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5/02 0/6 2/14 6/00 4/0 -12,1015 Furriation, of free rad lcals in Bl Ol/Bl 86 oxyp,en ir. the (1,-Ark. itn epr spectrum is a singlet 14 ocratedg. wide und has a lifeti-me, of 1-5 - 2 hrs; D. is ascribed to the positive ioll of p-plienylene di,~.-iine ortinG to it similar epr upectrum having been obtainod by L. '~`.ichaelis Ot nl (J. tun. Chem. Soo., 61, 19f3i (19J9)). Thore are 4 fiG-ure.-. A5SOCIATION: InstiLut fi--icheakcy khimii in. L.*V."Pinarzhevskk)Go Akadem.ii nauk USSR (Institute of PhyFical, Chemistry imeni L. V. ?isarzhevnkiy of the Academy of' Sciences Uki-SSR) i'llESENTEDs May 30, 1962, by A. N. Terenin,.Academici,an VT SUBYlITTED: May 22, 1962. Card 5/3 jW F WNW K= - R U27105 IRCH PODE: VR7W7 T23 8 9 AUrHOR- Ashkinazi. M._S.; Dolifte, 1. AY ORG: Institute of Physical Chissistry Academy of Sciences,UkrSSK (Inatitut fizl~fies koy khi-mit, Akademiya nauk UkrSSR) TITLE: Dark aftereffect in sensitized phatoox,id.ation of SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 39, no. 10, .1965, 2587-2589 6,1Yfree TOPIC TRGS: chlorophyll, oxidation, primary aromatic amine, Ehnltochemist radical, electron paramagnetic resonance, diphenylamine, electron spin resonance, i spectrum, light absorption ABSTRACT: In the photochemical, oxidation of diphenylemine sensitized with chloro- phyll (pheophytin), free radicals are formed, and a peciAtair aftereffect is observed in whichlafter the illumination has been cut off, a deep-red product is formed in the dark. The reaction does not occur in the presence of a re-ductant (ascorWc acid). Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of the product eth(rwed that a free r4ldical 13 formed. it simultaneous measurement of the change in the intensity of the light absorpticii spectrum with time and of the 8SR signal for the same solution showed that the absorption maximum increases so long as the ESR signal is observed; as soon as the signal vanishes, the intensity of the absorptiam band ceases to increase. Thi effect indicates that the free radical formed In the course of the photooxidation participates in some secondary reaction which results in the deep-:red product, which has not been identified. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. Card 1/2 UDC: __ !41,14 1, 10514 56 WC-C MRS Wo SUB CODEr 07 24 / SUBM DM: 09Jul64 / ORIC RV: 003 1 OTH REP: 001 14 N, I USSR/Farm ~;,imnls - firi.Ucvorns. r.-6 U Abs Jour Zliur - Biol., No 1u, 195", 83493 Author Dol~~,zo, I.M. Inst Institute of A~,ricultvxc. Title Vic Problen of Consarviar; Hyllverry Silkwk)rE:. Cocoox.,. Orig Pub ; Tr. Gruz. a.-kh. in-ta, 1957, 44, 151-180 Abstract : An raw cocoons were storce i-:., a temperature of 0-5-' C, 6-3 percent of thcra died a,"'Wr 15 days, and 100 oi' the pupa after 112 e..ays. Cocoons whic% were ant loircred teriparaturcs ha~! lootter covcr :p(.,r;,Aca*.jiL.t.--. tlicy produced loo".-i'.or inCicators as tuiwindin:; rat; perforried with rubber *n-ushad and vith pin-discs :):,' a const'ruction, as vi-Ui cocoons vcre -n~,icc- ~cd to nechanical dr,/-*ii,. proccelurcs ancl vhAcli cane cl..)SC to ineicators of raw c3cao;is. rjualitativc indicat.)rs of Card 1/2 USSR/Farrl - ;--IkV()MS. ~,-6 Abs Jour ~Icf Jiur - Biol., No 13, P,53, 33493 r,%%r sill-, fron cocooi,.s %jcrc subject~:!d to prz!Sci-i-a- tion, proved hidier than -'a coutrols. Ia terus ccnt-"j~cs, the corrolaZion :)f mit protoin anO. presorvoC, pi~pa also proveCt than in mitrA ?ron the author's sku.naryo Card 2/2 SREBWY Mikhail Aleksandrovich; DO ID Konq1,,qptJR.,'halov1,a:.i; BE-qMA, Ivan Profirtyo Mchl; CRABILIN, Yu.N., otv. red. [World record for making a hFiulage drift (zelcing lpQ51 m. of drift in one month at Vine No-103 of the Chistiakov- antratsit Tnist)] N.Ircvol rekord provedeniia otkatochnogo shtreka (."195.1 m shtre-ka v mesiats na shakhte no.103 -Lresta Chistiakovan-Lratsit). Yoskva, Teentr. in-t -~ekhn. iv-i-t tekhn. informatsii ugpollnoi promyshl., 1962. 22 p. :MIRA l7t7) TSITSBA, A.; DOLIDZE,-,Y-j KUNIMKAYA) G,, sturahiy agronom-entomlog Controlling the scale insect Leucanpis japouica CkU. in the Adzhar S.S.R. Zaahch.rast.ot vred.i bol. 4, no.6.46 N--D 159. OCIJU 15:11 ) 1. Predsedatell kolkhoza imeni Belozerskogo rayona (for I'Sitsba). 2. Direktor Aftharskoy karantinnoy laboratorli (fox Dolidze). (Adzharistan-SceLle insects-Extermination) D-)LIDZE, 14. V. DOLIDZF., M. V. - "The S,xoctr,`~)hritovistry if r% wirlai3 of stars ')I' the 14--df-lviiha type, V arxL R IAbedl (awn) ". lAmIngrad, 191)5, Acad Scl USSFI. Cain Astrcmzical lbservatory. (DissortatLon for the Deg-ree of Candidate , f Phyalwimat' ezatical solances.) S').- KDlgingya lot-,pis' No. 16, 1.2 Nivember 19",4. Yoscow DOLIDn N.V. Spectrophotoustry of some early class stare. Imi, AN SBAR. Ser. fit. 19 no.1:23 J&-F 155. (MAL 8-9) 1. Abastumanskapt astrof isichookaya observatoriyo~ Akadeuli nank Oru2iuskoy SSR (Spectrium analysis) (Spoctrometer) DOLIDU, M.V.; ARKHIMA, V.P. Spectrum of Arend-Rolwrid's comet. Astron.tsir. no.165:9-11 0 157. (MIRA 11:4) 1,Astrofisitheakaya observatoriya, Abastumazi. (Comets-1956--Spectra) D=ZBO K. V. - Atmospheric extinction. Biul.Abast.astrofix.-obearo nos-42: (MYRA 11-12) 93-102 '58. (Atmospheric transparen07) SOV/58-59-9-21566 Translation fromi Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 9, ~P 303 - 304 (US3R) AUTHORSi Fishkova, L.M. TME: An Auxiliary Device for the NF-4" Automatic Re.,ording Microphotometer PERIODICAL: Abastumanis astropizikuri observatoria, Biuletenl, Byul. Abastumansk. astrofiz. observ., 1Y58, Nr 22, pp 117 - 124 (&iglish rbsum6) ABSTRACT- The attachment Is a combination or a photoelectvic-optical converter for transforming optical blackenirgdensitie3 into Intensity and a photo- electric planimeter. A uniformly illuminated slit of the "UF-1" type is projected onto a spherical mirror at whose focal point photocell PC2 is located. The mirror of an auxiliary galvanometer- 02, attached to photocell PCI of the miorophotometer, serves as one of the elements of the projecting optical system. The Galvanometer of the nicrophotometer is used to record the current of P(,). Wedge-shaped diaphragms D, having the form of the characteristio curves of the givtm photographic material for certain wavelengths, are placed in the plane of the cpherical mirror. As the current of' PC1 varies, galvanometer G2 deflects the Image of the Card 112 slit onto D, which is so set that Its narrowest cpening corresponds to kcOVY'58-501-9-21560 An Auxiliary Device for the "MY-4" Automatic Recording Micraphotometer the background of the plate. The nece3sary angle of deflection of The image of the slit is achieved by varying the Incandescence of the tube and the width or the slit in the "MF-W. In order to measure -the areas, a collimator, consistIng of an objel:!tive and a uniformly illuminated round diaphragm, is plar.,ed on the axis of the ray reflected from the mirror of 02, Diaphragm D is taken down, itnd In its stead a diaphragm is placed which has the form of the Firea being measured. Headings of the arvas are taken from the visual dials of the NF-W'. The attachment is used in processing stellar spectra. Yij.M. Kutev Card 2/2) DOLIDZN. N.V. ~ Spectrophntometry of four nonstationary stars. Ral..Abast.astroftz. nbeer. no.n:69-Bo 058. OGRA 11:11) (Stars, Variable) IDLIM, R.T. Coumnta on the spectmphotometry of Be ani P Cygrit-type otars. Biul.Abast.astrofix.atear. no.23:81-89 '58. (MIRA 11.111) (Stars, Variable) (Spectrophotomotry) SOV/35-59-8-6227 Translation from: ReferativnY3' 2-hunial, Aatronomiya I Oeodezlya, 19rjq, Nr 6, p 18 AUTHOR: Dolidze, M.V. TITLE- ,V'Stars With HCL in Emission PERIODICAL: Astron, tsirk-ulyar, 1958, July 3, Nr 193, pp 22 - 23 ABSMACT: The discovery Is i=ounced of fi,,,e stars of the AO-A,-':; spc-tral classes having a sreak hydrogen einisaion In their apectrat. BD + 110829; +11"8,20, -301646; -3oi641. and 6 h49'. -3 04,51, 1900.0. The spectra were obtalned with a 70-cm meniscus tele- scope with a lens prism at the Abastumant Astrophysical Otservatolrv, G. A. 11. Mard 1/1 6-L457 J-1,5-60 SOV/35-59..8-632-4 Translation fromi Referativriyy 2.1ruinal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, 1959, fir 8, p 32 AUTHORS: Dolidze, M.V., Arakelyan, M.V. 1Y TITLEi On a Group of Hydrogen-Wasion Stars In Ophiuchus PERIODICAL: Astron. tsirkulyar, 1.958, August 26, Nr 194, p 21.2 ABSTRACT: Two elds with centers at % - 1017', C - -24040- and Ot - 16h2p, 6 - -24020' were photographed In the Abastumani Ob.- servatory with a lents prism mounted in a 70-cm meniscus tele- scope and Kodak OaE plates with a KS-10ilight filter. About 30 stars of 12M to 16m with HoL emission wero discovered in a region of 20 x 20.5 (the center at OL - 16h2om, S - -24045') - Six of them are variables of' the T Tau type. All the einlsslon stars are concentrated within an area of 4 square deE;rees. The dark nebula B42 connected with p Opb and bright diffuzion, nebulae are located also in this region. The spectra of all the bright nebulae are continuous, and their average distance amottnts to 150 parsec. Card 1/1 Probably they constitute a T-association. N.B. Perova 131458 1,576 0 SOV/35-59-8-6325 Translation from: Referativnyy thurnal, Astronomiya I Geodezlya, 1959, Nr 8, P 32 AUTHOR: Dolidze, M.V. Tl=. On H a -emission Stars Associated With Nebulae PERIODICAL- Astron. tairkulyar, 1958, September 18, Nr 191,i, pp 13 - 15 ABSTMCT: - A list of 35 regions in which the occurrence of Hu .-emissicni stars is possible w&9 compiled on the basis of the Bochvar atlas. The regions were selectel in whic1i dark and bright nebulae overlap each other or are in contact. Nineteen regions coincide with the known groups and associations. Four concen- trations in longitude are revealed. correispondirq to two directions in space, if these regions are mapped on & chart with galactic coordinates. The regiona of HOL -emistion early stars are mainly concentrated to the Galaotic plane along the. Card 1/2 direction ln65 - 2650, I.e., along the spiral arm passing 8lh58 On H(7, -emission Stars Associated With Nebulae through the Sun. The concentraticna of stars of spectral classes are found in the belt with b - of I - 160 - 3300 which also pasmes through the coineldez with the preferential direation of the SOV/35-59-8-632!) the middle and litte -200 to +200 in the directloA Sun. The latter d.irectior. known T-aasociations. V.P. Pedorovich Card 2/2 873146 S/03r,-/60/OCO/O 12/M4/0 19 0 & OC 7, 1172, //J?~) A00 1. /AO') 1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomlya i Osecdi.ziya, l(,)60, No. 12, P. 34, # 12187 AUTHOR:. Dolidze, M. V_. &VP_ --- TITTX: Stars With Bright H4-14ne Near the NG"' 7380 Cluster PERIODICAL: Byul. Abastumansk. astrofiz. observ., 1959, No. 24, I)P. 7-11 (English summary) TEXT: Regions in constellations Aquila, Cepheus &rd Cepheus-Cassiopeia were J photographed to detect stars with Fdemlssion l1nes. A 70-cM meniscus telescope was employed for photographing with an objective prism on photofilms Kodak Oa E with the KC-10 light filter. Spectra of stars tip to 15.5 were obte.ined. The author presents the table of coordinates for 145 newly discovered Etars wli~ H?p emission within the region of 20 *quetre degrees having the cE-nter E.t %- 22-~,3 , ~= +5,80 (1900). Associations and pairs have boen detected which exe -:ompc~zed of emission stars. The author conzludes that starz, with Ho~ In em.1_qs:,,,n are aft.-~n associated with groups of nebulae and with 0- or T-assoclallons, A. A.Ro.~;tovskaya Translator's note: This is the hill translation of the original Russian itts,'ra,%. I Card 1/1 6 30) AUTHORS: Dolidze,M.V., and AraYelyan,M.A. SOV/3'5-36-3-7'/29 TITLE: The T - Association near 9 Ophiuchi PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,1959,,Vol 36,Nr !,,Pp 444-447 (USSR) ABSTRACTs With the aid of an objective prism attached to the 70 cm men-'s~u!3 telescope of the Observatory tn Abastuman, on July 22 and 2' " 1959 and on April 12, 1958 three photographs (::ombination of a red filter and Kodak O&E emuloion) with the centereoW 16 hi -P, 9, J. -24'08'; *_ 16 h27"8, S- -23'4611 c4- 16h 34 M. 5, 9- -2,046' were taken. Around the dark nobula connected sith 9 Oph 88 stars with a bright H OC. line were detected. The disoovered group of stars is similar to the T-aesociationo in Orion and Taurun. There are 4 non-Soviet references, of wh'.ch 2 are German, 1 American, and I Canadian. ASSOCIATIONtAbastumanskaya aatrofizichaskaya. observ&toriya Akadeciii nauk Gruz SSR (AbxatumaniAstrophysical Observatory AS Gruz.SSR) Byurakanskaya aetrofizicheskaya observatoriya Akademl.i nauk Arm SSR (Byurak&n As-.rophysical Observatory AS Arm.SSR) SUBMITTED; July 30, 1958 Card 1/i DOLIDZE, Move Cluster nearf6culptoris. Astron.tvir. no.200:9 Nr 159o (9DU 13:2) I* Abastumani.0 astrofisicheskaya observatoriya, (Stars-Clusters. I.)OLID931 Me --- Spatial distritution of emission @tars, Astron. tvir. ro.20lig-10 Ap 139. (XM 13:2) 1.Astrofisiohemkora obeervateript, Abastumani. (Starv-Distritution) DOLINN, 14. V. Now omission istars In the vicinity of GO Orionim. Autroa.tsir. U0,202:12-13 Js 159- (KIM. 13: 4) 1. Abastummuslam astrafisichaskays, observatortrat (Stars, low) DOLIDZI, M. T. Loop nebula In Cygnus. Astron.-tair. no.203:8 Js '59- OCU 13:4) 1. Astroffstcheelat a obeervatorlya, Abitatwowil, ~16bulss) DOLITYZX, N.V. hission uslula IC 44.3 + 3 40. Astron.teir, U'D.20:13-i4 S 159. (MML 13:6) 1. Aatrofisi.chookaya observatoriya, Abastumnie (Nebulm) DOLIDZI, MOO YIMIMTO Tuols L=-~ Imission objecto in the upper northern galactic la%itudes. Astron. teir. no.205:11-12 D 159. OGRA 13:6) 1. AstrefiBichoolmya observateriya, Abastummul. (Oalaxles) DOLIMI, M.V. Star clusters in Coma Berenice* and Pleiades. Astron.toir. no.207: 10 D 159., (MIRA 13:6) 1. AstroftuichouWa observatoriya, Abastunani. (Stare-Cluater) S1031 100/006/019/044 .~/6 1/L /S-4 L.) A001/AlOl AUTHOR: Dolidze, M.V. TITLE: On the i3yatem S 147 PERIODICAL: Referat:Lvnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya i Oeodezlya, no. 6, 1961, 36, ab- stract (SA324 ("By-ul. Abastumansk. astrofiz. obsarv," , 1960, no. 25, 111-117, Summaries in Georgian and English) TEXT: 'The aut-lor obtained spectra of stars in the region surrounding the fine-filamentary nebuLa S 147 by means of the meniscus telescope of the*Abastumani Observatory with a 70-cm ol!.~Jeotlve prism. A great number of H,'~, emission stars were discovered on the photographs; coordinates of these stars are determined, as well as intensities of Hv, emission line relative to the continuous spectrum. For some stars were determined also spectral classes. The distribution of these stars and those H,(/emission stars known already previously repeats in the main features the large-scale structure of the nebula S 147. The author presumes that the emis- sion nebula 3 147, emission stars and the expanding envelope of neutral hydrogen may compose one physical system. There are 10 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] M. Svechnikov Card 1/1 DOLIDZ19 N,T- Composition of associations of stars* Astron.teir. no.20813.5-17 A 160. (MIRA 13:11) I* Astrofislobsidcaya dibservatorl7a, Abastunaule (Stars-Dig tribution) Peripheral symtens. Astron.teir. no.211:20-2:) Yq 160. (MIU 13:10) 1. Antrofisichaskaya observatoriya, Abastumani. (Nebulas) DDLIDZ3, 14.V. Peripheral nebula S 153. Astron.tsir. no.2:11:23-24 Ny ,60. (XIBA 13:10) 1. Astrofisichookaya observatorlya, Abastumeni. (Nebulae) - DOLIDZE. M.V. ZnIsaion objacta in the high northern galactic latitudes. Astron. tair. no.212:7-8 Je 160. (MM& 13.'10) 1. Astrofisia'aem1mya observatoriya, Abastumani. (Galaxies-Spectra) DDLIDZZ, M.V. New evission stare connected with Barnard's Great loop. Astron.teir. no.212:8-9 Je 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Astrofisichookaya obsex-vatoriya, Abastumani, Otars) (Nebulae) DOIM)Zgp 11j, Distribution of components in mixed 0 and T associa.tions. Istron. tsir. no.213:n-12 JI 160, (MIRA 1411Y, 1. Astrofizichookapt observatoriyag lbastimani. (Stare-Matribution) I. IV ilr.~ DOLIDZEO MqY,- Remats of observing the region of 3258 and 6298 in the red part of the spectrtm, latron,taire uo.213sl2-13 Jl 1600 (MnIA 14:1) 1. Astrofisiches p Abutumani. :." observatoriya (Nebalae) (Stare-Observations) PDIJ= v NIV. I II Star vith Hydrogen Ca II millgion lizen in tb) #pe,3trm. Astron. tair. no. 234t17-18 S 160. (KMA 14 11) 1. Abastamani "trofislWmakaym observatoriya. (Star*-4peatra) . Cold stars &nd emmission galaxies In Virgo. Astron.tair. no.215:16 0 160. (KM 3J#:3) 1. Astrofizicheskaya observatoriyap Abastumani. (Galaxies) (Stars-Obsermtions) ~1 i# DOLID22; o. M. V. Group of (mrbon alars in high-north galactic latitutes. Astron.tair. no.215:16..17 0 '(A). (MIRA 14:3) 1. Astoftisicbeskaya obsemitoriya, Abalitumeni. (Stmrs-Observaiiens) DDLTDZEg M.V. Results of a spectral survey of the westeria part of S 153. Astron. tsir. no.217z7-8 D 260. (KIRA 14:3) (Stara--Spectra) ,c/035/62/000/002/008/052 AOOI/AlOl AUTHOR; Dolidze, 4_L TITLE: On the Medusa nebula PERIODICAL: Referativnyv zhurnal, Astronomiya i Goodeziya, no. 2, 1962, 27, abstract 2AC-.70 (",Astron. tsirkulyar", 1961, apr. 30, no. 221, 6) TEXT: Tne peripheral nebula Medusa was stv.died. No connection between this nebula and emission stars (up to 16m) was discovered from spectral observa- tions in red light. The author holds that its structure is such that its origin cannot be explained by the explosion of a Nova or a Supernova. [Abstracter's note; Complete trBnslation] Card 1/1 DOLIDZ9, M.V. 1-- -- -- --- -, Multiple peripheral eyotems. Astron.tair no.2;22:16-19 ~~ 161. (mm 15-4) 1. Abastumanakaya astrofisiolteska?a observatoria. (Netralae) DOLIDZE, M.V. Star cluster in the vicinity of t Cygni. Astron.tsir. no.223: 11-12 J1 '61. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Abastumanskaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya. (Stars-Clusters) DOLIDZR. M.v - - --~ Structural details of emission nebulae. Biul.Abatit.astrofiz.- obser. no.26321-23 161. OGRA 15:3) (Nebulae) DOLIDZE, M.V.; MAKAROV, V.I. Spectrophotometry of the nucleits of Arend-Roland's comet (1956 h). Biul.Abast.astrofiz.obser. no.2601-87 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Comets--1956) DOLID~E,_.~.V.; MAZNYY, M.F.; FISHKOVA, L.M. Determining the sero-point of spectrophotometric temperatures. Biul.Abast.astrofiz.obser. no.26:161-167 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Spectrophotometry) DOLIDZE, MS. Characteristics of the rod part of spectrum of 5 stairs, Astron.teir. no.224*15-16 4g 161. O(M 16t1) 1. Ataotumanakaya astrofisiaheakaya observatoriya. (Star"Pectra) DOLIDZEq M.V. Some data on nebulae and star clusters. Astron,tal.r. no,224s 18-22 Ag 161. (KMA 16d) 1. Abastumanskays. astrofizichealutya observatoriya, (Nebulae) (Stare.-Clusters) DOLIDZE,,~..V.; ALANIYA, I.F. Photcoetry of tho continuous spectra of RS and XX Ophiuchi. Biul. Abast. astrofiz. obser. &o.28:113-119 162. (MIRA 160) (Stars-Spectra) DOLIDZE, M.V,; PUGACH, A.F. Photometry of the contimutrp spectra of four noustationary stars with absorption bands. MU. Abast. astrofJ.z. obser. no.28:121-136 162. (HIRAL 16 17) (St&rs-Spectra) DOLIDZE, M.V.; GUSEEVA, N.N.; RETIVAYA, T.V.,- MWZINTA, B.A. - P , Red and infrared spectral classification of M-type stars from Ic;k-disper$ion spectra in Cygnus IV. Biul. AW$-. astrofix. obser. no.28:137-156 162. (KIRA 16:7) (Star s-Spec tra) ,XUDZ, M.V. Applicability of aelsotively absorbing films. Biul. Abut. astrofis, obser, no,28:r209-212 162. (MM 160) (Photography-Ught filters) %, DOLnZIO M.V. Group of extifti-on stare in nebula S 101 istron. teir. no.228: 12 Ap 162. (14MA 3.6t6) L Abastumanslaya astroftsicbeekays. observatoriya. (Nebulas) (Radio astronomy) DOLIMS, MV, C and 8 otarevirt the rad and. Astron. tBir. no.228tl3-24 Ap f62., (MMA 16: 6) 1. Abastumanabiva astrofisichealmyn observatori-ya. (Stars--Speetra) DOLIDZE,, K.V. I I Pefipberal system in the vicinity of 4 &,-hlvcbA. Istron.tair. no.231: 22-23 N 162, t (MIA, 16:4) Io *aotununakaya itatrofizichookaya observatoriya.. (Neb4ae) -DOLIDZE-, Me ClassificatLono of emission starm oonneet4 vit& diffuse nebalse. Astron.tair. no.231%23-24 N 162.. (MIM 16-:4) 1. +stummaskaya astrofisichookaya observatoKya, (Stare-Classification) DOLIDZE, M.V. --------- P Some groups of emission stars connected with diffuse neb~lft. Astron. tair. no.232:22-23 D--162* (WRA l6s4t 31. iftstumanakaya astrofisichookaya obeervatoriya. (Stara--Clusters) (Nabulaa) DOLIDZE, ~LV. Structural features of ring nebulas. Astron.tair. no.232:23-25 D 162. (MIRA 164) 1, Abastumaukaya astrofinicbeekaya observatcoriya. (Nebulae) Palm, 14.V. M stars in thefOphiucb-t region. Biul. Abast. ttrt:-Ofl?. OLOPr- no.3001-79 164. Loop nebula Cugni region in red and deop-red Blu-1. Abast. astrofiz. obser, no.30:81-92 164. (MIFLk 17:5) . DO 1,1 0i'l-l' ); FW,'OibIRPVA I G.A. New emission stars in Cassiopeia. Asti-on. zIlu,-. 42 no.1:2C5-207 ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:2) Is AbaStUrULnskaya antrofizicheskaya observatoriya 141 Gruz',,qR i Gosudar:3tvc)nnrj astronomicheskly Institut Im. P.K. -Shternlerga. DOLIMS, M.V.j ;,1PAYE-VA, IN.A. 4-~rd In the area MC 6819, Blul. Abast. astrofiz. obver. 32?53- 68 1155- (MIRA 181,Lcl DOLIDZE, N. TECHNOLOGT Periodicals: INZENYRSKE STAVBY Vol. 0, No. 11., Nov. 1958 DOL--DZE, N. Experiences in Build-ing on miermined ground. P. 563. Monthly List of East European Acceasiona (EEAI) LG VOL. 8 No. 5 may 1959, Unclass. -1- 65057,a--65 M11 )IRM (tq)A F n)mq/T/1-V, (h IJ;It,c XON ZIR. 256Z/2563 up/oiB 4165/007/008/, JACCZSS. AF50390) "4' AUIM- i Geraziniov 44~' P,,-Bq MoUdze, '3. D.; TOM(nlalenlmii I P. . FO!ykinj-Qj. M. I-TITIZ: - on the *it-,Ioaraeter- of tbie hy a i,-- &,r Atrist V1 -thi it-Wtper-, ch -a- i c -of germanil= ti-P jWrtA2n proquced by j.ln-hLdiation CC" SOME: 7.12i)m trer3016 -tels) v. 7.) no. OP 19 ~i'p 2562-2563 TOPTO MM, gerzianimi, volt. ampere. ;:11arg,cter,Is tic j electron bomb3xChne.1t, e1eC' Aric hysteresis, s&jdcoinducitor resescreb I-ABSTRACh 7be-iwthcxx ob3orved s-17tteresin aMet in Oe irrve"igation of an n-P J=cticwi produced by bombaiding n-Ge mingle cryntale with fast ele-Ctrons. The -rat-amere cbw-acteristic dbtained sA 77X vban the sample was illum-inBted in the bw-rier dirtetior is Bhown in lFig. '" of tbe EncloBure. 11he hfstere~;is consists in thp fact t1at vhen tbe voll;Nje in in:!rewued t'he characterDitic la rppresE.-nted by tbe lcw,!r curve;, when the toltage ranche!3 V,, tblire is an abrupt rile in the cjrrent , and vbe:3 the v6Ltage In th-tn decreasnd the aMracteristle is represented by the pper viryt. IT the barrier-layer Y.)It%3e As dpplied in pulses, the b kulo-,in u occurn -,M. -,v14,-ajjea lovar thwi V1. Vda IWWIaretils can bt! explnftf-d t~y issuning tl~-it the sam Ae eonslate of tvr series-co-mected par'.s, an eliment ,,n v'Mch ',he bT ~~Wk- dc-?vn tatem placl~ an-d Whose hw; is I'Ccrd 113 lal XR: JG5019894- and one ubleb e3hibits br.Usat. yrcliertles. The fc=er in ,identified with portimi) the -n-.:p,3tmctivn itnelfy and the %atter witli -tbe higli-revistance pD-rtlon of the Iflamle. Thr efl~&A of do.-ep 2eveD oi, the breakdovn chamicteristice to discussed briefly trcmi the point of v-lev of spice ebarge exchamge inside the simple. Crri~g. aft. bas z 2 fj4v.m. 'AS SOCIATIOY., Fltiko-telhniobeakiy irkatItut iu. A* P. loffe AN SSSR, leninimad- TbiliaWy goau&-a,atvennyv imiveraitet UMMMD 1 107Ap.-r65 01 GbB COM 69 "NO M17:11OV: 0 0 m" OTILER.- 002 ATD PRF;3S~ A cc, [!;prd EM DOLIDZE N G Peripheral blood picturo following gastrectomy and some causBa of its change. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 39 no.2:4!75-480 Jig 165. (MIBIA 18:9) 1. Tbiliaskiy gosudarstvennyy moditsinskly Institut. Submitted December 20,, 1964. ~.- -DQq~~j N. G. Mechanism of disorders of carbohydrat4 metabolism following gastric ressotion in doge. Soob,,AH Gruz.SSR 26 n&3:277-284 Mr 161. (MIPA l4s4) 1. Sanatoriy "Likani" Borshomakogo kurortnollo upravleniya. Predatav- leno chlonom-korresponde:mtom Akademii nauk Grusinskoy SSR A.N. Bakuradze. (OARBMIYDR&TE METABOLISM) DMMMIII O.V., inzh. Using granulated slag in the manufacture of tile. Strci.mat, 8 no.1000-31 0 162. (MIRA (Slag) (Tiles) S.Ta. (7bilisi); MMI, L.Sh. (7bilial) Now method for treating neuralgic pains wittj chloroform. Vrach. delo no.3:231-233 Mr 157 (KLRA 10:5) 1. Xabinst funktsionalluoy diagnostiki (sav.-B.Ta. Dolidze) 13-Y polikli 'niki i terapevticheakoye otdeleniye Vtoroy gorodekoy bollnitsy. * (CHLOROFORM..-PHTSIOLOGIGAL WBCT) (NEIMALGI.A) III, a I ; 11 1 " _$_M' Ah - OF .7 ; __T - - - .7 _- i i. 0 z 04 It u " 14 ts if 9. IT 44 All '0100, u p M L I a -We Uw Womew of acoqkAofims tin the dieWbollom of X In vasub 6w. P. A. Rowetkal., and A"hiwiys 0. 218.QA(t .::-ne am .00 god 11M, caffelew. nketine, and versortme -00 %I p . by lethWom lbrawk Water u4n. Act -dew met seir Ja tba wanw mumiumv as 00 t -bonsougum. cliffliml. :09 go& d IM X Into a IMM aw .-Slit law= 0 O't 4F at T&W calthte Coe- Oilo is slaMer to tbal caused by i age tew"Ok mobtlon. No matter how prolwpd t1s arti-in :0 cil =bOllsm', me pbosphogra iii decompl. altkmmgb K a** is d Is the pat -400 & see Soo Coo Mroo % 00 ago 441- 00 tw6K 'L LMINATOOR CtAll"WIC&TION 1010:0: -it emy 1 111,1111 ilk 00 W I a no 0 IS 0 IN as gas 3's IWW. 0 U 0 IV 10 is fin W a Am d"i a ~01.% 0 0 00 0 4, o 0 o o 00 00 0 0 41 0 e so 0 0 0 0 0 00,0000 oi o 0 e 0 4, 0 00 0000 4 so 00 9 9 0 0 0 - TO- 0 Op 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 600000 0 ------ -- -- ---- -AL- SIM)" 11nokb-It!nj of Foul DOLIME SH, V.p KURTSLHALIYA, E. G., K04MIAXI, P. A. (USSR). On Sources of Ammonia during Stretching of Musolen. report presented at the 5th Int'l. Biochemistry Congreasp Moscow, 10-16 Aug. 1961 I I KOMETIANI, P. A.; KIMTSKHALIYA.. E. G.; DOLIDZE, Sh. V. "On the Mechanism of Ammonia Formation and Rejwval in Hiscle Tisoue." report submitted for 6th Intl Biochemistry Cong., Now York Cityp 126 Jul-1 Aug 1964. LL L24 -1 L 4730D-65 A ACCESS1011 NP ATS007806 fi~'i)0001611,101,10/000/015!i/0162 )/j 'ViTHORI - Goj1,tAKi!Lcjvq % Dplid2pX T. V. UTILE: 'Sulv~rzztlqn-of bincir a alrect to It In high.-spoeid ccvq~uters t-n-mnittimn 04 _C~I'UZSSR. InLtj" iOURCE AN I Elovetity kibel,"ticheiiUM isistem Ulements C f eybp1matic syllttms),; Tit-lie., lad-vo Aetunlyer*ba, D114, 155-16" coWonent digital caipu-1-,er/'BESM digital cobTuter ABSTRACT- Ar Avixilia.-y-sdStrar--tion.un:[,t-flor-high-~sp,*-ed computers Is proDosed wh ich wouM porform the subtraction op,-ratlon dir4ictly, without code conver-si;.-i. In this unit the output of the trigger of eal~h digit place leads to two gato~-., one of wbicb is v~svl for continuomi carrr, and fie other for, carry ov,Br (borrovi). In the continuoim, caml circuit is a pulBe generator which I'DV= a specially shaped pulse whose lealing edge, contrqls the con~tinuous carry gate; tLe tralling edge! of this pulse. is used -to actuate tho uiager of The next most significanf digit place. Ac- cording to th,~ Authors, a "USM" ccoquter can 7ei~forai an addition in 1.!l micro- seconds, Ink: a subtractior takes 2.7 viv.,osecv-49 usixg nurerical code convemion. cc.rd 1 /2 L 4730C;,6!,, ACCESSION, FR-. AT5007886 ~i Using them prbpcmed - unit --it 14 irfti xirL In: 14 nicroseconds) T V ku-- -41141tractl, -hus considl~raj)ly inem-azing tht ap-sea of the compti ter. Applicati cm of thig, subtraction Imetbod tc a corTuter would requlm a 1xvater tumber ol' standard elerments but iw-culd do awa, with the need ;fcr all -unitai fc,r inveriie trarmi,.riptim of nunhers, thus JIM- 1cmasing -tbe average speed of the ctoaj-,tter. (Prig. etm. hash, 3 figures, 2 foxmmia~;.' ASSOC] AT.*,:())I: none SUBM111TI). D7JuI64 ENCL,: 00 SUB COVE: DP No RE..:- S3V: CIO (ITHER: 003. Cw,d 2 2 BBkt-Ci 1h jACCES310 N?: ATS007887 IV DOOD/611/000/C-00/016 310171 AUTHOR- Go.1,oberldze , M. GI Dolichie.Jt-_ I 4 1 fTITW;: High-speed serial adder 'of ~t).ie Intermedial:6 type 14SOURM.- AN GruzSSR. Institute kibemetik-i. El,,wwtty kibernetichoskikh Sisten, kcle:oents-oi: cyberrietic nystens). 11flis., 1--d-wi Patsnlyereba, 19614, 163-l"71 JOPIC 7AGS: binary counter, high iqmeel ccqa)uter,, sequence controlbRd cmnputer, ~COM;Utt!r COInDonent IABSI'RA(.T:' The authom, propose a htlgh_~3peed-binapy serial adder of -the interme-diate it.ypit- to be zonnected to a par,311el:Wt3rpo nemory. 'Tbe estimated cyc.-je time of the addsir, less than 5 microseconds, it adequate for a conputer with an operating speed I sfies rea Irements for dirital --cf-iLp-to-50,000 addiflons/second Min -upeed- sai:L P for solving economic and enginaering pp::blerts. The yropor;ed adder is M:Lle Visi .,I -and reliable. For each diglithe ailder f.,)nas the functions Va, 0, IP 01 , bl), amd QS(a, E). The functicii QS and the carry to the suvceedir.g cycle am. *rn?. similtanevanly, A special Plip.-flop For each digit place stores the digit of ...... I limit A %A ojavj? YYS' 3--and; S-or; 3--vmit A; 4--uait B; S-ft=i control unit-, 6--from wewry unit. r-d i/-3.. L Ubiv-ki PO !AUTHORS: DDlidze, T. V.i ~opllaridze,-~[. G.; PZ44_1 9 t J.JL. It S. iTITU: Storage tno parallel, immatoro. Class 42p 11o. i6!)8,B5 2:5 SOURM lbralletan' izobretm:~,r i tovwrz~ 2makovI, no* 7# 1965# 133 "L)PIC TAG, a Author Cortifimto prtimants a otorN;e type pcwallol sw=.ator con- jA- taxining a second term rq,31ster, and Vro tranofor lines. To increa,10 t-no au=at.-,r recponso rate az4 ivarease ib; rolLabilit ,jj :Lt- ccuitaiw3 gatoo, the iliputs Of V-h-.,L,4h. ar'? camected t4) -the 4ratputil 1)f tho beccnd timm rc~stcr and to thr, tr=sfer mid" its i-werse linvv* The -twitputia 1)f Unas gates iiLre u=ected'to thv Anyats of tha a=- register. 1ASSOCUT1011: -GS6 Thsti.tut kibernotW AN InsUiuto of 6raOicm AN IMMMM; 22J=64 IMCMI PD MU CODU Dl~i Ito mw Sovs CO) Omm A ODD! Card Mia ONIOHCHY:IvKO, N.A.; KOMIENOV~ YlL.B.; IIXIDZE, I.A.; B.F.; RAYSKINA, M.Ye. Measur:ng and dynaml,- re-a-rding of tim activity c,' N~! -oris in the i1yocardhur. in vavo with the help of self~~--,iv glass electrodes. Eiofizika 10 nc.i.t645-651 165. (V"RA 18~8) 1. Institul. terapil AFN S&SF, Moskva. DOLT D7*-' 3tudying the demarl A'*cr zav.; tokh. teks". prom. no.,:lk7-12 '64. ;A 7-12) 1. Moskwskly telcstlllny;~ instLtut. DL)Lll);,E, -,,.c. -,I' tlv~ e`(,,v(3loprpnt of lixtll,- inlzritfy -, t I 1717. vys. uchot., zav.; -,ekh. tokst.. prom. no.10-7 l6c~. ( ! , " ", ~,~ I "), : C. ) 1 . moskov:,,uy t,f3 I, sti I I r~iy inst i tat. DOLIDZI, V.I., kand.takhr.nauk. Highway tunnel thi-ough Um Greater Caucasus. Avt.dor. 19 no.11:21-22 N 156. (MIRA 10ilO) (Caucaeux-Tunnels) DOLIDZE, V.I., kandidat ,.ekbnjcjj,~*kjkh mauk. Combined use of shell-slabs and massive concrete construction. Mr. strot. 25 110-7:19-421 Ag 156. (MLIA 911O) (Hydraulic anginserIng) (Concrete construction) AUTHOR: Dolidze, V.M. sov/i26-8-2-x6/26 TITLE: Several Problems in Measuring Microhardness PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov J. metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 2, pp 268 - 273 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In previous work, differences in results ware obtained by different authors. The main reason im thought, by Dolidze, to be devisitionis of the load from the nominal. Hi.x apparatus conalsts of PPYr-3 uBing a diamond pyramid of angle 1360. The, apparatus is mounted by visual observation of the distance between the diamond point and the sample. rh1s can be accurately judged by observing the point of the diaLmond and its image (ea the mirror surface of the sample) in a microscope. Tho loading mechanism is lowered. until the two points coincide. The position can be established to j, 2 ji . The rate of loading is also important. This is cax:r-ied out by observing through the microscope and indenting tit a very slow rate. The dimensiorui of impressions produced in this way do not vary, even at 0.5 g (Figure 2). Usinc; the above apparatus, Cardl/3 the microhardness of rock salt, zinc and 'bismuth single SQV/126-8-2-16/26 Several Problems in Measuring Hicroharanesis crystals was measured on a freshly cut gilip plane and also after exposing the plane to the atmospherefor0 several days at room temperature and 5 hours at 100 C. Impressions of diameter less than 15 It have no distortion. Impressions with larger dimensions are islightly distorted (Figure 3 for the banal plane of zinc). The microhardness results for rock salt, zinc and bismuth are given in Tables 1, 2 and 3, respectively. These show that with decrease in load the microhardness result increases. The relationship P = adnis satisfied, d is diagonal, a and n are shows log P against log d found. Going from a soft to and n decreases. From the rock salt, zinc and bismuth can microhardness measurements at The microhardness varies only room temperature. There are 4 figures, 4 tables Card2/3 is German and 10 Soviet. where P is load, constants. Figure 4 . 'Thus a and n can be a hard material, a increases results, it is proposed that be used as standards for small loads (10 g and less). slightly after holding at and 11 references, I of which sov/i26-8-2-16/26 Several Problems in Measuring Microhardness ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN Gruzinskoy SSR (Physics Institute of the Ac.Sc. Georgian SSR) SUBMITTED: February 1.0, 1958 Card 3/3 S/058/62/000/002/044/053 A001/AlOl AUTHORS: Naskidashvili, I. A.,_,R";,e_ V-_Mj, Tl=-: Diffusion of silver In zinc single crystals PE.-RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika., no. 2. 1962. 57, abstract 2E508 ("Tr. In-ta fiz. AN OruzSSR", 1960, v. 7, 99-:,04, Georgian; Russian and English summaries) TEXT: Diffuaion in Zn single crtstals along two main crystallographic directions was studied from 550 to 650 K by the method of layer removal. The following relationships were obtained: for diffusion parallel to the c-axis D!L - o.485. exp(-2~,500/RT) cm2/:ioc; foil, difl)usion along the basis D.L - 2.08. exp (-28,500/RT) cn-/sec. Volume-.ric diffusion cf Ag ~n Zn single crystals proceeds more sIowi.y than Zn self-diffusion but considerably more rapid than Ag self-diffusion. Anisotropy degree of Ag diffusion speed in Zn is almost half as high as in case of Zn aelf-diffus~,on. Anisotropy degree of diffusion decreases with increasing temperature. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation' I. Svetlov Card 1/1 S/:137/62/ooo/003/139/191 AO!52.IA 10 1 AUTHORS- Dolidze, V. M., Nats,flishvili, 0. 1. TI7TX. Intercrystalline liquation in the 11-phane of the zino-copper system PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 3, 1952, 60, abstract 31385 ("Tr. In-ta. fiz. AN GruzSSR',' no. 7, 1960, 207-215, Georgian; Russian, English summaries) TEXT: In the Zn-Cu system the composition of the 1) -phase depends strictly on the temperature; in particular at 4240C the maximum solubility of Cu reaches 2.7%. at the Indoor temperature the solubility decreaEses to 0.3%. In single crystals of the ~ -phase a certain regular distribution of' the Cu-enriched regions is observed. The introduction of Al into the TL-phase of the Zn-CU systtem distorts the regularity of the Cu diatribution. T. RunWantseva (Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 1/1 -7j_7 - --) !.I*".; M-. I -., Of ...ilver -,I,. cr ,,I, '. (-- 0,-i - -.- -,-* le" !"1..' -14.1 ) ~'l ~7~- ..~ '.. I . , , - - k -+ .i.) . I - (,)I.", (,-, ~ t -, v -, ~ :) (;*,-!",r ,,,DOLIDZE), V.M. Distortion of dents In menimring the microhardness of sine and biemwt~, Trudy Inst,fis.All Gruz.SSR W21-230 162. (KMA l6s2) (Hardness) (Zino cryvt4ils) (Bismuth crystals) NASKIDASHVILI, I.A.; DOLIDZ _YtM~. MAYSURADZE,, ~.A. Effect of a =all amount of impurities on the gielf-diffusion rate of zinoe, Tru4y Inst.fis.AN Gzu%.SSR W~1-= 162. (MIRA 16 12) (Zinc-Mets,llurgy) DOLIDZE. Ye. I,, "Data on a Study of the Char-z.cteristlcs of the Nutrition of the Inhbbitants of Hiqh Fountain Regions (Data From Kazbe~,cskiy Rajon of the Gjeorf7ian S-SR) ." Cand Fed Sci, Tbilisi State Medical Inst, Tbilisi, 1955- (IM, No 16, Apr 55) SO: Sum. No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of S,Aentifi.., and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Hi.,7her E'ducational Institutions '16). k DOLIM, Te.I.; GARNOVSKIT. L,,V. Optimal supply-of vitamin 0 for the puerpera,, Top.pit. 18 no.5:42 46 S-0 159. (KIRA 13-'1) 1. Is Respublikanskoy sanitarno-epi(taniologi(.-hookoy stantaii (glavu" vrw6h L.A. Sakwarelidso) Miniaterstva adravookhranentys, Oruzinskoy SSR, Tbilisi. (VITAKIN 0 ther.) (PUNRFIRIUN) DOLUIZE, 1e,I, Interactions between free and bound cholesterol in nutrition with quantitlLtiVOly different fate. Vop. pit. 21 no 2:16m2O Mr-Ap 162. iMIRA 15:3) 1. Iz otdel3. obmna veshchestv (2wr. - E.P. Kvitsaridze) #auchno-issledovatelfskoy laboratorii pitaniya Hinisterstva fdravoddwanenlys GruzLnakoy SSR, Tbilivi. (FAT MITABOURN) (CHOLESTEML) DOLIDM, Ya.AI. Functional atata of the liver during, P rorsistirf. "' qualitat!vc,"y dlfferant fats in experimm"al ath-~ror atwosis, Trudy Inst. kltn. 1. eksper. kar.A. AN Grwt. %"!j 'U, . I L1 i! 1 .17 , ., 11 1, 1. Laboratorlya p1taniya f4-,nIsterStVR 7drAvookhmnan!yn GruzSSR, DOLIDZ~E# Zh.Sh.; CHELILZEt L.To Geological hiBtory of the 16der-a cclchlca. Stob. AN Gruz. SSR 31 no.1:89-94 JI 163. (MIRA 17.*7) DOLIDZE, Zh.Sh. flew data on the Akc:hagyll flora of Georgia. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 40 no.2:375-379 N 165. (MIPL~ 19:1) DOLIHAL, Josef MAlt-', Glvon Names Countrys Czechoslovakia Academic Dogreest /not given/ Third Internal CliniA_p"he Medical Faculty of Brno University Affiliations -~Ilr---Vnivkhrklinika lekarBko fakulty Brnenake university)t Brno; Directort Prof Dr Jaroalav POJER. SOwcs'Pra4me, YAi-t=j-j&irpjyL, Vol VIIj No-(rp June 61l pp 601-610 Datai "Transient ECG Ohansee AocoipWing Acute Abdominal Disease."