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investigation of Mechanical Properties of Non-Metals. SOV/30-58-9-41/51
Conference in Leningrad
Yu.N.Ryabinin on the results of researches on plasticity.
A.N.Orlov, Yu.M.Plishkin on the results of theoretical cal-
culations on stability conditions of a crystal model.
T.A.Kontorova on the influence of anharmonic oscillations
of a lattice on plastic deformation.
M.V.Klassen-Neklyudova, V.A.Indenbom, A.A.Urusovskaya, G. Ye.
Tomilovskiy on the results of optical crystal research.
M.P.Shaskollskaya, Sun'Zhuyfan on observation of plastic
deformation in rock-salt.
A.A.Chernov on a kinetic equation for "steps" on the crystal
G.G.Lemleyng Ye.D.Dukova presented a film on the formation
of displaced growth centers and the vaporization of crystals.
V.N.Rozhanskiy, Yu.V.Goryunov, Ye.D.Shchukin, N.V.Pertsov
observed the emersion of dislocations on the crystal surface
as well as the development of fissures.
R.I.Garber, Ye.A.Tsinzerling, M.A.Chernysheva on Problems
of mechanic twin formation of crystals
Ye-M.Yelistratov gave values obtained ~y radiographic examinations
Card 2 of mixed crystals and metallic alloys.
Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Non-Metals. SOV/30-58-9-4/51
Conference in Leningrad
D.M.Visillyev examined micro-voltage ocourrJng at plastic
deformation in orystals.
U.I.Bessonov, S.K.Zakharov, G.A.Lebedev, Ye.A.Kuvshinskiy
on the strength of amorphous bodies, especially polymers.
S.N.Zhurkov, V.A.Marikhin, A.I.Slutsker on. the submicroscopic
porosity of deformed polymers.
A.S.Akhmatov, L.V.Koshlakova, M.V.Vollkenshteyn, A.I.Kitaygo-
rodskiy on defective orystallic states.
A.F.Ioffe, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR, closed the
Card 3/4
j)etermizdng total specific surface areas of powdered and
porous bodies [with summary in Inglish]. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. 1
no. 8- 98-101 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:8)
1. Inatitut, f izicheskoir khS;WU-.-AN SSSR, Moskva.
.jI - -
AUTHORS: Dukhin, S.S.; Deryagin, B. 6.9-2 -4-11124
TITLE: on a Method of--Clrmputing the Deposition of Disperse Particles
From a Flow on an Obstacle (K metodike rascheta osazhdeniya
dispersnykh chastits iz potoka na prepyatstviya)
PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, vol XX, Nr 3, pp 326-526 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the physics of aerosols the problem of the seposition of
aerosols from a flow on an obstacle is very important. For
the calculation of the particles deposited in the time unit
on the obstacle, it is sufficient to determine the coeffi-
cient of capture E equal to the relation of the cross section
of the flow to the largest cross section of the obstacle. If
the inertia of the aerosol or colloidal particle circum-
venting the obstacle is negligible and the fieli of external
forces is solenoidal, then the computed concentration of the
particles along their trajectory is constant. This theorem
permits, in a simple manner, the calculation of the deposition
speed of particles on obstacles, e.g, emerging bubbles or
descending balloons.
CarA.J"P-- There are 2 references, 1 Soviet and 1 English,
2) EP, Y P 6: /Ii 9,
Taubman, A.B.
5(-,11-69 2-z/~
TITLE: The Fourth All-Union Conference on Colloidal Chemi.-;rry (Chet_
vertaya vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po kolloidnoy khim'Li)
PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 19~58, Vol XX, Nr 5, pp 677-679 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The Fourth-All-Uni.on Conference on Colloidal Chemistry iock
place in Tbilisf~ from - IL,aY-12 - 16, -'1'9-'5 8, 11-io're t 1, 'an 15 0 D a D e r s
m- paper is ory
we,re presented, A ~ V , D i i in-: 3-1 zi -yr e -a on the M t
of colloidal-chemical investigations in the tJSSR~ The con-
ference heard the following reports: V..A, Yargin, V,.;';. Tsvet-
kov, S.14. Lipatov, on 1)olyrrers, their solut-icns and semi-
colloids; A.I. Yurzhenko, Khom.:_kovskiy, on the rnec~:a-
nism of er~ulsion polymerization; B,A, Dogadkin, or, 'he pro-
duction and the prOTerties of the inte--polymer of natural
and butadienestyrene rubber; P.1. Zubov, or the mechanism
of the formation of polymer films in gluinE processes; SS,
Voyutskiy and D.M. Sandomirczkiy, on colloid prcpertlies of
latex systems; A.S, Kuzlminskly and A.-P. Pisarenko, on the
properties of rubber and res-ir solutio-ns; V,A, Pchc-7-~_n. on
the structural-mechanical properties of gplatine gels, Ji.A.
Demchenko, on solubilization in soap sc~ution5; A.V. Du-
Card 1/4 manskiy, on new methods fDr inv-?s,~igating the structures of
Thd Fourth All-Union Conference on Colloidal Chemistz-y S(,,V-69-2 C -5-.23/2
Soaps and gels; P.A. Rebinder and his school. on Btru3ture
formation in Solidification processes of bindi-g materials;
A.A. Trapeznikov, 3,3, 'loyutskiy, B.Ya. YaT.-pol'skiy, G,V,
Vinogradov, on probl~~ms of rheology and structure formation
in oleophilic systems; L,.A, Kozarovitskiy on the mechanism
of the printing process and the infbionce of the rheological
properties of printinE, dyes; I.N. Vlodavets, P.A. Reb-inder
on the process of structure formation in food stuffs; 11,I,
Likhtman, G.l.,. :.trtenev, Ye,D. Shchukin, P.A. Rebinder, on
deform tion procebzes, the rheological conduct and the de-
struction of solids and metals; P.A, Tiosen (GD11), on the
surface dispersion of solid bod"es: Linde (GDR), on the in-
fluence of surface layers on *;he kinetics of heterogeneous
processes of diffusion exchange; 7.*.Ye. Sliishniashvili, Y,P,
Volarovich, N.N. Serb-Serbina, N.Ya. Denisov, Z,Ya. Berest-
neva, A.S. Korzhuyev, S.P, liichiporenko, G.V, Kukoleva, F,D,
Ovcharenko, I.11. Ant_Jpov-I:arataye,,, oil structu-re formation
in the colloidal chemistry of clays and peatj 2.V, De~r~,agiwn,
on the interact-Lon of twisted metal threads i-*i solutions 0~1
electrolytes; A.D. Shel;~dko, 1,`,.B. Rzjdvinskiy, on the resist-
ance of free films and foams; S,V, 1:erpin, on the hydrome-
chanics and thermodynamics of' thin Mine and their influence
Card 2/4 on soil properties; S.Yu, Yolovich, on catalyt-Lc processes
The Fourth All-Union Conference on Colloidal Chemistry
in foams; Yu. M. Glazman, on the first mathematical theory
of ion antagonism; O.N, Grigorov, D.A, Fridrikhsberg, S,G.
Teletov, on the electrokinetic properties of colloids in
connection with their coagulation by electrolytes; Ye,Y..
17.apobashvili on radiation colloidal chemistry; B,A,, Dogad-
kin, on the chemical sorption of sulfur and rubber on car-
bon black; S.G. Mokrushir, or. the formation of thin colloi-
dal films, N.A. Krotova, on the influence of an electrical
field on the dispersion of a liquid; E,bl, Natanson; V,G,
Levich, L.Ya. Kremnev, A.B, Taubman, on the resistance of
emulsions and suspensions in connection with the stabili-
zing action of structure-mechanical properties cf protec-
tive surface layers; P.S, Prokhorov, B,.V, Deryae-in, G.I.
Izmaylova, S.S. Dukh_Jn, on the adsorption of v~~p-�rs by con-
densation nuclei and the-i-- influence on the formation of
water aerosols; P.I. Kaishev, O.Y. Todes, on the kinetics
of formation anddestruction of aerosols; A.B. ITaubman, on
Card 3/4 the kinetic wetting in the process of collecting dust by use
The Fourth All-Union Conference on Colloidal Chemistry
of solutions of surface-active
M.N. Dubinin, B.P. Bering, V,V,
novich, L.V, Radushkevich, G,V,
ler-ko, on the adsorption from vapors
substances; A.N.. Frumkin,
Serpinskiy., V,T.,~- Luk'ya-
Tsitsishviii, N,F, Yermo-
and liquids.
1. Chemistry--USSR 2. Colloids.--Chemical prope--nties
Card 4/4
- -)Y/6-:) - ", /15
AUTHORS: Dukhin, S.S., Deryagrin, B.V. s, -20-6
TITLE: The Secondary (Diffusion) Electrical Double Layer (Vtorichnyy
(diffuzionnyy) dvoynoy elektri,-,heskiy sloy)
PERIODICAL: Xolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, vol 20, Nr 6, PP 705-707 (USSR)
ABSMICT.- On the mobile interface of two media, of which at least one
is an electrolyte, an ordinary (diffusion) electrical double
layer appears due to the interaction of diffusion and ionic
migration in an electric field. There is also a secondary
(diffusion) electrical double layer arising from the inter-
action between convective diffusion and ionic migration in
an electric field. The charge of the inner layer is due
to deviation from electrical neutrality. The charge of the
oliter layer is located in tho electrolyte layer adjacent to
the interface and is equal in magnitude and opposite in
There is 1 Soviet reference.
AUTHORS". -Deryagin, B. V., Abrikosova, 1. it 76-32-2-31/38
TITLE'. The Direct Measurenent of the Molecular Attraction of Solids
(Fryamyye izmereniya molekuly&,-nogo prityazlieniya tverdykh te?
FIRIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol. 32, Nr 2, pp. 44-2-J453
ABSTRACT'. Summarizing, the following in stated. 1. - The authors found
a method for the measurement of the forces of interaction of
comparatively smooth transparent solid bodies in dependence on
tho distance between them; this method is per-forried by meaw. ,~f
beam microbalances with negative photoelectromagretic feedback.
The distance between the bodies is computed according to the
diameters of Newton rings. The range of measured forces is
I - 2'lo-4 - 2o dyn, the distance is lo-5 - 1o-3 cm. 2. - The
molecular attraction between the quartzglass samples was state'.
and measured. The energy of attraction between two platelets
u (H) per 1 =4 changes with the distance H between them accor=
ding to a law-closely proportional to H- 3 and amounts to about.
Card 1/ 4 1710-1jerg at H - 1,5.16*5 cm.
The Direct Measurement of the Molecular 7 6-32 -2 - _3 1/3 8
Attraction of Solids
3. - The authors proved experfLmentally that the forze of attrac-
tion between the spherical and plane surface is proportional to
the spherical radius which fait corresponds to 'L;').e concepticns
on the molecular nature of these forces, 4o - kn analy&i_~ of the
present stage of development. of t~e problem ~X-nr~,~rning the for~ss
of molecular interaction is given. It is shown Uat th~i usua1l),
applied idea on the additivitY of the mclecular for,.ei c-f alkA.-a-
tion in condensed media apl~ears to be fowided ne--ther thecre"%~-;
cally nor experimentally. 5. - Experimenta~'y t!)e aut~)~Drzl pr cv e
the incorrectness of the computations of mole-1-til-ar attrac'_',~_13
of macro objects by means of adding the interaction of tAne nol,a~
cular pairs computed according to London's formula ~'refer;~n-_e _Q
when the distance between the surfaces is 1'1c~ & .,-m and mcl_~c
Better results are obtained Yhen the electromagnetic ret-;arda-%_`Dr1
of the propagation of the respective forces is taken int:
6. - The experimental data aETee with Ye. M. Lifshit?s the'--y.,
This agreement proves the hypothesis of P. N. Lebede-! cn tn-1
electromagnetic nature of molecular forces, 7 . - Th, no'--:-ular
attraction between samples of a thallium-halide- :rixed anal
Card 2/4 the chromium-quartz pair was also measured, The resalt~ of thise
The Direct Measurement of the Molecullar 76-32-2-31/3&
Attraction of Solids
measurements (also within the lf,mits of experimental errors)
coincide with Ye. Lifshit's 1~heory. According to this the
,orces in these cases with the same distances are h - 5 times
greater than in the case of the quartz-quartz pair. 8. - As
long as the H-4 lawfor u (h) of London-Hamaker (references
and 7) follows as a boundary case from the theory of Ye. M. Lif=
shit for small dLstances, where the electromagnetic retardation
does not become manifest, the proof of this theory makes it
possible to apply the corresponding B-4 law to small distances.
The deviation from the H-a law observed with great distances
(10-5cm) tending towards a decrease points at a small influence
of molecular forces on the coagulation velocity of aerosols with
a particle diameter exceeding 3'1o cm . 9. - The authors point
out that the values of measurement for the forces of molecular
attraction between the bodies in the experiments of J. Th. G.
Overbeek and M. I. Sparnay (references 3 and 14) exceed the theore-
tical values as well as those of the authors by 3 - 4 orders of
magnitude; this is apparently the case because in these measure=
Card 3/4 ments the effects not connected with molecular forces did not show
The Direct Measurement of the Lblecular 76-32-2-31/38
Attraction of Solids
up. lo. - The results obtained with quartz samples coincide
with the results of the measurements of Y. A. Kitchener and
A. P. Prosser (carried out according to the method of Overbeek
and Sparnay) (reference 15).
There are lo figures, and 24 references, 11 of whi,7h ar- Soviet.
ASSOCIATIO14: A S USSR, Institute for Physical Chemistry, Moscow
(Akademiya nauk SSSR,Institut fizicheskoy kh.-mii, 1;o-skva)
SUBMITTED; June lo, 1957.
1. Solids--Tfieory '2. Molecules-Electromagnetic properties
3. Microbalances-Equipment
Card 4/4
1 1 53-64-3-5/6
AUTHORS: DeryaGin, B. V Abrikosova, 1. 1. Lifshits, Ye. M.
TITLEt Tbe Molecular Attraction of Condensed Bodies 01olekulyarnoye
]?rityazheniye kondensirovannyl-th tel)
PERIODICALt Uspekbi ?izicheskikh Nauk, 19158, Vol- 64, Rr 3, PP- 493-526
ABSTRACT: The present survey is divided into: introduction, the theories
of molecular interaction between micro-objects, and a cri-.
ti4w of their use with macro-objects, the theory of molecular
attraction between condensed bodies, the method of measurement
(the principal scheme of measurement, the objects of measure-
ment, the microweights with inverse binding for the measure-
ment of the interaction force between solids, the beam cf ba-
lance, compensating. and follow-up systems, the constructive
shape of the apparatus, the process of measurements, the ad-
justing, the regulation and calibration of wei,,-,bts, the meth-
od of measurement of the distance between the bodies to be
investigated, the preparation of the surfaces to be investi-
Card 1/2 gated), the results of the measurements. The discussion of
The Molecular Attraction of Condensed Bodiej)
-the results (the analysis of the measurin.- results, the com-
parison with theo.ry, a compardson with the macroscopic theory
of molecular attraction, the use in the theory of coagulation
and in the theory of dampdning). There are 19 figures, 1
table, and 27 references, 12 of which are Soviet.
properties 2. Molecules--Theory
Card 2/2
AUTHOR3: iibdrakhnunova, I. F., Deryagin, B. I., SOV/20-120-1-24/67
Co-rr',jpondirig, Membor,-KC-aTelay of
3ciences ) Uj3R
TITLE: The Surface Conductivity of juL,rtz z,, Uic Oi
fsorbed Layera (1-overkhziostn.:,~-
.,,.L~ -
prisutstvii adoorbirovannykii 8loyev)
k -:'il 1 U.D I OA L Do'g, lade, Akadnaii nauk jjjR, 1c,158, Vol. 1:-'U, .1 j-
94 - 97
.UB3'.L-RACT: Til;-- present pcper inw~.,-,ti---tau the SULI'LLOe COl'UUL~tiV:L%,-
quizrtz in sto,Ja jvnzene vLl~jO17;3 ) k;C.L in
The uppar-tus for the investig,,Ltiz~n of
conductivity at the surface aw; produced uf qu-rt-~
The i,in-shaped -2urnplen ,Atli a diL..metof. of' 1 f~=.
J.-a-,m frow, of olitica.'.
~)avni-r. The conducLivity A tlio i vak~wl,;i
ti V i t'.., 0
in the s-ml)l,-,s t;7e;Ael in
- t:, ied -, c~ A:,~ i3 to -t i-~ -:-'i
u,~,, , purif. :), ~tf.,z. -linlwl-, t~
r 7, -l
sm~~llcr than 16 ILt Zonl3tullL
The Sui-fac ~ Livit,- of 4uiftZ i:. ~he SO V1 2"J-1 2,)-1 --Z,t'll
Ij/ps (p or po resj;ectively denote the prej~iur---s ~)f 11hu,
"iturated VLLPUrS A I , -lQfL I
T c A C:
denot-az3 u const-,nt t---iajer-turc-,, Ue conLiuctiii-..-, ~-'L tl.:~e
jurf-ce fir6t ~,ui,;Ll.- incraasei, re"chej 4
,~vudually decreases Bind reche., LL co,,.jtL;.nt v-lu~ ftle.~- 10
to 20 iainute3, ~vhich corresponds to thu --iv,~.j -,---lue of
Such lcineti~; curve~3 were PlOttt--,! ICOI.- LIll ~i
subst~mc,~s. A diL,I-,%.ra 3no-~vs the kinct-J,-- curvus f~2.r -tii
lcohol, butyl~l,:ohol, hexylal,::ohol, -iw
"'dithin the interv---l of the reLative ~ru,~surcs L'ro~,- t
1 the electric cond-a~;tivi-L-J~ of Ldcohol., onune,-:~~ e
3-fold, wd,,- the ;"Z-e Of
is oonsiderably i;r~~utcr. 4ithin one Lind tha L u
the chLago of the --alativc prugsuoe the den5it, of U11le
duform-C.-d fil-,- inca.-easos ~,,uicker than the ~;o: ,dluc:,~ivit, In tho
-.0t ~11
om adoor, tien ILLZIer
C~ - , 3- J
at the aurfac;c of' the quartz. T `icn t.1,0
Z-orbr--d -..- olecula~ - .3ir AxL~nsitio 1 Lo ,i-
i I th, i
C-rd 2/3 L.d.-;cjr- tiun cmcrey ~v,i vin.3. The rosult~; obt-iiie.~ --C) yet
The Surface Conductivity of Quartz in the P.resence SOV/20-120-1-24/63
of Adsorbed Layers
make it possible to draw any definite conclusions as to
wheiher a surface conduction dependent on ions and electrons
actually takes place. There are 3 figures, 1 table , and
9 references, 8 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya poverkhnostnykh yavleniy Instituta
fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Laboratory of
Surface Phenomena of the Institute of Physical Chemistry,
SUBMITTEDz January 21, 1958
1. Quartz--Surface propertieE 2. Quartz--Conductivity
3. Vapors--Applications 4. Alcohols--Applications
Card 3/3
A.UTHORS., DukhIn , S, SN/2o. 121-3-5o/47
Corresponding Member. Academy of Sciences, USSR
TITLE The Diffusional, Electri---,al Pot~rillial if a Falling Drop
With an Adsorption Layer (Diffa-Awino elektricheskiy
potentsial padayut3hchey 1:apl! si adsorbtSionnytr, slayelm)
PERIODICAL: Daklady Akademii rauk SSSR. 1958, Vol, 121, Nr 1, PF. 503 - 5o6
ABSTRACT: This paper oarr-Jes out a quali.tative ir~vest:Lgation of the
aclsorp-.1on Of LWO types of ions from Lhe solution of
an eleotrolyte on the mo--,able stzrface of a dro-,,~ The
a,oproxlilmlalue conser~,ation of electroneutral ity of the
double layer (d-,,oynoy sloy) ~ahiclh is constantly regenerated)
requires approx1mately equal numbers cf the positive and
negative charges wt:ch --bandcr *,he volume of the solution.
If the diffusion coefficients- of the positives and of
the negat2ve charges do riot c.olncide ar, electromagretic~
field will compensate the of ztne post~tive
and ne.-ative --,un-3 to cne SUrface- Tho:~ phenomena of this
Card 1/3 kind are analogoas to the potent.ials, This paper
The Diffusion-al, Ele(,trical Potentiu, of a F,,tl.'; !!',g S OV /2 ~~' 1421 3--30/47
Drop With an Adsorption Layer
intiestigatc-2 the difftisi~~na-A', f,-leotri-~al effects ct-currine
during he fall'ing of an drop in a iiquid
or Easel,us medium (for example, in oil cr air), For the
sake of simplicity., "his Medium is assumed to t,e
fre-~ frrm ions. In order to "'Ieterm-Lne the el,--~ctric potential
it-, the iolurae uC the drop, Jtl is ne,--e-5sar," to inveatigate
the con-z:inuity equations for ion flows i-- the volume
cf the electrolyte, The normal comporent of the current
on the surface of the drop Is (in first approximation)
equaj to zero. It can be shown by analyses or by thermal
analogy that the problem under discussion has only a trivial
solution. Authors t-ben inveoti~Mte the probleri of the
electric field cf a for the opecial case of small
differences of 1~on r)oncentratioii. A Condition is 'hen
g-.Ven for the diffusic..n. '.,,,ithirt the drop, it determines
the order of -,ia,znitude of i;,,e ra-1-4-o between convective
and diffusion 4.
flow Firall-, an expression is deri-ved
for the distril-tit-ion of potentiai~ The calculation
valueo of electric field ~-,tre:-.;,th do not occur in concrete
Card 2/3 exuerimen-tal ucnrl-ition3 since the el.-otrocapillary influence
The Diffusional-Llectrical Potential of a Falling SOY/2o-121-3-30/47
Drop With an Adsorption Layet-
of the surface was not taken into account. There are
3 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR(Institute
of Physical Chemistry AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: April 59 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Deryagin, B. V.-,,'Corresponding Member, SOV/2c)-121-5-31/50
-AcaU-em-y-BoT'Sciences, USSR, Smigla, V. P.
TITLE: The Electron Theory of the Adhesion of Metals Connected
by a Semiconductor Layer (Elektronnaya teoriya adgezii
metallov, soyedinennykh poluprovodnikovoy prosloykoy)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 121, Nr 5,
pp 877 - 8Bo (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Hitherto, the double layer and the adhesion forces
of a thin semiconducting sheet (which is inclosed
between two different metals) have been investigated
only qualitatively. The authors use the mathematical
analogy of this problem with the problem of the
electrostatic interaction of two differently char&ed
surfaces which are separated by a electrolyte layer.
This paper deals only with the case in which there are
only carriers of one kind in the semic--iductor. Only a
small part of the impurity centers is assumed to be
Card 113 ionized. In this case, the equilibrium distribution of the
The Electron Theory of the Adhesion of Metals Connected SOV/2o-121-5-R)1/50
by'a Semiconductor Layer
charCes is determined by the equation of Poisson (Puasson) -
Boltzmann (Bolltsman). The adhesion force of the film
with respect to any metal is equal to
2 2
F=e E boundary /Sn where Eboundary denotes the field
strength within the semiconductor on the boundary
with the corresponding metal. The problem, therefore,
consists of the determination of E on the right and
left boundaries of the films. Then boundary conditions for
the above mentioned Poisson-Boltzmann equation are
given explicitly. This equation together with the
boundary conditions is absolutely equivalent to
the corresponding problem in the theory of the hetero-
coagulation of colloids for the interaction through
a binary symmetric electrolyte. A certain difference
between the 2 analogous metals is then discussed. By
a variation of the thickness of the film the adhesion
force is changed equally for both of the metals. The
mathematical calculations may be carried out as in the
Card 2/3 papers on the theory of heterocoagulation. The adhesion
The Electron Theory of the Adhesion of' Metals Connected SOV/2o-121-5-31k;O
by a Semiconductor Layer
of' the film incrqases monotonously if H decreases.
The following interesting conclusion may be drawn
from the above given considerations: If the thickness
of the film (enclosed between 2 different metallic
surfaces) is adequately diminished, the density of the
double layer (and therefore also the adhesion forces) Carl,
always be increased. There are 4 figures and 4 re-fer-
ences,&Uof which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute
of Physical Chemistry AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: April 8, 1958
Card 3/3
5W SOV/2o-122-6-26/49
AUTHORS: Smilga, V. P., D6ryagLn-., B. V., Corresponding Member, AS USSR
TITLE: The Ole of the Surface Properties of a Semiconductor in
Adhesion Phenomena (Roll poverkhnostnykh svoystvpoluprovodnika
v yavleniyakh adgezii)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Nr 6, PP 1049-1052
ABSTRACT: On the basis of various earlier papers the authors first
give a short report on the present stage of the problem. It
is known that the surface states of semiconductors can be
produced by stripping of the periodic structure (surface
zones by I. Ye. Tamm) and by the presence of a large number
of impurity centers on the surface. In the scheme investigated,
the surface levels of the second type (surface zones accord-
ing to I. Ye. Tamm) are taken into account, and the presence
of 2 types of surface states (donors and acceptors) is assumed.
This scheme agrees essentially with that of V. Bratten and
J. Bardeen (Dzh. Bardin) (Ref 4). The model used in this case
permits a good classification of quantitative regularities.
Card 115 The present paper investigates a semiconductor with carriers
The R^Ole of the Surface Properties of a Semiconductor in Adhesion Phenomena
of a single type. To be precise, an electron-semiconductor
is investigated. The position of the surface levels is shown
by a schematical drawing. This scheme corresponds to a nega-
tively charged sur-face. A second drawing shows the d-zone-
scheme for the case in which contact between the semiconductor
and the metal is established through a narrow gap. Another
case is, however, possible, in which electric field strength
has different signs on the two sides of the semiconductor
surface. According to the authors' opinion, it is convenient
to subdivide all cases of contact between a semiconductor
an a metal into two groupsz 1) The electric field has the
same direction on both sides of the semiconductor surface;
2) It has different directions. Calculations are followed
step by step and numerical results are given by a table.
Field strength in the gap increases rapidly with an increasing
number of centers. At the point of contact fields occur
which cause an adhesive fo ce amounting to a two-figure
number of kilograms per cm5. There are L, 3 fig-ures, 1 table,
and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
Card 2/~_
DERYAG11-4, L. V.
"Original Devices for the Investigation of Disperse Systems or Surface Particles in
the Flow ~flow ultramicroscope, flowmeter of condensation nuclei etc ). ff
"The Peculiarities of Heterocoagulation, the laements of the Theory of This Effect.1'
report presented at the Section on Colloid Chemistry, VIII Mendeleyev Conference of
General and Applied Chemistry, Moscow, 16-23 March 1959.
(Koll. Zhur. v. 21, No. 4, PP. 509-511)
~04RULV) V..V. and DERYD4GIN, B. V.
"New Results in the Measuring of the Viscosity Of Fine Wall (pristennyy) Layers
of a Liquid With the Aid of the Viscometric Blowing Out Method."
report presented at the Section on Colloid Chemistry, VIII Mendeleyev Conference of
General and Applied Chemistry, Moscow, 16-23 March 1959-
(Koll. Zhur. v. 21, No. 4, PP. 509-511)
,qNTLGA, V. P. and DERYAGIN, B. V.
"The Role of Electrons In The Adhesion Theor~j."
r,2port presented at the Secbion on Colloid Chemistry, VIII Mendeleyev Conference of
General and Applied Chemistry, Moscow, 16-23 March 1959.
(Koll. Zhur. v. 21, No. 4, PP- 509-511)
5~4) FRM I 1300K EXPWITAT1014 SOV/3054
Deryagin, Boris Vladimirovich, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences,
an~;rg~ey ~mov Cc7i
Piziko-khimiya naneseniya tonkikh sloyev na dvizhushchuyuaya podlozhka (Physics
and Chemistry of the Application of Thin Coatings to Moving Film Bases)
Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 207 P. Errata slip inserted. 4,000 copies
Sponsoring Agencies: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fizicheskoy khimii, and
Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy kinofoto:Lnstitut Ministerstva kulltury
Zd. of Publishing House: A. L. Bankvitser; Tech. Ed.. I. I. Guoeva.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel producing film and paper
for photographic purposes.
COVERAGE: The book contains comprehensive data on the methods used In applying
thin emulsive coatings to flexible, moving sub-layers (film bases) to obtain
modern, high-quality color and black-vhite, light-sensitive materials.
Card 1/5
Physics and Chemistry (Cont.)
Factors, besides the viscosity of the liquid , which affect coating thick-
ness are considered: a) wetting kinetics as a function of the formation
speed of a meniscus between the emulsion surface and the film base; b) the
radian angle (formed by the meniscus) on the rate of flow of the meniscus,
including the case at high film-base speeds where the radian angle reaches a
limit value of 1800 and begins to degrade the completeness of contact be-
tween the liquid and the film base; etc. Besides theories on the production,
application, and check of coatings, methods for physicochemical investigations
and wetting and non-wetting phenomena during the application of coatings are
studied. A theory based on the attractive forces between liquid and film base
is set forth and results are discussed. 0. K. Smirnov assisted in compiling
the monograph (Cbapter VnIJ, article 6), and M. I. Shor, Chief Engineer of
Photographic Paper Factory no. l- wrote Chapter VII. References accompany
each chapter.
Card 2/5
Physics and Chemistry (Cont.) SOV/3054
Ch. 1, Investigation of a Thin Liquid Film Deposited As It Flovs From a
Vertical Wall or When Carried Off by a Moving Substrate 9
Ch. Il. The Theory of Wetting (Coating) a Moving Substrate With a Viscose
Liquid 15
Ch, III. The Theory of Wetting (Coating) a Moving Substrate With a Visco-
plastic Liquid 31
The thicImess of a film deposited upon a sitrface drawn out of a liquid
by a vertical wire or upon the walls of a capillary tube 39
Tbr- thiclamss of a liquid film held in quasi-equtilibrium as a capillary
meniscus due to shearing stress at the surface of contact 42
Ch. IV. Proof of the Wetting Theory for a Viscous Liquid and Problems of
Applying the Theory to the Wetting (Coating) of Film 46
Production of Photographic Film Materials 56
Introduction 56
Proof of the wetting equation 59
Special features in the use of the wetting equation for technical
purposes 63
Card 3/5
Physics and Chemistry (Cont.) SOV/3054
Temperature conditions of wetting 68
Bone technical peculiarities of wetting 71
proof of the wetting theory under cond--vtions of actual production 79
Ch. VI. Some Physicochemical Properties of Gelatin and Photographic
Emlsions Wbich Determine Wetting Conditions 84
Introduction 84
The molecular structure of gelatin 84
Methods of measuring viscosity and slutaring stress at the contact
surface 91
A method of measuring surface tension 95
Measuring the viscosity of gelatin solutions depending upon some
physicochemical and technical factors 98
Research in the field of replacing gelatin by high-molecular substances 113
Ch. VII. Technical Checking of the Wetting Proceas During Actual Pro-
duction 132
Computational method of introducing the wetting process 133
The solution of some technical problems on the basis of the wetting
theory 139
Card 4/5
Physica and Chemistry (Cont.)
Computation of permissible variations when masuring viscosity 140
Computation of permissible variations when teaswring temperature 141
Computation of permissible variations in the level of an emulsion in
a cuVette 141
Ch. VIII. Wetting in the Process of Applying Photographic EMUIBlons to
Flexible Substrates 143
Investigating the kinetics of non-wetting 147
The general theory of kinetic wetting 150
The influence of dynamic surface tension 160
Kinetics of addorption at the "Solution-air" interface 164
C11mical properties and structure of wetting agents suitable for
applying photographic emulsions 16q
Investigation of the wetting action of surface-active substances (wetting
agents) during the application of photographic emalsions 177
Ourface tension of water solutions and gelatin solutions of wetting
agents and their adsorption 178
Influence of the structure of wetting agentp im kinetic wetting 192
Anti-"cozet" /locals cC nor.-vetting/ action 44d the structure of wetting
agents 200
AVTATABT -. Library of Congress
Card 5/5 DI/08
Sov/'i8o- 59-1-16/29
AUTHORS: Der~ S.C (Moscow)
4LI14-B.V. and Dukhin, ;. -
TITLE: Theory of the Movement of Mineral Particles near a
Rising Bubble Applied to Flotation (Teoriya dvizheniya
iainerallnykh chastits vblizi irsplyvayushchego puzyr-1ka
v primenenii k flotatsii)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk~ Metallurgiya i toplivo. 1959, Nr 1, pp 82-89 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors distinguish two stages in the attachment of a
mineral particle to a bubble -L'n flotation. In the first
stage the parti.-le approaches the bubble surface so
closely that forces promoting or hindering adhesion can
develop, This stage has not previously received attention,
and the authors now give a theoretical treatment3, following
the extensive work of one of them (Deryagin) in this field.
They conclude that if "tarbulization" (setting in
turbulent motion) of the pulp and deviation of the bubble
and mineral-grain shapes from spherical are ignored and
the treatment is restricted to grains small compared with
the bubbles the problem becomes similar to the trapping of
Card 1/3 mist droplets. They discuss the influence of the ratio of
the particle size -to the minimum size at which contact due
SOV/1.80 - 59-1-16/29
Theory of the Movement of Mineral Particles near a Rising Bubble
Applied to Flotation
solely to inertial forces is still possible, and of the
values of the Reynolds number and another dimensionless
group. The second stage, in which the particle becomes
attached to the bubble, they show to depend on the point
of contact and the contact velocity and give equations
and data for the calculations. The equations obtained
for the probability of contact are necessary for calcula-
ting the rate of flotation. Since the particle diameter
greatly affects this probabilityg the authors emphasize
that in considering the selectiveness of flotation the
degree of dispersion of particles must be allowed for;
Card 2/3 this may be done by using the equations given.
Theory of the Movement of Mineral Particles near a Rising Bubble
Applied to Flotation
There are 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet and 2 are
mixed English-Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Kavkazskiy institut minerallnogo syriya (Caucasian
Mineral Raw-Materials Institute),Mlnisterstvo geologii
I okhrany nedr SSSR (Ministry of Geology andOmservation
cf lUneral Resmrcea of the USRSR)
SUBMITTED: March 26, 1958
Card 3/3
SIOVI80-59- 2-25/34
AUTHORS; Deryagin, B.V.j and Mikhellson, M.L. (Moscow, Krivoy Rog)
TITLE: Condensation Method 9f3ust Catching for Precipitating
Mine Dust (Kondensatsionnyy metod pyleulavlivaniya dlya
osazhdeniya rudnichnoy pyli)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya akademii nauk SSSR7 Otde-'Leniye tekhnicheski!~L
nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo., 19592Nr 2,pp 124-138 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors have participated in proposals for a type cf
condensation filter (Refs 1-3) which is effective but
not suitable for underground use because of size and
constructional complexity. They now describe a simpler
and more compact variant in which supersaturatio"I
dust-laden air is achieved by evar ..on of disr)9_-;.~d
hot water droplets under turbulence F_J
shows a schematic view of the 2ondensatJ_(_-;n f.-11tar,
consisting of an evaporation 7,c,no_, fol-J.owo-d by a
in which condensation on the dust' particlas ccxirs, and
finally some means for tra~pi-n,g t'-le condensed droplet.3
(with their dust particles, . The aii'l-l-lors discus3 ~~a:!n
these zones in detail, using siinplifyin~- a3SUI-aptiCnS for
Card 1/3 their calculations. Fig 6 s*aoirs an ra~;sd
at 8 m3/sec) at the "Severnaya" rril.-Lie of im. Ki:~-_va RIF
SO V/1 3'0 - 59 - 2- 25/3'r
Condensation Yethod of Dust Catching for Precipitating 1V ine Diras
(im. Kirov mine Management), of t-he "Dzerzhinskruda"
trust. This is fitted with a type VM-670 fan and 6 V77,e
Mak-NII nozzles. Water passos to these via a 100-114
heater. The droplets are trapped in a mist trap,
followed by a multi-layer metal mesh for trapping larEar
particles. For studying the effec'.1-iveness of the
installation a Deryagin - Vlasqi-~,-c. (Ref 11) floif ul'u-.7,a-
microscope was used. The meE.:a dust-particle radiiii w:,.,i
0.12 microns, initial air temporature 12.6 - 1-1.6 OC
initial humidity 96 - 98%. 1he resulGs without and
with condensation for this and also a SiM4 lar 1.5 mDVsec
Installation are shown in Table The enerly
consumption to achieve over abcxit
3 KWH11000 m3. The authors tho-J-1.
on the development of the rietlh_cd -_-*_-_-_-'i
Card 2/3 will facilitate its adoption in industry. Its use i1i
the metallurgical and chemical industries would be very
Condensation Method of Dust Catching fo-.^ Precipitating Mine Dust
promising, particularly with the use of free sources of
Card 3/3 There are 6 figures, 3 tables and 13 references, 12 of
which are Soviet and 1 English.
SUBMITTED: October 8, 1958
5(0) , 2140) SOV/30-59-5-9/43
ATJTFMR: - Deryagin, B. V. , Corresponding kenber, Academy of So; ences, USSR
TITLE: The Role of the Surface Forces in the Kinetics of Surface
Phenomena (Rol' poverkhnostnykh sil v kinetike poverkhnost'.
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 5, PP 35 - 42 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The problem investigated has to be solved by methods of rbsico-
chemical kinetics. In this connection the author of tht, -.-u-lent
paper rtaers to the paper by V. G. Levich and his own paper
according to Smolukhovskiy'-s method (-'.3ObU-6U 1). The task of
investigating the forces of surface i,3~eraotion was for the first
time set by the author in the Labcratory of Surface Phenomena of
the Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akalemii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Physical Chemistry of the AcadeW of Sciences, USSR.) In the course
of experiments the existence of repulsive forces was discovered,
of wbich S. V. Nerpin, M. K. Mel'nikova made use in their im
investigations as well as the author and L. D. Landau. G. T. Kroyt
4 retorts in his book on the theory of colloid
! "
d di
f th
- an
e co
ies o
ai it
e r eological proper
persion systems are of great importance apart from stability. In
Card 1/3 the Soviet Union these investigations are carried out by
The Role of ibe Surface Forces in the Kinetics of Surface SOV/30-59-5-9/43
M. F. Volarovich and his school, D. S. Velikovsl4y, M.M. Kusakov.
The phenomena of thixotropy are in the USSR investigated by the
school of P. A. Rebinder and G. V. Vinogradov. In connection with
this the papers by D. M. Tolstoy, S. V. Nerpin, 1. P. Yefremov are
mentioned. A. N. Fr=kin and B. N. Kabanov emphasized for the first
t~jne the importance of the thin liquid layers between bubbles and
mineral particles. S. S. Dukhin and the author of the present paper
pointed out the existence of an electric interaction between the
moving bubbles and the particles and refer in this connection to tb~
papers by A. N. Frumkin, V. G. Levioh (foatnote 5). By means of the
model method S. M. Levi and 0. K. Sm-.Lrnov succeeded in obtaining a
marked increase of the oritioal moistening velocity (kriticheskaya sko-
rost' amachivanlys.) of nitrocellulose cel:is and, thus secured a more
rapid and perfect applying of the light-sensitive emulsion. The
papers by N. 1. Shishkin (footaptid 7), P. S. Prokhorov,
G. I. lzmaylova, L. Xrystanov, and R. KaiAev (Bulgaria) i;,vestigate
the effect of the surface forces upon clouds. P. S. Prokhorov,
L. F. Leonov, S. S. Dukhin, S. P. Bakanov, and the author of the
present paper showed by means of experiments and theoretical methods
that diffusion currents of the moisture evaporating in the capil-
Card 4/3 laries and alveolae of the lung prevent the precipitation of dust
AUTHORS: Deryagin, B.V., Yermin, V.N., Grechnyuk, R.L.,
'Z-akta-#a-y-el-v~a,~.N. , Filippovsiciy, V.V. , Funke , V.F.
and Lopatina,, A.M.
TITLE: Determination of the Specific Surface Area of Powders
in the Production of Hard Alloys
PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, 1959, Nr 11, PP 5f~-60 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This work has been carried out in order to see whether
it is possible to determine more accurately the
specific surface of powders by using relatively simple
methods. The following gas porosi'ay methods were
used: Carman's method, using Poiseil's system of gas
flow through a layer of powder, and B.V. Deryagin's
method with Knudsen's (molecular) system. The
results of the determination of the specific surface
area by the gas porosity me'Ghods were compared with
those of the methyl alcohol vapour adsorption metdod.
The low temperature adsorption of nitro:,-en method used
by Brunauer (Ref.1) was used as thE Control method for
the determination of the specific surface area of
powders of below 10~L grain size. The specific surface
Card 1/5 area of coarser powders was calculated from uheir
Deter'aination of the Specific Surface Area of Powders in the Producti)n
of Hard Alloys
,ranulometric compositions which can be determined by
means of a microscope. In this article the practical
results of the application of the four above methods
for the determination of the specific surface area of
powders in the manufacture of hard alloys are given.
The determination of the specific surface area of
H2WO 41 WO 3' W, WO, Ti02; TiCWC, Co powders and a VK6A
mixture (mixture of WC and &,6 Co powders) using
ioiseills system of gas flow across the specimen (in
the form of a compressed tablet of powder) was carried
out in an apparatus designed for the measurement for
the specific surface area of powders by Carman's
method. In practice the results of the determination
of the specific surface area are usually converted to
average diameter or grain size, assuraing that the
particles have a spherical shape. In Table 1, grain
sizes of powders are shown for different porosities.
The results of determination of the specific surface
Card 2/5 area of a few powders in the manufacture of hard alloys
Determination of the Specific Surface Area of Powders in the
Production of Hard Alloys
by,Deryagin's method for different porosities and
different weights are shown in Table 2. The results
of determination of. .the surface area. of H2 WO 41 WO 3?
W1 WC$ TiO 21 TiCWC9 !Qo I VK6A powders by gas porosity
methods, using Poisell and Knud.sen (Deryagin's
instrument) systems 6f gas flovr across the specimen,
were compared with the results of adsorption
determinations. Low temperature adsorption of
nitrogen (BET method) was used as the control method
(Table 3). The granulometric composition of tungsten
W" powder (small-surface area, average diameter = 28~1)
vA determined by means of an optical microscope at a
magnification of x600 (the determination of the specific
surface area of such. coarse powder by the nitrogen
adsorption method is inaccurato). The results are
shown in Table 4. The author;3 arrive at the following
conclusions: 1. The method of nitrogen adsorption,
although sufficiently accurate, canaot be widely used
for the determination of the specific surface of powders
Card 3/5 because of its clumsiness and the complexity of its
Determination of the Specific Surface Area of Powders in the
i'roduction of Hard Alloys
apparatus. Besides, any adsorption method giving the
total surface area of particles gives an incorrect
powder grain size value in the case of particles with
internal pares. This method proved to be useful for
the selection of a simpler and easier method, by
comparing the values of specific surface obtained by
this method with those obtained by other simpler
methods. 2. It has been shcwn that the methods and
instruments which are based or. the filtration of air
at atmospheric pressure and UE-e C02;eni-Carman's formula,
give incorrect lower values fcr the specific surface
area of powders of high and medium dispersion. These
methods can only be used for the determination of the
specific surface area of coar,--ely dispersed po-wders.
3. The determination of the specific surface area of
powders by the resistance to filtration of discharged
nitrog en (Deryagin's method) is the most convenient.
This method and the apparatus based on it, enable the
Card 4/5 external specific surface area of laighly dispersed
Determination of the Specific Surface Area of Fawders in the
Production of Hard Alloys
powders of hard alloys to be determined quickly and
sufficiently accurately and the average particle size
to be calculated. This is extremely important in the
manufacture of hard alloys. This method is
theoretically well-founded and in practice enables
the external specific surface area of different powders
of any degree of dispersion from a particle size of
1001i and less onwards, to be measured without limitation.
Therefore this method can be successfully applied for
the determination of the specific surface area and
particle sizes of powders of hard. alloys. There are
4 tables and 8 references, of which. 6 are Soviet and
2 English.
Card 5/5 1r
_24(6) 2.~4, 7000 BOV/181-1-10-5/21
AUTHORSt Deryagin, B. V., Matsik, M. S.
TITLEt The Role Played by Electric Forces in Mica Splitting Along
the Cleavage Planse
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959, Vol 1, Nr 10,
Pp 1521 - 1528 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The results published by Obraimov and Lazarev, and various
Western authors aria supplemented ba, a number of experiments.
The authors first measured the charge density resulting from
the Kerr effect in nitrobenzene, which had been introduced
into the crystal o:mok (for the de,rioe see figure 4). The
mean charge density of Hama auscovites and Aldan phlogopites
did not exceed 50 absolute charge units per cm2. In some sur-
face sections the charge density of muscovite and phlogopite
attained 200-250 and 300 absolute charge units per cm2, re-
speotively. The potentials occurring in the cleavage planes
are measured by melLne of fixed and movable probes of different
size (for the device and measuring arrangement see figure 5).
Card 1/3 This series of meaeurements indicates that an electrostati 4e.1,
The Role Played by Electric Forces in Mica Splitting BOV/181-1-10-5/21
Along the Cleavage Planes
mosaic with elementary surface < 1 mm2 and a mean charge
density of 20 absolute charge units per cM2 is formed in
the new crystal planes. Figure 6 distinctly shows the abrupt
behavior of the potentials. The charges effected at the
instant of crystal cleavage w*:r* measured by means of an
oscilloscope. The authors obtained also for this case *50
absolute charge units per OM2. When the crystal is cleft
in humid air, the charge recorded depends on the cleavage
rate (cf. Fig 8). When the cleavage rate increases and humi-
dity drops, the actual charge density on the cleft face rises
and approaches a limit a0, which has a characteristic value
for each crystal. If the crystal is cleft in a medium of a
small degree of eurface conductivity, or if the cleavage
rate is high, the mosaic charge density does not vary through-
out the cleavage and retains the value do# The electrostatic
part of the cleavage then reaches a maximum, it may be defined
Card 2/3 by: i?'~
She Role Played by Electrio Foroea in Mica Splitting SOV/181-1-10-5/21
Along the Cleavage Planes
A - -- 0 a where t. denotes the dielectric
E f-
constant of the medium in which the cleavage occurred, and
ym the maximum distance at which the mosaic planes still act
on one another. There are 8 figures, I table, and 12 references,
11 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONt Institut fizioh*skoy khimii AN SSSE (Institute of Physical
Chemistry of the AS USSR). Irkutakiy gosudaretvennyy univer-
sitet (Irkutsk State University) VK
SUBMITTEDs January 11, 1959
Card 3/3
Electric field of a moving drop. Part 1: Theory of the electric
field of a drop containing an jonogoala surface-active substance.
Koll.shur. 21 no-1337-49 JwJ '59. (MIR& 1215)
1. Institut fisichookay kkinit AN SSSR. Laboratoriya poverkhnostnykh
yavleni*, Moskva I lbarlkovskiy pedagDgicheskiy institut im.
G. S. ftevorody.
(Drops--Electric properties) (Surface-active agents)
5(4) SOV/69-21-4-1/22
AUTHORs Bakanov, S.P. and Deryajin, B.V.
TITLEs On the Theory of Thermoprecipitation of High Dispersion
Aerosol Systems.
PERIODI',AL: Kolloidnyy zhurnalp 1959, Vol XXIp Nr 4, PP 377-384 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a study of thermopreci-Ditation of high dispersion aero-
sol s:rstems) in which the measilres (6) of the suspended par-
ticles are conside--?ably smaller than the medium lent~th of
the free run of the gas molecules (,~4