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DIKIY, B.F., inzhener. Electrical scheme for controlling a lamp or signal from two points. Energetik I no.2:21-22 Jl 153. (MLRA 6:8) (Electric wiring) AUTHOR; Rikiy, B.F., Ivashchenko, B.P. 32-9-27/43 TITLEs A Photorefractometer for the Automation of Control Processes (Fotorefraktometr dlya avtom&tizatnii protsessov kontrolya) IWIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 9, pp.il24-1125 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A ref motometer, which can be mounted in a production apparatus and which can be used in order to obtain signals for the automaL- tion of control in the technical production of tomato pulp is constructed. In the case of the photorefractometer developed here the light does not pass from the solution to the prism, but, un- like what is the case with other refractometers, through the prism into the solution. The apparatus is then described. From the dia- graxm obtained it may be seen that, with a reduced angle of iuoi- denoe of light down to a certain amount which depends on the con- centration of tomatoes, the signal increases considerably. The maximam of the ratio of signal amounts produced in the case of different degrees of concentration of tomatoes, is attained at a certain angle of incidence of light. By using the diagrams the device is adjusted for a maxinum degree of sensitivity for Card 1/2 changes of tomato concentration within the limits of the given A Photorefractometer for the Automation oft'jontrol Processes 32-9-27/43 domain. The device makes it possible to determine the per- oentile content of dry substances Ath an accuracy of + OA% abs. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Technological Institute of the Food and Refrigeration Industry of Odessa (Odesskiy tokbnologiohaskiy institut pishohevoy i kholo- dill noy promyehlannosti) AMIABLE: Librar7 of Congress Card 2/2 DIKIS, 14.7a.; XALIZIKIT, A.N.; SDIDIOV, &.11ra., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, `font. [Canning plant machinery] Takhnologlaheekoe oborudovanis konservnykh zavodov. Moskva, Pishchopromisdat, 1953. 540 p. (NISA 7:8) (Canning industry) DIKIS, M. YA. Dikis. H. Ya., "An Automatic Regulator for the Concentration of Tomato- Paste in the Final Vessel of a Vacuum-evaporation Installation," Traktaty odesskogo tekhnologicheskogo institute pishchevoy i kholodill- lioy pron7shlennosti 5ra~sactions of the Odessa Food and Refrigeration Technological Institutt7, 1953, Volume V, Issue 2, Pages 151-164; bibliography, 7 items. DIXIS M.Ya. kandidat tekhaicheakikh nank, dotsent; KOGAN.L.L., inzhe- '61R.Miedaktor; LMA,V.I., inshener, redaktor; RUDINSK:[T.Ya.V.. te;;nicheskiy redaktor [Automatic machines for hermetically sealing canned goods] Mashiny- avtomaty dlia. germetizataii I-onservuoi tary. Kiev, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1955 205 P- (WRA 9:2) (Canning and preserving-Apparatus and supplies) DIKIS, Mikhail Yakovlevich -- aAarded sci degree of Doe Tech Sci for the 10 May 57 defense of dissertation: "Technological equipment of canning factories and the basic problems in improving it" at the Council, Kiev Technolog Inst of Food Ind imeni Mikoyan; Prot No 111 10 May 58. (BMV01 10-58920) DIKIS, M.Ta. Regulating the operation of continuous vacuum evaporators on the basis of the consumption of bnating otnam. Izv. vys. ucbeb. zav.; plabcb. takh. no-3:132-135 '58. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Odeaskiy tekhnologichnakiy institut pishcbevoy i kholodill- nny promyshlnnnnati, Kafedra tokhnologicbeekogo oborudovaniya pishcherykb proizvodstv. (Evaporating applioances) DIKISO M.Ya. - Improving heat exchange in oteam-hented f27ars. Xons. i ov. -or4O=, 13 no,7tl( --:W JI 158, (HUA lltO 1. Odeaskiy tokhnologiaheakiy institut piahchevoy i kholadillnoy- pror7ohlennosti (;00d industry~Jqui~)ment and supplies) *414, DW3 ,p . ~- ~ isa" MW* . Nomogram for power calculationo for iiaaming machines. Kona. i ov. prom. 13 no.1.0:19-21 0 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1.0deaskly takhnalogichookiy inatitut pishchevoy i kholodillnoy promyehlennosti. .(Container industry-Iquipmont and supplies) Bills, M.Ya. Continuous sterilizers with a automatic thermally actuated bellows sealing device for glass jars. Kons. i ov. prom. 13 n;.12:17-19 D '5 8. . (MIn 1-1: 12) 1.0deaskiy tekhnologicheskly institut pishchevoy i kholodillnoy promyahlonnesti. (Canning industry-lquipment and supplies) GERNET) M.M., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.; DIKIS2 M.Ya., doktor tekhn.nauk) prof.; LUKIYANOV, V.V.9 doktor--Te-Z-m.n--aurc, rof.fdeceasedl: POPOV, V.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; SOKOLOV, A.Ya. doktor tokhn.nauk,prof.; SOKOLOV V.1.,eloktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; MRKOV,~.D,,doktor tekh.vKuk, prof.; BAIMOVS,HYs N.V., knd.tekhn.nauJc, dots.; BROYDO, B.Ye.,, kand,tajain. nauk,, dots.; BUZYK01, N.A.., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; GOROSWKO) M.K., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; GORTINSKIY, V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; GREWINYUK) S.H., kand.takhn.nauk, dots.; GUSIKOV, K.P., kand.toklm. nauk, dots.; DEKIDOV~ A.R., kand.tekhn.nauk., dots.; ZHISLIN, Ya.M., kand.teldni.nauk, dots.; KARPIN, Ye.B.,, kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; KOSITSYN, I.A., kando tekba.nauk, dots..(deceased]; GEYSHTOR, V.S., kandatelchn.nauk, dots.; MARSHALKIN, G.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; MOLDUSMY, G.Ye.t kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; ODESSKIY, D.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, dots.; PELEM, A.I., karKI.tekhn.nauk, dots.,- RUB, D.M.,, kand.tekhn.nailk, dots.; SKOBLO, D.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; SHUVALOV, V.34.# kand.tekhn'naulc.. dots.; M-ELINITSKAYA, A.Z., red.; SOKOLOVA, I.A., tekhn. red: [Principles of the desi and constniction of machinery and apparatus for the food industriesrOanovy rascheta i konstruirovaniia mashin i apparatov pishchevykh proizvodstv. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1960. 741 P. (Food industry-Equipment and supp3ies) (MIRA 14-:12) DIKIS S M.Ya, More about the sterilizer of continuous action. Kons.i ov. prom. 16 no.2sl3-14 F 161. (NIRA 14:4) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologichesldy institut pishchevoy i kholodilinoy promyshlennosti. (Food., Canned--Steril-ization) DIKIS) Mikhail Takovlevich, prof.; MALISM , Aleksandr Nikolayevichp dots.-- -SOKOMV7-A-.Ya*.q doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; BU21KIN, N.A., kand. tekbn. nauk) dotEients retsenzwt; SKOBW, D.I., kand. tekbn. nauk, dots.0 retserizent; BIMLINITSKAYA, A.Z., red.; KISINA, 79.1., tekhn. red. [Machinery and equipment for canneries] Tekbnologicheskoe obora- dovanie konservzwkh F*vodov. lzd*3,, dop, i perer. Moskva, Pi- shchopromizdat., 1961. 539 P. (MIRA 15:1) (Cinning industry-Equipment and suppligs) PIKISI M.Ya.; MOLDAVSKIYj G.Kh. Urgent objectives of the MA can manufacture. Kons.i av.prom. 16 (MIRA 14*-5) no.5:19-22 My 161. 1 1. Odeaskiy tekhnologioheakiy institut pisholievoy ikholodillnoy promy-ohlennosti. (Tin cans) DIKIS, M.Ya.; MDROZOV, N.V.; A.KNOV, H.S. Air as heat carrier for the sterilization of canned food in glass containers. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.4: 128-132 162. (KRA 15- 11) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy, i kholodillnoy promyshlennosti, kafedra tekhnologicheskago oborudovaniya pishchevykh proizvodstv. (Heat--Transmission) (Food, Canned--Sterilization) DIKIS, M Ya.- AMINOV, M.S. Vacuum deep-frying of vegetables. Kons.i ov.prom. 17 no.5:12-15 My 162. (MIRA 15.5) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy i kholodilinoy promyshlennosti. (Canning and preserving) g%IS,.HikhaIl-,UKoy1evicb; M&LISKIY, Aleksandr Nikolayevich; RABINER, N.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; STEPANOV, N.V., inzh., retsenzent; KHRELINITSKAYA, A.Z., red.; SATAROVA, A.M., tekhn. red. [Equipment of canning plants] Oborudovanie konservnykh zavo- dov. Izd.3., dop. i perer. Moskva., Fishchopromizdat, 1962. 468 p. (MIRA 16-4) (Canning industry-Equipment and supplies) 1%4- DIKIS, M.YM. ------- :- Basia requirements for machinery and &pparatus of mechanised production lings in the canning industry. Kons. i ov.prom. 18 no.30-5 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy i kholodiltnoy pronyshlennosti. (Canning industry-.-Equipment,and supplies) jAssembly-line methc4s) DIKIS, M.Ya.; ROMATOVSKAYA, T.L. -:11 -1-11- ...... ---. Calculating the cooling time of fried fish in a liquid canling medium. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.5:83-86 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Odosskiy tokhnologichoskiy institut pishchevoy i kholodiltnoy promyshlennosti, kafedra takhnologlebaskogo oborudovaniya pishchevykh proizvodstv. DIKIS M.Ya,; GLADUSHNYAK, A.K. Effect of the angle of inclination cif the jet on the area of the washed-out soiled surface of glass containers. Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.; pishch. tekh. no.6j:121-124 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Odeaskly takhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy i kholodill- noy promyshlennosti,-kafedra tekhno3.ogicheskogo oborudovaniYa pishchevykh proizvodstv. DIKIS, M. Ya.; CHERNIGOV, A. R. Contact heating of liquid food products by water vapor. Izv.vys. .1 ucheb.zav.; 2:84-87 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy i kholodillnoy prom7shlennosti, kafedra tekhnologicheskogo oborudovaniya pishchevykh proizvodstv. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/4518 Dik-4y., Aleksandr Danilovich, Candidate of Technical Scienees., and fv_~-~IffiUr_e-y e-VTc-F-Y_6M_ t-oN Feredatchiki radiotekhnicheskikh sredstv (Radio Transmitters) Moscow, Voyenizdat,, 1960'. 367 P. 'No. of copies printed not given. Ed.: V. L. Sterligov, Engineer, Major; Tech. Ed.: N. Ir. Sribnis. FURPOM- This is a textbook intended for students in higher military engineering schools and can also be those the theory of-transmitting systems in schools of higher'education. COVERAGE: The textbook sets forth the fundamentals of the theory of transmitting systems,, the principles of circuit ' design,and the elements of their computation, with special emphasis on rada.- systems. A. D. Dikiy wrote the introduction and Chapters 1. VI, VII, VIII., IX,and XIi I. A. 3oldatov wrote Chapters II, 4. I.L1, iv,, VAr~d VU; Chapter X was wrl"tten by I. Ye. Khvatovker, Radio Transmitters SPV/4518 Candlde,e of Technical Sciences. No personalities are.mentioned. There wre 14 ref erenees, all Soviet (int.,luding 2 translations). TABLE OF CONTEWIPS-. t Introduotion 3 1 Subje4t, problems, and signifi,,.,,ame of the course 3 2: Hiatory in brief of the development of radio tans- mitting syetems 3 Ch. 1. Gener-al Information on Radio Tiansmitte.-a 8 I. Claasification of radio transmittez,3 8 2. Basi^_ teohni,:!_9.1 requirements of radic. tramsmitters 8 3. Block dia,grzmg of radio transmitters 12 Ch. II. Fundamentals of the Theory of Ossillatora 15 1. Basic definitions and primAple of aaction of osoillators w.-Lth sepaz-ate exaltation 15 2. kpplir~ation of quasi-linear t7heory to osaillators 20 3. Analysis of the atatl.-_ charaat-ertst-'Aas of osoillatlor tubes 22 S/781/62/000/000/035/036 j. AU-Tl-'.O'RS: Silenok4el'ski~, G. A.v-Dikiv A. G., Scilodovchenko, S. I. TITIZ: Plasma electron concentration measurement with a resonator SOURCE: pla-viy. i problemy.-upravlyay~-zmgo:te--Troyader4nogo sinteza- dol-clady I konferentsii po fizLke, plazmy i pr6ble-ne upravlyaye.-iykh te2.7royadeY-nykh reaktsiy..J~.z~-tekh. inst. AIN Ukr. SSR. Kiev, 1zd-vc, A24 Ukr. SSR, 1962..167-169 TEXT4 A method is proposed'foxv.,neasur-ing plasna electron-concentration by, datex'mining the, change in the': dispersion propertieis of a waveguide system in which g -Che pla--.ra is placed, since the phase velocity of ~wave propaggation in a wave- gui de syste-n. fillied with plasma depends not only. on the gemetry of the sys-Lem, the boundar"i conditions, ~nd the frequency, but also on the electron concentration, as i'lell as the regretic fields the collision frequency, and the type of gas. The affect of the 7)lasma on the -phasevelocity in a wmvegui& with a helix partl y "led with ~ pla-sma was -rive-sti ated exreriTrantally. The ap us and experL-, parat ental* conditions are brief3lydescribed. : The extex-iments were carried out witIh- out, a nz-gnetic field, andlit is indicated:that application of the field would d 1/2 __car ACC SOURCE CODE: UR/0185/66/011/012/1341/13" AUTHOR: Borovyk, Ye. S.- Borovik, Ye. S.; Dykyy, A. P.-.-Di-ki.y, A...P.; 14amaluy, Yu. 0'-Mamaluy,, Yu, A, VkG - Khar1kovj State University iftO.M. Gorlkiy (Kharkivalkyy 4e'rz~lniversyte~) A TITLE: Magnetostriction of ferroxplans I SOURCF: Ukraylnolkyy zhurnal., v. 11, no. 12, 1966, 11-41-1344 ,TOPIC TAGS: m~gnetogtriction, magnetic permeability, ferromagnetic material, cobalt containing alloy, nickel c6fitaining alloy ABSTRACT: Theimagnetostriction of mixed ferroxplans of the type Co Ni W ('here W,,-BaOe6Fe2O3), and of some pure ferroxplans of y Z-y Va V thin- W type 'was-measlAre The measuretenta vere made on polycrystalline samples with values*'of y = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0-7, 1, 1.5, and 2. The ferroxplans-in*estigated were in the form of solid solutions having different signg of the first anisotropy constant K1. Investigation of the anisotropy-energy and the magnetic permeabili-ty of such systems of mixed ferroxplans showed that, for given composition, a minimum of anisotropic energy and a maximum permeability exist. The value of the Card ACC NRI AP7003614 i - small because with the given concentration of Co anisotrcw enerp ions in ferroxplan the first misotropy constant changes its sip, i.e. K1-0 for this composition. Measurements of magnetostrictio.n showed that saturation magnetostriction of-,all investigated ferroxplans has a negative valuii Orig. art. has: -3 figures and 1 formula. S.UB'CODE% 20/, SUBM DATE-. 3lMar66/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REFt oo4 WKIY, B.F. kand.teldin.nauk Disconnecting and blocking device contotining a mechanism for signaling the fault of an electric motor on cont uous production lines. Rnergetik 9 no-5:27-29 My 161. It (MIRA 14:5) 11*-, (Automatic control) j :-,J, (Electric driving) (Assembly"line methods) DIKIY, B.F., kand.takhn.nauk, dotsent; IVASHCHLNM, B.P., assistant; S2NMTM,, starshiy laborant Now submersible photorefractometer for the automatic control of evaporation. Trudy OTIPiKhP 9 no.2:143-148 159. (MIRA 13-9) (Refractometer) (Densitometers) DIKIY, B.F. [Dykyi, B.F.]; LOMAKIN, V.F. I Conductophotometric transducer for wine flow control.' no, 4:63 O-D 163. (Iffap, -17:3.) DIKIY B F - KHAYUTINY Yu.D. Continuous control of the concentration of homogenized tomato Pulp. Izv. vys. uchebe zav,; piahch. takho no.6; 136-138 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Odeaskiy tekhpologichaskiy institut pishchavoy i kholodillnoy pzopyahlannosti~ kafedra avtomatiki, JIUK11, -Boris ~W o.rovi c h; LOMM4, V-Ladimir F.lippovich; DREVS1, G.V., dote,., retsenzent; ZAYCHIK, TS.R., dnzh., retsenzent.; Yll,'.~ODKHINA, N.V. , red. [Automation. of The processes in wine making] Avtomati- zatsiia protsessov vinodel-iia. Moskva, Fishchew:ia pro- mys-demiost', 11964. 365 p. L ?:%)) -Y IKI _~ G.F.; BUTIMO, B.M.; IVASHKEVICH, YU.K.; IVASI]CMIKO, D LOMIAKIN, V.F. [Automation of production processes in the wine and brandy making factory in Tiraspoll Avtomatizatsiia pro- izvodstvenrykh protsessov na Tiraspollskom V=D- konliachnom zavode. Moskva, TSentr. in-t nauchno- tekhn. informatsii, pishchevoi promyshl., 1964. 32 p. (MDA 17:11) ACC NRI AP6034905 SOURCE CODE: LTR/0.382/66/000/002/0032/0038 'AUTHOR...Pj4iX._.,2,',,, P. ; Kostenko, P. P. : Selivanov. V. G. Frolov. S. D. ORG: none TITLE: Conducting gas flow in an annular duct in the presence of an axial magneticl field SOURCE: Magnitnaya gidrodinamika, no. 2, 1966, 32-38 TOPIC TAGS: axial magnetic field, gas flow, laminar flow, annular duct, magnetohydrodynamic generator ABSTRACT: The authors attempt an analytical calculation of the influence of azimuth currents on the electrical efficiency of an MHD converter.~' Approximate values of the radial-velocity component and the gras temperature are simultaneous calculated and given. The paper examines the laminar flow of a conducting gas in an annular duct of an MHD converter in the presence of an axial magnetic field. The above-mentioned influence of azimuth currents on the efficiency of the generator was found. Orig. art. has: 8 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: 09Jun65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 002/ ill UDC:-533.95:538.4 L, ?211 S/057j62/032/011/003/014 B104/BIO2 AUTHORS: Dikiy, G. P., and Tarapov, I* Ye. TITLE: Somw~ self-similation problems of magnetohydrodynamics with I axial symmetry PERIODICAL: Zhurnal takhnicheakdy fiziki, v- 32, no- lit 1962, 1302-1312 TEXT: The nonstationary equations of magneitohydrodynamics for an incompressible viscous fluid of finite conductivity are given by Eq. (1) and (2) if axial symmetry is assumed and cylindrical coordinates are used: allr -+-Vr allr = H, a at ar a" -a -, (rHr)) OHp =H, a" at ar r Or 1. dr r 6r OH, H a Vr -!- ra -4--,.-L-~L r r ~(rHr) 0. at H 1* r dr r dr Card 1/6 Some self-similation problems see S/057/62/032/011/003/014 B104/B102 I JP" I jH,. _ H, -t- Vr -!!!I- - - = - - -i-in? H, or r t Or r or Or r dr. av, OH, HH, O 479 0 Or r r pr P ? L L -+-V- Or - (rv) Or av, -L 'p- L" - 1 -j-V av, -L-L ~ (r . -Ot - - -,I-Vr- ar P ds 4rp Or or r Or a H2 --v, (rvr)=O; P.=P-+--i- r x (L. D- Landau and Ye. Me Lifshits, Elektrodinamika sploshnykh ared Electrodynamics of continuous medial GITTLt Meg 1957)-' From these equations follows (2) Card 2/6 Some self-similation problems S/057/62/032/011/003/014 BI(A/B102 P. = P, (11 r) -4- A W - (3), Vr=Q(t); H,='-" 2% 2r. r where Q(t) is the quantity of fluid passing through the cylindrical nurface, and a,(t) is the magnetic flux. ~(t) is constant and.Q(t) is assumed to be constant. P 2(t) is assumed known and Pl(t,r) is obtained by integrating the first equation of (2). -rhe problem is thus reduced to the determination of v , v R and H froz the system T z 'T 2 ON _4_ Q _!Hv 1, dv, Q - - -+-- v (rH - M- - 2 )) ( at 2rr Or , 77- 2r.r P i- P Or 7 , 01-T - - q ( OvT t I- V, 1 L - v ( t _ _ .I 2nr. - . - -4- rv, ( Or 7 0 pr Or r Or r Or OH, W, _~L 6-, _L _L (4)- 21%r Or 2nr dr r Or Ov, - Q - -*- av, - P2 (1) 0 dH, - - -I- -~- v 0t r W dr P Bu2pr Or r Or or Card 3/6 S/057/62/032/011/003/014 Some self-similation problems ... B104/B102 The solution of (4) AS soughi in the form H T=H,/g(C), H,==HrPh(C)9 vT= v,==v,,r,YPI1 (5) P2 (f) - PO where R~09 Hzo P VJ,O , Vzoo P20 and 0 are donistants and the dimenjionless funct ns 9. ho f, and V are functions of 'the dimensionless variable ~Avt- Assuming the form (5) the system: Vg-+--~~ [(a - 1) ff-4- 2C4 =OVVI I(- Xf]-i-- 2nv -i?-CIIH~ VO V Vf -9- [(a -1- 1) f-~- %fj 1)g -i~ Zg] (7) 2r.v 87t?PVVo I)f--i- 4 (m -+- 1) tf -+- Vjv, 2,xv 2%vHo VV Vm [PlIt -*- 4 (P -+- 1) W -+- 4M9, V Card 4/6 5/057/62/032/011/003/014 Some self-similation problems B104/B102 41~` -4- Q~ Zfl P20V-';' 2nv (4v)V-1 4'H,o Sr.2p%Vo is obtained which cannot be solved in general. For the following special cases (7) is solved: (1) In an irivestigation of'the vortex sources in the usual hydrodyn&mica (H 0) it is shown that an initial vortex source of the form vr a Q/2ur, v 1,/2Ar, does not change its configuration and that sources or sinks alter the diffusion velocity of the vortex in the fluid. (2) The diffusion of the vortex of the magnetic field: The problem leads to the solution of the first eq4ation of (7) with a - -1 + Q/2. (3) The damping of a magnetic vortex field in a rotating vl~ fluid in the presence of a radial magnetic field: The functions and f( ) are determined from the first two equations of the system Mg (4~ The damping of the axial magnetic field in the presence of a sink: Hz is determined as a function of time from the function h(T) which satisfies the third equation of the system ONI with 0 - Q/2. (5) The damping of the axial magnetic field and the axial motion of the fluid in Card 5/6 Some self-similation problems ... S/057/62/032/011/003/014 B104/B102 the presence of a constant radial field: The solution of the nonstationaxy problem has the form: H. 0, r) =0Cr-1 h 2nv, v. (t, r) = XGr-1 where h(j) and Yqj) satisfy the last two equations of (7) with P - -A. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. A. M. Gor'kogo (Kharlkov State University imeni A. M. Gor'kiy) PRESENTED. June 26, 1961 (initially) SUBMITTED: December 15, 1961 (after revision) Card 616 )")gig S/057/6VO32/011/004/014 B100102 AUTHORS; Dikiy, G._P,,--and Tarapov, I. Ye. TITLE: Some stationary problems of magnetohydrodynamics with axial symmetry PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, V. 32, no. 11, 1962, 1333-1341 TEXT: The stationary motion of an incompilessible visc_9us fluid with .4 finite conductivity is considered assuming that v and H are independent of the coordinates -,Q and z. In this case the general magnetohydro- dynamics in cylindrical coordinates lead ;o:- d., dr = H, dr fir dr M. v H du JY V, d Vr = H yr (rH-)) r r dr r dr Y .~H, v' (r 'H' vr Hr �- dr fir r dr dr 1. d 7 W (r Hr) = 0. Card 1/6 S/057/62/032/011/0(),1/014 Some stationary problems of B104/B102 6p dv, I (H, -d dr dr r dr r jr H, dHI -i- H H (2) dr r 4-.? dr dr r dr dv, I op. vr- - -i- -L H, dr ~z 4-,? dr r dr dr d H2 W-(rv,)=O; P.=p4---r- (L. D. Landau and Ye. M. Lifshits, '-'lektrodinamika sploshnykh sred, Elec.trodynainics of continuous media., GITTL, M., 1957). From these eqi,,- ,,~.ions and the assumed axial symmetry it follows that P. P~ P" - Z; (3)9 2- r r bard 2/6'- 5/057/62/032/011/004/014 Some stationary problems of ... B104/B102 where Q is the quantity of liquid flowing through the cylindrical surface and 9- is the magnetic flux. The constant gradient of pressure P M along the axis of symmetry is assumed to be known, P,(r) is obtained by the integration of the first equation of (2). Thus the problem is reduced to determining v , v , H,, and H fr6m the system z z d Q- d H I d -4- "' - = 0; Yr r dr -2.,. 77- (-r 2nv. dr r If Q I d III I d (4) v 7. -j- (r v,,) (rHv) 0 7r r dr r d dH,)_ Q -.&Hx VII/ _L_: dv. == 0; ar dr 2rv,, dr 2r.-"" j'- d "' �'L=P'--r. Yr dr 2rv up 2r2?v dr. PV whose general solution ist Card 3/6 Some stationary problems of S/057/62/032/D11/004/014 B104/BI02 H (C,r"-+-C,,")-+-4-pQC3r-4-(DC4 1 2 r V Q C'r'. -,-,Dc"r -I-- QC, I; r H, (Cr's Qr") -i- C7 r2; 2rv. Q) Q V, Cr C,r"' Q r2 (5) 4r. 4-.. v -4- -L) =t (.L -.L 4r v V. Y V J, 16-0" 6). ?,V The following special cases are discussed: (1) Stationary vortex eouroes Card 4/6 S/057/62/032/011/004/014 some stationary problems of B104/B102 V, = C12" -4- Cr Wrr in the usual hydrodynamics (H - 0); (2) magnetic vortex fivid and hydrodynamic sources (7); H,=Cjr-4-C2r_I.#_'.': (3) hydrodynamic vortex in a radial magnetic'field (C~~'-4-C'J~A)_+_Ci Hr 2%v. P V,P "2 (9); (4) the motion of the fluid along the z axis in a radial-axial magnetic field- Card 5/6 S/057/62/052/011/004/014 Some otationary problems of B100102 Q H,=i" Vr yrr jjE2qe P, 2 H. (ca". ce".) -'-- C7- 21tv. 4n? Wtv - Q) (4nv. - Q) - 01 2 X,) Cr:k. Q - X,) ~'Gr). -I- C. -4- 21 v. 2nv. 40 (4xv. - Q) A (5a)- Op (41:v - Q) (4xv, - Q) ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovikiy ilosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. hi. Gor,kogo (Khar1kov State University ivieni A. M. Gorlkiy) SUBMITTED: June 26, 196*1 (initially) December 15, 1961 (after revision) Card 6/6 DIKIY., G.P..; TARAPOV, I.Ye. ,Same auto4c4d problems in magnetohrirodynamicsI given axial symmetry. Zhur. tokh. fiz. 32 no.'.11:1302-d= N 162. (MIRA 15: 11) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy univorsitet imeni. A.M.Gortkogo. (Magnatohydrodynamice) DIKIY G P TARAPOV, I.Ye. Some stationary problems in magnetohydrodynamics, given axial symetry. Zhur, tekh, fiz. 32 no.13-:1333-1341 N 162. (MM 15:11) 1. KharIkovskiy goeudtLrstvennyy universitet imeni A.M.GorIkogo. (Mapetohydrodynamics) DIKIY) G.P. Sources of spherical eddies in magnetohydrodynamics. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 33 no.11-12115-1289 N 163. (MIRA 16sU) 1. Kharlkovskiy aviatsionnyy institut. '1111CIV, T V . - F. ' ' ("' 6. Ly .1 ~ L ,.4 1 DIIKI~ , 1. 1". Ra~ryl, a,icvri,-,my Sele:,snochncy I -~jlezenki 'Iri Vo,,il Md-mcisytichnov D..rcinennostl. Vracheb, Delo, 19/,3, Nc 11, ic!5,16- SC -. L.-tol Is I "hurral Inyl-I SU,tey, 74., 1949 a .6 DIKIY, 1. F. DIKIY, 1. F. "Petri fication of the fetlia In abOonjinal six-.morth rjret:- mancy", Vratheb. delo, 19LL8, I~o. 12, paragrarhs 1105-08. SO: U-3042, 11 March 53, (-'etopis Inykh Statey, Eo. 10, 1949). T USSR/Mathematuics - Eigenvalue 11,_'oncernering, a "'ertain Gellfand-Levitan 0:)naula,, 11 L. 1L. ijiL-iy Usp. -at. ..auk, Iol 8:1 Ao 2 ("15)~ Pp 119-123 Discusses the significance of the theorem of I. vi. Gellfand and i). v.. Levitan (IIA Simple Identilty for Licencalues of a 3e~,,ond-Order erential -Dr)erator,'! DAIN 33SIR, Vol M, -,,o h, 1953); nauely, Lae folloidn_- t',-I..Dorc-jr,: if- ar e N ei,~-,!envalues of the OPE!rabor -d2 + p(x) on the int_~rval (o,)r) wiv-, zero "Doundary yp t2 P cond -ions, wftere'fL,(x)dx 0, then the Loll.owin,- subjEct fora,ula holds OD (k (p(O)+p(YT) Ilizmansion in Eigenfuncidors," (_-_tazlo!';hen_J"3,e no 4 ,Joustvenijym I`unks~iyam), B) ri. Levitan) -,Aed. Imitate iuWi Pr(-s, 1-i-L, j.*,;5C). IDubidttud 26 J-,ec 1952. DIKIY, L. A. DIKIY, L. A.: "The zeta-function of the Sturm-Louisville operator and its application to spectrum investigation". Moscow., 1955 Moscow State U imeni M. V. Lomonosov. (Dissertation for the Degree of CILndidate of PHYSICOMATIMIATICAL SCIE11CES) SO: Knizhnitya Letopial No 51, 10 Deccmber 19555 r)IK\Ny, L'.f~ SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATI-.S/Differen-tial. equations CARD 1/3 PG -108 AUTHOR DIKIJ I.A. TITIE Zeta.function.9 of an ordinary differential equation on a finite interval. PERIODICAL -Izvestija Akad. Nauk j.L 187-200 (1955) reviewed 611956 M The author considers the zeta function Z(S) - 2" Vs where An are the eigenvalues of the differential operator Au d u P(X)u U (0) .11(-M) - 0. If the function p(x) with all its derivatives vanishes at the ends of the interval [0,1ZI , then Z(s) can be oontinued on the whole complex s-plane. It has only simge poles in -the points s - 1P - 1 1 - 3 r - 1) , .#o * The 1 .1 1 2 2 2 2 Tesidue in 1 is but in -k it is 1: L (k- x)d3:. There the 2jr 2k functions A., are defined as followni s e(s,x) B1 m(x) ( 1+m k k%' M-- 0 2 2 Izvestija Akad. Nauk 19. 1137-200 (1955) CARD 2/3 Pa - 108 ELad the B1'm (x) are given by the recuxrence formulas: I - 3o'o(X) M4, Bl'm (x) S 0 for m >1 131+2,m(x) = p(x).B lpm (z) - B!,'9m(x).+,'-'Bl'+j 'M-1 (x). In the genral case (P(x) does not vanish as alove) the situation of the poles remains the same, for the residues a sumAzi. the A and their derivatives is given. If C, '4 2 2 '-A n + c + - + n 0 . n2 XL4 is an asymptotic decomposition cf A (existence is not proved), then Z(a) (2s) - soo where ~; is the Riemannian I>- -function. A combination of the obtained expressions for residues and this dave2opment leads to a recurrent system of equations for the de-termination of the eY e.g. Ir .30 p(x) dx ir IV ( P(x)dx)2 1 1 _ -p 1 (0) 0 P2(x) ft 2 -" -41r_ 121C Izvestija Akad. Nauk 1,9t lel'-200 (1955) CARD 3/3 PG - 108 After the continuation of Z(s) on the whole plane, Z(-J)tZ(-2),Z(-3) are and forinally denoted as the au -A 2, y Me , \n3 In the special case whe Kk p(x) with all derivati,res vanishes at the ends of [0,-Mi , we have 7 - 0., In the general case holds a long formula (series in A and derivatives). J?kk or Z(-k) can be denoted as the sum of the 1 x k 11 numbers (except of those terms of the advalopment of A k *bich n n disturb the convergence). 1~7om the sum there must be subtracted the half of the free term of the asynptotic development. These results for Z(s) are-extended to' the fune-tiouB CO I )~ Z(s;:kvy) ;Cjj 8 Mgt 1 where n(x) are normalizea eigenfunctions of the operator. IY J Piz- i; AIL L Mies 40CI:ertain Identiffec; , L' t jiuwIIe qperator,, ifor the -cpecw fouctku"of 4 15 687-690.. Niult; SSSR f] DAL Alj~ad. 1 jT9 s), 1 - 'Re. bouiid. piobi~'in dry-valm _4 ere it is i'ssurned that p i !6, 6considered, wh I S _ - - iw h l o d A 6 h l s ait Jimi e e Ccase prevai h iab t ififthlitelit if re t P I p i..iIIIIi4y, alid 1:hO.Spectfurn 1--positivei-L'[Pt 0.=9(x,yII) ba _ ~: ct* f ion or thd blcn~11~: and let Af be the cpectjt, J:Iun .,pro clefi~ed j(1)64. Then Ihi:re exist nurnbeni r, supblhi~jbuz, y~AO, - A~*-~icond iesult is Iii6vedi Which states that A, T, -n+ijIdt 0 rj~ r 10 ingivW (co ~e f X" E. A, C dd nhageil A.1 XUTHORs .-DIKIY L.A. 20-1-2/u Tf TLE: A N*wApprcodmition blethod for the, Caloalation of the Eig-suvalwas of the. Sturm-Ifouville's Problem-(Movyy &yomob---pribI:Lzhenr%ogo vyehis1eniy&..sobetvenuykh chisel zadachi..Shturna-Liuvillya) PERIODICILt Doklady, Almd. If Nauk SSSR, 1957,701-116, Ir. 1 , pp. 12-14 (USSR) A13STRALCT: For -tha. ealculation. of the eigenvalues of the Sturm-LiouTille I a problemi. _Ulf + P(x)u -Aut u(0) - u(Ir) - 0 the! -given in -an. -earli*r- p"er. flef .41 which..-*o-6mbine-. the. smms. of -positive- powers. of. the eigenvalues. -with the funation,P(x), e.g. OD 4 _R~O t2(1C_) P,. (0) P,. n - 2.2) - c + 2 5 8 n-1 ,Fhere c 1- P2 1,:r)dx. Eere p(x) is raplaoed by a -trigonometric 2 'Zr f N 0 Card 1/2 sum: P(x) - T. a nocis n x and, beclause of the diTergence, the n-1 A New t0pradmatIm..Method for: the. Oalcu_bttion of the ligenvalues 20-1-2/44) of- the Sturm-LiouvJ-lle I a Problem. appwarin&.-Ser~i 9 mr- -are- xwgulawi~xwt- 1~y, -MLbArruatiau.. For the de.tarxinAtion ~of , the-- thivd~Approximation -the Auihor obtains the algabraic system: + -4 + A2 + -N2 + -A 2 P-B; 1 2 1 2 -A 3~ )~3 + 3 1 _+ 2 3 f,-C, -whare A,:B,C -are conistants depending on P(O), P(-T)p P"(O)f P"("r)q I? IV (0)q P'V(it*) and on the integrals of the function p and their deriTatives. ASSOCIATIONtInati-Lute of.-Atmospheric Phyvios,Aoad.Sc..USSR (Institut fiziki -atmesfery'.Alt SSSR) PFMBWM BY: A. A. Doroiluitsyn, Academician, April 8, 1957- SUBMITTED' Dec. 21, 1956 AVAILA13IR: Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Dikiy, L.A. SOV/42-13-3-2/41 TITLE: Formu-la-s-M7tra ,R~Eof the Differential Operators of Sturm-Liouville (Formuly sledov/differentsial.Inykh operatorov Shturma-Liuvillya) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Vol 13, Nr 3, PP 111-143 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Gellfard and Levitan recently discovered a nev -roup of problems which arc someiihat, different, and more ELIgebrlLiC in character. The Sturm- Liouville self-ad,~oint problem may be stated thus: -utl + p(X)U - Xu, u(0) - u(-K) = 0. In the mean time the author, Gellfand and DorodnaMyn have published several papers in this direction. The present paper gives a summary of tie results. Shortly sketched the following problem is treated; Defining the traces of the differential operators 2 (1) 'A Z: '/ n SP dx 2 + P(x)) (2) 2 Sp d2 _ + p (x) ) 2 n dx2 etc, then these expressions at first are senseless since at the left hand side there are divergent slaries. Now the general methods of regularization J� 2) are used, especially an elementary method Card 1/2. of Gellfand /Ref 21 is described (� 3-4). � 5 contains some SOV For-,ulas for Traces of the Differential Operators of Sturm-Liouville /42-13-3-2/41 generalizations. In � 6 the obtained trace formulas are used in order to calculate the asymptotics of the eigenvalues and the first eigenvalues. The contents of � 7 is new. Here the trace formulas are combined with the theory of perturbation. In (1) the differential operator is comprehended as an operator of the highest derivative which is superposed by the "disturbance operator" (operator with the remaining lower derivatives). Then the author obtains approximate values for eigennumbers with the aid of methods of the theory of perturbation. It is asserted that the trace formulas are equivalent to the statement that the mean deviation of the approximate vales for the eigennumbers from the real values equals zero. The author conjectures that this fact (which is proved in the present paper for differential operators) is valid more general. There are 21 references, 12 of which are Soviet, 5 American, 1 Indian, 1 Hungarian, 1 German and 1 French. CarO 2/2 '3.'7000 67051 AUTHOR: Dikiy, L. A. sov/49-59-8-11/27 TITLE: On Acoustic and Gravitational Vibrations in the Atmosphere PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, 1959, Nr 8, pp 1186-1194 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The.waving motions in the polytropic atmosphere were investigated by the author. The motions were classified into two different types: acoustic and gravitational, similar to those observed in the isothermic. The general formula, Eq (1), is considered for the two- dimensional waving motion along the horizontal axis Ox. This formula -can be presented in a simplified form as shown in the transformation Eqs (2) to (4). In the case of a polytropic atmosphere, where T = T 0 - YZI the formulae (10) to (12) can be applied. These become Eqs (10a) to (12a) in the case of Y ~ 0. In order to find the solution, the function ,(0 wx) = _10-, I can be introduced. Fig I shows that both functions/ Card 1/2 MW and N(h) bave two joined intersection points. It 67051 SOV/49-59-8-il/27 on Acoustic and Gravitational Vibrations in the Atmosphere can be shown that the frequency w2 related to t e upper point can be considered a s acoustic (Wak and the one corresponqing to the lower point as a gravitational (w lip ) frequency of vibration. In order to define the physical characteristics of both frequencies, the formulae W2 -> k y) gxR and w 2 k y) gxR ak ~(Ya - PP I (Ya the functions U(P (Fig 2) and yQ,%) (Fig 3) were analysedo Thus, It is shoim that in the isothermic atmosphere all the gravitational frequencies for any k are smaller than all the acoustic ones and a vibrationless interval can be distinguished. In the polytropic atmosphere there is no such interval. There are 3 figures and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut fiziki atmosfery (Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere, Ac.Sc., USS SUBMITTED: October 18, 1958 Card 2/2 !)Day) T,. A. (Mogeav) "On the Stability of the Plane Parallel Flow of a Nonhomogeneaus Iluid. " report presented at the First ALI-Union Cong-ess on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 27 Jan - 3 Feb 1960. .16-3400 AUTHOlli A. TITLE: On Baundary Condition:3 D:~poncllii~" on EIE~;c-nva-11110 PERIODICAL: Uspeklil matematichoskilch nauk, 196o, voi vir 1, pp 1.95-198 (USSR) ABSTRA,~T: The auchor conslders a bo~ictdary value pro'blem where the eigenvalue appears both in t-lie equation and in the boundary conditlon. Tne problem I.,;: -u U(x)u - 'Xit; u 1(0) lt(o) = 11(a) 0 (a.) where U~x) Is a contl!!,tous ILlnCt-iOl-I O!'t 411KI ~AJ'le--val o" t' fart(:t Z -0, N( _7 a t,- o I r,. ~ 1. 11 - -,lvt~ii and eigenvalue of the equation ,.-mLlsVying at th-'-~ Card 1/11 0. Let On B-Dundury ConclItIono JYq-I,en(JIInr~ ol) Eigenvalue m( is differentiation v,,-JIAh respec'u, to tion is sinrrle valued fo::, all fo- which the denorainator t!", elgenvalues o.L' the probl,:~ni ~iith cond.1-t- ID!II u(0) u(aL) = 0. Each One -IL3 lar-Tei, t-,-ian 'LJ . - MILI, -)b" em., The A o which M. = 0 are eigrenvalues o-*," ~Uiie orc with conditiom-, 1-i 1 (0) = LI (a) =0. They are alt,.lo .larger then U Tn o s c., or - 'AIch 1VI -1-e lu&I n V011 - IN" (I ") > 0 the eigenva 21 of problein 1 0 k N C!, -arid f ar large (.x a), M C 7, a Aj zand M L Card 2A an, *X-,> - - 1, then the system of eigen f UnCtions of problem (1) is complete. Theorem 1*1S somewhat generalizable, i.e., a finite set of' X ~ L can be replaced by arbitrarily distributed points as long as after some i the 1-th point belongs to the i-th branch of M( A). If N( /A) is analytic con~tinuable into the complex plane, t],.en there may be also complex Card 3/4 On Boundary Conditions Depending on Elgenvalue SUBMITTEM elLcl,envalues. There iS 1 fIgUre. September 2, 1958 778011 SOV/) 12 --.1 card 4/4 80244 S/040/60/024/02/07/032 AUTHOR:-.Dikiy, L. A. (Moscow) TITLE. On'~~e- Sta'biliity of Plane Parallel Flows of an Inhomogeneous Fluid PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 1960, Vol. 24, Eo. 2, pp. 249-257 TEXT: In the infinite half space the author considers a two-dimensio- nal horizontal flow, the velocity V of which increases linearly with the height, while2the density S, decreases exponentially: V(z) = k(z), Fo = const - e-j'- . This flow was investigated by the Yxve -..I(.thod of Taylor (Ref -5) who stated that, if the Richardson number is R there occur neutral waves, while for R < -111 there are no raves at all. From this itIwas concluded in (Ref.6,7) that the flow is stable only for R > it . The author shows that stability holds for all R > 0. Here a motion is called-stable if an arbitrary initia2 i)erturbation remains bounded in a finite region under in- creasing time. At first the considered problem is formulated as a linearized Cauchy problem; this is solved v.,ith the aid of the Laplace Card 1/2 80244 3/040/60/024/02/07/032 On the Stability of Plane Parallel Flows of an Inhomogeneous Fluid transformation, where the solution contains a certain function which- must be determined from a Volterra integral equation of first order, The investigation of this integral equation leads to the above-mentioned statement of stability. V... Kelqysh is mentioned in the paper. There are ? :ri6ures, and 8 references; I Soviet, 2 American, 3.German, 1 English and 1 Norwegian, SUBMITTED: September 25, 1959 Card 2/2 S/03 0/0 24/0,3 6/0"1 4/03 4 C1 1 1X333 AUTHORz Dikiy, L.A - -------- TITLE: On the Zeros of the Whittaker Function and the Macdonald Function With Complex Index PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya matematicheakaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 6,pp. 943-954 TEXTs The Whittaker function W At/, (z) is defined as solution of the differential equation 1 2 (1) W11 + .1 + + -4 W - 0 (- 4 112 which shows the asymptotic behavior z (2) W (Z) r%.~ e- z for z oo arg z 2 For 0 it is expressed by the cylindric Macdonald function Card 1/3 C 111 YC333 On the Zeros of the Whittaker Function and the Macdonald Function With Complex Index z P:1 K ", ( Z ) (3) V0~~t(z) - / 4, / 2' The author proves s Theorem I s If A and " are real, A !,= 0 and then WA, _(z) possesses no zeros in the sector I&rg zj!E~ IL Theorem 2 s If A t!~ 0, IA,- complex and I Re IA-4-1 1, Im -/-Oq then WA,/, (z) possesses no zeros in the sector -T,!~ arg zz!S 0 . Corollary s If /4, satisfies the conditions of thearem 2, then the statement of the theorem holds for the function K,.(Z). Theorem 3 : If A is real, /t4purely imaginary, thell WA ~' (z) possesses a denumerable set of positive zeros in the sector larg zj-,'- it and possesses no further zeros. Corollary a K"' (z) possesses no zeros in 0 < I arg n 1:55,- -1C for a purely imaginary /tv . Theorem 4 t For A >~- 0 , 0