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AUTHOR: Dezin, A.A. 30V/20-123-4-4/55
TITM A Boundary Value Problem Formulated Correctly for Somellon
Classical Operators (Korrektnaya granichnaya zadacha dlya
nekotorykh neklassicheskikh operatorov)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958,Vol 123,Nr 4,PP 595-596 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Let V =10 :Ex01~1 ~xQ, where Q is the V-dimensional space of the
variables x 19x29 .... X%) ' In V the author considers the equation
M au + bu - f D
0 0- rd,
where b is an operator elliptic in the generalized sense with
constant coefficients, i.e.
2oL 13 %~
b b,,,D 1) 9 Do%. DO(' ... Doe
1Qrj -Z M 1
All derivatives are understood in the sense of distributions..
By construction of so-called S-extensions of the operator a,
a boundary value problem can be formulated correctly for (1).
The final result asserts that for all f of a certain class
Card 1/2 (1) has a unique generalized solution which, on the lateral
A Boundary Value Problem Formulated Correctly for Some SOV/20-123-4-4/53
Non classical Operators
area of V satisfies homogeneous boundary conditions depending
on the operator b and the domain Q.
The paper contains 6 lemmas, 1 theorem, and 4 conclusions.
There are-7 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 3 American,
and I Swedish.
ASSOCIATIONtllatematicheskiy institut V.A.Steklova Akademii nauk SSSR
(Mathematical Institute imeni V.A.Steklov,AS USSR)
PRESENTEDs July 3, 41958, by S.L.Sobolev, Academician
SUBMITTED: June 21, 1958
Card 2/2
0 0 .6ch0 0 sc 3.9 t
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z ga .0
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-k." 0 Lt- =b
1-913 c H A A 1011
tic Jim;
vi It
k. S.
cl a
30,V/42-1 4- 3-2 /22
AT""'HOR: Dezin,_LA..,_
TITLE; Existence- and Uniqueness Theorems for the Solutions of
Boundary Value Problems for Partial Differential Equations
in Functional Spaces
1:ZIRIODICAL. Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, 1959,vol 14,lir 3,pp 21-74(USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present paper is an introduction into the circle of ideas
of S*L. Sobolev, K. Friedrichs and others, on the base of
which there was developed the functional analytic method for
the performance of existence- and uniqueness investigations
for partial differential equations. The paper differs from a
usual survey inasmuch as the author does not try to give a
reproduction as exact as possible of the most extensive re-
sults. On the contrary he tries to discover the character of
the treated questions by explicit proofs of trivial theorems
and simplest examples. Yany questions are not touched at all,
e.g. the differential behavior of the obtained generalized
solutions. The paper does not contain new results. The no-
tations correspond about to those of drding. Contents
Introduction. Chapter I. Fundamental functional spaces.
Card 1/2 operators and functionals. Chapter II. Weak generalized
Existence- and Uniqueness Theorems for the Solutions SOV/42-14-3-2/22
of Boundary Value Proble;as for Partial Differential Equations in Punctional
derivatives. Mean value operators. Chapter III. Symmetric
systems of first order. Chapter IV. Equations of elliptic
type. Chapter V. Equations of second order of hyperbolic and
parabolic type. Chapter VI. A correct boundary value problem
for a nonclassical operator. Chapter VII. Some general
questions of the theory of differential operators.
M.I. Vishik is mentioned in the paper.
There are 28 references, IS of which are Soviet, 5 American,
4 Swedishq and 1 French.
SUBMITTED: January 23, 1959
Card 2/2
AUTHOR; Dez'in, A.A. (Moscow) SOV/39-49-4-5/6
TITLEt ndary Value Problems for Some Symmetric Linear Systems
of First'Order
PERIODICAL: Matematichaskiy abornik,19599 vol"49,Nr 4,PP 459-484 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The paper, in-which boundary value problems for systems of
li-nea-r-partial differential equations are considered, contains
a detailed -representation of results already announodd by the Ref 1 - 3-7 . The functional theoretical-method
of the Cr in analogous to the---method of Friedrichs ii Ref 7-7.
� I General considerations oonneeted with operators of rat
order. .� 2 Energetic inequality. � 3 Averaging operators.
� 4 Solvable boundary val'aa-problems.
Altogether there are 9 lemmiLta, 7 theorems, several remarks
and examples. The author mentions S.L. Sobolev, M.I. Vishik,
and Petrovskiy. - There are. 12 references, 7 of whioh are
Soviet, 4 American, and I SIA,edish.
SUBMITTEDi March 1, 1958
Card 1/1
A11THOR: Dezin,3_.A-t- SOV/20-127-3-4/71
TITLE: On a Special System of Equations
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,Vol 127,11r 3,PP 497-500 (TiSSR)
..,BSTRACT: The author considers a special system of equations consisting
of eight equations for eiEht unknown functions of four
variables. The structure of the system is of interest inasmuch
as the system represents e. generalization of the Cauchy-
Riemann differential equations and of some other classical
equations which are in connection with the operators of fi 'eld
theory. The author uses the method of orthogonal expansions in
Hilbert space and averageo and proves the unique solvability
of the considered system in several cases. Altogether the
author gives 5 theorems and 4 lemmata.
There are 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet, and 1 American.
ASSOCILTIONt Matematicheskiy institut imeni V.A. Steklova Akademii nauk
SSSR ( Mathematical Institute imeni V.A. Steklov,AS USSR)
PRESEN17ED: April 10, 19510, by S.L. Sobolev, Academician
SUBMITTED: March 17, 1959
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: ,,Dezin,A.A.
TITLE: Systems of the First Order Defined in Riemannian Manifolds,~,
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1960,vol 130,Nr 6,pp 1183-1185 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Let V be an n-dimensional compact unbounded Riemannian manifold,
tp,>-differential forms in V, (P p )-scalar product, d - operator
of the outer differentiation, the operator conjugated
p p+1
metrically with d, i.e. (d13,PX+') (W,G %. ). In Z-Ref 12 the
author considered certain systems K n and K*n for n-3,4.'Now
analogous systems in the general case are given, e.g. for an
even n:
Card 1/3
Systems of the First Order Defined in Riemannian S/020/60/130/06/001/059
1 63 2 2 1
d&.)+ W PC' d CA3
W3 + Se~4 2
OC. (Kn)
n-3 n-1 n-2 n-2 n n-I
d &) + dw+6ww oc~
n-1 n
d Lb C*
The unique solvability is guaranteed by the conditions
dV w 0; dV 01 k~O,lp ... n, i~l,...,Ck
A n
Card 2/3
Systems of the First Order Defined in Riomannian B/020/60/130/06/001/059
Therefrom there follows especially that the k-th Betti number
of the n-dimensional torus is identical with Cn
There are 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 2 French, and
1 American.
ASSOCIATIONiMatematicheskiy institut imeni V.A.Ste~klova Akademii nauk SSSR
(Mathematical Institute imeni V.A.Steklov AS USSR)
PRESEIMD: November 5, 1959, by S.L.Soboleir, Academician
SUBMITTED: October 27, 1959
Card 3/3
8 13 3 7
AUTHOR: nezin, A.A.
TITLEt Boundary Value Problems for
C1 1 1/C222
Invariant Elliptic Systemg
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,196o,vol, 132,Fo. 6,pp~ 1246-1249
TEXT: The systems of the class described by the author in (Ref. 1) are under-
stood as systems of first order with constant coefficients in a bounded do-
main of the Euclidean space; The author formulates correct boundary value
problems for it and under an essential use of the invariant chiracter of the
systems he proves two theorems on the existence and uniqueness of the
solutions-, Similar problems have been investigated by A,V. Bitsadze (Ref.5~6),
Phere are 6 references: 4 Soviet, 1 French and 1 American,
ASSOCIATION: Matematicheskiy institut imeni V.A, Steklova Akademii nauk
SSSR (Mathematical Institute imeni V. A. Steklov AS USSR)
f~'RESENTED- February 27, 1960, by I.N,. Vei-Ta_. Academician
SUBMITTED.- February 24, 1960
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: ~ezin A.A.
TITLE% Invariant Hyperbolic Systems and Goursat's Problem
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol-135, No.5, pp-1042-1045
TEXT: In (Ref.1) the author oonsidered. systems on arbitrary Riemannian
manifolds. Elliptic systems (definite measure tensor) were considered in
(Ref.2). The hyperbolic case (measure tensor with Lorentz-signature) is
consiEered in the present paper. In accordance with (Ref.2), a system of
essentially different coefficients of a differential form of degree p is
denoted as covariant 9, . Under restriction to transformations which leave
the direction xn invariant (xl,...,Xn - local coordinates, xn at), p
decoi..poues into two covariants P and P-1, where P contains those components
U U u
of P which do not contain the index n. Let-a be the differentiation C~axn'
d be the operator of the external differentiation, 6 be the metrically
adjoint operator; let the MOILsure tensor satisfy the condition gin" 0,
i=1,_,n-1; gnn- -1. Then the invariant system (K-*) of (Ref.1) assumes
the form
Card 1/5
Invariant Hyperbolic Systems and Goursat's Problem
0 2 1 1 1 0 0
(T) du + 6u -au - ft 6u + -apu- f,
2 4 3 3 1 3 2 2
du + Su - -du - f, du + 6u + '6u - f,
n-4 n-2 n-3 n-3 111. .............0
n-3 n-1 n-2 n-2
du + 6u -au - f du + 6U +-6U - f
n-2 n-1 n-1
du - -Au - f
where d, grelate to the variables x .".qx The system (T*) T*v g is
obtained from (T) by changing the signs ofla.
Lemma 1: Every covariant which satisfies the homogeneous system (T),
satisfies the system of second order
p 2 P .
(1) (d6 + 8d)u + 'a u 0 (P-00 .... n-1).
(2) M-Al
be the region of definition of the system (T), where M is a compact
Card 2/ 5
Invariant Hyperbolic Systems and Goursat's Problem
(n-l)-dimensional Riemannian manifold without a boundary and 1 is the
interval [0,11. Let exist a definite metric on M. On Q the coordinate t
means a parameter. Let u be the totality of all covariants P (P-0,1,...,n-1).
Let the scalar product and the norm on (I be defined by
1 n-1 12 . (u,u),
(3) (u,u) (UP,UP)dt, iu,H
p p 0
where (u9u) is the scalar product on M. Completing the set of smooth
covariants in the sense of the introduced norm one obtains the Hilbert
spaceNH. On covariants satisfying one of the conditions
(r) ult - 0,
(F~~j .o
Vit-i - 0,
the weak and strong extension of the operators T, T* is defined in the
usual manner (Ref-4). All assertions formulated for T relate also to T*.
Lemma 2: The weak and the strong extensions of the operator T are equivalent.
The covariant u which satisfies (T), where the operator is understood in the
Card 3/5
S/020/60/13 5/005/004/043
Invariant Hyperbolic Systems and Goursat's Problem
sense of the defined extension, is called a generalized solution of the
Lemma 3: For the generalized solution of (T) it holds
( q)) lu"Hj-~< 2 1 Tu,Hj .
Theorem la The generalized solution of (T) exists and is unique for an
arbitrary right side of H. Let the region G of the Euclidean space be
bounded by the two cones
1 2 n-1)2_(Xn 1)2 . 0, _1,5:~xn
(S) (x ) +...+(x
Let S 1 be the lower part (xn -,-0) of S. Let An be the characteristic matrix
in the elliptic case (cf.(Ref.1), system (K *)); it is given by the
recursion formula A 1;2 , A . (An_, 1;j ) , where E is the unit
2 n 1.nE -A n_I
matrix and the variable 5k corresponds to the differentiation Vbx . Let
Card 0
Invariant Hyperbolic Systems and Goursat's Problem
n ^ k
In artse from A by replacing ~k by coo Vx , where -j is the outer normal
of (S). A generalized solution of T satisfying the boundary conditions
(6) (A E 0
n-,1 )UIS1
is called a solution of the Goursat's problem for (T).
Theorem 2: The generalized solution of the Goursat's problem for the system
(T) exists and is unique.
There are 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 American.
[Abstracter's note: (Ref*1) is a pa er of the author in Doklady Akadomii
nauk SSSR,1960,Vol.130,NO.6. (Ref.25 is a pa er of the author in Doklady
Akademii nauk SSSR,1960,Vol.132,No.6. (Re-f-4 is a paper of the author in
matematicheskiy sbornik,1959,vol-49PP-4593
ASSOCIATION% Y-atematicheskiy institut imeni V.A.Steklova Akademii nauk SSSR
(Mathematical institute imeni V.A.Steklov of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
PRESENTEDs July 2, 1960, by L.S.Pontryagin, Academician
SUBMITTEDs June 24, 1960
Card 5/5
Doe Phys-Math Sci - (diss) "Invariant differential operators in
boundary problems." -Novosibirsk, 1961. 17 PP; (Academy of
Sciences USSR, Siberian Division, Joint Academic Council for
Physics-Mathematical and Technical Sciences); 220 copies; price
not given; bibliography on pp 16-17 (18 entries); (KL, 6-61 sup,
AUTHOR: Dezin, A.A.
TITLE: Certain types of invariant systems of simplest structure
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklaay,voi.137,no.5,1961, 1038-1041
TEXT: It is shown that the set of invariant systems which can be
investigated with the methods developed by the author (Ref.1t DAN,132,
no..6 (1960), Ref.2: DAN 135, no.5 (1960)) is not yet exhausted by the
11strongl elliptic" and-"strongly hyperbolic" cases considered in
Beside of the systems considered in (Ref.1,2), the systems
(-I - 1 1 0 1 1
D 1u D2u f D IU D 2u = f2
1 0 0 0 (1)
-D1u + u f; -D 1U - f
where D.~= V belong to the above mentioned set. In the first system
i -axi
every smooth solution of the corresponding homogeneous system satisfies
the heat conducting equation, Por the second system it is characteristic:
although the unique solvability (for given boundary conditions) is
Card 1/4
2 1 /0 6-3,
Certain types of invariant systems ... C111/C222
trivial the usual energy inequality which estimates the L2-norm of the
solution by the L 2-norm of the right-hand side cannot be obtained.
The analogue of the first system ~1) for arbitrary n (number of the
unknown variables) is the system kn is even):
0 1 0 0
du + 614 -all 611 + U= I.
3 4 1 3 2 1
du OU _ au du + Ott + u= f,
* *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (P)
.-I n_2 n-~ n -.3 13-3 n-. 111-2 n-2
dri +6 u -au = f, du +6 ti + ft f
1_2 n_I
dU* U = f
where and the operators d,S with respect to the variables
1 n-1 1) n
x I ... Ix are applied to the covariants U which depend on x as
parameters. Every component of U satisfies the heat conducting equation.
Let X be an elliptic operator of the left-hand part of the system W
of (Ref".1), let k* be the formally adjoint operator, let A and U be the
Card 2/4
S11020/61/137/0055/0001 "2'
Certain types of invariant systems ... C'111/C222
sets of all covariants of odd and even degreef then the second system (1)
can be written as 'i
Kit i, K*a -
Besides systems can be considered which originate from (P) by replacing
some of the in the left-hand column by 3 or reversely by replacing
some U in the right-hand column by DUP. One obtains "more elliptic" and
11more hyperbolic" systems, respectively. Furthermore, systems between (P)
and (~),can be considered. Correct boundary value problems in the region
VX e can be given for all these systems, where V has a smooth boundary
and e is the unit, interval. The author obtains theorems of existence and
uniqueness according to the scheme of (Ref.2).
All systems considered until now have the common property that their
properties were the same for all n that, however, the form of the
equations changed for a transition from n to n+1. If in the given
systems the n with the space dimension is not identified then e.g. still
the followinG "t170 index systems" can be given:
Card 3/,
Certain types of invariant systems... C111/C222
P P+2 P+1 p4-1 P+1 P P
d(l) 6 (1) - a (t) 6 0) + (0 = f,
P+1 P+3 P--" P+2
d W 6 to -: (0
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
P+I-; P 1.1-1 P~4_'I' P+1-2
d co -'j- 6 U) -a (1) = f I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(PID
P+1-1 pit '171 P+1-1
d to -a W = Pti; d .0 +W1 + 6 P(+O P ' (') = f ,
where i may assume the values 19 ... n-p, and p may asaume the values
091t ... n-i.
The Maxwell equations and linearized equations of the rotating fluid
are considered au examples. The latter read in the used invariant forill
o o gI 0
N-*(v/\k)+dp - f; yt dp- v-f , (4)
1 0
for incompreBsible and Yj- I for compressible fluid, p
where -rr 0 ~ I v and
are unknowns, k is a given vector depending on the time.
There are 8 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc references.
'ASSOCIA'r!01.1:Yiatematicheakiy institut im.V.A.Steklova Akademii nauk SSSR
(Mathematical Institute im.V'.A.Steklov of the Academy of
Sciences USSR)
PRrSENTZD: November 18, 1960, by S.L.Sobolev, Academician
SUBMITMD; November 11, 1960
Card 4/4
Index in boundary value problems Afor invariant elliptic systems.
Dokl. AN SSSR 141 no.3:535-538 N 161. (MIRti 14:11)
1. MELtematicheskiy institut im. V.A. Steklova AN SSSR. Pred-
stavlono akademikom S.L. Sobalevyn.
(Boundary value Twoblems)
(Diff~rantial equations)
8/02 63/148/005/003/029
B1 12%186
AUTHOR: Dezin, A. A.
TITLE: The simplest solvable extensions of ultrahyperbolic and
pseudoparabolic operators
PERIOPICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 5, 1963, 1013-loi6
TEXT: The boundary-value problems
T u U + ~u - 0,
1 0 - 1
flit + Au = 0
T u f , &,,u /
2 0 1
are considered, where T, =_ ~/,~t + L - L, T -
y L L
x 2 x y
2 2 2/,)x2, -.2/- 2 2rY2
/~x + + L (,Y1+ . . . + T is said to be':
x 1 m Y n 1
pseudoparabolic (m >,1, i> 1), T 2 ultrahyperbolio (m >/ 1, n > 2). The
following theorem is dErived: a strong extensicii of the operator T, which
corresponds to a non-eigenvalue A, defines a solvable extension.
Card 1/2
The simplest solvable extensions of ... B112/B186
ASSOCIATION: Matematicheskiy institut im. V. A. Stoklova Akademii nauk
SSSR (Mathematical Institute imeni V. A. Steklov of the
Academy of Sciences USSR)
PRESENTED: September 8, 1962, by P. S. Novikov, Academiaian
SUBMITTED: August 30, 1962
DEZIN, A.A.; FETROVSKXY, I.,G., akademik,; MAKOGONOV, I.A, tekhn.
[Invariant differential-operatorit and boundary value problems3
Invariantnye differentsialInye operatory i granichnye zadachi.
Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1.962. 87 p. (Akademiia na:uk
SSSR. Matematicheskii institut. Tradyt vol.68) (MIU 16t2)
(Operators (Mathematics)) (Boundary value problems)
Simplest solvable extensions fbr ultrahyperbolic and
pasudoparabo3io.operators. Dokl. AN SSSR 148 no.511013-1016
F .1,63. (MIRA 16:3)
1. Matematicheskiy institut im. V.A.Steklova AN SSSR. Predstavleno,
akadendkom P.S.Novikovym.
(Operators (Mathematics))
Theory of k -- A operators. Dokl. AN SS"R 164 no,5.*0163-966 0 165.
(MIRA 18sIO)
2g MatemdtiqheukJy institut Ims VsAoSteklovd AN SSSR. Submittod
March 3p .1965@
Apparatus for studies on paramagnetic electronic resonance,
Prace matem przyrod Poznan 11 no. 21227-243 164.
1. Department of Dielectrics, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy
of Science's, Poznan.
Synthesis and degradation of alkaloids in lupfi~ ontogenesis.
Acta biochim. PoL 12 no'.4:395-412 165. %
1. Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of
Sciences, Warszawa; Dephrtment of Organic-Chemistry, A. Mickiewicz
University, Poznan; Institute of 112ant Genotics, Polish Academy
of Sciencest Poznan.
DEZr~f) ~, IT
, V .
The rav*.nr bnet, r. new crop on our collpei bre farmi. p. 1-1. (Roln-~ cl,p Vil. II, no.
4, .~,pr- 1"-5" T'-Pha)
SO: Vonthly List of Fast European P-.ccession LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, JulY 1957. TIncl.
pation of titanium Ittrphlarl4s.
I list iWisilloms. A. 8 1 ftl
FA*A, D. larioozky Maggar
8 ri
i Pay
and TiCI4 wore reanted in molar watios or
and A0 reaction po6ducta were analysed In order to
ootablish the GOMPOSItion of the formed
in the Abovp range or mour rAtion the xtarting materials gave
.001pounds with almost constant Al and TI oontenta; the
twoAtIon of thaw) compounds could bedosarlbod with reaction
equations which oontornied well to thb processes, A method
Was developed for measuritig the gas evolution wbich awom.
Ponied the formation of the catalyst complexas i thti masured'
smunts of gaw did not comnpond to the reacUm equations
bwausc the gas undergoes further reswiions which is also!
verified by the fact that the amount ofpa produtvd d6cress.
0 with time.
SIMON, Artur; KOVACS, Lajos; KOLLAR., Laszlo; 2E
Investigations into the development of titaniuln-tetrachloride alumF..
inum alkyl catalyst systems in connection with the atmospheric poly--
merization of ethylene. III. Magy kem folyoir 66 no. 2:45-48 F 160~
1. Szerves Vegyipari es Muanyagiparl Kutato Intezet, Budapest.
DME14YI., Gyords oldeveles gopeszmernok
Exciting effects of torsional vibrationspecurring on the
prankshat at internal combustion engines. Jarmu mezo gep
8 no.6:206-213 Je t61..
1. Muszaki FrPotem.
SIMION, Artur; KOVACS, Lajos; DEZSENYI, Gyorgy; 1EHOCZKY, Daniel
Investigations on the formation of titanium totrachloride-
aluminum alkyl catalyst systems in connection with the atmospheric
polymerization of ethylene. Pt. 2. Magy kem folyoir 65 no. 5:
197-201 My 159.
1. Szerves Vegyipari es Muanyagipari Kutato Intezet, Budapest.
Oscillations of the crankshafts of internal combusion
engines. Jarmu mezo gep 7 no.10:386-392 160.
1---, _ ~Tan; IUWFEL, Sandor, okleveles mernok, fotechnologus;
VAJDA, Zoltan., okleveles mernok,, fomernok, docens
Prefabrication of ferroconcrete channels with large
sections. MBlyepitestud szemle 13 no-9:397-/+06 S 163.
1. Kozlekedesi Epito Vallalat (for K~Ibffel).
2. Kozlekedesi Epito Vallalat; Epitoipari es Kozlekedesi
Muszaki Egyatem (for Vajda).
SZEKELY, Andras,,dr... egyetemi adju*tus; BULLA, Bela, dr., egyetemi tans
MAJOR, Jeno, dr.; KOCH, Ferencs drev egyatemi tanar;
TOTH, Aural, kozopiskolai tanar; KAM, Leona, tanBzekvezeto
tanar; DUDAR, Tibor; RADO, Sandory egyatemi tanar.. a
ztudomanyok doktora;-DEZSENYI, Janos dr.; KMOCAI, Janos, dr.;
andor,, dr,j, egyatemi &-eem a 5H&a. 'itudomanyok kandidatusa
L Gj*
(Szeged); KORPAS, Emilp dr., egyetemi docent, a foldrajztudomanyok
kandiflat-11sa (Szeged); FENZES, Istvan, dr. (Szeged); KOIXA, Janos, dr.;
SZABO, Pal Zoltan, dr., foldrajzi tudomanyok kandidatusa;
PINCZES, Zoltan, dr.; KADAR, Laszlo, dr.; FRISNYAK, Sandor;
PEJA, Gyozo, dr.., foldrajztudomanyok kandidatusa
Reports on the work.o:C the Divisions and country sections at
the 82d gei*ral assembly of the Hungarian Geographical Society.
Foldr kozl-8 no.3:323--V6 16o.
1. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag valaaztmanyi tagja (for Szekely,
Toth, Kezar, Karlocai., Lang, Norpas, Kolta, Szabo, PInczes,
Peja). 2. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag tarselnoke (for Bulla,
Koch and Rado). 3. %Foldrajzi Kozlemenyek" ~zerkeazto
bizottsagi tagja (for Koch and Rado). 4. Magyar Tudomanyos
Akademia levelezo,tagja (for Bulla). 5- Magyar Foldrajzi
Tarsasag Termeszeti Foldrajzi Szakosztaly elnoks (for Bulla).
(Continued on next card)
SUMLY, Andrae-(continued) Card 2.
6. Magyar Foldrajzi Tar'slasag Termtszeti Foldrajzi SzakoszteLly
titkara (for Szekely). 7. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag
Gazdasagi Foldrajzi Szakoaztaly elnoke (for Koch). 8. Magyar
Foldrajzi Tarsasag Qqzdfisagi Foldrajzi Szakoaztaly titkara
(for Major). 9. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Dktatasmodazortani
Szakosztaly elnokel es Kozponti Pedagogus Tovabbkepzo Intezet
(for Major). 10. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Oktatasmodozertani
Szakoaztaly titkaral, es szakfelugy-olo (for Toth). 11. Magyar
Foldrajzi Tarsasag Terkepeezeti Szakosztaly elnoke (for Rado).
:12. Magyar Fol4rajzi Tarsasag Terkepeszeti Szakoaztaly
elnoke (for Rado). 13. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasalg Termeszetjaro
Cooport (for Dezsenyi and Har-locai). 14. Vallalati jpgtanacoos
(for Karlocai). 15. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Szegedi
Osztalya e1noke (for Lang and Korpas). 16. Magyar Foldrajzi
Tarsasag Szegedi Osztalya titkara (for Penzes). 17. Magyar
Foldrajzi Tarsasag Del-Dunantuli Osztalya e1noke, es tudomanyos
intezeti igazgato, Pecs (for Szabo). 18. Magyar Foldrajzi
Tareasag Del-Dunantuli Osztalya titkara, es tudomanyos
munkatars, Pecs (for Kolta).
(Continued on next card)
SZEKELY2 Andrao-(cvntinued) Card 3.
19. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Tiszhntuli Osztalya
e1noks (for War). 20. Magyar F~ST&Jzi Tarsasag
Tiszantuli Oszta:Lya titkara (for Pinozes).
21. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Miskolci Oaztalya
Elnoke, es Kossuth-fUjas gimnaziumi igazgato (for Peja).
22. Magyar Foldrajii Tarsasag Miskolci Osztalya
titkara (for Frisnyak),
DE?,M,7NYI, Miklos (Budapest)
Navigation on tho Danube iind tho Hungarian Bhipbullding Industry.
Term kud kozl 7 no.12-.554-558 D 163.
Data on the examination of the decomposition of' narcotolire. Magy
kem folyoir 70 no.3:126-129 Mr 164.
1. Chair of Chemical Technology, Lorand Eotvos University, Budapest.
SIWWITS,, Arjped; DZZSERI:, 1"Slo
Gifts to the delegates of the Conforenee. Nagy kisiRar 6
nod,14sl 12 Jl 162.
1e Orssagon Bakstan, m olnoke (for Ssakanits). 2. Orazagoo
Bekstumn fotitkam (for Desmort),
"Orgpni zation and Results of inCepen3en", Accountin,- in I'lorkshors of
-Une Dorog Coal-Processing Chanical Enterprise" IF. 11. (T(-111"- 71" FFITES
~Vrol. 8, Fo. ~~, Aur-,. 'lludapest, Fllylj:-~try)
SO: I:onthly List of Fast European Accessions, (TTAL), LC, Vol.
1-0. 1, tian. 1S,,-)5, Uncl.
DEZSI, Albert
Announcement of contest. Cukor 15 no.11:4 of cover N 162.
1. TerJmpex Allat- es Termanyfox-galmi Kulkereskedellf Vallalat
vezerigrazgatoja. - ..
.. I
p F?-S I i 117ev,,'
--DEZ819 Istvan; ERDELYSZKY0 ZsIgmond; NAGY9 Lajoa; ORIENT, Otto
Danys type spectrometer with semicircular focusing. Koz fiz kozl HTA
8 no.2/3:173-179 160. (EEAI 10:4)
1. A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia K,:)zponti Fizikai Kutato Intezete
(for Dezsi). 2. Muszaki Egyetem Atomfizikai Tanszek (for Erdelyszky)
3. Muszaki Egyetem, Fizikai Intezet (for Nagy). 4. Kozponti
Elelmiszeripari. Kutato-Intezet (for Orient)
BERMS, Istvan; METER, Istvan; DEZ11, Istvan; L. FODOR, Ilona; KESZTHELYI,
Investigations in the field of the background reduction of scintillation
counters. Koz fiz kozl.MTA 9 i-io.3:165-169 161.
1. Magfizikai Laboratorium I.
IMRE, Iajos; FABRY, Gyula; DEZSI, I tvan
Now method for preparing RaD standardproduits. Koz fiz kozI
MTA 9 no.4:233-250 161. ~,I
1. Kossmth Iajos Tudomanyogyatem Fizikaokemiai Tanszek., Debrecen
(for Fabryl'.
TEXT: The number of atoms of RaD was determined by an absolute measurement,
of the quantity of Rn required in preparing RaD. The fraction of RaD
which passes into solution from the walls of & vessel containing Rn was
determined by measuring the p-activity. Conversion to curies was obt.ained
by measuring the growth rate of a-activity of polonium in,RaE specimens
without a carrier, in 4A geometry.
LEMETERWetvan; IEZSI.. Istvan; KESZ7HELYI, ia*x;
Measurements by means of the Moss4uer-offect. Koz fiz kozl MTA
'-WW.3-121-30,162. p,
DEZSI, Istvan; FEHER, Istvan
, I
Absolute measurement of radioactive substances. Pt. 2.
Magy fix folyoir ll'no..O: 517-528 163.
1. Kozponti Fizikai KutfLtO Intezet, Budapest.
DEWI , IStVtLn; F-I'llElli, Istva!i
-- ._
Absolute measuring of Tadioactive substances. Pt.l.
Magy fiz folyoir 11 no.4t28,r:-294 163.
1. Kozponti Fizikai Kutrito InLezet, Budapest.
Zeeman splitti:P9 of the 14.4 keV gaimm line of re
in CoFe 0 inVestigated bytbe M06113sbauar effect*
2 4
Inst fiz )adr report no. 269: 1-3 163
1. Instytut Fizyki Jadrou-ej, Krakow 23, also Central
Research Institute for Physics, Budapest (for Dezai).
DEZSI, Istvan; KESZTHELY1, Lajos; (ZER, Laszlo,,; KLAMM, Katalip
1---- r 11 57 57
Co -Fe sources for measuring the Mossbauer effect. Koz fiz kozl
MTA 12 no.1:110-118 164.
CSER, Laszlo; DEZSI, Istvan; KESZTHELYI, Lajos; PAL, Lenard
"'. ~"-'
Study on the antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic transformation of
Fe-Rh alloys by means of the Mossbauer effect. Koz fiz kozl MTA
12 no.2:119-124 164.
1. Corresponding member.. Hungarian Academy of Sciences (for Pal).
MIGARY/Cultivated Plants - Graiiis m
Abs Joux Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1958, 82263
A itbor T)ezsil, Uszlo
Title The Lifl'..ence of the Dcnistt'k of the Plant Stmid on the
Winter Wheat Yield.
Orig Pub Mvenytermeles, 1957, 6, No 1, 45-52
Abstract Data of the experiment of the InstitLte of Plant Physio-
loGy at the Ot-vos Lorart (Budapest) University on the in-
fl ei-Xe of the density of plant sta!ids on prod--ctivc
clL:stering, the weiSbt of grains in the spike and the
yield. The sparser the density of the plant stand i---a
uniforn planting, the bibber the prod.-.ctive clustering
and the yield.
Card 1/1
The tranalocation of nutrients between fertile and sterile shoots
of wheat. Acta bot Hung 6 no.l/L~:65-74 160. . (EEAI 10:3)
1. Rese!Lrch Institute for Agriculture, Szeged, and Institute of
Phytophysiolo p L.Eotvos University, Budapest.
DEZSI, Lasz1o
Evaluation of the system of agrotechny relating to winter wheat
on the ground of crop analyses. Botan kozl 48 no.3/4-188--.197
Effect of kinetin on enzymes of glycolic acid metabolism in
cereal leaves. Acta biol. acad. sci. Hung. 14 no.4:325-332
1. Plant physiology laboratory, Hungarian Academy oF So lance's,
Alscg-)d. (Head: G.L. Farkas).
DEZSI, Laazlo; FARKA3, Gabor
Effec'. of iinctin on the glycollo, ac-4d orilarm syptem, Botan
koz! 51 no.2/3~119-125 Ag 164. 011--Rik 17;IC""
1. Revearch Group on Plant Physiology, Ifungar-.1an Acmd-imy of'
Soienoon, Alsogod.
"Investigation of radioactive contamination occurring during the process
of obtaining krypton from the air." p. 279
MAGYAR FIZIKAI FOLYOIRAT. (Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia) Budapest, Hungary
Vol. 3, No. 3, 1955.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LO, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1959.
DEMI., 2. - Co6o radioactive isotopes in the examination of welding. p. 271
Vol. 8, no. T, July 1956 - OEP, Buftpest., Hungary
SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EFAL); Vol. 6, No. 4 - April 1957
DE&'SIJ, Zoltan; SWAY, SandorP dr.,. prof.; BANHALMI, J'ozsef
An emanometer for determining the radium emanation content of
natural waters. ATOMKI kozl 4 no.1:51-55 14Y -162.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia le.-velezo tagja, es a Magyar Tu-
domanyos Akademia Atommag Kutato Intezete igazgatoja, Debx~ecen
(for Szalay).
Investigations of the uranium, radiwo and radium emanation con-Lent
Gf natural waters with high uranium content. ATONKI kozl 4
no.2:93-96 Ag 162.
SZABO. St., conf.; XZSI, Z., conf.; BCIRS. X.0. confe
The effect of cerebral excitation stateo on a non-conditioned
vascUar reflax..Rev. et. med.9 sad. int.. Bucur. 6 no.1:41-47
Jan-Mar $4.
1. I.M.P. Tg. Mures - Lab. do Fiziologie.
vascular, non-conditioned, off. of emotion 7 thinking)
eff's on non-conditioned. vascular reflex)
eff. on non-conditioned. V*6tular reflex)
Ceabw;_ DEZSI, Zoltan ADORJAN, 11telka
Experimental studies on'tbe antibody content of lymphocytes.
Kiserlates orvostud. 8 no.4:343-345 Jlily 56.
1. Maroovasarholyi Vartarolo es Veiratomleezto kozpont es
Elettani Intozet.
aatibody transport, off. of lymphocyte disintegration
on titer (Hun))
antibody transport ip lymi h cytea. off. of lymphoc.7te
disintegration on titer (Wun))
Catogory so Pharmoology and Toxicology.
Abis. Jour. : Ref Zhur-Biol', No 19, 1958, xo 89800
Author : Dezai, Z.; Lorinez, E. A.; Hadnagy, C.
Title : 311ppression of the Effect of Certain Divugs upon
the Vegetative Nervous System with Largaetil
Orig Pub. : Rev. mad. (RPR), 1957, 3, No 2, 24-29
Abstr--ct : A 240 mcg.% solution of Largaetil depmsses
contractions of the isolated intestine of a r
bit Emd decreases its tonus. Largactil blocks
the effect of adrexialin, acetylcholine, pilo-
-arpine, pbysoatigalne, arecoline, aconitine,
and also the combined effeot of phyaostigmine
and acetylcholine. Preliminary administration
of Largactil prevents the development of the
action of the mentioned drugs. The effect of
Largaotil is not modified by atropine and
Card: 1/2
Aba. Jour. Ref Zhur-Biol, No 1.9, 1958, No 89800
.,'i u t'L- I a r
Orig. Pub.
Abatract ergotamine. Barium chloride, the effect of whi
is not prevented even after addition of nioo-
tine, fails to produce contractions of the in-
testine under the action of Largactil.-- From
the authorst resume
CC-rd: 2/2
C r. ~. r.-, Rumania
%.0 -;or' Human and Animal Physiology, Thermoregulation
C fT Y
Abs. Jour. Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No. 2, 1959, No. 7867
lizabo,l.; Hadn-agy,G.; D-azsi Z.; incze D.
he Effect of Hypothermia on ~x,~,eriruental
k' Ji.
Hemolytic Shock.
Ori2; Pub. Rev, Med. (RPR), 1957, 3, No. 4, 22-27
Chlorpromazine in a -1,ose of 5 mg/lfg exerted no
significant effect on the hemolytic shock
induced in dogs by intravenous Injection of
heterogenous blood. The rectal temperature of
the animals treated with chlorpromazine was
reduced to 25-270 by immersing them in cold I
water at 2-40, the severity of the reaction
diminished, and in the majority of cases signs
of shock were not detected. In rats the eosino
panic reaction as well as the hyperventilation
produced by a transfusion of heterogenous blood
were not diminished by the action oil' chlorpro-
Rumania T
Human and Animal Physiology, Thermoregulation
1ibs, J,-ur. Ref Zhur - Bio.Logiya, No. 2, 1959, No. 7867
mazine (5 mg/lOOgm). In the presence of hypo-
thermia the effect of injecting heterogenous
blood was considerably reduced.
C --, rd : 2/?,
SABO I I. ; i-E-11 Z - ;VASHY Y.; DIYERDYAI, F. (Tyrgu-Muresh, Rumyniya)
Effect of silicic acid on carbohyd�ata metabolism in animals.
Pat.fiziol. i eksp. terap. 5 no.3:76 M~,Je 161. WIRA 14.-6)
1. Iz nauchnp--issledovatel I skoy bazy Akademii nauk I'hnVnskoy
narodnoy Respubliki i kafedry fiziologii Mediko-farmatsevtjbheskogo
UJHELYI, Csaba; SCHADEK, Janos; DEZSI, Zoltan; NAGY, Janos
Ionization chamber measuring device for determining the
activity of gamma radiant preparations with the strength of
10-4-1 Curio. ATOMKI kazl 2 no. 3:237-241 160.
1. Magyar Tudowanyos kkademia Atemmag Kutato Intezate, Debrecen.
DFMI, Zoltan
Investigations into the radioaotive content of natural waters.
Fiz nemle 13 no.101298-304 0163
1. Kiserleti Fizikai Intezet, Debrecen. Jelenlegi munkahelyz
Orvostudoman7i Egyatem, Debrecen.
Dj Zoltan Dr* Roentgen Clinic of Debrecen Medical University (acting
director: Docent r Gabor JONA)
"Determination of the Isodose C'urves with the Aid of Dose Gradient Lines,
in the case of co-60 Irradiation."
Budapest, Magyar Radiolof~ia, Vol 18, No 3, Jun 66, pp 166-169
Abstract [author 'sRusrsian and EnGlish summaries, modified]: In telecobalt
deep therapy with a Gravicert type apparatus, the dose gradient lines intro-
duces by P. G. Orchard form straight lines, and with their aid the isodose
curver, are quickly determined. Five Western references.
DEZSI, Zoltan
Construction of the Debrecen working, men's hotel was finished
at the end of last year. Vasut 15 no.1:15 Ja 1615.
MZ31, Zoltan
Task of physicists In the British conter of radiothe--apy,,
Fiz szemle 15 no.3.-87-91 * '65.
1. X-ray Clinic of the Debrccvn Atcal Univarnity, Del-brecen,
6 /00. 8-7112.2,02: 042.95 6
fitudip on t4o formation of titanium 'hiarldc-AJ mint
In um
"Stems In conriectlon I;?fill 111herle
the atmol
wo Ai I V of i
L Kc L
L ~Xo 11 it r. : I Z---FF A
y! - CAM V6001,
t01 KTOW"No. -Pp tabs.
-'bWwd gh*ui
BAIW 6pon.revills a the proem ol,,.
tion wsy~ be doetriba4 by f I
berta. o react on
equations whkh corrvispond veil!to Ifte ratio of the
starOng cc ivinents and to the changm. In elk
,M.'s ki
21100n, A gonerAl form of ain-equation oysiaiT-o-
#,g. for thu Als Ti-molar ratio, cf 1.6 anti at z Al(0,11j)a +
+ 2 TO, jUVEtsO;.-ia +- y AlEtiOl 4--,:# AIEA
+ 4OjH is I 2or 3; z If+ X+ 1.
substitutlor% of the corresponding values 3 1 ou6h equation
Whick-if au,~ossiblaties am Consideml, agree ver), -1
with the experimental results. 11o
weinwitho amount of Pa.!'.
nontally Is exactly a
found expem on -h0f,of the gas, required
161 and
this expeAerica faith*
by the equat sum over the
entire range of. molar ratias atudiail. - Ywther investigutions
wom dirixted the differerte between.tho
u of
Orotical I. am as jas and to compare
tho provioisly snessured reduction swo of titanium with
U - d ribed 'process of- preparin
tho m catalyst. These
ti t~ confirni, ilh; rodulti, obtained
javestiga Sons am=
far. Tho difference -between th~ theo3ttleal and actual 8
formation is explained by the fect, tbA", jort, of the gaa poly
Moritminstantly into: ~pol) ethylene whilffi can be dottivied.":
The extent of the zwthai-A reduction al"a well With t6;'
Quiatod valuo-
0, T. A.,V61.11, 1959. No." 2, 37, and abate. 43160 ..
IOE, lejos, a kemiai tudonayok doktora; FABRY, Gyula; DEZSI, Istvan
Significance of radioactive absolute measurements from the
point of view of nuclear chemistry. I. Kom tud kozl 14TA
19 no.1:1-24 163. -
1. Kossuth Lajos Tudomanyegyatem Fizikai Kemiai Tanszekey
B)TTYAN, Olga; DEZSO, Gyula;..-EIBFN, Ottoi FARKAS, Gyula;
RAJKAI, Tibor; THOMA, Andor; VELI, Gyorgy
Observations on the beginning of the menstruation in
Hungary. 9 no.2-.16-18 Mr-Ap 164.
.4 El4A(J)/EWA(W-2 RO
ACC NR,., AT6007389 sona CODE: HU/2505/65/026,IOQX/OtrJ-7/001--7pI
ATPHM. Kover, A. Szabolce. M.; Dozao, Gy.
3"xistitute,of Phyaiology.,M
r edical Universit of
Dal AffullMD16-rehe ~W:os!pummq i Intezet, Ko,,
)r u0 By em 3pclnti Kutato
Tnntitute ioal UniversitZ of Debrecen
alznaurium) 1, Pa lophysiologY. Med
(Dobracerxi OrvostudomarW
Maw joretel pplettam Intezet)
TIM: Effects of chol i eaterA
Bitor and receptor blocking agents on
the Ca sup ++ uptake of tKe- 7FMcular relaxation system [This paper was present d
at the,2 -,Meeting of the Hungarian Physiological Society held in Szeged from
2 to 4 July-, 19C4
SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta physiologica, v. 26, Supp~anent,
'1965 ' 17
TOPIC TAaS: calcium enzyme# radioisotope, drug effect, phan
nacolo1g.. animal
-The vesicular
prepare accordi~ik-t6---tvi-9---i~itiioa -of. HAIAI at al, (1960),.* -From t~ejraic_
i to. -1
ition, prqj~~~.w6 ~Rpj~ .0:..ce.UuIose column.'followed.iv,-.5 VLI-
Card 1/2
Oz7r,~ -,
Problers of ow- professional tei-minolcr-,,- p. b71. (1,--AGYAH TE,'YTL,.TECHNJY.A,
Budapest, Hungant), No. 11112, Dec. 1954.
SO - e
, . Mon-Uhly Li t5t of East Europ an Accessions, (1, EAL), LO, Vo3 . L,
No. 5, Ma:v 19515.
I .T
Magyar Textiltochnika - No. 4, Apr. 1955.
Problems of our professional language. p. 163.
SO: Montbly list of East European Accessions, (M%L), LC, voi. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955
14-141, S 0 RzAh,
LIZ,6k, I.; 1.14'hat we sLou'd consiu.-x in .7tvndbr-C.,: ftr
C02or-fc-stnes -.. T~. 372.
No. I( , Cet. 1955-
hild,grest, 11unEtry
So: -a'.st Duropevn Accession, Vol. ~-,, -c.
Problems of our professional language. p. 39.
MAGYAR TEXTILTECHNIKA (Texiliparl Miuszaki es Todomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest.
nol 1, Jan 1956.
SOURCE: Vol 5,, no. 7, JulY 1956.
Preparation of S&Mpl*3 being tested for colorfastness,
P. 99-- Vo. 3. March, 1936. MkGrAR TEKTILTWHNIKk.
SOURCE: Z"t Suropein Accesidons List, (EM.) Library,
Of Congress, VOL 5, No, 8, August, 1956,
DEMS0, 1 .
Questions of our technical language. P. 156 mAGYAR
TEXTIIECHNIKA Budapest No. 4, Apr. 1956
SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress
Vol. 5, no. 8, August 1956
Problems of pure technioal language, p. 270, MA:!YIR TEXITLTM,',TFJKA
(Textilipari 14uszaki es Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapestj, No. 73
July 15956
FOURCE: East Europea-n Accessions List, (EEAL) Library of Congress,
Vol. 5) No. ill, November 1956-
DE-2LO. 1. The fastness of color in textile goWs. P. 293, No. 8, Aug. 1956.
A new system for size marking of yarn; the Tex. p. 195.
MAGYAR TEXTILTECHNIKA. (Textilipari Muszaki es Tudomanyos Egyesulet)
Budapest, Hungary, Vol. ll. no. 5, May 1959.
Monthly list of East European Accessiona (EEAI), IZ, Vol. 8, No. 8,
August 1959.
DMM,- Imrane; MAUL, Ferenc
Studies in the nutritive value of corn(maize). Agrokem talajtan 10
no.3:335-352 S 161.
1. Agrartudomanyi Egyetem Talajtani Tanszek, Godollo.
s fovthe~ dehlifinfloll ud
V-2 Od 41C
by,n Catal
ilr i=W-N
A tal'
A ip,~-PtOrni~,:Z
phosph -jc
I t
futhfi~rd~ 1c) miui,
01- Y- III - djaddo.-
*AM!4 t~ MPT I
se filit"I
multiple tvjlkiticl~o
4.~ Thi prc~~-~s~may be r pro t
obli6K -wrl con..-_ j
"It siricia AM
ettr AVitb i": S 4? IUJI or
Ob ~':hf thei lorrl~ed gnerl,
pin of the dissolved -
ihif ~mi~ ichnd., -for fix
wii, -it is very u%
w f~ er4niv,
gonese(U) qont;rt of
_7 i-~
" wtv
-w~ ~. Dw~ ~A
ki d-
, RMP!ZO-ne",
t4th me
for dete
ea letermination of
Mangame(H) by a cAtelytic resiellon. C . Alnifissy wie.
~&gW (h1ed-licily, Wirmen), ~ A.1a ~,Yhirn, Acad, Sci.
a I 1v21(l955xlt4 RllKlM).--1f Mnl* lolls art
-d h1V1qFAiblby KCriolhi the I'Mwilcr All Ovilme
reil Mu(III) sixtiltair 14 Nauvl, This oxalair decomp. In-
Stu of M-undAllit, "Dit.,
newly formed MAO' Was Oe agatu ttxldixed by Cc,%- IAu,
laid tile qcIc ullo pla" p-glijill, AVIlen all CrA- Is rl--
duced tDCtl*, the leactlDn CCX*ea aud tile pcen color of tht-
Crl+ falls Aterven as'a qu4j. test for the prmmce of 11n+4
Ions. The limit at, detettability was 0.15 IvIn/tul. later,
fervact by tolored Ions coild be. clialluatt-d lAy protmatment
of the riulti. with Z110, 11 (11L, vj~jjjul ubg
uvuilojl (,(
gret-At CO.* colar Is M-platol by ph(AlulaOrle aleasuminelits
tile leattl6fican be ww1l (ot (lunut. MAO + detni. 'Procrdstre.
-Take 10 mi.-of A slightly acid whil contg. jint more than
-list Wera4ftntion ud cdor
1k*wc: zdmtD.
-d 0112 of iho oxalato Ion, by mum of An
and 1. M1295 Maw
da on
'6xi U redutflon reactioms that are catal
% Vszti
Inant- 10thnallak dauti 17A
and are ac Oed by rolour
late. lans q0
C irt
1,c Me 131atlined
.4tin 0.8 to of 0211111:814M lei)
101 A
4 1
H 16 311I)s :10 per
to 10 ral
dA .
?lw3c Ural i0hi. containing
on was
imt. mot
m rea
; t
o q
based 6n'ibc oxidation, by Crv1 in th ince
* a.~
1, - Boat
1: 1000 son 0 01 per cc
t d
of exalata 1100 and in if Po soln.
, I
t -esi, WM is reduced to Mtit
It Wng boil
PX to (I e&
1. in min., W dip
t 10
(11ni), diluteto 60 ml. and dotermi- pbottleetri-11Y
ii. evolvec
I. this is r ted a long
" 6iter o min. (613 filter). DistflW,vMter is used as
a &I Uh
01 is d1tel.
biardl. The Heer -Lad6ert tow is not Obeyed.
PY -Icarbazide awthod- (Ast.-J.
46'a diphen3 -,balk= a" 0-6 to 10 0211111`6
Umiting OMMS
j;c :1, PA 1016). Procedur&-To. I ml of
n Optimum
-to an teed
per ral; of Umax
'flect bwO studied.
oin.i containing .* 0-1 N miceml sciA,
add 8 drops W! N
3 drops of a cbawal-treatid oos "
G Palo
and filt4rijkl Wln of 10 Ml of aniline )If in 41) =1 Ol
iouc~ HCI:luf~ 50 ml of ji.0, and add also 3 dt6in
010,1 N-T~ sciln, T-lg'of V,C).dissolved in a soln.
4, o
iROH, n 100ml of H,O. "Wified wi
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Pilmh rnutab, CT, SO,", P0,111
N(~'. For the derzmnation of H,0,, to a
mixitire. of 60411 N U Or C J1 mil rnd ccliw,
ii till, Atidity 1~&l A) h add(td 4'-wl th-11
ailut-L~) to 511A m! uith 1,Y) Aft-, 16 mit-, tht
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:3 titmt ~at. 1-~P- P~---
do not ~acrfwt. 1-4- ~~l t Mty i5 D 3 Ag
PeT Mi. A
IlLuigary/Analytical Chemistry General Questions, G-1
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur Ehimiya, No 19, 1956, 61798
Author: Almassy, Gyula; DeZBO, Istvan
Institution; None
Title: On the Influence of Concentration of Acids in the Paper
Chromatography of Imorganic Substances. Conditions of Forma-
tion of Well Defined Spots
Periodical: Az oldoszer savkonceDtraciojanak szerepe az anorganikus
papirkromatografiaban. Tomor folt kepzodesenek feltetele,
Magyar kem. folyoirat, 1956, 62, No 2, 6o-64; Hungarian; German
Abstract: Study of correlation between nature of displacement of ions of
different metals and the content of acid or water in the developer,
it being ascertained that length of spot decreases with increase
in acid content and the spots becoming more clearly defined. In-
crease in water content of developer induces at first no changes
Card 1/2
Hungary/Analytical Chemistry - General Questions, G-1
AbBt Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiyaj, No 19., 1956, 61798
Abstract: but an reaching a certain definite wtiter content the spots become
shorter as a rule. Investigated were also alcoholic developers
free fran water and it is shown that pe3+ spots depending on the
distance over which they move become divided into a number of
separate spots. For this reason use of developers containing no
water is not recommended for separation of metal ions. Shortening
of the spots on increase of the content of acid and water in the
developer takes place also on use of other developers which are
miscible with water.
Card 2/2
YMPP, Tibor. dr.; DIRZSO, Istvan, dr.
Relationship of age to iron absorption, I. Ory. hetil. 97 no7:
173-176 12 Feb 56.
1. A Hajdu-Bihar Megyei Korbas (igas. Varkonyi Pal dr.) Megyel
Verkonservalo Allomasanak (foorvos; Assodi Lili dr.) es a Debreceni
Tudoman. Orvost Vegytani Intezetenek (igas. Straub Janos dr.
egyat. tanar) kosl.
(IRON, metab.
absorp. in various age groups, determ. in blood
iron absoro., determ. in various age groups. (Hun))
(AGING, pikrsiol.
age factor in Iron aboorp. in blood. (Hun))