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ww S/040/60/024/005/024/028 0111/C222 On the Application of Complex Variables for a Plane Plastic Deformation Theorem 1: In order that the function F(z,z) defined by (1-7) is real it is necessary and sufficient that z 2eiQ V e_'Q -6,i2 - is satisfied. Theorem 2z The partial solution 9 = Q(Z'i) of (1.8) containing no free parameters determines the tension components up to the constant hydro- static pressure. Theorem 33 In order that the tension function F is biharmonic in the plastic domain it'is necessary and sufficient that 0 satisfies the system -62() 2g 2 2 0 (1-13) ; 2 _2 0, 2 0. x ~-2 e y )x ax 3cay The class of solutions of (1-13) is not empty, e.g. 1) 0 - const, 2) 0 - -2 are tg ky/x) + const. Some particular solutions of the(e~uilibrium conditione in the plastic domain are given, eag.: if 9 - 0 y then 9 - are s4n(Ay+B); if 0-.-2,f +R(r) flay-A 'J/4 87800 S/040/60,1024/005/C24/026 0111/C222 On the Application of Complex Variables for a Plane Plautic Deformation then 0 = -2%f +arc sin (a- b2 r To the first case there corresponds the tension distribution in a strip comprbssed by rough plates. In the second case, for a = b = 0 one has an axialsymmetric, tension field, for a - 1, b - 0 tho state of stress of a plastic wedge with a uniformly distributed load on the lateral areas, etc. The author mentions L.A.Galin. There are 3 Soviet -.,eferences. Card 4/4 DOBROVOLISKIYI V.L. (Mookva) Plane plastio deformation of snisotropic materiale. Prikl. mat. i mekh. 25 no,ltl69-173 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Deformations(Mechanicli)) .-,- , t k11 KUPRADZE, Viktor Dmitriyevich; Dq~qyq~~' _PKIY, V.L.., red.; AKSELIROD, I.Sh., tekhn. red. .[Method of the potential in the theory of elasticity] Fletody potentsiala v teovii uprugosti. Moskvap Fizmatuiz, 1963. 472 p. (RIRA 16:12) -- (Potential, Theory of) (Elasticity) DOBROVOLISKIY, V.L. (Moskva) Solution of certain problems on stress concentration in the theory of elasticity. Inzh.zhur. 3 no.4t732-736 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut makhaniki AN SSSRO DOBROVO.T.1iSKTY, V.I.. (~10!;]CVa) ,-~c-lution Gf a nnnlin,.~nr pro-blem of c" 'aree i,lowing 4;; a -,hL!f t, fur'na!-(.. 1r,zh.7,hur. 5 no..I~.1711-176 165. ('11TRA 18~4) b 04914-67 M'(1)/5d(M' AW - AP6028708 E AUTHOR: Dobrovol'sTkyy, V. M.-Dobrovollskly, V. M. ORG: Kiev State University im. T. H. Shevehenko (Kyyivslkyy derzhuniver"t) ley TITLE: Surface magnetoconcentrattonal effects. 11. Inherently conductive semiconductors SOURCE: Ukrayinsqiyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 8, 1966, 836-844 TOPIC TAGS: germanium semiconductor, space charge density, electromagnetic field, electron density 4k ABSTRACT: The author)develops the theory of magnetoconcentrational effects in an inherently conductive semiconductor and sh(nvs that dependence of characteristics of the surface space charge region on electric and magnetic fields acting on the specimen Is affected by variation In electron-hole pair concentration at the boundary of this region with no substantial change in charge valu?4tself. The highest values of the effects studied occur In semiconductors, i.e., .germanium,'~kaving carriers with long life and high mobility. The basic characteristics of the surface space charge region are calculated and the distribution of charge carrier concentration throughout the semiconductor mass and carrier distribution in the surface space charge region are determined. The calculations do not take Injection level or mechwitem of carrier genera- L o4914-67 ACC NRs AP6028708 tion at surface space charge boundary into consideration, but this does not affect the validity of the equations presented. An extensive definition Is given of conditions under which the effect of Lorentz forces Rnd of recombination on electron-hole distribution in the surface space charge region. The author thanks 0, B, Zints for discussing the work. Orig. art. has: 26 formulas, 2 figures, and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 12120L SUBM DATE: 2lJulr,6/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 003 DOBROVOLISKIY, V-N-,. inzh.; LU7111, H.F., inzh.; S MTS, I.L., inzh. omA renaWa-6n-marine, power plants used on whalers. Sudostroanie 24 no.9:40-42 S '58- (MIRA 11:11) (varine engines) (Whalers) STEKWV, V.7u.j ZOLOTAREVP T.L., prof., red.; BURLAK, I.N., red.j DOBROVOLISKIY, V.N. [Eleotrifleation is the road to communism] Elektrifikatsiia - put' k koftnizmu. Moskvap lzd-vo "Sovetskaia Rossiia," 1961. 88 p. (Bibliotachka "Nagliadnaia ta~siia, propaganda i khudozhestveWe oformleniel" no.6 (MIRA 15:2) (Electrification SOV-120-58-1-29/43 ATJTHOR:.DobJ~ovol'skiy. V. N. TITLE: An Oscillographic Method for Determining the Parameters of 0 the Characteristics of a Detector (Ostsillograficheskiy metod opredeleniya parametrov khar~kteristiki deteictora) PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 1,1 pp 123-124 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The static characteristic of a -ermanium. detector in the 0 forward direction can be described by the expression: I - Is [exp cx (V - Ir) - . (1) where I is the current to the detector, V is the applied potential, r is the base resistance and the other symbols are the parameters of the characteristics. If the .current flowing through the detector is of the form I =.I 0 exp(-kt) then the potential across the-detector can be obtained from the follo-Ing expression: I oe:cp(- kt) - Is [exp a (V - Ir) (2) Card 1/5 SOV-120-58-1-29/43 An Oscillographic Method for Determining the Parameters of the Characteristics of a Detector. The values of V as a function of time may be divided into three regions as follows: (I) IrA7 and dV 1 Here: 1 k V - ln(I0/1 5 - t (4) a OL . (III) For large values of the current when Ir cannot be neglected compared with V we have: V ln(I /I LI: - t - I r exp(- kt) (5) a 0 S OL 0 The three cases are illustrated in Fig.l. The graph of V as a function of time is a straight line in region II and curves off in regions I and III. The measurement of (x and Card 2/5 SOV-120-58-1-29/43 An Oscillographic Method for Determining the Parameters ol tb.e Characteristics of a Detector. Is was carried out by means of the circuit shown in Fig.2. A symmetric rectangular voltage waveform having a frequency of 50 c/s derived from an oscillator is applied through an RC circuit to a detector d whose characteristics are to be determined. Since the resistance R which is in series with the detector is much larger than the forward resistance of the detector, it follows that when the positive part of the oscillator output is fed to the detector the current through the latter is of the form I = I exp(-t/RC). The time con- stant of the circuit was chosen ?o be much smaller than the duration of the pulse which ensures full charging up of the capacitance during the pulse and consequently a change in the current through the detector from Io to zero. A diode Card 3/5 SOV-120-58-1-29/43 An Oscillographic Method for Determining the Parameters of the Characteristics of a Detector. connected in parallel with the detector discharges the capacitor C and the output caDacitance of the oscillator at the end of the positive of tiLe cycle. The waveform of the voltage across the detector was observed on an oscillo- graph screen and the value of Io was so chosen that the region III was absent and hence the values of Is could be measured, using the formula: is = 10/exp dVo (6) The values of I could be determined directly using a s scale attached to the screen of the oscillograph. A typical oscillogram is shown in Fig-3. R. N. Bondarenko Card 4/5 SOV-120-58-1-29/43 An Oscillographic Method for Determining the Parameters of the Characteristics of a Detector. is thanked for suggesting this problem and interest in the work. There are 3 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kiyev State University) SUBMITTED: June 24, 1957. 1. Detect6rs--Analysis 2. Germanium--Applications 3. Detectors --Performance 4. Oscillographs--Applications 5. Mathematics Card 5/5 I W.DORWM,!8lI 4AWM Diffusion and reicombination during the measurement of drift mobility, Pizetvaretela, I no*5:719-725 Pq 159. (MP.U 12:4) 1. Ityevskiv goeu&aretvwmyy universitet, im. T.G. Shevchenko. (Semiconductors) IASHUM, VoYs, Clashkarlov,, V.IZI; 13ONMRMMDP R-N- [Bondarenko, RAI; DQAtO=~SXIT,-.V*N. [Dobrovollelkyip V.M.J; MWIN, G.P. [Zubrin, H.P.1; LITOVCII V.G: Dqtovehenko, STRIM, V-I- Properties of germanium oontaining beryllium admixtures. Ukr# fiso zhur. 4 no.3:37P.-375 My-Je '59. (KMA 13:2) 1,liyevskiy, goeudarstvannyy universitet im. T.G. Shevehenko. (Germanium) (Beryllium) LL V. IV/ 26599 S/185/60/005/003/005/020 Is D274/D303 AUTHOR: Dobrovollslk~y, V.1-1. TITLE: Effect of the magnetic field on the flow of minority carriers PERIODICAL: Ukrayins'kyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 3, 1960, 333-344 , TMCr: The problem is considered in the linear approximation with respect to carrier concentration, for a homogeneous specimen under isothermal conditions. Spherical energy zones are assumed. (In the case of ellipsoidal energy zones, the theory yields a qualita- tive picture). The basic equation of motion of hole concentration is a_lj . - X - 1,v. ip (1) ;) t T e where'V is the concentration, U - the lifetime of minority holes, jp - the density of the hole current, e - the electron charge. An Card 1/6 26590 S/185/60/005/003/005/020 Effect of the magnetic field... D274/D303 analogous equation can be set up for electrons. The expression for the density is given: ip - ePPp8 - ~TFpVv + e1pp8 x H - kT-LpVv x H + where + eKppH x (H x kt;H x (H x VV). (2) P Po + V ; (3) 'U, 2e (2kT 2 L _xdx )2 3 FM_ lie-xxdx; Li a 3jr-f MiX2e T '~C_ x + 0 ~O denotes mobilities, t - the free path, p. - the thermal-equilib- rium concentration of holes. Analogous expressions hold for elec- tron-current density. An n-type semiconductor is considered. The field H is assumed homogeneous and parallel to the z-axis. Substi- tuting (2) in (1), and neglecting second-order quantities, one obtains C ard 2/6 26590 S/185/60/005/003/005/020 Effect of the magnetic field... D274/1)303 &*J- + ~P&o x R + !~ x (H x V + at + hz_ !~H2Ax,y)q, Ax,y e + 2 (6) &Y2 ax where 0 is the electric field in the specimen before the injec- tion of carriers. For the case H.LjO or IjO QO being the elec- trical-carrent density in the specimen), Eq. (6) reduces to O-V t = ~_V -V + i) aLV + i)y L2_V + - VXV x a2,j 2 D z _ . I (7) a Y 2 ay ax2 ay r az2 where are the velocities of carrier transfer, and vx and v DX9 Dy DZ - y diffusion coefficients; Dx z D kT (- _ v u2) D e ~P -Pn z - kT- - _ePP, (10) Eq. (7) describes the flow of carrier concentration which can be Card 3/6 20~91 S/185/60/005/003/005/020 Effect of the magnetic fie! d... D274/D303 characterized by the quantities ~Lx,~Ly, Dx, Dy, Dz. In the follow- ing, the value of these quantities in particular cases is considered, as well as their physical interpretation. Analytical expressions are obtained for these quantities in the case of weak and strong magnetic fields, and the power-law dependence of a free path on vel- ocity. For the case of the independence of a free-path, graphs are given of these quantities as functions of the magnetic field (which include also intermediate fields). Some of these graphs were taken from 0. Madelung (Ref. 10:. Z. f. Naturforsch. I 8a, 7919 1953). Eq. (6) was obtained by neglecting second-order quantities; this is justified if the n-type semiconductor has a fairly high conductivity. 1%rther, expressions are derived which hold for arbitrary conducti- vity. The physical interpretation of obtained formulas is discussed. The first term in the formulas for u Y] is due to the effect of the Lorentz force, the second - to the Ha - field 6 Oy* If the latter is zero# Jiy decreases. The magnetic field has no effect on car- riers which flow in the direction of the field, but it is effective Card 4/6 S/185/60/005/003/005/020 Effect of the magnetic A~e D274/D303 if the carriers flow perpendicular to the field. For sufficiently strong magnetic fields,)Ax changes sign, i.e. the minority holes flow in a direction opposite to the direction of the electric cur- rent. The sign-change of Px leads to the conclusion that for strong avAgnetic fields the injection of minority carriers causes a reduction in conductivity. - This is in agreement with results reach- ed by other authors. Experimental determination of/Ax,/uy DX9 Dyl D is then made. Eq. (7) is considered for the case of a ;late in t~e xy-plane and perpendicular magnetic field. It is found that - ~L and D can be experimentally determined. The measurement Of in a small magnetic field in conjunction with Hall measuremekts'Ir. the determination of ", on a specimen whose shape ensures OY - 0 with simultaneous measurement of Ax, make it possible to determine the Hall mobility of-minority carriers, as well as the ratio of Hall- to drift mobility; a correct measurement of this ratio is very important, and there are in literature no methods for measuring this ratio for minority carriers. The measurement of )A. and D on Card 5/6 26598 S/185/60/005/003/005/020 Effect of the mapetic. fie,ld6.. D274/D303 n-type germanium permits determining the concentration ratios and the mobilities of light and heavy minority holes. There are 5 fig- ures and 22 references: 10 Soviet-bloc and 12 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: E.M. Conwell, Proc. IRE, 46, 1281, 1958; R.W. Willardson, T. Norman, A. Beer, Phys. Rev., 96, 1512, 1954; N. Harrick, Phys. Rev., 98, 1131, 1955; W. van Roosbroeck, J. Appl. Phys., 26, 380, 1955. ASSOCIATION: Kyyivslkyy derzhavnyy universytet im. T.G. Shev- chenka (Kiyev State University im. T.G. Shevchenko) SUBMITTED: October 16, 1959 C ard 6/6 ?3 8 S/182 /j 1/003/005/033/042 16 3r B108/B20.9 17 AUTHOR: Dobrovollskiyt V. N. TITLEs Propiwation of excess carriers in an salisotrbpic cubic crystal under lb-ar-actkun. of a magnetic field PERIODICALs. Fizika tvaidogo, tela, v. 3p,no. ~,1'1961,..1.574 - 1580' TEXT,. The author describes th6 propagation of excess carriers in a ma " tic' field by-means of the phenomehologioal equAtions of a current thMugh an anisotropic cubic orystal~ On the as.slim~ptio,n that in the n-type hample conoernedg the concentration of excess oarrivrs is low as compared to the ,eleotron~.oonoentration ( y,.~cn)j the linear approximation may be used. The phenomenolog;cal 'equation for the hole current in the case P of a gradient of the carrier concentration (Ref. 20: P. Seitz. Phys. Rev 22, 372, 1950) h 9 the form -CIL jF CE -i- I&PxE X BPPEH2 T~R (E, H) -4- 8,,rE] krt%~ LVv -I- %,,Vv X NP..vv~' TH (vvl H) gjrVvj. Card 1/6 23328 8/181/61/003/005/033/042 Propagation of.910889.'849 B108 B209 where,"p and are the oarri9i and the Hall mobility, respectively; C PH . I AP P v P.Pare phenomenological constantel Felated,to the a.onstants of Seitz's paper as followsi P 601 (2) is,the conductivity of the samples; T is a tensor with the componen-ts 0 t COS( y"', H32 COS( 23) Cos (,^y3) (3) M Cox (Z"'1") Cos HI, Cosx 2 YI (^ ), ( ), ( "' e X1 y1 x2)1,eto. are th ailgles between the coordinate axes and the crystallographic axes L100], '010 , 1-0011. Taking the magnetic field- H to be homogeneous-and orienteA in the direction of the Oz axis, the equation of continuity yields Card 2/6 23U8 811811611003100510331042 Propagation of excess... B108/B200 -14 (E,) 4. 1,090 X H I..H (E0 X H) (5) Dv D. kr --w-~PjHla i, AL dxdy Y, and pf 'denotes the electric it, linear approximation-with respect to fielt: in the sample before the introduction of excess carriers, and j- is their .lifetime. 'The first term in Eq.,(5) is'related to the carrier drift, and the cecond to diffusion. For the case of a.tranaverse magnetic field Hi J. J" current density in the aiampla) one'obtains Eft ',rH' as- o0 (7) Eor Ea., Card 3/6- 233A 8/181/61/003/005/033/042 Propagation of exoessee.. B108/B209 and, with Eq. (5). the.foilowing expressions.for the carrier propagation: Ov av L ---V. vs, V. "Os t (8) Vs H-+- (9) 0 For the case H.11 j one has -11 Ok 4- tl,&Eo X H -I- PPEOW IPH (E,, X H) (9a) 1 -4-8 PTEOI Dv - D T..w dxd.V Card 4/6 23128 SliaIJ611003100510331042 Propagation of excess.... B108/B209 and .0 E0, o4 Q P.H2 y.hl -4- B.Q, oil (7a) =.-tat Eo.,--. Ea; v V V are the transfer velocities of concentration in the directions Z_ 9f the respective axesle may be considered-to be some effective *X z mobilities;'the'term D r describes the carrier diffusion: Dv Br, Do, D,.!!!,- Wr t ',The author point3 out the possibility of experimentally determining the phenomenological parameters of theory. Professor V. I. Lyashenko is thanked for his ielp and interest in this work. There Are 1 figure, Card 5/6. 23126 S1181 61/003/005/033/042 Propagation of excess... B108/B209 1' table and 21'refetencesi 14 Soviet-bloo.and 7 m*on-Soviet-bloo. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy univbrsitet imeni T.- G. Shevchenko (Kiyev State Univer'sity imeni T. G. Shevchenko) SUBMITTEDt December 6, 1960 Card 6/6 7 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 2M2 S/18 61/003/009/014/039 B102YB104 Dotrovollskiy, 7. N.,and Lyashenko, V. I. Sbidy of the drift of the excess carriers in the magnetic field Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 9, 1961, 2646-2658 TEXT: The propagation of an excel-, carrier concentration in n-type and p-type germanium located in a trwisverse magnetic field and traversed by current has been studied theorlitically and experimentally. Fig. 1 shows the orientation of the field components on the specimen. Using equations given in UFZh, ~, 333, 1960 for the cases E . Eo and E - 0 (E0 - oy 0y 0y oy Hall field), the author derives expressions for the carrier mobilities. The carrier drift was experimentally studied by measuring the field dependence of the quantities 11 /F. and ~0 /F, (relative hole mobilities) '~~x P py P and the analog quantities for electrons. For a short time an approximately 100-tLwide light line was projected to the germanium plate in which the carrier drift was studied. The carriers produced by this light line Card 1/5 28082 S/1 61 /61/003/009/014/039 Study of the drift of the excess ... B102/B104 propagated and, after a certain time, reached the collector which ~Vas located at the distance bx 0 from the light line. This time was measured first at H - 0 (t 0) and then at H / 0 (t 0 + tit) at constant Eox . t0 and At were measured at different numbers of electron-hole pairs. Subsequently, the authors extrapolated for zero. From the thus obtained values to and Ato 0 the authors calculated the relative carrier mobility using the relation t0/(t0+ At0). ~:P ~ ([LJ P where tL, and pi 0 0 1 + I'L2p2)/(Pl + P2) denote the mobilities and the concentrations of the light and heavy holes. To determine I /1-L. the light pulse was projected to the specimen in aline 1'~y p which is shown in Fig. lb and the distances by 012 and bx 0were then measured in which the maximum carrier concentrations were observed after the time t0 . kfter extrapolation for zero pair number the relative mobility 0 f 0 was calculated by the relation IA.,' /t_i = by /26x0. Hence, the otherwise py p 0 equivalent methods differed in that in the first case time was measured at Card 2/5 2, 0. S11811611003100910141039 Study of the drift of the excess ... B102/B104 constant distance, in the second, the, distance was measured at constant time. The practical measurements were made in two h-type and one-p-type germanium specimens. The results were in good agreement with the theory. these results the authors calculated r - P2 /p, and A1(2/P'l' i.e. equation 10 (yj) AK' (1211) top"= A RP; FV=:__2V 1 A 9*1 IH2 91C 1 -#.- r 2PPH 2. (9) 16ci f6c' (-I-:~ 7r) was solved graphically. The following values were obtained for the rela- tive Hall mobilities of the light and heavy carriers; - H , 0: NHall/iyp -0.94; F .94. H - 3,000 oe : ~LiHall/xi = 1.03; .aHall/Fp' = 1 )1, t 1.19; 11 - 1.76. In general, different values were Mall/~ 2 - TpHal tp obtained for Hall.mobility and drift mobility and if the mean free path of Card 3/5 28082 S11 81 /61/003/009/014/039 Study of the drift of the excess B102/B104 the carriers was independent of velocity their ratio was 1. 18 for light and 0.94 for heavy holes. Finally, the authors thank Yu. I, Gorkun for dis- cussions. There are 6 figures and 14 references: 8 Soviet and 6 non- Soviet. The-three most receni references to English-language publications read as follows: E. Conwell. Proc. IRE, _4,.6, No. 6, 1958, B. Abeles a. S. 11eiboom. Phys. Rev., 22, 31, 1954- M. Prince. Phys. Rev. , 92, 681, 19536 ASSOCIATION:. . Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. T. 'G. Shevchenko (Kiyev State Univer'sity imeni 91. G. Shevchenko) SUBMITTED: April 5, 1961 Legend to Pig. 1, a) arrangement for measuring I b) for measuring 1.0 11~x py _W.-ligl~t line; K - collector Card 4/5 -DOBROVOLISKIY, V.N. I LMIENKO, V. I. Determining the diffusion coefficient of current carriers. Prib. i tekh.eksp. 6 no.4:115423n-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudaratvewW universitat. (Electric fields-Measurement) S/181/62/004/002/003/051 B102/B136 AUTHOR: Dobrovollskiy, V. N. TITLE: Photoelectric Hall effect and photoconductivity in a magnetic field PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo telat ve 4, no, 2, 1962, 329-335 TEXT: Photoelectric Hall effect and the photoconductivity of a semicon- ductor in a magnetic field are studied on the basis of the kinetic equation. A new galvanomagnetic effect is discussed that of negative photoconductivity in strong magnetic fields which was first described by the author together with V. I. Lyashenko (FTT, 3, 2646, 1961). This effect was also experimentally observed (DAN SSSR, 136, 329, 1961). An n-type semiconductor plate with n ~> p is considered. It is placed in a 0 0 1 magnetic, an electric and a light field (Fie. 1). A oonstant current, I, is assumed to pass through it. The ratios V x - AVx/V ox ,&R/R 0 and V , AV /V are calculated for a piece of the specimen, bounded by' y Y oy Card 1/0 Photoelectric Hall effect and... X=+a and Y-+ b; R 0 is its resistance. - , ~x px - ppyctg 9 vy -N ImC a ~j ?Abvotg 9 ~ vx v - 0 P y IAnx S/18 62/004/002/003/051 B102YB138 (2) 6N P N R; No.- n w; bN Andw; AP - bpdw. N 0 f .0 0 W g6 4-f0" tg It,,, - t~"~t Paz R11Y tg 0, tgo= E" LO Pa. are obtained with (4) Card 2/f Photoelectric Hall effect and... 2; H, PF P L, lo: 0 J4221 S/181/62/004/002,/003/051 B102/B138 L.H, fly Kc- 9% 'OAf3e'rde JrCS 1 9 -f-- Tj- 0 9-X A= 4eIj (t) -!~L; i 1, 2, f6- 2 P=po-'-AP; n=no--i-An. N0 .AN and AP are the numbers of equilibrium electrons, excess free electrons and holes, respectively, 9 is the Hall angle. The L and K i integrals are calculated for m i = 0 and high H (piH/c ~11). Card 3/0 34221. 5/181/62/004/002/003/051 Photoelectric Hall effect and... B102/B138 LiH= VW 2 '0 e-Y11da L'(T,) 2T, -t- 2 6T1 ell [1 - 41 o cc j 1 - T, -4- Tj'e7'E (-Ti), & -4- 0 ID e--da; E, (-r) J 0 Using these relations, the dependence of V y 2H2 !~c~ is determined for the case AN 16 (5) X r Vy/W and of Vx VxId on AP. The results are shown in Fig. 2 for IA2 /'Mj = 8, P2/Pl - 0.02 and 1.-.n/1.,p - 2. For -- ; 'M 2/v. -10 H 2. It may be seen that negative 1-1p= 2000 c see, 1-75*10 photoconductivity is to be expected if the H values are high enough. For Card 4/1 _~ I 3h221 S/181/62/004/bO2/003/051 Photoelectric Hall effect and... B102/13138 n-type Ge the reversal will occur at H >45,000 oe at room temperature; below this the critical H-value will also be lower. Similar considera- tions are made for weak fields jkill/c't 1. Professor V. I. Lyashenko and A. A. Ostroukhoy are thanked for discussions. There are 2 figures and 4 referencea: 3 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The reference to the English- language publication reads as follows: F. v.d. Maeson. Phil. Res. Repts., jA, 107, 196o. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. T. G. Shevchenko (Kiyev State University imeni T. G. Shevchenko) VO. SUBMITTED: July 18, 1961 Fig. 1. Illuminated part of specimen. Card 51V A~A 0 //%/ All Y. I H ( N illuminated surface h4135 8/181/62/004/010/019/063 2 1~ 61 B108/B104 AUTHORSt Dobrovol'skiy. V. N., and Gritsenko, Yu. 1. TITLEt Use-of the Hall-current in investigating the scattering of carriers in semiconductors PERIODICkL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. io, 1962, 276o - 2769 TEM A method of measuring the Hall ourrbnt is proposed. In certain bases such a method can be more useful than measurement of the Hall emf as it allows the carrier mobility to be'determined from the resistivity of the specimen. The Hall current can be written as-the ~um of a surface and a volume current. These two components can be 'determined individually by measuring the total Hall current and the conductivity as depending on the voltage applied to the specimen. From this dependence of the conductivity it is possible to find conditions under which no surface bending of the bands occurs. The surface conductivity is then zero, and the total Hall current equals its volume component. Such conditions can be realized -surrounding the specimen with a protective ring. When this ring is also connected to the circuit it,.will act as the part carrying the surface Hall current, thus eliminating surface effects in the specimen. In this way it Card 1/2 sll8lV621004101010191063 Use of the Hall current ... B108/B104 is poseible,to examine the processes taking place,in the volume alone. Hall current measurements were made with cuprous oxide. It was possible thus to establish a relationship:between the carrier mobility and the resistivity of the specimens (Fig- 4), which could not be done from measurements of the Hall emf. There are 4 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATIONt Kiyevskiy goeudarstvennyy universi~tet im. T. G. Shevchenko (Kiyev State imeni T. G,, Shevchenko) ,SUBMITTEDs May 18, 1962 Fig- 4- Hall mobility as a function .+f too- of resistivity. Legends (1) mobility, determined, from Hall current; (2)'mobility, determined from-Hall e.m.fe'. to to! to' to, 44138 5/i$1/62/bO4/010/025/064 BIOB/BI04 AUTHORs Dobrovol'iskiy, V.fN.: TITLEi Study of the conductivity due to excess carriers in a magnetic field PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, Y. 49 no. 10t 1962, 28o6 - 2812 .TEXTs The conductivity due to the injection of excess carriers into a p-type*germanium was determined in dependence.on the inten ity of a! "*a - verse magnetic'fi'eld. The c4ange's in voltage drop along the specimen when. excess carriers wer.e introduced were AVO without a magnetic field and asAVH'.Jna magnetic field. The relative, 'change in resistivity measured was f6und to agree very well with-the theoretical formul's _(1 + )AV /A%Q., where Q is the resistivity, ~tn and are the Pln/~7p HQo electron and hole mobilitiee (FTTo 49 329t 1962)6. At liquid oxygen temper- atureq the excess carrier conductivity was.found to reverse its sign at a field+strength of 4500 oe,.~qing negative frop that value of H ont There are 4 figures. Card 1/2 B/161/62/004/010/025/064 Study of the conduollvity*d64~to.... B106/BI04 ASSOCIAT.IONs Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet im. T. G. Shevchenko (Xiyev State tirfiveraity imeni T. dlv~'Shevchenko) SUBYITTE~ I May, 2'-~, 196? V;wH) S/',85/62/007/003/012/015 D299/D301 AUTHORS: Karalinyk, S.M., Hurs'ka, A.P. and Dobrovol's1k;y V34 TITLE: Study of characteristic absorption of X-rays by ger- manium-aluminum alloys PERIODICAL: Ukrayins1kyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 3, 1962, 327 - 330 TEXT: The position of the K-edge of absorption of Ge in the investigated alloys was studied in comparison with its position in pure Ge. The Al-Ge alloys contained 1, 2, 3, 8, 27 and 96 atom. % Ge, respectively. The displacement of the K-edge of absorption in Al-Ge and in pure Ge at high temperatures (400 - 4300C) was compared with izs position at room temperature. The tabulated values are the aver- age results of many repeated experiments. Thereby, the thickness of 0 the absorbing layers varied,as well as the height and width of the diaphragm, the operating conditions of the X-ray tubesi and the num- ber of pulses. The shape of the K-edge was similar to that obtained Card 1/3 S/185/62/007/003/012/015 Study of characteristic D299/D301 by other investigators. It was found that at high temperatures, the K-edge of absorption of Ge was considerably shifted (about 6 ev.) for low Ge concentrations (2 - 3 atom.%). No such shift was observed at room temperature. The X-edge shift at high temperatures is rela- ted to the complete dissolution of Ge in the solid solution. It is noted that the magnitude of the observed shift is greater than that of Ge02. The K-edge shift in the system Al-Ge is. explained by a me- chanism proposed in S.M. Karallnyk et. al (Ref.l: Ukr. fizychn. zh., 6, no. 1, 1961); thereby it is assumed that the redistribution of electrons of the Ge-atoms during its dissolution in Al, takes place at external orbits and the size of the Ge-atoms increases. The pres- ent study shows that the results obtained in Ref.1 (Op. cit.) (with Cu-Al and Zn-Al) are not accidental, but apply to various systems. The value of the obtained results would increase even further, if the X-ray investigations were extended to the spectra of the solvent (in the given case -- Al). There are 2 tables and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. Card 2/3 S/18 62/007/003/012/015 Study of characteristic ... D299YD301 ASSOCIATION: Kyyivalkyy derzhuniveraytet im. T.H. Shevchenka (Kyyiv State University im. T.H. Shevchenko). SUBMITTEDa June 20, 1961 f Card 3/3 DOEROVOLISKIY V.N.1 GRIMM, Yu.1. Using Rill current in studying carrier scattering in semi- condue'.ors. Fiz.tver,tela 4 no.lOs2760-2769 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Ylyevskiy gosudaretven universitet imeni Shevehenko. (Hall effecTt (Semiconductors) DOEROVOLISKITP V.N-. Con,luctivity due to e=vzm cmAmm t carriers in a magnetic field* Fit.tver.tela 4 no.10:28OW12 0 16.2. (NUI 15S12) I. Kiyevskiy Osudarstvenny7 universitet imeni Shevchenko. I isemiconductors--gleotrio properties) (Mapetio fields) L h9O2" w(l) lip(c) 7- F~ - a r method SOURCE! Pizika tverdogo tela, V- 7, no- 3, 1965, 81.1-818 :M-4S -Isurface scattering, eurface Hnal. er- feet, surface carrl'~Frdiiisit-y, surface Ran -mob1lity 'is 'vvc-te,! 4o e-n investigat'on of' rent makes It possible to dete-Tmine the effectiYe Yi&-- surface carrier denaity, and consequently also the r,::- bendIng Of bands. In addition, the autbzr8 meswired the ffurface and dete=,ine~-d C,,d 1/2 erman ilqlift7 45 of irtrbizic 1-z ium witn ro"' -F. a,,s-ribed by Tu. to that I ex-perimentmllY mf--asured 4, 67. tending eru- Ly, State r-OBF01MLISM. V.0. VoO.] A - , .:, , - Section of hli:,'-~-r-y Cf rath3rlt ' ,, L, a . J . , (; t " -- . . - I ~ I on the li;stcjv,~ of unid 0 ;' (.1. 1 -1 AN URSH no.Pt1650 165. . :1.11. .19 - 11 M DOBROVOLIMY, V.P. , podpolkovnik mad. aluzhby Bandage for covering a burn surface. Voen.-med. zhur. no.8:84 Ag ,6o. (MI-RA 14:7) (BUFM AND SCALDS) (BANDAGES AND BANDAGING) I DUBROVOLISKIY. V.P. Interpreting vertical electric curves obtained in logging permanently frozen ground. Hauch.dokl.vye.shko1y-, geol.- geog.nanld no.2:127-133 '59. (HIR& 12:8) 1. Hoskovokiy universitet, geologicheakiy fakitl1tet, kafedra morzlotovedeniya. (Frozen ground) (Slentric logging) S/16 62/000/006/009/093 70,0 D228YD304 AUTHORS: knanyan, A. A. and Dobrovollskiy, V. P. TI~TL1,; Electroconductance of frozen rocks of a natural struc- ture in the R. Salekhard area PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 6, 1962, 8, ab- stract 6-A39 (V sb. Merzlotn. issled., no. 1, 'THI. MGU, 1961, 216-226) TEXT: Laboratory determinations were made for the electroconduc- L,ance of specimens of frozen rocks of a natural structure and mois- ture. Comparison of the data of measurements, okained with the application of alternating and direct current, shows that they prac.uically coincide. It is established that ihe electroconductance of loose frozen rocks is largely determined by the water's bhase composition. In the freezing of rocks the electroconduc"6, creases suddenly. It is noted that rocks of a similar genesis are characterized by approximately identical electroconductivity va- -lues. /-1,bstracter's note: Complete translation._7 Id Card 1/1 S/169j62/000/011/004/077 D228/D307 AUTHOR: Dobrovol'skiy. V.P. TITLE: Electric anisotropy of frozen rocks PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 11, 1962, 13, abstract 11A62 .(In collection: Merzlotu. issled., no. 2, 1.1., MGUI 1961, 157-164) T=.r: For frozen rocks electric anisotropy may be caused not only by their structure and texture, but also by their tempera- ture and by the existence of a temperature gradient. The resisti- vity of frozen rocks depends on their temperature, iciness and con.- position. The resistance of variably composed.layers changes differ- ently when the temperature changes. This involves the unique char- acter of the change irith temperature of the anisotropy factor for a rock, formed of lamina of coarsely-dispersed (sands) and finely-dis- persed (loams) fractions. The anisotropy factor may increase, de- crease, or remain constant in different neg#ive-temperature varia- tion ranges. Maximum.valuqs of the anisotropy factor are noted if Card 1/2 S/169j62/000/011/004/077 Electric anisotropy of frozen rocks D228/D307 the temperature of frozen rocks is from 0 to -20. Considerable anisotropy factors are observed in the same way in areas of ther-mo- karst development. The second cause of anisotropy in a rock is the existence of a temperature gradient in it. The,dependence of the rock resistance on the temperature causes anisotropy at the expense of the temperature gradient in a rock that even has a homogeneous composition and moisture content. Studying anisotropy, related to a differing temperature and temperature gradient, and taking into account the patterns df its change must greatly increase the preci- sion of the quantitative interpretation of vertical electric sound- ing, carried out in environments where frozen rocks occur. f-i~stracter's note: Complete translation 7 Card 2/2 S/109JOl/000/009/006/056 0 D228/D304 AUTHORSs Ananyan, A. A., and Dobrovollskiyt V. P. TITLE- The electroconductivity of frozen rocks PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnalo Geofizika, no. 9,* 1961t 91 abstract OA74 (Geologiya i geofizika, no. 3, 1961, 96-103) TEXT: Certain patterns are described for the variation of electric resistances of frozen rocks in relation to the phase transformations of water which take place in rocks on the change of the temperature. Data are cited on the influence of the structure of a frozen rock on its electric properties. The results of the experimental investigations of the change of the anisotropy coefficients of frozen layered rocks in relation to the temperature and the qualitative explanation of this phenomenon are given. fAbstracter's note: Complete translationj Card 1/1 DOBRMLISKIYO V. P, 'Using the resistance method in electric pro"ating for hydraulic engineering construction in permanent3y frozen ground. Merzl. isol. no.1:190-207 361. (MMA 16:1) (Frozen ground) (Electric rompecting) (Hydraul.ia struoturea3 ANANUN, A. A.i DOIBROVOLISIVY. V.. Ja- Specdfic eleotric conduotivitv of frozen ground of natural struo~ture from the SalekbkLrd region. Merzl. isel. no.1-1216-226 161e (MMA .16:1) (Salekhard region--yrosen ground-Electric properties) DOBRgOVOQLkmiyp V.P. Eleciril~e-nisotropy of frozen ground. MrsLisal. no.2sl57-164 161 \\ I (MMA 16: 5) 616klmrd region-Frozen ground"Blectric pmperti~p) P-1 DOBROVOLISKIY, V.P. Characteristic "freezing" shape of curves in vertical elec- tric sounding. Merz1. issl, no.3z.198-203 163, Electric prospecting in engineering geologir under conditions of the "uniform" distributian of permanevntly frozen ground in the region of the Usti Botuobiia water gauge poirrts.of the Vilyuy Hydroelectric Power Station. lbid.:204-214 Characteristics of the structure of the geoelectric di-4 -4 -n caused by the presence of permanently frozen grotmd; . oelee- tko sections of frozen ground. Ibid.:215-230 Principles of the regionalization of tlie area of the distr5bu- tion of permanently frozen ground for puqvsp- -* I-4-f- prospecting in hydraulic engineering. lbid.:231-235 (MIRA 17:6) V. TjSPR / General and 9pecial Zoology. Insects. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 4, 1958, 16424 Author Kuperman F.M. Inst : Not given Title :On the Control of Swedish Fly Larvae on Corn. (0 bor'be s lichinkami shvedskoi mukhi na kukur- uze.) Orig Pub: Selektsiya I semenovodstvo, 1957, No 1, 56 Abstract: More than 100 types and hybrids of corn were in the sown environs of Moscow at the end of May. A suspension of 2 liters of [hexachlorancyclo- hexane] HCCH (0-05 9 of 12% dust and 2.5 9 of ammonium nitrate per I litre of water) was introduced Into each group of plants June 13. (3-4 plants). Although the experimental young crops were greatly infested with larvae, the Card 112 20 USSR .1 General and Special Zoology. Insects. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 4, 1958, 16424 Abstract: plants became better June 22, the leaves restor- ed their normal coloring, the fifth and sixth leaves developed normally, the sixth and seventh leaves opened up one to two days sooner, the plants were stronger than the control plants, while all the larvae in the plants died. Card 2/2 :1 )", 1'1~ 70 L' t S';' i y ) V. v1 "Alluvial -,rounds anc~ L'h,3ir ttilization as Fountiations l'or 3t,runtur,is." flor of ~'an,'. 'A"cohnical Sci. Sub 23 Fay 49, :"~Oscow Ordar of -Zh-- jabor -ngincering Con- struction Tnst imini V. hLivImshev. 3 unwrnar-v b2, 1b D)cc 52, Dissmrtations ?rcs3nted for Degx,~es in Sciiinea and z:,ngiTic6ring in ll~loscow in 194,-. From -V~~chernyaya Moskva, DOBROVOL' SKIT, V. V. , inzh, Selecting pressure of scavenging air for two-stroke diesel engines without pressure food. Iner,-omashinostroanie 6 no.4:21-23 Ap 160. Piesel engines) . (YURA 13:8) DORROVOLISKIY. V.V.. in&., Estimate calculation of the basic indices of stroke diesel engina. Mergomashinostroenie (Diesel tmiginee) a supercbarged four- 7 nooll%21-24 11 (MIRA 14 11) DOBROVOLISKIY, V.V. Distribution of dispersed chemical elements between the soil forming rocks, soil, and vegetation in the Moscow region. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.3:193-198 163. (MIRA l6t9) 1. Rakomandovana kafedroy o*hchey fizicheskoy geografii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo ~qdagogicheskogo instituta im. Lenina. Nytishchi District--Trace elements) DOBROVOLVSKIY, V.V., k&nd. tekhn. nauk -1 .- Method of designing a pulp thickener in the pipeline. Nauoh. eoob. IGD 181182-186 163. (MMA 16:11) t DOBROVOLISKIY vo starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, kand.tekhn.nauk Experimental studies of new methods and equipment for hydraulic filling. Makh. i avtom. v gor. prom. n0.303-61 163. (MIRA 16tlO) DOBROVOLISKIY, VjA', prof., dOktor biolog. nauk Toward com~uxism without crop losses. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 mo.10:6 0 161. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Moskovskiy goeudaretvannyy univerBitet. (Plants, Protection of) -1 - - DOBROVOLISKIY, V.V. Chemistry and geochemistr7 of soil. Khim. v shkole 18 no.4: .7-14 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) KRYLOV, V.F.; DQPROVOLISKIY,, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk Coal mining with filling is a progressive method of working thick steep sea;6e. U901' 38 no.121ll-l~- 163. (MIRA DO) 1. Glavnyy inzh. kombinata Kusbassugolt (for Kryluv). 2. Institut gornodo dela. im. A.A. Skochinskogo (for Dobrovollskiy). =1TANOV, v.N.; POPOVA. T.N.; KORINA, A.B., kandidat geographichookikh nauk, doteent (deasased]; STAROUBOYMU, R.A.; DDBROVOL'Sxff, V-V., doteent, redaktor. [General physical geography] Ubshchaia fisicheskaia geograftia. Moskva, lid-vo geodestchaskoi lit-ry. Pt 1. 1953, 394 p. (MMA 7:5) (Physical geography) a-, G fu! for t. I cp DOBROVOLISM, V.V. (Voronesh) Eliminating the damage done br )mrst. Priroda 44 no.4:117 AP 155-, (Lipetsk Province-Karst)(Reservoirs) (IM 8:4) KIY_ 0 V-0 L S' i 11-1 10 carbonsite zodules in Quaternary 16"m Uski vsesoyus. Ari..161. 6;:Cmf1 % .-The ci jbcxmm ft- -AM, '13(19 ) almreotn clays And great central chernoman (black sell) area of S. Rutsia. contain typically supergene caxbonate concretions which do not abow any petrographic relation to the char acter of the un0erlying rocks or to the them. compn, of the ground waters. Sedimentary cla3tic qu. artz; feldspar, and -andalusite am often Included In the nodules. In their for- mation all the elements have par"ted that am charaL teristic for the soils; the microscopic stmeture Is that of typically colleform materials, with characteristic- deskica- tian cracka.,,The miueralogical compn. is rnther complex; tht:e am fine-cryst. carbonate concretions which form the chief mass.,' Many constituents are adsorbed, especially---- ihose elements which do not bclohg to the structure of the carbonates but which am assood. In their them. nature the carbonates hre Chiefly Cam and McCr4; - Fem Is usually Inatt and there Is mom C&CO~ than MgC%. very subord. Extensive analytical and differential-thrrmal data are Ulvcu~ 'An-ore-or -An Wn of.'the th excluded-' the bonate lei is 'portion of the nodWes and the-FICI-soi. ;~;~ with its icharacterfstle ratios SiWAIA And A4(),/FeA mft" for 'lot" origin. 71e spectrochem. analysis showed Ti. Zr; Ora 8r, Ba, V, Cr, Mn; trac" of Cu. V, Be. Ga, *; and Sn, Ph but Cd, Zn, aN enti/ W. 1_91tel -77 USSR/Cosmochemistry. geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D Abs Jour Ref Zhur Khimiya, No.' 81 1957, 26565. Author Dobrovollskiy, V.V, Inst Title Concretions of Carbonates in Soils and Soil Forming Rocks-in.:Cefitral Black Earth Region. Orig Pub Pochvovedeniye, 1956t_No. 59 31 42. Abstract CaC04 predominates MgC,O-A in the studied con- cret ons and.the,amo~nt`of the insolubla residue-increases in the. peripheral zones of contretions.: Fe produces thin films of hy- droxides covering fine grains of carbonates. The chemical composition of concretions corres- ponds to the composition*of the embedding rocks somewhat enridhed with A120 and Fe203, Selec- tive occlusion takes place In the process of Card 1/2 DOBROVOLISKIY, V. V C d Geol-Min Sai -- (diss) "Mineralogy and geochemistry 11 of neogenio formations 6 Quaternary deposits of the ContrRl-Russian forestMEW&W inol. n~ steppeSwv9&." Mos, 1957. of Geology and Mineral Conse USS Ast of author's Iwor MV 114 titles) All-Union Sci Res Inst of Mineral Raw Material VIMS), 125 copi761t(JKL, 45-57, Mrl--1111 Ir -7- AUTHOR: Dobrovollskiy, V.V. 5-3-22/37 TITLE: Mineralogy of Quaternary Sediments Hypergenesis (K mineralogii gipergeneza chetvertichnykh otlo7heniy) PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obahchestva Ispytateley Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskiy, 1957, # 3, p 168 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The hypergene transformation of surface sediments proceeds not only by the change in the outward appearance of a rock but also in destruction of some mineral forms and arising of others. New forms are mostly originated by metasomatosis. The author reviewed various mineralogical forms occurring among the hyper- gene minerals and noticed that mqtacolloid structures prevail, which indicates the extensive development of colloid phenomena in the process of hypergene mineralization. Insofar as hyper- gene transformation of surface sediments is controlled to a considerable degree by general geographical factors, the minera- logical composition of the new forms will have its peculiarities in every natural zone. This circumstance presents a certain interest for paleography. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 1/1 .MSR/Soil Science - Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil. i Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 19, 1958, 86768 Author : Dobrovollskiy, V.V. Inst Title : Disper;~e`Fi=~U`Iil Soil-Forming Rocks of the Central Russian Forest-Steppe Orig Pub ; Poelivovedeniye, 1957, No 6, 56-62 Abstract : A study vms made of the content of microelements in a colloidal diapered fractimi of the soil-forming rocks of the Central Russian forest-steppe and of neogenes (hard- pans, lime nodules) separated from these rocks. The de- termination of microelements vas made spectrally by a ten-point scale of apectrogram line intensity. Micro- elements are present in largest quantity in the ferrous, manganese and carbonate neogenes; in sulfate and phos- phate neogenes the quantity of microelements is drastically diminished. The complex of minor elements typical of the Card 1/2 -USSR/Soil Science - Physical and Cbemical Properties of Soil. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 19, 1958, 86768 neogenes determined was established. Bibliography lists 13 titles. -- N.V. Verigina Card 2/2 DOBROVOLISKIY, V.V. Phosphates from modern peat deposits in central Russian forest steppe areae* Trudy Min. mun, no.8:13h-140 157. (MIRA 110) (Phosphate) DOBROVOLISKIY, T.1 ---, ,, itudFing now gypm formations from surface depoalts In the steppes of 3aropeav Russia. Tftdy Min. muz. no.8.-140-145 '57. (Min llo) (Gypsum) DO oee (/0/- ,sx/ / V v". V~ 'AUTHORt Dobrb4Wskiyq V,V. 132-12-10/12 TITLE: All-Union Interdepartmental Conference on the Study of the ibat,drneaT - Period. (Vessoyusnoys moxhduvedometvannoys soveshcha- niye po'izucheniyu ohetyertiohnogo perioda) PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedrp 1957oA# 12, p 58-59 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Initiated by the Ministry of Geology and Conservation of Natural Resources (Department of Geologo.,Geographic Sciences of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Committee for the Study of the "tw' arnary Period# the Institute of Geology andthe.Inatitute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences USSR) a conference on the study of the qLatpraary , Pariod was hold in Moskva in 1957- 200 lectures were held during the'conference which was attended by 500 scientists from the USSR, the Chinese Peoples' Republic, the German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Roumania, Poland, Bulgaria. The main problems among numerous -othbks*dei1t with during--the conference weres- 1. Denomination of the 'Qmternary Period and its lower bound- ary. 2. Stratigraphic subdivision of the q*+,ex%jAry Period. The conference was opened with lectures of V.I. Gramov, B.P. Card 113 Grichuk, A.I. Moskvitin, E.V, Khantser and others which dealt 132-12-10/12 All-Union Interdepartmental Conference on the Study of the QA&te=ary Period with point 1, whereby the use of the term "anthropogen" was favored by the majority of partioipants beside the old term "Qatar=17 Period". The second point.was discussed in numerous plenary.and sub-committee sessions, I.I. Krasnoy (VSEGEI)'olaim- ed that the present state of atuftes enabled,the issue of an outline map on deposits of the 'Osternary Period of. the, scal.e 115,000#000. Speoial obarts of the qmternary layers of the soales 1000,000 and ls2OOgOOO and larger were developed during .the-past..years. -Coordination of surveying work was recommended as.well as complex prospecting-for the.purpose to discover specific oharabter4stice of different formations. B.A, Pedoro-., vich and others lectured on Qat6rnary- deposits of north ern Kazakhatanj which are of great general importance for geonarpho- logio mapping. EfE, Milanovskiy lectured on voloanio ashen , layers of the Qmternary Period in southern plains of. the'USSR~ 1rhich are important inasmuch they are connected with Pliocene and anthropogen voloanization. of the Caucasus. N.A. Belyayevskiyo member o 'f the board.of the Ministry of Geology an4 Conservation of Natural Resources VPSR pointed out gross Card 2/3 omissions-of.former,workg because basic geologic questions of 132-12-10/12 All-Union Interdepartmental Conference on the Study of the Qmternary Period deposits of the Qaternary Period were viewed by th 'a oonferenos from different angles. Great interest was devoted to the study of different angles.i The lebtures 6f S.S. Morozov and,the Ace- demioian I.1, Gerasimov on the subject of-ge,oohemistry of Quat- ernary deposits were of special interest for the national econo- my. It was decided to hold the next regional conference for Kazakhstan and Central Asia in 1958, for the Ural and western Siberia in 1959t and for eastern Siberia and the Far East in 1960. The next All-Union donference on the study of the Qmt- ernary Period will be hold in 1960. ASSOCIATIONs VIM$ AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 USSR/Soil Science - Genesis and GeoGrraphy of SoilB~ J-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Bioi,,j No 9, 38983 Author : Dobrovolskiy, V.V. Inst : All-Union Geographical Society. Title : Relies of the Steppe System in the Contemporary Zone of Podzol - Foruation. Orig Pub : Izv. Vaes. geogr. o-va,, 1957, 89, No 2, 157-159 Abstract : On the basis of a study of soil forming rocks) the author arrives to the conclusion that conditions close to those fo contemporary forest-steppo and steppe existed on the territory of the Ryazm, Tula, Kaluga and Bryansk oblasts in the first half of the 14urms. glacial period. Card 1/1 BAZMOV, Ivan Ivanovich, inzh.; LEONMO, Ivan Abramovich, inzh.; KHAR- MEMO, Aleksey Kondratlyevich. kand.tekhn.nauk. Prinimali uchastiye: DOBROVOLIBRIT, V.V~jL kand.tekhn.nauk; BORODULIN, K.Ta., inzh.; POPOV, &.-A, z KHOLWOV, K., red.izd-ve; PROZORMICATA, V.L.. tekhn. red. [Coal mines and mining in the Chinese People's Republic] UgolInaia promyeblennost' Kitainkoi Narodnoi Respubliki. Moskva, Goo.nauchno- takhu.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu Goagortekhizdat, 1959. 479 P. (HIRA 13:2) (China--Coal mines and mining) 3(8) SOY/7-59-2-13/14 AUTHOR: Dobrovollskiy, V. V. TITLE: Characteristics of the Hypergeneads of Quaternary Sediments in North Kazakhstan (K kharaktoriatike gipergeneza chet- vertichn.vkh otlozheniy Sp7z,~rnogo Yazakhatana) PBRIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 1959P Nr 21 PP 178-190 (USSR) AiSTRACT: The region investigated extends between the Ishim and Irtysh rivers south of the latitude of W town of Petropavlovsk. At the region's eetftml ducl vestern partAhe Sever o-Ka z akh skaya hills. The colloidal-disperse mass was subjected to a differential thermoanalysis and chemical analysis. The following empirical formula was found: 3.8 (Si,Ti)O 2-1.3 (AI,Fe )203* 0.4(mg,Ca)O. .061 (K,Na )20.5.4 H20 . Debye diagrams mere made by G. A. Sidorenko and the refractive index was determined. The greater part of microelements is to be found in the colloidal-disperse mass (Table 5, rig 6). The composition of hypergenous new formations is dependent upon the type of landscape. In moun- tainous wood-steppe regions new formations of carbonate pre- vail, which often contain iron (Figs 1, 2, 3; analyses in Card 1/2 table 1). In the moderately arid steppe gypsum is to be found SOV/7-59-2-13/14 Characteristics of the Hypergenesis of Quaternary Sediments in North Kazakh- stan (Fig 3, analyses in table 3), in the arid steppes the per- centage of new formations of chloride - sulfate is hi h ro New formations of iron (Table 4) and manganese (Fig 5 are rare. The distribution of microelements in new formations was determined spectrographidally under the supervision of A. K. Rusanov and by methods devised by him (Table 2). The investigation showed that microelements are regularly dia- tributed among the individual kinds of now formations. There are 6 figures, 7 tables, and 15 references, 13 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vseaoyuznyy institut minerallnogo syrlya, Moskva (All-Union Institute of Mineral Raw Materials, Moscow) SUBMITTED: March 21, 1958 Card 2/2 3 (5), 3 (8), 17 (4) AUTHOR: Dobrovollskiyp V. V. SOV/20-126-2-43/64 TITLE: Admixture Elements in Carbonate Concretions From Quaternary Deposits of the Arid Zone (Elementy-primesi v karbonatnykh konkretsiyakh iz chetvertichnykh otlozheniy aridnoy zony) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRt 1959, Vol 126, Nr 2, pp 382-384 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The redistribution of substance in subserial conditions differs greatly from the diagenesis processes which under water- occur above the sediment (Ref 1). The author carried out comparative mineralogio-petrographic, chemical, and spectroscopic investigations of 66 samples of the concretion mentidned in the title, in order to explain the behavior of small--alementg under subaerial conditions. These oonoretiohe in the USSR miginate from the earth hypergenesis and are also distributed over arid zones in many other land3 (Refs 2-8~ The author deliberately collected these samples of concretions in places f ar away f rom any ore-depos' desert (South Kazakhstan, Soviet Central: Asia), steppe black-earth territory, European'USSR). The analys&., witre made in the Card 1/3 laboratories of the Mineralogichookiy muzey AN SSSR Admixture Elements in Carbonate Concretions From SOV/20-126-2-43/64 quaternary Deposits of the Arid Zone Mineralogical Museum of the Aca&emy of Sciences, USSR) alysist N. V. Voronkova), the Voronezh University (by P.V. M Yakshova) and the Ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr Ministry for Geology and Protection of Mineral Resources) M N. S. Valeyev). The results are given in figure 1. By comparing them with the results of the spectral analyses of' the quaternary deposits of the area concerned one may see that not every small element common to bearing rocks (Nb, Hf) exists in carbonate concretions (Analogy in Re~ 13). As the applied spectral analysis method yields no results as to the absolute content-quantities of the small elements, their relative contents can only be estimated from the quantity of the ratio of the elements. By arithmetic means for elements, which appear constantly or frequently in concretions and in quaternary sediments, it was ascertained that the ratio is constant. There is about 2-3.5 times more Sr accumulated in concretions while, on the othw band, the (xntent of V, C~i, Pb, Ni,.Co, -and Ba decreases by a factor of 1.2-2.0 that of Ga by a factor of 0-5. Cr remains nearly constant. The interrelations of the Card 2/3 characteristic elements are also different in the said Admixture Elements in Carbonate Concretions From Quaternary Deposits of the Arid Zone SOV/20-126-2-43/64 conoretions and sediments ~AU9 2), Most of the small elements occur in carbonate concretions in smaller quantities than they do in rocks. The results obtained prove a deviation in the small elements during the transformation, under subaerial conditions, of the and zone. There are 2 tables and 13 references, 10 ctwhioh are Soviet'. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy institut mineralinogo syr1ya (All-Union institute of Mineral Raw Materials) PRESENTED: February 4, 1959, by N. M. Strakhoy, Academician SUBMITTED: January 21, 1959 Card 3/3 DOBROVOLISKIY, V.V. ~ ----iieroelements in some soi-Is and soil '-fcwming rocks of Kazakhstan. Pochvovedenie no.2:15-23 F 160. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Vaesoyuznyy institut mineralinogo syrtya. (Kazikhatan-Trace elements) (Soils-4nalysis) __POBROVOLO SKIT, Y.T. Blements occurring as impurities in gypsum concretions from middle and upper quaterairy'deposits of thearid zone. Gookhimiia n0.7:644-643 160. (HEU 13:11) . (Kazakhstans-Q"sum) (Concretions) DOBROVOLISKI'r V V Hypergenetio mineralogy of Quaternary sediments in the central Russian forest steppe* Biul,,MDIP.Otdogeol. 35 no-4-.83-99 A-Ag 1w0 (KEM 14:4) (Sediments (Geology)) (MWor&logy) PIOTiOMYj Tladimir Vladialroviaht PODOBXDOt,,. H.S., prof., roteentont; BOGONOL07, L.A., doteent, retsousentA,03113R, SoTu., dottor goograf. nauks retsousent; BLAGOVOLTIN, N.S*# IA~6hgq sotrudnik, Moment; BOGDANOVA, N,,K, nauohnyy notrudnik, retsonsent; DOSKAM, AGo naiwhun notrudulk, retsousent; ZHIVAGO, A.V.,. nauchnyy votrudnik, reteenzente, RANTSHM, Te.Ya., nauehuyy sotrudnik. rettenzent-, NIKOLAYST, R.I., prof., rot sent out I _AWCff9j doteent, rateensentl VOSMSINSKM B.S., red,; SHAMAROVA, T,~,, red,lad-va; PESTS, B*Na,,, (Geomorphology and fundamentaU of geology] Goomorfqloglia a oonovami goologit, Riga, lzd-vo goodes,lit-ry, 1961, 283 p, (MIRA 14'1?- If or Ullor). 1.1kahal'alk.otdola, geomorfologil Instituta geografli AT SSSR 2 Mel omorfologii Instituta eografti AT SW (for Blagovolin, Bogda- u;va, Dosech, Zhivago, Rautoman)! (Geomorphology) (Geology) DOBROVOLISKIY, V.V. Carbonate concretions in relict meadow soils in the frouthern part of the forest zone. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.3: 180-184 161. (14IRA 14:7) 1. Rekomendovans. kafedroy obahchey fizicheskoy geografii Moskovskogo gosudarstvemogo pedagogicheskogo institute. im. V.I.Lenina. (TARUSA REGION-CONCRETIONS) (C=ITE) DOEROVOLISKIY, V.V. The geomorphological control of the geochemistry of the supergene formations using the axample of Kazakhstan pensplain. Izv. Ali SSSR. Ser. geog. no.6:18-26 N-D 161&~ (MIRA 3.1+:12) 1. Moskavakiy gosudaratvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut im. V.1. Lenina. (Kazakhstan-Rarth surface) (Kazakhotan-Geochomistry) DOBROVOLISK-IY, V.V. New typomorphic formations in Quaternary sediments in the desert zonet of the U, S. S-,~ R. Pochvovedenie no.10:44-58 o 161. 1 (MIRA 14:9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni V.I. Lenina. (Geology, Stratigraphic)