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The.Paramagnetic Resonance of F-Centere in Static SOV/56-36-11-24/62 Magnetic Fields of Arbitrary Strength same order of magnituxle aa the intensities of the lines of spin-electron resonance in strong "ields. Therefore, an experimental realization of paramagnetic resonance in the case of a laakiP4; field is pc8siblt?. Tho last chapter deala with the dependence of frequpnr3ies arid interisities on the orientation of the crystal ar, external static. magnetic field and with that of the i7.,4,-Pnni.ty of the lines on tho direction of 'the polar-izzation vector of the magnetic alternating field. This deDendenue is so corsidera]rle that it can be observed experiME!nt ally. There are 3~ f-igures, 2 tables, and 14 relferencas, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizik-i P.-kademi-i nauk Ukxainskoy SSR (Institute of Physica of the Academy- of Sciences, Ukrainskaya SS.R) SUBMITTEDs June 21, 1958 Card 4/4 DEYGEN ~ F. -,,AOYTSIN, A.B. Shape' and temperature dependence of electron spin resonance lines of local electron centers in crystalso Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 38 no.2: .489-498 F 160o (MM 14:5) 1. Institut fiziki Alcademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. (Nuclear magnetic resonance) db. PI'lln S/056/60/039/004/040/048 (/a 3Y, 1110,116ej B006/BO56 AUTHORS: Deygen, M. F., Zevin, V. Ya. TITLE: Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Local Electron Centers in Non- metallic Crystals PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 400), PP. 1126 - 1137 TEXTs It was the purpose of the present paper to develop a theory of spin-li~ttice relaxationi~f local electron centers in nonmetallic crystals located in a strong magnetic fieldj.In the introduction, the authors discuss the theory by Waller (Ref. 1), Who assumed that the spin-lattice relaxation in strong magnetic fields is due to a change in the interatomic spacings caused by thermal lattice vibrationsN~ This theory does, however, not suit all cases. In the present pape'r-7-t-We authors consider the spin- lattice relaxation as being caused by a change in the energy of the con- tact interaction between the spin of a localized electron and a nucleus, which is caused by thermal lattice vibrations. This -relaxation mechanism has always a relaxation time- T'. (Ref -4) rhich correspor,0,7~ tn E -process Card 1/3 M22 Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Local Electron S/056/60/039/004/040/048 Centers in Nonmetallic Crystals B006/BD56 in which a re-orientation of the nuclear spin occurs simultaneously, Which compensates the change in angular momentum. There also exists another relaxation mechanism which is due to the re-orientation of the electron spin without corresponding re-orientation of the spin of those nuclei which cause th,9 hyperfine structure of the paramagnetic absorption lines of local electron centers (relaxation time T3 ). This division of relaxation mechanisms is reasonable also from the experimental viewpoint (for non- metalB). The theory is developed in all detail for crystals in which the wave function of the localized electron can be chosen in atomic orbit approximation. The relations obtained may be considerably simplified by studying an F-center; for a KC1-type orystal, a practical example is calculated; and for an F-center of such a crystal, the maximum and miniml2m relaxation times are numerically determinod (corresponding to the maximu-m and minimum sound velocities). If the two sound velocities -.ri N1 are vlong ' (4-47--3-05).105CM/sec and vtrans (1-76 - 2-90-10 5 cm/oi;c, the authors obtain the relaxation times Tmin 7.6/T min and imax = 87/T min. For T - 40K and H = 5000 oe, T ' = 1.9 mi.n and 1 22 min result. min M'qX 8h422 Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Local Electron S/056/60/039/004/040/048 Centers in Nonmetallic Crystals B006/BO56 I. ht. Dykman is mentioned. There are 12 references: 5 Soviet, 1 Japanese, 1 German, 1 British, and 4 US. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki Akademii na'ak Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainskaya Brestskiy pedagogicheskiy inatiT77 ~Brest Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTED: April 29, 1960 Card 3/3 I F - C-~EYGEN, M. [Deihen, M.], doktor fiz.-matem.nauk; STRIZHAK, V. [Stryzhak, V.1, Ei ~.Yiz.-Mat.-nwlk Glance into the future. Znan. ta prats,ia no. 1:2-1+ Ja 161. (MIRA 11+: /+) (Atomic en6rgy) (Low temperature research) (Astronaiitics) S7ltIZHAKP V. (Stryshak, v.],, kand.fiz.-matem.naukI N ~Deihsn, M.1, doktor fiz,-matem.nauk _P~ Let's have a look at the miorocion.,es Znane ta pratsia no-5:21-22 my 161. (Nuclear physion) (MIRA 14:5) ~7S_ 0 o o (IlLf 3/ // AUTHORS: Deygen,'-1.F.,and Roytsin, A. B. 28103 S/1 81/61/003/009/0 37/0 39 B1 08/BI 56 TIT Lte A possibility to accomplish fieldless resonance in multilevel :3,ysteMLI PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 9, 1961, 2876-2878 TEM in a previous paper the authors have shown the possibility of quantum transitions between hyperfine-structure levels in semiconductors in the absence of a magnetic field (Ref. It ZhETF, _36, 176, 1959). Resonance in such a system is termed fieldless resonance. When the para- meters are properly chosen, such a system may be used as a two-level quantum amplifier. Unlike in Ref. 1, the authors study the possibility of allowed transitions between more than two levels. C. Slichter (Phys. Rev., 99, 479~ '1955) gave an explanation suggesting that multiatomic quasimolecules are formed in crystals containing impurities. These quasimolecules are the cause that electron spin exchange interaction arises and, also without an external field, transitions become possible between the additional levels formed. A binary quasimolecule with nuclear spins I = 1/2 is Card 1/5 28103 S/1 81161/003/009/037/039 A possibility to accomplish fieldless ... B108/B138 discussed. The Hamiltonian of such a system which, for instance, mN, be I % -0 -% -~ ~ -~ I a silicon-phosphorus quasimolecule, has the:form H=A(Slil +S21 2 )+B(SjS 2)_ A denotes -the hyperfine interaction constant between electron spins S and nuclear spins I, B is the exchange interaction constant of the two electrons. The system of' energy levels E i COrrOsponding to this Hamiltonian is the followingi C - 1_1 C = - 0 + .1 ~Fi -+e 1,2 4 + 2' 3,4 4 2 1. 1 + 1) + + where and Each of the E5,6 7( 2 2 4 A i A levels is characterized by the quantum number of' the square sum of the ___? __4 2 2 spins (S1 + S 2 + ii + 1 2) = (IF . The wave functions of each of the states, in zeroth approximation, are linear combinations of wave functions of the form szj)~,(S where the are the spin functions, z2) (Ilz)~(,2z) The matrix elements of the transitions det~ermining the selection rules and tliL~ line intensity may be found. by substi-.uting the abovu wave functions Card 2/5 28103 3/18 61/003/009/037/039 A possibility to accomplish fieldless ... BloayBi3e t A 4 into the expression for the porturbation operator w(t)-2e,(S,,+S )H (t) 0 2z Z due to an electromagnetic wave H(t) incident upon the crystal. The figure shows C i versus P , the arrows indicating the allowed transitions. The levels EV E51 61, and [2 are the most interesting ones in the problem under investigation. When the transition 6 --- )i is used as "source", rad,.Lowaves of the frequencyR 5---~l will be generated and the signal of th.e radiowave with frequency~? 1 -,2 ' ill be amplified. The constant B determining the frequency of the source is estimated. For elemental 4 1 crystals B 0- -, where = - o.6 t,2 E2 C is the dielectric constant of the crystal and,,,,tLthe effective mass of the 'band electron. The ground state e4 1 energy of an impurity atom is E0 0-5,/"-'-so that B= 1.2E , This j-2 E2 0 n holds in zeroth approximation with scalar effective mass of the electron. This relation permits estimating one of these quantities when the other Card 3/5 28103 S/181/61/003/009/037/039 A possibility to accomplish fieldless ... BIOB/Bi38 is known. There are 1 figure and 4 references. 2 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The most recent reference to English-language publications reads as followsi It. C. Fletcher et al. Phys. Rev. , L, 844, 1954. G. Feher et al. Phys. Rev. 100, 104, 1955. G. F. Koster ot al. Phys. Rev. Lett,, A, 125? 1960. ASSOCIATIONt SUBMITTEI)i Institut poluprovodnikov AN USSR Kiyev (Semiconductor in- atitute of the AS UkrSSR, Xiyev) June 2, 1961 rard 4/15 ACCESSION XR: AT4016300 S/0000/62/000/000/0046/0054 AUTHOR: Vinetsidy, V. L.; Deygen, M. F.; Moroz, A. 1. TITLE: Optical properties of color centers with mirror symmetry SOURCE: Vses. soveshch. po fiz. shchelochnogaloi&a. kristallov. 2nd, Riga, 1961. Trudy*. Fiz. shchelochnogaloidn. kristallov lPhysiol.,of alkali halide crystals). Riga, 1962 46-54 TOPIC TAGS: color center, optics, wave function, adiabatic perturbation theory, ionic crystal, alkali. haide crystal, crystallography, cryBtrLl optical property, mirror symmetry ABSTRACT: The authors have undertaken to calculate the wave function%V (r, q ) by con- sistently employing the adiabatic perturbation theory in z ero-approximation. Fiek., pur- pose was to give a theoretical presentation of the pecullaritios which, accorchnF. to'.ho theory of pseudodegencrated electron-vibratory systems, shc)uld exist in the o,;tic;d pro- -perties of the mirror- symmetrical F2, F~ and M*- color centers in ionic cry.-,LaJ:.. The expression for the energy operator of an ionic crystal with a single-electron, mi-..,ror-sym- metrical color center is pfj~e foiTp: A 92 'A T.+ V(r) + 9. (r) + + W(r). (1) 1/3 Card ACCESSIONNYR: OAT401630.0 This equation which is the init!Al step of the procedure consists of the following: the first term is the kinetic energy of the color center electron, tho second and the third terms are the electron's energy of interaction with vacancies mid optical vibrations, respectively; the fourth term is the optical vibration energy; and the f If th term, W(r) Is the periodic potential. The article develops this equation and finally arrives at an expression for the absorption co- efficient: - 1w 1. 6 ~ a 4n3 e2 ?L 08 N ~i6'81 )-I Z kp 0 + ~.V.')_S + q. - ... P"I J'AO 22 k. -'2 + ba; k, k, 2 A. (A~b + Xbj; 4 2 xj, Zbe-i t; = S.2, Tip (xp) 11 (a.) j.1b; t" X1 rn + Lp.. It is seen that the absorption curve consists of six bands whose form and temperature de- pendence were analyzed in equation (1) above. A cornparlson shows that the frequency ratios of the ijix R-bands observed in alkali halide crystals are In good agreement with the expected theoretical ratios. Orig. art. has: 24 formulas and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: InstitutfizildANUkrainskoySSR(Physl.cslnstitate, Academyof Sciencesof the Ukrainian SSR) Card 2/3 L-0889 S/181/62/004/009/026/045 B104/B186 AUTHORS: Glinchuk, M. D. , andjj~en . M. F. TITLE: Sooe properties Of thC elOCtXon-nuclear resonance of local electron centers near-the surface of a non-metallio crystal PEiiIODIG-L: Pi-nika tverdogo te la, v. 4, no..q,' .1962, 2521-2529 TEXT: Thio paper deal,~ with the frequency- spectrum of the nuclear roi-,onance of electrons. The spin' Hamiltonian of a system of k nuclei interactin with an external static maj-!netic field :1 1 and a localized electron has the form Qdk) 4. a& 0) -+- V Dj~ where i3 tile nuclear maGnetic moment, I is the amount of the nuclear Ilk k spin, k iu the nuclear spin vector, 8 is the electron spin operator, a k is thE! Fermi constant of the hyperfine interaction, and D is the kpq Card 1/5 .S/181/62/004/009/026/045 Some properties of the electrun-jiuclear B104/B186 coupling; constant of the dipole interaction. In addition to the.Fermi constant, thiu Hamiltonian five independent parameters. Thi:3 number is reduced by reference to the symmetry properties of the problem. For the symmetry roups C C C and C Eq. (1) has the 6v' CP C41 4v 31 3v form (Hl,)--t- a. (1,S) Dkj 31 t RAi Thic. Hamil toniwi has two independent parameter3. The Hamiltonian of group C 2vy Pk (4) 7.- (HII, -4- -k (ikg) bk, [(It 7~i bkj [dig) .3 (4a), Card -2/5 CI/ I a 1/62/004/009/026/045 Some pA)perties of -the electron-nuclear ... Ill 00186 contains three independent parameters, and that of groups C and C 2 contains four. The electron nuclear resonance frequencies be' viritten as hv, where M is the quantum number of projections 'of the glectron spin onto the field. Then, the Hamiltonian (3) is given by fLkH ak;-, DkI) 6ek kAr (6), D k P D and the Hamiltoni:~.n (4) is given by Card 3/5 S,/1131/62/004/009/026/045 Some propertice. of the electron-nuclear...B100186 fLkH -#- ak --t- bk I -I- b 6[-- (7), 9 [bit, b1h 00 ROM where r is the drift alon- the principal axis, and H is that along the( P ma6netic field HO. It may be seen that the angular dependence of the frequencies is determined by (r H ) in the case of (6), and by (T El 3 0 1 0 in the case of (7). The possible number of lines depends on the 2 o nature of the defect, the type of lattice, arid on how the electron is localized. In an alkaline halide crystal%' the electron has a small radiAa of atate and the coupling constants quickly 6-ecrease with increasing Card 4/5 S/18 62/004/ob9/026/045 Some properties of'the electron-nuclear ... B104YB186 distance from the defect. It is sufficient to allow f;r-the'hyperftne interaction with localized electron centers in the immediate neidnor- hood. 'In crystalsi with electrons having large radii of state it is necessary that the interaction.with the coordination spheres at larger distances be taken into.account. The results are illustrated by Eui analysis of the opectrum for the Tirut and Second coordination apheres of F-centers in the liaCl-type.lattice and.of-the spectrum of a paramaGnetic defect for atoms of the first coordination sphere i.n the v dia.mond-type lattice. It is shown that.the frequency depends on the orientation of' the crystal in the magnetic field', and that the particularities of the upactrum and of the angui dr djependence* of the' frE:quencies make it possible to separate the-surf.ace states from the body GtELtes. There.are 1 figure and 6 tables. AS80CIATION: -Institut poluprovodnikov AN USSR, Kiyev (Institute of Semiconductors AS UkrSSR, Kiyev) SU31,01ITTED: May 7, 1962 Card - 5/5 Ox 11108 ~~I LU L01 4 Glinc~ukjr' D99 an Wpn, M. F.L T r- A T rie LE heory of Atooal electron cent rs nea PKRIODICALt* Tisike't4ordogo tela', v. 5, no. TEXT o TO* 3dhrOdIASihr4 11 V)T w BW is -Sb;~G Rev. j, 96t. 148891, , to 01 k gor 4hd WoK6hn (-Ph.*-o-~'~-;-'--'--kO'v -i 9 7, '869 1955). The'-b electron charaotpiiii4j in effe0itive volume Masi lkei approximation. H is 04 Hamiltonian of the aubayitii~"-'j S.V T, th in the form Vj, +-V .+-V,o %here T. :L-3 :,-E P, energy of the, eleot" the-Anter rorij-- the energy of V ~itrgr of, the- interaction of a6 with a hole, part of the, polarizai-ion of 'the. dielectric, and V 'tho; an electr u- with its*-image. -~V is the el f' 0 eot*.ron s~ W o *d by holini''and by polarization o the field prodito Cs:rd 1/3, OJ) I' ~~onditotor surface L L'Ot iboalisid% 4fttd- in" adiabatic'.., ~4,,`~%i:be written of, be, kitia i t a 'I';V t~,6~vAzl electron: r6h vi h the iiiert 0 .,of Anteractice'- Ira. thi- it is assumed S/ 18 1/0/0 06.1 a rbn' Theory of.. I o oenters . that V varies ii-ttlt,within, a distance having the. 96PA.* constanti.-'-~ Tl*;w&*vG'.`f-un!ction 'and the-gro und stat*"_Mpl~~ at a lo'balizeA 09hiii.-niar' the. surfaoe of the, crysi thermal dissociiati~6n alia,photodissooiatio , n ener 9 locali'ZeA* . eleotron. 664' lit-ijre~: 0alo ulated as~ f unoti the electron. cen -- he.,,:6ur moe of t he e I fmrt~er'moxe shown'' t ork funotion Q~,Ai, iL3 propor _P concentration of Ahi' liied.-elootron o a4CA0, ent ors q -11, to Ahe'bffectli~ Maximum T shif~t of:--the i!heh the', i's parallel t o th e a llrl-~ o0 wid I Aable~l' ABSOMT ON- Institut'. p6luprovodnikov AN UYS S L ondii6tors'AS I rSS 4) lk R0 Kiyev) SMUNTED i .!'August: -.6j 062, .'c aril' 2 , 4. Wk/605/051 10* lattlos. ;Xfl4w .-slictron ~jaiditcd. :.The. ili~tio,a ~t- a' of., I 064th dwlacil W4 - I- *ily proliortioml 1. ' -.. .. 16 A it r of ~'Salii-,* lphoory.,of local'olectron cente'ra... ,:Fig Photo'dissociiition energy Of an eleotrou at a.1poalized siectron o6nt,er in Si (10t 1% (III)i NuOl and Ou 20 (VII)i and thermal (lica.66iation energy Of- an elec, 1 (IV) as 1runctiobs: of the aisio'hbe from th esurface. 00ird 3/3 S/ 18 WOO 51 5/002/005/0 Is 10 S/181 63/005/004/0"5/047 B102YB186 :'~`ATITHORS eygen, and. Korobko Z ITLEI' Theory of pariiOaagnetia~ relaxation of F-oenters in arbitrary magnetic, fields Pizika tverdogo tela, v.: 5', no... 49 196 PER IOD ICA L s: 3, 1126 1131 TEXTs The paramagnetic . r'e,,Ia xati -on- time -r is calculated for local electron centers on the-basis of thi!~',hyperfine:' Ohanism of contact and dipole- me dipole interactions b at w eeik el act r on spine and lattice; the applied magn etic f ield is assumed constant.a.nd'.0farbitra ;-trength. -The wave function of k`~the sy-tb s vi-is.-formulated-4tv dlabstic 'hppro: Imation, the electron part of the wave function of :described in molecular-orbit approximam tion. The ealculationB-aro made also*for the case of zero field-strength, i temperature being assumed to. be low enough wo-that a restriction to single-1, phonon processes - represent6~ a .good approximition. The results obtained indicate that r for weak magnetic fields will be larger by several orders J~, of magnitud:e than in the case of. strong f ields; -r will also depend on the J orientation of the field, withi-respect to thia-crystal. Numerical caloula- tione,were.carried out foriK010 for the basio-of strong koe) and of weak ;--Card. -1/2 GLINCHUX, M.D. Excitons near the surface of a homopolar crystal. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.11:3250-3258 N 163. (MA. 160.2) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. DEYGEN M.F, [Deihen, M.F.1; GLINCIfUK, M.D. [Hlynchuk, M.D.] Optical properties of local electron centers near the surface of a semiqonductori Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.10:1075-1084 0 163. (MIRA 17::L) 1. Institut polupgpvodnikov AN UkrSSR i Institut metallo- keramiki i spetsia:Ltnykh splavov AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. LIE.-!GEN,_M. F.; ZEVIN, V. Ya.; MAYEVSKIY, V. M.; ROYTSIN, A. B. "Some problems of paramagnetic resonance of local centers on semiconductors. of report submitted for Intl Conf on Physics of Stemiconductors, Paris, 19-24 jul 64. L In 27.-65 ACCESSION DEYGEN M.F., ROYr-INP A.B. Orientation of nuclei. Zhur. eksp. i toor. fiz. 47 29/4,295 J1 '64. (MRA 17z9) 1. Inatitut poluprovodnikov All UkrSSR. DEYGEN, M.F.; MAYEEVSKIY, V.M.; ZEVIN, V.Ya.; VITRIMOVSKIY, N.I. Electron paramagmetic resonance of M 2+ ions in CdS. Fiz. tver. tels. 6 no.9:2756-2761 S 164. (MIRA 17: 11) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov 0 SSSR, Kiyev. BUIBAN, M.A.; DEYGa,', M.F. Observation of double electron-nuclear resonance in F-centers in XG1. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.120715-3TL7 1) 264 NIRA 18,-2) 1. Institut poluprovodni1kov AN UkrSSR9 Klyev. 1, 24570-66 EWTW VP(0~ lw/n ACC NR: AP6009669 SOURCE CODE: VR/0181/66/008/003/0826/0331~ AUTHORS: Deygen, lla~j~ Ruban, M. A.; Gromovoyj Yu. S. ORG: Institute of Semiconductors AN UkrSOSR, K.ey ~Institut poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR) hers in KCI cLt TITLE: Electron-nuclear doable resonance of F cen room tern~erature (first and seconcl c )-o-Mhation spheres) SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8J. no. 3, 1966, 826-831 TOPIC TAGS: color center., nuclear resonance, electron paramagneti!E~ ~resonance, an ular distribution, potassium chloride, hyperfine 9 structure ABSTRACT: The-purposeT.of-tbe investigation was a detailed study of the angular dependence of the frequencies of the electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) of F center,-, of KC1 at room temperature, the determination of more accurate values of the byperfine constants,;. and the determination-of the constants that describe the quadrupole Interaction of a localized electron with nuclei.of 'the second 113 1 24570-6 CC NR':'-'-':--AP6d06-69 1. Simplified b' lock diagram of ENDOR setup. I Miorowave. generator, 2--- twin-T bridge, 3 -- compensa-1 3 ting arm, 4 -- adjustable coupling, 5 -- resonator witb~ 6 -- superheterodyne sample, receiver 7 -- selective low, i , frequency amplifier, 8 phase Bianaltive detector, automatic recorder., 10 low frequency modulator, 11 generator for supplementary rf signal, 12 -- current stabilizer, 13 electromag- net coils, 4'-- mag.- 1 6lectro :: ne t ,- Card L 2457o-66 ACC NR: Ap6oo966Y C2_ .coordination sphere.. The ENDOR spectrometer used registered,statlon-~' ary signals (Fig-. 1)~.: and its main component was a superbeterodyne EPR spectrometer operating in'the 3-cm band. The measurements were made at room temperature An'a. magnetic J-.'ield uniform to within 10-5 G/cm, 10 of the EPR spec-~ with a current stabilized -to -6 The sensitivity 12 trometer to a signal from-standard'DPPH was of the order of 3.0 at a -microwave power' of- I 2,~mW and. a tive constant of ~ seconds. Thel.' nts were made.witb additively colored KC1 crystals.with F- 'lasureme 18 3 !center concentrationi,10 10 cm The experiments yielded the I resolution of the quadrupole triplets In the first and second coor- '!dInation sphere in different external static magnetic fields, The 1contact and the dipole dipole constants of the hyperfine interaction land the constants-of the quadrupole interaction are determined and. !tabulated. The results a ined by others with fairl gree with those cbta !accuracy.- The authors 'thank A. A. Shatalov and V. V. Udod for supply6i, ing the samples. Orig". art. ban: 5 figur's, 5 formulas, and 3 tablesi SUB CODE: 20/ suBW'bXrE,: ~28ju165/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REP: 001 Card 3/31. ACC NR' AI~S036984 (Al Al) SOURCE CODE: uR/o18i/66/oo8/oll/3354/3362 AUMIOR: Glinchuk, M. D. ; Grachev, V 0. ; _)?eyjYenY M. F. - ORG: Institute of Semiconductors AN UkrSSR, Xiev (Institut poluprovoodnikov AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Spin-lattice relaxation of eXchange-interacting impurity centers k1OURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 11, 1966, 3354-3362 TOPIC TAGS,. spin lattice relaxation, impurity center, cubic crystal, hyperfine structure, color center, crystal symmetry, electron spin ABSTRACT: The authors consider the spin-lattice relaxation of pairs of impurity cerA- ters (the isolated cent .er has an blectron spin 1/2) in crystals of cubic syngony, and nhow that for such systems, allowance for exchange interaction can noticeably change the relaxation time and'its de Ipendence on the magnetic field. An expression is de- rived for the time of spin-lattice relaxation of the impurity centers with allowance for the 1,*rperfine and exchange interact ions. The dependence of the relaxation time on the magnetic field is obtained and on the value of the exchange interaction. 7he reason for th6 decrease of the relaxation' time vith increasing exchange is explained. The results of the theory are compared with experimental data on the relaxation of clusters of F-centers in KC1 and of phosphorus atoms in silicon. in both cases the theory agrees vith Werimerrb. It is shown that the temperature dependence of the relaxation time of clusters is the same as that for isolated centers. The value of exchange interaction is est:bnated for the spin-lattice relaxation of the F-centers. ACC NRt ' AIQ36984 7he procedure employed for the calculAtions can be used also for crystal fields with different symmetry and for dIffererrb values of the electron spin. Orig. art, has:' 2 figures and 32 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SuBm nwa 03mr66/. onm up: W~l OTH REF: 005 Cord 2/2 S/078/62/007/001/002/005 B127/B110 AUTHORS: Gulia, V. G. , Nemkova, 0. G. __Le.Eka1,ovj V. K. TITLE: Precipitated lanthanum vanadates PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 7, no- 1, 1962, 84-87 TEXT: Composition and properties of precipitated lanthanum vanadates were investigated. Finely dispersed precipitates, the color of which dependLs on the pH, are formed by the reaction of a lanthanum salt solution with an ammonium vanadate solution. A dark-red precipitate, insoluble in 40 '/~ acetic ELGid, but f3oluble in dilute mineral acids, develops at pH - 1-2. From solutions < 0-05 N'l no precipitate forms any more, the solutions turn dark raspberry-red, and the color disappears durIng dilution. At pH .. 6.2, L a yellow precipitate is separated (La : V - 3 2 2), which, when kept in mother liquor, is turned into crystals of vivid orange-red color (La : V = 1 : 2) after 3 - 4 days. The pH of the mothel' liquor is reduced; during the first 24 hr it drops from 2.9 to 3.2 and reaches 4.09 after four days. The results of potentiometric titration (valve potentiometer Alr-5 (LP-5)) Card 1/2 3/()78/62/007/001/002/005 Precipitat-ed lanthanum vanadates B127/B11O arrecd ---ith those of conductometric titration. The comoos-ition of tic precipitate proved to depend on the manner of pouring tocether: ''I'then pouring aximonium metavanadate into lanthanum nitrate, the ratio of La : V is 1 : 1 in the resulting precipitate; when pouring lanthanum nitrate into ammionium metavanadate, the La : V ratlo is 1 : 3, This is illustrated by the react-ion equations La(NO 3)3 + NH4VO3 + H20 - LaVO 4 + NH4NO3 + 2HNO 3 2.LaVO + 3HNO LaHV20 + 11 20 4 La(HO La(N + 3NH VO = La 1 A 3 7 3 3 03)3 4 3 (V03) 4 3NH4NO 3' V. I. Spitsyn is thanked for advice. There are 4 fi.-ures and 5 non-Soviet references. The three references to English-language publications read as follows: W. 0. Milligan, L. M. Watt, H. H. Rachford. J~ Phys. and Colloid Chem., 0, 227 (1949), A. Wold, R. Ward. J. Chem. Soc,, L(~, 1029 (1954), H. T. S. Britton, G. Welford, J. Chem. Soc., 1-6, 761 (1940). SUBMITTED: December 26, 1960 Card 2/2 -- DETTEP Pe !-(-B*+-arest) Current theoretical problems in geogTaphy, Izv, Vaes, geog, ob-va 94 no.108-91 Ja-JI 162. (HIRA 15:3) (Geography) n4aw, Yea, [Wool from new breeds of sheep, and it classification by, quality] Sherst' ovets novykh poroa i7ovredelenie es ka- chestva. Moskva, TSentrosoius, 1958./1013 p. (wool) (MIRA 13:7) -DEM4M, Ye.K.; DEYEV, V.N.; KOCHETOVA, O.V. ..... .. :, - - - - Fine sheep wool. Standartizatsiia 27 no.9:41-46 S 163. (MIRA 16-10) DBYEINAI T. V. Zverilgorodskeya, V. M., Vs-silevskaya, L. S.,.ke --- -- 4kina, T. V., "Colorimetric Determination of Uranium in Phoophorites p. T6 in book Methods of Determining Radioactive Elements in Mneral Raw Materials IXO 1958, TTPP -. DZYKI Nkj_~Cej (Deiki~, IE.1 With ca=trymen of the great TarrAs. Znan. t& pratsia Ao. 3:2-5 Mr, I f (MIIU 14. 5) hevqhenico, Taras, thevchaj*ovo (Zvenigorodka Distriet)-Description) MnUA., Ye. C Daikina., 33. 1 Toward dawn. Znam.ta pratsis no.8:13-1/+ Ag 162, (MIRA 15:12) (Railroads-Bmp'loyeas) EW'P(e)A1'-Tr(m)Av'P(t)j/ETI IJP(c) JD ACC NR: -L'160145SO SOURCE CODE: U.;1/0081/65/000/021/GO12/GO12 A-WHOR: Deykova, Z. Ye. TITLE: Current methods for boron deternination and their accuracy SOURCE: Ref. zh. Khimiya, Abs. 21G82 P=- SOURCE: DoIcl. Mosk. s.-Ich. akad. im. K. A. Timiryazeva, vyp. 103, 1965, 459--1,61+ TOPTC TAGS: boron, photometric analysis 1-33TRACT: Comparative evaluation of the sensitivity of the photometric methods for determiwition of B by using alizarin, quinalizarin, acetylquinalizarin., ca--, .01 chxomotrope 2D, curcumin, alvninon, azomothine H, 1,11-dianthrimide, and Crystal Violet ums performed, and evaluation of their suitability in determinations of B in soil and plaits is offered. it was concluded that the -method employing 1'11-dian- chrimide gives most accurate results. A. lllomodruk.ZTransiation of abstract7 SUB CODE: 07 - . .1 h -J) I j.; ~~ DEYKUN, V.K. I Kinematics of AUP-1-type machines for the o57gen cutting of steel. Trudy VHIUvtogen no.1:22-42 '53, (MIRA 12:10) (Gas we;dtng and cutting--Equipment and supplies) Ik .EYKUK, V. K. i ~,J+89, Oolovka Dlyft ' Mantsev. (M), 1954. ~.s. s 111. 22=. (',Tseso~,7-z . Vlunch.-Ts,~Ied. In-t Avto,,enncy Obrabotki Met.%Ilov Vniiqvto~on Glavkisloroda 1.,'F!lr 2'SR. Tnfo-j-. Listok ;~ No. 53). 2,5n' hIcz. R. Ts,"ost. ITkazan V Podistroch 11'rimech.-(54-1f.867zh) 621. 791. s. 0549--~, ~';~ SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Steitey, Vol. 37, 191.9 ANTONOV, I.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; ANTOSHIN, Te.V., inzh.; ASINOVSKATA, G.A.. inzh.; VASILIM, KJ.. kand.tekhn.nauk; GUZOV, S.G., inzh,;J%~~= ,,, inzh.; ZATTSEVA, V.P., inzh.-, KAZIMXOV, P.P. _Tj lnzh.; Tu.B.i inzh.; KOLTUNOV, P.S., kand..teldlin.nauk; KOROVIN, A.I., inch.; KRZHBCMVSKIT, A.K., in'zh.; KD='TSOVA, Te.I., inzh.; MATY1T1Y,,X.1., tekhnik; KOROZOV, W.'re., inzh.; ISKRASOV, Tu.I., inzh.; NECHATP, V.P., kand.tekhn.mik; NINDURG, A.K., 1cand.tekhn.nauk; SPEKTOR,O.Sh.t inzh.; STRIZOVSKIT, I.I., kand.khim.nauk; TESMENITSKU , D.I., insh.; KHROKOVA, TS.S., insth.; TSBUNILI, A.K., Iuzh.; SHASHKOT, A.R., kAnd. takhn.nauk, dote.; SHELSOHNIX, M.M., inzh.; SHUKHMAN, D.Ta., inzh.; MBLISON, A.M., inzb,,; VOLODIN, V.A., red.; UVAROVA, A.F., [Machines and apparatuses designed by the All-Union Institute of Autogenous Working of Metals] Mashiny i apparty konstruktaii VRIlLvtogen. Moskva, Gos.uauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroitelluoi lit-r7, 1957. 173 p. (Moscow. Vaesoiusnyi nauchno-isaledovateltakii institut av-togennoi obrabotki metallov, no.9) (Gas welding and cutting--Equipment and supplies) jjBY.IWN.t V. K., 'Eng-ineer "A 'UGV' Device for hardening Small-Module Gears." paper presented at the Sverdlovsk Regional Conference on G&.s-Flame Metal Working and Electric-Gas Processes, Sverdlovsk, 14-16) MaY 1958, Sponsored by VNIIAvtogen. =YIUN, V.X. I hxb.. InvestigatliLg the kinezatto*ccuracy of RSSh-t7pe mchinem for o3qgen cattinge T2mdv VNIIAviogen nc-.6:3-25 160. (MMA 130) (Gas welding and catting-lquipment-, and supplies) IBM=, V. I., insh, Desiga of gag regulators. -Trudy VNIULvtorn no.6:89-101 160o _I_. I (MIRA 13:8) (Gas volding..And cutting-lquipment and supplies) DE;YKUN, T,K,, inzh. Static characteristics and methods of calculating gas regidators. Trudy VNIIAVTOGENMASH no.12:68-100 165. (MIRA 18:11) DKYL, M. - "Vegetation in the Environs of Labrat Near Tacbov.N p. 57 (CASOFIS; ODDIL PRIRODOVEDNY, Vol. 122, No. 1, 1953) Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly List of East European.Accessions, Library of Congress,, Vol. 3, No. 4, April 1954. Unclassified. - DEYL, FMDS. Vywoj rostl~n a yetem jednodelomyah. and the taxonomy o~ the Monocotyledons. 1955. 143 P- (Prague. Narodni v. 11, no 6) (In Ehgllsh. Tr. frout The ovolution of the plants Prie". Nakl. Narodniho musea, museum. SborTAk Bs Prirodovedny, the Czech. illus., bibl., index.) SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EM) Librar7 of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 8. August 1956. LIWOUCH, B. P inz.). DEYL, 0. , inz, CSO. Development of cyclone furnaces in Ozechuslovakia. Strojironstvi 14 no.61425-434 Je t64. 1. Research Institute of Electric Equipment, First Brno Machine Factory, Zavody Klemew;a Gottwalda, Brno. NMECM, Jan, inz.; _RM j_yt,--Inzv, dr. Problem of noise of railroad operation in designing railroad lines. Zel dop tech 9 nci.12:363-365 161. DEYL,, Viktor., inze, dr, --- - Modernization of our rai-I tracks; a discussion. Zel dop tech 10 no.7:216 162. for wc~-d- -current Lic-'a v - electrical enrineer-11-jr. (6upplement) p-P'21 Vc)l. 1,;, April 1015L. Pregue. cession,-, LO, Vol. "o. Jrme ig'"-.,, Uncl. SO: 1,~ont~ily I,jst of Lc:st Luropean Ac Y I DEYL) Yvoy inz. Report on the activity of the International Electrotechnical Comaission no. 21:Accumulatoro. Normalizace 12 no. 3: 72-74 Mr 164. 1. Office of Standardization and Measurement, Prague. RMNMGNE~ Milos; :R~p~_Ld&upk _ Nephelometric determination of trichloroethylone in water. Sbor. pal.vod. VSChT 1958t225-236. (XIAI 9:4) 1. Tatedra chemicke technologle vody, Vysolca skola chemicko- tooldnologicka, Praha. (Trichloroethylene) (water) (Nephelometry) Country : CZECI[OSLOV..KI:, E Cr.togory: Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Orgzznxic Chemistry Abs Jour: FMKhim., No 17, 1959, No. 6o622 Author Pospisil, Ettel, V. Inst Title Chromatographic ;,nalysis of 'Vac Technical Nitro-Cmipounds M,Xturcs Orig Pub: Chem. pruL%ysl, 1958, 8, No 10, 53.1-515 Abstinct: In order to nimlyze technical rdxtums of nitro- compounds JL'41 is mcoLanended beforchnad to se- parate a :Aixturc into the groups of chu-.iically related cojqjotuids. With the use of 1-1,,%t,,,,an No 4 paper, iqpregi-mtud wi.Vi formarade, and C, '.mloying previously dc-scribed mothod (Ref Zhur-ail.liya Card 1/4 E-46 Country : CZECIIOSLOV,Ja:. E Category: Analytical 'Itc.dstry. :,nalyais of Orgnilic Chemistry Abs Jour: RZhKhiri., Tlo I:f, 1959, No. 6o622 1957, No 9, 3110A thnt usus cyclohuxc~nu or n-C 1114) nitrohydrocarbons are scpamtcd uid "Mcd with the aid of C61~.; or of otliylace- iso tate (I)-ni-trophenols. FinaLly, on Wati.inn No 1 piper, arc sQpar-atud nitro-acids, crtployinE a mixture of C2H5 01' _HJI 011, (11) (95 : 5) or a nixturo of I aad "II ~95' : 5). In the identifi- cation of isoinors on the paper having a station- ary polar phase, the Frants-1,atinyak's equation (Ref Zhur-Khiiaiya, 1956, No 3, 6544), i,,r = x-o.l~k is erployed and on the paper having a stationary ph,,.s~., the equation Rj.-_K + 0 - IM (K-chro- rntographic construit calculat&i on the baois of Card 2/4 Country : CZECIIOSLOWXI;~ E Category: Pml3rtical Clic-mistry. P=lysis of Orgm-iie Cherdstry Abs Jour: RZhKhim-, Po 17, 1959, No. 6o62:2 a known Rf vnluc: for one of the iso;.icrs., M -value of the dipolL: noixmt). For the hoi-oloL-ucs, in their invustigation with a stationary phase, the Fmits-Yollft uquation (Ref 2'.hur-KhirUy-:ij 195G, No 24 ! 77780) is being employed. The ir.A.-i-cated equations arc also applicable to the uai.,.Yprcg- nated and acctylated papers. 7his ;mthod is of particular convenience in the possiblc presence of severa-I substances in a single spot. Doscribcd are results of separation of 13 nitro-derivatives of phenols, 11 nitro-derivatives of benzoic acid, 13 nitro -derivatives of benzene and toluene, pro- Card 3/4 E-47 Country i CZECHOSLOWSE, E CatcGory: Paialytical Chu-istry. ;x--I-ysis of orgc~p.-c Chei-.iistrjr Abs Jour; RZhHhiu-, No 17, 1959, No. 6o622 sented arc Rf values either found experinentally or calculatud from the above indicated equations. -- N. Turkevich Is card : 4/4 q, ITOITTAL: C FE"-*:-C!,',-' MI-M. i0l,- 11, no. 3, Deld, 11. Chromatographir ana'h6is of nitro-commound mixtures for indiistrial use. p. 511. onthly List of East. European Accessions (EEAI), W, Vol. 8, no. 5, '-'ay 1959, Unclass. E~ -Z -1e A) -0k Inalysis of E Substances. .',bs Jour: Eef Zhur-Xhim-, Po 53, 1959, 31103- ,',u'.-'-,or Ettel, Vij~tor, Pos- .LAsA, Jan, Deyl, Wench. Cbromatographi.c Scl)ar--,',:,.On of Mixturea of jTjtro- Conza~oimds. Or). r~ 1~ub Chem. listy, 1958, 52, No 4., 623-6,3o. :,bstmct: This study deals witl. cliromatograVaic separation in the downward flow of the develaocr of the rniono-, di-, and tri- nitro derivatives of toluene M, of phenol (II) and of benzoic acid (III) as ue.U as with the separction of isomeric tri-nitrobenzols (IV) on paper saturated with polar solvent, nmely % solution of fornmilide (V) in C--.,4011, For the solm-ation of I, Il C-...rd 115 ( CZECjTOSLOVjjCjft/jaja1ytica1 ChQi-iij.stry. Analysis of Orp-nic E Substances. Pbv. Jour: 11cf Zhur-1(him., No 9, 1959, 31103- and IV Wa~mrm No. 4 paper was used and for III por which was also s--Lu2:--,tr-,d the Watman No.1 pw with 5'; solution of kerosene VI in benzol. Ydxcures I and IV were developL4 with n-hey-inc anLI cyclohexano (VII). 1-i-..xturc II - wii;h C6,'6, C11Cl3 or with ethyl acG-La.c (VIII). III 1,UXCUrC VIII plus MY!! (95:.*;-*) (paper sa-*U-um~ccl iv~-th VI), or wit' or v6L.' V'(II (paper saturn'.ccl ivi-L'.- V) and 112.-G'! .hc ',,axcurc of c H50H P-lus "r.7~0.t (95: 5) or wit'- VIII .plus -',-1qO't kunsatura~cd paj;cr). I and IV were q,)onud afLcr reduction 17-' 5'.j S11cl;? 0; solu~don in concen'~ra"*1-od and width 11,; s 'Lam,--Lnobunzvldc.-: 1-2 -nor.-,al 'T I. of n-diiiy-tily- yda in -C Card 2/5 C:/:"Pc:.,OSTIOVI.IKI[-L/AlialytJ.ca1 C!'CJ!L-.SLry. Analysil; of Organic Substances. Jour; lief Zhur-Khiro-, Ho 9, 3-959, 31103. II was opened wiLh t',,,L- mixturc of 15' ,FeC13 solutinn and of lrj i3olution of Vnj LFC.,(CN)6~~ (I:1). Fol- lowing this -~hc enronatogram was treated with 2 normal 11C1. To opon II a 10~~ water solution of NaM. was also used. III was opened with a mxture of 1r'., alcohol solution of n~~hyl red with 1/15 M phosphate buffer solution, -L)-" 7 (1:1). In drying chronato- am-Is at 150 0 for one 'tour the paper was c' aarrr-A in the places showinE, blots of substances containing sulfogroups. T'he 111, values of 30 cnurlora,(A classes, under `6-12c condz-cD.oLls dQscribed. above, ~,.ru --.-vcn. They cU-Sfer from values c:-~Iculantud accorcli. ![; GO CjWl Values Of diljolL! momon't's by no,; voru ~Ihan ap. '11"lure subs'C-Mces exid 61e correspokid~%--i,, Ri, valucs arc uuil.-.zW for the card 3/5 CZE C. -,OSLOV;dCLi/~a-ia1y-'k-,i Cal tO-tCrA:U3-Li'Y- Analysis 01 OrG.,n:.QE Substances - Jour: 1L-f Zhur-Khim -, 1,10 9, 1959, 31103 - identificatioa of products obtained by iiitrating toluene which ware subjected to chromx~o[;=.IDic separation under the described condLtions by stage clutriation with solvents of increasing polarity. After nitrating, I and 1TV vare, separated from the reaction mixture on Watman No. 4 pq?er with the aid of a mixture of V v---th VII. The residue at the start was extracted with C113COOll or irith CiHyOll and the solution w_ns again chrobatographed on batman No. 4 paper with a ruxture of V with VIII during which the II are sopar-atc(l and III and the sulfura-be(I de- rivatives remain at -the start. Thoy were aGain ex- tracted and separated on Watmin No. I papar with a mixture of CIVII plus IH~101i. Identification in the Card 4/5 DEYL, Z. "Colorimetric deterplination of hematin in water." p.16h VODTNI HOSPODARML (Ustredni sprava vodniko hosp,:)darstvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia, no. h, April, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1959 Uncl. IE YL, Z. Colorimetric determination. of values of a. four-hour test* p. 2?go VODNI HOSPOAI-ISTVI. (Hinisterstvo energetiky a vodniho hospodt~rstvi a Vedecka technickh spoleenost pro vodni liospoderstvi) Fralia, Czi-,choslovads, No. 6, June 19505. Monthly List of East European ijccassion LC Vol. 9. no. Z, Pe'tZ. 1960. Uncl. DETL, Z.; ETTEL, V.; POSPISIL, J. I IC.1-womatographic separation of mixtures containing nitrogen compounds" In German. p. 234. COLLECTION OF CZECHOSLOVAK C~,',IYICAL =UUNICKUONS, Praha, Czech., Vol. 24, No. 1, Jap. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EF-4.I), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Sept. 59 Unclassified DEYL FARM, X. --' 7.A~;I?'-.~t;-,~07M Golor.products of the reaction of NO ..ions vith brucine and their amlutic application. In German. Coll.Cz.Chem. 24 n0-11:3763-3768 N 159- (EEAI 9:5) 1. Prerovske strojirny, Porschinisabtai lung, Prag.und Forschung- institut fur Wasser-wirthechaft, Prag. (Nitrates) (ions) (Brunine) KUTACEK, Milan, dr.; RCSMZ, Jan, inz.; DEYL, Zdenek. inz. lbv methods of chromatographic separation of gibberellins A:,. and A3- Diologia. plantarum 4 no.3t226-231 162. 1. Research Institute of Flant Production., Czechoslovak Academy of Scienoes, Frahs, - Ruzyne (for liutacsk). 2. Central Resvirch Institute of Food Industry, Praha - Smichov', Na belidle 21 (for Rotimus and Deyl),, -7r' IZIL, Zdenek; ROSMUS , Jan Effect of soluble collagens on the course of electrophoresis of proteins. Kozaratvi 13 no.206 F 163. 1. Ustredni vyzkumq ustav potravinarskeho prumyslu, Praha Smichov. DM Zcleneki RCSMUS~ Jan Paper electrophoresis of collagen degradation and denaturation produotoo Kozarietvi 1~ no*3:467-70 W t63, 1. Ustredni vyzkumiXF ustav potravinarakeho pruMalu,, Praha - smichov. DRn ZjSWAjWNUS, J - rz- ~- Gollagen',poaction in aour medium. Ft. 2. Nozarstvi 13 noo5:139-r3-40 My 163o 1. Uotredni vyzkumny ustav potravinariskeho prumyslu, Praha - Smichov. DEYL~ Zdenek; IIAVI,ICFK, Miroslav; ROSMUS, Jar, I.- . Paper chromatography in the oentrifugal field. Chem listy 57 no. 5: 479-493 My 163. 1. Ustredni vyzkuDmy ustav potravins.rakeho prumyslu, Praha a Katedra,autopiatizace,, Vysoka skola ahemicko-technologicka, Praha. DEYL, Z.; ROkcs, 'T. 56cond Colloquy on Present Problems ofCollagen Research. Chom listY 57 no.9tlOO9-1010 S 163. DEEM, Z.; ROSWJS,~ J.; APAM, M. Tanning of the collagen structure by heavy mtals. Kozarstvi 14 no.8:2:37-243.,Ag '64. 1. CentralPesearch Institute of Food Industry and Research Institute of Rheumatic Diseases, Prague. FABIAN, Jan, Jnz.; MUM, Frarlti,501(4 inz- ! FOSMUS' JanO 'nz'; DMP 0 Zdenek; Inz. CSc. I JEUK, Nexely PUt's Discussion on Vladimir Horejaile article Mse of high-fre- quency energy in food sublimation &*,ing. Prum potravin 15 no.2169-71 7 t 64- DEYL, Zdenek; PODRAZKY, Vladbilr; ROSMUS, Jam Theoretical principles of fat meat sublination drying. Prwn potravin 15 no.8-.3,80-385 Ag ~64. 1. Central Research Institute of Food Industry , Prague. DEYL, Zdenek, inz, CSC. The Sixth International Congress of Biochemistry in New York. Kozarsivi 14 no.11:340 N 164. 1. Institute of Physiology of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. ROSKJS, jan- DEYLP Zdenek k - -- Structure of collagen. Prum potravin 15 no.11:598-602 N 164. 1. Central Research Institute of Food Industry, Prague. DEYL, ZdenO, Inz.j ROSMUS, Jan, ina. Sixth International Congress of Biochanistry in flow York, Prum potravin 15 no.12:644-645 D 164. 2o5i-66 EWT(1)/9qA(b)-2 RO 'WC=.MR NR t It P50? p61 /WV=4 7 04/0053/65/0M /0D32 AUTHORs J.; Deyl, 21.; Tinavskyj,K.; Tmnvskao Z. TITIMS ExperUnental IiiLthyzltjm Ceskoelovenakit fyisiologLeg 1j.1963v 14-32 TOPIC TAGGI t*tany, j2?E!_po1og7s' experiment aninal, biochemistry .-'.-Aba tr ac t Labhyrisin J.s. all in boiieatlon c(tw4ad I)y the sonds of lithe aweet pea Lathyrim odoratua. Tho -toxlo ingrodi.ent of the seeda. 'is deseribeet, Pathological ftnd anatomical' finaings on raLso frogap' guinew pig3,, ehioken., rabbitat monicays, horeas and oumels are reported., The toxic Ingredionts, or the seedo are reviewod of in rospect to thoii ffect and its riechnnIsm. The erfeaL 001lagon. upon tho toxic ingredients J,a discussod, Biosynthosin or -fiftd Dr, Ji fliu7ch pollagen is dea 'aribed,,.. "The autho'ra thank Dra Ho ChyapiE or the In4ustriml Health and Occupational Diseases Institute in- Prag 9 gnd DrvJ stitute of-- ti-c-DI-s-eases,in Fra u Nj~ot- M. Adam o ie Rosearob ar r d n 7e the Te~oR nnl*for crit =ca remarks to ET;e manuivcr=.~ ast .5 figures, 3 granhsj, and 8 tables* Oaxd V2q 'ACCESSION M A15027361 ASSOCIATIONs Ustredr~L vyzkumny us V1 wd rskeho prumyslu, Prague (G~n lrql I , vina - - ----- Research Insbitute of Food Industry)o~ yzkmny ustav chorob revMatickych El --h Institute for Rheumatic Diseasea,qesearch vysunute pra,covi 0) sEany (Msoa~c StAtInfl)l CDByg Laborator pro pataysiologii latkove premeny, Fysiols ustav CSAV, Prague (Pathophysiology of Tissue Metabolism Labozat6ryj Institute of Phyviology, C-SAV) SUEMITTEDs 2War64 ENCM 00 SUB COM L8 NO luw sov i bw OTHEM 101 JPRS Card ADAM, '11A.; BARTL,P.; DIMI, Z.; HOSMUS, J. Bind:Lng of gold to collagem !m chrystoLnioLherapy. microscopic picture. Cas. lek. cesk. 104 no.7:189-192 P:i 1. Vyzhtumly ustav remati-cl,.y(Al churob v F. Lenoch); Ustav or,-Farnliche Ceo'!':n~-,'' v prsi'-'f, vyzkLumy iis'lav prim.ysly v Praze. DEM, Z.; ROSMUS, J.; ADAM, M.; BARTL, P. The coupling of gbld with collagen in chrysothiotherapy. 2. Effects onEtructural stability. Cas. lek. cesk. 101+ no.O,t236-242 5 Mr'65- 1. Ustredni vyzkumny ustav potrav-inarskeho prumyslu v Praze (reditel: inz. F. Vones); Vyzkumn7 ustav revmatickych chorob v Praze )reditel: prof. dr. Lenoch) a Ustav organicke chemie a biochemio Cookoslovenskej akademie vied v Praze (reditel: akademik F. Sorm). PALATY, Jiri; DFILOVA, Libuse The interference of some substances with the determination of phenols by means of 4-amino-antipyrine and dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine. Sbor pal vod VSChT 4 no.1:251-258 160. (EEAI 10:9) 1. Katedra chemicke technologie vody, Vysoka skola chemicko-techno- logicka, Praha. (Phenols) (Diraethylphen lenediamine) (Aminoantipyrin T "'I'CAq CA y '3. !. "'i-,I-ar wrap.,-)er in the by-ratisk rovince. 2abak 13, :4o 2, 1',152. USSR uli;1vatod hilustrial, Oloifarous, Sumr. m Airp-obi-ologiva, 1956, !"o. 4, 1.0-125 rls:;.It 0~~' or~~nrinz Abl"s6iii-Jun with Ch11v!!~.j!l jrr.:.,.khorl,.a, vubsequont cron.-~izrig, of tliq obtained fDrm Cpiap .fitil wirl~fl.v Khmalovk;A 125 and .90100tive aul'eraltlwn, a new Variety - zl'okhis - wan broigid out olmra,:-"Arized, by IL Bina). numbar of (wakars. The seoond~ary avakera ba-Mily forn (at or the rika:)val of th6 fl rst oii,33 'i .ikf*--r to-p.0inu and suck _3ring, auakors irow fro%k izf.~ n.,rdin of tliie lo~:~-5t, ot%adllngr I'A 1.~iavea wial,:h daoi ni-A lu~,-3r qtuill ty of imuici-.~r .L11 Lakhis varlaty, t~e amrja~':jt- iq r-3duced, fllera~ I., 1~j~is tr;c ajeda are -Lar,3,av, the numbar of tjj~i ',j-,.vmj J.% -inanaued, Tli(s now -,mriiily comblitsa the m Oultivatood Planta ladiiatrial, O.ItAftsrouss, sll~gtl-p- Bi 6 3 5 4 Z T yialdlig capacity with the hi: quality cif the loave3. Tb a rh work On J.t out wito conducted tlluxrin~; 1932-19417 in KIbv at Dryusainskaya aivA Lokliviltakaya: I.Poltavskeya oblast' sta'A=3. D. B. 'kidwAstroy m IT' s, 4, po .r tLJ,: ewd IV) k, o m n fid ri ink . .1 A us 31 'LL-4 ~,X tne rosAt 13.;tl ra J. V, ta I , ) ~, , -, *,, midr otained . " .. j - brolc, ~( a~ --rod cocl Ouml)le~ -L~ of -L~52 wid :)j at on, C~Jt tLe variety ve ;,,f t~u- atitlo-a in r.%-) I'I a 1',ldootiosin r n. 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