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DOBIN, YO.S. Case of pyrabutol intoxication. Vraah. delo no.8:131--132 Ag 161, (MRA 15:3) 1. Terapevticheskoye otdeleniye 7-y Gorodskoy bollnitsy Dnepropetrovska. (PYWOLIDIINEDIONE-TO.XICOLOGY) DUBIN, Yu.ya. -- -- 'W"mub-"Wh. A diffused form of exaudative erythema multiforme treated with penicillin. Vest. vener. no.2:47-48 Mar-Apr 1951o (OLML 20:9) 1. Lt. Col., Medical Corps. MR/Medicine Clinical Test Jan/Feb 52 "Determination of the Tensile Strength of a Blood Olot in Certain Skin and Venereal Diseases*" YU., Ya. Dobin Vest Venerol I Dermatol," No 1, pp 42-44 Reference is y-A to an article published by A. M. Om-evich in "Khirurgiya". No 5,. 1948., describing his ne'w &]W for testing the tensile strength of blood clotaj, without previous processing of the blood. Dobin agrees with Gurevich that in certain inflan- ative and destructive processes in the orpnizap the tensile strength of a blood clot, may serve as an indicator of pathology and may frequently be valuable in the diagnosis and prognosis of a disoase* The author, supported by Popov.. Gollnik and Martynov, draws a parallel between this test and tba,reaction of erythrocyte pptn,(RCE)? Be findLo"tbat the range of fluctuations in the blood Clot tonsile strength test is smaller than in the R(M test., Author observed the highest stage of temaity in a blood clot in primary and recurrent sub"I's, especially in cases with gOnOrrheal, and p7od*rjdc complications. It is in these cases _tbat bbe author recommends the use of the blood'elot tensile strength test, as well as in-gonorrhea with :omplication and$ pyoderma. .222T15 DOWN. TuqYa.. podpolkovnik maditainakoy slushby - - - - - - - -- - Taudn-iollne-siAlfanilamide suspension of treating suppurative skin diseases. Vosuiedzhur. no.12:73-74 D 156. (KLRA 10:3) (SKM-DISIASIS) (PHOUCOLODT) DOB I'Ll, _Yu ,14.,podpolkovnik wed.sluzhby; YABLONOVSKAYA. V.G. Impetigo hervetiformio and its treatment. Voen-med.nhur. no.11:72 N 157. (MIRA 11;4) (IMMIGO) DOB3, Tu.ya. A ones of migration of a metatio foreign body into the uIrethra Sovemede 22 no*4tl39-140 Ap 158 (MIRA 11:7) (MMERS, for.body migration of metAllio Rplinter After gunshot vd. of bladder (Rua)) (BLADM, wds. & inj. gunshot, migrAtion of metallic splinter to urethra (Run)) AMIEDOVAI Z.P. (Akhmedava, Z.P. ); DOBI:92 LA j "AFUTINA, L.A. [Tarutsina, a L.A.]; TURBIN, N.V. [TLtrbiAl,'M.V.j;"'I'iU"i'ILx~VA, L.V. (rillatyliovap L.Vj Change in the rate of ripening and heterosis of corn under various cultivation conditions. Vestsi AN BSSR Ser. biial. nav. no.3s54-64 164- (MI RA IS: 1) CIRCINFM,I., dr.; DOBINU,B., dr.; CALRA, Lucia, ing. Modernization of slaughtering rooms at the Braila SlaughterhouBe. Ind alim anim 11 no,3t8O-82s 84 Mr'63 1. Intreprinderea regionala a industriei carnii, Galati. DOBI NDA, V. TECHNOL02Y Determining the free chute speed of quartz sand in water. p. 79 Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Baza de Cercetari. Stiintificey Timisoara. STUDII SI CERCETARI STIINTIFICE. SERIA STIINTE TEWCH. Timisoara. (Journal on technical sciences issued by the Scientific Research Base in Timisoaral Rumanian Academy.) voi. 4, no. 1/2, 1957 Monthly List of East European Acessions (EFAI), LCI Vol. 8,, No. 3 March 1959, Unclass. F.; ANTON, Viorica; ANGREL,, A.; DQBDIDAy V.p ingos, CIOCIRL&N, C. GYUIAI, pw di to Station for the experimental research on axial ps. Stu i Im Timisoara 9 no.2/2:253-262 -Ta-,.Te 162o 1. Secretar sti-intific al Comitetalui do redactie, n3tudii si. cercetari., Stlinte tebnice" - Timisoara - (for Dobinda)o D-0- Some logical systems and indicators for ferrite-tranoistor devices. Priborootroo,nia, no.4al5~-19, Ap 162* (KM 1584) (Electronic digital computers) p W, w 0 w U 9 OO W 0.1 fit lit of 9w too 100 0 - DobW- jutopen"041 G W2L V). ) r lo DAG The =;'a and the woWns am ditions Usedi, 00 go a W 's env 41% Saws ft, Im If '06 Usho 9 0 b . '60 es 0 AS p 10 : e. 0 u 0 .-- cff GATMMT ABS. JOUR. t RUMMvp Nos 5 19600 10, 19930 IUTFOR TITLE MIG, PM ABSTRACT i perature. Butter packaged and processed without a temperature inci4ease (at 5.0-6.5*), remained stable for 5 days. Such butter, after 3 months' refrigera, tor storage, showed stabilities of 8, 8, and 4 days (the butter in the last case was processed and packaged at 2-100), respectively. The results ob- tained from the processing and packaging of butter without preliminary temperature increases are ex- plained by the destruction of the structure of the butter, as confirmed by photomicrographs, electric CARD! 2/3 WJNIMY I GDR CATEGMT t ABS, JOM, t RUM vl')bo 5 1960, Now 199,1101 AUThUM t INST, I TITLE ORIG. PUB, AESMACT S conductivity data, and data on the degree of dis- persion of the aqueous phase. For summer butter stored in refrinerators, the authors recommend packaging after a temperature increase in bvlk form to 170, and for winter butter, after a tem- perature increase to 190. G. Titov CARD% 3/3 37? DOBI~q 0. R. PA 651T50 welding, spot Welding - Ileotrodes "Electrode Arrangements few T41haped Welding on Spot- Welding Apparatus,* G. IR. Dobis, BW, 2* pp "Avtogen Delo" No 3 Mohnsizee great saying of weight in the application of spat welding to the welding of T-shaped parts. Describes equipment setup necessary for this opera- tion. 65M, DOMS2 G.F. Iftchiues.. lathes UM/FDgineering Aug 51 "Surface Hardeining of Cast-Iron Bedways of Lathes," G. R. Dobis, Engr "Avtogen Delo'.' No 8, PP 23-26 Describes installation for hardening bedways of lathes using oxyacetylene flame for heating. Describes expta-.for establishing optimum condi- tione of operation and analyzes results. Depth of hardening,-*2.5-4 mmI traveling rate o 'f torch - 150 mm/Min. Haraness of heat-treated layer along its cross section varies from 50 to 20 R C, 20OT56 is SURWrE., Given Names Count'72 Czechoslovakia Academic Degreess Prosection Unitv Okres Intitute of Public Health,, Head F. kffiliatims Tomik- (Prosektura'OUNZ, prednosta-F. Tomik.,)Trnava. ThirdpInternal Clinic Med4 Facultyp Comenius UniversitylHead Prof4 T,R4 Klederland Mal Bratislava;(III.interna,klinika lekarske Fakultete Univ,Komenskehos prednosta prof,M.UDr. Talks NiederlAnd) JratjolavA6 source: pragues Ceskoslovenska Gastroentersoloxie-a-VY&AY&SVOI 15P No'^p Sept 1961; Vp-414-419 Data: investigations of the Activity,of some EnzYM6s in Seruw after Injury in Experimental Animals. TOMIKS ~,) VIDOp I.j NIEDERLANDp T.R. 14D. DOBIS, J, Gpo 9e16%3 SURWIE., Given Names qountx7t Czechoslovakia Academic Degreess not given hird Internal clinic Medical Facultyp Comenius Univensity AffiliationsTrofessor T,Re Niederland)MDe Bratislava,(. iii. interna klinika lekarske fakultete-Univ.Komenskeho v ]3ratislavelprednosta prof esor MUDr, T*R, Niederland ) Bratislava, Prolootlow) Uhitp okras InUtUte of Public lleilthOaad Fe Tomik MN(Prosextura OUNZ prednosta MUDr. F.Toml Trnava, SOUA .;e: Prague, Ceskoslovenska Gastroenter-ologie a Vyziva, Vol 151 No 6s Sept.1961; pp 4o8- 41-3,- Data: Correlation of some-Biochemical Findings with Morphological Ones After Experimental Liver Damage with Tetrachlormethane. VIDO., I., TOMIKp Fp. VIDO., J.p DOBISp Jp 6?Q 91103 DQBI~, J. VIDO, I.; NIEDERUND, T.R. Serum sorbitol deb ogenase so ty in liver lesions produced ,ydr t, Cook. gastroent. with tetrach.loromothane in.experl; fital conditions. v7z. 15 no-4:255-257 Jo 161. 1. Z III internej kilAiky lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave, prednosta rof MUDr.' T.R.Niderland, I (DEfiYDR6GENASES biood) (,LOUR DISEASES exper) (CARBON TETRACHLORIDEltoxiool) VIDOp I.; TOMIK# Fe; VID0j J - DOBIS J Correlation of some biochemical findings with morphological findings following experimental injury of the liver with tetrael-bloromethane. Cask. gastroent. v-1z. 15 m.6:403-413 S 161. 1. 111. interns klini a lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave prednosta prof. MUDr. T.R. Niederland Prosektura OUNZ v Trnave, prednosta MUDr. F. Tomik. (LIM DISEASES exper) (CAR33ON TETRACHLORIDE toxicol) TCKIKs F.; VIDPp I.1 NIEDERIANDs T.R.; DOBIS, J. n Studies on the notivity of some serum enzymes after injuries in experimental animals. Cook. gastroent. vyz. 15 no.6:414-439 S 161. 1. Proooktura. OUNZ v Trnave, prednosta F. Tomik, a III. interns, klinika lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. T.R.Niedbrland. (WOUNDS AM INJURIES exper) (ENZDM blood) M NIEDERLAND, T. R.; GVCZDTAK, J.; DOBIS, J.; Technicka spolupraca. MATOLKOVA, M. Changes in the concentration of glycogen fractions in the striated muscle and myocardium in chronic and chronic-intermittent administra- tions of salieylates. Bratisl. lek. listy 41 no.7:/+15-419 161. 1. Z III internej klinilty a Vedeckeho laboratoria pre farmakobiochemiu lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Dratislave, prednosta. prof. MUDr. T. R. Nal.ederland. (MYOCARDIUM metab) (MUSCLES metab) (GLYCOGEN metab) (SALICYLATES pharmacol) DOBIS, T.; VIDO, I.; VIDO, J.; NIEDERLUM, T. R. Studies on the activity of some enzymes in the blood serum in experi- mental carbon tetrachloride liver inJurles. Bratlsl. lek. listy 41 no.9:537-542 161. 1. Z III internej k3iniky Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave, pred- nosta prof. MUDr. T. R. Niederland. (LIVER DISEASES exper) (TRANSAMINASW blood) NAGY, Fereno, dr. (Budapest)- DMIS QnO (Budapest); LITVAN, Gabor (Budapest);' TJL339 Determination of the molecular state of aubydrous aluminum chloride In benzol* Acts. chimics. Hung 21 no.4:397-07 159. OMAI 9:6) 1, Central Research Institute for Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Satencees Budapest. T.Orgelogt You G.Schay. (Aluminum chloride) (Benzene) KUNZ, Alfons; GIBER, Janos; DOBIS, Otto Studies in nitration with mixed acids. Pts. 2-3. Magy kem folyoir 65 no. 5:174-180 My 159. 1, Budapesti Muszaki Egyatem Ipari Szerves-Kemiai Tanszeke. WBIS, Otto; MAGY, Ferenc; TELCS, Ivan Modified Ulmann device for the determination of the molecular state of deluted solutions. Magy kem folyoir 65 no. 11: 449-~451 N 159. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kozponti Kemiai Kutato Intezete, Budapest. S/081 /62/RCTO/004/004/087 B149/B101 0j a i AUTHORS: Berezin 1. V.j Vateek X., Kuo-Chlujpo~h f Kazanskaya N. F. TITLE: Investigation of the kinetics of elementary free-radical ons in'the liquid phase using tritium reacti PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyat no. 4, 1962, 62, abstract 4B429 (Tr. po khimii i khim. tekhnol. [Gor1kiy] no. I, 1961s 18-30) TEXT: The reactivity (R) of cis-decalin (I) and trane7docalin (II) in th E reaction with free radical CH , generated by decomposition of aoetyl 3 0 peroxide at 55-90 C was investigatedwith the help of.tritium (T). The, -of reaction of I and II with CH was measured with reference to the rate 3 g off a T.atom from tritium-containing standard reaction of breakin cyclohexane by the CH radical. Theratio of the rate constants for the 3 reactions between CH and I and II is 1i56. The*relative R of T atoms# 3 C1 EEREZINp I.V.; DOBISH, 0. - Reactivity of saturated hydrodarbons in their interaction with free methyl radicals in the liquid phase. DAL AN SSSR 142 no.1:10-108 Ja 162. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom N.N. Semenovym. (Hydrocarbons) (Radicals (Chemistry)) AUTHORS: TITLE: S102 62/144/002/022/028 B101Y111 10 Berezin, I. V., and Dobish, 0. The influence of structure and medium on the reactivity of hydrocarbons with free mothyl radicals in the liquid phase PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 2, 1962, 374-377 TEXT: The reactivity of hydrocarbons with (rate constant kH) was deter- CH3 XY mined by concurrent reactions using n-heptane-4t as standard. Free OR* 3 radicals wore obtained by thermal decomposition of acetyl peroxide at 60-900C. The ratio of the rate constants is given by H H G/khept ' 10 1 - 1)/11- 107H RHII where I is themolar activity of;, k -51( 0 161/1 0 CH reacting with C H t only, and I is that of CH reacting with 0 N 4 7 16 4 7 16J + RH. Results: (1) k H/kH ftpends linearly on the composition of,the a hept mixture. Hence, only values extrapolated for zero concentration of'the hydrocarbon in question can be intercompared. The reaction of C 6H6-t with Card 113 S/02 62/144/002/022/028 The influence of structure B101YB110 non-radioactive heptane gave more exact values than that of 06H6 with C7 H16-*- AO (2) The composition of the medium influences especially the ratio of-the . , ' reaction constants of cis-decalin, methyl cyclopentane, benzene"'and above all that of isooctane. (3) kH/kH depends on the structure of the a hept hydrocarbon. The values referred to a secondary bond of haptane for 800C are respectively: 0.1 and 3.7 for primary bonds of heptane and toluene;. 1.0, 0.89, and 1.42 for non-conjugate secondary bonds of heptane, eyelohexane, and cyclopentane; 35.1, 38-5, and 95 for conjugate secondary bonds of cyclohexene, methyl cyclopentene, and 1,3-cyclohexadiene; 9.6, 13-7, 6.65, and 17-9 for tertiary bonds of methyl cyclohexane, methyl cyclopentane, trans-decalin, and cis-decalin; 0.067 and 0.068 for aromatic C-H bonds of benzene and toluene. (4) The low value of kH/kH* for a hept 2,2,4-trimethyl pantane (isooctane) (1.6 + 0.1 for' .2 for P161 = IOW-, 4 10CF/-)indicates that the reactive bonds are screened by the methyl, groups. There are 1,figure and 2 tables. The most important English- 55 languaE-;e references are: J. Ao Meyer, Vo Stannet, 11. Szwaro, J.-Am. Chem. Soc-, 63, 25 (1961); E. w. R. Steacie, Atomib and Free Radical Reactions, Card 2/3 B/020/62/144/002/022/026 The influence of structure ... B101/B110 N- Y-, 1954, P- 500- ASSOCIAII'ION': 1:oskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V..Lomonosova' (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRES-Z"N'TED; December 26,,, 1961, by X. N. Semenov, Academician SUB21"ITTED: December 26,1961 Card 3/3 DOBISHKV, A.M. [Dobyebov, A.M.), Inzh. Now sugar bent planter. Mekh.sill.hoop. 10 no.12.025-26 D '59. (KMA 13:3) (Planters(Agricultural machinery)) -.4 U-1f, V, HUNYA Tibor,, dr.; DOBIZ P , Istvan, dr.; MOLNAR, Miklos, dr.; PINTER, Mi]4os,dr. Therapy of infants with dystrophy by Narobol. Gyemekgyogyaszat 14 no.ltlO-16 A 162. 1. Bakes Megyei Tanacs Oseosemootthona as a Bakes M. Tanacs Korhazanak laboratoriuma as rontgenosztalya, Gyula. (INFANT NUTRITION) (MILK) (CALCIUM DIETARY) HUNGARY KRISAR, Zoltan, Dr, KOTSIS, Lajos, Dr, DOBJANSCHI, EW2L_2yj_YONOSI# Mihaly, Dr; I. Hospital of Itagyvarad (Oradea), Lepartment of Surgery (department head-chief physician: KRISAR. Zoltan, Dr) (Nagyvaradi (Oradeal) I. sz. Korhaz, Sebeszeti Osztaly). IlCorrection of Esophageal Stricture, Caused by Alkali Burns, by Plastic Surgery Using Tissue From the Transverse Colon." Budapest, Magyar Sebeszet, Vol XIX, No 4, Aug 66, pages 236-243. Abstracts [Authors' Hungarian summary] Retrostemal reconstruction of the esophagus with transverse . colon tissue was performed in 17 cases of eso- phageal stricture caused by alkali bums. One patient was lost because of peritonitis subsequent to suppurative pleuritis, 14 patients had an un- eventful recovery. The late results were satisfactory both from the functional and esthetic aspect. The operation is performed in a single session and, in the presence of a good general condition, without previous stomach fistula. In one case, gastric resection was also performed simultaneously with the plastic operation. The technical and postoperative-nursing problems of esophageal plastic with transverse colon tissue, the sources of the eventual complications and the mode of their treatment are discussed. 1 Hungarian, 19 Western references. - J_ ,-,.D.OBKE,.- Bronislaw Hiring refrigerating tonnage fixtures for oversea, transportation of goods of the Polish Ateign trade. Tech gosp morska, 13 no.122355-356 D163. 1. Polfrachtf Gdynia. DOBKE, Bronislaw (Gdynia) Packeting of lumber in overseas transportation. Tech gosp morska. 14 no. 7t195-198 Jl 164. P/036/61/000/002/002/M4 Airi/Ai26 AUtHOR: Dobke, Stanislaw, Master of Engineering TITLE: Technical and economic problems of surfacing blooming-mill rolls PERIODICAL: Przeglad Spawalnictwa, 1961, no, 2, 37-41 IM: This paper was read at the 8th Scientific Technical District Confer- ence in Gliwice, held on October 13-15, 1960, and deals with the problem of renewing hard surfaces on blooming mill rolls by shielded-are welding.- Investi- gations showed that 80% of worn out rolls can be renewed, if the deepness of cracks or other damages do not exceed 100 mm. The procedure consists of mechanical preparation, ultrasonic check, preheating, welding of the hard surface, cooling, dressing and final ultrasonic check. The most important part of the procedure is the preheating at temperatures ranging from 300 to 700 0C, depending on the steel hardness. Among various preheating methods the induction method used in the Steel Plant im. Lenin is described. The induction wiring has an internal diameter of 1,300 mm and consists of 2 sections with 25 wirings of 500 amp each. The pre- heating time of a 40 t roll is reduced to 8 hours. In Poland core welding wires and TMn II melting material was used. Before welding of the hard surface the Card 1/2 Technical and economic problems ... P/03q6l/000/002/002/004 Alli/"126 cracks were welded with copper-coated 5 mm SPla welding wire or TC200 welding material. The welding was performed by a 32-38 v, 650-750 amp, and 59 m1h ADS-100-2 welding apparatus. In the USSR an automatic welding device for the renewal of hard surfaces was developed. The cooling of renewed rolls is perfcrmed in a cooling chamber equipped with a thermostat, after which the rolls must be checked by ultrasonic devices to discover eventual cracks. A calculation of costs in Poland and in the OR is given. There are 13 figures, 3 tables and 4 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Huta im. Lenina (Lenin Plant), Krak6w Card 2/2 DOBXZ. Stanislaw.. migr inzo; PALUCHNSKI, Wieslav,, mgr inz, Hard ing of pressm-e-pad rollers of a pipe resistance wqlder. Przegl sPaw.15 no.5/,6:125-128 My-Je t63. ,1. Sekcja Spawalnicza Rowarzyszenia Inzynierow i Teahnikow Meehanikow Bolakich Poludnia,, Katowice, I . DOBM~ StMiOlL~f. mgr. Inpe; JIMMZ, Jacek, mgre inze Resistance welding of rimmed steels with large segregations. Przegl spaw 15 na.8sl76-178 Ag'63 J DPW9-Stanio ifs_n inz, - -1k _ U Posvibilities of applying welding in repair and reclamation of blooming mill rolle and rolling equipment. Przegl spaw 15 no.12t 261-272 D 163. 1. Sekoja Spawalnicza Poludnia, Stawarzyazenie Inzynieraw i Technikow Mechanikow Polskich. IXIBK'?It Evulislaw, mgr biz... Inc.' inz. -lectrovibration surfacing. Przegl spzaw 1-6 no.'1/8k,174-178 E I JI-Agt64 DD3KIWICZ,.,,jpmin1ka; RLP14BOWSKA-WACHOWSKA, Maria (Warszawa) NOMMOMWASSIN Studies on the effectiveness of piperazine in the treatment of helminthianag In cbilArpn snd adults. Wiadomosci parazyt., Warez. 2 no.5:suppl:125-126.1956.. 1. Woj. Stacja Snattarno-Epidemiologictna. (PIPERAZINIS, therapeutic use, belmintbaste (Pol)) (HICNIM TNMTIONS, therapy, piperazine (Pol)) 9 (4 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1889 RSFSR. Moskovskiy ekonomicheskiy administrativnyy rayon. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva Poluprovodnikovyye diody i triody i Ikh primeneniye; sbornik statey. (semiconductor Diodes and Triodes and Their Uses; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Tsentr. byuro tekhn. inform., 1958. 102 p. (Series: Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki) 1,700 copies printed. Consulting Engineer: Ye.Z. Korobeynikova; Ed.: G.P. Gaus. PURPOSE: This book may be useful to engineers in the field of semiconductor electronics. COVERAGE: The articles in this collection discuss problems in the design, manufacture and application of new types of semi- conductor devices. *he double-base diode is described and results of the calculation of its characteristics are given. Fused-junction silicon and germanium triodes are discussed Card 1/5 Semiconductor Diodes and Triodes (Cont.) . SOV/1889 and the characteristics of the type 314 fused-junction triode are presented. The effect of feedback in transistor amplifiers on nonlinear distortions is covered. Operation of low-frequency transistor amplifiers for individual umits of multichannel communication systems is explained and a discussion of transistor units of the KPP 30/60 system is presented. Attention Is given to the problems of cooling transistor devices. There is a review of Soviet and Western magazines and patents for 1956-1957 concerned with semiconductor devices and their applications. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Press,, F.P. Fused-Junction Silicon n-p-n- Triodes 4 The author discusses properties of silicon and describes the advantages of silicon triodes over germanium triodes. He also describes the construction and characteristics of fused-junction silicon n-p-n triodes. 947d 2/5 Ik" Semiponductor Diodes and Triodes (Cont.) SOV/1889 Samokhvalov, M.M. Type 314 Germanium High-frequency Triodes 12 The author discusses the construction and applications ot type 314 germanium triodes. He also explains the equivalent circuit of a fused-junction transistor and discusses limiting operating conditions of type 314 triodes. Dobkin, A.S. Double-base Germanium Diode 25 __~_~~~Hscuases basic parameters and principles of operation of double-base diodes. He also explains the con- struation and characteristics of diodes and gives examples .of their application. Borisov., A.I. Nonlinear Amplifiers The author discusses amplifiers with and of using feedback to derives expressions Distortions in Feedback Transistor 1 37 nonlinear distortions in transistor without feedback and describes methods decrease the distortions. He also for calculating performance of transistor Card 3/15 Semiconductor Diodes and Triodes, (Cont.) SOV11889 amplifiers with various types of feedback. Muradyan., A.G.,and G.M. Mikirtichan. Transistor Amplifiers for IndiviAual Units of Multichannel Communication Systems 61 The authors discuss the operation and characteristics of a low-frequency transistor amplifier used in a standard twelve-channel high-frequency system and derive formulas for calculating amplifier performance. A discussion of a transistor audio amplifier and a control- signal receiver is also presented. Zaryanov, N.V. Cooling of Semiconductor Devices 74 The author d6scribes a transistor chassis absorbing heat from transistor circuits and derive3 expressions that may be used in the design of transistor cooling elements. Fridolin, G.G. Review of Certificates of Inventorship, Foreign Journals.,and Patents for 1956 and 1957 Concerned With Semiconductor Devices and Their Applications 81 I. Transistor generators of sinusoidal oscillations 81 II. Flip-flop circuits and pulse generators 97 Card 4/5 Semiconductor Diodes and Triodes (Cont.) SOV/1889 The author reviews Soviet and Western patents and magazines concerned with transistor circuits. He discusses the operation of various transistor oscillators, frequency dividers, modulatorsand multivibrators. AVAILMLE: Library of Congress (TKT8T2.TT3 P58) JP/Jmr T-23-59 Card 5/5 ZFLIKMAN, G.A.; IWELT , Ye.Z.; PPESS, F.P.; K.ORK, S.V.; DOBKIIII, I.S.., red.; .101ULI-MY, A.S., red. [Silicon transistor diodes and triodes; manufacture tech- niquea] Poluprovodnikovye kromnievye diody i triod,, 0 tekh- nologiia proizvodstva. Moskva, Izd-vo "Energiia," 1964. 163 p. (MJRA 17:S) ZELIKMAN, G.A.; MAZELI, Ye.Z.; PRESS, F.P.; FRONK, S.V.; DOBKIN, A.S., red.; SMULISKIY, A.S., red. (Silicon diodes and triodes; their production technology] Poluprovodnikovye kremnievye diody i triody; tekhnologiia proizvodstva. Moskva,, Energiia, -1964. 183 p. (MIRA 17:12) us=/Engineering jar, 0 Turbines, Steam Repairs "Duration, of Operating Period of Steam Turbines Between Major Overhauls," B. F. Dobkir, 11. Stratono7, Engineers, 3 pp, UN "Blek Stants" 17o 1 6peratiag Codebook calla for ma6or overhauls annually without regard to operating hours. Authors compilad 2-year data on repairr, ac.-d breakdown of turbines to use as basis for recommending changes In overhaul schedule. 55/49T5.3 - i:iMftngineering (Contd) Jan 49 Lists data In tabular form by operating peri6do between overhauls, and analjy~es causes of break- dovt*.. Recommend 10,000 - 12,000 hours opera- tion between overhauls (gradual implementa- tion), excluding new Installations (one-year overhaul, initially). 55AM3 CQ 4 CQ B TAROSHEVICH. A.A.; GALLSHEV, M.A.; DOBEIN, G.. redaktor-, STIPANOVA, V., telchnicheskI7 redaktor [Heat system Installations In collective farm centers3 Teplofi- katella vnutriusadabnogo sallskokhozialetvannogo proizvodetva v kolkhoza. Hinsk, Goa. izd-vo BSSR, Red. salkhos. lit-ry, 1955. 239 P. (collective farms) (Slectric power plants) NM 8:7) D013KIN$ G. 1. Dobkin, G. 1. "Methods for burning peat in boiler installations," In . symposim: Torf v nar. khoz-ve Belorus. SSR., Minsk,, 1948'- p. 73-80 So: U-3566, 15 March 53,, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, Nol 13# 1949) DOBKIN, G.I. om pwomr4l, Changes In the efficiency of pumps. Bnorgetik I no.6:36-37 N '53. (MMA 6:10) (Paving machinery) PYATYMMIN. H.U.. kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk-, SMNOV, TV.K.; DOBKIN, G.I. *-".-N.Nwwmww Modernizing a standard vertical furnace for burning peat. Xnergetik 2 no-1:3-8 Ja 034. (mIaA 7:1) (Furnaces) 8 (6) SOV/112-57-5-9815 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5, p Z5 (USSR) AUTHOR: Dobkin, G. I., Kuz'min, Yu. P. TITLE: Reducing Per-Unit Electric-Energy Consumption for Pulverizing the Milled Peat in Shaft-Mill Outfits (Umen'sheniye udel'nogo raskhoda elektro- energii pri razmole frezernogo torfa v shakhtno-mel'nichnykh ustanovkakh) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauch. rabot. Belorus. politeklui. in-t, 1956, Nr 53, pp 116-128 , ABSTRACT: Per -unit electric -energy consumption for pulverizing hard fuel depends on its mechanical properties, pillverization fineness, and moisture content. High content of volatile substances in the peat. amounting to 70%, permits a coarse peat pulverization before feeding it into chamber-type furnaces. Pulverization of the milled peat in shaft-type pulverizers has gained wide usage. Per-unit energy consumption may be further reduced by increas- ing the speed of the air-and-peat mixture in the shaft from the conventional Card 112 SOV/112-57-5-9815 Reducing Per -Unit Electric -Energy Consumption for Pulverizing the Milled . . . . 3.0-3.5 m/sec to 5. 5-6. 0 m/sec without increasing the unburned losses. With such a speed, small fractions (under I mm) of the milled peat are fanned off; they constitute about 5016 of the total amount of the fuel and can be burned effectively without any pulverization. As a result, the actual pulverizer productivity is decreased, which reduces the per-unit energy consumption for pulverizing. Fanning off the fine fractions of the milled peat can be accom- plished by a higher placement of the fuel inlet in the separation shaft or by feeding the fuel into an auxiliary shaft adjacent to the principal one. The second method is to be preferred because the auxiliary shaft functions as a drying stack. Aiter the steps toward fanning off the fine fractions are taken, the shaft -pullrerizer furnaces will become more reliable and economical installations for milled-peat burning. I. M. P. Card 212 8(5) SOVI 112-58-3-3655 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 3, p 16 (USSR) TITLE: Technological Progress in Soviet Thermal-Power Engineering (Tekhnicheskiy progress v sovetskoy teploenergetike) PERIODICAL: Energ. ab. Nr 4. Minsk, 1957, pp 12-26 ABSTRACT- A short review is presented of problems associated with adoption of high-parameter steam. higher capacity of units, use of superhigh- and supercritical-pressure steam, steam reheating, selection of feed-water temperature. Some points of discussion on selecting steam parameters are presented as set forth in articles published in "Teploenergetika" journal in 1954 and 1955. Brief information is given on thermal power plants abroad, on torch and cyclon principles of fuel combustion, and on the development of steam-generating equipment and water-treatment systems in the USSR. I. S. L. Card 1 / 1 DOBKIN, 'inzh. Mine survey or inspection of a hoisting unit. [Trudy) VNE-11 no.4,7002-314 162 WIRA 17-.7) ill-, ~11 VII.- ev - A A 4 S -6 1 1 1 V 11 a U W is 146 ly 0 0 a It ObjOAXPARvoil uJax lip aba 4, i A I a L A-2--k-2 11-1 1 V I -A- "A Cr III! We 0#0010111% -02 Rua= of &4d PJWP bm dw beebmt of tM "b". 00 "SoloT Mb of Plyd"M a- of CAM& all. S, A. Nazarov &0, It. JD Wiek an Cr"Ung affid CAWdW V is 61. j%44 00 9 ~00 s0blaiaoil. Xhimlowas Meulav&4) No. 2. 21 (1935) 00 The "amylene" fraction obtained from cracked gasoline .0* was tt4IK4. Into 2D-70' sW M-00" fmcdons. The light fraction w#A wed for the prepa. of varnishes while the beavier fracum was treated with H.M. AtIdint after .00 a no. d operation# 20% polymm and 03% " sludst. 'Me sludge was then treated with 507 of ft above uxbt li,action. produdat; the mp*W s*bAW*. while The re- malaing sew was then treated with 110% of Its wekbt or HIO. the mkt. on. loto 2 byas, the upper the "varnish" 8 0 a and the lower the seld kytr. The latter was Mown with coo steam and used in further Invatiestlom. In addn,. an C;9 00 40 sludge obtained from the treatment of llxwene" -11olueoe" fraction from etticked Baku petroleum was X* 06 used for trfttW tM above light Wim (b. 20-701. 7'he mepd. IloWj contained 20 monobydrale and the latter contained 04005% C. he seld VW then blcwn with sh at 301)~M*, resuldes in 76.4% monobydrate an4 coo org. submaxim. the latter nest filleted off and the !2blown =,M.mcwhydrale with 3.4% ort. subetaum 1: Alter d114. (be scid to 19.4 and 33% monahlrdmie the ors. masa twome coagulated A 0 and was sepd. The wW was finally coned. to OR%. a 0 black product being formed. An SS.U% wW was oh- tallned by a treatment with activated C, although It has 00 Cam. value because of bilth cost. A. A. Roebtliolk L A WALLUICICAL UYINA101 CLOSOKATION 10111411 -10 U N At MW j, An I I 1 01 0 N f I It a I a Q 3 0 1 I NO It to 4, x a x 11 1 s I's 0 we 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f DOBKIN, I.Ye.; HESHCHANINOT, S.H,; PARMOV, N.He industrial properties'of solidol obtained from mixtures of oxidized liquid petroleum waxes and high-molecular synthetic fatty acids. Proizv. smaz. mat. no.2.-6-15 156. (HIRA 10:11) 1. Uningradskiy neftemelosayod imeni Shauvqana. (Tabri6ation and lubricants) (Acids-, Fatty) (Paraffins) 6 1AW1 Ivy Shaumian Leningrad Petroleum and Iubricant Plant. Neftlaulk 2 no.11:36-37 N 157. (KM 10:10) (Leningrad-Lubrication and lubricants) 1, DOBKIN, I-To.; GUSHANSKATAt P.G.; SYCWWA, L.F. ........ .. Production of C.5 - G9 low molecular weight synthetic fatty . by the oxid:~tion of soft Paraffins. ProizvooMma-mat. n0-5: 34-44 159. MRA 13:4) 1. leningradakiy opytnyy neftemelosayod Imeni SbauuVana. (Acidd, latty) (Paraffins) DOBKIN, I. Ye. Problems pertaining to raw materials and technology in producing lubricants based on synthetic fats for mass consumption. Proizv. smaz. mat. no.6/8:12-23 ~61. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Laningradskiy opytnyy neftemaslozavod, imeni Shaumyana. (Lubrication and lubricants) (Acids, Fatty) GUS.W.SKAYA, P.G.; SYCHEVA., L.P.; DOBKIN, I.Ye.; LEV, L.I. Using partition chromatography for the separation of low molecular weight acids obtained in the oxidation of soft paraffins. Miim.i tekh,toploi masel 6 no.8.'31-36 Ag 161. (MIRA 34:8) 1. lieftemaslozavod im. Shaumyana. (Acids, Organic) Chromatographic analysis) S/137/62/boo/olo/Oo6/628 A052/A101 AUTHORS: Afanaslyev, I. D Dobkin, 1. Ye., Sazanova, M.-N., Soltan, S. G., Garzanov, G. Ye.:"~okar",_I. R-,-Chamin, I. A., Belosevich, V. K,, Pavlov, 1. M. TITLE: The effect of substances with a lower surface tension in the composition of synthetic-lubricants on the cold rolling Qf thin metal strips PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 10, 1962, 8, abstract IOD46 ("Novosti neft. i gaz. tekhn. Neftepererabotka i neftekhimiya", no. 4, 1962, 23 - 27) - : TEXT: The data on the effect of various-technological lubricants on the cold rolling of strips on a two- and four-high mill are cited. Synthetic gr;ase.% - esters of saturated synthetic fatty acids, - reduce the friction and the re- ,sistance of metal to deformation at rolling of carbon steel and Ti ( BT-1-T ) ./ (VT-1-T) strips more effectively than animal fat, palm oil, mineral oils etc. Synthetic lubricants, due to their low costs and good lubricating quality, should 8/137/62/000/010/0G6/028 The effect of substances with a lower surface tension..A052/A101 be recommended for an extensive testing on cold rolling mills. N. Yudina (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] r'Ard 2/2 L 14 ACC NRs AP6005336 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/001/0074/0074 INVENTOR: Papok,,_Kt_~!; Kreyn. S. E.; Vipper,.A. B.; Zuseva. B. S.; Carzanov, G. Ye. ,Ye Vinner, G. G.; Dobkin, 1. fK, ~Afanis yev.L . D. , ko achiR-A-a-T _ _k_ Ljc At; Somov, V. io-tkin, P. P.; I.: Zernalova. G. A. ORG; none TITLE: Preparation of motor oil, Class 23, No. 177579 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1, 1966, 74 TOPIC TAGS: motor oil. antiwear additive detergent ad ditive ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a preparat&ve method for motor oil, involving addition of a detergent and an antiwear additivellto the oil base. TW method provides for the use of an alkyl-formal =ey e condensation product and oft dialkyl dithlophosphate based On C12'C,6 alcohols as the additives. JBOJ SUB COM 1.11 SUBM DATE: IfiApr641' ATD PRESSil/10 UWt 621,692.9 GLLDOHINKO, I.P. L DOBKII, I.D.; KOKIff, A.D. Building structures and products made of plastiese Plast9mesy no.9:22-30 16o. (KIRA 13-11) (plastics) (Building materials industry) NIKOLATKV, A.N.; GLADCHFAKO, I.F.'; BIRGAUZ, G.O.;.,Z "R!.D.;-SPEKTORY E.I. Window casements made of glass plastics. Plast. massy nc).7t60-63 165. (NIRA 18:7) WB=. S F Omnovy Proisvodstva Pachatnoy Produktsii (Production Principles of the Printing Tndustry) Moskras Iakusstvo, 1954. 167 P. illus.. Diagra.j Tables* SOt N15 , 747 -.. D6 CHIRKIN, Viktor Vasillyevich, kand,takhn,nauk; SOKOLOV, Ivan Georgiyevich, kandstekhnonauk; VOMINSKIT, Vladimir Vesillyevich, in2h. Pri- nimali uchastiye: BALAVINSIT, N.V., inzh.;. DOBKIN, S.Z., inzh. KAZARSKIT, G.A., inzh., retsenzent; SHIRNOV. ZV., -red.; -DUILOV, L*N,, red.lsd-va; SU2ANOVA, I.Tu.. red.isd-va; UVAROVA, A.F..; SOKOLOVA, T.Fs, [Technology of car construction] Takhnologiis vagonostroeniia. Pod obahchei red. V.V.Chirkins. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit,lit-ry, 1960, 483 P. (MIRA 13:11) (Railroads--Cars--Constraction) DOBKIN, V.M. Beyrakh, Z. Ys. and Dobkin. VoMe, "Automatic Control of Steel-Ball Mills,n Moscow, Mashgiz, 1953, 24 pages with illustrations (Central Boiler and Turbine SSJenfific Reaeefch- Institute, imeni I.I. Polzunov). DOBKIN, Ta'dim Ki)ch9yjovioh;, MWEV, Tevgeniy Mikhaylovioh; M11MR, Tefim Petrovichi~RMOV, B.A., red.; TORONIN, K.P., (Automatic regulation of heat processes at electric power stations) Avtomaticheskoe regulirovanie teplovykh protseasov na alaktrostanteliakh. Moskva. Goe.energ.~zd-vo. 1959. 399 P. (MIRA 13:5) (Automatic control) (Boilers) RARSHAT, G - D013KIN Plastic turbodrill turbine. Izv. v7s. uchob. zav.; neft' i gaz 2 no.8:8 159. (MIRA 12:11) (Plastics) (Turbodrills) COFd 212 pig-Rom WO CIE jr 10 fit 33 R 12. lail /2,7 ~.-. Concerning the article "Technicsland economic indices for - the evaluation of the degree of automation in production." Xhim.jrom. no.l2t932-933 D 63. OURL 170) 191 - - w IMP - w - W_ leg q if a U k to 1 4. 1 1 - .1, L , 01 1 oil it 0 90 lee I bava 14b. 7, 11111 4,A%'hy Ow I-Nam titi-th.4 f C. .1. 23. 41:Q-1 Wr i-iltictioti W. N414110I mild 01 I,at.iYki. the (14,w ~n%11161N 4 IN r,41,4,141 A. .4n. vart lie hwr"-w~l hr I-11111C the f4art"m 2 3 11411. hislead M dicv,livix it 0,11 n wal'.1 I.Alh ;:,g it I lit, Ily thk moluxl i1 IM mit. A- lit Ill ml. -Ut ,_,`1 williallm.111"o it,, hel'o-t - dvill. t.t lit. Wil, flir 14.11N.1111"I lea '120. A,-aw i. 1.141. b-nn she .11~. 11111-1116 h1o 811111 IIA lis. 11pix, it Ajtlt ht], owl N11,1111, At. iih, cmi 1. ili-14 tit i 1. 11.1- it, v of 14~ '111.1 W l1v dv. tomps. the Im'. p"4141.1k. W 11o N-Is AIM Kalmiliko%4 tAils tir don. 4 As Fiftm it rvfrl VnLvs. -so aftil a#$ wall Aim hill All, Plus" W114-1 OT , _ WL a Tataixlo: - k a A L ) j - k '00181. Vkl,11 lit.111-ml it'. 'L40, 11111 411 in tqrik atid itiffiewh aw Kiwi. Clw,I. IlLtiw I U4, 4J. I 11 ti Alls" do 041, lit U 0 At 06- Ali '111- -, I, . I T__T_T,l7t A -1 a I v 14 9 a V-,-" 09:00000016 o M at a Of a Plan klaKwn tug 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 v e 0 0 0 0 0 0 *it 0 0 0 0 0 0 It 0 0 zoo ago to 0 ap 0 ,40 we 0 ,90 tio 0 we 0 WWWWW WW Z ! I - I ft 1, "I"All ,A fA 00 A AMP oputteml ~4'18 00 cascisami dkersawadw-of igics in toa 41. Vu. A. Cberuikbcrv &W D. 16t.. , &' "t. id lAb. 11, M-60w)(ift W NLwd *a the yellow c4or of silkvinblybdic witi or tbr Mo-bim Mar amme by reducing the complex. In A sob. conig. 200 mg. Mo and IOD-W -j Si. goot! results obtakwd by the &a tortbod after va;Wully swa- tralid" with 2 N IICI to pill - 4 mul a"at A-141 dM% oft micl. Wlik higim acklity, them was Wn. of f4r*d 40, Wilk It, In The Wcand nwltw I 11A all, (11 6144, Fmax, 14 16 if foll of than 0180 Was PMvtftt I mg ovvt tol 00 0:1 msjb.%~% . T%~ procedwe was the satne with Imilh use %eV PC for the final amn. of 2 ad. c(saccl. XSASO~ in the second mabod. The remilts am satidwtory when the mnmuvummts mv mwk by vivial . standanis. Notntmethano.1mg.oll' with 0.18 mg. SiM ew 0.6 mg. As. N. a 41 #j a 5 L A Q4'WAUWv KAL LMRAT%~-.9 CLASIVICATMU -"!A;:*.W 44* CNT Obt 4141metT -iiii'aii-6-v -v-Ioi u 0 AV Q At It it It 6( old 'Ill 1411m: 'Ism"aft 11111MV1 $11 OWD v v I 4110 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a** ****see 0 06 0 _$O -100 -00000000 00 V 0 lot is@ =00 $60 Coo too too bee ISO Raw Rit'N' go go got 004 go* gets �j!.jL A it att %MK At ILIII Ik AINI EL A% WICA11411 Use r T _L_A_ Go Ps!J1654% AND Pow".Is WhIl cokdmbk 0166"Od"dw of ailleon id hy&OfluQrIc a" B.M.Dobitins. ZsvajkayoL4b.l4.7M(lWH).-- '6 ~ WZUID 1 To a -g. .O ad of 2 idM - NxCl in a 14 dish and e"P. to de, onthesteaZaIZ Take up the residue in 10 ad. U%0, add 10 ml.3% bark scid. filtec if amird. and tranalm too colcrimertric tube. Addlnd.n(.IsNIlN'LN I aNd 3 ad. of I Nil, molybdatp. mis let stAnd to noin.. 2 gad mossure Woe MaInK A -Wtbk W o t C l d i 1 2 C j wu o e. costa ns . , ~ s r0. and IS g. 1 g. K# d -; 0 . I v . is opl,. to 0.6 mg. Ilic re. G .. .. . .00 zoo 0 __v n- o VnIvion grit 1901 It691 k9M kW A 1 '14 0#0000!000000* 0000 000:::::!O &0 46 0 Set S 49 00 to 0 ;T1491 * 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ab 00 0 *goo A C-A Rapid d0woloadom of caltim and mqu*um In a m6fia omplallmlogi amumalum molybdats. Yu. A. Chmilkhov,- It. M. lk)hkinm. and V. N1. Vistifillimyo. zalwAkava Ok '110 hig Orr InHIIIA144moly oei%l. hom Nil, MOITIVINto fit "fullsoldmod t-lsi. " a ouht. id On moUto aml Mat pim-14mor. with. "mi prrilmlowdry removal of At mul Ile, CristriltigAl mrpot. I- advis"I lot topkilit,. After tlm lipm., Mg 1, 111rated schiluttirkally, while V.. M. K. Dolismicislum of mall fith"alca"um. Vu,A. Chrmikhov sanll,% 14- laindilos~" 1,11a. IS, 64 -C, iNW11(ii 13). Ivilly, it W.16,11litc I% ". in two. avolit"Itm, 411(l Is SIRI40 In dq. SAM; Of trArl with No dlethy1dithlocuflitimate to fortil a lipt, tit 1,11 1 the plil. is tstudily extd. hout aq. solos. fly CC14 qw hilMe. I:or drill. Pm&U Santa. of Cd, it Is lat extd Invin the Aft. islard n. at pil 24, and the Interfeting Im% of iqi. 81, Zn are mi. fly "trans of 111thilthic. It Ve in larr-ent It ~houhl fminved More the nithatuate treatment, ptrIctably y like thismary-filmle nlallml. Sh'sla r 2"'Pal, 44 1 heall. .411. y t lhe!~1lllIlIr%ni1h M-10 nit CCIii-TArliFtamIllod. 41% No dicthylifithisinurbatuate (or I min, itrial-at 3-4 ~,Inw$), treat the org, layer isith 10 fill. o( 7A N Itvaii. thr acid waln. to dryn"s, (fit. with it) tail. 44 fill. 110. #still a few 4-FYSIAII 6.9 mul 41.5 off. of W"'! clirk. ackt. itellfralive fit 111111111 with Nlf,oll. Hall add 3 tail. cimcd. N11,011 in cxkeA. To thin oulti. add A nil. 0.05% dithilone In CC14 and shake 2 min., repeat with (mh pa"inins until the color is unchavilM. Wash the scatif. cit. with :1 mmall puttlianta, of 11,0, add 0.01 N 1ICl in twoll-ad. Isawtions, wills Aaking. wa-h the aq.miln. with it little M., Jil.witho.1111 X 11101 tit 10tol-andoom. Imir file kNsim favilh .1411da"t, 0. M. KI-A&I-fT U" W wftm 41v1by14i*Wwb&rmA1v In anAly"Cas 60MIlitry. I'll. A. Ownilkh-w M. Ihil,kjim /atv%(sk"o bik 15, 1114"(1M).-All UMA I M11- 4 f4*tn(.x walef-stable s"IfkIrs Ykid diffwullty -411. proxillell with the trar'"l: the t"%%Vrr 1. AM, l"Or 011.1 Ow Atowily 44 the 411IM3rdrimmalro p4raill-1, 11141 A '41111ilm, thut (In, Te, lgfkl Re t,wttl 41,414c derim Mmity tivolvists Mee 1111118-t (vtopkilly Cud. With 1(141A,- fmits aq. soln. in the forns of diethylilittilivatimumte-: at pil 3 thik takes place with At, fig. 11h, Ili. Cu. cit. %to, Se, re, Fe, IkIn, M. V. CO. Zu. In, Ga. atut TI; W, I'b. And NI am removed even from my arid solim. W i. ext,l. at pit 1-1.5, and Re from coned. IICI. For cinnpletr remn"I of PC. '11. GA. &NJ Mu. an excem (if NA AliCthYl- dithlombamate Is necv-MUY. The eoltw% Of the iwvs. are siven. G. M. Ktv'ulalmo CA Doland"Um 1W mmillwUsud idwilbsWu with scidjul" diethylilidtiomilimsts. Yu. A. Clicmilisiov iustLB_M_ IkA k, ZsrW boya Lab. 16. 402-6(10t). --The iti. OIT is quant. extd. from will W.1 0.2 N) m4no. Ity Ht0Ac cw C110s. The rrv"w prullem cousisi,t I-r "mom 161bhl by IIN(Iti alme, I'lit ottly toll 4414111, it( &mU. oves 2 -p aur Fradily Wilalrd, %likh tlw Orlin. firmis Al. alk. rarthil. and c0wr interl't-r 1:1-211111vills which complit-Alf the 4-44miltirity Ill V. The oullsid dtill. Is dkitior mmittlitil Ill Vilillift"N.V W.A~ 26, nm). lIW IIN( 1),11'allfw"t W 1W.1 toor mills It, till IN0.44111, 1 1 Ill 11) mmix- .011 1A ;1V sill t:llcll. rat.. all" rormovall W At by shaking the rat. %%till 10 ml. l::X? JINO.. G. M. Kcwolalxdl U. crul IOV M. "mons ,a" I at 838-64S.-40 cletertnint At in Lificatium, 0- 1 to 0-2 S is inized with 3-5 to 5 it of N4011 and 0-bg of N a'O. in a nickel c cible, which is heated ru n a muffle fem!!y to fose the NaOIJ and then placed so ca at OW to 700' C for 15 to 20 min. The ineft is extracted with 100vil of 3-S.per cent. MON sohition. and the solution is tnixed with 0-2 to " ml (accoiduip. to the coam of Ve and Mn) Of 5 per cent. sodium-sultibide solution. After a, tow inin. thevAution is filkered,into a R.Wtni calibiated flas-k and the . is wa.51hed 6 or, 7 tinies with 3.5 per cent. N solution. Thi vAutin iii.mda up to the snark and an -fi'luot portion containing about 6 to 8 mi sit A40s diluted to 100 ad with wivttr is mixed with 6 to, 10 nil of O-Ws Al 1,A)TA (disodiuin I s4t) (D, no, that the excem is'< 2 to 3 int and -t7 ','60 pe- ceut..of the arnaunt introduced. Tht *utu- tiou is Deutrah" to Congo red with 110, and 5 ini of 2 AJAMorciaictic acid. 10 in) tit M sodiuni rvctatL- and 1-5-mi of 0-1 per cv~it. alizarin idd S)wlutian art: added. The Txcesj of I is titrattd Nvith tH)5 At thorium bitrilelw1ution from a micro-burette. The thorium nitrate is atan&rch" against the I nuder the sa= conditions and the I is standardised against 0, 1 N C&CI, One nil of (MI 411 1 w 2,572 -9 1. AWv . Nlilwa Ti.-'s pre~wnt its interforvoce A by inchiding 15 in 1.10 nig of CaO 'vt!ntL in the = inixture: only- in.ignificant attiounts of Ii then pi, into solution. Up to 50 IUR Of Sio, do mot interfere. 01. S. Sbjj7rjI tI 95 M 2 NO a IW26;4W ~g ~`MHNMIIR -I raz " A~~, -k . zlal.-A- I ~,,. ~a; - : ! AUTHORS: Dcbk:lrta, B.11. - 11alyu"ina, T.M. 32-,"'-4-3/6- TITLE: The Spectrophotometrio Determination of Ceriw -4r. Fr-.parrations of Lanthanum, Neoaymium and Praseodymium (Spektrofotonietridheskoye opreaelaniye tse:!Iya v preparataldi lantana, neod.-I'Ma i prazeodima) PERIODICAL Zavodskaya. L-aboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 1+, PP. 390-392 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the basis of the method developed by Telep arA Boltz. (Ref 1) a method of detemining cerium besides the above mentioned elements was worked out with the sensitivity of up to 5 - 10 rCe/25 ml. Among other th:1-ngs it vas found that -the func- tional curve of the optical density of cerium concentration (at 0.4 to 30j-/ml) is of reatinilear character and that deviations do not exceed 2-3%. and that, furthermore, i~ a carbonate medium and a pH of about from 10.5 to about 50 mg lantbantmi-p neodymium- and praseodymium. oxide remain in solution also withuat the addition of tartaric- ana/or citric acid, and do not disturb the detemination of oerium ever. in the case of only 0.01% cerium. In a paper published in 1956 (Ref 3), in %fr,-ich a spectrophoto- Cara 1/2 metric determination of ceritmn in ultraviolet, but vrithout any The Speotrophotometric Determination of 32-24-4-,V67 in Preparations of Lanthanum, Neodymium and Pruseodymium addition of lWarogen peroxide is descri:bea and the di-eiturbing infl!,=ce of lan'thaucv- and neodymitim is pointed uat-, no data are given with respect to the effect e=erclsei by praseoaymium. As may be seen from the prooeas of analysis desox-lbed, a potash sol,ttion a---a a 3% Ywdrogan peroxide solution were useds and the eallbration cume was calculated from a ser-les of standard so,utions of cerlum nAlrate. The results obtained from the lan- thwium preparations were co=,ar,.ad with data obltalned by the spectral method, v4isreaz no method of a=parison rms &7!iUable for the neodymi,=.- an4 praseodymium pneparations. There are 2 tal-des, ana 3 referenoes, 0 of which aro So-.let. ASSOCIATIONt Gcsudarct-.onnyy inst Ut-at ralykh i reaklkh metal'V~7 (State Institute for Raze and Trace Metals) 1. lanthanum--Analysis 2. NeoJ-11;~,J_'kvr"-AnaIY8is 3. proseodymium --Analysis 4. Cerjum--De,_eri7dn_-'ion 5. Spectrophoton-eters --Applications Card 2/2 AUT3DRS: ChernWhov Zu.A., Melamed, Sh.G., Dobkina, B.M. 32-24--6,55//44- TITLE: The Determination of Mioroquantities of Tit um on a Nicbium Background (Opredeleniye mikrokoliohestv titans. na fone n;~cbiya) PMODICALt Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24, Nr 6, pp 677-679 (USSR) ABSTROT: As nibbium forms a colored complex with hydrogen peroxide in a highly acid medium. whereas the titanium complex is formed in a weakly acid medium, suitable methods of determination were aevei- oped b Sohoeller (Ref 2) as well as by Palilla, Adler and Hiskey R 0~ ef 3 - it is proved in the course of the present paper that if the ratio between Nb205 : U02 exoeeds 100 : I , it is not possible to determine titaniumL The experiments carried 6ut together with Ye.I.Patrova showed,that much too high a value is obtained for ti- tanium, which Is explairAed as being due to the absorption of niobium; different wavelengths are used in this connection, ana thus the peroxide method is described as being unsuited for the determination of,small. quantities of titanium in nibbium. For the determination of titanium beside niabium also the application of chrcimotropia acid is recommended; in view of existing aisorepan- Card 1/2 oies in the instruotiorm, experiments were duly carried out. The Detormination of Microquantities of Titanium 32-24-6-5/44 on a Niobium Background It was found that by evaporation-fmotionation of titanium on carbon in the light aro sensitivity is increased but reproauoi- bility is diminished; it is possible to use different wavelengths. This speotral method mas worked out with mechanically mixed standard samples, and it may be seen from the diagram of oalibra- tion given that the error limit is j 15% with a degree of sensi- tivity of 0.002%. There are 2 figures, and 5 referenoest 0 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy institut malykh i redkUch metallov (State Institute of Tracer and Rare Metals) 1. Titanium-Determination 2. Niobium--Chemical effects- 3. Titanium-Specira Card 2/2 5M, 5W AUTHORS: Dobkinaj B. M., Malyutina, T. M. SOV/32-24-11-8/37 TITLE: Th Determination of Tantalum by Differential Spectrophoto- metry (opredeleniye tantala differentsiallnoy spektrofoto- metriyey) PERIODICAL: Zavodskays Laboratoriya, 1958# Vol 24, Nr 11, pp 1336-1343 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Relative errors can be so diminished by the differential method that this method is as exact as gravimetric analysis. The method is based on using as a zero solution a solution of the element to be determined in increased concentrations. The theoretical basis of the method was developed by Hiskey et al. (Khiski) (Refs 1-3)9 and it can be shown mathematically that an increase in the optical density of the standard solution increases the accuracy of the determination, and that the error for the case :I I is.minimal. In instruments in which it is not possible to regulate the light intensity over a wide Card 1/3 range an.increase in the optical density of the standard SOV/32-24-11-8/37 The Determination of Tantalum by Differential Spectrophotometry solution did not give Hiskeyand Joung (Yang) (Ref 3) an in- crease in the accuracy of measurement. Since practically no data exist in the Soviet publications on differential spectro- photometry a table on the application of this method is given. Tantalum was determined in the ultra-violet region by re- acting it with pyrogallol in an oxalate-acid medium * A 4.~,N HU solution with 400 mg pyrogallol, 120 mg ammonium oxalate)' and 30-50 mg potassbun pyrosulfate per 10 ml of solution, addedj was used for this purpose. A seiies of solutions containing 0-5 to 1.2 mg Ta 0 were preparedl one of these solutions 2 5 was the zero solution (Cl) and a second solution of higher concentration (C 2) was measured in relation to the first. The interval 0.7 to 0.9 mg Ta205 Was found to be optimal for C V In the presence of niobium, at a concentration of Nb2 0 5:Ta205' 3:1, the relative error in the tantalum determination was about 0-5%, and with a ratio of 6:1 about 1%. The optical properties of the titanium and tantalum pyrogallol complex Card 2/3 compounds ara additive, so that with a ratio of TiO 2 Ta205 SOV/32-24-11-6/37 The Determination of Tantalum by Differential.Spectrophotometry 1:6 the relative error in,the-tantalum determination is about O~;5%,Tantalum concentrates, with-numbir Vo.1 containing about 4% T102 and about 25% Nb20,, and Nos. 2 and 3 containing about 2%.TiO- and about 15% Nb 0 were analyzed. A C~4 spectro- 2 2 5' photometer was used at a wave-length of 325 mp. The tantalum content-was-calculated using the equation: Ox - Dj. P + , C0(1160. 666). There are-5 tables and 25 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Go-sudarstvennyy naiiahno-isaledovatellskiy institut re*dkikh i r~alykh tetallov*(State*Soientifio Research Institute,for Rare and'Traoe Metals) Card 3/3 Ar=zI 1111nortch, 0. N: $07/75-14-4-50/30 In7jo Mostlast of -.-' U.&I Choedstry of the 1111 10-od-loy., Congress on Coadral and ApplL#4 Chemistry PMGJ)XCALt ZhUrMal anlltichdtakay Wall, 1959. Yet 14. Ir 4. " 511-512 ASS12WTo Approximately 300 pormans part!Givat.4 to the mart 2' : : . 1 iIT.S Department of Laalytical, Chal try .adwong them xwVr of varlove Scientific re"Arch lnotit~tsv, hithor odhoolm ad Industrial entgrprIsoo In Russia# scientists fradO Chloot Slag-RIA, the CU. ftlwW. Rongery. .44 Italy. A77-rorloatOly 70 'e- ' reports war* board. In his ape -lag spv~h 1. ?~~"Portod - as the a4bl*v.4 "O.It, and on modern prabless of exa,lytic.1 ;r> ghoul t reported on the -pplIa-U-n Of physics-,- t m for the solution f rog-Am us sys e s o a wries Of problo.o of XwmatdOl ` _ _ _ _ A__ r- _1 "parted an "dorn "as In the A f PUS - - c A.- bAb...d at the example of halide end thicy-te ~M soup s the correlation Ut-on the stability of evaplaxes &ad the position of the corre.posuac oontral *team In the periodic Card LA t em. sys _X_22-hkate 'Od -etar"t Am the stability I of 0-4-tes of CU, CO. OnAi ~.d.,.MIAC an the mAzuOtare of th* exime Solowuls. T_YL_Tjr2jazS lmaltur*4 an the double obarmater of reaction of As" compounds in the fornatlan of sedipleses. The probles of tb. applicatlos of bets"polyselde In 4,1141Y11444 6hsKI-t17 oSs denIt -lth 10 the Uct~* Of &ad go-workers, ad A. and l. A. . 111at-boov , A %srso number of lecture aw we orchnia res".16 in analysis. _A'j_2gAz_&Ad r__~~ report*& an the app2l-tlo. of dlallql and dlaryl pbeepborts sold for the sopezatlan of'olmmmutat A_Z_ZWp;M.uAdd &r7% arvando sold and ryl phowphlola Amid. 1. P. Zastoi*kly aA4 him 00APtakers treated same properties of Ado, compltona. The loatqz,s Itg - dealt with the phatonatric I A A, . using flwrlw d.A..t.* lectured -9 the of* or A. 1. Ch.rk.fa %.1o'hx'_tj-a in smaly A.1 T. X. "i _ - - - I lsa:u"d an Us 4etsrzln&t1on ;T 1a nTMT= vs1nC ln Un t l '.. ial P..tropbotosid,try. Y., T. Morsob .. kly and " " I wrova reported on new highly sensitive ansly." Aethod. MaN no -9 " trallol-t several Joet0foo dealt -ith mothodical and theoretical protleas of spoctroo, uUnlyals (j,F_T&khatLy mid q . j X ad Pei ~1.v &Z K. Z Man.. trant.4 the perfection ;r'fls~' photometry. Soveral lo.turoo d"It elth the deterat-tion of elecont. by Volarcgrmph7 (JA and X A. Td, IM - P. G~*" Be- 79 To a more Mprsea ` 4sccAtW &M T-u. S. Lyalikow and co-warkara. of r. 7 treated th..." :f ~pdroaetrlo 40 !f0 t1tration . = :boi;hwI.tr7 f arwslm -ad tborl"'. X.N. Sayala abo-d pa. Ib Iti. Of Pr"IctlnC the can" tiono.of:hrom"tocrapble sap.ratian of hosed *a their post 1. 1. the pmrlodl~ ? A. 30 Y ... 1.2. repartod be Us of I.. ez.b..60 In the Investication.r tb'w.tto of .1tance: In solutions. A_j,_TjXMLdUb -4 M I.:turad an the chro"toCrophic eaparation of a amt-L-e-W-07- :1 ;*,t,,.1 roporud .. the plzrortl.a f0. xb;. I Z- M. 3ftd.X.X1. and "tas ported sulf..Llodni And, in on the Nromat.graphig proof of d: rer-ratt" Card 314 liquids of the organi.s. 0. Z. Starobinsto And associate. treated the or high Poll-ro In ~bromsujrm;hia ax,al7vi.. The I..turw of 4L.A.ZjVk42XLI"iy And Q__qb~L &-It elth CO. 3-1-ral leotards treated tl~. us. 11 radlodatirs, 1 top*. for the chrozatographle Inve.tiestion of complex forostlon (4L.1Ajjz_dAbij2v and ss.nciates). far the Ioveptigtion or the Do-jvreelpitation mechanism of tons of rare "tale Ith sulfide. C2,AAa4_mr) And for determining rare;~ dilUtion 'L._P _AjL.Ar.:L.. da I.t fi ld r tlomstsiry __j th:j,coturovar wA.V A- Imlowne vith :tt:~,h:,, 1* be ca.-S.awd. ha t-tAd M; rapid .'had@ for :~*;slmult ane, us d.t4mLa%tIG& of Aerwrdl *I.-At. f"...4- .., ch ~%Lqr. of hard., fl-ri- .1 ry