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DMITRIYEEVA, N.M... red. [Therareutic and PreventiNe aid to children In a rural area] lechebno-profil.akticheskaia pomoslachl detiam v sellskoi niestnosti. MosIm, McditLim, 1965. - 4"Gr-l; y. ,MIDA IP41) VISEVICH, Nina 1.'Vanovna; SHIRVINDT, Boris Gustavovich; P-JITRIYEEVA, -N.111...,red. ---- --- -- - fBotkin's disease in children) Boleznl Botkina u de- tei. Moskva, Meditsina, 1965. 230 1). (MlIk 18:2) DOMBROVSKAYA, Yu.F.,, prof.p red,; PMITR1Y1,;:VA,- NAp red. [Infectious and allergic diseases in ch:tldren] Infektsionno- allergicheskie zabolovanila u detei. Mt)skva. Me,ditsina, 1965-- 349 p. (MI1U 18:2) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen M-T SM (for Dombrovskaya). WADNYUK, Vitally Ignattyevich[Zapadniuk, V.11.'; DMITRIYEV 1 14.1, .1 _ A - 1. red. . __ , _,., I - ~ - 11- ~ - .-1 , [Antispa-imodics] Protysudorozhni preparnty. Kyiv, Zdorovlia, 1965. 301+ P. (IaRA 18:9) TIKHOMMOV, P.Te.; D(ITUMA' N.N. Iffect of di-Isopropyl fluorophosphate on intraocular pressure In glaucoma. Vest. oft., Moskva 31 no.1:27-.31 Jan-lbb 52. (CLNL 21:5) 1. Professor. 2. Of the Clinic of 1yo Diaoases, Ioningrad Sanitary- Hygienic Medical Institute (Director--F~rof. P-Ye. Tikhomirov). AUTHOR: Sanin, A. A., and Dmitriyeva, N. N. 120-2-28/37 1 - TITLE: An Instrument for Measurement of Ph(~E_0-multiplier Parameters. (Pribor dlya lzmereniya Parametrov Fotoumnozhiteley.) 13hRIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika ".Bkoperimenta,, 1957, No.2, pp. 103 - 105 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the most important characteristics of scintillation spectrometers, i.e. their ability for energy discrimination, depends on the parameters of the photo multiplier, of the crystal, and on ~he construction of the instrument. The basic factor, the dispersion of the spectral line, is introduced by the photo-multiplie-r. Various authors (119f. 1 - 4) have investigated the basic parameters of photo-multipliers. In the present eaticle the authors give the description of an instrument which can be used to determine the sensitivit-y of the photocathode at various points, and the resolving characteristics of the photo- multiplier when either the whole sui-face of the cathode or any point on it is used. The block diagram is given in Figure 1. The source of lieit is a luminescent point on a low persistance CRT screen Ref. 5. The CRT is modulated by rectangular pulses. (0.5 Asec.) from generator 2. The CRT and the photo-inultiplier are 15 ems Card 1/2 apart and the signal from the photo-aultiplier is applied 120-2-28/3? An Instrument for Measurement of Photo-mul-Iliplier Paiameters. through a cathode follower to a differential discriminator. The differential discriminator consists of the amplifier 5, two threshold systems 6 and 7 and anti-coincidence systems 8. The output from the anticoincidence system is applied to a ratemeter. The instrument may be recommended for use in mass control of photo-multipliers*in a factory. The block diagram of the arrangement, the circuit diagram of the electronic part of it and two photographs of' the oscillograms of the sensitivity at various points of the photo-cathode and one photograph of' the oscillogrem, charecterising the evaluation of the CM1 luminosity, are given. A. V. Smirnov co-operated in the construction of the instrument. There are 5 references, 1 of which is Slavic. SUBMITTED: September, 22, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Second Scientific and Research Instititte of Physics of the Moscow State University. (2-~_ Nauchno- Issledovatellskiy Fi2;icheskiy Institut MGU.) AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 SANIN, A.A.; DMITRIYEVA, N.N. Analysis of the-ifork of Rossi-typi coincidence cirtuits. Prib. i tekh.eksp. 6 no-4:61-64 n-Ag 161. '(MIRA 14:9) I 1. Naubhno-issledovatellskiy institut yade.rwy fiziki Moskov- skogo gosudexstvennogo univer'siteta. (Electronic ciraluits) NYSENKO, N.T., nauchnyy sotrudnik; VZOROVA, A.I., nauchnyy sotrudnik; . D14ITRMVA, N.N., nauchnyy sotrudnik Roinforeed,shuttles for automatic looms,, Tekst.pron. 21 no.U: 5(>-58 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Lome) BUTENKO, R.O.; YAKOVLEVAI Z.M.J'a'IITIuyG'VAj Iiw. Wfait of gi~bberellic acid on the growtLi and auxin metabolism of 4olated tissue ~6ultm~es exposed to -light of.different qua3iti. Dokl. AN ttSR 139 no-5:124&-3249 Aq~M161. I - MA 14:8) 1. Institut fiziologii rasteniy im. K.A. Tiriilyazeva Ali SSSR, Fredstavleno akademikom A,*L. KursanovF. (Gibberellic acid) (Homones (Piantgi)) (Plants, Effect of light on) S1188 1 /62/000/006/002/'016 B191/B102 AUTHORS: Dmitriyeyg.,. N. N:, Dmitriyev, V. A. I MTLE: The distortion of un lionization burst spectrum effected by an amplifier PERIODICAL: Moscow. ' Ui',iversitet.' Ve5tnih- Seriya III. F! zi k a, astronomiya, no. 6, 1962, 7-10 TEXT: The distortion of pulses, i.e. the variation of the amplitude ratios, of, a cylindrical ionization chamber was analyzed at various ionization diotributions in the ch'amber. The case of an amr-lifier with broad pass-band (-r! - 10T, T - 1/5T) is inv8sticatea and some other cases, e.g. an 1 2 amilifier with -ri . T 2 - T, are discussed.- T is the pulse duration, -r 1 and 'r2are time constants of the most extreme differentiation and integration terms of the amplifier. The scatterin-- and the magnitude of the output signals are compared for various values of -y i,,,j,T, and for various ionization distributions in the chamber. Fo r -v 'r' -- T, the slope front 1 2 Card 1/2 S/188/62/C00,10006/002/0106 The.distortion of an ionization... B191/3102 increases by T, a smaller scattering is, hoviever, al%vajs accompanf.ed by a considerable increase in the slope front (several 100%). A me-thod of tuning band width noise, and magnitude of T for certain purpozes (with consideration of microphon,,),is discussed. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Kafedrakosmicheskikli luchey (Department of Cosmic Radiation) SUBMITTED: February 20', 1962 .Card 2/2 SHKOWNIK, M.Ya.; KRUPNIKOVA, T.A.; MUMMA, N.N. Effect of boron deficiency on some aspects of auxin metabolism in sunflowers and corn. Fiziol. rast. 11 no.2:188-194 Mr.-Ap 164. (KIRA l7s4) 1. Komarov Botanical Institute, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Leningrad. DMIT]ITY-EYAbIll-N.; KRUPNIKOVA, T.A. increase :Ln auxin-oxidase enzyme activity by purificatJon with gel Sephadex G75. Dokl. AN SSSR 164 zio.1:205-207 S 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Botanicheskjy institut ~m. V.L. Konarova AN SSSR. Submitted September 29, 1964. M TRET'YAt(YVA., Yovgeniya Nikolayevna.. prof.j KOBYSHEVA, Nina Vladindrovna; red.; ZAKWOVA, A.L., tekhn. red, [Chronic nonspecific diseases of the lungs in children and their climatological treatment] Khronicheskie nespetsificj&skie zabole- vaniia legkikh u detei i ikh klimatichaskoe lechenie. Moskva, Med- giz, 1960. 200 p. (MIRA 14:12) (LUNGS-DISEASES) (CLIMATOIOCE, MEDICAL) C::. i t r, t r,,r Jour. ,kU 4 ". )r I no t i t ~L, 4U, . ;Titlc OriG. Pub. Abstract :US 32 G,-ncrEL,-, rrojiornn of PathOlOgi- TlLi'O 's- 1--,P mental literapy Ref Mur-Biol, 1959, No k, 18321 Draltril,rova, 11. P. I - --j 147~ His"ClologIcal Changrur; Jx. the Brown-Pearce Tiimrr lmder the Influen.-a of -High-Lntensity Lr-tr nic WRv(,'~s Vopr. onkologii, 1957, 3, No 6, 0"88-69, A study ~' ras nade of the histologiuvl olit,,nges in thc. Brov'rl-?oarce tumor 'under the influence ol~' hl Gh- In tens V- ultrasonic wavos. Irl, trascric L-Y treatment uieC, on the 9th-10i;h 3-iy iolloi-ling the traris*olantation of the tvmor l1rito the testis or muscle by diroct contact of tho e,..Attcr witli the tirior, as well. a3 tlirouji .1 licuid rediwl (water). Aftcjx- the tumor was subjocted to ,altra- I Sonic treatmont, it ra-pidly doveloped proT~rossivelo dys-tro-phic processes with ao m., loto rosorpt-ion i carcl: V-) Abs. J'ou-J.,. Inst. itut. U! Grj,,~ Pub. 'A%batracL (of the tunor) or the devolopment of nec:?oses, calcification and subsequent encapsulation of necroses. It was noted that Intonsivo ultra- sonic treatment also causes Injury to the nornLli tiasues (skin, nuscles, and bones). Brief and less intensive ultrasonic troatraent resulted :n slowly daveloping dy.-trophic changes in -the tu- nw which ended in its complete resorption or necrosis with encapsulation. Normal tissuos the neighborhood of the zone subjected to C")IIIAry 1. O&tO,SDVy= : j)ur. L-Ist it-at . T, i j['1 raveg weve nJot damaged. The Itutnor not0r, sonic x U the seiactivity of tho riction of high-Intansity ultrasonic ,,taves upon the Brown-Pearcri tumor. -- A. A. Grushina Onrd: 3/3 USSR/General ~?r(;b1crIs of pati-joloa - IAUDrs. kimmity. U. Abs J.)ur lic-i alur - Biol.j 11o 21, 19531 90195 Author Inst Title Orn the Asistance vi I.aIjbi'uc vit:i L,. Drown-Piercc Tumir xcat nt of Great In-'- :-si"y ,.osurptc6 after Ultrasonic 'u Ulu LIC: u to 11c,)catc(l Tmor Ori(-, Pub D~ail. chsperim. biol. i Im'i-tsJ-11Y, 1957, 43, vo 6,,,-62 Abstract 1-6 --Mnths after ultrasonic treatment (750-1500 1---,-c,, 150 wattls/=2) 1.5-75 ~~cc.), resorption of Brown-Iliorce cardir~-Drm was noted in 60-30,) of rcObbits. In 34 rab')-its in vli--*- ch the tunor was a repeated once or -L*"171cc! inoculation was porforiaQC. -.*%ntD muscles ancl tcst--*-.~ mmth after resorption of 'u-'Ic oritrLml tin-.=; tl,.c tivmr e~icl. not "tdece". Of 111, cjntrol rabbits, 12 perisnoc! u.-*L-'~-h the presence of metastaces. -.- K.P. Markuze Card 1/1 - 26 - :R'~I~TRAb&&& Resorption of non-exposed metestases following the action of ultra.- sonic waves of high intensity on Brown-PeArce tumor in rate [with summary in Fmgli*ehj. Biulekepbiol. i med. 44 no.11:81-85 19'57 (MIRA 3-1: 11) 1 Iz laboratorii, anizotropnfth struktur Akndemii nauk SSSR (~ir. - doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk A.K. Burov (deceasqdl) i iz Institute. eksperimentallnoy pstologii i terspii raka Mr. - chlen korrespondent MIN SSSR Y.N. B3.okhJn) ANN SSSR, Moskva; Predotavlena deystvitellnym chlenom AWT SSSR A.D. Timofeyevskim; (NEOPLASMS, experimental Brown-Pearce tumor, regression of non-irradiRted mAstases after massive dose ultrnsonic irradiation (RUB)) (ULTRASONIC, effects, on Broim-Pearce tumor, regression of non-irradiated metastases after massive dose irradiation (Rue)) Dissertatlono. Depte of BloUgIca& Sol ot, ass, Jla-Tec IM, Vest. Ak Nauk WWI, 1.9581 No. 4', y9. 120-M At the Ust.of Jdardbibloa the foUoving diesertatioaa vere defended for the degree or Candidate of Biological Sciences: 1. IL IMOVA - Functional WbrVbblW at tbe! Yeast Organism in Drying and Low Coatng/ on the Problem of tbe Avablotle CMUUIAr State. Imp R. N. - ActineWeetes ct On Globisporlue Group. SMOVA.p L S. - Influence of the CompoWLtion of the Medium on tl* 7mustion of the Apylaw AspergiLbw arys"t At the Institate of An'=3 Xor#wUa IM A. No Sever ow: fcw the dogma of Dr. BioWftl Bcdowes: , BMM*A, N. N. - C=pRMUTO Date on the IwormtIca of the Corowry Sysum of the laweletaj, Aaq*dbU., w4 roptIles. for fte degml (e Cowl"to of 310104M1 nw5mrA, No P. - 10f)MOUCe CC Righ lUtA*d'ty MtM SOUnd cn the Growing and t-be Wt-sstaw CC the Intervined Brom-Pirs T=tr In Rebbits. lIffect of high-intengity ultrasonics on the growth and metastatic develop- meut of tranenlantable Brown-Pearce carcinoma in rabbits. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 46 no.11:97-102 N 158. (MM 12:1) 1. Iz laboraforii anizotroprqkh strvktur IaT SSSR (dir. - doktor tekhn. nauk A.K. Baroy [deceased] i iz Instituta eksperimentallnoy patologii i terapit raka (dir. - chlen-korrespondent jUG SSSR prof. N.N. Blokhin) AMN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena doystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR. A.D. TimofeyevBkim. (NEOPIASMS, exper. eff. of ultrasonics on transpl. Brown-Pearce carcinoma in rabbits (Bus)) (UIRRASONICS, eff. on exper. transpl. Broism-Pearce carcinoma in rabbits (Rus)) AUTHOR: Dmitriyeva, N. SOV/20-121-5-39/50 TITLE: Eleot~-on-Microscopical Investigation of Ultra-Thin Sections of the Brown-Pierce-Tumairin Rabbits (Elektronnomikroskopicheskoye issledovaniye ul'tratonkikh srezov opukholi Brouna-Pirsa u krolikov) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 121, Nr 5, PP. 909-911 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The use of the afore-mentioned microscope has hitherto been very mach restricted in histology and cytology, since even ip thick cuts are non-transparent to the electron beam. This dif- ficulty was eliminated by the perfection of the ultramicro- tomes by means of which up to some hundreth ofA thin cutz; can be achieved. In spite of several pertinent papers (Refs 2-5) the problem of the fine structure of many tumours remains un- explored. This is also the case with the tumour referred to in the title. Photographs (Fi8s 1-3) show individual cell-sections of the tumour. The electron-microscopical investigation of the Brown-Pierce-tumour has shown that the fine structure of their cells agrees on the whole with the fine structure of the cells Card 1~2 of other tumours. A considerable number of mitochondria with a SOV/20-121-5-39/50 Electron-Microscopical Investigation of Ultra-Thin Sections of the Brown- Pierce-Tumour in Rabbits well marked inner structure, and a well developed endoplasmat- ic system -were found, however, in the plasma of the conceined tumour. There are 3 figures and 8 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya anizotropnykh struktur Akademii nauk SSSR (Lab- oratory of Anisotropic Structures ,AS USSR) PRESENTEDi April 23, 1958, by 1. 1. Shaiallgauzen, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: April 22, 1958 Card 2/2 MTRITZVA* N.P. Harmfal*effect of ultrasound on animal tissues and organs. Zhur.ob. biol. 21 no.lt69-71 J&-F 060. (MMA 13:5) 1. Inrititut morfologii mbivotnykh imeni A,N,, Severtsova AN SSSR, (ULMUSONIC WAVIS-MYSIOLOGICAL IMOT) DMITRIYEVAp N.P. Effect of ultrasonics on spontaneous ilnd transplanted tumors In animals and on malignant tumors in man. Vop. onk. 6 no. 9:115-121 s 16o. (MIRA, 14:1) (TUMORS) (ULTRASONIC 1WES-PHYSIOLOGICAL, EFFECT) WITRIYEVA, N.P. Submicroscopic changes in Brown-PeUrce tumor cells after the action of ultrasonic waves of high intensity. TSitologiia 5 no.5:559-562 S-0 162. (MIRA 18:5) 1. laboratoriya tsitologii Instituta morfologii zhivotnykh AN SSSR, Moskva. ZBA:6KIY, I.B.; URMOLAYEVA, L.P. ; DM1TRIYEVJLj_q.P. Residual proteins in nuclei of normal and tumor cells. Vop. med. khiz~,. 8 no.2:218-221 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 115:4) I' Institut morfologi-i zhivotnykh imeni A.N.SevertEtova AN SSSR, Moskva. (CANCER) (PROTEIN METADDLISM) (CLLL NUCLEI) T )4~'j Ghara(-V)rl,i' 'ca of tho nuclear "Immor c,~Ils. Vitologiia 5 n0.5.'499-506 S-n. V). (MIRA 17:0 I, Laboratorip, binkIdtaii kl.fjtc,.hn,--Pi strul-Itar .1 Laborltorlya tsit~-~Iogii Instituta morfoilcVji zh~v,~Lnyk"- '-,,,T ".SSR, 1--!oskveL. .1 . 0 - DMITRMVA, N.P.-(Moskva) The close topographic contacts of the membranous structures in the tumor cell; an electron microscopic study* Arkh. pat. 25 no.10:16-24 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1, TT laboratorii tsitologii (zav. - dok-tor biologicheskikh naik Frof. G.K. Krushohov (deceased')LiBtituta. morfologii zhivotnykh imeni, A.N. Severtseva Y JSca, D.MTRIYEVA, N.P. Sme characteristics of the ultra4re structure of nucleolus in the call nuclei of Brown-Pearce tu*or as related to their vital activity. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.5-.1146-1W Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Institut morfologii zhivotnykh im. A.N.Severtsova AN SSSR, Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Bakulevy;u. (CANGER) -' (OULL NUCLEI) DMMIYEVAI N. P. "Some submicroscopic data on the differentiation of tuwur cells." report submitted to 3rd European Regional Conf, Electron Microscopy, Prague, 26 Aug-3 Sep 64. DMI'ERIYFVA,, N.P.; LYUBJK)VA$. T.P. Characteristics of a atraln of transplanted tumor of the thyrold gland in rats. Vop. onk. 11 no.7-.77..81 165. (~gRA 18t9) 1. Iz laboratoril g1stologfi (zav..- prof. A.N~ SUdItBkly) Inatituta mcrfologiJ zhivetnykh imeni Severtsova AN S&SR (iopal- nysyushchiy obyazannosti direktor - prof. M.S. Mitskovich). ml PE MIN TO ';gm N! A- r, T WIM 11,04 .4 "~M --- 7: 13 '.il Po 801310- Ike L6 JA orm "W ax!A tiirt' 5i, ther 4pi -z: 3 01A d-' A- I r d , 69P TP 0 "M. ago qnz A TRI X" 91 ial Ti- d thoropy ~.v L 6xid A -47 Ym A .7 are Owe nil-.' r 0 Tj bi 0 TP ii~ AnUg Odaj and '~xod"- Ilf Wit JQ jt AGOESS AP4 99,' d' '~A .0.0 m !St 3" ..var A If: cat dl th-It bl'W; ohanges ra OPIP At, 'IA os -40 t -_i*mra 9~lee asomb-ling a, Ac fir, r6 -ex orp hmm ri ~'a unao, b Oh ;ndl ry are omporM 7 VIT: OW!WR A t J3011041 0 -PO :i 'St ruot IPP~ OR t "~Jgwii k6 A t r8a Za Oz. -'~4 a. SM" d U31---l- I~j ow, ~Omh- ballm o ni d", -Obsbi~Vatlon- AW r i"T ~iftove SOV4. ilm lkA 7 7 I-C -~"i Les Q ni 3=11- NR BUD is We ~77~ 'F j ~4 r tj 4 's hi U-1 I QAVURI')ZA, R.K.,- MITRDFAWYA. A.V.;,.., RITZVA S. , N Use of dienyls as accelerators of the "hurdening" Of JTOCSBS Of unnaturated polyether resins. Zhur. prUcl. khim. 31 no.8:1227-1234 Ag 15 8, (MIRA 11:12) (Gums and resins) ul 41 AT -jig .3 Ali I P S/081/61/000/022/069/076 B140138 AUTHORS: Dmitriyeva, N. S., Genell, S. V., Shaykevich, R. N~ TITLE: Antifrictional properties of plastics PERIODICAL, Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no, 22, 1961t 452-453? abstract 22P76 (Nauchno-isaled. tT. Tsentr. in-t nauchno- I;ekhn. informs legk~ prom-sti, ob. 7, 196o, 15-24) TEXT: The article describes methods of determining the antifriotion properties (friction and wear coefficients) which are the main characteris- tics of materials for the light industrial machine bearings. Laboratory test results are given, which were obtained under conditions very similar to production, for the following materials: wood particle board on cresol resin (Allk (DPY,), on CKC-1 (SKS-1 )) and an aqueous reoin 0~9 (SFV) base (DPK in SFV); board made from leached chips impregnated with CraC-1 (SBS-1) alcoholic phenol resin; tree-cast block capron, and antifrictional grey cast iron.. The effect of surface finish and working conditions on the friction coefficient of disk-shaped samples was studied (with and without lubricant),, It was found that DPK on an aqueous SFV resin base hasv DPK S/081/61/000/022./069/076 intifrictional properties of ... B144/B138 in alcoholic SKS-1 resing with insufficient lubricants a higher friction coefficient 1-5 timesp and lower wear resistance. The results obtained by testing particle board and capronite in insufficient oil shows that capronite is the most resistant, then DPK in SKS-1 and last DPK in SVF.% [Abstracter's note: Complete translation. I ^--A ~ P) 5/191/61/000/011/001/008 115~ 9 r11 0 B11O/B,147 AUTHORS: Sazhin, B. I., Malkevioh, S. G., Chereshkevich, I. V., - j Ay&".-S-. ' Dmitry TITLE: Study of dielectric losses and penetrability of fluoroplasts PERIODICAL: Plasticbeaklys massy , no. 11, 1961, 3-5 TEXT: The effect of the composition of copolymers of tetra- (I)and trifluoro ethylene (II) on e and tan6 is investigated. Polytrifluoro .ethylene (III), PF 2-CPHIn , has a great dipole moment and, at room temperature and low frequencies, a dielectric penetrability of 12-5. Since E of polytetrafluoro ethylene (IV) is only 2..0-2.1, the authors tried to increeae & by copolymerization of I with 1I,. and of I with II and hexafluoro propylene (V) (Table 1). 1 and tan6 were determined accordingto B. 1. Sazhin, P. N. Shcherbak (Ref. 2i Zav. lab., no. 2 (1960)). The depenience of * and tan6 on the conoontration of (11) was calculated by the dielectric polarization theory (Ref. 6: see below). According to thiet the interaction of polar groups belonging to,one chain Oard 1 28Y85 S/191/61/000/011/001/008 Study of dielectric losses and ... B11O/B14? may be estimated. According to Ref. 6, it holds for low frequencies; (2% + 1) AD) 4. 3s(,,2 -3. n 31(T + Here, n -number of oolar monomer groups in 1 CM3 g3bn effective di. 16 pole moment of these gkoups; K .1.638-10- erg/degree; T -absolute 2 temperature. For calculating F-, it is necessary to kno n D? n; and p.,1 -1 tLef was determined (a) from E of III and found to be toll-10 and (b) from Z-of the copolymer containing 3-5 % of II. In the latter case it 18 amounted to 1.41-10- cgs units. In 6 a A/2. + V(A /4) + (n D/2) (2), A- (n 2 lij 2 D_ 5) +10 -gef* n (obtained from Eq. (1) at T -2930C). The theoretical concentration dependence of the f, values of copol 'ymers takes a straight course for 0-25 mole% of II, For a -content of 11 4 5 16% Aef is to be calculated according to b. Deviations of the experimental Card 2/6 2OV985 S/191/61'ooo/011/001/008 Study of dielectric losses and... B110/B147/ *_ values from those calculated from Eqs. (1 ) and (2) are 10-20 %. 2The following holds according to Ref- 3 (see below): tan6 max ' a(F- -nD)/2F- (3), where F, -dielectric penetrability; at*a parameter characterizing the width of the maximum of tan6 as a function of frequency. It is found experimen- tally and amounts to 0.2-0.8, at temperatures above -the vitrification point. The values of tan6 max are given in Table 2. Addition of 1 ~ of Ii to I does not alter F,, but increases tan6max from 0.0002 to 0.006-0.020. For a ternary copolymer with 4 % of II, tan6M86X was found to be 0.02-0.04 (a =0.2 or 0.4), which proved the validity of the theory. In the range distant from tanb max, the increase of tanb with increasing concentration of II is lower. The increase of a achieved by copolymerization of polar and nonpolar monomers is always accompanied by a ten- and hundred-f6ld increase of tan6. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 9 references: 5 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The four references -to English-language publications read as follows: Ref. 1: E. Yelton, Trans. Blectrochem. Soc.- 9-0, 331 (1947); Ref. 3: R. Fuoss, J. Kirkiiood, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Card 3/6 28985 S/191/61/000/011/001/008 Study of dielectric losses and... BIIO/B147 6~, 385 (1941); Ref. 6: F. E. Harris, B. J. Alder, J. Chem. Phys.. 21, 1031 (1953); Ref. 9: McCrum, Makromol. Chem., 35, ('1960). Table 1. Values of density, square refractive index, L, and tan6 of some copolymers. Legend: (1) Copolymer. (2) 3Content of II, mole%. (3) Abbreviated designation. (4) d200C 9/cm . (5) nD at 200C. (6) E at 200C and 103 cps. (7) tan6 at 200C and ;06 cps. (8) Tetrafluoro ethy2ene.-tri- fluoro ethylene. (9) Tetrafluoro ethylene -hexafluoro propylene -trifluoro ethylene. Table 2. Values of tan6max in the range of maximum losses calculated by equation (3). Legend: (1) Molar concentration of II, mole%. (2) 1-11. (3) I-V-II- Card 4/6 GORSHTEYN, G.I.; DMITRIYEVA, N.S. Extraction of cation microimpurities from tartaric acid solutions in the form of cupferron complexes by imakna of activated carbon. Zhur.prikl.khim. 36 no.6:1365-1367 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobcL-cJaisLtykh khimicheski:kh veshchestv. (Tartaric acid) (Cupforron) (Cations) GORSHTEYN, G.I.; DMITRIYEVA N.S. Fractionation of trace impurities daring the crystallization of tartaric acid from equeous solutions. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.8:1725-1729 Ag 163. (KIRA 16:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellski3, institut khimioheskikh reaktivov i opobo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv. DFTIMIYEVA, Nina Vasillyevna [Typhoid in children] Briushnoi tif u detoi. Moskva,, Medgiz, 1962. 160 p. (MIRA 17:10) ZAMAKROVSEAYA, A.G., kand.ekon. nauk; DMITRIYXVA, N.Ye. Determining the effectiveness of modernizing merchant ships. Trudr TSNIIM? no.13-.10-36 157. (MIRA 11:2) (Merchant marine) (Depreciation) DMITRIYEVA, N V , Cand. Media. Sal. (dies) "On Toxicology of Tri-ohlor-ethylene (Materials for BaGing Permissible Limit of Conoenti*ation In Air of IndustrilLI Enterprises), 11 Moscow, 1961, 14 pp. (Acad.Med. Sol. USSR. Inst. Hyg!Lene of Labor and Induattlel Diseases) 250 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 2134). DLIITj`7Y-T"VA, N.V. 40 USSSRA-.7edicine - - Penicillin "Annotatee List of Artiries" 5 PP Includes folloWin,f- artuiicii~s: 11. 1. Pesikova's "EIrperimiental P-m-p-icillotherapy for Severe Infect-AIons in Children, it A. L. Stnitsovskayals "Trcating Scarlet Fever in Children ';Tith Dry Serm," Ye. Ya. Belyayevals "Skin Tests With a Complete ArItig(m in Children With Dysentery," and N. V. Dmitriyelra I s "Paraty-dhoiJ in Children." PA laliqT80 ACC NR-. AP6031638 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0240/66/000/009/0031/00-1.5 :AUTHOR:. Dmitriyeva, N. V. (Candidate of medical sciences) ~ORG: Department of Industrial Hygiene, Central Institute for Postgraduate Study in !Medicine, Moscow (Kafedra promyshlennoy gigiyeny Tsentral'nogo instituta usovershen- Istvovaniya vrachey) ;TITLE: Data substantiating the maximum permissible concentration of tetrachlorethylene !(Perlen) in the air of industrial premises 1SOURCE: Gigiyena i sanitariya, no. 9, 1966, 31-35 TOPIC TAGS: air. pollution,,t4trac7,ilorethylene,2.aricn If A,,~~4J ABSTRACT:. -"Re's-ul'ts 'of studying 'th e effects of .-DILlution ~ii'th varying concentrations of tetrachloroethylczi~ 4, 2, 1, 0.1 , and 0.01 mg/1) on albino rats led the author to suggest that the maximum concentration of the compound'on industrial prez-iises be 0.03 mg/l. [WA-50; CBE 'No. 121 ~SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: llJan65/- ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 003/ Card 1/1 UDC: 6'L.3.632:66.062.412.43-131+615.7 33-.09~ DIM11"IMLWI N. V. T!-ata on the Study of the Clinical Aspects of Ty];,-joid Fever in Children." U U Cand Yed Sci, Sverdlovsk Stato 1~,Pdical Inst, Sverdlov:;k, 1~?55. (KIJ, INO 15, Apr 55) SO: Sum. No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific airl --Vechnical DisSertations 1)sf'-7-.ded at U---S~F Hiqher Educational Institutions (3.6)- DMMIYEEVA, N. V. DMITRIYEVA~ N. V. --"The Forest Soils of the Central and Northwestern Kodry." Kishinev 1956. (Dissertation for the Degreei of Candidate in Biological Sciences~. So: Knizhnaya letopis', No 8, 19569 pp 97-103 DIMRIYEVA, N.V. 1. Simple rapid method for chronic implantation of electrodes into small laboratory anim-also Zhur.vys.nerv.deiat. 13 no.2;373-374 Mr-Ap 163. (MI11A 16:9) 1. Institute for ths Advanced Training of Physicians, Moscow. (ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY) ACC NRa AP6031638 SOURCE CODE: UR/0240/66/000/009/0031/0035 iAUTHOR: DmitriXeva, N. V. (Candidate of medical sciences) iORG: Department of Industrial Hygiene, Central Institute for Postgraduate StudX i I i'Medicine, Moscow (Kafedra promyshlennoy gigiyeny Tsentral'nogo instituta usovershen istvovaniya vrachey) 1TITLE: Data substantiating the maximum permissible concentration of tetrachlorethylene ;(Perlen) in the air of industrial premises SOURCE: Gigiyena i sanitariya, no. 9, 1966, 31-35 Cab Per TOftC TAGS: air pollution, tetrachlorethylene -len "~eisu t o u n n ing ABSTRACT:, iis ' f 'st f'~cts of poll U*ti6 -;~fth vary " concentrations of tetrachloroethylene (10,, 4, 2, 1, 0.1 , and 0.01 mg/l) on albino rats led the author to suggest that the maximum concentration of the compound on industrial premises be -0.,03 m&/l. [WA-50; CBE No. 12) SUB CODE. 06/ SUBM DATE: llJan65/ ~DRIG REF: 001F OTH REF: 003/ DMITRIYEVA, N.Ye. Using mathematical methods in planning operations in the merchant marine. Trudy TSNIIIIF 7 no.37:43;,56 161. MRA 15:3) (Shipping-Accounting) (Idnear priogramming) DMMIYEVA N.Te. Search for an optimm variant of ship positioning on forailp navigation Unes. Trudy '2SNIIW no.43019-49 162. (KCRA 16:2) (Shipping) (Idnear programming) SHMOV. V.I.; DMITRIMA, O.A. Speeding up the hrdrolyals of cellulove by grinding. Trrdy LTA no.87:33-38 159. (MBA 13:4) (cellulose) (Hydrolysis) SLAVYANSKIY, Aleksey Konstantinovich, prof.; SHAIIKOV,.Vasilly Ivanovich, prof.; LIVEROVSKII!, Aleksey Alokoe'yevich, do-to.; BLTYEVSKOY, Anatoliy Vasillyeirich, dots.; MEDNIKOV, Fedo:r Alekseyevich, dots.; LYAMIN, Vladimir AlakswWrovich, dots.; SOLODKIY, Fedor Timofeyevich, dots.; TSATSKA, Elio Mat'.. Iudovich, doting ~RIYEVA~91!5a Andreyevna, assistent; NIKANDOROV, Boris Fedorovich, kand. tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; SUKIIANOVSKIY, S.I., red.; KHOTIKOVA, Ye.S., red.izd-va; SHIMOVA, R.Ye., telam. red. (Chemical technology of wood) Khimicheskaia tekhnologiia dre- vesiny. Moskva, Goalesbumizdat, 1962. 574 p. (MIR& 16:4) (Wood-Chemistry) KRYLOVAJ T.B.; BUYEVSKOY, A.V. (deceased]; DMITRIYEVA, O.A. Effect of the concentration of lignin sulfonate on the frothing capacity of a solution during flotation of distiller's yeasts. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 17 no.3:5-7 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Leningradskaya lesotakhnicheskaya akademiya im. S.M. Kirova. SHMOV, V.I.; DMITRIYEVA, O.A.; PMAPOVA, N.P. Inclusion of celWose, swollen in liquid ammonia. Zhur. prikl. ~.kvi khim. 34 no.5.,1133-3-139 My 161. (MIRA 16:8) (cellulose) (Immonia) ,4 0 .4 DMIT1111YEVA O.A.; POTAPOVA, N.1F.; SHARKOV, V.I. ZL=z ------ Comparative study of cotton cellu'lose superzno'Lrfeul,~- ,;f.-.uctu-0 by the methods of thermal and hydrolytic treatrncnt. I Irl'im. 37 no.7:1583-1589 J1 164. "MIRA 18:4) 1. Leningradukaya lasotekhnicheskaya akqdemiy~! Gosodarstvemiyy inotitut gidrolizIlDy DMITRIYEVA O.A.; POTLA-FOVA N.P.; SHAROV, V.I. - 11 *. .~ ) ". - Y Comparative study of the supermolecular structure of wood cellulose by the methods of thernal and hydrolytic action. Zhur. prikl. khtm. 37 no.~-:2083-2085 S 164. (MIRA 1711O) KRYLOVA, T.B.; BUYEVSKOY A.V. [deceasedli D?UTRI'YEVA, O.A. Effect of lignosulfonates on the biochemical processing of sulfite liquor. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 17 no.6:3-4 164. (MIRA M12) 1. Leningradskaya lesotekhnicheskaya akademiya im. S.M. Kirova. ACC -KR-t --M6DI16!;;!' -901MCE COE:', DR/0620766/167/003/0547/0548' 'Isayenk AUTHOR: Veyukc M. P.; Dmitrivevski -o, V. 1. Serebryakov, V. A. ORG: none TITLE: Fast-operating liquid.Q-switch shutter for neoe iLmL-klaps LYmiua- laser SOURCE: AN SSSIG Doklady, v.-167, no. 3, 1966, 547-50L TOPIC TAGS: laner Q switch, solid state laser, neodymium glass laser A13STRACT: An investigation was made & the use of'3,3-(Iiethyl-9,11,15,17-dineo- pentylenethiap6titiacarbocyanine iodide dye as a faot~-operating shutter in a glass laser with a trivalent neodymium ion as activator,, The emission f alls icn the longwave .edge of the absorption band of the dye, whose maximum is at 980 mp. A neadymium glass rod 15 mm in diameter and 240 mm in length'was used. The dye in a plane-~par- allel cuvette 20 mm long, was placed inside th# resonator, which had external mirrors .spaced at I m. 7be cuvette was situated between the generating rad and the exit mirror. The giant 3ulse energy was 1.5 Joule, and the duration of the pulse did not exceed 25-30 x'1.0-' see.. The laser spectrum in transition to a single mode narrowed from 51) to-6-8 A. Both the threshold of giant pulse generation and its energy depended on the optical density of the solution. The single pulse generation appeared when the concentration of the solution was larger than 4 x 10-5 mol/l. At-. blower concentrations, free generation was. obse'rved. The energy of the single pulse Card 1/2 UDC: 621.378.325 L 23409-66 AACC-k i f, -&-Mf EGS increased with the cancentration up to some value of concentration after which the increase of energy leveled off. it was found that the value of optimum transmission coefficient for the free generation mode, for the generation of several pulses Oolution concentration 3.3 x 10-5 mol/1), and for the generation of single pulses (concentration 11 x 10-5 mol/1) was approximately the same. Orig. art. has: 3 figures [JAI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE., 14Jun65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF,~: 0021 ATD PRESS:' CO d 2~2 OEA~- KOGAN, B.I.; KALIZHANOVA, Ye.G.; SALITINA, L.V.; SOLODOV, N.A.; DMITRIYEVA O.P.; Prinimali uchasti3re.- UKHANOVA, N.I.; -PERVEHINA, A.Ye.,- KAZANTSEVA, V.G.; ULANOVSKAYA, V.D.; VLASOV, K.A., glav. red.; LIZUNOV, N.V., otv. red.; PYATENKO, Yu.A., otv. red.; SALTYKOVA, V.S., otv. red.; SUPREV, Yu.S., otv, red.; FABRIKOVA, le.A., otv. red. PODOSEKI V.A., red. izd-va; GOLUB', S.I., takhn. red. [Rare alkali metals (lithium, rubidium, and sesium); a bibliography on their geochemistry, mineralogy, crystal chemistry, geology, the analytic methods of their determi- nation, and their ec;onomics]Redkie Wichelochnye inetally (litii, rubidii i tsezii); bibliografiia po geokhimii, mineralogii, krlstallokhimii, g'eologii, analiticheskim metodam opredeleniia i ekonomike. Sost. B.I.Kogan i dr. Moskva, lzd-.vo Akad. SWRI 1962. 327 p. - 4 (MIRA 16: 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kri- stallokhImii redkikh elementov. 2. Cblen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Vlasov). (Bibliography-Alkali metals) 3 ology, r- I,; ic o r- -3nt- ,s c-uc s ~ S .;a~.Ur~~ oi' so-,-al-Icr3 !I- ,lacypodal" narls from :---'yor~3ric dle:osi~,s of ht ;.~-sttmq Ciscaucasia.. Dold. A' SS'zlt', 812, ':.--o. 2, 1~52. 6rozne-i!?ki,,- 'Itfl- anoy ~:LU-'11-0-T S'eioVal~ I I Sk iV institut rccl. 15) 'X., 1 ""51 -52 SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessionsi Library of Congress, 11; 19,r4, Uncl. V_ - w - w ; ; ; ; 11 ; ; 0 ; ; ; ; AA ;--* zi 6 0 'a it 0 it U is 14 'A _jt_ Owttus Ate PvOv1*14l~wif5 00 Qw W'&bWm ad &Saaala tatuted by sodirm idut*. p_W_Dpa~Wkw_,)Wwkd. i Tobrikill. 6, No. 4, &%-x .00 J.-ZIntravelimu injection it( NaNO% In quantity to 0.!Llr ft of askind (dog) caused tupid appear. aflCt of NK 20-29 minutes with a (an of 2&-V) tilt". Ills In Ili? bland preavittre, it rise In the methe"locWhin i content to 63-76% antil a f&U In llit OlYthrivYle eflutil tO 3-2.8"dilimpirrQ, left nm durin; twinally fatal N&N(h Ix-Amming tv~ullrd In 41 100% survivid, and a r1w of hkod pri-smm anti erythro. nttononnal. lit 2hoursooly a twrof nxihr- -00 e t = tvivaltied. 7U Owwrd the ittrilsetnog&h4n. 4016 delitroyig E=thylene blue, subrulaticaus in- itto during wule MAN(), P)iminx :09 so eneft. sapplowntation of the Chrcwfkwnm with 3D% skabol darlaS sobvistawwous Injection neitber in the I reduceil roortality (50%), am In the clinscla picture 909 100owlits lbehimn)Mmlim, approwbed the tBactivenew of lntrovenow C ON= Injection. Repiwingthcutieth. ykm bkw by lblonisw fillamly lowered the effectivene,- ago of tbe= Zan normally fatal poistining. Althou;h ago Ili* in N&HCO. solution alone had no effect by it-It. it I-T-ved the effectivrom of the thionine prefiri. keg war CA 0.7-1A ME. of dipboattene/l. for 15 ed ithrillivir 4 tilt. V1 arectifine. of outcome of the Pal. ming. H. L. Wiffianis too A S It - S L A Atl&L1%AfKAL 0lfJ`-TLAf CLI$VWKAItCl- boo Off Kali it 0 da Q__Y_ ti- v it it It 14 Kit WS man ttfgKLOn I A 0 111 0 0 0 0 $ 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 *If 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 410 0 40 9 0 99 9 9 0 0 0 g 0 0 go KOZHEVNIKOV, Ye.M... veterinarnyy vrach po boleznyam ptits; GQLYSHKIN, I.M., veterinarnyy vrach pa boleznyam ptitB; DMITRIYEVA, veterinarn,yv vrach po boleznyam ptits; gx=wjp W.A.,. ~veterdnarmyy vrach po boleanyamptits; TAITLER, U.N., veterinarnyy vrach; TACHANOV, A#To, voterinarn" felldsher Eliminating pasteurellosis in poultry. Veterinariia 42 no.8:8-10 Ag 165. (MIRt 18-11) 1. Varonezbskaya oblastnaya veterinamiya laboratoriya (for Khozhevnikov, Golyshkin, Dmitriyeva, Babkina). 2. Savkhoz "Buda-Koshelevskiy" Gomellakoy oblasti (for Taytler, Tachanov). JMITRIIXTA, R.-branalator); LIZINOTA, If. Ltranslatorj; SHPRINK, T. Ltranalatorl? TSMIN, L.M., red.; MONOTA, N.Kh., red.; PLITAKOYA, N.D., [Agricultural statistics in capitalist countries) Statistika sellakogo khoziaistva v kapitalisticheek1kh stranakh; abornik statel. Moskva, Gosstatisdat TsSU SSM., 1960. 226 p. (MIRA 14:1) (Agriculture-Statistios) 1-66 --EWT11)1% ix NW 0OUR 0 E CODE1 :UR/()346/65/000/008/0008/0009 P AUTHOR;ub Nozboybikov. Ye. M.;. G4zqb1iARjL-,xj6.; M Bab1KIna,,A D:pp-anrSe-ntf-j--Z- - A* (Veterinary Dootore of the Bird ILX ORG,.,~ Voronezb Oblast Veterrinery-L --I ab-qr-ktoinr (Voronezbakaya oblastnaya veterlmilhrnayd rebi6ratorl_ TITIR: ~Experlment4l control of poultry pa I osial-P, SOURCE: Voterinarilas, no. 8, 1965, 8.99 TOPIC TAGS: exparlibent animals, anti mal diseases, animal disease therapeutics AB~TRACT: With oontrol of poultry pasteurellosis by v9coination provInj to',be inoffee tive, new control measures were Initiated in,Voronozb 'Oblast.ln 1963, Sanitation of poultry farmo was greatly improved and infected birds were killed* Vaccinations wero used in some casesj, mostly on small isolated farms& On large poultry forms the killing of infeeted birds,was found to be the onl7 effective meens of controlling poultry pasteurellosis and has proven to be more economical than other methods& Healtby poultry from otherfanma was brougbt in to replace the Infected birdis, 11itbin 18 monthis poultry pasteurellosis was Acr NR, ILP6032243 SOURCE CON: UR/0016/66/000/009/0030/0034 AUTHOR: Vlodavets, V, V.; Dmitriyeva, R. A. ............... ORG: Institute of General and Community Hygiene im. Synin, AHN SSSR, Moscow (Institut obshchey i kommunal'noy gigiyeny AM SSSR) TITLE: Viability of respiratory viruses in the air SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, no. 9,.1966, 30-34 TOPIC TAGS: virus, virus aerosol, influenza Al virus, 1529EE5kadenovirus, virus viability., 6eRo &74 V1,e.Cj_5 Z)/.sfAZie, IDt-rcl ABSTRACT. The effects of 'variable relative humidity on the viability of Al, Pan, and type-3 virus aerosols were studied. At low relative humidity the influenza viruses survived longest, while at high humidity the type-5 adenovirus survived longest. The chemical composition of the aerosol particles also affected viral viability. Virus-containing liquids were dispersed into 500-1 closed chambers for two minutes by an atomizer which delivered 0.16 ml/min. The average diameter of the droplets vaiied between 0.8-0.12 microns. ldr samples were withdrawn at intervals from five min to six hr after introduction of the aerosol, and.applied to which was then used to .ord 1/2 UDC: 57A-RIM 11 NRs AP6032243 inoculate tissue cultures, tb o*bserve the cytopathic effect. In other experiments the relative humidity was adjusted from 18% to 80% in'the various chambers. The most rapid inactivation! of influenza viruses occurred at 60-70% humidity, while adenoviruses were most rapidly inactivated at 37-56% humidityt i In most cases viability dropped sharply after one or two hr, regardless of humidity. The effect of the aerosol dispersion IWA-50; CBE No. 121 process was not studied. SUB ODDE., 06/ SUBM DAM, 08ju.165,1 ORIG-REF.- 005/ (TM REF.- 010/ 2/2 AP6032243 SOURCE CODE: MINOR: Vlodavets, V. V.; Dmitriyeva, R. A. ORG: Institute of General and Community Hygiene im. Sysin, AMN SSSR, Moscow (Institut obshchey i kommunal'noy gigiyeny AM SSSR) TITLE: Viability of respiratory viruses in the air ~0 SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, no. 9,.1966, 30-34 TOPIC TAGS: virus, virus aerosol, influenza 9U virus, -t,-zEjE5L adenovirus, virus viability., 44,?o So4 , VIe.0_5 2)j.5.6&5e, NuI71 iDly(-l ABSTRACT: The effects of .variable relative humidity on the viability of Al, Pan, and type-5 virus aerosols6ere studied. At low relative humidity the influenza viruses survived longest, while -at high humidity the type-5 adenovirus survived longest. The chemical composition of the aerosol particles also affected viral viability. Virus-containing liquids were dispersed into 500-1 closed chambers for two minutes by an atomizer which delivered 0.16 ml/min. The average diameter of the droplets vaiied between 0.8-0.12 microns. Air samples were withdrawn at intervals from five min to six hr after introduction of the aerosol, and.applied to which was then used to ard 1/2 UDC: 576.858.75.095.1 UR/0016/66/000/009/003010034 ACC NR; AP6032243 inoculate tissue cultur'es, tb observe'the cytopathic effect. In other experiments the relative humidity -was adjusted from 18% to 80% in the various chambers. The most rapid inactivation of influenza viruses occurred at 60-70% humidity, while adenoviruses were most rapidly inactivated at 37-56% humidity. In most cases viability dropped,sharply after one or two hr, regardless of humidity. The affect of.the nerosol dispersion process was not studied. DIA-50; CBE No. 121 SUB CODE. 06/ SUBM DATE: O8Jul65/ ORIG REP: ODS/ OTH REP: 010/ Card-~ 2/2 4 J, Lithololy 01 &301111tos ot W. PIS-CaUCASUS. A. Dithiddy Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 76.'-INr-T- TM,rr~--Me- bitumen. and petrok-um-beariml duloniffic itwk% ate amed. litith ClAYS sandstones. and L"dall"Itrill, lamimt.nm Of high thickne" F.inew'). with It in clsyrtflims Structure. tluattr. clAil minrlal,, gl4m,twite. *lilt 1,Vaitc a,,ounip4tty lite dohmilir. srhlwd lovins of fortiminiten show thAt the wditnents hate miliA11% I wen limestones which have' -ndolomitiani. Ilitutorni% tittemllesile,t IletlAccrt the c, tutte gralus atill ill Otimor '-Avili'q "Well Inay Illikke up .,,l 10 30 Vol. C' , I the I'l, L I he thdolulte I'VIks ate distitwitv mi-Ill ill 141115mv i-ni-Ilr4mi doltmoilivelf4m tion tractlelm W Tatal"d. CA ~ 45, 'AILN41. 11%e i$ IflIfiC41011 IIV lilt ChARAVIA Of the Wit. CAMA190 ill #11, Owin. anAIym--v; it may have t&ktn plate in IiintA omd. llrAt C0Q%t%. 1-V CIVIIA1191' Of Mall fot Cal*. front .!a The pullefactitio -,I milanic tuAtc-tial (Itunt WAm-M. thala, mildirtm foralliltlift-fal Nought about the fignsalilln ill (NIIAM. and of abundant bitunten the bulk of %bkb I~t'lrt hwul", ImIlulculn anti mistAlot 1111'.1101 Ow L, mri %ide distant-t-s- VI . Vill-I DMI'I!RIIYBVA, R.G. Golloid dispersion minerals am a basis Ear the differentiation and correlation of croBs sections of the Kaikop forvation in the eastern Ciscaucasia. Dokl.AN SSSR 95 no.4-:861-86) Ap 154. (MVRA 7:3) 1. Groznanskiv neftyanoy ninichno-iseledoTatel'skiy Institut p0 dobyche nefti. (Worthern Gaucasus-Geology, Stratigraphio) (Geology, Stratigraphio-Vorthern Caucasus) Z BOGDOOVICH, A.K.; DNITRIYEVA, R.G. . ..-MINWMAUL Chalcedony shell-walls In foraminifera. Dokl.AN SSM 107 no.6: 885-887 Ap 156. (MLRA 9:8) (Caucasus, Nor~hern--Poraminifera, Possil) DKITRIMA, R.G. Clay minerals in middle Jurassic deposits in eastern Ciscaucasia and their importance in correlation. Azerb. neft. khos. 36 no.5t 7-9 MY 157. (MIRL 10111) (Caucasuej Northern---Kineralogy) Djq~,M, IyEVA, R.G. , Cand Geol Min Sci -- (diss) IlLithology and mineralogy of clay deposits of the !,TaykopQi7 -:ei,ie,-i of the / vv", 4-0-rj~ (Easl,- _ - wCaucusud lgew 00 . 11 Exasuodar, 1959, 21 pp (Lead Sci J2.1 AzS:R. Irist of Geology im Acad .cian I.I.I. Gubkin) 1.50 copies AM,- (n, 36-59, 113) - 22 - 3(2) SOV/1 -50-8-8/17 AUTHORS: Dmitr Somov, V.D. and Bogdanovich, A.K. TITLE: The Alkun Horizon and its St3:-atigraphic Importance PERIODICAL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR,, Seriya geologicheskaya, 1959, Nr 8, pp 87 - 99 (USS11) ABSTRACT: The authors propose the unification of numerous local strati raphic schemes of sub--division of the Maykop seriesMigocene - Miocene E])ochs) of EastE~rn Cis- caucasia into suites and horizoiis, taking as a basis for this unification the Alkun horizon, which was identified by the authors in different regions of the Vostochnoe Predkavkaz'ye (Eastern Ciscaucasia), between the rivers Sulak in the east and Belaya in the west. The authors give the characteristic fea- tures of the Alkun horizon and its correlation with over- and underlying beds in each of the 7 regions studied. Tectonic structures of the Maykop series in question have been studied at different time Card 1/3 by K.A. Prokopov, N.S. Zolotnitskiy, N.S. Shatskiy, SOV/11-59-8-8/17 The Alkun Horizon and its Stratigraphic Importance A.A. Khutsiyev, V.N. Golozubov and S.T. Korotkov, who, in sub-dividing the Maykop series into suites and horizons, gave them different designations. The authors studied 7 different core-samples identifying the Alkun horizon in each of them. An analysis of these core-samples showed that the Alkun horizon is composed of clays of various colors itith carbonaceous inclusions differing in structure and composition. The most important feature of the horizon is the pre- Akance of a resistant lithological complex called by the authors an argillaceous-dolomitic plat,Y bed with Cystoseiras. This bed, composed of one or two seams of platy dolomites with enclosing clays, contains (in most of the core samples) the imprints of weeds of the Cystoseira species, characteristic of the Alkun horizon and identified by E.N. Kara-Alurza. It also contains remains of the foraminifera Uvige.-:!inella aff. Californica Cushm, Bolivina ex gr. Floridana Cushm. and Nonion aff. martcobi Bogd. The author!.,, think Card 2/3 that the Alkun horizon can be used as a correlative SOV/11-59-8-8/17 The Alkun Horizon and its Stratigraphic Importance for the geological mapping and as a basis Xor the elaboration of a unified stratigraphic plan of the Maykop series. There are 2 photographs, 1 set of dia- grams, and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION:Groznenskiy neftyanoy n.-i. institut (The Groznyy Oil Scientific Research Institute) SUBMITTED: JulY 9, 1958 Card 3/3 DMITRITEVA, IL G. Types of clays JA the Maykop series of eastern Ciscaucasia, their stratigrVhy, and facles.-Trudy G-rox. III no.8171-89 l6o. (MIRA 13:8) (0mucasus, Northern-Clay) DMITRIYEVA, R.G. Lithological types of Miocene rocks in the Abin-Ukrainian deposit and their jointing. Trudy KF VNII no,,6:253-259 161. MRA 15:2) (Kuban--Rocks, Sedimentary) (Joints (Geology)) DMITRIYEVA, R.G. Lithology of Chokrak limestoneo in thei northwestern Caucasua. Trudy XF VNII no.10:190-194 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Caucasus,, Northern-Limestone) DMITRIYET, Mikhail Vasillyevich, prof.-. PHITRITEIVA. R.I.,-,.,FMUS1MV, I,M., red.; b7WSOV, A.I., spetered.; GXRASIMOVA, Ye.S., tskhn.r~ed. [Accounting and analysis of the economic operation of an industrial enterprise] Bukhgalterskii uahet J. analiz kho- ziaistvannoi doiatellnosti promyshlennogo predpriiatiia. Moskva. Gosplanisdat, 1959. 504 p. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Starshiy ekonomist Upravleniya finansirovaniya sovnarkhozov Ministerstva finansov RSFSR (for R.I.Dmitriyeva). ~ (Accounting) (Industrial management) DNITRIYICVA, Rxiisa Il'inichna- PNRUSM, I.M.1 red.; TER-STEPANTAKS, M.S., red.: FOHOMAREVA, A.A., D"rofitableness of an industrial enterprise and WBYB to increase .11. it] Rentabellnost' promyshlaimogo'predpril.atiia i puti so e povysheniia. Moskva, Gosplanisdat, 1960. 220 p. (mmA 14:2) (Indusirial management) (Profit) DIMITRIYEVA, 11J.; ZIIAGIRNOVSKIY) S.G.; YOLYAKOVp D.S.; VDIUMUS, S.I.; S3NONOVA, TS.M.; TSEDIL11 , I.V.; SHEYGAM, G.I.j SHMIMI, M.D.; MAZURKEVICH, M.., red. izd-va; TELEGINA, T., tekhn. red. (Auditing financial operations of tho enterprises of regional economic councils] Proverka finansovoi deiatollnosti pred- priiatii sovnarkhozov. (MIRA 15;2) (Industrial management) (Finme) (Auditing) DMITRIYEV, Mikhail Vasillyevich, prof.; Prinimahi UChaStiyG1 2D1,4ITRDYjEVYAL R.I.,-kand. akon. nauk; WLTRIYET , A.M. PETRUSHEV S .. I.M.., red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.c., tekhri. _red. [Accounting and the anal sin of the economic operations of Bukhgalterskli uchat i analiz kho- an industrial enterprise ziaistvennoi deiatellnosti promyshlennogo, predpriiatiia. lsc~,- dop. i perer. Moskva, Bkonomizdat, 1963. 561 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Accoumting) (Industrial m"gament) BOKOV, Grigori.V Alekseyevich; DKI~VA,_4p _~;j;j,StR)yano a; KHOKHr.OVA, yn, R.A., red.izd-va; FORM, P.M., takJuL.reL [Collection of resolutions of congressels of representatives of consumerst cooperative societies of the U.S,,S.R., meetings of the council and the administrative *board of the Central Union for the Maintenance of Cooperative Property) Sbornik posta- novIenii slazdov upolnomochannykh potrebitel'skoi, kooperataii. SSSR, sobranii soveta i pravleniia !PSantrosoiuza o sokhramnosti kooperativnoi sobstvannosti. Koskvia, Izd-vo TSentrosoiuza, 1959. 205 P. (MMA 13:4) (Cooperative societies) DMITRIYEVA, R.S.; SANDLER, Ya.14.; SENlp A.P. Callovian-Oxford sediments of the western regions of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Trudy UkrNIGRI no.5:246-250 163. (MIRA 18:3) %y E qA, Chemical Abet. Vol. 48 No. 5 Mar. 10, 1954 -Organic Chemistry pip- ''k IV. Butyl of a- MFYI- Maalc ac:ids. Y,,,�.-Abra V. Diall S, M. Kirov Chem.'Fectiliol- Intl 7, Kazan I- cl. G.A.T.7, wale. '---JR0)lP0H mith aldthydes and ketones In the presence of RONii yield adda. products of the general type (RO~P(O)- C(OH:)R'R', as evidenced by heat evolution on mixing the Origredients. However. d1sta. of the reaction rnixt. generally -leads to decompit. and Isolation of the starting inateliak; thihs h especially tnie for phosphites with large R uidt,.i. (T c text of dw-m-ticle is not clear, for statements concerning , eady Isolation of the hydroxyphosphonates and the 'very r imp(mubility all their isolittion. are made side by side- O.M.K.) The reactions were run by adding a fc%v drops of to equitnotar mixts. of di-Bu or difLIlyl PIIO;- h It. d-t0h.'-4'es1rcd carbonyl compd..and distg. ~.he mixts. brief standing and/or beating. The followl" Wcre lobtained (yield 1,5'0), ll.p./rnm.. d., and WDO given! - (fltlo)~ !,~O)CH(011)hle, 56.7, 102-3*/9, 1.024, 1.4384; (BuO),P- ~( )CIV(OH-)Pr. 40, 169-70'/G. 1.000, 1.4400; (B&tO),P(O)- momcmicirAfe.-, 18D40/; (BuO), P i, -, 168-70*/S, I.W6. 1.4680; (BaO), OR(OH)P) PLO 0 MOIL 1192, 154-5-fl, 1.018, 1.43 C AGOH, 573, 150-7'/S. 1.015, 1.44(l CAfePA011, 30, 179-WO/9, 1.025. 1.4070: BuOV 0)- CfktOff, -. 2207-9'/7, IAN, 1.4760. (BaO), (0)Q011)- (CHA. 40.4. 179-80'/D, I.M. 1.4349; (B:j0),P(O)C- KOHXC110&. 481, 178-80*/7. 1.039. 1.4570; (C1[,:C11- ,01,0~.P O)CUPPOH, 05.3, 151-/10. 1.1187, 1.4.515: '(Cl& rXM,%P(0)C11'O11)PF 316 lm-,11% 1.4551; 1.0907. 1.4500; 45.7. 105-7*/7, M233. 1.4740: (C1i,:C11C1,60).,P(U)Q011)- (17112N. 67.7. in. Addii. of feir dropi MeON-1. W011 to 9.7 g. (Bu%POR and either 4.3 g. MePrCo, i.:1 Jr. Etsco, or 9.1 P. (PhCH.-WO gave a teinp. ri:wc to:17- IS': ( 0 lj'C=_ 1-1. ) f be! to-T26-30" the reaction mixts- On attempted Istri. gave only the starting materials. Reac- tion 1with W-BUC110 v6 ShIlar result4. Diallyl phw- Phite and iso-BuCHO ve only the starting materials, 2 although the original mIxt: app to:feact norm211y;j BxH also failed to,yield the d ester witfi diallyl phos- p te d ng attempted distu. the mm decompd. at: 1 00, elding a f y solid; only -stowting PrGIUC~gefe obta f di yl pbosphite and tithe, RtHt or AcPh. (BuO H with Ut 2-orocyclop!ntatie carboxylate (in The ce of WONa) gave, after Anstated period t C%:' 14G-50 only imall amts. of the starting materials and mu G- M-Kosdanoff Iar- GUSAROVI V.N.; VO3KRI"751ZSKIYp B-V-; itYSS, M.A.; WITRIYEVA, G.V.; R,jlTRIYFVA,-R.Y-e.; KOTLYAROVA, T.V.; SVET, Ye.B., red. [Chelyabinsk electrometallurgy workers are striving for technical progress] Cheliabinakie elektroretallurgi v bor'be za tekhnicheskii progress. Cheliabinsk, Cheliabin- skoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 94 P. (I-UfV~ 17:8) DMITRIYEVA, S. Dmitriyeva. S. "Astrakbansk Game Reserve," Testeetvommiye v shkole, 1946, No. 6, p. 157-62 SO: U-2888, Letopis Zhurnalinykh Statey, No. 1, 1S149