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77,f 5925@65, -- ---- ACCESSION Ng-.-!. ATSOU700, 4 and their amortization. prq' )08 . 0 mi Mscltlid and mOnetarY, coAs are discussed 7 --For-a--numbei-ot-area of--thel;gfti*-Including-tho-RSFSR,-tlie--Vkrairie,Belerusala,----- Geor-gM, KIZAbstan-and- Mtda@-Tlm final chapter of the artlclti dmls with the question of the specialization of the sectioa-bending mills. The authors note that such specializa- I------ tion will make it possible-: 1) to broaden the assortment and increa:ae the operative mills e__ 11Z istal", Mdtallargic -to production capacity; 2) to reduce the: apro 4 installed at th al Plant --frefghtfng-rind-ha@g dEgEnces-oviolied oactions;,l)-to-Increase; the productivity -of section bending mills an a rcoult.of the proper redistribution of the assortment of bent s Jo ect na according to. mill- i@qi6is-, 4) to'bridnt the consumers witl respect to available assortment (nomenclature) and-bent-section-production schodulm; 11i) to assign prime consumers to specific manufacturin g and supplying plants, and 61 tc. reduce considerably thu schedules for the attainment of planned production c-spacity 1)y the mills. The basic methodological factors-and.cAtraes underlying the determination of ibe mill apecializatim proposals arer listed and analrzed-la-the article,--Some tabular ijiforro-ation is presentnd* -A Thn authors note, In coxielus[oray ftt the totall ansortment (00,M -irlejature) of shapes and I -_!ctions pre-1111ced in the SSSR on gection-bendirtgr ccuipme@U`@ln @IueJng mWs inaWled at a Indicating Lh need macblnc@buildlng plantal. villi uum over 5, 100 sactiou-sizeq , thu e for further efforts In -the: uriffication-dad otandardLzation of eecticnal steA productiona - _[.0r1g. arti--bak _-5 tablea-Midl-2formUlMl. C Card - -------- - - - - -------- wig ACC NRs AP5.028573 SOUM GODNI UK/01*8/631000/011/0039/0043 AUTWR: Krichavots, M. I.; .Donsts, 'I. C.; lAyako, D. a.; tMI-ot-Al-r. 0. Te 41 ORG: Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute (Cholyabinakiy polltekbntchuokly'lnstitut)@b TITLE: Uffect of the slag reg lof melting on the plasticity oVK-Cr- se allays SOURCE: IWL Cbermaya aftallurgiya. no. 11, 1965. 39-43 TOPIC TAGS: slag, nickel-base.alloy, chromium bass alloy,.plasticity, alumina, calcium ABSTUM. The principal. parameter Anvestigated was the Al 00 /C&O ratio of's Laince.thistechoological factor largely determines the c;;Iizions of the reduc.OOY of LS& vhichiCaccording to V, N Prid teev (Vliyantye privesey I redke-zemelInykh 1816men- evoystva splavov. me;A11UR, zdat, 1962), adversely affects the plasticity%f jgi-dr,base heat resistant allays a the Al 0 3/C&O ratio increases, tile Ca conteat of the melt decrease*. This was verIfied by CaQIng out 0 large seriwo of experiviental remeltings in on electric arc furnace, The plastlytty of the metal irst determined visually (by forging somples to &.24) mm square wf4h banding throu0i 190*).&ud by de- termining the Ca content and the Impact strangthiSf specimens at high temperatures. Basic end alumina slag# were used In the meltLng. During melting under basic slags, a slag mixture of line and feldspar was added In the course of tbeis Itinit vroceses Card 1/2 UDCt 669.15-194:669,.24126.046.5 L 13066-66 ACC NRt APS028573 Af tar complete melting of the burden, sloggino was carried out. Duritill malting under alumina slags, technical alumina was added in the course of melting; no, slagging. was performed. In all other respects the melting operations were conventional. It was found that the use of alumina slag with a high Al 0 /CaO ratio assures a high plasticity of metal. Use of limy slag (low Al 0 /CaO Plo) markedly IncTeases the Ca content of the metal so that plasticity is loWat forSing temperatures. This was veri fied by tests of the impact strength of the metal of the experimentaltselts. In the specimens withs low Ca content the mccima of Impact strength are observed at tempe- ratures of 1000-1100*C. By contrast, for specimens from welts in which limy slag was. evloyed, where the Ca content was high, the uaxi=m impact stren8th Is: observed at 850-900*C and is only about half as lowas for the specimens malted under alumina slag. An Al20 /CaO ratio of 0.55-0.57 Is the limit of plasticity under this conditions of these inveltigationo Essentially them the degree of reduction of Ca from the slag during melting Increases wIthAncressing pr ton of the Al used as Ote reducing agent.' has% 2 figuresel- SUB CODRS 11, 13/ SUM*aTRs 24Au&64/ ORIC Ws 0051 M Rai 000 2/2 ()J L 35031 ZW(mVW(b)1kW(t) X) ACCESSION FIRI AP5008155 9/0286/65/0001005/0034/ AVrHOR:, Eaton, 0. Te.; Du!j9. 0. A.; X%dovar, a. r -, Latash, Yu. V -, Maksimonich'i-0 . Pheychook&-4, L; Stuoluk, L. M.1 u9nenorengo, V.-P.; Orlitorlyev, o-F.; retuK ov. G.' K.; audin. Wi 1. @ -tubenetii. -1, A.1 Tartity. K. A ; Keys, N. V.; Tulin N, A-; Kayellnitakly. V. Q. 1 Edj1jgx&j.Lj-; Plf Imennor. V. Q.; Kholdgy, yu- A ; Bystrgl. S. N I Pastrakov. N% 7-;4DoM:Ut&mI. &D.; Sileyev, A. Ta TIM: Methcj of slectrool4a clIZVor Ingots, Class 16, No. 1687h3 MUKE: Drdleten' Isobretenly I tov&Mkh saskov, no. 5, 1965, A TOPIC TAM Ingot casting, Ingot olectroeled casting. slectroolag malting, steel malting, alloy malting, metal melting ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate Introduce@ a method of alectroslsg casting of ingots in an open or protective atmosphere or in vacuum, In vhich slag is first melted In a sold vith a wnconsumabl* or consumable electrode arc or plass& Jet. To Improve the metal quality and the 1,. Sot surface and to raise the yield, the molten metal or, if tweded, the " Is poured Into the mold through a hollow cad- sumabl* or noncousumble electrode toost Fig. I of the InclosurO.. OrIg. art. has: I figure, IND) Cad L 35031-65 AC=GIO.I M A@*U5@-, ASSOCIATIOIN Cholymbinskly c*tallurgicheskiy savod (Cholyabinak Metallurgical' Plent) SUBICTrzD, 06yab63 JXCLi 02 SW PODRt M. IS da OTHERs 000 No RV sovt, 000 ATD FFM s 32L3 Cwd, 2/3. 2/ /';-@r At A 'I ILI ID 0 11, Z=6 ZPA(e)-- EWT(j9)/rWP(W)/EPF(C)/ 4 A P @, 00 1 7 2 3 C' .-@T-FTJ IR Shelgayev,-Yu.--N. 11 ul', n, N. A. TITLE: Protection of metal with argon ring bottom pocuring du SOURCE: Metallurg, no. 12, 1964, 21-- 3 i TOPIC TAGS: equipment design, metal casti argon, bottom pouring/ 13Kh12NVMFA eel 14, ABSTRACT: Equipment was designed for_Rrotecling metal _vrith-argoA during ,),'ur:njz (Fiz. I). The apparatus consists )f two thrf-pded iiiia- -@ cvlinder 6 and the movable cvlinder 5 -quipped wi!rl @ir ashestos filled 'Ievice 3- The threads are protected frrim liquid mplal a-4 -1aa -)-. ring r)ijrnirig 2 anc asbestos packing 4. Prior to ap-paratus '.'Z @with the movable cylinder in the lower position) onto a t)repared trump@t a --oni@ected through pipes 10 and a flexible hosF to the argon Ruppiv line The iw@ale wi.h a special flange I is mounted on the apr@aratus and locked b-@r turning Ca,d A :7w L 41557-65 A -CCEWION NR.- AX5001723 .2- hmdle 9. Air to forced out of thetrumpet ind the mold. the stopper is opened and the uteel poured filto unlubricated molds'under zargon pressure (0. 5- 0. 7 M31T at a casting rate of 2.2 T/mIn.) Examination of 13FhI2N."VMFA steel thun i5cu,red a -w-)-yed that the macrontructural defects wil ro@ ess3emiallv PI minated, 2111Y deter-table defects were reduce4d. mr. I the titee! I,-,' @n- r-s qsed nonmr1a.'"'Ic inciusions and imDrrvv-,j @nzot ;urface. 6@19-s and I table. Chelyabinakiy metaUurgicI2es)dy zavod (Ch-,I abins), Metauur&L ca' Works) SUE@IW1111113&. 00 ZNCL-0 01 SUB CODE: MM NR REP SOV: 000 *MER-0 000 'A KRICIIEVETS,t M.1.9- DOETSO I.D.; ROYAK,, D.B., FOVOLGISK.Ty, Effec'. of slag rcnd-''tionA in smelting Gn ',hc ly 1.1 nLakel,alrva-mium be-so alloys. 1-4-:. vyq. u,-heb. za-;.; met. 8 na.11:39@-43 165. (!,ou @g'. -,I-) 1. Cbelyabinakly pc!Jt-AhtC.@-hesW-'Y DDNETS, K. G.1 CHERNIKIN, V. I. Automatic evacuation of viscous oils and petroleum products from !@ pipelines. Transp i khran nefti no. 11:3-6 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Llvovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut i Moskovskiy ordena Trudavogo Krasnogo Znameni institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti imeni akademika I. M. Gubkina. DOMETS E.G.: Develoymier@- f@_' -,taam it- conrecut-i"'e @_ninsp. noftl i noftepro.1 .5:*- .17:8) Rlin 11 C. Livovokiy po2itek."icheiflkly inst.'t-jt, 'u" i ,:rudovogo Krarmogo Znwwni iw;'-@t promychlonnooti im. akadomik!L .';,ib,:. n... DONETSP K.G.; CHERNAIKIN, V.I. Flow discontinuity In the consecuLive pumping of varlous petroleums or petroleum products along one pipeline. Neft. khoz. 42 no* 5: 60-65 My 164. (MIRA 17:5) D - ITET SK U. ; (AfERNIKINO V. r. D.1-sruptions in liquefied gas flow In plLpelinez. Gaz. prcc. 10 no.'6241-44 165. (MIRA !8:6) DONETS, Lyalmila,, betonshchitua stroitellstva EYWI.Tthing it in the power of our young people. Stroite:O no-4tl6b Ap 161. (KM 3.4 a 5) la Zhdanovskiy wtanurgicheakiy zavod, 51. (zhdanov-consiru6tion IiA@try) 4". * . - NITS, H. 1.- 1 @7 .........., Havllocking and Interlocking system, Avtom., telex. I aviat' 4 no. 12:27-28 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Starshiy inshener posta marshrutno-roloyaoy teeatralizateit atantatt Leningrad-Paseashirokly-Hookovokiy Okt)rabrlmkqr dorogi, (Railroads-Bignaling-Alock system) (Railroads--SignalinIL--laterlocking systems) SHCIUMINA. Aleksay Koustantinovich, prof., doktor vaterin.nauk; RKWHIKUT, G,B., profoo doktor biolog.nauk, red.; PMRS,,.. 2HELMOVSKIY, V.I., red.; KVITKA, S.P., to.' EDLeeases of fishes and their controlJ Bolesni ryb i mery borlby a nimi. Kievo lzd-vo Ukr.Wd.sel'khoz.nauk, 1960. 33:3 P. (MMA 14:1) (Fishes--Diseases and posts) KEYS., N.V*. inzh.; KOWSSAROV,, A.I., inzh.; MXSINA,, G.Ye,,, inzh.;-@qN@TS, R.N.., inzb. Stulying the hardenability of bearing oteel produced by the Chel)abiwk HatLUurgical Plaiatv Stall 23 no.4060-362 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Chelyabinakiy me urgicheskiy zavod, tef (Bearing metotlo-Hardening) BOYARCHUK L., nauchnyy sotrudnik; DONETOS.- [Donets I., S. nauchnyy ootrudnik; LUKIYAIICMP A. nsubc*i soirudnik Adjujitable plow system for making furrows on hillsides. Mekh" sill. hosp,, 33 no.8:10-13. Ag' 162. (ME 15:7) 1. IJkrainakiy anuchno-iseledovatellokiy institut mokhanizateii i elak".rifikataii dellskogo khozyaystra. (Pioiis) (86il conservation) DONFTS,.S. (ilostov-na-Dond); KUZININO A. (Mutsk); MEDVEDEVv N. (Saratov); @-*.Owww-mi-TYTCHICOVP G. (Arkhangellsk)j TSYPIN,-Ye. 18verdlovsk)j GITCHENKO, I. (Soclai); GRUZINTSEVA, A. (Novosibirsk); ALIMOV, R. (Al*a-Ata); GOLOBORODOV, M. (Syktyvkar) I Outposts of air transportation. Grazhd.av. 20 no. 4:22-24 Ap 163. (KM 16:5) (Aeronautics, Coamrcial) LUKIYANC-HUK, A.A., lnzh.; DONETS, S.M. inzh. ;ZZ@@ ES-15 rotary spreader of organic fertilizers. Hashinostroenis no.1379-81 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Fertilizer spreaders) KOROIENYO, K.M., kand. tekhn. nauki D0111.13, S.M., kan(I. t-kLn. raluk Ajitinroeicn tilling on slopts. rio.i cj7-98 Ja-F 165. (141RA 28s') -pq@ETSJ V.I. Using natural gas to dry foundry molds. Gaz. prom. 8 no.9:19-21 B 163. (MIRA 17: 8) -DOW"PS, V.I.; POEML.71GH, A.:i. Unit for drying wire Gaz. jxo:a. I.; no.4:25-27 '03- ('--, RA 17. 10) DONETS, V.I. ,@, Now Beibod of dr7ing coils of wire. Netallurg 8 no.1002 0 163e -- (MIRA 16:12) 1. Zavod "Serp i molot." DONEI@, V. I. Using natural gas in large caustic soda nolution Purnace baths. Metallurg 9 no.lD29 N 164. (MIRA 18:2) lo Zavod "Serp i molot". . . 11 1 DONETS, Vasiliy ProkoflysTich; METT, G.Ta,, apete.. red.; PETRUSHEV, I.R.) red.; URIOI-MU, U.S., tekbn. red. (planning, accounting for and analyzing the operations of shops in machinery plants) Planirovanis, ucbet i analiz ra- boty tsekhoy na mashinostroitelInykh zavodakh. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 119 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Machinery industry-Management) BERDYADBUY, M.G.; MODSKIT; I.I.; DP@TTS.p V.V.; VEYEVNIK, V.F. Mechanism for introd uoing dr7 lubrication into the pipe shell before entering the rolling mill. Mistalhurg 10 no.6s28-30 Ja 165. (MMA l8s6) 1,DCUTSa T.416@. I. - Wocensing tails and small places of bents liy pressing* Sakhoprom. 30 no.11:45-46 N 156. (MM 10:2) 1. Ok-tyabrIekty eakh&rnyy savod. (Sigar ivAustry) -I DONNNTJ t-1,AW -, 7Z= Jevelopment of the sugar industr7 of Moldav'" Sakh. prom. 35 no. li6-8 J& 161. (HIIU 1411) 1. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva Moldavekoy SSR. % (Moldavia--Sugar industry) .6 DONETS, V.1a. Sugar factories of Moldavia during the CWTentseasone Sakhe prom. 35[ioe. 361 no.2:10-13 F 162. (MM 15:4) 1. Sovet narodno o khozyaystva, Moldavskoy SSR. lHoldavia-Sugar industry) DONBI@p Mas Sysaifto labor eipendtture in the w4ar factories of Moldavia& Sakh. prom. 37 no*518-9 My 163. (MIU l6t6) 1. Sovet narodnogo khosyaystva Moldavokoy SSR. (14bldavia--Sugar industry-TAbor productivity) 24.6520,24.6600,211.6500, 76968 16.8ioo,16.8300,221.6720 SOV/56-37-6-8/55 AUTHORS: Perelygin, V. P., Donets, LE- D.-,,.,and Flerov, G. N. TITLE: Exreriments in the Production of a New Fermium Isotope PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 6, pp, 1558-1563 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the CL-activg products interaction between accelerated oxygen 01 ions and uranium U238 nuclei. The energy of accelerated oxygen ions was 84 - 98 mev, and the beam was monochromatic. The U238 targets were prepared by sublimation under vacuum and by precipitation with tetraethyleneglycol on an Ni holder. Targets had a thickness from 200 @L g,/--m2 to 800 PLg/cm2 U238 atoms. The registration of CL-decay was carried out by means of a fast and highly sensitive method, which was originally developed by 0. N. Flerov, S. M. Polikanov, A. S. Karamyan, A. S. Pasyuk, D. M. Card 1/3 Parfanovich, N, I. Tarantin, V. A. Karanaukhov, Experiments in the Production of a New 76968 Fermium Isotope sov/56-37-6-8/55 Card 2/3 V. A. Druin, V. V. Volkov, A. Mo Semchincva, Yu. To. Oganesyan, V, I, Kbalizev, and G, Io Khlebnikov (cf. Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR, 120, 73, 1958). The measu:?ements gave some @roof of the existence of a new fermium isotope Fm2 9 which possesses a half-life of about 150 sec and an CL-particle energy of (7.9 + 0.3) mev. The procedure for the identifica- tion Uf transuranium isotopes was based on the registra- tion in photographic emulsions of their successive GL-decays. V, V. Volkov, D. M. Parfanovich, S. Mo Polikanov, A. M. Semchinova, and N. I. Tarantin par- ticipated in the discussion of the work. Three ex- citation curves are presented for reactions involving the emission of four and five neutrons. The paper contained 15 references, 4 Soviet, 1 Canadian, I U.K., 9 U.S. The 5 most recent U.S. references are: A. M. Friedman, J. E. Gindler, R. F. Barnes, R. Sjoblom, P, R. Fields. Phys. Rev., 102, 585, 1956; S. Amiel, A. Chetam-Strode, G. R. Choppin, A. Ghiorso, B. G. Harvey, L. M. Holm, S. G. Thompson. Phys. Rev., 106, 553, 1957; R. A. Glass, S. G. Thompson, I Experiments in the Prcduction of a New 76968 Fermium Isotope SOV/56-3-T-6-8/55 SUBMITTED: G. T. Seaborg. J. Inorg. Nuel. Chem., 1, 3, 1955; A. Ghlorso, Proc. Conf. on React. Eetw. Complex Nucl, Uatlinb-arg, Tdmessee, 1958; T. D. Jackson. Can. J. Phys. 34, 67, 1956. July 4, 1959 Card 3/3 DONETS Ye D I KARRkTJUOV) VA.; KMM., 0.; GVOZDEV, B.A.; CHUBURIOVv Yu.T.; SCANTSEVA, V.R., tekhn. red. [Study of the rruclear reaction Tb232 (Ke 22 . 40 250 Izucbgnie 90 10 "1003 232 22 4n) 250 Dubna Obffedineiuwi iadernoi reaktaii Th:. (Nelo J F@61'00- 0 190 in-t iaderMkh J.Ilol.j 1962. 10 pe (MIRA 1520 (Nuclear reactions) AtTHORS: TITLE: 39661 S/05 62/043/001/003/056 B181YB102 ,Donets Ye. D., Karnaukhov, V. A., Kumpf, G., Gvozdev, B. A., li@u`@@urkov, "Yu. T. The nucloar reaction go Th 232( 10 X022 4n) 100 Fm 250 PE'RIODICAL: Zhurnal eksporimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki,'v. -43, no. 10), 1962, 11 - 15 TEXT: Measurements were made of the dependence of the goTh 232( joNe22 4n) JooFm250 reaction cross section on the energy of the bombarding ions. The ions were extracted from the 360 cm cyclotron of the 0IY;I- A thorium foil, 2 - 2.6 mg/cm2 thick, served as a targei and a 3 4 thick silver foil chemically prepared with tenoiltrifluoro acotona, was used to collect the recoil nuclei. Fermium (yield 50 @) was separated from the organic phase by anodic,precipitation. Fm 250 was identifiod V4 from its 7.43 Mey a-emission. The 7.65 Mev line of Po was found to interfere.' The reaction cross section has its maximum Of N2-5*10- 3-1 cm2 Card 1/2 S/05 62/043/001/003/056 The nuclear reaction B1.8.1YB102 at an ion energy of 107 Mov, and has a half-width of about 11 Mov. The croes section of the reaction U238(8016 4n) ,,pm250, which was investi.- 92 C;ated earlier (T. Sikkeland, S. G. Thompson, A. Ghiorso, Phys. Rev., 112, V 543, 1958; V. P. Perelygin, Ye. D. Donets, G. N. Flerov, ZhETF, 37, 1558, 1959), reached a maximum of 10- 30 OM 2, that of the reaction ,!41 250 13 30 2 94 PU (6C 4n) 100 FM one of 6-10- cm . The experiments showed that the maximum cross section decroases much faster with increasing mass of the b:).-ibarding particles than is pxedicted by the theory. This is ex- plained as follows; Either the nucleus is deformed in a collislon so that the Coulomb barrier increases, or the system of the two nuclei is exci-.ed to perform vibrationB so -that the probability of fission prior to emibsion of the first neutron increases. There are 3 figures and I table. ,MOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institu"; yadern kh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear ResearZ SUB.ZIMD: January 24, .1962 Card 2/2 S/oo9j63/014/001/002/013 B102/Blo6 AUTHORS: Flerov, G. N., gQngf-Lj47__Yt. D., Druin, V. A. TITLE: Spontaneous fission and synthesis of far transuranium elements PERIODD3AL: Atomnaya energiya,.v. 14, no. 1, 1963, 18-26 TEXT: Beginning from the first experiment'on the spontaneous fission of U238 carried out at the Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Leningrad Physicotechnical Institute 'AS USSR) in the laboratory of Professor I. V. Kurchatov in co-operation with'K. A. Petrzhak and G. N. Flerov, a review is given of the most important results of the fundamental investigutions in the field of spontaneous fission and synthesio of transuranic elements. The know n reg/ularities of the' spontaneous fission made apparent from the T ef (Z A) and T ef M diagrams are discussed in detail. The name of I. V. Kurchatov also is intimately associated with the synthesis of transuranic elements. Not only the first reactor but also the first ion cyclotron and the great heavy-ion Card 1/2 S/089/63/014/001/002/013'. Spontaneoue fission and synthesis ... B102/BI86 accelerator in Dubna were built as his suggeation and under his direction. The synthesis of tranBuranium elements by the bombardment of uranium ivith multipl'@ charged ions is considered in full detail and the most important methods and results are discussed. The nucleon evaporation resulting from the use of fiusion products as the bombarding particles is also discussed. The future researches will be devoted, among other questions, to a study of the transuranium isomers, the relationship between the spontaneous fission probability and the nuclear energy levels, and the spontaneous fission of the tran@fermium isotopes. There are 5 figures. SUBMITTED: Card 2/2 August 30,@1962 EXT -L")/ Wtw)-2 , (. . EWP('q)/EWT(m 10.5616 11/044/003/003/053 AFF Pab TCA JD AUTHORS Rumpf, 0, Owd, I@Dne a TITLE i Soavi'tranafer' reeat io'ns:occur In du ring 1,r.- ff thorium by N522 ions PERIODICAL a Zhurnal ekw6arimental.; ndyI te.khnicheakoy fizikiv ve 44p-noo 3# 1963t -398-8bS 1EXTz The recent.'paosrs. Ity .1-6 @Bra#dahtatp@, M., -Xrzhivan*k, Ya. Maly, and 5;: .Su.Hung-Kuei (Ref, -4s Preptint OTUI#--R-@978-.Wbm..- 1962) and 6. N. Flarov,, V. 7. Volkov, L. Pomorakiyi',Y@-*-T-ys-(Refo-5#: -*ZWFj 41 1365 1961) dealing with -transfer-reactione~of-save~al-'hu6l46ns'-during-k Preactilons.-werefollowad by Aa-m--ion t attempts et theoraticalex-@Ianatlons using the tunnel-afftet,shrapnel-affee the modol of. 'skidding- collision-a", oto Th-a a-utho-ra wented to test these vario us, theories by investigating in - detail the tzensfer of lirger numbors(5 to 8) of n--Acleons duriiag heavy ion ititeractions in a Th232 t1jr it bom@srded by N022 long. They registered v4-*activa products Identified -as Th"Uo AC-2201 A0225, and A*224 and obtained their production cross xectior@x at funations of tho Incident particle .Card 1/4 @iCCESSXON NR: AP4020324 s/0089/64/016/003/0195/0207 AUTHORs Donetagle Shchegolevs Ve ke; Yermkov, Ve A* TrME: Synthesis of the isotope of eleslent. 102 uLth mass number Z56 SOURCE: Atomnays, energLyal Y. 16, noo 3# 1964, 195-207 TOPIC TAGS: element 102, mass number 256, nuclear reactLono tratislaro' nLim element, decay periodo energy dependence$ V sup 238 ABSTRACT: In the nuclear reaction U238 (N822 256 (a-active isotope of 4n)XO2 element 102 with mass number 256) is synthesized* The registrat 19@ i and identiffta-) tion, of the isotope is made ace INgLas to the daughter isotope Fa . The I measured half-lLfeperLod of 102 to about 8 m* depe2igace 012ths cross section for the formation of Lootope 102 Lit the reaction U j ft is studied. Its maximum is in the 112 Movo Tito cross section at the 32res'20f maximum reaches about 4*5 x 10' ca e The vork was carried out in an internal beam of the trimeter cyclotron of the nuclear reaction Laboratory ol! the Joint Institute for Nuclear Researche "In -conclusion, ve are deeply grateful to Card 1/2 1ACCESSION NRI A4020324 partLcipatioa thL* vork was Flerov with whose guidance and wazu G. N. accomplished. We also thank the subdivision leaders Yu. Ts. 089nesyan, A. X* Filipson and A. S. Pasyuk for providLug so sany Lutensiva beaus of accolexatad neon ions for our experlstentse" orisarte bass 13 fLaurese ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITIUs 185ov63 DATE ACQt 31Mar64 MCLs 00 SUB CODE: US. PH W W $Ws 012 01SM 008 I j'@T;At _i . 7, 016/oOS ti*59/0 k59 3/boft/44/ AN 833R TMC. qm@ MOP AM F.P=: Ifts -at - IoLr sad ml u-m Ob It emor lua@m -t'tOOI'- Place In tamlnaad m Dac*MA:.-- 1965. Acodadeum --yr A&MUt-OVenot the aest:Lm arA enmssa4 tba jUtmtjCft of MWdng the geOGIMS L ragW&r festuxe Of the Depwimmt, -0C=6m2(mdIug_;;mmbarr. K. presided., So-van papers vere pmoemiad.. -Comeavolpaffi Wr Gait& flerov's ImP=t, Necbfimlm and. Pro-- --ducts of AMth KuWIVIr-CWVd I cim j," vu based- m - the wwk Omitm fw 19 sar@ Atf ig,L441,c ItaktWITIMsl (talb wi iR m'owp rem", y-N @Iv CH iuld the a- im ot nuclei - vv% dft ftbk the t1awto 41"ll.- saa@OMA Albprk Is m vart -74 by A Ow nev.-I - fgAlt tr nd by. trms . and by Kh. La(being 0 1 0_4 "M I I '90 mw fjovt 51 Ord FMOV, G.N.; DRUIN, V.A., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk; rl!ANESYAN, Yu.Ts., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk; POLIKANOV, S.M., kand. fiz.-mat. naukj WgrS,_jgD*j nauchn. sotr.1 ZVARA, Ivo# nauchn. sotr.; CMWOV, A.G.; FAYNLODI, I.B., red. (Prospects for the synthesis of'transwanium elements. Ninth discussion. Partioipants in the discussiont Flerciv, G.N. and others) Perspektivy sinteza. transuranovykh ele- mentov. V besede uchastvuiuts G.N.Flerov i dr, Moskva, Znanies 1965, 39 pe (Novoe v zhizni, naukep tekhnike, IX Seriia: Fizika, matematikap astronomiia no.10) (EA -180) ACC NRI AP5022625 MI/0089/65/019/002/1)109/0113 539018302 3ff AUTHOR: Donstat Ye. b.; Shchegdlev) V. A.; Termilko. Ls TITM Synthesis of the isotope of mass 256 of the 103-rd element 17 SOURCE: Atomnaya energiyaq,v, 18,@ no& 2, 1965p 109-11"13 TOPIC TAGS: lawrencluin, trand'uranium elemeni;s ABSTRACT.* After a brief@review of the discovery, in 1961, of lawreni oium of an isotope mass@2570 thelauthors,present the results of their own Identification of ik-new isot0e of mass A'C'56 of the same element. The experiments were conducted at-the Zoint Inatituto for Nuclear Research, in Dubna, by using the interior beam of multiply charged ions olf the 3-mater cyclotron The riew isotope was synthatized from the nuclear reaction of The Isotope was Mentified by .armth, isotope. Thi and produ'at was obtained as a ri3sult of, a /tqjMY"!$, electron capture and a ji'031'Will', alpha decay. The ni) v 256-isotopt was identitied by the same Meth6d, _W'hich had b!)en used by the authors fai the Identification of the isotope 256 of the 102-nd elemen," (Atonnaya Energiya, 16, 195 (1964))& The arrangement used for the arnthesis of 3Lw"1' and the build-up of io#Ft@i@i is Schematically illusi. J0 rated in the- Card ACC NR, AP5022695 article, Spectrometero'havin g a.,resolution of about 60 kov and a very .low baotgroand were useA0', The eXperim-ents involved bombaiding 8 to 12 hours) a @ 95A@nldi target with accelerated '1011 Ions. The alpha-spea- trum. of accumulated &-products :19 &aphically presented. The half-life of alpha activity at 9=7.04 Mev, was about 25 hours. It was experimen- tally shown that the 6 *x 110-32 itj cm cross-se.otion needed for the formt- tion of U-256 isotope was attained at the energy level of 96 Mev. The experiments measuring the half-lifd.of the 21.56-isotopa are described, The half -1if a time was close to 45 see. In conclusion, the radioactile. properties of this now isotope. wore'summarized and the character of the cross-seetion of the reaction. iiiA00(oOll, 5n)'1031,W13.. J was 9valuatedo The authors wish to aoknowledge @'Y'Ath "gratitws the assistance given to" them by (general'oortsultation)i A. N 01 as NA zlgru . Filipso'! (cy otron,,,, M, SAW operati v (electr6n equ @Ment)j As Go Pilikov (mechanical arrangements) Z. Ryndina and, V. Kus (semico tor, detectors) I Vo Is, Xuan-etsO @@7'4. K02,.lov a:ad At P* Smirnov4verin @gpjaeral asslevall -517@571&iit t"o persons beroffgM, to__@, 6-rd ACC NR% AP5022625 tha staff of the In_QtjtM6 _ ot "phx0ion and powpi of tba- state 0 0 a M_ Vo-e- 0- @ f or- utilization of at omio Origo ar suer Zkoll t F diagrams and 4 graphso ASSOCIATION$- none D. SUMMTS 20Apr65 NOL: 00- On CODU UP NO PJW Soyl __OO3 OTHM OW I Card -DZ3 I N)ITE -, SHCHECOUN, V.A.; YERMAKOVV ;.A. Synthea'As of the 103d element (lawrene!um) with maas number 256. Atom. energ. 19 no.2tI09-113 Ag 165. (MIRA 1819) SHIROKOV,, V.I., red.1 VILICHINSKAYA, L.P., red.; NOVIKOVA, A.M., red.; KUFTYREVA, Z.I., red.; DONETS, Te.P., red.; KASTRYKINA, M.A., red.; DOLMATOVA, A.S.., red.; BENEVOLENSHY, I.I., red.; BOLISHAKOVA, N.L., red.j BELYAKOV, P.V., red.; UDINA, L.S., takhn. red. (The economy of Ivanovo Provincej statistical e-batract) Narzo@-- nos khoziaistvo Iyanovskoi oblasti; statistichoskii abornik. Ivanovo, Goestatisdat, 1962. 227 p. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Ivanovo (Province)Statiatictieskoye upravIeWLye. 2. Na- challnik Statisticheskogo uprwrlaniya Ivanovskoy oblasti (for Belyakov). /+. Statiatioheskoys upravleniya Ivanovskoy oblaeti (for all except Badina). (Ivauovo Province-Statistioo) DONETS Yu.I. Case of botulism caused by the type 9 yathogon. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 32 no.7sl37-139 Je 16.1. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz Odesekogo meditsinskogo instituts. imeni Pirogova. (BOTULISM) MINERVINS B.M.j DONETS, Yu.I. Effect of protainases of animal and bacteriia origin on some properties of Clostridium perfringens toxin, Zhur. mikrobiol., epid, i immna 41 no.42111-3-15 Ap 164. (MIRA l8S4) 1. Odesskiy meditsinakiy institut imeni Pirogova. DONETS Yu,.L, inzho Work organization in electrification of the railroads of Siberia Transp, stroi. 12 no.3:7-9 Mr 162a (KUIA 16:11) -JD-O@M @YgI.QDWMA, N.I. Simultaneous action of 01. perfringenti hemotoxin and B, proteus centrifugate in the presence of a specific antigangrene serum. Zhvro mikrobiol.,, epido i inmin. 33 no.2:84-87 F 162. (MMA 15:3) 1. Iz Odeookogo wditsinWwgo instit'ate, imeni N.I. Pirogova. (SERM() (GAS GOGRENC) (CU)STRIDIUM PERMINCENS) (PROTEUS) DONETS, Yu.I. ObservAtions on the joint action of perltigens toxin and Proteus culture centrifugate in animal experiments. Zhur.mikrobiol.0 epid. i immun. 33 no-3:108-112 Mr 162. (14IRA 15:2) 1. Iz Odesskogo meditsinakogo institute. imeni N.I.Firogova. (CCLOSTRIDIUM PEUIRGENS) (PROTEUS) (TaINS AND J.NTITOXINS) . Y'l . :r . , ;,.-.n(i I I(' Ci SCJ -- ( flisu) ll.,t I fi"/ 00 Lillp rl,,. I, i 1- - " - . I Or PaLnogenf-!tic act.ion or the toxin OF botilid4f.C WICS-sa, @ I? pi (Odessa it-;re ..,Prl Inst im llriro@-ov) c@ ploz, (FL, 2-1-56, 116) - 198 - DONETS,, Yuj. --------- Study of the infectious properties of pathogens of botulism type C. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 32 no.6sl%-110 Je 161. (MMA 15:5) 1. Iz Odesakogo maditsinakogo instituta. imeni Pirogova. (CLOSTRIDIUY.BOTULINUM) GRITSEWO MONO 0 insh,; jRNB'!S._!u.L.. inzh. Constructing bridge sapports under winter conditions* Transp. stroi, 10 no,3:29-31 Hr 160, (MIU 13:6) (Bridges-Foundations and piers) \DO:.'&@;, Ytt.L., inzh. irecting poles with rifid cross bai-3 in tic clectrif-icztion of t"".0 Krasnoya:,-sk Pailroad Lim. Tr=l,. atrci. 12 no.27.,lr-15 2 151, (MI-A -314:2) (.Iiailroads-Elect.-ification) (Electric linn-Polec) EMA41 I V.P.j DONETS' Z# . IONAROVA, T.Iq PWNINA., Z.V. Parasites of fishes of the middle course of the Dnieper River near the city of Kanove Visnyk lyiv.un. no.3s Ser.biol. no.ltl33-142 160. . (MIRA l6s4) (DNIEPE.1 RIVER--PARASITES-FISHES) I GUTSSVIGH, A.V.1 DOIETS, Z.S.j IEZH0VAo G.G.; POPOV, A.M. ---------- Bloodsucking moaquitoes (Dipteraj, Culicidae) of Chernovtoy ""Wl=wr,-Rut. obis, 41-2b;2055-358 -162 I (Bakovina-Mosquitoes (MIRA 15:n) DONETSp Z.S.; DASBEINA, N.G.1 LOSKOT, V.M.; FRANTSEVIGH, L.I.; TSARICHKOVA, Larval nutrition and some physiological indices of bloodouckinir mosquitoes. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 34 no. 5t518-521 S-0 165 (MIRA 19il) 1.'Laboratoriya arakhnoontomologii Kiyevskogo universiteta. Sub- mitted June 13, 1964. DONETSKATA. I,N. Xffeot of eleotroosmotic filtration on gravity filtration. Gidr. I mel. 13 no.5s46-50 My 161. (KIRL 14: 5) 1. Yu:shayy nauchno-isoledavatellskiy Institut gidrotekhniki i jae3ioratsii. (Eleotroosmosis) (Soil percolation) b7&0C=faCd fat V).p Rt@t d -d n@ C -R- t,rk Ttwagi S'.1t muc ..j GET14ANSKIY, I.K., inzh.-, PANCHENKO, A.P.; ZALIOPO, M.N., inzh.; DONETSKAYA, L M Liquid shampoo made from purified alkyl sulfates of secondary synthetic alcohols. Masl.-zhir. prom. 27 no-9:17-18 S '61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Nauchno-lasledovatellskiy institut sinteticheakikh zhirozameniteley i moyushchikb sredstv (for Getmanskiy, Panchenko). 2. Fabrika "Svoboda" (for Zaliqpb@ Donetakaya). (Shampoo) VOZNESENSKAYAO G.A.v; B031YAllp lb*A.,, vrach (Stepanakert); SIINYANOVAp V.I. '; GILIGOROVSKIY, I.M.,, prof.; KWIMp Yu.Iop Pkand.mod*nauk (Kiyev); MARSHAK, M.S., prof.; nwopo' M.N.; WTgK4R,, L.M.; ORGANOVA@ M.G. Boalth hints. Zdorovle 9 no.300-31 Rr 163. (MIRA 160) (HYGIM) HAUMDV, I.A.; DONMTSKATA,_Z.F* Structural propertles of wheat from eastern areas. Izv. vya. ucheb. say.; pishcho tekhn, no,3:3-8 158. (MIRA 110) 1. Moskovskly tekhnologichookly institut pinhchavoy proDyehlenmeti. Kafedra mukomolino-krupyanogo rolsvodstva. (Wheat3 OSTROVSKIY, A.I., prof.; DCINETSKAYA, T.F., nauchnyy sotrudnik; TULISKTY, M.S.0 kand.tekhn.nauk; . ..I-.-,Aarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik The most efficient way to use. corn flour in bread makin Trudy HrIPP no.19t15-21 162. 1 KOMA 17 14) DONEj�j" Yeg 1. Cand Mad Sci -- (diss) "Condition of the nervoils system in .0-00,W- cases of planooellular ognoers of the lower lips" ft Kuybyshev, 1957- 15 pp (Kuybyshev Med Inst), 200 copies (KL, 3-58, 99) -48- DONETSKAYA, Ye.I., asoiotent Nerves in planocellulsir cancers of the lower lip. Trudy inst. 11:204-214 160. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz kafedry patologlchaskoy anatomli (zav. kafedroy prof. - N.1'. Shlyapnikov) Kuybyshvrskogo meditsinskogo Institutc, (LIPS-GANCER) IXIM9 V.N,g,_DONETSUTAg Ye.I.9,naWc . . . . . . ................, Splenomegaly in brucenosio and its treatment. Vrach. delo w.2: 996-101 F 161 o' A OAIIIA 3.413) 1. Kafedra infektsiomVkh boleAmey (zav. - prof.V.P.Petrov) 1 kafedra patologicheskoy anatcaii (sav. - prof. N.F.Shlyapnikov) Kuybyshev- skogo meditsinskogo instituta. (SPLEEN-DYSEASES) (BRUGELLOSIS) USSR/CultivatcO. Plants - Grains6 Abs Jour ; Ref Zhur - DJ-019, 113 9; 195G., 39237 Author : Donetakayn, '16J. Inst : 'MitcuLr ALTLcultural Initititte. Title : Experimontal Cultivation of Hybrid Corn So-ccls in 31iitomir 01)].ast. OAC; Pub : Ilauchn. tr. Zhitouirsk. so-ldi. in-ta, 1957, 4, 31-89. Abstract : Ila abstract. Carcl 1/1 DOI MLSKIY, A. G. Donetskiy, A. G. "Syndromes of reflex.-repercussive origin in peripheral nervous system (material on the aspects of reflected symptonn in injuries system in the late period). Odessa 'Itate Firogov. Odessa 1956. (Dissertation for !Iedical (7c i - ionces trawntic in@,urles of the s@-iptomstolor:; and clinical of the reriphiral nervous ?-Tedical -"ns- ifieni ".7. 1. the De,7.-ee of Candida'@e in Knizhnaya letopis' No. 21, 1956. Moscow. DUNLTSXIY B,; IVWIIIP L (Winingrad) @l sKaliningrad is speakinglO Sov. profmoiusy l() no.7s19 Ap163. (PaRk 16SO 1* Instruktor organizatsionnogo otdola Wiainoradskogo oblastnogo soveta protsooionalfnykh soyusov (for Donetmiiyl. 2. Neshtatuyy korrespondent-zhurnala "Sovetakiye profsoyusQrm (for Ivolgin). ( W iningrad--Radio in education) (Trade unions) ExazaPTA r#IEI)ICA vol.nin Surcery 5087.(1096) DONETSKIY D A *Transfusional tunometry (grapby) a ne@@@@pervi 5 1 n gblood pressure (Russian t e x t ) VESTN. K111H. (,Nlosk.) 1955, 75/3 (93-98) Illus. 4 A new method and a new apparatus are suggested which allow the blood pressure to be measured and the transfusion of blood simul-taneously by means of one and the same needle (cannula). The apparatus consista of 2 flasks for blood trans- fusions with a balloon and a monometer, of a drop. counter, a measuring manometer with a pencil for recording fluctuation of the blood pressure on a kymograph anti of a cannula which Is inserted into the artery. The apparatus was tested in animal experiments. It Is supposed to be of importance for a continuous, uninterrupted observation of the blood pressure accompanied by a simultaneous intra-arterial transfusion in the case of intracardlac operations. Dikhno- Krasnoyarsk MUMMY, D.A. low method of circular vnnculAr suturing; experimental And clinical research (with summary In Inglishl. Eksper.khir. 1 no.103-59 JR-7 156 (KIRA 11310) 1. Is Instituta khirurgil Imeni A.V. Vishnevskogo AMR SSSR, (dir.- chlen-korrespondnet ANN SSSR prof* A.A. Vithnevskiy). (BLOOD TRSSHLS, surg. now circular suture, method (Rue)) WGS' new circular of blood vencels, method (Rua)) I - - DONETSKIY, D. A., Cand rilnd Sci -- (diss) "Circular vascular suture using a special wheel." Moscow, 1957, 9 pp (Academy of M-.dical Scionens USSR), 200 copies (KL, 36-57, 107) VISHRVSKIY. A.A.; GAIAMIN. X.E.; DONITaly D. Blalockle operation with the subelAvista artery lengthened by grafting. [with sumary in ftlishl Xkop. khir. 2 no.1:7-13 JAL-T 157. (mutA lo: 4) 1. Is Instituta khtrargil Imeni A.Y. Vishnevskogo 'air.-chlen- korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. A.A. Vishnevskiy) ANN SSSR- (CARDIOTASCUI" DAMTS, CONGIVITAL, surg. Blalock's technic of lengthening subolavian artery with graft)(fte) M SKIT, D@Ae (MosIrva, 2-ya, Lavrakiy per., d. 116, kv.5) Storage and packing of blood vessels preservPd by freeze drying [with sumary in Inglishle Vest-khir- 81 no-10:21-23 0 158 (MMA 11111) 1; Is 1-go khirurgicheskogo otdoleniya (savo - profe I-I* Krakovskiv) Instituta kbirurgii Imeni A.Y. Vishnevskogo (dir. - prof. A*A9 Vishnev - Skly) AM SSSR. (BLOM USSELS. transpi. freeze-dried, storage in glFiss fused ampule containers (Rus)) DONETSKIY, D.A. (Moskva, 2-y Lavrokly per., d, 1/6, kv.5) I Now Instrument for dilation of the lumen of blood vessels. Yest.khir. 81 no.lltI20-122 N 058. (MICRA 12s3) le Is Instituta khtrurgii imeni A.T.Vishnovskogo (dir. - prof. A.A.Vishnovskiy) ANN SSSR- (SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS) .61 YAZAMIV, P-N-: - VOROPATIV, H-H-; DOMSXIT, D.A.; PYLITSOV, I.X. Application of a pnematic syringe In aortography. -47 Xr-Ap 159. 'BPI":,) kh1r. 4 no.2:42 (XIU 1. Is Instituts khtrurgii iment A.Mishnevokogo (dir. - doyetvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.A.Vishnevskly) AXN SSSR. (ARGIOGRAPHT, aortography, pneumatic syringe (Rue)) (SMINUS, pne tic syringe for aortograp@q (Rue)) VISHNMMp A.As,, prof.1 DM;ZTSM, D&I,,,p kandmed.rumk- Now metbod of opmtion fam tner-arterial timtmooix in patiento with oongenital heart difeats of the blue type. Xhirvrqiia 36 zo*1009-42 0 #60. (KM 132n) 1. Is lutituts, khirurgii immi A.V* TUbwokogo (dire -, dayst- 93. Imn cUez ANN WOR prof* 'A* Ao TimkmevskiT) AHN MR4 (EEM-ABNORaTIM AND MWMaTIRS) AWIMAN,, T@M#; MAYS=,, AsP.; DMM=X-DA@ Inluation fo the va#uUr nutu" toolmic in the oonstrwUou of "wa-palmonary anastmosime Yest.khire 85 no*9t39-44 8 160. (Knu l3in) 1. Is rwtituta khirurgii in. A*Vs Tiobnevakogo (diro - prof. A.As T"ba"4jy) AMN M& (VUA CAVA.4UWAW) (PUMMW ART=r-ZURM) DOMMKIYO D.A.0 .%dtability of preserved-blood vessels stared in a.vaoumo Khirurgiia 37 no.51W-115 My 161* (Knu 1/+ 15) 1. Is Institute, khirurgii Imeni A.V. Visbnewkogo (dir. - dayst- vitellrqy oblon ANN SSSR prof. @Lk. Visbumeld.y) AMN SSSR. (BLOOD USS318-TRANSPLA"ATIO11) DONETSKIY, D.A. Blood vessel pincers. Grud.khir. no.3t101-102 161. (MIRA 14.:9) 1. 13 InStitUta W-'-ffli imeni A.B. Vishnevskogo (dir. - deyst, vitellnyy chlen AMN pW, A.A. Vialmovskly) MIN SWR (FORCM) VISIUWBKIY# A#Aoj GAIAMN, NA.j DONETSKIY, D.A. Results of palliative surgery in the treatment of the tetralogy of Fa.Uot, atrosia of the right venous orifice, and transposition of the blood vooesle with decreased pu@wnary blood ?low. Vast, AMN SSSR 16 no,8t27-30 161, 1 (MIRA 14:12) 1, Institut klkirurgii imeni Vishnevskogo AM SSSR. (HEART-"ORMITIES AND DZFO4UTI&"') DMETSKIY., Del*,# kandmodenauk I- - - - - - - W Vbf the vasiorUiw lmm, Xhirurgiia no.8293-94 Ag 161. (KMA 15:5) 3.. lz 7astita khirurgii Imeni I.V. Viobnovskogo (dir. - daystvitall- nyy chlon MI SWR prof A.A. Vishnevskiy) AMN SSSR. i BLOOD VZWEIS) VISHNEVSNIY, A.A., prof.; CALLNXIN, N.K., doktor nod, nsuk; ARAPCV, A.D#; AKHMMVO A. H.; VINITSKAYA, R.S.# kand. biol. nauk; Vu-LYNSKrY, !ETSKIY D A kand, Yu.D.; DAR8111YAN, T.M., kand. med. nauk; W, ==L--! I *-L mod, nauk; KLEMENOVA,, Ye.S.j KUDRYAVTSEVA, A.M., kin--K.-med, naukj XRTMSKITv L.D., kand, med. nauk; LOKSI]INA,X.A.IMAZAYEV,P.N.,prof.IPANDVA, Tu*H.; rH0MMVAt T.N., kand. biol. naukj PYLITSOV, I.M.; SERGEYEVAj X.A.j kand. mod. naukj RHARNAS, S.Sh.j kand. mod, nauk; KHBUSHCHEVA, kand. mad. naukj TSUKERMAN, BA,, kand. biol. nauk; SHIK, L.L., prof.; GOLOWAMR, K.K., red.1 BALDINA, N.F.,, tekhn. red, (Congenital defects of the heart and large vessels ]Vrozhdonnye po- ro)d verdtas I krupnykh sosudovl rukovodstvo d1la vracbei. Ho@- okyaq Medgisp 1962. 577 p. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Deystvitelfnyy chlen A)mdemii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Viahnevakiy). (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEK-DISEASES) VISH113VSKrY, A. A-p prof.1 DO starshly nauchrq@.f sotrudnik; SHISHKINP V. Ps, atarshiy nauchny7 ootrudnik Tachnique for appl7ing a direct portacaval anastomosis. Xhlrurgiia 38 no.7:22-25 n 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz Instituta khirurgii imeni A. V. 71shnevnkogo (dir. - days tvital I n3rr ohlen AM11 SSSR prof. A. A. Vishnevskiy) AMN SSSR. (FORTOCAVAL AtIASTCIAOSIS) DONE7SKIY, D.A. Device for the measurement of the lumen of blood vessels. Eksper. khir. i anest. 7 no.5s46-47 S-0 162. (KRA 17slO) 1. Iz Instituta khirurgii imeni Vishnevskogo (dir.-daystvitellnyy chlen AMN SWR prof. A.A. Vishneyakiy) AMN UISSR. DONFTSKIY D A kand. med. nauk; KRAKOVSKIY, N.I., prof. Prolonged preservation of lyophilized preparations in vacuum test tubes. Khirurgiia 38 no.l2i68-69 D 162. (MIRA l7t6) 1. Iz Institute khirurgil imeni A.V. VIshnevahogo (direktor - deystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSSR prof. A.A. Viahnevikiy) AMN SSSR. 1 1;1. . :( - " ; I I @, I*J; ; . :1." 4 a 1; ',- - '@ @ ft , .", : I- @ I--. . i ;Ii , 0 1 . I 1 ro, @.. t. t.c @l In rjr; !., -f , k.;, I @? , . -r. I U, I [I, n.. I , 1, . . , f@'. ( ? 'I'KA ll '7 -, o., ) VISWILVSKIY, A.A., prof.j Pq4TSAY, D.A.; MAKOVSKITP B.I.,prof. Sargical treatment of arterial and arteriovenous aneurysms in the subclavian region, Vent.khir.90. no,2:106p-nO F163. (HIRL 16:7) 1. Iz Instituta khizurgii imeni, A.V.Vishnevokogo (dir. - prof. A.A.Vishnevskiy) AM SSSR. Adres avtorpvs @bskvat B. SerDu- khovskaya ul., d.27, Institut khirurgii imeni A.V. Vishr;qve6go. (ANLIMISMS) (SUBCIAVIAN ARTERY-SURGERY) (BUI]CL&VILN VEII"ZURGERY) SERGEYEVA, M.A.; DONETSKIY, D.A. Ball I a tocardlographi c examination In 1,ationta with Fallot's tetralogy following surgery for subclaviculaz-pulmonary anastomosis. Kh1rurglia no.10:53-56 '64. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut khIrurgii Imeni Vishnevskogo (dir. - prof. A.A. Vishnevskly) AMN SSSR, Moskva. 1. 5XIY, L, A, . WINOT 2. usm WO) 4. Machine Shope 7, Using Eng, F. L. Kovalev's method in n*chine shops. Rech, transp. 12 no. 5, 152. 9. I(Onthly List of .Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JanuarY .1953. Unclassified. DMa'TSKIY. L. A - Thread cutting of large-diameter worm cutters and screws with rectangular threads. Hor.i rech.flot 13 no-5:10 5 '53. MRA 6.-io) (Spiral milling) B01,17-1-16KIY, L.R - DOIMTUIT, L. 4 Composite thread-cutting die. Kor. I rooh.flot 14 no.6:2%-30 Je 034. MU 7:7 ) (Taps and dies) ,VOXRT3KlYq P.P. (Moskva) Space echo* Priroda 53 no-40.08-109 164, (MIRA 17W @ @-Ai 1, , . .I.r 'C i;: DONMIY, V. 4141100pber O"M "b" M tho iftla MA Vale&' Rd-, one, by V. Dotietiki@,@'Jjjjicopter Cocmander@ Graghdanskaya Aviatat * WO_D_,M_C_35, pp 6-8 Mention of a "needed" gravimetrie survey in the Omsk region carried 7- ,,,.out by a SrOuP of associates of the Scientific4Research Institute of Cle- Ophysical Hithods of Prospecting is made in this article on a he3icopter "expedition. Also mentioned is the use of aerial photographic surveying laong the Vol$& as an &id-,+A dw