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.413STKOV, M.A.; D-WDARIANI, Tu.S., redaktor,- TODUA. A.R., te1:hnichegjkiv redal-tor. [Introduction to tWdroelectric power &a applied to eyetems] Vvo&enie v sistemnutu gidroonergatiku. Tbilisi, Izd-vc Akaa. nauk Gruzinskal SSR. 1954. 158 P. (14IJtA E:8) (Hydroelectric power) DE-fDARI ~tNI I Yu. S. Doe., Tooh, Soij -- (die a) "Ilaily Control as '"j, Factor in Determining the Parameters of 'IMMUM Hydro- electric Power - Stati on E; in a Power, Sy stm 11 Nlos- Tbili st, 19 57- 22 pp with diagrains, 21 am. (Academy.! of Sciencces USSR, Power- Engineering; Inst im Gi. M. Krzhi-zhanovsIdy) . 1CO copies- (XIq 25-5'79.. 111) 46 -46- Ad DIRDARIARI, Yu.S.- Determining the parameters of hydroetlectric power stations and establishing sm efficient structure of the hydroelectric power oyetem. Soob.AN Gruz.SSR 19 no.1:63-70 J1 157. (KIBA 10:12) 1. AN GruzSSR, Institut energettki Im. A.I.D~debulidze, Tbilisi. ?redatayleno skademikom K.S.Zavriyev7m. (Hydroelectric power stations) DEVDIL.RIAN!, Yu.S.; SHULITS, G.H. optimum load distribution between the eleetric power plants of the Georgian S.S.Re Trudy Inst. energ. AN Gruz. SSR 17:63-76 163. (MIRA 17:7) DEVDARYANIv Sh.G. [Rov placement of firtilizers on sugar beets during &)v- ing]Riadavoe udobrenie sakbarnoi svekly pri seve. TbLlisi Izd-vo Akad. nauk Gruzinskoi SSRP 1956. 25 P. (MIRA 16:31 (Sugar beets-Fertilizers and manures) KOSTIC, Petar, prof., dr.; PRICA, Radeta, floe., dr.; DIURCERSEI, Dragoslav, dr. Our experience with tocographic findings after the administration of methergin in the placental stage. Md. glaon. 15 no.7/8:340-345 JI-Ag 161. 1. Ginekolosko-akuserska bolnica u Beogradu (Upravnik: prof. dr P. Kostic). (ERGOT ALKALOIDS ther) MLADENOVIC, Dragomir; LAZAREVIC-PALMAR, Scmia; DEVECERSKI DzAgQslax-- Cervico-vaginal fintulass Srpeki arh. celok. lek. 89 rio.9:9177-OW S 161. 1. Ginekologko-akuserska bolnica u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Petar Kostic. 2. Clan Uredivackog odbora, wSrpski arhiv za celokupno lekaretvo" (for Mladenevic). (VAGINAL FISTUIA) (CERVIC UTERI dis) MMCIMI. Niloje, dr. The off eat of thyroid gland an thei course of bronchial asthma.; three case reports* We progle, Tovi Sad 7 no,3:213-216 1954. 1. Anbulants, za. alargiene bolosti Internog odelJonja pokrajinoke bolnice, Novi Sad, oaf dr. Dj. Og7ijanovic. (HYMTMOIDISN* compl. asthma, there: setbylthlauraell) (ASTHKA9 compl. 1"artkWroldion, ther., metbVIthlouracil) (THIMRACIL, derly. metbVIthiouraell, ther, of )qpertk7roidlen, alleviating off. on anthma) ]XVICER 1. Miloje. dr. Case of allergic purpura. Nod.. pregl., Novi Sad 7 no-3:233-234 1954. 1. Interno odelenje Glayne pakrujinake bolnice. Novi Bad. sef. d.r. Djordje Ognjanovic. (PLIPMA allergic) (ALLIMGY, mnifest. purpum) DOZOVIC. Borislav. doc.dr; DIMMMI, Nilojo Case of gangrome of the h&W In croupous pnemonla. Mod.preg, JbvJL Sad 7 nD.6:472-" 1954. 1. Interno ode1jenje Glowns pakrojinake bolnice, Novi Sad. Sef: Dr. Djordje OgNanovic. (PROMIZA, WB^ complications, g& one of hand) (GMRM, hand. In lobar pnewsonizu) (HAM). gwWons. in lobar pnewwnia) BOWVIC, Borislav, Doe. dr; TUCAIrOvIc, Todor, dr-6 DSTIOMKI, Miloje. dr Course of erupous pmmonla according to the material of the Third Internal Clinic. Ned.gloon. 9 no.1:1-7 Jan 5.5. 1. 111 Interm kliniks Nedicinskog fakaltsts, u BoaCmft (upravi-dek profs AeRadosay1jivic) (PMMOKU, LCM, statistics, hoop. oUtiste analysis) BOZOVIC, Borisav; Dff~,,Miloje The treatment of migraine with small domes of hypopbysial hormones. Srpski arh. celok, lak. 83 no-5-6:583-597 Nay-June 55. 1. 111 Internis klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: Alaksandar Radosavljevic. (PITUITARr GLAND. horn. In ther. of migraine. results (Bar)) (MIGRAINE, ther. hormones of pituitary gland (Bar)) BOZOVIC. Borislav; DZYNCERS11, Milojio Clinical value of determination of bacterial resit4tence from sputum In various lung d1seases. Med. glasn. 10 P-0-3:93-98 March 56. 1. 111 Interne klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogralu (v.d. upravnika doe. dr. B. Bozovic). (BACTIRIA, resist. & sensitivity antibiotics. determ. from sputum in lung die. (Ser)) (LUNGS, die. bact. resist to antibiotics., daterm. from sputum (Ser)) (ANTIBIOTICS. resist. & sensitivity. bact. resimt., determ. from sputum in lung die. (Ser)) (SPUM, bacteriol. in lung. die.. determ. of bact. resist. to aatibioties. (Ser)) AgVBMS - Milfti- _,_ ftfta. -.0000000 - TNTWWjrw Clinical and laboratory mtb)ds for determination of corticosteroids. Had. glasn. 11 no.6:224-230 June 57. Ajrllft*~ klialka B Neticinakog faimlteta u Beegraft (upravni1c: prof. dr -2. Berovic) (ADMAL CORMK HOROMS, deters. olln. & laboratory technics (Ser)) DEVEGRESKI, Miloje; 14IIAlIKOVIC, pet&:r; DMWVIC, 14arija; IC, Svetlana Clinical value of the determination of iodine blood albumin bound iodine. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 85 no.12:1337-1347 12 Dec 57 1. Interns klinikR B Mediciaskog fakm1teta u Beogradu '.J~ravnik: prof. Padivoje Berovic. Odeljenje ma ekep. I klinicku patolol;Iju Srpske aka- demije naulm u Beograft. Uprikvnik: prof. Vojislav Arno-rljevic. (THYROID GIAM. die. diag. value of deters. of serum globulin '5ound iodine) (IODIM, In blood globulin-bound, determ. q diag. value in t1qroId gland dis. (SEM GIDBUL33 Iodine, determ. in d1ag. of thyroid gland die.) BOZOFIC,B ~; SAVICBTIC.M.;._~~IL&; JOCIC,V.; EDRUNOTIC,J.; i6ICIC,Lj.; ITANOVIC,N. Allergic diaeases in two taitIle Inductry enterprises. 4cta mad. iuval. 13 no-3:319-324 '59. (ALLUGY *t Iol. ) (OCCUPATIONAL DISUSIS at iol. ) , DZVBCFMKI,Miloje,dr. Diets for renal patients. Hed. glasn. 13 no.8-9:467-,;,70 Ag-S 159. (KII&EY DISXASB natrition & diets) SPUZICY V.; SIAVKOVIC, V,; PAVLOVIC, V.; KENTERA, D,.; DEVECER)KI, M. OuxTent, status of aller-Mr among inhabitants cof the vil'Lage Lazaropolje (Macedonia). Glas. erpoke akad. nauk.[Med] no,15,.1-4 '60. (AT-T tCff spidemiol) 1:71 ~ DUWMMI* M. Results of the investigations of health conditions in a group of 1000 alcoholic sub cts. Higijena, Beogr. 12 no.2/3:254-262 6o. (ALCOHOLIOV BDZOVIC, Borislav, prof. dr.; GRAOVAC, Bogdan, doc. dr.; DEHCERSKIP. .,.,dr.; PUTNIK.. Milan, dr.; GLIGOROV, Nada,7rr., _- Miloj o SLEPOTIC, Drago1jub, dr. Use of mitcoWcin C in the treatment of various ca3es of oarcinoma. I%d.Glas.17 no.11/12t447-448 N-D 163. 1. Intena klinika B. ~Ssdicinskog fak-ulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu (Upravnik: prof. dr. R. Berovic). ~~O,'OVP' ~iox-jslav; G121OV1. Bogdan; Ililail; 1,ada- -Oralo1juli; -STOJAEOVIC, Graior.-Ir; I~IEOLMU , Ruzica. Bronchia' car.,noma during the period of YP35-19(1 Li the Clinic 3 of the Blelgrade Medical Faculty. Srpski arch. celo.',. lell. 02 no.3:241-2_48 Mr 164. 1. Interna klinila B Hecticinskag fakulteta Univ,~rzltt!ta. U Beo7-radu. (Upravialk: prof. Jr. Tlridivoje Berovic). t eal h, owc ! t1i i at 111. of t h 1-3 nr 1 1 Q - -(I Juzjx- L'PJll v ",orticiih, -oreviin,,tsk c,rof, Dr sr. Pacts,---. hy- --yor, t~(!r.. n lay -, )vi--r. uli~er, intitillat1k)p IXVZCKOVA D.; VYROSTW, J. Relationship between senile cataract and degenerative pri3cesses in the inner ear with special reference to nodern andlometric findings. Cask. ofth..15 no.1:37-41 Fab 59. 1. Oona klinika v Xosiciach, prednosta. prof. dr. Zosef Pajtas. Ilinika pre choroby tione, noene a krcne v Kosiciach, preduosta prof. dr. Hichal Susterv (CATARACT. in aged, elation of senile cataract to inner ear degen., audiometry s)) U (IMREIG TWTS' audiometric determ. of relation of inner ear degen. to senile cataract (0s)) (IABYRTITH, pathol. senile degen., relation to cataract, audiometry (Oz)). DEVB,',KOVA, D.;VYROSTEK, J. Hearing disorders in tapeto-ratinal dogeneratioz4 Cask. ofth. 16 no.1:12-15 Ja 160 1. KlinUmpre ocne chorQby JJ.P.J. Safarika v losiciach, prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Pajtas Klinika pro usne a krene choroby U. P. J'. Safarika v Usiciach, prednosta prof. MUJ)r. M. Sumter (UML die. ) (DIRMNS 00 up 1, DMCKCIVA, Darina 3 rare caaes of mechanical eye injury. Cesk.ofth-17 no.1-2:0-32 A 161. 1. Kliniks pre choroby ocne university P.J.Safarika v Kosiciach, prednosta prof. METDr. J. P&Jtas. (ZIEB vds & Inj) MAJOR, Laszlo, dr.; BALOGH, Antal, dr.; S. TARNOTUX, Klara, dr.; PEVECSERI, .kn(? Group intoxication with metbyl alcohol. Orv. hetil. 102 no,,49:2327- :2331 3 D 161. :1. Szaboloo-Szatmar Megyei Tanacs Korhaza, Nyiregyhaza, I as II Belgyogyaszat, Szemeszeti es Gyermekgyogyassati usstaly. (AIZOHOL METHYL toxiaol) 77777~-' M., Alinis! and DevvEeff -L, 13"lr;cpl weldl of calude a, tip'.~"i Irr If wv of irllhlll~fl fof,~l I$?". nipt it of C de-&i) by nw.111-4 %it -illit'li 010,14 Ri! 14,ry)l toj the fw) flpq thoirtly 11Wr they aw put int'!i 11-C iliAlle twilt thq Illit twn Ilm"Illiml oitll~r -.%v a (-Millg gai or hi li tunlyrring lwnnct or Irv any uthrr n Pjjt,~-- Lave 4h!n 'Airdw-M!A %"d the 'ATMITIA: time lpllueFA froly M-20 whi to 40-~!D atT, : 71le mobt Illipiviallt part of t1w. tkv:ve Is it 12 kl'A tra Onrwrt- with Mpilmmy taPswhids)vYwits a ia,.Pand- "ry Voltage 4'"O.Oj ~n from ).5 to 3 vc3ts at a 4wk'Iljl)):va(l to of variatts thickw-m. fictiting in t-fr(-itted ltn%vvvn rop'rlLe)OCt?l)d('$'r`)W'-tl ir Pititionnry i ml tho ;Aher adlusLiblo. A V"IA(qx-xaff-cl Lou) rokt ia arring(41 !w- I)v nnolhur 111 ?~ ~,,, - - ; ~~-:.' - III.1.7 DEVEDZIM,X, m. "The P~.,.per Industry in Capitalist Countries", P. 19. (GLOGRAFI1.11, Vol. 4, No. 9, 1954, Sofiya, Bulgaria) L, SO: 1,11onthly List of Last. European Acc,sgio,.s, (~), LC, Vol 4, No. 6., June 1955, Uncl. DEVEDZHIEV, m. The Karl Marx State Soda Flant. p. 1e Vol. 5, no. 9. 1955 GEO GuNtF I IA Sofiya, BulgarDi So: Eastern LuroFean Accession V01-5 No- 14 April 19534 DPITEWHIFY, M. "The intrafactor- U 11 .y cos' account is a factor for ra:Lsin:, tI e income of the industrial enterprises." p. 1 (Otchetnost I Kontrol, Vol. 6, no. 11, 1957, 6o-fiia, buli-ayia.) Monthly index of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 7, Io. 6, itme 1458. V BULGARIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their 1-2 Application. Elements. Oxides. Mineral Acid.s. Bases. Salts. Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 2, 1958, 5228. Author Devedzhiyev Marin. Inst Not Given. Title The Putting Into Practice of Intrafactory Cost Accounting at the Calcined Soda Plant Imeni Karl Marx. Orig Pub Tezhka prom-at, 1957, 6, No 3, 37-40 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 DEVEDZHIEV, M. Effective computation of the ccqt of' castings in foun&ies. Ma- shinostroene 12 no,6:7-U S 163. DEVEDZIIIEV, M. For the large-scale application of the system of factory business accounting in the machine-building enterprises. Mashinostroene 13 no.12:4-7 D 164.' DEVEDZHIYEVA, G.A.; RUMYANrSEVA-RlJ.S3KJ'KH, V,M, Role of consciousness disorders as a symptom, in the difrerential diagnosis of encephalomalacia and hemorrhages in the brain sub- stance. Trudy 1-go MMI 342593-603 164o (MIRA 18:11) 1. Haf-adra psikh:bitrii. (zav. - 7-asluz:,iennyy deynt,311 nauki prof.V.M. Banshchikov) 1-go Moskovak-)go ordena Lenina nedi- Lsinalcogo Instituta imeni Sachenova i kafedra nervnykh -~ paikhicheskikh bo'Lezney (zav. - prof. V.P. Smirnov) 1-go Moskowkogo stomatologicheskogo instituta. DEVI' L I Jq "Goncernin6 the suz;coptibility of roindeor to Foot-tuid-Eouth Disease sickness.fl heh, vet-grin,, 1(~Ocl 1 Uestnik Ob~ , No. 15. (Bibliogaphy from article Foot Eqid , outh Disease -,bwiA. L. Sko-norokhov, State Publishing House for Alricultur-al Literature, Yascow/Leningrad, 1947.) SO: U-16251, U January 1952 , . .., , , " I J-'- .1 ~1,- 1 U . "linicL 11. aspects and ',herapy of liseas-us of the ~~c--,,ssory sinusc3 of Lliu- nose in -Aii.l&en. Vest. oto-rin. L11, 1'~o L, 1952. TIMV-TT, D..- S7EFESI, E. "PRotection agal.nst accidents resulting from contact with hC-0-volt eq-Aprent in iron mills an,~ si-milar iorlkshops 11 p. 2)4, (ELEMIOTEMINIKA, V-Dl- 46, no. 1, Jan. 19r3, Budapest, Hunga7) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C.-I Vol. 2. ~Io. 11, liov. 10,53, Onel. DEVENY, D. Ercmmvek & book rev-lew. P. 335-- sag, Vol* 4, No. 10/12, Oct./Dec* 1956) InetalIAtions in Pimer 501 Moathly List of East European Accajasions (MAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept 1957, Uncl. GSAJAGHY, Gatx)r; BOZSONY, Denes; PICHLIM, Janos; KASSAI, Ferencl GYORGY, Istvan; SZABD, Pal Zoltan; Pj~ .,Mff, Istvar.1 (Szeged); KIRALY, Lajos (Miskolc); ZI~GLER, Karoly; PAPP, Stilard; SCHNaDT, Eligius Robert; GULI. Laszlo; VAJDA, Jozsef; RONA.I. Andras; ILLES, Gyorgu; 6LIDS, Gaza; FINALY, Lajos; MOSONYI, Euil; PAPP, Ferene Minutes of the December 19, 1958 general meeting arranged by the HunFetrian Hydrological Society, Hidrologiai kozlcny,~9 no.5t394\401-404 0 '59. 1."Midrologiai Kozlony" szerkeamto bizottsagi tagja Ifor CLa,'jaghy, Gyorgy, Szilard j?app, Ferenc Papp, Schmidt and Galli). 2. Orszagos Vizul&i Foigazgatosag (for Ziegler). RUMUIA/Electronics - Electron Microcope. H Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 9, 1959, 2o683 Author Grigoroiia,, Radu., Croitor,-,t, N., Pevenyi. A. Inst Title New Method of DetermininE, the Heights of lurticles (of a 111pherical Se~nent) with the Aid of aii El,ectron Idicros- cope. Orig Pub Studii si cercetari fiz. Acad. RPP, 1958, No 4, 505-509 Abstract A new method was investif~ated for the determination of the angle of shading in the determination of the hei&ht of particles with the aid of an electron microscope. The method coiisisto of depositing on the base that car- ries the investigated particles spherical particles of gamboge of Iriown climension., after which the compoomd is shaded (with gold). From the length of the shadow and the radiv..s of the gamboge particles the i-,agle of shading is determined. From the )mown ahgle of t;hadimg and the Card 1/2 - 66 - DEVENY1, A.; CIOBINIJ., G.; CROITORU, N. Depandence of temperature upon the granulation of gold thin layers. P. 39. REVUE DE PH'I,'51QJE (Academia Republicii Populare Romine) Ducurosti '~O.MMJP, Vol. 4, no.1, 1959. F Monthly List of East European Accessions (ESAI) L C, Vol. 9, no. 2P.Ilgic UNCL. amok cc wookowa w w I ZOOS 2=04 ump do. of eke. ftobww d As &~; iii INN An #Wb ONI-1801 A. show rwmintion wbem bested. 'Fdb bdm 25 A. gmakike at mom temp. od we mt, wow lu dw w w , at bestlog,rew"bi (dmma Of rWdMtY with du of temp.) &u4'kmvwdhk (iticresse of lmddmty With Am at tesup.) plitomm"A take 0".. rm, of the cwvt R(r). car- me temp. when gramuk" gompmderatts, as AV Other Imm t~ravenible dwvu am miubmized. r. varies with hickoemi. the resulting curve hav- bw 0 slope of /rm ,,j2,*.C/A. betwom ga amd 40 A.; approx. 0-61K. 4D AW 80 A.. awl appm. 0.061K./A.fietw6ting0tiod ]BOA. Alartherpbsoomenou tjbq~rvcd Is Ihe Increm of eke. reghtance with nitue until a stfible %-W MP ne 6 ribAdxA. .'nhi evolutiois or the sampks depends W deposition co""s. 'fte thicirmss of the Uls Is detd. th h Optical ttal"Mis4m lit wwpe Ictwho and 5*0 A. Aund clumm are obwrvid with an 19, Die tr 3 We rcwiifei-~ =CM qrd-flila "84 -U ~trs an-PjO7g-T-- Griprcvid. N. Croltorts, A, Devenyi, ati Trittia omaiMan A'Fa7.-Uu-ch -I - 'P6 lay 1950T:- evapd. on glass at the temp. of liquid N were, slimly warroLd. up. At 10* the clec. resistance pwtses through a min. which corresponds to n. coherent, crymd. metal layer. At bigher t~rnp3. the resistance becomes infi- nitely hLrge; this corresponds totransformatio.i of the film into man), wpd. hemispheres. If the thickness d of the layers Is defined by d - vz/Ft, where "; - the man of the laler, the area, and s -- the d. of the comliact material, d can be dttd. for layers above 100 A from the magnitude. of the resistunce win. For thinner lacers. down to 12 A., d can be dctd..from the grains visible in clLctrin micTi;mphsil Rudolf IMLWI" The caum of tie asawalm wo"we 4( eke" re- Astame " a fmcdon ON t OdIverGIMMOPOIfted. -A-1 --- at jQxw Afiv a _ Ac-aV rep. boo*. lard bw 114SO. -QW variation ci the Zi resistance with temp. In Ag films delmoked at - 130* (at A. rate of 2D-2DO A. isca chiefly by breab in the film. which from its Owmal course. and det. r min., before reachkg the Ikowest -. A correction factor, computed from the 14 Z)curve. permitsdetn. oftbereal value :of theAgOm Welmem, from thessin.of the doe. resistance- :The brealm come mostly from contrectim, and act from inclu"iffitbellhadmigitafams". 71beftsisions the on crit. at about -110 to -200. Ag films ifift from -'aus bobavi- of f'o RM em. can be -by ande in noteod.g the 4=41 with several Woking; Icandgims: redscia I of the deposition Mr.; IfIce. Wd deawlegit we to resnaft 11, Bum as wen as' am in"021 slqppct surface optical" GIGORDVICI, R.; CROITORU, N.;.DEVENYI, A. Structure and electric conductivity of the silver thin Myers. Studii cerc fiz 11 no-4:897-920 160. (EM 10:8) 1. Institutul de fizica, Ducuresti. (Electric conductivity) (Thin film) (Silver) 44303 8/058/62/000/0 12/039/048 Ao62/Alol AUTHORS: Grigorovici, Radu, D6v6nyi Andr TITLE: ElectricAl properties of spray-COELted cadmium films PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 12, 1962, 87, abstract 12E619 Mev. phys. Acad. RPR",'1961, 6. no. 3. 385 - 396, German) TEXT: By the method described previously (RZh Fiz, 1962, 1013509) the electrical resistance g of Cd films, spray-coated on a cooled backing (140 0K at a rate of 20 - 500 W/min in vacuo < lo-6 mm Hg,-. was studied. It wwass ffounn that the initial coefficient P of the Cd films is negative. The films have an unstable structure and even at 140 0K they undergo spontaneous transformations with a decrease of p ; this is due to a considerable diffusion mobility of Cd atoms. These films are therefore less amorphous than Pb films obtained in the same manner. The lower the rate of spriy-coatbag, the more the films are cor- rugated and porous.. As a 'result of this circumstance, the resistance p of the films at the higher-temperatures has a higher -value than the corresponding P Card 1/2 S/058/62/000/012/039/048 Electrical properties of spray-coated cadtium-Tilms -AO62/AlOl of compact Cd. To porous films one applies the model of elliptical inserts with p -o (pores) In a uniform conductive medium. q D. Belashchenko [Abstracter's note: Complete tebnslation] Card 2/2 R/002/61/000/009/011/012 D015/D105 AUTHOR: Devenyi, Andre i, Candidate of Physical and Mathem&tical Sciences, Researcher TITLE: Thin films PERIODICAL: qtiiqX ~i Tehnicao, no. 9, 1961, 28 - 29 TEXT: The article deals with the principle of thin films made of solid bodies, and their possible applications. Thin films are generally produced by evapo- rating in vacuum the solid body from which. the film has to be made. The thickness of a thin film ranges from a few layers of' atoms to a mazimum of a thousandth 0 part of a millimeter. Determining the thickness of thin films is difficult, but it may tie accomplished by measuring the resistance when films are made of metallic materials, or by estimating the thickness on the basis of colors shown by the film when UJ.uminated by white light. Other, more accurate, methods are very compli- cated. Thin films can be used in thr study of the formation of solid amorphous or crystalline bodies, in the production of printed circuits, optical filters, interferometers, in electron microscopy, in the protection against corrosion, etc. Card 1/,,. R/002/61/000/00)/011/012 D015/D105 Thin films There is I fi.-ure. ASSOCIAHON: Institutul de fizica" al Academiei R.P.R. (Institu-:.e of Physics of the Rumanian Academy). Card 2/2. 35J.50 -3/05 8/62, "000/00 2/0 45/05 3 AOO1/AlOJ AUTHORS:: Gr:lgorovici, R., Croitoru, N., 4UAQyj__A_ TITLE: Investigation of lead layers obtained by evaporatioii in vacuum.!. Thermal coefficient of elee-zric resistivity PERIODICAL: R,j, 'erativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 2, 1962, 62, abstract 2E545 (113tudii si cercetari fis. Acad. RPR", 1961, v. 12, no. 1, 129-137, Runanian; Russian and French summaries) TEXT: Pb layers deposited by slow evaporation (5 - 25 Rlm:Ln) onto a glass backing cooled down to 1400K, are stable in temperature range 110')K and possess semiconductor properties. They behave as characteristic semiconductors with activation energy 0.78 + 0.05 ev and specific resistance --io5 a..,; hij;.h as that 0 of Ge. When the temperature range - 40.1: is exceeded, the proce.,3s of crystalli- zation begins accompanied by evolution of resistance and sign reversal of the temperature coefficient of the latter. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 S/O5W6_!'/MQ/001/OW120 A16GVAI(il AUTHOR3: Grigorovici, R&du, D6vGr4pl. Ap4m~ TITM Me electric propertla of oadelm.- 14~parsdepalW vA of vapwv PERIODICALI Roferativnyy *wrral, Flaiks, no,,,I, 1963,, 100, abetmt low ("Studii 9* corcetXrl f1s. Aced. MO. ea. 2, 1962, is* acq~.- gle, Thunanian; vimmriee 1n Mulain and Transh) TE)M it is -shown that Od laywo applled to the amW Sl no bwkft at a temperature of 1400K in a vaow4o by seam of a slow depwition thn (20 - 500 R/min), possess a negative thsz~l realetame coefffalwA [Abstracter's notet CoMplete tmmUtion). Card 1,/ 1 RVOW63/0 ASWA101 AMORS: Dbv6rwi, Andrei, PA9113A, Roaca TITLE- The effect of the aft~w-.Ow~ity of tuabowns an 11W gleftr1e: conductivity of thin n0A1 14"ra PER10D1C1J4;-` Referativm abirval,V13110P "a. to 1961 100S Abalmlet I" (11studii pi ~erceti~ri . fis. Aced. MM. no - 2, 1962a~%A!'.,, 239 0as, Gern, %n; summaries In Rmselan and Fnneh) TEXT: on the -basis of the oxistug non:-uMfamLty at ftlOw sow =4 holes in a lacer an explanatian Is given of the dMistlaw frM Pwbwla UWV which were detected in very thin artAl 14yers SUN) It A Or Wt &3bj0*W $0 thermal treatment. The derived formlas are ampred vItft 00 *XPr12N%W ril- suits obtained with Ag, Pb, Cd, Sn and Va. [Abstractor's notes Complete ts I on] Card 1/1 R/01 /62/006/002/0011001 AUTHORS: Grigorovici, R., Croitoru, N., and 136vinyi, A. !010/1210 TITLE; PhOtOTesistances made of PbS PERIODICAL: Automatica si electronica, v. 6, no. 2, 1962, 70-77 TEXT: The complete technology process of PbS photoresistances made in the Buchar.-rst Physics Institute (I FB) is given. The performance, measurements and characteristics of these photoresist inces are described in deWl. A table comparing the features of those photoresistances with the ones produce I in USSR (4)CA-1) (F-SAI), Zeiss (Fast Germany), Eastman (USA) and Mullard (Great Britain), sho%s that resistance and supply voltage of i.he Rumanian photoresistors range between the USSR and Ami.,rican types at one extreme, and the English and German ones at the other extreme. They reach the same relative i ariation of resistance under illumination of 200 Ix as the other similar products. The integral sensitivity is of the same order of magnitude as the English and German products, but 5-6 times smaller than that of i.he USSR. photoresi- tances. Howevcr, the admissible voltage applied is 6 times higher than that applied to USSR photorcsis- tances so that the photocurrent reached will be the same. The spectral sensitivity curve i, shifted slightly in the direction of infrared for Rumanian photorcsistances, when compared with the USSR ones. In comparison with the Zeiss product the maximum sensitivity of the Rumanian ones is shifted by 01p in the direction of higher frequencies, The Rumanian photorcsistors arc qualitalkly comparable with sin ilar foreign pmldtlm. There are 13 ligures, 2 tables, and 6 referencts. Card I / I 3113716-V000101110151045 A05',)/Al(. 1 AUTHOR3: Grigorovici, Radii. D60-nyi, Andrei TTTLE: Properties of spraynd Cd layers PFRIOPICAL: -I,(,fer,,.itjvnyy zhurnal, 1,:etallurgiya, no. 11, 1.,'46P. 15. ibstract 111113 ("Studii ~i cereetArl fiz. Acad. BPR", v. 1.3. no. Y)62, 11)" - 218, Flumanlan-, simmaries in Russian and French) TFYT: Cd layori applied by means of' a slow spraying (.?u - 5c)(1, Abdn) to cool ed glass bac?ings at BOoK in a vaccum of (1 - 3) - 10- .tmm mercury nolumm have a ric-gative thert.i-il resistance coFATiclentoe- . The structur? of these layers is unstaMe; corjsid~rable spontaneous changes are. observed due to the rilgratlon 0 tendency or c(i at.,*,,:-, 1)vpn at 1.10 E. The rate -of the - growth of f i Im3 af fects greatly th,.!jr, svio;)thnfiss; the lower the rate tile more p!~rous anti wavy i-; the layer. Anomalous values of o6are conditioned not by the defects of ct~,rstall Ine lattice but by changes in the free path of electrons. Pro,n the sm,.;nary rAbstravter'S lkot.Q: (7,1vildete translationi Card 1/1 -7? , Y. "-0 9 AUTHORS: TITLE D6vbj)yi, Andrei, MAn~ilA. Rodica S/137/62/000/011/014/05 A052/A101 Effect of thickness non-uniformity on the electric conductivity t~f thin trietal films PERIODICAL- Rnferativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 11, 196,?. abstract 11193 ("3tudil ;~i cercet~ri fiz. Acad. RPH, v. 13, no. 2, 11)62, 219 - 235, Ru'manian: summaries in Russian and French) TEXT: DeviatJons from Michs' law observed -in thin metal films, hoth sub- jected and riot subjected to heat treatment, are explained by thE non-un1formity of their thlckne:;s and. by the presence of holes. Formulas derivEd ori th.!-,; as5limp- tion are ovt,ipared with experimentAl (Inta on the electric conductivity of Ag, Pb, Cd, 3n and lig films. The process of the thle'l.ne5s growth of a film consisting of individual lnlpt.-; is considered quantitatively. The results of calculations are compared eitil electr(in-microscopic data for Au. The calculation data coincide well with the experimental ones, fAbstracter's note: Complete trani5latloni From the surtriat-y Card 1/1 1~1090 s/196/62/000/024i'007/014 E194/E155 AUTHORS; Grigorovici, R., D~venyi, A., and Mina'ilg, R. TITLEs The electrical conditictivity of metal films of variable thickness PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.24, 1962, 5-6, abstract 24 B 37. (Z. angew. Phys., v,141 no,.5l 19b2, :524-331). (German) TEXT: Films of' Cd deposited in high-vacuum onto a glass substrate and cooled by liquid nitrogen were studied. The Cd in vapourised from a quartz crucible and the rate of deposition on the substrate ranged from 20 to 4000 X/min. -The electrical resistance of the filins is unstable. For*some minutes after deposition there is a slight arbitrary increase in resistance. As the temperature is raised the film resistance reaches a minimum and does not return to the initial value on cooling. Near the temperature.of deposition, the resistance temperature-coefficient depends on -the rate of' deposition; at low rates it is negative, and at high rates positive. The minimum specific resistance obtained in heating considerably exceeds that of the solid metal. Card 1/3 s/196/62/000/024/0:)7/014 The.electrical conductivity of ... E194/EI55' For films of' 500 X thickness the ratio of these resistances exceeds 2, although the theoretical effect of the length of free path of an electron in the film would eiuggest an increase in resistivity no greater than 20%. on reaching the minin-um resistance, the temperature-coefficient of resistivity of the film is also very different froin that of the solid metal. Instability of the thermal coefficient. of resistance and the impossibility of making tests at lower temperatures prevented the authors from studying the behaviour of Cd film~as a conducting film. The peculiarities of the resistive film are explained by its roughness and the presence of pores and cracks. With certain simplifications, a calculation is made of the film thickness distribution and of its resistance, allowing for the presence of non-conductitig inclusions (pores and cracks). The possibility in consi,!ered of displacement of the atoms during heating (tempering) of the film-or during its depos-,.tion-j- concentrating thein in individual contres or on the contrary, dispersing them over the substrate. noughness arising from greater atomic mobility during heat treatment is characteristic of Cd films. Some pro:?erties of Card 2/3 The electrical conductivity of ... s/196162/000/024/007/014 E194/EI55 certain of the films are calculated from the authors' formulae. Agreement with experiment is natisfactory. When exporimental results were also taken from the works of other authors for films of various metals (AU, Ag, Sb, Cd, Sne Ks Hg) the experimental and theoretical curves agreed well iint most.'camen. 7 figures. 20 references. LAbstractor's note; Complete tranilatio'U.3 Card 3/3 GRIGOROVICI, R.; DEVENYI, A.- BOTILA I's I- faectric conductivity and the Hall effect in the alwOrnm layers evaporated in vacuum on the cooled supports. Studii ciere fis 13 no*4.-667.-673 262e 1. Institutul do Mica, Bueuresti. DEVENY1 , A.; RUSU, C.; BOTILA, T. Letermination of crystillite size by electron diffraction in the evaporated strata or beryllium. Studii cerc fiz '.4 no.6: 78-9-796 163. 1. Institutul de fizica, Bucuresti. C NR=16621'f6d C _jj P C -1 ,AT 3/K1 5 SOURCE CODE: GE10030/66/of6-/-~)b2/K1_V '4 gorovici. R.: Croitoru, N.; Devenyi A. !.AUTIIOR: Gri ORG: Institute of Physics of the Academy of the R.F.R., Bucharest TITLE: The-:zoelectrZ-c power in amorphous germanium SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 16, no. 2, 1966, K14-t-K145 TOPIC TAGS: thermoelectric power, electric power sourcv, electric conduction., 0- 6Rfn1jAJj UnZ , ~-/Okt_ C0.Uj)U07-10.'L) ABSTRACT: Measurements were made of the thermoelectric power a of amorphous germanium (a-Ge) layers deposited or annealed at 300K and layers annealed a", more than 500K. The layers were deposited by evaporation on fused silica substrates and were provide([ with ohmic silver contacts. The a was measured with a vibrating rf!ed electrometer.1 Deposition and measurements were performed in the same vacuum chamber (P < 10-5 Torr). The a-Ge was a p-type semiconductor with high acceptor densities (1017 to 1019 cm-3). Three different activation energies of conductivity could be attributed to the fol:.owing conduc- tion mechanisms: 1) An electron hopping process between the acceptor levels at low temperatures; the Fermi level lies somewhvre between the acceptor energy level E. and the valence band edge EV; 91.) A hole con- Card 1 / 2 L 41lo2-66 ACC NR, AP602-776.0 .duction in the valence band at intermediate temperatures; the Fermi level rises in this temperature range above the acceptor energy level Ea; 3) An intrinsic conduction by holes and -electron; in the valence and conduction bands at temperatures higher than 450K; the Fermi level i; lies near the center of the energy gap. Annealing diminishes the acceptor density and therefore increases the resistivity at low and intermediate temperatures. A comparison of 'the results obtained by measurements with those obtained using the general formula of the thermoelectric power -!-[(Ea - EF)ia + (Ev - EF)ih + (Ec - EF)iel, eTi where iaq ih, and ie are the electric currents carried by electrons on acceptor levels, by holes in the valence band, and by electrons in the conduction 'band, respectively, and i is the total current, shove that the formula is valid even if the effective mass approximation is not rulfilled. Crig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 formula. [JA] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 25Jun66/ ORIG REP: 002/ OTH REP: 003 ATD PRESS: fi)S7 Card 2 / 211b ~ . - .11 1 jjj)) Efficioncy of the 'narunt Proce" ir Forging " ptibliahed by the author (Aas Trrhn., .11131, 1, 299-318, )find deah wit); a new rnollvd of evaluating the atrl."" m a function of the do-iign ahd snode of performattva of the pouvr hammDm end their bm". -r. r. 0 01 11/014/60/000/005/002/003 E190/E435 AUTHOR,., DJ`vJnyi, Gygrgy, Senior Lecturer TITLE. Results of Research Into Modern Steel-Wire Drawing Lubricants PERIODICAL: Kohalazati lapok, 196o pp.212-2iL6 ,ANo-5, TEXT: First part. Continuation published in the 1960, No.6 issue, The paper gives a comprehensive survey of various aspects of lubrication in wire drawing, including the mechanism of lubrication, wear of dies, the effect of temperature and pressure on lubricant properties, the properties of lubricant carriers, of oils, fats, soaps, solid lubricants, and their effect on the coefficient of friction. The survey is based entirely on Published work. Card 1/1 KISS, Ervin, egyotand docens; DhVEN-M, Gyorgy, egyeteini adjunktus An account of the york of the Department of MotallurgicalMachinery and Plastic Formation, Technical University of the Heavy Industry. Koh lap 93 no.5:232-234 My 160. H/oi4/60/000/006/4)01/001 9190/9435 AUTHOR: Di'venyi, GyBrgy, Senior Lecturer TITLE: Results of Research Into Modern Steel-Wire Drawing Lubricants 13 .0 PERIODICAL: Kohilazati, lapok, 1960,"%No.6, pp.279-282 TEXT: Concluding part. First part is published in Kohafazati lapok, 1960, No,,5, pp.212-216. The paper gives a comprehensive survey of various aspects of lubrication in wire drawing, including the mechanism of lubrication, wear of dies, the effect of temperature and pressure on lubricant properties, the properties of lubricant carriers, of oils, fats, soaps, solid lubricants, and their effect on the coefficient of friction. The survey in based entirely on There are 21 figures, 3 tables and 18 references, published work. I Hungarian and 17 non-Hungarian. Card 1/1 DEVENYI, Gyorgj,, adjunktua ExperimntAl exanination of flaw pUning in f--ee-shapiag -forge shops and roiWhing mills. Koh lap 95 no.l2s545-551 D 162. GELEJI., Asp ord. Mitg1lad der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissensclaften DEVZNYIJ G.; GULYASp J. Bar extrusion experiments. Acta toohn flung 44 no.3/4:437-41+5 163. 1. Redaktaur, "Acta Technica Acadtamiae Scientiarum Hunga-ricae.," (for GeIaJi). DEVENYI, Gy-orgy - 2cm pmbleais of rcl Ling inciJerri -, Eu-,(! U socLiuns. -, ~ih Jiip ~"' 'I, ~ - -- K .1 -~ 552-557 D 164. DEVEnij. Reaction to wetkiyUbiouracil of thyroid autooimplants In the rat. Act& morpb. acad. sci. Hung. 12 no.323550363 164 Marpholoosel stuitr of the ALction of antidimvtic hormone Iri the renal -tubules. -ThId.~06"o6 Is Department of Pathological Anatcny (Dir-~ktor: Prof. P. Phdes)g University M(dical School, Nbrecen. -t "Prc,b'-'e7.s c,-' 'River Control at t~if? 1:!ra-c'i r.-F' t1if- Tiszp, PI-r-r P. 266, CTIMCI-CGIAI YC~'I.r TITY, '16, - J3, 7/,", Y1101C. 53, 7u llurf;ary ) SC : "rtrtlily List of East Europrarj crc,~7,!-inrs (EEAQ, ! C, Vol . 4, 1~r 3, liarch 1~,r% ': I. BOCS, Gabor, dr.; DEVENYI, Imre,_dr. Megimide therapy of severe Dorlotyn intoxication during the 5th month of pregnancy. Orv. hetil. 103 no.3:322-123 21 Ja 162. (AMOBARBITAII toxicol) (PREGNANCY compl) (ANALEPTICS ther) INOZZ, Forenc, ifj. dr.; MEMORORSZKY, Vilmos, drq.DLIVENYI, 3hre, dr. Surgical anesthesia by phenoxyacetarnide in an outpatient clinic. Orv. hetil. 104 no.2:67-69 13 Ja 163. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem,, 1. Sebeszeti Klinila es a Mosorme.gyarovari Varosi Tanacs Korhaza, Sebeszeti Osztal.y. (SURGERYP MINOR) (ANESTHESIA, WrRAVENOUS) (MESTHETICS) (AMIDIZ) INCZE, F., Jr.; CSEMORCESZKY, V. I '-LEmb--j~- Imenol-glycolic acid, a short-acting anaesthetic agent. Aeft chir. acad. sci. Hung. 4 no.3z231-237 163. 1. First Department of Surgery (Director: Prof. 1. Hedri), University Medical.School, Budapest and Hospital of the Xmicipal Council, Mosorim4grarovar (Director: J. Kis). (WMTHETICS) (ANESTHESIA, INTRAVENOUS) (SURGEff , MIN(R) ACC NRI ATOWr4zo SOURCE CWEI HU/2505/65/0,26/6d/0038/0638 AUTHOR: Endeal, ~Poj Dauda, 0, Devemr.L. Iii Szuo'sp Le ORDI Institute of PatholajCr, 11adical University of Debrecen, Deta,ecen (Debrec Orvostudomarqi Egyetem,, Kori-oani-Intexet) TITIZI Relationehip betwoon the pressor ciffect'of rtmal extracts and their juxtao.omerular graniiLated aell content O'his paper was presented at the 29th Meeting: of the Hungarian 114raiological Society held In Szeged from 2 to 4 JOY 1964 SOURCEi Academia scientiiwxm hungaricae. Acto physiologias, v. 26, Supplementp 196 8 5i .3 7 TOPIC TAOSi enzyme, biologic secretion, animal physiology,, rat., blood pressure ABSTRACT: Renal ex-trac ts with va rying omprular cell contant were tested for their pressor effect In rats,,. 'Juxtagl. ;sensitized to ren.-Ln by bilateral nephrecttimy. There oms no signifiaant 1 3.1 - !difference in the preasor effect between extract fron adult rats c-)nt ning anules, from newborn rats containing no-granules, a moderate amount of gr. Li~n4, -t from mouse kidneys, which have__4 -r rpquje content thatl _VIVch h-tghp- Card 1/~ Acc mm AT6=426 the rat kidney. At variance with-the view advocated. by HARTROFT and o4ers, -relationship exists between the granulated cell [this proves that no dimict ;'eontezA and the pressor effect so that a) either the granules 'of these cells are not Identical with. renin or its.precursor, or b) the renin ;produciA by.the granula.-Led,olls: plays no pftT6ar:~ role in the maintenance of blood pressure VM i6yoiical o'o-n(1itio_ni'3'_#'__PYPS7 SUB =Zt'~ 06 SUBM DATEj- V V -1: -A t . . . . . . . . . . I I DEMUI I. - -- 1 2777. 4VbYI I. and KIMMER B. Inst. of Path., Dahrecen Univ. mod. Sch. *The mantitative evaluation of wound healing ACTA M: ACAD. SC3]Nr. HUNG. BUdaPest) 1953, 4/2 (163-169) &aphs 2 n lu . 1 I The method is described; it was used in 630 rats. Observations are nods of the initial surface of the woumd, the one measured on the 7th day, and the length of time required for healing. These data provide a satisfactory means of evaluating the course of healing on rats. The method is 3tated to be reliable ,dthin a 10% margin. Norwich - Jolannesburg SO: 11carpta Medim, Section V, Vol. 7 No. 9 ]XVINY1, L; KOLOZIPM, L. No translatimi. Act& morph. bung. 4 no.4:447-461 1954. 1. Departuent of ftthelogleal Anatcar and Histology of the Kedical University, Debrecen, director prof. B.Kellner. (WOUNDS AND INJURIBS, exper. hea,ling. morphol. under arast In rate) JAUNI, ]Are, dr..; ISTUT1. Istvan. dr. F&Ihological mochaulums In Infantile otoantritim. 1W orr gogaaagy. no.4:120-124 Nc;v 55. 1. A Debreconi Orvastudammyl Jlgyotm ftl-, Orr-, Gelp-klinikajanak (igasgato; Terser Qy%U dr. ogyet. tanar) so Korbouctani Intoustonsk (ig&%g&to: Indes Pongrac dr. east. tanar) kozlemrqe. (OTITIS MIDIAO in Infant and child Otoantritim, pathol.) HOLCZINGIR, L.; D1VMI. 1. Relationship of mast cellr to the ermini enibstance o!' connective tissue. Aeta morph.huno~. 5 no.1-2:)7,-42 1955. 1. Department of Pathological Anatomy and Histoloff cf the Medical University, Debrecen (Director: Prof. B. Kellner). (COIMZCTIVE TISSUE, relation of mast calls to eround substance of connective tissue) (MAST CELLS, relation to ground substance of connective tissue) KILIMEGYI, Marton. dr.; MWI, Istvan. dr.; UZVOLGTI, Ferenc, dr. Kidney pelvis tumor, causing giant hydronephrosim. Magy. sebestet 8 no.6:351-354 Doc 55. 1. A Debrecent Orwontudomanyl IlSysteu 1. oz. Sebooseti KlinflaJanak (Igesgato: Loosel, Jancis dr. egyateml tanar) as Korbonctani Intesetensk (ab. vezeito- Nagy, Andras dr. Wetomi adjunctus) kosl. (KIDNIff, Pelvis, neoplasms popilloma, causing giant hydronsphrosts. lathol. (Run)) OLI NAPEWSIS giant. callsed by p&pillom of kidney pelvis. pathol. (Hun)) (PAPILTAOKA kidney pelvis, causing hydronepbroole, pathol. (Hun)) XARDOS, ?erotic, dr.; DIVENY1. Istvan. dr. Role of the ovary In wound heallng; effect .of castratton on wound healing. Naff.noorv.lap. 18 no.2-85--90 Mar'55. 1. A Debrecont Orvostudonarkyl 747~tmm Stuleazett as No&vog3raitzatt KlinLkajanal- (Igazgato: Arvay Sandor dr. ogyet tanar) em Korbonctant Intozotenek (Igzgato: Irellner Bela dr. al7et. tanar) lxzlemenye. (WOUMS AND INJURMS. experimental. healine. of'. ovariectonkv) (OVARIMS. effect of excision, on wds. healing) ,r Aug 58 VqL.1118- Geq.PrAholpr 2083. MALIGNANT MYOEPITHELIOMA OF SWEAT GLANDS - Malignes S-chweisadrOsen-Myoepithellom - Dt4ydnyl A. Pathol.-Anat.Unlv. Inst., Debrecen - ZBL. ALLG. PATH. PAIIMMAI-7957, 96/9-11 (469-473) Illux.4 A turnour of the palm of the right hand of a man aged 48. recurring twice in 8 yr.. proved to be a myoepitheliom consisting of syringoeytadenomatouti and leiomyo- matoid structures. On account of Its c~'-ulair polymorphism and re,.-urrence, it is believed to be a malignant myoepithelionia. the third in the literature. Dvofgi!ek - Olomoud (V, 16) DEVEff I. Istvan. Dr. Statistical data on the cause of death in lao=eols cirrhosis. Ory. hatil. 98 no-48:1332-1333 1 Doc 57. 1. L Debraceni OrvostudouwWi 11gystem Korboadtaui as Irorazovettani Intesetenek (igazpato: Indes Pompan. dr. east. tans ) kozelemanys. (LIM CIPMOSIS, statist. LRennec's cirrhosis, cause of death (Hun)) YEDICA Sec 3 "!c1 13/5 Endocrinology YaY 59 1049. 110MOTRANSPLANTATION OF FOETAL THYROID GLA-NDS 1-0 PORARILY CORTISON L -'I'll EATE D RA,rs - D(-vdnyi 1. , CzC nPS r B. and E' n (I e s 11. Dept. of Pathol. Anat. . MFcT-TT-n1v--T.Tv_brecen - ACTA MOR PI 1. ACAD. SCL HUNG. 1958. 8/1 (59-69) Graphs 2 Tables 2 Illus. 6 93 adult rats of both sexes. thyroid glands from 20-40 mm, foetuses were tT-ansplanted into a subcutaneous pocket made behind the right scapula. The ani- mals Nvere divided into 6 groups, each characterized by different combiiations of thyroidectomy, total body X-irradiation and cortisone treatment. Successful grafts were encountered only in cortisone -treated animals (2.5 nig. cortisone on 6 altern- ate (lays following transplantation). Two successful grafts wer?: seen among 12 animals which received cortisone only. There were 19 successful grafts in 29 animals who had had thyroidectomy plus cortisone -treatment. Histological examin- ations clearly revealed that the transplants were decisively influenced by the various tissues implanted together with the foetal. thyroid gland. A particularly adverse effect was exerted by the retention cyst l'ormed from laryngeal and oeso- phageal residues, and by the inflammation of theSe residues. This technical de- ficiency makes it impossible to compare these results with those obtained with adult thyroid gland tissue published elsewhere. Gaillard Leyden (1, 3) 3 Olri ?- i t r- Ai V -r V_ -A. DNVWY], Istvan, Dr. Problems of Influencing of the host organism in contiection with transDlantations. OrT. hetil. 99 no-3:79-83 19 Jan ~;8. 1, A Debraceni OrvostudooLnyi Iffetem Drbonctani Ditesetenek (ig%sgato: Endea Pongrao dr. eaet. tamr) koslemanyo. (TRANSPIAIMTICK host-donor incompatibility, prev. methods (Hun)) DMNIIJI I.; CZENKAR, B.,, ENDES, P. A study of the cmditioning effect of non-continuoi:B cortisone treatment on the hamografting of' thyroid tissue in rats. Folia biol. 8 no.l+&23&.232 162. 1. Department of Pathologyp University of Medicine Debrecen. (LWNING) (CORTISONE pharmacoloW (THMID GLAND trEaisplantation) DEVENYI, INCZE, F..jr., Dr; Ob'ZRSUHQiBZXY, V. Dr I REbXLXII., Dr i i~edical Uuiversity,-r. ziurSical Gl:~xijc (Orvostudomanyi 9~ ete:4, I. 6ebeazeti Klinika), Budapest, and the Surgical .V G Department of the Kospital of the auosox=agyarovar City Ca=- oil Gosonmagyarovari varosi -LeAacs Xorhaza, Sebeezeti 08naly). "Ambulant Surgical afircosis with Pbanox3racatamide..". f Budapest, Orvosi Hetiletp, Vol 104, No 2, 13 Jan 63, pp 67- 69. Abstract3 rAuthoral Hangarian -=ary] PheAox7acetaaide, a b2iefffy acting intravenous narcotics was used in 98 cases of ambulant surgex7. 4-5 mdke caused 3-15 minute narcovess and the patients could leave aftOZI another 3-10 minuteas N pfications were noted other than one can of post- o com narcotic vomi-,ing and 3 cases of dizziness. Th: drug is recozzended for ambulant narcosist Of 17 references, 6 fir* hurgarian, the rest Western. 1-4 in -m 04 an i i f. L 7.1f, C.1 sa. ta- e I f a;, DELI, Laszlo, dr.; DAN, Sandor., dr.; MUM, Iqtva4 'dr. j ~ .................... Symptma%e agranulocytonis in Hodj~dnls disease. Ory. hatil. 104 no.10:457-459 10 Mr 163. 1. Debreceni Orvoetuitmanyi Egyetem, II. B611clinika as Korbonctani Inteset. (HODGKIN'S DISEM) (AGR&NULOCYTOSIS) HUNGARY SOLTW4I.'j B., Margit, DEVEM, Istvan; Medical University of DeVrecen, Patho- lozical.Apatmy InstiVUW-(T~tI%-ce-ff Orvostudcxnanyl Egyetem, Ko:7bonctanj Intezet). nData on the Physiological Proteinuria of White Rats." Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol XV. No 4, Aug 1963, pagos 399-400. Abstra,-tt[Authors' Hungarian summary] The authors call attention to the ex- istenci f physiological proteinuria. in white rats and to the ircry pronounced differences in the extent of proteinuria between the sexes and among indivi- dual animals. 1. Hungarian, 2 Western references. DUE1QYI, Istvan; ENDES, Pongrac Relation of the level of the origin of the renal artery to the indcx value of the-granuliti4pn of J glmerular' of both kidneys in white rats. Kiserl. Aostud. 15 no.6!, 573~-576 D 163. 1. Debraceni Orvostudomarjy~ Egyetem Korbonctani Intezete, (RENAL ARTERY) (AORTA, ABDOMINAL) (KIDNEY) (KIDNEr GLOMMULUSI) (ANATOMY) .10 3 n h~ -;rl eA f;nd ro.. I I S f-, C, ---7 F-Lin PONGRAC, Endres, dr.; DAUDA, Gyorgy, dr.; DMNY1, Istvan, dr.; SZUCS, Laszlo, di-. Relation of the pressor activity of kidney tissue ectracts and the juxtaglomerular granulation cell content of the kidney. Orv. hetil. 105 no.48t2282-2283 29 Jq 164. 1. Debreceni Orvbstudomanyi Egyetem, Korbonctani Intezet. WP6001950 SOUR,,%, CODE: HUPD18/65A17/001/0032/0034 AUTHOR: De 'Istvan--Devenis I Endee,, .11ongrac-&Wesho P.; Gomba,, Szabolcs ORG: Institute of' Pathological Anatomy, Yledidal University of Debrecen. (Debreceni Orvostudamnyi Egyetem Korbonctani Intezete) TITIZ: Effect of antidiuretic homone on the juxtaglomerular granuLated cellis SOURPE: lUserletes Orvostudomany# v. 17, no. 1, 1965, 32-34 TOPIC TAGS: hormone, cell pbysidlogy, cytology, blood, biochemistrr, endocrinology ..ABSTRACT: A significant decrease in the number ar juxtaglomerulm, granulated cells of the kidneys has been observed as -result of .~ days af ADH treatment alone or in combination with 0hysiological saline. It is thought that the degriuiulation is a consequenes of the effect of the ADH compound on the elevation of b:,.ood press-twe and the developnezib of vascular spasm. Orig. art. has; 1 table, fjp~_32 SUB CODE: 06 SUBK DATE: 29Feb,64 /ORIG REF: 004 OTH W: 005 ENDZS, P.; DAUDA, G.; A~VWX1,.Ij SZUCS, L. Pressor effect of kidney extracts and their relationship to the juxtaglow-orular granular cons, Abts. pbysiole acad. a cie Hung* 27 no.4049-351 165o 1. Departnent of Patholcgyt University Medical Schocil, t1obrecen. ------ L --. Pathology of chromosomal aberrations. Icta morph. aca(;.. sci. Hung.: Suppl. 13:22-29 165. 1. Institute of Pathology, University Medical School, Debrecen. DAUDA, G.; SZOKOL, M.; DEVENYI, 1. &fact of renal medullary extraci;s on blood Fr-casure of the rate Acta physiol. acad. eel. Hung. 28 no.3&273-;?76 1 65. 1. Department of Pathology, Univorsity Medical Schocl, Debrecen. Submitted November 20, 1964. ACC NR, AT60222823 sOURcs CODEt HU/250.1;/65/028/003/0273/OZ76 j%UTHOR: Dauda,t__g,,Zor--Ejaudaq Do spkl,._M!Qgs-So1wl, Ht Qg2md- Dover0i, I Instituto of Pathologyt YAdical UniverskV, Debrecen Omwtudomazwf Easton Korbonc-Un-r InVe zate) on he TITLr.,: Effect of renal medullary extracts the b190d PrEssffur) Y t rat SOURCE: Acade-mia scientiarum hungaricae. Act& pbysiologica. vo 28, no - 3. 1965, 273 -276 TOPIC TAGS: blood pressure, rat, rabbit, animl plWsiology ABSTRAM. The effect of renal medullary extracts an Imeri-ng ttm blood pressure his boon studied. The effect of extracts from the kidney of rabbits was more marked than that of rats and gainea pigs. The depressor effect was of 1-21 niMt631 duration, at the most, and.counteracted the pressor effect of cortical extracts. The results ob-- tained in the present study were not in complete agreement with the pertinent data found in the literature* Orige art* 1": 3 figmse f5rig. art. in EMJCJPRJS SUB CODE: 06 SUM DATEI 20Nov& / OTI REFt 004 Cwd 1/1 D-,!Ar M-1Y, I. To the memory of Istvan Vedres (1765-1830); a biographic sketch. D. 25rI. (KjDRCTCGTA-I KOM-HY. FFIDROLO]ICAL JOUR-NAL. Vol. 36, no. 4, Aug .. 191'-6. Budapest) -.1 SO: ~Ionthly List of East European Accessions (E;,:AL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957. Uncl.