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4 0 Ot tv 1 Ji oaf, L Id ddtjW4UdQ1k down. $Pits Vviechwelf rrvm. 13, No. 2. 19 1038,11.9,3: cf. C. A.33.3-5194.- Fulem ce. dil tat It pan..0 -MIM and 5 cc. At- irred mash @=Icd mb2ge' Wc 6 It in. on t6 watcr batl,. The win. Is mitidly CoWtd and it dd. I MA11. 0 IV. main. to 13 cc. it mer) added. Thcm4mounedrycl the ent ifte I is added is uged fix cmtjpati3Km.0=1 Injt Is avoi" in order that the stat ch-1 cmttpd. remain. W. A. Nitawr 114 ISO-- SIVINJIV4 u 9 if 00 11, 0 0 1 a A 4 IF.,,' a 4 w a a at i it a IA 4 1 Pf*O * o 0 t 0 ; so 00 0 1 0 000000, 0 0 o 0 so 0 0 0 00 6.0 0 0 0 a IV 00 !fees 00000 00000000 0 00 0 * a a 0 a 00 6 46' - 1 4 0 0 0 00 0 000 00 w w 0 v 0 0 a at Wlk a m,16 It If is m u U-i-LLA.. A-A -I- &-.JL I Of tk4 41MOLAIG UUTAY 10 MWA- 0 goo COO goo 600 goo X00 ,so to 0*11 a 0963 90S To" for at downim"m W aw awbw *MUNI in M"b OMW 00 * I I SVW 6M KNOWN. No. 6. 33 c"W"Mov. IOU, the lanUU6 (4 - xr.K/y, In vrWh is b th* ant. of Mohr uk soln. umd for the litfation ol K%Ct#Or, and Kly is a ccast. - 0.164, at a havis. tables we worked ant and obe calm. of the ak. cmtent Illustrated by an tumple. W. A. N10mv me. 111v"Voll i.00 0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 go* '00 ISO* off @600 400 go* '00 me* '00 4*9 see IF in a 9 All 10 "li 4; *A 0 o 0 0 0 010 0 Ole S 0 0 a 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 "Frinciples of biology, ed. by L_kerM and A. Paramorm" (p. lE3) Rw. by -Salkbid, S. J. SO- Admancee In YgLern Biology (Uspekhi Sovreminnoi Biologie) Vol. XII, No. 1, 1940 soil soll 0* & 004 064 000 0043 owl - - - - - - - - - -w w 7 a a A J - v ..I- a _AA 4 M Im M A, b Imp IyOPI&I V600141.1i .010 ydo. stay Id the Ago B"WW Pon" is at W 1" 4141 t)odww% ww E. 1. KIw Dru. Ea=pldw: @66 AVV6. 5,,0, 49-M(IiM2). cf. C. A. 36, UNW, - Za. RF-, ges o# Ob. o3jW&6m_re%bxtkmt potcnIW in I)OCtefil 1*0 ju-Comploying Ibe lysis caused by IYWXY%nt We WA cuu- .00 alm-ted with l"i% MA sueb, but bask%uy dept"d on pit 01 I Ow nwdium, Fjecteglijoetic potentials of becttris wh- 'a ed to lysis by IYWCYM CAAMV- iO Al- lytolektuass t, putentud is imermad; ia A. n4ldij, is is decit"mi. see U. Kbww of as lym= lit V. A. Lksinan. ]bid. 14, No. 1, 112-14@- ter ysis by lywsyme (ots r*6 looth dimA or living bwwia) bebaves as a uaiu$W. raw- tion. The remaim is best 101IMMI by a cularitnetric mthod. Ljwmpa. products of boiled bacteria ate par- tieles of greater 14se then tjw products of lysis on livimi; see hacterk or ou bim-teria kgkd by pbenoi. Size of the Pw- Voo fivirs is prWotimmil to the rate of lysis, G. 34. K. see SO* A I A - 5 L A OITALLMKAL L"ISOU" CLASSOKATIN SPOW 1191/ 14"Off -4 111040 itaq off b it I f SA 011111 "*1 1,101 no 9 to 0 Iff If 0 19 9 2 9 0 t, a or 1, * 0 0 a a 0 lb 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a *e e a 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 BOO 'WW 2 -1 00 *off 000 0013 I- w w I t a IL -1)" @w a W-W v w v w- 1-0-6 -Tilm 0 J: a x a a v jFk pe"4041 AM P10FISTP96 W"t owl al SPWOO am. Am NO A-. Udd;k -Zii; ;;;2aqnm@m ON goo) I d. C.A. -%4'- tho WdMOL I UPS beawd. P'00!1- %@ dt, M= alum UP# ch""d bactom I Abomem 9 _ - .06 dww IN . - 11"p. :@@jc chumbor Of run MkIllm to vory"Of Md 0. "do" movial; the As C1111490b 1- te so &k~dvwjma"-w OPW wm and. d 4000 pm *'- ned ALA vmm@ in wwg W~ a do" I 1"= , pbnA In do line. bw at ram % lima win. "d im makwatuatwall Jr. IM kaW -L.- 1w dw I WING by 80- 00% lop= of it bowaba-W. . to min. law On' fiva 4;:;;j@ nift. d lymmorm 0 mproff. to 5WO 'ingggeto in tgeta com '" b" ban W" toms. LgONFO-1 do PoWtW a' A."aw bi del toward. 40 _!I L@A Atvag CLASaw"Ima to lama 410 I-C AV . & 0000 00000410 . ....00*000 10"60 0 OLO 0000009,1- // IF asomp-mw vbbk go 6MAdvik. dw =by a"t b 'A 'IWO. it. . . 4" too T 11A An J--j- N I -am 41 2 4 v .00 .00 -00 -00 -00 Ovoe goo see see so @3` goo 806 see see A 00 sell by The ikd u in W @W' I make. A. MoWvAnys, T. L. KedmvA@ye. (fee. Rzpd. Mod.. Mossev). 04k- 423-2) (19")t cf. C.A. 30. 11 emu dwit 00 momptak tw. & Wkbin 6-16 wde. dd M. Aflue IN t1wrl by no wwwo we fmcopdw@.- Qozzu. ol bw- PjAk ON n kmmwbm tin ishardwamd. no ai;W _mkii@li do I Is don p lmtwb~ mw d"d - - - . in stmk WtHAaks. much a pask-min. mintolud for a IM tkne. It 6 sup @ony bit dw to --ion of tk Anti- Ifif whet. falk=,lby dismen. into Ato-ILA SKIALLUNKALLITIRATL*ICLAiliFKATION Nowd -Of '00 wo =00 re 0 moo %6 woo lugs 0 0 0 %.Woog -A .1110#3 -IF ASIG $ 4 a . a I T I a 1 9 1 1 1 1 An& Sefte weir V*as u u AV 0 0 UP 0 K It Is 9 4 a a 1@i fk , . I 00000 0-0 0 000 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 : -40*71480 ms. 0 a 00('.806060 go* 0-000 669661964-96-0-6-6-0-ee see 00006 00 se ** t A lf, 00 1 9 :0 10) 16 IN 0 0 0 a a it n - 1 7 a Jo __W_ A-1, - of or 4 a a A Ni, Jh -il,alill MO., I'll) %is of l@n@', k P., Zsr,vIs toil% (Afl 1,116111 lot I Client. Lilt.., Ntnowiovs). Ani. X@. -%,q itt jinj. J. ',I No- 11) The r-liew(ential tol the bacteria Ulm Inewwrell by jnjmwIectrAsph(wvtiv all-glaoll, cell arilsolding means of the ligratient rates arv lifirt a in ool/ to N hTop-Alwanium. It sec. The firldottritsfit Vviriortl In The Wicria "err tit her suptit inlril in hoputh (Rhrrv p(swth was n4juilrol all %with the phafforoo) or louspentled (after 2-1 centrifugal itinot) In O.W. NACI, Or (M(wt Irroturtilly) ill VjIr, phl"I'lloble bulfri at oliffri't"t livoilue-. Vo4o tillage torki Phase %vil, Illicit n lip the tiers-iml-IT lltudir4l I"'lovitle. I Y%virme lisill6flin, WO it, the still the phasirs, 111fro lit rhorill. 'I char"Irt Ill Shrio, lvti,. 1 fir littv-4 11111-41claw 411011- ACk (only Oiling. 11COVOY en" 14 ( he foor ( i hat i he phav* at t swilling holoctreis. ro hilt, firvityllivii affect droul bacteria oil ios'2 ;-go 0 U S a, 10 M 4, ig' a, A ;FwTT-1'.- 31 1 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V: : :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0000000960406090900 411100*411,6046460000090 a h Vow *till Agrellos. All still *,-it- - -ousheil. I.dh lilt, It lk-It IN, 6 l lairfrold-IM114, 4 all.4 all Ill, red. tit 1114 ouserpilloolle, bacletstal species, "ithill The list will. of 41114r. action. The r-effect of the lftctrrin@laiiv agentit alill 094 change with time. volootle that -of Ow Iseseterifiloi, agent% Wait; orrorrr@ihltr. Tlww difirtrivi" in linior col the f-efluct are tentatively attribuini to the joiner lisirrit.-tind -tru. jural the lwlf tin] criloo."13-1 I,Y 11W $00 IYOr axentx. w bile the primary ri@ lit I he r qo,is tjtW a " birlifind in both ra-". 11w xnxl"r@ 4 file twillitim' M Z&O etill, 0 irworra- in the r J.'A till ial.sf the old. itlial coo to the dt-triv sit is( it% udi-41cm, r-nnissf, A "1 1.11110101 A--ir, J41.111b -is its. (All 111sht till 111RIC1114411 "Ititll, Of Iss-1114111111 t- fillIkAl"t 11V 114 Ift-All. 4100 prairluttv (nor st-ImArakire) tit ilk Ihs- asonliv All till by lin"'p.A.r 2 so* than that indicated fly the lwtrn,4. tit* r. Fifirenriter- . ences. If, tin =00 18 so XOO tloo 400 loll. -UM/Nediolne - PeoloinIzi. Detemlnitim Peb 1946 -i4hexistry - XUwtrokIwtIcs ."Saw Slactrokinatic Method of Assaying Penicillin., W., A. Dorfman, T. L. Irastorskaya, Pbyelcochaideal laboratory, Biochamintry of Microbes Dept, AU-Mlm MWtitute of Experimental Medicine, MoscOW', 6 pp NNUcrobiologiyar Vol XV, NO 1 A am method Is suggested for assaying panic I I I In an vell am other antibiotics. 2his Is based m -the in- Crowe of zeta-potential of susceptible bacteria noted *pm by the antibiotle. This method Is more saml- Uve than those based m ca=m bacteriologima pro- losaures, does not require sterilizaticn, nor bacterial hM3 Wn/Medicine, - Penicillin, reteraination Fab 1946 (Contd) -Sravt.h and the measurements W be ccwpleted vithin L@s than cne hour. Includes a draving and tables. III Apt go t* 0 so $ 10 0 ; ;_@@ -- 0 9 00 , 1 16 11 r a is ? L = is L __ 4 A __ I- ,- L- 4 So I " - . ... , 1, A f. -Seats$ of - l Mchre ms 114va 00 -1 40. 72*p.--,rbe gimary decustoolots. of lucirtia undcr ficifuss tot antibisit is Ilse aurfatv d"ructis"i, reg2rill(-s 44 1tic (us ths@r colictit of reactunt tit site mortlimi pt.,Aml. r b.". lysis rVitulta'. it it ist.4"o, the frioult is lwelm- !U -Inl to. taus). Apr cultum ul M. lysmikillad mi watis subim tivin. sof f-locotential (cf C -1 40 316110; Sysill. hkipg. 57,01OViii; 4;ii, 1J 11#4 480041)) with its, Ated. 20 . . , migrations vrwty in rice. fichl bring the tustaturr 4 the t-eltm. in Aroolimpariston with "Aut"p. with IvAmtynir us the anillowtic. The #mdl- air given At I:W moten, W The mililmtie she, f-efirct 1.1tins tooladly ago$$ is anal. in 2$ All 11111s.; 14)Wtf LINW11. (1: 11411 mr%trild. Ilse pftxvss ovvt wvw*i his. The f-effect ski lymyssir 1-6 frprormuted by it signuild curve situflar is) 11W 'Asidifir'l With lWilkillill JWC 641-DWr WVMIATIO. Ill, k ALM ' - 4141, @ @UU A;7 41,664AW ).. 00 *00 '00 =4104111 400 too 00 -1 it ;fflit's;KCIA, ;!;;Am, I"", a 0 1 1 11, a 6 1 CA meamnow". cow - sea" d daboul pb=Omftw. V. A. Liodwas ond A. N. PpdAclu (Ito. Hipil. M., Acwt . ad. U.SS.R.). DebUdy AUd. Ndipk N-T.S.R. It. Wff-41(19W).-The G=ad ="hoot (C.A - J4. 4#Wl Is malifird, in that Co mks aft replamd by Fe ftits: thr awbod vms mccenfully testal ist wwiwm How sprci. @. The I i an imbsted " lo CAmmmi mthol awl Wit the IM OW OR VMW "Kkww aft dnwd in 0.6% cB( mw ttww a min. with 2% FIN)w wogwd *NNA imial with K krrk"oWr (27.1 "wow wkb few VOL 0.1 'v MCI, rima in MOO &Dd bw in bsb@. The pboobstaw-mts. strwiur" wquke a dkbwt bho cWw. A bkw backpound in The rmtrof can be man by st-1-1 - with 0.1% comW. G .M. KOWISP94 oviefol, @,otvn oil% 111switst", 0 Ir" And CA aclivity sati". ngfv* wbe MOM I pial. Acw1ii ply.btrin rOtant's 'W", C.A. 44. dzv@.- M.."Was rtlawrr A"," I.v It'nis Ohl - . w at 0 swul a collersel tw " "44"t liss"Irl 14 I'. . tv o"It to tth "". 'ICSIVI j,j,y lut'r kwf C's .0'. .thr 0 K 1"If 'k. thrirvinOr" "Oliff...ow -dho' DaUW, V.A. (Xoskva) Problems in the stimulation of the egg call. Usp. sovr. biol. 40 no.3031-348 N-D 055. (NLRA gt4) (FMILIZATICH (BIOU)GY)) (MMYOLOGT) (I'RRrfABILITT) USSR Gonaral Biology. Individual Dovolopnont. B-4 Abs J ur t Rof Zhur - Biol., No 11, 1958, No 47557 Author : 3L_Ag- I Inst .Not given Title tThe Chonical Prormrphology of the Own Orig Pub :Uspokhi Sower, Biolo-ii, A@., No 1, 55-69 (1957) Abstract :A review of present knowledge concorninE the chonical proces scs underlying tho visible differentiation procospos in thb- ovun and preceding their nanifostition. The early structure of nosaic araphiblan oggs and the related phycicocho%ical com. position of the ovu= (physicochomical polarization phonoriona) are described. 'rno author discusses the bioclectric, pH, and rodox gradients of the ogg as well as the sulhydryl and RMI gradients. Work pointing up the influonce of tho constitu- Q tion of tho cytoplasr- on oarly cleavago in nosaic and rcg- ulation eggs is amphasizod. Tbo part played by nucloic acids Card 1/2 12 USSR / Ganoral Biology. Individual Dovolopmont. B-4 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.p No 11, 1958t No 47557 Abstract : in the synthesis of protein as wall as the part playad by intracollular particles (nuclei$ microsonoo) and nitochondria) is discusnod in connection with the prosured rolo of the for,,.-.or In the cleavage process. A nunbor of suggestions concerning the character of tho chcUcal or-anization of the ogg are mdo and the synthosis of the preforr-ation and of the opiganotic conceptions is noted. Card 2/2 DaU?W. V.A. (Moskva) Protein as a basis In the formation of embryonic structuress Usp..sovrobiol* 45 noo31313o-927 W-Je 158 (MIRA 11:8) (MMYO, metabolism proteins. review (Rua)) (PROTNINS, metabolism, embryo, review (Rua)) GIM, Arthu Cherlsel [transistor] Eftysioloa of this oall] Fistologits kletki. Moskva, Isd-yo inostr.lit-ry, 1959. 453 p. (XrU 13:8) (Cam) DORFMAN,_Vpj!g_AlqbgMbnyjc VLAF, T.A., doktor biol. nau@k,, ph; DL otv. red.; ASPIZ, M.Ye., red. izd-,vaj GUSIKOVA, O.M., tekhn. red. (Physicochomical founotions of feirtilization] Fitiko-khimi- chaskie oanovy oplodotvoreniia. Hoskvaj Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSRy 1963. 254 P. (MIRA 16:7) (FEM ILIZAT ION (BIOLOGY)) DORFMAN, V.F.; BJLISHAKCYV, K.A.; KISLYAKOV, I.P. Transport reactions in germanium precipitation by the iMide method. Izv. AN SSSR. Neorg. mat. 1 no.107-46 Ja t65. (MIRA 180) 1 2 074 /03133 65/001/004).,4471/0477.'z~t,i~'-~'. ccEtsxoN 4wi, 4 UR 15 --, j.- @ @ - .. - 4iiii0io P -6 --pOO, --.7 bi- On$ Of:,-'CM ililid a V@ e@ Titig con gas- Cfl p ast rp ac, 1@ 4' 11 it a . 4-: -::: , 471 iiiia "hi:4144: @-,-ti WOO port -ca ca AM# lu 144@@ "4T, cr h*i-----'it ttdk gm P7 -.40 sgat@ @z I; . -p iaais@ fi4K 4 @ w. h I il iiiii@ n I: A6inic@il vethods.have )eerA '@e d b; w9l, ertimi h f @films d ix tb 00" yll ':2G 4w A T, 64. @W@@-ap ki I @the 11tic,al velat ty@ of a as v@o-.Oist mate -dr P" Pro. - ream. bikbi@@hl a pount the @.Of dlfAl3i6n'lu:thio-:' t t gv, 0: 4'. W-74101 @fu @1' ln:. _ 4' horizontai gils.- : - .. 4JOAtie,4ource. the And Me iv!t h zone @ e_@ o..p. x V-. Thelle esivate , zond; effects lead: .d @ -4., - .. @ :.- nonunifona -of the epitaxi-al jlhe.vnif6riiity-@of d3position is promoted- by. k, 4n -the tub6' 4 egqlar.decrease in tei@peia @ ;'. - ". I; @ - I.I.. f aasd-in.-the-r - And ae -an ato-of 4@_ I the - film thick-riess,on Cessi and-the!'I@crewse in flow ratn accelerates @glv.ia io'f deoositiozi with small sou'rce zones,. one t-froo a sing-l@-- Ous- -at"iam, A conti-nuous deposi- a ars 6 i. -a' parallel - arrangewat -of the-.--;,., iiov d me 9' -temperature- gradien n tlml to A. MA Anisib@n-' 77 1E ion' the..' 9111"I'l 0 iat -4 intal w6A i dc SU13 Colic I ff V.4 ....... . ..... ..... OA% ;4,6 L 279@-M KO/WMANA(c) LJF(c) JD V- ACCESSION NRt APS022246 VA/0363/65/0011007/1016/1046 LAO. 546.289048,.55 AUTHORs Dor loslokonl j M. B.i Krasnava, 0. 1*'; Tolkschavat 0. N. TITIZ: ffect of growth conditions on certain properties of opLtsxL#il sermanium jajer SOURCE: AN SSSR. Isvest,,.ya, Neorganichaskiye matarialy, ve 1, no. 7,, 19656* 1016-1020 TOPIC TAGS: epitaxial grfwin@, germanitAvIrystal dislocation (ABSTRACT: This paper deale.primarLly idth the morphological and structural characteristics of mpitaxLal germanium-layers grown by the Lodida process. The dislocation density and i@s distribution over the thickness of the layers are determined by etching witi 8 pts. K3[1h(GN)g + 12 pts. KMI + 100 pts. H 0 An the temperature of the growing process rise&, the role of homcgensouB d spropor- tionation of Ge12 In the-&&@ phase increases. As a result, the structure of the epitaxial layers. changes 1. and in partLculars stacking faults appsar* A hypothesis is advanced concerning tLe general nature of stacking faults.and trigonal growth pyramids on thd (111) planst A mechavism accounting for both of thaes formations Card 1/2 L 2791-M A CESS NR C ION AP5022246 is proposed. The morphology of epitaxial deposits is closely xelated to their. internal structure. Swooth deposits are obtained by decreasing the dislocation density and increasing@the uniformity of their distribution in the layers. "The authors thank K. AL-Bo.'shakov and 1. P, LU91 kov for their helpful-comments throughout the course of the studyjJ@ 99&aWa and JTA Tj&jqcacheyA f or absistance in tho expodmenti, and V1, 0, Rhol*dova for taking photographs wLth.the electron microsew'Pe."..,: Orig art. luisf-I -1 rg-u i -S. ASSOCTATIONs none SUB COM 88 SMITMDt UW463. ISNOM 00 OMLEU .004 NO Pigir B(Yvg 005 V tdrd I X., @@S, A -ACCESSION NR.i -5/039/00VO996/100 UR/0076/f iv. I Dorfmanp,"' @14 7.vBollsbaktff K. AUMOR.@_ V. P@ Ixf ilyak'a,0i'l n t .a the toi We' mo Of- 9! -owing api.taxial 9 thod ermiUM TITLE: Reaction ki 6 lics layers souRcg: zhurnal fixiiIsIhe,skoy, kilim" if, V. 39,'no, 4,4965, 9 6-IOCO ..TOPIC TAGS., getman tin crys al-i-n azist'germantuo-Jayer, cr. al cultivat t Oit iodide method,,reactlon kinetics* disp;o"ortionation Les:, of the @.l oo unde d I riditions vaa C ABSTRACT% Theikinet@ @@oce t. i _rthi`..7c4i in rof iomne. Ana studied in a h4r ube.-vith-hydrogen-.ol strates vex@ geoimiwn plates, cut,buf: of a ng- ub s plane. @ The degree io which -equillbrium-wati establi.shed In the zone of 1 11S source'. was measured tiy tbe,@, -ratio R - total - co@suaiption of gervianium/total consv%ption of iodine. At miffic4intly stsell Ro tb @a H;kawth rate of garwxtiwa layers caa-a9sume even et6h1v4 of the substrates begLna. The tem. paraturs-effebt owthe: growth - 1#1 qx1j;ase,ed, by the tiquativa itol. 4-i"11sro- (M *OA DORNAII, V.F.; KPILYAKOV, I.P.; BOLISHAKOV, r.A. Kinetics of reactions In the iodide method of formation of epitaxial fllma of germanium. Zhur. fli- khim. 39 no.4:996- 1000 Ap 165. O-UPA 19:11) 1. Moskovskly Institut tonkoy kidmicheskoy tekhnologii imeni Lomonosova. -.1 T rjoi(@Y@N A. p . @ YY)il IS Fla VC, I, Y,,@ -- KISLYAKOV, 1 1. Alloying "he oplitaxial fgCrMR'.-ILUM IlYPT" in ", ,-, 1 @-J 'A e m@@ 1. rind . Zhur. fiz. khim@ '59 no.5:1248-1251 My 165. (.m7.RA 18:3@ TYKOCHINSKATAI E.D.j DOMOGAROV19 O.Vq -- DORFW9 V.Ye. Role and place of phyoical therapy in the treatment of nervous and mental diseases. Trudy Goa. nauch.-issl. paikhonevr. inst. no.2005-62 159. (MIRA 1411) 1, Gosudarstvannyy nauefino-i4eledovatellskiy phikhonevrologichookiy institut, imeni, V.M. Hekhtere@a, Leningrad. (NERVOUS SISTEM-DISEASES) (PHYSIC4L THERAft) FAaIAN , A.B.; DORM, Ya.A.; SCKOLISKIY L.V. Kinetici and the mechania-i of liquid-phaso cataly-tic hydrogena. Lion. Part 3: Macrokinatics of ve(luction over a colloidal ralladium cata- .ly,;t.Kin. i Rat. 5 no.4:71U-723 JI-Ag '(4. (M-IPI 17:1-1) 1. Kazakliskly gosudarsLvennyy universitet imeni Kirova. _71 @7_ r_4 RM ElIT(M)/E.I'F(c)/EYIP(J)/~~A(c,), Pc-4/19 ACCESSION NR: APSOIKS1 UR/0020/65/163/001/0103tO105 'MMHOR: Dorfman, Ya. A.; Sokolski (Academictain AN tlazSSR) tal V T'Mh The reaction nechanism of components Aoith the ca !t1in the Kuchero,jp reaction 14" SOUPCE: Ali SSSR, Dohlaelly, 163,-no. 1. 1965, 103-105 1))PIC TAGS: acetaldehydo, hydration. acetylenehydration, catalytic hydratioll, P?action mechanism _Pte Ithe warcu ABSTPJiCT: In the cu%irso of hydration of svttxien@to OIL Idehyde ry -cac alyst is gradual lX_de act iLvated, -and ---there. to r6 must be constintly regenerated. This atalytic solution under reactiett?, Work. Ala-4 &-voted to ?tu&dng thsu coLVonilon of the t. condit-tons, i.e., esuantially the reaction of acetylcne and acetaldehyde with mer- cury ",n variouz oxidaLion states (Hgo, H641" Ile). The system was studied at 92C in 2.5 H 112So,,, It.mas found that mercuric ious are r,ot reduced in the acidic; redium, but Instead form"& complex with acetaldehyde. The cataplev is rapidly des- troyel when the concentratioh of acetaldehyde is lowered. This contradicts the u@ide'y held view that . Oe 4kactivation- of- the -catalyst -19 caused by the reduction of ciercury ions by aicetaldehydal' *"-UrLg. arti hast I tabl.e. Card 112 f a 0 IF 11 it if w 11 a If al A t of Ll U w if v .1 A AA A0 1. _6 A-A I I Is I J-1 I 1 0 44 0 It#@ 1 4 4 - 00 00 00 Us smagook awmwm will *a stember of Ow coadviorting slectroms in alckol. A)UNOWN AXD 1. X. Klxmm. A mass. ?bylt.-CAM. %W. MY* 11. 61. 11% #0 411411 (11ba.-A thrrabodymak InvWiption ssakes it Immiloir to gulf the dunce of 1110 0 00. 1of the conducting ekvtnm In a kmanismik substancr at the Cutir Point 1=11 the study of tbr th"worke. behavW of the sutor-moce, The ra6vol the change 00 A @,,f the op. beat of tbr Arctrom in the mrtW to the op beat ai the wittill itwif gov" in. to *411 lot abovert tbr ftk -4 the cmducting de"norm ka femmulignettim- TWe ripti -0 Maim is crtfain that the IRS kelp in Nod., S.A r4.y Aviv pile in femo. towgurlimm suit Aet tbr evaidtoartifte rkvtvmo mjy aft the " rkmmtsfy gnagowjo of N1, the mummerksl sher d the 9P. brat C4 thor remillactitis rim-ttwilo ip@ t1le, la-m q-at%m no. W ibis immorwt. This remak shot makes it possoW to find the majactic wmnwnt of 00 .3 Mag?wtlc data "Iwo em- 00 13 Ivin"I with the 0% mmire data. almdy lituven. lead ta thr cwx4w-iovn thAt the w to( ctonductivis eirvitme in NI is a finutwo ed temp. V. v%%"t"vwv to -3, see 00 e's M --46 too I lj@ 4 a#.$. -T I #to I 'a OA I & IM a 0 1 0 1. 1 as a W U a it it it a mi a a It S X - I d" 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 too so 0 TO , 0,0 0 0 0 0 to 0 to a 0 & 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 to@ a 0 q 0 * 0 000 0 000000 : : 04 go * & 0 0 0 0 00000 000 0 0 a 0 *1 JAIIAI At it 4.p 1 w $6 001 aI wo .0 40. "tjoj 00 '@* Al 00'. t@ 00 Suprairm4wilvity. J. oarintm, Phyl efelh 4 _ 0 3 4 9" 300. 1033 to rftels4i jNft n%wq the ttwqwy 64 thr @Uprb"Wkl*Ctl"X Olt-df IfVvfn IIW JOSOInt elf I, irit thAt U tWA a UW(Aj is "Odillext. lip yietwtim as in a difFff"t emrsy state fnwn the 0 S nmml. Thr Wwm v of a magnertle IIWM is ext4ained. Artal the Ow4vy low xi to pmfict cswm tiv the f-ermula conwtin fio-M-eetrtn th and the t 00., g g truip"turve at hkh wwactis-fty6flan. PwOrflecto(h.f.ruffrub in m1m. wwevftt:@ t:x= xr 1 Ow &raml tt 11 W t 000, . . v O wat b W " themcgoved OnibUt".ntulul2%aithttAIPMVrimtninalwiwnttAkc 00. 1 law In me"[WAI'vewheerttvity ).It A 00 a t. W1,41 0 11 am Ll Sita IN 0 to 43 : 0 - .0 ; ; ; a o so 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 6 0 o 0 *0 00 0 g 0 * : 0 o 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0@9 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 * 0 0 0 0 00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 goo '00 '00 '00 see .00 00 '00 '00 1600 fie 0 goo go 00 slap owns x Ali r also a so **I J. DWOW. Pityll- offlo. Sm 411. to" 1-1 0*0 GX4SWm--- Iho rmoI*k&I dowlit dwival Men if* i"wh 0 Favrm, s"bum 00 &W Nowl vivo the m#vrntfiw memweb 44 skIA &S" is turthow devvis4metf .00 .00 Fmowoft ubkb am wooliff4m 44 Ow haw mutwtm aftl 01 atidniv h A 040 Imew"to w k bev,* 40 fAwfiloolm vwow "hich beve, a quitso "W" 41 j fvktbme%41 Its tho #Wine vabwY ovesishm. It is apy*n that aw cc*. 06 dw*" Wmtttww pkv teso r6k in this fienworwtir pilvortme: ibeA ths, a0411 000 off I WANewtva" ed tbw - holly " w 40wahma oh% ff"m twom it* 4wisift in 100 00,3 (1010 "M bl"d I molt 04 this *%*a mww$ that as the to^* 14 fal-we tho $m*Wvo '00 00- 660" 014b thrw StonAmus valviory ObTums "a All "it Ihpw pre in the *0 vi skmA cof SU somobv" mW is thas nwmw mdew Uw sumboor Oes W Wrwvntwv xwmwft The wahm Ow the --Ih a of nKkd tam dbwAtv4 in orum md tobook am mW if* data vi ototabspeof W"v forol"I hw rum from tho VWUM of the -st Fit. bobtv wAvoomor4own1% awl Ow vatoormwoo 04virt 6iv "migmisom. Ow vuba i'90 04 f1wo mumIrr 44 11W 6owi*F4 mr1go" in flee "Umi" %,j sm -- "a Ashmse tr,& I- tim smo4U.1 be &IThed 3a sommil alkle arvi ppv" a owtor l h W "V&h r "Osto uW t womwarusite &N.1 Ow Wmnsaignetam of 11064pr Aspyl S. C. II. IS M W.9 sit ' 1A 11 00 WS 0 0 It *a sac* 0 v I a 60 00 A"6.1dediftod Twelm lkhmo W Mmettok %lit"unmwale. on. llyc 10,684 d. sow)ffulcloll. 1 4 pf, 421 -00 Mudilkatbas in l1w awthLA of ampar,tino the .06 lanul" Ann AM the " inwit fulor in a m4gnrtic lmal&ncv arr 41#wr3fw4. ItInwrinwiltal dmu Ion Ife) l N4a W4 Xcl arr veftl bp tftt tow O ftl um. . a . ;n rAntAm ww"al M aml rd mm*% maks an alwo x1von, W R A go coo 00 00 0 so 9 -00 too bee goo 0 0 * Go 0 0 IWO 0; ; ; ;-so, '0 ; ; ; ; ; ; ;'s 1 4 11 11 00 so 0 1,10 IV *I so 0 0 & I fiew 1. N &#L@ so j so so.! off 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 It 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 see o If 11 w U P l ' , A j 110" at oftir At- two w-li-i 4 'U&ftv "s *1 -am. w6m 0 in um vn*"*M 44 Ae at awwwal elp ohs flurclowl.4 lkw wmimcknom W brum 40 Maws f- -"# AVOW, An Im t. bwas at a ffroW (dar rukd) 14ttkr Plao'd brt No t1w : &elk 44 no @ goo WCUgy FA&d to the o4ady A 4 is im SOO V a T%w xwObu WW it pppw* PUMIAt wrl"La the 400 . "'r" hT e k 4"11" tilt Mks v A k zl WAR goo too goo goo -200 nee *90 so ""Ole 0 so v s a 0 0 at o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0.00 000 0 0 90006000 0 0 ' - - o"Ry A 'l I 1 ll rl r .- -1 ;. I C #0 Q j a - --- - 4 Offtis"t too pleplef-st at. A :.4o A Ifff '-so f -00 go A seafixf6d, 10 . zoo -go wee " i q*o . 1 zoo rem too too. 11-486f. It 1 *it Of ON [too i ire w is 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 itil *a -so *0 82@ -00 000 k -E EE = .0 a " W dd s @Jw - G(Ow Mwbw WA Nfl t w f I e MOMM s o a ma . wealluft. S 00 t a Of w4rwtbv Oft"iWilkv &I liquid )WIJUM Semp-ralarm is br*pdy , I d wl "W-J. T. saw so igloo* X og veo too too t V, &to gas "Idt4w"St tee* we* .44 still, go 0*0 *of* 0 00.0000 000 00000 00 000 0 0 0 06 'X-v--PAN, Ya. G. Nature of Molecular Bonds In Alloys * "Roentgenography as Applitd to the Study of Raterialse" FAIted, by 0. Wurdyumavl ONTI NKTP 19369 p. 49. "Milo I K I as TT Tip A OWN , so so 00 A -00 *rm MAN d OWWAfinik 16 & AL Wo. i b Oji.R. ((U"L F^%L A16 1% 34.1&)6 3el 4ft pmdW g &WI "so U V OR 1 eamdubg t ood Al 00, - he of &W AAL A$ OUR &WWA v wo I -Mott 000 mk&d-d" 83 um MOP" i i: d == Goo o b�614460 I'd "U*66mb b. fthw "Mrms N A goi g 00 - . . y oo so goo foo See goo WOO ii), ipti ki ad wile li a:?& A i In INFO-Mm- --A 0 # 0 to A a IV- fee go A c Z too _duo wia IV -7 at Am"S.06 A. 06* at lows1wummew a ago am WSW& dome I;txa as* "'Ges" '. --.' -.. - '... I too*& 99691 34 90601 so 0 .00 00 .000 see !so* ago 0 ago see Iioo '40 moo ---------- Is" ff"100-016, 1141 00 0 a SO IS ff x x a a F a a 1 of I-V 000191 IMP -00 ftfdO NOW Aftom an MU Zftd Is AS. J. Dorhoms md P. Xbohm. 1. #/ Nsp. Ind Tkw. pkyk,. U.S.S. ft. 009'. WA-."-ft M. to "-m .-It was kWW orparimiestar that es &ad"Ma"IF ' :00 t1w HAN cMftrA 0( Ag, wWb misibm cSum*"tfMbW &MIUWb jt@ TjW .00 IfIg cond-VA - b7 advaistirv of up to 3 stmic % of Pd at Pt. TW 00ft ed 1000 Md th* bm"t8ft 10 - I W C. was dodled W pam Ag 0 *It Atam Win7a T1W avibm dbmn tbt* rnWb in twm ot tW okc. boo* structure of A#. &WxI tbat the bralp ggams appmr U km in a" aftyL D. S. 4*0 004 00 see 00, ego i A. 00 i we 1 '00 00 '00 00 osto its tilts,49110111 CIA *%All" -am - sm!. ISO V_O IF OR 40 "0 110 leia 0 0 0 $000 0. Geese 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;6 0 4 0 so* 0; ke@ DORMW* Ts, 0, OSoms New Physical Methode ApptW to the Problem of the Rational Iocation of Oil WOIU,* Zhur- fis-, 3s NO. 4-5,o'1940 Piveles Depteg Aserbsydahan F11, AS USSRO Baku, 00-1 a *0 a 008 sea ** 00 - - - - w Ar-'r-w-L-M-M, iw-w-qr, -- L-1-2 I f-Ifill f fmX&u*K ,,a a. : -, MAl"Ift- - ---- - - Almd A. & Kafim- -it. Aff-M. Thom& d I= .8", W1040"i'll .00 bm food ow an obe. Aw @00 a AN --h*l ago Imloot a qbwwmw@ oml=w to do OWMA Wbd Ow I=r is tob- n Am A"" tlw n W t lk All, 1116kh b bids. = i .041 .00 6040 N uw W pwdW l i 41040 an dimmuWA06 lmdmGw.4dTv8&tbmwL% :v 09 invoodow COWU - W%b hvo dwmm MS&WW mod thw ow "Ohm" 41 "k b~ stausku Cks, . 7 400 0 0 woo a** coo 1100 '00 bo 0 A a I L a "Mto"" W"A"m c0lort""m @-lzl~ Of L 00"60 *AV ORO an 'i-40000 I few I "I eke 11p) of owlsta Is dow to a do sitescum by both the based ON tram as *A garb". Time a cak Ith the aid W Ff@WW*s Am A "apodmost M obtained for P 1.1frove jr end lasent beat of see Me. All. to. or S& Tho Iftelow, 111010 W a MN-MW. The "go are based Is dk- @ law NO acrordleg to do& larfam F"gr refuse lm* clued. 16) aboarm guffaw lot NIS, - A 4 111 - =On -11: 0.: Am IST VAIRSIO bv of" bow ths, martal Arml thp It" Iftibawas of Such of tb4qw are Aprorneat 6 Ad. and Co. Raise** rplatina w*" bolds for Ife but ft"t I-W Wopwile 4-1 If I'llf"Mmato I'. r plictraft 41, V -urfarp, atoms Is com be divided into two clamers @Ws t 0) %Wow mortals With a = with dimcn4v el"tnror J, 41-M-11 PA' 1A9 LSM/.NW*tlo Ibterialm Apr 1946 ',Yickel 'VAgnotto Properties and Chemical Nature of Solid Solutions of Weak Magnetic Ilments in Nickel and Iron, " J. Dorfman, 12 pp "Zhur Lrksp i Teor 71%" Vol XVI, No 4 9 PP 349-60. The author claims solution of the difficulties in the InterW.etation of the nature of the elewmtary nagnetIc nickel by taking into account numerical resultis of gyromagnetio Investigations. 13T49 A 57-773 FMOI/Smaear TAp - AUM IFOr/j*0 190 Nuclear Phys - Ileotron Theory *Ai@amlo UWatio Wiments In Solid and Liquid Bodies," Ya. 0. DMI'AM, 8 pp "Isw Almd Nauk SSW, Ser Fit" Vol n, No 6 p.p 5"-W. Ma3usses problem or studying magnetic moments of the eloitron shell of atom, experimental methods to do- tamains atmic vapartic moments, and atamic maMetio mcm4sts and Interstaimlo bond in solid and liquid bod:,.os. Detearninatlon of atomic magnstIc moments in canitensed systeme can serve as vM precise memw or atut.ving entire series of peculiarities In Interactloc betvaen atom and Ions. cct. 82"llt, at Bms IsCAUritles Whlah Commaot Imter- litomic speat's and mas"t1c, Propertlospy Ya. 0. Dwf- pp ,"Shur TOM Fie Vol vn., No io, pp la5@-19. usovemen two regularitlom put forth by F. M. Gal- lwlaj iWal commect- Mpolng -betwom itam, to nbg- **tlo prVertles of fogl . . lowworj author dime thit theie relpdwltles by n6 memo remUts, avaUtblo sowl=Rta data, Md ounat be con- a ed reaW substentUl. ftbmltted.. 10 Jvm 1947. DO%.WNs Ta. 0, wNew Resonance Method of Hessuring Nuclear Magnetic Moments.,m Dokl. AN SSSR,, 57p No.Bp 1947 DORFHANo Ya. 0- Lavoisier, Moskvs.o 1948- DORFMAN, Ya. Go *Magnetic Chanteteriotics of the Atomic Nucleus,,n Moscow, 1948 '@-- The Mature *I intermetAllit sow IMPIMODUS, Yo. Mdumn, 1.11poeol. SrAlma Rs.-KAiso. And., Ast Obikkil i*Nmrl. KAioov..AUd. Sauk S.T.S.R. 16. No. 4. 45-W(IM).-The current inteipittal.1m fd an inter- ineWlic phm h ch=ctcrized by crystAllographic struc- ture and the structure and filling of energy sones, The berm. ar valesscy losterjortiom of 2 adjoicent ottom b abooment V .4d fach 11tom Interacts With the CrTstal "a whole. yet. the lisirraminn #4 Adi4mnt stiorns teA ILarilly be dh- imstsivol. Thk is evidrovood by the titistener if inter. T[WC1111C lohaft" 1Xhk'b We WIllifibitilthi-11,44 W MIS WM%- lattirs. e.g. N&Ai. it in "Wh A phow 1W 4.1,w '41or -4 114 outlet low torments, then lbret Shooldol fut") a m"llnustim %crim of bit"Inediate sloaft IMBIJ1111 hquit it typir"I "rov"al" lowlet 1t; a IYO-al "Valent" (rhern ) intulmm 1.1 Woul- c4snoth lot. %tthits these Owe. the v4ktwv bond Livvevro adjacent ationno num arlw*v to& licstri -is lotmer ntent. Two sooay@ can lot follorioett Its milve th- either starting With instant iniffustiallir COMIXIA. Alul rmom-tding until the valracy bwond chang" to momoti. im itioloo-ostion al valroory I.mots o,oin lot lonlicit fivor in ordonary vurtal anim lailoo.. the 2N.1 I'velf"Al. To. obt, BY rates. the loserrour"t In Slor Cluid 0, VIVAAft With 010 1110. Of vairtory-eirritims tot the 4,111-1 tivelool It I% all"It" that the luteractual betwern Xi attotte. not morns tot the ember troetal inivives witty c-itinler 4itientation of ticetton spins. This kind of owirntati-ui -4 valenory spins of interacting atuens it evient6ily the mh- atent of a client. found. Thom. the mutuAl Corprooretie-ro -.1 at. spins brearnes a chwacteristior of a nortal phvw rom- Phromentaty tow it-, cY%tAlkjmPhic 'k-vTiPvv'm. M llf@h DDRFMANI, Ya G. Y2. G. - "Contempor2ry concepts of tne m;q;nctAc properties of m2t ri7M @,Fizika v shkole., 1949, Do. 2, p. 6-16. SO: U-4630, 16 Sept..53P (Letopis 'Zhuxmal Inyk*,-i ;3t2tey, No. 23, 1949). YA Apr 49 X-Says Billiograpby *Sbv Books on Ilectrioityp Zlectrical Ingineering, sind Powfw Ingineering" 2 pp *1lektrLchestvo" No 4 Mmalucles Th. G. Dorhan's %gaetic Obaracteristics or-tbe Atomic Nucleus,' *fts People of Russian Solenco.'" with forewbrd-ind first artiol6by S. 1. Vhvilolr, and A. I.-Kitaygorodakiyls *I-Rays and X-Thy 13tudy Methods." 39AMO 1. DOPYHAN, Ya. G. 2. US-'JR (600) 4, Physics and Mathematics 7. Collected Works, A. G. Stoletoy. A. K. Timiryassy, editor and comwentator. ("Classics of Science," )bscow-Leningrad, State Technical Press, 1950). Reiviaind by Ya. 0. Dorfman, Sov. Fidga, Ko. 40 1951. 9. FDD Report U-3081.. 16 Jan. 1953s Unclassified. CA Penaampok mW diam4gattle tooomme of coaduttion glitctroma. Yo.G.Ljoefinso. R. M. 7(1&-(K1OSlr--A"ffect "Woltous to paramagnetic ftbulmd "I with mp"I to radio-4" 0 w7urnry quano* Consist- ing in *tlettive wbumptiou linkni %; Ili a change U orients. larn of Clenivulary SJAUA relative, to 0 evast. rimattelic firld 11, ultist ObViMbly clist also tog COOduttion Clectiovis 'kith thv In*%. W Awtvilty 46"Pik"I P, lying at or - VOR/A a 0/00101, WhVIN 0 Or *Join "UW11411V 14101teni to the AVItOn. A % Init not yet sistruld exist i"i at,munt of the diAmasimlist. of mulurckm elections se- imading to 1@ndau (C-1. 23. 217). Put entirely free run- ductiou elections. the energy of election orbits tw4wiskistv. hif to 11 J# k - (MI/nexit + th). with a - 0. 1, 2. . - Dtatuagnetle fesortance of couductlun elceituns is linked with transitit)n of a by :L 1. and hciwc the fttguency rj ul 01C HAX. Of ditintASUCUC ICIORATIC, sw - oil i.e. Con]. ciding wilb v Stibn of the 2 Me'da shol"t-ir pu%sittle int WX to the Gn that *the dimininuMIC efierl ii drid. by the 10 the altertutting nutgartic fitW parallel to It. tafti is dug to the perpertilk-ul.4t Cumigment. Fat quW-bound elwaous, ow - 41/mOf, wbere m"Is Or fit This raw Pt its vp Thus fat, ottly thr partutialneth, 141141111111" vCt 4.1 runiluctino elections hAS been obbelved on "no. of alk-ill mmertalm In liquid Nils (1141chinmon and Pastor.C.A.45,11MA; Uarviensamd Ryan. C-4.45.411(W). Observation of the dimagnetic- et*mt woukf prviuit deta. of the ma of the tvadurskm elections. N. Thon 60 DORMAN, Ya. G. Epinus' selected works on the theory of electricity and magnetism. F. U. T, Epinus. Theory of elctricity and magnetism. Edited by krof. Ya. G. Dorfman. D. R. '@Iektrichestvo No 5, 19521 DCRYVAN, YA. G. :USSR/Physics Terrowagnetice Jul/Aug 52 -Verromagnetic and Anti-Ferromagnetic Semiconductors as a Problem of Solid-State Physics," Ya. G. Dorf- man, Leningrad Hydrometeorolog Inst "Iz Ak Nauk, Ser Fiz" Vol 16,. No 4, pi; 412-419 Problem of.ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic semiconductors and dielectrics is essen@ial in study of solid-state physics. Discusses ferromag- netism and antiferromagnetism as depending on elec- tron spin and closely bound to state of current carrier electrons. PA 24IT86 241T86 DORMIg Ta,G,*, professor (Laningrud). Outstanling Russian physicist G.V.Richman, and his role in the hintony of the science of electricity. Ilektrichestvo no.8:61-67 Ag 15). (MLHA 6:8) (Richman, Georg Wilhelm, 1711-1753) AKmx, An&rs Maria, 1,775-1836; profestar r*daktoro, ZATCHIXs I.r., roaaktor; FMOTWIT, LOS. smik, redaktor; UMFJM# NPN*o akademike redaktor; BTKOV# ILK., Oademik, redaktor; WANSXIT, B.A akademik redaktor; OPARIN, A.I., &Wemtk, redaktor; HUM, O,Tu,:, &Wemilr, redaktor; SHOMMSAKOV, D.L.-skademik, redaktor; YUDrN. P, akademik, redaktor; 1WHrOTAM, Kh.S,, redaktor; MAKSIMOV, A.A., redaktor; 9AMARIN. A.M., redalctor; LIBIM, D.K., doktor geografichs- skikh nauk, redaktor-, YIGUROVSKIT, N.A., doktor khimicheskikb nank, redaktorl KEIZMSOY, LT., kandld&t filosofskikh nauk, redak-tor; OUCMISMN, D.Y.0 kwAidat istorichaskikh nauk, redaktor; SMIRNOTA. AST., takhnichookly redaktor Elleatrodyisnical Xlektrodinamika. Redaktalia, stat'l I primechanlia ZA.G.Dorfmau&. (Leningrad] Isd-vo Akademll nauk SSSR, 1954. 492 p. (MLRA 7:10) I..Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Iroshtoyants, Kaketmor, Samarin) (Blectrodynamics) @38R/ Cliem is try, Catalytic synthesis Card 1/1 Pub. 151 15135 Autbore Yakovlov, I.P.s and Dorfman Ya Title Catalytic synthesis of ketones. Part 3.- Synthesis of methylethyl-, methyl- and methfLisobutyl ketones periodical Zhur. ob. khim. 24, Ed. 7@ 1171 - 1175, July 1954 Abstract The theor@tical assumptions regarding the ketonization (conversion into ketones),of alcoholLmixtures, were investigated and ewfirmed. A new method for the synthesis of ketones fromacetic acid anhydride and alcohols (preferably ethyl, butyl and isobutyl), is described. It was established that catalytic synthesis of saturated ketones from alcohols' and acid anhydrides is possible only in the presence of H, A GrMn catalyst was found most stable In the presence of H arxi requires no regeneration. :Six USSR references, Tables. Institution 6tate University, Kishinevi, Mold-SSR Qctcber 20, l953 D6 MA At) -41 -k ='thy itMel-b- @fl 1. thyl ty ;.hyt ketones CK and-YA. Dorfman. ex. CAV U.S.S.,R:' XHv*-**ffim"amr-Sc* C-4. 49, 1 of so thgl prol yl, methyl Isobutyl. Vw- IV. Syrathell: a d tonsc -1. P., Vokoyk-vt@-,- low 2 7 [m)(H-6 tMuslation). CA - 'A .;rl I I DOTMN, Ya. Prof. "Nuclear Physics in Heavy Industryp" Leningrad Pravda, No.64, 17 Mar 55 Translation Ti No. 165196 "Mist 53012! in "LT UMINETIC BOM-0 kio, H.. i, m-i ovift Rwmum A crualltatilve d4eviston af tho Fooottrince Cue in U-:41 TnotU@ sf qJi@ mirr@rl t-tr-lers Fdot@@-nn @u-e 7- ima im DAIW "I en r4qu , YtG. (Leningrad) "On the determination of the Individual Components of the Magnetic Susceptibility of a Semiconductor,," a paper submitted at the International Conference on Physics of Magnetic Phenomena, Sverdlovak, 23-31 May 56. DORFMAN, Y4.G., (Leningrad) "The Magnetochamistry of Diamagnetic Compounds and the Role of the Polerizational Paramagnetism," a paper submitted at the International Conference on Physics of JkSwt1c Phenomena, Sverdlovsk, 23-31 May356. AUTHORSt' Grigorlyan, A.T., Dorfman, Ya.G. and Kuznetsov, B.G 3-5-34/38 TITLE t A Sorious Work on the History of Physics (Serlyeznyy trud po istorii fiziki) PERIODICALt Vestnik vysshey shkolyp 1957t Nr 5p pp 87-90 (USSR) ABSTRAGTz This article is a review of a nev; book, published in 1948 by Uchpedigiz, "The History of Physical' (Istoriya fiziki) by P.S. Kudryavtsev. The first volume of this book appeared in 1948- Now a second edition of Volume I and a second volume have been published simultaneously. The critics state that this book is a great and useful work and constitutes a serious attempt to cover the history of physics. It must therefore be considered as a valuable contribution to Soviet science literature. The first volume of the new edition shows some improvements compared with its first edition, but there are also a number of shortcomings, in particular, in the periodization, and in the composition and distribution of illustrations. The second volume is very much appreciated by the critics because of the great importance of contribut- ion of Russian scientists which is given great prominence. Card 1/2 There are however some faults. .A seriou; Work on the History of Physics 3-5-34/38 ,ASSOCIATIONt The Institute of History and Natural Science and Technics, AN USSR (Inatitut istorii yesteetvoznaniya i tekhniki AN SSSR) AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 MLYKAN, Ta,G,; HADOVSKIY, M-L C N"F- - %L@ @- B, Franklin and Russian electric research scientists of the 18th contur7. Trudy Inst. ist. est. i takh. 19.,290-312 157. (MIRA llz2) (Franklin,, Benjamin, 170&.1790) (Electricity-Research--Ristory) MWWAL U.q. to contribution to the study of magnetism. Truo Inst. rre Ourle lot, est.1 tekh. 19t7M3 157v (MM U12) (Curie, Plarre i859-igo6) (ftnet,91%) WOW, Ta. G. - XAZUKIN, T. N. Concerning the term Ocyclotron resonance.' Unp.fiz.nauk 61 no.1i 133-135 JA '57. (KM 10:2) (cyclotron) C-7 AUTHORt VARCHENYA,S.A. PA - 2597 TITLEt Thermo -Hleotri Ye_ASIOG@* Range Close to 0 roptft erritee in the Curie Tomperaturt. (Tormoelektricheakiye avoystva. ferritoy vblizi temperatury X.Turip Russian). PERIODICkLi Radiotelchnika i Blektronika, 1957, Vol 2, Nr 3# pp 345 - 347 (U.S.S.R.) Receive-&' 5 / 1957 Revieveds 6 / 1957 ABSTRACT: Lecture delivered at Lthe All-Union Conference for Semiconductors in November 1955 at eningrad. It was the purpose of to settle the question as to whether an anomaly of the thermoelectric properties in the range close to curie temperaiures exists in ferro- magnetic semiconductors, and specially in ferrites, and whether therefore the electrons of conductivity participate in ferro- or antiferro magnetism. At first Ni-Za sampleg M Ing more compl icated ferrites with a specific resistanoe of fro 0 - 107 Ohia/cm were izlvestigateds The plotted integral curves of the dependence of the thermoelectromotoric force on temperature showed a steady course without anot.aliesg which is due to the high electric resistance. Next, a. small ringplate of Ni-Za ferrite of 2,6 x V, 10 Ohm/cs was in- vestigated. The resistance amounted to 6000 Ohm, urie temperature to 2000 C. On the niokel-zino-ferrite sample an anomaly of the Peltier- as well as of the Thomson effect was observed which had the Card 1/2 same otiaracter, the same sign, and the same order of magnitude as Thermo-Electric Properties of Ferrites in the PA - 2597 Range Close to Curie Temperature. those observed on ferromagnetic metals. It in thus proved for the first time that not only in metals, but at least in some semi- conductors the electrons of conductivity in some way participate in ferromagnetism.(More acouratet in non-compensated antiferro- magnetism). It can be concluded herefrom that for this type of ferrite with an increase of temperature in the range close to Curie point a decrease 4 th wid Ih of the forbidden zone by aboutO,01 - 0,03 eV takes pl:ce. t is possible that the current carriers in this case are those electronB which reach the conduction zone from -the stripe of the d-level dr from local d-levels. (@ illustrations and 5 citations from Slav publications). ASSOCIATION: Not given PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTEDi IVAILLBLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 SUBJECT: UstA/Physios Of Magnetic Phenomena -48-6-3/23 AUTHORi Dorfaanq Y&@G# TITLEt On the Deto:mination of Individual Components of Magnetic Susceptibility In a Semiconductor (Ob opred*lenli oldelInykh sontavlyayuishchikh magnitnoy vospriimchivosti poluprovodnika) PERIODICAL: Investiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957t Vol. 21, # 6, PP 796-800 (USSR) temiconductor/t I mole) can be represented an a sun of its componentat A -&+Ae.+.Z@ vhere X0,- in the susceptibility of the main substance, in the susceptibility of charge carriers, electrons or holes, is the susceptibility of the atoms (or ions) of an admixture. The author .3ritioizes the methods proposed by Hutchison (2), Schumacher (3) and Busch (4) for determination of@ C. He Card 1/3 considers other possibilities of an experimental determination ABSTRACT: The magnetio susceptibility of an impure (per 48.6-3/23 TITLEs On the Determination of Individual Components of Magnetic Susceptibility in a Semiconductor (Ob opredolonii otdeltnykb sostavlyayushokiikh magnitnoy vospriimehivosti poluproyodnika) of the individual components of magnetic susceptibility in a semiconductor with one kind of charge carriers. He analyzes the problem in question from the principal viewpoint without considering the details of the experimental performance of the measurements. The imethod proposed by the author employs the Nernst-Ettings- hauson longitudinal effect of generating a potential differ- once and other affects arising duo to applying a strong variable field Rv. The author estimates that th@ magnitude of effects should be of the order of 10- a to 10- V. However, they can be increased considerably by using a "battery" of coreat of a semiconductor, by field modulation and by an ampli- fication of signals. Since Jousnot-Dubion ot al. (6) succeeded in designing a de- vice for direct measuring the magnetic susceptibility of weakly magnetic bodies of the order of 10-6 CG3, it will be feasible to apply this method for measuring the paramagnetic Card 2/3 susooptibility of charge carriers in semiconductors. 48-6-3/23 TITLEt On the Determination of Individual Components of Alagnotio Susceptibility In a Somiconductor,(Ob oprodelsaii otdollsykh sostaylyayushchikh magnitnoy vospritachivosti poluproyodnika) The article contains 5 figures. There are 7 references, one of which is Russian. ASSOCIATIONs LenlWad Hydrometeorological Institute PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTED: No date indfcated kVAILABLEs At the Litrory of Congress Card 3/3 F 01 (3 SUBjECT: USSR/Physics of Magnetic Phenomena AUTHOR: Dorfman, Ya.G. TITLEt Magnetochemistry of Diamagnetic Compounds and Role of Polarization Paramagnetism (Magnstokhimiya diamagnitnykh soyedineniy I roll polyarizatsionnogo paramagnetizma) PERIODICAL% Izvestiya. Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol. 21, # 6, PP 817-820 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author criticizes the two existing viewpoints on the diamagnetic surceptibility of salts and asserts that an additional taim, depending on the existence of polarization paramagnetism, must be Included Into the formula of dia- magnetic susceptibility in addition to the terms expressing the diamagnstAc susceptibility of cations and anions. In prtneiplep the polarization paramagnetism can be observed In salts where the spheric symmetry of ions is distorted by the crystalline field. Therefore, two corrections should be taken into account for diamagnetic ionic salts: the first accounting for the mutual alterations of the effective radii Card 1/2 of ionsp which lead to some diamagnetic effect, and the TITLE:' Magnotoebomistry of Diamagnetic Compounds and Role of Polar- ization Paramagnetism (Magnetokhimiya diamagnitnykb soye- dineniy i rolf polyarizatsionnogo paramagnetizma) second connected with a change in the ion symmetry, which loads to the arising of polarization paramagnetism. This second correction will probably account for anomalous magnetic properties of isomorphic solid solutions of salts investigated by Bhatnagar (8). The affect of polarization paramagnetism is implicitly comprised in the so-called "constitutive" correction term In the Pascal (11) formula. It in predicted that the Pascal constitutive correction term cannot be indopendent of temperature. The article contains 1 table. There are 11 references, one of which is Russian. ASSOCIATIONs Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: No date indicated .;,VkILABLE: At the Library.of Congress Card 2/2 DDRMN, T&A. OXxperiments and observations on electricity by Benjamin Yranklin. Translated from the Inglish by Ir.A. Alskseev. Reviewed by IA.G. Dorfman. Usp. fi#, nauk 63 no.4:859-860 D 157. (MIRL 11:1) (Blectricity-larly works to 1850) (Alakesev, V.A.) MI.AYJIV. -A.A.; WRYW. To qf,!_prof AsuckaW red.; VIADINTIREX T, 17MA,,A.M., [Atomic electric power pli@xts] Atomys slaktrostantaii, Leningrad, Obihobsetva ps resprostranenHu polit. I usuchne susail, 19580 40 Pe- (NEU 12t?) (itosic power plants) !D R IF i\l A NJ 67 @4(7) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1338- Frenkell, Yakov Illich, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sdiences Sobranlye izbrannykh trudov. t. 2s Naucbnyye stat'i (Colletclon of Selected Works. Vol..2tScientific Articles) Moscow, Izd-vo All SSSR, 1958. 6oo P. 3POOO copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Redaktsionno-izdatellskiy sovet. Resp. E6.: Semenov, N.N., Academician: Ed. of Publishing House: Kontorova, T.A.; Tech. Ed.: Smirnova A V:; Editorial Board for the Works of Ya. 1. Frenkell; Semenov: N:N (Chairman) Academicianj Sokolov, A.A. (Deputy Chairman) Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Bogolyubov, N.N., Academician, Tamm, I.Ye., Academiciang Ansellm, A.I., Doctor of Physical and Mathbmatical Sciences, Blokhintsev., D.I.,, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, and Kontorova, T.A,, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Card 1/8 Collectidn of Selected Works.(Cont4) SOV/1338 PURPOSE: This book is intended for persons interested in the scientific contributions of Ya, I. Frenkell. COVERAGE: This,, the second volume of the collected works of Ya. l. Frenkell, is a compilation of his scientific articles and books. The volume is divided Into four sections, The first consists of his con.-I-ributions to st;rmiconductors, and dielectrics and the electron theory of metals. The second section covers his works on molecular physics and deals with the kinetic theory of solids and liquids, the mechanical properties of solids, and the physical properties of high-molecular compounds. The third section covers his works on the theory of electrons and atomic nuclei, and the last section presents his contributions tb geophysicsf No personalities are mentioned* The volume includes a list of Ya. I. Fr6nkell's.published works amounting to 251 articles and 41 books. Card 2/8 Collect16n of Selected Works (Cont.) SOV/1338 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Dorfmau,'Yao G. Yakov Illich Frenkell (1894-1952) 3 Ioffe, A.F. On Ya. I. Frenkell's scientific legacy 17 SECTION I. SEMICONDUCTORSj DIELECTRICS AND THE ELECTRON THEORY OF METALS Vonsovskiy, S.V. The Works of Yao I. Frenkell on the Electron Theory of Solids 21 1, On the electric double layer on the surface of solids and liquids 54; 2. Theory of the electrical conductivity o: metals 54 3. New developinent3 ih the*'electroh,'thepry of metals 71 4. Elementary theory of magnetic and electrical properties of metals under'.abso2ute -ze'ro,teiiperaturb 96 Card 3/8 Collection of"Selected Works (Cont.) SOV/1338 5. Applying the Pauli-Fermi theory of electron gas tc the problem of adhesive power 109 6. , Spontaneous and inductive magnetiziatlan in ferromagnetic materials 122 7. On the transformation of light into heat in solids. 1 126 8* On the transformation of light into heat,in solids. 11. 157 9. On the elementary derivation of some relations in the electron theory of metals 176 10. On light absorption and electron adhesion and positive holes in crystalline dielectrics 182 11. On the rotation of dipole molecules in solids 201 12. On the theory of mobile holes and dissociation of atoms in crystals 211 13-- On the thoery of disruptive discharge in dielectrics and electron semiconductors 217 Card 4/8 Collection of Selected Works (Cont.) SOV/1338 SECION II. MOLECULAR PHYSICS Breslers S. Yei The Works of Ya. I. Frenloell on Molecular Physics 231 A, The Kinetic Theory of Solids and Liquids 14,, The theory of condensation and adsorption 239 15- On thermal movement in solids and liquids 254 16, The liquid state and the theory of fusions Part I. Continuity of the solid apd liquid states 269 17. The liquid state and the theory of fusion. Part 11. 280 The theory of fusion and crystallization 18* The kinetic theory and the electrical properties of liquids 299 19. The general theory of heterophase fluctuation and pre- transitiona l phenomena 333 20. The relation of surface tension of amorphous bodies to temperature 347 Card 5/8 Collectibn of Selected Works (Conte) SOV/1338 Be MCHANICAL FROPERTZES OF SOLIDS 21. On the theory of.plastic deformation and twinning. 1. 364 22. On the theory of plastic deformation and twinning. 11. 371 23. Phenomenological theory of the mechanical properties of amorphous bodies and the propagation of vibrations inr' them 381 24. On sirface creeping of particles on crystals and the natural roughness of crystal faces 397 25* Viscous flow in crystalline bodies 412 C. THE PIMICAL PROPERTIES OF HIGH-MOLECULAR COMFOU103 26. Theory of the elasticity, viscosity and swelling of polymeric rubberlike substances 425 Card 6/8 Collec-tion*of Selected Wirks (Cont.) SOV/1338 27. On the nature on the causes SECTION III. Smorodinakly, Ya. I.., Frenkell on Atomic of thermal flow of long organic chains and of elastic vr.,operties of rubber 437 THE THEORY OF ELECTRONS AND AT014IC NUCLEI and I. Ye. Tamm. The Works of Ya. I. Nuclei 455 28. Electrodynamics of rotating electrons 46o 29. On the solid body model of heavy nuclei 477 30. On the statistical theory of the atomic disintigration of nuclei 48o 31. Electrocapillary theory of splitting heavy nuclei with 5.ldw neutrohs 496 Card 7/8 Collection of Selected Works (Cont.) SOV/1338 SECTION IV. GEOPHYSICS Bazilevinh, V.V., and K.S. Shifrin. The Works of Ya. I. Frenkell on Geophysics 515 32. On the theory of seismic and aeismoelectrical phenomena in wet ground 520 33. Theory of the fundamental phenomena of atmospheric electricity 538 34. On the electric charg3 of the earth's surface 568 35. Terrestrial magnetism 572 List of Ya. I. Frenkell's published works 585 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress TM/1Csv 4-21-59 Card 8/8 24(2) SOV/56-35-2-45/6o AUTHOR: Dorfman, Ta. G. TITLE: and the Interatomic Bonds in Molecules and Non-Metallic Ciistals (Diamagnstizm i mezhatomnyye svyazi v molekulakh i nemetallicheskikh kristallakh) PERIODICAL: Zhura keparimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 3;11 Z 2(8)1, pp 533-535 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A good deal of the magnetic investigations of diamagnetic substances have hitherto been unprofitable for the investi- gation of the nature of the interatomic bonds. The method reoommendea In this paper will facilitate a new approach to this problem. The paper discusses some possibilities and perspectives of this method when applied to diamagnetic mole- cules and non-metallic crystals. first, a formul of the experimentally measurable susceptibility X -A + X of moledules and non-metallic bodies is given and d:sculsed in short. The Langevin (Lanzheven) component Xd depends only on the dimensions of the electron clouds. The van Vleck (van- Card 1/3 Flek) component Xp, on the other hand, depends on the sym- BOV/56-35-2-45/60 The Diamagnetism and the Interatomic Bonds In Molecules and Non-Metallij Crystals metry character and the deformability of the electron clouds. For atoms with central-symmetrical clouds XP a 0. Xp may therefore be an important source of interesting data con- cerning the structure of the electron clouds. Since X cannot be separated experimentally Into Xd and X , )( may be estimated only by comparison of with @ if there is Xd a reliable method for the independent determination of Xd for any given substance. The author gives a formula which may be generalized for any interatomic system consisting of more or'less symmetric electron clouds. For polar crystals with obviogely deformed crystals (for instance KC1, KBr, and KJ) Xp 10 has values of +1' +5,2, and +8,8, respectively. The crystals of some semiconductors have a high value of XP which may be explained by the high diffuseness of the clouds of the valence electrons. It may be assumed that also purely molecular semiconductors (the aromatic compounds are typical exemplarecE them) have an anomalously strong polari- zation magnetism. it may, therefore, be assumed that also Card 2/3 the metallic-organic compoundo are semiconductors, because sov/56-35-2-45/60 The Diamagnetism and the Interatomic Bonds in Molecules and Non-Metallic Crystals many of them have high values of The examples discussed in this paper may be considered as aR illustration of the magneto-chemioal investigation o4the interatomic bond in most various diamagnetic substances. The author thanks some of hie colleagues for their critical comments and especially A. G. Samoylovich and L. L. Korenblit for their useful ad- vice. There are 1 table and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: May 15, 1958 Card 3/3 AWHOR i Dorfman, Ya. G. SOV/53-66-4-6/10 TITLE: ---T-h-e Lif e and the Din co"ries in Physics of To=lcelli (Zhizn' i fizichenkiye otkrytiya Torrichelli) PE'P- 1 '1 D I C A LUspekhi fizzicheskikh nLuk, 1958, Vol 66, Nr pp 653-669 (USSR) A B JT11 A C T The author fix-It givei; a detailed 1-oport on the life of this most prominent of all It@@liun ;;hy3icists and MathCMatiCiLn3 Of the 17th century fl',.10.1608 - 2,'.10.16,17). The second Dart of the article deals -,ith To.-ricelli's scientific research work iind public:-@tionz. Torricalli's activities as a scientist extended to oint mechanic3 and the mechanics of solids, hydromechanics, atmospheric physics, geometrical optics, and the technolo-y of lens-production. Several of his activities are di3cussed in detail as e. g. his investigations of the motion of solids, of the momentum of moving bodies, his experiments in con-nection with the barometer and -,-;itli lenses (interference), etc. Card 1/2 @; X-66- -6,,! , 0 The Life and the Discoveries in Physics or Torricalll -j @) 7/ There are 3 figures and 17 references, 5 of -which zre joviett. Care 212 AUTHORs Dorfmang Ya. 0. 20-119-2-32/60 TITLEs A. Now Method for the Interpretation of the Magnetic Susceptibility of Diamagnetic Organic Compounds (Novyy metod interprotataii magnitnoy vospri1mchivosti diamagnitnykh organicheskikh soyedineniy) PERIODICILt Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSRg 1958P Vol,@ 119, Nr 20 PPO 305-3o6 (USSR) ABSTRACT- According to the quantum-mechanical theory the magnetic susceptibi t the diamagnetic molecules is co osed a!!iya@ Of o! the ol 0 Langevin (Lanzheven) diamagneti m and of the quantum mechanical Van Vleck (Fanflek) paramagnetism I P: A - Ad # Ap . This sum is put down in detail. Oit the other hand according to m W stochemical scheme by P. Pascal (Pask 1) a #ZA. holds. Here )@ denotes the negative constants ') f the Card 1/4 individual atoms of the molecule and /\, denotes the A No; Method for the Intorpretation of the Magnetic 20-.119-2-32/60 Susceptibilit'y of Diamagnetic Organic Compounds (positive or negative) correction constants which characterize the deviation from the additi-Aty dependent on some structural characteristic features. Between the two above mentioned formulas there is no explicit %greement. Therefore no simple physical interpretation exists for the Pascal empiric constants XA and A s from the standpoint of modern theory. The author here starts from the formula + 'Y_ in the investigation @- Xd F o of the magnstochemistry o the diamagnetic organic compounds. First the separation of the measured values of A in Ad and A P (which cannot be realized experimentalli) are discussed" Ad was calculated with the approximation formula by J. G. Kirkwood (Kirkvud) (reference 3). The analysis of this formula and the comparison of the Card 2/4 calculated values showed that the Kirkwood formula A New Me thod for the Interpretation of tne Magnetic 20-11@-2-32/6o Susceptibility of Diamagnetic Organic Compounds describes well the Langevin (Lanzheven) diamagnetism. The comparison of the thus calculated values of Ad with th9 experimental values of A made possible the estimation of A p for many aliphatic and alicyclio compounds. In this investigation some regularities were foundt the specific carriers of paramagnetism, the "magnetophores", are represented by some atom groups mentioned in a table. The molecules as a whole possess a certain, comparatively weak, total-molecular paramagnetism " which depends on the symmetry of the molecule and p decreases with Increasing ram1fication of the Isomers. An additive scheme can also be applied to the diamagnetic component A dof the susceptibility. The values of eome compounds calculated according to the here discussed scheme are compiled im a table. There are 2 tables and Card 3/4 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet. A Now Method for the Interpretation of the Magnetic 20-119-2-32/60 Sus@eptibility of Diamagnetic Organic Compounds PFESENTED: November 13, 1957, by N. N. Semenov, Member, Academy of Sciencesp USSR 0 SUBMrrJED: October 1, .1957 Card 4/4 AUTIIORt -Dorrm@@Ta@-G . 2o-119-3-34/65 TITLEs The Magnetochemistry of the Organic Compoundsand the "Chemical" Shifts of the Nuclear 11agnptic Resonance (liagnetokhimiya or- ganioheskikh soyedineniy i "I:himicheakiye" advigi yadernogo magnitnogo rezonansa) PERIODICALs Doklady kkademii Nauk SSSR, 1956, Vol. 119, Nr 3, Pp. 516-519 (USSR) ABSTRACT3 Lately the author succeeded to set up a new version of the magnetochemical scheme of the organic compounds. This renders possible the estimation of the diamagnetic and of the pare, - nagnstio component of the magnetism of various aliphatic and alicyo3ic compounds as well an the determination of the sun- aeptibilities, which fall to tna share of the single atoms and atom groups. Of course these mugnetochemical results will then be used for the discussion and computation of the chemical shifts of the nuclear magnetic resonance. The authc-* above all examines those cases, where the protons belong to atom groups with single bindings (e.g.CH C