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32231 A,n investigation of heat exchange S/196/61/ooo/oll,'oll/o42 E194/E155 of a sudden temperature difference in the layer near the which has increasing effect on the rate of heat exchange The molecular free path increases with increasing vacuum with it the thickness of the layer near the wall. The relationships obtained can be used to calculate thermal conditions of thermistors operating in the upper layers atmosphere. in vacuum instruments and equipment. 4 literature references. [Abstractor's notes Complete translation.] wall, because and of the Card 2/2 s/196/61/000/011/012/cA2 E19VE155 AUTHOR,, Devoyno,~ A.N. TITLEi Use of the electrical-thermial analogy method tc study the process of heat transfer in rarefied gas PERIODICAL~ Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekbnika i energetika no.11, 1961, 1, abstract IIG 6. (Tr, In-ta energ AN BSSR,, no.111, l.96o, 40-50) TEXT., The electrical thermal analogy method, which is described, is suitable for rapid calculations of temperature r.onditions of bodies in a rarefied gas atmosphere. To calculate heat exchange by this method it is necessary to establish the relationship between the temperature difference and pressure of' individual resistances of the! equivalent electrical circuit R , R , R.- RX and R where each value respectively represents M k 1 2' thermal resistance due to thermal conductivity, convection, radiation and resistance of the layers near the walls of both bodies participating in the heat-exchange process. As tile resistances are non-linear it -is necessary. in designing the Card 1/2 Use of the electrireL-thermal s/196/61/000/011/0-12/o42 E194/E155 electri~-al circuit, to construct the volt-ampere zharatteristic's of each resistance, Then the circuit calculations, i,e. the determination of current and resistan~:eq (which corresporl to deiermination of heat fluxes and temperature) are -arri-ed out by the graphi-al tf-~~hnique for circuits with mixed non-linear .-? lement s ~The ele-,trical.. thermal analr),S), method is promising for calculations of trans 'Lent heat exchange pro,_-e~.ises in rarefied gases, 6 litera-~ure refsren,~es, s noip, Complete trans!ation Card 2/2 DEVOYNO, A. N., Cand Tech Sci -- "Study of 1. ' xchan,,Ye in -'~, N-V'.A'Aw\ V'S,GlkG at temperatures of up to 21-00C." Minsk, 1961. (Belor[A4-~,t, i, I PolYtech Inst im I. V. Stalin) (K1, B-61, 242) .. 221 - DEVOYNO., A.N. Contemporary state of the problem of heat transfer in rarefield gases. Inzh.-riz, zhur. no.2:119--130 F 161. OURA 14-4) 1. Institut energetiki AN BSSR, Minsk. (Heat-Tranamicision) (Gases, Kinetic theory of) 88636 9/170/61/004,/002//017/018 BO19/BO6O AUTHOR: Devoyno, A. N. TITLE: The Present State of the Heat Exchange Problem in Rarefied Gases PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1961, Vol. 4, 110, PP. 119-130 TEXT: The results of recent studies in the field mentioned in the title are discussed and completed in part by the author's own findings. A paper by Kyte, Madden and Piret (Ref. 6) is first discussed, in which the heat exchange was studied with free convection in diluted atmoophere, Formulas are given for the heat exchange in the boundary layer of a sphere and a cylinder, and the temperature field of a ,ertically stretched wire is discussed. Results concerning the temperature variations around a heated wire are dealt with more closely. The empirical equations for the heat exchange of a sphere and a horizontal cylinder are given and the considerable practical importance attached to the calculation of the heat Card 114 886-16 The Present State of the Heat Exchange S/170/61/004/002/017/016 Y Problem in Rarefied Gases B019/BO60 1 exchange coefficient at pressures of up to 0.1 mm Hg is pointed out. The theoretical considerations made in the aboirementioned paper are ,jaid tc be insufficient. Experimental results obtained by the author regarding the temperature field at low pressures fit those supplied by t-he said paper. Fig. 3 illustrates the author's results for the variation of the heat exchange coefficient of a cylindrical body at low pressures. A report is then made on a paper by R. Pek, V. Pagen, and R. Verla:rr,. (Ref. 2) which has dealt with a study of the heat exchange betweiin parallel vertical plates at lower pressures. It haE been shown in that paper that at low Grashof numbers the heat exchange coefficient (ices not depend on the temperature gradient nor on the plate distance. The present staie of the studies of heat exchange with forced convect4uon is discussed next. A paper by Stalder and Jukoff (Ref. '1') has dealt wiT-h heat transfer problems of bodies moving at high speed in the upper strai-a of tl:ie! atmosphere. This paper is discussed at some length together with the calculation of the temperature of a plate mo-s-ring at an altillude :!1* 120 to 300 km at a speed of 0 - 11 ktri/sec. The abEIE-nce of an experimenta'11. demonstration is said to be a major deficiency of that investigation. Card 2/4 8806 The Present State of the Heat Exchange S/170/61/004/0,)2/017/019 Problem in Rarefied Gases B019/BO60 Stalder, Goodwin, and Creager (Ref. 8) studied the heat in a free high-speed molecular flow, and a result conoerning the heat exchange of a plane plate in a flovi with sl:;ppage is said to be of special interest. The use of boundary conditionj for the slippage and the temperature jump, as given by Kennard (Ref. 11) is criticized in this connection. Improved boundary conditions have been set up by A.. A. Pomerantsev (Ref. 1). It i3 stated in conclusion that further studies are required in the f Jeld concerned, particular importance being at' 'ached to the investiE;ation of heat exchange'in high-speed constituting free molecular f1cws. are 5 figures and 11 referenccs: 5 Soviet ard 6 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut energetiki AN BSSR, g. Minsk (Institutue of Po-wer Engineering of the AS BSSR, Minsk) SUBMITTED: August 9, 1960 Card 3/4 886,116 0,5 zo -1,0 0 1,0 2,0 IqP S/170/61/004/002/017/01 6 B019/BO60 Legend to Fig. 3: The heat exchange coefficient as a function of pre3sure. 1) and 2): total heat exchange coefficient with and without taking account of the radiation component. Card 4/4 23751 Ll 100 S/170/61/004/006/OC6,/015 90.2 00 B129/B212 AUTHOR- De,.,-oyno, A. N. TITLEs Basic regularitie3 of heat transfer with natural coavection in a rarefied gas PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, 1r. 4, no. 6, 1961, 70-77 TEXTz Tho author considers the problem of the heat transfer for B vertical plate looated in a rarefied gas, which is in a viscous or molecular- viscous state. The theoretical results are compared with experimental data. According to the degree of rarefaction there are three typos of gas statest The viscous, the molecular-viscous, and the moleoular state. The ratio of the mean free path ~ of a molecule to the dimensions of the container or to the body d located in the gas will determine the type of viscous, for 4.6.10-3