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DMITREVSKIYV Yu.D. "PhysiCIL1 geography of the parts of the world' by T.V. Vlasova. Reviewed by No D, DmitrevsIdi. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser, geoge no,5:179- 181 S--0'142.. (MIM 15:10) - (Physical geoMthv) (Vlasova.. T.V.) I T-1 DMITREVSKIY, Yu.D. Several probloms in the geograplV of ichthyofauna and fishing in Af,--~ can inland waters. Izv. V'ses. geog. olb-va 95 no.6004- 511 N--D 163. (MIRA 3-7: 1) M[ITRE-VSKIY, Yu. D. Africa; an encyclopedic manual. Izv.Vses.geog.ob-va 96 no. 2: 147-148 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) KOCHARYAN, G., prof.,; BABAYLT, A.G.- MUTRWSKIY, Yu.; SAIRSHKIN, Yu.,- DOMPTI, A.; INUMIM-4flo, I.'*-M='-T~.-'-- 0 Bibliography. Gong. v shkole 21 no-5:87-95 S-0 158-041RA 11:10) (Bibliography--Geography) INITREEVS~IY,-Yu- "Soviet geograpbyj aebievements and objectives." Reviewed by IU. Dmitrevskii. Geog. v sbkole 24 no.2:92-93 Mr-Ap ,61. (MIRA -14:3) (Geography) DMITREVSKIY', Tu. "Geograpby of the mining inftstry -of capita]List countries" by M.S. lRozin. Reviewed by IU. Dmitrevskii. Geog. v shkole 26 no.2:90 Mr-Ap 163. (MDU 16-.4) (Ydneral Ilidustries) (Rozin, M.S.) DMIIFO~~M, Yu.D. (Vologda) "Geography of the mining industry in the capitalist world" by M.S.Rozin. Reviewed by IU.D,Dmitrevskii. Prioroda 52 no.3223 163. (KRA 16:4) (Mineral industries) ' (Rozin, M.S.) I D141'.Rwqz,.,Kly, Yr. b. -- -- ....... P.nyslr;al geograrby of parts of the wcnid. Veet,, flo-sx. an. 'I/-lr.-5-- rr-~og. 29 nc.1~882--Bz, s.-O 161, 1mi ItA :L8 21 ). -1 k DMMli,VSK'-Y . Yu.D. Sudan geograpby. Izv. Voes. geog. ot-vo 96 no.~:442-444 S-0 164, (Klhh- 17~:~2` DMITREVSKIY, Yu.D. --.- Datemining the torm ~Ivrlgatlon4l. Izv.Vsas,. geo oh-,ra 96 no.6z525-526 H--D 164 &OIRA l8sl) DIUTRY-451rll, U1 . "Studies on the abrasion of tractor plowshares." p.125, (a0C7I!IYI NATUK. r!Z,;RIA C- IECHANIZACJI, Irol. 66, no. 1, 1953, Warsaw, Poland) . SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol 2 no ILQ Oct 1953, Uncl. DMITM. SKI, J. "Testing harvester cutt6rs," p- 126, (ROL-IZNIKI-NAUK. SERIA C-!'-Fr3HAJ11ZACJI, Vol. 66, no. 1, 1953, Warsaw, Poland). SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol 2 nolO,, Oct 1953, Uncl. DITITF04SKII J. "Technical conditions of the acceptance of agricultural implements and machines." p. 127, g POCZNIKI NAUK. SMIIA G-MECHANIZANI, Vol. 66, no. 1, 1953, Warsaw, Poland). SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol " no '19 Oct 1953, Uncl. D"UTRYMMKI, J. USupplying t,,e village witi., farm mac"Uriery. p. 19~." (ZYCH, COST,OD-kRCZI,:, 0 ' 0 U - Vol. 5"' no. Feb. 1953, Warszawa, Poland.) SO: Pnst Puropeaii, L. C. Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec. 1953 DMIMBISKI, J. Careful preservation of machinery. p. 29. (PLON. Vol. 4, no. 11, Nov. 1953.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C., Vol. 3, No. 4, April, 1954 DMITRICHAO, A,-S-2-.- Treatment of sweating of the feet with a decootion from oak twigs and leaves. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no-3:-54 Wr 160, (MIRA 13:5) OFOOT-DISUSIS) (PIRSPIRATION) T M.qT,-Kr7,l,7lTK0l L. ". D.-aitricl-nRo, L "On the '"hamcteristics of Varc,Aar T-*.acb ons in ,~Can an V,%r~ovis FunctionO --tate,-s o~' the D-rel.ral. ."tate~ T~'-dical Innt. Minsk, 1~-56. (Dissartation for the T~-.gree of rardidate In *,,!eulical Science) Yn--*zh,,iaya Letunis', No 1-2, 195.6 DWTRIC . Voj-in; dipl. prarnik Legal aspects of the peaceful use of atomic energy. Nuklear energ1ja I no.ls28-29 Jl 164. 1. Assistant Secretary# Federal Gommission for Nuclear Energy. A Mmided fplmd OmWd of, 14. A Nme *a 0 ins ownd by P" and VW fA a A= P101% I I 1. -w1mamm-, N. ; SHAVRI'NOV,-M. A. - - -- - -- 2. USSR (600) 4. Sieves 7. Electric heating of sieves for screening ground clay. Ogneupory. 17, No. 9. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, jamiaxy, -1953. Unclassified. POPOV, V.S.; DMITRIGHENKO, N.S. Durability of press mold plates during the press molding of magnesite and grog refractories. Ogneupory 27 no-3:127-130 16.2. (MIRA 15:3) 1 Zaporozhskiy mashinostroitel'nyy institut imeni V.Ya.Chubarya (ior Popov). 2. zaporozhakiy ogneupornyy zavod (for Dmitrichenko). (Plates, Iron and steel--Testing) (Firebrick) POPOV, V. S., kand. takhn. nauk, dotoent; EKITRICHENKO, N. S. ImProving the wear resistance of die-casting molds for --myra- facturing refractory articles. Vest. mehinostr. 42 no.10: 45-48 0 162. (MIn 15--10) (Die caoting-Fquipment and supplies) POPOV, V. S.; DMITRICMMO, N. S. Wear resistance of certain hard facings and standard steels used for metal dies for operation in an abrasive medium. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.6.139~-142 164. (1,111tt~ ir.':'7) 1. Zaporozhskiy mashinostroitellnyy institut I 7aporozhskjy ognoupornyy zavod. POPOVY V.S.; BRYKOV, N.N.; RMITRICHENKO, N.S. Using white cast iron for the lining of metal dies. Ogneupory 29 no.4.-160-164 16, (MIRA 17:4) 1. Zaporozhskiy mashinostroltellnyy Institut imeni V.Ya.Chubarya (for Popov, Brykov). 2. Zaporozliskiy ogneupornyy zavod (for Dmitrichenko). F"POV, V.S., bl-'YKOV N.14, PNI~,~!T'j ti '), S. I. y I !if 14 --- investi,ating the duraiilit7 of 2OXh stee-1 plate-il ~,,f Oflneupor7 30 ncl.l--14-17 165. 1. Za poro-,-, h q kli v -mas 1, il nos I, T-o i to I I nyy I 1 1. i I] I i m. Yzi j: Cor PopC,v Diultrichenko). GOLI YGAT, D.B., kand. tekhn. nauk; USHNDKOV, V.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; DMITIRICHENKO, S..S.;~.HDCHAROV. N.7., kand. takhn. nauk. Investigating citusee of fractmras in DT-54 tractor frames. Makh.-i elek. sots. sellkhoz. 16 no.6:17-23 158. (MIRA 12:1) l.:Soyuznyy naucimo-iseledovatellakiy aviomobillnyy i avtomotor- nyy institut (for Gellfgat, Oahnokov). 2.Glavnyy inzhener Komsomollskoy wshinno-tr&ktornoy stanteii Taldomskogo rayon& Moskovskoy oblatiti (for DrAtrichanko). 3.Mookovskoye vyeeheye takhaicheakoys itchilishcho Im. Bauman& (for Docharov). (Tractors-Teating) BAMRBV, A.F.; BOCHAROVII N.F.; GIMMAT, D.B.; DMITRICHENKO, S.S.; OSIUIOKOV, V.A. Durability of the frames of general purpose caterpillar tractors. Trald. i sellkhozmash. no.4:4-12 Ap '59. (KIRA 3-2:5) - (Tractors) DaTRICHENKO, S, S., Candidate Tech Sci (diss) -- "Investigation of the strength of the frames of caterpillar-type tractors with flexible chassis". Moscow, 1959. 18 pp (Min Higher Educ USSR., Moscow Order of Ienin and Order of Iabor Red Banner Higher Tech School im N. E. Bauman) (KL, No 26, 1959, 125) - -?.4I7.RICIWKO, S.S., kand.tekhn.nauk Strength analysis of cravler tractor frames with elastic suspension. Trakt. i iiellkhosmash. 30 no.11:8-11 N 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Nauchno-iusledovatellekiy avtotraktornyy institut. (01ravler tractors) DMITRICHENKO, S.S.; RYZH*.IKOVA, A.G. Accelerated testing of machinery abroad. Trakt. i sellkhomash. 31 no. 5::.45-46 My 161. (MIRA 14*5) (Agricultural machinery-Testing) c DMITRICHENKO) ..S. kand. bqkhn. nauk; KUGEL', R.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; - -MAKAII&I N.N., in?,h.; NEYCHENKO, V.G., inzh. Accelerated testing of the strength of tractors on a proving ground. Trakt. i sellkhozmaBh. 33 no.7:1-5 J1 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy traktornyy institut. MTRIGHEMO., S-3,.; NER11,31AN, R,V, Evalua-I'lon sf the fatigue strength of the components of structu-res using elactronle computers, Izv. AN Arm, SSR, Sor,, tekh. nauk 18 no-1137-42 165. (MIRA 18.,7) I 1~ Xoraisslya po tekh-nologll mashinostroyeniya AN Armyanskoy SSR. :)J~ I JT~ I Q 'I K%l ~; '0.V, -l - 5 kand. Lekhn. nauk; STARTI~. Jn:!-h, kam'. tekh-n. nauk; NA-11MV, K.1,14, inzh. Effo,-J. --)f the traveling snped of the DT-75 tractor on the sLIC-vaces in sin;pensior, systems. Trak".. i sellkhosmash. no.p--,5-'? Ag 16% (IC-RA Cnwadarswonnyy soy'u-,,nyy natictino-iiislc,~lovat,f--Ilt3k!y I~rtW.cvl y in.,3t.U.,-,.--t (for Pmit.richanko, Sturikov). 2. Vrenburdskiy i3fAl- skolkhazynystvennyy institut (ft--lr Vigdorchik, Neimcv,". L 38684--66 L.;T(d ACC NRt AP6017625 SOURCE CODE: UR/OLL3/66/ooo/002/0021/0023 AUTHOR: Dmitrichenko, S. S. (Candidate of technical sciences); Shevchenho, A. I. ORG: NATI; NM imeni Bauman THU: Accelerated road testing of trucks SOURCE: Av-tomob--t"Imaya promyshlennost', no. 2, 1966, 21-23 TOPIC TAGS: endurance test, material failure, mechanical failure, fatigue test, road, automobile industry ABSTRACT: The disadvantages of conventional testing are discussed. Some of these are: a) it takes too long to test one automobile (8-12 months); b) the impossibility of comparing results due to the instability of road and test conditions; c) the imposs- ibility of detecting a series of weak spots during testing. Accelerated road testing is proposed. Accelerated testing in practice must be carried out under the following conditions: a) programmel loading which includes a spectrum of operational loads; b) cyclic loading with a constant amplitude, where the loading is similar to fatigue- causing conditions during operation; c) a typical operational load cycle which is most characteristic for selecting operational conditions and which is most destructive; d) several typical operational load cycles which follow each other in a definite sequence; e) load conditions which are different from operational conditions. This selection of Ij~(clj Card 1/2 uDc: 629.113.ool-4 L 38684-66 ACC NR% AP6017625 accelerated road test conditions was based on tensometric and statistic analysis of amplitudes of variable loads during operation of the ZIL-16A.truck. Analysis of the fatigue failures in the frame members of these vehicles shows that this type of fail occured in the placeB where it would normally have occured during operation. TUB indicates that the conditions for accelerated road testing were properly selected. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 001 C"Id 2/2 K),IM'-,1qK09 Ye.V., DIMIT11,11CHEMKO, V.A. ...... ?recast reinforced concrete skip wells for blust lfurnaces,, Sbor. nauch. trud. KGRI M22-28 162. O-ORA 17:51 KRTZHANOVSKAYA, I.L., profy DMIMICWXOj V.P.; Lg'XQM7Sp NV-9 - Hbmodyzi~~-indioators and gases in the blood of patients with chronio nonspvcific-pulmonary diseases. Vrach.delo, no.3sll..16 Mr':163,4 (MIRA 164) I.Wedra goopitallnoy terapii (zav. - prof. LI.Kx7zhanovskaya) Dn*k-opetrovskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (BLDOD-MANINATION) (LUNGS-DISIASES) DrdTAI' il*-,Vl i. ". !-Aec~ianical u-t.,;ocl of stirring when fortifying jaust ~.,ci -ione pulp L, present. Vin. 12 No 8, 1952. DaTI11CHEV, P. Guarantee the budgets receipt of loan funds on time and in fall. Fin.SM 16 no.6:23-27 Je '55. (MLRA 8:6) 1. Nachallnik Glav-nogo upravleniya gosudarstvannyk:h trudovylth sberegatelInykh kass i gosudarstvennogo kradita. (Debts, Public) DMITRICHEV P. imihlr,Hzv, P. . WX Mor-M 9 WA P-M-0 - Work better than in the past year. Fin.SSSR 18 no.2:46-47 F '57. Oum 10: 5) i.Nachallnik Glavnoip upravlaniya gostrudebarkass i goskradita. kB&nkB and banking) ZMEV, A.G.; POPOV, V.F.; FADRYEV, I.I.; BABUSHXIN, V.I.; BRUMICH, I.L.; BOCHKO, A.M.; BURLACHENKO, S.Ye.; GARBUZOV, V.F.; PgkT-=jMY.._.P.Ya.; DUNDUKOV, G.F.: ZWBIH, I.D.; KOROVWHKIN, A.K.; KORSHUROV, I.I.; KUZIR, M.G.; KUTUZOV, G.A.; LYSKOVICH, A.A.; MASHTAKOV, A.M.; MIKffBYF,V, V.Ye.; HIKELIBERG, P.M.; POSKOINOV, A.A.; ROKAROV, G.V.; SOSIN, I.F.; SOSHOVSKIT, V.V.; POVOLOTSKIY, M.M.; URYUPIF, F.A.; KHARIONOVSKIY, A.I.; GHULKOV, N.S.; SHESHERO, N.A.; SHITOY, A.P.; SHUVALOV, A.M.; YANBUEHTIN, K.Eh. Arsenil Mikhallovich Safronov; obituary. Fin.SSSR 18 no.11:95 9 '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Safronov, Areanil Mikhailovich, 1903-1957) DMITRICHZV, P. `~- --LR-teriee with monetary and other prizes. Yin.SSSR 19 n0.8:32-37 Ag 15& (MIRA 11:9) 1. Nachallnik Glavnogo upravlaniya gostrudebarkass i goskredita. (Lotteries) DMITRICHEV,.P. The rise in national prosperitr is the basis for the increase in-workerst savings. Fin. SSSR 20 no*6:8-17 JO 159. (MIRA 1q.-10) 1.0h1en kollegii Ministerstva finaneov SSSR. (Savings banks) BERDICEVSKIJ, G.I. [Berdichevskiyv G.I.), doktor technickych vied; DMITRIFV, J.V. [DmitrJ.yev, I.V.], kandidat technickych vied ~-,- 1) .111' - - " ..: Prestressed reinfotced concrete girders with prestressed transverse reinforcement. Inz stavIly 12 no.1:32-37 Ja'64. 1. Laboratorla predpatych konstrukeilk Vedecko-vyskumneho ustavu betonu a zelezobotonu, Moskva. S/1-37/62/000/()03/072/191 /3-, 2 Aoo6/Aiol AUTHORS: Fedorchenko, I.M. Filatova, N.A., Sleptsova, N.P., Lwn~~M Yermolin, Yu.N., Voynitskiy, A.I., Kiselov, V.P. TITIE; Refining of molten sodium with the aid of cermet filters PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 44 abstract 3G305 ("Poroshk. metallurgiya", 1961, no. 4, 98 - 102, English summary) TEXT: For the refining of molten Na from oxide compounds, cermat filters were used made of reduced Fe-powder (a mixture ofAMY,1-'t(APZhM) grade fractions). The filters of about 40% porosity were manufactured in the form of beakers 32 and 2 pressure 24 mm in diameter, and 75 mm high. The blanks pressed under 2 t/cM ,.,.,er-e sintered in converted gas atmosphere at 12000C for 2 h. The hydraulic char- acteristics of Fe-filters are given (gas and oil permeability); the degree of refining of t-he filters was 5,,4-- As a result of using cermet filters the Na puri- ty was raised and the quality of Ti, obtained by the method of sodium-thermal re- duction, was improved. The filters have been reliably operating for over one year. 'The efficiency of the filters is about 0.12 kg/cm2- hour at a pressure Cal Card 1/2 S/137/62/000/00,3/072/191 '2 1/0 0 Ac)o6/AIOI , AUTHORS: Fedorchanko, I,M. Filatova, N.A., Sleptsova, N.P., j)ff~~14 A~.,_ Yermolln, Yu.N., Voynitskiy, AJ., Kiselov, V.P. TITLE: Refining of molten sodium with the aid of cermet filters PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 44 abstract 3G305 ("Poroshk. metallurgiya", 1961, no. 4, 98 - 102, English summary) TEW: For the refining of molten Na from oxide compounds, cermet filters were used made of reduced re-powder (a mixture ofAJj)-,'Jt'j(APZW4) grade fractions). 7he filters of about 40% porosity were manufactured in the form of beakers 32 and 24 mm in diameter, and 75 mm high. The blanks pressed under 2 t/cm2 pressure were sintered in converted gas atmosphere at 12000C for 2 h. The hydraulic char- acteristics of Fe-filters are given (gas and oil permeability); the degree of refining of the filters was 5~4. As a result of using cermet filters the Na puri- ty was raised and the quality of Ti, obtained by the method of re- duction, was improved. The filters have been reliably operating for over one year. The efficiency of the filters is about 0.12 kg/cm2- hour at a pressure Card 1/2 Refining of molten .... drop of about 1.2 atm. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] S/137/62/000/003/072/191 Aoo6/Aiol R. Andriyevskiy Ca rd 2/2 & kill I ~Ai'_C-Mr-AT5022096 VA/2778/65/000/014/0024/0059 MUM DmitrieX, Mj. a TITLA: Electrical methods, of atmospheric pressure measurements and radioactive ionizati _mancmetera- SOURCE: Leningrad. Nauchno-issledovatellsiciy inatitut gidrometeorologicheskogo 'priborostroyeniya. Trudy, no, 14, 1965, ZU-59 Lwient -TOPIC TAGS- atmo-splieric Ionization pressure gage, aircraft flight instr V 5 ABSTRACT: The paper discusses direct electrical conversion methods of gas pressure measurement. An instrument merit coefficient G -("Mmax/ Pmin))/ a"V- is prvposed, with P and P the limits of reliably measureable pressure; a max min the measurement error (%); and Ir - the time constant ( inert,ia) of the indication. With G as a criterion, the radioactive ionization pressure measurement method ap- -pears best, followed by the,magnetoelectric discharge and by the conventional ioni- zation measurement methods. A review of various methodologies and designs of radio- active ionization instruments, with particular regard to linearity is given. It is shown that the radioactive ionization method can attain pressure measurement prec's'on o- of .005 to .01%, aal better. The range of measureable pressures it; wide, from 11 Card 1/2 1 98:0--66- ACC NRIt AT5022096 to 103 mn Hg. Time constants are low, between 10-6 and 10-1 beconds, depending upon transducer element time constants. Other advantages include linearity, absenne of hysterisis, insensitivity to accelerations, continuity of., output, practically un- limited life and adaptability to automatic recording and to telemetry. These qualities suggest also applications to standards of -measurement. Suitability for additionally measuring other parameters, such as humidity, wind vector and temperature permit3 wide use oif this raethod in hydrometeorological instrumentation. A review of literatuxe is given.. The origo art. has'4 figures, 2 tables and. 48 formulas. ASSOCIATION: NIM14P SUBMITTEDt ENCL.t 00 SUB CODE: 0 9 NO REIII SOV: 070 OTHER: 0.12 (18) low= on FUZANOV, L.S.; MUTRIK, A.L. Some problems in studying the decrepitation of minerals. Lit. i v pol. iskop. no,3:131+-140 Mv,-.Te t65, (MIRA 18:10) 1. Vsesovuznyy nauchno-issladovateltakiy institut minerallnogo W Jya Gosudarstvennogo geologicheskogn komiteta SSSR i Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva. W, Y; %VRFI,"i dirdt,s ~zl-kh ~5 DMITRIK2 R&S.; 'FVASHCMiKOj NsF,; TARTAKCIVSKIYP R.11-v kand.tekhn.nauk (st.Kazatinp Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi) Equipmen:l; of tie repair shops nneds to be modernized. Pat' i Flit, lchn. 5 no-3:26 Mr l6i. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Nachallnik shpaloremontnykh maisterskilch, stantsiya Kazatin, Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogJ. (for Dmitrik). 2. Nachallnik Putevoy dorozhnoy mashinnoy stantsii$ st#Kazatin) Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Ivashohenko)o (Ilailroads--Ties) GOLUB. Andrey Matveyevich [RDlub, A.M.], ~mnd.kbImicbnykh nauk; DKTRIK Semein Takovlevich [DmVtryk, S.IAI; PILIPSM, A.T.. Dare and dispersed elements and their importance in the national econowl Ridkie-ot I roseftant Plementy ta ikh maebannta v nuroidnomu hoopodaretyl. 'I(yiv, 1958. 43 p. (Tovaryatvo dXia P00hyrannia poli- tychnykb i. naukovykh znan' UkTainalkoi RSR. Ser. 4, no.10). (Chemical elements) (KRA 12i2) IMITRIKOVSKIT, A.L. Universal bulldozor mounted on the KD-35 tractor. Rats.i izobr. predl.,r strol. U0,57:15-16 133. (HLRA 7-2) (Bulldogars) OMELICHUK. P. V.; DMITRISHIN, I. P.[Dmytrvshyn, I. P.] Agricultural machines should be repaired the vhole year round by specia1ized crews. Mekhi sil'. hosp. 14 no.2:23-24 F 163. (MDU 16: 4) 1. Nachallnik otdela ekspluatatsii i remotta mashinno-traktornogo parka Ministerstva proizvodstva i sagotovki sellskokhozyayst- vennykii produktov UkrSSR (for Daiellchuk). 2. Glavnyy inzh. Bershadskogo proi2vodstvennogo upravleniya, Vinnitskoy oblasti (for Dizitrishin). (Ukraine-AcTicultural machinery-Maintenance and repair) RUMANIA / Human and Animal Physiology. Blood Circulation. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 41256. Author :,,Dmi-t=iu--4;C_gh-_Drugan, A.; Mates, E.; Stanescu, ff-.D4er;vj.c1, S.; Nestor, R.; Nestor, G. Inst : Not Given. Title : Investigations of Water and Electrolytes Metabolism in Cardiac Insufficiency. Orig Pub: Probl. terap., 1957, 6, 31-40. Abstract: No Abstract. Card 1/1 58 DMITIM , C~ C. , prof .; SAFliUZCU I Gh. , dr. Medical treatment; of uncomplicated forms of gastroduodenal ulcerous dise4ae. Med. intern., Bucur13 no.4:481-4c,)l Ap 161. 1. Lucrare efectiiata in Clinica medicala a Spitalului "Carol Davila". (PEPTHC ULCER therapy) --DMITRJU P C. C. , prof.; B70,ROYME, , V. , dr. The treatment of non-specific bacterial interstitial nephritis (pyelonephritio). lied. intern., Bucur 13 no.4:493-506 Ap 161. 1. Lucrare efeettuita in Clinica a II-a medicala "G. Davila" (directort prof. C.C.Dimitriu). (PYELONEPIMLITIS therapy) ~22us od~ liz 40. epe,, "40s 9 CC? , : '~(? .0000 120 c 00 Iro pie dl 04 04t. .8 11'7~1 44z) 44 lot, ppli2t Q22c, or C 42 "d- *0a 1 ti a k7 ~tjPR4 oe d.JC'O('h2 L .rop th at, GZ. 914 c CO 0co-?2 71. '~' 0,02 ; -N 01%147. deco 1200 ed co'o 1012c, err, 6 1 -Z co t.., 4 bo e4h Vo e2,u t of 4cj, ect. 0k o C114P. zIpe Ppe6 12 _PJ7 oppir L -, --c '-'Qt-f I-v O!'-pe ~~ d6co tv, Let Nat 04 St Ot, t COC, IP4 t c7. ft, .1 ,~, eci I i or C1742 Ve h ha Ile t e COC, elr.b 65. ZIQJ)S. coci -to th a;~Tt a 4 P'%Ob2 OJ2 .1h & OJ4 17d eo Qp t.-On obt, sj* Oz'%t th bo A" a& aPect a op "Q.- - 0 es Ozzi J~az t 14 /_0 ti, '04 'k -ta I'G22 ric Pre 40,18 '1'0,4 '?SfO'O va t O'n IP. -Qj2d " the CIO.,, -e 4s err 'Cti `7yst 1 QJ20 Q.41 04, e0?. ;pI atoa 100th ect Ile QQIS or .1, 04th OP -bw ;age 70.,2cl Od, or COC, 4or 4Q20 ato J2 4't 0 101, 4,17(y t el. ql~4_ or .1 el -P, a -ro t e o-"re "*20.2 "CO 8 c Ptb o Qze Ct r. -?- &2-r t CO ozv~114 cedjj~ 04 zo;~ '2 W. -40, ele~ C? cw 1, j 10-t - e t,f 0 4 q?& eq. ce ea0z.-f Cor, 41,0 'T ti, bp "CI Ilot C4 4'4 Z t ecl rt 4pee hoj ~r 04 048 C., or . oep... 44t0 bo a 4 , o d,, also Peq oor -r' t-to 0k -roj. otilocr, 49 424 t e4 aj, 941, tee 0( 4't-' at 08 h4j.~. OPJJ2 1,4 t es Of- etts Prob~ 48 eL%,,,, ~ th Qa a t 020 e&. Ste eirt 611- e -nc~; or -xv.. ACC ~i_._iM66_194~2 1 0 Ch. 1. Generalized block diagram of transmission systems of discrete communication. Digital coding-5 Ch. II. The theory of optimal nonuniforia codes-33 Ch. III. Decorrelation of communication and methods of effective block coding-69 Ch. IV. Geometric model of digital codes. Principles of coordinate decoding of prefixed codes--95 Ch. V. Principles of constructing coding and decoding arrangements of effective coding systems-102 Ch. VI. Characteristics of the action of interference in effective coding systems- 149 Ch. VII. Static characteristics of different types of communications-181 Ch. VIII. Several sy9tew of electrical cozemunicati(?no and telemetry using effective coding-200 Bibliography-229 SUB CODE: O.Y/SUBK DATEt OlNov65/ ORIG RM 056/ OTH FEFt 056 BUSHIN, V., inzh.; Y1WRXMOV. A., inzh.; DMITRIYENKO, A., inzh. Precast tile floors. Stroitel' no.5:10 Yq 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Tiles) (floors) DMITRIYENKO, A. _ Our preparations for shifting to the seven-hour labor day.. Av-t. transp. 38 no.6339-40 Je 160. (14IRA 14'- 4) 1. Starshiy inzhener-okonomist Ussuriyokogo avtoremontnogo zavoda. (Hours of labor) DMITRIYENKO, A. SkiUed worker. Avt.transp. 41 no.ls7 Ja 163. (NIRA 16:2) .1, Nachallnik otdola truda i Sarabotnoy platy Ussuriyakngo avtoremonstnogo zavoda. (Ussuriysk-Motor vehioleo-Hab.11tenance and repair) - MUTRIYENKO,, As-- Device for heating polyvinyl chloride tiles. Stroitelt no.1:25 Ja 161. (Tiles) .(MIM 14:.R) Dyj 11ii-, i'f~i I ~ ~ ..,.. , 1 -1 '. ll'~~thrdqlogy of intravenous injp-.t-*Lons in ahronJ-, experiments on arlmais. Fiziol.zhur. 51 no.4:522-523 Ap 165o (MJRA 18z4-) L. Kafedrn norranl1noy Mlolog"A Nopropell-ovskop ineditslimkop instituta. S/109/62/007/006/020/024 D234/D308 ;,onosov, Ya. A. and Dmitriyenko, A. N. ng a ferrite ~.`U'Idtatioli of thc pw3sibility of crc~iti. mac,netuostatic amplifier owing to the influence of spin 0 vlav e s Radio-kekhnika i elektronika, v. 7, no. 6, 19062, 1050-1053 IXT - ;~ 11 :The limiza-tion -3an be estimated in a com~DaratJvely sJ-mple way by neglectin6 tlic mutual influence of long and short wave oscil- _;_ations of magnetiz~ltion in ferrites and then c*omparing their threshold levels of parametric excitation. It is concluded that if the relaxation constant of short wave oscillations is approxima-,,ely equal to that o--.- long wave oscillations, a parametric ferrite am- :)lifier of" magnetostatic type appears to be impossible in case of C) transverse polarization of the pumping field. If the first constant is smaller than the second, there is a limitation for both -vrars- verse and longitudinal..pumping, and if it is larger, the limitation C) o-c' amplif'ication factor due to spin waves is'weakcened. There are A. 3 figures. LIY�;NKC,- G.V. reliaktor; KAOOVA, 11-11., tekhnicheakiy redaktor LChe.%istry; a manual for tua 7th grade in seven-year and secondary schools] Knimiia; uchebnik dlia 7 klasca semiletnei i srednei swfcolr. lzd. 4-oe. Moskvt, Gos.tichabno-pedagog. izd-vo M-va proav. R&FSR, 1952. 142 o. (mM2 10:10) (Chemis try) 1. DMRTYWO). 40 V6 2. USSR (600) 4. Chemists 7. 1. A. Kablukov, scientist and teacher, Kbim, v shkoles No. 5, 1952, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. TSVITKOVg L.A., redaktor; DMITRW1%PA..qAjUpd&ktor: VxDw'YIV' Ye4., takhnicheakly redakT5_r_ [Field trips by school chemistry classes to industrial establishments; collection of articles based on teaching,experienceel Proizvodetvennye skskuraii po khimil v shkole-, sbornik statet. Moskva, Goa. uchebno- pedagoge Ind-vo Hinisterstya prosweshcheniia RUSR. 1953. 132 p. (Chemistry-Study and teaching) (MIPA 8:3) BA IN, S.A.; BMOV, S.D.; MKIMIYINKO, G.V., redaktor; NJUTIYEV, S.G., toichnicheskiy redaktor. - fOutstanding Russian chemists] Vydaiushchiesia rueskie udhenye khi- mild. Moskva, Goe., uchebno-podagog. 12d-vo Ministerstra prosveshche- niia RSF-GR, 19.53. 214 p. (ML'RA 7: 8) (Chemists) GOSTEV, R.H. (author]; ENITRITW% G.V. [reviewer]. KZI Textbook for extracurricular work in a seven-year school ("Chemical experi- ment in the course of extracurricular work.0 M.M. Gostev. Reviewed by G.V. Dmitrianko). Xhim. v shkole no-3:77-78 Yq-Je 153. (MI-RA 6:7) (Chemistry--Uperiments) (Gostev, M.M.) Ut V. Dissektation: $The EmihentL Moseaw'State Fedag Inst pgiea-i Moscow, U Jun 54) Russian Scientist t. A. Kablukov." Cand Chem S C3'.,. ' imeni V. 1. Lenin, 21 Jun 54. (Vechernyaya Moskma, 50% SM 318, 23 Dee 1954 H i \1 r-- -fi !'I in ~ - VIA ! 11 11 L. IV N U) k)r . V, KU HYAVTSE7. Aleksandr Andreyevich; 1HRAPOV-SMAROV, Georgiy AlAkse7v- viell; WITHNINKO, G.Y., redaktor; VFMNCYIV. Ye.A., takha- chesii-ylr-sMkTor~.~ [Oxidation-reduction reaction.] Okislitelino-vosetanovitellnys reaktaii. Mookpra, Goa. uchabno-podagog, izd-vo Ministerstva pronveshcheniia RSYM, 1954. 101 p. WBA 80) (Oxidation-Reduction reaction) KrRTUSHKIN, D.M.; DIITRIYBNKO, G.V., redaktor; I)ZWIYBV, S.G., t ekhai a he skIj-rbTaTEo-r~-- [Chemistry; textbook for the 7th class of 7-Yeari and secondary schools] Khimita; uchabnik dila saa,mogo k"asa semiletnei i erednei shkoly. Moskva, Gos. uchabno-pedagog. 12d- vo Ministerstva, proeveshchonlia RSFSR, 1954. ill p. (mLRA 7:lo) (Chemistr7) I TITOV, AleksancIr Georgiyevich; DMITRIYEM, G.V., rodaktor; VEDENEM, I Ye.A., tekhnichaskiv redakToF.------ [Mineralogy; with the elements of geojog7. Textbook for pedago- gical schools' Mineralogiia; a oenovnymi evedeniiami iz geologii. Uchobnoe posobio dlia pedagogicheskikh uchilishch. Moskva. Goo. uchobno-pedagogo'izd-vo Ministerstva proaveshcheniia RSFSR, 1954. 118 P. (MMA 8:5) (Mineralogy) TSVETKOV, Uonldl Aleksandro-vich; DHITRIYBITKO, G.V., redaktor; SHIKIV, S.T., tel:hniche0dy rodaktV-L- - -- [organic cbemistry.:-textbook.for secondar7 Behools Organicheskaia khimita; posobie dlia uchashchikhoia arednei shkoly. lzd. 3-s- Mookva, Goo. ucbebno.-pedagog. izd-vo Hinisteretva prosveshchenlia; RSFSR, 15154- 1)8 P'. (MLRA 8:7) - (Chemistry, Organic) TSVETKOV, L.A.; DMITRITENICO, G.V., redaktor; RTBIN, I.V.. tekhnicheskiy redakt o r. i ~, - --- . -, - [Experiments in organic chemistry for secondary schools; methods and equipment. Teacheral manualj Bkoperiment po organicheskoi khimii v srednei chkole; metodika L tekhnika. Posobie dlia uchiteloi. Izd.2-e. Moskva, Goo. ucheb.-podagog. izd-vo Ministerstva proeveshcheniia RSYSR, 1954. 266 p. (MLEA 7112) (Chemistry, Organic--Experiments) KMHU, P.11'.; PARMNOV, XLY&.; DAVMV, S.D.; GOLIMPARB, Ya.L.; 0 NEYDING., A.B.; DMVRIYZNKO, G.V., redaktor.- SHIKIN, S.T., tekh- nicheekI7 . (Camiatry handbook for teachers of secondar7 schools] Spravochnik po khi-m:Li dlia uchitelai oreclnei shkol7. Izd. 3-e, parer. Kooky&, Goa. uchebno-padagog. izd-vo Ministerstva proeveshchanilit RSFSR, 1954. 370 p. (MLRA 7:11) (Chomistr7) $IV BZSKOV, S.D., professor; DMITRIYMO, G.V. Book on chemical equations (*Construction of chemical equations. 0 A.A.Kudriavtsev. Re'riev0d by- S.D.Beekory, G.V.Dwitrianko. ) Ilhim.v shkole 9 no-5:73-74 3-0 134. (MLRA 7:9) (Chemistry-Notat ion) (ludriavtoev, A.A.) KIRTUSUIN,,"T.)mitriy Maksimovich; DMITRIYENICO. G.V., reclaktor; D-.hatiyav, S.G., takhuicheaki3r redakr8P"' Dhemistr7; a textbook for clLes 7 of the seveii-year and secondary schoolel Xhimiia, uchebn'lk d1la 7 klassa semiletnel i erednai shkoly. lzd. 2-e Hoakira, Gos. uchabno-podagog. izd-vo Ministerstva prcoveshchanita RSFSR, 1955. 111 P. (NMA 8:6) (Chemistry-Study and teaching) 11 DUBTNTN, L.A.; D4ITR G.V , radaktor; DZHATIYEV, S.G., tekhni Qw cbeskiy re TOF- 4 [Brief manual on methods of teaching chemiatry in class 71 Kratkoa rukcrvodstvo po, metodike prepodavaniia khimii v st9d1mom k-lasse. Moskra, Gos.uchebno-podagog.izd-vo Ministerstva prosveshchnnila RSFSR, 1955. 130 P. (HLRA 8:11) (Chemistry--Sttdy and teaching) pARKKNOV,K.Ye..; SMORGONSKff,L.M.; DHITRIYNNKO.G.V., redaktor; PETRCVA, M.D., takhnicheskiy [Chemistry reader] Iniga dlia chteniia po khimii. Izd. 2-oe, perer. Moskva, Goo. uchebito-podagog. izd-vo Hinioteretya proevishcheniia. Pt.l. 1955. 4179 p. (MMA 9:2) 1. Akademiya pedagogichookikh usuk RSFSR, Moscow. Institut metodov obucheniia. (Chemistry--History) Ob DIITRIYMO, G.V. - " I.A. Kablukov's Museum of Lecture Experiments. Khim.v sbkole 10 no.2:77-78 Mr-AP 155. O-ILU 8: 7 ) (Chemistry--13:periments) VASILITIV. Sergey Vasil'yovich; DNITRIMKOp G.T., rodaktor; PONOKARIVA, A.A.. tekhnlchomkijp [Chemical experiments with electric avrrent; manual for work ouini(io el&**] Xhimicheskie opyty a primenenien elaktrichoskago taka,- rukovodstvo pe vneklasenoi rabote. Moskva. 0o@. uchobno- pedagog. isd-vo Ministerstva pr*BTO*hchenita IMR, 1956. 320 p. (Blectric currents) (NUA 9:7) (Chenistry-Bxperiments) TJOGORKIN, Vasijiy Federovich, zaslushenW uchitell shkoly RSFSR; D14ITRIYEM, G.V., redaktor; DZHATIYEV, S.G., tekhnichaski7 [Chemistry lessens for class 7; aid for teachers] Uroki Ichimii v VII klasse; posobie dlia uchItelia. Izd-3-e. Moskva, Goa. uchabno-podagog. izd-vo Ministerstva proaveshchaniia RSFSR, 1956. 141 p. (MLRA 9:6) (Chemistry) ~XTKIM, G.-V., rodalrtor; PETROVA, M.D., BORISOV, Ivan Nikolayevich; DNIT.A ljv-~tl_ , .-'ielthnicheskiy red4ktor. tekhnicheskiy redaktor; RY11 0 .# (Methods of teaching, chemistry in secondary schools] "' Mptodika propodavantis khinii v erednei shlrole. Moskya, Gve.uchebno-pe- dagog. ixd-vo Hinisteretva proavenhaheniia W=, 1956. 461 p. (Chemistry--Study anti teaching) BUTYRSKIY, N.A., prepodavatell; DMITRIYEMOto (; V , red.; MIRONTSEVA, M.I., tekhn.-iiid'.---'-- (Teaching chemistry in normal schools] 0 prepodavanii khimii v pedagogichaskikh uchilishchakh. Moskva, Uchpedgiz, 1954. 77 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glafrnoye upravleniye podgotovki uchitelei. 2. Noginskoye peduchilishche Moskovskoy oblasti (for B#yrskiy). (Chemistry--Study and teaching) V 27148 3/166/61/000/004/007/007 B1 12/B102 AUTHORt Dmitriyenko, 1. L. TITLEt Positive photoelectric effect in selenium photocells with thallium film PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko- matem~ticheskikh nauk, no, 4, 1961t 78 - 82 TEXTt The author studied thallium-plated selenium photocells on an iron backing. He found that sensitivity and photo-emf increase with time. In the majority of the cases, the spectral sensitivity distribution indicated a positive photoelectric effect. On the basis of theoretical studies the author gives the following explanation of this phenomenon; the thallium film not only augments the local energy levels and the electron transitions related to the photoelectric effect but also changes the contact potential between the upper electrode and the semiconductor. Besides, it also causes the formation of an "anti-blocking layer" (V. Ye. Lashkarev, ZhETF, 1948, 18, 10, 917). This explanation is also confirmed by the fact that in the same specimen, the positive or the negative sign of photo-emf, Card'1/2 27148 S/166/61/000/004/007/007 Positive photoelectric effect in B112/B102 according to the electrode material, and conductivity symmetry were observed. K. L1. Kosonogova, B. T. Kolomiyets, K. G. Troftillov, A. I. Gubanov, and A. V. Ioffe are mentioned. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 8 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UzSSR ( Physicotechnical Institute AS Uzbekskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: July 5, 1960 Card 2/2 S/166/62/000/002/006/008 B112/B104 AUTHOR: Dmitriy,enko, I. L. TITLE- Certain physical properties of selenium photocells with cadmium-plated base (back-wall photoeffect) PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Tzvestiya. Seriya 2 1962, 67-75 fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk,-4o TEXT: Properties pointing to a back-wall type of photoeffect were established in selenium photocells with cadmium-plated base. The n-p junction (cadmium selenide - selenium) lies in the zone of the lower electrode. Absorption of light near the junction increases the emf. The shape of the spootral characteristics depends not only on the spectral sensitivity of selenium and cadmium selenide, but also on the optical properties of the 8'elenium layer and on the relation between absorption coefficients and va,~elengths of light. There are 8 figures and 2 tables. Card 1/2 S/16 62/000/002/006/008 Certain physical properties of ..e B112YB104 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnichuskiy institut AN UzSSR (Physicotechnical Institute AS UzSSR). Tashkentakiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut svyazi (Tashkent Electrotechnical Institute of Communications) SUBMITTEDi July 7# 1961 L 8244-!kL :?0ffC-NR: APS022436 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/65/010/OC'9/1700/1706 101) :.A1LJTH0R: AvaklVants Go. Mo j, ZmitriyenkoJJ~,; Murygin, V. L 011G: none TITLE: Properties of 'long" diodes SOURCE: Radiotekhnika, i elektronikay v. 10, no. 9, 1965, 1700-1706 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor diode, junction diode :~ABSTRACT: An analysis is offered of a new theoretical model of the "long" diode which consists of it two-layer structure with one injection junction, the eliode base being located next to the; the rate of surface recombina- tion is assumed to be constant. By setting up, solving, and analyzing a dffferential equation describing the processes in the "long" diode, this formula for its I-V characteristic is derived: V 0 Zspd/:Iup, where (1 is the back-contact coordinate. This formula and other relations indicate the possibility of two types Card I /Z UDC-. 621.382.29.061.5 L 8244-66 ACC NR: AP5022436 of I-V characteristics in "long" diodes: (1) The characteristic starts with an OhmIa-law segment, then a j ce V2 segmen:t follows, then V u const., and finally,' J I,w V11; (2) The Ohm's-law segment, then a segment obeying the above I-V characteristic formula, and finally, VS. Orig. art. has: 59 formulas. sim coDE: o9- suBm DATE: 6Dec63 ORIG REF: 006 OTH REF. 001 Card 22 L 87-8o-66 EEC W -21EWA(h)IEVIT(I)IEWT(ra)ITIEWP(b)IEWP(-L) LIP(c) JD ACC PIR: AP5027626 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/651010/011/2037/204k ~. 1H .11j 'd- AUTHOR: Avak'yants, G. M.; Atakulov, B. J0, Dmitrixenko, L L.;~ Murygin, V. L; -Teerfas, R. A. ORG: none TITLE: Problem of the forward branch of the current-voltage characteristic of gold -doped -base silicon diodes,. q1 SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 10, no. 11, 1965, 2037-2045 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor diode, silico d ode, current voltage characteristic ABSTRACT: The results of experiments with (50--300-kohm-cm) Si-diodes doped by Au (0.1016 Sb admixture) are reported; in some cases, the n+ -layer was obtained by phosphorus diffusion. Six varieties of experimental I-V chi-tracte ri sties had a sellment of negative resistwice followed by a segment of independent I/V relation; Card 1/2 UDC: 621.-~82. Z: 546. Z8 L 878o..66 ACC NR: APS027626 the latter segment occupies a large current interval and starts from 1. 5-7 v. As neither M. A. Lampert's theory (Phys. Rev., 196Z, US, IZ6) nor R. Hall's 1heory (Proc. IRE, 195Z, 40, 151Z) can explain such a shape of the I-V character-' ~istic, the authors offer a new theory based an the kinetics of carrier transitions :near deep levels and on the formation of space charges in the dielectric-like semi- ~conductor material. They also offer an empirical formula which describes both mechanisms behind the above I-V characteristic. Additional experiments with the at -59-24- -4+49C corroborated the new theory: the negative -resistance segment vanished at higher temperatures. "E. G. Pe arried out the lifetime :measurements. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and U for as. SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: osjun,64 ORIG REF. 001 OTH REF: 003 jW Card 2/2 'd .1 .12 ut, tag IV;j nj -all 12 a All All q~- it 81 8 q� E~ -d A '91 k, a 5 8 AII G -a I ::v Vil Sig I~ Eaiv 4 s/o81/6o/000/021/009/018 A005/AO01 Ti7ahslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, 1960, No, 21, p. 50, # 83987 AUTHORS: Lachinov, S. S., Kuznetsov, L. D., Kurkovskiy, V. A., Shishkova, V.N., Dmitriyenko, L. DI Lyudkovskaya, B. G. TITLE: The Activity and Structure of Iron.Catalysts of the Ammonia Synthesis With Three and Four Activators PERIODICAL: Probl. kinetiki i kataliza, 1960, Vol. 10, pp. 199-203 TEXT: The activity of an iron catalyst activated by K20 - CaO - A1203 is higher with respect to the NH * Synthesis than the activity of an iron catalyst activated by K20 - A1203 and 0 - CaO - Al 203 - SiO (mainly on account of the higher specific activity). if a nitrogen-hydrogen mi xture is applied with poisons containing oxygen, the activity is higher for an iron catalyst with four activa- tors. An iron catalyst activated by K20 - CaO - Al 20 - S102 is distinguished in comparison %-iith an iron catalyst activated by K20 - CAO - A1203 by a greater sur- face, higher dispersion degree, and finer porosity. In iron catalysts with an intricate activator compositon, the alkali and alkali earth activators increase Card 1/2