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DOLGOV, A. , Irtsh.; BMAMV. M. , Insh. Financial aid by the 1conomic Council Is necessary. PlissAnd. SSSR 30 no.2:17-18 139. (MIRk 13:4.) 1. Fh7anskly wVasokombinat, (Bryartsk-Packing houses-kutpuent and supplies) 2254 YtICHrfF-,,SKTY, Y. Ali'D DOU-rOl', k. ZhivotnovoA-stvo Kolkhaza Imeni T-p-nina, Kishkarens~:o~-o 1954. 16s. s n1. i7sm. oastv upp. Proru~ar%i.- Kolklioznika). 3.000 EKZ. 10k.- (54-55351)P RRyonq. Kirliinov, 'Xiolelawiz, I N'aoki *ESM B-C)ika 636-083st (47-75) L -0-785-67 Wt(l) "~fp(c) -kcc-Nz kT6033192 SOURCE CODE: UR/313816(1/000/433/0001/0008 AUTHOR: Do4ov, A. D.; Ponomare i, L. A.___ ~3 7 ORG: none 16 t1 TITLE: Three-photon decay of particles with 0 and 1 spin SOURCE: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy komitet po iisplIzovan.1yu atomno., Institut teoreticheskoy i eksper Iffi-e-nTaMMoy fiziki. Doklady, raspade chastits so spinom 0 11 na tri fotona, I - 8 TOPIC TAGS: photon, matrix element, particle A13STRACT: A form of three-photon amplitude decay of particles with 0 and I spin is studied. It is shown that the decay amplitude of a scalar particle is deter- mined by two form factors if spatial parity is maintained, and by four form factors if parity is not maintained. The minimum degree of impulse in the matrix element is equal to seven. - The decay amplitude of the vector particle depends on six (or twelve, if the R parity is interrupted) form factors. It is shown that if the minimum (fourth) degree of impulse in the matrix element is used, than only two (four) independent form factors remain. The authors are deepky grateful to. " B. Cded 1/ 2 L 05788-67 kCC NRI AT6033192 B. Okyn' for the attention he gave to the work and to A. V, Tar .11sov for useful liscussions. Orig. art. has: 10 formulas. SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: 231vlnr661 ORIG REF: 00:1 OTH REF: 002/ c c 2/2 J 'bsa/4~cine, FD-3314 :~--New castle Dysentery Card V1 : Pub 148-10/24 Author : Verkholomov, Ye. Ye. and Dolgov, A. F. Title : Several facts on the epidemiology of Newcastle dysentery Periodical : Zhur. m1kro. epid. i immun. 10, 46-48, Oct 1955 Abstract : A five year study of persons suffering from dysentery revealed that the number of Newcastle dysentery patients increased from 9.4$ in 1950 to 28.5% in 1954. A gas-generating variant, isolated for the first time by Golldberg in 1949, of the Newcastle bacillus appeared only in isolated inst&nces in persons investigated in 1950, but in 55.6% of those examined in 1954. This variant, apparently, caused no variation in the course of Newcastle dysentery. Epidemiological data showed that all the persons suffering from Newcastle dysentery had come from, or recently visited eitlaer Lithuania or Belorussia up until 1953. In 1954 persons from the Ukraine were found to be infecteil with the Newcastle bacillus. The data are presented on a chart, No references are cited. Institution : A Sanittary-Epidemiological Laboratory (Chief - I. N. Rozhenskiy) Submitted : December 10, 1954 USYUKIN., I.P.; AVERIYANOV, I.G.; UVAROVA, A.P-; Prinimali uchutiye: DOLGOV,,JL,A.*; CHEMPOVA) A.A. Continuous method of the production of axwonlum bicarbonate. no.10%723-728 0 162o (KW 15:12) (A=oniumcarbonate) I r)wl()'V. Differential cross sections of the proneases ." 'A -;~r 0-"e- -0 //44 - Pe ~ e, e e / f, /. I ]Ad. fiz.. I no.lt89- 91 Ja 165. 01~1 - * (MIRA 18M 1. Tnstitut tearetichaskay i okaperimentallnoy fiziki Ciosudarstvennogo komlteta po ispoltzovaniyu atomnoy energii SSSR. DOLC2~, A..R.; OKUN't L.B.; POWRAICHUK, I.Ya.; SOLOVIITV, V.V,, Electromagnntic differences of baryon masses, and the SU -symmetry. Rd. fiz. 1 no.4030-432 Ap 165. ~MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut tooretichaskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki G,)sudarstven- nogo komiteta po ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii SSSR. ~.!-ACCJSS.11'031 NR.' AP5614~i2O. UFV0367,/65/0()l/'005/n6o/o,,~6b A,UTliORS#' A. Di.; 8010y~lxl~ V, J, jr~ TITLE: Intemadiate Mftj,"'Odibtlon b), colliding beams- ' ' T31 fa ~SOUROH- dernaya flzika, v 3. iii).. 5, 1965, 861)-866 is :TOPIC TAG colliding beam, h'Lgh-enikrp;y-elec*-rcn tOppri.-produ' tion ' *' ollislon` int wi h~ a k *rmediatebos n',,Pi~pdlluction, 0 interaci lon- r-,3 -The autho it ABSTRACT! ccns 1de:V_ hq'~i 'Beml-wak! linteraction o:" W - .-_ 1 me s 6 n's - -w- I th leptons in the Process e + W., + w In View 01, tl-:~ ~~DOSsibility of realization of such a reaction in preoentiv-pi~_nrlecl colliding beaz experiments. 11, is shown that In 1, h Is r e the W meoons an-11 thf, chjar,-ed 1 op ter si-es-.:1,1 Fir asymre-.r1,a_1 ang~-i&r d[str C s -e E; I t p 3'.tle ~o we aA o1, the W rrje~t-)r it. tilts fc!rm fact~,r )f tjis interaction. J'he diffei,entiZt! Ein(l C,,d I/P -, _. _ ---. .1 - ~ - - - - _' - - - -609hO45- t ACCESSION* AP501 4320-- of the reaction are calculated, and tile usymme tries of the angular (JJ!3- tribiAlons ar~i? evah,ated. Wher: the. Velocity of' the elect:.'Ori L, riot too small ( -0.1 of 'he speed cif lirlht) the asyrnnetry rT.z:,- bo per cent and thus obigervatle er-perimentally. 7he study snows .nat. t,,:e weak interactl.:)n is a fairly I&rge part. lclpant -1kn t,~,t, Interm-edlate b.)vono by colliding; beamio, i~ntl if W rneD~)n!, exist r o r-,Dn p7,r r.ijc t. 1 -)r) r Di i 1d be c,bserved experLm,?ntally. 'The ~3,i*,-h-~-. ASSOCIATI OIN: Instil:,-it tec)rotL(,heqVoY I k 3pe r I",-. n ta I !'i z (_Instlt~-Ite Of Tneoretical and Rxperimmcrital Physics, GK;,~') 1 -5 No v6-# EN C L: Cj NR REP SOV: 002 OTJ IER: 0;03 .Card 2/2 1. -DOLGOVt A.D. - Electromagnetic properties of the 70-plets IAd, fiz, 2 no.5022-927 N 165. (YlI Pil. 18:12) 1. Institut teoreticlieskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki Gosuda stvennogo komitata po ispoltzovaniyu atcl=oy eneirgii T SSSR.. L 12006-66 En(ra)ITIVA(m)-2 ACC NR:: AP(M17801 souRa, cout inVo,,k86/i')5/ooVo:.0/0494/.D496 D AUTHOR: Dol _A*,. ORGi Sdencu LrkrSSR (FIzIko-tekbnicbea institut, Aksdeaii navik UkrSSR) TITLE: Charge-parity violating electromagnetic interaction SOUME: Zhiumal eksperimeftl1noy 1 teoreticheskoy fiziki. Molm v redaktaiyu. Prilozhenlye, -f. 2v no. 10, 3965j 494-IF96 IOPIC TAGSt parity principlej, electromagnetic, Interaction., nu:lear spinj, elastic ~scatteriag,, nuclear seAttering ABSTRACT: We in a. ecManion to a paper In the saw source (ZbNTF Pialma Y. 2p 196% Ace. A16C61773) wbere it is noted that the alectrouagnetic current of rticles vitb "in J > 1/2 can In principle contain both C-odA and C-even terms), k'Ud that, the contrilmtion of (.1-eyen,terms to the elastic scattering of the electron by the particle in ijuesticm to proportional to the square of the momentum transfer. 7be author shows in this paper Vat a similar phenomenon takeip place Tor particles with axbitrW7 spin > 1/2. TAis In done by describing a particle vW3 spin Jby mans of a witrix vhich to symmtrical in all Indicts and satisfies t:be Dirac oqua,- L 12OD6-M ACC NR i jU6001780- tion.. it to mhovn t1wit the amber of lWependent vatrices Is NI + I ani M + 1/2 tar pnftiel*z with iubeger wA bait-lAeger spin# respectively. It is wted tbat. wNp"asloas of the t7pe reftas to those obtained ty Artue of the iden P is (7 16 (?P)10. + .-P P. $I a. p ...... P. and only tipo of the three resultiat expressions emse: v C. pavity. The conditions mcaawkry to unke the lating an% W=&-&nLlytla we d*rivtd. Author is deeply gmteful to ZrVlwallma X. a. = for Interect in tbc work and vsauL'ble dismulora. Orilp.-ar-F. -bast' FormAuls. SM MUs' ?0/ OM DAIM OTOct6V ORIG RZFt 002/ VM RU: 002 DOLGOVI~A.D.l Me Predictions of unitary ayrneW for raa--,~ons of hat!rc.. photoproduct1cme TO~ rlz, 2 nog5s954-951, N 165,, (Ice" :L-N-ciz) 1, Tnetitut teozed,~htakay i okaperlmnol"noy, rlzi:cl. Oosudarsivannogo komitata 1m. Inpol Itnimnij v &towcV, on,~:-e! 1 SISSR. L 20390-66 EITI- (M)/'T ACC NR AT6002497 SO(MCE CODE: UR/W;8/65/OO0/333/OO()l/01O0 27 AUTHOR: Do av, A. D.- Soluv'yev, V. V. Of*: IR*IWftQ Qf Yh Zsics ojLt]~e~~at'! Comlttea~on ._the Use of Atomic Enc=r SSg8_(Institut teoreticbeskoy i ek3perimerrEa"-n4-Di-fi-zik-i-- Goskomiteta po ispollzolmniyu atomnoy energii SSER) TTTLE: Check on the consequences of unitary symmetry in_hj%kM roluction reac- tions (review) ter I/ sk7;- SIXFRCE: SSSR. Gosud,arstvenrWy komitet po IspolIzovaniyu stomnoy energii. Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki. Doklady, no- 333, 1965, Proverka sledstviy unitarnoy simmetrii v reaktstvakh obrazovaniya adronav, 1-100 TOPIC TAGS: strong rouclear Interaction, elementary particle, barycn, meson, vector meson.. pbotoproduction, particle cross section ABSTRACT: The authors point out in the introduction that aathough the SU(.3) sym- metry predicts many properties of elementaa7 particlesp the experIVK-&-.4.kI dixta. make it possible in most caves only to analyze the total cross nections., and many of the unitary relations between the amplitudes of the differimt reaction cb&anels nay not agree with exPeriment, for various reasons. It is J."urthermt)re pointed out that the predictions of unitary symetry in reactions of strongly :Lntemating C.,j 1/3 ACCJ?"'A'-&02497 particles can be verifled only in a small number of cases, in view of the limited amount of experimental data and their low accuracy, In reriewing-the possible checks on the results of unitar7 symmetry tho authors firfft discuss briefly come premises of unitary opinetry and methods oi constructing uftitary-im4arlant aMll- tudes. This is followd by a discussion of meson-baryon reactions accoqmnied by formation of the baryan octet and baryon-resonance decuplet., respectively, of the type M + p M(V) +B M + p M(V) + B* vhere M and V are the pseudoncalar and vector mesons. An analysit, is theit pre- sented of the proton-antiproton annihilation reactions ip- M, MV, VV' as well as a stucbr of the predictions of SUM WY=Ietrv for baa7on-variant seat- tering in 8 State B +.p * B + B, of the relations between reactions with forwtion of an meson imder the assvaq>. tion that the latter la At singlet vith respect to SUMP mA of a large number of I Card L 20390-66 ACC IM: A76002497 relations for different, reactions of hadron photoproduction. It is shown that for some reactions the BUM predictions aro in surpriaing:~r good aq~reement with ex- perimentp there is a discrepancy by a factor of several times f or others, and by several orders of avignitude for stI3.1 others. Possible reasons for the discrepan- cies are briefly discutuied. Extensive tables sumnarizing the experimental data on the cross sections of bu&on strong Interactions are presented. Much of the material in the tablos Is not discussed in the article but is presented for com- pleteness. The autborr t1ank jL_jL_Qkur~ at whose initiative this review was written for generous advice) k..M. Shekhterfor a discussion of meson-lw7on re- actions, and V. T. ZWdjMM a discussion of general probleas. OrIg. aft. has: 15 figures,# 71 formulasj cod 6 tables* SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 18M&A5/ WIG REF1 OA/ OIE'REF-1- 157 L 39763-66 EWT (m)/T 3D-2 ACC NRt AP6014821 SOURCE CODE: fl tIR/0367/65/'001i'004/073C)/0732 AUTHO R: Dolgov, A. D.; 9~i~j L. B.; Pomeranchuh, I. Ya.; Solovl~vv, V. V. ORG: none TITM : Electromagmetic mast) differences of barlons and Stl sut. sqirunetry SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, V, It lio- 4P 1965# 730-70 TOPIC TAGS: baryon, Couloml) interaction, partiole intera,.tioll ABSTRACT: The results are presented from a calt.%ulatlon of the ,electromagnetic mass dirferences of barions. The authors began with a model of "non-relativistle" quarks, assuning, that they are located In a state with full orbital momentum equal, to zero and that tho electromagnetlo, mass differences of the baricna result from differences in electromagnetic quark masses, couloiab inter- -actions between quarkuland interactions between mae;netla. quark moments. The autfiors thank Y-c-aingh for sending a'prepr1n't of IiLs works; bind Ya. B. Zelldovich and I. Yu. Kobzarev for their valuablo critiquo. Orig. art. has: 1 table. _TJPILS] SUB GODE: 20 / SUBM DATEI 23Jan65 / GrH M~F: 013 A 7i VIRKHOIDMOV, Ye.Ye.; DOIDOV, I.P k-, 1-1 - Yurther spidemlological observations of the occurrence of Newcastle dysentery (gas-forming variant). Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i immun., supplement for 1956:54 157 (HIRA 11:3) 1. Is sanitarno-spidemiologicheskoy lnborAtorii (SHIGUIA) ROZHANSKIY, I.N. v podpolkovnik mad. shuzhbyl GiLIFIRINt YA.L. , pcdpolkovnik mod. olushby; DOLGOV, A*F..-iumr med. olushby ........ OrganiMation of special training for the vedical jereionnel of military, uniti and ships at a sanitary and epidemiological laboratory. VOOD.- med.zhur. no.300-12 Hr 161. (14111A 14,17) (M)ICINE', MILITARY) (MDI(;INE NAVAL) . 1 0 F. USSR/Lngineering, - Heat, SteRM,Turbivies Jun 52 *Reconstruction of the Ylow Section of a Steam Nrblne," D, A. Tormakov, V. P. Khripunov, A, G. Dolgov, Engineers, GRES Mosanergo, 1. ". 3~vakhovitskly, Ctuirl Tech Sci. G. N. Khrushchev, Ingr, lab of StsamTurblnes, VTI "1z v-9 Teplotekh lnst* No 6. Tip 24-1-7 Describes changes in deslrn of turbine to increase its efficiency andi~reduce consumption of theoretical fvel to 480 g/k%rh. Two-cylin-ler condensing Stemenn-Shnakert 50,01)0-kw turbine was built In 1930-31. Regulation sta4-e with 140 nozzles and 19 reaction sta,;~,ee were redesigned. Tests showed decrease in heat rate by 4.3%. %m-bine capacity was increase4 to 52,000 kw at same max sterm rAte. 231T47 J~jn 52 USM/Ragimering - Seat, Turbines$ Uziliaries 'Imereasing the Efficiency of Turbine Insts"a- tions by Reconstruction of Feed-Water Heaters and Coudensers," L. D. Berman, Dr Tech Sci, TAb of Heating, VTJ, A. F. Dolgov, F. A. Toshchakov, Zn- Sineers of GRES of Nbsenergo "Iz V-S Teplotekh Inst" no 2. Discussers uzz 0-f =teem! from low-pressure st^ps of turbine cycle for regenerative feed-vater Laat= ing and increase in vacuum for turbine exhaust by 231146 chmges in des'Atp of regenerative-type conden er. Reconstruction of beaters and condensers was achieved under conditions of exploitation d=li* regular repair works. DOYAM, A.F.; 1HRIPWOF, V.P.; DUB, V.I., rodaktior; KIRSJJOT, I.S., :'. "-.- --- "' -irsdaktor; URNNOV, G.U., tokhalchookly rodaktor. Cluperience Is operating the o"Ipmeat of the turbine department of a hydroelectric power statloi] Opyt okepluatatell oborudowazila turblan9go teekhm. GMIG. Pod red. B*I.Dubs. Kooky&. Goo.onerg. iz&n Ys. 1953. 45 P. (KLIA 9:5) (Turbines) (Hydroelectric power stations) DOLGOVv A*F.p insh, Irregularity In the operation of the control vallrov of M'-50-130/13 (VPT-5C%-,3),, Diergetik 12 nu.100-10 0 164. (,%9RA 17M) YZR HOY, P.N., red.; DOLOOT, A.I., red.; NIKIFOROV, A.S., red.; POZDxmv N.V., red.; SKCP=,~D~A-.. red.; FMNIKOVA, M.N., red.; TWINA. Ye.L., (Proceedings of the section on standard housing construction and furnitura) Sektaiia standartnogo domoBtroeniia i aebali., Xoskva, Gos.izd-ro lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. 1958. 212 p. . (KIRA 12:5) 1. Vessoyuznoye soveshchaniye po stroitallat-ri. 3rd, Moscow, 1958. 2. Nachallnik otdala standartnogo domoistroyeni:ra Ministerstva lesnoy promyshlennosti RSFSR (for Yershov). 3., ZavedWruishchiy labo- ratoriyey derevoobrabotyvayushchikh stankov i potochnlrkh linly v derevoobrabotke %Ontrallnogo nBuchno-issledovatellekogo institute makhanichaskoy obrabotki dereva (for Dolgov). 4. Zamentitell na- chal'nika otdola standartnogo domostroyehiya Kiniiterhtva loanoy proaWshlennosti IISM (for Pozdeyev). 5. Glavvyy eknIxort Gonstrjoya SSSR (for Skoblov). .(Buildings, Prefabricated) (Furniture) DOLGOV, A.I.; BAKST, A.S.; SPSHTSYN, T.G. Machine tools for mkIng doveled doors. Der. prom. 7 no.4:17-19 Ap '56. (HIRA 11:5) l.TSentralin" nauchno-iseledovatelinkiy institut mekhanichaskoy obrabotki dereva. (Doors) (Woodvorking machinery) KH=AKDVA. Z.A.; MLOOV. A.I. Grinding devices for chain mortising machines. Per.pram. 7 no.9:29-30 S 158. OGRA. 11:11) (Woodworking mebinery) DOLGOYJ -A.L4--JtAYOIROV, V.F,,; PSTROVSXAYA, M.N., red.; SASLUICHKAO, Te.R., red.; KOLOWIR, T.Z., (Produation and uise of laminated short-plnnk pinelgi in Canada) Proisvodi3tvo i primengnie kleeaykh pnnelel. is korotkikh doook v Xanade. Moskva. TSentr.biuro tek:hn. inforixiteli Glrvs'IVpwInrtdonq. 1959. 31J. p. (H EILA 13 *- 1) (Canada-Plywood) DOLGOV, A.I.; CIEEZWVA, Z.I. Jointeru for assembling frames. Der.prou. 8 no,.1:13-14 Ja 159. (Jointer (Woodworldng muchine)) NIPA 12: 1) .1; ,,.POLGOV, A.I.; 7ISHMA, F,L. Precise wachining of bues on double-nided belt grinding macthinee, 0IMA 1, Der.prow. 8 no-3:15-16 Mr 159. ":4) (Woodworking) DCIWI', A.I.; BAKST, A.S. Now macharttams for continuous production lines. Dar.;-rom. 9 no.9!8-9 6 160. (HIRA 13:9) 1. lauchno-teeledavatallakly institat daravoobraloatyve.yushcholo mashinostroyaniYa. (Conveying vaottinery) (Tu:rniture Industry) _jM~LeAupal'! - 'a/Ganxi 028454 SOU1.1CE." CODL: AUTHOR; Doliov, A. L., Zhuravlay, Yu. P. 0 G: none 0/65/009/000/0211/0218. V3 TITLE:,. Possibility of rapid infortruktion exchange between storaq,Ug_ SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Institut clektronild I -vvchislitel Inoy, a Trudy. v.. 11, 1965. Avtornatik& I vychislltellz&~4 tekkfq&&, 211-218 -,TOPIG TAGS: Computer storage, digital comput(ir, nuinber ABSTJUXT: In digital. computer -work# a great deal of nu iera often h^v to be transferred from external -to interna.1 storage and vice versa, which necessitates interrapting the computing work å such transfers. A methoil for simultaneous Aumbex transfers in both directions is suggested to uave times The problem is Zeaucltd to a simultwious transfer of one pair of numbers in opposite dixections; alif" W 's prithm describen the operation; I l) -Prl; '11) 'A--PPr2, ~ .1 . a -4 Also, the operation is d6scribbd by directed graphs. H 2) TO --o. M; 2") 'Pr2 PrI s The mictooperations 1, 1* wi di 3, 3* require different functional elom.ents and, ben~e, can be .111 3) 'Pr3-*-A; V) 112. itlsC 681.142.6 L 26707-66 ACC. NR& AT5028454 performod independently from each other. The n-Acroope rations 2. 2* require 9. simultaneous excluinge of informiLtion between two registero., such an ex-:hange is possible if the informalion Is transcribed with a delay via tivo inpute of each digft.. Sometimes the delay cam be prDvidel by the functional elements proper. Additional .control circuits are required in any case. Orig. art. has: 5 figlares, 24 formulas, I table. SUB CODE: 09 1 SUBIM DATE: none DOLGOV, A.M. [Dolhov) A.M.]. inzh. Ways for improvirxz traction characteristics of diesel eagines. Mekh. ail'. 110OP- 13 no.7t2&-29 Jl 162. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Kharlkovslciy traktornyy zavod. -i. % t p ~~ T-(~ N- V,'L. - Sheetp Breeding Work of a lea-Ang te-In'Lcial ir, artificial ilnseminati-~n of sheep. zh'-v. 14 7, 195.*!. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 19 f, Uncl. DOLGOV9 A. M. Dissertations "CharacterlitiOu oil Siawntal-Croaaed Cattle of the ly=ovvkV Won and WaVe of Improving Tbft** Cand Agr Scip Kiahinev Agricultural Inat imitni Me Ve Frun". 26 Jun 54o (SovetskiWa Moldaviya.0 Kiahinev,, 15 Jun 54) SOs SUM 318,, 23 Doe 1954 USSIA/F-rm AIUMLIS - cattlu. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No 7; 1958.- 309~-"; Q-3 Luthjr Dolgov A. In8t Title A- Evc luation of Bul2-S:Lres (Crtsenkr. , ykov-proizvodita- lay). Zm!lo(t--!iyc i zhivotnovodstvo WACmvii, .".15'1', No 8. 2~-- 3 J-'. .Ibs~' rar-, Different mothods of the avoluatior, uf sJres accordlnr~ to progeny, and their p051tiVO and negative charact-mis- ties, are discussed. La corqaring the production of daughters of the bull vith the production o!.' dams, it is racomwnd d to corWo their milk yield dur~xg a sia- gle lactation and to mko a correization for age (firat lactation in daughtore and third :.r. dams~& The sira--s are ovaluntod. by the first callving :)f thcir daughterL. Thoy my clso ii~L, comprxeI accordina ',;o the roduction Card 1/2 - 42 DOW,OV Alsksarmlr MAbW3jmj4bJuknd. sellkhoz. naukj ZABULIKA, V., red.; I - [Qu&Utiltive improvemautat the bard) Kaoh4otve=oe uluclu3il9nis stada z3alvotivkh. iwi~evs Goo., izd-vo "Kartia moldoveniaske N 19606 :14 ps (Stock and stockb6ading) (MIRA Utlol T70 L OV tompor-im, I.vm )r ron covori-v "oz- 'An id.-hE-r u!7 i n, -Fsn(ir tor c7oronezh i.osca,. , I I ho-.-td Inst imeni V. ~.':)Iotov. lot-, 'br the D--nie of U-mIld-zte of Nr I ':o. ~1, LO T);,r~rib,,?r "I :triizhm , Ac is . I ~ D01M, A.F.1, ;insho Investigating propertles of soil-mggregate mixtures imads of broken, sandstone* Trudy HDI no.22tllO-.116 '58.. (MIRA 12t4) (Sandstone) (Road materials) DOILOV, A.N., I-and. tekhn. nauk; SAMMITROV9 S,J., inzh. 'Wider use of local materials in the constructim of lccal roads. Avt. dor. 28 no.ltl6-17 Ja ~65. (MMIA 180) 50) AUTHORS: Dolgov; A. ff., Bnatov, S. A. SOV/156-59-1-32/54 TITLE: The Synthesis of Benzophenone in the Presence of Uetallic Al11Mi1LUm According to Radmiewanoitaki (Sintes benzofenona v priautstvii metallicheakogo alyuniniya ro Rad:aivanovskomu) PERIODICAL: Nauohnyye doklady vysshey shkoly, Khim~a i khimicheskaya tolchnologiya, 1959, Nr 1, pp 127-128 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Frovicus papers (Ref 1, Hof 2, Hc-f 3) described the use of metallic aluminum in the synthesis of alkyl benzenes. The possibility of the use of aluminum for the synthesis of keta'.Cs has hitherto not been investigated. rhe synthesis was proceeded from benzene and benzoyl chloride, according to the COCI Al + HC11- C C('11 C scheme C H + C H H + HC1 H 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 Tho benzophenone yield (with a molar rat:Lo C6H6-C6H5 COC1-4:1) Wail 71 eg of the value theoretically found. The synthesis was 0 oarried out at room temperature, higher temperalures caused a decrease in the yield. In this process, tubstances with higher boiling points formed, which were not investigated. Thus Card 1/2 HJUMinum, in Its metallic form, can be ueed for the synthesis The Synthesis of Eenzophenone in the Presence of SOT/156-59-1-32/54 Metallic Aluminum According to Radziewanowski of aromatic ketones. It has the advantage o-rer aluminum chloride of not beine hygroscopic, and of being a very active and most economi -cal catalyst. The experimental results are listed in tables. The example of a laboratory operation is given in deta:Ll. There are 2 tables and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOW: Kafedra organicheakoy khimii Leningradakogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Chair of Organic Chemistry of Leningrad State University) SUBMITTED: September 8. 1958 Card 2/2 GOROVAYA, R.A.; DEDOV, V.F.; DOLGOV, A.N.; LEVINA, M.V.; SLUCIIEVSKIY, 1"0.1. Clinical i9tatistical analysis of patients registered in a diiftrict nour-opnychiatric dirpennary w1t)) the &.agnonlB of organic brain lesions. Vop. talkh. nevr. no.lOtLlO-418 164. (MIRA 18:32) L) AUTHOR: Yevneyey, A. A., Enoineer Soy 105-50-7-21,/32 TITLE: Conference on Dovelopmental Problems of the Production of Trans- formers in the USSR (Soveshchaniya po voprosam razyiti3ra otechest- vennogo transfox-matorostroyeniya) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 7t PP- 62 - 83 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The conference took place from March 5 th to March 6th, 1958, in Moscow. It was called by State Scientific Counittee Attached to the Council of Ministers of the USSR (GosudarBtVennyy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy komitet. Soveta Kinistroy SSSR) together with the Gosplan USSR (Gosplan SSSR). This conference was attended by: scientists and engineers from Uo3cow, Leningrad, Kiyev, Kharlkov, Sverdlovsk, Alma-Ata, and other cities, representatives of the Sovnarkbozes, the Technical Office Attached to the Ministry of Electric Power Plants, of the Building Authorities RSFSR, of the Goootroy USSR, of the Committee of Standards, of the Electric Installation Organisations, and by the co-workers of the trans- former works Moscow, Zaporozhtye, "Uralelektroapparat", Armelek- trozavod, as well as by the All Union Scientific Research-and Card 1/'F Plannine Institutes VEI, VTI, GIDEP, VNIIChermet, VNIIE,IIEI and Conference on the Developmental Probleme of the SOV/105-58-7-21/32 Production of Transformers in the USSR others. The representatives of organiBations which have trans- formers in operation were invited ar well. Professor I.A. Syromyatni.koy (GNTK SSS11) opened the conference and pointod out the shortcomings and objectives in the production of trantifor- mers. The Deputy Chief Constructor A.M. Chertin, Mascow Trans- former Works imeni Kuybyshev (Mookovskiy transformatornyy zavod im. Kuybyaheya ) reported on the working out of plans for the neir series of the 11o kW transformers in the ease of which the total losses are lower by 3o%l and the idling losses by 40% - 50%t compared with the GOST 401-41. In 1959 these transformers will be put in operation to a large degree. Chief Engineer I.A.Antonov, Zapor,ozhlye Transformer Works (Zaporozhskiy transfc.rmatornyy zavod) reported on the now series of transformers with a power of 56o - 56oo kVA at lo and 35 kVs 7#5 - 31,5 MVA at 35 kV, go - 240 11VA at lio kV, go - 240 MVA at 22o kV, 15 - 6o MV.k at 15o kV and on the series of autotransformers 22o/11o/HH with 12o - 300 MVA for monophase units and 180 - 450 MVA for thzee- -phase units. Chief Engineer A.N.Dolgov (Trust -'Taentroeleittro- set'stroy" YES) spoke about practical experience gained in Card 2/0 assembling trafisformers and autotranaformers with high power 3- Conference on the Developmental Problems of the SO-005-58-7-21/32 Production of Transformers in the USSR and voltage and about the shortcomings in the assembl.inF- which are due to the manufacturers.B.A.Gorodetskiy (Glaveleittromontazh MS RSFSR) spoke about the abolition of the revision of the re- movable part of the autotransformers at the assembling site, and about several constructive changes in power transformers and about the measures necessary for a mass connection of the transforners without drying. I. M.Sarkisyan (Glavaelielektro MSKh %SSR) spoke about the electrification on the open country and the demand of open country districts on the electrical industry. K.J..Yegikyan (Armelelektrozayod) reported on new transformer constructions. Ya.L.Fishler (chief of the construction office in the works "Iral- elektroapparat") also reported on transformer constructions. The conference found serious shortcomings in the organisation of scientific research work and a lack of engineers and designern. 1. Transformers--Development 2. Transformers--Production 3. Conference Card 3/3 R7BIKIN, Barls Paylovich; DJWOV. Te.D., rod.; DOLGOV. I.N., red.; 73CMXOV, V.V., red.; SKIRNOV, A.D., red.; YA13RKAN, A.L,p red.; URIWOV, MS., tokha.rod, [04-acealed electric wiring) Skrytys alaktreproirodki. Moskva, Gon.energ.isd-vo, 1959. 38 p. (Bibliateka olaktromontera, no.9). (MIRA 13:6) (Alectric wiring) WAR OV, Fedor Yedorovich-, DA&OV, Ye.D., rod.; DOLGOV, A.Y.. red.; YZZRKOV. V.V., red.; SHIR11OV, A.D., re3:7,-ihivI'11OV. P.I.. red.; LARIONOV, 0,Ye., (How to select the correct diameter of wires and cables] lak vybrat' machenle provodov i kabalei. Noiskva, Goe.energ. izd--vo, 1959. 47 p. (Bibliotaka elaktromonters, no.1) (MIRA 13:1) (Electric conductors) SWAST'TANOT, Mitrofan Ivanovich; TASILIYHY, A.JL . red.,; DULaOY, A.N., red.; YRMOL T-Tat red,; SKIRUOT, A.D,, red.; USTINDY, P.1." red.; TUNANOY, B.T., red.; TORONIN. X.P., (Safety engineering In perfornin .1 rigging operations in the installat 'ion of electric system Tekhnika bexo;tasnoolti pri proizvodetya tnkeloahnykh robot no montashe oner-gatiolieskikh ustanovok. Koskva, Gos.energ.izd-vp, 1960. 55 p. (Bibliotake elaktromonto , no.34) I (MIRA 14:4) Neotric engineering-Safety measures) D0140V# A.H., kand. tekhn. nauk; UPPER, O.G., prof.1 WIN, A.M., inzh. Chemical ivethods of weed control in roadside plan-Ling. Avt. dor. 27 no.8%26 Ag 164. (KMA 17%12) DOILOVI A.Pe, I-roll's (Moskva) 1- Tanks of dermatologists in the vigorous growth of the chemical Andustry. Vest. derse i van, 38 no,80-6 Ag 164. (MIRA 180) * , A 1 0 kI a 11 A, A it 11 1 0 V Al a h a is r $ 1 1 1, -L 1 .1 im IS (I so U A, Lt .0 Iw I &A a t1tidild Qt 11111kilUflituripta plastic jA L PkVithesk Md"as 1934 oom . [XiLTSm Go :6 zoo r 00 004 00 r '00 00 see 00 ago "Go 00 00 06 (w a PA a 1 AN 10 is 0 # 0 o1 0 14 Of 0 0 9 : 0 0000 0 U .1 u it 4 '1 4 1. T a Is J7 It 1% k I' L; 11 m m v a 1. 0 A A L 41 L-l - 1. A J, i. a 0 11 A I to V t - L. I I AA Of CC It tf I A k, 00 .40 JIM, A. Wpl. (U. V. b. k.) 0. IN, ad d.- i id h - 0 ca a e dumm w of t 1-1 vwwt t b -00 o a , dd . iimit if v 00 rKOjvCICJ16. CHA P-On-t- =-- 00 .00 Slid Cf. lob,;; JMM*N. T)w ttndemv -00 go with pge. tip wvm 1 W. A. 1 00 1: zoo go 0 00 00 go .500 00 zoo see Woo --Of too L LIT12.114f k,tt-#KAVK. t3e v Iroo m -1 .1 a Pt n it N ~w n 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i~e" 0' O'g 00 0 00 a 00000 a 0000 0 00000 0 go o 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *,*;.A DOI,GOi.* A. ~, (Prof ) "The Problems of Occupational Dermatomis and Pyodermal, Vest. Venerol. Dermatol., No 2, 1948t TW-~/Medicitle - Progress H"/Apr 49 Vedicine.- Dermato-Venereology "Short heview of the Work of the Dermatological Department, Institute of Labor Hygiene sad Indus- tr.'al Diseases, for 25 Years, "Prof A, P. Dolgov, berratol 'D-cpt, Inst of Labor Hygiene and Ind Dis- eases, Acad Ked Sci USSR, 2 pp O'Vest Veneral Dermatol" 110 2.* PP 50-51. bescribes activities of Inst imeni Obukh, founded V in 1~23, V12ich was the forerunner of a n*zber of lastitutes similar to subject institute. Studies of various methods t8 determine changes in skin UM/MecUcine - Progress (Coutd) Mar/A;w 49 reactivity ohoved these methods were not satis- factory. New method was developed to determine the chazige -in skin sensitivity to chemical sub- stances. Mentions Vedrov's drop method to test skin rewtivity. Dir, Dermatol Dept, Inst of Labor Hygiene and Ind Diseases:-A. A. Letavet, Corr VAm, Acad Sci USSR 47/49T75 Classification of dwalcal mobstit". licterkift so slikkir action an The able. A 1'. th'i 1,011014 1 #e".4, i I"Mot.U 1049. Nit. 11. T 1*2 1wr I.: to) 4"11110 1124141"to. Mh 11 to 111611CIA (III *-11-4t keel -.mlk Is &S.Iffskil flinvirmulli; (fill sul"tawft with vornithir-1 ,,I& of I and M %wh as The dil-brimuAlm I I I) jw Ifolm", hAm-mikkkulb, uhkb act iket-4-411T do, ill-l-ve 44 derinatitim. 111 malmisinmiohich art wit6mit ok tkin ink thit shin but switirtratit It twoddy and tau-r low irdmi wilbio, it* twasidres; IVNI14 I-Ams. to thi. oftup. t%. M. K".061-11 .......... . DOILOV, A, P, *Prophylaxis againfit Pyoderma in Factories" Folldsher i Akusher., No lo, 1949 STUMMIN', A. A., and DOLGOV, A, P. A short plenary se:sion of the wimuittee of S~ientists of the i)epartment of vombating akin and Veneral Biseases of the uinistry of nealth of the u-S~., Vast. van. i dem., i-o 'L,, 1952. DOLOOV, A.P., profosoor. Toxic melanoderma. Vent.ven.i dorm. no.4:18-23 Jl-Ag,153. (KLRA 6:9) (Skin-Diseases) (4 c V, PGBICDTNSKIT, M.N., prafmasor, redaktor; KOZHIffRIKOV. V.P., p:rofessor* redaktar; KisHIJIT, P.N., proPmesor, redaktor; DOLOOT, A.P.. redaktor. MARM,IS, U.Ta., radaktar; BILICHIVIA: takhnlchaskly redaktor. (Use of'radioactive phosphorus in the treatment of skin diseases] Primannnie radicaktivnogo foefora d1la letchenia kozhmrlrh zabo- Invanii. Moskva. Oos.izd-vo, meditainskol lit-r7, 1955. 171 P.. (KT,RA 8:10) 1. Chlen-korrmspondent AHN SSSR (for loshavalkov), (PWSPIJDI0JS-TM4RAPV?f IC USX) (SKIN-DISIABIS) DOLGOV, A.P., professor Principles and prospects of effective treatment of occupational dermatitis and eczema. Test.van i darn. 30 no-20-6 Mr-Ap 156. (OCCTJPATICKLL DISIASBS (MLRA 9:7) dernatitis, contact, ther.) (DRMTITIB, Comm Occup', thel,e) * DOLGOV, A.P.; SOLOVIYEVA, L.Y. ... ~ - -.1... ~ Clinical aspects and prevention of occupational skin diseases caused by thiphens Aptedelo 6 no.6:35-38 N-D '57- (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz dermatologicheskogo otdaleniya Instituta gigiyeny truda i profiabolovaniy AMN SSSR (dir. - daystvitallnvy chlen ANN SSSR prof, A-AoLetavet) (ACITIC ACrD-TOXICOIA)GY) (SKIN-DISHASIS) BILsic problem In the prevention of coutact dermtosis in the chen toal Inftstry. Soy, mod, 21 no,7:9-14 JI 157. (KM 12:3) (IMMITIS, CORACT, prey. & control) DOWOT, A.P., professor; SHRUIT, N.S., professor Frofess-or V.V.Ivmnov; an the 25th anniversary of his death. Test. darn, I Yons 31 noel:4.6-47 J&-F '57* MRA IM) (ITANOV. TIADINIR VIADINLROYIGH. 1873-1931) L- 01 V, /f. P DOWOV, A.F., prof. Achievements of Russian dermstologiats in the study and prevention of industrial dermatoels in the lost 40 years., Yest.dermo i veno 31 no,5119w23-M 157-- (MIRA M12) (11MMATITIS. COWRACT, rev. and cont:rol in indust. in Ruasia3 (INDUSTRIAL EITGUN1 prev. of irdustrial dermatitis in Russia) DOLGOV, A.P. "Penicillin therapy in syphilis' by A.A.Stuinitsin. Reviewed by A*P-Dolgov, Vost.derm. i von. )3 no-3:81-82 Hy-Je 15Q (MIRk 12:9) (MICILLIN) (SYPHILIS) (STUDRITSIN, A.k.) SOLOVIYEVA, Lyudmila Vladimirovna, kand. med. nauk [deceased); ...DULGOVp A.P., red.; MIRONOVA, A.M.,, tekhn. red. (Prevention of suppurative skin diseases in agriculture sM industry) ProfiW:tika gnoinichkovykh zabolevanii khozhi v sellakom khoziaisive i na proirvodstve. ~Ioskva. Medgiz, 1961, 53 P. (MIRA 15:2) (AGRICULTUILAL WORMS-DISRA AM) HYGIM) (SKIN-DIMASES) (INDUSTRIAL HYMENS) .. DOLGGV, ~rseniy Petrovich; SOWVIYEIIA, Lyudmilil Vlailimirovna; ASTVATSA711ROV, K.-R.pred.,- POGOSKINA, 14.V., tekhn. red. (Industrial medical expertise on skin disea;gesl Vrachabno- tradovaia eksperti2a 2&bolevmii kozhi. Moskva, Madgis 1961. 297 P. (RIRA 15:7~ (SKIN--DISEASES) (MEDICIVE 0 INDIRSTRUL) STUDKITSIV, A.A., prof.; DOL29V - . A*P..,_prof. Tasks in the control of ompitional diseases in the U.S*S.R. Vest.49nm.i ven. 35 no.30-7 Mr 161. (mm 1424) (SKIN-DISMIS) (OCCUPATIONAL DISMES) DOLGOV, A.P. Professor Vladimir I'vanovich Sukharev; his 70th birthday and his 46th.year of scientifics, medical.. and public activities. Vestedemi vens no,1:93-94 162. (MMA 15:1) (SUKMiSVp VLADIMM IVOOVICH, 1892-) p DOLGOV, A.P.; BRUYEVICII, T.S.;A4TCff1Y&V, A.A. (Moskva) First A11-41nion Symposim on Urgent Problems concerning Ocaupa- tional Dermatology. Gig. truda. i prof. zab. 7 no*1156-58 Ja'63 (MIRA 16t12) DOT,GOV),.A-P-, prof. Review of the collecition of scientifio papers "Present problems of dismatology emd venereology'. Vast. clam. i ven. 37 no.lt85-86 41*063. MIRA 16t10) (DEKkTOLOGY) (VEHREOU)GI) ---DOI,GOV,_A.P., prof., red.; RABEII , A.S., doktor med. nauk, red.; 7ITTMMEV, A.A., dots., red.; ERUEVICH, T.S., kand. med. nauk, red.; LErAVEET, A.A., prof., red.; RAKH-WOV, V.A., prof.,, red.; STUDNITSIN, A,A,j prof,p red.41 "W44WI; W#-% [Current problems of occupational dermatology] AktualInye voprosy professionallnoi dermatologii. Moskva 11 Meditsinal 1965. 246 p. (MIRA l8s4) 1. DeystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Letavet). 2. Chlen- korrespondent 94N SSM (for Rakhmanov). 3. Dermatologichaskays otdelenlye Instituta gieiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy AMN SSSR (for Dolgov, Antonlyevp Bruyevich, Raben). Is, DOWN)* A** O"If 2. U59R t6o,,5 4, Hazel 7. Obeervance ot an experience with the hazelnut tree. Est. V. shkole no. 1 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Unc!.. -DOWOV, A.S., uchitell Socially useful work of students of seven-year schools. Biol.v shkole ao.5:71-72 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Zakharlinskaya semiletayaya shkola Ivanovskogo reyona Ivanovsl:oy oblasti. (Studpat activities) (Agriculture) DOIGOV, A.S., direktor. Growing beam (Phaaeolus) in Ivanovo Province. Int.v shkolti no.5--8043 S-0 '53. (MU& 6:8 ) 1. Zakharlinskaya semiletuysya shkols Ivanovskogo ruions I:vtxnovskoy oblautt. Uvanovo Province-Beans) (Beans-Ivanovo Province) DOLCOV, A.S., uchitell Experiments and observations on filbert. Biol. v shkole no.3:65-66 MY-Je 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Zakharlinskaya vosImiletnyaya shkola Ivanovskogo rayona Ivanovskoy oblasti. (Filbert) ACC NRs_ -RS024690 CC-C=--.--W(IUSZ16!;/(149100310734"/074 AVIHOR: Pivovar,-L. I. ov, M. T.; S. V; 11 Novik Cildcal I~ 1-4 4 ~ 5' ORG:. Physicote Xnsti UU AM9M of Sv4enoes MrGSR (Fizi)a>-te)dmicheskiy institut naWc- IJauInSW-MTJ-- Tl=-. Deep stripping-and scattering of positive kryton iam3 in siVle collisions with Ne, Ar, Kr, and YA atcms SDURM: Zhwaul ekspeximentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, po. 3, 1965g 734- 742 .2j, 99, e IOPIC TAGS: krypton, rem, argon, mm, ion interaction -tun diff0mrwitial cross section, iiitegxvCI cross seat 9 electrcm captuveo nuclemw shelI no6eit daectrun loss AMVRACr-. The purpose of the investigation was to study lon scatharing ao=qmied by deep stripping of aLeatrami and to ascertain the part pWA by Lmer-shell electra in the interaction of oollidirig particles. This was done Un an angle range 0 - 30) by measwing the charge fraftions in. single oollisicna of singly-cluuged krypton with Ne. Arp Kr, and Xe atoms, I~j neasuring the differential cross sections for the scat- terving of the krypton ims in these gases, and by determining; the partial, integral cross sections for the, electron lms by singly charged iors. The Ikutial integral cross section for electrcin loss and cqture by singly-dwged kryjAxn icmi in the an- L 8216-66 ACC NRs APS024690 gle rvap 0-10 war. memured directly. 7he apparetwi and j=xxdUre employed were described earlier (ZhL7F v. 46, 4n, 1964). F'n= the rewlts it is amcluded that th inner M-shell ele-.trms of )aWtm ions participate considwably in the interaction process-, moreover, it is established that the average W iwization energy depends cn the nature of the twVt atm. The average ion cbarge'fta siAgle collisions and nonzero angles in directly proportimial to the ion velocity. The dal:a obtained also make it pwsiWI to detamine the integral croso sWIms for the 1(x)s and captum of electrons by Kr ions. ALrftn tbank the acCeISLuto, operatx)rs K.L_ML_ V. G.1baftfor help with the mumumments. Orig. art, bas: 11 figuriV a6d 3 ft- =Aas ."I ' SUB OOM: NP/ SL13H DM: OUprGS/ ORIG PEr: ow/ ov nn ow Cad 2/2 AP6010973 A SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/003/0537/0545 Ir- AUTHOR: Pivovar, L. ~.,- ~ovikov, M. .; Dolgov. A. ORG. Physicotechnical Inatituteg Academy of Science.,Ukrair.lan SSR (Fiziko-tekhni skiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR) TITLE: Differential and integral cross sections foi., electron loss and capture by fast N+, Ne+ and Ar+ ions SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentalluoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, no. 3, 1966, 537-545 TOPIC TAGS: electron capture, electron loss, capture croers section, noble gas, neon, argon, nitrogen, ion, krypton, xenon, collision cross. section ABSTRACT: The charge distributions In beams of nitrogen, neon, and.crgon ions were measured as a function of the energy and the scattering angle In vingle collisions with neon, argon krypton and xenon atoms. At high energies of argon ions, L-shell electrons are found to be involved in the interaction. Tie total differential scattering cross sections for nitrogen, neon and argon ions were compared with the calculated differential scattering cross sections for the case of a coulomb-potential with exponential screening. Results of measurement of the total cross sections for capture of one or lose of several electrons bv N+, Ne+ and Ar+ Iona In single colli- Card 1/2 L 24345-65 ACC NR, A116010973 0 sions with neon, argon, krypton and,xenon atoms are prosented. The total cross sections obtained are compared with the data of other authors.' (CSI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 020ct65/ ORIG REF.,.- 005/ OTH REF.- 0041? RM ~MMONINRi AF!M867 S/02D7/64/bwjbO5 VW75/00W INovealbirski 141nac" IUTHORSs Duluar, A. V. TITALE3 Cn p)lp~ tin the glaaay atute WJRGXs. Zbm,7W% prikladnoy vwk)uLnikI I tqk)viich9sk1:rr lislUil, no, IA# 75-82 TOPIC TXIS.3 fib9r&Uvs$ V61tem integral epation. creep deforwation,, deformation ratej, snapImmo po2yser,, ela3tititj/ N 700 oncillopt'I" ABSMACTs U* deformation pftpertiwAof-mcwphwv -JIbsr_gbtss-- lymrv wexpq 4 IntegrzI cqmtion ania) Uy and experimWUys uLLng the Arw&-i ThU sq,xitior issutmquently a vionlinew Tolkerm cqwtion or Zbe typo The wtwUl wdor'StWy was tuvLoticised IWavrid*~(M) at Tw 190) Cwd 7~' Ann ACCISSUM NIP A1!5M21m? the experiment Was Carried out (in a progratped-mackIne with magnetic loading, -Throe-diff3ratit methods ve~ti iifiWfo do~ermine the "imtantaneous" ILIWOU'Acity F( id') - e13, and all three gave tho same value f or the mDdulm Be The creep defor- mation i-ersus t curves were p1ottel 3A)S&r1tbmita13,y with the mpirical result ,tPp where A, and n are functions of the strezin tf# This leads to t 9 A h fol%oving uqrmossian for the kwael in the integral a(plation L42 + - Expsrimental detemination of f3O) lead3 --ho a valui) Simen by Aph V/0'01, where A2 Is 1.64 x 3'(~ am e" - 1.086 k6/=, - Cmmos Were 4ano obtained depicting versus t whore the losid was inanamoid in stepa, Yor We purpoato, the bitogral equation Js rritten as a aummationp &W, tho 040.culzottod results agreod with t~iv data poinbs i-try favorably. A oyalic :.oad-unload ty-ye dafarmtion-time -.,az-vg shewed tbit -jrder load-on condititins Vie msep detornation increases, whereas, for no-lo-A oonditians, it deammas4 Or4f* art, bnoj 14 larmalmin -aW 5 fig=. to AS.1=1MON s toon* V3 IIIICord 3h DOIGOV.- A.1a., A~zh. - -- ---- Improving work organization in a Junction station. NO i put.khos. 6 no.5sl6-17 162. (MIM 1534) 1. Zampstitell uachallnika distantail putio at. Murom, Gorskovskoy dorogi. (Railroade-Maintenance aM repair) DOMOV) A. Ye. "Hexachloran" in controlling the larvae of the pblyphylla fullo. vin. bSSR No 4, 1952. DOLGOV I I ., B. N. MECE14ED 1,:6.111 c & V?62 CHEMISITly see IM BEIZA74 LV.; DUMV 0 Eefdat Or the Isla"Mra of aupkaue latomm an tav rutok Of "'Lx, 13ataxviAn kr4ranwatim to a ---zdmATaa--4Dhc3a, EUMSPOIJILAbba., Xg no.9t2O34.2M a 060jo (MIPA 288U) ITL . TAM,, I*Ve; DOIDOVp B*V* 1-ffsot of a madl= im Ue rata or hydroeomtion of iaipintle kotonoas zi,tw, iviia. ithis, 3s no, lospim.-Pin 10 t(,5, (IMIA 1602) DO 1- G3,1, "The Develorment -)f Melhois of Crossing 0jj._S.-,r~ei Flax fn,,- i~vrroL f Selection P;d Jill-Union 01,*Ier of ',ibor "'G,-i -inml- Somif"- tion nrl In-,t ir-enj T. D. Lvspnk,), 0d,,-, (Dissez*t.~Iti,On for the Jrvr- ()r in Agri.:!ultural. 6cIc-nep~-') t SO: KrizlinVw a let-opis' No. 2?, ? Jlilv 1955 AKSENOV, V.V., kand. tekkn. nsiuk; SHALXOV,, A.V., inah.; IOL&OV .,.E.P,-, insh.; KAFINEVA, T.N., red..; GERASIICV, ~6i~g-red. [Now electric devices for studying mining machines) Novye elektricheskie pribory dlia isoledovaniin gormykh mashin; kmtkii nauchnyl otahet. Moskva, In-t gornogo dela, 1963. 41 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Mining inaehinery-Testing) (Electric apparatus and appliances) DCLGCV, F. F. "Investigation of the Procens of Spontanems Contract'lon and Flastle Aftereffect of Stretched Rubber." Sub 13 Uov 51, Military Acadenw of Chemical Defense imeni K. Ye. Voroshilov Dissertations presented for sceince and engineering degrees In Yoscow during 1951. SO: Sum. 110. 41C, 9 FAY 55 %A-S-e f"O" ., r 4 I's,. MM L.i296--i-63 EWPW/Ep .y(a)/jV~T(m)/Bj)S AFF7c/ASD Pc-4-/Fr-4 RMI*v----' 17 A_____7SS::C_'~i -%rR,-AP3000394 6/0191/63/000/005/0007/0010 71) Zarubin, G.; rubtsovixi-L-K.; SnIrnov, M. I.; Per-tso~, L. D.; Dolgov, F. 7.; K6Rorev, V. V.; Zhilina, R. D_ J TZLE": Use of njIM1 hosphateelfor plastIcizing olydnylcbloride S%'.rJ.RCE: Plasticheakiye massy*, no. 5, 1963, T-10 TOPI~~ TAGS: a3kylarylphosphates, polyvinylcbloride., plasticizers, esters, calendar r.ethod, sodium salts ABSTRACT: The plasticizing criallties of DAF7 (mixed ester of phenylphosphoric acid and 2-ethylexyl alcohol),, prepared by a technique developed at 11MM from phenol, phosphoryl chloride, and 2-athylhexyl alcohol., are compared to those of several other esters of phosphoric acid obtained in normal C sub ',r - C sub 9 alcohols and' C sub 6 - C sub 8 isoalcohols and vith the witely.used plasticizers tricresylphos,_ phate (TCP) and dibutylphthalate (DBP). The dIalkylphenylphospbates are ded as substitutes for the two latter plasticizers for obtaining soft fire- aze, frost-resistant polyvinylchloride plastics suitable for feibric base preparation by .the calendar method. DAF? and the dialkylphos-phatea vere superior in frost-resist- ance to D13P and TCP*- they vere more Mra-resiwUmt than MP, but less so than TC?. The physico-mechanIcal properties of the Individual, dia.1kylphenylphosphates were L 1-4965-63 ACMSSION NR: AP3000394 nct =arl,,edl*.,r differe3t, though plasticizers contaiging e. larGer number of aryl groups yielded plastics which were less flarmnable.15but uhich had poorer frost-re- sist-ance. Increasing the amount of plasticizer used reduced the touglItness of the resultant plastic by'about 50%,, but'increased its frost-resistwice. D-wering treatment temperature fr= 140 to 320C also 'decriased tougbness. The presence of u_D -4.0 50% sodium salts in DAYFF had little effect on plasticizing conditions; larger amounts reduced plasticizer-polrdnyl-chloride cccipatibility and reduced the toughness and frost-resistance Af the resultant plastic. Orig. art. has: 4 flg- w - ___ __ i A urea, 5 formulas, 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBM.ZM: 00 DATE ACQ: 10J=63 ENCL: 00 'SUB COM MA NORM? SOV.- 002 OTHER: 009 Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Dolgov, F.G. and Murashev, A.I. 11-e-9/14 TITLE: Galenite in Pekleozoic Carbonate Rocks in the North of the Krasnoyarsk Kray (Galenit v '.tRrbonatnykh porodakh paleozoya na severe Krannoyarskogo kraya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriyn Geologicheakaya, 1957, # 8. P 93-95 (USSR) ABSTRACTt In 1949, in Vle northern part of thet Krasnoyarskiy kray galenite was discoverod in carbonate rocks of the Paleozoic age. The area of lead mineralization is characterized mainly by sediments of the Silurian, Permian and Triassic ages interstratificated with layer intrucions of traprocks. The mineralizntion of Ralenite occurs in 3 formsi streaks, filling up of cavities and cavernes, and pheinocrysts. The thickness of the ore-bearing horizon varies from 20 to 25 m. It is composed of arenaceous-argillaceous and carbonate rocks. Lead mineralization is observed mainly in the carbonate rocks. Four mineralized layers were discovored in the area, which can be traced without interruptions for 5 to 6 km with an average thickness of 2 to 2.5 m. The area of lead mineral- ization was not exActly established but amounts to tens of Card 1/2 square km. The phenocryst type of minerAlizntion is the 11-8-9/14 Galenite in Paleozoic Carbonate Rocks in the North of the Krasnoyarsk Kray most widely spread. Ore mineral is mainly galenite and very seldom ohalcopyrite, sphalerits and pyrite. It is presumed that origination of galanite and other minerals occurred from circulating solutions and not simultaneously with the formation of the surrounding rocks. ASSOCIATION: USSR Ministry of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, Irkutsk Scientific Research Institute (Ministerstvo tavetnoy metallurgii SSSR, Irkutakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut) SUBMITTED: 15 November, 1955 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 DOLGOV, F.G. Titanium and its minerals in the supergone zone as a criterion in prospecting for titardum placera &nd bauxite deposits in the southern pax-C of the Irkutsk amphitheater. Sov, sol, 6 no.6:94- 99 ja 163. IKM 16:7) 1. Kompleksnaya temUchaskays, eki-peditai,.m Irkutakogo geologichoskogo upraylaniya. (Irkutsk Province-WAnium (Irkutsk Province--Bexxite~ D01GOV. G.7. Use of ultraviolet rays during the open poirring of agar into cups. Lab.delo 5 no-502 S-0 159. (MIRA 12:12) (AGAR) (ULTRAVIOLT! RAYS)