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DIDETTO, V. 1. Usa of the method of surrptry roprosentatici),-, in solving prohlew involving the torsion of multilayer prismatic rods. Vych. mat. [Kiov] no. 1:100-106 t65 (MIRA 19:2) DIDEII~O, Vjt,,~YARYSREV, N.A. Methods for determining heat capacity at high temperatures. Zava lab. 28 no.7-.825-838 062, (14M 15--6) 1. laningradskiy institut, tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki. (Heat capacity) M. da-WI, c_4Fonics - Amplifiers YD-2232 Card 1/1 Pub 90-12/12 Author Sus, A. N. and Didenko, V. M. .... WMWACW*6W!VftM Title Amplifier with-rciarithmic characteristics Periodical Rediotekhnika, 10, 78-80, Mar 1955 AbSt2.'F.Lt A five-stage amplifier circuit operating on afrequency of 250 kilocycles, and having a logarithmic relationship betweeri the output and iriput voltages in a wide range of input voltage variations, is discussed in this article. Four different circuits for obtaining such a logarithmic relationship between the output and input voltages are presented, A graphic method for finding the characteristics of an amplifier having from 4 to 5 stages is explained. Two USSR references. Graphs. Institution: Pubmitted : 6 Sep 1954 S/058/62/000/004/OOZ/"f 60 A058/Alol AUTHOR: Sus, A. N., Diden-ko, V. M. TMIM*: New method for pressures PERIODICAL: Referativnyj zh-r-nal, Fizika, no. 4, ".962, '~,. lbstract, 4A133 ("Nauchn. Saratovsk. M--u. Ff:. i N.-i. in-t mekhan. I i4 1955". Saratov, 1960, Ic. - 23) TMT. There is propos._,_ :z .... .A -.oc. for :neasuring pressure that uses the pressure dependence o-. Ihe amplitude of a vibrator located in a gas. The vibrator is a sLJVerL,4 zuar~4z filanent 1001j. in diameter and .00 = long. The filament is placc-I iy% a tbagnetic f-'eld (&,,~ oersteds) parallel to the excit- ing electrode. Bet_~Je:.-, ind the fil_nen; -,,I-ere are applied a consuant voltage and t-'~~: %r.;V-_Lge the cutpvt, uC thc Lmplifier, to the'input of which there is s-.zp' 'W'.e emf. L--ic~t is At ends of the filament incident to its 0SCIll"I(3:1 Ln .-,,agretic f`eld. '2he amplitude of the nascent self -oscillations deperd-z r-&t*.-.,;:- strongly on pressure in the range from 100 to jo-3 r4n L. Filippov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 S/263/62/000/012/002/005 AUTHOR: Sus, A. N. and Didenko. V. M. 1007/1207 TITLE: New method of high-pressure measurements PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk. 32. lzmeritel'naya tekhnika, no. 12, 1962, 33. abstract 32.12.301 "Nauchn. ezhegodnik. Saratovsk. un-t. Fiz. fak. i N. i. in-t mekhan. i fiz., 1955", Saratov, 1960, 19-23 TEXT: Description is given of the design and working principle of a pressure gage based on the relationship between pressure and internal friction in gas. A metal-coated quartz wire fastened at both ends and vibrating in an homogeneous transverse magnetic field, !;erves as a pressure transmitter. The E.M.F., induced at the wire ends is fed to the input or two amplifiers. The output voltage of one amplifier, being applied to the field between an electrode and the wire located parallel with the latter, causes vibration of the vvire. On variation of the gas pressure in the cavity containing the wire vibrator, the vibration amplitude increases as a result of reduction of internal friction in the gas and augments the amplifier output-voltage. As shown by experiments, the pressure gage may be used for pressure measurements in the range from 10-3 to 100 mm mercury, but it is sensitive to external mechanical jolts and vibrations. An advantage constitutes the fact that the new type of pressure gage ensures a marked increase in the measuring semitivity over a wide pressure range as a result of increase in magnetic field intensity and amplification factor of the indicating amplifier. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Card 1/1 DIDENKOY Vasiliy Mikhaylovich; ACHKASOV, B., red. [Inexhaustible resources] Neischerpaenye rezervy. Simferopol', Krymizdat, 1964. 20 p. (MIRA 18:1) LUGOVOY, V.S.; DIIX11KO, V.P.; BURBO, V.I. Prospective schemes for supplying electricity to rural regions of Kirghizia. Trudy Inst. vod. khoz. i energ. All Kir. SSR no.4: 137-160 157- (MIRA 10-12) (Kirghizistan--Rurs.1 electrification) DrDENKC, V.P. First boundary value problem for certain elliptic systemB of dif- ferential equatiow degenerate on the boundary. Sib. mat. zhur. 6 n0-4:814-831 J*l-Ajj 165- (MIRA 18:10) 67510 _1_~ I 6,bs-o 0 SOV155-59-1-15/30 AUTFOR: Didenko, V.P. TITLE: T.4 On the l,laxim't"i'Lm~-.".-r'rinciple of the Soltitions of Parabolic S,-vstems of Second Order PERIODICAL- _%iohnyye (W-lady vyashey shholy. Fi:,i-Ro-matematicheskiye nauki, 1~59, Nr lt pp 90-101 (US.SR) ABSTRLICT: In the cylinder (Y,9y) 0 :. t ~-.l lot the n-dimensional regular vector u(X,YM s atisfy the system + Bu + +(13U (2) (Au ) Cu 4- Clu = 11 + Alu + Blu ) x X x Y x t y y Y and let it vanish on the boundary of -~_L . Here let Ag'-qsC,A,,Bl be given and continuously differentiable real quadratic ma- trices of the order n in the domain D>, f-~ x I of the variable (X,Y,t). Let v,_A-?+ -IB~+ + ~C~ ~~O in S-L - 1, where - 1 9 '121 "In) I ') - - *' ). Let A,, B, be = ( 5 1 1 '~ 2 9 n symnetric. Let -it (A + Ix 0 . Then the integral B - 2C,) -1 l y Card 1/ 3 67510 19 On the Maximum Principle of the ,;C,Iutions of Parabolic SOV/155-59-1-15/30 Systems of 3econd Order 112(x,yt)dx dy reaches its maximum for t = 0. Civen the equation (11) Au:A-A ~ 2 Buxy + C11 Yy + 11 ux+ BI uy+ C 1 u Kut where A =-J-(x,1r,t)E C = 13(X?yst)r" A1 ~ 4.1(xiy?t)E X,ir,t)Z and K =.y(x,y,t)E , E-unit matrix, B, = B 1( a -C'BY14-1981, scalar given functions, -1- > 0, B~>O, ),>O Let u = (u1, u,""' un ) be a regular solution of (11). The length R = (U 2+ u2 + ... + u 2) 1/2 cannot have a maximum 1 2 n in the cylinder 5~ -AI and for t = 1 . Herefrom there follows as a special case a result of A.V. Bitsadze I-Ref 2-7, 0C Card 2/3 6751 D On the Maximum Principle of the Solutions of' Parabolic SOV/155-59- t -15/30 Systems of Second Order ILIT. Lavrentlyev is m:)ntioned in the papor. Thore are 2 Soviet rePorences. ASSOCIATIO.N: Llvovskiy Gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni iv., Franko (LIvov State University imoni Iv. 'Pranko) SUBMITTED: FebruarY 5, 1959 Card 3/3 ACC NR. AT6030868 AUTHOR: Didenko, V. P. :ORG: none SOURCE CODE: fA,,-i6-6O-6-l66-10'60~10-60'lOObOI0092--,I ITLE: Minimization of structures of relay systems with multiple outputs by prelimi- ary isolation of the nucleus SOURCE: Moscow. Institut avtomatiki i Telemekhaniki. Abstraktnaya i strukturnaya teo- riya releynykh ustroystv (Abstract and structural theory of relay devices). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 80-92 z C TAGS- boolean function, mi. el ation, relay system ABSTRACT: The existing methods for joint minimization of a boolean function system is based in the main on the use of truth tables suggested by W. V. Guine ("The Problem of. Simplifying Truth Functions", The Am. Math. Month, 59, 1962, no. 8) and developed by E. I. McCluskey ("Minimization.of Boolean Functions", BeIZ Syst Tech. J., 35,1956, no. 6). However, with the increasing number of outputs and'variables which determine the boolean functions, the existing technique for computing multi-output particular minimal disjunctive normal forms becomes cumbersome, since it is predicated on the computation of general minimal disjunctive normal forms for each function separately; the process of computing multi-output particular minimal disjunctive normal quires a large number of elementary cparations, which leads to an increase in the re- Card 1/2 ACC* Nk%._AT6_630668 quired memory capacity for computer solution of the problem. Hence, the Flroblen exists of direct computation of multi-output particular minimal disjunctive nomal forms, avoiding the computation of minimal dipjunctive,normal forms for each function, be- longing to the initial system. The author attempts to find a solution of the problem .by proposing a method consisting of th .e following phr,3es; 1) detexmination of i-th orde'r booleah functions which describe the operating'and non-operating states of the relay system. The or;der of functions -is set by the number of functions, which simul-- taneously assume the value of "one" far a given set of values of the variables govern- ing the given 'systei~ of boolean functions; 2) the determination, based on the functions of i-th and (I + l)-th orders, of fum:tions of type A, A (i = 1,2,...,k), that are of the i-th order, but possibly having values different from the given sets; 3) lo- .catio'd of multi-output-'minimal membeni in accordance with operating and non-operating (forbidden) sets, i. e,sets, for which the function F. assumes the values of "one" and "zero", respectively. This phase of the method is intended for the isolation of the minimal members, belonging to the multi-output particular.minimal disjunctive nom- al forms. Theorem 1. For the elementary conjunction U-jr=- PI consisting of manda- tory letters.(symbols) (variables, or their inversicns), to be a minimal member of the nucleus, it is necessary and sufficient that there be a relation U-FQ =_ 0, where Fo is the logic sin of the constLtuents, which make the fAmetion assume the vaLie of zero. 'AV extensive.treatment of the proposed method and an illustrative example are included. Orig.. art. has: 11 tablesJ5 foruulas. SUB CODE: 09,12 SUBM DATE: 'D un65 ORIG REr: oos/ OTH REF: 002. Card 2/2 HE Zi tier ISO IL or HE9 i ~E- TL As z T I ~211 E S/044/62/000/004/038/C59 C-111/C222 hesize control circuits -without repeti On a mat',-Iod to synt tion PZRIODIC~~L. Pefe,.ativnyy zhu:mal, Matematika, no. 4, 19062, 37, Lbstri~ct 4V210. fl'Avtomaticheskloye upravleniyell, L'. 19'0, -20-72~) T=': mz~thod for the synthesis of circuits without -repatitio.11 is described lahich z~ppearo to "be different from that of Tra';,~htenbrot-. Poi,nt 1: D~~'Lirlit.-Lons. In points 2 and 3 tho wathor describess conveniunt, met'auab for u,,;iii,,- the, Trakhtfanbrot method (Rzh. Mat, 19156 , 2775; 1959, 10904) to determine fl- sub-circuits and 2- - sub-circuits. Point Detar.-.,iru-tion of H-oub-e~rcuitus. by the, rcviw~iex: Seve.-al definitions ~'e. U., of tho ou'~-circuitz) are not carrect. In point 3, the leamma upon v..iaich the Tzz~khtcnbroz trethod is based i4L incorrectly formulated and provea: tho example fo:~ determinin,3 the circuits is incorrectly solved. Points 4 ;.na 5 rei:;ain unintelli-ible to the reviewer. --,b~;tractc-rlo note: Compluta tranolation. Ruosian revie~aer is B.Yu. Pillchak.j Card 1/1 3 S/020/62/143/006/002/024 B125fB112 AUTHOR: Didenkol V. P. TITLE: A few elliptic systems degenerating at a domain boundary PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 143, no. 6, 1962, 1250-1253 TEXT: The author considers the systems Lu - -ymu u + au + bu + '01! . q. 4., _- i; (1) Lu - -u muyy + auX + buy + cu h (2) xx Yy x y in a domain S1 of the semi-plane y >O, which contains a section of the axis y - 0 as boundary. Along this section both systems are degenerate. The first boundary value problem for system (1) and conditions for the correct- ness of the first boundary value problem for system (2) are studied. The correctness conditions refer to the exponent m and the coefficient (matrix) b. ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki a vychislitellnym tsentrom Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Mathematics with the Computer Cen er of the Siberian Department of the Academy Oavompylt, of Scie S/02 62/144/004/003/024 "10 B172%112 AUTHORi Didenko, V. P. TITLE- Certain sets of differential equations of the mixed type PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 4, 1962, 709-712 TEM The systems G(Y)Uxx - Uyy - K(Y)u - hi U.- UA'ull...,un are con- sidered, in which G and K are symmetrical square matrices for which K0 for y *- 0, G(YX C, for Y/-O,. Gy' ;> 0. The x-axis then is the K'> -1 transition line of the type considered, A domain containing internally an interval of the transition line! is called a mixed domain. A boundary value problem is formulated for a special class of mixed domainsR. The following was found by applying functional analytic methods of K. Fried- richs:; (1) For each h, there exists at most one continuously differen- tiable solution. (2) A generalized solution always exists. It is shown that for the special case yu xx - uYY - K(y)u - h Card 1/2 S/020/62/144/004/003/024 Certain sets of differential... B172/B112 if.2 and H satisfy additional conditions a classical solution is possible also. ASSOCIATIONs Institut matematiki s vychislitellnym tsentrom Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute ofMathematics of the Computer Center of the Siberian Branch of the.Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: January 15, 1962, 1. N. Vekua, Academician SUBMITTEDi Dec ember 29, 1961 Card 2/2 j,jD.t8NMj V. Ps. PHASIC I JMX EXPLOITATION soy/6m Akademiya nauk MR. xnatitut &Tbom&tiki,l telax6khsnikj. Avtomatiobaskoys regulirovanlye I upraylerilys (Automatio Regulation and Ogntrol) Moscow, Lcd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 526 P.. Errata ftlip inserted.* 9000 ooplem printed. I Reap. Rd.ft Ya. Z. Tsypkin Prolsomor, Doctor Qf Technical gaienceel Ed. of Publishlr4 House! Ye. N. Ori orlyev; Toch, Rd.t' 1. 1. Do~rokh,fnm. PURPOSEt This book iv. 1xitanded for s4entific researah.workers and engineerg'.coneemed idAh aUtomatlon. CM,RACM: The book In''a collection cg articles 9prilating.of papers delivered Uthe 7%h:*bnf0 f !Aiulox Scientists of the xnsti_ W of Sciences MSR, tuto of~ Autqmmation anI Tel=a=4s,- A adex hold iu*39ardh11960. A~lwid* range or scientific and technical questions mlatingto.tutomatid rigulation-and*aontrol in covered. Card 1/12 j; Automatic Regulation (Cont.) S07/6012 The articles am organized In maven sections, inoluding automatic control systems, automatio prooes* control, computing end decision- making devices, automation components and,deviess, statiniical methods in automation, theory of relay circuits and finite auto- Matlo systems, and automated electric drives. No personalities are mintioned. References are given at the end of each article. TANZ OF CONTRUTSt PART.%, AUTWTW CONTROL MIM Andreyohikov, D. 1. 2bi *ffect of dry friction and slippage " (play]-on orror during rsvorx* gear operation of serro- feed systwo 3c Andreyoblkov, D. 1. Dywolo accuracy of saahine tools with programmied oontrol 14 Card 2/3.2 Automatic Regulation (Cont.) sov/6012 Vorzheva" V. V. Obtainir4r; partial minimal forms of Boolean functions for avoiding race conditions in switching networks --Didenko., V._P,-' Xi.nimtzatJ~ on and construction methods for dge-structures in relay systems Kazakov, V. D.,and V. V. Naumenko. The realization of Boolean functions and Nrariables in contactless logical switching circuits by the additional determination method Kazakov, V. D. The f orm of minimal expressions of symmet- rical Boolean functions of an arbitrary number of var- iablep PART T.11. AUTOKATED ELECTRIC DRnM Vershinin, N. D. Application of the invariance pr�nciple in stabilizing the speed of d-c motors- Card 11/12 437 444 461 468 474- DIDENKO, V.P. Aimmam"m Concerning the drUcle Methods for minimitation and con- structionof relay-dOrlises with'bridge structure" published in xAvtomatidbeolcoe'i,4*agaUrovanie i upravloniep" M SSSR 1961. Artom. i telem. 24 no.52713 MY '63. (MIRA 164) Switching theory) Autamatia ontrol) ~ (Bridge aikits) DIDi;NK,,,', -'~. P. --- Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Physicomathematical Sciences at the Joint Scientific Council on Physicumathematical and Technical ~3ciences; Aboriarl Briuich 115ever-rl Degenerate Elliptical Systems and ~Uxed T. pe 5~,stems in Functional Spaces." Vestnik Alcad. Nauk, No. 4, 1963, pp 119-145 ACCESSION NR: AT4031772 8/0000/63/000/000/0222/0226 AUTHOR:. -Didenko, V. I P..- TITLE: Tabular-anklytical method of constiuoting bridge-4W relay-contact structures SOUJICE: AN SSSR. Strukt1irnayst teortya releyny*kh ustroyetv (Structural -theory of relay devioes). Moscow, Izd-vo AN) MR, 1963l 212-225 TOPIC TAGS: control system, automatic control, feedback, relay, bridge structure, relay -pontact structure ABSTILkCT: In the'authofjEl view, synthesis methods for bridge %ructures may be divided into two clasS0313, The firsit class Includes those methods which ujM as basic data Boolean functions in perfect normal form, which describe We operation of the relay circuits. The basic data are usually presented In the form of state tables. A defect of the methods of this group is the fact that, in mraV cases, the constructed circuits are not, as a rule, minimal In terms of the number of elements. The methods of the second class are based on the use of minimum expressions ot Boolean functiond as basic data, and either are applicable only when conob.-ucting a narrow class of systems or else are extremely -cumber- some, requiring as they do EL continuous graphic representation and analysis of the system Card 1/4 ACCESSIO14 NR: AT4031772 to be synthesized. In view of the need, therefore, for the further investigation and develop- ment of methods for building bridge-type structures, the author has proposed that such studies be oriented towards an assignment of the initial (bwte) data in the guise of minimal forms which are derived in advance from the operating conditions of the relay device. In the present paper, the author has suggested an analytic method for building-such bridge- type structures which is, in essence, a further development of the short-circuit methods and false-path analysis method originally proposed by M. A. Gavrilov (Minimizatsiya bulevy*kh funktsiy, kharakto-rizuyubhchikh releyny*ye tsept. likvtomatika i telemekhanika, v. 16, no. 15, 1952; Struktuirnaya teoriya releyny*kh ustroystv. Izd-vo MVO SSSPL. 1956). The method is general in nature tuad may be used in the construction of all known classes of functions, including (p, q)-networks. The method is based on the alternation of discrimina- tion operations for initial values a,, the discrimination of bridge elements R and the com- parison of working and forbidden states. The order in which the operations are described corresponds to the order in which they aro applied. The Bequ ience of operations is described in the article as follows: 1. Operationcr- is applied to a I-Oven (in mininial form) Booleim function. As a result of this operation, let there be sepaxated q initial olements: xjq x2o .. t "q- I- The presuribed 'funation is transformedso that the initial elements selected are removed from the Parenthesoo.. 3. 13T mexan at 91mrstlen -40, a c6eek to Card 2A. iL ACCESSION NR: AT.4031772 made of the possibility of ~Hscrlmlnattng the bridge element between.each pair of initial elements. 4. After the bridge el,.-ment has been separated, Thos. terms of the functions which contain it (that is, the bridge element) are placed In parentheses as constructed. 5. A review is made of all the tables which contain the initial elements xj, x2.... f xq. Ter ' s written on the same line mid not placedin parentheses in a single i6le containing Xi.Ri4q) give, in sum, a function, designated as fxi. All as yet unconstructed functions are determined. 6. Operation 05 Is applied to function fxi. 7. Operation/9 is applied to each pair of Initial elemdnta so compiled that the first element of the pair Is discriminated 'toy the second application: of operation a-, and the second element by the first application 9f operationc&. 8. If new terms arise during the separation of the bridge element, operation_Y is applied. 9. Rule 5 is repeated for function fxit. 1. 10. Rule G is re- eated for the initial elements separated by the third application of operation (-t.. 11. Operation /9 is applied to each pair of initial elements, such as that the new element of the pair was separated by the second application of operation ff-, and Ile second element - by the third application of the same. operation. 12. If new terms arise during operation/z?, rule 7 is repeated. The article contains an example showing the application of the method to the synthesis of the bridge structure of a multicycle (1, E~-natwork. The advantages of the Card 3/4 ACCESSION NR- AT4031772 method discussed in the article consist in Its applicability to the synthesis of any classes of circuits and in its consideration of all conditions for structural simplification. More- over, the method readily lends itself to mechanization, sincelt Is equivalent to a verifica- tion of discriminated bridge elements by forbidden states. The Initial elements are separated by computing on a calculator the number of their appearances in Oe function. The formation of the circuit during the construction proceisd may be tabulatdd. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 6 tables and 8 formulas, ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 14Nov63 DATE ACQ., 16Apr'64 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 002 SUB CODE. EC NO RE F SOV. 009 Card 4/4 - B&BIKOVA, Natallya Ivanovna; DIDENKO Valentina SeqZgyev ZOIKOVSKIY, "'e- -Ni-na Mikkwylovna; ISHKOVA, A.K., Dmitriy Yakovlevich; TMET O-VZE; na_;_ red.; GROMOV, A.S., tekhn. red. (Work organization in a workshop for the seving of custom-made clothes] Organizatsiia truda v atelle individuallnogo poshiva odezhdy. Moskva., Gostorgizdato 1962. 229 p.' (MA 15:6) (Clothing industry-Job descriptions) SOV/91-59-1-3/26 A UTHORS: Didenko, V.V., Pankratov, G.M., Zagineers and Shcheglov,7.F., dindida-fit, -of Technical Sciences TITLE: Improving FueL-Conveying Operations (Uluchsheniye raboty toplivo.podachi.) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 1, pp 9 - 12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The technicians of the thermoelectric power plant at Fumer-- tau introduced several changes in the coal supply system to eliminate the drawbacks of the very humid Bashkir coal. The changes elaborated by the plant, in Cooperation with VTI, are listed and described. The heating system has been expanded to prevent coal freezing during the winter, all conveying belts have been equipped with textolite belt clean- ers. Thus, both the reliability of the whole fuelling system was raised and personnel was reduced. The only difficulty re- mains the unloading of the frozen coal from RR trucks. There are 2 tables and 2 graphs. Card 1/1 DIDENKO Vikto-r-le-Mmoyl9h; DMITRIYEV, Miklmil Mil-thaylovich; LEYTES, Viktor ~~~amovich; OBUKHOSK37, Yakov Hironovichl; LIBEIWuW, S.S., red. iz&- va; ANDPJ=, S.F., tekbn. red. [Organization of the coke industry] Organizataiia koksokhimicheskop proizvodstva. Khartkov, Gos. naucbno-tekbn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernai i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1961. 462 p. (MIRA 14:10), (Coke industU) ARKHIPOV, Yu.P., starshiy prepodavatell; DTPEIIKO__YXe., assistent; KUTASDI, B.P., dotsent Compounding synchronous generators with carbon pile voltage regulators ('RU11n) on tank vessels of the "Kazbek" type. Biul. tekh.-ekoh. inform. Tekh. upr. Min.mor flota 7 no. 8: 37-47 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Odesskoye vysshere inzhenernoye morskoyo uchilishche. (Tank vessels) (Electricity on ships) DIDMIKO, Viktor Yevdok-JILovichy aspirant 1-1-1 1 1. 1. Determination of' frequency characteristics of automatic control systems. Izv. v~rs. ucheb. zair.; elektromek-h. 7 no.9-.1112--1115 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Kafedra sudovoy elektroaltomatiki i elektrooborudovaniya sudov Odesskogo vysohego inzhenernogo morskogo uchilishcha. VODNEY, G.G.; S191110Y, A.K.; Y .; FILIPPOV, B.S.; TSAM, 4.N.; ZASHVARA, V.G.; LITVINMO %LAYM-1 1W, . . -, XW, K.P.; MOLODTSOV, I.G.; LGALOV. X.I.; RUBIN, P.G.; SAPOZHNIKOV, L.M.; TYUTYUNNIXOV, G.N.; DKITRIYKV, M.K.; LEYTES, V.A.; LKRNKR, B.Z.; K&DVXDX7, S.M.; REVIAKIN, A.A.; TAYCHER, M.M.; TSOGLIN, M.N.; DVORIN, S.S.; BAK, A.I.; OBUKROV- SLIT, Ya.M.; KOTHY.-L.M.; ARONOV, S.G.; VOLDSHIN, A.I.; VIROZUR, Ye.V.; SHVARTS, S.A.; GINSBURG, Ta.Ye.; KOLYANDR, L.Ya.; BEUTSK&U, A.F.; MHNFJWICH, N.R.; BRODOVICH, A.I.; NOSAILEVICH, I.M.; SHTROMBERG, B.I,; MIROSH11IGHENKO, A.M,; KOFZLIOVlCH, V.H.; TOPORKOV, V.Ya.; AFONIN, K.B.; GOFTXLN, M.V.; SEMLNENKO, D.P.; IVANOV, Tei.B.; FZYSAKHZON, I.B.; KuLkKov, K.K.; IZRAZLIT, E.M.; RVASBA, A.S.; EAFTILN, S.I.; CHEMYEH, M.S.; SHAPIRO, A.I.; KRAIABUZA.Ri. G.S., SIXT, P.Ye.- WAY, L.I.; SKULISON, A.S. Boris losifovich Kustov; obituary. Koks I Ichim. no.2;64 '55.(MLP-A 9:3) (Xustov, Boris losifovich, 1910-1955) ,V ARONOV, Samuil Grigorlyevich; BAUTIN, Ivan Grigorly-evich; VOLKOVA, Zoya And.reyevaa; VOLOSHIM, Arkbip Illich; VIROZUB, Yevgeniy Vladimirovich; WAY, Lev Izrailevich, Z Viktor Tefimovich; ZASHKVARA, Vasi- liy Grigort evich.; IVANOVkwvle~ AleksandrovLqh. KUSTOV, Boris losifovich Neceased]; KOTOV. Ivan Konstantinovich; KOTKIN, Aleksandr Matvevevich; KOMANOVSKIY, MakBim Semenovich; L&YTHS, Viktor Abramovich, MOROZ, Mikhail Yakovlevich; NIKOLAYEV, Dmitr:ty Dmitriyevich. OBUKHOV- SKIY Yakov Mironovich; RODSHTEYR, Pavel Moiseyevich; SAPOZHNIKOV. Yakov Yudovich, SENICB]INKO. Sergey Yefimovich; TOPORKOV. Vasiliy Yakovlevich; GHKRMNv.XH Mikhail Sergeyevich; CHERKASSKAYA, Esfir, Ionovna. SHVARTS, Semen Aronovicho SHJ04AN, Mikhail Yakovlevich, SHYARTS, Grigoriy Alekiiandrovich; LIBF04AN, B.S., redaktor Izdatell- stva; ANDREY3V, S.F., tokhnicheekly redaktor [Producing blast furnace coke of uniform quality; a collection of articles for the disemmination of advanced practices] Poluchenie domennogo koksa postoiannogo kachestva; sbornik atatei po obmenu peredovym opytom. Kharskov, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi. i tsvetnoi metallurgii. 1956. 300 P. (MLRA 9:8) (Coke industry) -T#.; TUREV, M.N.; 2MITRIYEV, M.M.-, LEYTE DIpAOQ,,j, S, V.A.; OBUKHOVSKIT, Ta.m.; IVANOV, Ye.B.,; CHE OK, V.T.; URSALENKO, R.N.; KRIGZR, I.Ya.; PINCHU. A.K.; AFTONINKO, H.Z.; SMULISON, A.S.; VASILICB3NKO, S.I.; DHASHKO, A.M.; RAU7311Y. B.N.; KIJCHIRTAVENKO, D.N.; SAVCHUK. A.I.: ZHURAVLEVA, L.I.; BILUTIN, I.G.; KHRIYENKO, V*.Ya.; MOSENKO, N.K.; CE3- BONENKO, G.P.; LISSOV, L.K.; MAMONTOV, V.V.; BELUKU, A.A.; POYDTJN,V.Y.; VOLODARSKIY, M.B.; IfAl'CHE:NKO, G.D.; ILEVCHF 0, V.M.-, BA .07, A.A.; VORCBOYEV, M.F.; ILICHENTO, L.I.; PODSHIVALOV, F.S.; MOGILONYY, P.P.; LEVI, A.R.; VAbLTATDV, G.P.; DOMV, V.V.; OSYPA, S.S.; SAMOrALOV,G.K.; POMIN, A.F.; LESHCHINA, A.I.; PANKKLIBKRG, G.Ye.; XHODANKOV, A.T.; MAEAR J.S.; KAKFOVA, K.K.; VASILENKO, I.M.; VOLOSHCHUK, A.S.: SEXL- KOV, A.K.; FILIPPOV, B.S.; TYUTYUNNIKOV, G.N.; DOLINSKIY, M.Yu.; NIKI- TINA, P.P.; MEDVEDXF, S.M.; TSOGLIN, M.E.; LERNER, R.Z.; BOGACHXV. V.1. Mihail IAkovlevich Koroz; obituary. Koks i '56.(MLEA 9:8) (Moroz, Mikhail IAkovlevich, 1902?--1956) BARDIN, I. ; BMUN, R. ; B31MIN. N. ; BClTKp V. - BORISOV, A. ; BTCHKOV. V. ; AASHENKO, S.; VINOGRUOV, V.; VI&MiiiSKIY, A.; VODnV. G.; DVORIM, S.; DZELPARIM, Ye.; DIUXONOV, N.; ZHUUVLRV, S.; unkRoy. A.; IVANOV, I.; KIA~46Y-, M.; NOLTADA, G.; KOROBOY. P.; LISKOV, A.; LMCH, L.; LYUBIMOV. A.; M11LISHKIN, S.-, MYRTSYMOV, A.; PUTSIV, M.; PSTRUSEA, F.; PITXRSKIYj A.; POPOV, I.; RkYZIR, D.; -ROZHX0V. A.; SAPOZHNIKOV, L.; SZDCY, P.; SOKOLOV, P.; TXVOSYAN. I.; TIKHONOV, N.; TISHCHMO, S.; FILIPPOV, B.; FOMENKO, N.; SHILKOV, A.; SHUMTOYEV, A. Fedor Aleksandrovich Markulov.. Koks i '56. (MIRA 9:12) (Markulov, Fedor Aleksandrovich, 1900-1956) DOFJWO, V.To-., red.; OBUKROVSKIY, U.K.. red.; LEYTES. V.A., red.; H.H., risd,; NAUHOV, V.I., rad.izd-va; XIXHATLOTA, Y.Y.. t6khnaed. [Improvement in technical control in the coal-tar chemical industry; a collection of articles] Soverehanstvovania tekhnichenkogo kontrolia koksokhimichaskogro proizvodstva; sbornik statei. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1958. 360 p. (MIRA 11:5) (Coal-tar industry) yj7 19 H 4 2 ti till DIDENKO, --- - Tasks for the improvement of the quality of blast-furnace cokep facing the coke and doal chemicals plants in the Ukraine. Koks i khim. no.11: 29-35 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Sovet narodnogo khc,zyaystva UkrSSR. DIDENKO., V.Ye. 0 inzh. Blast furnace coko from Ukrainian by-product coke plants. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.5131-33 S-0 163. (MIU 16:11) 1. Ukrainskiy sovot narodnogo khozyaystva. DIDENHOll ' Obj"tiva in tho improvement of cr-ke industry b-prcducts. Moto i gornorudo D-MMit iio.4-52-5~,. "I-Ag 'U, -18:7) (1-UMA -tea. 1, WkTainskly scvet ng.rodnogo khczyayst DIDENKOP Ya. A inzh. (Sverdlovsk) Rails with vanadium eAditives. Put' i put.. khoz. 6 no.8:31 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Railroads--Itails) (Vanadium si;eol) 15(6) 30V/72-5)-1-14/16 AUTHORS: Sedov, S. S., Didenko, Ye. D. TITLE: Tank Furnace Vitb-Tre_S_u,~e d, Processing Tank (Vannaya pechl s umen'shennym vyrabotochnym basseynom) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr 1, PP 114-44 (USSF) ABSTRACT: In processing tanks of largle volumos the blending of glaSS metal is not sufficient and leads to-waste in the case of the production of glass containers. The fi,-ure shows a tank furnace with a passage being operated at the Simferopollskiy steklotarnyy zavod (Simferopol' Work for Glass Containers). The maximum melting temperature of glass is 1485 + 10 0 and 665 kg of glass metal are obtained from 1 m2 of t-he surface. The temperature in the p:rocessing -tank is 12500- In order to provide for a better blending of the glass metal the glassy surface of the processing tank was reduced from 6.1 to 1.77 m 2. Three semi-automatic machines VShM with supply pipes for the production of 3--liter bottles are con- nected with this furnace. The supply pipes are not heated and supply 16 drops per ininute. After reduction of the pro- ceasing tank the output rose from 4.3 uD to 14.8 t per 1 m2 Card 1/2 of its surface. This furnace conversion brought about a con- Tank Furnace With Reduced Processing Tank SOV/72-59-1-14/16 siderablo improvement of the quality of glass metal. The output of first-class bottles amounted to 20,000 pieces per day with a 13~ waste. There is 1 fi.-ure. ASSOCIATION: Simferopol'skiy steklotarnyy zavod (Simferopol, work for Glas3 Containers) Card 2/2 15(2) SOV/72-59-6-9/18 AUTHORS: Didenko, Ye. D., Dobrovinskiy, M. B. -------------- TITLE: Foeder Charging of the Semiautomatic Machine VShM in the Manu- facture of 10-liter Glass Bulbs (Fidarnoye pitaniye poluavtoma- tov VShM pri vyrabotke 10-litrovykh butyley) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr 6, PP 38 - 42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Up to now the Simferopollskiy steklotarnyy zavod (Simferopol' Factory for Glass.-Vossels) manufactured 10-liter glass bulbs with manual charging of tho semiautomatic machine VShM. This was very inconvenient, reducod the output of the semiautomatic machine, and deteriorated the quality of the glassvyare. On the basis of experience in the feeder charging of the semiautomatic machine VS11M during the manufacture of three-liter glass-bulbs, cooperators of the Factory fitted the feeder in such a way that glass-dropa of 2,,t kg can be obtained which are required for the manufacturo of ton-liter glass-bulbs. The feeder MP-1 chargep two semiautomatic machines VShM at a rate of from 6 to 6.5 drops of 2,4 kg per minute (Figs I and 2). Further,the authoxs give the most suitable glass composition. Temperature in tho Card 1/2 operation basin should be maintained at 12400, whilo the moi;t Feeder Charging of the Semiautomatic Machine Uhl' in SOV/72-59-6-9/la the Manufacture of 10-liter Glass Bulbs 0 favorable temperature for glass-drops is 1045 � 5 . Moreover, a cam (ku:Lachok) was constructed which guarantees drops of the desired shape (Figs 3 and 4). The Factory designed and con- structed a drop distributor which supplies three semiautomatic machines. It is constructed in a simple manner and can be manu- factured in any factory for glass-vessels. If there is compressed air of 1.5 atmoBplieres absolute pressure available, a drop dis- tributor with pneumatic drive is recommended (Fig 5). By use of a mechanically driven d.rop distributor (Fig 6) an air pressure of 0.8 atmospheres absolute pressure is sufficient. The work of the operating staff was facilitated by the introduction of feeders with drop distributors, which resulted further in a de- crease in rejects by 7% as well au in increasing output by 19.5% of every automatic machine. There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATION; Simferopollskiy steklotarrLyy zavod (Simferopol' Factory for Glass-VessGls) Card 2/2 DIDENKO. Ye.D- Using annonium sulfate to intensify the melting of glass, Stek. i ker. 18 no.6:33-34 Je 161. (MIRA V,:7) (Glass manufaoture) (Ammonium sulfate) DIDMO,-.Ye.De; KAWSHMOVAP J1.1, Hydraulic fracturing wilth slosfly- flowing fluids. Neft. khoz. 39 no.3:41-43 Mr 161. - (MIRA 16:7) (Oil wells-itrdraulic fracturing) DIDENKC.9 Ye.D. [Dideziko, E.D.] Diran heating tanh, Nrnaces fired with razut. Leh Drom, nn.3; 38-41 A.-S ?65. iviRA 18:9) DIDENXO, Yu. A. DID121KO, Yu. A.: "The function of the Moscow, 1955. Min Defense USSR. Chair Field Surgery, Military Faculty of the Training of Physicians. (Dissertation of NEDICAL Sciences) Icidneys in burn woundsn. of Clinical and Military- Central Inst for Ad-mnced for the Degree of Candidate SO: Knizhnava Letopis' No. 51,, 10 December 1955 -DIDMKO Yu.A., kandidat moditilinkikh nauk No Kidney function in burna. Xhirurgiia no-5:12-17 My 156. (MLRA 9:9) 1. It kafedry klinicheakoy khtrurgii (Zav.-prof. A.S.Rovnov) TSentrallnogn inatituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (KIDNNYFUNCTION TMS. in various diseases, burns (Rue)) (BUM. physiology. kidney funct. .(Rua)) DIDINKO, TuA., Mayor meditsiuskoy sluzhby. kandidat meditsinskikh nauk turbance of the filtration and reaboorption function of the kidneys in burns. no.12:,18-23 D 156. (MIRA 10:3) (BURZ. compl. filtration & reabstOption funct. disord. of kidneys) (KIDNEY DISILASICS, stiol'. and pathogen. filtratioa & reabsorption dieord. caused by burns) DIDEMUS, F.F. Affect of road building on the cost of traitaportation. Avt. dor. 20 no.2:32 7 157. MRIL io:4) (RoPA construction--Estimates and costs) (Transportation, Automotive--Cost of operation) BUKHAYEV, V.P., inzh.; GE1,1FAND, S.I., inzh.; DTDEjUrJIS,_F_F_; KALERT, A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk., prof.; NIKISHIR, M.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; TSENYUGA, H.S., inzh.; KOVRIZHNYKH, L.P., red.; BODANOVA, A.P., tekhn. red. (Study of lightweight improved road pavements of the north- western part of the U.S.S.R.]Issledovanie oblegchennykh uso- vershenstvovannykh pokrytii avtomobilInykh dorog severo- zapadnoi chasti SSSR. LBy]V.P.Bukhaev i dr. Pod red. A.A.Kalerta. Moskva, Avtotransizdat, 1962. 124 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Russia, Northwestern.-Pavements) DIDF.RIK-TS., F.F. flow the change in the price level affeclus the pi- -1' noriaJist accumulations. Trudy LIDI no.44:71-87 16.3. Various methods for calculating natioiliil [:rodu-t.lon and their relative advantages and deficient~ies. Concerning several -mistakes by 11-1. Dreev in "Value ind proportions of surplus labor dlistribution." in "Voprosy okon.omiki," no.6 1961. IbJ.d.:113-118 (: 1 1; tA 17: 9 1 DIMRIMS, F,F. I Ueti of the quantitative models of eypar;ded reprcd-t-.%'-'c:r~ I-Cr the analysls ef the propertics of prIce dfstenm~natllori systems. Trudy 11F.'~ no.5:166-89 165. ~ ~-. F.A 18, 6), ~T) " - .1 .. -1 ", 1 .1 :-'*1 ~. A .(& UrAslqvla" P. S.) e--. -1 " -!;,. 1 .1 1) ;) . -:,;, !!-111-151 AUSHINO Vasiliy Sergeyevich; SARKISOV, Ashot Arakelovich; ALIKIEGIVICH, A.V., inzh., retsenzent; GRE241LOV, D.I., kand. telffin.imuk., retsenzent; DIDEYKIN, T.S., retsen- zent; BORISHANSKUY, V.11., dokt61r___'~.-5R1, nauchMy red.; 811BU4011, Yu.I.., red.; KRYAKOVA, D.M., tekhn. red. [Vuelear power reactor,-I] Energeticheskie inderkye reaktor~,. Leningrad, Gos. soiuznc,e izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl., 1961. 370 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Nuclear reactors) D IDEY KIN, T. S. Kinetics of a reactor at the end of the subcritical stato. Inzb.-fiz. zhur. 6 no.11%90-96. N 163. (MIRA 16:11) 4315-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5022941- expressed in units'of the effective multiplication factor. The system of equations describ- ing the behavior of the instantaneous fission neutron density and of the delayed neutrxin sources within a reWtDr existing at the initial Instant of time in a suberitIcal state ic expressed as d'n aj A kn - ajn L~ so lit- (2) do, 2, 6. where bi + A k0); f, (3) 14 A ko n and cl represent the insbintaneous fission neutron density and the delayed neutron sources of the i-th group. The author derives, among others, expressions determining the phase-frequency characteristics oftlie subcrIUcal reactor and the relaticj3B betWeen tic i parameters of the sinusoldally var:Vlng. reactivity with the amplitude and the constant component of neutron densily. An estimate of the accuracy.of the solutionB is also given. OrIg. art. has: 33 formulas, 2 fiL and I table 'o Card. -2/3 L 2542Z-66 tff ACC NR:- AP6010489.~ SIDURC."; CODE: UR/0201/65/000/Oo3/000~/0010' 32, AUTHORS: Dideykin,'T'.' Sai Myznikov, I.,V. 43 ORG: none TITLE: Frequency characteristics of a suborit-ical react(IL 71 q'ISOURCE: AN BSSR. Vestsi. Seryya fizika-tekhn'Lchnykh navLik no. 3j 1965,5-10 :A TOPIC TAGS:* subcrtitical reactor, frequency characteristic, prompt ineutron, nuclear reactor characteristic ABSTMCT: The authors present equations and plots for,the phase- frequency, and amplitude-frequency characteristics of a suberitical reactor with *different -degrees of,initial subcriticalities. The plots are obtained on the basis of the equations using a fission olprompt-neutron lifetime 0f:5 x 10 see.. The -5 .,",-,high frequencies (co > I wb(' re X-10 sec) the depth of.sub- criticality greatly ihfluencei3 the.variation of the reactivity Card L 25427-66 ACC oscillations with the phase., although the phase-frequency character- Istic is also influenced by the suberiticality at lower frequencies. At lower freque'noieso an increase in the deptli of suberiticality is equivalent. to either a decreai3e in the effective fraction of the de- layed neutrons, orto an increase of the decay, constant. The depend- ~Aence of the frequency.on the criticality can be used both to monsto'r the approach of the reactor to the-critical state, and for experi- mental determination of of suberiticality. -In the case~of the amplitude-frequency ebarac 'teristics, the effect.of the depth of suberiticality is strongest'at low.frequencies, and this can serve as a practical method' 'of detennining the depth of Buberiticality.for a to~ deterkine- the known amplitude of introduced reactivity, or else efficiency-of the regulator..for a specified..depth.of suberiticality. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and. 10 formulas.'.t," SUB CODE:. P-61 -,-'SUBM'.DATE none/ ORIG REF., 002 d: ar 2 2 .4. Q. I DIlj)jCjj7.,TVC., t~. S.- "Raising ..tybrid miLlberrv seet-s." lVin Hirher Education USSR. Tashkent Agricultural irst. T:ishkent- 1956. C~ , (Dissertations for Degree of Doctor in Apricultural Sciences). SO: knizlinays Letonis' No. 22, 1956 DIDIDZE, K.S., jazh.; PIRADOV, A.B. Simplified design of pierIwings of highway bridges. Avt.dor. 22 (i.e.231 no.9:23-24 S 60. (MITA 13:9) (Bridges-Foundations 9,nd piers) 1. DIDIDZE j M. g. 2. USSR (600) 4. Electric Motors, Induction 7. Making a circuit diagram of an asynchronous motor on the basis of catalogue da i; Ivithout data on experiments in idle running and short circuiting). Soob. AN Gruz. SSSR, 11, no. 5, 1950. 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Librar~f of Congress, April _ 1953, Uncl. 8(0) SOV/1 12-59 -2-3197 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr Z, p 138 (USSR) AUTHOR: Dididze, M. TITLE: On the Problem of Determining Errors in Measurement of Reactive Power (K voprosu opredeleniya pogreshnostey izmereniy reaktivnoy moshchnosti) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gruz. politekbn. in-ta, 19 57, Nr 5 (53), pp 39 -49 (summary in Georgian) ABSTRACT: General expressions of error in the measurement of reactive power in single-phase and three-phase AC circuits are presented that depend on correction factors and on wattmeters used in the one-instrument, two- instrument, and three-instrument methods. A relation is found between the parameters of the measured single-phase circuit and the correction factor of the varmeter used; complete formulae for errors of reactive power for this case are deduced. Similar formulae are deduced for measuring the reactive power in a three-phase circuit by one, two, or three wattmeters or varmeters. Card 1 /Z SOV11 12-59-2-3197 On the Problem of Determining Errors in Measurement of Reactive Power An analysis of the expressions obtained is offered; specifically, an influence is determined of the load phase asymmetry upon the error in measurement of reactive power. The conclusion is drawn that the above expressions can aid in determining the error in measurement of reactive power, though the error proper is a conditional concept. A - M. 1. Card 2/2 DTOIDzii:j Errors ~f* Dower .. t paramet.~rs c~f the o I e,,trlna I nf-k.w,rv,,. 'I -t,~ i~~ (' I 1-, 1. ~-. . j_,-) ; -., 3, (I i - ,, :.,~ ACC NR: AF7008868 SOURCE CODE: UR/0105/66/000/008/0095/0095 AUTHOR: Abelishvill, L. G.; Alltgauzen, A. Ps; Baycher, M. Yu.; Gabashvili, N. M. S.; Yefroyrnovich, Yu. Ye.; Mtiya, A. K.; Kupradze, G. D.; Kurdiani, I. S.; Netushil, A. V.; Nikollskiy, L. Ye.; Razmadze, Sh. M.; Svenchanskiy, A. D.; Smelyanskly, M. Ya.; Tkashelashvili, G. K. ORG: none TITLE: Professor GrIgoriy Artemyevich Sisoyan (on his 70th birthday) SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 8, 1966, 95 TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering personnel, electric furnaco, academic personnel SUB CODE: 09 ABSTRACT: G. A. Sisoyan graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute in 1931. In 1932 he went to work at the Georgian Polytechnical Institute In the theoretical and general electrical engineering department. Sisoyan has worked and published many works In the area of electric furnaces. He has also worked in the area of Investigation of electric spark action. He has published over 50 scientific worim. He has also been active in university r-__ level teaching. Orig. art. hast 1 figure. /,JYRSt 38,336/- DIDIDZE R.A - CHAGUNAVA, Me _. p Production of manganese carbonate from-manganese carbonate ores. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 38 no.3-567-57,4 Je--165. (MTRA 18:12) 1. Institut neorganichepkoy khimii i elektrokhimii AN GruzSSR. Submitted Febr. 23, 1965. DIDIDZE, TS.Ye. 11~ Nonassociative free sums of algebras witb amalgamated subalgebram. So6b. AN Gruz. SSR 18 no.1:11-17 J& 157. NLRA 10*-5) 1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinakoy SSR. Thilieskiy matematichaskiy Institut Im. A.M. Ranmadzn. Predstavleno cblenom-korrespondantom Akademii G.S. Choroshvili. (Algebra, Abstract) AUTHOR: Dididze., Ts.". (I"OSC017) 3 TITLE: Nonassociative Frec ',;ums of AIC;cbras With United Subali-obra (Neas sots itedvilyye 8V0bLdAyye al.[,,obr s ob"yedinenno*y ~odalgebroy) PERIODICAL: Yatematichoski.- Sbornil:,1~57,7ol-43,1'r 3,PT).379-3c,,6 (USSR) ADSTU.CT: The present paper consists of 5 para..,;Taphs. In ~- 1 the notion of the algebra ;~maleam is inLroduced (as an enalocue to the group amc.lgam). Some theorens on the Possibility of embedding the amalGam into ~n al.-ebra are proved. In C 2 the notion of an aloebra which is free over a subalgobra is intro(luced. Cn this basis in ~ 3 the description of the sulialaobras of a free sum of algebras urith a united subalrebra is given with the aid of a ir,.ethod of 7"itt [Ref- 71. The consiJered free sum is subject to a restricting condition, the necensity of which is proved by an example in t, 4 . In the last ~ 5 the connection between different decompositions of an alc-;ebra into a free sum of aleebras nith a united subalg~ebra is con- sidered. 2 3oviet and 5 foreign references are quoted. SUB1.11TTED: 16 June 1IQ56 AVAILABLE: Library of ConE;ress Card 1/1 1. Algebra-Theory 6 9151 S/139/59/ooo/o6/0o7/034 9032/1114 AUTHORS: Gordadze, G.S., Dekanosidze7 Ye, Makharadze, D.2 Dididze,D~Ls,- TITLE: ---D- t e Limits.of Accuracy of the Molecular Orbital given by James PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyq Fizikaq 1959, Nr 6, pp 1+2-1+7 (US&R) ABSTRACT: The aim of thV present world was to study the ground state of the ion H2 using the James function (Ref 6) and to compare the potential curve obtained with the aid of this function with the accurate potential curve for this system in the lsag (Ref 2). Such a.comparison enables an estimate to be made of the accuracy of the molecular orbital (MO) obtained by James. +James's MO for the ground 1sag state of the ion H2 is determined by the function given by Eq (1), where 6 and a are the variation parameters and W and )i +are the elliptical Card coordinates of the electron in the H2 ion with the nuclei at a fixed distance R from each other. The elliptical coordinates are defined by Eq (2) in which 69151 S/139/59/000/06/007/034 B03 2/Elll+ On the Limits of Accuracy of the Molecular Orbital given by James ra and rb are the distances between the electrons and the nuclei a and b of the H+ ion. Using the 2 usual variational method, James found that the binding energy of the ion is D(H+) = 2.772 ev. The speptros- 2 copic energy (Ref 7) is 2.791 ev. This satisfactory agreement was obtained with 6 = 1.359 m = 0.4475, and R = 1.06 1. Since the binding energy gives such a good agreement with experiment, the problem to whether it is possible to obtain the entire potential curve of the above ion with the aid of the James function (Eq 1). To carry out this programme the energy of the ion is taken to be in the form of Eq (8) in which the various parameters Involved are defined by Eqs (g)-(16). In order to calculate the parameters 6 and cL corresponding to the minimum of the energy given by Eq (8), the syst6m of nonlinear algebraic equations given by Eq (17) must be solved with the aid of Eq (8), and Card the auxiliary functions.given by Eqs (g)-(16). The 2/)+ solution of Eq (17) gives a. system of equations of the form of Eq (18) and the substitution of these into Eq (8) 69151 S/139/59/000/06/007/034 9032/9111+ On the Limits of Accuracy of the Molecular Orbital given by James gives.the potential curve of the ion in the lso state, i.e. 9 =: H(R). Numerical analysis of the problem for R = l.o6 I = 2.003 au showed that a = O.W75 and 6 = 1.253, which satisfies.Eq (17) to 1 part in 1000. The results of the numerical analysis are summarized in the Table on p 45, in which the first column gives the value of the distance in au, the fourth column gives the value of -E according to the present paper (in au), and the fifth column gives the value of -9 given in Ref 2 by Bates., Ledsham and atewart . The last column gives the percentage deviation of' the results obtained in the present work. As can be seen, the molecular orbital given by James may be used in the approximate analysis of molecular problems only in the internuclear distance range 1.7K. R -4,:- 3.0 au. Moreover, the binding energy in the 1sag s.tate as-calculated in the present paper Card differs by only 0.251% fron the experimental value. 3/4 There are 2 tables and 8 referencesq of which 5 are English and 3 Soviet. 69151 S/139/59/000/06/007/031+ 9032/E114 On the Limits of Anuracy of the Molecular Orbital given by James ASSOCIATIONs Gruzinskiy pol-itakhnicheskiy institut Imeni V.I. Lenina (Georgian Polytechnical Institute imeni V.I. Lenin) 59BMITTED: February 9, 1959 Card I+A e nmilms, TS.Te. Free nonassociative sums of algebrrao with an arbitrary united sub- algebra. Soob.AN Gx,us.SSR 24 no..5:519-521 W 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Vyehielitelln" teentr AN Grus=. Predstavleno chlenomkorres- pondentom Akademli O.S.Chopshvili. (Algebra) DIDIDZE) TS.Ye. (Tbilisi) Subalgebras of nonassociative j~ree s=s of &*-k- as with an axbttrary joint subalgebra. Mat. abor. 54 no.lt381-384 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Alpbra, Abstract) RILUADZE, L.S., kand. takhn. naukj_.DIDIVZI,2 Vol~,p ii,zh. Lightweight line autoclaved concrete on a base cf volrwdo slag* Stroi, mat. 10 no.9s28-29 8 164 (~~JR;k 18:2) NIKOLA'YEV, V.; KROSHM, A. (Temir-Tau); VLODOV, P., inzh. (Ost:rogozhsk, Vorbnezhskoy obl.); BOGDANGV, A. (Arkhangel'skaya obl.),* ZPWOGHKIN, G.; RENKOV, V. fRiga); KALININ, V. (Riga); CRASALIYA, Sh.; PI -M,, A, (Le-khdenpokhtya, Karel'skoy ASSR); D SDELIND(OV, A. Advice of specialists. Za xvl. 20 no.12:20-21 D 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Mqtor vehicles) TRUBACHOV, T., Inzh.;-DIDIKOV, K.-D Organizing coordimted operations at transportation plants. Zhel.dor-transp.36 no-5:113-25 MY '55. 04IRIt 12:5) (Railroad engineering) TALAIAUV, Ye..D.; DIDIKOV, K.D. Some problems of specialization and. cooperation In transport enterprises. Zhel.dor.transp. 37 no.1-19-24 Ja '56. (MLRA 9:3) 1. Zamestitell nachalta" planovo-ekonanichaskogo upravleniye. ministerstv&putey soobahcheniya (for Talglevey)' 2. Nachallnik proizvodstvennogo otdels, Glavnogo upravloniya lokomotivoremotnymi zavodami (g.Didikov) 349c;q R/'004/62/000/002/001/002 D014/1)105 LUTHORS: Roman, P., Rittenberg, V.,,Didiv., B., and BLa'nel, B.,(Bucharest) TITLE: Production of high-purity silicon single crystals PERIODICAL: Electrotchnica, no. 2-3, 1962, 41 - 52 TEKT: The article deals with the principles of pure silicon manufacture and investigations conducted by ICET - Institutul de cercet~iri electrotchnice (Electrotechnical Research Institute) on the production of high-purity siliccii single crystals for transistors and rectifiers. The authors discuss the pro- duction of silicon bars by the reduction of trichlorosilane with hydrogen on a specially shaped tantalum wire, and the production of high-purity p-type silicon single crystals by the zone melting process and the single crystal seed drawing method. Described are a zone melting installation and a single crystal seed drawing installation, both made by ICET. Silicon bars, 300 mm long and 16 mm C~ in diameter can be refined in the zone melting installation, supplying pure single silicon crystals with a resistivity of 30-300-flem. The seed drawing installation was built for 150-gr silicon charges, but only 55-80-gr charges Card 1/2 lti/004/62/000/002/001/002 Production of high-purity silicon ..... DO14/D105 were subjected to the seed drawing process. The diameter of the seed was 5-6 mm., while the silicon single crystals obtained were 100-110 nun long and 18-25 nun in diameter, with a resistivity of 10-150Scra. In a few exceptional cases, the single crystals had sections where resistivity exceeded 1,00ORcm. The results can be improved by increasing the purity of trichlorosilane and by using the method of decomposition on silicon. There are 18 figures and 1 table. The most important English-language reference reads as follows: W.G. Pfann: Trans. A.I.M.M.E.J. 197, 1952, 747. ASSOCIATION: ICET card 2/2 .8/19!4/62/000/012/051/101 D271/D308 AUTHORS: Rittenberg$ V Did.iv 9: ~B. and Roman,, P0 '77-7 TITLE: ainglo'crystals ob- .tained. by', i'zone -.malting PERIObIOAL:' Refer a iiynyy --ihuinal, Avtomatika i radioelektronikag 2 1962, `7 abst' at i 2-4-'l 3. b' (Studii vi no. .,. I V - 9 - ra cerce- k ad.* 9 1 no. 19 19629.%51-61 t9ii. metalui-gie. a RPR, ve-.7 (Ram*.; iummCriba Ru'e.. and Tr". TEXT: Dislocations'were~'detected by etching, It was f oand tkat die..; location diptributi6n and -density 4re.identic 'al in both longitu-- dinal and tra'nE;v'er'Be'oroi;s~sectionB,.and structure distortion-in the end-region.of--a single crystal is due to the-prosence'.0f impu- rities..: It -wa s*..-esta'blishod that dislocation density ~n a growing single crystal is. independent of the ~ dielocatton'density of etch-' ing. Interactioh'of,'diblocations and.doublets is considered.,Aftir thermal proceBBing, at 1350PO.-for .14,hou .rst polygonization of dielo- Card 1/2 44308 S/058/62/000/OiP-/o46/o48 A062/A101 AUTHORS: Rittenberg, V., Roman., P., Didiv, B. TITLE:- A simple method of preventing "whisker" formation in growth of silicon single crystals in vacuo PERIODICAI: Referativnyy zhurnal, Pizika, no. 12, 1962, 6, abstract 12-4-11sh ("Studii qi cerceta"ri metalurgie Acad. RPR", 1962, 7, no.'I, 115 116, Rumanian) TEKT: Formation of "whiskers" occurs in the zone melting process in vacuo as a result of the intensive evaporation of Si from.the melted zone and of the formation of a residue deposit on the inner surface of thequartz tube. When displacing the molten zone, the residue layer is coolled and contracted, which re- sults in the detaching of whiskers from the layer.. The whiskers,torn away, fall onto the sample which is being cleaned. As far as the admixtures evaporate first, the whiskers constitute a source contaminating the single crystal; moreover, they form.on the boundary between the solid apd liquid phases, crystallization centers that are obstacles to the growth df single crystals. To avoid these Ca~4 1/2 i I s/o58/62VO00/012/046/048 A simple method of preventing...'~" "A062/A101 phenomena, it is necessary to grixid, the inner surface bf the quartz tube with carborundum; this ensures a stForik cohesion of the layer, formed during evapora- tion, with the glass. There is'l reference. N. S. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2,/2 DIDIV, B.; RITTEIMERG, V.; ROHAN, P. Distribution of impurities in an ingot of semiconducting materiaks, starting from an alloyed tablet through repeated zone melting and with application to the alloying of silicon. Studii cerc mctalu:4-gie -1 no.1.63-72 102- ""' P. (Bacuresti); RITTENBERG, V. (Bucuresti); DIDIV, B. (Bucuresti) BALANEL, E. (Bucuresti) Obtaining high-purity silicon monocrjrstals. KLectrotehnica 10 nc.2/3* 41-52 F-Mr 162. 1. Colectiv la Institutul de Cercetari Electrotehnice. jjjTjL,,I'S S. str ..-n of -rdmal - 1 3 . (jhief, Veterinary A-iii-inistraLion, lain at4 ;,'usbandry and Jeteririary Lm'~cicnce-, Ninis~xy of ~igricult,tare. 11krairdali an:', Satsluk' -l. kDepuV chief, Jeterinar'v ~Jjainistrati,)ri, -.ain z.A-Td!dctI,aUD!., 01, Animal --liisbandry and jeterinary ,,iance' --inisrty of -~-ric;;lture, ;'krainian S.R). leluet-inary ~---ervicin~- of animal nusbamiry of mider t~~e o')n.- d'-Aicms of tne new or;-,aniza-,ional sLructure. SO: Ve-~e dnariya; v01. 31; ;-;o 5; IL"lair 1954 Uncl. GALU)) Pavol; MARON, Frantisek; VADOVIC, Jarolim; DIDKA, Ernest .1-1 - Single chamber washing machine for car wheel set cleaning. Zel dop tech 11 no.11:340-341 163. USSR / General Biology. Individual Development. Sex B Cells. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 4, 1959, No. 14351 Author : DLdkad2Le_,_.j.,_X, Inst : Academy of Sciences U83R Title : The Behavior of Directed Corpuscles in tho Development of Some Invertebrates OrIS Pub : Dokl. AN SSBR, 1957, 113, No 4, 901-904 Abstract : The author describes the behavior of directing corpuscles in Phyllodoce maculata, Cyclops sternuus and C. virldis, which leave the surface of the segmented egg, enter in- side and penetrate into the blaBtomeres or into the space between them. At the same time directing corpuscles may appear in any blaBtomeres, but not necessarily In the Card 1/2 1h USSR / General Biology. Individual Development. Sex B Cells. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - BloloSlya, No 4, 1959, No. 14351 primary sex cell, as was assumed by Geliker. Their presence in one or the other blasto- more is accidental and Is not connected with their definite effect. Apparently, directing, corpuscles which have penetrated inside do not have a definite function. -- 0. 1. Ivanova Card 2/2 DIDKO t A. R. , Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Treatmunt of chroni-, coronary insufficiency by ineans of tomentose colored j.,jilk vetch /Wstrapalus L.711 Dnepropetrovsk, 1960. 15 PP; (Ministry of Public Ilea I th-Ukrairii an Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Inst); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 26-60, 143) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5975 International Institute of Welding XII kongress Mezhdunarodnogo instituta i9varki, 29 iyunya - 5 iyulya 1959 v g. Opatii (Twelfth Annual Assembly of the International Institute of ~Velding, Opatija, June 29 - July 5, 1959) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961. 359 p. 3000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Natsionallnyy komitet SSSR po svarke. Ed. (Title page): G. A. Maslov, Docent; Translated from English, French, and Serbo-Croatian by N. S. Aborenkova, K. N. Belyayev, E. P. Bcogacheva, L. A. Borisova, K. V. Zvegintseva, V. S. Minavichev, and M. M. Sihelechnik; Managing Ed. for Literature on the Hot-Working of Metals: S. Ya. Golovin, Engineer. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for welding specialists and the technical personnel of various production and repair shops. Card l/jF Twelfth Annual Assembly (Cont.) SOV/5975 COVERAGE: The collection contains abridged reports presented and di 'scussed at the Twelfth Annual Assembly of the International Institute of Welding;% Reports deal with problems of welding and related processes used in repair work, repair techniques, and the problems arising in connection with the nature of the base and filler materials. Examples of repairing various parts are given, and the organization of repair operations in workshops and under field conditions is discussed. Economic aspects of welding and related processes as used in repair work are analyzed. No personalities are men- tioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: [Onl.y Soviet and Soviet-bloc reports are kiven here] Foreword PART 1. THE STUDY OF REPAIR-WORK TECHNIQUES (PROCESSES, METHODS, PREPARATION, HEATING..*AND OTHER TYPES OF PROCESSING CONTROL) Myuntsner, L. (Czechoslovakia). Welding of Broken Crankshafts 36 Card 2/9