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A A N I a7:~(k ~ 4bt: DORFMAN. Ya. I. Progressive norms on the yeild of bristles, Log. prom., No 1, 1952. k~~ -'L 1~ :.%, '. - 4__ , DORFMAN, Ya.R. -- -- --- Study of landforms for the purpose of city planninge Geogeabor. Ll-vov.otd.Geog.ob-va. SSSR no.8:64-70 164. (MIRA 1885) KOZHURINA, H.S.1,DORFMAN, Ya&R, Reflection of tectonic structures in the ravine-gully system of the cis-Carpathian region. Geog.sbor. Llvov.otd.Geog ob-va SSSR no.8:106-113 164. iMIRA 1835) BLOKH, M.V. inzh.j GARKLISHAP P.N.p Inzh.; DORR", YU.I., inzh. ; sli&~S, la.I., inzh. Dynafnic strength of the cooler fan wheels of TEZ and TE10 diesel locomotives. Vest.TSHII M 20 no,5:23-25 161. (KM 14:8) 1. Kharlkoirskiy teplovozostroitellnyy savod im. V.A.Malysheva. (Diesel locowtives-Cooling) ARTIZANOV, Ye.A., in.ah.; DOFJ~LI&_yuLj..."' inzh.; v.?ZLAVS,.Iy inzb.; KUS11111-It I We=fep inzb.1 PLUTSjjEjj-SMjjjO " , Ye. G. VOL'Y/,11111OV, A.Ye. I Yun., inzh.; B.II.P inzh., EPS]ITE P 'nzh-J SPIVAKp Ya.L.) invh.; STRUICE. n, A.S., inzh,; SAZORV p red.; USMIKO, L.A.* takhn. red. Inzh., (The TE10 diesel freight locomotive] Moskva GruzOvoi teplovoz TE10, I TranS2heldarizdat, 1962. 171 p. NIRA 15:10) (Die,sel locomotives) CHERNYAVSKIYJ, D.L., kand.tekhn.nauk; DORFFM , Yu.I., inzh.; SHI~MRG, YO.I. Design of the unitized bodywork of the TEIO diesel locomotive. Vent.TSNII MPS 12 no.5:27-32 163. (MIM 16:8) 1. Kharikovskiy politakhnicheskly Inatitut imeni V.I.Lanina 1(harIkovskiy zav(xi transportnogo mashinostroyeniya imeni, V.A.Malysheva. (Diesel locomotives-Design and construction) DORFHLN, Tu.I.j, insh.; RCHEN., Yu.S.,, inzh. --'-Using electronic digital computers for calculating the dynamic cvr.ving-iu of locomotives on curved track sections. Vest. TSNII W21 no.6:52--.57 162, (MIRA 15:9) 1. 'Kharlkovskiy toplovotostroitelinyy zavod imeni Mal-.sbeva. (Locomotives-Deoign and construction) (Electronte digital computers) for ~KLRA '18:8) F.q Ci DORGATOY, R. The students' contribution. Prof.-tekh. obr. 13 no.11: 23 N 156. (MA 9:12) 1. Direktor taldy-kargauskogo uchilishchs mikhanizateii sellskogo khozysystva no.24. Kazakhakaya SWI. (Farm mechanization--Study and teaching) -... .. Our mchine operators on the collective farme of Kazakhstan. ftof.-takhoobr. 17 no-5:23-2-4 MY 160. (MM 1317) 1. Direktor uchilishchs mekhanLzataii sellskogo khozyeVetva lo,24, g.Taldy-Xurgm, lazakhs1coy SSR. (KarALkhetan-Farm mochanization) V Conce" t1w Casifioation of Algebraic Surfaces of the Geometric r'd'Oraevaj..j ,,Sur .la clsadfimflon des surfaces algi- b!~ se gkomitrique I~p-l. 1, U. Bul. Inst.- "ft do gen Type p r1 Politchn. 1&0 4 (1949), 3-22, 10-195. I-F\W Ces deux m6noires contiennent, dans leur ensemble, une exposition nouvelle et complke, par des , mithodes ul sont exclusivement algdbdco-gdon~dtriques, de la assification des diffdrents types de surfaces algdbriques l de genre gdomitrique Pj= 1. La prenu*hv patfie s occujpe Ides surfaces iffiguli6res ayant #-I; la deuxMme des surfaces rdguBires. - Le point Ate dipari de. la premiare 'partie e3t le thdorhne suivant: Sir une surface irriguliare ayant Pp= 1. i1 existe en gdndral un faisceau irrationne, de courm, dont le genre est igal & I'iff4ularitd it -P, de la surfaci; dam le cas ts=- 1, il peut existe'r deuk faisceaux elliptiques ou un reseau de courbes de'gmri 2. La d& monstration qu'on donne ici de ce thdo4me*est analogue A celle que l'on trouve pour 1e cas j6p=0 dans F. Enriques et L. Campedelli (Rome, 1934). On en dMuit'que les sur- :faces irriguli6res, ayant P#= I appartiennenf aux deux t,,=0 et ta= -I; etc. Les surfaces r4gulj6res de pnre 1, peuvint avoir le genre lin&-tire PI-I ou Men 1. Parmi les premi&es, on peut distinguer cefle3' ayant e courbe canonique d'ordre zdro et celIq qui Y;poss6dent une courbe canonique effective. Les surfaces' J avec p, > 1,,donne naissance & des surfaces genirales pour t'l ue va ur de 1chaq ;519. Cctte ilassification dtait con- nue; mais l'itude Jeicertains cas -!st plus dtendu. H. G. TogliaUi (Geno-va) DOPAOBUZHINA. K.D. e Some features of the bearing of apricots. Agrobiologila no,4: 57-62 Jl-Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Gosudarstvannyy Nikitakly botanicheekly sad. g. Yalta. (Apricot) DREORV., B-oris, inz* Use of hexanol in dye and lacker induatrieo. Kemija u industriji. no,51318 W' '62o DORGOV, Boris, ins. Formation of coating lacquering films based on polyester and .synthetic alkyd resins. Kem ind 121 no.8:640-642 163. 1. Kendjaka industrija "Proletar", Skoplje. DOPGOV, Boris, Inz. Chlorinated rubber varnishes. Kem ind 13 no. 1: 14-15 Ja 164. 1. Kmijska industrija "Proleter". Skoplje. RUMANIA / General Problems of Pathology. The Patho- U physiology of the Infectious Process. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 22, 1958, 102495. Author : Goia, I.; Dori, Francis. Inst :Not given Title :Endocrine Symptomatology in Focal Infection. Orig Pub: Bul. stlint. Acad. RPH. See. med., 1956, 8, No 3, 687-695. Abstract: In 26 patients with various diseases of the thyroid gland and in 6 suffering from diabetus, a focal infection was discovered. Simple assanation of the focus led to cure of the basic disease In many patients. pt~a-,:~N[Aa dc-- ~A~j- L*j Z e. (aus -L GK. b A) S; e--,~; / 01, C,~4 Card 1/1 4l) / 11:5 Ll - CIURDMUV, P. dr.1 DORI,F... dr.1 FLORESMJ., 1. dr.; ZAGRFJM, I. dr. The role of oocupational factors in the appearance of hyper- tensive diseasa, Med. Intern. (Bu=!-.) 16 no."j 9835-UO Ji-t~4. 1. Luerare efectua"a in ClLnl.I-,a a II-a medicala, I.M.1'. -1 Bi- stitutul medico- faymmoeuti--j. Cluj (d1m~r1to.-.-s dr. T.Gnla). DORIAN. C. DO;11'.'N, C. In the construction yards of Enterprise No. 131 in Floesti. p. 1. Vol- 7, no. 296, Sept. 1955. CONsr6lUCTORUL. Bucuresti, Rumania. c SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EEAL) IZ, Wl- 5, no. 6, June 1956 DORIANP 0. The penicillin factory in Meadavia, eXpression of Soviet Fraternal aid. p. 2. CONSTRUCTORUL. (1,11nisterul Constructillor si Industriei 11-Ititerialelor de Constructii A Uniunea Sindicatelor de Salariati din Intreprinderile de, Constructii) Pucuresti. Vol. 7, no. 303, NOV. 1955. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 DORIAN C. Value of a piece of timber. p. 1. An account of successes. p. 1. CONSTRUCTOREJ~j, Bucumsti,, Vol 8,, No* 317v Febe 1956 '-'n, Rant HuroDean Accessions List (EFAL) Library of Congresaj Vol 5p No* 7. Julys 1956 DORIANO C. Coclesj piUarej, walls., roofs,, everything fix)m prefabricated parts. P, 3 'ONSTRUCTORUL, Beewrestivol 8P NO* 323,, Mar, 1956 SO: E"t Diropean Acce3sions List (HEAI) Librarw nir C------ TF-I e - - - - ---' 1 o of A trav,7! ~dry; r- for 'd X', S'l t C, T L DORIANJ C. Recent achievements) current resomes, and promising perspectives; in connection with the consumption of man power in the Factf,ry of Prefabricated Parts. P. 3. (COMTROCTORUL. Vol. 9., no. 375., Mar. 1957) BucureFti, Rumania) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EI!YL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. DORIA11) C~ We shall raise the technical level of construt-tion-assemblv Production. P. 3(Construct6rul, Vol. 9) no, 386,june 1957, Dncure,tl, Rtmnin) Monthly Index of East Turopean Accessions (FFAI) L% Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 1, tit -112 ilrop -in Acc. r DORI Standardization with technical motivation. P. h. (Constructorul. Vol. 9, no. 391, July 1957, Rucurenti, Runania) ,-k)nthly Index of East European Accessions (FFAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 DOqIA'*) Ce Experiments with the inproved wage systr-m. P. 2, (Constructorul. Vol. 9, no. 392, July 1957, Bucuresti,, ffiviania) 'bnthly Index of East Furopean Accessi,ins (FFAI) Lr,.Vol. 7, n- . 2, February 1958 DORIA~11_.~,. Assembly work at Trust No. 5,, P. 31(Constructorul. Vol. 9, no. 393), Julv -,957, Thicurpsti, Ibimania) 11 ,-bnthl,y Index of East Furopean Accessions(FTAT) 1,C. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 DO-Ral.; C. 11-1111 11~,, Centralizcd ackniinistration will letd to a bettor exTIoiteticti cf meditri-equipment park. p. 3 * (COI&~'I'F,LiGTOF,.LrL. Vol. 9, no. 400, Sept. 1957, rucurpsti, Rumania) SO.' -'-onth2y LissL of Er-sL rJuroper-n Accessiors (EKILL) LC. 'Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. Ic,',';7. Uncl. G DORIAN, 0, Savings of 40-50 per cent jr, cogyarlson with syecific consumption. Constr Bue 14 no.649:3 16 Je 162. DORIAN, G. Results depending on the level of labor orgwazation, Constr Buc 14 no,6720 24 N '62. ,-- DORIAN, G. ~=M--Awbjw Winter probation. Constr. bac 14 no.676t2 22 D162. DORIA11t C. Thi innovation, an inexhaustible reserve. Constr Buo 15 no.122t2 9 N 163. DCRIAN I C. Concerns, prospectAw...and troublas. Constr Buc 16 no.734 2 1 F164 DORIANI C. Floors mada'by-me i of dascanding shutterings for gliding constructions. Constr Buc 16 no.14"4il 11 April 164. DORIAN, C. The granu2ite or Mureasni. Constr Buc 16 no. 748:2 9 May 164. DORIAN, C. Staundard type industrial halls. Constr Buc 16 no. 755:3 27 June 164. DORI All p C. At the Constants, Office of Systematization, Architecture, and Construction Projects. Constr Buc 16 no.76913 3 Oct t64 DORIANV C.. ' 1, Frepitrat$ons for 1965i onstr bL(.' 16: 1 19 D 164j.. p DORiAN, C. Prolude eit the Iron G-ites. Constr Buc, 17 no.'Iq.,.:l V) .,,a t6c~. DMIANq 0. *!Irg,4 t,lg obligations to the facts. Conntr No 17 no.?95.-,,,3 ) AP 165, ". _. "5 -) I ~)O A In At . d, -6 F- 1Z,71r. clvu); Givan Nezes COIL-1try: Runania Acx1_-:dc Dtgrce:i: Engineer Affiliation: -not giVen- Source: Bucharests StiInta si Tchnicaq 110 7, Jul 1961) pp 32-3--o. Data: "The Signs of an Emblem." .6it-11 ,U bu. -1K, Olven Names Cowntr7: Ruman i a Academic Dogrees: Engineer AfMiationi -not givon- SOurce: Bucharrstg Stlinta pi Tehnical No 8, Aug 19619 pp 20-21. Data: "The Entarpriss for the Valuation of Reed. Five Significance&." GPO 981643 94 - DORIAN .- Soon there will lie 15 years. .,'It at T(& ~iuc 16 no. 3: 14-15 Mr 164. ,4~t- DORUn, Dorel, ing. Visiting the Petrochim Institute of Reaearch, Ploiesti. St si Teh Buc 16 no.6t24,25 Je 164. DORIAN, Dorel, ing. Exposition of the achievements of the Rumanian Economy. St si Teh Buo 16 no.90-6 S 064 DORIAN, Dorel, ing. Sinain, the plant of h"arts. St ,i1 Tnh Huc 16 no.12-4,)-41 11 164. D(AiAlj , Dcral' I r ~'. Tne VlCLr,r'L-L P -:1 nt, " I Flo St ,,i TGh bl;c I I' riri. I.' F 't)5. POCANSCHIp Adrian, Inge; BNESCU, Constantin, tehniclan (Pitesti); POPESCU, Teodor; DORIAN G. (Oradea) The first frost, t*.e first checking in the spirit of foresight, Constr Buc 15 no.7250 30 N 163. 1. Intreprinderea no.1 a TrustliluL Regional do Constructii do Locuinte, Cluj (for Pocanschi). 2. Sof,,il serviciului plan-materiale di~ Trustul Regional de Constructli do Locuinte, Ploiesti (for Popescu). RUWarIA/Pharmaoology arvi Thaticology. Trwiquilizers V-2 ,Ibs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol... No 10, 1951, No 47105 Author Q)orian V._, Marin Fl. Inst Title :Regional ecrubral Hypotensicn as one of the Side Effects of Reserpino Therapy Orig Pub :Mad. intQrnao 1957, 9, No 1.1, 1708-1712 Abstract :In 10 out of 120 patients arfcctQd with hypertension, and trk:atod with raEcrpinc (R), giddinese, drowsiness, mental depression and headaches of vascular ori6in occurred. The authors explain these complications by the uxcessiva de- crease of th(; tlood pros=a in the vessels of the cerebrum as EL result cif the vasodiliting action of rescrpine. Thcse side effects were mostly mc.-t with in patients with relativoly low pressure in the central artery of the retina. It is therefore rocomendod to m4.~asure the pressure in this artcry before proscribing R and, In those patients in wh= low Card 1/2 7 FODOR, 0. Conf.; AAWO,~~TAY. Bnn. I. Evaluation of the evolution of chronic hepatitis by complex clinical, hiatopathological and electropboretic investigations. Med. int., Ducur. 10 110-3:351-359 Mar 58. 1. Olinica a 111-a nedicala I.M.Y. Cluj, direct6r send. I. Hatiegann. (H]CPATITIS, diaenosis olin., histopathol. & electrophoratic methods of determ, of evolution of die.) (BLAOD PROTSIM, in various disennes hepatitis, chronia, dl:-%. value of determ.) (LIVAR, nathology biopsy in chronic hapFititio) DORIC, Avirust Automatic regulation of water level. Stroj vest 9 no.4/5:155-156 o 163. 1. Matalna, Maribor. DORIC B, Topographical development of Backo Cradiste. p. 122. GEODE1SKr 1,IST. (Drustvo geodeta lirvatekd) Zagreb., Yugoslavia Vol, 13j not 7/99 July/Sept. 1959 Monthly 11st of Eastern European Accession Index (EEAI) LC vol. 8., No. 3.1 No,.-erber 1959 Uncl. MRICS is OAnalysis of utinortAl waters. I. Mineral waters of Ilse and Sijarin bpas*, P- 333 (Glaunik, V01- 17, no- 6, 1952, Beograd) But P"R TIPL 2, No 9 SO: Month List of-==cceasions,/Library of Congress, -September 1953, Uncl. DORIC , Jolena -in 1300 Of tharMiLl watero* IV& Thermal waters of Projevska banja. Glan Rem dr 19 no.9:573-5EI3 154. 1. Srpska akademija nauka, Remijaki bistitut, Beograd. DORIC, jill !_I~~ Mineral waters in Montenegro. 1. Gl.hem.dr. 23/24 no.1/2.-79-93 '58/59. (KU1 9:5) 1. Hemiski inatitut, Beograd. (Montenegro-Mineral waters) DORIC, Jelena Ydneral waters in Montenegro. It. Rozaj District. GI.hem.dr. 23/24 -ao.1/2:95-102 158/59. (IMAI 9i,5) (Monten4gro-Klneral waters) DORIC. Jelona J.; SMIAMC, Olivera M. Volumetric determination of zinc. Glas Rom dr 4/26 no.5/7:405-409 160/161. 1. Hemijoki, institutp Beograd. DDRIC, Ljubisa. Dr. -, RADUMVIC, Branko, d.r. Acrylic prosthesis In fracture-ltmations of humerus. Voj. an. pregl. Beogr. 13 no.i1-l2:6c6-6oq Nov-Dec 56. 7 Ortopedsks klinike. Medicinskog fakultets. u Beogradu. (HUMUS, fract. fract-disloc., acrylic prosth. (Ber)) STIDSAITOVIC, Svetjolavf prof*, droL DORICj bisa doc., dr.; PAJANTIC, Srecko Central traumatic diolocation of the hip. Voj.san.pregl. 18 no-5: 461-465 M3r 161. 1. Medicinski fhkultat u Beogradu, Klinll~a za ortopedsku hLrurgiju i traumt,ologiju. (HIP fract & disloc) STOJANOVIC, Svetpialav, prof., dr.,~ DORIC.1-ju~lip4L Posterior traumatic dislocation of the shoulder. Srpaki arb. calok. lek. 89 no.1!20-41 A 161. 1. Klinilat sa ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju Madicinskog fakultets. Universiteta u Beogradu. Upmvnik: prof. dr Svetislay Stojanovic. (SHOULDER fract & disloc') DOIUG, Lj.; BUMASIMVIC, Z.j RISTIC, K. Old dislocation and ankylosis of the elbow joint, Acta chir. Iugosl. 9 no.1:37-47 161. 1. Klinika za ortopedsku hirurgii. i traum%roloeiju Medicinskog fakulteta ut Beogradu (Uprevnik prof. dr S. Sto anovic). (ELBOW fract & disloc) - iA?IKYL0':IIS case reports) 4 DORIC, LIWA*k N. cc footal. Srp(dd gn'butim to the tremwe*t of Urge bons do ar , celak, 2ake 90 no,1029"5 0 '62. 1, lainika s& ortopedska hiruxeju i tramtologiju Hadlobskog fakultsta UniversitsfA u Beogmdu Upmvniks prof., ctre S"tlslav stojazovie ZaM DISZA-q (Bogg TR&NSpLANTATIOS) I DORIC, Milos N. Essays on dematoloL7 Feoeradi 1953- 1~'6 P- VAFTI 1. Derratoloi7f - MIIAWVIG,M.; DORIC,R.; MOCIG,M, Complications in the respiratory organs during the course of &cut* Infectiv* diseases. Higijens.,Beogr. 11 noj2-3:134-142 159. (COWU ICAB12 DISASIS oompi, ) - (IM DISASIS et iol. ) -DORIC, Radmilas docodr; PAVLOVICO Jovang dr; MCCIC, Pdrjana, doc. dr.; LALOVICg Predrag, dr Present possibilities of the treatment of respiratory disorders in poliomyelitis. Med.glasn. 14 no-5a:306-310 W 160. 1. Raspiratorni centar klinike za infektivne bolesti u Beogr4du (Upravnik.- prof. dr. M.Milosevic) (POLIOMMITIS ther) DORICg Radmila doc dr.; ATANACKOVIG# Anap dr Cardiovascular changes in polimWelitis during the epidemic in 1936. Med.glasn. 14 no.5&:310-314 W 060. 1. Respiratorni. centar Klinike za Infektivne bolesti u Beogradu (Upravnik: prof, dr. MAdlosevic) (POLIOMMITIS compl) (CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES etiol) AQRlC,,-S&dzlla;-MOCIC, Mirjanal FAVLOVIc, Jovan; BOZOVIC, Mariola; ARSINOVICP Aleksandar Our experience with the epidemic of polloWelitle in Serbia in 19569 Srps)d arh, celok. lek, 88 no.5s/+89-501+ My 160. 1. Klinika 2A infektivne bolestl Medicinskog fakulteta Universitsta u Beogradu. Upravniki akadem* prof. dr Kosta Todorovic. (POLIONYMTIS spidesiol) DORIC, RadmUAj- PAVLOVIC, Jovanj VARGA, Istvan; SVORIC, Milka; DOSEN, _M Pristina Bulbar and respiratory forma of poliomyelitis in the apidemid of 1960. Srpski arh. calok. lek. 89 no.12: W5-1433 D 161. 1. Klinika za infektivne boleati Medicinskog fakulteta Univerzitsta u Beogradu Upravnik: prof. dr Milorad Milosevic. (POLIOMYELITIS atatist) (POIJOKIELITIS BULBAR statist) J)ORIC,JkdMLjAL2AVLOVICp Jovaln- SVORIC, MiDm; VARGA, Istvan; LALOVIC, Predrag Atelectaois as a complication of respiratory involvements of polioxTalitiB during the 2d 1960 epidemic. Srpoki arh. calok. lak. 90 no.2:163-171 F 4k. 1. Respiratorni center Klinike za infektivne bolesti Hadicinskog fakulteta Universitate. u Beogradu. 1. d. upravnikal doe. dr. Xihailo Nikolic. (ATEXTASIS atiol) (POLIO M LITIS compl) prof. dr.; POPOVIC, Anka, dr.; ILIC, VIiiiimir'. dr.; SUVAROVIC, VojiBlav, dr.; JORGACENIC, Draglart, (tr. Clinical considereation on viral hepatitis associut!~,d with cholestatic syndrome. Mod. gals. 19 no.8/9:220-223 Ag-3 165. 1. Klinika za Infcktivne bolesti Medicinskog fakulteta u Deogradu (Upravnik: prof. dr. M. Nikolic). L 3- 7'e-66 i ITK -IM'4 SOURCE CODE: YU/0015/65/000/W-/0220/0223 ACC N AP6029~85 AUTHOR: .Doric. &2 Agla Professor; Doctor); Popoviep Anka (Doctor)- Ilic Vladimir (Doctor jV-31TINUTTM, vojlajLav %Doc or); _4orgacevic, DrMisa (Doctorl - - - 0~-~j ChGt Infectious Diseases Clinic, Medical CUnic/headed by Professorp Doctor M. Nikolic/, Belgrade (Kilinika za infektivne boleati Medicinakog fakultata) TITLE: Clinical observations in viral huatiti~ with pronounced cholestatic syndrome SOURCEt Medicinski glasnik, no. 8-9,, 1965, 220-223 TOPIG TAGS*. hepatitiag virus disease,, clinical medicine, biologic secretion ABSTRACT: Data on 96 patients I sex (76 were male), age (61 were between 18 to 404 main symptoms, course, causes (29 possible inoculation or transfusion) severity; biochemical and laboratory data. Orig. arts has: 4 tables. (Based on authors' German abet.] NPRS: 36o5991 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG WW: 002 / ON REF % 014 1/1 /-1L DCRIC, Zoran I- Delivery of lettergrams. PTZ Zajed 5 no.l,:12-,1-4 Ja, F 163. DIANUELI , Moll ay Markovl,!:h~ DENISOV, Tevgenly Tirzfeyevich; t,;AYZTJS, Zinaida Kushelema. PrInimall uchastie: AI]TONOVSKIY, V.L.; BLYUMBERG, E.A.; VASIL*-YE;V, R.F.; GAGARINAO A.B.; GOLIDBERG, V.14.; ZAIKOV. G.Ye.; DORIKOV, J16D.; OBUKHOVA, L.K.; TSEPALOV, V.F.; SHLYAP121TOKH, V.Ya.2 SKIBIDA, I.P.., red. [Oxidation chain renctiom of hydrocarbons in the liquid phase] TSepnye roaktoli okialwAia alglevodorodov v zhidkol faze. Moskva. Nauka,, 1965. 374 p. (MIfIA 18:8) I_11(~_"I'/-Y // Z. , "I LOKITANOT, likolay lwaaevich; WRIX, L.L., rodaktar; SUUK, D.M., teklmichsWy rodaktoro "ll-aa [Orgamising production In public, oating eatOlishmenteJ Orgmalzateiia prolsvedstva prodprilatii abobabostvamw o pitanita. Moskva, Gen. Is&- Yo tergovoi lit-ry, 1955. 151 P. . 9 (KMA 9:6) 11 (Restaurants. Insch room@. etc.) DORIN, A,P. ~., - , , Balakhna Combine is not utilizing its means for increasing alcohol output. Gidroliz. i lesekhIme prom. 8 no*7:29 135, (MLRL 9:4) l.Nachallnik spirteroge saveda Balakhninakego tsellyulozno-bumash- nogo kembinata. (Balakhno,--Alcohol) SUR;,.A;-Z, Given Narms COuntr7l Rumania C;z Academic Dogreast Affiliation: ultural Ebwerimental Station Statiunea Experi- rtivitieola) j Tg.---Jiu-o Sources Ducharestq Stlinta at_Telinloas No 89 Aug 19619 pp 18-19. Datat "Vineyards and Trees on Are" 'Unsuitable for Viold, Cultivation. Authors: CHISTIAN Vladu. VICIU, I.,; POPZSCU, H.. ; DORM, X.,; MORM, St.,; B=EIITA, A.,; NBSTOR, R. Study of blood protein disorders In rhouzatissal andocarditis and andocarditis lent&; their pathogenetic and clinical oignificance. Probl. reumat., Bucur. Vol. 11.:201-220 1954. (BLOOD PROTRIMS disord. in rheum. endocarditte & endocarditis lent&) (ZWDOGARDITIS, SUBACM BACTARIAL, atiol. & pathogen. blood protein disord.) (RHLUMTIC M DISIASN, etiol. & pathogen. blood protein disord.) DORIN, P. _1 Hydrologic data on the Danube and its water-power potential. Tr. from the Cierman. P. 3.13. (Hidrologiai Koz1ony* Hydrological Journal. Vol. 37, no. 2,, 1957., Budapest, Hungary.) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EFAX) LC. Vol. 7, no, 2., February 1958 WRIN. P., prof. (Bukharest) Rich natural resources of the RuMbe Yalley. Nauka i shyttia 8 no-10:57-58 158, (MIRA 13:4) (Danube Valley--Naurtal resources) (Danube River--Hydroelectric power stations) ,. fl"allandijets, a muszaki tudomanyok doktora, egyete.-ai tanar; D OR I WE L PI GLER, Karolyp gepeszmernok (translator] 11ew methods for determination of the characteristics of reaction turbines. Hidrologiai kozlony 38 no.2t102-109 Ap?58, 1. Bakaresti Ruegyatem (for DDrin). 2. VIzugyi Tervezo Iroda (for Ziegler)* AMALITSKIT, Y.M., linihaner; DORIII, jj&, inshonor; PIMANUIT, V.T. doteent; STFOWATHIKOY 't-77-9-67-eent, roydaktor; TXArHzv, I.M. radaktor; NIKOLATXTA, I.I., radaktor; XtftSIK, N.P.. telchni- chaskly redaktor. (Kanual for the planner of limbering enterprises) Spravochnik ftyskatelia lenozagotovitellr7kh predprHatii. Hoskwa, Goslesbim- izdat, 1955. 595 P. (KM 8: 3.1) 1. Russia (1923-U.S.S.R.) Kinisterstvo lesnoy promyshlonnosti. (Lvmbaring) Xidii , 'I .; I TAP G . Dr A er-dration. of e D1 a-,rtc-l-v 'In fir ~ ati, ?i I,(- thr'~ -F111,-,, 4 -,r r f ~ he .Lrunh Gf the J~jbrid Black Pr,plar ard th(', 3(7, (IC1.1STA .1 ( r:, ,IT ~A'DURILCR, Vol. 10. P, Augurt 1954, :hicliar~st, P.-,;-arla) 7.f T-1,3 Sr, 11~orthly LJ.o' -olocar, -cr-srlrr,~- lct Vn'! . 4p -o. L ..ardi Und. DORIN, TUDOR. glemente do calcul statistIc p)ntru silviculto:ri. BRpresti, Mitura Agro-Silvica, de Stat, *1955. 204 p. (49rents of statistical calculation for niviculturlste. lot ed. bibl., diagmp fOOtnOUS, lAbles) SOURCEz East European Acces3ions List (MAL), Ik;, Vol. 5, no. 2, Februavj 1956 DORIN I T. "Proportion of ba'rk on willow trees. p. 15. (REVISTA FADURILOR, Vol. 70, no. 11 Jan. 1955. Bucurestio Rumania.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC. V01. 4, No. 5, May 1955. Uncl. , T. I i. rt;, . ":' o,ri; r,,i i t I , ,i o f i i i i- r(!;,. i r-1 " bY i - I r i v. i ~-! 1 " t,y T. i IJo-,j n. 1.11.1 Jlt:fnalul 1J, iio.6.237 J41 '(~,3. DORTNJ, T. Cubature tables for Salix cavrea, the goat willow. p. 111. UNISTIA PADURILOR. (Aaociatia StUntifica a Paginerilor si Technicienilor din Raminia si al Mintsterului Agriculturii s4% Silviculturii) Bucuresti. Vol. 71, no. 2,. Feb. 1956. So. Erst Baropean Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 BLAGOVESHCHENKIY, S., doktor :ekhn.nauk,, prof.; VOZNESENSKIY, A., kard.tekhn. nauk; VOYTKUNSKIY, Ya., kand.tekhn.nauko dotsent; GERASIMOV, A., kand.tekhn.nauk,, dotsont; GRECHIN, M., kand.tekhii.nauk; D.O.RLLJjA kand..takhn.nauk; DOR060STAYSKIY, D., doktor tekhn.nduk; KOSOUROV, Vo doktor tekhn.n'auk, prof.; KRIVTSOV, Yu., kand.tekhnnauk; MURU, N., kand.tekhn.uauk,, dotnent; SEMENOV-TYAN-SHANSKIY., V.V doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; SOLOV11MV, V., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; TOPORKOV, I., inzh.; FIRSOV, G., daktor tekhn.nauko prof.; FISHER, A., inih.; KHRUSTIN., V., kand.takhn.nauk, dotsent; EYDELIMAN, D., inzh. Concerning P.Khokhlcmls article "Determining the center of gravity of a vessel during im inclining experiment with trim difference.* Mor. flot 23 no.5-03-34 163. (MIRA 160) (Stability of ships) 1JUGOVIESHCHEIISKIY, S., dnkwr tekhn.nauk, atnr.3hiy nauchnrf DORIN) V.p kand.takim.nauk International CUOI)OL-ation on standurdIzIng thei bu,)Yancy ant stability of ships. Mor. flot 23 no. 12:41-4-1 D 163. . 04TRA 17:5) 1. TSentralInyy nai:chno-issledovatel'skly institut. morakogo flota (for Blagoveiffichenskiy). DOCRIINEL-Y-.A. "Investigation of the Structure of Anchi-Electrodic Layers of S4--leni= Rectifying Elements." Cand Phys44ath Sci, Leningrad Inat of Precision Vechanics and Optics, Min Higher Education USSR, Leningrad 1954. (KL, No 5, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Instituticne (12) SO: Sm. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 USSR/Physics'- Selenium layers FD-2401 Card 1/1 Pub. 153-5/21 Author Nasledov, 1). N.; Dorin, V. A.; and Dikina, I. M. now& Title: Roentgenographic investigation of selenium layers obtained by evaporation in vacuo Periodical Zhur. tekh. fiz. 25, 29-38., Jan 1955 Abstract Selenium layers are widely employed in various semiconductor devices. In -the present article the authors discuss x-ray investigations of selenium layers, obtained by evaporation in vacuo, onto bases made of various nixteriale at various temperatures, and determine the influence of the temperature of the base during evaporation upon the magnitude of the conductivity of the selcnium layer. They also studied the influence of beat treatment on the structure of the layer. They clarify the con- ditions for which axial textures of the selenium layer are formed. They find that selenium during evaporation in vacuo form layers with orients- tion, of the crystals with two kinds of textures (10712, room temperature; 1120, higher'temperatures of base). They note that the nature of the base does not influence the character of the texture, but the ref3ime governing the deposition of selenium is decisive. Ten referenceii: e.g. N, T. Mellnikova, Ye. D. Shchukin, and M. M. Umanskiy., =TF 22, 1952. Submitted June 15, 1954 V, A Ti-,- ll~ 'Zh., rfk4. F;N, 7 NMI ViTto fic tLa pktaftt. "Velav JT L. ELECTRODE LAYER IX SELE"If RECTIFUM, V' A ~-A--?Alum ELXC-MODJ~-V 'AIMr-tr, and D N Zh. teLh. Fiz., VoL 26, 146-77-MM (1955). In An [nirestfration at flie "furming" of comirtercial q- rc-rtj - fters. Evidence of forr=tlcn & cubic CdSe %; -, nbz o-~ I I' was Idiso (a4rd that very thin ftims (< 6-.TTa, Cd avi ie or fin cleaved rocknalt, ckn react &it about IGWC to &!rt jAf CdSe or CdS. The type of diffustoa reaction Involv~d It, ah - moned In some detail. CJI L --c~odm-im AUTHOR: DORIN V.A. NABLEI)OV,D.N. PA - 2181 N ~F~ TITLE. _6n oblem of the Structure of the Upper Layer of a Z~e ;r Selenium Rectifier which is Located near the Electrode (Russian) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Takhn.Fiz. 1957, Vol 27, Nr 11 PP 90-94 (U.S.S .R.) Received; 2 / 1957 Reviewed: 3 / 1957 A ]TRACT; In the present work the structure of the layers on the boundary of contaots of sulphur and selenium with tin is investigated, This makes it possible to obtain a better knowledge of the stru~-- ture of the layers nea., the electrodes of a selenium rectifier. The composition of phavis of the intermediate lMers of tin- sulphur and tin-seleuium contacts was examined by means of the fissionary experiment described by V.A.PORIN and D.N.NABLEDOV, Zhurnal Takhn.Fiz. 26, 286 (1956). Samples ware used for the purpose of investigating the produote of reactive diffusion of sulphur with tin, in which the contact of tiAx and sulphur films was heated to maximum temperatures of 226c) CotAn attached dia- gram shows an electronogran recorded from a film produced by means of tin- and sulphur films pressed together by heating to 0 160 . Similar electronograms were obtained also from films heated to lower temperatures. These electronograms differed from one another only by a lower degree of distinctness of the weak rings. A table shows the measuring- and computation -isulto of the electronograms obtained. In the case investigated here, PA - 2161 On the Problem of the Stru3ture of the Upper Layer of a Selezi- um Rectifier which is Located near the Electrode. (Russian) reactive diffusion leads to the formation of an intermediate layer with two layers. The elootronograme obtained on thin films after heating indicate the presence of two chemical alloys (SnS and SnSe ) Further illustrations show the electronograms of Sn' SnS ani ;nS2 in comparison with the slectronogram of the product of the reaction of tin with sulphur. The color of the films of the reaction product differs considerably from the color of the tin- and sulphur films. Films of the reaction products are cinnamon-colored, while tin-sulphide is yellow and rather transparent in thin layers. The relative quantity of the occur- ring tin-sulphide and tin-disulphide depends on the temperature of heat treatment. At low temperatures SnS predominates con- siderably and in the case of an increase of the temperature of the heat treatment the quantity of SnS2 increases, Further de- tails are discussed. TAS structure or the layer of a selenium rectifier near the electrodes. Elements which contain sulphur before being formed are of the greatest practical interest. In the case of contact between selenium and tin-sulphide no considerable rectification Card 2/3 may be expected. On the side of sulphur there is probably a PA - 21 FJ 1 On the Problom of the Structure of the Upper Layer rJ a Selenium Rectifier which is Located near the layer of SnS This tin-sulphide might contribute '.;.&sAu pr; duaing a reohfier effect. kooording to a special oulphides and selanides of tin produce a considerat'.'~ effect in the oase of contact with selenium. Physical-Technical Institute, Leningrad .k~'~3ENTED B7: -"bMITTED. -.';i'~'LABLE: Library of Congress 7 "ar~~ 3/3