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CHIOGOLYA,.G.; BEM, Kh.; VASILIM, P.; P06VICH, N.; kDSMIN, Anna; MADZHARU, K.; TAKW, A.; LAXAMOSH, L.;. DIAKU, D.; PATRASHICU, S.. ~ -... . Determination of bismuth in Ramanipt drugs by means of WTA titration. Apt.delo 8 no.6167-69 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Iz Instituta po lintrolyu kachestva medikamebtov Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Ramynekoy lkr-odnoy Respubliki, Jokkharest. (BISNM--ANALYSIS) -.--DIAMlLNT,J.~,DUF=,J.; HOSKOVEC,J.; KRISTOF,M.; PIKARIK,V.; ROTH,B.; VRIJIK,M.; Technicka apoluprace: Xubiokova d.s. M. Aloctroonoephalographic study of hypnosis. Cesk. psychiat. 55 no.5:285-295 0 159. 1. Psychiatrialm klinika a neurologicka klinUm KU v Praze, Untredni zdravotni ustav MVI, psychiatricka lecebna v Praze 5. (RUCTROMMULOGR"HY) (HYPNOSIS physiol.) DIAKUM, P. I. Calculation of the spiral houBings for centrifugal fans and pumps. Ilauch.dpkl'.vys.shkol]r; energ. no.2:283-292 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Centrifugal pumps) (Centrifugal fans) j DIANKOV, A. Pr05pects for production of furfurole in Bulgaria. p. 33. TEEZHKA PRORISIMENOST. (Ministerstvo na tezhkata promishlenost) Sofiia, Bulgaria. Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959. Monthly.Liet of East European Accessions EEAI) LCI Vol. 9, No. 2, Feb. 1960. UNCL InAroma, 1. Tobbtermeles - Vol. 9, no. 5, May 1955. Econorrf of materials in the Red Star Tractor Plant. p. 8. :30: Monthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. "ITv 1"5") rp 7!-i ACCESSION NR: AT4042675 S/0000/63/000/000/0162/0165 AUTHOR: Dianoy, A. G.; Kuzn.etuoy, A. G. TITLE: The possiblility of substituting helium for nitrogen in spaceship cabins SOURCE: Konferentsiya. po aviatoionnoy i kosmicheakay meditaine, 1963- Aviataionnaya i koomicheakaya meditainaL (Aviation and apace medicine) I materialy' konferentaii. Moscow, 1963, 162-165 TOPIC TAGS: helium oxygen atmosphere, man, closed environment, helium oxygen effec-t, central nervous system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gas exchange, thermal exchange, speech, hearing ABSTRACT: Experiments have been performed to test the effects on human aubjects of a prolanged stay in a helium-oxygen atmosphere. Two subjects were kept in a sealed cabin for 10 and 25 days, respectively, after which time atudiea were made on the functions of the central nervous system, the respiratory system, and the cardiovascular system and on gas exchange, thermal exchange, speech, aid hear- ing. The experiments indicated that a helium atmosphere affects the thermal regime of man._. Temperatures of 18 to 240C, which aLre comfortable in normal atmos- Card 113 ACCESSION NR: pheres, produced in a helium atmosphere a sensation of chilliness and a lowering of the skin temperature. The comfortable temperature ranges in a helium-oxygen atmosphere were 24.5--27.50C during the day and 26--290C at night, when the i. subjects were sleeping. Investigation of the functions of the central nervous system, conducted in the comfortable temperature range for belium atmospheres, indicated a gradually growing inhibitory process in the cortex of the brain, which manifested itself by the appearance of low-frequency oscillations on the encepha- logram and by an increase in the duration of the latent period of conditioned motor reflexes. Analysis of the experimental data indicated that these changea were duo to prolonged hypodynamia and not to substitution of helium for nitro- geii in the atmosphere. General well-being and work capacity of the subjects were not affected by the helium-oxygen atmosphere. The helium atmosphere also had no effect on external respiration, the cardiovascular system, gas exchange, or energy consumption. Minute changes observed at the end of the experiment were due to hypodynamia rather than to the changed atmosphere. On the otheehand, it was found that a helium-oxygen effects human speech, raising the frequency of speech sounds by 0.7 of an octave. Glarity of speech is lessened somewhat but not to the point of unintelligibility. The auditory functibA of the subjects in a helium-oxygen atmosphere apparently was wt affectede These experiments Card Acassim im: ATW42675 establish clearly that it in possible for man to live in an oxygen-helium atmosphere for 25 days. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMI D: ~-MeP63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: LS NO REF SOV: 000 OTHERt 000 Card 3/3 KLMETSOV, A. B, ; AGADZIIANYAN, N. A. ; DIANOV, A. G. ; ZRAROV, S. G. "Effect on the body of prolonged expbsure to conditions or artificial atmos- phere." report presented at the 15th Intl Astronautical Cong, Warsaw, 7-12 Sep 64. ACCESSION NR: AP4041573 S/0293/64/002/003/0498/0503 .AUTHOR: Dianov, A. G. TITLEt Possibility of replacing atmospheric nitrogen with heliurs in sipaceship cabins and the effectiveness of employing a helium-oxygen mixture for space halmat ventilation ..S:OURCEt Kosmicbeakiya issledovaniya, ve 2. no* 3, 1964, 498-503 TOPIC TAGS: manned apace flight, respiration, cabin ventilation, helmet ventilation, helium oxygen atmosphere, life support, helium, -.oxygen, nitrogen ABSTRACT: An investigation was conducted to guage the physiological effects on man of prolonged exposure to a helium-oxygen atmosphere in. a.heirmetic 'chamber. Exposure was for 22-30 days. Nitrogen was re- moved from the cabin atmosphere by first introducing pure oxygen followed by helium. The average composition of the experimental at- mosphere was 22.53 oxygen, 76% helium, at%d 1.5% nitrogen. Carbon di- oxidet concentration did not exceed .7%. The rate of ventilation was 160-180 liters/minute. The temperature comfort xone of the test Card 1 3 .ACCESSION NR: A114041573 subjects was 24.5-27.5C during the day and 26-29C at night. Humi- dity was 30-60%. For control purposes, each test subject was also atudied under normal conditions. Caloric intake of test subjects was :1600 kcal per day. It was observed that the skin temperature of sub- jects in the helium-oxygen*atmosphere was 2 degrees cooler than in normal air. Bioelectric measurements revealed no alterations n higher. nervous activity. Similarly, the cardiovascular system, respiration,. .zrnd basal metabolism were essentially normal under these conditions. Any physiological abnormalities observed were directly attributed to prolonged adynamia and isolation. The only noticeable effect that the helium-oxygen environment had on subjects involved lowered clarity of speech and changes in voice pitch, which at high frequencies were ,seven-tenths of an octave higher. The author feels that employing a helium-oxygen mixture for space cabin ventilation is justifiable from the'standpoint of the improved heat exchange which the test subjects exhibiteds Thi.s greater thermal efficiency in due to the higher ther--..-' rtal conductivity of helium in comparison with nitrogen. For this .reason, the ventilation rate could be significantly lowered, wV6 -Is important in terms of space vehicle energy conservation* Also,.since Card 23 MCESSION NRs AP4041573 the helium-oxygen atmosphere has greater thermal conductivity, it follows that man could tolerate a higher ambient temperature. This was reflected in short (24-hr) tests in which subjects comfortably withstood temperatures of 27-30C. In general, the results of this investigation strongly support the feasibility of employing a helium- oxygen atmosphere during prolonged manned space probes. ASSOCIATION; none SUBMITTEDt 09Jau64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEs PH$ zV NO REP SOVi 005 OTHERi 009 Cord 3/3 sooifct-dt6f.;--til~/0000/66/000/000/01 52/0153 -1 ACC NRI AT6036556-'_ 4 AUTHOR: Dianov, A. G. CRG: none TITLE: The effect on the animal organism of replacing atmospheric nitrogen and helium under conditions of insufficient oxygen and.increased carbon dioxide concentration [Paper presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Yedicine held in Yoscow from 24 *to 27 May 19661 SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam kosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problemy koemichookoy meditainy. (Problow of space medicine); materialy konforentaii, Moscowy 1966, 152-153 TOPIC TAGS: hypoxia, hypercapnia, helium oxygen atmosphere, rat, biologic respiration ABSTRACT: To study the effect of replacement of atmospheric nitrogen with helium on hypoxia and hypercapnia, recordings were made of body temperature, res- piration rate, and cardiac contraction frequency in rats of uniform w eight placed in a heliuni-oxygen atmosphere without regeneration. Decreased p02 and increased PC02 resulting from the vital activity of the organisms in- the chamber was the direct cause of death of the animals Substitutfon of helium at a temperature of 220 C for & nitrogen in iiie - chamber atmosphere increased the life expectancy of the'anirnals under ,these condiiions by 42%. At higher chamber te~ppFatures, this difference Cu~d 1/g_ Atd_iqk;_KT_6 .6550 ,gradually decreases: at 366-C there was no difference in the life expec- jancies of animals breathing air and t h o s e b r e a t h i n g t h e- helium- -oxygen atmosphere. The increased life due to-thJ6`-! .greater thermal conductivity and enhanced cooling of the animal in the :helium--oxygen atmosphere. Decreased body temperature and decreased ~oxygen requirement were more pronounced in a helium--oxygen mixture :than in air at temperatures from 22* to 3 1* C. At 360 C, the cooling effect !of the helium--oxygen atmosphere was suspended. f Changes in i~espiratory and cardiac activity seen when nitrogen is re-: placed by helium. under conditions of hypoxia and hypercapnia are princi- pally due to the physical properties, -- the high thermal. conductivity and law density - of' helium. [W,A. No* 22; ATD Report 66-2161 SUB CCDE: 06 / SUBM DATS: OMay66 DIANOV, A.N.; YEDRENKIN, S.S.; CIUMpIN, Reservoir rock properties and oil potential of the carbonate sediments of the Bashkirian stage of the Mogutovo and Tvordilovo areas Of the Samarkin dislocation. Gaol. i geofiz, no.5:56-57 1641. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Moskavskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyghlennosti im. aked. Guubkiria. 80801 9,2180 SOV/124-59-9-9830 Translation fromi: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1959, Nr 9, p 36 (USSR) AUTHOR: Dianov, D. TITLE- On the Performance of a Plane Piezo-Vibrator Under the Conditions of Unidirectional Radiation PERIODICAL: Izv, Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 31, PP 46 - 59 ABSTRACT: The author expounds the results of calculating a plane piezo- vibrator made of an X-cut of quartz. The calculation method is similar to that, which usually is applied to calculating the passage of plane waves through plane parallel plates. rMe formulae obtained for the radiation intensity are analyzed for some special cases: 1) the media on both sides of the vibrator are equal and have finite wave impedance; 2) the vibrator comes on one side in- to contact through a X /4-layer of an arbitrary matter, with a medium; 3) the vibrator comes on one side into immediate contact with. a medium, the wave impedance of which is equal to zero. The latter case ' most important for practice, is analyzed in detail. Card 1/2 The author shows that the optimum thickness of the vibrator, i,e. 80801 SOV/124-59-9-9830 on the Performance of a Plane Piezo-Vibrator Under the Conditions of Uni- directional Radiation the thickness, with which maximum power output is yielded, will not be equal to IL /2, if the ratio of the wave resistance of the load to that of quartz is greater than V-2. The greater the wave impedance of the load, the nearer the optimum thickness of the vibrator to X /4. The author gives the fre- quency dependence of the vibrator intensity for various values of the load wave :Impedance. In proportion tolnoreasing the load wave impedance, the frequency characteristics become more gently sloping. When the wave im- pedance of quartz and load are equal, the vibrator loses its resonance pro- perties. The author studies in detail the part of an intermediate lubrica- tion layer in the vibrator radiation into a solid medium. Yu.P. Lysanov Card 2/2 ACHKINADV,, Stwmill Dautovich; DIANOV, D.B., kand.tekhn.nauk" red.; GVIRTS, V.L., tekhn.reft___"1416~~_ [InduBtrial application of ultrasonic waves in the machinery and instrument industry) Promyshlennoe primenenie ul'trazvuka v mashinostroenii i priborostroanii; obzor. Leningrad, Y-eningr.dom nauchno-tokhn.propagandy. No.l. 1958. 59 p. No.2. 1958. 115 P. (MIRA 12:11) (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial applications) AUTHOR: TITIE: Seminar on Physics and Application; of Ultrasoundy Dedicated to the Memory of S.Ya. Sokolov, a Corres onding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the 'USEIR. (Seminar po fizike i primeneniyu. ulltrazvuka, posvyashchennyy pamyati chlena.- korresppndenta AN SSSR S.-fa. Sokolova.) PERIODICAL: kkustichesk* Zhurnal, 1958, Vol.IV, Nr.1, P.1040 ~ (USSR ABSTRACT: k Seminar on Physics and Applications of Ultrasound, dedicated to the memory of S. Ya. Sokolov, was held on 23-26th.October, 1957, in Leningrad Electro- Technical Institute imeni V.I. Ullyanov (Lenin). More than 100 scientists and engineers from Leningrad, Moscow and other towns took part in this seminar. Sokolov's scientific work on ultrasound was described by G.V. Odintsov and E*S. Sokolova; and L.L. Myasnikov and S.N, Rzhevkin described their personal contacts with Sokolov. A large group of papers dealt with 'kiltraacoustoscopy", the subject-which was developed Card 113 by Sokolov. L&G. Merkulov, NaA. Yevdokimcv and Seminar on Physics-and Application to the Memory of S.Ya. Sokolov Card 2/3 46-. 4-1-17/23 of Ultrasoundf Dedicated A.S,, Golubev, in their paper on "Ultrasonic Methods of Studies of Solids" described Sokolov's and his co-workers' work on ultrasonic testing for defects. A.K. Gurvich spoke on "Further Development of Ultra- sonic Apparatus f or Qaality Control of Welded Joints"; B.N. Masharskiy reported on defect tracing by change of frequency and use of standard defects; transmission of ultrasound across a boundary between two solids was described by B.D. Dianov; V.V. Bogorodskiy and I.V. Zashchuk reported the results of 'ultrasonic measurement of properties of ice and concrete respectively. The subject of making acoustic field visible was dealt with in papers by V.G. Prokhorov - "On Transformation of an Ultrasonic into a Visible Image" (electron- acoustic convertors), P.V. Ponomarev (use of piezo- electric mosaics) and Ye.D. Pigulevskiy (convex images in liquids5. Ultrasonic absorption in liquids was dealt with by B.B. Kudryavtsev in "Use of Ultrasonic Measurements in Physico-Oliemical Studies". V.F. Nozdrev reported rqeasurements of critical constants using ultrasonics, and S.A. Balyan spoke on propagation Seminar on Physics and Application; of Ultrasound, Dedicated to the Memory of S.Ya. Sokolov. of ultrasound in reacting liquids. Measurement, of ultrasoi;nd velocity and absorption were dealt-with in papers. by V.F, Nozdrev, V F. Yakovlev, N.I Koshkin (''Development of Professor S:Ya. Sokolov's IdLs on Pulse Technique in the M.O.P.I Laboratory"), I.G. Mikhaylov ("Application of a Piezoelectric Qaartz Wedge to Measurement of Absorption in Liquids"), V.A. SolovIyev ("Application of a Composite Piezoelectric Vibrator in the Study of Polymers"), a-ad GI.N. Feofanov ("Measurement of Velocity cf Propagation of Ultrasonic Waves in. LiquLids using the Method of Fulse Interferc- metry"). Two papers on the effect of ultrasonics on crystallization were read: I.I. Teumin on "The Effect of Elastic Vibrations on Crystallization and on Technical Properties of Metals and Alloys", and Kh.S. Bagdasarov on "The Effect of Ultrasoni.-, Vibrations on Crystallization Processes.". Card 3/3 1. Phyaiav--Oonference 2. Ultraso%ud---Applicativao 3. Ultra- acoustoseopy SOV/46-5--l-5/24 AUTHOR: Dianov, D.B. TI= - PL%z1rS of Ultrasonic N%ves Through Plane-Farallel Layere, (0b. it.LuenerLAi ulltrazvulcovykh voln cherez ploslcoparallel"-nyyo sloi) PERIODICAL: Almstichealdy Zhurnal, 1959, Vol 5, Nr 1, pp 31-,t (USSR) il 4 ABSTRACT: Ultrasonic -waves are often emitted or received via an iaterlediato system consisting of one or more plane-parallol layers. For exampAek in studies of solids by means of ultrasonic waves, one or more inter- mediate layers are placed between a-vil-rator or a receiver and the solid in order to Improve the efficiency of energy traneer. 3u ch intermediate layers and their effect on emitted radiation are discussed in the present paper. The author shows that, if one quarter-wave layer is used between a piezovibrator and a medium, the emission intensity at a particular frequency may be increased, provided the layer has lower acoustic impedance than the impedance of the medium. Larger increasea of intensities at chosen frequencies can be achieved by the use of twe or more layers. For This purpose an ood number of intermediate layers is usually employed for irradiation of solids, while an even number of Card 1/2 SOV/46-5-1-5/24 Pass:Lag of Ultrasonic Waves Through Plane-Parallel Layors such layers is more convenient in irradiation of liquids - The author verified the theoretical equations obtained by comparison with experimental results. For example, Fig 3 curve 1 shows the frequancy characteristic of a vibrator emitting directly into water, while curve 2 shows the same vibrator emitting via an intermediate double layer consiting of water and a glass plate. The crosses in Fig 5 are experimental values and they show good agreement of the theoreticai continuous curve with experiment. There are 5 figures and 10 references, 5 ofwhich are Soviet, 3 English and 2 translations of English into Russian. ASSOCIATION.Leningradskiy elektrotakhnichaskly institut Imeni V.I. Ullyanova (Lenina). (Leningrad Blectrotechnical Institute Imeni V.I. Ullyanov [Lenin] ). SUBMITTED-. January 16, 1958 card 2/2 DIAMOV 1") 11 Scientifl-, 1(1~--A,nologlcal conference on physical methods for I the nondestructive testing of materials. Akust. zbur. 7 no.3: 394-396 '61~ (MLU -14:9) (Vondestructive tosting) DIANOV, D.B.; NERKULOV, L.G.; NIKITBNKO, V.I. Precipitation of zinc oxide aerosols in an acoustic field. Almst. zhur. 8 no.l.-60-66 162. O%LMA 15-4) 1. Loningradskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut imeni M.Lenina (Ullyanova). (Aerosols) (Zinc oxide) (Ultrasonic coagulation) AGG-EWIDN' Nri: J*4025729 S/0046/64/010/001/0048/0053 AUTHORS: Dianovi, D c B-, * -kov, K. V. TITLE: Excitation of normal waves'in plates by the,method of an obliquely incident sound beam SOURCE: Akustichaskiy zhurmLl, v. 30, no. 3.,, 1964.,' 48-53 TOPIC TAGS; excitation., normal wavop sound beam, ifave field, piston radiatorp dofoot dotaction, wave propagation, plane wave, Fourier transform,, Bessel function A.35TRACT: The authors compute the wave field formeLd in a plate by impinging on it a sound bemi 6iaated by a piito-n r;adiator. They obtain-asymptotic formulas determining the direction of the normal waves and the dependence of their amplitude on the angrile of inclination of the'radiator, The computational results are enerimentialy verified. This-problem is of inter6ist in defeat detection. Oria. art. hass 3 figkTes and 16 formulas. ASSWIATIONT.- 4aningradakiy slaktrotekhnichookiy institut im V. 1. ullyanova Mardl/2 ACCESSION Ni: AP4025729 (Lenina) LeningTa(l (Uningrad Mectro-'rechnical.,InAituts) SUB'rWIMED : OUpr43 DATE AGQs 2,OApr64 SUB CODE: PH ND REF SOVs 001 ENCLt 00 OTHER: 002 C~rd 2/2 ;'L?286-66 !,CC NR: AP5028048 SOURCE CODE: UR/0046/65/011/004/0442/0452 AUTHOR: Diithov,.D.B.; Prokhomv, V.G. _7 CIRG: Le 7ad Electrotechnical Institute im. V. 1._P ~yanov (Lenin) (L--oningradskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut) ITTLE. Focusing ultrasonic refleSikM SOURCE: Ak-ustichesIdy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 4, 1965, 442-452 TOPIC TAGS: acoustic radiation, acoustic equipment,, ultrasonic radiation, ultrasonic equipment, acoustic reflection. A,B,';TRACT: This article analyzes~ and compares the effectiveness of seven various types of ultrasonic reflectors and presents the necessary engineering calculations of such devices. In addition to known types, the article examines two devices proposed by the present authors, one of which incorporates reflectca~s in the form of a truncated rotation paraboloid and a plane radiator, and the other a device with two reflectors in the form of truncated parabolic cylinder, and a plane radiator. Analytic expressions are presented for the functions of amplitude distribution al; the wave front, amplification factors, focusing factors at the acoustic pressure, and the oscillation rate. On the basis of the expression obtained, the authors perform calculations of the factors of focusing concentrators with dffferent values of their parameters. The optimal values of the parameters are determined. A comparison of the concentrators examined shows that they differ little among themselves in their basic characteristics, and j-0,,j 1/2 UDC: 534.24 L 7786-66 EVa(l')/FGC IJP(c ACC NR: "60D7994 SOURCE CODE: UR/0046/66/012/001/0031/0038 AUTHOR: Dentsov. A.S. 'Dianov, D.B.;Podollskiy, A.A. -'Turubarov V.I. ORG: LeninLrrad Insti aviatsionnogo priboros (Lenin) (Leningradskly adskly Ul TITLE: Drift of an aerosol partic & an acoustic wave distorted by the presence of the second harmonic SOURCE: Akusticheskty zhurnal, v. 12, no. 1, 1966, 31-38 TOPIC TAGS: acoustic wave, aerosol, harmonic function, acoustics ABSTRACT: The authors investigate the fundamental characteristics of drift due to the asymmetric form of an acoustic waye~-which mi air substantially affect the process of acoustic coagulation of aerosols. Approximate formulas are obtained for the determination of particle drift velcicity iti an acoustic wave distorted by the presence of the second harmonic, reflect- ing the relationships of drift velocity to such parameters as frequency, particle radius, and the slip angle of the second harmonic. It Is demonstrated that there to a maximum of particle drift velocity as a function of particle frequency; with Increasing frequency the maxima shift to the region of smaller radii and decrease In magnitude. It is found that for different dimen- sions of the particles the drift assumes a zero vailue at certain angles of phase shift. For a UDC: L 31521-.66 ACC NR% "6007994 traveling wave of finite amplitude, the drift of aerosol particles to directed against"the-wav6 propagation, and, at moderate sound intensitica,may reach several cm/see. Ile hheorefical results obtained are compared with the precise results obtained by i9olving the Initial equa- tion on a simulating electronic computer. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and. 16 formulas. SUB CODE- 20 / SUBM DATE: 28Nov64 / ORM REF: 003 / OTH REF: 003 ACC NRs AP7003496 SOURCE COM UR/0069/66/028/004/0498/0503 AUTHOR: Dianov, D. Bol, Podolfskly, A. Aq; Turjb4rov. V. 1. ORG: ' Leninqrad Institute of Eloctrical'Enrrineerindim. V. I. Ul I ya~o - (Lo~in')! ..(Leningradakiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut); Leningrad Institute of Avip&ion' Instrument Making, (Loningradskiy institut Ya TITLE: Aerosol particle drilt In a sound wave of finito amplitudo SOURCEt Kolloldnyy zhupalp v, 28* no. 4, 1966, 498-503 TOPIC TAGS: aerusol, standing waves, traveling wave le ABSTRACT: Among a number of works idUch have appeared in the last w years on. the theory of aerosol particle drift in a sound field is a monograph by Ye. P. ~MNJKOV, showing that under certain conditions a predominant role is played .by drifts caused by periodic change in the viscosity of the medium in the case anding -pf a traveling wave and by asymmetry of vibrations in the case of a st wave. The purpose of the present article is to consider these questiond in qs~ng.the method of transfomition of coordinates. mater de~ 'Card 6, -7 L 3.0799-67 ACC NRs AP70034' The fol-lowing approximate equation of motion is g- ven for an aerosol L wtiole in a finite -amplitude sound wave: d-u m ~'+ 61ty1ru, 6nijr t,(d Cos w dt C + 1) 2;-.+ cos 2(a 1 XP sin 2w 1- (5) 2C 4C2 C)I Vhe'iuthors then derive the foll6~ziijg__fo_rmula for*the case Pf'a traveling wave': 2,1 + 40 And the foncuing formula for the case of a standing wave., (Y -_ 0 04! tot U sin 2k (I - x) sin 2k (I - sin 2k (I -- 1-). I;C3!11?kt (17) Expressions (10) and (17) are used to calculate the dependence of drift velocity on particle radius, The authors conclude that the drift ofan aerosol particle in a finite- ampUtuc!~_sound wave.consisto of,two additive drifts caused. rospppt~Y2 ACC NR, AP7003490 hange of the vibrations in Eulerian cc-ordinates and by periodic 6 ,uhe visco6ity of the medium. The results obtained by the authors agree with -results based on the formulas of S. S. IXJKRIN, whose method involves solving an exact equation of particle motion. The authors assert that this indicates the correctness of using an approximate equation of motion, based on the use of coefficients _9f. particle streamline and entrai.n.m.ent. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 17 formulas. ORS: 38,97g .SUB CODE& 20 SUBH DATE t 02Apr65 ORIG-REFI 007 OTH REF: 002 Wr ~t jr "N8 q 4;~t T-.0, PEA! vw. Ex--D,fj m,--m IF7!1 1-3 IF, -1~ .=FUM "TH. *N,,Ilr i-~ lb~ C1131i. To thiA =d a r ca DI I -W),Ir,2 101id WHiK04 initil thc mk6xi fm~QL 4 neg. Thereac- 'tiCFI MiXt. b All= fOLC "C. al-d tile ill"Ilie il Vnpraircd to (:&elaPim in~f TO; fir god at.thj! ~~,jule fluit d-collip e lit Nted dive'llsm, of its i~ UahbInfJ;,wI[h NU'3 aachd to the rawa Ifl;-uW aLs NFjOH; AirwNtift:ation of It-ris procedure i9 to Areat L sob), Rrith C( if ill the preseT'.6! of "Hu. X1. 4. 1 - I-It, C KISE:_M~d&, M. L., and KISELEV, P. I. (Cand.Tech.s i.) LAZAREV, Yu. G. DIANOV IM., MURAVKIN, B. V. (ENgr.) and MAMSIMOV, V. M. (Cand.Tech.Sci.) ) = "Questions of Fuel Preparation." A Scientific-Technical Conference on Awciliary Equipment for Power Station Boiler-Houses. Moscow, 17 - 20 Dee 1957. Teploenergtilm, 1958, . No. 4, pp. 9o-91 (USSR) BUROVITS, G.A., inzh.- DIANOV 1. inzh.; KUSHNIKOV, B.D., inzh.; I -A- IAZAREV, Yu.G., inzh.; KEMYS', P.H., kand.tekhn.nauk Use of high-speed shaft mills for coal crushing. Energomashinostroenie 7 no.10:19-22 0 161. (MU3A 14: 10) (Coal, Pulverized) (Boilers-Firing) KAZARNOVSKIY, Ye.M., kand. tekhn. naukj BURGVITS, G.A., inzh.; DIMOV, I.M., inzh.; VOROTYNTSkV P.P. Results of the study of the performance of hammer mills with air blast separators In coal crushing operation. Energomashinostroenir 10 no.1109-43 N 164 (MIRA 18:2) 25(5) j 3 pliho I Dom SIPLO]MkTlo.,f Orpal-tely. I planlro~anljv -~.-y .1br 2-4p"uyj Dklady t OWL-tlw aA of t:.Lf.- Work Obbehino-buildi.4 Z.trprt--aj OMI*M,)* of ymmis. 11ollow, Wbsu, iV, platriest rtas Tndy, vni.22) 4,000 Copiss prjoW. 2"-stl.A. Vulk"L=LG. Tatevosay.1 Tch. Id.1 Ly. fbk*lomj H..,Lng zd. Ll ersture on -1001~ TvmhoOI067 ObIrVigh TO.P. Xgueov. tagloo.r.f"' I PURPOUS WS of I- ln~.dd ftr -gi-1.9 and tnh.1-1 P.--l 1. x&cbl--bjj4jg lwd for scloatirio workre and Bublents Of LoatItatos end dapartwzu or on6u..ri., and moomamles. ODVXRUMt TMe eoll"t.1a. or & watis jorts by vorkarm from vues, 40190tiflO 10004mb 19'stitUt.8,-ad indutrW pm".td at the comfembee of vuse. 04 the SOJ*Qts mOrpai"Uom and Plaming of M"orm OP-ratlons in 31maht-bollal., IntAblishments." Th- mpo~ dis-as semral p-bl.- .-t-d In orga.1-tim "alYtims and thearY of untfors productloo as vwU am problege 1. ahdl. teabalow, Preparation, " proamuou noulallastlom. Card I/ a Diawy candidate or uoooio scunw. (Novohorkaakly Fult Imni Ordthomilddae (Noron)arlmask Polytedwaica Institkht.1-b- 1- 0AULM"Id"D. Roves-umatim amd coopermum as th. )bet Xvort"t Pre- Mvd&lfno of mwumdo Operstloss Is looommula-MMLractariag F]Aate 2TO DUNOV. I.P., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.;SUSIOV, B.V.. inzhener. ,O-WiIVA90"*~-JJVAW,~~O'~, I - For development of specialization and cooperation in the loco- motbre: 1milding industry of the U.S.S.R. Vest. elektroprom 28 no.l: 45-49 Ja '57. WaA lo:4) 1. Novocherkasskiy politekhnieheskiy institut (for Dianov). 2. Novoclierkaoskiy alektrovozostroitellnyy zavod (for Suslov). (Locomotives) DI&NOVI. - Troduction basis for building locomotives In the U.S.S.R. and :problems of developing specialization and cooperation in the production of electric locomotives* Izve vy'so uchebe zav.; elektromekh. 1 no.5:98-105 '58. (MIRA 11:8) (Electric locomotives) DrANOV, I.P.Jwx4.ekon.rauk Specialization and cooperation are the most inportant factors for rhythmical work flow in locomotive plants. Tridy LIBI no.22: 278-289 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Novocherkaaekiy Politekhnichookiy inatitut Imeni Ordshonikidise. (Locomotives--Construction) DIANOV-KLOKOV, V. I. "On 'the oxygen absorption spectrum in the near infrared." report presented at the Atmospheric Radiation Symp, Leninbrad, 5-12 Aug 64. DIANOV-"KLOKOV, V.I. Oxygen absorption spectrurg obtained at pressures of 2 -2- 35 atm. in the region 12600-3600 A. Opt. i spektr. 16 no.i-409-416 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) DIAN ~OV ~dmil Ivanovich Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truds; VISHNYA- KOVA9 Te,qA.q re~f-,~4IN, A.B., telchn. red. (We'll fulfill the.taske of the sevon-year plan shead of time] Zadanie somiletki vypolnim dosrochno. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovet- skoia Rospila.", 1960. 27 p. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Predesdatell kolkhoza "Rossiya" Spasskogo rayons Ryazan- skoy oblasti (for Dianov) (Ryaxon Province-Collootive forms) AUTHORSa Dianov, M., F.., Trifonoi,. N. A. 79-28.-Ar-5/6o TITLE: Physical - Chemical Analys.,a of' the Eihyien,~ Diamine - Ally! Iscth.-Locyanate System (Fizik(;-khim~cheskiy analiz sisteml el.-ilen diamin - allilovoye gorchichnoye mas1c) PERIODICAL% Zhurnal Obsh,-.hey Khimii, 1958. vol. 28. Nr PP, 872-875-f (USSR) ABSTRACT: The ethyl diamine-allyl isothiocyariaTe system -was investi= gaTed by the authors as to viscosity, density, index of refraction,, boiling point, on which occasion also the compos- iti-Ozk of vapour was de-.ermined: ThV components of the system investigated were carefully purified. Viscosity was mea. sured at 4c by means of twc) clos,2~d vi.soo5imeters by Ost-= valld with ca-illaries of iifferent diameters. The especially Vis0ous compounds (50 84 molar of th~ isothio-yanite) were measured in the v-isoosimeter with greater diameter. Density was meaz-:urel by means of a py~:nvme4 er Of --- .-':-)173 milliliters volume- The index of refrantion was determined by means of Card 1/3 the refractometer by Abbe at 350. The results are given on Physical - ChOMIcal Analysis c1l' the E-rhyl-?np Diamin~ -79-26. 4 5/16" Allyl ISCthiDcyanat~ Syatem table 1, Bviling point and compound of vapour were mined by means of an apparatus desigred by the auiior cording to tne prtncipis of an apparatas with ebuLli-o- Sc:%r'a bY V-- k- Ktreye'~ (Ref , 5),- Press'ari~ was r1a by meang of a monostat witb electro-magnezic cont7ol pri:'-C-ision lip toj-o.'~ mm mexc-,ury c.olumn.. B-zilir.6 '.~mperature (Ref,, 6) was determined at loo and 2oo m-m mercury compos'Ltion of vapour at loo mm. The rest,-Its are tabllf~ 2. On the basis of the obtained results- the ethylene diam ne - allyl isothlocyanate must be pLaced the rat-ional systems., A comparison Of thf- curvps properties investigated shows thi-.1 its J.ndividual among others also on the boiling isobar correspon! and the. Ejame compound,- 66,7 Mo). % of -Lsozhiocyinite. is supposed that the azeotropic mixture in this srstem in all rational systems rel)resents an individual dE?ter= ac= Llltvined of a columno given on system to )f the points to one It like ,hendcal compound,, Only one sipgle chemical compound ~ ethylene di(allyl. thiocarbamide) C,,H8N2 ' 2C3HIPS.forms in the system.. Under normal conditions it is in undissoclated e at There are 3 figures., 2 tab'~es and 6 references. all cf Card 2/3 vhich a-..-e Sovie". Physical - Chemical Analysis of the E-~hylene Diamine - 79-28-4-5/6o Allyl Isothiocyanate System ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kazant State University) SUBMITTED: February 25, 1957 Card 3/3 1~ U3,4) AbTRORS: Dianov, M. P., Trifonov, N. A. SOV/2o-123-6-21/50 TITLE; A Physical-Chenical Analysis of Binary Liquid System3 on the Basis of Boiling Point Measurements (Fiziko-khi-,Iicheskiy analiz dvoynykh zhidkikh sistem po izmereniyam temperatur kipeniya) PERIODICAL: Dijklady Akademii nauk SSSR, -1958, Vol 123, Nr 6, PP 1033 - 1036 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The classification and theoretical utilization of the experi- mental data concerning the boiling temperatures of binary systems in publications do not suffice to establish the applicability of measurements of these temperutures in the physical-chemical analysis. For this reason, the authors additionally investigated the folloving systeiis: dioxane.- ethylene-glycol and nitro ben2,eneisobutyl alcohol. Their boiling isobars are of the same type and show a negative deviation from the standard curve. This is due to the dissociation of associated molecules of the components at their dissolution. For the determination of the boiling temperature and the vapor composition a modified ebullioscope Card 1/3 (according to kefs 6,7) was used. The boiling isobars of' the It 1'Y1YJGiCU1-C1WV1iOU1 Analynin of Binary Liquid Systems SOV12o-123-6-21150 on the Basis of Boiling Point Measurements rational systems may possess 3 types of singular points: a) an upper point, b) a middle one and c) a lower one. In the 6 rational systems investigated by the authors tho types a) and b) were determined. The most characteristic ones were: piperidine- mustard oil (Fig 1) and ethylene-diamine-mustard oil. An isobar of the b-type is shown by the systems: water-acetic an- hydride and diphenyl-amina-mal.eic anhydride. The condensation curve of the water-acetic anhydride system (Fig 2) consists of 2 Darts with different ascent. These parts intersect (as well as the evaporation curve) in the singular point, This suggests the existence of a compound not dissociated (acetic acid) in the vapor. Although no boiling isobars of the c--type could be found experimentally, their theoretically possible existence is supported by the model-method (Ref 9). In addition to the singular points at the same time the occurrence of azeotropes on the isobars is possible which are formed by the compound and by one of the components. This occurs in the Systems: diethyl-amino-phenyl mustard oil and ethylaniline- phenyl mustard oil (Fig 3). By rounding off the singular points Card 2/3 of the rational systems and by a gentle combination of the A Physical-Chemical Analysis of Binary Liquid Systems SOV/20-123-6-21/50 on the Basis of Boiling Point Measurements ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED: SUBMITTED: Card 3/3 parts of boiling isobars, corresponding curve types of the irrational systems can be constructed (Ref 10). The authors investigated 5 of such systems by means of the ebullioscope: stannous chloride-ethylacetate, PC1 3 - C6H5CHO, chloral water (Fig 4), chloral ethanol, ethylene-diamine-water. The results of the measurements of the boiling temperature are in accordance with those of other phynical properiies and complete them considerably. Thus$ the ebullioscopic determina- tion can be regarded as an efficient method in the physical- chemical analysis of liquid syste:ns. There are 4 figures and 106 references, 9 of which are Soviet. Kazanskiy goandarstvennyy universitet im. V. I. Ullyanova-Lerina (Kazan' State University imeni V. 1. Ullyanov-Lenin June 12, 1958, by B. A. Arbuzov, Academician June 5, 1958 5 (4) A'UTHORS: Teytellbaum, B. Ya., SOV/20-128-1-28/58, TITLE: Spectrophotometric Investigation of Picrates of Aromatic 1~ydrocarbons in Solution PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128p Nr 1, pp 106-109 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the authors attempted to solve the problem .as to whether aromatic hydrocarbons may be determined on the basis of light absorption of their picrates. As a solvent 1,2-dichloro ethane was used which solves pitric acid and hydro- carbons as well as picrates. In a relatively wide spectral range the absorption curves were plotted and for a series of solutions the molar extinction coefficients E were computed (Fig 1), Absorption spectra of the solutions investigated may be. div--'-,ded into 3 ranges: In the shortwave range (222-300 m~t) absorption bands characteristic of naphthalene hydrocarbons occUr. In the medium range there is the absorption maximum of picria acid 040 ma). For differently concentrated solutions and solutions with heterogeneous hydrocarbons the extinction curv6s are equal. The long-wave range is characterized by the absorption of picrates. Besides naphthalene and its mothyl-substituted Card 1/3 derivativesp also individual non-condensated aromatic Spectrophotometric Invostigation of Picratee of SOV/20-128-1-28/58 Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Solution hydrocarbons were investigated. with all bolutions investigated absorption edges are almost parallel (Table 1) in the visible part of the spectrum. The investigation was carried out on the speotrophotometer SF-4 at room temperature. The following investigation results were found: By formation of picrates of aromatio hydrocarbons, the absorption edge of picrio acid is shifted towards the longwave range. The amount of shifting depends on the nature of the hydrocarbon and on the concentration of the oolution. With an increase in the number of alkyl grcups in the hydrocarbon molecule, the absorption edge is shifted correspondingly. The shifting of the absorption edges is hardly influenoed by a complication in the structure of alkyl groups~ or by a variation of their position in the ring. This shifting may also serve at a certain optical density just as the absorption quantity on a certain wave length for the determination of aromatic hydrocarbons by the spectrophotometric and oolorimetric method. The authors thank L. A. ]Ukhazedova and Ye. A. Robinzon for providing the preparations, There a:ce Card 2/3 2 figures. 1 table, and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. Spectrophotometric Investigation of Piorates of SOV/20-.128-1-28/58 Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Solution ASSOCIATIONs Khimichaskiy inatitut Kazanskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemistry ofthe Kazan' Branch of 1-,he A--ademy of Sciencesp USSR) PRESENTED: April 27P 19599 by B. A. Arbuzov, Academician SUBMITTED: April 20, 1959 Card 3/3 1 1 -2) t-/'2 AUTHORS: Dianov, M. P., Teytel. I baum, D. Ya. h, ei Coia-munIM' 'Iom;. A 1-1-e-lod C,--, TITLE: D -L I- L,! Determinatlon of Naphthu].(,ne .'in M1.1'-1't-,~,wC,;; With Phenol PERIODICAL: Zhm,tial an aliticheskow khImi.l., pi(.-~, Hr 1, .? V0.1 I., PI) (US-513) ABSTRACT: Thl:3 6imple and accurate method Iz. 1-;ased on i.-he difference of -.he bathochromic shift., of nap-ithalene and pi,01101 ple--ates . Quartz are i-iot. spe-~troplwjtometej~ tura,.:; . 0.1 soluttions of picric acid and naphthalr~.,ne are used. Plerates of phenol absorb Lit aboul, 4121-4 2t, mp- and those oi' naphthaiene.,.,, at. !1:,),.) 1;111 Una tip. The con~,,entrat Ions are determined callb~~atlun- -,l 'I,:,ves. The accuracy of this i-.ieth(,,d is up to 1%. The ~,e iL I fig,.,,re; 1 table; and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Chemical Institute of Lhe Kazan' Dr-anch 01' the ACELdeiny *"' a i - d112 Bvic-l' Communications. A P'notometric ..1cra'c Method of Determination of Haphthalenc in Mixtures With Phenol SUBMITTED: 7 (7 63 S OV./7 1 1 -2 f)/2 9 o1' Sciences, USSR, Kazan' inStitut Ka;,-ans kogo fillala All SSSR., Kazan') March 1), lj~-(' Card 2/2 DIANOVt M. P., CAND CHEM SCIp 11PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF BINARY LIQUID SYSTEMS FOR MEASURING BOILING TEMPERATURES." KAZAN19 1959, (KAZANI ORDER oF LABOR RED BANNER STATE UNIV IMENI V. 1. ULlYANOv-LENIN* CHAIR OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY). (KL-DVV 11-619 210). -36- TEYTELIBAUM, B.Ya.; ........ Light absorption of picric acid solutions in the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons of the kerosine fractions of the Tatar A.S.S.R. I:;v.-- Kazan.fil. AN S,3SR. Ser.khim.nai* no.6.-116-122 161. (IMIRA "' (Tatar A.,S.S.R.-Petroleum) (Hydrocarbons) (Pieria acid--Spectra) 1-1,12 , 2 205 22234 3/19 61/003/004/009/014 B1 01 YB207 AUTHORS: Teytel'baum, B. Ya., Dianov, M. P. TITLE: The method of recording the thermomechanical curves of poly- mers PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniyat v- 3, no. 4, 19611 594-601 TEYT: This paper reports on the design of an apparatus for the continuous recording of thermomechanical curves (TMC) and on some experiments conducted. Fig. 1 shows a schematical drawing of the apparatus. 0 is the sample con- tained in a vessel of 4 mm. inner diameter and 2 mm, height. It is part of the heater 6 (aluminum). & is cooled with liquid air before the beginning of the experiment by means of the Dewar vessel A, subsequently heated at constant temDerature rise. The linear increasing voltage ofAJTH, the thermocoupleTY and the electronic relay P2 serve for this purpose. P2 switches in the heating current as soon as the emf of TY has reached the voltage ofAJ114. The sample is loaded with the weight r of the stampTr, the weight of which is equalized by the scale beam K and counterweight. The contact needle W is fixed at the end of K. The vessel with the samples is Card 1/7 21134 s/190/61/003/004/009/014 The method 03101/B207 fixed at the cross beam T by means of rods. The micrometer screw 11 forms part of T and is moved by means of a CA,-2 (SD-2) synchronous engine. (Insulators are between K and 0, as well as between T and M). A separates from M when the sample is deformed (falling of the stampIT). Subsequently, the relay PI switches in the engine (a) of the record chart of the YnT-09 (EPP-09) recorder and SD-2, which are synchronous until contact is re-estab- lished between M and M. The maximum recording rate of deformation depends on the rpm. of the Warren engine. The temperature of the sample is measured with the thermocouple TO, which is connected to the input (b) of EPP-09. The cold junctions XCare kept at 200C by means of the thermostat. The po- tentiometerTrCpermits the recording of both positive and negative tempera- tures. At (c), N2 is blown through. A special device was designed to bring various diagrams to the same scale by means of projecting the record chart located on an inclined glass plate onto a horizontal table. Fig. 3 shows the TMC of polyvinyl chloride at different stress. At 100, 125, and 1500C, the diagrams of Pig- 4 werO obtained herefrom. Linear function between deformation and stress could be observed only in highly elastic state (up to 1000C). At higher temperatures, a deviation from linearity was observed owing to plastic deformation. Pig. 5 shows the dependence of the vitrifica- Card 2/7 The me'Lliod. 'kM s119016110031004,10091014 B101/3207 tion temperature TV and the softening point Ts on the stress. The real TS was determined by recordinG T. at various small stress by extrapolation with respect to zero stress. Similar investigations were also carried out. on polyinethyl methacrylate and the copolymer from the allyl dichloro vinyl ester of phenyl phosphinic acid and 3%o methyl methacrylate provided by N. I. Riznolozhenskiy and A. A. Muslinkin. The optimum stress was found to deoend on the kind of thd polymer to be investigated. At hi,h .9tre.,is, TV can be accura'tely determined, while the determination of TS requires a orriall load. Furthermore, the course of TCC was found to be hi(;hly dependent on the preparation of the sample. Fig. 8 shows this for polynethyl metbacrylate. V. A. Kart;in and V. L. Tsetlin are mentioned. There are 9 fitures and 8 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Khimicheskiy institut Yazanskooo filiala All SSSR (Chemical I Institute of Kazan' Branch, AS USSR) SUBMITTEO: July 14, 1960 Card 3/7 2113~ 11 S/19 61/003,~004/009/014 The method ... BI 01 Y13207 Fic. 1. Circuit diagraia of the automatic appEL,.-;.ttuo for recordin.q- TMG. It. 'j. 1 Card 4/7 The method ... Figs. 3 and 4 i Z~ 10 a leo v llq clo T-j .1 e-u-34 S11901611003100410091014- B`101/13207 t 01 :j :1 *1 u 114