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DORIJUAK, Moisey Pavlovioh
(Studies in clinical redialog7l Ocharki klinicheakoi radiologii.
Koskva, Kedgiz. 1960. 184 p. (XIBA 13:9)
-AUTHORS: Darenskayap N.G.# Domahlak. M.Pt-p-Koznovar L@B*q and
Khrushchev, V.G.
TITLE; A y-ray device with an activity of 32,000 g-equivalent
radium (Results of some biological investigations)
SOURCE: Trudy Tashkentskoy konferentsii po mirnomu ispollzova-
niyu atomnoy energii, v. 3, Tashkent, Izd-vo AN Uzbo
SSRv 1961v 63 - 69
TEXT: The authors describe in detail a new powerful y-ray device;
D-M -20 (EGO-20) suitable for experimental irradiation of all types.
of laboratory animals. The device was used to study the biological ,
effects of very large doses of radiation to corroborate reportst ac-@
cording to which exposure to radiation at a higher rate produces 1@
less marked biological effects than the same dose administered over@.
a lonGer period. The device consists of 2 containers, the first of
which measiires 260 x 14.0 x 380 em in size and serves a's receptacle
for the Co*u elements; in this container the elements are assortedt
arranged and put into working position in the desired strength and
Card 1/3
A y-ray devic3 with an activity of D296/D307
order. This part also contains 15 stainless steel tubes, in which*
the elements can be safely stored in case of accidents. The second
container, 400 x 140 x 380 cm inclu 98 s an Al cylindrical radiation
chamber. 150 standard elementL of Co , of cylindrical shape, 82.5
mm long and 12 mm in diameter, with an activity of 20 � 25 g - equi-
valent radium each are used. They are arranged in 15 linear sources
in groups of 10, each of which is 100 cm long. The total activity
amounts to 32#000 g - equivalent radium. A hydraulic mechanism shifts
the elements from storage position into working position inwhich
latter 5, 10 or 15 linear sources can be aimed at the radiation cham-
.ber. To decrease the solubility of metallic cobalt the system is
filled with distilled water which is never exchanged but periodical-
ly filtered free of dust and other contaminations. In the biological
experiments 30 dogs, 20 rats and 45 mice were exposed to 15,000,
3OpOOO and 509000 r respectively. To compare the biological effect
of rays emitted by the old and new device the authors administered
the 3 doses mentioned above at a rate of 387-500 and 2000 r/min res-
pectively. The biological effect was assessed by the survival time
after the exposure and by the time of onset of convulsions~ In dogs
no significant difference in the survival time could be observedy
,Card 2/3
S163 61/003/000/002/005
A y-ray device with an activi-ey of D296%307
but rats exposed to the higher rate (2000 r/min) lived 27 hre. 50
min. compared to an average of 10 hours 27 min. in rats exposed to
the lower rate (387-500 @2Ln)- In mice the difference was even more
striking: 20 hours 28 min. and 4 hours 26 min. respectively. Convul-
sions appeared very early in dogs exposed to the lower rate of ra-
diation: after 10 - 20 min. (total dose 15,000 r) and 4 min. (total
dose 30,000 r) respectively. Dogs exposed to 2000 r/min showed the
first convulsions after 40-45 min. (15,000 r) and 20-40 min. (30#000
r) respectively. In rats and mice the interval between the exposure
and the onset of convulsions was about twice as long in animals ex-
posed to the higher rate. The6e findings are consistent with the
report of Pugh and Clugston and suggest that in addition to species:
-specific features an increase in the rate of administration may
cause far reaching changes in the biological effect of high radia-
tion doses. There are 3 figures and 3 tables. The moot important
English-language reference is-. R. Pugh and H. Clugstony Radiation
Researchr 11 5p 437-4479 1954.
ASSOCIATION: Ylinistentvo zdravookhranoniya SSSR (USSR Ministry of
Card 3/3 Health)
AUTHOR: Domshlak. M. P.. Grigor'yev, Yu, G., Darenskaya, N. G., Koznova, L. B., Nevskaya, G.F.
Nesterova, V. 1. and Tereshchenko, N. Ya.
TITLE: Remote observations on persons subjected to radiotherapy
PERIODICAL: Mcditsinskaya radiologiya, v. 7, no. 1, 1962, 10-16
TEXT: A previous report (Domshlak et. al., 1957) dealt with observations on 160 persons who had been subjec-
ted to X-ray and gamma-ray therapy 2 to 7 years prior to the study period. The present article is bastd on
observations on 218 persons, aged thirty to sixty, at various intervals (up to 10 years) after having been
subjected to radiation. In 41.9% of the cases, the general condition of persons irradiated in the past
became worse. On the other hand, no abnormal pressure was noticed, despite the fact that hypertension
was a common finding during the irradiation period. Ophthalmological examination did not reveal any
changes except those due to aging. Various functional disorders were noticed in the nervous system, inclu-
ding both cortical and sub-cortical disturbancom. In some cases, microsymptoms of organic damage of
the CNS were present. There is I table.
SUBMITTED: July 3,1961
Card 1/1
@cc "4' AT6031235 SOURCE CODE- UR/0000/65/000/000/0001/0037
AUTHOR; Gorizontov, P. D. ; 1@t _G.;.Porrkahlak,
f- Tsypin,__A. B.
ORG: none
TITLE: Gen,-,ral problems of the organism's radiation sensitivity
SOURCE: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy komitet po ispollzovaniyi4 atomnoy energil.
Doklady, 1965. K voprosu ob obshchikh problemakh radiochuvstvitellnosti
organizma, 1-37
TOPIC TAGS: radiation sensitivity, radiation biologic effect, radiation effect
ABSTRACT: The authors investigate the overall sensitivity of living organisms
of radiation. The following topics are discussed: variations in sensitivity to
radiation in different species, variations in sensitivity to radiation in different
strains of the same species, age-related differences in sensitivity to radiation,
sex-related differences in sensitivity to radiation, seasonal variations in sen-
sitivity to radiation, and variations in individuals of the same species in sen-
sij@vity to radiation. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 6 tables.
Cardf'1/1 SUB CODE: 06/SUBM DATE: none/ORIG REF: 134/OTH REF: 017/
-166 -WAA
L 31@@
ALRI'MR: icbedinskiy, A. V (Decease( Kefedoy
yj @@ DomshL2@ M. P.;
a R
zk N. G. b! koy;@, I F.; GAnchincli A
@ff,tr, of fnwtional irrn@ia tixi 'y prct-m s cn dogs
t'iclogiya, V 9, no. L . l4tj@ , 7@-'-
p---rt*,@n, bix@ -ff-@t ,
an h-en pib! inhal nn thc, !'f P r, r g@i r:, @rora on
"n- autn 7rc;
e ac: iaccarding to conditions of inadiation; t 11,; e Ir, z:-
times ever a period of 40 lays with a totea do-a-, ,f 6,,n 17- Sec-Ond F up v
irradlated 8 times over a laeriod of V- days witb a total (Iose of 690 r. The r&dia-
f",rcf anitIn rnlgpe rr-,)r,0 e-, 7 r rr-m?
Cord I @2
a exhibited functional- and ma-rphological sym,,@tom,3 -@f n@- radi. qtlor, Ell @1-'nesq
'ypica_ -'I- Liiiks type of raciation. In comparison with rllni-Fli lata on the ef'ects
of x-rays, Protons generally had the same effects. However, iogs irradiated v th
protons exhibited some symptons peculiar to this --adiation; tn& hPmnrrh-tFiC G)nldrom
n-ort- pronounced, and, when death took place, '.here was .i hip;her
in the. peripherLl rtn@l gen-rv' v
r-;, a
lqma,@ze -o neural and glia.1 "ctures an,!
b@,3 '.0
NO REP SOV! 003 CrHER: 007 3201
Card 2 12
I ;I "b; (A A) 16t'.10(.0 /UOU/o 00'//0 03)
ORG: none
TM-3: X-ray and garma irradiation in oxporLmontal. radiobioloj',y'-.-
XIRCEI: Voproz;y obolichoy radiobiologii (Proble-mc; of goneral radio'biology). Moacow,
1' * 7.c:
,OPTC T.AGS: X-my irmclintion, ramwt irradiation, radioblolo,gy, irradiAtion apparatus,
irra6latlon do@;I'notry, irradiation offuct
ABSTRACT: on radiobiological @-tudllcs bi.scd on litoraturo data and
:c!xjr.nrjricnt,,iLion are prosontod. lho authorz ovaluato various standard radiobiological
exporilnicntal ircthod:; and try to poin. out tho pathways for future dovolopnont of
oxr-:)r3iiontal mothod5 and techniquoz. Specific rocoxnandation:. for conducting
@O)Z)x,wix.-,ontal invo:;Ugations Include the follmrinr, An MO-2 ramma -@lrradiation unit is
comidurod most offoctivo for irradiation of largo and @;mall. Laboratory animls.
X-raY irradia';lon units are considered offoctivo for invostiratir;G larGo do:;c
,l.rradlation, fho HE of different t.,"a of irradJAtion and subacrto irradiation of
largo and simall anizaals, In conducting oxpir.1ments dosignod to Jnduco a 100% doath
Card 1/2
J, 1027 0/_f@7
ACC NR: AT60296?3
-hould bf tho
rato of irradiated animals, tho solocted 11) uc -) 5% hichor thnn ' I
'LO21,kk,.L 3 In evaluating
.sLandard doso value to avoid sirpificant f:L i-R-In 5%)-
iinve5tigation result:;, it should be noted that chango of gamma or x-ray irradiation
ido5e rates within the 15 to 150 r/miii range does riot zoriouoly affect irradia"Clion
Action; also, decrease of gamma or X-ray irradJAtion dose rates bolow 15 r/mIn or
'increase oxcocding 2000 r/min wonkona the biological radization effect. For noro
offactivo co!;,@-..iiriron of radios ons AWAY, exporl;--iontal aniruils should be of 'whe samo
:sox, samo weight category and ago. '.Zn evaluating oxpo>-'-,untal data the follo-wing
'factors should be tiken into considoration: t1no of year animals were irradiated
radios ans itiv ity differences of tho given animal strain or line, and indices shoiring
Vho statistical reliability of oxporimontal rosults. Cri,-,. art* has: 10 tables and
12 fiauros.
,SUB CODE: 06/ SUBMI DATE: 23 Apr66/ ORIG REF: 0191 OM RLU: 005
Al 0 2 Cob@-": UR/0000/61' A)CIO 10001000100"1" 9
III: GOri:-,ontOV, 1'. V.; Dironsknya, N. G.; D0.--L5hlA1.-, 11. P.; Tsypin, A. B.
TITIB: Genoral radiosonsitivl@y -ablomr. of an organissa
SOURCE: Vopro:-,-, obshchoy radlobio:Logii (Problens of general radiobiology). Moscow
At%o-nizdat., 1@66, 63-3,)
TOPIC TAGS: radiation biologic cfJ*oct, central nervous syston. blood, biologic
mottlabollsm, cardiovascular system, biologic secretion
ABSTRACT: The work roprosont5 an ortonsivo literature survey covering ;arloiis aspects
of radio5cnsitivity differences ro,,-atod to animal spocios, animal species strain or
:line, ago, sox, tire of year and individual radioson:;itivity. Of those the latter is i
most complex and varies most widely. Individual. radiosenzitivity depends primari2y on
.the functional state of the contra]. nervous sy5tom, body metabolism, ondocrino system,
,blood and other systems, Study data domonztrato a high correlation botwoon
radiosonsitivity of an organism and its gonoral stato of reactivity at the t1no of
;irradiation. Animala displaying resistance to various harraful factors and pH@--ical
,strain by woll expressed adaptive responses of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and
:nervous sy3tozis are gonorallj, aloo moro radiorosistant. Tho outlook for changing
,_Cgr,d 1&_
ACC NR% AT6o29625
,radiosonsitivity by finding ways, to influence the reactivity of an organism appears
1promising. Orig. art. hast 6 tdales and 3 figures.
SUB CODE: 06/ summ DAw 23Apr66/ ORM REF:-, 135/ OZI PXF'. 017
@,Cv@d I
@ . --?, 2 --
L 04625-67 EWT(m) GD
ACC NNs AT6029632 sotmac com- un/oooo/66/m/000/0235/02
AUTHOR: DarenskeLya, N. G.; Ikirb I,,* NeCedffi, u Byzhay, N. 1, 1
eneva, N.
SerLWa, V. -M.; -Domsh (Professor)
ORG: none
TITLE: The M;Zf hij2!-energZ protons
SOURCE: Voprosy obehchey rad-iobiologii (P:robleme.of general Iradlobiology). Moscow,
Atomizdat, 1966, 235-241
TOPIC TAGS- proton radiation biologic effect, dog, rat mouse, relative'biologic
ABSTRACT: The RBE of 510-, 240-, and 126--mev protons was studied in comparative
experiments with dogs; rats, and mice. A proton flux generatea by the OIYOI synchrb-
cyclotron at Dubna was used. Polyethylene and lead absorbers were used to decrease
proton energies from 660 Mev, at the same time increasing the beam diameter to enable
irradiation of large animalE. The dose rate varied from 0.3-1.5 rad/sec. Rats and
mice vere irradiated in a rotating chamber and dogs were Irradiated from two sides
in order to equalize the dose distribution. RBE values were determined during both
single and multiple irradiation: during multiple irradiation dogs were exposed
8.19 times in the course of 2-5 weeks for total doees of 200-W red, and rate were
exposed 20 times in the aourse of 4 weelus for total dooes of 750 and 3115 rad. Slo4ol
L (-14(125-67
ACC W AT6029632
proton doses amounted to 130--550 rad for dogs and 100-1200 rad f6r rats and mice*
It was observed that irradiation of dogs with small doses of protons altered their
immunological reactivity, as indicated by the depressed phagocytic activity of
neutrophils in the first days after irradiation. In proton-irradiated dogs a
decrease in oxidative processes was also noted*. COZ liberation and o.Vgen consump-
tion dropped 35-50% shortly after irradiation and remained depressed until the anima
died or until most radiation sickness symptotm disappeared, Experimental results
showed the same periods of appearance of varlous symptom of radiation sickness
(such as increased temperature, diarrhea, changes In peripheral blood, etc.) for
proton- and gamma-irradiated dogs (except that dogs irradiated once with 510-Mev
protons developed symptoms somewhat earlier), RBV Yalues for protons in the energy
range indicated were based on comparison or percentage survival, duration of life of
surviving animals, severity of Individual ayaq)toms and results of laboratory tests.
It was concluded that the RBE for dogs during multiple irradiation with 510- and
126-Mev protons is 1.0. For single irradiation, the RBE is 1-15 for 510- and 240-Mev
protons, and I for 126-Mev protons. It should be noted that these RBE determinations
are made on the basis of direct radiation effects, and -iy have to be altered for loq
term radiation effects. AnalogDus experisimts were car licted with white rate weigh-
ing 180-220 g and mice weighing 18--22 S. It was found that the TME of 510-t and
240-, and 126-Mey protons for rats was 0,T5, 0,73 and 0,69, respectively, based on
the LD8,/3,' The RBE based on the LD wu 0-75 for 510-Mev protons, and 0.79
for A - and 126-Mev protons. For ;191."th'e RBE value for 126-Mev protons van met
L 04625-67
ACC NRI AT602902
at O.T. The differencip in RBE values obtained for small and large animals is
considerable, and indicates the danger of extrapolating data from small fininals,for
study of the spaceflight radiation hazard to'man, Orig. art. has: 2 figures and
2 tables, [is I
SUB COM 06/ SUBM DATEt 23Apr66/ ORIG REF: 0061 OTH REF- oo6/ ATD PrM:
L 11. 2*11-, - 0Y I.,
A CC@ -R:
A'-@6029633 SOVI%CE CODE:
Au (docoa-,:ocl);
N. N. Ry@@i@v N. I.-_ ILronskaya. - G.; 711 ikova, cap,:;` 'r-'
r cow.,
lA-,bodovtB.. I.; Llvitsyna,-G...X.; Shashkov, 1. F.; rorl-conova, i.;
MG: nono
"T": Xodol invostigations of co:;mic radiation biolo@,ic ofl'Oct
SOMC-7: Voprosy obGhchoy radiabiologii of zoncral rad-lobiolo.-y). . ..C.Lcow,
"o.i`zda', i9", 242-254
Au .L v 00
-do@, rat, inducod radiation. of. oct, coz-nic radiation biolo -c offact"
'Praton radia-'Z.A-on biolo-ic effect, rallative biolc,Zic afficioncy
1-.ath s-paco 'M311-Its of longor duration, cosmic r--.yz, '3olts an-'
flaras -dwozont an increasing dan-or to :.-cj7--tivoly lf-tzlio -Jz
of tho biollojic effect of co5.-.,ic radi.:.t-ic,-.i and its
0--croy Zrot-ons. Zn the present st---dy ttlha IE-Z of hie-1-1 cnai-gy prc"Ons .,az
I z-o '-l-boratory --nimals (dogs) an-I small labomtor-!- wn@ls to
difforonce:;. In a sorios of,oxpor'.ments groups of do@;s ii-radiatad
with high oner6y protlons and X-irradiation (or j;amma irradiation" in frac-Jona "d
Card 1/2
L 1127;5--6@
5in-,--o do-,05 Of 2Q to 0550 rads; groups of rat: lino) iaia also in
frac.lor,lai zm-4 Simple do-,os of 300 to 2200 rads. A synch rocyc loturon -.:a:; foz
p:'Oton irrad4- 40--, (510 Zov, field diamotor 40 cm,, doze rato o'L' 1 rad/:;Ucj.
s, h-stological investigations, EM data, mean sm-tival lxjrl.od4;, an'],
ux".,.inations ro@-vod az indico5. 11csults show th,it with fractional do:,u of
a:e@; , I 'Ov) and X-L-:--c-diation (180 @v) is @;=o
-,- the R33 o:' proton irradiation (510 -
(1.0). '.'-'ith fractional irradiation of rats, t1no Uz", of pzoton irradi"ation -@- 0.6.
"LLt:-, doso irradiation of dogs, tho R3Z- o-.L' protons is 1.15 ccmpared -@o 7a:-.:--
;-radiat,ion. 'With single dose irradiation of rats, ',.he IRB-m-S of protons is 0.75 cczpared
@o &ar.:ra irradiation. No conclusions are draun. Grig. art. has. 4 tablos and 6
fioar as
SIP- CGDE: 06/ ST-4-1 DATE: 23Apr66/ aim oo4/ OUI REF: 004
Cord 2/2
A criterion for the presence of' Yredholm's alternative*
Dokl.AN Aserb.= 14 no.ll-.839-842 158. (MIU 11:12)
1. Institut f Isik-L I matematik], All AserSSR. Predstayleno aka-
demikom AN AzerSMI 2.1-Malilcm7m.
(runctiolwa analysis)
Blkhavior at infinity of the solution to an evolutional equation
with an unlimited operator in the presence of nonlinear perturbation.
Izv.AN Azsrb.SSR.Ser.fiz.-m&t.i tekh-,nauk no.1:3-14 162.
I (MIRA 1524)
(DiffereAtima equations) (Operators (Mathematics))
Behavior at Infinity of solutions to an evolutional equation with
an unlimited operator. Izv. IN Azerb. SSR. Ser.fiz.-mat. I tekh.-
nauk no.5:9-22 161. (MIRA 15:2)
(Operators (Mathematicu)) (Differential equations)
Fifth All-Union Conference on Functional Analysis and its Ipplications.
Usp. mat. nauk 16 no,21242-2,Vil Mr-Ap IU, (MIRA 3435)
(Functional analpis-Congreises)
Theory of differential equalAons in Banach space with a constant
.r -6 162.
unlimited operator. Dokl. AX-Azerl* SSR 18 no.5:3
(14M 15:7)
1. Institut matematiki i mekhardki IN AzSSR. Predstavleno
almdemikom AN An= Z.I. Khalilovym.
(Differenti&I oquations) (Operators (Mathematics))
L M32-63 Ewt(d) /FCC(w)/BDS-AF",'--IJF(C)
.-A-WESSION NR: A113001
512 6/6233/63/000/001/0045/0053
TITLE: some prqpertii8' of a Iinear differe@xtiai equation with a fixed unboundod
operator in L_ft2ach mace
SOURCE. AN AzerbSSR. IxIve Scriya fiziko-*itemticheskikh i tekhnicheskikh nauk,
no. lo 1963a 45-53
Munded or
TOPIC TAGS: Banach spacis
ABSTRACT: Let El sub o be the set-of all. -, -suboin B such that the corresponding
ire is bounded on the non-negative real axis. J.
solution of (1) of the enclow@
SchIffer (Equaciones differefioiales linealps con coeficientes constantes en espa--,
cios de Banach. Publ. Inst. math..1stad. M-aguay, v- 3, nor* 3, 1958) proved that
in order for B irab o to be closed and for illhe equation (2)@of the enclosure to
have at least one bounded solution on the )ion-negative real axis for any f (A) in
B, it is necessary and sufficient that the. spectrum, of the bounded operator A does
no intersect the imaginary axis. The present author proves an analogous result in
the case that the operator-A'is unboundedi Orige-art. has: 15 formulase
I)ONSXA.YA, N. if.
Role of vitamin deficiency in pathogenesis of eye diseases
of tubisrealous, stioloa; vitsmin k deficiency in tuberculous-
allergic inflamnations and metastatic ocular tuberculosis
Vast* oft.,Mookys 31) no. 5:15-18 Sept.-Oct. 1951. (CIAL 21:3)
lo Of the Department of Bye Diseases (Head -- Prof. A. B.
Utenellson). Chel3rablusk Medical Institute (Director - Prof.
G, D. Obrastsov).
RYBAK, , 'rzh.-kapitan 1-go ranga; SHAROV, inz!j.-jcJPQlR-alrik;
!;2 @, imth.-kapitan 3-go ranga
'C' -@, V.S.0
Tbb proiuf3tinn of large-scala chbaistry for shJpbuildirig. Mor.
ahcr. i"? no.4:66-'?2 Ap t64. O-URA 18:7)
KMA I Rudolf I DONSKY, Ahdrej
84multaneaus deteruination of ftrf=71 alcohol and flarfural
in the ai:r. Prac. lek. 7 no-8053-356 0 1 65.
1. Ustav Ilygiany prace a chorob x povolania r Bratialave
(riaditel - Prof. dr. M. Nosal).
Economies in ho-joing construction. p.6. POZEMI STAVBY. (Kinisterstvo
otavebniotvi) Praha. Vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 1955.
SOURCE-t Past European Accessions List (EUL),, Library of Congress,
Vol, 4, No. 12, December 1956.
The role of successive contrast in trichromic a-mination with
lagel's anomloscops. Szemeaset 88 no. 4:,3.88-195 Dec. 1951.
(CM 2113)
le Doctor. Szombathely Laboratory for Color Study, Bye Clinio
(Director - Prof. Dr. Aladar lettemy), Dobrecen Medical Univer-
Konobeyevskiy, S. T:, Corresponding Member, Academy or 3clences
USSR# Rasps Ads
Doystviye vadernykh itlucheniv ria matorlalv (The W:f sat of
;t Moscow, I:zd-v;3 AN SSSR,
Nuclear Radiation on haterial:.)
11)62, 383 P. Xrrata slip n ad. 4000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agenoys Akadwdya nauk 333R. Otdtlenlye tekhni-
chookikh-nauk; Otdoloniye fisiko-matematichesitikh nauk.
Rosy). Nd. t S. T. Konob*yevsldy; Deputy Reap. Zd. s S. A.
Adasinskiy; Sditorlal Boasts F. L. Grusin a If Mudyumovp
S. X. loovitakly, V. 3. Lyashonko (Djic*ase4$,,ij.'A. Martynyuk#
Yu. X.-Pokrovokly, and V. F. Pr&vdrUkj Zd. of Publiohing
'96unes M. 0. Yakarenkoi, Tech. Was T. V. Polykkova and
1. N. DorokhIns,.
IC"d 2/14
The Effect of Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) SOV/16176
PURPOSEt This book is 1ritended for personnel coneerned with
- nuclear materials.
CCNMGE: This is a collection of papers presented at the
Moscow Conference on the Effect of Nuclear Phdiation on
Materials, hold December 6-10, 1960. The maTerial reflects
certain trends in the work being conducted In tho Soviet
scientific research orginization. Some of the papers are
devoted to the ekperimental study of the affect of neutron
Irradiation on reactor materials (steel, ferrous alloys,
molybdenum* avlalgraphits, and n1ahromes). Others deal
with the theory of.neutron irradiation effects (physloo-
chemical transformations, relaxation of' int-brnal stresiesi
internal friction) and changes In the atruaturs and propor-i
ties of various crystals. Speolal attention is given to
the effect of Intense T-radlatlon on 'the elootrioal,
magnatiop and optical properties of metals, dielectrics,
and semiconductors.
Card 2/14
The Rffeot of Nuclear Wiation (Cont.) scv/Si76
onozerko, 1. D., and V. 1.'Uet'yinov. Zffeat of Y-Rays
n Properti&s of OdS Single Crystals
Titov, P. P., A. X. Kikoin, anfl_.Ye Buz Stimulating
Aotlon of, X- wd T -Rays on PlAmon Froces 5
Byalobzheskiy,__A@V., V.-J),.-Yaliku, arxi V. N. Lukinakaya.-
Wf ebt of Radiation on Corrosion ProperTlis of Pietmas wA
91UPhkAA_AA_F*, Ps Go MOMOhankO, and Ve 34 votlyanove
thods of Investigatin'a P@roper a of SmItionduators
Irradiated by Y- " nta
Starodubts*v 26-v., 3_,,_A,_A"vl, -1. A a LA Ye. V.
Peshikov, mw"'MR, LUOIX
of@Sm_e 3orlids liation
ropeir ,Subjected to Y@ft
card 12/14
Obsecvations on the embryonic development ot trout eggs (-Salmo trutta L.) in
itnfavorable oxygenic conditions.
P. 157
761. 2, no. 1. 1954
SO'. Monthly Ust of East European Accessions (IFAL), IZ, Vol. 5, no. 12
December 1956,,.,,onic dovelo-prient o,* trolit (Salm) trutta L.), -.)ike (--sox lucius L.,),.-iid
roach rutilus L.) in an vnv@.ronrr,ent denrived of' n.
D "' 1
(.ul-5v!J7, A;V'!lTW 31
SO: ZontbJ@ Ll-rt o:' "nst. Furopean @@cccslions (YEAL) li% l?
ih cl.
"Our Agricultural Cooperativeell p* 1'.q
(KOOPMWIVITO ZEIMLIEp Vol. 9p No. 12j 195154) Sofiya) D-,Jgaria)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionsp (MAL),, TZ Vol. 4
No- 52 Hay 19.5,15, Uncl.
,BULGARIA Chemical Technology@ Corrosion. Protection from H-h
Corrosion. Chemical Products and Th6ir Application.
Part 1.
Abs Jour Referat. Zhurnal Khimiya, No It., 1950P 1168o.
Author P. Angelov, K, Domuzov, M, Popova.
Inst Not given.
Title Characteristic Case of "Maline Brittleness" in Bbilers.
Orig Pub : Tekhnika (B111g.), 1957, 6, No 5, 13 - 15.
Abstract : A case of formation of cracks in consequence of inter-
crystallite corrosion of the metal in riveted seams of drms
of 14 atm. sectional -Prater tube boilers of 5 tons per hour is
described,, Feedwater was softened with lime, soda and phosphate
to a imsidual hardness of 0.04 mg-equ. per lit. Recently the
boiler water had the alkalinity of U to 14 mg-equ. per lit
Card 112
-DOMYA141 D., Dand Lad c- c of Vic brain in
the philoCeliotic -14-4w of v@,rtabrnter:." Len, lgl-',S. 1" p, (:@crld Sci WISR.
Illst of Phyniolocy ila I.P. Pv-vlov)l 150 Copi0f; f'@'j
- P30- ",132)
%.- )G
I;/si !@-;- -
17,(4) SOV/20-126-2-6o/64
AUTHOR: Domyan, D.
TITLE: Phoephomonoeaterases of Brain in the Phylogeneeis of Verte-
brates (roofomonoesterazy mozga v filogeneze pozvonochnykh)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Wr 2, PP 442-445
ABSTRACT: The role of the ferments mentioned in the title in the phos-
phorus reaction of the cells is by no means clear. These
ferments which are widely distributed in plant- and animal
organisms hydrolyze in vitro the monoesters of the phosphoric
acid. On the strength of several investigations (Refs 1-7 et al)
it may be assumed that phosphomonoesterases ta'-a part in
the carbohydrate-, phospholipide- and other metabolisms. Since
the brain is especially rich in phosphorus compounds it was
interesting to investigate these ferments in connection with
the metaboliem in the nervous system. A large amount of material
concerning the development of many ferrienta and ferment eye-
tems of the brain in the course of the onto- and phylogenesia
of several vertebrate species was collecte4 in the laboratory
of Ye. M. Kreps. It was the'aim of the prcaent paper to com-
Card 1/4 pare the activity of these ferments with the functional and
Phosphomonoesterases of' Brain in the Phylogenesis of Vertebrates
morphological development of the corresponding cerebral sec-
tions in order to attain a conception concerning the physic-
logical role of the phosphata8es. The following animals were
investigated: Pike (Eeox lucius), carp (Cyprinuo carpio),
Peres, fluviatilis, Rana temporaria, Ophisaurus apue, Emys
orbicularis, domestic fowl and duck, Corvue frugilegus, Jack-
daw (Colaeus monedula), pigeon (Columba livia), white rat,
rabbit, oat, and dog. The animals were killed by decapitation,
the brain was taken out as quickly as possible hnd divided
into sections. There were investigated separatedly: the
cerebral hemisphere cortex and the hemispheres of warm-blooded
animals as a wholej the forebrain of cold-blooded animals;
the cerebellum - if it was possible, and the medulla oblongata,
of all mentioned animals. Figure la shows that the highest
activity of the alkaline phosphatase was found in the hemis-
phere cortex. It is especially high with dogs, somewhat lower
in the case of cats, and still lower with rodents (Ref 9).
The author arrives at the conclusion that the activity of
the alkaline phoophatase of mammals and birds is correlated
to the degree of development of individual cerebral sections
Card 2/4 in the phylogenesie (Ref 7). The assumption that this phosphatase
Phosphomonoesterases of Brain in the Phylogenesis of Vertebrates
is localized in the cytoplasm of the nerve cells is confirmed
histoebomically (Rafe 10, 11). The rules detected for warm-
blooded animals do not hold for cold-blooded animals. In fish
the mentioned activity is very high in all cerebral sectionev
higher than with warm-blooded animala. The investigation of
the acid phosphatase in the vertebrate phylogenesis shows
quite different rules than in the case of the alkaline phog-
phatase@. No correlation was found to exist between the ferment
activity and the degree of the cerebral function (Ref 7)-
Ito activity was the highest in the cerebellum of warm-blooded
animalo. This is based upon the greater density nf the nuc-'ei
in the cerebellum on the strength of direct hictochemical
(Refs 2, 11) and indirect biochemical data (Ref 7). The acid
phosphatase is a nuclear ferment. No definite rules could be
detected with respect to the distribution of the acid phos-
phatasa in the brain of the cold-b2ooded animals. Their ac-
tivity was highest in different cerebral sections for each
special case of individual species. There are 1 figure and
Card 3/4 12 references, 4 of which are Soviet.
Phosphomonoesterazes of Brain in the Phylogeneuis of Vertebrates
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziblogii im. 1. P. Pavlova Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov of the Academ),
of Scienceso USSR)
PRESENTED: February 16, 19599 by K. M. Bykov, Academician
SUBMITTED: February 69 1959
Card 4/4
17(3) SOY/2o-126-3-6o/69
AUTHORt Domyan' D.
- - -----------
TITLE; The Influence of Temperature on the Activity of kcid an&
Alke.line Phosphatase of the Brain of Vertebrates in Vitro
(vii.yaniye temperatury na aktivno3t' kisloy i shchelochnoy
fosfataz mozga pozvonochnykh in vitro)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 3,
pp 675 - 677 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The principal importance of the ferments in the biological
sense lies in the fact that in their presence the reactions
catalyzed by them in the organism run on a comparatively low
energetic level. In other words, the nazie reactions need,
without ferments, much more outeside energy. In proportion to
the development of principhl fer!.-.ents and ferment systems,
the metabolism of the oreanism b@c@)aie3 more and more indepen-
dent of the afflux of this oatct4e energy (REf 1). The varying
height of the energetic level on which various chemical meta-
bolism reactions take place - natalized by ferments - certainly
hat; some biological importarice. The analysis of the fermenta-
Card 1/4 tive reaction from the standpoint of kinetic chemistry can
The Influence of Temperature on the Activitj of Acid and SOV/2o-l:?6-3-6o/69
Alkaline Phosphatase of the Brain of Vertebrates in Vitro
serve as initial stage for the understaiiding of complicated
blochemical processes in which the basic and simple chemical
reactions are combined. The author investigated the subject
mentioned in the title on representatives of 3 classes of
vertebrates at different tempcratures. This enabled the
attempt of characterizing the phosphomonoesterasee from the
kinetic side, i.e. from the side of their ability of reducir.g
the activation enerpy,. The sagie investigation of the dependence
on the temperature also Lnade it possible to study the adap-
tatioa@n- - of the organisms, with respect to these ferr.ents, to
the natural temperature varial-ioi-is. The effect of temperature
was studied on the pike (Esox lucius), common frog (Pana tenpo-
raria), tortoise (Testudo Hornsfieldi), pigeon and white rat.
For the method of determining the two phosphatanes sobe refer-
ence 2. The whole brain was uned for this purpose. T h e
r e a u 1 t st Under natural corditions, the fermento act
at different temperatures in different kinds of animals: in
itarm-blooded'animals at a body temperature of 37-390, in
cold-blooded animals according to the surrounding temperature.
Card 2/4 The publication references on. the varying thermal stability
The Influence of Temperature on the Activity of Acid and SOV/2o-126-3-6o/69
Alkaline Phosphatase of the Brain of Vertebrates in Vitro
of the digestive ferments of various classes of vertebrates
give proof of the fact that these ferments are not quite iden-
tical with respect to the structure of their protein part.
These ferments are most quickly inactivated by high temper-
atures in cold-blooded animals (fish), most slowly in warm-
blooded animals. Amphibians and reptiles take an intermediate
position (Ref 4). The molecules of the acid phosphatase are
more heat-resisting than those of the alkaline phosphatase.
The straight course of the curves (Fig 2) of the activity
logarithm referred to 1/T shows that both phosphatases reduce
the activation energy of the reaction catalyzed by them uni-
formly and over a wide temperature range. The higher efficiency
of the alkaline phosphatase leads to the ass umption that phylo-
genetically it is a younger ferment than the acid nuclear phos-
phatase. There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut fiziologii im. 1. 11. Pavlova Akadcmii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Physiology imeni Pavlov. of the icademy of
Card 3/4 Sciences, USSR)
ACC NR.- jW7000576 SoUkert6blf77-ff[UUO~OT6-31000~/060/0097/0107----i
AU-10011k: Domyshev, Yu. I.; Domysheva, M. M.
ORG: none
TITLE: Preboile@ methods of treating drinking water
!.SOURCE: Vladivostok. Dal'nevostochnyy tekhnicheakiy institut @Ybnoy promyshlennosti'
i khozyaystva. Trudy, no. 3, 1963, 97-107
TOPIC TAGS: Ywater, kgg:@Gae, d4v*m, water
purification/ unatd, P-U@
ABSTRACT: The following figures show various methods of processing drinking water.
The article concluded that it is economically expedient to supply steam boilers withi
processed water; water purification expenses vill be repaid in not more than one or
two years by the increased reliability and longevity of the boiler. The cation
methods of processing water are recommended for all types of boilers and water.
Magnetic processing of water can be applied in treating water for flue and tubular
boilers with pipe diameters of 76 mm and greater and thermal stress of less than
30 kg/cm,2. De--aeration of drinking water is necessary for all industrial boilers.
i Card 1/@
ACC NRs AP7000576
Card 2/5
Epp I
to boU*r
Fig. 1. Two-stage cation treatment of water
ACC NR. AP7000576
a en drain
atcam for
steam for
speoial use
paw.. wa ter
danoi b
Fig. 2. Diagram at' the elsotromagnstia pro-
cessing of drinklm; water
Card 3/5
ACC NR. AP7000576
Card 4/5
mur 3.iwaKe Uqurorrarnu lpmaing
7-01 TT H- j
otifier ransformer
Fig. 3. Diagram or the electromagnet circuit
ACC NRt AP700057
Thermal de-aeration in atmospheric-type devices is the most effective and reliable
ih operation. Orig. art. hita: 3 figures. IWA. W-67-z7
ACC NR-. A717000576 SOUR~r:-Ifd6ff---UkT660-OTO-100-0106010097-10107--i
AUTHOR: Domysliev, Yu. I.; Domysheva. It. M.
ORG: none
TITLE: Preboile4 methods of treating drinking water
;,SOURCE: Vladivostok. Dal'nevostochnyy tekhnicheskiy institut ;ybnoy promyshlennosti
i khozyaystva. Trudy, no. 3, 1963, 97-107
TOPIC TAGS: 1water, ir=@, namb water
ABSTRACT: The followin@ figures show various methods of processing drinking wazer.
The article concluded that it is economically expedient to supply steam boilern with
processed water; water purification expenses will be repaid in not more than onta or
two years by the increased reliability and longevity of the boiler. The cation
methoda of processing water are recommended for all types of boilers and water.
Magnetic processing of water can be applied in treating water for flue and tubular
boilers with pipe diameters of 76 = and greater and thermal stress of less than
30 kg1cm2. De-aeration of drinking water is necessary for all industrial boilers.
Card 115
Card 2/5
ACC NRt AP7000576
atcan. for o en drain
steam for
spoolal use
0 - V
a I t? I. r-sr
rkmi!La t
pis 2. Diagram of the elootrovAgnatic pro.
aes;ing of dr1r4cing water
Card 3/5
ACC NRs AP7000576
v -atifler ra &former
Fis. 3. Diuram or the electromagnet circuit
ACC NR: AP700057
Thermal de-acration in atmospheric-type devices is the most effective and reliablu
iii operation. Orig. art. haa: -4WA-;,V-67-z7
3 figures r
SUB CODr: 13/ Si MM DATE: 18May63/ OFIG REF: 004/
DWYSLAWSKI, Mieczy9lav
A case of so-called dabilite motrice. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat.
pol. 12 no.5081-783 162.
1. Z Kliniki Payohiatrycznej M w Bialymstoku Kierownik: prof. dr
med. L. Korzeniowski i Oddsialu Neurologii Dzieciecej im. Janueza
Korczaka v Gdansku Kierownik: prof. dr med, Z. Majewska.
SOBANSKI, Janusz; DONZAL, Barbara; SULTAN, Teresa; ZELAWSKA, Helena
On physiological development of primitive vision, fixation and
binocular vision in man. Klinoesna 30 no.4:361-364 160.
1. Z Iliniki Chorob Ocsu A.M. v Lodst, Kierownik: prof. dr med.
(VISION physiol)
DOKUL, Tsofan, Lodz, ul, Andrzej& Str%da, 11/11
to the nosography of splno-coreballAr &taxi&. Neurologia
atc. polsks 5 no.1:81-87 Jan-Feb 55-
1. 2 odoistalu chorob nerwowych woJokovego expitala klinlesnegol
ordynator plke dr. sod, V1.8toln.
mpluo-coreballar, pathol.)
T , diseases
Maxi&, spino-cerebelUr, pathol.)
(SPIO, diseases
atazia, spino-cerebelUx. pathol.)
DOMZAL, Toofar,
Correlation of disorders of the pupil with absence of deep
reflexes. Neur. &c.polaka 5 no-3:289-296 )Iy-Je '55.
1. 7, Oddzialu Chorob Nerwowych Wojekowego Bspitala Klinicznego
w Lodzi. Ordynator: pik dr med . Stein. Lodz. ul, A. Struga
11 M. 11.
(PUPILS, pathology
disord. with abeence of denp reflexaa as pupillo-
reflectory synd.)
deop reflex of pupil, absence in parillo-reflector7
DONZAL, Teofan; STRZALKO, Misesyslaw
Appearance of certain pathological refloxes and eyWtome in
normal.imbjects and bheir clinical pignificance. Neur. &c.
Polska 6 no.2:215-227 Mar-Apr 56.
I.-Z oddsialu Chorob Nerwowych Wojskowoi,,o Szpitala Kliniczuego
Ordynator: doe. dr. med. W. 3tein, T. Domzal, Lodz, ul. AndrxeJa
Struga 11.
pathol. in normal subjects, clin. evaluation (Pol))
Topographical aspects of sensory disorders in lesions of the
brain stl9m. Nsur. &c. polska 6 no.4:447-.458 July-Aug 56.
1. Z KlIniki Chorob Nerwowyeb A.M. w Lodvi Iterownik, profe
dr. ised. 1. Herman I z Oddstalu Chorob Weirwowych Centralneog
v(dolcowego Stpitala Klinicznego Ordyantar: plk. doc. dr. medo
Wl. Hteill.
disord. in brain stem inj. (Pol))
(WIAIN STIR, wounds and injuries,
causing sensation disord. (Pol))
Paroxysmal dilation and rigidity of pupils as a particular
form of epileptic equivalents. Neur. &c. polska 6 no.5.535-
54o sept-Oct 56.
1. Z Oddzialu Chorob Nervowych Wojskowego Sspitala Klinicznego
Ordynatar: plk. doe. W1, Stain.
(SPILIPSY, manifest.
pupillary paroxysmal dilation & rigidity as particular
form of epileptic equivalents after trans. electric
shock (POW
(PUPILS, in various die.
spilepsy, pupillary parosysmal dilation & rigidity as
particular form of a Ileptic equivalents after trans.
electric sbock (PoM
(XLWTRXCI?r. Inj. off.
poettraum. pupillary paroxysmal dilation & rigidity as
particular form of epileptic equivalents (Pol))
DOMZAL. Teofan
Desox7corticosterone therapy of headache following lumbar puncture
and cranioperitoneum and in so-called hypotenalve hoadaches. Polski
tygod. lek. 11 no.41:1749-1751 8 Oct 56.
1. (Z Oddzialu Neurologicznego Centralnego Wojokowego Sspitala
Klinicznego w Lodzi; ordynator: plk doc. dr. il. Stain) Adress
Lodz, ul. Andrseja Struga 11 m 11.
(DESOZYCOETICOMRONS, therapeutic use,
headache after lumbar puncture & pnouzooncephalography
& in hypotensive headaches (Pol))
(UMCUM, therapy,
DOC in headache after lumbar puncture ea pneumosacephalograpby
& in hlrpotensive headache (Pol))
(BRAIN, radiography,
pneumaencephalogr&pby causing beadache, LOG tber. (Pol))
(SPINAL FUIICTURS, complications.'
beadacbe In lumbar puncture, WC ther. (Pol))
MMUL, Teofan; HORSKI-HoRoNcM, Stanislaw
of the cranial norTeso New &a. polska 7 no.6:
Congenital p a
939-944 Nov-Doe 57,
1. Z Oddzialu Neurologicinego Centralnego Wojskovego. Sz-pitala Xlinicznego
w lodzi. Ordynator: doc. mad. W1. Stein i Ambulatorium Iliniki
Neurologiazuej A. PI. w Iodzi. Klerownik: prof. dr nam)c mad. 1. Herman
Lodz, ul0 Andrueja Struga 11 m. 11,
(HIMY , GRAVUL, paralysimp
congerx. (Pol))
pot=/Humn and Animl Physioloa (Norml and Patholorgic&L) T
Nervous System. Human Electroencephalogram.
Abe jour; Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1956, 80018.
Author Stein Wladyslaw, Douzai Teofan.
Title Electroancephalot,,raph Investioations Durina Nocturnal
Involuntary Urination in Soldiers.
Orie Pub: Neurol., neurochirure. i psychiatr. polska, 1957, 7,
No 6, 981-985-
Abstract: No abstract.
Card 1/1
DOWAL Teofan(LdduxL1. A. Struga 11/11)
I-wm@-@ a
Peripheral paralyvis of the facial nerve, Polaki tygod. lek. 13 no.2:
65-70 13 Jan 58*
1. Z Oddzialu Neurologicsnego Centralnego WOJBkOWGgO SXpit&1Si JaiXiCZn8g*
w Lodsi; ordynator: doc. dr med. W1. Stein.
review (Pol))
DOMZAL, Teofan (Lodz. ul. A. Strugs 11 m. 11.)
Sciatica with foot paralysis. Polaki tygod. lek. 13 no-36:1391-1.195 8 Sept
1, Z Oddzialu Neurologicznego Centralnego WoJokowego Bzpltala 111nicz-
nego w Lodzi# ordynator: doc. dr mad. Wl. Stain.
(WiITIGA, oomple
paralysis of foot (Pol))
(FOOT, die.
paralysis in loatieuts with sciatica (Pol))
DOMZAL, Teofan (Lodz, ul. A. Strap 11 m. IL
grgatamine & caffeine (cafargot) treatment of headaches after lumbar
ture & -oneamoenoephalography. Poleki tygod. lek. 13 no.40:1547-1549 6 Oct
1. Z Oddziabi Neurologiamego Centralnego Wojskowego Szpitala Illinictnego
w Lodzi; ordymtor: doo. dr med. Wl. Stain.
(HRAIDACHE. atiol. & pathogen.
pneymoencephalograpby & spiml puncture, ther., caffeine with
ergotamine (Pol))
ergotamins in headache after pneumoencephalography & spinal
puncture (Pol))
(CAFF3113 ther' use
e 0111eyvioencephalography & spinal puncture. with
he C ch ftir
CYIfENSKI. Zdzielaw; DOMZIL, Teofan
Changes in the nervous system during the course of cancer. Folski
tygodalsk.15 no,6;220-223 8 7 160.
I* Z Iliniki Chorob Nervowych Vojskowej A.M. w Locizi.
DOMUL, Te ofan
On the so-called wepileptic predisposition*. Neur. &c polska 10
no.W85@-lql Mr-Ap 160.
1. Z KlIniki Chorob tierwomych Wojakowej A.M* w Lodzi Kierownik:
doe* dr mods WleStein.
(EPILEPSr stiol)
DOK=. Toofan
Certain considerations on complications in pneumooncephalograpbr.
Jblmkl tygod.l*k. 15 no.,30:1142-1144 23 JI 160.
1. Z Iliniki Chorob Vervowych W.A.M. v Lodst: kierownik: doe
dr med. WI.Steln.
(nm ZCUWMAPHY cowl)
L) AA 2 /j U TV 0 64
SU!C,',V-LZ, Given Nweu
Country: Poland
Academic Deereest Dr. med. Z1.1"ilitary ranks captail,7
Mettrolopical Clinic (Klinika Neurologiczna)l Military School of
-Yieelicine IItkf--'doJskowa Akademia Medyc7na)o Lodz.
Sources Warsaw, TAkarz--Wnjsko%jyO Vol 369 No 59 19619 pp. 489-493.
Datat "Somnambulism in Soldiers."
GFO 981643
2 cases of subacute sclerosing inflamation of the white substance
of the brain, Pediato Pol. 36 no.7:751-758 161.
l, 2; Kliniki Neurologiozej WAM w Lodzi.
(ENGEPULITIS in inf & child)
DOMZAL, Teoran
cases of paralysis Of lower extremities of InflarnatOr7 OU0109Y
and their treatment by the injection of hydrexycortisone into the
canal. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. pol.,12 no.4:539-544 '62.
1. Z Kliniki Neurologioznej WAM v Lodzi,Kierownik X11niki; doe. dr
mea. W. Stein.
0 S.; .9
k1putations in-hospitalB of the Olazytn Region during the decade of
1950-1059. Chir. nars. ruchu ortop. polska 26 no.6t797-799 161.
l.. Z Oddzialow Chirurgicznych Szpitali w Olsztyn4a oraz Szpitali
Powiatowych w Gizycku. Ketrzynie Nowym Miescie, Ostrodzie, Szazytaie.
(AMPURTIOll statist)
7hree cases of paralysis of the lower limbs of inflammatory origin,
treated with injections of,hyffrooortiBone in the @ertebral !@anal.
N-surol neurochir peyoh 12 no.43539-5" JI-Ag '62.
1. Klinika Neurologiozna, Wojskowa Akademia Modyczna, Lodz.
Klerownik Klinikit doe. dr mad. W.Stein.
DOM7AAL, Teofan
qil@@f4Ai4e daterminat'ion of sensory disorderer. (Prelimi-
z1ary oo= @ication). Neurol. neuroobir. payeblat.polo 13
L Z Kliniki Veurologicznsj WAM w Wzi, pooo Kisrowniks H.Strzalk6.
_11UP Clinic of Nervous Diseases (Klinika Chorob Nor-
WOi1,@Fc il,-4@10?ftfojskowa Akadomia @Iedyazna, Military Modicul A-
cademy] (Acting director: Dr. mod. M. STRZALKO)
"Choroa 'Minor in 7hroo Sisters. Case Report."
Warsaw, Polski Tygodnik Lekarski, Vol 18, No 31, 29 Jul 63,
pp 1138-1159
Abstract ,.- (Author's En-glish summary] Author reports the ob-
servation of chorea minor in three sisters, with 11, 6, and 4,
attacks respectively -- all closely connected with the appear-
anco (if angina, For the most part, the right limbs were af-
fected, and drugs had no effect. Ihe author suggests that not
only the infections, but also the constitutional factor played
an important role in this disease. Thare are three (3) refer-
ences, of which 2 are Polish and ono.(I) English.
l/ 1,
DCMZALj, Teofan
The threshold of sedation in pain caused by experimental methods
or by pathological conditions. Neurol.v neurochir., paychiat.
Pol. 15 no*109-64 Ja-F"65-
1. Z Kliniki Neurologicznej WM (Vojskowa Akademia Medyczna] v
Lodzi (Kierownikt doc. dr. zed. M. Strzalko).
-Dorr,RV'lL-, (J-
SOBUISK10 Ta. (Sobanskit J.]l DOMZHAL V. (Domrzalt W.); SUIATt T.1
2HELA KA-MWS9 To- LZ;&ka--@-R@:uuj E01
Developawt of Op-imitive vision". fixation and binocUar vioion
In man. Uch.zap. GM glaz.bol. no.7t201-202 162. (M3R& 160)
1. 1w kliniki glaznykh bolezney (rukavoditalt - porof. Ya. Sobanlaki)
lleditsimBkoy akademil. v lodzi, Pollskaya Warodnaya Reopublikae
SOBANSKI, Januozj DOMZALA, Barbara; SULATI Tereval ZEIAWSKA, Helena
On the treatment of squint (concomitant strabismus) in
adolescents and adults, Klino oesna 33 no.3/4:433-437 163e
1. Z* Kliniki Cbordb Oczu AN v Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr med.
J. Sobanski.
SOBANSKI, Jaziusz, prof. dr. med.; SZOSLAND(VA, Vlwlli; ...,JAIA, &,-haral ,
Thq cuasefs of "I)Hmary", and "necondary"' glailema. nin. oczna
35 no.2trl9-181 165.
1. Z Kliniki Chorob Oczu Akademll Medycznej w Lodzi (Kiez-ownikt
prof. dr. mod. J. Sobanaki).
Effeict of sodium fluoride on endocrine glands in the white rat.
RoC2.n. pom. akad. mad. Swierczewski 11:237-257 165-
1. 7 Zakladu Diologil Pomoroklej Akademii Medycznej (Kierownik;
prof. dr. Stanislaw Zajaczek) i. z 7Akladu Stomatologii Zachowaw-
czej Pomorskiej kkademii Medycznoj (Kierownik p.o.: dr. mad.
dent. Maria Hyslinska).
Now standards for motor-vehicle tires. Avt. transp. 43 no.4:
39-42 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5)
1. tfauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut shinnoy promyshlennoBti.
DON # I. K. , in:sh.
Equipnent for ultrasonic production of emulsions. FAshino-
stroeide no.3s3O My-Je 164.
(MIRA 17:11)
DCW,, Barbar; D01p Jerzy
Origin or the Noises graben against the baftround of the geological
survey In the vicinity of ldzikow. Acta gool Pol 10 no.1:71-106 160.
(EUI 9:9)
1. Department of General Geology at the Wroclaw University.
(Poland--Geology) (Sudeten)
DON, Barbar; DON, Jerzy
Origin of the Neisse graben against the background of the geological
survey in the vicinity of Idsikow. Act& gejqI Pol 10 no.1:71-106 160.
(EM 9:9)
lo Department of General Geology at the Wroclaw University.
(Poland--Geology) (Sudeten)
KOMUDA, JadwIga; DON,, Jerzy
Brach)vLnticline in Bystrzyca Kledzka. Acta gool Pol 34
no. 1:169-174 164* 1
I.. Dopartment of General Geology, Univeraity, Wroclaw.
DCN, Jarzy; DLT141&-,Z, Marian
Gealogic structure o- the southern part. :,f tne are:i
of Khasagtu-Kha-t-khan-U! in '..'estl Mongolia. eol. Krak.@-w
34 no.4z%'@-596 164.
1. Ins"ituts of Gereral Goology of the ',.*roz!la,., %nivornity.
AUTHM: Don, K. 1. 136-3-15/25
PERIODICAL- Tavetnyye Metally, 19571 NO-3,
Determination of Lead in Ores, Intermediate
Products and Lead Concentrates. (bletodika ekspress-analiza
avintsa v rudakh, promproduktakh i svintsovykh kontsentratakh)
pp.76-?7 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The rapid determination of lead is very advantageous in
the flotation of lead ores and in this brief article a rapid
variant of the molybdate method is described. Results which
a:?e within permitted tolerances are obtained in 18 to 20 mins.
Zia solution is pre'Dared by treatment with 2:1 hydrochloric
a.-id and filterinG, the dissolved hydrogen sulphide being
removed by adding sodium bicarbonate powder to the filtrate.
Tfte neutralization is completed with ammonia end after
adding acetate mixture the lead is titrated with ammonium
molybdate adding tannin as external indicator. Results
obtained with lead contents of 1.6-51.2% Pb by the rapid and
1/1 c-ther methods are tabulated.
There is one table.
ASSUCIATION: Tekeliysk Combine. (Tekeliyskiy Kombinat).
AVAILABLE: TAbrary of Congress
TITIOV, N.I., n&uchnry sotrudnik; DON. N.S., nauchnyy sotrudnik.
Dynamics of change In the mechanical strength of cement samples
during long storage in various media. Neftianik 2 no.8:29-30
Ag '57- (MIRA 10:10)
1.1natitut nafti AN SSSR.
Iffect of electric current on solutions
Trudy Inst.nefti 11:53-72 1580
(Binding materials) (Alectric
of binding materialse
(MIR& 11:12)
Tl!.!KOV, N.I.; JDW N.G.
Studying the interlocking of cement vith stones. Trudy Inst.nefti
11:144-IL53 1589 (XIBA n 112)
(Oil well cementing)
Aketdemiya nauk SSSR. Institut nofti
Trudy, t. 11. Neftepromyslovoye delo (Transactions of the
Petroleum Institute, Academy of Sciences, v. 11. Oil Field
Industry) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 346 p. 2,000 copies
Re;3p. Ed.: Krylov, A.P.; Ed. of Publishing House: Sevina, Z.A.;
Tech. Ed.: Kiseltva, A.A.
PuRrom- This book in int-@ndtd for geological engineers special-
izing in oil well drilling and oilfield operations.
CCVERAM@ This book, a enlli-%Ition of 26 articles, describes the
mineral composition of hard, A-iable, avid plastic rocks, their
deformation and destruction at various geological platforms of
the Soviet Unionj it further presents designs of rock bits with
different cutters, whieh can be successfully used for crushing
various formations. The ,@ffect of el-ectrlc current on binding
Cetrd 1/10
Transactions of the Petrolt= ln5titute SOV/1393
substances surh as ca,-mtnt 81)irry.. plaoloer and lime solutiona,
as well as thRIr trpatmrnc with current carried out
to aact1trattf hardi@ning ari alsa discussed. It Is stated that
eltotric r.-Urre"t ma7 bf us*,d fcr strengthening the walls of a
W611, and that this promising m-.4-thod has been successfully tested
on various co@,,-@s . Dtsigns of elect'rodes used for this purpose
am presented. Dr-111ing of deep w^. 'i's with conventional and
sectional turbodrills !a analyzed, and turbodrill part8 described.
Oil well drilling In taat,= Sovl-*@-V rtSions appears to be compli-
cated by an tx,@isslvi ftit,.-aticn of drilling fluid Into forma-
tions of various horIz.:,ns. To ovtroomt this, methods Improving
the plugging propArtles cf @,tmp.nt slurry are proposed. In this
co-rinection tha adh-taion ;f 3tone.-Ilk@- ,.ement to rocks of differ-
ent -.omposition h-aa bt-ar, irudi.tid with the aid of various
apparatus, and th-@, fil@;ratvlon of drilling fluid into formations
of Tatar Republic oillfialds has b-her analyzed. Methods of
eliminating tho n @tgatlve nentrifugal forit of presently used
dee-p wtLll pumps are propoa-sd, as art6 n-eiv systems of pump jacks.
The restoration of bortcm-h-.'_,a preselarr 1n.formations with
Card 2/10
Transactions of the Petroleum Institute SOV11393
varying permeability is investigated on the basis of theoretical
calculations and graphs. Attempts to extract petroleum from the
loose sands of the Romashkino oilfield by injecting water or
certain petroleum products, free of paraffin and tar, are det-
scribed and results of experiments given. The method of stimu-
lating petroleum flow in various petroliferous provinces by
injecting high pressure gas into a partially depleted formation
Is explained, and som recommendations given. The process of
subttrranean-burning of a part of the petroleum deposit, as a
thermal method of petroleum recovery, Is discussed, and laboratory
experiments illustrated by numerous graphs. Tectonics of soft,
clayey rocks are investigated In connection with the problem of
caving, and the results of experiments made to ascertain the
effect of tension and moisture on the stability of such rocks
are analyzed. The influence of pressure on the selective
saturation of quartz rocks with water or petroleum, as well as
on the saturation of porous rocks is Investigated. Laboratory
experiments were made in an attempt to find out the saturation
rate of various minerals wetted with water after being treated
Card 3/10
Transactions of the Petroleum Inatitute SOV/1393
with various solutions. Tests conducted in connection with the
problem of equipment corrosion proved that DO-Na solution is a
good Inhibitor against corrosion and that sulfide coating is a
good protective agent for steel against corrosion. The pro-
cedure of turbine drilling under different conditions Is analyzed
and the advisibility of lowering the upstream pressure of the
drilling fluid is emphasized. The prevention of caving by apply-
ing various methods is discussed, and the application of a
coefficient established on the basis of calculations is recom-
mendAd. Hydraulic fracturing of formations and the treatment--
of oil wells with hydrochloric acid are also recommended as
efficient methods for boosting cruOe oil production. The devel-
opment of natural gas recovery in the-Saratov and Stalingrad
regions is outlined, and the advantage of the utilization of
natural gas on a larger scale is emphasized. Bibliographic
referencles accompany each article.
Coard 4/10
Transactions of the Petroleum Institute SOV/1393
1. Yakushev,, V.P., L.A. Shreyner. Influence of Mineral
Composition and Structure of Rocks on Their Hardness
or Plasticity 3
2. Pavlova, N.N.., L.A. Shreyner. Rook Deetruotion Process
and Problems of Designing Rook 1@its for Hard, Friable
and Plastic Formations 18
3. Shreyner, L.A., N.N. Pavlova. Experimental Data on De-
struction of Formations We to Fatigue 46
4. Titkov, N.I.,, A,@S. Korzhuyev, Problem of the
Effect of Electric Current on BInding Subatancea 53
5. Nikishin, V.A., N.I. Titkov, and A.S. Korzhuyev. Method
for Determining the Cement Slurry Hardening Time by
Electrical Resistance and Temperature 73
Gard 5/%0
Transactions of the Petroleum Institute SOV/1393
6. Titkov.. N.I., A.S. Korzhuyev.. V.A. Nikishin, and
V.G. Smolyaninov. Application of Electric Current
for Strengthening the Core of Oil Wells 85
7. Titkov, N.I.,, G.A. Lyubimov, and I.D. Sferina. Study
of Turbinei-Drive Used in Deep Well Drilling ill
8. Titkov, N.I., A.I, Berezhnroy. How to Increase Plugging
Properties of the Cement Slurry 121
9. Titkov, N.I.., N.S.Don. Study of Adhesion of a
Stone;-like Cement 144
10. Vinarskiy, M.S. Some Problems of Preventing Drilling
Fluid Filtration in Oilfields of the Tatar Republic 154
11. Barenblatt, 0.1. Calculation for Distributing the
Pressure Under Rigid Conditions and Varying Oil
Well Flow 165
Card 6/10