.I.p -Bdkkova, Ye.Ps,-hnd Malin, A.G. TITLE; The effect of cycloalkenyl phenols on the stability of a fuel containing unsaturated hydrocarbons PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy*khimii, v. 35, n'o. 9# 1962, 2060 - 2064 .1 TEXT: The stabilizing effects of;,A) 3-methyl-4-(cyclopenten-2-yl); B~ 3-nethyl-(S-(cyclopenten-2-,Yl); C) 4-methyl-2-(cyclopenten-2-yl); D 2-(cyclohexen-2-yl); and E) 4-(cycloheien-2-yl)-phonols were in- vestigated, on a fuel containing -,/15 fo' of unsaturated hydrocarbons, over a period of 5 months, at 50 � 0.50C. Vive samples of fuel.were Uested with the above additives (50 mg per 100 ml fuel), two addi- tional samples were respectively treated with 10 g/100 ml of p-hydro- tydiphenylamine and 50 mg/100 ml of inhibitor ~P4 -16 (FCh-16)7 and one sample was kept as a blank. Each sample also contained steel wire (with a surface area of 20 CM2 per liter of fuel) and was open tQ air via a capillary. Every month the samples viere tested for tar Card 1/2 The effect of cycloalkenyl ... content and stability to heat (1 B and C inhibited tar formation, xydiphenylamine and FCh-16. The impeded by B and D. The additive There are 3 tables. SUBMITTED: May 30, 1961 3/080/62/035/009/010/014 D204/D307 hour at 1500C). It was found that- similarly to antioxidants hydro- formation of sediments at 1rOOC was B thus exhibits a twofold action. Card 2/2 _D0B=rHTM.qKTY 'I~i3djr Zinovlvevicht LYUTER, Alsksandr Valentinovich; VOLIFOVA, Yev en a Grigorlyevna; RF.KHVIMHVILI Antonina Nikolayevna; IOMNIKOV, F.M., red.; KUZIMENKRI, N.T., tekhn. red. [Oil gases in the Chechen-Ingash and oUwr economic regions ot the Northern Caucasus]Neftimnya'gazy Chocheno-Ingushskogo i drugikh ekonomiohookikh raionov Severnogo Kavkaza. Groznyi Chachano-Inguohokoe knizhnos izd-vo, 1960. 259 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Caucasus, Northern-Gas, Natural) Kimsm, B.A., DOROWCHINSM. A.Z., ALIM, T.S., USIM07A, A.P. Catalytic dalWdrogematiois of IWdsocarboss. Report presented at the 12th Conforms" on b1gh Solm welot compounds, devoted to monomerm, 3-7 April, 62 DOROGOCHINSKIY, A.Z.; Work of the collective of the Grozny Petroleum Scientific Research Institute in the development of new technological processes in oil refining and petroleum chemistry. Trudy GrozNII no. 15:3-15 163. (MIRA 17:5) MITROFANOV, M.G.; MIRSKIY, Ya.V ,; DOROGOCRINS,KIY. A.Z.; DRONIN, A.P. MAKARIYEV, S.V.; LUGOVOY17rf-.--"---'-- ..' Selecting the best arrangement for separating gasoline fractions in molecular sieves. Trudy GrozNII no. 15:84-92 163. (MIRA 17:5) KAZMISKIY., B.A.; DOROGOCHINSKIY -A'-Z*. S,.ERI.lGrV, O.D.; LYUTER, A.V.; .DMITRIYF,V~M,-M.L.;'NAZAROVA,"M.P*.; R+JASHVILI, A.N. Studying the dehydrogenation of Isopentane on K-544 and K-5 finely divided catalysts. Trudy GrozNII no. 15:241-253 163, (MIRA 17:5) KAZAJISKIY, B.A.; DOROOOCHINSKIY, A.Z.; ROZE71GART, 14.1.; LYUTER, A.V.; - --.- ------ -- MITROFANOV, M.G.; BRF.SIICIIWKD-, Ye.M.; KALITA, L.A.; GOLIDSHTEYN., Yu.A.; AFANASIYEV, A.I.; HAKARIYLV, S.V.; ZAMANOV, V,V. Dehydrocyclization of normal hexane. Trudy GrozNII ro. 15: 254-264 163. (MIRA +5) KONOPLEVI V.P.; DOROGOCHINSKIY. A.Z.; HITROFAROV, M.G. Alkylizing toluene with propylene in the presence of aluminum chloride and polyalkyl toluenes. Trudy GrozNII no. 15:271-273 ,63. Initiating the oxidation of cymenes in the liquid phase. Ibid.:274-277 (MIM 1715) KUPRIYANOV, V.A.; DOROGOCIIINSKlY, A.Z.; MELINIKOVA, N.P. Studying the hydrogenation of fractions of industrial isodecyl benzene on a nickel catalyst. Trudy GrozNII no. 15t278-293 163. (MIRA 17:5) GONIKBERG,, M.G.; DOROGOCHINSKI)r.# A.Z.; GAVRILOVA, A.Ye*; KOWEINIOVAp R.As; MITROFANOV 14.G.- OkUYANOV,, V.A. 1 0 Determination of the naphthalene and alkyl naphthalene content of stocks and dealkylation products, Neftekhimiia 3 no.6:916-921 1~-D 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR im. N.D.Zelinskogo i Groznenskly neftyanoy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiyinatitut. KAZANSKIYO B.A ; DOROGOCHINSKIY, A.Z-j ROUNGART, IA.I.; GITISp K.M.; Lyum; Effeart of the length of an alumin&-chr6mipp-potassium catalyst layer on'the 'aromatization of n,-heptane. Kin.i kat. 4 no.2015-318*Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Institut orgwdchaskoy khimii AN SSSR imeni N.D.Zelingkogo i Groznenskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovateltakiy inatitut. (Heptane) (Aromatization) (Catalyots) KAZANSKIY, B.A.; DORIOGOCH~IlfS X,-A.Z.; ROZENGART, M.I.; KUMETSOVA, Z.F.; LYUTER, AS.'; MITROFA~-,OV, J+X. Changes in alumina-chromla catalysts during the aromatizatlon of n-hexane. KinA kat. 4 no.5068-772 3-0 163. (KIRA 16:12) 1. Institut organichaskoy khimil AN SSSR Imeni N.D.Zelinskogo i Groznenskly neftyanoy nauchno--issledovatellskiy institut. ZHAVORONKOV M.N. I Outstanding disoovery (On the occasiou,,of the 60th ann.',:~r=--y of the developmNit by X.V.Kharichkov of the cold method for petroleum fraotionation). Khim. i tekb. topl. i masel 9 no.3t 71-7a ffr'64 (MIRA 170) DOROM)CHINSKIY, A.Z. Contribution of Groznvv ,-rkers to the development of the petro- leum refining and petroohemical induatries of the Soviet Union. Khim i tekh. topLI. i maisel 9 nool-1:19-23 N 164 WIRA 18:1) PIVOVPJiCJVA, G.A., DOROGOCIIINSKIY, A.Z. Studying the regularities in the drainage Of C3 fractions on molecular sieves. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 8 no.4: 53-56 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut.