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DCMAS!@@@Yu.,, kapitan Operating the icebreaker "Dobrynia Nikitlch.11 Mor. flot 24 no.2:24-25 F 164. (mIRA 18:12) 1. Ledokdl "Dobrynya Nikitich". SMIITOVI B.V.# bNootekhn.nauki DCMASHENKO YU.N,I_Jmh, Assembling precast elements of a now-type industrial buildings Promostrois 39 no.8:23-29 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Moscow.-Precant oomorsto construotion) POPHIM, A.G.; ZiMMMOT, N.G.; D A!A.; NIZITINA, Ye.V,; red*; TSTBINA, To.Y., CPungi of the Kirghts S.S.,R91 Gribnais flora Kirgizakot SSR.. Frunze, Izd-vo All Kirgisakoi M. No.l. Caystematic list of species and geographical distribution] Sistematichasko-v1dovot sostay i geogrefichaskoe ras?rostranania. 1957. 128 p. (Kirgisistan-Fungi) (MIRA 11:6) MUCMMO# Georgly Nuslyevick; DONANWICH, 0., -ed.; KALNCHITS. G., [Sharkovshchine Artificial Insemination Station serving several collective forms] Sharkovshchinskela mashkolkhounsis stantaiia iskusetvannogo onemenenila shivotnykh. Minsk, Gos.isd-vo BSSR. Redoselikhos.lit-ry, 1960. 29 p. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Glaynyy veterinarnyy vrach Sharkovshchinskogo rayona (for Tkschonko). (Shorkay-behins District-Artificial insemination) MLOV, Mikhail Platonovich [Krylous M.P.]; DOMAMICH, 0.9 red.; KAIZCBYTS., G. [Kaleebytop tek @*re@d. - . [How we reduce pork costal IAk my znizhaem sabekoebt avininy, Minskp Dziarzh.vyd-va BSSR. Red. sellskahaapadarchai lit-ry, 1960. 30 P. (MIU 14:12) 1. Predsedatell kolkhoza "Iskraw Volkovvskogo rayon& Grodnenskoy oblasti (for-Krylov). (White ftesia-ftine) NAZAROVA, Anna Filippovna (Mosarava, H.P.], GeroZ Soto ialistiche skogo r-n- Truda; DONASMICK, 0. AMmashevich. O.J. red.; KOLECHIT8, G. [Kale ;@Iwtf we-i@s @"84'0-;de [Progressive varch of the seven-year plan] Kroksmi siamihodki. Literatuny sapis i fota P.I&.Utsiwwva. Kinsk, Dsiarsh. vyd-va BSIM, Red.sellaksbaspiadarchal lit-rye 1960. 31 po (Km 14t3) 1. Starshynya kalhass Vershays mayne', Ihaludotsksho raiona (for Mazarove). (Zwludok District-Agrioulture) . 4 SOLNTSEV, Konstantin Mikhaylovich# kand. sellkhoz. nauk j DCFASHEI-VVII-C red.; KHOREVS M p V.p takhn. rod. :@ CHI-Q" [Antibiotics in tbe feeding of farm Animalol Antibiotiki v kormUnii sallskokboziaistvenrqkh zhivotmykh. Minsk, Gos. izd-vo IISSR Red. oellkboz. Ut-Typ 1960. n6 pa OLTU 14M (Antibiotics) (Feeds) VALIBOTSKIY) Solown Borisavich (NLLUbotakip S.B.,, deceased]; IlIKOLAYEVA, Yu.N. (flikalaeva U N.J, kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; DMIASHEVICHj 0. tDlshevich, 0.], red.; UCHUKMMV)'k.-[TJ6bimbbk4j, A.). takhn. red. [I4cal White Russian geese] Miastsovyia belaruskiia husi. Minskj, Dziarzh. vyd-va seltskahaspadarshai lit-ry BM, 1962. 58 p. (KERA 17: 1) ZHARIKOV, Ivan Semenovich; YEGOROV, Yuriy Grigorlyevich; BOBKOVA. Anastasiya Pominicbna; DOMASHEVICH, C., red.; YEWILOV, V., tekhn. red. (Pasciolinsis of farm animals and its control]Fastsiolez sell- akokhozia:tstvennykh shivotnykh i bor'ba a nim. Minek khoz- gis BSSRO 1962. 63 P- (1"5:S1611)1 (White Russia-Liver fluke) (White Russia-Paranitse-Domeatic animals) L&ESH, Vladimir Filippovich; IIAZAROV, Viktor Konstantinovich; SHPAKOV2 Aleksey Prokoflyevich; TARUSOVA, Yelizaveta Fedoravnal LEMWH, Sof Iya Ivanavna; LEVINA, Zinaida Moiseyevna; GOBMI, Vera Vasillyevna,- AQ@4A�@FICH, O.T-.1-, red.; ZUYKOVA, V.I., tekhn. red. (Composition and nutritive value of feeds In White Sostav I pitateltnosti kormov Belorussli. Minsk,, sellskokhoziaistvennoi lit-ry BSSR, 1962. 241 p. (MIRA (White Russia-Feedo-Composition) Russia] Gos.izd-vo 17:1) POTAPOVA, Yekaterina Antonovna(Pat -Nm 16&*Ww& @-.4%pAtat- Ver- HE;V--* __ , t 4"AU-03v; WAS ICH -0 ZEIIIKO,M., - =1 - - I (For the good of the people) na karysts' naroda. Minsk) Dziarzh.vyd-va sellhaspadarchai lit-ry BSSR, 1963. 61 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Kolkhoz imeni Frunze Shklouskago rayona, Bel.SSR (for Potapova). (Swine) SAPUNOVq Vaailiy Andrayevichl DOMASHEVIGH, 0., red. -- (New type of feedinj for farm animals) Novyi tip kormle- niia sellskokhosiaistvanrqkh 2hivotrqkh. Kinsks Gooizd- vo sellkhoz.lit-ry BSSR, 1963. 106 p. (MIRA 180) LUTSEVICH, P.A.j HONGALEV, G.F.; MIKHALEVICH, N.G.; ZINOVICH, K.F.; SAFRONENKO,, A.P.; KLIMENKOV, P.A.; GAYDUKEVICH, N.M.; SILIN, M.S.; BRAZOVSKIYp P.V.;.KOVPAX, M.D.; MELESHKEVICH, O.A.; KAMENTSEVA., V.N.; KULIKOVSKIY, A.V.1- TARAYKOVICH, P.I.; AIZYNIKOV, G.A.; SHMULEVICH, Sh.S.;GRACHEVA, K.I.; NIKOIAYEVA, Yu.N.; VOLOKHOV, M.A.1 DOMASHEVICH A,, red.1 KARKLINA, E., red.; ZUYKOVA, V., tekhn. red-.- - (Manual for-livestock raisers] Spravochnik zhivotnovoda. 2., dop. i perer. izd. Minsk, Gos.izd-yo sellkhoi.lit-ry ESSR9 1963. 462 p. (?[IRA 16:8) 1. Glavnyy zootekhnik Upravleniya nauki Ministerstva.seltakogo khosynystva Belorusskoy SSR (for Safronenko). (Stock and stockbreedfn4) SIIUMSKIY' F.I., otv. red.; GAYRO, A.A., red.; VOYTKO, 'D.I., red.; KARELINj V.11., red.j IIAGORSKAYA, Ye.D., red.; SOUT.17V, K.M., red.; SIDORENKO, G.M.., red.; DOMA,-O r-e,d. (Increasing the production and improving the quality of meet; transactions of the White Russian Research 'Hnstitute of Animal Husbandry] Uvelichenie proizvodstva i u'.uchshenie kachestva miasa; trudy Belorusskogo nauchno-is-sledovatell- skogo inatituta zhivotnovodstva. Minsk, Izd-vo "Urozhai," 1964. 155 P. (MIRA 170) 1. Minsk. Instytut z4Tvelahadouli. VCYTKO, Dionisly losifovich; DOMASHEVICII, O.F.p red. [Methods of breeding and ijaprovirg swine ntralnsj !@etvociy razvedenlia i s over shena tvovani ia porod svdnei. '.,'irL;K, Urozhai, 1964. 296 p. MASTYK0, Grigorly Stepanovich, doktor voter. nauk prof.; DOMASHEVIU.-O.s red. W@- Oll [Advice to the stock raiser and veterinary specialist] Sovety zhivotnovodu i votspetsialistu. Minsk, Urozhal, 1965. 102 p. (MIRA 19il) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy obshchey i chastnoy khlrurgli Vitebskogo vaterinarnogo instituta (for Mastyko). YISHEMICH, Karic Abramovich [Amheleviah, N.A.] ;_@flVIOH T. Damashavich, V.3, redo; NOLMITS, G. [Kelsohyto, fl. -.'* tekhnoredo [Oz warble flies and their control] Pledskurnyla avedni i baratelba s imi. Kinsk. Dziarsh.vyd-va BSSR, Rad.Sellsks- hasmadarahai lit-ry, 1960. 42 p. (MIRA 14:3) (Warble flies) AGAPITOVA, A. S. ; XORXWVA , Te. I D QH&SA WICH Xxpert evaluation of temporary disability and the employment of workers with cardiovascular diseases. Trudy LSGMI 40:242- 247 '58. (MIR& 12:8) 1. Fakul'tat6kays terapevticheakaya klinika. Leningradskogo aanitarno-gigiyealcheskogo meditainakogo inst Ltuta (zav.klinikoy - prof.A.A.Kedrov) I Kafedra, gigiyeny truda, Leaingradakogo sanitarno- gigiyenichaskogo seditainakogo institute. (zav.kafedroy - prof. Te.TS.Andreyeva-Galanina). (WORK. capacity determ. In cardlovase. die. (Rua)) (CARDIOVASCUlAR DISUM, working capacity determ. (Rus)) L 10025-41- Z FiVEW TW/ BDS- ArM/ASD--Ps-4--w* ACCESSION - xR'- W=3,Q s/OD58/63/ 000/004/AO2-fi/AO24 SOLMCE: Me Pitika., Abe* Woos AUTHOR: Domashwomaj P, ITIZ x-ray er'v1th'sc1nt12l&;t1ou.counter@ CITZ) S(XJRCEt Sb. naucam.- Irabot aspir antov Voronezhsh. vyp. 2j 19% 18-22 TOPIC TACA: Bpectrowter,, X-ray$ luminexcea The - construction - Wid operating principLD. are described of_ an X-ray spectrqPhotometer. for the, investigation of the fine wtructure of X-ray spectra vith a buninescent counter and silicon crystal as an malyzer. The resolution of the X-ray spectra and their focuoing is by means of the silicon crystal, using the Johw3n method.. The registering unit consists of eL scintillation crystal (Ja TI) r=d a photomultiplier. The spectroPhotometer permits measurement of the @fine stricture of the,X-ray spectra vithin a focusingangle range Theta - 11-50* with high accuraqy@__A voolution, 9 - 5000 ves obtaired-in--the-copper -region-in-,__ the first order'of reflection-of,the silicon crystali, Card S/048/62/026/003/009/015 B150102 AUTHOR; P@_ TITLE: Use of silicon as crystal analyzer in an x-ray spectrograph of high reao.1ving power PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 3, 1962, 395-396 TEXT: The author tested a silicon sheet in.a bent-crystal spectrcmeter to obtain information on the suitability of silicon as a crystal analyzer. On the apparatus Y-r--50V (URS-50I) a crystal sheet of 25-- 10 mm, 0.2 mm thick, was out from a chemically pure monocrys al in parallel to the (422) plane. Its interplanar spacing was 1.1 1. The spectra were analyzed with the nonrecording microphotometer Mhj-2 (MF-2), and their intensities were determined by means of a densitometric charac@teristic according to Protopopov. On comparing the results with'those obtained with a double-crystal spectrometer the resol*ring power was found to be of the order of 11,000 whereas the best known until now %as 10,000 (quartz). There are 1 !able and 12 references: 9 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The two Card 1/2 Use of silicon as crystal analyzer... 5/04 62/026/0071/009/015 B152YB102 references to English-language publications read as follown: P. Lublin, Denver Colo, p. 229, 1959; B. W. Battermann, Rev. Solent. instrum., 29, no. 12, 1132 (1956). ASSOCIATION: Voronezhskiy gos. universitet (V'oronezh State University) Card 2/2 UGAY, Ya.A.1 DOMASHEVSKAYA, E.P.j MARSHAKOVA, T.A. Character of the chemical b in semiconductor compounds with antimony. Zhur.atrukt thim. 4 no.2s250-253 Hr-Ap 1. Voronezhskiy gosudaretyannyy universitet. anterm~tallic compconds) (Chemical bonds) of zinc (163. min i6t 5) ACCESSION MR: AP4038777 S/0048/64/0;8/005/0833/0836 AIMIOR: Domashevskaya, E.P.; Ugay, Ya.A. TITLE: V2 15 emission-i-pactra of cadmium and antimony in some pomiconducting com- pounds rRe ort, Seventh Conference an X-Ray Spectroscopy hold is% Yerevan 23 Sop to I Oct 963 SOURCE: AN SSSR. IzvestiVa, Seriya fizichaskaya, v.28, no.5, 1964, 853-856 TOPIC TAGS: x-ray spectrulm, x-ray emission, aidmium, cadmium Qompound, antimony, an@imony compound, semicqqducting material, chemical bond J, .el I ABqTRACT: The V2,15 emission spectra of cadmium and antimony were recorded for thP metals and for a number of compounds in order to determine the effect on them og:,difforent types of chemical banding. The cadmium spectra were recorded for CdSb,@: CdP b3 and CdS; the antimony spectra were recorded for CdSb, Cd4Sb3, AlSb, GaSb, .4s InSb, Sb2Se3 and Sb2S3. A spectrograph with Johann focusing was employed. The cad- mium spectra were recorded with a dispersion of 18.7 oV/zm in the first order re- Ilection from the (111) planes of a bent (50 cm radius) silicon crystal; the anti- mony spectra were recorded with a dispersion of 6.1 *V/ma in the first order reflec- Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4038777 tion from the (0001) planes of a quartz crystal. The spectra are very similar, showing the 102 and 101i spin doublets and %oak short wavelength structure of un- known origin. The Sb spectra are the more 9)zmetric, the Cd spectra being consider- ably extended in the short wavelength direction. The simplest spectra are those of the metals, which show only a single unresolved spin doublet. The spectrum of tho nearly covalent compound InSb is very similar to that of the metal, as is also the spectrum of GaSb. The compounds CdSb. Cd4Sb.3, CdS, AlSb, Sb2Se3 and Sb2S3 are se;ni- conductors with mixed ionic-covalent bonds. Both the Cd and Sb spectra of these com- pounds show both the spin doublets, and these are displaced with respect to each other. The sopqration of the spin doublet in the semiconducting compounds indicates the presence of two energy states of the Cd or Sb atom corresponding to the mixed ionic-covalent character of the bond. This separation is small in Cd5b, Indicating the predominately covalent character of this compound. The maximum of the Cd spec- tra is shifted toward the shorter wavelengths in the compounds compared with ita po- sition in thu metal. This is ascribed to participation of Cd 4f electrons, along with the 5s valence electrons, in the chemical banding. A similar phenomenon In mon- tioned in connection with the Sb spectra, 'but it in less convincingly revealed by the curves prosentod. 2 figures and 2 tables. Card 213 ACCESSION NR; AP4038777 ASSOCIATION: Voronezhakiy gasudarstvenny4ly universitet (Voronezh State University) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 1=un64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OP MR HOF SOV: 013 OTHER:007 Cqrd 3/3 7.4- ACCESSION NR: AP4036727 8/0020/64/156/002/0430/0433 AUTHORs Ugay, Ya.A_;'JjgM&MgL84ga TITLE: The nature of the chemical bond in.AIII By semiconductor compounds SOURCE*. AN SSSR. Doklady*p ir, 156t no. 2t 1964, 430-433 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor, 111-V semiconductor,, chem- InSti 'ical bond type, energy posiblpn, L band, antimony, AlSbp G;3Sb,,. CdSb) x ray analysipp elictron,cloud contraction# binary.compoundp ABSTRACT: The shaPeand the energy positions or the L 015t2 -bands of antimony in antimony metal and its semiconductor compounds AlSb, GaSbj InSb and CdSb were examined by x-ray analysis to determine the behavior of the Yalency electrons responsible for the chemical bond. The em.-Lssion spectra (fig. 1.) consist of two @mresolved bands L and L corresponding to the electron transi- tions N - LI, angl5N The shift in the LC11,2 band toward V I C the long wav9.j=allerIV9ne;6jIin AlSbj.GaSb and WS all3ed by the co traction of the.slactron cloud to the antimony lattice 8itQ8 Card I/ ACCESSION NR: AP4036727 of the indicated compound:q as the effective charge of the nucleus decreases, the LA band shifts toward the long wave side. No, shift is observealib2the L spectra of InSbj and resolution of the LAlK 2 band is practiclallf absent because of the covalent charac- ter of'ffie interatomic bond. InSb is the most covalent (and least . ionic) compound in the series as evidenced by the exceptionally high electron mobility and small width of the forbidden zone. The decrease in the width of the band in going from,AlSb to InSb (from 12.8 to 9.8 e.v.) also indicates an increase in the degree of covalency, with t~y, froal Al to In. A new arrangement for! A B compounds was drawn pw ft.2) which fulfills the conditions for forming binary AB compounds with tetr'ah eural coordination of the atoms in the compound. 'there is an average of four valence electrons, per atom. The shift in the Bb 5P1BctR= toward the direction of less energy, due to the electron cloud contraction toward Sb,,*results in Al lattice sites'with-.j+@:and - sb site a., with 6-chargesj*wh19re6 ie much less than. 1. Orig. art. babi 4 figuree,and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Voronezhakly o3udarstvenny*y universitet (Vor9nezh State Univerafty) Card 2/ 5 'ACCESSION NRI AP40367127 SUM41TTED 23Dec63 ATD-'PRSSSS 3090 SUB CODE: lot No"REF SOV: 003, 01 AOCMICK NAI A?4036727- Fills Is Photometric curvis of the L15 2- sPgctv& Of ButImOny in compAunds end in the,metal Card *4/ 5 ACCESSICK NR: AP4036727 IMUSMS 02 Sb Sb At ;b, I At Sb .0 lee life Sb a I At FIX. 2. Scheme of the cheuLcal lee bonds In A111BV co"pounds exem--- ;b,' At": Se: AL4.- 1 1b, pliflail by AlSb(according to thd L eve --- I author's data) At At ib At card *3 5 L 5 zwT(m) POU) ACC NRt AT6006177r'. SOURCE-COIDE9 U14/0000165/000/0001034VAM AUTHOR: lkay Ta. A..; Dcmasheviskgya E. P.; Marshakov T. A.. .01G.' none TITLE: X-ray anaiiyals of, switionductin,g gadmium compowds containing antimon ootygen,, and sulfW SOURCE: Khimiche@skaya svyAzt rpoluprovodnikakh i tveviykh telakh (Chemical band in semiconductors,and solids)..Minsk, Nauka i tekhnika, 196!1, 347-355 TOPIC TAGS: x ray,*,semiconductor band @ structure, cadmium wapound, antimony com- pound, oxygen conipowd, sulfur compound, x ray absorption spectrum ABSTRAM. The lficttion of thei L015.2 emission band ol! cadmium in CdSb, Cd3Sb29 CdOb3, VIS, and.tdj) as compw-ed to-its location in mestallit., cadmium is studied by :the Johawi x-ray, technique.. 'the 3Ke, line of arsenic was adso used as a reference. absorption limitof eadmium in these com- The. location 'of 1ha fundamentall L111- pounds as compared to its location In the metal; was studied using the standard .'Card,1/2 L 17734-66. ACC NR: AT600iiI77, L*I. line of arrUmony 'asa roiferencs;, The Cd$b, Cd Sb2 9 wid Cd4Sb3 were prepared by. fusion of stoichlometric amounts of 99.99% ai 31,Lum with antimony containing less than 2-10 31. contaminaatc. The US was prepare-I by precipitation with pare 112S fras CdSO4-ac*tic acid solution. The CdO was prepat4id by decomposition of fresh Cd(CO3)2 at'5500C. It was found that the L,15.2-eviission band and the LIII-aboor-p- .tion limit of. cadmium in CdSb, Cd3qb2 s Cd4Sb3. and. US are shifted toward lower wave' region in comparlson with !he corresponding bands otmetallic cadmium. No such ,shift wAs obaiirin3d in the case of CdO 0 It was found that the magnitude of this shift per uni,: of effecti"t valence @eclines with Increasing ionic character of the chemicaLl bond, In the semiconducting compounds, this shift becomes successively smaller in th-a following o3,der: CdSb, Cd3Sb2, Cd4!51)31 C@IS, and U6. The energetic gap between the L -absorption limit and the LOj!,.:j-emJ.usion band was found to be proportional to the width -)f the forbiddeii zone of a gii"in compound. ror the com- pounds in questiont this gisp increases with IncreasLng lonic character of the cheml- cal. bond In a, ccimpound. The L,15.2-emission of CdAn itij semiconducting-compounds and in the metal., are showno: Rig! art. hasi 5 f1guresp 3 tables. SOB CODE: 21) jel SUB14 DATEt 3lMayfi5/ ORIG RM, ow OTH REF: 000 7 5:7-7 JUT t (a)/BWP( )/I;#P(b)_ IJP(a) - JD.'- --- --- 1ACC VR. APW205. SOURCE COM 010083 1JR/0139/65/000/006/008 AUTHORS:_ P-jo, U 8,.y:.L Yi! A. WAIWAga OW; .1bronegh State University (Vorconezhskiy gosuniversitet) TITLE: X ray spectral Investigations of the character of the chemical bond In semiconductor compotmds of aluminum SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika, no. 6., 1965s 110-832,- -semiconductor alloy x ray - TOPIC TAGSs altmihUm, aluminum conqwund, spectrum, chemical-bonding ABSTRAM The authors have meastwed the relative energy positions of lines and- the non-diagram: Aine v %, and the Yal, 2 %4 Of aluminum in the compounds A1.3b.. AlP, AlNp Al 0 ;, and aluminum metal. The work 2 3 was tmderiaken to determine the sign and thd relative charge of the., III'and )v in L III atome A I A BVbinary compounds as functions or the obsing in Me cbaraoteP or the chemical boul in, the analog series, The -Cam 1.5544-6f S AP6002085 ,je emiBl3ian lines were plotted by a primary method in first order reflec- tion., tieing anx ray spectrograph. The :results show that all he alumLnin lines ' shift towards thd shorter wavelengths on going"from metallic aluminum to the compounds. This. indicates that the aluminum has a positive charge in all th' e ccapounds. The aluminum remains trivalent in all compounds. The electronegativity of tM partner of aluminim in the compounds was 1.8., 2.1, 3.0, and 3.5 for Al$b, AIT, AIN, and Al 0 respectively. The corresponding forbidden bandwidths 2 3 were 1.6, 3-0., 3.8.. and 2.5 ev. 11: is-concluded,from the shift of, the K Ml lines (+ 0.16, +0.24o -1-0,32., and +0. 48 ev for the sama 2 sequence5 that-the ionic componenta of U*se compounds amounts to '0200 40 and 60 per cent respeotivel., The increase in the ionic components agrees with the the widths of the forbidden,, III V bandn,' but anly. for the A B compoundo. No such correlation is observed for Al 0 .,' Orig. art. hasul .1@igure and 2 tables 2 3 SUB CODK% 20/ SM DATES 22Peb64/' 01UM REP: 007/ ON IMF: Oll L ACC NR: AT7003878 SOJECE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/oc)0/0119/0126 AUTHOR: Ugay, Ya. A.; Domashevskeya, E. P. ORG: n:)ne I 17ITLE: X ray spectral investigation of the character of the chemical bond in certain III - V semiconductor 'compounds 0 SOURCE: AN BSSR. Institut fiziki tverdogo tela i yoluprovodnikov. Xhimicheskaya svyazl %r poluprovodnikakh i termodinamika (Chemical bond in semiconductors and thermo@- dynamic;i). Minsk, Nauka i tekhnikao 1966, lig..126 TOPIC VGS: x ray spectroscopy, chemical bonding) semiconducting material, line shift,, forbidden band IXSTRAC,r: This is a continuation of earlier work (DAN SSSR v. 156, 43o, 1964) deal-@ ing with the x ray spe,.tra of semiconductor compounds. In the present investigation the auVaors studied the emission K spectra of aluminum and L spectra of antimony in certain III - V semiconductors. The main purpose was to determine the magnitude and sign of the charges of the atoms in the compound, the relation between the covalent) ionic) and metallic t7pes of bond in the seirleondvi,,tor, and the method whereby the bond acquires in the semiconductors a partialAy io.-dc character. The spectrum was obtained by a primary method in first order of rel'Lection) using a Johann spectro- E;raph with a gypsum crystal. 7he compounds te-sted were Al, Al, AlSb, AlP, AlN, and A3.203p InSb, and GaS1j. The line shifts,, the lonicity, the electronegativity, the Card ;12 uDc: 541.57 ACC NRt A77003878 width of the forbidden bandj and other factara tire tabulated. 7be results show that in III - V semiconductors the nx atom is positively charged and the V atcm negative- ly cbarged., in contradiction to the resultx of Be Muser and We Pearson. The bond in semiconductors of such type is more covalont tkan ionic. The ionicity of the bond is realized by means of a continuous distribution of the density of the valence elec- trons from the III atom to the V atom.' A correlation is revealed between the degree of ionicity and the metalli ation of the bond on the one hand, and the main electro- physice.1 properties of the semiconductorit on the other. The 3S and 3P valence bands are foimd to overlap in semiconductor compounds of aluminum, and the states of the electrons in then become hybrid. , Orig. w.-t. has: 4 figures and 3 tables. SUB CODE: 20/ Sum nATE:, 2aAug66/ oRi(; Pin .0'10/-' OTH PZF: 013 Lqwd 2/2 DOMASHLPVSKIY, A. A. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of corrosion and increase of stab- ility of cement solutions for ceramic shafts undergoing the aggressive action of sugar solutions." Kiev, 1961. 23 pp; with diagrams; (Academy of Conotruction and Architecture Ukrainian SSR); 175 copies; price not given; (KL, 10-61 sup, 214) D(YY,ASHEVSKIY, A.A. [Recommendations on the construction of floors resistant to the action of augor for food industry enterprises] Be- komondataii po ustroittivu sakharoutoikikh polov na pred- priiatiiakh pisbcbevo!L promyshlennosti. Minsk, In-t rui- uchno-tekhn. informat:31i i propagandy, 1962. 8 p. (MIRA 17:4) DOK45HEVSKIYP A.A., iju;ho Latex-cement glues. Stroismat 8 no.M40-3 of cover 0 062, (MIRA l5sll) (Cements, Adheiijive) (Polymers) KALISHUKp 0,, kand*tAskbn.,;aauk; DORMHEVSKIY, A* [Domashevolkyis, Aj, inzh.j MOKINIMMUO" The otrangil of joints of concrete elements basod on cement mortars vii;b additions of polymers. Did.mat.i konstr- 4 no.6:36- 39 N-D 162, WRA 15212) Qox2merg) (Precast concrete construction) DOMASNEVSKIY, A.A. Resistancit of floors to the corrosive action of' sugar solutions. Sakh. propt. 35 no.,11:30-35 N 161. (HIP.A 1.5:1) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologIcheskiy Institut pishchavoy prorlshlennosti. (Floors) kSugar industry) (CorrosLon and anticorrosives) OEM, Leonid Nikolarevich; YAKOVLW, Bergey Nalakhtyevich; DONA V.A. redAlrtor; ZANDDIIIA, A.A., tokhnichooklymdaktor. mMm @Nr 0---* [Innovators In electric engineering In the peat industry] Blektriki- novatory tarflanal promrshlennosti. Pod red. V.A. Domashina. Moskva, Goo. energ. isd-vo. 1955. 85 pe (MLRA 8:8) (Electric engineering) (Peat industry) : I AMIN*, Y&Liut&wJA*kwmWnwAcbt OPM, Imouid Nikolayevich; UXOTIJffp DOW Bergey MalaAhovich; XaLMSHM, V.I., red.; CMMNOT, V.S., takhn. red. fKaoirlelems as Innofttorm In the peat lnauAtryl llektrikl@- novatory t@-rflauol promWahlennosti. Moskva,, Goo. energ. Izd--Yo. Pt. 2. 1957,. 93 p. (Km us?) (Peat mehinery) DONMHINj aVcplium VOLCTSKOV, S.I., red.; u-, Kelp',, (Use and rejair of flexible rabber cables In peat mining] Skepluatatalia i renont gibkikh resinovykh )zsbelai na torfo- predprilatilakh. Moskva, Goseenergeizd-vo, 1957. 94 p. (MIRA 12:10) (Cables, Ilsotrio) DOMASHIN, V.A.. inshenor. low trp@ of cable fdr the peat industry* Torf.prom. 34 ne.2:23- 27 '37, (KlU 10:3) le Yeasiquzzyy nauahno-iosledovatollskLy Inatitut torfyanojr promyshlon- nosti. (Ileatric c&blos) ,, inshe ZOLOTAREVO B.B,,, kand,.tekhn.nauk; VOLKOV@ Yu.D., inzb.; DCIWKINo V.1 Spot volding of metals by ultrasonic waves. 3var. proizv. no.907,41 13 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Ultrasonic yelding) LUKAMV, K.X.; DC14 .. @. @ LM- Minenlogy of Quaternary sediments in the santern part of the White-lissian Polesye, Dok-le AN BSSR 7 no,,32i829-835 D 163, (MIRA 17:8) AUTHOR: Domisohnev, A. (Moscow) 107-58-3-21/41 TYTLE; _'--'rino Scanning Unit (Blok strochnoy raz,rertki) PERIODICAL: Rad!.o, 19.58, Nr 3, pp 31 - 32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: After extonaive experimental work, a line scanning unit has been developed which may be easily built by radio amateurs. Thiet unit was successfully used for modified nKVH-49" TV seto -with Kinesoopea "31LKWI. Figure I shows the oircuit diaf:riam of' the unit. The master oscillator may consist of a multi-vibrator with cathode feedback or a blocking generator. In both cases, 06N15P" tubes gave the toat results. The out- put stage has an autotransformer circuit with current feed- back.. The energy, stored in the core, provides a constant voltage at the plate of the output tube, which attains a value of 5160 volts and 4,500 volts for the HF component at a feedvoltage of 340 - 350 volts A voltage-doubling cir- Card 1/2 cuit. -was used for obtaining the high voltage fed to the as- Line Scanning Unit 107-58-3-21/41 cond plate of the "31LK2B" Kinescope. The line scanning unit does not require any extra tuning. The article contains further daAa on the various parts in tho unit. There is one aircuit diagram and two drawings. 1. Radio equipment-Characterist-las 2. Radio s:=nIng-App1:j-- cationa Card 2/2 n7a 3 Alell JIM log 1 , -,- AAG Iiy- - -z A, Z a.: u nx J! i a 419. 0 CAN A ch U.J.- 3 A NO C.E A ve 04 't t AGA 0-H." p.- t4 U-1.1 0,0 141 A "I 10 T A A -lb, m* o g. ;'I All A. Z. o A-I f r 1. ing 14 ST we* Wee Nook 0 kof 2011140 use m a I I 4m 0 0 1 1 v a 9 a a 3 1 T 4*.,iwY4. oo- -0 * * 0, 0 111 0 's * 4 1. 0 0 0 0 0 00, 000 00*010 ACC NR, U'700374@ ------.S--OURCE CODE: UR/0314/67/000/001/0032/0034 AUTHOR: Virlich, E. E. (Engineer); Do ashnev, A. D. (Doctor of technical sciences) ORG: none ,,TITLE: Effect o.r adhesive film thii!kness on durability of adhesion bonds of metala in water! I SOURCZ: Khimicheskoye i neft-yanoye mashinostroyeniye, no. 1, 1967, 32-34 TOPIC TAGS: adhesion, adhesive, adhesive bonding i ABSTRACT: In a study of adhesive bonds subject to lead stress and to action by liquid media, tests were made with various grades of steel, brass, and copper cylinders 20 mm in diameter. These had adhesive bonds of varying thickness, based on ED-5 epoxy and ?EPA polyethylene"polyamine hardener heat treated for 4 hr at 120C. Test cylinders in a test stand and immersed with it in distilled water with- pH 6.6, then stressed to rupture point. Thickness of adhesive joints, time from immersion to rupture, and breaking torsion were recorded and indicated on graphs. It was demonstrated that the thinner the film of adhesive, 'the stronger the bond. Durability coefficients are derived for various metals and for powdered adhesive fillers such an Zn0, Bi, and Al. The exact role of such fillers is not explained, but thei-t effect@ on the durability coefficient is discussed-and tabulated. Corundum burnishing of metal surfaces "Defore joining improves adhesion.. Burnished duralumin- um had optimal adhesion with is film 180--280-u thick, whereas St-3 E-teel and brass Card 112 UDC:- 621.792.3.001.6:663.6 * L M%A. INOU AP7003746 had optimal adhesion with filat 250-500-u@ thick. Adhesive less than 100-200-u thick, is not durable in water, but further experimentation is necessary to determine@ adhesion efficiency in more aggressive media, also the physicochemical interactions of metals with.epoxy adhesives. OriB. art. has: 4 formulas, 1 table, and 5 figuresil SUB COM: ll/ SUBM DATE: none/ OUG REP: 003/ OTH REP: 003 2/2 SOKOLMI, Boris Paylovicho akademiko prof,s doktor sellkhoz. naukj DOMASMIEV, ravel Rtylovich [Domashniev., P.P.]p nauchnyy a6tr-.; -ZADMJTMW, A. 1. , zaal. doyatel-I nauki UM @ aWemik, otv,, red.; LIMSKAYA,, O.I.[Livenalka, 0.1.], red.; G11JSHKO, G.L[H.luahkop H.Llp tijkhn. red. (Introduce the beat com hybrids into production) Vprovadzhu- vaty-,, u vyrobnytBtvo kra,shchi hibrydy kukurudzi. Daipropetrovs Dnip6petrovelke laWsbkove vyd-vo, 1961. 46 p. (MM 15:7) 1. Voenoyuznnya akadetdya sell skokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I. LeninE 1-Ukrai,neks".akidemiya sell skokhozyaystvemw1ch Vauk (for Sokolov). 2. birelctor V,3eeoyunnogo nauabno-iseledovatel akogo instituta kukuru2y i Vsesoyummye, akademiya sel'skokhozy0vatven- nykh Ine V.I*Lenina (for Zadontsev), (Ukraine-Wbrid corn) M,M-A-qfN-I-,VA, L. V. Domashneva, L. V. "Concentrated heat treatment with paraffin in certair r. t bolic .e 11 eiscirders of rltmirantt'll Trudy Alma-jit, vel;.-Zootekh, in-to, Vol. V, 194P- rl. 263-40 So: U-3566 1!:March 53, (Letopis 17hurnal Inykh Statey, No. 13, 1941 'A, L. V. ,ibrh-s of the Alma-Ata Vete rinary -Zoo te chnicaj Lnstitute, vol. V, l9b" In the collected workE- are published t-,e articles bir: DOMASHNYEVAI 11. V. Concentrated heat treatns.nt with paraffir in certain diseases V the udder In ruminants. SO: Veterinarlni 26; 7j July 19h9; Lric'l. DOMISIV/sk, A.A. $Cand Bio 'Ticroflora of the nountnin rnnro Torsk4v-AlataNo@f the Urgi2ISSR." Lori, 195@5. 19 pp(llc7@d Sci USSR. Bota- j nical Inst In V.L-Komarov)s 150 cc- ic'? 1110,944-58,121) LIFTRY Uis.11 TMORT I Plant Disease$. Gulti7atad Plaats. 0 S. JOUR. Rj','hBiol.p No, 3o 1959, mn, 11302 11"C11 Domashova, L. A. C;@ 17Z On the Biology of the Hispidulow Polyporus. TO. PUB, V avo Haterialy soveshokuwiya po probl.t VosstanovlenlM i razvitlye orekhoplod. le,sov Xuahn. Kirgizil, 1955. 10) ,;TR.Ac,r Tae cultivation of valauLs in Krgiz SjFt is severely af- faoted by Inonotus hispidus. Survoya carried out by the Institute of Botany disc].oeed that trees of the under- grwith origin are affootA)d m3re than the seeded trees which Phould be into oomideratioa when renewing the cul. ture. Within the bordem of the Republic, the forrAtioa of the fruiting bodies ot Inoa,:.tus alspidus begins in Ma; mid the maturation of tho sporos - at the and of July. The dffusion of the fungas depinds on the age of the RD-. 1/Z Frumseq AN Kurg,9SR) 1958, 168-172 -12- f7. CA TKC KY 'ABS. JDUR. i MhBlnl.@ 11A. 1959, ;AUTHOF i YST. TITLE ORIGA ABSTRA' 'T @ tree.9 and the amount of the W!actlous source. The aX14-1 sure and atGepuass of thft slc@o art of rjo great signift- i cw-.ce in thc propagation of thu f=4111s. TIto sunc,-ptibil-i Ity OV 8 tl'de Stall,:, ILCrk@afleu v;ith --.I,e increatire in the age cf the trees. -- Yu. .9. ixuzywayur CARN. @12 DOXASHOVA, A.A. A now speclen of Trichocladia on tha barbarry. Bnt.mat.Otd. spar.rast. 12:161-162 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Ko7sara-Mildow) DOMkSHDVA, A.A. Emot fungi (Urildinal9s) of the Terskel A14-Tau, Kirghiz S.S.R. Pot. shur. 44 46-1:74-79 A '59- (MIRA 12:1) 1.1k,tanichaskilr institut imeni V.@. Kowirova AN SSSR. Leningrad. (Terskei A3.&-Tau-kumtm (Phnel) DOKASHOVJ., ito go, oty.rode; PMVA, L*199 red.; OAKALITSEATA, N.A., red.; OVA, N.V., red.lad-va; ANOKHUA, M.G.,, [Materials of the Pirst Coordinating Conference of Mycologists of the Contral Asian Republios and IrasWi5tan, 1955] Katerialy Pervogo kooxdinatsionnogo soveshohaniya mikolcogoT rospublik Sredney Asii i 11azakhatana. Frunze, Izd-vo Akad.nau): tirg:Lzskoi SM. 1960. 182 p. (MIRA lj19) 1. Iloordinatsionnoye moveshobaniya mUccologov respublik Bredney ASH I Lisakhatana. let, 193& 2. institnt botaniki AN Kirgisekoy SO (for Oemolitakeya). (Soviet Central Asia-Mycology) -__DMSHOI!AjL_A.jL. _ (Plin4o. of-the Terskey-Alatan P-mmtairt Ranp in Kirghisistan] Milcoflora khrebta Terskel Ala-Too Kirgirskoi SSR. Frunze. 1960. 2IN) P. (MMA 14:3) (Kirghizieten--ruMI) --- DOUSIOVILO A.A.; PMVAv L.I., otvorade; =ONBAY3VA, N.V., red.izd-vg,- JYM--UJAV N*a.g takha,red, Eftugl of the Terskey Alu-Tau, Kirgids S.S.R.] Mikoflora khrebta Teralmi AUa-Too Kirgisekoi MM. Frwizo, allcad.nouk Kirgizakoi SSR, ig6o. 24o 1). (MIRA 13:12) (Terskey Ala-Tou--lungi) MJDAKOVp O.L.;-WUSHOVA, A.A.p oty. red,; LIVITUSp B-I-p red. izd-va; ASOKHINAv MG.t :ak-wni-a.- [it fniguo parasite or the dodders, its oultivation and uBel Grib- noi lparasit parilikip ego vyrashchivaWl's i primenanis. Frunze, lifd-ro AN Mrgizmkoi SSR# 1961. 65 ps (MIRA 1416) I,Dcxldo@-Diosases and posts) (Fungil, Phy-topathogenic) L DOMASIK, It. Remarks ort the articles by W. Dziong and A. Dallitan. -P. 32 (BULVVIII11CIWO PRZaTISLOIKE. Vol. 6, No. 5., my 1.9.57. Warszawa, PolanO) I SO: Yonthly List. of East European Accessions (EEAL) I.C. Vol. 6., No. 10, October 1957. Uncl. DOMASIN, P. Now plouing igplements for farmereep P*7. (Technidke Novi.rwp Praha, Vol 2. go. 2Dp Oct 19510 SO: Monthly list of Ea*t European Accessions (EEAL), LC Vol h, No* 6., Jum 19559 Uncl POLAIND / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and 11-13 Thefr Applicat*ion--Ceramics. Glass. Binding 17aterials. Concrete Abs Jour: Ref 2,hur-Khimlya, No 3, 1959, 9109 Inst % Not given Title Stud-Les of Growth of 3trengjk,.h and Uater Impermea- bility of Artteles Made from .3tructural. Gypsum Au',:,@or :Domaslowski, W. Or@g Pub; Mater. bodowl., 1958, 13, No 5, 11+2-147 Abstract: In order to improve the durability of articles made from gypsum and foamy gyps-um, various addi- tives were used: glass fiber, slag wool, CaO, Ca(COH)2, polyvinyl alcohol, and different organic Cavd 1/2 /-5-0 POLAND / Chemical. Technology. Chemi-lal Products and H-13 Their Applics"%Aon--Ceramics: Glass. Binding Materials. Concrete Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khimiyaj Fo 3, 1959, 9109 substences (synthetic resins and others). It vias establish6d that immersion of gypsum slabs in solutions of artificial. resins incroases their resistance to curvature and at the same time de- creases water petmbability. Good results were also obtained with the addition of chlorpolyvinyl. --B. Levman C,:rd 2/2 Toresm- .. .iletrography of the black sands from the lale of Piries south.- ,west of Cubas *r.Irzegl gerol 11 no.91-1311.-435 5163 :1. YnatItuts of Geology$ Veirsaw DOMASZE'4SKI, Jerzy; REFEROWSM, blaria (Warozada) Prefabricated buildbig parta frco c*11ular concrete, P:rzegl budovI i bud mionk 33 no.11:665-6E8 N 161. KOPPANY, Gy.; HILLE, Alfred; KAKAS, Jozeef; FUTC, Jozoaf; KERI, Menyhert; PECZELYj Gyorgy; KOZMA, Bela; SUPPANGS, Andras; AMEROZY, Pal; GO'AZ, Gusztav; PAPP, Laszlo; BELL, Bela; MKRTOS, Andras; BACSO, Nandor; HAJOSY, Perenc; CSAPODY, Istvan; NAGY, Latizlo,, igazgato foorvos;.,PQWZY,-.Erno; BORONKAI, Pal; JUITAL, Emanuel; TANCZERO Tibor; OZORAI, Zoltan The 10th itinerant meeting of the Hungarian Me-worological Society in Sopron. Idojaras 68,,no.4:249-250 rl-Ag 164. 1. President., Hungarian Meteorological Society (for Hille). 2. Editor, "Idojstras" (for Kakas). 3. Editorial Board Member "Idpjaram", Budapest (for Ambrozy, Bell, Keri, Ozorai@. DGMAYV. YomalasiVy9vich; KAZANSKIY, G.A., rod.: KHITROV. P.A.,, [Coustruction and repair of containers) Ustroistvo I resiont konteinerov. Moskva. Ges.transp.sbel-dor.isd-ve, 1"9. 122 p. (MIRA 1217) (Ceatalners) I @DOMYE I p MechaiLiMag the loading and unloading of h4ight at railroad stations@ Biule tolcli.-okon. inform, no, 4:69-73 161* (MMA 14:5) (Railroads-Freight) DOMAM. F.V. Introduction of now equipmat and toohnologloal imnovationo in enterprism of the UUMn wA Yaroslavl Econo-mio Cotmoils. Biul 9 takh,-ekons infom no,7:84,-85 161. (Km 14:8) (Kalinln Provinoo--Industry-Tachnological Innovations) (Yaroslavl Province,--IzAustry--Tacbnologic&:L innoTations) DOMAYEV, F.V. . Oyer-all meehanization of loading and unloadirg operations. Biul. takh.-okon.10om. no.,8:74,-75 161. (MIU 14 -.8) (Loading and unloading-Ecpipment and supplies) DOMAYEV9 F.V. Means of over-all mechanization of the loadinr. and unloading of loose and piece freight. Bitil.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.11:77-80 '61. (MIRA 141-12) (Loading and unloading--Equipment and supplies) DOMAYEV, Foma VaPjj!UyUb,-_KALININj G.11.9 inzh.9 retsenzentj RYASIIOY, - * op inzb,, rateenzeng.- SHISHLYKOV) Ye.S., inzh..p red.; VOR07111KGVA,, L.T., tekhn, red. (Repairing basic units of electric gantry cranes and fork lift trucks] Remont t;snovrWkh uz1ov elektrokozlovykh kranov i avto- pogruzchikov. Ifoalwa., Trans zheldorl zdat, 1962. 94 1). (KERA 15:7) (Blectric (.-ranes-44aintenance and repair) (Fork lift trucks--Maintenance and repair) -UoMAZ.OV' ).fj. (Article 1786) Cistermal puncture in tionors of Vie ponterior fossa Vop. Nelu-okbir. 1951, 1 (29-32) Tables 2 The data given bj cisteimal. puncture have a great value, botY to ascertain the ex- tension of the tumour and for Its localization. No distrbances wero obsorved where this puncture was practiced, so that it may be considered quIto harmlesq, contrary to wbat is Ranerally ammortod. Teneef - Turin Source: EXCERPrA MEDICA Vol. 5 No. 5 Section VIII May 1952 ITt"this-Ink meamm 101 IfItiles VIVU& lAsdA Wint. HS ISOJOGI. it, 19M. CM6,41"s locsill 001187".4. im vidlef. luit, CA, Al,w /s- 1@ Illulf. .14jugh pulp oveil. .10% stdivil 1. InIx"I "Ith 44 (U Will. OW4. All Stilt, W IMIld I-"Mk' Milt CI%VAI 10 a %of The total art, u1stor(b pulp (emiril. A will of Wk. nuch nwidl $all& (c it. Inch) ix Addell Imill Ibri,sixt.1mKomnsolki. 11A.11 ingtrl1kriets wr bwapwated in the ntLm. 1. P. A ousba oWnion hm wfob* subsumn 6r- n* Don AL&W T6M GAbw 4o Tkw- Males. Raw. is Coo am sbwhaaoawjy "It TV - darom. Thefirmaloww&wrMom.bowsoMflorLt in Ifir powunce iv( nwtal cutaly%U at 40 M)" *ad a pit ZIT-, #all witkowtow-por4owe. Tbrjwkrjxp-qwwv l"114,11he f"idjor by a Ives 'Sk" 443 .111 step. ground to pow-tv 6101 dri"I All 12, . thro "its. with walre wed tviethwookuhar at V" 10 in tiot prcwtxv of 2511 x. pvwd.FrxIw7u*, Ilor temp. mart bw n1mbl"I In owh a 111140"Ner that it does tfmrwqe bah IN 441'st the ewl 44 Ow .Valc Now tho dwo is porawd mt. tho lake elf-1. *lob t*uwm and %waboor. avul tbr aq. pbolsoll aor evultd. 16106n POW py" Thirspolk I" d?j" k1faiscliffily Ek'm#r Illimm.11M.M dy 13. 49. Ali. VAUS. of ftp-, on treated with allmli sWmt" to mch a I.P". fttmtg mol. ratio Is 1.-3; the pro_duct b Crabirbreliietrodialylk. CbWkks:Wes5&O@-IrMf- dam at it temp. Winer 20' Into the external layer of the eke. damlik layer or the mkdks. M%jow g. *An. of k @I k*N In dild. with 2 1. of water. ted g 40. mW Wall with a smild. of AIA in 20% NsOlf at 40'In sucb a mmwr that the raw M%:AJA Is 3:1. Kkred for 10 Uds., HUnd wkbwd Mems.1ill , tbes trodialynd at a low to nmem oft a ;" Zed with $A 1. 14 IV I N% *ad Otwed I" 31'Im., &Q, asbd with water 110ad 'Im W eldwiden, dried under vacuums at U-101 arA almd. Out g. of psdimt Is able to bind about 00 mi. i , v Mo. Istv" plumv r DOKBA., MOISEr 6938 Domba, Moisey. Kratlcaya inatruktaiya po electroswtolech(iniyu. Redaktor V.A, Boldina. Ord.,shonikidze, 1954. 32 s. 20 sm, 300 eks,.* B. ta.-(55-1715) 615-84 SO: Knizhnaya Letopial No. 6. 1955 DOMB AL-Ubu- Lorand Eotvois, the geophysicist. Geofiz kozl 10 rto,1/4:5-12 162. '*@N 1.,"Goofiziksi'KozlemenyeX",felblos azerkeestoje. 'Y. HUNMY/Pharmacology. Marmacogaosy. Toxicology - T-5 Medicinal. Plants. Abs Jour : Referat Mur - Biologiya.. No 16., 1957, 71736 Author : Fekete) G.) Dombaradi) 0. Inst Title : The NeckuLnism of Glycerinic Acid Action. Orig Pub : Orv. hetilap. 1955, 96, No 7, 174-176 Abstract : Amonium glycerinate (one of the active subst4Lnces In Radix Liquititiae) reduced in rats the excretf.on of Cl from the organism after excessive administration of physiological saline. This phenomenon is not shown in animLLs with removed adrenals. The conclunion was reached, is that the &Iven action of the glycerinic acid appears in the presence of small quantities of DOCA. Card 1/1 59 4@A@ IC) TV DOMBAY,.Margi@@. Histologiml changes of the nuoleus amygdaleus fin old age. Idegeyogy. szemle 15 no.9s26,5-272 S 162. 1. A Budaposti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Neurologicii Klinikajmiak (Igazgato. HorarWi Be:',a dr. egyetemi tanar) kozlemonye. (AMYGDALOID BODT) DOKE, Yu.I., inzh,, Use of hernetic displacement t pe pampa in the ch9mical industr7; review of foruign diaigns. Khim. mashinostr. no. 606-40 N-D 162. (MIRA 170) 1 GALITSKIY p B.A. p "inzho; ABEMp M.M.; KOLOSOU, L.P.; TOROPOVy V.A.,- B.N.j- DW94,,,7u.I., inzhol rotsenzent; SKVORTSON', Te.Ye.p inih.,.red,j TAIROVA, A.L.., red. 1zd- va; ELIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red.,- MAKAROVA, L.A,p, (Titaniun and its allo@rs in the chemical machinery industry) Titan i ago splavy v kidmicheskom mashinostroenii. [IV] B.A. Galitskii idr. Mosku, Mashgiz, 2963. 263 p. (MIRA 17:2) DOMBE, Yu.I,, inzh, Pneumatic displacement t@ype pumps for the chemical industry (review of foreign deoigna), Kblm.mashinostr. no.108-42 Ja,-F 164, (MIRA 1734) . 'L - @ ; -.,.; , : .. !, - - -1 1 I I- I--" - I @, -- ,- li , -", . - ; - " ", - '. jisagrim I @- t ,, - , - , , , - , , . . .,., - @: 7 W@-7, Ac 4,1 @'5273-66 Ol AGG NRS AP50220W SOURGB COM Ulf/026 165/0W 0 WW/Dj AUTHOR.- Dombe. Yu. 16 IORO: none TITLE: Diaphragm pump Class 590,No. 173123 k SOUFCE-. Byul-leten' izobreteniy i. tovaxnykh snakovs no. 14p 1965; 115 I TOPIC TAGSs pumpp diaphi@ at alve A ABSnWTz Ttdo Author. Clirtificate 'presents a pump with two elLectrically operated diaphragms fixed writhin As, body and dividing it Uxto three jxtrts, rho diaphragmu oscillate at opposite ph-tees. No warking valves axe also provided. To reduce the unevenness of the pu!rp output, the working valves are platied in central openings of the diaphragli ts, with the closing elementa oriented toward the directionl-- of compression, To provint dirt from collecting in the working diaphragms# the pump may be provided witi a cleanout valve placed in lins of auction. SUB CODE: is/ SIBM DAM 3011bY63/ ORICI REFs OOD/ DTH Ws 000 Card 1/1. UDC': 621.658413 I)OM BE@) 9. 1- OZECHOIILOV,IXIA / Virology. Human and Animal Virusus. Zvi VI rus. Abs Tour; Rof Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5324. Author : Boha,31 T,; Barok, B.; Dombak, R. - Hubic, R.; Lazn:Loka 1 F. Inst : Not givon. Titlo : Hyparizmuno Sara of Cattlo and Convalasconts' Sara. ToBts in Youtralizing 3ora to De-tormine tho Opality of Goi-morcial Piq* . jlaotJ.c Sara. Crig Pub; Votorin. aed,, 1958, 3, No 3, 179-166. Abstract: No abstract. Card 111 DOMBEK, S. D.: Doc Med Sci (diss) -- "A study of unconiltiom2d vascular re- wkif-@. @-- @- @ flexes in young, p--emature children using the radiometric method". Gor'kiy, 1958. 18 pp (Gor'kiy State Med Inst im S. M. Kirov), 200 copies (KL, No 10, 1959, 128) @-DOXBIKI SIDI-, fto'cases of loitkials divemet in prouature infants. lrOVeOkh*WAt'l dot. 4 uo.607 I-D 159. (mm 1314) 1. Is gorlkovskcco gosudaroty9mogo seditainskogo Instituta. (mmmu, rvm?ious) UVANTS (PUMMM)--DISR&M) Unconditioned vascular reflexes in premature infants with pneuraonia. Vop. oll=. miat. i det. 6 no. 1:25-31 Ja 161, -(MIRA 14:4) 1. Iz kafecb-y dets'cikh bolezney (zav. - prof. F.D. A-@@ionov) Gorlkovokogo meditainakogo instituta i Gor1kovokogo nauohao- iooledovatelvokogo pediatricheakogo instituta (dir* N.P,, Zhukova) Miniaters-ova zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (INFAYM (1404ATURS)-DISEASES) (PNEUMONIA) (CAPJ51DVASCULAR SYSTEM) DOMBSK, S.D., kandemed.nauk DermovaccUlft reactions in xwwboxm infants# Vop. okb, mat,, i det. 7 no,106-60 Ja 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Iz Icafedry detokikh boleinzey (zav. - doktor med,rauk prof. F.D. A4Wonov) Gorikovskogo maditsinakogo instituta imeni Kirova i Gorlkovskogo nauchr*-iftledcl(atellskogo pediatricheakogo institute, (dir, H.P, Zhukove.) Miniaterstva, zdravookhraneniya RMR. (INFAWS (NEWBOR14)) (REFIEXES) (SKIN-BLOOD SUPPLY) Wooeutansous reactions in prafiature ohildren after an intra- &rsnlal birth ia-mmao '7op.okhmat*i det. 8 no.3284 K-r 163., OrrU 1615) le In kafedry detakikh boloineT Gorlkovskogo moditeinskogo insti- tuta i Gortkovijkollo nauchno-lasledovatellskogo pediatricbe3kogo instituta Minioterstva sdravookhrananiya RSFSR. (DFOM (PREKATM)) le TAr,',ER,, A, A.; DO)MEKI_ io S. 2. USM 600 4. Polystyrene 7, Thermodynamic investigs-tion of polystyrene solutions, Ko]_I, zhurs :L5@ No, 19 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions,, Library of Congress, April 1953,, Unol, yj nL MAX tw, Opt . ..... ...... . JL- At