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DODIK KHARCHENKO, R.R. . doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsen- zent; KUTYASHOVA, Ye.M.$ kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., nauchnyy red.; DIKAREVA, A.I., red.; BFMAYEVA, V.V., tekhr. red. [Tranaistori2ed d.c. voltage and current regulators]Polupro- vodnikovye stabilizatory postoiannogo napriazheniia i toka. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovetskoe radio," 1962. 352 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Voltage regulators) (Electric power supply to apparatus) LEVIN., M. I.; DODIK, S. D. Continuous stability of stabilizers with silicon atabilitrons. Izm. tekh. no.10.,42-45 0 162, (MIRA 15:10) (Voltage regulators) DOIDIK,-.3.~ KAPNIK, M.Sh.; SERGEYEV, A.S. Semiconductor stabilizers for output currents of 11 and 50 ampers. I=.tekh. no.4339-41 Ap 163. (MIRA 1615) (Electric current rectifiers) .1 ILYUKUT1,714, Ais~.c I'd Vi~haylovlch; SHWMAII, Doris Rafailovichj K 3 D I red. [Regulators and regulated a.c. power supply sources]Sta- bilizatory i stabilizirovazuWe Astochniki pitaniia pere- mennogo toka. Moskva~ Energiia, 1965. 319 p. (Bibho- teka Vo a,,toratlke, n0.146) (MIRA 16glo) L o5lo4-67 Acc Na: AP6013241 SOURCE COZE: AUTHORS: Dod ik S. D. Gavrilov, A. L ORG: none UR/0413/66/000/008/0033/0034. TITM A device for the composite protection of a semiconductor voltage.stabl-, lizer. Class 21.. No. 180643 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, proWshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 8, 1966, 33- 34 TOPIC TAGS: voltage stabilizer,, circuit design; electric protective equipment ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for the composite protection of a semiconductor voltage stabilizer from overloads, a short circuit in the out- put of the stabilizer, and a depression of the voltage larger or smaller than the specified values. The design simplifies the device and increases its.reliability. The collectors of all semiconductor triodes operating in the comparison circuits ar'e connected through the relay winding with the minus power supply source. These collectors are connected through the normally closed relay contact and resistor to the positive wer supply source. The normally closed relay contact is con- nected to the coMotor circuit of the controltransistore C ard - IA ________UDC:__62l-3l6.93_- "V Is 11 Is V IS IS 0 04 w is 4 if It aito v I I AA I 1 0 0 "oo !-C, 0 -00 00.111:11 t''00 00 -00 0 0 00 o* 00 tmbprw an deposits, V. N. Kotlvar and A. L. Dodig. 00 v 1;6w,4 geol. structutr. minemlismi6olt and retsesis of Cu 1. deposits in Russian Annettia. 11. N. L)antkd SO* 0 31 Z; -00 0 .3 . -00 0 Goo .3 ow see : lij sop 00 :00 lr~ Z78, 009 goo Aw goo woo Age-ILA MMALLORGICAL LITERATM CLASIMPICATICHN IS; NO Iola" "at Q%V 40( 1141 o u it AV so is y -1 -v a w is 0 a 4 3 1 v 1 1 1'A 00000000000 00e90640#609600990 1::::::l!O;Oq*"O"O,,oooo4oooO 006000000400900000 I 1 9 13 is it 11 IS 00 V' 16 It It JL - - A 1 .1 - -m aCc. OR JI m uuIbbus"4414J41 ai age A. b t t I a k k 00 so ;.GO coutent of the UsIn Distilet of the Kut'n*tsk Alit -00 Ton, -A-1-"ut--A-mrd (;ftg. 1041. %'it. .4. IM 0 0 CoAl-Nwilks gmvvl~ pruinAtc chivily !ra"Muwar. atut dw PIP :0:0, 416 114 tf4ttV#'6k44 IM04144t CIAMPIC41mm 61 11 0 u 1, it or Oc Oraa at it I so a 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 1111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 es 0 16 00 0 0 I moo Soo It Z. Uo* Fma w 04 9a a 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 6~ 60 a bpawls of im vown TMA wownbw of the Kunobk Akhm A ~ L I" 'lAvowfl. tried. Afdd. Sto, I I us 11041, 81. 143- 144).- NI."In it onica evid"re ristal,11-hr. the tile marnetwivil'vir. as Mitt'llo Caltiltsiall lite %oln 11101allildt 11.116 &.IN% lati,il -it It I hit rat Witate !q-tt. .,It Ili, I% &nit Issas mines arv described. I . S T. DODIN 9 A. L. DODIN, A. L. Geologiia i poleznye iskapaemye Kuznetskovo Ala-Tau. Moskva, U--Iietekhizdat, 1948. 285 p. "Literaturall: P. 279-/2-827. DLC: QE315.D6 So: LC, Soviet Geography, Part II, 1951/Unclassified. DODIN, A. L. Meteorites - Tannu Tuva Discovery of a meteorite in Tuva, Zip. Vses. min. ob. 81 No- 1, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1952, UNCLASSIFIED. DODIN, A.L. New data on the stratigraphy and voleanism of the central region of the Kuznetsk Ala-Tau. Inform.ebor. VSEGBI no.1:45-52 '55. (MLRA 9:12) (Kuznetsk Ala-Tau--Geology, Stratigraphic) DODIN, A.L. Intrusive c axes of the Kuznetsk Alw-Tau wA Gornaya Shorlys. Inform. o'bor. VSMI no.4:53-61 156. (KM lotO (lusasUk Ala-',&u-RDcks. Igneous) (Gon"a Bhorlya-itwke, Igneous) DODI N, A. L. ------ Main features of tUe history of the development of the Altai- Sayan geoaynclinaltiegion. Mat.VSZGII no-8:305-310 156. (MLRA 10:2) (Sayan Mountain region-Geoloff) (Altai Mountain region--4eology) SPIZILARSKrY, T.N., reds; TOLSTIKHINA, M.A., rod.; RODYI&Mly. V.I.. red.; 1300H, S.G., red.Edoceased); VASILINKO, V.K., red,;-Zolua A Im-, red,, DOMRACHEV, S.M., rod.; KRASHOV, I..I.. red.; KRIMHOWK0, V.S, red.; M10n. V.V.. red.: NIKIFOROVA, O.L. red.: CIBRUGHEV. S.V.. rod.: RZHCNSNITSKAYA, M.A., red.; ROSTOVTSEV, U.N.. red; SAKS, V.N.. red.; SARYCHEVA, T.G., red..; FOHIMM, V.L., red; CHEWSHEVA, N.Ye., red.; YAKOVLEV, S.A.. red.; RAGINA. G.M.. vedushchiy red.; YASHCHMZHINSKATA, A.B.. (Proceeding of the Interdepartmental Conference on the Development of a Unified System for the Stratigraphy of Siberia; reports on the Btratigraphy of Mesoz'olc and Ceinozoic depoatts] Trudy Mezhvedomstven- nogo soveshchantia po razrabotke unifitsirovannykh stratigraficheskikh skhem Sibiri; doklady po stratigrafii mezozoiskikh i kainosOiBkikh ot- lozhenii. Leningrad, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gomo-toplivnot lit-ry, leningr. otd-nie, 1957. 575 P. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Kezhvedomatvemoye soveshchaniye po razrabotke unifitairovannykh stratigraficheskikh ekhem Sibiri. leningrad, 1956. 2. Yeesoyuznyy geologichealdy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut (for Spizbarekiy, Tolstikhina, Boch, Dodin, Krasnov. Meleshcholnio. Nikiforovs, Rostov- tsev, Fomichev, Chernyshevs, Yakovlev). 3. Leningradskiy gornyy insti- tut (for Bodylevskiy). 4. Vsesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatell- skiy geologo-razvedochn37 institut (for Vasilenko Domracbev). 5. Geolo- gicbeskiy institut Akademil nauk SSSR (for Menner~. 6. Isboratoriya dokembriya Akademit nauk SSSR (for Ubruchev). 7. Inatitut geologii Arktiki (for Sake). 8. Paleontologicheakiy institut Akademil nauk SSSR (for Sarycheva) t Q4k--4 -r-1 -1 DIBROV, Y.Te.; DODIN, A.L., prof., nauchW red.; UPITORDY, M.D., red. [Geological structure of the Gutara-Bir7u~a mica-bearing area] Geologicbeekoe stroanie Gutaro-Biriusinakogo sliudonoenogo r6tona. Pod nauchnoX red. A.L. Dnaina. iza-vo VorouezhnkDv goe.univ., 1958. 125 P. WR& naz) (Irkutsk Province--Mica) P0SF=V, G.L., starshiyl nauchnyy sotrudnik; LAPIN, S.S.; BELOUS. N.Kh.; KLYAROVSKIY. V.M.; KINE, O.G.; VAKWSHU, V.A.; SHAPIRO. I.S., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KALUGIF, A.S.; MMIN, A.S.; GAMMS, N.A.1 ='YT, Yu.A.; SELIVESTROVA, H.I.; RUTMICH. V.G.,-B7KOV, G.P.; NIKONOV. R.I.; SAKOVICH, K.G.; MEDVEDKOV, V.I.; ALADYSHKIN, A.S.; PAY, F.Ya.; RUSANOV, M.G.; YAZBUTIS, S.A.; ROZHDESTVENSKIY, Yu.V.; SAVITSKIY, G.Ye.; PRODAHGHUK, A.D.; LYSUKO, P.A.; LEBEM, T.I.; KAMSXAYX, T.Ya.; MASLENNIKOV, A.I.; PIPAR, MITROPOLISKIY. A.S.; LUKIN, V.A.; ZIMIN, S.S.; 6REL'. V.G.; =MIKOV, I.V.; BARDIN, I.P.. akademik, nauchnvy red.-, GOIMACHEV, T.F., nauohnyy red,; YERCUMV, N.A., nauchnyy red.; NEXRASOV, N.N., nauchnyy red.; SKOBRIKOV, MeLep nauchnvy red@; SHIMOV-VARIN, S.S" nauchny.v red. [deceased]; STRUMILIN, S.G., akademik. nauchnyy red.; HIKOV, V.B., nauohnyy red.; CHINAKAL, N.A., nauchnyy red.; ZYUK, ?.To.. red.toma; SOKOLOV, G.A., red.toma; BOLDYHEV, G.P., red.; VOGMAN, D.A., red.; KASATKIN, P.P., red.; KUDASHEVA, I.G., red.iod-va; KUZIMIN, I.P., (Iron-ore deposits of the Altai-Sayan region] Zhelezortidnye masto- rozhdeniia Altse-Saisnakoi gornoi oblasti. Vol.l. Book 1. [Geology] (Continued on next card) POSMrOV. G.L.--(Continued) Card 2. Geologlia. Oftetstvannyl red. 1.P. Bardin. Moskva. 1958. 330 p. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Nezhduvedometvenneya pos;toyannaya komissiya po zhalezu. 2. Postoyannaya mezhduvedometvann .a'ya komisBiya po zhelezu &ademii nauk SSSR (for Pospelov, Shapiro, Sokolov). 3. Zspadno- Sibirskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (for VakhrusheviPospelov.) 4.Zapadno- Sibirskoye gool'odchaskoye upravlaniye (for Sakovich). 5. Krasnoyarskoye geologichaskoye upravioniya (for Pan). 6. Zapadno-Sibirskiy geologo- raxvedochnyy treat Chermtrazvedka (for Prodanchuk). 7. Sibirskiy geo- fizicheakiy treat (for Pipar). 8. Vaeaovuznyy geologicheakiy nauchno- iosledovatellskiy institut (for Dodin). 9, Gornaya eksp6ditsiya (for Kitropollekly). 10, Gornoye upravioniye Kuznetskogo metallurg.kombinata (for Lukin). 11. Tomakly politekhnichaskiy institut (for Zimin). 12. Si- birskiy metallurg.institut (for Korell). 13. Treat Sibneftegeofizika (for Derbikov). (Altai No-antains--Iron ores) (Sayan Mountains--Iron ores) SPIZMSKIT, T.N.,,.red.; BODYLHVSKIY, V.I., red.; BOCH, S.G., red.; VASILENKO, i;Wd.; DODIR, A.L., red.; DOMCHEV, S.M., red.; KRASNOV, I.I., Y.K., red.; red.; XMIM, :V.V.. red.; NIKIFOROVA, 0.1., red.;_.OBRUCM, S.V., red.; RZHORSNITSKAYA, N.A., red.; ROSTOVTSEY, 0 N.N d.; SAKS, T.N., red.; SARYCHEVA, T.G., red.; FOMICHEV, V.D., re : do, CM-MNYSHKVA, N.A., -red.; YAKOURV, S.A., red.; SKVORTSOV, V.P., red.izd-va; PZNIKOVA, S.A., (Decisions of the Interdepartmental Conference on Making Unified Stratigraphic Charts of Siberia] Resheniia Hashvedometvennogo sove- shchaniia po razrabotke unifituirovennykh stratigrafichaskikh ekhem Sibiri. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrans nedr, 1959. 91 p. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Hezhvedomstvannoye soveshchaniya po razrabotke unifitairovannykh stratigrafichookikh iskhem Sibiri, Leningrad, 1936. (Siberia-Geology, Stratigraphic) BARDIN, I.P., akademUr,; ANTIPOT, M.I., nauchnyy red.; GORBACm, T.F., nauch"y red.;J~.A..L., nauchnyy red.; TEROFMY, B'N" nauchnyy red.; KALUGIN, A.$., neuchnyy red.; NEKRASOV, N.N., neuch- nyy red.; POSMOT, G.L., nanchnyy red.; SKOBNIKOY, M.L.. nauchnyy red.; SUDZIUK, P,Te,o nauchnyy red., red.toma; SHIRNOT-YRRIN. S.S., nauchnyy red. [deceased); SOKOLOV. G.A., nauchnyy red., red.toma; MUMILIN, S.G., akademik, nauchnyy red.; KKUMNIKOY, T.B., nailch- nyy red.; CHINAKAL, N.A., usuchnyy red.; SWIRO. I.S., nauchnyy red.; KIMASMA, I.G., redAzd-va; POLEROYA, T.P., [Iron ore deposits of the u.s.s.Rj zholazorudnve matoroohdeniia SSSR. Moskva. Tol.l. (Iron ore deposits of the Altai-Sayan mountainous region] Zhelezorudnye mostorozhdaniia Altao-Saianskoi gornoi Wasti. Book 2. [Description of the deposits] Opisanie mestorozhdanii. 1959. 601 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Akademiya nauk SM. Mezhduvedometvennaya postoyannaya komissiya po zhalezu. (Altai Mountains--Iron ores) (Sayan MountainB-Iron ores) GURIIANOVA, V.K.; -DODIN, A.L.- New data on the geology of the Uda-Iya region in the Eastern Sayan Mountabis. Informi.sbor.VS&GEI no.40:35-44 160. (MIRA 14:12) (Sayan Mountains-Geology) DODIN, A.L.; MAWkOVSKIYp V.K. Basic stratigraphic features of the eastern section of the Eastern Sayan Mountains. Sov. geol. 4 no.4:99-3-13 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy geologicheskiy.institut. (Sarm Mountains-Geology,, Stratigraphic) LIKHANOV$, B.N.; KRAUSTOVAr M.N,; YEROOINAI, A.A.; MARKOV9 F.G.; SPIZHMKUS, T.N.- DOD324, A.L.- KHILITOVA9 V.7a.; CHMFNINq L.M.; GRDFIOVt L.V.2,-mU-e;M. nauk; SHCMBACITV, V.D.; S=, M.Ye.; NEM- CHIROV9 V.S.9 akad.gred.; NEKWOVO N.N.0 red.; PUSTOVALOVO L.V.q red.; ZUBKOV9 A.I.v kand. ekon. naukv red.; KAVUNv T.K.p red, izd-va; SUSHKO- VA9 L.A.9 takhn, red. [Natural corditions of Krasnoyarsk Territory] Prirodrqe usloviia Kraenc-- iarskogo kraia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. rwuk SSSRp 1961. 24S p. (MIRA -14*.7) 1. Krasnoyarskaya kompleksnaya ekspeditsiya..2. Institut geografil AN SSSR (for Likhanovq Khaustova). Pochverxqylinstitut ira. V.V.Doku- chayera AN $SSR (for Yerokbina). Pauchno-issledovatellsIdy institut geologii Arktiki Ministerstva geologli i'okhraxV nedr SSSR (for Markov). 5. Vsesoyu2my goologicbeskiy institut Ministerstva geologii i okhrarq nedr SSSR (for Spizbarski7s, Dodin). 6. Laboratoriya geologii dokenbriya AN SSSR (for nilltova). 7. Kraoncyarskiy pedagogichesUy institut Mi- nisterstva proaveshcheni7a RSFSR (for Cherepnim). 8. Sovet po Izuebaniri DroizvoditellzWkh sil pri Prezidiume AN SSSR 'for Gromov, Likhanov, Khai.1- stovap Yerokhims, Shcherbachm, ShutT7-). 9, Chlen-korrespondent AN SM (for Nekrasovq Pustovalov) (Krasnoyarsk Territory-Natural history) DODIN, A.L. Basic characteristics of the tectonics of the central and eastern parts of the Altai-Sayan region. Trudy VSEGEI 66:21-32 161. (MIRA 15:4) (Altai Mountains-Geology, Structural) (Sayan Mountains--Geology, Structural) DODIN, A.L. Now data on the stratigraphy and tectonics part of the Eastern Sayans. Trudy VBMEI (Sayan ~Jbuntainm--Geology) of the southeastern 58sl49-154 161. (MIRA 15:5) -,DODINO A.L.; ZHURAVIEVAO I.T. Stratigraphy of Sinian anlGambrian sediments in the Sarkhoy Basin of the Eastern Sayan Mountains. Geol. i geofiz. no.6: 20-29 163. (MIRA 19: 1) 1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. Submitted November 10, 1961. DZEVANSKIY, Yu.K.; DODIN A.L.; KONIKOV, A.Z.; KRASNYY, L.I.; MANIKOVSKlyt VY; FOSHKIN, V.N.; LYATSKIY, V.B.; NIKOLISKAYA, I.P.; SALOP, L.I.; SALUN, S.A.; RABKINI M.I.; RAVICH, M.G.; POSPELOV, A.G.; NIKOLAYEV, A.A.; WIN, A.V.; BUZIKOV, I.P.; MASLENNIKOV, V.A.; NEYELOV, A.N.; WITINA, L.P.; NIKOLAYEV, V.A.(deceased]; OBRUCHEV, S.V.; SAVEL'YEV, A.A. ; SFMOVA, I.S.; SUDOVIKOV, N.G.; KHILITOVA, V.Ya.; NAGIBINA, M.S.; SHEYNMANN, Yu.M.; K1JZNhTSOV , V.A.; KUZNETSOVO YU.A.; DDRUKAYEV, R.A.; 1,YAPICIU,:Vp G.F.; NALIVKIN, D.V., glav. red.; VERESHCRAGIN, V.N., zam. glav. red.; MENNER, VA, zam. glav. red.; OVECHKIN, N.K., zam. glay. red.(deceased]; SOKOLOV, B.S., red.; SHANTSER, Ye.V., red.; MODZALEVSKAYA, Ye.A., red.; 011UGAY-EVA, M.N., red.; GROSSGEYM, V.A., red.; KELLEA,B.M., red.; KIPARISOVA, L.D., red.,- KOROBKOV, M.A., red.; KRASNOVp I.I., red.; RRYMGOLITS, T.Ya., red.; LIBROVICH, L.S., red.; LIKHARLV, B.K., red.; LUPPOV, N.P., rtA.; NIKIFORDVA, 0.1., red.; POLKANOV, A.A., red.fdeceased]; RENGARTEN, V.P., red.; STEPANOV, D.L., red.; CHERNYSHEVA, N.Ye.; red.; SHATSKIY, N.S., red.[deceased]; EBERZIN, A.G., red.; SVIRNOVA, Z.A., red.izd-va; GURDVA, O.A., tekhn. red. [Stratigraphy of the U.S.S.R. in fourteen volumes. lower Pre-Cambrian] Stratigrafiia SSSH v chetyrnndtenti tomakh. N12hnii Dokekbriie Moskva, Gas-. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geologii - " * - " - --" .1p +'A. IT.V-CZT?N *104*4 '10r.'- DODIN, A.V.--(Odessa) landslide in Odessa. Priroda 51 [i.e. 521 no.5:112 -163. (MIRA 16:6) (Odessa-Iandolides) DODINq A,Ta.l inzh.; XRTUKOV, I.I., dotsent; PRONIN, A.L. insh.; K.P., inzh.; STOVAS. X.Y., dotsent; IIPSHTZTN. M.M., doteent- Buginsering and geodetic observations on deformations in transport- and-dumping bridges. Ugoll Ukr- 3 no.7:24-27 Jl 159. (MIRA laclo 1,Dnepropetrovski)r gorn" institut. (Mine surveying) RARAB-TARIX, M.Ye.-, DODIN, B.A. The OS-75-typs semiautomatic machine for boring shaped holes. Xul.tekh.-ekon.inform. to.6:12-13 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Drilling and boring machiner7) DODIN, D.A.; GOLUBKOVi-V.S.; ARKHIPOVA, A.I.; ATIASOV, A.I. Division of the trap formation in the northwestern margin of the Siberian Platform in medium-scale geological mappin Inform. sbor. NIIGA no.30:8-21 162. ~M*IRA 17:1) DODT!T. 1 (11 !., 1, -16 - - H c, IL , .1 J. - in tile compoiition ), tyle 11nifl. d trati apf c a ale of . , -.1 ,- e D gr d c volcani c formations in the northwestern part of the Siberiar llat~orm, (Yenisay ore area). Uch, zap. N11GA Reg.geol. nop3s27-50 164. (MIRA 18:10) DODIN, D.A.; LENIKINp Ye.N. Classif3cation of the effusive rocks of Siberian trap formations as revealed by a study made in the northwestern part of the Siberian Platform. Uch. zap. NIIGA. Re geol. no.4:18-35 164. ~iIIRA 18%12) GOLUBKUVj, VA.; DODINq D&A. low proapective section in the Korllfsk ore region. Uch. sup. 11110A. Rog, geol, no,4t98-115 064, (HMA IWO BAT-AKIREV, V.P., inzh.; DCDIN,,--,,I,.G., inzh. State. and development of hydrau3io mounted systems abroad. Trakt. sallkhozmasho 33 no,6:46-3 of aover Jo 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. GosudaratVann7y nauohno-isaladovat4 I ski7 traktornyy institut. (tractors-Hydraulic equipment) - -DODIN, L.G., inah. Characteristics of the design and parametric series of gear pumps. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no.7:46-48 J1 164. (MIRA 180) [) C7 DODIN, M.G.; GIRSHOOVICH, N.L. -- NNNONaw~ A now method of treatment of genuine ozena. Vest. otorinolar. No-3t 72-74 May-June 50- (CLML 19:4) 1. Of the Central Scientific-Research Insitute of Otolaryngology of the Ministry of ftblic Health RSFSR (Director -- Honored Worker in Science Prof. V.K.Trutnav). I DODIN, H. G. Results of unifications of polyclinics and hospitals in otorhinolaryngologio work (RSFSR). Vast. otorinolar., Moskva 13 no,.4-.13-16 July-Aug 1951. (CLUL 21:1) 1. Professor. 2. Of the Central Scientific-Research Institute of Otorhinolaryngology of the Hinistry of Public Health RSFSR (Director - Honored Worker in Science. Prof. V. K. Trutney), BMJK, O.L., inzh; DODIN, N.P., InA; KWTS137,71.S., kand. teklm. nauk I Retjidue,centrifuges for tY ierlux washing of residues. Khim. i'neft. mashinostr. rio,2t4-7 Ag t64 (14IRA 18&1) DODII', V.Z., inzh. I........ .. . ,-- Method for mechanical steam working of frozen ground. Strol. (MIRA 11:10) prom. 36 n0-9:8-13 S '58- (Frozen ground) (Steam) .. DODIN, V.Z., inzh. I........................ ~__- Increaoing the effectiveness of pro-excavation treatment of frozen ground. Prom.stroi. 37 no.8138-42 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:11) (3hrozen ground) (lbundatione) DODIN, V.Z. , in-th. Laying temporary underground pipelines in permafrost. Prom. stroi. 37 no.10:40-43 0 1~9. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatellekly InBtitut organizateii moklianizateii i telchnichsslco7 lx)moshcbi strottellstvu Alcademii stroitellstva i arkbitak-tury SSSR. (Frozen ground) (Pipalinon) UTMKOVO V.F.p kand.tekhn.nauk (deceased]; BOGATYREVp I.I.p kand,tekhn. naukj DOP Z.p inzh.; GORDIMMOp N.Aeq inzh,,* MUKUq V*Mop inzh.; BEREZO S 9 B,Ly inzhej KOVALEVSKIY9 P,I.9 inzh.j ROGOVSKff, L*Vop inzh,; SHABALINAq T.I,; PSTROVA9 V.V.p red.izd-va.-, AERAMOVA, T.M.9 tekhn,red, [Temporary instructions for carrying out building and,assembly operations in the Far North and in permafrost regions VrememrWe ukazaaiia po proizvodstvu stroitellno-montuhrWkh rabot v ualoviiakh Krainego Seyers, i raionov rasprostraneniia mnogoletnei merzloty. VU 2-60o Moskmj dosoizd-vo 3it-ry po stroit.j arkhit. i stroit. materialam,$,,lq6O- 59 p. (K= -14&6) 1. Akademiya stroitel'Btva i arkhitektury SSSR.- Institut organi- zatsiip mekhani ii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstva. (Russiag Northern-Building-Cold weather conditions) DODIN, V.Z. Construotion of underground piping in the northern part of the Angara-Pit Basin. Sbor.nauch.rabAM no.12s55-81 162. (MIRA 16:4) (Angara Valley-Pipelines) (Pit Valley-Pipelines) (Frozen ground) 0 IODITT 3 V.Z. , inzh. Rapid thawing of frozen gro-,ind for the construction of trenches. Stroi. i dor. mash. 6 no.10:29-31 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Frozen ground) ALPATKIN, Mikhail Tikhonovich, inzhI DQD~~IJ.Z.,,kand. tekhn. neuk, nauchn. red.; ANDREYEV, V.A., inzh.p nauchn, red. [Mechanization of earthwork in perennially frozen ground] Mekhanizataiia zemlianykh rabot v usloviiakh mnogoletnei merzloty. Moskva) Stroiizdat, 1965. 131 P. (MIRA 18-4) DODIN, Ta. I. Let's organize the construction of instruments needed to automatize underground transportation; a letter to the editors. Gor.zhur. no~3: 63 MY 156. NM 9:8Y 1. Glavnyy energetik Leninogorskogo kombinata. Nine railroads) (Automatic control) 1) C I P 1 A) .0 L -f,4 , "'t, DODIN, Ya.l., inzh. r---Zx,)1-0-0ion hazards in coripressor pistons. Tor. chur. no.12.66-67 D 1579 (KIRA II.-I) 1. Yuzhno-Kanakhotanakly Soymrkhos,. (Compressors--Kaintanance and repair) MUSATOV, T.P. inzh.; SHCHUKIN, B.D.; FIKSKAN, S.I. (Odessa) GERSHKOVIGH, S.F.; SMIELLI , R.V., DODIII, Ya.l.: ZXYLIDSON. Ye.D. Problem of automation and remote control in industrial sub- stations. Prom.energ. 12 no.8:1-7 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1.Stalinskiy setevoy rayon Donbassenergo (for Musatov). Z.Gidropro.yekt, g. Kikybyshev (for Shchukin). 3.Novo-Yomerovskiy khimkombinat (for Gershkovich). 4.Novosibirskoye otdeleniye Goeudar8tvennogo-proyektnogo inatituta Elektroproyekt (for Shnall'). 5.Laninogorski.v polimetallicheBkiy kombinat (for Dodin). 6.Tekhnicheskoye upravleniya Ministerstva elektrostantsiy (for Ze.vlidzon). (Electric power) (Automatic control) V C d / tq) Yri - -F AUTHOR: Dodin, Yali., Engineer 110-12-19/19 TITLE: Defects of the Method of Starting Synchronous or Induction Motors from One of Two Parallel Circuits at Rated Voltage. (Comments to the article by Prof. A.Ya. Berger, published in No.9, 1956) (Nedostatki puska v khod sinkh onnogo ili asinkhronaogo dvigatelya. ot odnoy iz dv-ukh parallellnykh vetvey pri nominallnom napryazhenii) (Po, povodu stat'i .Prof. A.Ya. Bergera, pomeBhchennoy v vo.9 za 1956 S.) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti, 195?, Vol 28 No.12, 't, pp. 74 - ~5 ~UssR) ABOTRACT: An article entitled. "Starting of Synchronoub or, Motors from One of Two Parallel Circuits at Ratea Volt&ge**'-by Prof. A.Ya. Berger was published in Vestnik Blektroprozyshlenn- ostil iio-9, 1956, but did not mention defects in this method. A most important matter is the stability of the winding insu- lation with this method of starting, and operating experience has shown that the starting currents have a very damaging effect thereon. The method was used on a mine skip hoist MSMI- factured by the Khar1kov Electrical-mechanical Works (Rh The machine was started from one of the parallel Supply sources, but only with difficulty and after a time the stator insulation (;ardl/2was badly damaged. When the machine had been rewound, starting 110-12-19/19 Defects of the Method of Starting from one of Two Parallel Circuits the Article by Prof. A.Ya. Berger, Synchronous or Induction Motors at Rated Voltage. (Comments to published in no.9, 1956) was arranged through a reactor. Another case of the same kind is quoted and it is said that others have occurred so that the Khar'kov Works no longer recommends the method. Reply by Prof. A.Ya. Berger This article is followed by a brief reply from Prof. A.Ya.Berger, who says that Dodin's conclusions are not justified. The method of starting is being widely used in the USA and will undoubtedly be used in the USSR. The trouble was that in Dodin's case, the wrong starting conditions were used. The damage to the stator windings occurred because they were not sufficiently reinforced. Only one ring of binding wire was used instead of two, as is done with the corresponding motors of the Elektrosila Works. It should be borne in mind that the starting current is reduced not for the sake of the motor but for the sake of the supply circuit. The motor should be able to stand up to the starting conditions just as a generator should be able to withstand sudden short circuits. Card2/2 ASSOCIATION: Leninogo.rsk Pqlymeta~lic Kombinat (ie.ninogorskiy Folimet- allicheskiy Kombinat) AVAILABIR; Library of' Congress., AUTHOR: Dodin, Ya.I., Engineer. 94-3-6/26 TITIB: A etho6 of Locating the Route of Metal Pipelines (Metod opredeleniya trass metallicheskikh truboprovodov) PERIODICAL. Promyshlennaya. Energetika, 1958, Vol 13 V0.3 pp. 11 - i2 ~USSR).' ABSTRACT: The article describes a method of tracing buried pipes by passing audio-frequency current and searching with a search coil and headphones. Simple typical circuits are given, and show a.f. injection through two manholes or through one manhole and a driven earth. One installation used a 950-cycle valve oscillator with an output of from 4 to 100 V. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATIOA: Leninogorsk Polymetal Combine (Leninogorskiy poli- me'uallicheskiy kombinat) AVAIIABIE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 BROVMAN,, M.Ya.; DODIN. Yu.A. Shaping bimetal by preesuree Kuse-shtam. proizv. 5 no.1:3-5 A 163. (MLRL 16 -.2) (Laminated metals) (Shoot-metal work) BROVMAN, M.Ya.; DODIN, Yu.S. -.I - Calculation of temuerature fields in rollers. Inzh.-i*iz. zhur. no.11:77-81 N 164. (MIM 18:2) 31055. DODINA., YE. L. Spongioblastoma zritellnogo nerva. Vestnik oftalmologii, 1949, No. 5, s. 44-45 S/'137/62/000/001/074/237 A0601AI01 WniORS: Brovnian, M. Ya., Dod:tn, Yu. S. TITLE: Determination of stresses in continuous mills PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 1, 1962, 2, abstract 1D7 (V ob. "Stall". Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1961, 287 - 300) TEXTj The stresses between the stands have a considerable effect upon the,forces an4 moments of the rolling and the forces on the rolls, which affects the operation of the individual elements of the mill. Formulae are derived for determining the stresses and the changes in roll forces related to them, and also formulae for correcting the number of revolutions with the aim of eliminating the stresses. A relation was established between the stretches and the roll speeds at which -the stresses will be absent. The formulae can be applied, for example, to calculate a slabbing mill (lst sta;id horizontal, 2nd stand vertical). A numerical example is given for calculating the stresses between the 2nd, 3rd, and 4+,h stands of a continuous billet mill 850/700/500. The results obtained coincided closely with those found experimentally. The method is applicable to any number of stands. ".1hera are 6 references. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Ye. Bakhman Card 1/1 8/18Z/63/000/001/001/012 AOo4/Ai26 AUTHORS: Brovman, M. Ya., Dodin, Yu. S. TITLE: Problems concerning the pressure working of b4metals PERIODICAL:- Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo,*no. 1, 1963, 3 5 TEXT: Since forgin and rolling of bimetals is being employed t6 a growing eitent, not only the caAglation of the deformation stresses, but also determin'- iftf the possibility of d(~formation, while the cohesion between the metal layers" isiensured, Is of interest for practical purposes. The authors study various pr6blems connected with the plastic deformation of.forgings consisting of seve al tayers with diffdrent mechanical properties. They are analyzing the diagram of Plane deformation, including the stress components, speed components and yield poixit, and derive a number of formulae, taking into account the various technola- gical factors. The solutions obtained for forging operations refer, in an analo- gous mode, also to the rolling, drawing.and pressing of bimetallic strip. There are 5 figures. Card 1/1 1?2RIOMOVA, V.G.; KUMBLI, L.M.; MASHKILISYSOD, -1 A.L. (Moskws) Side effects in the treatment of certnin severe skin disenses vith ACTH and cortisone. Probl.-endok. i gorm. 3 n0.6:83-89 N-D 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Is-muzhskogo koshnogo otdeleniya (zav.-prof. M.I.Per) klinichoex0y kashno-venerologichaskoy bollnitsy imeni Korolenko (glavnyy vrach- zoolu-shenW vraoh RSFGR V.P. Nikolmyev) (SKU DISFAASIS, therapy, ACTH &'cortisone, side off. (Rue) (ACTH, injurious effects, si4e eff, in skin dis. ther. (RUB) ,OIRTISOIM, inj. off. (r spa*) 1. 'AVR ZOVSKIT, -.'V. M. DODIONAVA, 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Stereochemistry 7. Spatial hindrances in the formation of stereolsomeric N-polyoxyalkyl substitutes of oaminoazo dyes. Dokl. AN SSSR 87 no. 40. D 152 9. Mont jjj&l If Russi Accessions Library of Congress, Feb. 1953. Unclassified. t 1F.4 P'A )/FWP(b)/F4A (c Pf-4 ACCESSIO)i NF: ARSO 130') i UP /0 13 7/b 5,10nr, /01-- '10 5F, 6bg. 151. 0 18. 85 SOURCE- Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 111350 AU740F,- Dabagyan, N. P.; Sagitov, G. A.; Barziy, V. K.; Dodoka, L. I. 7 1 and ~-roperties of a three-layered YIilBN')T+ St )+ CITED SOURCE- Sh. tr. Ukr. n.-i. in-t metallov, vyp- 10, 1964, IjPIC TAGS: mtal c1ddd .n& tal mechanical property, steel TRANSLATION: The steel was prepared by casting stain ess slabs into molds and sub- sequently nolling the three-layered ingots. The untrimmed sheet had a width of 1100 rLm. ove-zall thic~.ness of 6.0-6.3 mm, and cladding thickness of 1,e che-idca_! --o=i7 _-si ~ icm, .- f the steel was as follovs ( in %) :Kh 18N97 10.55 N-1, 17.68 Cr, and 0.50 Ti; St3sp--0.020 C, 0.52 Mn, 0.16 Si. The mecnar-Ica- properties o5 cross sectional and longitudinal specimi-ens were as follows, respe:-- t 1; ve .1 Y:C56.F arj(~ 57.8 kg/MM2, CTa/Cyb= 0. 755 and 0. 740, Ck= 30. 0 and 39. 0 k and a1()= 27 nd 29.2%. The clad steel behaved like a homogeneous metal when Card 1/2 L '58363-65 ACCESSION HR: A.R5013021 ibent until the sides touched. The optimum method of heat treatment of the steel is normalization from 9000C for 5 min which gives the clad layer satisfactorv re- sistance to intergranullar corrosion and the following high mchanic~-' ~Zlrl 54.2-5(,.L4 kg/mrr, 6 A and c, 24.0-26 . The structure of the clad iayers consists uniformly d-*Str4buted carbides of Cr; the st-.uctu,.3 of the base meta. grains of ferrite and perlite. At the layer bour.daries there is a layer in the base --tal which is about 0.1 un thick. The micrnhardnp- -P metal ;s 2 1;-~.xg/.auun~ , 16 1 kg/mm4 for the decarburized layer, and i the clad layer. SUB CODE: M.M ENCL: DO Cori /2 DODKHO)[E~~- DYnamics of "stem manifestations" in the EEG under the effect of dehydrating substances in patients with cerebral tumors. Vop. neirokhir. 28 no.1:27-33 Ja-F 164. (MIR!,, 18, 1) I. laboratoriya neyrofiziologii (zav. - doktor biologicheskikh nauk V.Ye. Vayorchik) Nauchno-issledovatellskogo ordena Trudovogo Kras- nogo Znameni instituts, neyrokhirurgii imeni N.N. Burdenko (direktor - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. B.G. Yegorov) AIAN SSSR, Moskya. SOKOLOVA, A.A.; FALLF*z, TX.; DODKHOYEV. S.D. Dynamics of cerebral edema under the effect of dehydrating substances according to BEG data. Vop. neirokbir. 28 no.l: 22-27 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 18-1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskly ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut neyrokhirurgii imeni N.N. Burdenko (direktor - deyst- vitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. B.G. Yegorov) AMN SSSR, Moskva. LX)EKHUDOYNV. Nazarsho; KAYATHIMYj I., red,,; TYUNEWA, A.. (Toward & now flourishing of sovie-t Tojikistaul X novo= rantevatu Sovetakogo Tadzhikistana. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1959, 62 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1.Predsedatell Goveta Ministrov Tadshikskoy SSR (for Dodkhudoyev). (TaJ W stan--History) (Tajikistan--Zooaomic policy) DOMOVA, 0. N.; YABLOKOVA, M. L.; SHAPIRO, S. L. "On the basic problems of combatting measles." Report submitted to the 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epidemkiologist and Infectionists. 1959 DODC, R. DOW.9 B. Diagram for the damping factor of torbicnal vibration in reciprocating engines. p. 109. Vo- h5, 1955 ZBOPIIIK RADOVA Beograd, Yugoslavia C Swe Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. 4 April 1956 DODOC, P. Additions to the method of establishing the optimum conditions for metal splintering with hard-alloy-plated tools. p. 199. PETALURGIA SI GOISTRUCTIA rE MASINI. (Ministarul Industriei Metalurgice si Contructiilor de Masini si Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia) Bucuresti, Rumania; Vol. 11, no. 3, Mar. 1959 Sept. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) IL Vol. 8, No. Q,/19501 Uncl. VATSMAN. Khaim Gershavich; DODOOORSKIT, N.A., insh., red.; SOLODKOV, V.A., red.ixd-va; A:GIMWA-,-MO'X.*, (Electric devicos for controlling marine electric motors] Blektricheskaia apparatura upraylanita sudovTmi slaktrodri-or, gateliami. M.oakra, Isd-vo "Morskol. transport," 1958- 383 P. (Mirano.12) (Electricity on ships) (Blectric controllers) ., DODOGORSKIY N A inzh. . Problems concerning the manqacture of low-voltap apparatus. Vest. elektroprom. 34 no.1:4-5 Ja 163. (IURA 16:1) (Electric equipment industry) A C NRt SOURCE CODE: Ull/~il77/65/0;,11/000/0038/0052 AT6012089 AUTHOR: ClickmaDin-L. P.'(Aciulcmician AN UkrSSR); E~iflyan, Al, At, (Pmfessor); I/ (Candidale of to Moleshko, V. 1. (Candidate of technical sciences); Prokot"yev, V. 1. chnical sciences); Avi-vinenko, 1. N. (Engineer); Dodolut, V, G_ Knvjjv.W,, V. A. (Engineurl Kudin, D. P,. (Engineer);-Lola, V. N. (EnFi_necr);_Movshovich, V. S. (Engincer); 11avlishchov, V B (En gincer); Soroko, L. N -, (Engineer); -Bukhobrus, Yo. 1-1. (Engineer); Miolodnyy, V. P. cor); Yudln, Al. I. (Engineer) ORG: none "7,-. ed\~ TITLE: Improvements in the techniques of productio of Ehl8N10T cold-.roll wide-strip steel at the-Zaporozhstall Plant SOURCE: I Dnepro2etrovsk. Institut chernoy metallurgi rudy, v. 21, 1965. PTokatn'oye proizvoddtvo (Welding production), 38-52 TOPIC TAGS: stainless stool, bright stock lubricant, metal rolling, sheet metal, industrial plant / Xhl8N10T stainless steel, P-28 bright, stock lubricant ABSTRACT: On increasing to 11. 8 tons from the previous 10. 3 tons the weight of the ingots ACC NRt AT6012089 of KhISNIOT stainless steel used to produce 1000 mm wide sheets the Zaporozhstall Plant found it possible to reduce by 40-50 kg/MM2 the wastage of metal during slabbing. Other inno- vations introduced in recent years at this plant Include: fettiing, name scarfing and planing of ingot surfaces so as to eliminate defects of metallurgical origin prior to slabbing. These measures, along with Improvements in the ingot reheating regime, have made it possible to increase the productivity of Blabbing mills by 15-20%. I'lic Ingots themse es are cone-shaped in order to optimize the conditions of crystallization of the molten metal! After trimming and heating to 1050-1300T the stabs proceed to a continuous strip mill where they are rolled into 1000 mm, wide strip. By introducing the cold rolling of this strip In a reversible four-high mill with a reduction of 85% and by abandoning the practice of Intermediate quenching during the prod tion of 0. 8-1.4 mm (hick sheets rolled fronV. 0 mn) thick stock, using P-28 bri t '1U s tocif(highly viscous mineral oil) as the toe -using highly polished rolls, and increasing the convexity of the rolls to offset the inercat;o In roll pressure, and thus streamlining the rolling techniquesto an extent at'which it became possible to roll in 13 passes 0. 8 mm thick strip without overloading the rolls and main drive, the Zaporozlistall Plant has found it possible to increase by 81% the productivity of Its sheet mill and by 180%0 the productivity of its rover- sible cold-rolling mill. The annual savings produced by these innovations amount to: for the slabbing-mill shop, 162, 000 rubles; for the sheet-mill shop, 91, 000 rubles; for the cold rolling shop, 719, 000 rubles. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 9 tables. SUB CODE; 13, H/ SUBM DATE: none/ O1UG REF; 015 Card Z/2 TSELUYKO, Yu.I.; SADAKH, A.F.; BOBOSHKO, V.S.; DODDKA, V.G.; LIKHININ, A.I.; Prinimali uchastiye: PEKKER, A.N.; LOLA, V.N.; KMZIJK, F.A.; BDNDAREV, L.V.; REZNMV, Yu.N.; KLEKLI, A.E. Study of the heating of metal in a holding furnsep. Stall 25 no.5;462-464 FT 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Nauchno-issledovateliskiy i proypktnyy institut metallurgicheskoy promyshlemooti. DODOKHODZHAYXV~.Ya.yu. Comparative data on the weight and volume of the thyroid gland in fetuses and the newborn in Leningrad and Stalinabad. Zdrav T d h. 8 no.3:46-1+9 Ny6-Je 161. (MIRA :~,: ~~ 1. Iz kafedry akusher6tva i ginekologii No.1 (zav. doktor mod. nauk S,.,Kh.Riakimova) i kafedrT patologichaskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. B.I.Monastyrskaya) Stalinabadskogo medinstituta Imeni Abuali ibni Sino. (THYROID GLAND) DODOLINAI, V. T. Cand Agr Sci - (diss) "Light-brown soils and solonetzes of the southern part of the Volga River Region Heights and changes of their properties as a result of agricultural use." Moscow, 1961. 22 pp; (All-Union Order of Lenin Academy of Agr Sci imeni V. I. Lenin, All-Union Scientific Research Inst of Fertilizers and Agro-Soil Behavior); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 251) R/009/60/000/010/004/009 A125/A126 AUTHORSs Bivolaru, Ion, and Dodon, Eugen TITLE: On the determination of the static rigidity of drilling machines FERIODICAL: Metalurgia Vi Construclia de Ma?ini, no. 10, 1960, a78 - 882 TEXT-. The authors prove in this paper that at drilling machines the machining accuracy and the productivity of the machine depend on its rigid- ity. On the basis of the general relation of rigidity R, R kg/mm, coefficient of accuracy El D (2), feeding pressure P, P = CPD zPSYPI kg, (4), Card 1A On the determination of the static rigidity... drilling time T, T min, ns drilling speed v, Cv m v = -x t v,,yv in min) and unitary time Tunitp (zp-')('-Yv) 1-yv K-D., -Y P 8 -jp Tunit 1-YV R Yp they deduce the equation of the productivityz 1 -Y" R Yp (ED--')(I-yv) I-yv KD Yp yp R/009/60/000/010/004/009 A125/A126 (6), (9), Card 2/4 R/00 60/000/010/004/009 On the determination of the static rigidity... A125YA126 where Yp, Yp, and zp are the exponents, 3) - the diameter of the drill and K - a constant. This relation expresses-the connection between the pro- duotivity Q, rigidity R, diameter of the drill D and coefficient of accu- racy, and shows the importance of the rigidity with regard to accuracy and productivity. The authors use then the method of statical determination of the rigidity. It consists of the loading of the drilling machine with a known force by a dynamometer and of the measuring of the distortions in different parts of the machine by comparators. The measurements have been accomplished with a type 0 25, "Intr9lirea", Oradea radial drilling machine and a Sokolovskiy dynamometer. -The maximum load was 500 kgf. The distor- tion of the machine along the maximum displacement a can be computed on the basis of the obtained results. After having determined the angle between the main shaft and the vertical ~cl c = Ml ad, Ear (13) and the angle between the perpeAdicular line of the table and the vertical line, as well as the maximum displacement AMI Card 3/4 R/009/60/000/010/004/009 On the determination of the static rigidity... A125/A126 I -YM rad, (14) 2 L the authors deduce the maxiMum displacement 11 - sin PC- YC (15). The machining accuracy is influenced by the inclination due to the distor- tion of the column and due to the distortion of the table console. On the basis of equation P = PC + omf (16) in which the angle A indicates the de- viation of the performed hole axis against the theoretical hole axis, the authors deduce the relation of the final error of the hole S, in function of the depth h and diameter of the hole, productivity, rigidity of the ma- chine and concrete technological factors, Ki YID _y YV K.D Zp. QT V (21). R This relation can be used.for the determination of the machining conditions. There are 13 figures, 3 photos and 3 Soviet-bloc references, Card 4/4 DOWN . E. Splintering system for tur-ing by the copying process. Bul St si Tehn Tim 7:177-184 162. -IL 'k-i - IrW'' DODON, L.L. 0 kullture povedeniia sovetskogo molo- dogo cheloveka (Cultivation of behavior of the young Soviet person. Leningrad, Vsesoiuzme obshchestvo po rasprostraneniiu politicheskikh i nauch. znanii, 1952. 32 p. SO- Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 6, No'. 1, April 1953 I DCDOII) 1-11. "Ddviation of silk cocoons from the normal in regard to aspect and, char-actc-riztics, and their importance in spinning", p. 21,(T!,,XTIIZ,, Vol. 2, no. 6, June bucuresti) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession, Vol. 2, no. 8, Library of Congress, August 19153, Uncl. DODONA, S. Reducing the waste of bitumen in the Belenice mine, 4, TEKNIKA, (Ministria Xndustri-Miniera dhe Ndertim-Komunikacion5*Tirane, Vol. 11) No. 2., Har./Apr. 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List~ (EHAL) Library of Congress, Vol.514, No. 12, December 1956 WWHAj S. Coordination of the rechaniam of work in our mines. p. 20 TEKNIKA. (Ministria, Inditstri-Miniera, dhe Wdertim-Konu;Wmcion) Tiranej Bulgaria. (Issued by the Ministry of Industry and Mining and the Ministry of Construction and Communication. Bimonthly) Vol. 5 (i.eq 6) no* 3P May/June 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EELI),, LCO Vol. Pp no. l1,, Nov. 1959 Uncl, DODONOV, A. I Probleis' Ag 163. of thwliheory of amortization. Vop. ekon. (Depreciatioh) no.8:117-128 (KRA 16:9) F. r va A -V. J-j v V v% 32.313 r. 10 R A Z. A A " 12 t m~ . . I ~ A A zi ou 3 a Iq u g" 4 Al J, ffl RE I A oil N I K - f1l jJ; 3 F Ali 1. 112 .3 aj: a S:j 11 ial.j 1 8 T s -0 Iva 41 .13 Val vt Jas I ~;. A . ~ "~ -.~! g cq~ all. ul A a Ag - ': .1 '1 -_ At /I-, F! vu T -T : j-, I T q -j Aq A C', i~ P.-D 'V,.1 J. p r L p 7, -T, r--T tcl. A 3. -4 M., .1-ITZ-75 Nul Aq r . . . P-f W.T2 . . . . . . L. C/I P-3 J, l, M j I-TIAI- -q.4' j~ A . . . n.,. T, . 11 L . . . .J.1 S.T . . . . IT.j 4x 24; .7 J, oo~- I-qV -13YUSHy QCZ-1;5'Z "d '1 "' 11561 "'Ild-I 'ATS'-TV-3-H ',In- ; , N't "(;. 'I I . . P30 'UTSS l- 1-.P.,ly 'AT! ... I I-mrool"m 3. .... ju.3 V IIITJ. U-Ts ..ON motuny SOV-128-58-7-14/20 AUTHORS: Belousov, P.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Dodonov, A.A., Engineer TITLE: A Valuable Book for Foundrymen (Tsennoye posobiye dlya rabot- nikov liteynykh teekhov) PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 7, pp 27-28 (USSR) ABSTRACTt This is a review of a 113pravochnik liteyahchikall ("Foundry Manual") for aluminum and magnesium casting, by I~F, Kolobnev, V.V. Krymov, and A.P. Polyanskiy, edited by N.N. Rubtsov, Mashgiz, 1957. 1. Fomdries-1WR 2. Magresiun~--CastiDg 3. AliLpirlum-Casting Card 1/1 If and A. A. (Engr. ) KOWI K. G.) (cand. tech. Sci.) DCDONOV, 0~ NEDNIKOV., Z. G. "Casting Under Pressure by Using a Vacuum." All-Union Conference of Foundry Workers. end of 1957. Moscow. Mashinostroitell, 1958. No. 5, p. 48. Dot>cioov 16". UNINAC11ON olf ALUMINA FROM VUHRUGINMIS 4'1.AV.--A. A I K1% ol tile quantity In who h Ow CLAV k fritard so the quantsir AL AVIEURS Gulyayev, B.B. sov/24-58-4-37/39 TZTLN: Conference on crystallization of Xeta;&(SoveshchaAlya Vo kristal.lisateii metallov) MUODICAL. IZT*stlya Akadenii Sauk SSSR, Otdel*xLiye Takhatchookikh Sauk, 1958, Nr 4, pp 153 - 155 (USSR, A88TRACTz This coAforenco was hold at the Institut mashinovedemiya AN fi;SSR (Institute of Mechanical Zog"oering or the Ac.Sc. UM) on June 28-31, MS. About 400 people participated and "a participants included specialists in the fields of foundry, metallurgy crystallography, physica, molding, boat pbysical cheastry, mathematical physics and otbezw, rela6d subjects. In addition to Soviet participants. foreign visitors included Professor D. Ctikl (East Ger=&V) and 9.1. Chverincy (Czechoslovakia). This conference on crystallization of metals was the fourth conference relating to the. general problem of Us theory foundry procitases. .g~_]Aimtion Of $On-ferrous Metals. S.N. Belouaov and In ~Zezr paper _,Lavss~lga~lon 01 Eve n and the Properties of Nozb.-forrou3 metals Under Conditions of Applying Pressure', presented results of szpariments an prcducimLg castings which crystaZlise mader pressure from all sides and piston pressure within a wi4e range of specific leads. Tba results of the Investigation provide material tar Mroving existing notbodo :f applying pressure to int nc* the crysta.111matiou of alloy . The Influence of the conditions of crystali- Imation an the testing and mechanical properties of &I-Intum alloys, at normal and at elevated temperatures, were discussed in the papers of I.F. Kol2buev and Aro-fismanow. T21@ reau.Lts of investigations of the conditions of crystallisation of all-mi-Jum alloys dazing continuous casting wars presented, in the paper of To.D. _ZsJQ&rcv. N.L. Pokrovokly " D.To. QYA&Leako CardBAO dom.1twith the foatures-cf-crystaIllantion of various ]MOD-fOrrous a.110yo and the physico.cbsixical phenomena scoomps.aqLas this procesh. I ation of Xetsis in the ath. The ZMotall a -InTOStigation 0"492Mg papers -ore "Ad. at the Features of the Ricroscopic Chemical Son-unircrrity In A3JoYs'; G.L_ Petrpv - -Crystall.Loation and Chemical Son-amiforno-ty In'Veri.;oints"; M.Kb. ShorshorcT and V-8- 64d.711b - *lAfluouce of 3on-uniforat-tigs of 091-t9=satiOn in the Wald Bath on the Jormetion of Rot cracks,. or metals I, sation ,I. Ultr ... E~Ie.2,71.1d. =g=P*p;r* were r Or 0 the Ar.Sc. -)ftloruss,_ N. Sirota. 11 -d K2. *xLko - -Crystal,,. at an of Xet~lm and L11Cy, I. _*1%.*"C, " .14. 1 1.1. TEL&A. - 'Ifluen-0 of slawtin O.cillations on the - Processes of Crystallization and the to'NO-logical properties of Alloys--, L.L_,-,Ui,, 9" A.A. Yorokwu - Zffoct of ultrasonic* on crystaltisin, CaA,dg/]LO Smt&l In_ mr-Weld Bath". DODONOV, A. A., and BELOUSOV, N. N. I'llacum Casting of Nonferrous Alloys," P- 95- in book Mechanization and Automatic Control of Founding Processesj Leningradj 1?57) 221jpp. NRo AP60363B4 sona com uR/ol28/66/oOO/On/0OO3/U00T. AUMOR, Beloueov, K, No (Candidate of techni,bal acierices)l P~dqnov, A. A. (Engineer) ORG: none TITIE: The effect of chemical composition and melting, casting and solidification onditions on the mechanical properties of new aluminum-magneoium alloys : OURCEt Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 11, 1966, 3-7 TOPIC TACS, aluminum magnesium alloy, zirconium containing alloy, beryllium containing alloy, titanium containing alloy, silicon containing alloy, iron con- taining alloy, aluminum caot alloy,,alloy property /AL27~-l alloy, AL27' alloy, AL23-1 alloy, AL23 alloy, AL2 alloy, AL4 alloy, AL8 alloy, AL9 alloy ABSTRACT: The effect of.alloying and procesuing conditions on the quality and mechanical properties of parts cast from new AL27-1, AL27, AL23-1, and AL23 aluminum-magnesium alloys containing 3-11% magnesium and additionally alloyed with beryll.iun~ ti:taniumzirconium, silicon or iron has been investigated. It was found that alloying with up to 0#2-0.25% zirconium, 0-3% beryllium, or 0.2-0.3% titanium improves all the mechanical properties, but higher *alloying lowers the properties except for hardness. Alloying with silicon and iron also reduced the mechanical properties of alloys. Prior to pouring, the metal should be held at 700-730C for 1/2 um. 62 2-5-3.0 hr, but pouring should be done at 640-680C. Higher pouring temperatures. caused a gas porosity and reduced the mechanical properties. The mechanical properties dropped with increasing vall thickness of the castings. The strength of AL27 and AL27-1 alloys exceeds that of standard A18 or Alh alloys by 25-33% regardless of vall thickness, and the elongation of new alloys Is 50-100% higher than that of X29 AL4, ALB, or AL9 alloys.' The optinum combination of properties tensile strength 35-40 kg/j~2; elongation 12-22%; ijact strength 3.5-4.7 kg-m/cm2) were obtained in parts cast into'metallic molds Vith 0 mYsU thickness preheated to 60-80C. Origs arts best, 1T figures. AUB-COM 11p 13/ SUBM DATZ1.none/.ATD PFOSSi 5107 Card _2/2 ACC NRo AP7001411 (A /000/021/0112 SOURCE CODE: uR/0413/66 /Ola-1 INVENTOR*. Belousov, N. N.; Dodonov, A. A.; Ivankin, A..A.; Yegorova, V. A.- ORG: none TITLE: Cast aluminum-base alloy. Class 40, No* 188012 SOURCE., 'Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztay, tovarnyye znaki, no. 21, 1966, 112 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum, magnesium, beryllium alloy,'titanium containing alloy. zirconium containing alloy, bast aluminum alloy ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a cast aluminum-base alloy containing .magnesiuri,.beryllium, titanium, And zirconium. .To improve its mechanical properties and ensure satisfactory corrosion resistance and formability, the alloy composition is set as follows: *10-11.5%.magne'sium, OiO5-0.12% beryllium, 0.03-0.1% titanium, 0;03-0.1%'Zirconium, 0.01-0.15% bbron and 0.07-0.2X manganese, with impurities such as iron, silicon, copper and zinc, each not excieding 0.05%. [ND] SUB CODE: l1/ SUBH DATE% 04Dec65/ ATD PRESS: 5110. Card._ 1/1 UDC: 669,71.517211 17251295129617417 DODONOV,, _A.A...-- Uchet i analiz raboty predpriiatiia pri Fotochnoi organizatsii proizvodstva. Moskva., Gosfinizdat, 1950. 113 P. Job analysis in an enterprise using assembly-line methods of production. DLC: T60.A75D6 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering inthe 5oviet Union, Librari of Congress, 1953. 4 1 A I I I is 11 1, 1) m is It 8 19 It It n J~ 34 8 9 IT A M 10 It 9 U M a It L? a X V 41 V it A I*AA A L V J-J , 1, --U" it -L a. to A M W U a p I a 0 1 - - p &0 D 0 dO-V a I_,* - DDUSTRIAL OAGANIUTION VOL V 1951 no. -J71krob to It, Bill thr go* to 0 .,go Os 134010 A 5 a W L A at I ALL 1.07611, AL L III IT AT L,69 CL AWPIC. AT ION #j o* ;N A-) 0 00 An I 1 6 Od mr OT 0 DODONOV, A. "Computation and Accounting'off Savings Obtained from Extending the Period Between Repair of Equipment," Bukhg, uchet 11., No 5., 1952. KMA Aug 52. DODOINOV, A. A. Planning financing., account:hig,, and analysis of expenditure for repair of basis means Moskva, Gosfinizdat, 1954 P. (55-3014) HD6q.M3D6 1. Repairing. 2. Gapital - Russia