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06514 SOV/141-58-1-4/14 On the Theory of Motion of Ionospheric Irregularities follows that Eqs (23) and (24) are acceptable solutions. The final velocity ratios obtained are given by Eqs (30)and (31), where k is the ratio of the electron concentration in the surrounding medium to the electron concentration in the cylinder ' and G is given by Eq (16). A discussion of these equations leads to the conclusion that in the region of the D-layer and the lower part of the E-layer the ionized gas moves with the velocity of the wind, Drift vel 'ties 'K 1 -4 are lower than the wind velocity by a factor of 10- or 10 In the F-layer the velocity of uniformly ionized masses is appreciably different from the velocity of the wind. The difference is approximately 10% of the latter velocity. The transverse component of the drift velocity falls off very rapidly. Polarization corrections are also shown to be very small compared with drift velocities. Acknowledge- 06514 SOV/141-58-1-4/14 On the Theory of Motion of Ionospheric Irregularities ments are made to Prof. V. L. Ginzburg and B. N. Gershman for a number of valuable suggestions and interest respect- ively. There are 15 references, of which 6 are Soviet and 9 are English. ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy univerBitet (Gorlkiy State University) SUBMITTED: October 5, 1957. Card 6/6 aA. 1". L L 9.4w r. Ty- (c im to %am) L K, rp~ L IL A-r- K J"4 L JL ry- PD. L JL ry~ 0. L k rv~ aL rAm L IL f"- & TA- 06 it A* n a A. ~"M-. OL r. "hMAW4 tw W, Cmmm watift at as solmum fte~lea @misty at 1"m I ?"go ftelmwbs a- 2m. A. 0. P"m too. 14(10); 3(5) 1Y PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2843 Soveshchanlye po ratsionallnym sposobam fundamentostroyeniya na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh Trudy... (Transactions of the Conference on Efficient Methods ~of Building.,Foundations on Permafrost Soils) Moscow, Gosstroyizdat, 1959. 131 P. Errata slip inserted. 1,200 copies printed. Ed. of Publishing House; N. M. Borshchevskaya; Tech. Ed.t Ye. L. Temkina. I PURPOSE: This book is intended for construction ongineers, indus- trial planners and builders. % COVERAGE: This book contains reports originally read in Vorkuta in 1958 on experience gained in planning and building foundations in permafrost regions of the USSR. The reports were prepared for publication in the NIIOSP (Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Foundations and Underground Structures). The tntroduction was Wtitten by Professor V. G. Bulychev. No references are given. Card 1/4 Transactions of the Conference (Cont.) sov/2843 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Kiselev, M. F. Basic Principles of Designing Natural Foundations and BuildinE; Substructures on Frozen Ground 6 Suvorov, B. T. Experience In the Construction of Buildings and Structures on Thawing Ground 18 Ushkalov, V. P. Computing the Bases of Foundations on Thaw-14ng Ground According to the Limiting Conditions 27 _D_QkuahAyev,_Y._.P. Experience In Designing Foundations in Northern Permafrost Regions 37 Bakanin, V. P. Construction Conditions and the Exploi- tation of Mining Enterprises In the Pechora Coal Basin 47 Card 2/4 80120 S/141/59/002/06/001/024, AUMORS: Gershman, and Dokuchayev, f?M/E314 TITLE: On the Theory of Formation of Ionospheric Irregularities in the F-layer \-? PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1959t Vol 2, Nr 6, pp 843 - 847 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An analysis of recent papers (Refs 1-3) shows that one of the most difficult problems in the theory of the ionosphere is the theoretical interpretation of the origin of irregula-rities in the F-layer. In the present paper the authors are concerned with the mechanism originally put forward by Martyn in Ref 4 and later analysed in detail by Dagg (Ref 5). In their papers, Martyn and Dagg have only formulated the above hypothesis but have not given any quantitative estimates. The present authors start with the microscopic equation for the electric field E given by Eq (1), where j is the total microscopic current. This equation is written down for the'case when: div E e ON N 0 e Cardl/5 S/141P, 'O:L'Y4o6/oOl/024 2032/Z31-14 On the Theory of Formation of Ionospheric Irregularities in the F-layer where -e is the electronic charge ajud N and N I are the-concentrations of electrons and tons , respectively. The latter condition Is satisfied for a quasi-neutral plasma, in which case N e W Ni . The current I is related to the field E Vy -the generalised Ohm's law wh1ch, fcr quasi-stati;T pro .'c,ess-ear-may'be written in the form given by Eq (2), where h is a unit vector-in the direction of the field H 0 , ;ihich'is the ma4;imeotic field due to the-Rarth.- Since in thd general case the medium is in motion, Eq (2) includes not the field R but the fl:eld El . defined by Ect. (3), where =EA= [jH,,j/c and v is the velocity of.the medium. In Eq (2) o~, d and d are,the longiiudixia:~*and transverse conductivities a:no the Hall qonductivity, respectively, and are given by Eq In Eq (4) 9 is the effective number of Card2/5 S/l41/59/oo2/o6/ool/o24 E012/fJJ4 On the Theory of Formation of Ionospher 0 egularities in the F-layer collisions between electrons and other particles, Vi are the number of collisions for ions, w H and A H are the gyro-frequencies for electrons and ions, m and M are the mass of electrons and ions and N 13 N e = N, Eq (1) can be written in the form given by Eqs (5), (6) and (7) if Eq.(2) is taken into account and the coordinate axes are defined as follows. The x-axis is directed towards the geomagnetic equatorg the Y-axis is eastwise,.and the z-axis Is taken vertically upwards. In these coibTdinates the Earth's magnetic field can be written in the form: H = H h H cos i-- H sin k __o 0- 0 XA 0 ka These equations are applied to the case which is found to hold in the Ionosphere above 130 km. In that regiou it may be assumed that d,= 0 and d 'D and d I are Card3/5 ' given by Eq (8). Moreover, -ji > -aH a The discussion 80120 S/141/59/002/o6/001/024 ffl24 4 On the Theory of Formation of lonospher PAQuIarities in the P-layer is then specialized to the case of )Lac 900. and )L =L 0 Under these conditlons,,and using the above apprcximationsl the appropriate equations for the electric-field components are given by Eqs (9) and (10), from which it follows that it is necessary to solve two types of partial differential equations, I.e* those given by Rqs (11) and (12). The solution. is the form given by Eq (13), where k canin genera3, be complex. Substituting Eq (13) into Eqs (11) and (12), Eqs (14) and (15) are obtained,and using the substitution x = exp(z/z 0 ) in Eq (14) and X = exp(-Z/Z 0) In Eq (15), the solutions given by Eqs (16) and (17) are obtained, where H (1,2) are the Hankel V functions of the first and second kind.and the other symbols are defined at the top of p 84~. When the boundary conditions are taken into account,and it Is assumed that the fields are generated in the E-layer Card4/5 L-( On the Theory of Formation of F-layer 80120 S/141/59/002/o6/001/024 110g2j8~14 Ionospherl r egularities in the without any discontinuities and fast changes In the properties of the medium, the final form-of the solutions is given by Eqs (18) and (19). These equations are used to show, using the data reported by Martyn in Ref 6, that only the transport of large-scale irregularities In the electric field is possible. It is concluded that the Ma-rtyn-Dagg mechanism can explain the formation of more-or-less regular motibus In the F-layer but Is IncApable of ensuring the formation in this layer of irregularities on the :3cale of the order of 2 - 4 km. There are 7 references, 5 of which are English and 2 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor1kovskom univerattetR,(Selentlflc-research Radio- physical Institute of Gorlkiy University) SUBMITTED: July 13, 1959 Card 5/5 69413 s/141/60/003/01/004/020 E032/E414 AUTHOR., Dokuchayev, V.P. TITLE: ~i~ffusion in =eteor Trails NI/ PERIODICAL%Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1960, Vol 3, Nr 1, PP 50-56 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is well known that when meteroic particles pass through the upper atmosphere (at an altitude of about 80 to 120 km) clouds of enhanced ionization having approximate cylindrical form are produced. These ionized columns disappear as a result of diffusion, recombination, turbulent mixing and a number of other factors. It has been established that diffusion is the most important. It is assumed that the diffusion of charged particles in meteor trails is of ambipolar character and can be anisotropic because of the presence of the earth's magnetic field. In order to calculate the diffusion coefficients, the author uses the quasi- hydrodynamic equations which describe the motion of Card 1/4 charged particles in a weakly ionized plasma (Ref 8) q1" 69413 s/i4l/60/003/01/004/020 E032/E414 Diffusion in Meteor Trails and which are given by Eq 3 and 4. Neglecting terms containing time derivatives, it is easy to show from these two equations that the electron and ion current densities are given by Eq (5) and (6) respectively. Starting these equations, it is shown that the diffusion coefficients in the direction parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field are given by Eq (15) and (16) where a is the conductivity and e and i refer to the electrons and the ions respectively; N is the charge density and x is Boltzmanngs constant. It may be concluded from this formula that the diffusion coefficients, both parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field, are determined by the charged particles with the lowest mobility. If one assumes that the product of the particle mass and the effective number of collisions with air molecules is much greater for the ions than for the electrons, then the diffusion coefficients are given by the simpler equations (17) and Card 2/4 (18), where w = eHO/mc. From this expression for V 69413 s/i4i/60/003/01/004/020 E032/E414 Diffusion in Meteor Trails the diffusion coefficient D .L it may be deduced that the criterion according to which the magnetic field has an appreciable effect on the process of ambipolar diffusion is given by Eq (19) where *%) is the collision frequency. If the condition given by Eq (19) is satisfied, D11 becomes greater than D1 , ie the process becomes anisotropic. It is also shown that the ratio of the linear dimensions of irregularities in the electron concentration in the ionosphere in directions perpendicular and parallel to the magnetic fieldt are equal to the square root of the ratio of the corresponding diffusion coefficients. Thus, the study of the effect of the earth's magnetic field on the diffusion process in meteor trails is closely connected with the problem of anisotropy of small-scale irregularities in the ionosphere. It is just in the region where ionized meteor trails are formed (90 and 120 km) that the transition takes place from isotropic to anisotropic diffusion. Above 110 km. the-anisotropy due to the magnetic field is quite Card 3/4 strong. However, Eq (17) and (18) are quite general 69413 s/14i/60/003/oi/oo4/o2o E032/E4i4 Diffusion in Meteor Trails and apply to the transition region. The present theory is in agreement with the results of Greenhow and Neufeldt (Ref 12). Acknowledgements are made to B.N.Gershman for constant interest and discussion of results, There are 1 figure and 12 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 1 a translation from English and 9 English, ASSOCIATION&Nauchno-issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor1kovskom universitete (Scientific Research Radlo-Physical Institute of the Gor7kiy unlveFg-ity) SUBMITTED: January 29, 1959 Card 4/4 60670 WQ/141/60/003/02/004/025 E032/E314 AUTHOR: Dokuchayev, V.P. TITLE; On the Scattering of Radio Waves by Long-lived Ionized Meteor Trails PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1960, Vol 3, Nr 2m. pp 199)- 207 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Two hypotheses have been advanced as to the mechanism whereby radio waves are scattered from trails"*'Wl-th high electron concentration. The first of these is due to Herlofson (Ref 2) and was developed in detail by Kaiser and Closs in Ref 3. It assumes that a trail having a high electron concentration scatters6radio wavessin a way similar to the scattering of such waves by a metallic cylinder. According to the second hypothesis put forward by Booker and Cohen (Ref 4), there are small-scale electron density irregularities in the region of the trail which appear as a result of turbulent motion in the surrounding medium. According to this'mechanism the scattering of radio waves by the statistical irregularities has a non- coherent character. It is shown in the present paper that Cardl/3 during most of their lifetime the trails scatter radio L/ 80870 s/l41/6o/oO3/O2/oo4/O25 n ed Ionized Meteor Trails On the Scattering of Radio Waves E93E~Ejjjiv waves similarly to a metallic cylinder (Herlofson and Kaiser theory). The non-coherent scattering mechanism theory put forward by Booker and Cohen does not agree with experimental data on the t1me-distribution of reflections. This is the case both in sporadic meteors and meteors in streams. The turbuleit diffuaion mechanism leads to a rapid disappearance of tracks even with a very high initial electron density which is indicated by experimental data and is easily understood on the basis of physical consid- erations. An increase in the diffusion coefficient should lead to a rapid disappearance of the trail and should reduce rather than increasethe number of long-lived trails and the reflections from them. Moreover, there are days when ionospheric stations indicate the absence of strong turbulent flow in the E layer of the ionosphere. According to Booker's hypothesis there should be a reduction in the number of long reflections from meteor trails during such days. However, such a strong correlation between these two phenomena does not appear to have been established. Card2/3 The paper is concluded with an attempt to explain the fadin 80870 5/141/60/003/02/004/025 E03 On the Scattering ofRadio Waves by Long-MRPIonized Meteor Trails of the reflected signal amplitude in terms of the Kaiser- Closs mechanism. It is shown that the fading is due to the diffraction of radio waves by strongly-ionized meteor trails. Acknowledgment is made to B.N. Gershman for reading the manuscript of the present paper. There are 5 figures and 16 references, of which 4 are Soviet, 11 English and 1 is. Swedish. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gor1kovskom universitete (Scientific-research ka'dio- physics Institute of Gortkiy University) SUBMITTED: September 10, 1959 Card3/5 86865 S/141/60/003/005/020/026 E032/E3l4 AUTHOR-. TITLE: The Effect of Geomagnetic Disturbances on the Drift of Ionis s in the Upper Atmosphere PERIODICAL: Izve tiya v-ysshlkh uchebnykh zavedeniy, ' tiya , ~ia Radioflz a, 1960, Vol- 3, No. 5, Pp- 901 - 903 's exp TEXTs Fig. I shows.expertmental data on the correlation between drift velo ties In various regions of the Ionosphere t 1e, turJ31 and gecmagnetic. di turbance's. This figure gives plots of the drift velocity V ~,-Un:m see) as a function of the mean p j amplitude of the gecUha~~etic disturbances. These experimental results are plotted for three regions, namely, the E-layer, the F-layer and the R-layer (the latter causes fluctuations In the intensity of the emission of radio stars). The relation -'is linear in each of th ese three regions. The slopes of the straight lines increase with altitude of the layer. Finally, - ~--i - :tfie'Interceptis .- on the Vp axis also increase with the altitude of the layer. These experimental results can be simply explained on the basis of the relation betweeJx geomagnetic Card 1/4 86865 s/141/60/003/005/020/026 B032/B314 The Effect of Geomagnetic Disturbances on the Drift of Ionised Gas in the Upper.Atmosphere disturbances and the drift velocitt 5 It is well Imown that geomagnetic disturbances are due to teraction between solar corpuscular streams'and the outer atmosphere (exosphere) (Refs- 5-7) . Low-Ti;queney disturbances in the exosphere, having a quast-period greater than 10 see are of a magneto- hydrodynamic character. These disturbances are propagated into the underlyIng x-eglons of the atmosphereand into the ionosphexa,by diffusion of electromagnetic wavesand on reach�ng the Earth's surface give rise to variations in the geomagnetic field. On the other hand, It is also known that an electric field gives rise to the drift of the ionised gas in the Iono- sphere. Thus, solar corpuscular streams excite magnetohydro- dynamic disturbances in the exosphere which are propagated through the ionosphere in the form of electromagnetic waves and produce variations in the geomagnetic and electric fields on the EarthOs surface. Electric fields associated with these disturbanc'es give rise to the drift of the ionised gas when 86865 S/141/60/003/005/020/o26 E032/z314 The Effect of Geomagnetic Disturbances onthe Drift of Ionised Gas in the Upper Atmosphere they are propagated through the ionosphere. It is shown that the relation between the drift velocity and the mean amplitude of disturbances in the magnetic field is of the formt V H?" o h (5) p c 1~im Ho p where H0 is the Earth's magnetic field, orL is the electrical. conductivity of the medium in a direction perpendicular to H 0 Pp is the ton density in the plasma, NJ. is the number of collisions between ions and :LM molecules. and W is the angular .' frequency of the electromagnetic Card 3/4 field. 86865 S/141/60/003/005/02o/o26 E032/E314 The Effect of Geomagnetic Disturbances on the Drift of Ionised Gas in the Upper Atmosphere This formula is in good agreement with the experimental results for the E-region. There are I figure and 10 references: 2 Japanese (in English), 5 English and 3 Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Nauchno-issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut prl Gor4kovskom universItete (Scientific Research Radiophysics Institute of Gorlkiy University) SUBMITTED: June 23, 196o Card 4/4 AUTHOR: Dol".ii:.,:x. TITLL: ot' an lunl,~ed Mletc,~ov I'vaLl PERIODICAL: Astronomiche3kiy zhurmul, 1960, Vol Nr, 1, Po A13STRACT: When a "burninir" imeteur p~wticle mo,;es in t-he upper Ltom,,- fpoai this pai-ticle evaporate, become !of I i'r,,ed, and toget'hel, with elect-ow', fol'in a cloud of 'Im.l., plasim). The atithor consider-, cases In, 0 whicti. the meteot- tL.ack makes an larq-,Ie of' more than 70 wiltii vespect to the vertical and in whlch the coeffi- cient of diffugion, D, the voloctty, V, zlnd the ene-r1gy in the trail, Q do riot chanire with altitude. if only meteors below, 100-1kin altitude are considered, theri the pt-ocess of' difTuston may be i-e,~-arded as Iso- L.~ ti,opic If N is the con cent mA ion of' the plasim" it) 011~, Caild 1/- L -,; ant! ,; Is the coovdInat'E: a1anir the t-aj~L-101'y, then Foriiiation ol' an Ionized Meteov Trail '18 0 15 S 0 V I - 15 1 tit Z > 11t A' (0, -It) (10) at Z < Th!:3 Indicates that In the Immedicate vicinity o'L the meteor the concentration of' the Ionized gas Is much greater than in the atmosphere avound it; fuPthermore, the Concent rat loll III i'vont of' the meteov dec-1-cases exponentially, but in the trail behind the meteor it decreases much inove gradually. The "ounning, echo" observed by radar results from difTerences in dispel,- sions, in par-ts of' the troll: neLlr the flyinc; meteor the concentvation may exceed the critical value necessary fov the radlo wave veflection, but in other pavt.s It 13 smaller than thlis, v:Aue. The -~Uthol- r--e- jects i;he theory of' W,.-KInley :-nd Millman who explaill thio efTec"t. by 21) incvc,)~;e IIII t-he 1',nd lat 1011 at thf~ e:q)ense ol' the ultr:aviolet. v~i(JJAA.on. Theve are 9 ref(-'Pences, b Soviet, '1*1 Uj-'Y I U.S. The U.S. and U.K. 1~ormation of an -Ionized Meteor Trail ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: 8015 _7 -7 OV /3 -12, "1 -1-15/31 references ace: L. A. Manning, j. Geoph. Res., 63, 181 (1958); T. R. Kaiser, R. L. Closs, Phil. Mag., 43, 336 (1952 ; Dz W. R. McKinley, P,'M. Millman, Proc. I.R.E., 37, 3R (1949)~ Scientific-Research Radlopl~yslcal Institute at the Gor1ky-University (NaucYt~o-l-,~,sledovatellsl~ly radio- fizicheskiy inst1tut pri Gor1kovskom un-te) March 50, 1959 Card 3/3 83192 A-1 S/056/60/039/002/029/044 B006/BO56 AUTHOR: Dokuchayev, V. P. TITLE, The Growth of Rapetohydrodynamic Waves in a Plasma Flo% Moving Through an Ionized Gas PERIODICAL: Zhurnal sksperimentalvnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39j No. 2(8), pp. 413-415 TEXT: The author investigatle magnetohydrodynamic waves propagating in a plasma moving at a velocity V through a gas at rest, which is completely ionize al risi-neutr6l. ThR gas is assumed to be in an external magnetic field The"formation of high-frequency electromagnetic waves 4,1 in the mO;ti8n o? electron and-ion currents in a plasma has repeatedly been investigated. Here, the conditions are determined under which magnetohydro- dynamic waves increasing with time (as a consequence o 'f which the system becomes unstable) are formed in the system current - plasma at rest. Pro- oesding from the system ofthe linearized equations (1) - (6), which do- scribes the electrodynamic processes of the system investigated, the au- thor obtains the dispersion equation (7) for plane electromagnetic waves Card 1/3 83192 The Growth of Magnotohydrodynamic Waves in a 3/056/60/039/002/029/044 Plasma Flow Moving Through an Ionized Gas B006/BO56 propagating in the direction of current, i.e., in the direction of the asgnstio lines of force of the R field. The sign + in (7) corresponds to the ordinary,, and the sign - to The extraordinary wave. The author then investigates the ordinary hydrodynamic approximation - the case of very low frequencies (CO> 1 are determined, and various regions of perturbations are outlined (see Fig. 1). An interpetation of the dependence between the drag coefficient on the Mach number is presented, and a calculation of the energy of ACC NR. AP7001993 emission of sound waves by the force source at M > I Is included. lk,ke author hopes that this method of force sources may be useful for ol~,,Iaining both rigotous and approximate solutions of problems of mechanical oolid bodies-fluid medium inte'ractions. 'Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 39 'formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 06Sep65/ ORIG REF: Oll/ OTH REF: 006 ATD PRESS: 5111 DDKUCUYEVI V. V.1 Candidate Tech Sci (dime) -- "Computation of the depth of foundations in permfrost". Leningrad, 1959. 17 PP (Min Transportation USSR, Leningrad Order of Lenin Inst of Railroad TTansport Egnineers im Acad V. N. Obrazteov), 150 copies (KL, No 24, 1959, 136) DOKUCHAYEV9 ~.V. calculating the depth,of grounds. Trudy'Gos.inst. no.6:3-28 159. (Foundations) buildin 'toundations in permafrost 9 po proek. mor. pro. i sudorem. pred, (MIRA 14:3) (Prozen ground) PUUMYE-Vp -Vladimir Vladimirovich, kand. takhn.nauk; SIPIDIN, V.P., kan 0 na ~ nauchnyy red.; KOSTANDOV, A.I., red.izd-va: PUL4KINA,,-Ye.A., takhn. red. I w- I - - I (Foundations and footings OR Permafrost]-Oonovaniia i funds- menty na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh. Leai^ngr'-*d, Gosatro112dit, 1963. 194 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Foundations) (Frozen g ' roxind) A&035375 BOOK DITATMN S/ Venis Tu (candidate of Technical Golemsh DokudbaMs V, Vq Moms N. F. iDootor of Technical Sciences) Buildings and structures In. the szLreme Northl a handbook (Maniya I somzbeniya na Kraynem Severej vWaroobnoye posoblye)# LeninVads Goastroyisdats-W3p (At bead h9o p, illus,s biblio, Irrata slip innowtedo 5#000 copies printed. of titles Lenmoruiiproyekt). 'TOPIC TAGSs civil engineeringp constructions highways paroafrosts commmicatlAm lines water plant PURPOSE AND COVERAGEs The book presents handbook data necess=7 for plamings do- signing, and construction of conamitiess civil and industrial buildings and their structural elements In the northern regions of the country and also gives data for designing engineering links& higbwayss water plantss commication Unasj, an4,elec- trical transmission linee* The book contains the technical-economic indicators and hanM=k materials necessary to select design parameterso The book In Intended for enginsers-planners and constrwUm vorkwao CWj .AIM4035375 TABLE OF CONTENS [abrLdgedll Foreword - 3 Introduction -- 5 Part I. Planning., Construction., and Public Welfare of Settlements Ch, L Features of planning and construction of settlements 19. Ch, n, Engineering preparation of the territory 47 Ch, In, Snow proteation of settlements mm 64 Ch.,IV. Municipal and town highways - 86 Part II. Civil and industrial buildings and structv"s Ch, V. of buildings Space-planning and structures 103 Ch. VI. Heating of enclosed structures - 248 Ch, Vn. Planning load-bearing structures - 176 undations 236 71s Designing buildings on melting fo Ch. VI1 Part IM Foundations 01 Ch. IX*. Structural at son - 256 Ch, XG, Use of PIM&MMOU Win tamdations 279 'Ch* X1, PlAnning 1mindations on pwmaftvot bass -- 299 Ch. XII. Deaigni~g foundation@ an bases Q-W 345 e I Card 2/3 Ch, XIM Designing foundations on saltei givund and under equipment 385 Paq IV. Sanitation-technical comiAmication and equipient, Conuunication, lines nd electrical trpnemission Ch,~Vo Features of sanitatioip-technical communication - 396 Cho calculation of networks and equipment In permafrost. Thermo-toohnioal soil -. h25 Ch. XVI, Water olants - h33 Ch. XVTI.' Features of the design and construction of Ounping stations AVA and cleaning equipment Ch. XMI, Communication lines and electricity transmission 459 kppendix - 473 Bibliogranby .4M SUB CODES NZ M&X&Ms OPD*c6) IR Ur SOVs 056- OTHMt 000 DA72 AOQs 26APr64 Cwd 313 MAZUROV, Grigoriy Petrovich; DOKUCHAY V.V.p kand. tekhn. naLk, -- - --.- nauchn. red. (Physical and mechanical properties of frozen ground; methods of determining and employing them in calculationsl Fiziko-mekhanicheskie svoistva merzlykh gruntov; metody opredeleniia i ispolIzovaniia v raschetakh. Leningrad, Stroiizdat, 1964. 164 p. (MIRA 17:12) 21(6) SOV/89-6-1-13/33 AUTHORS: Dokuohavev, Ya. 11., Osipov, 1. S. TITLE: Determination of Specific a-Activity aild the 11alf-Life of U233 (Opredeleniye udellnoy a-aktivnosti i perioda poluraepada U 233) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 1, PP 73-73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The specific activity of 5 uranium samples was determined. The isotope composition, which was measured mass-spectroscopi- cally, fluctuated in the case of individual samples between U232 4.10- 3 percentage by weight U233 93.28 up to 95.24 percentage by weight U234 2.25 up to 2.36 (� 0.07) percentage by weight U235 4-' 0.1 percentage by weight U 2-46 up to 4.38 (+ 0.07) percentage by weight. A nitric acid solution is produced from each uranium sample. Card 1/2 From each of these solutions 30 preparations having a diameter SOV/89-6-1-13/33 Determination of Specific a-Activity and the 11alf-Life of U233 of 10.� 0.5 mm was made. The basis material is not given. The preparations were measured by two pulse ionization chambers with a small solid angle. From the multiplicity of me~Sye- ments it follows that the specific activity of 1 ~g U corresponds to 20.950 + 100 a-decays. To this specific 4 a-activity there corres-ponds a half-life of (16.20' + 0.08).10 years. This result is in good agreement with the dja Given by references I and 2. There are 2 references. SUBMITTED: September 20, 1950 Card 2/2 21(8) AUTHORz Dokuchayev, Ya. P. SOV/89-6-1-14/33 239 TITLEz Determination of the Specific c(-Aotivities of Pu and Pu 240 (Oprodeleniye udellnoy c(-aktivnosti Pu 239 1 Pu 240 PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 1, Pp 74 - 74 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The specific 4-activity of Pu 239 and Pu 240 was determined from 12 plutonium samples the isotopic compositions of which were within the following limitsi Pu 239 91.26 to 99.11 percentage by weight Pu 240 (0.87�0.06) to (7-57tO-lO)percentage by weight Pu 241 (1-M-3)-10- 2 to (1.04�0.05) percentage by weight Pu 238 (1.62tO.10) to (1-75+0-05).10- 2 percentage by weight 242 257 'Pu + Np , 0.01 to 0.1 percentage by weight A solution was produced from each of these samples. From each solution 25 preparations were produced by weighing. The activity of the preparations was determined by parallel Card 1/2 measuring (after drying and hardening of the precipitation) Determination of the Specific c(-Activities of SOV/89-6-1-14/33 Fu 239 and Fu 240 in two ionization chambers with a small solid angle. Each preparation was measured for 90 minutes in each chamber. The specific activity of Fu 239 +Pu 240 was determined from the difference between the measured activity and the activity PU 238+An 241+PU 241. 1'Ag PU 239 has 136,2OOt2OO c(-decays / min., which corresponds to a half life of 24,39Ot3O years. 1 'Ag PU 240 has 500,OOOt4,000 c(-deoays / min., which corresponds to a half-life of 6,62Ot5O years. The half-lives obtained agree well with the data given by references 4 and 5. There are 5 references. SUBMITTEDt September 20, 1958 Card 2/2 DOKUCHAYEV, Yuriy Aleksandrovich; TITOV, G.S., Geroy Sovetakogo S-o-yuza, letchik-koemon-wit SSSR, red.; BYKOV, V., red.; LESHCHINSKAYA, G., tekhn. red. (Going to the stars] Idushchie k zvezdam. Moskva, Molodaia gvardiia, 1963. 106 p. (MIRA 16:5) l.Spetsiallnyy korrespondent agentstva pechati "Novosti" (for Dokuchayev). (Astronauts) Goihg to the Starsh.-serzh. no.9s4-5 (Astronautics) DC*'.MRYrVA, A. ~,. (11ccm Etarz) OCKLICHAYEVA, A. V. (14LCii ENcrz) -- "TECHNOLOI-ICAL VROULDIS' OF TRACTOR FLc' SVE'- 2~1 VAR ~2, MOSCOW 111ST or MIECHANIZATION AND ELE:CTRIF$CATIOI1 or AwtICULTVRE Y. If. (D15SE11TATION rOR THE DcrRcE CT CANOICATr it., TEcHwCAL SCI NCE I E E:, SO: VECHERNAYA M~OSKVA, IANUARY-DtCEMDER 19r" SVIRSWHRTMY. Bromislay Stanislarovich; ABIEKOV, M.S., red.; ANTONOVSKIT, B.N., red.-; BIDNTAXWAt A.V.,,'red.; GIAUO, V.G., i-ed.;.GORMJT3. P Z i red L Ted.; 7ILMM, A.V., red.; KISXW, .--A.B., i9do KCNMTI r ed:- tvm Mff, X.A., -red.-, KONWSUP, V.A.: red.: KWANOIV, A.i.9 IN, X.D"s, red.; 7M. No3o, v red.; PMAT red.; NEW, B.Ta., red.; XUMOVA. N.N., tekhn. red.; GMIKOVA, Z.D., tekhn. red, I [Utilization of tractorn and machinery] Akepluatataiia mashinno'- traktornogo Parka. Izd.3., perer. Xoskva, Goo. izd-vo sellkhow. lit-27, 1958. 660 p. (xiu 11:10) (Agricultural machinery) DOLZMIKOV, Andrey Tim-O'&A- P itch, dotsent'-kand.tekhn.nauk; ABDREW, Nikola'y Ilikolayetvich,p. doteont; DOKUCHAYVVA, �gusta Paramonavas, doteent; _K=0f;-Mi~'n '1~nvlovlch, st-a-r-sEry '~re~oaava- M617-ITSMT. Ivan Ivanovich, dotsent; PARAMZIN, Ivan Ivanovich, dotsent; TROFIMOV, Vladimir Ivanovich, dotsent; BMZOVSKAYA, A.L., red.; KRYUKOV, V.L., red.; RAKOV, S.I., (Reference manual for young agricultural machinery operators] Spravochnik molodogo meklianizatora Bollskogo khoziniatva. Moskva, Voss. uchabno-pedagog.izd-vo Trudrazervindat, 1959. 694 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Prepodavateli Moskovskogo institUta makhanizataii i elektri- filmteii sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Dolzhenkov, Andreyev, Dokuchayeva, K0210V, Kiselev, Paramzin, Trofimov). (Agricultural machinery-Maintenance and repair) DOKUCHA'YEVA, A.P., dotsent Effect of the condition of plowshares on the quelity and economic aspects of plowing. Trudy 141MESKH 6:179-188 159. (MIRA 14:5) (Flows) ANDREYEV, N.N., dots.1 ACHKASOV, K.A.p st. prepodavateD; DOLZHENKOVp A.T., dots.; DOKUCHAYEVA A.P., dots.j KISELEV, I.I., dots.; KOZLOV, I.P.; at. prepodavatell; TROFIMOV, V.I., dots.1 PESTRYAKOV, A.I., nauohnyy red.; SHALYT, N.A., red.,- TOKER, A.M., tekhn. red. [Manual for the young agricultural machinery operator) Spra- vochnik molodogo mekhanizatora sellskogo khoziaistva. Pod red. A.T.Dolzhankova. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 653 p. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Fakulltet makhanizatsii Moskovskoy akademil im. K.A. Timiryazeva (for all except Pestryakov, Shalyt, Toker). (Agricultural machinery) DOUG noyna kande tekhn. nauk; GUZUNOVA., N.I.,, red. - IV 2 A*Ssp khno red, [High production use of machines and tractors) Vysokoproizvo- ditellnoe ispoltzovanie mashinno-traktornogo parka. Moskva., Izd-VO "Znanie," 1961. 38 p..(Narodnyi universitet kulltury: Sel'sko-kho2iaistvanMi fakulitet,, no.18) (MIU150) (Agricultural machinery-Produotion standards) (Tractors-Production standards) STARUNv Y.R,; DUDAVSKlYp I.Ye.; DAVYDOVs I.P.; KOLESNIKp M.I.; RYAZANTSEV9 V.D.; SAMOnMv I.G.; DOKUCHA3ZVA9, I.N. Dressing chrome iron ores from the Kimpersaiski deposits by magnetic separation. Ogneuproy 25 no. 3:108-U4 160. (13:10) 1. Zaporozhakiy ogneupornyy zavod (for Starung DudavskiyP DavydovP Kolesniks, Ryazantsev). 2. Institut "Makhanobrehermet" (for Samo~~- lovp Dokuchayeva). (Ore dressing) (Magnetic separation of ores) ?RAS I BOON ZVWrTATIGN SUV/4984 International symposium on macromolocular chemistry. .Moscow, 2960. Xe-h-13marodn simpozium po aikrosolokulyarnor kbi-IL SSSR, Noskva# IV-18 y& 1960 g.; doklady I avtoreferaty. SektmLya III. rZaternational Symposium an X3cromolecular Chemistry Hold In Moscow. June 14-18, 1960; Papers and 3ammarles) Section 111. (Moscow, Izd-vo AN 3S3R, 1960] 469 F. 55,000 copies printed. TocjL. Zd.: 11. 3. Kashina. SponsorIng Agencys Tho.International Union or Pure and ApplIed Cbmmlstr7. Commission an Macroaclecular Chemistry. PURPM: -This book to intend6d for chemists Interested In poly- marizatloo reactlona And the synthesis of high molecular eampounds. CCVZR=s This Is 500 tIOU III Of a 21'atIvolume work contain- Ing Pape" cc aacromolocular chemistry. The articles In general deal with the kinetics or polymerization reactions, the 8ynth0mLX Or special-purpose polymers, e.g., Ion ex- change resins, semiconductor materials, *to., methods or cat- 17-1 9 POIYa*rlz&tL*n reactions, properties and chemical Interactions Of high sole"lar naterlals, and the effects or TOKOOM f%ctO" cc POITmerIzation and the degradation of high molecular compounds. In p*rsona.1.1ties art mentLoned. Reffti-ences given follow the articles. and j_jL=Z&d_ (Poland). Chlorination or Phowl-Formaldehydo Regina 27 1 (Ruzania). 1 ' 1 h 4 folyvlnyl Alcohol y 12 ", PYI FLU. ' 34 Zjob-jo. A. T2- a- T., Cordnn, Ye- N~ .1 a (USSR1. I 1 and 1 I &;X. Z C g -_Atudy or. the versions of PolyearbonatIp 44 Dyamd2kIn. B. A , X* 3. Pol'dshtern. and Z-A-ZalZapaza (USSR). - Chevacal. Interact Ion and-X veanism of -he AotivatIng Action of Vulcanization AoeleratorS gsuz. r. __Vo-b'Zeva, and M~ P~ Fin . &-E - 1- Hazer* or suirur-le Acid and Pollviny 73 " d 0. Ttj rzg'- (Hungary). The Inter- ff2 ' 1 T b ff - ; ac A n Nn.: &nd Polyvinyl Chloride 79 A a 0; Zh; ti USSR). The 46~ mle4odu4tor Proper as XLk"v-1-A., and CbemLcal Properties of RLPolar Ion-Excliango Resins 93 jgakftk~l~ I.j. and J. Morawlea (Poland). Effeqt of the Struc. turs OLf organic ARN-0-T-c-c-P-0-un-do on the Properties of AnIon -A45hjknpAesin* From Po2ystyrtne SAIdAd-tt-K-K. (U3SX). The Problem of the Effect or the - ro 5Vr-ucVQrv of -nites on Ion -Exchange-ftoe *esea Between lonitas and Electrolyte Solutions 10T Bps-r4L_.L, A., --LU&0=X. and __t,2Arjmj_ (USSR). JF-_ _ .CtIon-afid Proportion of Some Aromatic Polymers 115 P. L*eev -3 S. B. Wstranskma. Y4 #d0.., j&O WRY. Chemical Conversions Of soluble Copolymers of Styrene 124 Poland). Thermal Stability of Strongly Basic Mi. k.-, Real no 146 40 RUDDIANOV, JQuD.; 3)OXWH&IMVA, N.Y. A large aneurysm of the descending aort& simalating a hydated cyst of the left lung. Xhirurgila no.12:66-67 DI 55. '%NLRL 9--7) 1. Is kliniki fakalltatakoy khirurgii (say.-prof. G.K.Kinte) Samarkandskogg meditsinskogo InstItuta. (AORTIC-ANJUNISM, differ- diag. echinococcosis of (,;JIM$ dies sohinococcosis. differ. divig.. from aortic aneurysm) (IGEIINOCWGWIS lung, differ. diag, fron aortic aneurysu) RAXHKANOV,lh.D. (Uzb.SSR., Samarkand, ul. Ksyl-Davat, d.6); DOWCHAUVA, N.Y. Multiple cartilaginous exostosim. Yest.khir. 77 no.9:120-122 S '56. (MIRA 9:11) 1. Is fakal'tatskoy khirurgicheekoy kliniki (i.oosav. - dots. V.7, Medvedkov) Samarkandskogo meditainskogo instituta im. I.P.Paviova. (EXOSTOSIS, NUI&IPIA, case reports cartilaginous.) a DOKUCHAYEVA, Ii. F. Ca d Med Sci -- (dies) "X-Ray Picture of the ", ta~ j Osseous System 4%gftg eat Burns. (Clinical-er-Ray Parallels)." Samarkand, 1957. 20 pp 22 cm. (Samarkand State Medical Inst im Academician I. P. Pavlov), 200 copies (KL, 28-57, 111-112) - 34 - DOKUCHAYEVA, N.F., kand. med. nauk; SHAKIROV, M.Sh., kand. med. nauk Data of X-ray investigations following neurotomy of irradiated animals. Nauch. trudy SamMI 22%49-57 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy khirurgii i kafc-dry rentgenologii i meditsinskoy radiologii Samarkandskogo meditsinskogo instituta. RAIUiMANOV, Eh.D.., dotsent;,.DOKUCHAYEVA, N.F.,, Anomaly of the urinary tract simulating actite appendicitis. Vept.khir. no.l.-134-136'63. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltetskoy kWurgii (zav.-prof. F.M. Golu~) i kafedry rentgenologii i, radiologii (zav.-dotsent G.S.Kuznetsov) Sams kandskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni akademika I.P.Pavlova (rektor - dotsent N.N.Khaitov). (URINARY ORGANS--ABNORMITIES AND DEFORMITIES) (APPENDIGITIS) D. USSR/Astronomy - Nebulae May/Jun 49 "Int6p,ral Photographic Astral Dimensions of Certain Planetary Mists," L. N. Radlova, 0. V. Kats, 0. D. Dokuchavev,, State Astr Inst imeni P. K. Shternberg, 1~ pp "Astron Zhurl Vol XXVI, No 3 Discusses southern planetary mists photographed in 1947 by L. N. Radlova and 0. V. Kats at-Abar.tuman Astrophys Ubs. Photographing was done with an 8-inch camera (one meter length) and a Schmidt nonaberration camera (D-36 cm, P-62 cm). Gives table of names of mists, their coordinates for the year 1900, angular diameters, etc. 58/49T4 to E-I C-1 USSR/Astronomy Absorption Coeffi- Sep/Octo'52' cient ,Problem'of Reality of Stellar Model With Con- stant Coef?icients of Absorption," A. 0. Mase- vich,.O. D. Dokubhayeva, State Astr Inst imeni .Shternberg "Astron Zhur"', Vol 29, No 5YPP 526-531 Analyzes mass-luminosity7radius relations by vari-11 ous scientists.'- Concludes that a model of a purely s~cattering star does not correspond to re amity pjvwin~the casb of highest tole., es, in cbem compn. Absorption by electrons inIstars of by,. drpgen and helium will, always - play an impo-rtant role, -king the discussed model unreal. A model with-, 60,hst absorption - 6oeff may be considered only as a6 tbeoretical limitifig case. 0 234T56 vUKuCK,kYEVA, 0. 1). mase of Urion nebula, qstron. DO, 11C I U11111 F, IrA0111). 6Vi USSR/Aii:- fuie Nebula a ronomy Tan/reb 53 "Determinati6n of Mass of the Diffuse Nebula of Orion,",' O.D.. Do.kuchayeva, State Astron Inst imeni Shternberg "Astron Zhur" Vol 30, No 1, pp 76-79 States results of mass determination of Orion nebula using V. A. Ambartsumyan's method (Ucbebrdk Teoreticheskoy Astrofiziki, 19391.' Work is per- formed according to project of State Astron Inst imeni Shternberg. Obtains for mass of nebula around 166itime's mass of Sun. Indebted to Prof .B.A. Vorontsov-Vellyaminov. Received 9 Apr 52. 246T43 DOKUCHAYEVAj 0. D. t'Study of Characteristics of B Type Stars With Emission Lines in the Speattrum." Cand Pbys-Math Sci, Moscow State Uj State Astronomical Inst imeni Shternbergs Moscow, 1954. (RZMfftr, Noy 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (3-1) SO: Sum. No-521, 2 Jun 55 VORONTSOT-VILITAKINOV. B.A.;_DOKUCHAYNA, O.D.; YEMMDV, Tu.I.; KOZARENKO, B. 1. : Y-WWWA.77~1r,-KOSWAKOVA, Te.B. ; LDZIIISKIT, A. X.; MANOVA, G.A.; TSITSIN, P.A.; SHAROT, A.S. Observations of Arend-Roland's comet (1956 h). Astron.tsir. no.180:2-4 Vq 157. (MHA 13:4) 1. GosudarBtvenn~7 astronomicheakiy institut im. F.K.Shernberga, Moskva. (Comets--1956) DOKUCHAMA, O.D. The final luminosity curve of 3M GemiDorum. Per.zvezdv 12 n0-5:358- 363 N 158. (KIPA 13:9) 1. Goaudarstvenny7 astromonichookiy institut im.Shternberga. (stars, NOW) DOKUCHAYITAo O.D. Determining the spectrophotometric temperature and the Balmer aerie decrement of AG Pegasi (1952). Per.zvezdy 12 no-5:372-373*N 158- (IMU 13:9) 1. GosudarstvenW astronomicheakiy inatitut im. Shternberga, Moskva. (Stars, Variable) XMWIN, H 14-Y&711,~ 6) J>- S.G.; KOYBASYUK, L.D.; DAGAIW, M*M.; ROZIMBLIUM, N.D.; TMRCHENKO, I.F.(Irkutsk); KATIRIN; A.A.:(Irkutsk); KONSTANTINOVA, T.G. (Irkutsk); =='A, T.A. (Irkutsk)-. XMIN, G.T. (Irkutsk); SAIONOTA, Z.G., (Irkatsk)-, COW , L.I. (Iiimtoj); CMWWt*N.S (Irkiitak); MWIDWICHO To.Ge'; 3MMM9 T.A.1 TAKHMMTA, N.;, (Lsning~!d); P=YA~ WeB*,j_pq1VMj3 AL O*D*; KATAW, L.A.; KLTAKOTKO, K.A.; PARUJaO, P.P. SHCNi6fNi3VX6 A, I.S.; KIMICH, 1&'G*;. RTABOT, TV.-I.; SHCHIMOT, T.P.-, IV.G.~ NART7NOT, D.Tse; FIDINSKIT, T.T.; TORONTSOT-73LITAKINOT, B.A.; ZIMMI, P.Tu.; SAMIN '1*74., red.1 AMMOT, M., j P*-I,, oty,red,-, I - IN,, [.Astronomical calendar] Astranosiohnskii kalendar. [A yearbook; Takable section for 19591 Sshsgodaik.' raremennaia obast', 1959. Re'd.kellegliai P~1. Bakalix i dr. Moskva, Gos.isd-ve hziko- mstom.lit-ry, 1958 370 pe (Yeseciusnoo astr9nomo-goodesioboskes, obshchastvo, no.Ui (MIRA 12:2) 1e G~sudarstvonzoys astronome-goodesighe keys obehohostvo (for Wagin, lovbasyuk. Momidevich). 2. Hoskovskoye itasieniy* Vassoyuznogo astre- zome-goodesioheeksgo obehohsotva (for Dmgay*vl Rosonblraj?, Bronshtelt, Pereva). (Astronomy-Toorbooks) o v" Li (I.- H AA b ~.q PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV13651 Vsesoyuznoye astronomo-geodezicheskoye obshchestvo Astronomicheskiy kalendarl 1960 (Astronomical Calendar, 1960) Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1959. 351 p. (Series: Its: Yezhegodnik; peremennaya chast', vyp. 63) 7,200 copies printed. Ed.: I.Ye. Rakhlin; Tech. Ed.: S.N. Akhlamov; Editorial Board: P.I. Bakulin (Resp. Ed.), M.M. Dagayev, S.G. Kulagin, A.G. Masevich, P.P. Parenago. PURPOSE: The book is intended for astronomers and geophysicists and physioists interested in astronomical phenomena. COVERAGE: This yearbook on astronomy was compiled by a number of Soviet scientists specializing in several different branches of astronomy. The following persons participated in the work: L.D. Kovbasyuk, who wrote the chapters on ephemerides of the Sun and Moon; M.M. Dagayev, the chapters on planets, eclipses, physical coordinates of the Sun, koon, Mrs, and Jupiter, and the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn; V.S. Lazarevskiy,the chapters on ephemerides and heliocentric longitudes ,of planets; Ye.G. Demidov, the chapters on occultation of stars and ' planets by the Mponj observations of Polaris and computation of coor- Card 1/6 Astronomical Calendar, 1960 SOV/3651 dinates of stars; V.A. Bronshten, the chapters on comets; N.S. Yakhon- tova, sections on minor planets; and N.B. Perova, the chapters on variable stars. The appendixes contain articles on recent develop- mbnts and events in astronomy such as the launching of the first Soviet space rocket, the 10th Congress of the International Astronomical Association,held in Moscow in August 1958, developments in a4ronomy in 1958 during the IGY. There are 385 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Editor's Note PART I. EPHEMERIDES Explanations on the Ephemetides Ephemerides of the Sun and the Moon Planets Card 2,6 5 7 ;:,*6 40 Astronomical Calendar, 1960 SOV/3651 Eclipses 66 Opcultations of Stars and Planets by the Moon 90 Physical Coordinates of Sun, Moon, Mars, and Jupiter 103 4tellites of Jupiter 112 Satellites of Saturn Comats 134 135 Minor Planets 136 Variable Stars On the Observation of Polaris 137 148 Card 3/6 Astronomical Calendar, 196o SOV/3653- On-the Computation of Coordinates of Stars 158 PART II. APPENDIXES Developments in Astronomy in 1958 .162 Shcherbina-S&moylova, I.S. The.Sun 162 'Dokuchayeva,O.D. The Stars and Nebulae 180 Bronshten, V.A. The Moon and the Planets 205 Bronshten, V.A. The Comets 218 Arsen~1yevi-V,V. The Firat,-!Soviet Sg6aq Rocket 220 The 10th Congress of the International Astronokic Association 237 Card 4/6 Astronomical Calendar, 1960 SOV3 6 51 Frank-Kamenetskiy, D.A. Discussion on the Origin of Elements 237 Leykin, G.A. Symposium on the Herzsprung-Russel Diagram 240 Shcheglov, P.V. Electron Telescopes 247 Bton8hteh,3.A.~~i The~ Fifth Asbeih~iy. of ',the Speblal.-Committbe on the Intibrr-` national Geophysical Year 252 Masevich, A.G. Visit to Observatories in the United States 262 Semakin, N.K. The People's Observatory of the Plant imeni Likhachev 284 Sakharovskiy, L.T. "Eternal" Calendar with TILble of Lunar Phases 292 Perell, Y~i.G- 350th Anniversary of Galileo's Discoveries With the Tele- scope 308 Card 5/6 Astronomical Calendar, 1960 SOV/3651 Perell, Yu.G. Anniversaries in Soviet and World Astronomy in 1960 313 Bibliography (compiled by Yu.G. Perell) 330 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 6/6 TM/lsb 6-23-60 30) AUTHOR: Dokuohayeva,0,-D. SOV/33-36-3-10/29 - -------------------- TITLE: Determination of the Mass of the Orion Nebula From Photographs in the Red Light PERIODICAL: Astronomioheskiy zhurnal,1959,Vol 36,Nr 3,Pp 461-467 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper contains an estimation of the radiation E nx 0 f the Orion nebula in Hcin ergs/cm 2 see in a unit solid angle. Four photographs of the nebula (with red filter) were used which were taken by the author in 1954 in GAISh with a 25-cm telescope and by G.A.Manova in 1955 in the Astrophysical Observatory AS Xaz. SSR with a 50-0M telescope. The calculations are carried out for the concentric domains of the nebula (extent: 55,',,2601,and 430.0- The En7C"lues everalze& over the whole measured surfaces are: 2 -3 2 2-23-10- ,2-26-10"3 v 5-o6-io ergs/cm see. The mass = and the mean electron densities" ni were calculatea un&er the following assumptions : a) the nebula is spherical, b) the nebula is flat. For a): n1 - 1-3-103 9 4-7,10 29 3-7,10 2; masses - 16, 57t 96 in solar unities. In the case b) the masses are 1.5-2 Card 1/2 times smaller. The results show a good agreement with the data Determination of the Mass of the Orion Nebula SOV133-36-3-10129 From Photographs in the Red Ligot of other observers. The author mentions G.A.Shayn, V.F.Gaze, V.A.Ambartsumyan, P.P.Parenago, S.B.Pikellner, A.A.Nikitin. The author thanks Professor B.A.Vorontsov-Vellyaminov, Academician V.G.Fesenkovt D.A.Rozhkovskiy, and Z.V.Koryagina. There are 16 references, 10 of which are Soviet, 1 English, I French, and. 4 American. ASSOCIATION:Gosudarstvennyy astronomicheskiy institut imeni P.K.Shternberga (State Astronomical Institute imeni P.K.Shternberg) SUBMITTED: June 17, 1958 Card 2/2 DOWGUYNTA, O.D. A presumed variable star iu the Pleiades. Astron.tsir. U0,200313 * 159* (MIRA 1332) 1, Gosudaretvanz.V "tronomicheakiy institut im. PA. Shternberga, Moskva iStars, Variable)