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RASHEMV,, Georgi, dots. inzh.; MKHAILOV, K.; SOTIROV, Iv.; STATEV, N.; GUGOV., P.; TSVETKOV, V. Conditions for the economic distribution of electric and thermal loads in the ower system of Balgaria. Izv Inst energ BAN 2:2Z7-303 162! 1. Chlen na Redaktisionnata kolegiia i otgovoren redaktor, "Izvestiia na Instituta po energetika" (for Rasheav). . I.: *' 1 j ., 4, - DOEnT,, Vasil, inzh. A special insulating rod for installing and putting do%m safety fuses. Elektioenergiia 14 no.5/601-38 My-.Te 163. DOIREV., V., inzh.; BARMIOV, D. Breaks in the cable lines in Bulgaria. Blektroenergiia 14 no.9-c 12-13 8163. ;,t_ DOBREV, V., inzh. - A symposiim on the current problems in the slootric powft distribution systema. Ilektroanergiia, 14 no.IVU8-29 0163. BATOV, C.; DOBRRVI V. Joint covering of heat loads with the extraction and back-pressure turbines. Elaktroenerglia 15 no.6tlO-12 Je 164. PANTEVA, L. Primary sarcoma of the lung. Folia med. (Plovdiv) 6 no.lt58-63 164 1. Institut do Hautes Studes Medicales OI.P.Pavlov" do Plovdiv, Bulgarie Chaire do Chirurgie de Faculte (Directeurt prof. Y.Dobrevj- Chaire de Chirurgie Propedeutique (Directeur: prof. U. Tochevi. DOBREV, Ya.; MISHEV, P.; MURDHEV, At.; RAYCHEV, Zh.; TODOROV, Surgical treatment of echinococcosis of the lungs. Khirurgiia 38 no.12:23-28 D 162. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Iz kafedry fakullteteskoy khirurgii (zav.- dotsent dr. Ya. Dobrev), Vysshego meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.P. Pavlova v g. Plovdive i khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav.- dr. Zh. Raychev) okruzhnov bollnitsy g. Burgasa. Ya., d,.tsent i"'.cvA-Tvv uIlt"llo Pn,-,ol Baku r s i,hihl lyev, n,-,,jk Neurogenic tumovi r-f :1~ mediast-inum, 'osl.. ~.hl-. 90 no.5s26-29 my t 63 wi-5) 2. 1z knfedry Ta. lbbr-v) VYS,'3bei;o .Irwdiv, Bol- gayi.ya. DOBMA, An. Studies on fetal hemoglobin In acme blood diseases. Suvr. med. 12 no.9:21-25 161. 1. Iz Nauchno-izeledovatelskiia institut po khematologiia I. kruvo- prelivane (Direktor V. Serafimov-Dimitrov) (HMOGLOBIN) (BLOOD DISEASES) CEORGIEV, Z.; ANATKOV, At.; GIGOVA, D.; VELIZAROVA, K.; GOWTOV, &I.; TANKOVSKI, Iv.; DOBREVA, .; NOW, K. On clinico-hematological foms of neoplastic leukemia. Suvr. med. (Sofiia) 15 no*l2tl3-22 164. NEDYALKOVA, M. (Nedialkova, M.];,_ Sensitizing properties of syntorycin in the use of blood preserved in solution L-12. Probl, gemat, i perele krovi. no.2:52-54 165. (ml RA 18: 11) 1. Institut gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. V.Serafimov- Dimitrov), Sofiya,, Bolgariya. ACC NRt A?6020848 SOURG& CODS-1 BU70Ol6165100OT0-081-GZ170V?f ATK710111.- Goorgiev, Zdr.--GoarL-in_v,_Z_.,-_Tankovi;ldt Ivj- Ana ,Boyadzhiova, A.-Boyad-zhiyova, A. ORG: ln_stituto fgr, S io)1tific Research in flematolog and Blood Transfusions /headed by Prof* V. Sorafiro;~--D-Iai~-ovf I-auchno-Ma edovatelski institut -W W10-MEEMOkiya i kruvoprolivano) TITIE: ProrVolocytoid-leukomia arA ito hemorrhagic syndiom. SOURM Suvremonna m-ditsina, no. 8, 1965, 461-471 TOPIC TAGS: bloocl disease, cardiovascular system ABSTRACT: 3tudy of ton patients treated over the past four years;~5 of th6se under 30; diagram shows'patterns and froquoncy of symptoms in initial, active ancl terminal stages of the disease; survival tim was between 10 and 64 (average 42) days; cause of death was mostly cerebrovascular or gastrointestinal (6 and 2 pts respectively) blooding; circulatory collapse -in the other 2. Heroio therapeutic measures were only able to prolong survival by very little, doubtfallya. Origi, art& hast 4 figures and 2 tables fEased on authorn I Enge abstg. LJ-PRS7 SUB CODE: 06 / SM-1 DATE: 0OOct64 / ORIG REFa 002 / OTH REFt 03.1 SOV REFt 001 DOBREVA,p Lgn~y-a DENVENIMI . Isak Authors of an article entitled "Useful Experiments with Hexachlorane (Kheksakhloranov) Insecticide Smoke Pots in the Campaign against Blood-Suctorial Diptera." (Vosano . Meditsinsko Delo, Sofia, MW 1619 pp 68-72) T) D -[,~ 1~ C- Vq SURNAME.. Given Names Countr7i Bul,-,aria Academic Degreess - Affiliations not indicated Source: bofia, Khigiona, Vol IV, No 5, Sop/Oct 1961, pp 23-25 "The Insecticidal Actior~ of Certain Alkyl Iodidos.11 Data$ Authorst BENVENI-ST-I,, I., Chemist, Juxiior~ Scientific Collaborator (-66BREVA, E~, Biologists Junior Scientific Collaborator PETROV, Khr.; GIUROV, At.; DOBREVA, Ek.,- BAEVA, V. Electrolysis of potassium permanganate in an alkali medium with 400.o.p.a. alternating current. Godishnik mash elekt .12 no. 1: 115-124 162 [publ. #63). Klectrolysis of potassium permaganate in an alkali medium WdIrm with 50 c.n.s. alte7itating curront. Ibid4fl2S%W, GIUROV, At.; BONCHEV, L.; Pqp~W .E,k.; IVANOV, S.; ENCHEVA, M.; RUTEOVA, L. Obtaining the zinc oxide monocrystals with amonia as red- ucing agent. Godishnik mash elekt 12 no. 1:101-106 162 (publ. 1631. HAVFDDINOV, N.; TOSHKOVA, B.; BOT39Y, B., RADUILSKA , A.; DOBIMVA, 1. Troatment of hypertension by irradiation of the mesencephalon., Sofia 6 noe3:59-63 1955. 1. Is katedrata po vutreahnl bolestl sus surdechno-sudovi.2a- boliavaniia pri ISUL (zav.dots. V.T.Tsonchev), Pengenoviis, institut pri ISUL (sav. prof. G.Tenchov) I XVII poliklinika pri SGIIS na TST - Sofiia. (HYPIMINSION, therapy x-irradiation of mesencephalon (Bul)) (RADIOTHMAPT, In var.dis. hypertension, irradiation of mosencephalon (Bul)) (MESENCKPELAWN, eff. of radiations on. . x-rays, ther. of hypertension by mesencephalon irradiation(Bul)) S*fL&. zhtwotacrulawo. Vol 16, M* 4. Avril 1962 1. 10-Tsproved Me of Not for r--946 Alfalfa.* rwom" - Scientific colls rotor &r the juaLoz Ch ~Kaora; PP 2. =,runrloncs vita ?r6servL=F_ Groom Alfalfa wj%h tamisuIr.-do., Iv&m_2PCV, QosirzAn of tk:. "ft&4 to Cos=unLx=" Cooperattv,s Tam In Isperizt; pp -5-8. 3. -Tor Uto Correa. CLstributia-M " Consolidation or Fodder Produatio=43 %he co"orazlve F&=s,* Zmjvko 3MMLoy. junior scientific :OllacOrator. UNIISS -TCF-c A rxr-Ag;~aultural tal-mtLflz aos*arca, Ingututo); 4. the Influence of too APs of Bogs for Brooding purposes an Scoo-of Tmolr ?r-~,-uatlve Charaoterl *tics. Ivan V'Wm (So--tar Asalstanx. - V17.1trar' Agftdultur& UCLI Insti'MeT-T-WAeauir or a ce a ImItrov" Ztsto Fara); -MR-771a 5. -ustimed Alamsmization or %a* poulrry pen in the village or x4loaLrovo, Yaxzcl CMV ofto vj'uav. -q. " 9r caor zoologist as the lffx. Locin Camp Vp 16-22. !-r 6. *wAny Farfts Lead to Comap Proftation." Stolka poultry Xeoper at the cooperative farm in ths -FIRaUgh or Dropla (Tojbw~n okrug). azidor of the order a the jUd Banner of IAoorw a=1 people's ropres*utative, as told to 0. 0MR31V; pp I%* Daily ProZatiTity of ft-wilz and Draft Horses 113 th$ CultIvatIOU Of AEriCulzur&I C"Ps,- Ivan TOROV. Junior --AI9OU2L0 COUAborstar. UITSK&~~~ VA~"v.a Institute, rostincro4 krayl pp 2o-75-.- 8. -r"dLzlg as a Factor In -~roodtag," Professor Patko VANCV. pp 30-34. 9. -Our MZporience Idta droad Lw;rOT6M6nt." Petur -AM:=CMw, Director of =a creed Improvement station in oyals, Sistine: vp 35-39- 10. *rho ArtIfIQL&1 11143alnStIOn Or Dow& With DP9rft DOBREVAp M.; KOVACHEY, An, - - -1~ A new grav!,zetrio method of determining the air dust by the FPP6-15 filtering matter. Min delo 18 no.10935-37 0163. 1. NIOM. F v Functional rwatin ebleddes -and suprl In bloodi, 160dmw N. Sachet, (InSL phy".. soon, Bull, ne"Iff 11am. Safim, FACal MY. n' US-48 (IW"9XRuW3m sumotary).-A close interdependence wasshowntoexistbetme theconc olutgars(Oandthe conen.ofeblorides(II)Imblooi. flipts.wereconducteclon 00 beWtby persom 2 hm. alter a standard tweaWast can- mWing of 2 boded eggs witbout salt, a tilde bread an,] but. ter to 10 g. ,Was. of g) cg - and N&CI were admiulstered orally and ammWes of blood drawn from the hnsm at Interr vals of 13 and 30 m1n.. the Am and oftood bri.. resp.. Wert analpedforsulfarsandchlosi4es. The results showed t Wit when 150 1. glucose in 150 MI. water was adminlitcrV4 It dcvrcaKd an &v. of 23 mg. % whik t increasol o(53mg. Amin. In U was reached about 101-a-fate"r- the tons. In 1, wbkb ocmrftd in 45 min. Similarly. when 15 9. NsCl in 2W ad. water was Introduced Into the bWy as above. the M. bmft" In 11 WW the av. decreaft (A I were 34 nod 32 1- % tOP4 the MIR. in I was tWW In 110 Min. This interval wax shortened to 00 min. by decreasing the amt. of Naef to 8 t Dialysis expts. with 9DIns. of Nacl and glum-Luggest hatthcobsm-edchattlesinland 11 in b1cmd awy be due to both the destruction of ix4stuosis in crJ1% and changes in the diffusion rAte of sugars in the pmence of increAsed concas. of N.ACI, and vke verms. G. mcgutrian DOMMA, N. Chemical Abst6 Vol- 48 No. 8 Apr. 25t 1954 Biolog#al Chemistry ftudond C to and cilod Wbod.1 W'N' Dobrtva :dV. alagh'ta. Apixuaire tAq.'-da Mold. 29, 17-20(1949-80XRufalan suth- MWY); cf. C.A. 45 9150h.-Increasing the gluom content of tbt blood through oral administration does not afftct the osmotle Mmureof the blood. obnfvatlon that a drop lit chloride content almost always aftompatiles an Increase In the sugar content of blood. A** ver, the r'14L",*"d angei; In these two com- lionents alone do not accou t for the const. osmotic sum, and changes In the conens. of other components, VC*h as tim, am probably Involved. Four ml. blood was taken from Individuals Just before and 45 min. after Intake of glue Was.; first the sular content was detd. and the* the f.p. of the mist. of 4 nit. blood and 3 ml. HgO. T'he changes lit Lps. were within the txptl. error even with two-) "old Increase In the sugar content. Menerla j BOBREVAg No All Chemlonl Vol , 48 110# 6 Apr. 2qj Functional mtordeptAdence of stsm and 0101M04 Di blood during p I work and attar m4poWne 1Ojv-"dd.' Tim effmt of pbyt.'%v(nk nii the of nu~- ) aifd chlc~ (11) in hirmwi %vmi mulitA. fit 1)liy,,. %vork, Wia%ved anav. l('l1/,drc4m'C in I and un Ov. WhI lift 1 (04) A04 It (8%)1 Im such cou" probably the - itto Wstu)t CILITM~uf ib Inake Up bor ibe fimmut hs L in 0 men I tlecfftsed a M It ifItTmm'd it 114 Imeh of working in- JWjl(Al; 111jeetkin of O(Itemillne W-tabbipt cmisw mnod I'l I mid liq AlefevW In 11. of I ind 11 Wvr%: duliv uAltill 3 tu.25 111ili'after itilvdifA ut w1rf"All"t.- .1 -1 --') e~ W . " b (.,l e /~ - u / VAC'HEV' N..'DOEMI, 4. --------- conditioned reflex effect on incretor7 function of the pancreas in perception of sweetness& Izvo mad, inst., Sofia 8:91-113 1953* (OLML 25:5) M DOBREVA) N. DOBREVA, N. Interoceptive regulation of osmotic blood pressure. !~, French. p. 69. Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan./Mar. 1955. DOKLADY., Sofiia, Bulpria SOURCE: East 'European Acceshions List (EM) VOL. 6, No. 4 April 1957 U~SR/Human and Animal Physiology - Blood. V-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 2, 1.958, 8438 Author : T. Gotsev, A. Ivanov, N. Dobreva, and D. Kalitsin Inst Title Physiological and Biochemiml Changen In the Blood of Students at the Time of-Fammination's Period. brig Pub Fisiol. 2h. SSSRI 1956) 42, ]NO 7, 56.5-571 Abstract An investigation of body temperature, blood pressure, blood suf;ar and chloride leivelss voncWmtfttIoA ofohow- sugar and intraocu- lar pressure was performed amoLg students during the pe- riod examinations. The students were divided into groups according to the times of the e=minations (before) du- ring and after the examinations). Among the bajority of the students body tenpe-rature during the examinations was hidier than 37 degrees, the pulse rL%te ;Lnereased, blood preasure rose, the concentration of hemoglobin and erythro- cytes Card 1/2 ORAKHOVATS, D.;-nnRpk-VL- NP; MACM,, N.; VASILEV, A.; GINOVSKA, Fr.; VELCHEV, 0. Phosphorus content in the erythrocytes of venous and spleen blood. Izv biol mede BAN 3 noo3sZl-28 059. (EEAI 10:4) 1. Katedra po fitiologiia pri VNI9 SoMa. (PHOSPHORUS) (BLOOD) (GPLM) KOIAROV,, fi,; DCNMVAp R. Cneping of crystal salts. Pt. 1. Godishnik khim tekh 8 no.2: 99-M 161 [publa 16216 -71- , 1, 1 .0 ;f I KOIAROV, N.; DOBIREVA, R. Creeping of crystalline salts. Pts.4-5. Godishnik I-lim tekh 9 no.2:163-170, 191-197 162 [publ. 1631. UZUNOV, G. i_ T'013MVIt, St.; MOL-KHOV, Zh.; T 6 Conditions) tasks, and future prospects of outPALient psychiatric treatment in Bulgaria. Nevropsikh nevrokhir 3 no.2.-65-82 164. KALCHEV., L.; RUSEV, G.; DORREVA St. !'he tissue respiration.and glycolysia in hysteriosia. Godishnik biol 57 no.1:121-1" 162-163 [publ. 164]. 1. Chair of Physiology and Biochemistry of Animals and Man of the Faculty of Biology, 01,iography, and Geol of +.h6 University of Sofia, Sofia (Head of the Chairs Idots.] Kalchev, L.). KUPENOV, N.; GOTEV, N.; SYMNALIYEV, M. [Symnaliev M.],, TOMOV, A.; KHRISTOV, 'jr Iv.; BAYEV, V. [Baev, V. ); DORM$ Yev. LDo Ev. J; MICM, T.; CHEKUaOV, V. Natural tularemia focus in Bulgaria. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i J.mmun. 41 no.4:124-131 Ap 164s (MIRA l8s4) 1. Kafedra voyennoy epidemiologii i gigiyeny Soflyskogo vysBhego voyenno-meditsinskogo instituta, Bolgariya. 0 aR EVA - V14CW4MOV" BULAGARIA/Cultivated Plants. Gruins.. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 20279. Author : D. Vy1chanov, S. Dimitrov, I. Dob G. Khristov. lust :Not given. Title :The Effect of Cutting the Panicles of Corn on the Yield. (Vllyaniye obrezki metelok kukuruzy na urozhay). Orig Pub: Selakostop. mis"l, 1956, 1, No 8, 471-474. Abstract: To replenish lacks in coarse fodder in Southern Bulgaria, corn. panicles are cut at the height of the attachment of the cob during the phase of milky ripeness. Tests conducted under production condi- tions showed that this method lowers the grain yield not less than by 8%. M Card 1/1 DOBREVSKA, Zi.; DOBREVSKI, Iv.D. DeoGlting supplementary water in thermoelectric plants. Izv Inst enorg BAN 2:161-184 162. DOBREVSKIF I,, inzh.j DOBREVSKA, ZI., inzh. "The feed-water preparation and balance in the steam turbines of electric-power plants" by [d-r na. t. n.) M.S. Shkrob and [k,' t. n.] F.G. Prokhorov. Reviewed by I* Dobrevski and ZI, Dobrevska, Eaektroenergiia 13 no.2:32 F 162. r DOBRZVSKA,, Zlatina, inzh. Decrease of exchange capacity in KPS,-200 wofatit in sulfuric acid regeneration. Eloktroenergiia 13 no.10:9-13 0 162. DOBREVSKA, Zl. Al. Regeneration of wofatit KPS-200 with sulfuric uid, Izv Inst erierg BAN 2:3.85-192 !62. I i DCMVSKk* Zi.,. ilush. Conditions iaA trends in the development of,scientifia research in the field of water treatment., boiler inside processes, and corrosion. Elektroenergiia 14 no,1232 Ja t63, DOMEVSKA, Zlatina,, imzh. Precipitation of iron and its compounds over L-150 and SM anion exchangers in the desalting installations of the Maritsa-lztok I Thermeolectric Plant. Elektroenergiia 14 no.9&14-16 V63. BULGARIA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and The-.4r H-22 Application. Part 3. - Treatment of Natural Gases and Mineral Oil, Motor and Rocket Fuel, Lubricants. Abs Jour : Ref. Zhur. Khim a. No 4, 1958, 12553. .Author :D. Dimitrov, Iv. Dobrevski, Inst :Institute of Chemistry and Technology. Titl-1 tIdentification of Some Compounds of Sulphur in Gasoline Produced of Tar from Samicoking of Coal from "Black Sea" Mine Orig Pub :Gddishnik khim.-tekhnol. in-t. 1955.(1956), 2, No 1j, 145 150. Abstract :Two products correspondingly enriched with 2-methyl- thiophene and, possibly, with 2,5 - dimethylthiophene were separated from fractions (boiling at 101 to 112 and 129 to 1450) obtained at the fractional distillati6n of gasoline rnrd 1 /2 CONMUNIST CHINA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and H-22 Their Application. Part 31 -'Tieatment of Natural Gases and Mineral Oil, 111otor and Rocket Fuel, Lubricants. Abs Jour Ref. Zhur. Khimiya, No 4, 1958, 12550. Abstract 2500 and'under the pressure of 7 atm on the formation of I. The rise of the I yield together with the time can b6 redu- cedw-Ith the addition of alkali. Dabr~yALd,_I. ; Vulchev, D. Possibilities of production of high-boiling mazut from Bulgarian petroleum. p. 17 TEZIIKA PROMISHLENOST, SoMa, Bulgaria, Vol. 8, no. 4, Apr. 1959 Monthly list for East European Accessions (EFAI) LC. Vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 1959 Uncl. S/081/62/000/024/001/052 B1081B186 AUTHORSs Gerasimov, Mikhailp Petrovat Yelisaveta, D Spasovp Grozdanp V"lohev, Dimit"r TITLE: Bulgarian oils composition with regard to structural groups, and properties PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 24, 1962, 714, abstract 24M129 (Nauohni tr. Viesh. in-t mekhaniz. i elektrif. selskoto stoP.-Ruse, v. 4, 1961 (1962)p 185 - 197 [Bulg;; summaries in Russ. and Engj) TEXTo The methods of Van Nee - Van Westen, Cornelisen - Waterman, Kurz Ward, Robert, UmstALtter, Gilyazetdinov, and Dinsley - Karlov were used to determine the composition with regard to structural groups of the 5-% frac-* tions of Tyulaniy island crude oil, which is a typical heavy oil. It was. found that none of the above methods is superior to the others. It is shown that the Tyuleniy island crude oil is rich in high-moleoular paraffin~ hydrocarbons. (Abstraoter's notes Complete translationo Card 1/1 GERASWVO M.; KAISHEV, Kr,; IORDAIIOV,, I.; BEKIAROVA, El.; 140MOV., Iv.; VUWHEV, D. _PQBREVSK Physicochemical propertiao of petroleum of Dolrd Dubnik, region of Pleven. Rhim industriia 34 no.3:83-85 162. KAISHEV Kr.;,DDBRF.VSKI, ~V.; VUILUVy D. (nifolecular sievess" a new means for the separation of molecular mixtures. Khim, i industriia 34 no*3;104-106 162. ,-W , DOMVSKII MR19) MWNOV., V.N. Mineral mass.. ash reoldus and ash faetcr in Bulgarian coaloo Izv Inot energ BAN 2:121-141 162. DOBREVSKA) ZI.; DOBREVSKI, Iv.D. Doo4lting oupplementar7 water in thermoelectric plants. Izv Inst energ BLN 2:161-lU 162. DOEREVSKI, I,,, inzh.; DOBREVSKAp Zl... inzh. "7he feed-water preparation and balance in the electric-power plants' by [d-r na, t. no) M.S. F.G. Frokhorov. Reviewed by I, Dobrevski and Elektroonergiia 13 no.2-.32 F 162. steam turbines of Shkrob and [k6' t. n.] Zlo Dobrevskao ..I ZINM., Georg (Sin'ger, G.], inzb.; DOBREVSKI, Ivan, inzh. Viscose and thermal properties of malted ashes in some Bulgarian coals. Elektroenergiia 14 no.5/6:23-25 Yq-Je 163. 1. Institut po energetikag Bukaresht (for Zinger). 2. Nauchnolzoledovatelski institut, po elektrifikatsiia., Sofiia (for Dobrevski).. t DOMEVSKI Ivan inzh. I .1 Advantages,, shortcomings., and possibilities of introducing am- monium.-sodium cationization of water for industrial boiler installations. Elektroenergiia 14 no.10921-22 0163. Dou',CIEV, j)O8,qj BULGARIA/Farm Animals - Horses. Q-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, 2546 Author : Dobri Dobreyev Inst ---------------- - Title Breeding of Half-Bred Horses on Breeding Farms Imeni Vasi- liy Kolarov and "Bozhurishte". Orig Pub 2hivotnovodstvo i vet. delo., 1957., 11, 21-27 Abstract The horse breeding farm imeni V. Kolarov was founded in 1883 near the city of Kolarovograd (Bulgaria), and "Bozhu- rishte" was founded in 1896 near Sofia. In 1952 all the horses from the Bozhurishte farm were removed to the gos- khoz imeni St. Karaszha in Eastern Bulgaria. The Kolarov farm produced the Eastern Bulgarian universal farm work horse. Describes the history of the farms, the breeding procedures, the origin and lineage of colts. Card 1/1 ZAITOVA, A.Ya.; MASAGUTOV, R.M.; VOLIFSON, I.S.; KIRILLOV, T.S.; DOBREYKIN, Purifying the reflux of units for thermal cracking on an alumiro- silicate catalyst, Tin~ Bash NIIRP no-5256-68 162o (MIRA ri 13.0 0) DOBREYTSET41 V. I. Cand. Med Sci - (diss) "Special medical servi:,er' for chilch-en admitted to hospital while still crib bound uuriq- Uieir f -irst year," koscow, 1960, 16 pp (Institute of Pediatrics, A!,~S USSR) (KL, 35-60, 126) DOMITM, T..Z. houliarities In the oars-of children entering day mureeries during the firat year of lifo.1Tbp.okh.mat. I dot. 5 no.l.-68-73 Ja-7 16o. (XR& 130) 1. Is otdola organisateit detakogo sdrarookhransuiya (sav. - Wof. A.G. TSeytlin) Gonudarstvemogo, nouchno-iseledovatel'skogo ~ediatrl- chookogo institute, (dir, A*P*.Chernikwa), (INFAVIS--CARN AND RYG33U) DOBRRYTM V I (Moskva) Orpladzing the work of a teacher and murso in a day nursery. M--el.,sestra 21 no.3s,43-48 Mr 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Iz Gosudarstvemogo nauchno-iosledovatellskogo pediatrich- eskogo instituts, Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya RSPOL. (DAY *HMMISS) STEM, P.- DOBRIC V ; KOGIC-MITROVIC, D. Effect Of azulOnO OR asthmtic seizures caused Oy an anaphylotoxin in guinea pigs*.. Acts, med. iugoslavl, 14 no.4:402-406 160. 1. Pharniakolgioches Institut der Medizinischen Fakultet in Sarajevo. (ASTMI& expqr) (CYCLCFARAFFINS phat-macoi) I, 40BPICA~ I. Quality Problems cf Radio Receivess. ELECTFOTEHNICA (Electrical Engineering) #lOt442:Oct 55 DOBRICANIN, V. Rapid method for the determination of constituent elements in asphalt mixtures. P. 301. PM I SAOBRAGAJ. (Drustvo za puteve Srbije) Beograd, Yugoslavia. Vol. 4, no. 7AO, JulY/Oct. 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LO. Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Uncl. COUNTRY t Yugoslavia B-23 CATEGORY ADS. JOUR. RZXhim., lio. 1915"791 1i~o. 137940 AUTHOR Dobricai4in, V. IFST . .149ferials-Testing Institute, NRS TIME' : Paraffin Content of Bitumen from Yugoslav ',*Kriz" Petroleum and Its Detrimental Kffect ORIG. PUB. : Saopst. Inst. ispitiv, mater, NRa, 1959) 7t No 9, 32-37 ABSTRACT Data of analyses of 56 samples of bitumen from Yugoslav "Kriz" petroleum; paraffin (P) content of bit-umen varies within 0.7-2--.4%. Accordlng ro Yugoslav iStandard 1. M. 010, road-surfacing bitumen can contain up .to 2.5% P. Structure of P is crystalline and P of the i bitumen samples under study had a melting point of 1+3-550. Ya. Satwiovskiy I CARD: DOBRICEVIC.. MOrjan, ins. Present state of the application of oriented shoots to transformer cores. Elaktroprivreda 15 no.11/12032-535 N-D 162. 1. Rade ioncar., Zagreb. 4,3.104) 33524 /3' 15LI/O Z/048/62/000/005/001/003 13, 1000 D291/D302 '/ichovs*, ZdZf ek AUTHOR- Dobr en TITLE: Rackets with a homing guidance PERIODICAL: Vlfda a technika mlidezi, no. 5, 1962, 152-153 TEXT: The article without any reference to a specific type, gives a brief description of a surface-to-air missile with a semiactive and in- frared homing guidance. After describing the-individual components of both homing systems, the author lists the functions of the semiactive homing system an follows: An auxiliary receiver, the antenna and the synchronizer serve for reception of signals from the radar which irradi- ates the targ g et. This method ensures coordination between the homindi!nd radar systemaq sincq it is necessary for the rocket to record, in ad, tion to the target coordinates, also the distance to the target and its speed* After tit* carrier rocket has served its purposeq ioe. proper acceleration and carrying the second stage containing the warhead to two-thirds of its flig4t-pathq the synchronizer activates the infrared 33524 Z/048/62/000/005/001/003 Rockets with a ... D291/D302 homing device located inside the warhead. The homing device works on the well-known principle of infrared radiation emitted by the target and registered by sensitive instruments in the head of the rocket, including a thermo-coordinator with two bolometers. Two bolometers with similar characteristics in the bridge connection are used to ellminute the ef- fects of ambient temperature.. The performance characteristics of the described rocket are as follows: Speed around 3,600 km/h; launching weight 1,000 to 1,500 kg with a warhead diameter of 30 to 33 cm; max-1- mum effective range 20 to 23 6. The detonator, connected with the bolo- meteraq reacts at a distance of 200 m from the target which is considered sufficient to destroy the target. The rocket is fueled with a sWd pro- pellant and requires no war-up and countdown. The cost of the rocket is considerable due to the fact that two guidance systems ars used; however, it is well worth the cost since its dependability is given at 96%o In conclusiong the author states that the USSR has also successfully solved the problem of the anti-missile missile. This ar-tix:le is based an Soviet sources, namely a paper titled "Infrahoming in military technology" Card 2/3 33524 Z/048/62/000/005/001/003 Rockets with a ... D291/D302 published by the Military-Publishing House in Moscow in 1960, and the journal "Problems in rocket technologytl in Moscow 1960, 1961. Ther-.# are 6 figures. Card 3/3 Z/048 /62/000/009/001/001 D291/D302 AUTHOR: Doblichov kka Zdgnik TITLEt Space astronomical observatory PERIODICAL: Oda a technika mlhde~ip no. 9, 1962, 305 - 307 TEEM: This popular science article describes the probable design and gives an artist's conception of a eatellite-borne astronomical observatory which, according to Smdet scientistp, will presumably be launched in three to four years. The observ--tory, 10 - 12 r, high and 4 m in diameter , "'ill orbit the earth at an altitude of 800 km with a s eed of 28p000 km/hr, and will consist of three basic sec- tions; 1~ The headp housing all control instruments and panels for flight, and observatory operationst accommodates the crew at laun- ching and serves later as sleeping quarters. It can be detached fim the other sections and is equipped with a rocket engine and a fuel supply for emergency reentry. 2) The center section consists of a supporting column in the middle, housing scientific instruments (2 telescopesp hyperbolic and parabolic reflectorsp and a Cassegrain- Card 1/2 Z/04 62/000/009/001/001 Space astronom'ical observatory ... D291YD302 ian mirror) which are extended when the observatory is brought into position. The center section is surrounded by tilting walls, whose Insides carry solar cells. 3) The fuel tank of the last carrier- rocket stage which can be converted into a living and working room after the fuel is burnt-up. Altitude control is performed automa- tically or manually. Cabins are pressurized to the 2,000 m level and the ineide temperature is kept at 270C. Radiocommunication is to be maintained between ground stations, observatory cabins, and members of the 4-man crew working outside of the cabins. Provisions are also made for entertainment of crew members off duty, such as radio and TV. It is expected that the observatory will stay in or- bit for several years, that crews will be exchanged every bO days and that supplies will be flown to the observatory by rockets land- ing close to the space observatory. The article includes a drawing by Engineer Captain Z, Udehnal showing a cross section of the futu- re space observatory. There are 2 figures. Card.2/2 ~D287/D307 iii),1110PU, .,IIo b~cho~v~.k Tr.VI,E::' GreenAight f or" 11 S L ?&RIODICAL: Wd*a' 'a teichnikii..*ml fide*i '26's IOU -915,417 .TEXT: Various-basic data 6n.:satellites: and rockets...te~'Geape velodities, rockct:velocities~.iu relation:to *the sun, etc) are discus sed. Diff ic at i5f the:~traj6ct6ry,of. -the: -ulties,dur ng'the.calcul ion satellite I ~'dr 61are'summarized-and*var' d ious correction deVice s. es u A 6ribed. ~ri 6nk erimefital radio.- astjoo-nav.AgAtion system is'. Be I as* auxiliary. navigat-3 bon system I'in tiara 11 t4hich also carries, -a -.ph6tatele- vision device for trdnAMitti%-pictu:rea 6f.*.ihe surface pf.1-lars."to -the"' earth.. The importanc~e of ''the design of' ri)ckcit carrices id,.- qtreaaad'. 3asic data on 'the i-might o3miance- etc. -of Mariner 11 ake also.",' included. There are 5-fi' gurdsA Card 1/1- I ~ i :L =24 j' * - - I- - .1 ACCF.SMON las AP3001371 :rlf --, ,q_ . -- - . - gy 7,/WW63/OOD/01 1/0364/0365 D 0 /3 8 11: 43 1 -x 1 16. AIMRUSHIJK. A. A.. A SLOIA)NOV. S.F- ~ ii; , T.A. , I.B.; Z1%NOZWU, L. 1. -, KUZiNN'KO, A - 1-4 ~ (Ki y; -,- I Using acidophilus and yrnr,~it p~rlu--ts in the diet of small children .Etatroi n"atina I Tlo,7:101-103 JI 157. In. g (ALIM91ritiltY CAIVO- - (MIRA 10:10) kMILX, ACIDWHI'Ji.;) D03RIX. J. "Ixtracting Water Leaking from the Facking of a Kaplan Turbine with an Ejector.n p. 34, Praha, Vol. 4. no. 1, Jan. 1954. SO: Zast Earopean Accessions List, Vol. 3. No. 9, September 1954, Lib. of Congress KRYLOV) A.A.,;.DOERIK, N.P. Uropepsin excretion dynamics in hypertension treated with reserpine, Kardiologiia, 2 no.4:82-83 JI-Ag '62. (KIRA 15:9) 1. Iz kafedry voyeano-morskoy i gospitallnoy terapii (nachallnik prof. Z.M.Volynskiy) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina, akademii imeni S.M.Kirova. (UROPEPSIN) (RESERPINE) (HYPERTENSION) DOBR NEWTS, 0. F.; PIM., F.; STRYUK, Yu. S.; TOKAREVSKIY, V. V. L.RWY "Investigations of the Lowest Sta$,;es of Mg 25.11 report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Tbilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. IF AN UkSSRj KGU [Inst Physics, AS UkSSR, Kiev State Univ] K14 KOPYRIN, A. V., an,,! cn 7irth~ay of Izdaip Al-,vl' Yosrva, USSR/Farm Animals. &--a11 Hornod Stock Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol.j No 6, 1958, No 26187 Q-3 Author z Dobrikov I.T. Inst :' Not ftuall Title I Experionoo in the Raising of Highly Productive Purobrod Young Rmis (Opyt vyroshchiveniya vysodoproduktivnykh plenennykh baranchikov) Orig Pub Ovtsevodstvot 1957, NolOp 33-34 Abstrect No abstract Card 1 1/1 av f lit g F v CKWOMORDIK, ]B.M., k&nd.t*khn.Aank; DOBRIXOT. X.F.. inzho Effect of the composition of the generator gas on the combustion procesa in the piston cheimbere Trudy TSNII M no*187:139-153 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Gas-turbine locomotives-Combustion) DOBRIKOV K.F. Combustion charaoteristios of natural gas in piston combustion chambers. Trudy TSNII MPS no.214:115-120 '61. (MIRA 14:8) (Gas turbines--Combustion) (Gas, Natural) ___A7 Pr-4 MN ACCESSION NR.- AR3006424 S/02?3/63/600/003/0048/0048- j SOURCE; RZh. Dvigateli vnutrennego sgora-niya, Abs. 8.39-327 AUTFOR: Vasillyev, Yu. N.; Dobrikov, K. F. ,TITLE: Utilization of heavy-fuel in free-pistonengines i ,CITED SOURCE: Byul. tekh~-`.',*ekon morsk. flota, no. 9(59). 1962. 51-65 ibb, "Ii6av 'I ,TOPIC TAGS., free_pistoh~dng y u61,,- esei-,fuel- residual oil, DT-1-oil, TRANSLATION. Resulti'are.'given 'of the'i-eivats of the'study of the combustion pro- cessos of various fuels (dieseff benzine fraction oil, coking distMif;, bf-l rotor oil, and residual oil) in type M-2-free-piston,engine. Characteristics of st d f,,,els\~and t2he'l~yout of the experimental installation are given. it Tims s1hown that with, sufficient preheating and filtration of heavy fuels (rosidual oil, .band benzine fraction) it is possible to combust them in a free-piston gas generator.. without'any important -change in'the design or, regulation system made for the use of.: .diesel fuel. The tests conducted were brief and did not make it possible to judge the influence of fuel quality on engine wear.. DATE AC): 06Sep63 SUB CODE: FL ENCLt- 00 Card I I method. 9 uBf rev ew,,d T t In the detpT-mi,,, t On inc 'Ie7- not . . . . . . . . . . . L 882~--,_~L AGG FSM 91 -NRi AT4045687 OX terburn'-f bo x v;i niethod. The formar c&n , -use-, lwril-ht ti riv- tho A frv kl.~, ri 19 f ASSOCIATIM VsesOyu%ny*y rIwjCIMO-i88IedOVRte1'Gkiy imst'tiit -7 tranisportp -(All Unio- Staientific Researci Nc ~,~u 9w O-OV/120-58-4-4/30 AUTHORS:Dobrikov, V. N., Zailta, N. I. and Nemets, 0. F. TITLE: I'Pecisi-on--MUMr for a Cyclotron (Pretsizionnyy monitor dlya tsiklotrona) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 4, pp 23-25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A description is given of a monitor which may be used to inteorate the beam.gener&ted by- a cyclotron with an ac-curacy of 0.1% at a current of 10-9a or more. The deleterious effect of lea:-.Lges is neutralised by means of an integral ionisation chamber which "strengthens" the beam current, In cyclotron practice it is often necessary to have a beam inteErator. The beam currents ma,7 dif er by actors of 10 or even 100 and lie in the range -10-5 tD 1o-9 a . The above monitor was desi-ned to be used in these cases, The monitor is based on the device described by Bouricius and Shoemaker (Ref.1). The ~designhas been modified in the present case so that -tdbes tunufactured in the Soviet Union may be used in it. A complete circuit diagram is shown in Card 1/2 SOV/120-58-4-4/30 Precision Monitor for a Cyclotron Fig.l. Fig.2 is a cross section drawing of the ionisation chamber. There are 2,.figures and 2 references, both of which are English. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN USSR (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR) I I SUBMITTED: October 24, 1957- Card 2/2 GCFMAN., YuV.; DOBRIKOV, V.N.,- ZAM9 N,I,; NEMM, O.F. Application of an ionizatgn chamber for particle seleetion b7 the method of measuring Erx . Izv,AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 25 no.10: 1305-1307 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1, Institut fiziki AN USSR. (Ionization chambers) GOFMAN, Yu.V.; ~~BRIKOV, V.N.,;. ZAIKA, N.I.; MOKRNACH, A.V.; NEMETS, O.F. ~A 1 1. _ .,.- I Measurement of asymmetz7 in the N14(dop)N15 reaction on. elastically scattered deuterons. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.5:1317-1318 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Inatitut fiziki AN UkrSSR. L 14496-65 EWT I-) I AA P FN 3 S D i, 'D g C S 'S OZ 1/2 :fI-L-ULA, A. 11-come UiuractcrisLis aid ilmsults ii-,, Graftirg 'Vli-~es with 1-c-riandi-,ri x Ri_-,aria Telel:i 'T , Teleki 5A, and Yober 5BBII y P. 30) (A-1- ~ ~'RPMII DAJ Vol. 2, I'le. 4, April 19,r4, Pcdgrade~ Yugcslavia) SC: I'cnthly List of East F'uropcan 111:ces3iom (IJTAL), LC, Vol. ~, I-P. i, T~arcl I h 19-5, Uncl. YUGOSLAVIA / Cultivated Plaz.ts. Fruit Tre,~-s. Small Fruit Trees. Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., 1958, No 16, 73145. Author : Dobrila, Drag. A. Inst : N 0 t a rvMn -. Title P On the Fruit Bearing of the Apricot. Orig Pub: Poljopr. Vojvod., 1957, 5, No 7-8, 72-76. Abstract: I-lore than 1/3 of the apricot harvest in Yugoslavia is raised in Voyevcdl-no Rayon, The beat- hExvasts are obtained in Macedonia and Voyevodino. In 19-53 the larSest harvest was 40 kg from 1 tree. DecreesE-, in harvest yield in a seriee of regions is explained by bollowness and fall oiL' young fruit during kor- filation of the stone. Clasterospcriosis brings the :greatest losses caused by Clasterozporiu-m carpophi- lum. Sprayiiig for its control is carried out by a G;_Ird 1/2 -..- r-- . . I - - - - 1: " . ." ~.- ., '.- -1 ,,.- ~~:, - 11 D, - I ~o, , ~, li., -,z. t --p T v- , , ~ ~ DOMILOVIC, B. W - Possibilities of more accurate processing of thermograms. p. 195. (GIASNIK, Vol. 6 (i.e. 5) No. )/4, 1956 (Published 1957) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957 Uncl. DORRILOTIC. B.N . Contributio-n to the comparison of temperature and humidity in a meteorol- pgIcally protected place to its immediate vicinity. p. 25. (Vaskona, Vol. 5. No. 1, Jan./June, 1957, Beograd, Yugoolavia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (ENAL) Lc. Vol. 6. No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. DOERIL01110" B. ----- -- Maximal quantity of water vapor in the polytrope of the atmosphere. P. 7 YUGOSLAVIA. FIDROISTEOROLOSKA SLUTA. VFSNlY,. Beograd, Yugoslavia. - Vol. 7, no. 1/2, Jan./June 1958 P',onthly List of East European Accession (EUI) LO, Vol. 8, no. 6 June 1959 IU ncl . DOBRILOVIC, P. -Z- Division of the earth's atmosphere. P. 42 ITGOSLAViA. HIMOISTEOROLOSKA SLIJZBA. VESNIK. Beograd, lugoslavia. V01. 7) no. 1/2, Jan./June 1958 Monthly List of East European Accession (EEKI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 6 June 1959 Uncl. Mpd); Given Namea Cotintry: Yugoslavia Awdemic Degre--3: not given A'Mliation: Department of Physics. Institute of Nuclear Sciences t-B;-ri-s Kid-rich-'1'--" Source: Belgrade-Vintcha~, Bulletin of the Institute of Nuclear Sciences fA Boris Kidrich", Vol 11, Mar 1961, pp 15-22. Data: "Invest igation7-f the Efficiency of Vapor Condensation on Ions in a Wilson Oloud Chamber*N Co-authors ~gTJO, A., Department-of Physics, Institute of Nuclear Sciences ._jqI& "Boris Xidrich"-. BM-MAHOV, Dorde, lftpl. fiz., aaradnik (Beograd, Cvijiceva 63); GRADOJEVIC, Vojinp stud# k~zike, saradnik;_MRjLQVIq,~LjL ana, diple fiz.., sarani ~j Identification and measurement of activity in radioactive sourr.". Tehni)ca. Jug 17 ho,10: Suppl.: Radioizotopi zrao 1 no.10:1853118~9) o t62. 1, Institut za nuklearne nauke "Boris Kidricl,. Vinca-Beograd. DOBRnOV:EC,- Lj.; =-UMRO1r,,D.j QU=HMpV.; PALI~~GpD. '.. I Liquid ocintilUtion comter used in tb& ,413~1* qf pure I bots, emitters; abstracte Glas Hem dr V n IfI6901 164 _i :... 1& The Boris Kidrie Institute of Nuclear Soienceff, Deparl~- 11 ment of Aialyses and Metrology#. Belgrade-Vinoa. SHCIWANSrJYi, Veffe; P~~Iffp. PA. Processing lightweight scrap metal vith heavy duty packeting presses and utIlIzIng It In open-hearth productlono Stalt 25 no.4081-382 AP 065-i OWA 18: U) DOBR 0 B. Yu. Rare case of metastasis of a pancrentic cnneer no.2:199 7 158. VrAch.delo (MIRA 11:3) 1. Terapevtichookoye otdeleniye (zAv.-Ye.A. Zhalo) Voroshilov- gradskoy gorodskoy bolinitay. (PANCREAS--GANGER) DOBRM, B.Tue (Toroshilovsk) CMleal statistics on pneuxonia and the effectiveness of compound therapy including unvocalus. Vrachedelo no..5:53.1 MY158 (XIRA 1117) (FNMONIA) (NOVOCAM) M DOBRIN, B.Yu. Influence of dynamic vicasol dosing on the prothrombin function of the liver in patients with malignant neoplasms. Vrach.delo no.5: 531-533 My o6o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Alchevskaya gorodskaya bollnitsa Luganskoy oblasti. (CANCER) (NAPHTHOQUINONE) (PROTHROMBIN) PRODOLOBOV, N.V.; GMNER~ V.F.j DOERIN B.Xu,,- KIRSANOV, G.P.; P" PARSHIKOV, M.Ta.; PEMIOF.,~*XL; KRfZHANOVSKIYP V.A.; YAMCHUK, N.I. Abstracts. 26 no.6:135-137 Je 162. (MMA 15:13.) 1. Iz Tyumenskoy gorodakoy infektsionsoy bollaitsy (for Prodolobov). 2. Iz sellskoy uchastkovoy bollaitsy oovzhoza "Chernaya" Solikamskogo pAyonzogo, otdela zdravookhraneniya (for Gerner). 3. Iz kafedry goo Itall terapli Lugaiskogo meditainekogo hatituta Z ROY (for Dobri Iz respublikanskoy klinicheskoy bollnitay Mordovskoy ASSR (for Kirsanov, Parshikov). 5. Iz propodevticheskoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki Kuybyehavskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Petukhov). 6. 1z goopita.11noy khirurgicheskoy kliniki i kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii Chel binskogo meditainskogo instituta (for Krizhanovskiy, Yamchtr. (MEDICINE,ABSTRACTS)