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SKLENSHY, B.; VYSKOCIL, J,; 225 M.jPOLAK, B. Effect of aerosol inhalations on the respiratory apparatus of rats under the effect of sulfuric acid. Prac. lek. 15 no.5: 192-196 is 163. (SULFURIC ACID) 1,AEROSOIS) (LUNG) (MINERAL WATERS) (SODIUM CHLORIDE) VYSKOCIL,J.; TIMA,J.; DI;UHOS,M. Effect of acute inflammation on the distribution and elimina- tion of quartz dust from rabbit lungs. Experimental study on eliminat on of dust from the lungs. Ser. med. fac. mod. Bru- nensis 3~ no.7%351-362 163. 1. ninika nemoci z povolani UJEF v Brne. Prednosta: doc.dr. J.Vyskocil, a II patologio-ko-anatomicky ustav UJEP v Brne. Prednosta: prof. dr. M.Dluhos. C'"7 EC XII--;LOVAK-L A 01 OS 11' 1Irof Dr director of the Second Institute of Patho- lo,i~,-,'ica - 1-natomy' ~.Li. patologrickoanatomicky ustav), Fac-alty of 1-le- X I dicine (Lekarska fakUlta), J.Bv. Purkyne university, Brno; and STITIISKA, J. , Research Institijte of Traumatology (Vyz!-.Umny ustav traumatologicky), Prof. V. iMAK, director. "Generr'Ll Use of Antibiotics and Wound Healing (A Histological -Lnvestigation) " llra(,ue, casopis Lekaru Cesjgch, Vol C11, No 32/33, 16 J'-.uf,-ast 1( U-7, pp ["alt'hors' English summary]: The effect of the general T,cTn,'inD,,--tra t ion of antibiotics on the healing of skin wounds was invectigated in 150 rats. it was found that the influence was quantitative. klso affect-ed was the rate of healin.g. Thirteen references, including 7 Czech, I Polish, and-l Russian. 1/1 STMISKA, J.; DLUHOS, M. Effect of antibiotics an muscle regeneration. Gas. lek. cask. 102 no.40:1094-1098 4 0 163. 1. Vyzkumny ustav trauxatologicky v Brne, redital prof. dr. Vl. Novak~ DrSo. II patologickoanatomicky ustav lekarake fakulty *UJEvP v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. M. Dluhos. (MUSCLES) (REGENMTION) (ANTINOTICS) (PENICILLIN) (STREPTCHYGIN) DLUHOS, M.; STRMISKA, J. General use of antibiotics and wound healing (histological study). Coo. lek. cesk. 102 no.32/33:884-887 16 Ag 163. 1. 11 patologiokoanatmaicky ustav lekarske fakulty UJzVP v Bme, prednosta prof. dr. M. Dluhos Vyzkumny ustav traumato- logic]W v Brno, reditel prof. dr. V. Novak. WOUND HEALING) (ANTIBIOTICS) ~ PENICILLIN) (STREPTOMYCIN) (CHLORCKPHENICOL) (OXYTETRACYCLINE) (SKIN) SCHEJLIAL,V.; DIM03,14.; IMRANEC,B. 7 Twaors of neuroectudemal tissue in childhood. II. Twors of the peripheral ren-res. Brati.91. lck. listy 4.4 no.12.'725-727 D 31 164 1. 11. patcI.ogJcko-anat,?- katedrB 3oRaxske fakulty Univer- sity J.E. Purkrno v Brne (vedouci - prof. ',-.'UDr. 1,11. Dlulhos, DrSr.). I!ABAI,D,Y,,B.; SCIIF.JBAL, j.; DLU130S, 1-1. TiLmors of neuroectodermal tissue in childhood . I. Central nervous system twuars. Bratisl. lek. listy 1,1+ no.1i:684-687 D 15 164 1. 11. patologicko-anatomicka katedra lekarske falmlty Uni- varsity J.E.Purkyne v Brne (vadouci - prof. MUDr. M. DIuhos, L)rsc. ) ~ IUMA, Jiri; VYSXOCIL, Jiri; DLVHOS,, Max Biochemical atudles of experimental Inilmonary fibronis. Pt.l. Snr, med, fac. med. Brunensis 38 no.2/3.85-106 165. I, Klinika namoci z pavolani lekarake fak-allty University J*E. Parkvne v Brne (Prednosta: Prof. MJDr. Jift Vyskocil') a 11. patologicko-anatomichy ustav lokarske fakulty l3ni- ,-rersity J,E. Purkyne v Brno (Prednosta: Prof. WDr. Max Dluhos). DLUEOSOVA,Olga; FIAIA,Xmil Clinical aspects oi! cataract in children, Cook. ofth. 16 no.6: 329-332 S 6o. 1. Ocni oddeleni KrajBke &etske nomocnice v Brne, prednoBta doc. dr. Ota Gottwald. (CATARACT bi inf. & child) ACCESSION NR! AT4042652 a/O0OQ/63/0OO/OW/OO54/0D56 AUTHOR: Balakhoyckiy, I. S.;,Dluaakaya, 1. 0. TITLE: Corticostaroid excretLon act a flight stress indicator SOURCE- Konferentaiya po aviatsionnoy i u,oamichemkoy vaditaine, 196). Aviatoionnaya i kocmicheakaya maditGina (Axiation and space medicine)t w&terialy* konferentaii. Moscov, 196.3, Vi-~6 TOPIC TAGS1 corticooteivid, iipacoflight ntrone, atrous indicator, katooteroidg excretion ABSTRACT: For moot flight factors whose mechanimm of action on the organism is known, specific and sensitive indices exist for evaluating their effe,--t fin the organism. In the case of flir;ht fatigue, enotionnI. tension, prolongi-4 solationg and other factorn producin6 diaturbancea whose pathological nature i - rot yet clear, the establishment. of ir,dicatorn which, though not npecificaVy caaracter- intic of wV one factor, would lot indicato axV deviation in the ga.ieri,l state of health, would aid greatly in the solution of many. problema. Soviet iaventigationa have shown that flight in modem aircraft is accompanied by a 2- or ~-fold increase ACCE~SION- NR: 'AT4042652 in the urinary excre-tion of adrenal cortex hormones and corticonteroido. The present study is not concerned with the possible adaptive function of this gland,! but simply with eatabliehing the different kinds of factors evoking ita heightened activity. Corticosteroid and ketooteroid excretion in the urine of humane during.~. simulation of various air-craft alight conditions served no an index of the functional state of the adrenal cortex, while corticosteroid blood levels were taken in studying the dynamics of the endocrine reaetiot of rate to auditory stimulation and physical streon (swimming). In all experiments, iricreased functional activity of the adre-nal cortex wan observed. In the c&se of rates even, simple handling and tho most careful methods of immobilization caused a sharp 100% to 110%) in,:;rease in endocrine activity. The reaction to auditory stimu- lation and physical exertion (swimming) waa e,ven more pronounced (>150% increatie) and lasted as long cto the stimulation (15 to 30 min) and for 1.5 hr afterwarde, Repetition of the-3timulation within the daq increased the duration of the reac- tion but not the r-wirimum 19vel earlier attained. In daily experimento on the "Be animals for a month, the intensity and duration of the reaction to swimming and auditory stimulation changed but olighUy. Analysis of pressure chamber data ahowed that a "prelaunch" reactiont couisiatb% of an increase in hormone excretion :'213 ACCESSION NR: AT4042652 of lOQ% to 150% over daya wher, no tests took place, often occurred just pr.~-Or to I the expe riment. In some casec, peak excretion occurred after rnther thnn during the trial. Examination of flight crews aftor brief amd prolonged flighta under varioun conditiona ohowed that. corticosteroid excretion was 3OCF% to 4W% higher on particularly complicAted flights than on ordinary ones. ExaminAtion of psra- ,chutiatu ohowed that corticoateroid excretion was higher during the jump than on 11 'Control days or (ltqis with no !lights. The obacryation of increaaed corticoateroid 1,excretion during the nirht following the Jump was moot indicatiye. It is concluded that the nonspecific reaction of the adrenal cortex can in fact be evoked by a ~wide variety of factors. It is a complex reaction, triggered b7 e. very neasitive nervous mechaniam. It rmy last 24 hours or less, aLud does not exceed the; limit ivalues obto-ining under iiormal circumatsmces. ASSOCIATION: none ';SUBMITTED: 27SOP63 ENCL: 00 BUD CODF.: L'i NO REF SOV., 000 OTHER: 000 36 ACCESSION NR: AT4042676 S/0000/63/000/000/0165/0169 AUTHOR: Diusskaya.J.-G..., Kosmolinskiy, F. L., Fedorov, N. A. TITLE: Some data on the excretion of 17-hydroxycorticostero ids during a study of the efficiency of flight crows *on long night [lights SOURCE: Konferentsiya po avictsionnoy i koemicheakoy meditaine, 1963. Aviatsionnaya I kosmicheskaya meditsina (AvlaUon and space mcdicine); materialy* konforentsil. Moscowl 1963, 165-169 TOPIC TAGS: flight crew efficiency, flying time, homeostasis, neuroendocrine system, pituitary activity, adrenal activity, ACTH, corticosterold production, hydroxycortico- steroid excretion, stress, hormone balance, night flying ABSTRACT: During a study of Uie efficiency of nighttime flight crews, attention was directed towards the problem of homeosLasis, in which the neuroendocrine system and particularly the pituitary -adrenal axis play an important role. In order to evaluate the effects of stress on ACTH and hence on glucorticoid production, the authors determined the free andbound 17-hydroxycorUcosterolds In urine samples taken Immediately before take-off , after landing and during the first 6 hours after landing from crews participating in long-distance night flights. In general, the results showed a relatively low level of hormone Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4042676 excretion during flight, and a significant increase after landing, a 50-150% increase being observed during the first 6 hours after landing in lZ -out of 16 cases, In 2 crew members and 3 flight commanderf;, howover, there was a significant increase (80-600%) In hormone excretion during flight. The authors noted a definite relationship between hormone excre- tion and the emotional state of the orew, and suggest that the increased excretion noted in some pilots and flight commanders is d1te to their increased responsibilities during pro- longed complex operations. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMrrTED.- 27Sep63 'SUB CODE: LS 2/2 Card ENCL.- 00 NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 DAMHOV.S.KlY, I.S.; DLOSKAYA~ I.G.; ORLOVA, T.A. Fluarometric st-ady of the corticosterone content In the blood of rats and Its oynthesis ly the surviving tiBsue of the adronal gland., 11 no.5:36-42 S-0 165. (m.A 1921) 1. Submitted April 24, 1964. DLUSSKIY, G.M. MeViods of quantitative deternination of ants living in soil. Vop. elcol. 4:101-102 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut mor-fologii zhivotnykh, Moskva. (Ants) (Entomological research) DLUSSKIY, G.M. Afits--of bne northern slopes of the Talas Ala-Tau. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Uzakh. SSR 1&177-188 162. (MIRA 170) DLUSSKIY,, 9-.- - -ze Biological protection is the mu3t effective one. Nauka i zhizn' 29 no.7:38 J! 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Laboratoriya pochvennoy zoologii Instituta murfologii zhivotn.vkh ineni A.N.Severtsova AN SSSR. (Am,ts) (Foxtst insects-Biological control) DLUSSKIY, G.M. Two new species of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidaco from eastern Transbaikalia. Ent. oboz. 42 no.l.-190-194 163. -,WRA l618) 1. Institut morfologii zhivotAVkh AN SSSR,, Moskva. (Sretensk District-lints) -.DLIJSSK17[, G.M. Ants of the subgenus COPtOfOrMica of the grenus Formica (1~*menoptera, Formicidae) in the U.S.S.R. Zool. zhur. 43 no.7:1026-1040 164. (MIRA l7t12) 1. Institute of Animal Morpholojor, Acader*, of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (Moscow). DIUSSKIY, G.M. Methods of quantitative eatiuation of soil-dwelling ants. . -~,? Zool. zhur. 44 no.5:716-727 165. (MIRA 113:6) 1. Institut morfologii zhivotnyk-h AN SSSR, Moskva. ; I OTJAARO'~, M.S.; S9.~R,21, A.G.? NAM-IOV, D.V.g DLI:!~il--V, .... 21. ~ml Bz~:~k reviE~wv. Zt-;4A. zhur. 414 no.3%4'/C-474 '65. (M] RA 18:8) Oto-Z-6WRA i0a. Zbigniev; IDLUZZWSKI, Leon; BLUMOU, Aima; JAROSMWSKI, ZIzislaw Toxoplasmosis an a cause of mental deficlancq. Isurolqgia. etc. polska 4 no.4:383-396 July-Aug Y~. 1. Z Panstwovego Instytutm, NedycDmy Morskiej I, Tropikalhej v G&ansku. Dyraktor: prof, dr J.Horsycki. Zv Ospitala dla nervowo i Psychiesnis Chorych v Kodborowie. Dyrektort Ur Isluesewska. (KKITAL IMICIENCY, etioloey and pathogenesis. toxoplasmosis) (TOXOPLLSMOSIS. coiqplications. sent. defleo) DLUZEWSKA, Wl.; STOKOWSKA, M. Gibberelin effect on the development of lilac seedlings (Syringa vulgaris L.). Acta agrobo-'~ 14 no.l-.217-223 163. Gibberellin effect on the final length of flower shoots of the rose varietiest Gehelmrat Diisborg and Texas Cen- tennial. Ibld.%225-231 163. 1. Department of Ornamental Plants,, Central College of Agri- culture, Warsaw. DLUZEWSKI, J. "Ship Power Plants with Exhaust Steam Turbines." (To be contd.) p.278 (TECIINIKA I GOSPODARKA MORSKA Vol. 3. no. 8. August 1953 Gdansk, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East MwoDean Accessions, LC, Vol. 3. no. 5. may 1954/Uncl. DLU~,IEWSKI, J. TECHNOLOGY PEIIII.-;DICAL: GOSPODAM-N '-WODNA. Vol. 18, no. 6, June 1958 DIMB-iSKIP J. An attempt to determine the basic concepts concerning economic investment in land reclamation. p. 244. 14onthly List of East European Accessions (LLkl) LO V ol. 8, no. 4. April 1959, Unclass DL-UZEWSKI# Jozef Economic tasks of the survey after land imprervezent. Postepy nauk roln 7 no.6t2l-38 N-D 060. (EFAI 10:6) (Poland--Drainage) AD KOZAR, Zbigniew; DLUZKISKI, Leon; HIRSORLEROWA, Zofia JAROSZEWSKI, Zdzelav Case of toxoplaambeisi complicated by cerebral cysticercosis in adult. Bull. State Inst. Marine.Trop. M. Gdansk Vol. 5:146-151; Russian transl,,, 151-157; Anglish tranBl., 157-163 1953. 1e Z Panetwovego Instytutu Kedycyny Korskiej i Tropikalnej v Gdansku i Panstwowego Sispitals. dlia Nerwowo i PsiehiezzLie Choryeh v Koeborowie. (BRAIN, (11se&seso . *cystiaercoeis, with toxoplasmosis) (TOXOPIA,'3,140SIS, complications, *07sticiercools of brain) (CTSTICJGLGOSIS, *brain, with tozoplaramosis) -vLV7ZEW5K KOZAR. Zbigniew; DLUZEWSKI, Leon; HMSCHIJROWA, ZOfia; JAROSZZWSKI, Zdzislav Case of toxoplasuosis complicated by cerebral cy-aticercouis in an adult. Neurolcgia etc. polelm 4 no.1:67-77 Ja-F '54. 1. 11, Panstwowego Instytutu Med3rcyny Morskiej i Tropikalnej v Gdanska. Byrokhor: prof. dr J.Xorzycki i Panstwowego Sspitala dla nervowo i psychicmi,ek chor7ch v Koeborovie, Dyrektor: dr Z.Jaroszewski. (GYSTIGIRCOSIS, *brain, in tomoplasmoeds) (BRLIN, dissaaes, ~cysticercosis, in tozoplasmoeis) (TOMMASHOSIS, oosplicatione, *cysticercosis of brain) PL.-bEWJ)rt L - ZbIgniew; I)LUZVFM. Leon; DLUZMIU. Anna; JAROSMSKI, Zdzislaw To.zoplasnosis an a cause of mental deficiency. Yourologia etc. polska 4 no.4:3113-396 July-Aug 54. 1. Z Panstwowago Instytutu "cM Norskiej i Tropikalhaj w Gdanskya. Dyrektort prof. d.r J.Norzycki. Ze Ospitals dla nervowo i Psychiesnie Chorych v Kocborowle6 Dyrektor: Dr IJucsovska. (MMAL IRTIGINICTg stiology and pathogenesis, toxoplAamosis) (TOXOPLA.IIMOSIS. complications. ment. defic.) DLUZIMSKI, M. Characteristics o,! yeasts responsible for fermentation of fruit syrups and concen1frated grape Juice. Acta microb. polon 5 no.1-2: 241-24.3 1956. 1. Z Katedry Przemyslu Rolno-Spozywczego SGGW w Warsuawie. (YMSTS, fermentitg fruit syrupo & grape juice (Pol)) (FMMNTATIOY. yeasts fermenting fruit syrupu & grape juice (Pol)) (:FRUITS, same) DljUZEWSKI., Mleczy p for inibrobiological determination of vitamins Gem6ril rinciple of thet,group. Przem sp6z 15 ho.1200-26 161. DLUZEWSKI, Plieezyslaw; PIJANOWSKII Bugenluez; ZMARLICKII Stanislaw Studies on the increftsing of the rratritional value of full milk cottage cheese by Ooopora laotis. Rooz tech chem zYwn 8:127- 142 161. 1. Chair of Food and Agricultural Industries, Cential Coll,ege of Agriculture, Warsaw. PO LjU.TD DLUZ13"ISKI, 1,11. and "JTMR, !1. , Chair for the Tochnolo-gy o th o tural and :74ood Industry (Natedra Toohnolo.-ii Prze,mlrslu Rolno-Spozyv~cze-o) of the SaGU [Szkola :Uou-na "ospodarstua 'Jiojs',cio:;o, 11ain School of Rural Economy] in Ix 11arsaw "Vitamin Synthesis by Oospora laotis." 1,.'arsaw, ailletin de 1Acadeniio Polonaise des Sci.-nces, Se- nces = 1 63, jpp 215-219. rie des Sci.p. 1io1o:;i4:,'Ucs, Vo' 11, NO 5, Abstract: [13nglish article, authors' -',n,-lish summary] Re- sults of iniresti.-ations carried out ulth ton (10) strains of Oospore. lactis growin- in vitamin-freo medium oonfirmn early reports that 0. lactis synthesizes vitazdas of the 3- conidlex. 0. lactis c4ded in pure culture to freshly ire- --)art, '. I d cot'-a:-o choose with lactic acid bacteria caused, dur- o bays of ripenin-, a considerable increase in panto- aQ_`,-1, nicotinic acid, '1:-6 riboflavin; other vitamins re-.1c.inod practically unchan_~ol_ I(-*~itumiri 312, vitaLain 336, and folic acid) or docreasa,_'~ (;-iia-An3 and biotin). Of the 112 references, one i:; in Polish, 3 in English, and 6 in rman. 1/1 DLUZ-21.131a, `4. and 52UDE:1271, a., Chair for Cho Teclirolo~y of M-e-A-,FTT-cLTrE-ura1 and Sood Industry (Katedra Techmolo-ii Frzomyslu of the S:;G!,.' [Szkola 'Iowna GDspodarstv.,a Wiojs,Ua.-;o, Kain School of Rural Economy] in L~arsaiv "Proteol-tic Activitv of Oospora lactis." 1,jarsai..-, --bulletin de IlAcade-mie Polonaise des Science.,;; --Jo- ric) clos Si~iancos Vol 11, :~~o 3, ( -51.1 - 2 2.5. Abstract: [B-n-lish article, authors' Tnglish sumimary r.-.odi- fiedT IL :)ening of claeese icith 0. lactis increases the i---ater- soluble nltro~ei-i and chan-es -reatuly the olectro2horatic picture of the casein. There is a split into two peaks in the rojion of alpha-oasein, and a decrease in the concentra- tion of the betaL-casoin suZ-astin- its hydrolysis by the 0. lactis. There ara 16 references, of which two (2) are in Polish, one (1) in Rissian, and the others are Western. 9 -P 0 Lj)JI LID Chair for the Technology of the A.Zricultural an d Food Industry (Xatedra Tachnolo.-ii Prze-nyslu ."'Olno- S'D 0 ,I T .. .,.!I G j - ,3rj,,CZo~;o) of the 3~33-1' [Sz%ola &loi%ma Gospodarstua sircie-o, 1.*ain School of -lural .2,conoimy] in ~iarsaw IfLipolytic Frop,arties of Oospora lactis.11 ';,Tarsw-,, 3-Lillatin da l'Acatle-mie Polonaise des Sciences, .30- rie des 3cicnce~ -Aolc,;iquas, Vol 11, No 5, b.3, pL3 227-2jO. Xostract. English article, author. s -1-Plish suuuary] The L C, mixture of ton strains of 0. lactis prowin - in -Aiole -Alk and cream produced butyric, caproic, and caprylic acids in a proportion of 1:1:,5, which is different from that nor:nal- 1 LI y occurring in milk fat. Results u-ith the individual strains sho-u that lipolytic activity of 0. lactis varies between the strains and depends on other factors, in addition to the milk f a Dt3volo,-.ment of lactic acid bacteria tojethor o. inhibited Uia Inydirolysis of fat; addition of salt (2 parcent) C,-;(! chan-a the results. -f tho 10 rafezances, one is to c~ article -by author, and the others are ',-.estarn. DLTJZI--.WSKI, 141cczyslaw; ll::JANOWSKI, EuCrinliarz Ef fect of ga=a Irradiation on the coliforn, bacteria in raw rAlk. Acta microbiol. Pol 13 no.3033,046 l(di. 1. From the Department of Food Industries, Division of Dairy Technology, Agricultural University, Warsaw. PUMINOWSKI, Eugentu9z, prof. dr; DLUZE"d.13K., Mleczyslaw, d oc. dr of the Department of Tochnology of the Agricull".7--al and Food Industry of the Central College of Agriculture during the 20 year period of the Folish People's Republic. Przem fe7mant- I rol 8 no.3:79-83 Mr 165, 1. Read of the Department of Agricultural and Food Industry of the Cent-a- School of Agri-ilture, Warsaw (for Pijanowski), 2. Head, 'laboratory of Biotechnology of the Dairy Industry of' the Institute. of Technology of the Dairy Industry of the Onntral College of Agriculture, Warsaw (for Dluzewski). 00 a 000 w 004 to dooe r, wu isr d A. U, V z it ef! 4 ki IL h "mum with 0.26% to =0(a0 bm ofrabbits is wWa ow by k*OW of .-MOM b�M=-"p room low ii~ii =WSW *m uftbwhn cum& by ftbm of TRUMML ASS.ILA -14TALLUMMAL LITINAIM CLAUP %ATM OW 6 - -,ij -1 fie o u 9p IF In It a" 0 a 006641041100000000 *::::~0004100090-00 0.0 too -00 cos coo gee coo !.Zoo t:o* boo boo An I I a Ow 0 N a I I 1 11 1 1 '00 0 * 0 4 0 it 0 0 0 C 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 40 0 00 0 OIJ ~p v 94 L MASEE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5-572 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Astronomicheskiy sovet Byulleten' stantsiy opticheskogo nablyudeniya islaisstvennykh sputnikov Zemli. no. 4 (14) (Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Astronomic Council. Bulletin of the Stations for Optical Observation of Artificial Earth Satellites. No. 4 (14))Moscow, 1960. 26 P. 500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Astronomicheskiy sovet Akademii nauk SSSR. Resp. Ed.: Ye. Z. Gindin; Ed.: D. Ye. Shchegolev; Secretary: 0. A. Severnaya. PURPOSE: This bulletin is intended for scientists and engineers concerned with optical tracking of artificial satellites. COVERAGE: The bulletin contains a brief report on phenomens, observed during the impact of the second Soviet cosmic rocket on the moozi as vell as articles on the results of observations of various artificial ewth satellites and Draconids, methods of observat4on used in Hungarv, a translation of an article on satellite observation from Sky and Telescope , and a descrIption of a Card 1/4 Academy of Sciences (Cont.) SOV/5572 device for recording the pulses of a chronometer. No personal1ties are mentioned. There are 21 references: 8 Soviet,, 11 English., and 2 Geritan. TANX OF CONMTS: Dluzhnevskaya, 0. B. [Astronomicheakiy sovet AN SSSR - Astronomic Zo-uncif-o-f -theAcade'my of Sciences of the USSR). Phenomna, Obserwd During the Impact of the Second Soviet Cosmic Rocket on the Surface of the Moon Gimmellfarb.. B. N. [Stan'tsiya nablyudewtya ISZ prxi Arkhangellskom gos. pedinstitute imeni M. V. Lomonosova - Satellite Tre,eking Station at the Arkhangel I sk State P e do. g o gi c a'l Institute imeni M. V. Lomonosov].Inclination of the Orbit of Satellite 3.959 7 Zaytsev, A. A. I and E. Sh. Kbamitov. [ Stantsiya nablyudeniya g. Mrsk -~-'Tracking Station at Birsk] Application of the Impulse Relay for Recording the Contacts From a Chronometer 8 Eynasto,, Ya. E. (Tartuskiy gosudarstv'emrjy universitet -- Tartu State University]. On Observations of Artificial Earth Satellites in Hungstry [Satellite Tracking Stations in Budapest,, Bajaj, and Szombatbhlyl 8 C ard 2/ 4 Academy of Sciences (Cont.) SOV/5572 Zotkino I. T. (Komissiya 13D kometm i meteoram Astrosweta, AB SSSR-- Committee for Comets and Meteors of the Astronomic Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR]. Obseinration of Draconids on October 8-Uj,-1959 12 Helin, M. Observing the Satellites [Sky %na Telescopet I v. 19 110. 2p Dec 1959., 90-91; Russian Translation by 7. A. Tollskoy] 16 Results of Photographic Observations of Artificial Earth Satellites: a) Syshchenko, T. Ye., B. A. Firago, and D. Ye. Shcheaplev [Glav-naya (Pulkovskaya) astronomicheskaya obser7atoriya AN SSSR - Main (Pulkovo) Astronomic Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR]. Positions of Sputnik 111 (1958 6 .) According to Photographic Obser- vations in Pulkovo 17 P) Nevel'skiy', A. V. [Astronomicheakaya obsem3toriya gosudarst-vennogo universiteta (Sverdlovsk)-- Astronomic Observatory ofU'ral State Uni- versity.,Sverdlovsk]. 18 Card 3/4 Academy of Sciences (Cont.) SOV/5572 c) Kirichenko, A. G., and M. V. Bratiychuk. (Uzhgoroclakiy gosuniversitel. Uzhgorod State University36 19 d) Maksyutov. (Astronomicheskaya observatoriya im. Engeligardta (Kazanl)7-- Astronomic Observatory imeni Engellgardt, Kazan'). 20 e) KaMbevich., F. F., and T. Ya. Ivakina. Nikolayev Department of the Main (Pulkovo) Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR] 21 f) National Observatory in Prague,, Czechoslovakia. I. Klepe~ta observations . Doctor R. Reichel (measurements), and A., Vratnik Mlculations~ 21 APPMMS 27 1, Observations of Artificial Earth Satellites by Soviet Stations (information taken from telegrams of the! observation stations) II. Observations of Artificial Earth Satellites by Stations Abroad AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Cara 4/4 AC/dwm/mas 1o-19-61 DLUZH M SKAYA, O.B. Contrasts 6m;ea-continent" and "edging-mpO on Mars in 1956 and 1959. Bjul.VAGO no.27:l&.i4 6o. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Moskovskoye otdolonlye Vessoyuznogo itstronomo-geodezicheakogo obabehestva. (Marn(Planot)) AUTHOR: Dluzhne Y&-,-"-. 321585 S/035/6 1/000/0112/027/04"' A001/A101 TITLE: On effects observed at the instant, of falling cf the second Soviet space rocket on the Moon PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya.i Geodeziya, no, 12, !961, 72, abstract 12A591 ("Byul. st. optich. nablyudeniya iskusstv, sputni_ kov Zemli", 1960, no. 4, 1 - 7, Engl. summary) T EXT This is a survey of observations submitted to the Astronomical Coun- cil, AS USSR, by observatories and individual observers who noticed trigh". flareS and transitory dark spots at the instant of landing on the Moon of t-ne second Soviet space rocket on September 13, 1959, at 2lhO,2m24s UT. The map of lo--ation of these effects according to data of 15 observers is presented, When Unreliable observations are excluded, 2 groups of effects are revealed: a bright. flare- in the region between Mare Serenitatis, Mare Tranquillitatis and Mare Vapor=. ~1-2 sec) and a transitory (1-4 min) darkening in the region of craters Arch_,.mede_~, Card 1/2 On effects observed ... 32685 S/035/6 1/0W/O 12/027/()h 3 A001/AIOI AristilluB and Autolycus. Assuming that 2 objects fell on the Moon, ltjiese effect-s can be explained as a flare of explosion following the impact. of one., objec! on rocks and a dust cloud arosen after the impact of the second object, in',.L- a layer of dust. V, Bronshten [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 S/~69/63/0001/002/029/037 AOOIIA101 AUTHORS: Bronshten,.. V. A., Dluzhnevskaya, 0. B. 'IrITLE: Photographic photometry of the bright region Argyre on Mars at the end of Autust 1956 PIMIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya, no. 2, 1963, 64, abstract 2.51-505 (In collection: "Rezul'taty nablyudeniy Marsa vo vremya velikogo protivostoyaniya 1956 g. v SSSR", M., AN SSSR, 1959, 188 - 194) TOCT: An expedition of VAGO photographed Mars from August 4 to September 16, 1956, at the observatory of the Volgograd planetarium with a 300-nm Zeiss refractor; a "Zenit" camera with ocular magnification (Fequ ' 40 m) was used with Panchrom films through five light filters with Neff - 630, 610P 590S 549 and 493 m/4. Sixty photographs with good image of the Argyre I region were se- lected, some of which are reproduced in figures, The films were measured on a MO -4 (MF-4) microphotometer, blackening was measured at two points: in the Argyre region and in the northern continent at the same distance from the limb. Card 1/2 Photographic photometry of the... S/269/63/000/00?,/029/037 A001/A101 The variation with time of the ratio of Argyre brightness to that of the nor- thern continent is shown by curves; a strong increase of Argyre brightness is seen in red and yellow light which, in the authors' opinion, is explained by a dust cloud with particle dimensions of 0.4 - 1 a, strongly scattering long- wave rays. The change in color of the Argyre region was studied by means of ~ special color index "red minus greer~'; the'course of variatic,ii presented in ~ graph shows that the Argyre region remained yellowish with re.,pect to the white screen during the entire time of observations. There are 7 references. I. Lebedeva [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card P,/2 LMENIKVSKAYA 0,B9; LF~, G.Ae Periodicity in brightness variations of the Ecbo-l satellite. Biu:L.ista.opt.nabl.isk.sput.Zm. no*27:3-14 16.2, (MIM 1502) 1, Astronomichoskiy sovet AN SSSR* (Artificial satellites) DLUZHNEVSKAYAj, 0. 11 ,kI Conference on the methods and resulti of calculations of stbllar models. Astron.zhur. 40 no.6:1132-1134 IiiO 163. (mm 16: 32) MASEVlCH, A.G.; KOMK, E.V.; DLUZIiNEVSKAYA O.B - MAZA17T A. ~ ~, I The neutrino luminosity of stars. Astron.zhur. 42 no.2:334-346 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Astronomichesldy sovet All SSSIR i Ob-q,3rvat,--)riya di Brera, Italiya. DLTZHNEVSKA.YA, -0. B. Color function of young scattered clusters. Astrofizika 1 no.2s235-246 Je 165. (MA 18~,10) 1. Gosudarstvennyy astronomicheskiy institut Im. Shternberga. A ant 1"k Distern~uiitldn of-, the _A'Fie ~f spoliagi SA 0. sty In f a!"A and Rrv ty w &J ? 7 tat? m U r ern Rzp at- a tarno- pi. cm Wa7vvw). F=aiki Fafistw0welO Zakladw Hig. 1953, No. Za. 4(r-20(Bu-_1kzb nr 0--fiansage was en mcL for bacteria, pH, and Mi. Z cUsuhf2u and B.-MO64krka wempn-mat in 68% Chemical: Abst. of the sampkri, Ooliforms In 60, Anaerobjc~ organisummin 15, and Prokw vulfaris In 2% of jamplc3, -Vie total no. -of Vol. 48 No. 9 lxactar4 detd, by plate comutj; at 87'ransid for fresh r4usige (1) 0-3 X 109 1g. for dry mud i loubtful sausa e (11) 4 X It# - M4 2.0, 1954 d , , . g 1.2 X 101/g., and for spoiled sausage (111) above 8 X HP/g. The 1l f I 4 S " 4 f 11 s F,oo o was . . from 5.9- Or p 3.5. and for III , 5.0~-8.2. The Upper limit ol' N113 in I was establi%hed at 30. in 1130-10. and In III nbcive 40 mg. %. It wm coft. cluded that the bacteria flOrjL has a deciAvv lOuetice ulml, the llature of changes taking place In the &,in . di sages all, a fillences the uantit of NII f d h Ri d Eh li h ortne . c ar c r q y , DLUZNIEWSKI, Irena -.. 1, -~~ ii- ",. , W.crobiological studies on the production cycle of confection crewas. Roczn panst zakl hig 15 no.3:329-335 164. l.'Laboratory of Foci Microbiology, Depa-tment of Food and Nutrition, Voivodeship Station of a-'.-I--+%ion and Epidemiology for the capital city of Warsaw. Head-, rdrI '.Letki. GASTOL. P.: ANSILM, 0.; :DIMNINTSU, I.: WANBWSK&, D.; Gorcityucka. K. Nutrition of rmraL population in the Kischow and Welaniso regions. Prsegl. lek., KraJcov 10 no.6:173-178 19,54. 1, Z Zmklaft Higitiny Akadentl Nodycsnej w Krakowis. 111srowniki Doe. dr B.Gastol. (NUTRITION, In Polmid, rural population) (RURAL COM)ITIONS nutrition of ;;ral perpulation. in Poland) - D L i 4 --- N IF WWn , YN' NSEIM. Oakarl DLUZN3WSKA, Ir Ta--aLGC'RCZY'NSKk, Irrystyna -, aust . Air poll.lution in Krakow. Prfegl. lek., Krakow 10 no.11!308-311 1954. 1. Z ZEikladu Higiany Akademii Medyconej w Krakovie. Kierownik: doo. dr B.Gastol. (AIR PMUTION, in cities in Poland) DUNNIEWSKA, Krystyna; OBTVLOWLCZ, Anna; TURUNSKA, Teresa Vitaniin C saturation level in women during delivery and in newbcrn babies. P.:)czn panstv zakI hig 14. no.5t443-4r,:2 163. 1. First Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics, and Institute of Hygiene, Medical 8ohool, Krakow. DLIJZNIEWSKA, Krystyna; OBTULOWICZ,, Anna; KOLTEK, KryE3tyua Apropoo of the relationship between nutrition, rate of growth and skeletal deformities in school children. Folia mod. Cracov. 7 no-1:115-126 165. MUMILUSKI A , Diagnosis and theTap of acute poisoning with barium salts. Polski y tygod. lek. 8 no.15:575-581 13 Apr 1953. (CLML 24:5) 14, Of the Institute of Judicial Certification (Scientific Head--Jan Z. 3obel, M.D.), Krakow. SUPNIEWSKI, J.; DI;UZNIEWSKI:, A.; CZEKAJ, S.; VEWLANI, J. Investfgations on experimental atherosclerosis. The effect of 2-Methyl- 2-butene-carboxylic acid on experimental atherosclerosis in white rats. Bul Ac Pol biol 8 no.6:237-242 160. (EW 9:12) 1. Institute of Pharmacology (Cracow) Polish Acadeny of Sciences and Department of Pharmacology, S-.hool of Medicine, Cracow. Presented by J.Su~niewrski. (ATIIERIOSCTAICSIS) (METHILBUTENIDCARBOXMC ACIO) A . osef .~~J~ Gutting the mold drying time by using molding mixtures containing betonite and dext:7oner. SAvarenstvi 10 no.11:401-407 N 162. 1. Statni vyzku~n: ustav materialu a technologie, slevaremaky vyzkum, 7 Brno. __VM Ocl 14.1- A~~O) L) - /) i USSR/Electricity - Dielectrics G-2 Abw Jour : Rofivat Zhur - Fizikaj, No 5., 1957~ 12U6 Author : Mildtaylov, G,P*j Borisovs, T.I., Dmetrochenko, D.A. Inst : Institute of High Polymer Conq)ounds, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Leningrad. Title : ReLUxation Dielectric Losses in Polymethylacrylate. Orig Pub : 2h. teklin. fiziki, 1956, 26, ro 9, 1924-1928 Abstract - The tangent of the dielectric loss angle (tan of poly- metJiylacrylate (PM) was measin,ed in the lov frequency ze!.- gion, from 12 -- 80 cycles at an interval of temperatures from 17 to 1200. The measurements were with the aid of a specially adopted Schering bridge. Two maximans of tanS vere observed: law temperature (M)- in the glass-like state of the FM, and high temperature (ET)-- in the hioay-elastic state of the PM. The VT is approximately Card 1/2 DMIRTEVSKIY'. V.A.; MIKH1,7EVA, L.I. '7, , ~ Lboigning. free-lAston engines for nonrated operatIng coricitiow. Trudy LPI no.237:21-25 164. (MIRA 18:4) The M-1 portable microroontgen motor. lzm.takh. no.1:89-90 Ja-IF 156. (MWA 9:5) (I rays--measurement) (Gat,= rays--Measurement) DI[ITRACHENKO. V.K. Portable radioactive radiation indicator. lim.takh. no.1:90-91 Ja-F 156. (MIAV, 9:5) (Z rays--Measurement) (Gamma rays-4sasurement) (Geiger-Muller couliters) A'-7 Al VA71 I "Automtic Signaling Device for CoatrdLUng Radioactive Conftnina- tion.," by V. M. Dmitrachenko, Izmeritellnaya Teklutika xo 6, Nov/bec: 56,-Fp-5-7-58-' -- This work describes an automatic device which sigmLls when beta and gamma contamination exceed set limit. The threshold of the instrament can be set anywhere between 0.03 and 3 microroentgens per second, calibrated with respect to CoOO. The device automatically compensates for background .radiation up to 0.4 microroentgen per second. It is iW,;ended for checking .1maboratory e%uipment and clothing of personnel. (U) AUTHOR: Dni trAchenk"_L_11.__. SOV-115-58-3-29/41 TITLE: Pecuiiarities in the Des'Lr,,n and Technology of Input Circuit Elements of Electric Meters (Konstruktivnyye i tekhnolo- gicheskiye osobennosti elementov vkhodnykh tsepey elektro- metricheskikh akhom) PERIODICAL: Izmeriteltnaya tekhnika, 1958, Nr 3, pp 80 - 82 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article contains general information on design and oper- ation of instruments for measuring radioactive radiation in industrial and under field conditions. Recommendations con- cerning the parameters of the input circuits and the mater- ials used for insulation are also given "Ftoroplast 3" and "4" is mentioned as the best ins8lation material for work at high temperatures from 95 to 250 C (11GOST2789-51). Instabi- lity of the parameters of available tubes("lEll '1~11, 111ER", 116ZhlZhll) and the wish is expressed that they be aged at factories producing them. 1. Radioactive substances--Radiation 2. Radioactivity--Measurement Cdrd 1/1 32947 S/030/62/000/001/008/011 B105/B101 AUTHORS: Dmitrachenko, V. M., Kitaygorodskiy, A. I., Kozyrev, B. M. TITLE: Wide-range spectrometer for nuclear quadrupole resonance PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vestnik, no. 1, 1962, 74 - 76 TEXT; Nuclear quadrupole resonance indicates slightest changes in a molecular electron cloud. The search for the unknown isignal must be con- ducted in a wide frequency interval. For this purpose, a spectrometer for frequency ranges from 1 to 600 - 800 Mc/sec, which was designed jointly by physicists and radio engineers, had to be built. At the suggestion of the Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) and the Fiziko-teklinicheskiy institut Kazanskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the Xazan, Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR), work was started in 196,D for the purpose of developing a wide-range quadrupole radiospectrometer. The instrument was built under the direction of B. N. Pavlov and D. Ya. Shtern. V. I. Robas, I. A. Safin, K. G. Semin, and E. I. Fedin were consulted. Samples of the Card 1/2 32947 S/030/62/000/001/008/011 Wide-range spectrometer for... B105/B101 AKC-1 (YaKS-1) spectrometer were built, which permits investi.-ations in the range from 1 to 600 Mc/sec. In the supraregenerator for 90 - 400 MCAM and in the detector,the sample can be kept at constant temperature between -196 and +1200C. A lot of YaKS-1 spectrometers is to be built in 1962. There are 4 figures. Card 2/2 DMITRAKP Yu.A.; NESKREBA, A.V.; YAKOVIIN, A.B. :(ndustrial testing of KCl machine units. 7rudy ISNI::Pod- :,emehakhstrola no.20,2-89 163. (KL-RA 17: 5) DMITRAK, Yu.A., inzh.; NESICREBA;, A.V., inzh. Results of industrial teuts of the KG-l unit. Shakht. stroi. 7 no.6:11-13 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. TSentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i proyektno-konstruk- torskiy institut podzemnogo shalchtnogo stroitelistva. (Mining mtchiner~r-Testing) DMITRAKOVO S. N. ~Vl (41 USSR/Medicine (Veterinary) - Infectious Sep 51 Diseases ItSimultaneouaActive Imunization of Sheep Against Anthrax and Smallpox," S. N. Dmitrakov, 1. S. Trezinskly. "VeterinariYa" Vol XXVIII, No 9, P 45 Sheep easily endure simultaneous vaccination with STI Sanitary'Tech Inst of the-Soviet Army anti:- anthrax vaccine and aluminum hydroxide formol smallpox vaccine. More-st&ble active immunity is acquired than with sep vaccinations. LC lgoT74 OF TUE PARAMA' haniki. izmerltel'non i vy(I is lite Unoy te"khnilti, Lvov, 1.962 Magnifr y-y-e ele nty me tillemekhaniki, el'n,:jy te .p.ritel-noy-i-v hislit khniki (Magnetic y, t I ements o automat e. conti btrbl measureme'n n t a d computer. engineer- fbl~A_rem6t6,. co - J, -1,- I ~ I- -` d d tru, ysov val. umka,_1964, 386w390_ -VLGS.:. ~!VOPIC fei~rfte diodel-tao ule- erri e 'germanium- diole automat 1" Cortr 4, Q_: wystem~:~ magn tc t e-raigmet ib~_eltm nt,s,; iiSTRACT; I develop d 1 0 k e e .11Y theUborat. t a ele tro aniya: (Electro;- `1 tie -ta icii~)' SIMLIa n have be 10 e a---t I IWdellrov en- ' id ly: us ed - In omatic t -ievices and in.*co-mpu-ters. 77[V-eyar.e.. bas-cid: on -the' cons ecut ive current transmission .prirciple. axid-the I -,accom ogic 6~ usually plished by power blocking uAich is, how- ever, .accompanied at the instant of core.recording by a shunlAng current within the blocking coil, thus netessitating addftional increases in the prDpagating current puls.e. The paper- desrribewthe, design of new logica I module circuits 2 f 1. 47476-66 IP Ea - --------- ACC ~11. AP6032521 SOURCE CODE: UR/o4l3/66/ooo/017/0099/0100 INVENTOR: Dmitrakova. G. I. ORG: none Ibb TITLE: A universal ferrite diode loRic element with two inputs. Class 42, No. 185582 [announce7ci by tht? All-Union In;titute of Scientific and Techincal Informa- tion, AN SSSR (Vsesoyuznyy In-stitut nauchnoy i teRhnicheskoy informatidi AN SSSRH SOURCE: Izobreteniya, proq~shlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 17, 1966, 99-100 TOPIC TAGS: logic element, logic device ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a universal ferrite-diode logic element with two input.s. All possible functions of two variables:are realized Fig. 1. Universal logic element. Card 112 ACC NR. AP6032521 I -L with a single element by connecting the output windings (see Fig - 1) associated with one of the inputs serially ir, pairs with output windings of' the second input. The two outputs of the element are connected to diodes that serve as inputs to succeedilig elements. Orig. art. has: 3. figure. [IV] SUI~'CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: ---IOMur65/ ATD PRESS: 5095 hs COWN'L'I'l ,It CATEGORY Farm Ariimals. ri Cattle. ABS. JOUR. IRZhBioj.., No. 6, 1959, No. 25836 AUTHOR Belikovat L. A,;-Dmitrakow., N. S.;I- i o - L o -7 I-c ar -Mmr T_ and** TIIC- C0j,rela4-j_!j T ili~ of Live Weialht niad Milk Yield of, COT,.,;. ORIG. PUB. :8b. stud, rabot Mosk. teldmol* in-t myasn. i molochn prom-stiq 1958, vyp, 51 111-112 ABSTRACT :As a result of studying 1 008 Kholmogorskaya (Kn) 1 095 Kostromskaya ?K) and 417 Simmen- t~..--1963 breed cows it was determined that when the cowsn' live weight amounted to 401- 450 kg~) the milk yield of X amounted to 2)93779 I of M J;O 391467 of S to 2 637 kg correspon- dingly at a live weight o~ 501-5~O kg it amolan- ted to 411861 3 854 and 39136 kg, and at a live weight of 301-750 kg to 6,4~8, 5,b4.2 and 63 ICg Card- *Rakauskayte. D. A. 14~ In I ~w Aa pu an. m boboul 11. Lt& two I Us litto WWI lmtb~ I 4iu;b x1da 14 ft JU IDWW~ b L T MIA s . d Rock I f4 bi INS on atAbs wl blowd aut in ~vrja of liquld vas 7 4:2 im *th~ .u AU4 Ike *tb 4 iiI As oaq - 7ba Opp" i Y16140.a m s m MKITRASH, G.A., mladsh!Ly nauchn" sotruenik ; " ~ f.~ " , ~ ". . Use c)f ra dar in mapping and determining the qualitity of icebergs. Inform. biul. Sovj antark, eksp, no.21:44-48 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Ioningradskiy &sudarstvanny7 universitet. (Antarctic regions--Icebergs) (Radar in oceanography) DMITRASH,L. Truck drivers, worVtay in a sugar combine. Avt.transp-33 no-7:38 J1155- (WLaA 8:1A) (Kiravograd Province-Automobile drivers) DiaTa.p,su, ii. v. Dmitrpsh, N. V.. "Brido-ps, in the l'osco,..,, suburban 1-nrks.11 I'loscow Architecture inst. Yoscow, 1955, 1, ertntion for the Oegrec of Cindildat in Architectural Sciences) Knizhnava le-tocis I;, lc"--6. rioacaw DMITRA`h,,.V.,,V. [Dkitrash, V.V.]; ROVI-MKI'Y, S.I.I. s. 1"I. , - -.1 ! ,S , i Automation of the boiler houses of the n-ugar facte:,rfes o: Vinn"Itsa Sugar Trust. Khar. prom. no.2,13-15 '65. (KIFRA 13-5) A~THOII*: TITIB: 215 Tavrog, B.L. , blast furnace manager, and Dmitrash, senior engineer at the Technical Department, "ZaiW6- S-tal" Works. Removal of iron from the fumace hearth bottom in the liVid state. (Vypusk chugina iz leshchadi v zhidkom sostoyanii.) CAL: I'Metallur 11, (Me-,;allurgist), 195?, N . 21 pp. 2 - 3o (U-S .S.R.) The 1 300 mm No. 3 blast furnace at Zaporozhstall , built in 1938 according to the G.ipromez standard design, was blown in in June, 194?.- Medium repair and reconstruction work was carried out in 1951 and, in the following year, the furnace was converted to high top-pxessure operation. The furnace worked 3 1/2 years without major repairs, producing 4 0?5 894 tons of iron. Till July, 1955, the foundation tempe:Bature was 260-320, but then started rising and reached ?00 0 in December. Cracks in the hearth shell appeared and gas leaks developed. Further rises in foundation temperature were only avoided by increasing the coke charge as well as working at lower pressures and iron temperatures. When the furnace was bloim out for relining in January, 1956, it was decided to remove the bear in the liquid state through the appropriate notches, which were 2 200 and 4 L~00 mm below the iron-notch level on the. iron and slag sides, respectively. Removal of iron from the furnace hearth bottom in the'~iquid state. (Cont.)' For tho upper notch, a 500 x 500 mm opening was cut in the heart;h shell and. cooler the day before, the brickwork being removed to a depth of 600 inm and a passage provided. For the lower notch, the foundation was cut away in trenches, leaving 400 mm of concrete before the firebrick. After the fu:mace had been blown out the upper notch was opened, by drilling to a depth of 400 mm and then with ox7gen, This took about 7 hours. The low-silicon iron at 1 260-1 300 0 was led via runners into ten 80-ton iron ladles. The depth of the trench hampered the opening of the lower notch, which required six, o:qfgen lances. The iron from this was led into special L~O-ton :iefractory lined boxes on rails. - A total of 1 047 tons of iron were obtained (656 through the top notch), the compositions being 0.27-0.88~, Sil 0 0-59-2-055",', Ma, ID-056-1.20/0o' S. There are 2 figures. 0 S/73.2/6'!/020/000/001/0 D207/D307 AUTHOR: Dmitrash. Zh.A. TITLE: Photoradar recording of icebergs SOURCM Sovetskaya antarkVicheakaya ekapeditsiyai'Trudy. t,.20! Chetvertyyli pyatyy reysy d/e "Ob"t 1958- 1960 gg,; nauchnyye rezulltaty :L matertaly nablyu deniVi Leningrad, Izd-vo "Moraky transport', 1962t 141i..149 TEXT: Icebergs were counted during the :voyage of ithe* ship ObI by photographing every hour the screen of it 'Neptun' type radar indicator with a Soviet miniature single-lens reflex camera lZenit' :using .. AH (DN) film. 15- and 5-mile range displays were mainly. re-* corded. The distance of ice bergs. indicated by radar.had to be cor- ..rected for various factors, especially the state of! the atmosphere,,.. vertical dimensions of the icebergs, htight of the aerial and the state of the sea surface. The results are; given in the form of two- 1 hour averalges of the number of icebergs on a chart of the shipts I Card 1/2 S/732/62/020/000/001/00 Photoradar recording-of icebergs D107/D307 course between March 18t 1959 and December 27, 1959. There are 4. f igures and I table. Card 2/2- ACdLN~Ripffi; A T SOURCE 4/OOb2 CODE UR/2732/66/0_44j'000/004 AUTHOR: Buynitskiy, V. Kh.; Dmitrash, Zh. A. ORG: none TITLE; New data on the physics of Antarctic sea ice SOURCE: Sovetskaya antarkticbeskaya ekspeditsiya, 1955- Sed1moy reys d/e "Ob"' 1961-1962 gg.; nauchnyye rezulltaty i materialy nablyudeniy (Seventh voyage of the diesel- powered "Ob"', 1961-1.966; scientific results and observation data); trudy ekspeditsli, v. 44. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1965, 44-82 L41_ V TOPIC TAGS: sea ice, Antarctic climate, solid physical property, o ABSTRACT: Particular attention was devoted to a study of the physical proper-ties of sea ice found in the Antarctic during the seventh cruise of the ship."0bl Ie961-1962. Year-old ice and young ice at various stages of formation Nvere investigated. Th locks of ice from which the specimens were sawed off for testing were selected so that along with the task of further ac- cumulation of information concerning the physical properties of sea ice, the problem of the variability of these properties in relation to the character and structure of the ice could be solved. A total of 736 measurements of various physical characteris ties of the ice were made, Card 1/3 L 45285-66 ACC NR: AT6023229 including: determinations of salinity, density, bending strength, compression strength, modu- lus of elasticity with respect to vibrations in bending, and modulus of elasticity with respect to longitudinal vibrations. The investigation was carried out in 15 blocks of ice, 8 of which were year-old shore ice in Alasheyev Bay and the remainder were taken from various young from ice fields in the open sea between Alasheyev Bay and Lazarev Station. In the year-old ice, the maximal salinity was 4. 56%, minimal 1. 04%, averaging 2. 34%. The young ice had a noticeably higher density and differed from the year-old ice by a greater homogeneity. rhe density of the young ice did not exceed 0. 911 - 0. 927, whereas the density value for the year-old ice varied from 0. 820 to 0. 918, averaging 0. 877. Each ice; specimen was tested under pressure along a line perpendicular and a line parallel to the freezing plane. The average values of the per- pendicular and parallel bending strengths for the year-old ice were, respectively, 0. 48 and 0. 54 kg/CM2, and for the young ice, 0. 33 and 0. 31 kg/CM2. The compression tests revealed that 3'0u",- ice was stronger than year-old ice. The average values for perpendicular and parallel compression tests for young ice were, respectively, 1. 04 and 0. 65 ~g/cm2, and for year-old ice, 0. 79 and 0. 62 kg/cm2. To deterniine the modulus of elasticity each specimen of ice was subjected twice to testing to determine the frequency of vibrations in bending an to determine the frequency of longitudinal vibrations. The average value of the modulus of e1 s- ticity for year-old ice was 75,736 kg/cm2 at an average temperature of -8.5C. The modulus of elasticity for young ice at temperatures of -10. 7C and -2. 0C was, respectively, 86,465 L 45285-66 ACC 'NR. 'ATC,02--229 cM2 and 29,145 kg/cm2 k ,_,/ The author suggests that the noted decrease in the value of the Modulus of elasticity is mainly the result of an increase of ice temperature. Oria. art. has: 5 tables. SUB CODE: 0%, -Z0/ SUBM DATE: 13Dec65/ Card 3/3 KARNAUKHOVA, Ye.S.,.doktor.ekonom-nauk,- BRAGINSKIY, B.I., dokto:r ekonom. na4k; MLSBMOV, V.F.; ?OZDNYA]KOV, V.N..,*kand. ekonom. nauk; ALTAYSKIY, I.P., kaiididat ekonomicheskikh-naitk; MADATYAN, A.I., nauchnyy sotr.; OBULENSKIY, K.P., red.; PANIN, N.S., red.; DMITRASHKO, E.I., mladshiy red.; PONOMAREVA, A.A., tekJ!in. red. [Methods for measuring, analyzing and planning labor productivity on collective and state farms] Metody izmereniia, analiza i pla- nirovaniia proizvoditellnosti truda v kolkho,,sakh i sovkhozakh. Moslkva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 211 p. (MIRA. 16:7) 1. Ins~itut ekonomiki AN SSSR (for Madatyan). (Agricqdture--labor productivity) DMITRASHXO, 1. Yron wage practice on the "Bol I shevik" Collectiva Farm. Vop. ekon. no.2:138-140 7 '58. (M IIU 11: 3 ) (Collective farms) (Wages) DMITRILSHKO, I. Development of wage forms on collective farriso Vopeekone no.1:142-149 Ja '59, (MICHA 12:1) (collective farms) (wagae) Y_-,-TTRASPKO, I. ----4--- -- Scientific research work plaa of the labor Inutit,;.".e for 1960. Biul,naucb.inform: trud j zar.plata 3 no.2:3-8 16o. (MIRA 13:6) (TAxbor aaii laboring classes)