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DONCHEV. K.; DIZUTROV, D. "Cool Zt-e-a-t*her in Bulgaria in late spring." (P-@i7) FRIRODA (Bulgarska Akademiia Na Naukite) Sofiya Vol 2 No 6 Nov/Doc 1953 SO: Fast European Accessions Uirt Vol 2 No 6 Aug 1954 DOIX,HEVy K... inzh.j TSVETKOV, P*.* imhe Some methode of an easy use of keratir.-containing waste. Tekhnika Bulg 11 no,4:154 162* " i: DONCREVS K. Thunderstorm in the Sofia region in January 1963. Xhidro i meteorolog 3:63-65 163, i 4 DONCHKV, K. %-@, --- Intense frost ih the Burgas Distriat in January 1963. Khidro i meteorcolog 3366-68 103. DONCIMV, L. Interanl operative coirtrol of expenditures from the Working VIa-,G Fund. p. *176' Vol 2, No. 1, 1955, STROITELSTROV, Soflya, 3ulgaria. SOURCE: East European Accessions List. (ETAL) Library of Congreas, Vol 5, No- 1. January, 1956 DONPIUM,-Mubomir Impraving the structure of the constructions calculationso StroiteletTo 8 no.5:23-26 161. t. J. I DONGIEW . Idubmir On the problem of uniform price in building. Trud tseni 4 no.1:7-19 162. DONCHEV, Liubomir Some problens of prices and expenditure in building, Trud tseni 6 no. 2:1-12 164. 1- I ",' I DONCIEV. L. Purer., pm-est,, ultrapure. Nauka i tekh mladezh 16 no,,7/8:44-47, 58 JI-Ag 164 1W, BULGARIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their 1-8 Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binders. Concrete. Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 2, 1958, 5307- Author Dimitrov D., Ruschev D., Belichev Po, Donchev M. Inst Cbemico-Technological Institute. Title Ad.sorptive and Decolorizing Properties of Same Natural Bulgarian Silicates. Orig Pub Godishnik Khim.-tekhnol. in-t, 1955, (1956), 29 No 1, 113-125. Xbstract st;Vdy of 14 Bul artan naturqlailicates Ways, taol n-, trass ang kieselguhr) ter therma ac8- ivation in the temperature range from 110 - 400 and after acid activation with HCI cor H SO at & concentration from 1 to 20%. Adsorpti3e ga- pacity was chedked by the benzene method and decolorizing power -- by decolorization factor. Card 1 /2 KIMT, K.; PO AOHBVL P. , AS 11VA, D. , V Acute Yellow atrophy In treatment With lArgaetil. SUvr~&. Md., Sofia 9 no-9:90-93 1958. I. Is Palkho-nevrologichuats. bolnitea v larjukovo (01. Iekar: P. Petkov) (OHLOW20MAZIU, bj. off. amte Yellow atropby'(Dal)) (ACM TALIM ATHWHY. OWL & pathogen, oblorpromastne (Dal)) DONCHEV,, R. "The District Nursery School." p. 1,, WHArEN FROUr, No. 47, Nov. 1954, Sofiya, BdLgarta) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5p May 1955, Uncl. _Tq!RC _Raiko;-MITKOV, Simeon Effect of various methods of raising chickens, and their subsequeht productivity. Izv Zhi,%,otn nauki 1 no.2t47-55 164. 1. Institute of Animal Husbandry, Kolarovgrad (for Donchev). 2. Technological Institute of Amimal Products, Sofia (for Mitkov). DONGIM, 3. - ----------- Material on the systematics, ecolofZr, and biology of crows (Corvidae) -L-i Bulgaria. p. 269. IZVESTIIA. Sofiia,, 'hagaria., Vol- 71 1958 Monthly List of &ast Accessions (EZAI) LC., Vol. 9, No. I January 1960 Uncl. DONCHEV, Stefan Zoological notes from Poland. Prir i manie 12 no-7114 5 159. (EW 9tlo) (Poland--Zoology) (Bulgarians in Poland) DONCHEVP St. IV. The birds in the Vitomba Mmtains. Izv Zool inst BAN 1009-137 161* (EM lo: 9/:Lo) (Birds) DONCHEVp St.1 UNMHIIANI S. The river ohirping birds Locustella fluviatilis, Wolfln, 1810; a now speoies for the Bulgarian ornitbologto fauna, Izv Zool inat BAN 10$387-388 161. (EM losq/10) (Birdis) DONCREV St.1 PROSTOV, Al.r CMORGIEV, Zb. Caspian terno Hydroprogne toahograve, toobegrava, Lepeabin, 1770,, is a now species for the Bulgarian ornitbologic fauna. Izv Zool inat BAN 10:389-391 161, (SUI 1039/10) (Ter-no) (Ornithology) SUFLWIE., Given Names Cotmtrys Bul : ria Academic Dogreest cnndi@%-.Itc of Biolo,@iual buicnccr. Affiliations not iven Sofia, 1@:ii:oda-, Vol X, No 4, July/Au,@,uct 1961, ),3 66-69 SCAWCO 2 "Nan-Produced Chan-cr Datat in the ornithofauna of tio -ount,-In." GPO 91164,*@ DONCHEVO St.,, kamd. nm biolog. nauld A rare phenomenon in the vorld of birds. Priroda Bulg 10 no.5t82 8-0 161. DONCIEVO St,,, kandidat, ne biologichesidte- nRuld Mass death of birds in Bulgariap caused by sudden meteorologic obanges. Priroda Bulg ll no*5:95 3-0 162* DONGHEV, Stefan, kandidat na. biologichaskite ua@ki I Some pecndiarities in the meproduction of birds and ma=&.1s. Prir i snamie 15 no.7sl2-14 S 162, k@ MINCHMI, Stefan DistribRition of some ntpr 3nd rarA b!rd3 !"-i Balgarla. 17-gr Zool inst BAW-3-28 16 jet-Q," DONGHEVp St.,, kandidat na biolog. nauki protecting and attracting beneficial and decorative birds in tba Vitomha National Park. Prir i snanie 16 no.5:ICL-11 Vq 163. DONCHEV, Stefan In defence of the day and the night birdo of preys Prir i manis 16 no.8sl6-17 0 163. tefan, dots. inzh.j KASABOV, Ivan, inzh.,- ANGELIEV, Vasil, VARDEV, Petkop inzh. Spray drying and utilization as pigment of the softening installation sludge in thermoelectric power plants in the rubber industry. Tekhnika Bulg 13 no. 2: 20-22 164- N., 1614t DONCHEV, St.; KHADZHOVI B1.2- VELEV, V.; ZIMOV, Zh. . Combustion of the Maritsa-Istok and Black Sea coals in horizontal a alone furnaces. Godishnik khim tekh 9 no.3: 45-58 162 fpubl. 1631 --DOIICIfEV. St.; IORDAIIOVI P.1- DRAGANOV, I. Fighting against BCCTification of the heating surface in the TP-170-1 boiler of the Thermoelectric Plant, Sofia. Godishnik khim tekh 9 no. 3:59-73 162 [ publ. 163) DONCHKV, S. Parallel functioning of steam geneiiators and fuel-Imming boilers. p. 23. (TEZHKA PROMHIENOST. rill VOL. 3. No. 11, 19, SO: Monthly List of Feet European Accession, (EFUL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955, Uncl. DONGUZZ,I.; LOZAINOV, N. Burning the waste product received frota enriching the fuel from G. Dimitrov Fine in the Crintral, Enriching Factory on chain grates. P. 51. Thematic outline for directing the creative activIlty of inventors and ratiinalizers for solution of most important problems 6urinf. 1956. p. 56. TEZHKA MCNISHLENCST. Vol. 5, no. 5, 1956 Sofiia, Bulgaria SOURCE: East European Accessions List (SEAL) Library of eongress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 DONCHEVO S. "Investigatiun on the model of the movement of fuel on a rotating grate." P@31 (Tezhka Promishlenosto Vol* 7p no* 3# Mar, 1958P Sofiiaj Bulgaria) Monthly Index of Fast European Accessions (E-vAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 8, August 1958 DONCIMV., Stol VELEVp V.j GEORGIEVp Ato i Causes of the soiling of heating sur;"ea in steam boilers fed with fuels rich in carbonates. Go(JiA.,I----,k khim tekh 8 no,2: .153-173 161 [Publ- 1641- - DONCH3Vjt_At*fanq Jusb,l MMROVP Blitgoip insh,s ZHZKOV# Zhakol lnsb~t VEZVo -T*Tot insh. Re"aroh on burning of blaak smd brown ooal in horisontal cyolone fmmaose TokbnikR 10 so,9t2Av4!S 161. (coal) (Furnaoss) 11i)NUE"Is St.; BALTOV, Iv.; VULKG)V, ..". -Slov thermal decomposition of the Pernik Fine coal in Lhr) Let..perature range of 200 to POOPC. Godisbnik kchim Lekh -,:, no. 1.121-132 162 (publ. 163]. DONCHZV Stefan, doto. ifish. Stoppage of steam boilers. TekJWika Bulg 11 nojM381-382 162. e@ D@fi _51F44'@ , '411W Application of gradual evaporation for the increase of efficienc7 in boiler aggregates. Elektroenergiia. 13 no.9s27-30 S 06p. I A , @#y DONCHEV, Stefan; BALTOV., Ivan Slow thermal decompovition of the coa3. of the Dobov Dol Hineg; at a temperature interval of 200 to 8000C, Xhim i industriia 34 no.4:3.24-128 162. B/00.5/63/000/002/001/001 D274/0300 MTHORS.: Donchev St ond Yordanov P. TITLE: Posgibilities of intensifying heat exchange by tie ans of turbulizeri3 XIERUODIC@Z: Mashinostroene, no. 2, 1963, 32-34 The intensification of heat exchange betweca gases can be achievea by iTxproving the coefficient of heat loss cc fron. the hot gas to the vall.of the tube and from there to the cold ilia nthe gas moves in a tube. vith circular cross section, the laminar layer at the, wall of the tube can be dost-zoyed by turbulizip.- the gar, current wi th, the aid of diaphragms, which lead- to an incrcasc of Q@. Vzcording to .".11 Tebe,n'ltov t a r %. 1) . , gas emperature f-ec-s hcat loss. The turbulizers increase the re s, stance of the, gases Ap, which affects operating costs. The experiments were carried out %A#--h different turbulizers (see Fig. 1) in order to establish the dependence of k' and 4p on thc form and pitch of the tu::-bulizar. Turbulizers 1, 11, V1 V11 Vilt VU1 are made of steel wire vith a diameter of 2 mm, and Card -1/3 B10051631000100210011001 Possibilities of intensifying ... D274/D308 III and IV - df tin I mm thick. In the heat exchanger, the heat of the tube is conducted to the cold air by transversal flow. The speed of the two ga6es is such as to secure turbulent flow. The air which transmits its 'heat is heated to a final tcuperaturc of appro.x. 3600C. The recistance* AP was. found. from the diff6rencc betticen thc static prcs.,,urcs at the ends of the tube. The Leat conch!ctiozi cooft'icient Ir. was determirvad by I the method of the heat exchaagcrl . Tile rcsults o*f the experiment 's show that.the screw rarbulizers III and IV are not successful. Yiae largest'increUse in 1; can be achic-.ved by turbulizers- VII and VIII ; :Ln V19 V and 11 efficiency decreases and is lowest in I. When turbulizere are,of the s.-v-e typ,@, those @Ath a smaller pitch are more effective. When Ic increases 2,p also increases. Turbu- lizers. 11 V have almost the same , -AP, I: being largest in the case of V. Therefore V is most effective fron the point of view of power. There are S.filtures and 1 table. Card 2/3 1@(_@NCEY, Stefan [Donchev, Stefan] Nest ecology of avocets (Recurvirostra avocetta L.) in Bulgaria. Fragments Balk Skopje 4 no. 23tl77-184 163. t 1. Zoologital Ipatitute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. DONCHL?Vp St., AcceleratioA fjorp'&X dicomposition of,coal from the Bobov Dol Stae Mining lfi@ifprlssd IA the te*ii-ature interval of 20&- 800 0. XhimAlhau 4tfiia 35 no.4t123427 163. DCNCREV, T. Heating bandages. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 18 no-595U-589 165. 1. Katedra bolniabna khirurgiia (rukovoditel - prof. K. Stoianovr, Institut z spetaiializatslia I usuvurshenstvu- vane na lekarits, Sofiia. DONCMV, 2H. Notes on the form of some of the Turkey oaks in Albania; preltminaz7 report, pe 13-le HAUCHNI TRMVF,. Viesh lesoteldudchea)d Institut. Sofila, Bulgaria, Vol* 6, 1938@ Month3,T list of East European Accessions (ERJU) LC. Vol. 9, No. 1, Jammu7 1960. Uncl. DONCHEV, Zh. B., Cand Bio Sci -- "Typology of M lander applicable for afforestationp\ "heex p e @4 the Balchilk coast of the Black Sea--Bulgaria." Mos, 1961. (Mos Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner State U Im M, V. Lomonosov, Biol-Soil Fao) (KL, 8-61, 236) _1q - k43 - DOWHEV , Mi.B. Nonleacbing type of vater balance 'n connection with soil typology and vegetation* Pochve"dehis no*303-96 Mr 162. (KUU 15:7) I# Vysshir lesote, khnichookiy Inotitut., Wiya. (soil moisture) OR 3F., 1 C6 Or, la Og r. % ;!I R Bulga i xu not indicated o ra 0.. ru Teacher in the village of Pr.-;tvoslavt Star,- @ar Sofiaq Biolq&Va i Khirniya. No 2, 1961f pp 40-47 "The Connection Between Biological Schooling and Agricaltural Production." (Report read at a pedagoo-ic meeting in Sofia in November 1960).' C3 DONCHEVAV lkdsAhda Phot@welaym for bus bar protection. Isy Inst exerg BAN 3 t2(Y)Q22 162-,, NIXMOVP B,; DMCHKVA, T, Atnormalities of individual teeth and their therapy. Nauch. tr. visoh. mod. inat. Sofia 39 no.5145-54 160. novt rukovodital na Katedrata po orto- HODONTICS) DONCHEVA., T. O*Abodontic tberapy of false and true prognatiam. Naueb. tr. viseb. m3d. inst. Sofia 39 no.51109-117 160. 1. Predstavena ot prof. B. Boianov, rukovoditel na Katedrata po orto- p3diabna stomatologiia. (PROGNATISM tber) DONCHIK....-I.R. -, - - - Machine tools manufactured in West Germany. MaBhinostroanie no.l-.13.6-.119 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Germanyj WeBt--Machine-tool industry) WItiple machining of parts in Czechoslovakian plants. Mashinostroenie no.48124-126 J1-Ag 162. (MRA 15:9) 1.. (Czechoslovakia-Metal cutting) TSTPL.AKOV.. Now foreign machine tools. Mashinostroenie no.W13.117 " 162, (KM l6s2) (Mikehine tools) DONCIU G. Tka Dorfertal-Huban Project. Metecrologia hidrol goop 7 no.4006-307 162., DONCIUO C. Computation abaci of potential evapotrazwpiration and water Wanoe in the groundo Materologia. hidrol somp, 9 no.1:40- ,46 163. DONCIU, Constantin Everlaoting circulation of mater. St ei Tab Buc 16 no. 3: 30-31 Rr 164. 1. Carcetator 1.14.0. C I U C,/- E, S11xNW,Z-;,, Given NqUis Countrys Rumania Academic Degreess 1,7 Affiliation: -no tgiven- Source: Bucharest I Farmaola, Vol IXI No. 9 j SOP 1961, pp 529-539- Data$ "Preparations with Undecylenic, Acid and Its Derivatives-" Authors: ,22ZE_S_Q,U I C-Prof @J@@AVUI Cl., -Farm. Dr.- J92WLICII N., -Pharmacist.- STAIIESaUt V., APharmacist.- AMR-'- U, 1. -Phermaoist.- -NIGULESCUI -Dr.- I $ -Dr.- .TyC_Mj Elena, -Dr.- DINULISOU, G..; STCXJMGU, D.,; MANOW, I.,; RAUCHBACH, C..; MLGOIU, I.,; DOICIU. Iv.,; FRUCHM, J. Study of piperazine as an anthelaintic in ascariasis, Ank3irlostomismis and trichuriasis in dogn.Stud. corcet. infranioroblol Bucur. 6 no. 1-2:285-298 Jan-June 55. (M"INTH INUTICKS in dogs, ther., p1perazine) (PIPARA INKS, ther. use helminth infect. in dogs) (DOGB# diseases hslninth Infect., ther., piperazine) (HOOKWORK IN M ?ION in dogs. ther., piperazine) DINUIASCU. 4.; STONNASCU. D.; DWGEjw1zw" DRAGOI, ,-NOR RAUMMACE, C.; HANOW. I.; MRU, D.; I.; WIN, D. Studies of the Invasive elements In paravitoses In dogs. Stud. cercitt. Inframloroblol., Bucur. 6 no.3-4:587-593 July-Dec 1955. (PARASITIC DISIASMS intestinal, indogs, etiol. & transm.) (GASTROUTMINAL DISUSICS parasitic, in dogs, etiol. & transm.) Db@LESCU, Oh.; STOUMCUO D.; HICHAN, T.; FAUGHBACH, G.; B?AGOI, I.; sOUNWHIO M.; IMHU, D.; DONGIV, ir.; azUGLIA, M. Studies of the incidence of several helminth infections in humans and the rslation of the latter to canine holminthiasis, Stud. corcet. inframicrobiol., Bucur, 8 no.2t297-303 1Y)7. 1. Cojounicare presentata la Institutul do inframicrobiolQgie al Academlei R.P.3L in sedints, din 17 ootombrie 1956. (KNIMINM ITTMTIONO, epidemiology In rural Rumania, incidence & distribution, relatlon to canine holminthiasis) katract Infection with belminths of the servantsk'42) and 'n dogs (1;)19) from the same nurseries w;ix studied In hiuran teini-.3 thmre were prl-icipa@jy found the heirinths peculair to man and much rarely tho!e corw!?n to both man and dog. DONCIU, M., prcf. (Buouresti) Tho Ciucas Massif. Natura Geografie 17 no.200-75 Mr-Ap 165. Y-- A.; 3R terrar@- sySte-, EaO -11203-"i02- NO. 1, 1V 53, - 9. Monthly List af Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953. Unclassified. Ccountry -. USSR T CLtO3f3r,"= :Human and Animal Physiology, The Nervous System ."Iba, Jour. :Ref Zhur Biol,.No. 2, 1959, No 8437 :Dondareva N.V. Instittit, :The Beloruk-iri-n Institute for Medical Training Titlo :Changes in the Nervous System asqociated with Typhoid Fever. Orig. Pub. :Sb nauch. rabot. Belopusek. in-t usoversh. vrachey, 1958, 1, 185-187 Abatract :no abstract Oard: SMARINKO, S.A.;,PDWUvvVSr]j SJi.;.MILIN, H.S.; XATS, Ts.A. (g. It7by- shey); nivov, N*V@ jOtalinskaya oblast'); MUIMAEDVSKrT, V.V. Nachers' letters on a physics textbook. Piz. v shkole 17 no.3:. 76-77 MY-Je '57. (MU 10:6) 1 5-ra arednyaya uhkola, g. Kamenek-Shakhtinakiy (for Bondaranko). 2:10ya urednyaya shkola, at. Kiyev (for Bondarevskly). 3. I-ya ' arednya3ra shkoLa, Belgorodskynya oblast', g. GubkIn (for Xhilin). 4.1-ya Belokholunitalmya arednyaya shkola Kirovskoy oblasti (for Ktatanovskir). (Physics-Textbooks) L difil-66 E-PF-(Al-li,2/EWT(II/T-249TC(gl- WWIDJ- SOURCE 00121 UR/0286/65/000/016/0063/0064 AUMORSs Bonds, -A, Lts Cbocbellnitskl&_q,_.@P.@,@, ORO i now TITIZ: Sorption vacuum class 27, No. 173875 fannounced by Phys#o-technlcal RW_qf-the 91 -takhnichookly institut AN UkrSSR) _Ukr6JnsIko SOURCE: Byuneten' isobro niy i tovarnykh snakov, no. 16, 1965# 6)-,(4 TOPIC TAGS i sorption pumps @Mcuux Z"j pump A, ABSTRACTs This Author Certificate presents a sorption vacuum pump consisting-of a body vith a screen for the sorbent, electric heaters which are switched on during regeneration periods, and a Dewar container which is placed over the body during pumping (see Fig. 3.). To speed the sorbent cooling and heating and to increase its active area, the Ixidy is equipped with vertical ribs while the screen is in the shape of a many-olded attir, In another version the body at the inlet is equipped with a louvered screen to prevent contmdnation of the sorbint with &team, carbon dioxide, and other hIgh cowlensating temperature poses UDCs 621.521 Yl L 8161-66 __ACC Mi AP5025CG4 Fig, 1# .1- body; 2- acreen; 3-*aorbant; 4- heaters; 5- r1ba .7. Origo art,* bast 1 figure# SUB 00M PM/ SMIM DATEs 070at64 jw Card 2/2 T6. Wf-P(fv,-- L JP(C /ryy.@ /r)(r C7/01 C49 @AMORSI Donde A. L.; Famenkot'No S.; Khotkevichp V. I ,Y (1trupture investigatiorg ()f defrum.-ed r-tals at C I for @CITITPM-,@: Ha@shltW 1 pribor7 dlye. iur7taniya mot&llov i p) an,=.ias (Itachirtes and t(@Pting netalu and plautico), gborn.'k q In I v. Voc, 1 zd-vo @u TOPTC TAGq, T-etal defnrn--tion, metal atniature; r @ay otinjoturq wmlysig, 'a -.nique, crycritat, cryogmic e, !3 A3S-,L,U,'-'T - A mM;allic cryostat was- dc--valoped for teating Vie structural character- cr@yo-stit defnrme@ n- @1!1 at low temperat,,wea. Ilie Fi@:. I on th., y1iiinr -r4ndo-r; for x-r--v !,Varog@nl. -ne -.i 2!- IS 1" fl@i!lk fi"T;@d with nitrogen. Thermal protect. lower part 0@, by a copper ocre-en 9, whose tem: -,--i @hat of 1: qu i d aro def ormed by means of the ;P-enc-@- 1 -:--3uwh th, -------- --- - - - - - - - ---------- L 5220C-65 ACCESSMI; 1111i AT5010254 fo- .-oe transm-iltirg eyetem6And 7 to the speoirten held between two plate!i at 6. Additional elopents are for poniticning the speci=en for :c-rV readings and for aji'Arint canditims duHrg Vic exaccutim of rerldlulp-. Orig. art, lutru f it,-Uxe, ASSOCUMOITs none Sub",=IVEDi 15Doo64, ENGLa 01 UB CODS: M .0 NO REP SO7-i 000 OTTER 1 000 Card !)/x L 522)0-65 ANTS13ION ITP AT501C,254 4-q, @ Corij 3/j 7 ENCLOSUREt 01 54 0 a 4J C2 0 93 t@ 0 9 0 03 40 02 ACC NR, AP6022020 SOME CODE: UR/0120/66/000/003/0167/0168 !A&rHORt Donds, A. L. I - ORG: Phynico-Technical Institute, AN UkrSSR9 Martkoy (Miko-tekhnicheskly Institut AN UkrSSR) i TITLE: Alsorption pump with a louvered screen : Pribory I takhnika eksperimentag no* 3, 1966, 167-168 rOPIC TAGS: adsorption pump, liquid hydrogen, high vacuum pump WSTRACT: The design of a high vacuum adsorption pixnp with an externally located ad- iorbant, protected from radiation by a louvered scr4!en, is described. When the adsorb int is cooled with liquid nitrogen, the maximum vacuum is equal to 6-8-10-8 mm Hg and ihen it Js cooled with liquid hydrogen, the maximum vacuum is less than 10-6 mm Hg. rhe pump consists of a copper vessel filled with liquid nitrogen. The external sur- Face of 1he vessel contains a layer of activated charco3l with a thickness of apprOxi- 2ately l(I tam. Copper ribs are used to improve the cooling of the charcoal and the idsorbani Is supported by a copper screen on the outside. The vessel together with 'he adsoz-bant is placed inside a cylindrical latticed screen and is soldered to the Latter for good thermal contact. The external location of the adsorbant rather then Lts location Inside the cold cavity is more advantageous because it does not produce UDCi 621.528.4 Card 1/2 ACC NRj AP6022020 additional resistance which decreases the pumping rate. The use of the latticed screer somewhat increases the resistance to the pumped gas but lowers the temperature of the adsorbant substantially. This provides for an inmiase In the pumping rate and in the Imaximum vAlue of the vacuum that can be achieved. Additionally, the screen protects the adsorz@ant from water vapor, carbon dioxide and other easily condensed gases. The author ex'3resses his gratitude to Do G* Lazarey and Ye. So Borovik for their interest and valua:)le advice, The author also thanks A. P. Sheynin and Go A. Tavuchnyanskiy for quickly fabricating a high quality pump. Origo art. has: 2 figures* SLID OODE: 20,14/ SUBN DATCs IONsyGS/ ORIG IIEFt 006 2/2 DONDE.O. G.D. Instrument for determining the modulus of elasticity of a paint filn applied to a bass, Lakokrassmat. i ikh prim. no.2:67#69 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Paint-Tooting) 5 01%WR OWA C1)_ _6J @WOT P5 IfilfNAU OD R 9 OL)3@@ 0 Cl Jj 00@ SOURCE CODE I U R0 AN ft 1NVE4TO?.* Sokolov So A#j Dondo#.Le I*; flikolayevj V, P,,$ Rakhman, L, To. ORG: none TITLEi Method of'manuf_pcturLng thin-wall, sprLng-steel shapes, Class 18# No. 173789 SOURCE: Byulleten' 'itobretenLy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 16, 1965, 39 TOPIC TAG.Si spring, steel spring, thin w&ll spring, shaped spring CTi This Author rtLfLcate introdu ces a method of manufacturing all-, spring-steelkhapes, In order to obtain precise form and, prescribed mechanical properties,, the spring strip is heated above the AC3 pointp cooled to 300-320C, drawn through forming dies at this temperature# wrapped with a narrow steel band, air cooled, cut in pieces, temperedf put on the mandrel, wrapped in glass cloth, and retempered. (Ww SUB CODEt MM/ SUBH DATEt ATD SSI ,PPE 26JU162/ ORtG, REFt 000/ OTH REFt 000/ Card 111 Jf.,@,A UDC: 621.705.79-272*272 YAKIIHOV11-11. ')'.V.; MASUENNIKOVA, N.@.; SANBIAROWINlY, A. TA., PrInImali uchantiyet KRUCHININA, G.I.; DONDE, L.V.; KARYAYINA, L.A. Studying the internal stresses and mechanical properties of paints based on cellulose nitratee during their atmospheric aging. Lakokras.mat. i 1kh prim. no.2%37-40 164. (MIRA 1714) DOME, M. .-I.-- -i-t-6-9- by-product coking section of the Chelyabinsk Metal- lurgical Plant. loke I khIm. no.2:62 16o. MR& 13:5) (Chelyabinsk-4oke Industry-Aquipment and supplies) Pc) M tv] AFOR331, K.B.; BURTSEV. X.I.; BYSTROV, S.N.; VIMS, G.B.; VCIDNEV, G.G.; VORONIN, A.B.; GMICH, A.S.; GRYAZNOY, N.S.; GUDIM, A.Y.; GUSYATINSKrY, M.A.; DVORIN. S.S.: DZDHNW, T.Yo.; DKZTRMV. M.M.; DCMI N.M.; DGROGOBID, G.M.; ZHDANOV. G.I.; ZAGORULIKO, A*I.; ZElEMUSKIT-, A*(;.; IVASHCHMO, U.N.; LUTAX, S.I.; IVASHA, A,S.; KMYEV, A,D.; KLISHEVSrff, G.S.; KOZYMIV. V.P.; KOLCMI Y.N.; IGAICY, X.I.; INYTIS, V.A.; LUUM, B.S.; IMMO' NJ.; LUBIMS, I.A.; MANDRYKIN, I.I.; KUSTA73, F.A.; NWIROYSIry, NoMi.; NIVIDOW, VsA,; OBMOVSKIY, Ta.M.; Pwmff, M.A.; Pmov, r.D.; PM)CIROCIANSKIY, M.0,; POPOV, A.P.; PH, A.Z.; RUTAKIN, A.A.; ROCRIOT, A.P.: ROUNGAUZ, D.A.; BAZCIROlr, S.A.; SIGALOV, M.B.; STOKAKRIN, U.B.; TARASOIV. S.A.; PrLIPPOV, B.S.; YRnWN. N.K.; YMSHMMG, V.D.; KHARIXOT- SKIY# X.V.; XHOLCPTS]ff, V.P.; TSAYW, M.N.; TSOGLIN, WON.; CHID=, I.I. c p Y.T.-, 8HZLKOF. A.K. Swmil Borinevich Bame.lroks i 156. (KM,9:10) (Samme, Samdll Bortsevich, 1910-1956) ZAZOTSIIT, I'm,;, q; PITANIDT, Ye.A. Averaging coals and blended charges in the piles and in the preparation section of the cepract coke plant* Koko i,,2:12-17 156. NLRA 997) l.TostochW uglakhimichookiy institut (for Lazovokly).2.Chalyabinakiy notallurgichaskiy savode (Coal handling) BOV/68-59-9-4/22 AUTHOR3: _JNMae, M.V. g Kagasov, V.Me and Krivousov, A.Ae TITLE: Blending of Coals on a Coal Stock Yard PERIODICAL: Koks i kbimiya, 1959, Nr 9, Pp 10 - 12 (USSR) ABSTRA,"/T: An outlinu of the mechanised coal stockyard at the Chel- yabinsk Metallurgical Works (Figure 1) and the results of its operation as a blending plant are given. The stock- yard is in two symmetrically situated parts 200 m by 76 m. each with a travelling bridge crane. The delivered coal is tipped and passed into bunkers from which it is trans- ferred into the trench running along the yard, From the trench coal is spread in thin layers by the controlled opening of the travelling grab, forming regular piles (Figure 2). The recovery of the blended coal is done by removing with the grab either the whole cross-section or a part of the cross-section of the pile, depending on the width of piles* Special investigations were carried out in order to determine the degree of blending obtainede Properties of the individual coal types comprising the blend - Table 1; variability of the properties of coals during stocking and recovered from the stock - Table 2. Card 1/2 The results obtained indicated that a high degree of SOV/68-59-9-4/24 Blending of Coals on a Coal Stock Yard blending was obtained eeg. standard deviation for ash was reduced from 1.0 to 0.50 - 0-36, for volatile content from 1.02 to 0-36 and for swelling index from 32.8 to 21.6o. It is concluded that the operation of the stock yard as a blending medium is satisfactory, - There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 5 Soviet references. A.SSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy metallutgicheskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Works) Card 2/2 j?PPL-LY.-,- KAGASOV. V.M. I IDMI, A.P.; IAZOTSXIT, I.M. Xxtent and method of filling silos as factors affecting the accuracy of proportioning the coupononts of coal charges. Koko I khis. no.2:16-18 160. (MIRA 130) 1. Cbe2yabinskiy moUllargichoskiy savod (for Dande, Kagasov, Yoftin). 2. Too toobuyy uglakhimichookiy institut (for Lazovskly)* (Coal--OarbonIz&t ion) U DOBROVOCLISKIY, IMIROVSKIYI N.Kh. Certain problems involved In the planning and operating of pitch coke units. Koko I khim. no.103-37 161. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Chelyabinakiv metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Chelyabinsk-Coke) DONDEj H*V*l FOMj A*Po Effect of the design of hammer mills and their operating conditions on the size reduction of coal charges. Koks i khim. no-4:12-16 161. (MIRA .140) 1. Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy 2avod. (Coal preparation) (Crushing machinery) DORE, Rudollf QrU_ortyevicbl RYABKOV,, Yovgvniy Nikolayevichl S.A.p nauchryy red.; DESHALYT, M.G.,, ved. red.; YASHOMMMNSKAYA, A.B., Egandbook on fittings and indicating and recording instruments for gas piping of industrial enterpriseelSpravoobnik po gazo- voi armature i kontrollno-izmeritel'rWm priboram dlia pro- myeblem7kh predpriiatli. LeniWed, Gostoptekhisdat,, 1962. 363 P. (Gas pipes) (Pipe fittings) WMA 15: n) DORM, S.D. Speeding up the construction of tho Great Condopop. 3=.prom. 35 no. U: 10 N 160. (MIRA 13 1 U) le fiechallnik Kondoposhokogo stroitallno-montazhnogo upravlduiya Threl'skogo sovnnrkboza. (Coudopoga-PaWr industry-Squipment and supplies) DONDE p V. V. Tho T-75 tractor. Diul.tekh.-skon.informs no#5#47-49 160 p (Tractord) jMIPA Ui)) IONDR, V. N. Tho T-50B tractor. MuLt"-ekon.inform. no.8:52-53 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Tractors) - USHUBA, B.P.j DOWDE#_Y.W.; ZZLIKOVSM 2 L.M.; KARMAZINj E.I.; KUTIKOV--G- ., N-.; LINCfZVSM,, V.V.j OGIT, G.Te.j SEPITYY, V.T.; SKVORTSOV,, V.F.; BANNIKOVO S,A.j, red.; PESTRYAKOV, A.I., red.; BALIMp A.I.j tekhn. rod.1 GUIWICH@ M.M., tekhn. red. [Tbe T-75 tractorl design and operation] Traktor T-75; ustroistvo t ekspluatataiia. Moskva, Izd-vo sellkhose lit- rys zhurnalov i plakatov, 1961. 335 P. (MIRA 15:2) (Tractora) KASHUBAI B.P.; KOVAL$$ I.A.; VAKHTELIO V.Yu.; DONDE V,N.-.-., YEREMKOp B.S.; ZELIXOVSKIYO L.M.; LINCHEVSKIYj V.V.j OGIY, G.Ye.; SEPITYT, V.T.; PESTRYAKOV, A.I., red. (The T-74 tractor; its design, operation and maintenance] Traktor T-74; konstruktsiial, ekspluatatsiia., ukhod. Mo- skvaj, Kolosp 1964. 204 p. (KIRA 18:4) 8(5) AUTHOR: Donde, Yu.Ya. TITLE: High Voltage Test Equipment (Vysokovolftnaya pover- ochnaya ustanovka) PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1059,, Nr 2. pp 41-43 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper describes.a piece of high voltage test equip- ment, consisting of two completely independent sections: one for checking high voltage measuring devices, the other for testing the degree of electric insulation of such devices. The equipment was developed in the Measure-C6ntrol Laboratory or the Moscow Electric ]Bulb Plant with the cooperation of I.S.Nefedov, A.V.Podgur- skiy and E.A.Matskevich. This equipment is highly suitable for checking high voltage measuring devices of up to 35 kv on ac and up to 10 kv on dc and for insula- tion testing. It is simply designed and easy to operate. Card 1/1 There is 1 circuit diagram. 2%6) S/1-15/60/000/02/024/031 D002/DO03 AUTHOR: Don(jq,.,XiA Ya. TITLE: Onthe Activity of Measuring Laboratories of Plants PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1960, Nr 2, PP 57-59 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This periodical has started publishing an exchange of ideas on -the organization and work of measuringOr"' labogatoriesliof plants. The article contains re- marks and recommendations on the tasks of plant la- boratories, based on the experience of the Kontro?no- izmeritellnaya laboratoriya Moskovskogo' elektrolam- povogo zavoda (Checking-Measuring Laboratory of the Moscow Electric Lamp Plant). The author considers one central plant laboratory more practical than several separate laboratories, and recommends the concentration of all design work in it. The insti-, -@_1@.. tutes of the Komitet standartov, mer i izmeritd-jt Card 112 . nykh priborov @Committee of Standards, Measures and S/115/60/000/C2/024/031 D002/DO03 On the Activity of Measuring Laboratories of Plants Mpa.c;uri ng Dpmices) and SLLL must radically change the guidance work of plant laboratories. VNIIK's work consists, for instance, in an inspection only once every six months. The character of the inspec- tion which is still very much bureaucratic, should be changed. The plant laboratories should be pro_ V/ vided with complete checking equipment. Specialized repair shops should be created at big industry cen- ters to replace the multitude of small repair organ- izations. It is concluded that information on new instruments and devices must be regularly provided by the institutes and GKL. Card 212 Q J)cuDz ru.ra.; FISA]MVSKATA, M.A. r@ Using alternating current in graduating industrial optical pyrometere. Ism.takh. no.9!29-30 S 160. (MIRA 130) (PYrometers) VORONTJOV., BMI PERELISHTEYN, re.L;. DON L-i DRUKERP Z.I. New principles for determining the compulsion of official testIng of measuring instruments. Izm.tekh. no-508-61 My 161. (MIRA 1415) 1, Zamestitell Nachs,11nike, TSentrallnoy imeritellnoy laboratorii ,,^jortkovskogo avtompbillnogo savoda, (for Vorontsov). 2. Nachallnik laboratorii elektricheakikh iztereniy zavoda DINAMO imeni S. M. 11irova (for Druker). (Measuring instruments-Testing) DONDE, Yu.Ya. Widening measurement ranges of magnetoelectric voltmeters and kilovoltmeters. Izm.tekh. no.3s47-48 Mr 163. (KIRA 16s4) (Voltmeter) DONDERA N. - Securing neces ary Icadrev for the oocialist agriculture. 'Prbblem ecan 15 no-l-31-45 5a 162. KAMINSKI, Jorzyi._DONDERSKI, Wojclech - - Sporulation of Lactobacilli. Med. doaw. mikrobiol. 17 no.3: 233-238 165. 1. Z Pracowni Mikrobiologii Ogolnej UMK w Toruniu (Kierownik: prof. H. Karnicka). I DONIEV, Ivan I- Paspalun distichum L. in the Strum& River Valley. Izv Inst bot BAN 13:165-168 164. . iY.1- 1 .% tISSF:/Cultivated Plants - Medicinal. Esseitial Oil-Deari;i.-. M Toxins. JIbs Jour : Ref Zhur - Diol., No 12, 1958, 53870 AuVior : Dondik) A.S. Inst : SwIensk State Pedagot.;ical Listitute Title : The PhytoncidIty of Seeds of Vet.,otable Cultures. Orii', Pub : Uch, zap. Smolonsko(p Cps. ped. in-ta, 1956, vYP- 3, 145-156 Abstract : The soods of a number of voC;otable plants vere tested with reLprd to phytoncide content. The tables shov the toxic effect of volatile phytoncides and of the phyt-ni- didic veaetable juices obtained fron seeds ard fran va- rious orGans (sprouts, leaves, cuttinGs, roots) of the vegetable plants - on Ono of the simplest animals - Stylonichia r.Wtilus. The article [;ives a characteristic Card 1/2 I USSR/Cultivated Plants - Modicianlo Essential Oil-Dearing. m t .1 % Toxins. 0 Abs Jour - Ref Zhur Diol.., No 12, 1958., 53870 of 'ho -c-Gotable plants containinC; phytoncides. -- A.G. Vy :-I: @-' Card 2/2 - 153 - DONDIK, B., shturman dallnego plavanlys. W Analytical graphic wthod of calculating & ship's position at sea according to bearings of zonal radio beacons. Nor. I rech. flot 14 no-5:15-16 My '54. OMA 7:7) (Hadio In navigation)