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Fluidiz ation of acid tars- p. 361. Fetrol Sj Gaze. 3ucuresti. Vol. 6, No. 8,
Aug. 1955.
SOURCE: East Euro-,ea n Accessions Lis'. (EEAL), IL. Vol. 5, No. 3, March 1956.
1) ~- q Tre 4 , L
RUMANIA/Chemical Technology- ~Ihemical Products and Th-iir H-23
Application - Treatmat of Natural Gases ar2
Petrolelvn. Wtor and Rocket Fuels. Lubricants.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur .. 10iimiya, No 3, 1958, 9266
Author : Cerchez V., DL-itsch L.
Inst : .
Title : Storage of Naphthenic Acids in Steel Tanks.
Orig, Pub : Petrol si gaze, 1956, 7, No 4, 195-199
Abstract : Laboratory exp-.Iments on storage of naphthenic acids
(NA) in steel tanks, have shown that during 30 months the
content of Fe in a sample of NA increased from 0.006% to
0.2%, on storage in a tanic without anticorrosion lining
and to 0.021% in a tank coated vith two layers of bakelite.
In view 'thereof the authors recozmend to protect tanks
for the ;torage of NA with two layers of bakelite. Dibo-
ratory experiments have shoim that 0, of the air caui;,~s
oxidation of NA) promoting their dnrrzening, and that
Card 1/2
RUMAJIT-A/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their H-23
Application - Treatment of Natural Gases and Petroleum,
Vbtor and Rocket Fuels. Lubricants.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - I(himiya, No 3, 1958, 9266
light accelerates catalytically this reaction; in the
absence of air the light causes no appreciable alterations
of the color of NA. Hence it is necessary to provide for
a hermetic sealing of the tanks and to fill them to a ma-
ximiza extent in order to decrease the contact of M, vith
the air.
Card 2/2
zlome conaide ations n the determinution oi the effectivents,3 of the
antioxi-11,zin.; additiv--:3 us-d for the improvement of the staldlity of
lubricating oils. p. IT)
i-EIRMIL -'I GA75". (Asociatia SUinifica a inginerilor 3i TZ!chnicienilor
din i~rtmina si Ministerul Industrieia Petrolului id Chiniei) Ducure-~ti,
1hunania; Vol. 9, no. Yj., Apr. 1958
-4onth],y List of Ea--!t Euro ean Accessions (FE-U) I-C VOL. 8, no. 9,/1959
TITLE: Some considerations on antioxidant additive 's to lubricating oils.
Classification of antioxidants, theory &nd practice of compounds
with synergic effects
PEUODICAL: Petrol gi Gaze, v. 12, no. 9, 1961, 415 - 421
TEXT: The article deals with the nature and effect of antioxidants added to
lubricants, and presents a more distinct mid logical classification of these
additives. The fundamental criterion in classifying antioxidants is their way
of acting., Thus, the classification may be based on the oxidation factors, on
the time required for the development of their action, and on certain elements
and functional groups contained in various antioxidants which exercise a deter-
mining influence on the efficiency of the ~uitioxidants. K.I. Ivanov and
E.D. Vilyanskaya (Ref 12: Khim. i Tekhnol. Topiva i Masel, no. 4, 1957) divided
the antioxidants used in the stabilization of mineral oils into three groups;
this division is based on the moment when the action of the antioxidants starts
and on the period when this action is perceptible. Complex additives on the
Card 113
Some considerations on antioxidant additives ..... D019/DI05
basis of synergic combinations give much better results than the individual
antioxidants. Brief reference is made to some studies conducted on oxidation
reactions'which take place in lubricating oils and on the effect of various an-
tioxidants on the characteristics of lubricants. Due to the huge number of
substances which may be used. as antioxidants, accurate knowledge of their pro-
perties is required. Studies have been conducted on a series of antioxidant
additives, such as thio-derivatives, phenols, amines, and hydroquinone, and their
activation factors determined. Various data were established on antioxidants
pertaining, to chain inhibitors and on ritioxidants acting as peroxide decomposers.
The efficiency of peroxide decomposers expressod by the reaction velocity of the
decomposition reaction of cumene hydroperoxide, ranges from 0 to 2,000, at
1504C, the most active substances being n-deayl norcaptan and zinc methyl-
pentyl-dithiophosphate. The paper by P.I. Sanir., A.M. Kuliev, V.V. Sher, and
K.K. Papok (Ref 16: 5th World Petroleum Congreas; Prficeedings. Section VI,
Paper 20; 1959) presents some comparative indications on the efficiency of di-
thiophosphate antioxidants such as pure nickel.-dialkyl dithiophosphates with
alkyl radicals ranging from C4 to 018, bariuri-dialkyl dithiophosphate and
Card 2/3
Some considerations on antioxidant additives ..... D019/D105
calcium-dialkyl dithiophosphate. Due to the varying opinions on the determi-
nation of the efficiency of antioxidant additives, the data available can not
be successfully correlated and the evaluations are only-4pproximate. There are
6 tables, I figure and 20 references: 8 Soviet-bloc, 9 non-Soviet-bloc, and
3 unidentified. The four most recent references to English-language publica-
tions read as follows: C.N. Thomson: Research 1957, no. 1; G.W. Kennerly and
W.L. Patterson, Jr: Ind. Eng.Chem. 1956, no. 10; J. Boner: Petr. Eng. 1956,
no. 3, 5, Lid 8; and J.J. Wasson and W.M. Smith: Ind. Eng. Chem., 1953, no. 2.
ASSOCIATIONS Institutul "Petroebid' ("PetrochiOl Institute), Ploielti
SUBMITTED: May 23, 1961
Card 3/3
RUSU, R., dr.;, DEUTSCH, L., rr.; DULCA, Fl., dr.; GOIA,E., dr.; 1,1COLAU,
Astra, dr.; MOCIUM, Gh., dr.; FOPOITIGI, C., dr.; CO=, S., dr.
Contribution on the influence of Pleteorological factlors or, the of acute ve-scular accidents. Med. intern.
(Bucur) 17 no.-5:595-608 lr~~ 165.
1. Lucrare efectuats. in Sectia de boli interne, Spitalul Unificat,
Superficial mobility of solutions of ternionctive
aubstqnces. -Pt. 4. Studia Univ B-L Chem 9 no. It
101-110 164.
Dlz*ot Derivation Of the Hwd1ton,-Jftqtd Zqmtlaam Of tbO Mwtou in the Speoial
ThOW of Re1ativity.
Z! etj4hq~.& D6d wto do.
loikulm Nil
XUO ; :IN ewtw!
dam I& th6orie do I& relativit6 ---dnte. Acad. R. P
RomIne. Fil. Cluj. Stud. Cerc. Mat. Fk. 7 (1956), no. 14,t
79-90. (Romanian. Russian and French surnmarlei);
By adopting several of the principles which th
viewer set as a basis of mechanics (broadening Newton's),;
the authors deepen the function accomplished by thel
rinciple of least action and its relation to Hamil
5acobl's equation, conceming the set of possible in
ments of a material point in a field characterized al
,quadridimensional potential (three components for t e'
.potential vktor and one for the scalar potential). i
The corresponding man is the relativistic one. Ile
development of this paper gives rise to interesting
observations. 0. Onicescu (Bucharest)
Graphic methods for solving sow priblems of the special theory of
relativity. Studii fit tahn Iasi 10 no.2~127-135 *59. (EKAI 9:9)
Contributions to the study of the elliptic polarization
phenomenon of weak magnetohydrodynamic waves. Studia Univ
B-B S. Math-Phys 9 no.2:95-99 161#..
Contributions to the study c~~' ~-he orystal-Arip ffeld bry, !~,e
cd. P - --~hy~ -'
equivalent operator methc itudia Univ B-B '. Math . - --
no. 1!. 13 1 -141) 165.
%as biosyntheals of arginins phoophate from citrulllne. Acta
physiol. hung. 5 no,3-4:337-351 1954.
1. Biochemisehes Institut der Ungarlechen Akademle der Wiesen-
sahaft, Budapest.
*Argininto phosphate, biosynthests from citrulline)
*citralline, biosynthesis of arglulne phoepate from)
Ophosphats, biosynthesto from citrulline)
The N-terminal amino acids of the wheat and rye g1ladins. Late,
plwsiole hung. 6 no,2-3t2O9-224 1954.
1. Bicchemisches Institut der Ungarischen Akademis der Wiesen-
schaften. Budapest.
(PR M INS, determ.
gliadins in wheat & rye, amino acid analysis)
(MINO ACIDS, determ.
In wheat & rye gliadins)
glialins. amino acid analysis)
rye 1gliadins. amino acid analysis)
Magyar Kemikusol~ Lapja - Vol. 10, no. 6. June 1955
Our Koseuth Prize winners. p. 161.
Experimental methods and results In term-Inal-group analysis of proteins. p. 166.
SO-. Monthl~v list of East Buropaan Accessions, (FYAL), LC, vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955
32. Deferminallon al Me M-lerminal amino Sclids of
:#QMe pralamines - T. Deutsch. (Alagyar K"
F01Y60,01- Vol, 135-137.4 fig.)
The determination of the N-terminal groups was
'accoMplishled by the 2,441jiftrofluorobenzene method
described by 84uger. Ascending unidliurnslonal papei
chromatography technique was I a 11~r the
e No
separe -diriltra
tion- of the 2,4 phenyl ID I~T-l 110 acids
Using a I M sodium citrate solution (pH B. 4) or a solvent
Mixture romposed of iso-butanol-butyl.acetate u:!A 2%
hydroeblork seld solution In proportions of 5: 3: 2
for Irt*ation. The ether edrticts ot the DNP-pmlaiidne
hydrolysates were studied. It was found that zein
contains ahmine- and threonine, and avi contal
threw"t as N-tenninal grouping but no fret N terruinal
groups cow
d be IdentifficA in hordenine and In the
gliadin of Agropym cristallixg.
Study of the reiDitlonship of the run(rr of rivers of the Asian
r1axt of the U.S.S.R. between adjacent years using electronic
computers. izv,, SO AN SSS17 no.10 Ser. tekh. nauk no.3:84''-93 f63.
(MIRA 17:11)
. Energeti-hat3kiy institut Sibirskopo otdcleniya AN SSSR, Irkutsk.
DIEV, Bhoomittra
Studies on excretion in the common indian leech, hirudinaria
I a
granulosa (Savigny). 'Cta biol. acad. scl. Huna. 15 no-4:
425-430 165.
1. Department of Zoology, Lucknow University, Lucknow.
Submitted September 15, 1964.
AP D05090 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0251/65/040/003/0607/0612
Devadze L. i
AUTHOR: No I.; DxImparlaze, K. G.; Brodzeli, M. I.;
Maysuradze, D. P.; Mertwwn, E. L.; . u V yap M. Ya.
6/ .5,19
ORG: none
TITLE: Synthitsis and certain properties of 7-nitro-11 3' 31--trine-
L A_1
-thyl-spiro-nal?hthopyran- 2,21-indoline
SOURCE: AN G-ruzSSR. Soobahcheniya, v. 40, no. 3, 1965, 607-612
TOPIC TAGS: photoeffect, aptiropyran compound, UV Irradiation, spectrophr~towltry,
cryogenic effect / 7-nitro-11, 31, 31-trimethyl-spiro-naphthopyran- 2,21-indoline
ABSTRACT; On the assumption- that the change in color cn hittating of V, 2', V-
trime thy! - indoline-o-naptithc)pyrilo-spiran, a substance synthesized by Wizinger and
Wenning in 1940 (Helv. Chem. Acts, v. 23, 1940, 247) is associated with the spLitting
of the pyran cycle and hence also with a change in internal configuration and re-
distribution of bonds in the molecule, and in view of the importance of this problem,
the authors a- thesized yet another repreaentative of nonsymmetric spiropyrans,
namely, 7-nitro-11, 31, .1l'-trimethyl-spiro-uaphtbopyran- 2,21-indoline (yellowish
acicular crystals) through coLdensation of 8 g of Fisher'* base with 8 g of 6-nitro-2-
oxy-0-naphthaldehyde (Figs 1) by heating to 6O*C for I hr, thus obtaining a thermo-
c.rd 1/3
ACC NRt AP6005090
.0-C-H Bso
'o, j
\/C\ e-N.01
N 0.
Fig* 1"
T 16726-
r-A&C WIG- Ap
chromic comp(nind which, x6i a ligroin solution, is colorless at room temperature but
acquires a purple color idmn heated to 100-150"C. The photochromic properties of
this new spironpyran were investigated in a specially designed cryostat (attachment
to an SF-10 spectrophotomater). The investigation was performed in liquid (paraffin
oil and a mixture of ethanol and methanol in the mutual ratio of 4:1) and solid
(polystyrene-.ethyl cellulose) solutions. Findings.- ultraviolet irradiation at room
temperature does not change the color of solution. A reduction in temperature to
-10*C in the liquid solution, however, along with a subsequent brief irradiation with
X - 366 mp causes the sol;ition to acquire a purple color. A peak in the 580 mp region
appears in the absorpt$.on spectrum. The process is reversible with time. At still
lower temperatures (-90 to -100*C), on the other hand, the process becomes irreversib-
le so long ais these tempeirstures apply* Increasing the temperature instantaneously
restores the original pala-yollow color. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 2 formulas.
SUB CODE: 01.1, 07, 20/ SIMM DATE: OfiJul65/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 007
Thm pathology of h.,tmmorrhagic nephropio-nophritin. Acta mad.
hung. 7 no.!-2:49-58 i95~
1. Medical Service of the Hurvarian People's A---n7.
putopay findings)
~116opu'uLiAied in Urv. hetil. 95, 1'~o 2ii 13 Oune
sZAIM,, Gyorgy; SZEKIlLy, Otto; BALAZS, Robert; DZVAIP Gyorff
Biological and metabolic factors influencing wound healirg.
Mw. Tudom. Akad. Biol. Orv. Oszt. Kozl. 8 no.1-2:98-101
1. A Magyar Naphadsereg Egesssegugyi Szolgalata.
healing. regional differences & role of varioup biol.
& nwtab. factors (Hun))
-7777-7V t: t 'W
The affect of 74LAMM; cXtAaii*n:b1*achirg prooesses ca Us ohww~oal
and :O*mlcV. propertiwof cotton Wau--' 'Wonboto axidacios
reteritesi, e1jaranck utasa a pazaRcenuicze kenisi on liulkal. tulaj-'
donsagaira -- byja hmsna Demi.0 (Hangarian Textiles -
k and Mrs. J.
I agyar Textil-technil-A - Volo Iv, ]9o-r--8W*- pp. 184-150, June-July 1951,
The most ocr6only used bleaol~tng agents vere subjected to systemtio
i.ivejitigatione In order to establish those optimal bleaching conditions
at Which the fabric subetalned the least possible damage while producing
a owbisfactory degree of whiteu9see The most important factors that in-
flusuce bleachingo such as concentrations temperature cad pH, as won as
the -Ame required for the trefti.mut, were ammined one at a titwe Chlorits
blaw3hing is not sensitive to o~inn&vs in concentration, neither is bleach-
ing with hya"gen per:x1de, pro, dad that a btabiillzer is used; hypo-
chlorite, however, is very senmitivee With the letter prooess It in still
Postible to enBure a relativoly efficient bleaching at an upper linit
of 3 to 4 g of active chlorine per le Of the three blea6hing ~ agents only
by~Dohlorite can be eziployed with good results at temperatures below 20 00,
ohliprite and peroxide w~n to used cm ly at teVoomtave ab&m 50, CO*
44 treats
Wpixshlorite is imost Amnsitive:to the Is
4wt& while chlorits,
and:sitabilized perml0le-will pori~lt nuA g4ister fluctuAtiftso A Oamon
as well by
bolutw the ilob
founat of tbem
d i
I la
kaVdday- in -thr-
-43mible laver b swip".- ed by OM
v,Aun melourn) by internlittent
wrying in simngth"and Irrquency.
-afthatrw-w ilia-
A-Wi"ODWitAi -aatY
URM Wave Curnants
.DEVAIp Jozoef
Automatic control of combine velocity. Mezogazd techn I
no.10:21-22 161.
PALAGYI, Bela; DEVAI, Lasslo
Problems of producing cold lacquers. Bar cipo 10 no-3:80-82
My 160.
1. Boripari Kutato Inteset (for Palagyi). 2. Finomborok Gyara
(for Devai).
PALkGYI, Bela; DEVAI, Laszlo
Questions of cold lacquer manufacture. Bor cipo 10 no.3t
80-82 My'60,
1. Boripari Kutato Intezet (for Falagyi). 2. Finomborok
Gyara, (for Devai).
Vol. illi
DQW,D,-Iaza2j; TOLNAY, San~or., dr.
Potentiated local anesthesia in otorhinolaryngology. FulorrgeLvegyogyaszat
8 no.3:126-130 S 162.
1. Borsod- Abauj-Zetaplen Megyei Tames Korhaza, MiskDlc, Szentpeteri-
kapu Ful-orr-gege oaztalyanak (Foorvos: Devald Jozsef dr.) kozlemenye.
- - PEVALD, T. . dr.
Tharapoutia use of ohlorocide ampoules in oto-rhino-laryngology.
Thor. Hung. 12 n0.31114-117 t64.
1. D"Awnt of Oto-RhIno-loaryngology (Headr Dr. J. Devald)p
County Hospital, Miskolc.
DEVALD, Jozsef, dr.
Experience with the use of chlorocid injections in
otorhinolaryngology. Orv. hetil. 105 no.,14:1607-1609
23 Ag 164.
1. Borsod-,A.bauj-Zemplen megyei Tanacs Korhaza, Miskol(!,
F-al-Orr-Gege Osztaly.
DE-VALD, Jc)7,s,-,f, dr.; TOLUY, Sanl,:r., dr.
4 C;
Dar experlences with chronic otf-tis. Orv. ~etil. 10 .
983-985 23 RY '0'5.
1. Borsod.-Abauj-Zemplen Megyei TsnRcs T.B. Korhnz, Ful-orr-
gege Osztaly ( foorvost Devald, Jozsef, dr.)-
USSR/Mic rob io), ogy. Microbes Pathogenic for Man and F
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-B.'Lol. , No 33, 1956, 57776
kuthor : Rozina Ts. G., Pedenko A. I., Devanisskaya R.
Vishnyakova Yu. N.
'Enst : Kharkov Scientific-Research Institute of Vac-
cines and Sera
Title : Bacteriological Characteristics of Diphtheria
in Kharkov in the Years of' 1951 to 1954
Orig Pub : Tr. Kharkovsc. n.-i in-ta vahtsin i syvorotok,
1957, 24, 91-98
Abstract : No abstract
Card 1/1
r c s i e c r f~ an 0 C, r.
F -3
r 'a 711, o ~,3
MTATAKOV. M., asintent; GOSPODINOV, G., amplrant
Case of z7otonla of the masseter. Stountologil&. Sofia no.4:
240-243 1954-
16 Is latedrata po khirmrgichna stonatologlia pri Meditainskata
akadentia V.Chervankov. Sofila. Za. katedrata: prof. SLI)avidov.
jKrotonla of moseter)
DUITY, F. ins,
Roof Constructions of 48 m span with girders suspended on light
alumima alLoy ropes. Fos stavby 11 no.4:186-190 163.
1. Vitkovicks, zeleurny Klementa Gottvalda ftydek - Mistek.
DEVLTY, Frantisek, inz.
Steel skeleton of the experiment building ol" the
Research Institute of Steel Structures. Poz sthvby 1-2
no.4:154.~158 164.
1. Institute of Research, Pevelcpment an(] Standardiza-
tion of Steel Structures, Vitkovicke zeleza--ny Kleinent-a
Gottwalda, Frydek - Mistek.
Magyar Textiltechnika - No. 3, Mar. 1955.
Bleacbtng with stabilAzed hypochlorite. p. 1U.
SO: Montbly Ust of East 9mropean Accessions, (EKAL). LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955
41W SOUR111-1191 WA11,06 of jl~rj ~v IXI t
M 2:T1,2j'%j6F (Magyar KtPRIal Fw)
i~iill 1955., No. 5, pp. 1.34-135, 2 figs., 'I tab.)
TW seewd iterlystive of the equation describing
the change of electrode potential during potentloitittrie
titrations was obtained ih~ using a controlled el"trode
and a toudemer, Qpera kn of lie measuring ci:vult.
the potential drop across the electrodes Is ewiducted ,
through a switch, a gal-anometer of 10-1 seusttivity 1
and a resistance of suitable diniensions to a 6 1& con-
denw. During the t1tration the iNtrant Abould'be added
small equal dows. As the titr4tiOn PTOCCEdS the PDten-
Jai drop across the electrodes Increases gradually and
hecondenserischarged continuously to higherpoteritialq
I the Utration
Is continued.after the equivalency ?oIn
has been reached the potential difference d1witiishes
:gradually. until the condenser is discharged atid at
reversal of the current occurs fit the circutt. Daringj
"Utration the direction of the galvanometer deflections i
is observed and as the needle svIngs from'right Us left
masking the end point the volume of the added titrant I
is read. Argentomettic and pernianganowetric deter-
dcro. ure
minations, were carried out by using a n b It
with a precision of 0.01 ml~
V14 y / -j.
HUNGARY/Physical Chemistry. - Electrochemistry. B-12
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Liimiya, No 8., 1958, 24329
Pxthor :
Inst : Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Title : Effect of Rectangular Current Impulses and of Sinusoldal
Current on Diffusion Current of Mercury Ions at Static
Mercury Electrode.
Orig Pub : Acta chim. Acad. sci. hung., 1956, 9, No 1-4, 135-111:3
Abstract : Investigation of the effect of asymmetrical, rectangular,
current impulses (RCI) and of sinusoidal current (SC) on
diffuEion current i of He~2 +ions in 1.0 N KC1, in 142
atmosphere, at stal Hg- ectrode (RZhKhim, 1956, 77704).
On passage of RCI through electrode polariZEd vith a direct
current, id increases in comparison 1with current without
RCI. Increase of id is the more pronounced the further
Card 1/2
MMGARY/Physical Chemistry - Electrochemistry. B-12
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 8, 1958, 24329
the potential of lig 18 from the putential oJ~ electro-
capillary maxLmum, and the greater the amplitude of RCI.
The same effect is also observed on passage of SC; at
the same time on increase of SC frequency the effect de-
creases over damped curve. This phenomenon is attributed
to stirring o:' the solution due to motion of solution lay-
er at Hg surface which is induced by its uneven polariza-
tion (Frumkin A., Bruns B., Acts. phys- chim. USSR, 1934,
1, 232).
Card 2/2
HUNGARY/Fhysical CheiAEtry - Electrochenistry B-12
Abs Jour Referat Zhux - Xhimiya; No 21 1957, 3970
Author _22Y~~~f
Title Effect of Rectanj~ular Impulse an(I Sinusoidal Currents
on the Diffusion Current of Mercury Ions Daitted at
Quiescent Mercury Blectroac
Orig Pub : Magyar kem., folyoirat. 1956, 62, Ro 5, 148-152
Abstract : Asymmetric impulse ()f rectantmlar forn) anO sinusoidal
currents cause depolarization of I[C-electrode in 1 N YC1
containing 1117, ions, as a result of diffusion of tbe lat-
ter. This depolarization always exceeds the depolariza-
tion in-Iluciad by direct current. The detected phenomenon
can be explaine(2 by taking into consideration the peria-
die flows of liquik! at the surface of HG on application
of direct current, which have bean observed previcusly
(F'euL~-,in AM., Bruns B.P. Acta phys.-chim. USSR, 1934, 1,
232; Stacki~lberi. M. .~t al., Z. Elektrochera., 1938, 44,
Card 1/2 - 2o6 -
HUNGARY/Physical Clienistry - BlectrocheLdstry B-12
Abs Jour : Peferat Mur - lilimiyan, No 2, 1957) 3970
663). . study was mcle of the .~elpcirAence of dapolariza-
tion upon clectrode vwmatVt intensi-c.,.- ai:,!
frequercy I
Card 211,0 - 207 -
Abs Jow., Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1957, 26300
Author Jozref Devay
Title er-~ations of Polarization Capacitance of Mercury Electrode
Orig Pub Magyar kem. folyoirat, 1956, 62, No 6, 185-187 -
Abstract The surmise made by the author earlier that the process Of
the alterati6a of the exterior coating of the double electric
layer on the Hg surface proceeds during a finite time (RZM-~m,
1956, 777o4) is confirmed by the measurement of the polariza-
tion capacitance of Hg in solutions of 01 and KNO 3.
HUNGARY/Physical Chemistry - Electrochemistry. B.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimlya, No 9, 1958, 28050
Author : Devay, J.
Title Current Distributinn at a Polarized Merci~ry Electrokle
OriG Pub Magyar Kem, Folyoirat, 63, No 4-5, log_n4 (1957) (in
Hungarian with a German summary)
Abstract UsinG two electrodes placed at the center and at the end
Csurfacef of a larGe stationary cathodically polarized
mercury electrode (DIE) in 1.0 N KC1 solution, it has
been shown that when square pulses (SP) are impressed
on the ME, the sections of the double layer at the ME
located at different distances from the anode r-rc pola-
rized unequally. Tile latter phenomenon, as has been
shown in a previous work (RZhKhimj 1958, 24329) is the
cause for the fluctuation of the solution in the ME and
the increase in the depolarization cur-rent at the latter.
Card 1/2
HUNWY/Physic,-a Cheid.stry - Electrochemistry. B.
Abs Jbur : Ref Z-hur - Khimiya, No 9, 1953, 28050
For srktll frequencies of the SP the differences in poten-
tial, (])P) at various points of the ME are independent of
the potenl;ial of the ME and the frequency of tte SP and
are propo:.-tional to the SP current; at high frequencies
of the SP no such DP are observed.
Card 1/V
HUNGA"RY/Physical Chcm:Lstry - Electrochemistry.
Abs Joui : Ref Zhur - Kh-imiya, No 9, 1958., 28051
Author : Devay, J.
Title: : Effect of the Factors Influencing the Throwine, lbwer of
Solutions of Electrolytes on the Current Distribution
at a R)larized Mercury Electrodc6
Orig Pub : Magyar Kem Folyoirat, L3, No 4-5, u4.117 (1957) (in
Huntprian with Garman summary)
Abstract ; In continuation of previously publishea work (see pre-
cee,ling abstract) it has been shown that the differen-
ces in. pctei:tial (DP) at various points of an Hg-electro-
do increase wi-L"b increasinC, olimic resistance of the so-
lution. On the t~.ddition of surface-active substances
(SAS) no change in the DP is observed; however, in the
presence of SAS an increase in the polarization current
is not observed when a sinusoidal current is impressed
CarCL V2
HUNQUIY/Physical Chemistry - ElectrocherListry. B.
Abs Jour : Ref 2hur - Khimiya, No 9, 1958, 28o49
Author : Dmray, Lro
Title Investigation of the Double-Layer Capacity of a Mercury
Electrode in EL Solution of KC1 at Potentials Positive
with Respect to a Calomel Electrode.
Orig -Pub Mann= Kem Folyoirat, 63, no 4-5, 11'r-123 %'1957) (in
Huno3xian with a German sunrmry)
Abstract The variation in the double-layer mpacity (C) of a fixed
mercuryelectrode in 1.0 N KC1 solution at potentials
( q,* ) positive with respect to the i~; of a calom-1
eldctrcdc has been invostiGated using square pulses of
a fr-eqi;tcncy of 50 cycles - It has been found th t C
depends on tho concentration of the CJL- aiid H4 W 10113
irt the solutinn at the surfaca of the electrode (E)
and on the rates of diffusion. The smallest value of
Card 1/2
HUNWY1Ft,,!. Ele(.tro,--hemistry- B-12
Abs Jour Ri~ff Zhur - Khimiya, No 5, 1958, 13894
Author '.TCz8ef,:D!!VaY.
Title KletAmle Potential Change iuider Influence of A!-uerzating
Orig Pub bSF%g!7hr hem. -folyoii-at, 1957, 63, No 6-7, 168--172
Abstract A shif-, (.,-- E) oJ.' mesm value~3 of Hg and Ag electrode poten-
tialls to the negative side is obsprved. at the sup-BrPosition
of the alle.-Irlating cu--Tent (of ISO and 900 cycls-) on a Hg
It ttrodle (II-I in
electroi, 'e (I) in 0.1 M KNO and an Ag elo, -
0.1 m KL.,S04; this effect is explained by the deper-dence
Cf the differ4:mMal. capa,:-.1.tance (C) and E in the range of
E under st-ody, i-a ~-onsequenae of uhich periodical fluctia-
,,ior-. of the ctu:rrent intensity cause greater shifts of E
-~O tht- rif~gmtilrf- *ide thea into the positivf:. The experi-
mentp,l. va,luts of
.6 E agree with those compute-a fron data
actz.ording to the dependence of C om E.
Card 11/1
MrODMUS. 6h, !1,!,. 7 4-Ju2,-/A,,g- 1258
p-jV-1 KENIAI FOLY3 RIJ, Vol. a, no. 7/6, July/Aug- 15-56
Devay, J. M tdon phenomena observable on the surface of !i-ercu-.-y electrodes
similar to those are observable in case of :)olargraphic p. 235
-onth'-.-y 'List of East European Accessions (MI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2
February 1S-59, Unclass.
jc~ry. pro(jI'I(.,ts and
CATEGORY Mneaical Tccl-mo.'
'f--1611, 11,sog. Part D'yOir."!' alld alcnaical*
A55. JCUll, Nt. 1 lgk6, No. ~-')320
U-- u
opic.. lul,
-tl~ 1 " n9
"teci-m-, 11,59, !1, loo CA)
il:,,pariinants wero car-X-ifcl O'Llt VOGal)~-111;7 thle L'32t
tbe bloaching of
va-,n, ",c0lIl"c',. JI-1 'L 3% ,;olu-
che J "u'' Or Q-Ti, I ons
f va s "ale a ~.4 U -'-
U., L , i- -
Ti; Vlat I -lots a tola-
perati-Ire of III) to ~"00 no'. dui~-"-'roy tll(--
ab-clit of Twntile3
TLUhino) tio. 1
19601 No. "20
~vir--'i 4roa-Lnorill-, the ili-irch foi~.--Cnt in "ic
clec:.-caoed to zcro,
--ont 7-1o
I'rol.-. ~,"--artrlont -LI-I 0.-:) L;;a
t'-,-. of in a dyaln~f';
tho -labric
Use of monochlorcarbmide in the cotton indu5try. p. 196.
KAGY-4R TEXTILTWHNIKA. (Textilipari Muszaki es Tudomanyes Egyesulet)
Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 11, no. 5, May 1959.
Monthly list of East European Access4lons (ZEAU), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8,
August 1959.
3/19 62/000/007/048/160
AUTHORS: Zanati, Tibor, Dbvay, J6zseft and BerXy, Dbnes
TIT11: Automatic contx,3-f-d-e-vi-c-e-co-mprising a photoresistor
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zburnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 7, 1962, abstract 7'-2-116 d.(Hung. pate, cl. 21et
28-53, no. 147741,*Oct. 15P 1960)
T.UXT: A photoelectric relay with photoresistors in the measuring
bridge is proposed. 12he conductivity of the photoresistors varies
with light intensit It also depends on the.fluctuation of several. ,
physical variables TAPM erature, pressure, voltage or current) I
Which upset (or restore5 th('? balance of th*e bridge. The latter ener,
gizes a ~-elay which is connected in the circuit of an electron-val"'
ve or traiisistor. According to another version, four nhotoresistor(.
are included in the bridge for operating the device between two lil
niits of the value controlled.. The authors give an example of such ~-
controller for controlling the temperature of an electric furnace,-
where the intensity of illumination of the photoresistorp is regula-
ted by flaps fixed on the pointer of a galvanometer which measures
Card 1/2
Automatic control device comprising ...
the temperature in the electric furnace.
te tranelation.]
(Abstracter's note: Comple-
Card 2/2
DIVAY, Zotsef
The ircressed depolarizatton effeet of perceptible *in~-shitpsd
alternating currents on mercury electrodes.III. Influence of
polyvalent cations on the growth of depolarivation. Magy kom
folyoir 66 no.1:1-6 Ja 60.
1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Fizikai-Kemiai e9 RadioloGdai
Tanazeke, Budapeet.
MAY, Jozsef
The Increased depolarization effect of perceptible sine-slutped
alternating currents an mercury electredes.IV. Influence of'
-the geometric conditions of electrolyzIng cell on the gzvwi,h
of depolarization. Magy kem folyoir 66 no.1:6-9 Ja l60.
1. Eotvos Lorand TudomanyegIretes Fizikai,-Kemisl es Radiologial.
Tanszeke, Budapest.
I/The Potwization a the b
TZA7. - N X I Lle-)
Intenupted clirect cutTent Fn
(86tvas L4mgtad Tud H ZtSMF~_
Mium tons.
Fiz. Kfm.
.M - ~0, , 4
effoat of intetruption of the pol=cvras studied in the
taken from
.se of the deposition of Cd+~. The voltage rogmphic
the potentiometer drum wu applied to the POIX d by Out
call wid the temporal change in voltage drop cau
ctirretit floir in the cimuit was meam-ed by an oscilloscope-
rite time of curmt interruptions was 8 X 10 1 sec. and po-
larizittion was independent of the frequewr of intCTTuPtiOn5-
?eriodic i-3terraption of -the polarizing current =Ult
increase in depolarizatiou On the dropPing
resulted in an de pot=tW mnge, wher(t the
Merctxy eii--trode in the elactm clectrodc potential.
diffusion current changes with the
'.This phehomenon is interpreted on the basis of the stream-
-14 ill fluid'. ROOM ja,
The measmvuent and approximate calculation Of interad
INdstance of the polarnpiphic call. P
iz. K6u. 1;U
LonW Zid. Emtem Fi
P: W,-,- -Xj- K&s. AvlyftrX
~ MaC it
A new methc
mdoped by which the ohmk resistance
d' the celL can be measured with time =10losewic
xrethod I calcus it taken linto Wou that
~~= r
by ducting sol:3. on rAch
the not
$sIt t the jIa.-* capulary in tat vicinity DI the HS
cb%* rtprtmits a wnsklft-A& vol, Tht formula applitil
bir -the authte contabw w tmpkical cousts. wW with the
'Miowledge of the cond. and the dropping chavactaistics of
the elwtrh the nsistoce of the cell can be aLW. with
DEVAY, Jo%Lqef
The increased depolarization affect of perceptible sine-shaped
alternating currents on mercury electrodes. V. Depolarization grcwth
.n erse of the conductance of double layers. Magy kem folyoir 66
no. 2t41-43 F 160.
1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Fizikai-Kemiai es Radiologiai
TfLnszeke, Budapest.
DLVAY, Jo%vef
Remark about the electrode charging current of atreaming mercury.
Magy kem folyoir 66 no. 2:44 F 160.
1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Fizikai-Kemiai es Radiologi&i
Tanszeke, Budapest.
DEVAY, Jozsef
Measuring'the internal resistance of the polarographic cell and its
approximate computation. Magy kem folyoir 66 no, 6:20'7-.210 Je!60.
1. I:otvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Fizikai Kemiai es Radiologiai
Tanszeke, Budapest.
DENAY, Jozsef
Polarization of dropping mercFy electrodes by intermAtent direct
current in the presence of Cd-'~-ions. Magy kem folyo.-'r 66 no. 6: 196,~
1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyotem Fizikai Kemiai es Wiologiai
Tanszeke, Budapest, 4.
PEVAY, Joosef
The increased depolarization effect of perceptible sineEEaped
alterna-ing mrrents on mercury electrodes.VI. Observati.)n of
,he motion of' mercury surface in the case of direct currmt
nolarization. O'o be --ontd.). Magy Icem folyoir 66 no.8009-?10
~R '60.
1. Bot,~7os Lorand Tud-mRnyegyetein Fizikai Kemiai es Radiolopiai
Tnnszeke, Budapest,
DEVAT Joz-qef
The increased depolarization effect of perceptible sineshaped
alternating currents on mercury electrodes,VII.Depolarization
indrease in KB:r solution. Magy kem folyoir 06 no.8:110-'1112 Ag '60.
1. Eotvos Lomad Tadomanyegyetem Fizikai. Xeniai es Radiclopini
Tanszeke, Budapest~ Iz - .'I
. DEVAY, Jozsef
Effect of the distribution of electric density on the polarization
capLeity of me-rcury electrodes. Mazy kem folvoir 66 no.9:135C,1-362
S 160.
1. F-otvos Lomnd TudomarWegyetem Fizilmi-Kemiai es Radiologiai
Tanszeke, Budapest.
DEVAY, Jozoef (Budapest VIII., Puskin u.1.1-13)
Remrk abolit the load current of streaming mercurY electrode; a
short conmmication. Atta. chirmica, Ihmg 29 no.2:*147-148 161.
1. Lehratu!,il fur Phymikalische Chemie und Radiologie der L. BotV09
(Electrodes,, Mercury) (Electric currents)
EKDRET-WM, Tibor; DEVAY, Jozaef; VAJASDY, Irma; HORARYI, Gyorgy
Effedt of sinus Surrent on electrode processes. L Effect of
sinus current on hydrogen overvoltage on mercury eathcde. Magy.
kem folvoir 67 no.6:244-253 Je 161.
1. Eotvos Lorand Tudovanyegyetem Fizikai-KemiA es Radiologiai
Tanazeke, Budapest; Magymi r Tudomanyos Akademia Elektrokemiai
Kutato Cooportja 2. "Haplar Kemial Folyoiratu felelos szorkeaztoje
(for irdoy-Gruz)
ERDEY-GRUZ, Tibor; DEVAY, Jozaef; IICRANYI, (~rorgy; VAJASDY, Irma; MIESUM3,
Effect of sinus current on electrode processes.II. Mathematic,
al investigation of the effect exerted on hydrogen over-volta~e
occurring on mercury cathode caused by sinus current. Magy kem
folVoir 67 no.9:378-3a4 S 161.
1. Rotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Fisikai-Kemiai es Radiologiai
Tanazeke, Budapent; Mapvar Tudomanyos Akademia Elektrokemiai
Kutato Osoportja. 2. "Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat" Felelos szerkesz-toje
(for Erday-Gruz).
ERDEY-GURZ, Tibor;,DEVAY J029ef; SZEGK)I, Robert
Effect of minus current on electrode processes.III.Effect of sinus
current on the electrolyzing direct current distribution in merem-y
cathodes. MaRy kem folyoir 67 no.9:384-387 S 161.
1. EotNoo Lorand Tudoman-verreten, Fizikal-Kemiai es Radiologiai
Tan52eke, Budapest; Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Elektrokemiai
Kutato Csoportja. 2."Magyar Kemiai Polyoirat" felelos szerkesztoj(3
(for Erdey-Gruz).
ERDEY-GRITZ, Tibor; DM-Y,_Joz9ef; SZEGED1, Robert
Effect of sinus currents on electrode processes. IV. Effect of
alternating currents on Hg-Zn corrosion in casis of cathode-
controll ed process. M&gy, kem folyoir 67 no.10:4"-"6 0 161.
1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Fizikai-Nemia:L es Radiologiai
Tarazelce, Budarest-,Magy&r Tudomanyos Ak&demia I'tIektrokemiai
Kutato Csoportja, Budapest 2. "Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat" felelos
szerkeaztoje (for Erdey-Gruz),
ERDEY-GRUZ, Tibor; WAY ze-ef,*. VAJASDY, Irma; HOIANTI, C~rorgy; MESZARDS,
, -!jO_
Effect of sinus cuir, ts on elt~ztrode processes. V. Overvoltage
change calculation on mercury cathode caused by alternating currents.
Magy kem folyoir 67 no.10: "6-449 0 161.
1. Eotvos Lorant Tudomanyegyetem Fizikai-Kemiii es Radiologiai
Tanszeke, Budapost;Magyar Tudomanyos kkademia Faektrokemisi
Kutato Csc,portja, Budapest. 2.11MAgyar Kemiai Folyolrat" releloa
szerkentoje (for Brdey-Gruz).
IRM-GRUZ., Tiber; DEVAY, Jozoof; SZZGEDI, Robert; VAJASDY, Irm&
Effect of vinumoidal current on electrode processes. VI. Zffect of
alternating current on BC-Zn corrosion in case of anode oontrol.
kem folyvir 67 no,12:512-517 D 161*
1. Betv9s Lerand. Tudemanyogyatem, Fizik&i-Kami&i as Radiologiai
Tanazeks, Budapest eo Magyar Tudamanyos Akademis, Elektrokemiai lutato
Cooportja. 2. Felelom ozorkeeste, "Magyar Ksmiai Folyeirmt* (for
ERDBY-GRUZY Tibor; DICVAY, Jossef; SZ.WEDI, Robert
Effect of eintweidal current an alootrode.processes. V1:1. Effect of the
unequal distribution of altemating current on the oorrosion of Zn.
Magy kem folyeir 67 n0.12:535.-537 D 161.
1. lotvas Lerand Tudomanyeaetem Fisiksi-Xemiai es Radle-logial.
Taneseke, Budapest es Magyar Tudemanyos Akademia glektreksmiai Kutate
ERDEY-GRUZ, T. (Budapest); DEVAY, J. (Budapest)
Raiminj the depolarization of quicksilver electrodes
by alternating current. Rev chimie 7 no. 1! 181-188
1. Lehrstuhl tur physikalische Chemie und Radiologie ler
Ro2and-Eotvos-Universitatl Elektrochemisc~e Forschangs-
gruppe der Ungariochen Akademie der Wisss*chaften,
ERDEY-MUZ,, Tibor,,prof.odr. (BWapest VIII.,, Puskin u.1-1-13); DEVAT-,,
Jozs-ef,-.dr~ (Budapest MjpP Puskin u.11-13); HORAITYI, C-yorgy
O~apest V-Tjj.,, Pu,~~ U-11-13); VAJASDY, Irma (Budapett VIII.,
Puskin U-11-33); MESZAROSv lajos (Budapest VIII., PuskU u.12-13)
Data on the effect of a sinus current on electrode procosses.H.
YARAIMatical investigation of the effect of a sinus current qn.
the hydrogen overpotentie.1 occurring on the mercury cathode.,
Acta chimica. Hung 30 no-4:1+31-444 162.
1, Physikalisch-Chemischer und Radiologischer Lehrstuhl der Lo-
rand Eotvos UniversitatI und Elektrochemische Forschungijgruppe
der Ungarischen Akademie der *ssenschaften. 2. Editorial Board
Mailberf "Acta. Chimica" (for Erdey-Gruz).
FMEY.-(RUZ, Tibor, prof.v dr. (Budapest VIII., Puskin u.11-13);
. jozoef,_ . (Budapest vin., Punkin u.11-13);
_UWAX dr
S22GEDI, Robert (Budapest VIII., Punkin u.11-13)
On the effect of sinusoidal current on electrode proc-)sses.III.
The affect of sinusoidal. current on the distribution )f
electrolyzing direct current on mercury cathode. Acta chimica
Hung 31 no-4:407-414 '162.
1. Lehrstuhl fur physikalische Chemie und Radiologie L..Eotvos
Universitat, Budapest; und Forschungagruppe fur & Ele~ftrochemie
der Ungariachen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Budapest. 2. "Acta
Chimica Acadqmiae Scientiarum Hungaricae" szerkeazto bizottsagi
tagja (for Erday-Gruz),
FJOSY-GRUZ,, Tibor, prof.,, dr. (Budapest,, Y~17,j Fuskin u. 11-13);-DEVAT,
,Tozsg&,-dr. (Budapest,, VIII., PusiUn u. 11-13); SZECEDI, Robert
(Budapest, VIII., PuBkJm u. 11-13)
On the effect of a sinusoidal. current on electrode Frocesses. IV.
Acta, ebimica Hung 32 no.3:355w-361 162.
1. Lehrstuhl fur physikalishce Chemie ur.,d Radiologie der Lorand
Eotvos Universitat, Budapest, und Elektionische Forschungagruppe
der Ungarischen Akadwde der Wissenschal-~,en, Budapest.
2. Mitglied Redaktionskollegium, OActa Chimica Academiae
Scientarum ku;~aricae." (for Erde~-Graz).
ERDLY-GRUZ, Tibor, prof., dr (Budapest, VIII., Puskin u.11-1.3); I)JZEAL_
,_dr (~~apestj, VIII., Riskin U-11-13); VAJASDY, Irma
-PZ-afp-e t' VI Paskin U-11-13); HORANYI, Gyorgy (Egidapest, VIII.,
Puskin u.11-13); MZAROS, Lajos (Nudapest, VIII., Riskin u-11-13)
On the effect of a simsoidal current on electrode yromses. V.
Acta chimica Hung 32 no,3:364-370 162.
1. Lehratubl. fur physilralische Chemie und Radiologie der Larant
Eotvoe Universitat, Budapest, und Elektrochemische Forschungsgruppe
der UDgarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften., Budapest. 2. Mitgll-d,
Reclaktionskollegium, OActa Chimica Academiae Scientisrum
Hurgaricae" (for Drdey~Gruz).
EROhY--GRUZ,Tibor; DEVAY,Jozsef; SUGEDi,Robert
rhe effect of sinus currents r, electrode processes.VIII.
3ffect of alternating currents on the strength of direct cur-
rents flowing between polarized Zn-electrodes. (To be contd.)
Magy kem folyoir 68 no.4:140-142 Ap 162
1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Fizikai-Kemiai es Hadiologisy.
& Tanszeke., es Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia ElecktrokemLai
Kutato Csol.)ortja, Bilriapest. q1agyar Kemiai Foiyoirat" felelos
szE!rkesztoje(for &,day-Gruz).
ERDEY-GR,UZ,Tibor;DEVAY Jozsef; HORA14YI,Gyorgy; VAJASDY,Irma;
The effect of sinus currents on electrode processes.IX#M(deling
of the hydrogen overvoltage reduction caused by alternat :'.np, cur-
rents on mercury electrodes. Magy kem fol.,,oir 68 no-4:. .43-145 AP 162
1. Footvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Rizikai-Kemiai Vs Radio:.ogiai
Tanszeke,es Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Elektrokemiai hutato
Cso-portja, Budapest. "Magyar Kemiai Foloirat" felflos szerkesztoje
(for Erdey-Gruz).
ERI)E,Y-.MUZ, Tibor, prof., dr. (BadaPestv VIII.,q Puskin u-n--l,')- MWAY
I,- ~-
jozse,j,j#-. (Budapeotj, VIII-, Punkin u.11-13); SZEC2DIj Rob;-
(rk~F)est,, VIII., Puskin u.11-13)
On the, effect of a sinuaoidal current on electrode processes.
VII. Acta chimica Hung 35 no.1:29-35 163.
1. lehrstuhl fur Ph7sllmlische Chemie. u~d RadiOlcgi-3 der
L. Bot-roo-Utiversitat,, Budzpestv und Forschungogrupp) fur
Elaktrochemie der Ungvx4maMp Akadmie der WissenschiLftent
Budapetit. 2. Hitglied, RqUktionskollegium, "Acta Chimica
Academiae Scientiaxhm HwWIcae." (for Erdey-Gruz).
FMEY--MUZ, Tibor, dr., prof. (Budapest, VIII., Puskin u.1.1-13);
DEVA , a2fi2f. dr-- (Budapest, VIII., Puskin u.11-13);
HMWM, Gyorgy2 dro (Budapest., VIII., Puskin u.11-13);
VA.TASDY,, Irma (Budapest., VIII., Puskin u.2-1-13);
NESURCS, Lajos (Budapest, VIII., Puskin U.11-13)
On the effect of a sinuspidal current on electrode prooesses.
Acts. chimica Hung 35 no.3:265-271 163.
1.1 Lehrstuh.1 f'ur Physikalische Chemie und Radiologie tier
L. Eotvos UrLiversitats Budapest, und Elektrochamische"
Forschungagruppe -er Ungarischen Akademie der Wissen3chaften,
Budapest. 2. M--*tglied, Redaktionskollegium, "Acta Ch!mica
Academiae Scientlerum Hungaricae" (for Erdey-Ums).
ERDEY-GRUZ, Tibor; DEVAY, Jozeef
- --------
Effect of ginmoodial mwrents on electrode processes. XIII. Magy
kem folyoIr 69 no.2s87-92 F 163.
1. Fotvos Lorand Tudotn"gyetom Flzikai-Kemiai es Radiologiai Tanszeke,
es Elektrolcomi-mi Akademiai Kutato Csoport. 2. "Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat"
felelos szorkesRtoje for (Erdey-Gruz).
FMEY-41RUZ., Tibor; DRVAY,
Effect on sine ummnts on electrode processes.X. Effect of
sine currents on tbe hydrogen overvoltage of platinum cathode.
Magy kem folvoir 68 no.5.185-190 My 162.
1. Eotovos Lorand 'Tudomanvegyetem Fizikai-Kendai es Radlologial
Tanszeke., 3udapostj es Magyar Tudomanyos Akad.emia Elektrokemiai
Kutato Csoportja, Budapest. 2. uMag?ur Kemal Pol3roiratO
felelos szorkeszstojo (for Erdey--Gruz).
FIRDEY-GRIM, Tibor;JDVL~ JQ-s-e--fj SZEGEDI, Robert
Effect of isine currents on electrode processes. 11. Effect of
alternatiAg currents on the Hg-Zn corrosion in the case of the
processes Of MiXed control. Magy kem folyo:Lr 68 no.5-.190-193
my "62a
1. Eotvos lorand Tudomanyegyetem Fizikai-Ke'niai Tanszeke, Buda-
pest, es a Magyzw Tudomanyos Akademia Elektrokemiai Kutato
Csoportjaj Budapest, 2, wMagyar Kemiai Foloyoirat" felelos
szerkesztcjje (for Erclay-Gruz).
IEVAY, Jozoof
"Handbood of galvautzerj,'l,.- tZ Bela Bartfai. Reviewed by Jozaef
Devay. Ma&7 kem folyoir 6y, no,9:418 S 162.
The effect of sinusoidal current on electrode prwesaee.ZII.
VjW ken folyoir 68 no-9073-376 S 162.
1, Botvos Lorand Tudamayegyetem Fizikal-Kemiai es RadJ ologiai
Tanazeke, Eudapest, es Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Elekixokesdai
Kutato Csoportji. 2. "Magyar Kenlai Folyoirat~ felelov
aserkeastoje (far Erdey-Grus).
KFXd&MZ,, Tibor, dr,,, prof, (Budapest, VIII... Puskin u. 11-13);
IDEVAY, Jezaef, dr..,(Budapest, VIII., Puskin u. 11-13);
MGEDI.. RaiiiO(Baftpost, VIII., PumkiUV. 11-13)
On the effect of a simasoidal current on electrode proi-essese
'III;. Aeta cidnica Hung 35 no.2:171-177 163.
1. IshrsttW. Lur Physikalische Chemie und Radiologie de::- L. Rotvos
Universiiatp Budapest-, und Forschungsruppe fur Elektmohemie
der Ungarischen Akademis der Wissenschaften., I~dapes-b.
2.,, MIglied, Redaktionskol-legiump "Acts, Chimica Academ1w) Scien-
tiar= Hurigaricae" (-for Erdey-Grut).