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Ar. Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 11/24 A ID P - 676 Author Dombrovskiy, K. F., Eng. Title Making win@ing coils for electrical apparatus Periodical Energetik,',\,7, 17-21, J1 1954 Abstract The author advises several methods of preparation of spare windings for various electrical instruments and apparatus in order to avoid prolonged work stoppages in case of damage. 13 graphs. Institution None Submitted No date Y.. lrztead ef ',hrc-e-ccr-I,u,Acr ' - 33, CIT".- *TVI @ '1:@ I(ZI7F,, Vol. 14, 11-7c. 2, Ff br-a-.tx-I 1-,)54, -iarsaw' : SC: Vonthlly Li:,,t of Eavt Lurepea-) Acernsiorv (I'T At), I C, '7r.1 . ', 3p 11 T: C. J' . "ar:@h 195'), Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 4/35 Author Dombrovskiy, K. F., Eng. Title gt-a-n"dardizatii@n-of apparatus colls Periodical Energetik, 5, 9-10, MY 1955 AID F - 2954 Abstract With the development of automation, a large number of components of the automatic control systems became standard products. This standardization should be pushed further, claims the author, who found that relay coils In the USSR are not standardized, wad that for the RE-180 type relay 15 different kinds of coils are produced, and for the PE-100 type, more than 40. This confusion finds its reflection also In publications. The Outhor- gives some examples. Institution : None Submitted : No date Do"HOTS1IT, X.F. - , Rewinding coils for coutacters, mgmatic @tartar@ and other eqnIpment. Zzargolik 4 me.3s4O Mr 156. (MLRA 9:6) (Blectric coils) DONBROVSKI!tt!KZ. ore, - @ g "r, 'I .. A44Y I @ 0, @ U," . . - , , Simplified calculation of electromagnetic a.c.coils. Bnergetik 5 no.305-38 Mr 157* (MISA 10:3) (Ilectric coils) DOMBROTUIY, K.F., Inzh. ,"now. - Simplified calculation of winding data of asynchronous electric motor stators durl repair. Inergetik 5 no.11:38-40 N 157. 1111octric motors, Induction) (NDU 10112) DOMBROTWIY. X.F., iuzh. 91SPI, ---@@flsd calculation of vlndlrg data for asynchronous motor stators during repair. Amerptik 3 no.12:t3@-34 D 137, (KIM lOtIZ) (Ilsotric motors) A UTHOR: Dombr ova k_jj4_&wP7---_ SOV-91-58-10-31/35 TITLE: The Design and Manufacture of the Heating Elements of Ther- mal Relays (Konstruktsiya i izgotovleniye nagravatallnykb elementov teplovykh role) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, Nr 10, PP 36 - 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A reader (Mazur of the City of Bel'tay) asked about the de- sign of the a/m heating elexontal what material they are made out of, what their parameters are and where the latter are published. The author answers all these questions, and says that the parameters of caries RT elements are published in the magazine "Promyshlennaya, energetika" (Industrial Power- Engineering), Nr 1 - 3 of 1958- 1. heating elements--Design Card 1/1 @2k I AUTHOR: Dombrovskiy, K.F., Engineer. 110-3-20/22 TITLE: Soldering and VffeldinE Ap2aratus Type TnC-2000 (Apparat dlya payallno-svaroohn3,kh rabot tipa TPS-2000) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektroprojayshlennosti, 1958, Vol.29 14o.3, PP. 76-77 (UkR). ABSTRACT: This is a brief cataloGue-style description of an appara- tus for contact heatinG of metals for solderinf_- and welding. It comprises a single-phase dry transformer and insulated tongs and weiehs 28 kg. Brief performance data are given. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION. Konstantinovka Zlectrioal Repair Works of -the "Enersochermet" Ti-jet,(Kon5tantinovski elektro- r,-.3at:r,f.,,nyy zavod tresta "Energoehermatw@ AVAILABIE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Welding equipment-Chamoteristios A UTHOR: DQ@@@@ngineer SOV/91-59-1-13/26 TITLEt The Simplified Calculation of Reactors with Steel Core (Upro- shchennyy rasch8t reaktorov so stallnym serdechnikom) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 1, pp 27 - 28 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author given a simplified f3rmula and 2 graphs which are said to be very helpful in solving all the fundamental tasks in reactor designing; a) the dotermination of the minimum size of the reactor's steel core; b) the determination of the necessary number of windinf7sl C) the finding out of the required cross section of the vinding wires; d) the determ- ination of the different sizes of the coil airgap if the reactor is adjustable. The value of the current at differ- ent core-airgaps can also be easily established. There are 2 graphs. Card 1/1 8 (6) SOV/91-59-4-25/28 AUTHOR: Dombrovskiyg Ke Fe TITLE: The Dependence of the Motor Power on the RPM (Zavisimost' moshchnosti. elektrodvigatelya ot skorosti vrashcheniy) PERIODICAL: Energetikt 1959g Nr 4p P 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article is an answer to a question submitted to this periodical by Gukov, who wants to 'know the power increase of a synchronous motor which is being rewound for 3000 rpm instead of the former 1500 rpm# The author of the answer states that the motor power will be increased from 4,5 kw to approximately 7 kw. Card 1/1 mvc- -r-(,% 8(5) @//-5--26/27 AUTHOR: I'a"brory-61;J"Y" TITLE V Fa-Mom- r: icgatines at a Reduced Speed Rota. 0 lektroIvJ Satelej na tor, ponizhonnoy skorosti vrazh-_berI`Yj.) PERIODICAL: 7_5@nergetikj 1959, ITr 5, P 39 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is thj reply *tr- a q:c-estion a5lccd by Zlieltikova from Donokoy, T@al skaya oblast', jr- what are the c:auscs of vibrations in clec-trix. ea-ines at reduced rotation speed. The author eni@_mar@_tes a series of possible causes and states trmt particailarly vigo- rous vibrations can develop -.,ihen the period of vibration in the foundation ,Ioincides .,,,ith the vibration in the engine, xw'.ii,,.h often occures at a reduced speed of rotation. Card 1/1 b(5) SOV/91-59-5-20/27 AUTH011: Dombrovskiy, K,F., Engineer TITIj3: ilculati-6n--of the 'Winding D Simplified ata of Asynchronous Single-Phase Low-Power Electric Engines. (Uproshchennyy raschet obmotochnykh dannykh asirikhronnykh odnofaznykh elcktrodvi- gateley maloy moshchaosti) PP,RIODICj%.L: Energetik, 1959, Nr 5, pp 34-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The single-phase engines are usually made by #the same stamps used for the production of three- . phase engines. Both types of engines are made of the same steei. This circumstance makes it possible to convert small, three-phase engines into single- phase. In such a case, the winding of the single phase engine will consist not o-L three, but of two parts: the work part occupying 2/3 of the grooves and the auxiliary part occupying 1/3 of the grooves. Card 1/3 The calculation of both parts of the ,-:inding can 1307/0111-503-5-20/27 Simplified Calculation of the 71inding Data of Asynchronous 0 Single-Phase Lo,.,i-Powex- Electric Engines. be made by the mothod described by X.F. Domb.rovskiy (Energetik, 1957, Nr 11 and 12). In this articlo the author explains how to determine tthe number of serially connec;tod lo(,p.-, of -the work winding, vilth the use of a graph shov= on page 74, by formula Q,, 14 - Di - 1 om- 2-T vherei n Q is the area of polar division, Di is the inner diMeter of th-e staLtor in era.. 1 is full length of stator 4-ron in cmq 2p is the number of poles of the engine. HavinG found the number of loops in the work winding, it is possiblo to find out the number of effective conductors in one Groove of the win- Card 2/3 ding, by the formula N 41 3w wherein z SOV/91-59-5-20/27 Simplified Calculation of the Winding Data of Asynchronous Single-Phase Low-Power Electric Engines.. z is the number of stator grooves and vr is the number of loops obtained from, the graph. Once the number of conductoi-s for one groove of the work winding is known, the profile of the vrinding is found experimentally, so as to have the conductors and the insulation fill upthe -roove completely. The author gives an exanple of calculations. There are 1 graph and 1 Scviet reference, Card 3/3 DDMBWVSKIT, X.F., insh. 0 ..... dAw6.A*eOAM --- - Simplified design of Steel-core reactors. Nnergetik 7 no.1:27-28 Ja 159. (Blectric reactors) (MIRA 12:1) DOMBROVSKIY., K.F, @--@Mat@al-ce@rsmic coutactars from oilver and Cd oxide. Energetik 9 no,9:37 8 161. (MI13A 14:9) (Alsotria contaotors) - DOMBROVSKIL -1-1, -(12skva) ft" IMwmwxwIw#-, On the law of planetary distances. no-17:46-50 156- (Planets) (MIRA 9:9) DOMBROVSKIT,K!,, ,kandidat, tokhnichookikh nauk . @ Using the locomotive yard in the winter. Takh.zhel.dor.6 no.9:14- 16 S147. (KIM 8:12) (Locomotives--Cold weiather operation) DG1,RIOVSKII) K. 1. Illemont parovozov. air7- Izd. 2., iapr. Dopushchr-no v krichertve 50comotive rep uchebnika dlia zhel-dor, unchillshch. Moskva, G!)s. transp. zhol.-drw. lzd-vo, 1950. 3fP7 p. illufi. DLC: T1675.Do' 1950 SO: SGVIET TRANSPORTATION AND CORIMICLTIONS, L BIBLIOCRJAMY, Library of Congress iFef-erence Devartment. Washinryton. 1952. Unclasaified. DOMBROVSKIY, K.I.; KLYUCHENKO. A.M.; K3ITROV, P.A., takhnichookiy [The repair of locomotives] Remont parovozov. Izd.4-os, parer. Moskva, Goo,transposbal-dor. izd-vo 1956. 375 P. (MLRA 9:8) (Locomotives--Repain) -)o . ALPt-ROV, A. A.; ARTU=, A.'ZA'.@J'ASIIISNAZI, Yt:. h.; VETOGRALOV, G. P.; GAL-NiN, A. U., GRIGOR IX-VI A. ll.;D'lTCHMW, P. Ye.; ZALIT, U.N.; ZlFaLUROV, P. M., ZOB1133i, 11. P.; IVA110V, I. L; IL'111, L P.; L"CETIK, P. I.; XMY10HO'l, A.T. LAPSH171) F. A; PIDLYARCHM) V. S.; PM753OVSKEY, L. M.; POGODIN, A. M.; RUDOY, 14. L.; SAVIN, K. D.; S11,1011OV, K. S.; SITI,'C)VSKIY,I. Po, SITNIK, M.D., B.K.; TSETYRKITI, I. Ye.; TSUKATTOV, P. P.;S'HtXIKYAIil V. S.; ADELIBIG, N. N., reteenzent; AFANASIM, Ye. V., retsenzent:VLASOV, V. I., retsenzent; BOROBIYEV, L Ye.;, retsenzent; VORONOV, No I.I., retsenzent; GRITCIIL'IIKO) Vo A., retsenzent; UKU01T, N. If., retsenzent; MIWv', I. V., resenzezit;, KABORTSEV, N.V., %,etscnzcnt;K0CI=OV, P. N., retsenzent; KRIVORUCHKO, N. Z., retsenzeryt; KUCHKO, A. P., resenzent; LOBAZOOV, V. V., retserizent; 14DROZOV, A. S., retsenzcnt;ORLOV, S.P., retsc zent; PAYLUCHKOV, E. D., retsenzent; POPOV, A. ft... rescrizent; PROKOF'r-,V, P. F., ret;senzent; RAKOVI It. A., resenzent, SINEGUBOV, N. I., retsenzent; TMEUT111N, D. F., retsenzent; TIEHOIMOV, 1. G., retsanzent; URBfli, 1. V., ntsenzent; FIALKOVSKIYI I. A.'retsenzent; CIMPYZIO/I B. F., reteenzent; SIRMIAKIII, 0. S. retsenzent;, SHCHERBAKOV, P. D., retsenzent; CWIM, V. A., rodaktor; LOMAGITI, It. A.,redotor; WRDVIIIZIN, N.. A., redaktor; NAINN, A.N., rcdktor; PODED334, V. F., redaktor; RYAZWiTSU, B. S., redaktor; TWIMSKOY,lal., reduktor; CHEREVATYY, 11. S., redaktor; ARSHINOV, I. M., red aktor; Bla.ELYAIT, 11. B., redaktor; BERITGARD, K. A., r!!doktor; VERSHINSKlY, S. V., redDktor; GITBURG, Ye. Yu., red!)ktor; DMI13P.S3, A. T., reduktor; DQMBRWlSKIY K I radvktor; KOMNEYEV, A. I., redaktor; M1MILYEV, A. P., G, if., redaktor; RUBINS11TW, S. A., redaktor; TSYPTJI, G. S., redaktor; CREMAVSKIY, V. Yo., redold;or; CWUfYMW, V. L, reduktor; 01LUU11) L. A,, redaktor; SHISIMIJ, K. A., redaktor CHEIMYSILEV, I.I. A., redaktor. AIYEROV, A. A.----(continu2d) Curd 2 (Railroad handbook) spravochnoin knizliku zhcleznodoroz'nnikv, Izd. 3-e, ispr. i dop. Pod obahchei red. V. A. Garnyko. M,)31-va. Gos. transp. zhel-dor. izd.vo) 1956 1103 p. (14MA 9;10) 1. Ifauchno-tekhnicheskoye obuhchestvo zholeznodorozhnogo tran3p.)rta. (Railroads) KISLIK, V.I., prof.; KOULEV, M*Po, 1mnd.ts1rhn.nau1q MUSHICHEM, L-VO: DORBROVSKIT, a, kandetekhnoauk- ** it-W London converence onlubrication and wear. Izv. vys. ucheb, sav.; mashinostr, no,1:147-151 158. . WPA n:6) (London-Lubrioation and lubricant%-Congresses) (London-Nechanical wear-Congress ) DO.MBROVSKILA 9 km ,kand.takhn.nauk ,%@, Desirable charactoristice for a system of repairing new locomotives- Zhel. dor. transp., 40 no.8:15-19 Ag '58- (Hlu 11:9) (JOCI)motives-Maintenance and repair) .oe DCMOVSXIT, Mrill Ivanovich; BRUSILOVSKATI, XS.. otv. red.; PART SWA. R.N., [About the moon and about rockets] Pro L%mu I pro raketu. Mooltva, Gom.Lid-vo detskoi lit-ry X-va prosy.RSPM, 1961. 94 P. (MIRA 15t2) (Astroiautice-JVronile literature) AMISHEV, B.Z., kand. takhn. nauk; DOMBROVSKIY, K.J., kand. tdkhn. nauk; VISITSHY, L-Ye., kand. VA., -irzh. Elastic PLcking In units with antifriction bearings. Vest. TSNII MNS' 24 no-1:32-35 165. (m1RA 18! 6) ,-DOM13ROVSKIY, K.L@ kand.tekhn.nauk Wear of the banding as related to the design of the underframe, of a locomotive. Trudy TSIIII 14PS no.230.-67-112 162. (H3ILk 15:7) (IDCOMotives) ROZMLA,T, V.V.;. DOHBROVSKIY, L.S. 26dio registration of the rate of cardiac contraction In freely moving subjects. riziol.zhm-. 45 no.6*.718-724 Je '59. (MMA 12:8) 1. 3from the Sports Medical Center, Sverdlovsk. (HURT, physiol, coLatractfon rate recording by radio in freely moving subjects (Rue)) (RADIO An TBLWISION recording by radio ol! rate of cardiac contraction in freely moving subjects (Rue)) DO.HBROVSKIY, X.I., inshener. WN 060MMOOM kVA%RVA%WV, Decreasing the weight of farm machiner7. Sellkhosmashins no.10:23-27 0 '53- (Kim 6:11) 1. Rostovakiy-na-Doym inatitut sellskokhosyayntvannogo maahinostroyeniya. (Agricultural machinery) 1. 20'MBROVSKIY, V.I.; 110MALT.-CV, A.F. 2. U33SH (60D) 4. ;@Iectric ',felding 7. Selecting processes of electric rivet. welding, Engs. M.I. Du:.@brovskiy, A.F. Honashov, Avtog.delo 24 no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accensione, Library of Congress) AVRIL -1953, Uncl. DO)MOVSKIT, H.I. ft-ftodAdW Bxperiment In welding the sheathing of a water-cooled cupola furnace. Svar. proisv. no.6:13-14 Je 155. (mm 8:9), 1. Rostovokiy-na-Donu institut sel'skokhozygyatyannogo, mashinostroaniyu. (Cupola furnaces-Welding) I)OMBROVSKIT,M.I., dotsent; MIROSHNIZOlfA,T.P.. kandidat tokhnicheskikh Research an the working parts of aachines for husking corn. Sallkhosmashina no-10113-16 Olli5. (KLRA 8:12) (Corn picker (Kanhine)) DOMPROV-5KIY, 4.T., Cand Tech bci (diss) 115tudy and k investigation of the optimg forms., pariimeters,and -A- 'A.AAALAJ operating of the working i).irts of a machine for cleaning ears of corn." hostov-on-Don, 1`66) 11 pp (Min of Higher rduca-uion USSR. ho.,tov-on-I)On Inst of Agrictiltiral Macnine BuildInig) 120 cor,ies (KL, 23-58, 106) 59 - I----- -- -- 4XMBHU@SKIY, 11t.- M. Dombrovskiy, M. M. "The treatment o:-' gynecological bleeding by means of ascorbic acid", (From the candidateld dissertaticn), Sbornik nauch. trudov (Rcst, abl. naucha-is5led. akusherskc@--ginekol. in-t), Issue 8, 1948, p. 173-205. SO: U-3261, 10 April 1953 (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 12, 1949). ft;AICA.OZ V= BTBBVqO JO -Towis awwaftm P"dg-qftq jo pojn,@ovjn=m ou"o 3LOOM000f) -3[=& qorm ft;op So *Tqvfto V= -M "6T qojr (Two) qUT=QUTqW/wm 9%U9 WT 4.1 II.&Wq Amd O-w jo in no 69E 0;, dit a W" !u V= mT!pxvd9.%d =P*n NM Wj!:@ OW JO "VUrWWj[ '=!@*A"= M JO 3[=t& OAT4=T@ffWO TM4" UT POIM OARA O=oq C',U Itm coun jo emmoq 9% jo qmq!:@ pwwqo w4voj *VrE*m -OAZGZ UT nl;gOdOP 4oorquo vuj:pww mm@; VowMqo nvp 9=mwjjn a 01 owmal dd 'TOO ROn Aa 'ZMAwqwa *,a , K joAg !*=Tt OUTZEMN TV-M OR!@ BQTWOX-, $%61 qpAt ft;=M L=Urq*.W ftr4VAV03a SKIVLO - Uwfflmolo '14', 0. PA 29/49T25 77 j A Kost:rcm Planfi'le, YAmuraoturiM Out -of-Date 1-752 Ih- N.@A.:@Dcmbrovskly, laureate of Stalin Prizef-Dr X'solt SoL,@:6 ]@q sk'h Tru&,I 111nih 11abot Ito 8: .:Critibizes fewt thst@subjeot,faotpry In still ex6swatoiv'@d 61wed obsolete. Baal 6 cjerf Oft- iot'tbs It 752'@aoes not'oompare vltt@_perfta@g data is Of new Aske vhy It is still being 29A9m., 13393 SiMtoll'alp Maskifty. (iml I. Oluddoill Ma, 111-11. Part 1.) N G. Duinbt@n4(L A. A. Vainum, arml K. V. All.-IM III Imptes: IWO. lrm@ffwut pohlbld)nI Ilouse of 111111dim UIVrAtUIr. SIMIM. (1-S-S-li, (ThINK) 1) 1%) CAmn probitmis of kintstrutikul, 11"W). &nd 414@11tlt M Imov i)pvs of mnswiLtion machinvo% It is 11(oKipalb. it trilIKKA for nu-chanical engineers and inachirm almlitne-m Pist I tlw"* gi-nevid piolik-ins, of Ilwory and dmign of vointrutil(41 Arld trAmIxMing machwery. earth jouvers. and hoists. Y)INDROVSKII, N. G. 11. A. ZHUKOV and N. D. AVTRIN.. Ekskavatoryo Sverdlovskj, Mashp@izj, 19h9. 663 p. illus. Excavatore. DI,Cj TA735.D65 SO: Manufactm-ing and Mechstdcal Engineering in the Soviet Union,, Libr2ry of Congreus,, 1953. 1 AUUJ04k;,, llikolay Yoodooly-evich; DOHBROVSLL&ps&d6v"vroforsor. rotoontent; IOMTOVICH, A-It., katsildat takhnichookildi anuk, redoktor, 1-1014-1.1, B.I., tokhnichevkiy red&ktor [Hoisting machinery) Grutopod"emnyo mauhiny. Moslcva. Go@. nNuclono- toV-hn.Jzd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1957. 375 P- (HLRA 10-10) (Hoisting machinery) DOMBROVSKIY N. 0. and DOBRITSKIYO I. S. @_._ ---A A-Mm "The vork of the excavators SE-3 vith heavy load automtlc dump trucks," Mechanization of Labor-Consuming and Heavy Work., IN= 1951. uOYMOV"'My, N.G. ,fity of power shovels with a single bucket. 140s)-ma, Increasing the producti- btroiizdat, 1951. Al C-) Y6 A i Y' N. 4-1 ONUFRIYXV, I.A., inshener, otvatstvannyy redaktor; BARAN, V.A., kandIdst takhnichookikh nauk, redaktor; DWRO it b? .. doktor takhnicho- okikh nauk, professor, rodaktofrWIBUY, v ' Inzhener, radaktor; KOKISSAROT, A.V., Inzhener. rodaktor; 101;iOV, A.Y., professor, redaktor; TROITSIXY, Ih.L., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, redaktor; SIBZNIXOV, G.I., inzhener, redaktor; PIJL'IINA, Ye.A., takhnicbeekly redaktor; DAKHNOV, V.S., takhaichookiy rodaktor [Ha&.book of constmotion mechanics] Spravochnik mekhaniks no strol.tolOstveo Koakwq, Goo. 12d-vo lit-ry po stroit. I afthitekturs, 1951.. 1064 p. [Microfilm] (KIRA 10:2) 1. Jbissia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudaretyanuyy komitet po delse atroLtalletva. (Building machinery) USSR/Engineerinj Construction., Feb 52 N. 0. Dombrovskiy "It Ak Nauk, Otdel Tekh NiAuk" No 2, pp 169- 200 RevImm works on study of resistance of grounds to as one of essential factors iii do- e3amina paver excavators. Describes in detall C=t=ctioa of excavator Esh 14/65, developed at Ur&Xn%Wft&VodJ-,- am&- aampLrew- it- with -Waricm .78M, . .2-22T59- 6=0vator of 41MLIMIr type Mau outside Oi4oviet VAUD. Claim tbst e=avatar 4Zf Soviet design a i6r in eed@peict to-power, speed c@flasic opemtional movements and productivity. Sub- asitted-by Acad I. I. Artobolevskiy. 1. Xi-il'53071SHY, N. ,. MOY. 2. um (6oo) 1;. "Ei)r thwork 7. Outlook for th*dvvelopment of powerful vingl*-Imckst *;,csvf'tor% for work -an ',,ranspov; loading. "ekh. ., trud.. rob. 6 Ito. 9.28-32, 1952 I 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, J*.uuary 1953. Unclassified. --- - - -- - -I - -.. @ @ 6 -- -- ---- -- - - --- - -- -- , 1. DOMBROVSKIYt N. G., Prof. 2. USSR (600) 4. Excavating Machinery 7. Outlook for the development bf powerful aingle bucket excavators for mining work without haulage, Mekh. trud. rabl,, 6. No. 10P 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Februar7 .1953. Unclassified. DOMMIOVSKII(p N. Go Increaning the productivity of the tSh-10/75 walking excavators. mekh. stroi. 99 NO 0, 1952. 1. Dommuly, II.G. 2. USSR (600) 4. Volga-Don Canal 7. Volga-Don construction experience applied to the now construction projects of comnunism. Mekh.stroi. 9 no.9, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January .1953. Unclassified. 1. Dc"IMOVSKY, N.G. PRCF. 2... US3R (600) 4. Excavating, Machingry 7. 1;'eeting for the -Tirpo.3e of evaluatIng the `Uook 'by Prcf. N..'. Dcr-.brcvskiy entitled "Increasing the o.,-oductlvity of a sin-le-bucket excavnt.1zr.,3. Me*i:@.strci. 9 ro. 11, 1942 9. Montlly List cf Russian Accessions, Libram- cf Comress, 'Iarc-, P@r-'. Unclas3.-Tied. UOIS,ROVSKIY@ N. C.,, Prof. heautls of the mechanization of work during the conatruotion of the V. 1. Lenin Volga-Lion usnal. (Adr. %itroi., 21., 110 7, 1952. UNRA04ameeri'mg - Giant Walking mar 52 Excayators "New Engineering in the Great Constructions of Com- Munism)" Prof N. G. Dombrovskiy "Priroda" Vol 41, No 3, PP 63-74 Describes the ESh-14/65 'walking excavator (bucket Capacity 14 cu m), ESh-l giant excavator built by the Novo-Kramatorsk Plant imeni qtalin, Rih-10/75 0--,* BGL-15 g4_nnt excavators, dredges on the Kuyby- shev hydroelec construction project, giant scrapers 230T3,1 on the Volga-Don construction project, etc., in addn to the giant walking cranes on the Tsimlyad- skaya hydroelee construction project. Gives statistics on cubic meters of excavation in com- -Darisot with US -proJects. DOMBROVaKly, R.G., laureat Stalinskoy premii, doktor tekhnichmikuth nuak, professor. (Now technIque lu Intilding h7drotechnical structures (mechanization of earth- work)] Novaia te)dmika na stroitelletve gidrotekhnichesicikh soorushenii; me- khan isats its, 'seml ianykh rabot. Moskva, Znanie, 19,51. L'.0 p. (HLRA 6: 8) (3arthwork) AI@;KSAT, N.K.; DOKBROVSKIY,-N.G,, laureat Stalinskoy premii, pro- fessor, dW IN 1 11 a 4kh nauk. [Bingle-bucket exca-rator operator] Mashinist odnokovshovogo ekskavatora. 2., perer.1, dop. isd; Pod red. N.G.Dombrovskog@. Moskva, Trudrezervirdat, 1953. 335 P. (MIRA 7:2) (Axcavating machinery) 1. DOMBROVSKIYq N. 0. 2* MW 600, 4* Pleshkovp D, I# 7* Literature on the technology of the great construction projects of communism Reviewed by Ne 0. Dombrovskiyp Sove knigap No. 1,, 1953, 9* Mbnthly List of Russian Accessions,, Library of Congresat April 1953,, Uncl. 1XIVUROVSK I Y, N. , Pro f . Building @Iachincry Improving the operation of construction machinery. P. A. Zimin. Reviewed by Prof. N. Do.mbrovskiy. Ylekh. stroi. 10, No. 3P 1953. Monthly List of Husslart Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. :)r".jB7@'VSYjY, 11. G .. t,- Excavating Fachinery Future sMwn in present time. Tekh. mclod. 21 No. @, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June .1953. Unclassified. G.t laureat Stalinskoy premiidoktor tekhnicheskikh nauk,profee- sor, Tasks of Soviet miLchine building in the field of mechanization of heavy and labor consuming construction work. Yest.mash. 33 no.6:5-15 Je 153. ()a.U 6:6) (gachinery industry) DOMaRKIT, N.G., doktor tekbutcheskikh zoik. laureat Btalinskoy pronii. I%--- -4-rw~"Oft-, qwp, Multi-shovel excavators and transporlor bridges for use in lignite mining. Kekh.trud.rab. 8 no.8:43-46 3) '54. (HLRA 8;1) (Azoavating machinery) (Xining machinery) CHMAKCIV, lonstantin petrovich;, kandidat teekhnicheskikh nauk; DOMBROT- IIXIY. N.G. doktor takhnichookikh nauk, prof#, redaktor; I0601-M-717N. lllw1%",-MALIKOVA. I.V,,, takhnichaskly redaktor. [Transporting azA storiDg road machinery) Transportirovanis i khra- rienie dorozhnykh msehin. Pod red. N.G. Dombrovskogo. Mookvs, Nauchno- telclin. izd-vo artotransp. lit-ry, 1955. 39 P. (K[aA 8:8) (Road machinery) DOOROTMT, N.G. professor awwwwwwww"Mr,M09 WO Prospect* of developing progressive teobnipea In open cut aluings Goreshure no*4:31-37 AP 155. (KLRA 8:7) (Strip mining) N. ,11ew ;-.ine tran.3rortation facilities for open pits, 'Uh--ir ut4.lization ard prospects for the future. (To be contd.) P. 146. Evaluation of the inquiry "Conditions cf *.-ifidespread IJ,-,- of Combines and Their Full Utilization." P. 135. UU!, Praha, Vol. 5, no. 5, Ilay 1955. SO: @'!onthly List of Mst European Accessions, (';EAL), LG, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1.955, Uncl. DO!'B'Z(-)'V3KII, 1% New mine transportation facilities fol- open pits, their utilization and pros- pects for the future. P. 194. U"ILI, Praha) Vol. q, no. 6, June 1955. SO: Mlonthly List of Fast European Accessi3ns, (F.EAL), LC, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. DOMBROVSKIY,11.G., doIrtor tokhnichoskilth nauk, laureat Stalinskoy prenit Z'*:;--~,,*~~l:-.ill,t~,.eT,f"~~",~"4.4:-~. Open pit coal mining in Czechoslovakia. Nekh trud. rab. 9 no.6: 39-42 Js '55. (MM 8:6) (Czechoslovakia--Coal mines wA mining) (Strip min%ng) DWROVSKlY.N.G., doktor takhnichaskiHi nauk Correction sent to the journal lifekhanizateiia trudoeaklkh i tiashel.vkh rabot." Makh.trud.ral).9 no.8;47 Ag'55. (fteavating machinery) (KIRA 8:10) Sill aureat Stalinskoy premli, professor, doktor takh- C1106 na . Ofteavators.0 [Inshenerl N.I.X)otin, [inshenerl S.B.Shimanovich. Reviewed by W.G.Dombrovskii. 14okh.atroi. 12 no-14-31-32 J&155. (Excavating machinery) (Kostin, M.I.) OffMA 8:3) (Shimanovich, S.B.) PCIMOYSIaT,X.0, professor, doktor tekhoicheek1kh nauk, laureat Traffir -Wvrmii; GFdIWY,A.B., ln:ghoner; KRAYTSEM,M. I., inzhener; LWAXIIJ.P., inshener; YART= G.P., inshener. Excavator with an electromagnetic oliding coupling. Makh. stroi. 12 no.4:16-21 Ap '55. (KE.RA 8:6) (Couplings) (Mmavating maichinery) LV MEW mirgiorror A tMall N-t I mr-,, -@ . ZU VZ& lit Of tro:lylz Wx A--4h- - ' , ,. I - ,. if: J-4 @t; ji, 1 POKBROVSKIY N.4, laureat Stalinskey presili professor, doktor tekhniche- amamm" I . I . . sjcl= -nauk. Nechanisation of earthwork In Gstchealovakia. Kekh.stral. 12 no.10:28-32 0 155. (KLU 9:1) (Czechaslovakia-Baithmoving mchiuary) DOMBROVSKIY, N.G., doictor takhnichaskikh mauk. lxcavator construction in Czechoslovakia. Makh.trud.rab. 10 no.5: 44-47 Ny 156. (KLRL 9:8) (Czechoslovakia-Axcavating machinery) DOM)VSKIY, 1.,G., professort daktor tekhnicheakikh nauk. vft@ NOW .90ver-all sochantsMion of constrtustion work &nd problems of Its effectiveness.' T.T.3emkoveldi, T.NeShafranskil. Reviewed by X.G.Dombrovskly. Xekh.utrol.13 no-9:-31;,33 J1 '56. . I (a" 9: U) (Jhd1di mahl ry) (ftsimveldi, T*V.) af=Skill, T.N.) DOKBROVSKIT X ., prof., doktor takhn.nauk I "Barthwork.1 Reviewed by N.G.Doebrovskil. Kakh.stroi. 14 no.6:32-33 Js 157. (KIRA 10:11) 1. Chleftkorrespondent Akadsuii strottelletva i arkhttaktury SSSR. (larthwork) 3WnUW,, MAW Peodostywdah, priof., dokto:r tekhn. nauk; prof., doktor *&n. nauko retsenzeub; DLNIW, L.Ne, rode., T Ors k.Y&*q tokbA. "d. [load-lifting machinery] Gintsopod"onve mashiny-, atlas konstruktelle Nookwa, (too, nauchno-takhne Isd-vo nishinostrolt. lit-r7, 1958. 123 11; (HOistini; MRChiuSrv) (MIU 1117) TROITSKIT, Khanan Ieot 'yevioh, dote., kand. tekhn. nsuk,; ]ZOMBROVSKIT, N*0*,_prof., doktor tekhn.muk. red.: na'@;hnyy red.; KROMOSHOU, r.L., red. iz-1-va,; KOYEDZV, L.Ta.,tekho. red. [Building maohinery] StroitelInye mashiuy. Moskva. Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1958. 446 p. (MIRA 11;12) (Building machinez7) GRINKEVICH, Petr Stepanovich. dotsent, kand.takhit.nauk; DCIKBRGYfKIT N G prof'., doktor takhn.mauk, obshchiy red.; BIMIKOT, N.P" dotment, kand.takhnonsuko nauohnyy red*; ZROMOSHCE, I.L., insh., red.izd-va; ZHANNNSKIY, 1. 1.,, prof .,doktor takhri.nauk, retsensent; CRITMO. I.K., samestitell glavnogo makhanika, retsen20Ut; SEEMIN. B.M.. insh.. retsenzent; 11LIKIU, N.M.,, SOLETSBYA. L.M.,, EBuilding: aachineryl Stroitellnys mashiny. Pod red. N.G.Dombrovskogo. Moskva, Gon.isd-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhtt.i stroit.materialam. 1958. 495 p. (MIRA 12s3) 1. Kaybyshovgidrostroy (for Kiriyanko). (Building mohinery) DOMBROVSKIT, N.G., doktor takhn.nauk, prof. Road and building machinery industry during forty years of the Soviet rule. Isve vys. ucheb. sav.; mashinostr. no.1:54-68 158. (KIRL 11W leftekovskly inshlonerno-stroitelinyy Institut im. V.V. ruybyshava. (Building machinery Industry) (Road machinery industry) SOVI 1CO-58-3-2/8 AUTHORt DombroxakiYT-*v4-.-)-Pr*fessor and Satovskiy, B.I.,Engineeer. TITLEt Progreas of the Manrfactnre cf Heavy Excavators in the USSR (Razvitiye tyazhelogo ekakavatcrostroyeniya v SSSR ) PERIODICAL Ne"anigatsiya. Stroitel. I stva , 1 0058 . No. 3 't USSR Pp 5-9 ABSTRAM The marnfaoture of heavy excavators began in 1949/50 when the fix-at types F@5051 E-1001, E@-2,001 an"' BE-]), were produced Later self-propel! d dragline exonvators Mi-I with a bucket capacity of 3-4-4@s wers produced and still later ESM/401 a dragline with a bucket capacity of 14m3 and ESh14/75-, Finally mechanical shovel EGL-15 was put into produal "ion. The five year period '1952/57 is criticised in respect of further expansion in the manufacture of even mo5e powerful excavators e.jg Eah35/65 with a 16uoket capacity of 25m and EVG35/65 with a 35MJ bucket capacit:r. Further mechanical a ovels EKG-2,, (E-2005) and EKG_8 with buoket capacities of 6-8m@ were put into production. The mechanical shovel EVG-4 was constricted on the basis of @Ype EKG-8. The excavator EVG-..6 has a bucket capacity of 6-8m Dragline ESh-6/60 was also put into production at this period. The stardard heavy excavator is SE-3 on which production began in 1947 and there are now 220 machines of this type in operation. .The bucket capacities are between 4 and 5 n;3* Card 1/3 sov/100-58-3-2/8 Progress of the Manufacture of Heavy Excavators in the USSR The type with the increased bucket capacitj of 5m3 was introduced through the initiative of Enginoer P.I. Bykov and proved very satisfactory. An excavatoz with this increased bucket capacity handled 109656tooom3 of excavated material during 14 working years* This excavator wan modified in 1955/56 and is now known as Type EKG-4. In 1953/4 excavator MM-8 with a deep reach for open cast mining was constructed its bucket capacity being 8m3 (see Figure 1) Its out;ut and technical data are given in Table 1. Figure 2 illustrates diagrammatically track-mounted mechanical excavators.Types EVG-49 EVG-6, EVG-15 and EVG-35/65. In 1949/50 self-propelled excavators ESh-1 mid ESh4/40 came into production . Later excavators ESh-25/100 ESh-25/1'30 and ESh-50/160 (which is the hea-,iest type ) were pio duoed (see Figure 3.) The arm of this latter- machine is up to 90m long and the bucket capacity reaches NO. Factories specialining in their manufacture are: "Elektrosila", factory KhENZ, trust, Elektroprivcd, factory Gidrop--Ivod and the Magnetogarsk cable factory. Table 2 gives the annual output values of the ei:cavator ESh-14/75- Figure 4 illustrates excavator EKG_8 and. Figure 5 the under-carriage of excavator EVG-6. Card 2/3 '330MOO-58-3-2/8 Progress of the Kanufacture of Heavy Excavators in the USSR The most Important factories engaged on the manufacture of excavators aret UZTM, NKRZ, KhEKZ and "'Dinamoll. Figure 6 illustratea excavators ESh-6/60. There a:re six figures and two tables. AVAILABLE 1. Construction equipment--Production 2. Earth moving Card 3/3 equipment--USSR SOKOLOV, EA.; YEVSTAY,9YXV, S.V,; ROSTOTSKIY, V.K.; GRECHIR, H.K.; STANXOVSKIY, A.P.; BAUW, 'r.A.; BXR13", I.L.; BORODACHLIV. I.P., BOTKO, A.G.; VALUTSKIY, I.I,.; TATSSIAVSrAYA, L.Ta.; TOLIYSOX, A.1r.;,n w-E!Y -- --N.&w-,-YIQNUS. H.Ta.; YBYZMNKO, V.P,; ZlHIN, P.A.;. IYANOV, V.A.; KOZLOVSKIY, A.A.; KOSTIN, M.I.; KRIXRW, M.N.: LDILVA, H.S.; RAMMOV, AqSq-,-MIROPOL'SKATA, N.K,; PITROV, G.D.; IUMROV, A.S.; ROGOVSrIY, L.V..; SKWOV, G.Ya.; SHAFWSKIT, V.N.: SHDWIOTICH, S.T.; SMUrn=, V.A. ftenit Rlohardovich Peters; obituary; Makh. stroi. 15 no,1:3 of cover ja 158. (HBA 11:1) (Peters, *genii Richardovich, 1892-1957) DONBROVSnT, N.G,,doktor-tekhn.n&uk @ I -.- - --ow lixperimental investigation of heavy-duty excavators and increase of their output and reliability. Sbor.trud.KISI no.26:5-53 058" (Him 12: 1) (fteavating Nwhinery-Testing) -- - --------- - r) SOMIOV, K.H. YZVSTtAMM,, S.V.; ROSWTSKIT, V.K.-, STANKOVMr, A.P.; VAIMNIK. Te.I.; ONUrRIYBV, I.A.; SVXSHNIKDV, I.P.; UKFEOV, B.Sp; BAUXAM, V,A.; BAHSOV, I.P.; BASHIRMT, S.V.; BOTIOD, A.G.; VALUfSlff, I.I.; ZAW)LISKIY,, V.P.; ZOTOV, V.P.; IVAMV, V.A.; TAZARIMV, V.H.; IZVI. S.S,; XAW)A'"=Y, To.K.; )MENEDV, A.S.; MIROPOLISIATA. N.I.; OSIPOV, L.G.-, PXIUMINAN, L.M.; PSTROV, G.D.; PSMOV, U.N.; POLTAIDDV. V.1.1 VAUSLAVSKILTA, L.Ta.; VAKHRAHLUV. S.As; VXRZHITSMT, A,H,; VIABOV, P.A.; vo-117SON, A.V.; VOSHCHININ, A.I.; DZRMDTMT, M.N.; TAPIPAMV, S.P.; TXrFDW=, V.P.; ZZLICHXWK, G.G.; ZIMIN, P.J..; POR)YA, N.Ts; ROGOVSXIT, L.V.; MOROV, A.S.; SAPRYKIN, V.A.; SOVAIOV. I.G.; SOSHIN, A.Va; STARMIN, N.M.1 SURKNTAII, G.S.; TOIOIATA, D.Y.; TRO12SICIT, Kh.L,; TUSHNYAKOV, H*D.; FROIOV, F.T.; TSIRKUWro I.P. Andrei TWImirovich Konarov; obltu%rr. Hakh. stroi. 16 no.1:32 Ja 159. (KMA 12: 1) (Konoro,r, Andrei Vladimirovich, 1890-1958) DOMBROVSXIY, N.G., prof., doktor teon.nauk-, BRAGrADY. D.L., dotse; WK&klog reinforcements for precast concrete slerments" by S.M. Nossikk6. Reviewed * N.G. Dombrovskit, 4.L. Shaginov, Ilov.tqkh. mout. i alx)ts.rAb.v strol. 21 no-1:3 ot cover Ja (MIU 12:1) 1 afthitektury 3M Chi (Risiaforcod'aoucrete) (losenko. 1. NADALIYAK, Platon Alsksamdrovich;_DCOMSKIY. X.G.,; KUMIKOVe T.N., raddizd-ye; GOLDS', S.F.,, Esiasle-Inicket excavator; outline of the development of single-bucket excavators for open excavations] Odmokovehovya skska-vatory; ocherk rasvitiia odnokovshovykh skskaystoroy dlia otkrytykh gorxykh rabot. Moskva. Ind-vo Jkmd.mauk SSSR. 1960. 70 P. (KIU 13:7) (Excairating mchimery) YORCHTSOT-VALITAKINOT, likolay Pavlovich, dotsent; WLAGINOV, Dwitriy U*Iya- novich. dotsent; PJPMV, Nikolay Mitrofanovich, doteent. Prinimal uchastiye POWT, N.N., dotsent. prof., doktor takhn.neuk, roil.; BWV, B.A., Lash., nauchn" red.; RRYSH. A.L. insh., nauchnyy red.1 UMI, V.Ta., red.izd-va; NAUMOVA, G.D., [Building machinery; album of dravings] Stroitelinys mashiny; allbom cherteshei. Pod red. N.G.Dombrovskogo. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkh1t. i stroit. materialam, 1960. 3 p. 294 p. of diagra. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Kafedra OStroitellnyye mashinyO Moskovskogo ordena Trudovogo Irasnogo Xnameni Inzherierno-stroitellnogo instituts imani V.V.Kuybyaheva (for Toronteov-Volllyaminov, Shaginov, Petrov). 2. Voyarino-transportnaya akedemiya (for Popov). (Building machinery) DOMROVSKIT, N.C., (lok-tor takhn.nauk 1, Methods for solvIng besio prrUo=9 in the theory, designing# and manufacturing of now equilyAont for mass construction and open-out mining. StroiA dor.mehinostr. 5 no.ls6-9 Ja l6o. (HIU 13:5) (larOhmovir,g machiner3r) BOKBBDVSKIY,_,W,., doktor takhnichaskikh nauk An- Improvinj: the mmufacture of building$ road, and loading and unloading machinery*. KekhA avtom.proizv. 14 no.10:42-46 0 16o.(mm 13:io) (BuilAing machinery-Technologioal innovations) (Rced machinery,--Technological innovaticins) DOMBROVSKIY, N.G., doktor tekhn.nauk; YZMOV, D. I., lcmd.tekhn.nauk Now desigas of excavator dippers* Strois i dor,. mashinostr. 5 no.10:3-9 0 160* (MIRA 13:10) (licavating machinery) N.G.p doktor tekhn-nauko prof. ,@@VSYIIYI - I Improving hasic equipwnt used in open-pit mining in cirder to greatly increase labor productivity and reduci -operating(costs. Sbor.trud. MISI noo3l%3.;18 160o MIRA 3-4:3) (Mining maohinery-Toohnological innovations) PETROV, Nikolay Mitrofanovich, dote.., kand. tekhn. nauk- ICMBROVSKIY ' E'--- "'-' N.G,prof.p doktor tekhn. naukp red.; ZALRISKlY.-@.S@.,z @., nauchnyy red.j I(RONIOSHCH, I.L.., red. izd-va; HUDAKINA, N.I.v tekhn. red. [Building and road machinery) Stroitelinye i dorozbnye mashiny. Pod obshchei red. II.G.Dombrovskogo. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo 3-it-ry po stroit., arkhit.i stroit.materialam, 1961. 366 po (MIRA 14:12) (Building machinery) (Road machinery) DOMBROVSLU NG,, doktor tekbn. naukj, prof.j PANKRATOVp S.A*,, doktor Pro.; VWYMO, Z.I., red. izd-vaj GAH3WIN,, U.K., t4ikbn. red. (ExcavatlM machiveryl Zemler@iziyo maahivy,, Moskval Goo. izd-vo lit-ry pa qtroit.p arkhit, i streit* materialstm, Pt.l. [Bucket excavatoro) Odnokovabovye ekskawatory. 1961* 650 p, (MIRA 14110) 1* Chlen-korreolvndent Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitaktury SWR (for Dombrovskiy). (Z=avating machiner7) P-OAIW.VSUT,-Njkqjff (Irigorlyevichp doktor tekhn. nauk,, prcf.; PREOBRAZHENSYJ!-A-p-T-.P-.j, ied.; SAVCMMKOp Ye.V.9 takhn. red. [Mechanization end automation of building operationts) Mekhanl- zateiia i avtomatizatniia stroiteltrqkh rabot. Moskya, Isd-vo "Znanie," 1961. 47 p. (Va9aoiu=o& obahchestvo po raBproatra- neniiu politiolieskikh I nauchrqkh znanii, Ser,4, Tekhnikaj no.18) (Building machinery) (Automatic control) (141RA 36tl) CDOMBI VISKIY I KJkc4ay-Qrkg*r'7evieh, doktor takhn, nauk., prof,; IZVCIIENKO, Ya.V.,.. in2h.,, red.; FREGERp D.P... red. izd-va; BELOGUROVA,, I.A.p tekhn. red. (Reliability aml durability of construction equipment-INa- dezhnost' i dolgvvechnost' stroitelIzWkh mashin; stero- gramma lektsii. Leningraa, 1962. 26 p. (MIRA 15:8) (Construction equipment) VETROV-1 YuriY A-leksanirovich; DOMMOVSKly Ly. (;. MIROVETS, Ye.m., red. - ---- s Prof.j, Ot"r. red.; ; JUJUKHAIlOVsKAY,-C,-f-.T.,-takhn. red. (Resist'ance OJ: sOil to cutting]SOProtivlenie gruntclv rezaniiu. Kiev' lzd-vo I:ievskogo un'v-, 1962. 78 pe (MIRA 15.-g) I& Chlon-IcorresPondent Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Dombrovakiy). (Earthwork) DOMBROV-SKIY, N.G., prof'.; X91INSKAYA, D.A., insh. Study on an electronic model of the Impact loads in the reducing gear of the turning gear of an excavator. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 5 io.10t92-97 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Moskovskiy ijizhonerno-stroiteltnyy institut (for Dombrovskiy). 2. Kharlkovskiy elektromekhanicheakiy zavod (for Kaminskaya). Rekdmendovana kafedroy elektrotekWki I elektroprivcda Moskovskogo inzhenerno-stroltellnogo instituta. (Excavating machinery) (Gearing-Electromechanical analogies) S/100162100DJOW/001/001 1012/1252 t!2 Dr. of Technical Sciences; Prof AUTHORS- RRMb1QyAjy N. r 71TLE: Quality improvement in construction and road-building equipment PERIODICAL. Mckhanizatsiya stroitel'stva, no. 7, 1962,11-14 TEXT: The article deals with the problem of repairs and overhaul in general construction and road building equipment, and stresses their high coc and the loss of time and disruption of schedules entailed by the intro- duction of more complicated machinery and their operation in series. Present methods of evaluation do not take sufficiend account of operating costs, in particular of the losses incurred by idling while under repair, Manufacturers are mainly interested in reducing costs production -an unjustified approach from the na- tional economy standpoint, since an it-considerable eco nomty in cost is invariably offset by a disproportion- ate reduction in service life and efficiency. A new approach to the problem of component parts is outlined, the salient points being: improved design from the wear vit"oint, with the appropriate lifo-time of each part or group of parts specified in advanix. Mass production is in order only aft" a much longer, more thorough and scientifically planned running-in petiod of the prototype at the factory; supply of spare parts accom panying & equipents. Interspersed in vhe text are pertinent data on costs, sevice life, work-repair time ratios for Soviet-manufactured excavators, tractors, diesels, vibrators, etc. Card 1/1 D%IBROVSKIY, N.G., proft, doktor tekhn,nauk Developing the typifiOatiCh of mine transportation equipment for open- pit operations. Gor. zhur. no.7t48-54 JI 162. (MM 15:7) 1. Movkovski7, inzheherj@o-str6itellnyy institut. (Iline haulage-Equipment, and supplies) I X.G*, doktor tekhn.nauk M KIKJ-- Raiaing the :reliability and durability of machineiT is the Most important objective of the national economy. Stroi, i dore mash& 7. no,7d-4 ;a 162, (MIPA 15--?) (Road machinery) (Construction equipment) - DCHBROVSKII -II.G. ,-prof.. doktor tokhn.nauk; SHIKANOV, S#AOS otarshiy naachm4y ootrudnik *Methods of substantiating the efficienoy of u9irg.machinery in oonstruotionu by S.E. Kantorer. 14ekh. stroi. 19 no.5-.29-31 my 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Institut ekoncmiki Ali SSSR (for Shikanov). (Vuilding maohinory) (Kantorort S.E.) I of.r DOMBROVSKIY If G 'r doktor tekhn.nauk ,Z- ---- - @-- @ @- a 0 2 Raise the nechanization and automation of construction to the level of modern technology. Mekh. stroi. 19 no.9t2-5 S 162. (Cotatruotion equipment) (Automatic control) (KRA 1599) DOMOVSKIYY II.G.. dAtor takhn.nauk, prof. Durability aud rellabUity fom the basic quality indice of machizwry ark@4 muchaalsms. Vest.mashinoatr. 42 no-8:3-7 Ag 162. (KM 15: 8) (ftchinery)