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32267 S/612/69/000/008/006/0-16 The use of integral D2187-D304 The paper is concluded with a derivation of an approxima--e formula for the correction coefficient T. The following model is employed: Turbulent heat transfer playa a-decisive role in turbuleiit motion everywhere except for the laminar boundary layer near the wall, In the la.minar boundary layer,, the most important effect in the stress transfer is viscous friction, while the most important ef-- fect in the heat transfer is thermal conductivity. It then follows that the thickness of the hydrodynamic bOUndary layer is different from the thickness of the thermal boundary layer. In the turbulent region, the effect of the physical properties of the med:Lum on the turbulent heat transfer is very small. Subject to varioui3 appro- ximations, it is shown that n+1 2 K = Pr (104) The average value of' n is 0.1335. If the numbers vary between 10 4 Card 4A The use of integral ... 3' 2267 S/61 69/000/008/006/016 D218YD304 and 1069 Eq. (53) can be replaced by C = 0,187 f Re 0,2 (106) and then 0,8 0,434 Nu = 0,0234-Re .:Pr (107) This gives satisfactory agreement with the empirical rel-ation Nu = 0.023-ReO,8.PrO,43 (108) which was derived by Academician M. A. Mikheev (Ref. 2: Osnovy teploperedachi (Pundamentals of Heat Transfer) (1949)). There are 1 figure and 2 Soviet-bloc references. Card 5/5 KUDRYASIMV, L.I., prof., doktor te1chn,nauk;_1?W(ATKIN, B.A., dotgent, kand.tekhm.nauk; BERMANSK.CY, V.Yu.,-Wa-i2d-.f-eE6-.-nauk.* GOLOVANOV, O.M., kand.tek1ui.nauk Improving boiler rating and steam quality at the boiler plant of the "Magnezit" works. Sbor. nauch. trud. Kuib. indus, inst. no,8:231-238 '59- (MIRA 14:7) (Boilers) DMATKTN, K.A, The GT-17 generator with RRT-25 relay repilateir and In-57 filter. No 70 Tankist, No 12, 19hB. DITTAT11N. X. A. A practical guide on mintenance and the olimination of defects in the electircal equipwnt of laitomobile GAZ-AA. Moskva, Iad-vo Nark0l&h02a WSR. 1943. 40 p. (50-53735) TL21~).=4 LIVITSMA.. Ye.D.; KCROVIN,, P.Ya.-j_DIATATKINo N.A.j IFTIMp G.A.j, red, ixd,-vai RUDAKOVA., N.I., [Colleotion of regulationo on wagea for workers emplapd in the ooristruction awd buildiM pattrials induetries) SbomLk rukovo- dittshchM matexialov po oplitim truda rabottLikov, zaniatykh v mtroitellistva 1, prouVablemiouti atroitellzWkh materialov. m0awas Gon.izd-dvio lit-,ry po atroit..,, arlthit. i stroit.raterialamo 1961. 5611 p6 (MI3A 15:5) 1e Ruosia (193!j'.- R.S.F.S.R.) Gosuds.rstvewgr7 komitat po delam stroitelletya. (Wages--Constructi= Jmdustry) (Wageo-WildiM mateiritao industry) LMATKIII, H.G. Auxiliary machine tool for drilling holes for dovols. Der i leso- khim-Prom. 3 no.8:21--23 Ag 154. (Kuu "?: 8) 1. .4-h1unerlinskly, melxDllny7 kombinat, (Ari'lling and boring rachinorT) -. DEVATHTNt- P. GIMUR(;, X-; ISTYATKIN, P- 1 1. Bw service in Zen:Ingrad P~rovjjws. Art.transp. 32 no.5:9-10 W 154. 1. leningradskly ol)luntnoy avtotrast. (Laninvad Provinae-Motor bus linem) (Katior bus lines- Loningrad Province) NESOV, V.D.p i-.izh., red.; DMATKIN, S.V., inzh., red. [Goristruction specifications and regulations] StroitelInye normy i pravila. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.2. Sec.M. ch.2. [Production buildings of industrial. plantEq planning specifica- tions] Proizvodstverxqe zdaniia proWshierinykh predpriiatii; noi7RT proektirovaniia (SNiP II-M. 2-62). 1963. 44 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Russia (1M- U.S.S.R.) Gosudm-stvermyy komitet po delam stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Nesov). 3. I'SentrallnY7 -.,;no-eksj:,erimentalInyy institut nauchno-issledovatel-Iskiy i proye~ promyshlennykh zdan2,y i sooruzhenfir (for Devyatkin). __RM-ATKIJN,-,~,tV~,_inzh.; NESOV, V.D., inzh. Standards for designing production buildings of industrial entei1xises. Prom. stroi. 41 mo,,5:43-45 My '64. (MIRA 18:11) DUTATKIN, T. Toward now achievements in the work of autonobile transportation and road organizatlons.~ A:rt.transp. 32 no.4:3-4 Ap 154. 7:6) (KLRA (Transportatl4n, Au.touQtive) ;' W. DXVYATXJN,_Rj-,,-- e.-- Winners in the All-Union socialist competition. Avt.transp-33 no-9:35 S'55- OILRA 8:12) (Transportation, Automotive--Competitiorts) DEVYATRIN, T. Annoying deficiencies of a usefui book.. Sots. trud 8 no.10055-157 0 '63. (MIRA 16s12) ORESHKIN, P. T.; DEVYATHN, V. A.; POPOV, 1. 1. . Thernal. diffusion currents and the thermDolectromotive forest in industrial refractories at high tempevaturea. Izv, vyse twileb. zav.;,chern. met. 7 no.6s284,190 164. (milu .1'.t.7) 1. Sibirskiy motallurgicheakiy institut. KARPACHEVA, S.M., doktor khimich. nauk; CUMARIN, N.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; BYCHKOVI A.Ye., inzh.; ZAKHAWV, Ye.I., inzh.; DE'IYATKIN, V.I., inzh.; ZHDP240V B.V.,, inzh. .9 Study of the operation of a pulsating extraction sieve plate colwnn. Khim. i neft. mashinostr. no.l.:24-27 Ja 10'5. WIRA 18:3) DEVYATOV' V.I 2-;Z~.~ Inve.-stigating heat transfer of two versions of cool-ing systems for turbine disks. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; av. tekh. 8 no.2:56- 64 '0' 5. (HIRA 18.5) PHASE' I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6481 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdelenipm. -Institu-t marz1otovedeniya. Tepl~--i massoobmen v merzlykh tolshchakh zemnoy kory (Heat and Mass Transfer in the Frozen Strata of tht?'Beirth's Crust) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SS.SR, 1963. 213 p. Errata slip inserted. 1200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencyi Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye Institut merzlotovedeniya. Resp. Ed.: N.I. Saltykov'', Professor, Do.ct,'"pr of Technic'0 Sciences; Ed.: A.L. Bankvitser;' Tech. Ed.: V. G' Laut. PURPOSE: This book is intended for research workers inz:permafrost and geocrYOlogy. COVERAGE: This collection olf papers deals-~with the ris'-Uits of theo- retical, laboratory, and !field researich-lon heat trhn;gfer in frozet Card 1/-p Heat and Mass Transfer (Obnt.) SOV/6481 ground and in ice carrted'out by the IstWff of the *edt- 4Lnd Mass-Tranvfer Division of the Institute of Fermafrost Study, tiberian Branch, AN SSSR. The theory of heat- and mass-transfer in icet frozen and thawed ground, and rocks is discussed. The problem of heat 'transIL-r between engineering structures and frozen ground is investigated. Methods used In these investigations and the instrumentation and:equipment designed by the author:s are described. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 I-anov. N.S. Th e Heat Regime of the Upper Layer of the Earth's Crust.-in the Yakutsk Area 9 Gavrilova, M.K. The Heat Regime of Surface*and Near-Surface Rocks According to Calculations and Observat'ons Made at the-Suntar-Khayat High-Altitude Mountain Station in 1959 56 Card 2/j Heat and Mass Transfer (Cont.) SOV/6481 Filosofov, G.N. Air Currents in RockTissures in t~e Aldan- Chul'mansk Mining Re:gio~ 64 Devyatkin, V.N. Diurnal Temperatures in Boreholes Filled With ____V_a_r BVi -Xit e r i a 1 s 76 KorenrLOVi-B.I. Thickness.Determination of Long-Frozen Rocks by the! Radio-Wave Electric-Prospecting Mlethod 80 Aptikayev, F.F. Some F-earilres of Seioraic Wave Propagation in Lorig-Frozen Rocks 89 Chistyakov, G.Ye. The Temperature and I~e Regime of Rivers and Certain Watersheds in Yakutsk 92 Balobayev, V.T. The Thilwing of FrozenRdcks Due to'lncercction With the Atmosphere 105 L Card 3/_7 DEVYATKIN, V.N.; UXSHE, Ye.A. Behavior of iron electrodes in molton chlorides. Zhur.prJkl.khim. 35 no.6:1328-1333 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Filial Vsesoyuznogo alyuminiyevo-jaagniyevogo instituta. (Electrodes, Iron) (Chlorides) UKSIM, Ye.k.; DWEYATKIN, V.N. Kinetics of bydrogen, electrolytic evolutiDn from fused salts. J.'lektro- khirdia I no.6;627-612 Je 165. (MIRA 19:7) 1. InstLtut elektrokhimli AN 5.95R. . . DEVYATKIII, V.N.9- UKSHE, YO.A9 . - Solutility of hydrogen chloride in~salt solutions. Zhar. prikl. khIm. ,38 no.7-.1612-1614 J1 165,. (MIRA 18-~7) WEE, Ye.A.; DEVYATKIN, V.R. Some regularities of true formation of 'Liquid metal deposit )n a solid cathode. Zhur. prIkl. khJn. 38 no.5.-1153-1-156 My 1,55. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Berewlkmkiy filiAl vaesoyuznogo alyuxdPi-yevo-magniyevDgo instituta. UKSHE, Yek.;. EEVYATKIN, V.N,-, ' Dissolution of hydrogen chloride in fusad salts. eTnur. fiz. - khim. 39 no.,9:2288-Q291 8 165. 180.01) 1. V,sesoyuznyy aXyminiyevamagniyevyy Instituts, Bore vaikovskiy f ilial. DEVIATKIN, V. P. and SHKOLINIK, L. M. Povyshenie - rochnosti shesteren drobestruinyn naldepom. (Vestn. lilash., 1950., P no. 12, P. 7-12) Includes bibliography. Increased strength of gears by shot method. 1)1,c: SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Ln the Soviet Union, library u of Congress, 1953. KISLIK9 , -,.- - MMTMMW~&~,, Investigating the iormation of abscessem on setualess rolled and band railroad wheels. Tren. i isn.mash. no.7:205-222 153. (KLRA 9:9) (Wheels) IARIN.T.V.; DEFUTKIN V.-P. " WA)MOV.N.A.; VIMDIAJ._P~.t~ec %skiy r,~-C' Ator. GOLIDWiTUL,B.A. redaktor, [Increasing -the %rear resistance of looomotivis 3arts] Povyahenie no iznouostolk~isti loarovotNrkh detalei. Moskva,, os. transp. shel- dor. ix&vo, 1955. 191 p. (Moscow. VaesolustWi uauchno-iseledo- vatel'skii institut zhelesnodoroxhnogo transparta. Trudy, no.10:1) (Loconotiveo) (Mechanical weex) LARIN, T.V.- DENTATKIN V P - KRIVOSHEYET, V.A.; NAUNOV, I.V. IN W.L& gILMOVA, T.A., inzhaner. rodaktor; KHITRON', P.A., tekbnichookiy rodaktor. [Seamless rolled wbeels for railroad cars] T;Sellnokatanzqe zheleznodorozbAre kolesa. Moskva, qois.trans. zhol-dor.J.zd-vo. 1956. 187 P. (Moscow. Vaesoiuznyi -nauchno-lesledovatellckli institut 2theleznodorozhnogo transporta. Trudy,. no.124)., (w-'RA 9:11) (Wheels) SOV/137-57-1-1334 Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr :,,, p 183 (USSR) AUTHORS: Larin,: T - V., 1.)P,.Vyatkin,'V P. ------------- TITLE- On the Mechanism of the Wear of Railroad-car Wheels (0 mekhaniz- me iznosa zlieleznodorozhnIkh koles) PERIODICAL: Treniye i iz-nos v mashinakh. Nir 11. Moscow, AN'SSSR, 1956, pp 238-263 ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the structural changes in the surface layer of working railroad-car wheel tires (T) and the effect of the C content (0-45, 0.55, 0.60, 0.68, and 0.86) on the structural changes in the surface layer of the specinaens when they were subjected to friction tests - The steel of a worn T containing 0.73% C and 0.761o Mn has a (Tb of 90kg/mm? - Etching with +16 HN03 Of samples cut out of various zones of the surface layers of worn T showed white, etch-resistant layers composed of structurefree martensite. The formation of such white layers causes a rapidwear of T. The mechanism of T wear consists of the separation fromthe rolling surface of particles of plastically deformed metal and of the Card I /Z white layer, w1iich latter appeared as a result of st:,ructural On the Mechanism of the Wear of Railroad-car Wheels SOV/137-57- 1- 1384 transforination caused by friction heat at points of skidding contact. The rate of development of these processes is explained by insufficient resista.tice of the metal to plastic deformation, hardenability of the T metal, the occurrence of skidding, the skidding velocity, and the magnitude of the specific pressures over the contact surface. ln order to increase wear resistance of T it is necessary to produce a stronger layer, which would resist breaking down for the longest possible time, for which purpose the authors recommend use of steels with the lowest possible C content ( < 0. 6%) and with alloying additives which increase the strength but do not increase hardenability. The crb should be 95kg/mm2. The study of structural transformations in the surface layer of laboratory speci- mens of steels with various C content, friction-tested on a special apparatus, showed that the nature and properties of T structure in the region of hardened layer are the same as on the surface of the specimens. A. M. Card 2/2 r 7-A/ IV) J/, 137-58-5-10647 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 254 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kazarinov, V.M., Larin, T.V., Vukolov, L.A., D V.P., Taraisenko, A.Ya., Shchetinin, jr,K. TITLE: An Investigation of Materials for Brake Shoes of Improved Fric- tional Properties (Issledo%,aniye rnaterialov dlya tormoznykh kolodok s povyshennymi fritktsionnymi svoystvami) PERIODICAL: Vestn. Vses. n. -i. in-ta zh. -d. transp., 1957, Nr 7, pp 11-17 ABSTRACT: The increase in train speeds poses the problem of finding new materials for brake shoes (B) having high friction properties and resistance to wear. A test was run on B made at 3 plants from cast irons having various (up to 1.2%) P contents (with additions of Fe-P). The coefficient of friction and wear resi.-.tance were determined by weight loss at different speeds. The results were analyzed by the correlation process. These laboratc)ry experi- ments are used to arrive at an iron of optimum composition, sub- ject to verification by extensive service tests. In '/., this compo- sition is 2.8-3.2 C, 0.7-1 C combined, 0 7-1 Si, not over 1 2 Card I/Z Mn, 6.7-1 P, and urity atoms per 4. aboutJO M3; 4 purest -ration of _.,Sampj~~ with an Impurity coneeni 2 .~w x 10, /cm.. 3 F~CC NR. AY6009614 D-F 0.0049, F-I 14 W)I C-F O~M9 Ct-K: 0.0176 H-1 O.OD48 A-G 390 IDA A-D 0.0173 JI-K DMOD C-0 0.0174 C-L 0.0392 E-H 0.0175 z4~ tZ g, te; Table 1 Energy dif fer ence between emission 'Lines (ev) L 39756-66 Ed%,T(1)/LVT(m)/EEc(kL-L2LF-B-DZiLE2,.EUkl'&~k(h)/I~,iP(t) _---: (r) . I/ ACC NRt AP7015476 SOURCE CODE: uR/olft/66/oo8jo0-5/15~6/1538 JD/GD-2 AUTHOR: Basov, N. G.; Bogdankevich, 0. V.; Devy jovA A. G. ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, Academy_of Sciences E~~ Moscow (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Certain characteristics of emission generated in CdS by electron excitation SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 5, 1966, 1.536-1538 TOPIC TAGS: laser, semiconductor laser, cadmium sulfide, coherent emission ABSTRACT: The present paper is an extension of art earlier work (N. G. Basov, et al. Zhurnal ekspyrimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 47, no. 4(io), 1964, 1588) in which laseA.'Action was reported in CdS excited by a beam of electrons, The 0.5 x 0.85 x 1.5 mm sample was prepared by polishing. The Fabry-Perot cavity was forbad by the 0.85 x 1.5 mm. faces. The beam of 50-kev electrons was incident bnthe0 .5 x 15 face of the crystal cooled to the liquid nitrogen temperature. The -ulse duration and the repetition frequency were 11,2 psec and 50 cps, respectively. Fig. 1 shows the emission spectrum of CdS at different current densities (J). At j = 100 mamp/cm2 recombination radiation with a half-width ~!70 ~ peaked at 4960 X. Although line 2 narrowing was observed at j = 1.5 amp/cm , the oscillation threshold was at 5 amp/cm 2 The divergence at the threshold wa13 130 in the plane of the beam and-go in the plai F L 39758- ACC NR3 76 43 .,I -IM"O ROO 51W 400 Fig. 1. The! emission spectrum of WS at different current densities j in amp/cra2: 1 0.18; 2 0.52; 3 8-5. (T.t-- 80K)., perpendiaul~r'to it. The quantum efficiency, defined as the ratio of the radiated power to the power of the electron beam, exceeded 1%. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ICS) SUB CODE: .;0/ SUBM DJUE: 15Nov65/, ORIG REF! .001/ ATD Card 2/2 9v EVRftV A.N.; inzh c The now GPS-703Dader, Stroio i dorm mah. 7 no.7-.14-16 T.1 162a (MIRA 15:7) (Conveying machineilr) LYADUKHINJ, I.A.; NIKOLAYEV, A.F.; TARAS:OV:, S.M.; DEVYA!MQY,-A.N.3 VARKHOTOV, K.r.; ZLOTNIK, M.Il.; YEVDOKIMOV, 17,11.; LYSYPJCOV, A.G.; GERSHTEYN, AX.; KISS, R.L,.; MELINIK, V.Li: 13E.YZERMAN, R.M.; SMIMOVp I.H.; NIKULISHIN, K.Ye. I From the pages of Soviet magazinem. Makh. atroi. 19 no.901 - S 162. (Bibliography-XIM13truction equipment) NIRA 150) DEVYATKOV. Aleksandr Nikitovich--NOVIKOV, Vladimir Vasillyevich; '-- -GEDLffA-NOV, A.K., inzh., retsenzent; (The GPS-70 loading machinel Pogruzoahnaia mashina GPS-70. F.ookva, Izd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 66 p., (MRA 17:5) ALARVAI X.SEdpceased1;.13LjDXjM, P.H.: BOTyjjjKo,; jEyyATr,.2Y.G,V. DMIT11YET, A.D.; TF.MHOV, F.H.; ZAYTSEV, A.G.; KIBIREV, S -F.; KOSTIMK.OVSKIY, M.G.; KIMMISOV, B.T.; L'YOV, G.N.; MOGIL'11YY, A.I.; ORLOV, G..K., OVSY-AN- NIKOV. K.L.; PROHYSLOV, V.F.; RURNOV, N.N.; MACHKOV, I.A.; SOLOF- MKO. N.A.; SUSHKOV, A.A.; CHAGIN, D.A.; HUCHERENKO, II.A., ob3hohiy red.; GRISHMMIOV, I.A., obshchiy red..; SVETLIGH117Y, V.I.,. obshchiy red.; RUBAIURO, B.R., obahchiy red.;; BARSKOV, I.M., red.; UDOD, V.Ya., red.izd-va; YUDINA, L.A., rodjzd-va; GOLOVKINA, A.A., takhn. red. (Building practices in foreign countries; Northern Airope and German Federal Republic] Opyt stroitellstva za rubezhom; v stranakh Se- vernoi Ivropy L FRG. Po materialam otchatov delegataii sovetakildi spetsialistov-stroitelei. Moskva, Gos.iz--I-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materi~lam, 1959. 598 p. ORIRA 12:12) 1. Predsedatell Gosstroya SSO (for Kucheranko). Z. Zamestitell predsedatelya Gosstroya SSSR (for Svetlichnyy). (Rurope, Western-Building) D65og SOV/141-58-4--25/26 AUTHORS: Kostiyenko, A.I., Devyatkov, M.N. and Lebed', A..A. Lr,K' TITLE: Electronic Detect!_o_n~VV1ti~e&'3_, Frequencies (Elektronnoyo detektirovaniye na sverkhvysokikh chastotakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofi:rika, 1958, Nr 1k, pp 1687170 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The work reported deals with the possibility of the detection of ultrahigh frequency signals by means of reflex klystrons. An experimental investigation wa's carried out on glass tubes types K-11 and K-26, operating at wavelengths to X- 10 cm and X - 3 cm. The detection was achieved by separating the grids of the klyistron resonators and by applying to them various positive potentials. This arrangement permitted the obtaining of various potential distributions in the interaction space and in the reflector space of the klystrons. The experimental system employed ii~ illustrated in '.Fig 1, while its potential distributions are shown in Fig 2. The detector curves are shown in Fig 3 and 4. Fig 3 Card 1/2 illustrates -the detector current AIO and the reflector 06509 SOV/141-58-4-25/'26 L-lectronic Detection at Ultrahigh Frequencies current 10 as a function of tho voltage applied to .the accelerating grid. Fig 4 ishows similar curves plotted as a function Of UT which represents thei difference between the accelerating potential and that of the second resonator grid. From the curves it is seen that a detector sensitivity of the order of' 1 A/W was obtained with the K-11 tuba; this figure is the same as that of a good crystal detector. There are 4 figures and 1 English reference. ASSOCIATION:Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy unt-versitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: 25th November 1957 Card 2/2 SOV/109- - -1+-3-19/---,8 AUTHORS: Kostiyenko A.I.t Devyatkov M.11.1 and Lebed' A.A. TITLE: Use of the Virtual Cathod-esfo-r-the Detection at Ultra- High Frequencies (Ob ispol'zovanii virtuallnykh katodov dlya detektirovaniya na sverklivysokikh chastotakh) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, pp 1+82-1+88 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The problem was investigated experimentally. The circuit employed is shown in Fig 1; a constant potential U~ was applied to the accelerating grid and to the firs grid of the interaction gap; a potential U2 was applied to the second grid of the interaction gap, and a potential Uo was injected into the interaction gap. By adjusting potentials Ul and U2, two virtual cathodes can be formed inside the tube, as is Illustrated in Fig 2. The experiments were carried out at wavelengths of 10 - 3 cm. At the 10 cm i~Tave the UHF power was fed to the klystron by means of a cavity resonator as shown in Fig 3a. At the 3 am wave the UHF power wa!; fed by means of a rectangular waveguide; this is shoim in Fig 36. The measured results are shown graph'.cally in Card 1/3 Figs 4 - 8. Fig 1+ represents the dependence of the NOV/109- - -4-3-19/38 Use of the Virtual Cathodes for the Detection at Ultra-High Frequencies reflector current Io on the reflector voltage Uo for Uo > o. The figure illustrates also the increase of the reflector current &10 due to the ultrahigh frequency signal. The dependence of I and NI on the gotential of the accelerating grid Ts illustra?ed in Fig . From the above experiments it is concluded that the use of the virtual cathodes for the purposE. of the detection is quite feasible. The best results are obtained when the virtual cathode effect is very small The detection mechanism at the 3 cm wave is almost idea_ tical with that at the 10 cm wave. TLe authov, express their gratitude to S.D. Gvozd(Dver for valuable advice and Card 2/3 his interest In this work, Acknowledgement is also made to M.A. Drozdova and V.G. Titov for their help in carrying SOV/109- - -1+-3-'. '. j Use of the Virtual Cathodes for the Detection at Ultr aigh Frequencies out the experiments. There are 8 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy Fakulitet Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta imeni M.V. Lomonosova (Physics Department of Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: September 6, 1957 Card 3/3 S/109/62/007/005/009/021 D266/D307 AUTHORS: _Revyatkov, M.N., Kostiyenko, A.I., and Myasoyedov, Ye. Ya. TITLE: Travelling wave tubes as UHF'detectors and mixers PERIODICAL: RadioteRhnika i elektronika, V. 7, no. 5, 1962, 838 - 843 T-IIXT: The purpose of the paper..Is to investigate experimentally the i-I detector and mixer properties of ordinary low povier travelling wave tubes in the 10 cm and 3 cm range. The input signal (and the local oscillator signal in case of mixing) is fed into the travelling 17ave tube and th 'e detected signal (or i--f signal) is taken from t4e col- lector-circuit. The voltages on the different electrodes are the sa- r-e as in amplifier operation except that of the collector which is considerably depressed. The collector current in the absence of in- put signal depends very strongly on collector voltage. The collec- tor current in the presence of signal is altered. The current dif- ference, A I k and its ratio to input power, Llk/Pc, are plotted Car 4r, S/109/62/007/005/009/021 Travelling wave tubes as UHP D266/D307 against input power. For small input power (P c-< 5p.W) the detector characteristics are near to quadratic. The minimum detectable signal wasJbund to be about 10-10 watt which is of the same order as that obtainable by a TVIT-crystal combination. In mixer operation the cho- sen _J-f frequency was 40 Mo. The dependence of conver.sion gain and i-f Dower on input power is plotted, showing about 17 db conversion gain in low level operation. I-f power plotted against local oscil- lator power shows a maximum around P10 Str' 50 - 70 microwatts. The li- mit sensitivity of the travelling wave tube mixer was found to be worse than that of the TVIT-crystal by 5 'to 10 db. The bandividth of the mixer was not determined but in each case it exceeded '10 %. Some experiments were also performed by feeding back the higher frequency to the input of the travelling wave tube. The limiting sensitivity imnroved in this case 'by approximately 3 db. There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo uni- versiteta im. M.V. Lomonoso,ra, Kafedra radiotekhniki (Physics Faculty of Moscow State Universit l*M# MOV, lomonosov, Department of Radio Engineering5 S-011,1ITTED: June 8, 1961 Card 2/2 , 0 a 0 0 a w a V w w w- 1 I S 4 S it I I t, 10 it 111114tili vie 190 : 111jim K a mix it V u 311 is a m to to 41 V 41 it Cie A A -9-11 9 X "__j i J_1_j_.AA a IVAL 1-h-A 4__r J A 0 A . j. , 11jdjam titis a basis diacbma tube with Alowhig CIA-- adiWo. R. D. Lh!vptkova and 14. D. Veilryalkov. IPA& 01CM04) art it.) 4 S S Tab Ph)v (U J o . . . . . . . M-n on the amt. of vidlatim of mim, wave Irmths l h d I V n t on an e . MW to 111,01A) A. in the whwh ritis di- a OVA Its dependence on t1c current sirrWA Rothnmnn It . '00 00 1.4 0 0 0 00 has 0 00 A S 6111 A.(T4t.tVrGKA1 ifffsatlAr C4.111wfC.M. so It - 0 1 L I a E4 0 1 It i 4 1rx W 2 1 0 a n rs 1, : 0: 0 09 0 0 9 0 9 je 0 0 * e t 4; ; 0 0 if 0 go , [f 0 0 0 it 00 0010 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 '0", 0 0 0 a 0 0 & 0 0: