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POIROVSKIY, V.M.; DIBINSKIY, V-G-- KORNIIAYZV, A.N. Effective use of Intrafarm pipelines for subsequent pumping of different petroleum products. Trudy VNIT NP no-5:137-147 '56. 1 (KLE& 9:8) (.Petroleum--Pipelines) DIBIZHEV, V.V. Association of perforated gastric ulcer and volvulus of the sigpoid, Xhirurgila no.6;75 Je 154. (MA ?':g) (INTZSTINAL OBSTRUCTION, complications, .*Peptic ulcer, perfo) (PMIC ULGAR. perforation. Ocompl., volvulus of sigmold) n3la.--mr, v.V. DIBIZHV:. V.V. -- "On the Surgical Removal, Resection, and Suture of the Spleen uncer Conditions of Its Hypoderjide Traumatic Rupture." Acad Med Sci USSR, Ordzhonikidze, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of' Candidate in IEDICAL SCIENCES) SO: 19TIZIMAYA LETOPISI (Book Register), No 42, October 1956, Moscow DIBIZMV, V.V. %W=WDI31Z.B1T V-V- (Ordzhonikidze, ul. Kayakovelcogo. d.2-2, k-v.2) QQ QiAb&U4Mk Conservative surgery in BubcutaneouB traumatic injury of the spleen (with summary in Inglish, P-159-1601 Yest.khir-78 no.6:91-94 Je 157 114MA 10:8) 1. 1z kafedry goBpitallnoy khirugii (zav. - prof. G-L-Shapiro) Severo-Goatinakogo meditsinskogo instituts (SPLON, wounds and Injuries surg., sparing) YEGO,'%~M, ;1.1.; j~.*,~.; G.V.; 'STAU41d? I.F. .'-come problems in tho d.Lub-mo.-Aic use of radioisotopes Cr irl Lne disterimination Of g5oLrointestinal hemorrhage and' labeled rood bongal in livi- furt-tion tests. Ve9L. A'Ni SSSR. 1.3 no.10: 7-7 0' 163. (1 ,UPL:t 17 - 6) .1 .1 T,";e- trel Inyy Nirlstuerstva zdrai--;-)khraz)eniyu *-,Sliri. TSFASMANt A.Z. (Moskva, Sadovo-Kudrinakaya 23, kv. 5); DIBIZIIEVA, G.V.,- !ICVALEV- SKIYJq YO.C. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of occult blood loss in gastric cancer by means of radioactive chromium. Vop. onk. 10 no. W4,18 t64. (MIRA 17.-Il) 1. Iz IV kafedry terapii (zav. kafedroy - chlen - korrespondent AMY SSSR prof. P.I. Yegorav) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovani- ya vrachey 1 11 KhirLirgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - dotsent V.I. Yani- shevskiy) Instituta eksperimantallnoy i klinicheskoy onkologii. AMN SSSR (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AP2i SSSR prof. N.N. Blokhin. TSFASMANI A.Z.; DIBIZHEVA, G.V. Metjodology for the determination of gastrointestinal hemorrhages by means of Cr5l. Ifed. rad. 10 no.6:19-22 Je 165. (MRA 18:6) 1. 4-yu kafedra terapii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. P.T. Yegorov) TSentrallnogo instituta usoveruhenstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva). . i IXIBLIKO M.; POCTOVA9 Z. DIBLIKIM.; POCTOVA, Z. Watch aggressive ground water. p.. 253 Vol. 35, no. 8j Aug. 1956 VODA TECHNOLOGY Prahas Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession Vol. 6v no. 2., 1957 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and H-12d Their Application, Part 2. - Ceraaics, Glass, Binders, Concretes. - Binders, Concretes and Other Silicate Building Materials. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 7, 1958, 22239 Author : M. Diblik, Z. Poctova Inst Title Concrete in Agressive Waters. Orig Pub Vodni hospodarstvi, 1957, No 10, 277-278 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 DIBLIKY II.; POCTOVAI Z. "Heyerl s test to determne C02 with aggressive property against CaO.11 P. 235* VODNI HOSPODARSTVI. (Ustredni sprava vodniko hospodarstvi). Praha., Czechoslovalda,, No. 5, May 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (ETAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncle.. DIBNER, A. F.: Master Geolo.-Mineralog Sci (diss) -- "Palinological complex,.!s of the Upper Faleozoic deposits of the northeadt of the Siberian platEorm and their stratigraphic significance". Leningrad, 1958. 19 pp (Min Geology and Protection of Natural Resources USSR, All-Union Sci Res Ceol Inst VSEG:-11), 150 copies (KL, No 12, 1959, 126) DIBNER, A.F. Age of upper P410020iC sediments in the Nordvik regioa, based on palynological data. Trudy NIIGA 67:73-86 158. (MIRA 12:1.0) (Nordvik region--Paly-nology-) DIBNER A.F. Stratigraphic importance of spore-pollen complexes from Permiwl sediments of the Imangda.coal deposit in the Norillsk region. pa paleont. i biostrat. no.26s76-90 161. (MIRA 15:8) (Imangda, region-Palynology) - .--. --- - Twiat-&ill grincIing. Stan.i inBtr. 33 no.1:41~-29 A 162. 1 (MIRA 15:2) Ourinding and polishing) DIBNER. A.F. Correlation of the 1jections of Permian sediments in the Byrranga Ibuntains based on spore-pollen data. Trudy NIIGA 130.76-82 062. (MEU 16;5) (Byzwanga Mountains-114lynology) Z~ 19r DIBNER, A.F Late Faleozoic vegetation in the northern part of the Tunguska floristic region. Paleot. zhur. no.3:108-112 t63. (MIRA 161l0) 1. Ilauchno-isslodovatel'skly institut geologii Arktiki. DIBNER, A.F. Correlation of the key sections of Permian oil-bearing sediments in the Lena-Khatancra trough based on palynological data. Sbor., st..po paleont. i biostrat. no-32:5-23 163. (MIRA :L6-. 11) LARIN, M.N., prof., doictor takhn.nauk; ZRASILINIKOV, I.M.; TSYGANOVA, M.P.; AKDIOV, A.Y., 1wnd.tekhn.nauk; BUDNIKOV. N.Ye.. inzh.; PICTROSTAN, L.K.. kand.tekhn.nauk; DIBMM, L.G., inzh.; SILA)MrA, I.D., inzh.; RAGAZZINER, z G UVAROVA, A.F.. [Putting tools designed for high production and their efficient operation] Vysokoproizvoditellnye konstruktsii reztsov i i1ch ratoionalineia ekspluatataiia. Pod red. M.N.Larina. Moskva. Go9.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo maBhinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 239 P. I (MIRA 12:6) 1. Moscov. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iBaledovatel'Bkiy instrumen- talonyy institut. 2. Sotrudniki Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-iBsle- dovatel'skogo instrumentalinogo instituts (for all except Uvarova). (Metal-cutting tools) DIBNh;R, M.M., inzhener. 1 Colored glass face tiles. Biul.stroi.tekh. 10 no.11:28-29 Je '5). (MLRA 6:8) (Tiles) PIBVER, P. D. 23633. SLlUChAY STROIKIGILDIDOZA V S003ETANII S LEMSPIROZNOY ZhELTUXhOY. KLINICh. IIEDITsINA, 1949, Ko* 7, c. 94-95- SO: LETOPISI NO. 31, 1949 DIBUIR,EL. D. "The Functlonal Conditi(.n of Coronarv Blood Circulation Duriw, --rterisi- ,:. (Cli.iiicoelecti-ocardiogra.,,Iiic Comparison) .11 Cand i,*Ae-,l Sci, '-'Ficulty' Y*ic'rapceutic Clinic, First Leningrad Medical Inst imeni Ac&'emician I. F. Favlov, Leningra~, 1955. (KL, No 17, Apr 55) SO: Sum.. No. 704, 2 11""0v 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertati-ms D~!feryie4 at USSR lli7her ll,'clucational Institutions (16) DIDNAR, R.D. Yunctioaal state of coronary circulation in hypertension; electro- cardiographic examinations. Terap.arkh. 28 no.4:3-9 156. (KLRA 9:9) 1. Iz Fakulfteitskoy torapevticheakoy kliniki (dir. - prof. T.S. Istamaneva) I Leningradakogo meditainskogo Instituta. (HYPM'JMSION. physiol. .cornary ciro., BOG) (HRART, blood supply coronary circ. funct. in hypertension, ICG) (]=GTROCARDIOGRAPHY, in various die. hypertension. determ. of coronary circ. funct.) DIBNER9 R.D.p Diagnosis of myooardial infaret. 24 no.3t6O-65 mr 160. (KM 14:3) 1. Iz k3-Lnicheekoy bazy (Gorodakaya klinicheskaya bollnites. Oktyabrlskoy zhelezno,.r dorogi) saktora sportivnoy meditsiny (zav. sektorom - prof. A.G.Dembo) Leningradskogo nauchno~-issledovatellslcogo inatituta fizicheskoy kalltury (dir. - V.Ye. Ryzhkova). (IMART-11FARCTION) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY)- DIBM~ R.D. lbonocardiagraphy In athletes. Terap.arkh, 32 no.10122-31 1,600 (KMA 1421) 1. Iz sektcra sportivnoy meditsiny (zav. - prof. A.G. Dea*o) Lgningradskogo nauohno-isaledovateliskogo instituta fizichnskoy kulltury, (HEART-SOUIMS) (ATEUKM) DIBBER, R.D.); TTKHMSKIY, S.B. (Uningrad) Complex function test of external respiration using B~;hlauls apparatus. no,4:94-100 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz selctora sportivnoy meditsiny (zav, - prof. A.G. Eembo) Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta fizicheskoy kulltury (dir. - V.Ye. Ryzhkova). (FMPIRATIOII) (RESPIMIETER) DIBNER, R. D.9 kwid. nod. nauk Phonocardiographic diagnosis of functiorml -cTstolic mn-murs. Terap. arkb. 34 n0-5:37-.42 162. (MIRA 15:6) I.' Iz sektara sportivnoy meditaimy (zav. - prof. A. G. Dambo) Leningradokx)go naucbno-inaledovatellskogo instituta fizicheskcry kulltury (dir. - kandidat meditainakikh nauk V. Y9. Ryahkova) (HMT-.SOUNDS) DEMP A.G., prof.; starshiy nauchmy sotrudnik; TESLENKOv Zh.A.9 pladehiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; FROEKTOR, M.L., aspirant Left ventricle overstrain syndrome in healthy subjects. Kardiologiia 2 no.30"7 Yq~e 162. OMIA 1634) 1. Iz sektors. sportivnoy meditsiny (zav. - prof.,A.G.Dembo) Leningradskogo nauchno-issleiovatellskogo insti~uta fizicheskoy kulltury (dir. - V.Ye. kkzhkova) i laningradskogo gorodskogo vrachebno-fizkullturnogo dispansers, (glavnyy vrach VS. Barabanshchikov). (HEART--DISEASFZ) (STRESS (PHYSIOWGY)) (EIEGTROCARDIOGRAPHY) DIBNLR, R.D. Phonocardiographic diagnosis of functional systolic murmurs. TruJy lnst. klin. i eksper. kard. AN Gruz. SSR 8:487-491 163. (M1F.A 17:7) Vr GOIMACHIY-v.-,I~r-insb.; DIBNRR, V., inzb. The K-59 carburetor. Za ral. 17 no.1:22-23 Ja 159. (MIRk 120) 1. Moskovold-y zavod malolltrazhrVkh avtonobiley. (Autonobiles--Snginen--Carbiiretors) GORYACHIY, Ya., inzh.; D]~BIMR, V., inzh. Intake Bystein of engines. Za ru2. 17 no-3:22-23 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:5) I.Moskovskiy zavod mlolitrazhnvkh avtomobiley. (Automobiles-Engines-Carburators) mlo '.,-a a Vz ~so.,w ro o' on rn. l.-ni., i - r DIBM, V.D. Water birds on the Gydan Peninsula. ftiroda 42 no.8:113 Ag 153. (MLHA 6:7) 1. Institut geologii Arktiki (Leningrad) (GydsLu Peninsula-Water birdel (iater birds--Gydan Peninusla) DI -~ Ma Traces of the two-stage quaternary glaciation of the mountain Konzhakovskiy Kamen'. Izv.V9es.geog.ob-va 85 no.5:603-605 S-0 '53. (MLRL 6:10) (Konzhakovskiy Xamen'--Glacial epoch) (Glacial epoch--Konzhakovekiy Kamen') UM/ Geography - arctics OU;A 'A Pub. s6 -14/39 hathors I Dibner., V. D..,,Cand."Geolog6-Hin. So. TU111 -On the originof.floating ice islands Priroda 44/3j, 89 -.~~2,, Mar 1955 An explanation is given of"how aso-called ice island (or giant iceberg) was observed in the formation in a fiord, which is taken as typical of the origin of these pieces of floating ice, which are.somet.imes several miles in length and width, so as to be mistak on for land areas. For Soviet references (1939'- 1955) Map; drawing. -Institution Institute of the Geology of the Arctics &ibmitted 14-57-6-11897 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6, p 38 (USSR) AUTHOR* Dibner, V. D. TITLE: New Data on the Geological Structure of Victoria Island (Novyye danyye!o geologicheskom stroyenii ostrova Viktoriya) PERIODICAL: Tr. n,-i. in-ta geol Arktiki, 1956, Vol 89o pp 59-60 ABSTRACT-i Victoria Island is located in the Bering Sea between 800-081 and 800-101 of latitude and 360-321 and 360-551 of longitude. Except for the tip of the Knipovich mys (Cape), it is entirely covered with ice. The island, composed of Middle Carbonaceous limestones, forms part of the Caledonian Platform, together with Franz Joseph Lana. Gneiss boulders found in marine conglomerates of the Knipovich mys (Cape) were probably brought by the Quaternary glacier from the metamorphic Heela-Hook Card 1/2 formation of Spitsbergen. Because of tAlis, and because 14-57-6-11897 New Data on the Geological Structure of Victoria Island (Cont.) I .qimilar Spitsbergen boulders have been found in Franz Joseph Land, it is thought that ice of the Pleistocene glaciation, apparently Zyryanskiy,, formed an unbroken cover over this part of the Eurasian shelf Card h/2 G. k. ATLASOV, I.P.; DEMOKIDOV. K-K-;-D-Y EGIAZAROV, B.Kh.; IVANOVA, A.M.; LOBANOV, M.Y.; MARKOV, F.G.; RABKIU, M.I.; RAVICH, M.G.; SAKS, Y.N.; SOKOLOV, V.S.; TKACHENKO, B.V.; USTRITSKIY, V.I.; NALIVKIN, D.V., nauchny7 red.; VASIL'YEV, R.P., red.; SOLOVIYEV, L.D.. red.; NHKHOROSHNV, A.P., red.; DOWONOS, L.G.. tekhn. red. [Geological map of the Soviet Arctic] Geol icheskaia karta Sovetakoi Arktiki. Sost. I.P&Atlasov Ci dri. Glav. red. 7.G. Mark" . ....Nauchne red. D.V. Nalivkin. [Moskva] 1957. ..Col. map 89 x 131 cm. no. 4 sheets 51 x 72 cm. .. Scale 1:2,500,000- ..InBet: [Geological map of Wratigel Island] Geologicheskaia karta Ostrova Vrangelia, 1:1,500,000. (MIRA 11:8) (Arctic regions--Geology--KaDa) ( Wrangel Island--Geology--Maps) DIBNM, V.D. ~~': -' . . . Geology of Yranz Josef Iand. Trudy Hauch.-isal. inst. geol. Arkt, 81:11-20 157. (MLRA 11:5 ) (Frauz Josef Iand-Goolog3r) DIBNER. V.D. .,:". . r., - " i'rGeology of Victoria Island. Trudy Nimuch.-iesl. inst. gaol. Arkt. 81:21-2Z 157. (MIRA 11:5) (Victoria Island--Geology) DIBNER, V.D. V,X,",w,v V.WkWAWW - Geology of islands situated in the central part of the Kara Sea. Trud.v Nauch.-issl. inst. geol. Arkt. 81i-97-104 157. (MIRA 1115) (Kara SeaGeolog7) DYXNHR, V.D. I ft 0 ~ .R0 I Pormation of the relief of the Ural Kountains. Izv. Vaes. Geog. . ob-va 89 no.2:131-137 Mr-Ap 157. (MM, loi6) (Ural Mountains-Geology, Structural) 2 6- 5c3-4-2 3/457, AUTHORS: Dibner, V!D. L Candidate of GeolcGical-Mineralogical Sciences and Zagorskaya, N.G., Candidate of Geographical Sciences TITLE: Cone-Shaped Mounds in Arctic Tundras (Konusoobraznyye kholmy arkticheskikh tundr) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 4, pp 90-93 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the cone-shaped mounds which are fre- quently found in the plains of arctic tundras, at the peripheries of glaciers and recongealed snow formations. They are from 1.5 to 30 m high with bases of up to 100 sq mj and are mainly composed of gravel and coarse-grained sand. The author develops the hypothesis that these mounds were formed by little streams running along the surface of gla- ciers and snow formations, carrying sand and gravel to certain spots where they suddenly disappear in holes in the ice. There the fluvioglacial materials carried by the water accumulate as in a well, and When the ice formation has disappeared, a pyramid of sand and stone is left be- hind. These phenomena were observed by scientists in sever- al cases and led to the conclusion that mounds of even Card 1/2 greater dimensions, frequently found in areas formerly . . Cone-Shaped Mounds in Arctic Tundras 26-58-4-23/45 covered by glaciers, had under-one a similar development. 0 There are 5 figures and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Institut geologii Arktiki - Leningrad (Institute of Arctic Geology - Leningrad) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Glaciers-Arctic regions 2. GeoloEy-Arctic regions D. Now data on the stratigraphy of Mesozoic sediments and geomorphology of the nortbeastern Taymyr Peninsula. Trudy NIIGA 80:15-22 158. (MIRA 14:11)7 (Taymyr Peninsula-Geology) STRMOV, S.A.; DIBNER, V.D.;.;ZAGORSKAYA, N.G.;SOKOLOV, V.N.; YYZOROVA, I.S.; PWM. a. ,; IkIRYUSHIHA, M.T.; FUMINOV, A.P.; TASHINA, z'1 .; SAKS, V.N., red.: MKITINA, V.N., red.izd-va; GUROVA, O.A., [quaternary sediments ~n the Soviet Arctic] Chetvartichuye otlozhenila 86v6takoi Arktiki. Mookva,,Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izA-vo lit-ry po gool.Lokhr.nedr, 1959. 231 P. (Leningrad. Nauchno-iseledoiratellai inatitut geologii Arktiki. Trudy, v01.91). (NIRA 13:5) (Russisi, Northern--Geology), ')(5) , SOV/12-91-1-13/22 AUTEOR: Dibner, V.D. TITLE- N.G. Shilling's Little-Known Articles in the Light of the Latest Geographic Discoveries in the Arctic (0 maloizvestnykh statlyakh N.G. Shillinga v svete noveyshikh -eograficheskikh otkrytiy v Artike) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo geo,raficheskogo obshchestva, Vol 91, Nr 1p PP 87-88 (USSR)-IqJl ABSTRACT: In 1955 and 1957, B.A. Kremer established that in 1865 the Russian navy officer N.G. Shilling was the first to men-tion the existence of Franz Josef Land, 6 years before its disco- very by an Austrian-Hungarian expedition. Moreover, after Lomonosov, Shilling undertook the first scientific studies of the submarine Lomonosov mountain range and analyzed the currents and drifting ice of the Polar Basin, determining the most important characteristic features of its relief. Card 1/2 A short biography of Shilling is given. SOV/12-91-1-13/22 N.G. Shilling's Little-Known Articles in the Light of the Latest Geogra- phic Discoveries in the Arctic There are 8 Soviet references. Card 2/2 DI3N3M, V.D.; SIDOVA, M.A. Materials on the geology and biostratigraphy of upper Triassic and lower Jurassic sediments of Pranz Josef land. Trudy HIIGA 65:16-43 159, (MIRA 13:12) (Pranx Josef Land--Sediments (Geology)) DIBEM, V.D.;,SHULIGINA, X.I. Results of stratigraphic investigations of marine middle and upper Jurassic sediments in the YTanz Josef Land in 1953-1957- Trudy NiIGA i14:65-77 6o. (MIRA 13: 11) (Frans Josef Land-Geology, Stratigraphic) I- DIBNERI VX.,; AGEYEV3 X.S. Mesozoic deposits on the islands of Severnaya Zemlya. Inform.biul. NIIGA no.18-0-18 160. (MIU 14:6) (Severnaya Zemlya-Geology, Stratigraphic) DIBNER , V. D. Triassic sediments of the Byrranga Mountains. Geol.i ac-c-fiz. t, no.8:28-35 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Nauchno-issliadovatellskiy institut geologii Arktiki, Leningrad. (By.t-ranga Mountains-Geology, Stratigraphic) DIBNER, V.D. Lower Cretaceous sediments of Franz Josef Land. Trudy VNIGNI no.29:60-67 voLl 161. (MIRA 14: 9) (Franz Josef Land-Geology, ft~atigraphic) DIBNER, V.D, Jurassic stratigraphy of Franz Josef Land. Trudy VNIGNI no.29:166-177 vol. 2,, 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Franz Josef Land-Geology,, Stratigraphic) DIBNER, V.D. Overgrowth-,of' the willow Salix lanata beyond the 75th pa2ullel. Izv. Vaeu. geog. ob-va c~3 no-4:334-336 Jl-- Ag 161. (MIRA 14-7) (Malakhay-Tari V01ey-Willows) DIBNER, V.D. I Cretaceous sediments on Franz Josef Land. Trudy NIIGA no;.125: 61-74 161. (Franz Josef Land-Geology, Stratigraphic) OURA 16:7) __RIBnn, V.D. Recent data on Quaternary paleogeography of Franz Josef land in the light of first results obtained by radiocarbon dating. Dokl.AN SSSR 138 no.4:893-99/+ Je 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut geologii Arktiki. Predstavleno akademikom A~4~,Yanshinym. Franz Josef Land-Terraces (Geology)) DIBNER V.D. Neogene deposits in the northeastern p3rt of Franz Josef Lando Dokl*AN SSSR 138 no*5:1.163-1165 Je 261. (mi.RA i4s6) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy instit%t geologii Arktikle Predstavleno akademikom A.Ljanshinyme (G-oftxan Island-Geologys, Stratigraphic) DIBNEJI, V.D. Upper Triassic and Jurassic stratigraphy of islands of the Barents- Kara shelf and the mountainous part of the Taymyr Peninsula. D~kl. AN SSSR 139 no.4:947-949 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel.'skiy institut geologii Arktiki. Predstavleno akademikom D.V- Nalivkinym. (Russia, Northeft-Ge-A-3gy, -Stratigraiphic!) DIBIERY V.D.; MIROSHNIKOV, L.D. ------- Jurassic sediments in the mountains of the Taymry Peninsula. Geol. i geofiz. no-3:11-22 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. ".'auchno-isoledovatellskiy institut geolSU Arktiki, Leningrad. -"-. (Taymyr Peninsula-Geology, Stratigraphic) BASOVI V.A.; DIBNER, V.D. - Fauna in the sediments of A 120-140 meter sea terrace of the lower Lenivaya (Xhariton Laptev Coast). Sbor. st.po paleont. i 28:42-50 162. (mim 16:9) (Lenivaya Valley~--Terraces(Geology)) (Lenivaya Valley-Paleezitelogy,Stratigraphic) DIBNER, V.D. Using aerial photography methods for studying current glaciation in high latitude regions. Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va 94 no.l: 61-65 Ja-.F 162- (MIRA 150) (Franz Josef Land-Ice) (Photography, Aerial) DIBNER, V.D.; RAZIN, V.K.; ROWINA, Z.Z. Lithology emd conditions governing the formation of Mesozoic sediments an Franz Josef.Land. Trudy NIIGA 1213"1-74 162. (MM 15:9) (Franz Josef Land-Rocks, Sedimentary) DIBNER, V.D. Stratigraphy of Cretaceous deposits on the islands of the Barents and Kara Sea shelf and the mountains of the Taymyr. Dokl. Ali SSSR 144 no.5:1113-1114 Je 162. (KRA 15:U) 1. Inatitut geologii Arktiki. Predstavleno akademikom D. V. Nalivkinym. (Russia, Northern-Geology, Stratigraphic) DIBNER. V.D. Nesozoic sediments of the Novaya Zemlya. Trudy NIIGA 130:58-75 162. (14IRAA 16:5) (Novaya Zemlya-Geology., Stratigraphic) DIBNER,...Y.D.... Neotectonic contours of the relief of the Arctic Eurasian shelf. Probl..Arkt. i Antarkt. no.12:39-46 163o WRA 16:7) (Arctic Ocean--Submarine topography) DIBNER, V.D.; KRYLOVA, N.M. Stratigraphic position and composition of coal-bearing sediments and coal layers in the islands of Franz Josef Iand. Sov. geol. 6 no.7:77-89 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geologii Arktiki. ATLASOV, I.P.; BARAR, V.A.; BONDAREV, V.I.; SYAGAYEV, N.A.; SOKOLOV, V.N.; DIBNERY V. D'..7 Sketches of.+,,he tectonic structure of the central sector of the Soviet Arctic, Trudy NIIGA 13513-69 163. (MIRA 18:5) ATLASOV, I.P.; VAKAR, V.A.; DIBIER, V.D.; YEGIAZAR91, B.Kh.; ROMANOVICH, B.S. Now tectonic map of the arctic regions. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 Po.6:1341-1342 Je 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geologii Arktiki. Predstavleno akademikom D.V. Nalivkinyin. DIBNER, V.D.; MIROSINKEOV, L.D. Cretaceous sediments in the mountainouO part of the Taymyr Penin- sula. Geol. i geofiz. no.2:33-47 ,164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geologii ArktiU, Leningrad. DIBDTER V.D. ~ P PrInoirp-al eMracterJotics of the morphology and dyramics of the glaciation of dseply-divided large-block relief and the simple geologloal struoture of the original bed; 'i'>aBed on the example of FY-anz Josef Land* Tzvo Wes. geogo ob-va 97 no.3.-258-269 W-Je 165- (MIRA 18!8) KAVERIII, K., inzh.; DIBITM, Ye., Inzh. Planning and building central establishments for machine-tractor stations. Sill.bud. 8 no.2:18-20 F 158. (MIIU 13:7) Olachine-tractor stations) DIBNER, Y~-'. [Dybner, IE.I., inzh. Construction and arranging the layout of farmiteads*undsa~ the administration of'district departments of "Sillgosptekhnika.4 SiV. bud. 11 no.120-6 D 161. (MM 15:2) M3,aine-Construction industry) Blird), V.S.) -la.Ft, Vew fan-type sprayers. Zaahch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 no.9:13 s l6o. (MIRA 1~,. 6) 1. 'Nachallnik 3ektura E;idravliki i av-tomatiki Gosudarstvennogo seriyno-konstruktorsk-ogo byuro po mashinam dlya kJAmicheskoy zashchity rasteniy L" -kogo sov-narkhoza (for Burd). vovr (Spraying and dusting equipment) DIBNER, Ye. E., inzh.; FILIMONOV, S. I., inzh. Mechanizaticm,of the fumigation of soils in vineyards. Zashch. rast. ot vred,. i bol. 5 no.10:15-17 0 160. (MIRA 16:1) 3 .,L. Gosudarst-ln~nnoye spetsiallnoye konstruktorakoys byuro Moldavskoao soveta narodnogo khoxvaystva, g. Kishinev. (Phylloxera-lktermination) (Fumigation) DIBNER Ye.E red.; LI"';TENGUBT, M.A.,st.nauchn.sotr.,kand.sellkhoz.nauk,red.; -::-~~~HOVICH, Ya.A., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; TARASOVA, .4.Yu., red.; FILIHONOV , S.L., red.; SHKORUPEYEV, I.S., red.; SHLYAKHOVOY, Ye.M., red.; SININA, V., red.; POLONSKIY, S., tekhn. red. (Mechanization of work in plant protection]Mekhanizatsiia rabot po zashchite rastenii; sbornik trudov. Kishinev, Izd-vo sellkboz. lit-ry, 1961. 187 p. (MIRA 16.2) 1. Nauchno-tekhaichoskoye soveshchaniye po voprosam konstruirova- niya. mashin dlya zashchity plodovykh kulltur i vinograda. Kishinev, 1960. 2. Predsedatelt %ldavskogo respublikanskogo pravleniya Nauchno-tekhnialieskogo obshchestva mashinostroitellnoy promyshlen- nosti., zamestitell prodsedatelya sovnarkhoza Moldavskoy SSR (for Shkorupayev). 3. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut za- shchity rasteni), (P)r Meysakhovich). 4. Moldavskaya stantsiya za shchity rasteniy (for Listengurt). 5. Zamestitell nachallnika G(- sudarstvennogo spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro po mashinam dlya mekhanizatsii rabot v sadakh i na vinogradnikakh (for Dibner). 6. Nachallnik laboratorli ispytaniy mashin Gosudarstvennogo spe- tsiallnogo konstruktorBkogo byuxo po mashinam dlya mekhanizatsii rabot v sadakh i na vinogradnikakh (for Shlyakhovoy). Nachallnik issledovatel'skogo otdela Gosudarstvennogo spetsiallnogo konstruk- torskogo byuro po mashinam d1ya mekhanizatsii rabot.v sadakh i na vinogradnikakh (for Filimonov). (Spraying and dusting equipment) DIBIMR) 7e.B. Conference in Kishinev. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i. bol. 6 no.3:58 mr 161. (MIRA 15:6) (Plants, Protection of-Congresses) DIBOBASI N.M.,(Moskva %-28, Astakhovskiy pereulok, d.1/2, kv.93) Comparative evaluation of some forms of anesthesia in spinal surgery for scoliosis. Ortop., travin. i protez. 26 no.2:71-72 F 165. (MIRA 18: 5) 1. Iz Moskovskogo ortopedicheskogo gospitalya (nachallnik - doktor med. nauk S.N.Voskresenskiy, nauchnyy ri)kovoditell - chien-kor- respondent AMN SSSR prof. V.D.Chaklin). DIBRA, Hiqmet, kand. shken. mjek. The pathogenesis of functional (hysteric) aphony. Bul. univ. shtet. Ti'.rana[Mjek] 283-10 162. (VOICE) (HYSTERIA) DIBRA, Hiqmet, kand. shk. mjek. -, Treatment of functional aphony by the dominant pain method. Bul. univ. obtat. 'TiTans[Mjekl 3:34 '62. (VOICE) (HYSTERIA) DIBRA, Hiqmet, kand. i shken. mjeksore docent Speech disorders in the form of paroxysmal llialia during epileptic attacks. Bul. univ. Bhtet. TiranermJekl 4:56-62 162. (SPEECH DISORDERS) (EPILEPSY) DIBRA, Hiqmet, kand. Wt. mjek:. doe, Development of neurotic and mental conditions in our country and their therapy. Shendot. pop. 23 no.5.-29-31 162. (PSYCHOSMS) (NEUROSES) DIBRIVNTY, A. ___ Improving service accommodations for the workers. Sov.profsoiuzy 16 no-9:5(~-51 It, 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Zaveduyushchiy zhilishchno-bytovjrm otdelom Kiyevskogo obleov- profa. (Kiev--Service industries) DIBRIV11 Alekoey-Arsentlye RA, N,D., __LYY_I___' - - -.- __Tich,.MYAGKQV, M.N., red.; SHADRI [Trade unions control communal service enterprises] Profsoiuzy kontroliraiut komminallno-bytovye predpriiatiia. Moskva, Izd-vo VTsSPS Profizdat, 1960. 62 p. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Zaveduyuahchiy zhilishchno-bytovym otdolom Kiyevskogo oblsov- profa. (for Dibrivnyy). (Kiev Provinoe--Trade unions) (Kiev Province--Service industries) .~I PFOV, G. -D. Dibrov, G. D. "Investigation of the Higher -Education USSR. N'ovocherkassk,, 1955. Sciences.) Properties of the 1Gypsur1--PitDh1 System." ItIn Novocherkassk Folytechnic Inst. imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. ( Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Knizhnaya Letopis'; No. 27, 2 July, 1955 USSR/Chemical Technology -- Cheanical ProductB and Their Application. Silicates. GlaBB. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abet Journali Ref erat. Z4iur - Khiniya, No 1, 1957, 1610 Author: Dibrov, G., Liol-umovich, L., and Chistova, Ye. Institution: None Title: Combined Drying and Grinding of Clay Original Periodical: Stroi-t. materialy, izdeliya, i konetruktBii, 1956, No 5, 29-30 Abstract: The modification of a drum dryer (D) at the Rostov brick factory is described. The modification consisted in the removal of the inner screens and housings and their replacement with 2 sets of bucket blades and chains. The bucket blades continuously sift the clay (C) and spread it evenly over the cross section of the drum (D), thus assuring a more intensive drying of the clay particles by the hot gasses and reducing the drying time. The chains, in addition to drying of the clay by the heat accumulated in the chains, effect, a partial grinding of the particles, thus reducing the amount of clay USSR/Chemical Technology -- Chemical Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders,, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, no 1, 1957, 16lo Abstract: which has to be conveyed to the disintegrators. The productivity of the D on the basis of the amount of water removed was increased by 15-24; the temperature of the inlet gases was reduced. Card 2/2 U~ , S-1 I I U V ') 'GI , " - LIOKUMOVICH, L.M.; DIBROV G.D.: GIADYERWA, S.A., red.; PYATAKOVA, N.D., tekhn. red. - (Semidry-press process at the Rostov Brick Factory] Opyt raboty Rostovskogo kirpichnogo zavoda polusukhogo pressovaniia. Moskya, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. materialam, 1957. 61 p. (141PA l1:)) (Brickmaking) OSTRIXOV, M.S. [Ostrykov, M.S.]; DIBROV, G.D. [Dibrov, H.D.3; DAMIJDVA, Ye.P. [Danylova, IE.F.1 L7-':~,-- ,~ Capillary contractior forces existing during intermittent wetting and drying of coment.[with summary in English). Dop. AN URSR no-3: 299-303 '58. (MIRA 11:5) l.Rostovalkiy derzhavaiy universitet. Predetavleno akademikom AN USSR A.V. Dumanalcim LA.V. Damanslkyml. (Cement--Testing) DIBROV, G.D.; OSTRIKOV, M.S. Study of "heterophilic" systems. Part 1: aesistance of' "heterophilic" systems to the action of molecular layers of water. Uch.zav. RGU 41:51-67 '58- (MIRA 15:1) (Porous materials) (Wetting) (Gypsum) AUTHORS: Ostrikov, M. S., Dibrov, G. D., 20 -1-18,-4-35/61 Daniloval Ye. P. TITLE: Capillary Contraction in Films of Gels and Porous Dispersed Substances While in Progress of Drying (0 kapillyarnoy kontraktsii pri vysykhanii v plenkakh-sloyakh geley i poristykh dispersnykh tel) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 118, Nr 4, PP. 751-754 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This work examines by direct, th.ough summary methods, the forces of capillary contraction (F 6 in drying films of high molecular and dispersed systems on dynamic conditions. Besides the kinetics of the development of these forces during the process of drying out are investigated. These forces cause shrinkage, decrepitation, distortion, tensions. and cavities, and other still insufficiently investigated. phenomena. In spite of the importance of the capillary forces for these phenomena also the cohesion interaction between the particles of the solid phase or Card 1/4 the macromolecules has to be considered. To a certain Capillary Contraction in Films of Gels and Porous 20 -118 -4-35/61 Dispersed Substances While in Progress of Drying degree also the forces of the coagulation attraction become manifest. With increasing distance of the liquid rests the influence of the surface of the solid phase becomes more and more marked. In case of absolute drying out the capillary forces vanish and the action of the intermolecular (cohesion-) forces remains in a pure form. Consequently the forces of the capillary contraction are a composed quantity which requires an extensive study. The authors here use for their measurements a device by which FCr can be measured during the whole process of drying out. The lamellar samples were produced i.g. of cement powder with a small admixture of pulverized fibrous asbestos. A diagram illustrates the development of the curves of the capillary contraction in case of the drying of two cement samples, which before for the purpose of hardening were left for different periods in a moist medium. The duration of the consolidation of the cement influences the forces Card 2/4 of the capillary contraction. Until the setting of the Capillary Contraction in Films of Gel.s and porour, 20-1-18 -4-35/61 Disperaed SuAstances While in Progress of Drying cement these forces show.up only very weakly. Similarly the dependence of F (I on the duration of the previous consolidation, of the cement samples was investigated and ,the results are illustrated by diagrams. The development and the consolidation of the structure increases the value of F.. In all samples F Cr in all stages of drying until reaching the maximum of F a decreased quickly to zero under the action of steam and on isothermal conditions. In the case of action of benzene vapour on the sample F is much decreased. This is also valid to a smaller degree for phenol. These and other here given phenomena speak for the following: In case of sharp changes of the moisture of superficial cement layers and also of other organic and anorganic hygroscopic materials on atmospheric conditions an uninterrupted and very complicated interaction of opposite, but permanently combined molecular surface forces of capillary contraction, which decrease the strength of the adsorption hydrate layeru, Card 3/4 takes place. Those forces cause the corrosion of the concrete Capillary Contraction in Films of Gels and Porous 2(~-1-18-4-35/61 Dispersed Substances While in Progress of Drying and many other phenomena in nature and technology as well. There are 3 figures, and 8 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet (State University, Rostov on Don) Rostovskiy inzhenernostroitellnyy institut ('Rostov Civil Engineerin, Institute) .. - -- -- 9.- PRESENTED: July 18, 1957, by P. A. Rebinder, Member, Academy of Sciences USSR SUBMITTED: July 17, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 --5(4) SOV/69-21-1-14/21 . AUTHOR: Ostrikov, M.S. and Dibrov, G.D. TITLE: On the Mechanism of Formation of Porous Structures (0 mekhanizme formirovaniya poristykh struktur) PMIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1959, VOL XXII Nr 11 PP 97-101 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the results of a research into the formation of a porous structure developing spon- taneously when gypsum and coal-tar -pitch are mixed with water, without adding any foaming agents. The porosity of the new material becomes fixed during the setting of the gypsum. A further thenral treatment of the ma- terial improves its strength, its water resistance and other properties. The authors describe the mechanism of the action of surface molecular forces arising under the influence of particles of the hydrophobic phase of the coal-tar pitch, and disappearing on the addition of the usual foaming agents. The name of Academician P. Card 1/2 A. Rebinder is mentioned by the authors. There are k. -' SOV/69-21-1-14/21 On the Mechanism of Formation of Porous Structures 2 graphs, 3 diagrams, 2 photos and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy gosuda-rstvennyy universitet (The Rostov State University),Rostovskiy inzhenerno-stroitel~- nyy institut (The Rostov Institute of Building Engineeriug~ -,,SUBUTTED: Juiy 16, 1957 Card 2/2 S/08 62100010021'0721'~Q B1 50XB 101, AUTEOR: Dibrov. G. D. TITLE: Micro-additives of certain electrolytes as accelerators for Portland cement setting PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 2, 1962, 385, abstrac-. 4"K304 (Tr. Rostovsk.-n/D. inzh.-stroit. in-ta, no. 21, 1959: 93 - 11-1) TEXT. The effect was investigated on the plastic and mechanical strength of cement stone by the addition of Li 2so 49K 2so 4? Fa2so 4" MgSOV CaSO4 and BaSO ~o Portland cement to the amount of 0..006 - 0.5% by weight, It wa~, 4 es-tablished that the addition of sulfates of the alkali metals and Eg dilutes the cement paste in a period of 0.5 to 2.5 hours frcm the momen-, of mixing and increases the plastic strength. A comparison of test samples showed an increase of approximately double the plastic strength in one full day by adding 0-5 and 0.01% of L12SO 4' The effect of additives o,~ the electrolytes on the strength of the cement stone depends upen the ag;; Card S/081/62/000/002/072/iO7, Micro-addi-lves of certain... B150/B1101 of the samples at the testing moment, the kind of electrolyte, its con- cen'ration and the mineralogical. composition of the cement. Li,,SO4 is 01--) most effective additiver It increases the strength in one full day with an additior of 0.5% by 100%, in 7 days .- with an addition of 0,01% - by 4 '-f/- ;in 20 days and one vear by 20%. Alkali metal sulfates somewhat accelerate the hydration process. The reasonSfor the positive effecT. of t-he additives tested have not yet been sufficiently studied., It can be assumed that they are:an improvement of the reaction between the cement andil/ the water owing to the translational movement of the molecules around the ions of the electrolyte; the effect of the electrolyte on the degree c;f supersaturation and the kinetics of crystallization; the modificaticn. of ~.he shapes of the crystals constituting the cement stone. [Abstracter's note-,. Complete translation Card 21' e-