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- DOMANS N.G.; SHKOLINIK, R.Ya.; TERENTIYEVA, Z.A. I - Direct proof of the participition of phosphoglyceric acid in the reducing photosynthetic .-.ycle of carbon. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 3t698-701 164. (MIRA 1715) 1. Institut biokhimii rasten-Iy im. A.N.Bak-ha AN SSSR. Pred- stavleno, akademikom N.M.Siskyanom. R.Ya.; DOMAN) N.G.j SPEKTOROV, K.S.; UNIKOVA, ye.j. SHK(T!,INTK Insoluble products of photosynthesis of a synchronous culture of Chlorella pyrenoidosa at various stages of devetopment, Fiziol.rast. 12 no.6:1005-1011 N-D 165. (MIRA 1. Institut biokhimii imeni A.F.Bakha AN fiziologii rasteniy imeni K.A.Timiryazeva Submitted Octol,er 5, 1964. 18 SSSR .1 Institut AN SSSR, Poekva. DOMAN, N.G, 'VASILYEVAP Z.A.; ROMANOVA, A.K.; 7AVARZIN, G.A. . - -1 Assimilation of carbon of monocarboxylic compounds by budding bacteria Hyphomicrobium vulgare Stuts. ot Hartleb. Mikrobio- logiia 24 no.1:3-11 Ja-F 165. 04IRA 18:7) 1. Institut biokhimii AN SSSR imeni A.U. Bakha i Institut m:Lkro- biologii AN SSSR. ! r 1@ @ @-, ,7 - P.Ya.,, DOMM, X G - - . 1.-4. 14. GIII INI y p @l MdltLanal data on sermtriti nn @f ml@lll 1,7, ]. -, :@ p r -,A- ir t .9 in fractions. BlokhJ.-nl.!-t 30 no.2%265--@471 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA IS-,7) 1. institut biniddir.". Imoni Bakha AN W)Sq, Moskvoi. ROWOVA, A.K.; DOMAN, N.G*j RUBAN, Ye.L* Produots of short-term chemosymthesis in Vitrosclonas suropiteae Ml.krobiologiia 34 no.3s391-396 W-Je 165. (min latn) le Tnatitut biokhImii imeni A.N.BOha AN SSSR, Mcskva. DOMAN, N.G.; TIKHONOVA, G.V. (Moskva) Some problems of the energy of lithotrophia organisms. Usp. sovr. biol. 60 no.2t238-256 S-0 165. (MIRA 18slO) 1. Institut biokhimii. AN SSSR. GEYKO, N.S.; KRETOTICH, V.L.; JZOMANOVA, A.K.; DOMAN, N.G. Ketoacids of' hydrogen bacteria. Dok1- All' 511SR IW rrj,6,141i,-1416 F 165. (MIPA 1S:2) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N. Bakha AN SSSR i TekhnologicheskJ-- institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti, Moskva. 2. Chlen-korrgapon- dent AN SSSII (for Kretovich). 1. 439-32-6 DIM)/ 5 5WESSION KR: 050115437-'' UH/0020/65/161/00511231,A234 AUTHOR: ShkolOnik@ R. Ya. Dcwi%'a,: V. G.; Spektorov. K. S.; Linlkova, Ye. A.- TITLE.- Intermediate products of - photosynthesis oft synchronous Chlpnii&_.@O,ture at different stages of developmant SOURCE: A1q SSSR. Daklady, V. i&b no. 5, 1965, 1231-1234 TOPIC TAGS: photcsynthvsfst@. Ch%orel-la,@ -algae-,-- phosphoglyceric acid, chromatoeraphy_ 7 E. e f@ _C14 tj ABSTRAM, kperilrents--.Vere -ion&uat d _uo determine the - inclusion o n it primar3 products,of phot0Byzithe4is_.:c-f Loynchronous Chlorella culture at difforen stages of its developme Iat.-Chlorelle pyrenoidosa was kept au' 39C with a light- dark cycle of 8:16 hr. Pour stages of development of the culture were selectel, from the beginning of the light period to the formation of new autospores in ttle early part of the dark period. _After filtration of a 5-ml suspension of each -filt stage thewthlorella-coatea ar _v&s_plaaeA__jw a- chamber at room temperaturc iFith @14 15@ C 0 in the air and exposod to.light, for periods of 2 and Msec; an"aid5 =in. Iniermediate products werc fixe@d and extracted with alcohol. The activity of -radioactive substances--s--both soluble and -insoluble in alcohol, jas AewtermJzad. A large pe;rcentage of radioactivity (25-41%) was observed in the insoluble. rasiduel LCOM 13- IWO=- =2ft;M S L 43032-65*@_ ACCESSXOH NR% -AP5011543 of different stages ef*@er 2maec-sxp6sure. This finding does not agree vli,th lftir- ature data on the solu ire of' ":)ility: oft carly photosynthesis products. The faill, phosphoglyceric acid to pass into'the alcohol solution may be explained Oy thel presence of early phosphorus-containing products of photoaynthesis in combined formo which are insoluble In acidified alcohol. As the cAlture develops, the rate of ate o,r C14 photosyntheeiso i.e., the r absorption per volumetric unit of the su-4- pension, increases steadily exaapt in the third stage (7 hr, 20 min of illumIr -? ation). 01* all durations of exposure to light, fixation of C140 2 is greatest in the fourth stage (9 hr, 20 min after the beginning of illumination). Cbromato- graphic analysis of al.cohol-soluble intermediate products of photosynthesis af*ler 2-sec expe,;.ure showed one extremely radioactive compound. In the autospone st;ige, it appears in the tone of phog,,phoenolpyruyjO acid, and in all other stages. in :he zone of a-analine. Determineition of the radioactivity of substances of"the at- cobpl fraction, some of which w-e soluble and some insoluble in water, shoved that 6o-8o% of the., radloactivity !tor - all exposures - wd Lt all stages of development is located in. the water-soluble aubstances. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and ASSOCIATION: Xnstitut- bickbilaii 4m. A.,@ N., Bakhs Akadeaii nauk SSSR Unstituth- of Biochemistry, Acadewl ofZ!ciences wa)_ card AC C NRs AP6025809 (A)N) SOURCE CODE; UR/0326/66/013/004/0595/0601 AUTHOR: Kraftj, V. A.; Doman. N. G.; Vasileva, Z. A. ORG: Institute of Plant Physiology im. K. A. Timiryazev, Academy of Sciences)SSSR, Moscow (Institut fiziologii rasteniy Akademii nauk SSSR); Institute of B iochemistry im. A. N. Bakh, Academy of SciencesqSSSR, Moscow (Institut biokhimii) TITLE: Effect of defoliants on some products of photosynthetic assimilation of carbon dioxide SOURCE: Fiziologiya rasteniyp y. 13, no. 4, 19669 595-601 TOPIC TAGS; defoliantq defoliant effecto photosynthesis, plant physiologyd';Mftw defoliant agents plant morphologyp plant sensibility ABSTRACT: The radioactive tracer method was used in studying the fixation of .C02 in plant tinsue treated with defoliants. Fig. 1 shows the effects of defoliants on the intensity of C140 fixation by cotton ,and bean leaves'. Treatment with Butiph'oa and iEXT caused decreased photosynthetic fixation of labeled C02 in bean and cotton plants. The amino acid fraction increased in cotton plants, while labeled alanine and aspartic acid increased in both species. Both defoliants increase the amount of organic and phosphoric acids * CO fixeC In polyeaccharides is decreased while pretreatment of the piants. toy___ r.,d 1/2 UDC: 581.132+632.934+633.51+635.652 AP6025809 -keeping half in'darkness and half .. in light for several hours. b.afrore applying defoliant had no effect'on the final composition of phow-, ,.synthetic products in the leaves of both-groups of plants. IWA-50; CBE No. 11 SUB ODDE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 19Jun 65/ ORIG REF: 018/. OTH RM. 006/ Card 212 Por,op/physical checdotry. Kinetics - Corbwtion. Dtplosions. Topochemistry. Catalysis. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 5, 1959,, 14621. :,uthor Doman P. Iast Title The Inhibitive Effoct of Gazes on the Oxidizing or Reducing Action Ultrasonic EnerEq- OriG Pub: Free. II cOlif - ultrueoll-) 1956, warazava, PUN, 1957@ 17-19. Abstract: The effect of ultrasound (frequency, Boo cycles; intensity, 15 W/cr'2) on a Kqe(CN)j, -@ K.iFc(CN)k systera in the presence of gaseous 11@, 0 an Cl- ions has been studied. The chanaes occurri;@'during the soundinS of the oxidizin(;-roducine potential (ORP) Card 1/2 DOMAN, Peter The role of chemistry in transportation. Pt. 4. Met tud 17 no.38:1203-1206 23 S 162. ZAGAI.I)Kf, Jczer; BUCIN, ID(CMIAZIlEtIM@, Adnz, Almal t=ors, I-ol. przegl., radiol, 28 no*,lz457--",'7 -, 162' 1. Z 'Kliniki Radiologic2nei Akader.11 Medyrmej we 1;r(.vla,,?iu ". Kubz.aklev'i--,,,) (Kierownikt don. dro mod. , I z K I in ilr. Chl7argil. Czloclecej hkademil Medyamej" vs . DOMAVCIC, A. Yugoslavia (430) Agriculture-Plant and Aninal Irdustry Fisheries in the United Slateal research on the possibilities of new fisteries. p. 44. MORRO ROBARSTVO. Vol. 4, no. 3A 1952. East Eurongan Accessions I,ist. Library of Congress. Vol. 2, no. 3, March 1953, UNCLASSIFIED DCKW,ICVA. "French sea fish trades.19 p. 1830 (MORSKO RIBARSTVO,, Vol. 4., no. 1.1/12j, 19529 Zagrebs Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions Vol* 2,q #8,, Library of Congress Au-,7ust, 1953j, Unole 'DOXAMM A. 'Can^"; successful fis:hing of sardines b7 a puree not', p. 23 (Norsk* RLbarst", Vol. 5, no. 1/2. 1953. 7-agreb) C^. Xast jhr*peaa Vol. 2, No 9 u^n+hlv List of RAMpAM Rccessions,/ Librax7 of Congress, _September 1953, Uncl. A. Fishing lwnpo usin 'r butane gas. f). 14. ar. 1955. MRSFO RINIORSTVO, Idjelka, Vol. 7, no. 3, 4 SO: Y.orithly List of East European Acces5ions, I-C, 7ol. ,, rio. 10, @jct. 1955, Uncl. ECINANCTC, A. MMANCIC, A. Should our fishing fleet be Increased? Al-zo, remarks by Anton Antoncic. r, 210 Vol. 8, No. 7. July 1956. XCR3KC RTB,'1@R---,TVO AGPICULTLTIC, Fijeka, Yugoslavia So: Fast European Acces@31cn, Vol. 6, No. 2, February 1957 DOMACINOVIC, Zorko, ing. Investigations in the Sarajevo plain related to the water supply of Saraj-3vo. Vodoprivreda Jug 2 no.4/5tll6-l27 @59- (EW 9:10) 1. "Goolstrativanjap" Zagreb (Bosnia and Hercegovina--Water (Sarajevo--Water supply) DOYAREVSKIY It. N. A"il ble miss of victims of a pv+. Biul. Inst. biol., vodokhrm nowl2: 5V53'.1 62. (MIRA 1623) Is Volgogradskoye otdoleniye Gomudaretvennogo naucluw-inaledovatellskogo instituta osernogo i rochnogo rybnogo khosyayatva. (T'Simlyansk Reservoir-Pike)@ (Fishen-Food) DOMANF,VSKIY,,',L.N. Characteristics of ecologic interrelations between pike and basic fishes in Tsimlyansk Reservoir. Vop. ekol. 503-54. 162. (miRA 16:6) 1. Ot,deleniye gosudarstvennogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo institute, ozerrogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozyaystva, Volgograd. (TSimlyanak Reservoir-Flahes-Food) (TSimlyanak Reservoir-Pike) low, 00. DOMANEVSKIY L N. Methods for censusing the pike (Esox lucius L.) in Tsimlyansk Reseirvoir. Vop. Ikht. 3 no,3013-521 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. baltiyokiy nauchnc@-issledovateltskiy institut mbnogo khmsynystva i okeanografii - BaltNIROp Kaliningrad. (Taimlyansk reservoir--Pike) DOMANEVSKIY, L.N. Characteristics of the growth of pike (Esox Incius L.). Zool. zhur. 42 no.IW539-1545 163. (KRA 3btl2) 1. Baltic Research Institutp if Kqrino Fishery Management and Oceanography, Kaliningrad. D014ANMKI'I, L.N. Satie characteristics of interspecific relationships between the pike and main species of fishr.-, in Talmlyansk Res-3rvoir. Zool. zbir. 43 io.1971-79 164 NIRA 17:7) 1. Baltic Research Institute of Fishery Irlanagement amd Oceano- graphy, Kaliningrad. DCIUMYkEI r , U.,-@anCtekhn.nauk Graphieal method of determining the technical and economic justitication of waterway dimentsions. Rech.tracep. 19 no.9: 29-32 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Inland navigation) DOU"SKIlo N. it. Depth differentiation* Moskva., Izd-vo Narkowechflota, 1944o 33 po (49-33931) Tcl87.D6 DONAWSKIIj, N. A. Channel clearJ4o Moskva., Izd-vo Narkau-9chtlota SSsR.. 1945, 83 P. (50-17090) TC753.t)6 DOVANEVSKIY, 11. A., "Survey of Rivers and Lakes", published by State Publishera of River Transport Literature, Moscow, 1947 .Xv VISUY, N. A. " I.AlTz 6 TJ01VNZ-h;J(IY# N. A* "The standards of navigable river cx-.)Pd1tionBjp11 (Dieses of r, repot-t)m, In the s:Mposium-. Haterialy te)din. soveshchaniy po pitevyin rabotwri (j!-vo rech, flrjta SSSR)s Moscow, 1949t P. 32-36 SO& U-521;0,, 176,ec53# (Lotopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Stotey# No. 251 1949). - -, - -- - -- -_ A/ @ ---- --- - - --- I DOW,*,'VSKTZ, M. A. Novoe v putevykh rabotakh; Iz praktiki Dnepra I Volgi. f'somethin new In watorways work, from the experienoe of Dnieper and Volga riTer3 jg Moskva, 1xd-vo, MinisterBtva rechnogo flota SSSR, 1949, 63 P. illus., port. DLC: TC4,86. R!@% SO; Soviet Transportation and Co==Ications. A Bibliop_raDhy, Library of Congress Reference Department# Wa6hington, 195F.-,@n-classlfied. fr DOHANEVSKIIS N. A. a5O/3173 ZResults of regulating the flow of the River Volga between Shcherbakov and the mouth of the Kan&7 Rezul'taty reguliro-vaniia stoka raki Volgi na uchastke Schcherbakov-- Kamskoe Ustle. Rechnoi Transport, 10(2): 20-22,, 1950. DOMAINISMIL N. A. and BOMICH, F. K. nControl of Seacoasts and River Estuarievit, Transzheldorizdat, Moscow-Laningrad.0 1948, 314 pp. Textbook for rivtz schools and tet:hnical schools. ' - ' Uv*40 i4W sAo the @Arolnvk J r, led .1 bo for4ciati wo wj Ane 4' 4asoring, lho@ Ivi d" wo . oUch I , ar 4 ita as- ip4ji@ tl ' n and u4ble (p- @6*n U AS.& "0 laf-anowl evokcadin n it 37) Aimif ul ' Ofe Hd cs freilifigs, to mWi t $ " J 2 bklbOk :JIV DOURIVSKIT. N., Inshoner; IVAYITUIY, V., i-ashener. 34"W"Wom lkporlence In digging stones In winter. Mor.i rioh.flot 14 no.1-126-27 Ja 15 4. ()UzA 79 1) (Rlv*ro--Ibplatlon) ((bi"ries and qmarrying) DOMAIMVSKIT, N.. kandidat takhnicheaki)ch nauk# IVAMNXIT, V., Inzherter. Ways of improving the effectivenees of rodc removal work. Rech.tranap. 14 no.1:24-27 A 1550' (MLU 8:4) (Rivers-Rogulation) ROSMALID, Y.A.: )MAZOVSKIT. I.I., professor, laureat fitalinskoy pro- mil, rotsauze-at; DO(AINWOMY, N.A., kandidat tekhxdchesklkh nauk, redektor. *M2%1ftvv%vw Dredger pwq,ol Zevaosoonys onariady, Kosirra, Goo. neuchno-tokhno izd-vo mashiriostroit. i sudostrolt. lit-rY-, 1953. 243 p. (KLRA 7:7) (Dredging machinery) DOMMKIT, ill, A$ DCKANNGKIY, N.A.i VAUMV, S.L., rodaktor; VINOOR=TA, N.K., redaktor; - @ @ 4 skly redaktor. -.&., zeunicas [River and lake surveys and studies) Rsohnyo I ozernya isymkMails i iasladoyaniia. Moijkva, Vodtransisdat, 1953. 362 p. (KLRA 7:7) (Hydroelectric power) (Hydrograpby) I - 1. DDIIANEVSCm Y, N.A.; M-SNIKOV, M.V. 2. ussm (6oo) 4. Dnieper Risin - Navigation 7. Improvement of navigation conditions on rivers of the Unper Dnieper Basin, Engs. N.A. Domwievskiy, M.V. Myasnikov, Rech.transp. 13 no-2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, AFRIL 1953, Uncl. ANTOXOT, B.S., rodaktor; SOZOLOTA, Te.l.. AmIllowmaw,mv rVQAKT#Vr'-LxUwUTF-*t*m; WGICIMIA, M.N.. tokhnichookly redaktor CIPmer dredges and their "ration] loolwye someneriady i lkh roboU. Nofpkva, Goo. isd,vo vodsogo transporta, 1954. 233 P. [Kicrofilml (Dredgiq; mchinery) (XLRA lOt6) DCWIWSXIY. 1. Now nothei of depth messuresest. Roeh.trassp. 14 ae.11:28 155. (Sounding mit asuadisgs) (KLRA 9:2) ZHILIN, V.K., otvatstveanyy za vypusk; DONLW&T. II.A., kandiclat tekhni- cheskikh nauk. nauchnyy redaktor; XXXXV.111.11, N.I.. professor, doktor geografichookikh nauk, nauchn" redaktor; KRASNATA, A.T., tekhaichaskiy redaktor [River channel work] PLAMe rotboty na rekakh. Moskva, Isd-vo NRechnol. transport,* 1956. 89 p. (KIRA 9:8) 1. TS*nirallnyy nauchno-looledo-ratellekiy institut skonomiki I sksplua-tatsti vodnogo transporta. (Rivers) (Hydraulic engineering) wgimlimi - Alskseyevich, starshiy vauchayy sotrudaik; IVANITSUT, TYAcIIOsjL^v7 --loner; AZROVA, A.G., redaktar; SAIA - NOV Were, t*khnichaskly redaktor. Deepening rocky anAmtony lettons] IlnouglulbiAMI'Aye rabotr a& ikallnykh i kamenistykh gruntakh. Moskva, Isd-vo "Rechnoi transport,* 1956. 163 V- KRA 10:6) (Hydraulic engineering) DOXAnT.IKIYO N.A.;LOBMIVSKIY, A.I.;KJAKKAVREV, N.I.;RATLIN, G.X..,RZNAIIIMYN, A.G., rediLktor.;BEGICHUA. M.N., tekhnichaskly redaktor. (Channel procooses and improvement chaAnel rivers.]Ruolovye protsessy "Rechnoi transport, "1956. 458 p. dovatellskii institut skonomiki i Trudy, no. 8). (Rivers-Regulat ion) (DredgIng) of the navigable course in open- i putevys raboty. Moskva. lid-vo (Moscow. Tsentrallnyi nauchno-isale- ekspluatataii vodnogo transporta. (KLU 9'0 11 ) A114 @3 vic/hl, t _TUZ-4, - - - ks do a., kandotakhnonauk; DOMALIS ,U-L,, kand.tckfin,nauk, reteenzent: SBIRIAIMOV. A.P. retsenzent; HICLWIN, A.M., reteenzaht: V Ov. S.L., kand.geoiref meuko red.; MAKRUSHINA, A.N., red.tsd-va; SALAZXOV. II-P*, takhn.redo [waterways end ports] Vodnye puti i porty. Koakva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport** ?tole [Investigaticn of waterwayol Iselmdo- vanitA Yodnylth putei. 1957. 251 p. (NDU 11:4) (Inland navigation) (Wdraulic engineering) .N.Awl IVANITSKIY, V.A., rateensent; POPKOV, I.F., retmensent; D5KMVSlty IRRLINO G,H,, red.; YINOGRADOVA, N.M., red.isd-va; TSYMY-OVA, S.V., [Dredging] Dnouglublente. MomkTa, Ind-TO "Rechnoi transport," 1957. 449 p. (Dredging) (MIRA 10:12) kazbd.takhn.nauk. Planning and recording controlling depths, Rechstrensp. 16 nodl0i 27-29 0 1 57. (KM 10: 12) (Dredging) DOMANEVSKIY, 3.A. kend.tekhn.niuk; MNOV, S.A., insh. '..'WOMMONOWWAY.- - - Developnent of U.S.S.R. inland waterways. Rech.transp. 16 no.11:41-43 N 157. (KIRA 10:12) (Inland navigation) HATUSIVICH. Voldimir Antonovich; POPXOV, I.P., rateensenti-20MAlmysKIT, N.1.9 rod.; VIIXXM.ADOVA, U.N., redo izd-va; GORMAKOV, [StraighteniAg of rivers) ftravlenis reko Isd. 2-oe, parer. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo OR@chnoi transport,* 1958. 254 p. (MIU 11:4) (Rivers-Regulation) DOMAMSKIY, N.A..,,,."p4.tokhn.n&uk @W,pr,Te -1"Owl , DredxMs in the very near future. Rech. transp. 17 no.6:4)-44 Ag 158. (ICRA 11110) (Dredging machinery) (Shipbuilding) DOXAWSKIY, !:Af.,Jqjnd,t9khn.nauk Determining average navigating depths in order to plan loading of the transportation fleet. Rech.tranap. 18 no.6:35-38 Je '59. (HIRA 12:9) (Hydrnip,raphic surveying) (Inlnnd navigation) DOMANF.ISKIY, N., kand.t.eRhn.nauk Shortcortings and the use of operations. Rech. transp. a-mw;4yatem of planning dredging 20 no-9:34-35 S '61. (MM 14:9) (Dredging) DOtMANEVSKIY, N.A. "Helthoda of improvement of navigable conditions along the free rivers in the I.ISSR." Pwqmrt subdtted to Oui Confe an the AppUcation of Science and Tectmology for the Ehnefit of the laos Developed Areau Geneva., SwItzerlmid 4-20 Febru=7 1963 's k and tFikhn. nauk @ , -1 0 . rf-AdArIng hydrolog! . , , --il factors -In the technical ar.0 sulistantlat.Lon of rblumcd ds--pth. Fpn@:. transp. 24 165s Ifi,r) .4 DgMa 'VZ -L v . GOIJ)'111SIM 1'.' !' 1 i @ 0 Y, . L J@ZJUXf@@a7 __:@: @k.!r7.2: ir,-h SIIAji()V, I.M., re,tBenz-ik; V.F., rell,, FILIMONOVA, Ajoy red, (Dredging] Dnouglublemle. Mackva, Tramport. 10cl. 31)9 P. (MJR*@ - DOMANEVSKrYl N,, kand, tekhne rmlk- Planning of dredging operations. Rech. transp. 23 no.107-39 (MIRA 18sll) 'ra 164. DOMADEVSKlYp N., kand. tekhn. nauk Development of inlani imtenrays In the U.S.S.R. Rech. traru3p. 24 no. lOs2l-22 '65- (MIRA 18:V-) DOMANIEWSKI Jan; NARTOWICZ, Edmund Association of arnyloldoolu with chronic pyejonephrltl,:,, Pol. tyE,. lek. 20 no.29.1083-lCS5 19 il 165. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Ntologicznej; Szpitala Ogolnegr. fir. 1 w Bydgoszczy (Kiero,mik: dr. mei. J. Domaniewski) i z llj Oddzialu Chorob We,,metrznych (Ordynator: lek. med. E. Nartowlez). DC -111EN541. Jggj;_RFKOWSKl, Kazlmierz; TERZIMAN, Eupeniusz Endocardial fibroelastouis in a 65 year old woman. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.33:1251-1252 16 Ag 165. 1, Z Zakladu Anatomii Pe.tologicznej (Kierownik: dr. mad. J. Domaniewski) i z II Cddzialu Chorob Wevnetrznych (Ordy- nator: dr. mad. K. Reko,aski) Sz,pitala Ogolnego Nr. .1 w Bydgoszczy. DOMANIENSKI, Jan; NARTOWICZ, Edmund Arterial hypertension and am)-loid lesions of the adrenal cortex In patients with amyloidomie of the kidneys. Pol. arch. mad. wewnet, 35 no.7:9149-952 165. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patololliesnej 1,Kisrowniks dr. mad. J, Domaniewski) I z III Oddzialu Chorob Wownetrznych Spitale, Ogolnego Nr. I w Bydgoszczy (Ordynatort lek. mad. E. Nartowiez). DCMANIINSKI, Jan , dr. mad. . .......,. ......... *'@_-_ Morphological changes of the liver in diaer. -a of the gall- bladder according to aut6pey and biopeyfindings. Pat. Pol. '15 noo4t425-413 O-D 164 1. Z Mkladu 1(hatamii PatologJ.oznej Sxpitala Ogolnego Nr.1 ..r Bydgoozosy (Kierownik Ukladut leks mad. J, Domaniewski) DCtA11W1;,T,1, JANUM. Wedrowki ptakow. Warszawa, Poland. Fanstwowo Zaklady Wydawn. Szkolnych, 1954. 49p. Monthly List (if East European Iccessions Index (EEJJ), LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959 Uncl. S11 17/60/000/005/003 '013 AOO4/AOO2 AUTHORS: Domanik, 1. V., Kiselev, M. 1. TITLE: The J14L21 (LF-21) Heavy Parallel Milling, Planing and Borlizq Machine I VN PERIODICAL; Mashinostroltell, 1960, No. 5, P. 13 TEXT: The new unique machine tool is manufactured by the Lenstankolit Plant and designated for the roughing and finishing machining of split surfaces of big-sized steam turbine housing partts4nd other big-dImensioned machine parts weighing up to 100 tons. The machine is equipped with automotive spindle stocks with drilling and boring spindles, attachments and planing carriage, which make it possible to machine heavy components without removing them from the machine table. The table feed is stepless and is effected by a geared reducer driven -during milling operations by a d-c motor of 29 kw and during planing operations by a d-c motor of 88 icw, A blocking mechanism prevents the movable parts of the machine from colliding. The machine is remote-controlled from a central control piuiel and two susi)ension panels. The authors cite the pertinent technical data of the new LF-21 machine. There is I photo. Card 1/1 WMANIN, S. MeW pontoon crowbar. Voene-inab. 96 03-9:36-37 S 152. (MIRA 120) (Wedges) I VI-LIFSONp N,S.j ZARETSKIYp V,I.;, DCKANINAp O.N. Spi@Msis of ethyl- #-carbethco-yethyl eathr of malonic acid. Zhur. VKHO 7 no.6:709 162. (KIRA 15:12) 1. buititut khimii prirodrWkh ooye4inerdy AN SSSR. (Malonia acio) FRILEZHAYEVAp B.N.1 FEDOROVSKAYA, N.P,; MIMSEROVAp L,V,l -nMP4)"-O.N.j MAMMA,, I.M. Methods of det&rulwing varieties of organic sulfur iA solid fuels. Trudy IGI 218159-168 163. Determining sulfur other in solid fuel by the methyl iodide method. 202-210 OCIRA 16: 11) Arx NR& AP60243,57 EOURCE; CODE: Ult/0280/66/000/00/0086/0093 AUMOR: Buyanov, BAIX"" itishchkly, B.Z@;.@Ozern44, V. M. oy@@). 0MG: none TME: Construction of tests for the logic circuits synthesized from monofunctional elmods SOURCE: AN BSSR. Izvestlya. TeMmiohookaya kibernetika, no. 2, 1966, 86-93 TOPIC TAGS: lcgic design, logic circuit, mathematle operator, test monitoring JU3STRACTo Tests of this )dnd are designed to verify the functioning of logic (m, I)-terminal networks synthesized from monoftinctional logic elements realizing the negation of the die- -junction or conjunction of many variables. These tests are constructed on the promise that the following factors are known: the structure of the logic circuit, the various possible mal- functions in each element of the ensemble vised to design the logic circuit. The circuit is.tooted. by inserting I Ic variables Into the ensemble inputs and verifying the state of the v 09 utput. A subset of ensembles of logic variables may be used as a test of this kind If the correct funct- foning of the network with respect to this vubset is a sufficient condition for the correct fimationing of the circuit with respect to the entire set of Input ensembles. The length L of the ACC NRs AP6024367 tost to the number of ensembles entering In the test. 7bus, in the operator describing the performance of a n-Input logic element realizing the negation of the disjunction of n variables -""a) tuid an arbitrary logic function of m variables 13 denoted as N11 (11 ol@ i2"5, x f (x,j xg 9 itm) may bo reproeented ky the following superposition of operators N.: 101, xt, - IV, ;j"j'j# ... NvkR where j = Is 2s k and mi Is the number of variables at the Input of the J-th element 10 mi . If signalo co@respondifig to all the logic elements and their inversions are employed. :%lation_(I) is realized by a two-stage circuit of Nm operators (Fig. 1). Each expression I raj (;sl'- ;;*sj'o correspondo to the ensemble of logic variables Cyj XI, x2 .#of xm)j forwhich N l#' k and N 0 During testing Inr @f -e n' a-em-b-l e" of the., circuit. shown In Fig. I all the Input varlAblee,of thefirst-stage Input- ulement-With-the _fot,.. tba-Qther-fjxst=8tRge use while, --all -@Z= clements at limet one of the va.riables must have the value of unity. The process 2/3 ACC N& APM24367 B*ge I stage 2 -Fig. 1. of construction of ouch tests iu closely associated with the minimization of logto circuits and may be uUULed to detect redwidant elements. Orig. art. hast 12 formulast 6 ftmx,, 3 tables. BUB FODEt 099 12/. BURK DATE: I(Alep"/ ORIG REFs. 006'' Lit' Card 3/3 Z Owv/v I KMITSIEIY, Dmitrly Mikhaylovick; POPOV, Igor' Vladimirovich; ROMANOVA, Yefrosinlya And:reyevmi SQHLUIZAK_ff kandidat geograftche- skikh nauk, redaktor; TASNOGORODSKATA, X.M., redaktor; FLAUX, M.Ta., tokhaichookiy rodaktor [Principles of hydrographic deciphering of aerial photographs] Oenovy gidrografichaskogo deshifrirovaniia aerofotomninkov. Pod red* A.P.Domant-takogo. Uningrad. Gidrometeorologicheakoe izd-vo. 1956. 343 P. (MIRA 9:9) (Photogrametric pictures) (Hydrogrisphic surveying) Dawsm-May,- A. P--.,,---(-E--d-it-o-r-) "Research Problems of Iakes and Reservoirs," Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Gidrologicheskoao instituta (Transactiont3 ofthe State Hydrological Institute), no 66.9 1957. 140 pp. NEZHI SKIY, Ruvim Afrolmovich; DOUNITSKIT, A.P., otvetstvennyy red.; YASNOGORODSKAYA, X.M., re,,@.; [The Neva River] Reka Neva. (Izd.2-oa, dop.i parer.] Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-yo, 1957. 190 P - (MIRA 11;1) (Neva River) POPOV, Igor' Vladimirovicb; DQ"qTqI'Y,.,A.P., otv. red.; ROGOVSKAYA. To. G.,red.; VLADIMIROV. red. Drile River] Rake Nil. Ioningrad. Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 1958. 112 P. (KLRA 11:12) (Hilo River) URTTATEV, V.A., kand.tokhnonjiuk, v; ALIM111, O.A., red.; VILIXABDT* N.A., rod.; BLIZUTAK. Ts.Y., red.; BORSUK. O.N., kand.googr.naak, rftd.; DAVTDOV, L.K., KALININ, G.P.. red.; KRITSKIT, S.N., rmd.; KOELIN. B.I., red.; MAIIOIM, L.F.. red.; HF'NM II M.P., red.; OITILOV, D.P., red.; POPOV, I.V.,red.; PROSKU- RYAKOV, A.K., red.; W)MLOVSKIv, D.L., red.; SPENGLER, O.A.. red.; CHMOTAREV, A.I., rot.; CHFRKAVSKIT, S.K., red.; GROSMAN, R.T., red.; SMGW-T,,T, k.N., tmkhri.rad. (Proceedings of thi- third All-Union Hydrological Congress] Vessoiusnyi gidrologichookit anovd. 3rd, Leningrad, 1957. Trudy. Lnningrad, gidro- meteor. izd-vo. Vol.1 [General information. decisions, and papers presented in plenary sessions] Obahchis evedenila, rnshoniia i ple- narnye doklady. 1958. 249 p. (141RA 12:1) (Hydrology--Congresses) FEDOROV, Vladimir Tladimirovich, dotsent, kund.tekhn.nauk; GONCHAROT, V.N., profoo reteentent; ZMWOV. S.A., inzh., retsen28nt: DOKANITSKIY, A.P.. red.; VCLOHOK, X,K,, [Hydrology and Investigation of waters] Gidrologiia. I vodnye izyskarkiia. Leningrad, lzd-vo *Rechnoi transport," Ieningr. otd-nie, 1960. 344 p. (KM 13:10) (Hydrology-Re search) TXITTATEVp V.A., kand.tekbn.nau%:i red.; CHEBOTAFLEV, A.I., kand.takhn. nauk, red,; YOGOYAWMIT, X,Fe, kand.geogr.nauk, red.; DOMANITSKIT, A.P., kand.geogr.naukq red.; PROTASITEV,,M.S., 11-F kand.geogr.nauk ad.; SUCWV.5KIT, D.L., doktor tekhn.nauk, redol SWILINA, M.K.. red.; VIADDUROV. O.G., [Surface water resources in regions of reclaimed virgin and idle lands] Resursy poverkhnontafth vod reionov osvoeniia taelinnykh I zaleshnykh zemel'.. Pod obahchei red. Y.A.Ury- vaeva. Leningrad, Gidrometeor..izd-vo. No.5. (North Kazakhstan Province, Kazakh S.S.R.) Severo-Kazakhatanskais oblast' Ka- zakhakoi SM. 1960. 418 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Leningrad. Gosudarstvannyy g-,idrologichaskiy institut. 2. Direktor Gosudaretvaimogo gidrologicheskogo Institute (for uryvayev). (North Kazakhstan Province-Water supply) YBDOROV, N.N., kand.takhn.nauk; POPOV. I.Y.. kand.geogr.nauk; BORSUK, O.Y., kand.geogr.nauk; GRUSHEVSKIT, M.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; VALILANOT, M.A., prof., doktor taklin.nauk. red.(Koskvs); URYWAYET, V.A., oty. red.; ALKINg O.A99 red.; BL12NIrAK, Ye.V., red. (deceased]; BORSIX, O.N,, red,; DATYDOV, 1.14s red,; DOMANITMITo AsPat red*; KALININ, G.P., red.; KRITS11IT, 114N., red., red.; MAN01M. L.P., red.; X&NELI, X.F., red.; ORLOV, B.P.. red.,- PRO&MTAKOV, A.K., red.; SOKOLCIVSKIT. D.L.. red.; SMGLER, O*Aqq red.; GIMOTAREY, A.I., red,; CUMOVSKIT, 5,1,, red,; SHATILINAO M.K., red.; VLADIMIROV, O.G., [Transactions of the Third All-Union Hydrological Congress] Trudy III Vaesoiusnogo gidrologichaskogo suezda. Vol.5. [Section of Hydrodynamics and River-3ad Nvolation] Sektaiia gidrodinamiki I ruslovykh protseenov. 1960. 421 p. (KMA 13:11) 1. Yeasoyusnyy g1drologicheskiy islezd. 3d, Leningrad, 1957- 2. Gosudarstvennyy gidrologichealciy institut (for Fedorov, POPOV). 3. Chlen-korrespondent All SSSR (for Velikanov). (Hydrology--Congresses) DOANITSKII, A.P.j ICUZIN# P.S.j, MLKAREVICH,, T.N. Alskmandr Mikh&Uovich Norvatov; obitury., Meteor, i gidrole nos4s 58 Ap 43. .(MIRA 160) (Norvatov.. Aleksandr MILkhalovich, 1905-1962) Acassiox mis AM31m 0/0223/64/004/OW/0325/Q330. (Loningrad)j Strwwkiyo M. 0. (Ler AUTWRSs ILoRnktakili TITLSt Measuring the tuitural electrical fielA in the sea ;SOURCE i Okeduiologiya., ve 4o no. 2, 1964P 325-339 TOPIC TAGSt natural electric field, oceanic electric field,, telltwic currents STT 59 tollurio current motor# EDA 51 autocompentiators Wo 6 osoillograph,, TV 8 remote control switch ABSTRACT t Tho authors I object was a study of the changes in the natural electrical field that ME. periods ranging from soveral minutoti down to parts, of a second,. Measurements were made at depths from I to 100 m on a continuous record for periods ranging from 10 to 70 minates* -An MV-5@ telluric-current, motor, normally employed for pophysical survop, was used -for measurments and proved to be Most satisfactory, It contains an EDA-57 autooomponeators an RO-6 cocillograph, and a TV-6 remote-