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DEREVYANKO, N.S., inzh.; K)YZHES, L,B., inzh.; SFELKOVICH, G.L., tekbnik
Use of a surftice ~ri Lh~~: - during the concreting
of piling. Trarisp. strc)i. 14 nr).3.-50-51 Mr 164. (MIRA 17t6)
DEREVYANKO 1:1 kand.geograf.,nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
,K-- - 0 - -,I-
Croo.'ked methods. 11TO 3 no.9:28-30 S 161. (NP--k 14:8)
1. Energeticheskiy institut imeni G,,M. Krzhizhanovskogo.
(Electric power plants--C)sts)
DRREVYANKQ,P,+.MHEYEV, A.,, smennyy shturman
What kind of harbor tugboats should we have? Mor. flot 23 no.4j
30-32 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Nachallnik Odesskogo portovogo flota (for Derevyanko). . .1
2. Morskoy buksir "Sarych" (for Mikheyev). : J~
(Harbors) -(Tugboats) i
DEREVYANKO, P.; MIKHEYEV, A., fanennyy shturman
Modernize Aieling s-tatiorm in harbors. Mor. flot 23 no. 12:
16-17 D 163. (MIRA 17:15)
1. Nachallnik Odesskogo portovogo flota (for Derevva-n-ko).,
2. Portovoy buksir "TSiklcm", Odessa (fcr MikheyeV5.
'D /:-fix ~_ j/ , /:~ //,
P.V.Pogorallskii; Obituary. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geog. no-3:94-95 MjV-Je
'55. (K6U 8:9)
(Fogorellskii, P.V., 1399-1955)
DEREEVYANEO P.A.; Privirzl iichaotlye: SaU'INCV, Lfi., 4nzh.
Cringidfiration of Vie di,;,~i-sifjcat.ion of nxppnfil aid p". bloms
Lnear Q3.sLrir)uL.:ion in Lne uI3TC~rMjIIEjLjC)fj 01 LIA3 W-~",IIOIRLC
-iciss of water resc~.irce developments. Trobl. g1droonerg. I reg. rech.
stoka no.11OC"98 163. (~aRA 18:3)
DEREVTAHKO, Paval Androye,vich; POGOHILI SKIT, 31.V.,Cdeceaaed1,' loktor ekon.
nauk, otv. red.; KOM. V.N., doktor geogr. nauk; FILIPPOVA, B.S.,
red. izd-va; NOVICHKOVA, N.D., takhn., red.
[Rural water supply in the Mongolian People's Republic) Sell-
skokhoziaistvennoe vodoonabzhenis Mongollskoi Narodnoi Repnbliki.
Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. 1959. 130 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR.
Laboratoriia gidrogeologicheskikh problem. Trudy. vol.21)
(MIRA 12:12)
(Hongolia-Water supply, Rural)
DXRWTANKO, Pavel Andre3rovich
[Rural water supply of the Kongolian Pecmie's Repu~lic]
Sellskokhoziniatvannoo vodosnabzhanie Kc,ngollskoi Narodnoi
Reepubliki. Koakva, Izd-vo Akod.nouk SSSR, *1959. 130 P.,
(MIR,k 14:2)
(Kongolia--Water supply. Rural)
j v
L 47395-65 EIYT~'m)/rpF".t)/T/~r--ryp(t)/EVT(b) Pi~-4- IJP(c) JDArt
:ACCESSION NR: AP5006819 9/0065/65/000/002/0003/0006
AUTHORt MqspjW_9vZ.,_K.; rfoJ2"Yev. D. r. I 2jjjyjaqz.-T,-I. j
i~ulinic~~G _ Iii -rI j
Lb~IL T. S. ; Pau 1, Go M. -, Anivin. H. K. I j
!TITLE-. Water purification of diesel fuel with a lowered expenditure of hydrogen
using *an Indutitrial unit
iSOURCE: Xhimlya I tvkhnologiya topliv i masel, no. 2, IS165, 3-6
TOPIC TAGS: water purificat Lon, distiel fuel, hydrogein
ABSTRACT: Prolonged operatbm of tho UKPZ 24-5 "Order o:.- Lenin" water purifies-
tion unit which removes water from potroleum verified this recommendations of the
iBashkir e jnLtj-t&tii of the ChemicaX Inlustry and tbLAll-Unjgn
-Actentific Research rnstituj,.-k
-of-the Cheydical Industiv ori the possibility of ria
ducing hydrogen consumption. The avorage annual hycbogen consumption for 1963 in
!re-moving water from directly distilloid and redistilliod ditsel fuel at a Mactor
;pr,esou7.m of 3800C and a pressure of :28-36 at amounted to 0.46, or lose than planned
iby a factor of 1.5. lowering the priiassure in the reactors from 34-36 to 26-30 e
C.,d 1/2
L 473B5-65
!made it possible to reduce hydr'ogen consumption by 1.3 times without degr%iding the
quality of the work. The regeneration period for operation of the catalyist was 8
months. The activity of the first mactor catalyst decreases mom quickly than the
catalyst. from subsequent reactors. h depth of purification of raw matcri~llz of
:sulfur compounds below 50% occurs in the first reactor 0ter processing 1:200 tons o
raw material per cubic meter of catalyst and In the sacced reactor upon the purift-
cation of 2300 tons of raw material liar cubic mater of catalyst. Or.ig. art. haat
i2 figures, I table.
NO REF SOVi 005 07fps ODO
DL,'MVYPJt'KO, P.I.I., polkovnik; YAROVIKOV, V.S.:, red.
[Problems of the revolution in military affairs] Probl~my
revuliutsii v voennom deJe; i3bornik statei. Moskva) Wen-
izdat, 196!j. 193 p. (MIRA 18:3)
Review of the book "Geological and industrial evaluation of coal
deposits". Ugoll 39 no.6*.764#ft NIRA 17 -.7)
1. V.-,esoyuznyy tsentralinyy gosudarstvermyy institut. po pro-
yektirovaniyu i tekhniko-okonomicheskim obossnovaniyam ravvi-
tiya ugollnoy promysh~~kxiosti (for TSiq)kin, Okinshevich)o
2. Glawiyy geolog kmbinalt-a Donet+;)" (for Omeltyanovich).
-1. Nachallnik Irasnogvardiysko7 GIU. tresta shakhthoy geologii
Donetskogo soveta narodnogo khozywystira ( for Skly'ar). 4. Na-
challnik Makeyevskogo upravleniva tresta shaklitnoy geolTi
Donetskogo soveta narod-nogo Khozyziystva ( for Dorevyanko
5. Nuchallnik Proletarskoy GRP tresta shakhtnoy geologii
Donetskogo soveta narodnogo khozyayst-ira (for German)~,
Diseases of Farm AnJAnils.
General Problems,
,F-ZBioI,7 No, 47 1959, No. 1,6782
Derevramkot IPO
rP Logue Cl anges in the VLr,-aiq,' C"aw-11 aft-3z, Axt~hro~j
tot-Ay oi' -'L-Ih-:~'Horsals lim-il" Joint PorI'u-,m,:4d
th-,OUg.~j tj"te 1:4;C)Of BOne Ur-Id Ito JOIJIL Cart-ilaji~&
:T;--. 1,'tYsv-A. vat. =-tj 1957, 13, 217-01k,
o 1" 0 m %v-ind uulal -i-re
7.,3-riau,,3 lxv-,.", cirvals betwe,-~rt 7th an-0
days eft ar arcilrotomy. it waa; jilarm that t'iva
wound canal (1), the aefe.,::-L- in Va-a liolnt'~;
cartilage (11) and tho d.01,eot of the. 51--jin.
base Dn them w;al of tile hoo-f botie ("If I) wol"!-
replaced by ine,-wly formed in
T CIC.C- ".'0 tfle Su--,.,-Faae the lol-at t4he lat,`Z-er
--I J
be-comes i-tupre-nated 1JAs salts after a
_T 10421-67
A.F6029916 A SOUIIIC..~", CODE: tR/04-13/66/000/015/0088/0088
AMHORS: Sicliko, P. V.,- Saranchn, Yo. T.- Paldiomova, L. S.; Dorevyanko, R. Sh.
ORG: -none
TITIZ: A riethod for obtaining a modified carbainido resin. 1( Class 39j lio- MA40
SOURCE; Izobret prom cbraz tov zn, no. 15. 19&SO 83
TOPIC TAIG'St rosin, carbamide, aootio acid, aldehydq
AMTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a mathod for obtaining a modified car-
ba-mide rosin by treating carbandde rosin with aldoh;rdo. To increase its j~p
tcLyg,t the rosin in modified with croton aldehydD in the modiu m of acetic acid.-,.
SUB CODE: , U/ SUBM DAM 22Aprr65
ANYUKHIM. B.M.; DEREWANKO. R. Sh. [Derertianko, R. Sh-.1
- 1.
Use of flurturamide in plant growing. Dim. prom. [Ukr.) no.-I.8
82-13.'3 Ja-44r#63 (MIM
1. Upravlenly%~ Ichimicheskay prcdnyshlwmosti Dmetskogo soveta
narodnogo khozyayst-trao
1 ClatnGnry
ED PL A NTQ. i.;I,;n cllaur~)its.
V L:;U
'rIasyuV_, P.A. TX-trey I i.
-1 n:3 AS Ukr-A,-inn
-Thu 7~"aata of FoVris of Potsissium Far-
t1lizers on the
Yi,,~ld and ',-wility cif' Tomatow~ nn(I Pot.,)toes Grown*
"'risnik 'Y ITIM, 1957) 1,2-52)
In teats ar)ndu!.-tt!d lvith tjij, nifl-so, son r))nturing
Frasrodarata -jr-iriety tameto and Lorkl,,. potato
undex J3~rigatimj, an invt;sti!-,,it(.on has beer, rindu
of' the not;vlt-r of forrents 'nd the
ac-'apa-'latlor, cr,' ascorble noid, sugar nrid ohloro-
T~hyll, tb--- --hange In mo-*qt,=p, es veil as the 01,
S and Y onn~ents. KO nnd po4-ASSjW~_Z'jnp",jeSiUr
1!:cr,~~Etsed tha vita,-,In '3 and dry nn~ter content in
tonateo fruits from 4.8-5.0 (in the control) to
Under Irripotion
!C -,1ztry
lih~;- J)=- REf, '~lUTi-Ii!C)L.,21,1958,NO-960--l-I
Ab Ct
rf3~!uced the Ficidity of
tjie f-uit nnd favorably affected t)F3 !qAter balanoel
in the plants. synthesqiE; of ohlorryphyll in I
th-, tonwto Ieives and pctii'vo IeRvaB 1-rcroased onlyl
w4tn the and KO.
The latter producud t~e oz)tirixa resnia!ation rnte I
1.9 the pot~itc, I':rIve-3. ?.0-ttissitun fert'lization did
not shcv; any affect on a numb-~r of biochemical
~ bClo~
CeOSOS. rn,,,t, yl,,I,,
Pro I st-s of 28.9t 26.8, and
18.2 cwt/ha. Nvure obtaIInI-!!,J im-~r the 226.2 of the
2 "3
-contr,,)! renpective a-:)plicatinns of To, potash
r,eqnesiurn, Yx; on the I)c)*.Iri,ro,.).g too the vi-.ry
efl'ect 'Ams o,otten 1~.var. Prokoshev
,z___ --
Result of treating initial forms of cancer of the cervix uteri;
data from the Tambov Province Oncological Dispensary. Vop. onk.
6 no. 8:90-93 Ag 160. (Muu 14: 1)
DEREVYANKO, S.N., inzh.; KiGLODOV, A.M., kand.-tekhn.nauk
Automation of the operation of scrapers and bulldozers. 148kh. stroi.
19 no.60-7 Je 1152. (MIRA 17:2)
i)El4d,',VYANIW) S. N. I , null. ; PBEHOTKIN 2 V.P. , inzh.
Autongul, of bulldozern' and Strol.
j dor. masl.. :~ no.9:12-15 S 164. (IMIRA 17:11)
C 0 bi J.. T,-:? YUSSR
C'; 'M~. G rj R yPLANT PHYS100GY. Photo synthe a is.
ABS. JOUR. -.rN[V ZHUR - BiJL3GIYA, NO. 4, 1959, 15251
AUT73OR Brandt., A.B.; P _ yf
IIIST. Not given #T.9~7 ~ o,,._V.G.,; Pavlovaj.p.*
Significance of Different Intensity and Spec-
tral Composition of Light; for Pigment Forma-
tion by Plants.
ORIG. PU13. Motizika, 1957, 2, No.6t 649-660
J.1?E!1VrU',0T The property of pigment accretion (cbloro-
playll aiid carotenoids) in relation to the in-
tensity and spectral. composition of light
was gtudied in leaves of grains, cucumbers,
horsebeans, radisbes, and lettuce. With low,
intensity exl)osure the piginent accumulated I
more rapidly in the red zone oY the spectrums
and with high intensity in the blue zone.
Young leaves contained more pigment and in a..
more labile form than old ones. The reactiori
* Ta 'gayeva, S.V.
GARID.4 1/2
DIIMEVYMOI V. G., TA=EVA, S. V.y BRAIMTj A. B. inst. of Biophysics, AcadeW of
Sciences, Moscow.
"Die peculiarities of the leaves' optical properties."
paper submitted for the Third Intl. Cori~ress On PILO-'U-ObiOlOgy, Copenhagen, 31 July -
5 August 1960.
.... .............
-falluare r iIre CA-
cUe4*,but-a) xercises. with(
clill mt pil fore-
ledge Orig., art. b-as -2---.
wo -M~
Variations in the optical properties of leaves during vegetation,
Dokl. AN SSSR 135 no.5:1270-1273 D 160. (MIRA 13:12)
1. Instit-at b1ologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstairleno akademikom
A.~.Opariziym. (Leaves--Optical r perties) (Birch)
Derevyanko, Ye. A., Lt Col
A Fighter Pilot Takes the Initial Position for
an Attack (Letchik-letrobit*14 zanimayet'iekhodnoye polo-
zheniye dlya ataki)
Vestnik vozdushnogo flota,, 1958, Nr' 7. pp 36-38 (uSSR)
The article describes flights organized for the purpose
of finding out how accurately fighter pilots takd their
initial polsition for an attack in relation to the
aerial target, Photos.t9ken from an Il-28 aircraft
flying at a higher altitude than the fighter-plane and
the aerial target showed that in most cases the Pilots
made great errors in estimating the proper interval be-
tween the initial point of attack and the target. The
author suggests that pilots should be more intensively
trained in the art of maneuvering into 'the initial
position for an attack. To check the execution of this
maneuver by the pilots, the aerial gunner of the bomber-
,ter Pilot Takes the Initial (cont.) sov/86-58-7-17/38
target should be equipped with a small optical range
finder. Each time the tighter pilot reports by radio
that he has maneuvered into the initial position for
an'attack, the aerial gunner reports back to the pilot
the readings taken from the range finder. Thus the
fighter pilot can immediately estimate the correctness
of his-maneuver. One diagram.
DERWYAVKO. Ye.A.,mnyor med.sluzhby,
Dynamics of the development of fAti~gue in flying Dersonnel during
flight. Voen-med.zhur. no.11:78-7SI N '57. OMIRA 11:4)
Interrelationship between simultaneous1y developing conditioned
motor and verlbal-motor (verbal) reactions [with summaz7 in Jinglish].
Biul.eksp.biol.1 inad. 43 no.1:7-10 Ja '57. (HLRA 10:8)
1. Iz Institute aviatsionnoy neditainy, Moskva-. Predstavlena
deystvitellayn chlenou ANN SSSR N.A.Roschanskim.
interrelationship between simultaneous motor & verbal
reflexes (Rum))
DEPEVYANKO, Yo.A. (P.;oskva); MI-11NIKOV, V.G. (Moskva)
Some patterns of the appearnace of acceleration sensations
during the accoleratory changes of gravity. Vov. psikhol.
10 no-31131-139 ?tj--je '64. (MIRA 17:9)
CODE: UR/0177/66/000/011/0050/0054
AUTHOR: Derevyanko, Ye. A. (bioutenant Colonel of Administrative &irvices; Candidate
of Biol~~Malr~gc- ~enceMj'_G'~netsov. V.. G. (MaJor Medical Services)
ORG: None
TITLE: Experimental study of.spatial illusion during flight
SOURCE: Voyenno-medital,nakiy zhurnal, no. ii, 1966, 50-54
TOPIC TAGS: medical experiment, space biologic experiment, human.ailment, human
physiology, jet aircraft, research aircraftt transport aircraft
ABSTRACT: Spatial illusion is one of the factors complicating the pilot's activities
when flying on instruments. The causes, conditions and mechanisms which give rise
to this phenomenon are of great theoretical and practical interest aince only by
understanding them can preventive measures be taken. D. A. Yakubov and A. A. Vorona
are cited as sources for descriptions of the nature and symptoms of spatial
illusions. But it is acknowledged that experimental data on the concrete circum-
stances 'in which these illusions arise, other than the word of pilots themselvent in
lacking. Present research will only make it possible to establish some of the
sensations of the illusions, and indicate some ratba to be followed during further
experimental study of their causes. Research has been conducted using specially
-Card 1/2 uDcz 06.89-w8.42-02:629.13
ACC NR: AP700013 8
equipped recording devices installed in TU-104 aircraft. The K-12_21 o-scillograph, i
used in conjunction with HP-69, TsGV, and DUS-3 sengors records physical parameters
for overload, bank, and angular speed of the aircraft heading into it bank and
emerging from it, and glide. Eleven command pilots and co-pilots, as well as six
non-flying personnel participated in the research. The manner in which the research
was conducted is described. The results obtained indicated that distinction could
be.made between three typos of illusions: prolonged bank, reverse bank, and
cyclical illusions, all of which are characterized by descriptions cif the sensations
experienced. It is concluded that, apart from internal factors involving the central
nervous system, acceleration is a major factor in causing illusions. But the
analysis of the indications of the three types notes that they were registered in
the absence of optical information on spatial condition96 Orig. art. has: 3 figures.
SUB CODEs 22) 01) 22~ SM DATE: none
TALOWOV, Turly Ivanoviob; PH 'OROT.'Boris Podorovich;
nauohnyy red.; UUROV, Yu.S., red.1 23AL, PA -T'
., ekhn. red.
[Corrogated materials fir shIpbuIldIvr,1 Sudo-~ye gofrirmanVe
k6tstraktoii, lenlvgmd, %a, solusnoo ind-vo itudostrolt - pr*Vshl,, .
1958. 95 P. (MIERA llzlO)
.55-5P-5 -11/19
AUTHOR: Derevyanko, Yu.G., CandidAte of' Technical Sciences
TITLE: Automation of Welding Processe,-j in Shipbuilding (Avtomat-izat=-;1Ya
svarochnykh protsessov v sudostroyenii)
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 3, pp 12-17 (USSF)
ABSTR.-ICT: Information is presented on neir technology and. equipmenT. for
flux welding in shipbuilding developed by ergineers M.R,
Shrayerman, NA, Nilitinykh and Y-M. Matsov, Eilong with
eng-ineers from TeNI-L MSP, the 'BrItic, the Admiralteyakiy nn6
other plants. Descriptions and illustrations of the following
equipment are given: 1) welding stands with flux cushions 1'cr
welding sheet structures; "STS-1" weiding assbmbling automat-Ji-
device (Figure 3) for assembling parts up to I m height;
2) "ASU-138" and "DASU-135" automatic machine;3 for welding
argular seams (Figures 4a,b) designed at TsNIf MSP with the
participation of Engineer L.M, Myshkovskiy; x) "ASU-138" and
"PSh-5" semi-putomatic devices for separate assembling and
welding of longitudinal and transverse parts; 4) a "rocking
bed" (Figure 7) for welding fcrward and aft bottom sections;
5~ a p6rtable flux-exhauster (Figure 8) designed under the
supervision of Engineer Ye.L. aimkin. Engineers V.-F, Zabotin.,
Card 1/2 A.A. Vychegzhanin and B.Al Mironolyfrom the Hherson Plant,
Automation of Welding Processes in Shipbuilding SOV-135-58-3-14/19
participated in developing semi-automatic weldinFF sheets of
moderate thickness in gas shields., Engineers AA, Safonov,
L.B. Tonkonogov, B.G. Yungel'son and V.P. SashchEnko, from the
Plant imeni Nosenko, participated in developing the electric-
slag welding process for the production of large size ship
parts. Recommendations for further development cf automatic
welding in shipbuilding are given,.
There are 2 tables, 12 photos, I graph and 1 dravrIng,
1~ Welding--Equipment 2~ Welding--Clontrol 3. Ships--Constzur;tio:,,
Card 212
RATATAV, D.H.: 3NZUKl&D0V, V.F.,._4 YARKO. Yt~.G.- IMTE. A.F.: ISAKOV, I.S.;
Ma-Ims, U.V.; MOISNYNV, A.A.; a4kolr~, HOVOZHILOV, V.V.;
Seventr-fifth birthday of Academician lUllan klekaandro-wich
Shimaneldi. Budostroenie 24 no.12:66-67 D '58.
(MIRA 12:2)
(SMmanskii, IUlian Aleksandrovich, 1883-)
DMIMANKO, Yu.G., kand.tekhn.nauk
Foreword. Trudy NTO sudeprome 8 1300:4 '59.
WIRM 13-25)
Boris Fvgenlevich Klopotov; obituary. Sudostroenie 3C
no.1-1:81 164. (MIRA 18-3)
,91137A 1/1000/100 1/0 19/1343
Translation from-. Referativny3r zhurnal, Metalluriglya, 1961, No. 1, pp. 33 - 34,
# ID288
AUTHORS: Lokshin, F.L., 14yutsedarskiy, V.A., Derevyannykh, A.P., Andreyeva,
TIM: The Effect of Hydraulic Impacts of Ultrasonic Frequency on the Struo.
ture of Quenched Alloys
PERIODICALt "Tr. Novocherk. politakhn. in-ta!', 1959, No. 73, Raboty Kafedry f~z.
pp. 81 - 95
TEM The effect of hvdraulio ultrasonic-frequency impacts on the struo-
ture was investigated on,4 1 (Dl) type alloys (3.E% Cu, 1.4% Mg), and A 18 H 9
(Kh18N9) and J 12 (U12) steel by measuring the hardness and by roentgenostructural
analysis. A description is made of a device for the excitation of ultrasonic-fre-
quency hydraulic impacts. All the investigations were made at a frequency of 500-
600 kilo-eyoles. The specimens investigated were after quenching subjected to
hydraulic impacts of ultrasonic frequency in a water bath. It was found that as
Card 1/2
The Effect of Hydraulic Impacts of Ultrasonic Frequency on the Structure of
Quenched Alloys
a result of hydraulic impacts of ultrasonic frequency, the aging process of dura-
luminum alloys was considerably accelerated; limit hardness values in time are
obtained earlier than during artifi.!ial or natural aging. After the effect of
hydraulic impacts of ultrasonic frequency on the quenched alloys, processes in
the alloys take place which are analogous to processes during tempering. In prac-
tics, the use of hydraulic impacts of ultrasonic frequency during heat treatment
of steel, reduces the probability of crack formation and assures the formation of
tempering structures within a shorter time interval. When subjecting steel to
hydraulic impacts of ultrasonic frequency, atructuraI changes of the same nature
as in cold treatment, may be expected. There are 16 references.
A. B.
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract.
Card 12/2
Do I(As, 114L A001/A001
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, 1961, No. 3, P. 323, # 3E338
AUTHORS: Lokshin, F. L., Lyutsedarskiy, V. A., D.~~anr kh A. P., Andreyeva,
0. 1.
TITLE: The Effect of Ultrasonic-Frequency Hydraulic Impacts on the Structure
of Hardened A:.loys
PERIODICAL: "Tr. Novocherk. politekhn. in-ta!', 1959, Vol. 73, "Raboty Kafedry
fiz.", Pp. 81-95
TEXT: Treatment of JI-1 (D-1) Duralmin by hydraulic impacts of ultrasonic
frequency results in a considerable acceleration of t;he aging process: after
treatment by hydraulic impacts for'3 min the same hardness is obtained as after
artificial aging for 30 min or after natural aging during 6.5 - 7 hours. An
X-ray examination showed that under the action of hydraulic impacts the grains
become finer,'texture, appears and the lines of roentgenograms are widening. In
Xlqg"(Khl8N9) steel (18% Cr, 8% Ni) with the martensite point -60'C the treat-
ment by hydraulic impacts results in the formation of martensite at room tempera-
Card 1/2
20373 S105 6~/000/003/016/027
AOO A001
The Effect, of Ultrasonic-FrFquency Hydraulic Impacts on..the Structure of Hardened
ture; thereby, hardness increases from 87 to 88.5 Rb- -In 912 (U12) steel hardened
from 1,0000C in water and having 15 - 20% residual austenite, hydraulic impact
treatment for 5 min leads to decomposition of residual austenite, decrease of
hardness from 64 to 62 11, and narrowing of marteinsite lines. This indicates the
occurrence,of the annealing process during the treatment by hydraulic impacts.
E. Estrin
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract.
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Lokshin, F.L., lyutsedarskiy, V.A.,*erevyannykh,
A.P.. and Andreyeva, 0.1. ------------
TITLE: The effect of ultrasonic frequency hydraulic shocks
on the structure of hEirdened alloys
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 3, 1961, 19, abstract 3 E134 (Tr. Novocherk.
politelchn. in-ta, 1959, 73, Itaboty Kafedry fiz.,
TEXT: Structural changes are investigated in hardened steels and
aluminum alloys as resulting from their processing by hydraulic
shocks at ultrasonic frequencies (500-600 Kc/s). It is explained
that under the effect of hydraulic shocks, processes arise in alloys
similar to those in annealing. The duration of these processes is
much shorter than that in normal ageing and annealing. It is pos-
sible to put into practical use the effect of hydraulic shocks in
Card 1/2
The effect of ultrasonic frequency... D201/D306
thermal processing of duraluminum (the processing time is shortened
and a higher degree of hardness is obtained) and of steel (the pos-
sibility of cracks ace-urring is reduced., the annealed structure is
obtained in a shorter time). The schematic of the installation is
given, The results of the experiments are presented in the form
of a table, Vaph and 'x-ray photographs. 14 figures. 26 references.
f-Abstracter s note: Complete translation2
Card 2/2
,StIOll NR: ARS006367
,arv m6thci&
.1 -------
Increasing the output capacity of vacuum filters by
precoag~ilation of the charge. Koko i khim. no 6:16-17 161*
1 eM1IRA 15:2)
1. Opornaya laborator.Lya Donetskogo sovnarkhoza.
(Coal preparation plants-Equipment and supplies)
(Filters and filtration)
Comparison indices for the performanco of airlift,, ejector,, and
mechanical flotation machines. Koks i khim. no.2:17-19 163. (MIRA 16j2)
1. Yasinovskiy koksokhimieheskiy zavod.
(Flotatior7r.-Squipment and supplies)
C, - - i -/ 1~4~
I') z /~ I-- t - /, ~b /""
KOTRI, V.Ye.. inzh. -, M3TUSMN, A.Y,, inzh.
Finish mohluing on planers. Hashinostroitall no.1:21-2Z Ja 158.
(Planing machines-Attachmnts) (MIRA lltl)
Dera Okxrm, S. Re ov'.21
"Investigation of t-l-.e Po2zvmerlzation Process of -Lmder Ultral-agla
Pressure." Journal for Pl-vsical Chomistry, 21# pp. 233-40, Fc!b)ruax-3, 19irl, Yloscm.,
Acade.,-T of Sclencec, Institute .for Organic ChwAstry, L-!boratory -for Ultra-Iligh
Presmu-es ai-I Tetile-Inst-.tu'Le, Departraent of Synthetic Fibms.
1) - r, n r,)5 4
DURN A. A.S.. insh.
"~- ~- All-Union conference on electric painting and heat-radiation
drying. Vest. mash. 38 no.9:8.9 S '58. (NIRA 11:10)
(Painting, Industrial) (Drying)
Airplane weighing one gram. Znan- ta pratsia no.2-*,29-30 F 163.
(MIRA 16:4)
Iffect of intravenous anDethesia on arterial pressure. Khirurgiia,
Sofia 13 no.2-3:2?4-275 160. -
1. 1z 11atedrata Do bolnichna khirurigila pri ISUL.
,Our experiences with deaw-arizing effects of nivaline. Khirurgiia,
Sofia 13 no.2-3:272-274 ,6o.
1. Iz Katedrata po bolnictina khirurgJ.ia pri ISUL.
(CURM autag.)
AU.bHOH 'Moshnia,-E.N.,, Candidate of Tec,hnical Sciences and
Derezh.kovski3r, D.I., Engineer. 129-JI-7/17
TITLE: Mechanical properties of steels at high temperatures and
various schemes of deformation. (Mekhanicheskiye svoystva,
staley pri vysokikbL temperaturakh i razlichnykh skhemakh
PEBICIDICAL: "Metallovedenie i Obrabotka Metalloy" (Metallurgy and
Metal Treatment), 1957, No~. 4, pp. 35 - 41 (q.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: So far the influence of the defomation regime on the
mechanical properties of metals in the hot.state have not
been investigated. The authoi-.3 of t6his paper have studied
the mechanical properties during tension, conpression,
bending and torsion. The used test machines, were adapted
for operation at high temperatures 'by fitting electric
tubular furnaces with a protective atmosphere inside which
deformation of the specimens was effected. To obtain uni-
form defonuition during compression a graphite lubricant
of the contact surfaces was aDi:)lied up to ?00 OG and glass
fibres above that temperature-," The resistalLce to deform-
ation at various types of loading, the change of the
resistance to deformation as a function of the degree of
deformation, the influence of the size factor and other
Card 1/3 featuies of deformation of specimens at high temperatux-es
Mechanical properties of steels at high temperatures and
various schemes of deformation. (Cont.) 12S)-4-7/17
were studied. The resistance to deformationof ssructural
carbon. and low alloy steels between 700 to 1 200 C during
tension, compression and bending is equal; during torsion
the tangential stresses are 0.150 to 0.58 tizes the normal
stresses determined for tension compres5i= and banding.
The resistance to defogmation ~Heat-resistant steel
between 600 and 1 200 C is lower for stretching than for
compiession and bendjmg. Duri:ng deformation of steel in the
hot state there will be an intensive increase of the resis-
tance to defo=ation up to a degree- of defoxmation which is
equivalent to the un:Lfom relative elongation during tension.
With a fuTthe3 increase of the degree of dej'oxmation at
?00 to 1 200 0 the resistance to deformation of struct-
ural steels will remain almost constant. The yield point
during deformation of structuxal steels in the hot state
amounts to 54-82,clo of the ultimate strength; no approach
of the yield point to the ultimate strength was observed
with increasing temperatures. Unifom relative elongation
in structural steels at the forging temperatures amounts to
Card 2/3 10 - 150%. Investigation of geometrically similar specimens
Mechanical properties of steels at high temperatures and
various schemes of deformation. (Cont.) 129-4-7/17
with dimension ratios of 1:5 under otherwise equal cond-
itions did not reveal any appreciable influence of the size
factor on the obtained mcchanical properties in low carbon
steels. 1"n deteimining the force parameters of techno-
logical processes of shaping by pressure of sti-actural
steels with reductions exceeding 3.0 to 15% it is necessary
to assume a resistance to defoniation equalling "the real
stress" S B where rB = (0-50 to 0.58) SB 0
There are 4 tables, 2 graphs, 2 photos and 5 Slavic refeie-
Card 3/3
Gas supply and distribution for radio relay units. Gaz. prom.
4 no.12:39-40 D '.59- (MIRA 13:3)
(Gas pipes) (Pressure regmIators)
Automating and centralizing the control in purification and
drying units for the natural gas of tk.A headwork of the Stav-
ropol-Moscow Gas Pipeline. Gaz. delo. no.2:30-36 164.
OXIRA 17: 6)
1. Moskovskoye upravleni2m magistra-If.rtykh gazoprovodov i
Rayonnoye upravleniye ga,,ioprovoda Bukhara - Ural.
Evwleniny denne. Les eucleniens bentheawt.
Kralcow, Poland. Nakl. Polskiej Akaderaii Umiejetnosci, 191t8, 18p.
MonthLy List of East European Accessions (E'--:AI -) TC, Vol. F, no. 'I, Ja,,, 1959
D1' RVE L I , A. G.
DERYU1, A. G. ---"Temperature Conditions in the Finishing Period of Basic
Open-Hearth Melting." *(Dissertations for Degrees In Science and Engineering
Defended at USSR Higher Edudational Institutions) Min of Higher Education USSR,
Dnepropetrovsk Order of labor Red Banner Metallurgic Inst imeni 1. 7. Stalin,
Dnepropetrovsk, 1955
SO: KnizhaUa Letopist, No. 25, 18 J~un 55
* For De~_-ree of Candi6ate in Technical Sciences
112-57 -8 -16886
Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 8, p 135 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Derfel', A. G.
TITLE: Measuring the Temperature of Molten Steel by Meand of In-anersion
Thermocouples (Izmereniye temperatury zhidkoy stali termoparami
PERXODICAL: Tr. nauc'hn. -tekhn. o-va chernoy metallurgii (Transactions of the
Scientific and Engineering Society of Ferrous Metallurgy), 1956, Nr 9. pp-78-81
ABSTLRACT- A short descriptidn of the -construction of an immersion thermocouple
is followed by an analysis of 450 molten-steel temperature measurements,
made by means of a platinumrhodium-platinui-n immersion thermocouple. The
measurements revealed that the temperature regimes at various plants, and
also in the same department within the same furnace, are not constant. Ore
additions and heat loads do not correspond to a given metal temperature, which
results in 60-800 C overheating of metal when it is ready for tapping. Depend-
ence of metal quality on metal temperature by the end of the final melting and
at the time of tapping has been determined. 'With a temperature control, it is
Card 1/2
Measuring the Temperature of Molten Steel by Means of Immersion Thermocouples
possible to actually regulate the temperature regime of the melting in the final
Card 2/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 59 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Derfel', A.G., Kravtsov, P.Ya.
TITLE: Scrap-proce�s- Smelting of Pipe Steel With Low-manganese
Cast Iron (Vyplavka trubnoy stali skrap-protsessom na malo-
margantsovistorr. chugune)
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Staleplavil'n. proiz-vo. Moscow, Metallurgizdat,
1958, pp 19-26
ABSTRACT: Scrap-process smelting of pipe steel of types St. 4 and D
involving low-manganese cast iron (LMCI) was investigated in
the 185-ton, fuel -oil -operated, open-hearth furnaces "vith mag-
nesite-chrornite crowns at the im. K. Libknekht (K. Liebknecht)
plant. The smeltings were carried out with anti without the
addition of Fe-1vin in the course of the working process. The
LMCI contained 1.0416 Mn, 0.811o Si, and 0.0681o S; standard
cast iron contains 2. 1256 Mn and 0.07056 S. It was found that
smelting operations employing LMCI as well as processes in-
volving standard cast iron required an identical amount of time
for completion. Owing to a reduction in Mn content occurring
Card 1/2 after fusion and prior to deoxidation (0.15 and 0.207o
SOV/ 137-58-9- 18585
Scrap-process Smelting of Pipe Steel With Low-manganese Cast Iron
respectively, instead of 0.25-0.27 and 0.29-0.3 1% as in the case of standard
cast iron) during processing of LMC1 for the manufacture of steel, the con-
sumption of the Fe-Mn increased to 5.7 kg/t, in processes not involving the
addition of this substance, and to 6.2 kg/t in procedures involving the addi-
tion of the Fe-Mn for finishing purposes; analogous operations involving the
processing of standard cast iron required 4.2 kg of Fe-Mn per ton. After
fusion and prior to deoxidation, the slag contained greater quantities of Fe
oxides and smaller amounts of Mn oxides than would be the case during pro-
cessing of standard cast iron. During processing of the LMCI the S content
is greater after the smelting of the metal; however, in the finished metal it
is identical to the S content of metals manufactured by smelting with stan-
dard cast iron. With regard to the amount of spoilage, the consumption of
metal during the manufacture of pipes, mechanical properties, macro- and
microstructure, as well as with regard to the amount of oxygen, nitrogen,
and nonmetallic inclusions, the steel smelted with LMCI does not differ from
the steel obtained through processing of standard cast iron.
1. Steel--Processing 2. Cast iron--Performance 3. Manganese L.K.
--Reduction 4. Pipes--Production
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Shneyerov, Ya.A., Derfell, A.,G., Kotin, A.G., Byllskiy,
I.I.T. and Alimov, Av-G-i-
TITIE: Pre-refining Pig Iron in Ladles with a Steam-oxygen
Mixture (Predvaritelina a obrabotka chuguna v kovshakh
parokislorodnoy smeslyu5
PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1958, Ar 8, pp 11 - 14 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: At the "Azovsl;all" Works, hot metal forms 759/6 of the
open-hearth furnace charge and conditions are therefore
particularly suitable for pre-refining. A semi-full-
scale installation (Figure 1) was constructed in the
mixer house at the works. The authors describe tests
on 130 ladles (114 phosphoric and 16 ordinary open-hearth
grade). With 20-401/16 steam arolution of brown fumes was
avoided. The following additions (in % of the weight of
phosphoric iron) were also tested: limestone 1.5 and 3
with 176 ore in the latter case; ore, 2-5 and 596; ore
and limestone,, 1.5 and 2.5% each. With the ordinary
grade: limestone, 1.5; ore 1-5; ore and limestone 1.5
each. The authors describe the effects of the different
additions on iron composition and lance consumption
(which is associated with the formation of slag capable
(;ardl/3 of coating the lance). With increasing consumption of
Pre-refining Pig Iron in ladles with a Steam-oxygen Mixture
oxygen per ton of metal 0-8 110), oxidation of manganese
and silicon increases. Steam consumption was regulated to
prevent fume formation; the highest oxygen: steam ratios
were obtained with large amounts of additions, which
produced a protective slag layer. Both top blowing and
lancins were tried, tube consumptions being 300-400 and
100 mm, respectively, per lancing. Temperatures were
measured with -platinum/platinlim-rhodium thermocouples:0
the mean temperature rise during the lancing was 25-70 C1
the rise with additions being greater because of the
greater oxidation of silicon. Analysis of the metal showed
that good mixing occurred during mixing. Metal losses
were as follows: splashes, 0.51%, evolution in fume O.C4%.
The hydrogen content of the metal was found t~ rise
during lancing from 2.3 - 3.9 to 4.6 - 6.0 cm /100 g5
falling during pouring into the mixer to 4.2 - 4.3 cm3/_'OOG
Card 2/3
Pre-refining Pig Iron in Ladles with a Steam-ox7gen Mixture
There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ukrainski institut metallov (Ukrainian Institute
of Metals5 and Zavod "Azovstall" ("Azovstall"
Card 3/3 1. Iron--Production 2. Open hearth furnaces--Operation
3. Dippers-Applications
G SOV/133-58-8-6/30
AUTHOR: Shneyerov, Ya-A., -rfell A. ., Kotin, A.G.,
Bul'skiy, M.T. and Alimov, G.
TITIZ: Experiments on a Pro-treatment of Pig Iron in Ladles
with a Steam Oxygen Mixture (Opyt predvaritel 'noy
obrabotki chug=a v kovshakh parokislorodnoy smeslyu)
PERIODICAL: Stal',, 1958, Nr 8, pp 694 - 702 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Experimental results obtained on the de-siliconisation of
piS ir.--.n in ladles by blowing an oxygen-steam mixture with
and without various additions to the ladle are described.
The treat-ment was carried out on the way to the mixer in
the open-hearth meltinG shop. The experimental set-up is
shown in Figure l.. Initially, blowinC_ of pure oxygen was
t:ded but', due to the formation of copious fumes, this was
discontinued and an oxygen-steam mixture was used, steaiti,
being added according to blowing conditions to keep the
formation. of fum-es down. The method of mixing oxygen ;,~,ith
steam is shown in Figure 2 and the sampling device for
taking samples from the ladles in the course of blowing -
Figure 3. Additiono of ore, limestone and ore-limestone~
mixtures to the ladle were :Introduced at blast furnaces
Cardl/5 during the filling of the ladle with iron. The compositions
Experiments on a Pre-treatment of P-ii., lrol~ i"j Ladles a Stear,
Oxygen IUxture
of additions and mean data on the elimination of pig-iro:a
impurities during fillint of -the '4adle, its tranSDort to
the mixer and during 15, 30 and 41) mimites of bloxvinE ox,ygeia/
as well as mean iron teriperatul-es before and after blovrir4.,.-
are given in Tables 1 and 2. The dependence of the degree
of de-siliconisation during; 45 minutes of blowing on the
initial concentration of silicon -- Figure 4 and on the con-
sumption of oxygen -- Figure 5; mean consumption of oxygen
and steam and limits of their variation for blowing with.
various additions to the ladle - Table 3; the dependence
of oxidation of manganese during 45 minutes of blowing on
the consumption of ox,7gen - Figure 6; the b11 of the i:ron
temperature during filling of the ladle and its t:cansport
to the place of the treatment - Table 4; the influence
of the oxygen-steam ratio on the increase of the iron temp-
erature during 45 minutes of blowing - Figure '/; changes
in the chemical composition of iron along the hei6ht of the
ladle after blowing - Table 5. Co'nclusions: 1) as a
result of blowing phosphorus pig-3.ron (about 1.5% of P)
Uard2/5 in the ladle with an oxygen-steam mixture at a specific
Experiments on a Pre-treatment of Pig Iron in Ladies with a Stea.m.
Oxygen Mixture
consumption of oxygen of 4.8 m3/t and of steam 4.0 kyt at
a pressu:.-e of 4.5 atn., the following elements are oxidised:
' of silicon (41.5% of the initial content), 0-55% of
0 20016
manganese (29.50/6 of the initial content), and 0.29011b of
carbon (?..3% of the initial content). During the transpor-t,
of the ladle, the content of sulphur was decreased by 0.02';4i0'
and during 'blowing it was increasing by 0.00~, thus the:
decrease in the sulphur content was 0.024% (21.20io" of the
initial content). The content of phosphorus remains
practically unchanged. On blowinE low phosphorus iron, the
oxidation of iron admixtures was on the same level as for
phosphorus iron; 2) the introduction of oxidising and
slag-.forming admixtures into the ladle during its filling
with iron helped in oxidising the iron admixtures during the
filling and the transport of the ladle and noticeably
improved their oxidation during the blowing of oxygen. The
best results in respect of the oxidation of admixtures,
utilisation of oxygen and increasing the iron temperature
were obtained with addiEions of 15 kg of ore and 15 kg of
Card3A5 imestone per ton of iron. Under the above conditions, the
JL ~-a Steam
Experiments on a Pre-treatriii~nt o4- J- ta~d~es -"1?/t*
Oxygen Mixture.
following results were obtained (in brackets the pcrcent of
the"initia-' content):
Phosphorus Si Mn 0 S
Iron 0.44(66 "7~ 0.78~40kO) 0-31(8 O~ 0.023(,19-0)
Usual iron. 0-52~73:5 0.62(30-5) 0.20(4:5 0.01-15(26.0).
During surface blowing of oxygen ~without immeising the tube
into the iron), the oxidation of the elements remained the
samei 3) on blowing with oxygen-steam mixture (2-0-4tylo by
wt. of steam) the formation of brown fumes was not observed.
With an increasing proportion of additions to the ladle the
consumpt-ion of stea-m in the oxygen steam mixture was
decreasing. On blowing without Jmmersing the tube the
proportion of steam can be decreased to 20%; 4) the increase
in the iron temperature during surface blowing is hiGher
than when blowing with an immersed tube. The temperature
of the iron after blowing with the optimwa additions of
limestone and ore is 40 C higher than the usual iron
temperature delive:-,ed to the mi:,ceri 5) the naximum. utili-
sation of the volume of the ladle (tip to 850,L) was obtained
'Experiments on a Pre-treatment of Pig Iron in Iadles with a Steam,
Oxygen Mixture
on surface blowing (with 15 kg/t additions of limestone
and ore); 6) the consumption -.)f blowirC tubes was 100 ut,'r(
for ladle with surface blowing and 300-400 rm when the tube
is imierse-d; the total losses of metal on blowing viere
about 0. 11-11
There are ? figures, 5 tables and references, 3 of which
are Soviet and 4 English.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ukrainski institut metaillov (Ukrainian Institute
of Metals5 and Zavod "Azovstall" ("Azovstall" Works)
1. Iron--Production 2. Silicoii--Oxidation 3. Oxygen
Card 5/5 4. Steam--Applications 5. Dippers--Appli-
cations I
AUTHORS: Derfell, A.G., Dubina, Yu.G., Kotin, , Myshonk,ov, N.I.,
Sologub, S.L., Tretlyakov, Ye.1r., Khmirov, V.I.,
Chornenho, P.A. and Shneyerov, Ya.A.
TITLE: Efficiency of the Use of Sinter and Briquettes Instead of
Ore and Limestone in Open-Learth Furnaces (Effektivnost'
primenaniya v martenovskildi pechalch aglomerata i brIketov
vzamen rudy i izvestuyaka)
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1959, Nr .4, pp 400 -- 407 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In order to cozapetre the efficiency of using fluxed sinter
and ore-lime briquettes instead of ore and limestone in
open-hearth furnaces as well as to determine the optimun.
composition of the above af~glojnerated materials, experi-
mental heats were caxriod out in 370-ton open-hearth
f'arnace~ at the imeni DaerzUupki-y- V,o=ko during 1957-1958 -
Altogrethei 63 heaLs wi-Cii ori~iuettes, 7b with sariters of
various compositions and O~O comparative heats using ore
and limestone were All heats were made In the
,;tame nirnaces and dur-Ing the saine periods, The composition
of briquettes and sinturs tested is given in Table 1
Cardl/4 (basicity of briquettes varied from 0 - 5.A and of
Efficiency of the Use of Sinter eind Briquettes Instead of OXIe and
Limestone in Open-hearth Furnaces
sinters from 0.4 to 2.2.1. Changes in the basicity and
FeO content in slag in the --otirse of smelting are shown
in Figures 1 and 2, re:3pectively, the main indices of the
experimatal. and compa-rat-i-ve heats in Table 2, the compax,:L-
son of' the ariounts of C&O, SiO 2 and ~FeO transferred to
slag from various gra.-,L,0,T matr~:vials - Table 3, changes in
the S--;O . content of slag i=. th~-~ course of snielt:LX:Lg for
various heats -- Figures 3 and 11, the same changes in slag
baslc-L'-ty - Figure 4, tha saitie changes in the P20 5 content
Figures 5 and 9, the same cha-a.-es in the CaO content -
Figure 6, the same c7a.TM-es -.".--a the ZFeO and CaO and kFeO
CO-riteri-ts - Figurea 7 aad 11, the same changes in the
conta--A of sulphur - Figure 10. It was folLuad that the itse
of fluxed briquettes or sinters instead of ore and
limestone leads to a considerably faster formation of
slag during the melting down. pe~:-iod, to an earlier slag
Card2/ 4 removal and to a corresponding decrease in the melting
SOV/1-3-19 1~ 6
Efficiency of the use of Sinter and Briquet -es Us"ted/210f Ore and
Limestone in open-hearth Furnaces
period. The use of fluxed briquettes or sizuter of a
basicity 2.0 - 2.5 without additions or with minJ-mal
additions of ore and limestone made it possible:
1) to decrease the melting period in 370-toa furnaces
by 40-45 min with an iner-ease in the furnace productivity
of 6--7%; 2) to decrease the duration of heating iLp
successive layers of granuL-r materials during the charging
period as well as their heating after the charging is
completed (which permitted a further decrease of 10-15 rain
in the duration of heats); 3) to increase slag basicity
in the course of smelting and to decrease the FeO content
of slag at the beginning of the melting period and to
increase its FeO content at the end of this period;
4) to increase the dephosphorising and desiLlphurisIng
ability of slag due to its earlier formation and higher
basicity throughout the whole course of smeltiWig and
5) to exclude blow-outs from the furnace diarin4g melting.
The briquettes and sinters cart also be used w1th success
Card3/4 during refining. The organization of a lxge-scale
Efficiency of the Use of Sinter and BrIquettes Instead of Ore and
Limestone in Open-hearth Furnaces
production of fluxed briquettes and sinters for the open-
hearth furnaces and their wide application in steel-majcing
practice is reconwiended. There are 11 figuros, 3 tables
and 6 Soviet references..
ASSOCIATIONS: Ukrainskiy institi.;,t metallov (Ulcrainian Institute of
Metalo) and Zavod imeni Dzerzhi-nskogo (imeni Dzerzhinskiy
Card 4/4
IP~ .30-00
TT It 4 7
SOV113 )3 -60 -1 -8/30
AUTHORS: Shneyerov, Ya. A., Leporskly, V. V., I~C_rfel -,--A - G.,
Bul I skiy, M. T., Alimov, A. G.
TITIE: The Use of Preliminary Processed Cast Iron In Open-
Hearth Smeltli-%
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1960, Nr 1, PP 32-35 (113311)
ABSTRACT: This is a report concernin6 ladle treatment of' liquid
cast Iron blowinG oteaui-oxyGcii mIxture. The experlmonto
ivere conducted at the "Azovotall" Plant 11-1 195'-,r, on a
semi-industrial Installation in the mixing building.
Only one ladle COUld be blown at a time. Later on,
From June to August ol' 1958, fourteen experlmental melto
were made. B. S. Kurap1n, V. I. Mimlvov, N. T. Berilov,
A. M. Kercher, and A. I. Ticachenko particil-.,ated In the
work. For each teut melt, 4 ladle;; (eael) holdin,T appro,~i-
mately 60 tons of ca~;t iron) were blown. The be[;inn!nL,,
of blowing took place 1 to 2 hours before t;be beginning
Card 1/3 of the test melt. I.% of ore and 1.0,'of of lime were
added to each ladle. The degree of filling the ladle
The Use of Preliminary Processed Cast Iron In 77447
Open-Hearth Smelting SOV/133-60-1-8/30
Card 2/3
was an average of* 73% - The blowing ochedule wa., as
follow6: Pressure (a,tm _rraL;e): for OXYi~en, 3.4- for
s t eam, 3 .5. Hourly consumptioi,.: oxygen, 2~6 ms/111-i
steam, 195 kg/hr. Specific conoumption: o.~y;;en, 2.6 m
ton; steam, 1.7 lcg/tun. Ali Increase of jtean oupcrheatln,;
(up to 300-4000 C, instead of 16o-1800 C) will increase
the degree of filling of' the ladle by elimination of' the
splash-out. The opet-r-hearth melt:; were conducted in 340-
ton furnaces using 't;he blown cast Iron. The authori;
arrived at the followIng conclusionu. (1) The 1.).xpe rime n t z;
Dhowed that during the prellmInary blow1ne; of' conversion
cast Iron by the steam-oxygen iniXtUre, oillcon, manganese,
and sulphur were burned out to the extent or 5419 37"
~ 3 D P.1
and 13.7% re3pectively. (2) The avevat.'e Inci-eae of
temperature of cast 11-on durinL,,; blowlnG equals 300 C.
(3) As a result of the decrea~;cd conouniption of ovo and
limestone (In the cliarge), wh1le omcltliiL~ the b1own caot
iron, and due to the increase ol' caot Ivon tc.nipi~rature,
the duration of melts deci-caood bit 11~ 11111111,tC~: L'Dl' rimmed
The Use of Preliminary Processed Gast Iron ill '(744-l'
Open-Hearth Smelting
steel and by 1 liour il minutes i'or rail steel. Tiie
.1 t'j
specific fuel consumption decrea:3ed and tre productivity
of the furnace increased on the iIVE!rage by 8%. 1'n
connection with o-ocid experimental results obt-ained at
the "Azovstal" Plant, it is planned to build an
Industrial installation for ladle treatment Of C~:LSt
iron. The editors comment that, due to the smalli
number of test melts (onlY 5000 tons of steel we:::~e
smelted) the above conclusions should be regarded as only
preliminary. There are 2 figures.
Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of' Metals and
the "Azovstall" Plant (Ulcrayinskiy n.i. institut
metallov i zavod "Azovstall1l)
Card 3/3
Konferenislya po fiziko-khirnicheakim oanovam prolzirodstya stall. 5th.
Moscow, 1959.
Fiziko-khimicheskiye asnovy proizvodstva stali; trudy konferentsii
(Physicochemical Bases of Steel Making; Transact[ons of the
Fifth Conference on the Physicochemical Bases of Steelmaking)
Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1961. 512 p. Errata slip. inserted.
3. 700 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut rnetallurgii imeni
A. A, Baykova.
Responsible Ed.: A. At. Surnarin. Corresponding Member, Academy
of Sciences USSR; Ed. (if Publishing House: Ya. I). R,oz'entaveyg.
Tech. Ed.: V. V. Mikhaylova.
Card 1116
Physicochemical Bases of (Cont.) SOV/5411
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended four engineers and
technIcitins of metallurgical and machine-building plants, senior
students of schools of higher education, staff members of design
bureaus and planning institutes, and scientific research workers.
COVERAGE: The collection contains reports presented at the fifth
annual convention devoted to the review of the physicochemical bases
of the steelmaking process. 7bese reports deal with problems of the
mechanism and kinetics of reactions taking place in the molten metal
in steelmaking furnaces. The following are al8D discussed: problem&
involved in the production of alloyed steel, the i3tructure of the ingot,
the mechanism of soUcUlication. and the converter steelmaking
process. The articles contain conclusions drawn from the results
of experimental studies, and are accompanied by references of which
most are Soviet.
Card 2116
Physicochemical Bases of (Cont.)
Panov, A. S. , and P. N. Perchatkin. Comparison of the Desul.-
furizing Capacity of Oxides During the Melting Period in Pro-
cessing Low-Manganese Pig Irons
Shneyerov, Ya. A., A. G. Kotin, and A. G. Derfell. Accelerating
the Open-Hearth Process in the Prep-a-raffi-o-nof ih-e Charge (Pig
Iron and Loose Materials)
Shneyer ov, Ya. A. , A. 1. Sultach ev, and A. G. Kotin. A c c elerating
the Slag Formation and Melting Processes by Blowi-.-Ig Oxygen Into
the Bath During the Meltdown Period
Kazachkov, Ye. A. Kinetics of the Oxidation of Low -Concentrated
Carbon in the Open-Hearth Bath
Zorin, 0. D. , and A. Ye. Khlebnikov. The Kinetic Decarburization
Card 5 /16
SHNEYEROV, Ya.A., kand.tokhn.nauk; DEgELIA.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOTIN,
A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; PH-nfm-ali uch3iftye: ZAYTSP,/, I.A.; rMAPD,
Reducing the consumption of ferromhnganese in the making of' open-
hearth steel. Trudy Ukr. nauch.-issl. inst. met. no.7:10.1-114
161. (KERA 14: 11)
(Stoel--Metallurgy) (Ferromanganese)
DOLINEEN110) O.V.; SHAROV, B.A.; Prinimali uchastliye: DY-UBINA, A.V.;.
Using ferrotitanium for the deoxidation of rail steel and
its properties. Sbor. trud. UNIIM no.11:365-378 '65.
(MIRA 18: 11)
IUSSt N.L., inzh.j SPAWM., L.A.# inzho; Lis VA., inzho
Shield wthod or digging ventilation tunnels for a blast furnace
unit. Pr=. stroie 40 n0-7:37-40 -'62- (MIRA 15:7)
1, Trest mulsbkkhtostroy*
(Tunneling) (Blast Axnaces)
D E: LF-, R TZ
Criti.cisn of the vorlc of technical libraries.
P. 1171 (Frze-lad Teclmiczny. Vol. 77, no. LS., Auj:.
Eonthly index of I~ast Europcm Lecessions 1,C. VOI. 7, no. 2.,
Februpry 1~58
Vocatioral training in the Bvdgoszoz Meat Plants. p.44
GOSPODARKA MIESNA. (Polskie Wyjawnictwa Gospodaraze) Warszawa, Poland
Vol. 11, No. 7/8, July~ Aug. 1.959
Monthly List of East European Accessions. (EEAI) LG, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960
Technical doomentation for the construction of.storobouses
for plant protection agents is urgently warftedk Prze!?,l techn
no.130 AP 162.
Silos for the storage of lims are to be built, vhat type should
be chosen? Przegl techn no.31:8 5 Ag 162.
DEIVERT, Zbigniew
---. I--- .- - - --
Bases for wrapping renovation; and what then? Przegl techn 1314 no.4:6
27 Ja 163. : I
. I
DEWERT, Zbigniew
Exchange of elp ences as one of the ways of mking progress in
engineering and teohnolcjgy,, Przegl techn 84 no.18:8 5 Kr 163.
Analyticity of a modified nucleonic Green function. Dok1. i
soob, UzbGIJ. Ser. fiz.-nat. J, ist. nauk no.5.16-20 162.
(Mrxul 17%9)
HUNGARY / Forestry. Forest.,,Aahagement. K-4
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Bioles No 16, 1956) 7ZB01.
f,u th o r:__~erf o I dAntal,* Szasz, Tibor.
I ot~
Inst 9i ven.
Title Problems of Natural Renewal and Forest Development.
Orig Pub: Az erdo, 1956, 59 No 2,, 68-7Z.
Abstract: A system of main cuttings in Hungary is reviewed
in connection with the orientation to preliminary
renewal. Technical recommendations for rationali-
zation of cuttings are cited.
Card 1/1
ForestXy. ForeFt lfanarcmio.
ABS, JOUR. RZhBiol.) Noa 4, 19591 NN 15485
!AUTHOR Derfoldi, -Antal.
j c a L -7 11 i
ORIG. PUB. LPzdc!s2-,cti Lcutatasok, 1957f, No-3-4, 73-157
ABSTRACT abstract
KERESZTESI, Bela, dr., a mezogazdasagi tudomanyok (erdeszet) dolctora;
On a study trip to the Bulgarian People's Republic. Erdo ,12.
no.2:77-84 F 163.
1. Brdeszeti Tudananyos Intexet Nyarfakutato Kiserleti Allomasanak
vezotoje, Sarvar IAz Erdo" szorkesztoje (for Kereastesi).
2. Erdeszeti Tudoma-nyos Intezet tudomanyos oaztalyvezatoje,
Budapest (for Derfoldi).
-- ---
. . Timbtrr evaluation and selection plannIng on the bavio of
,z . dimensicnal grou~v. Erdo 12 no.10,.455-473 0 163.
1. Rx-deazati Tudomany" latezet tudomnyoa oestalMzetojep
rF--'GACH, A. K.
Cand. Agricultural Sci.
"Ymbryoiml Prenaturenims And Tt-; Selection Signt-fics-nee'in Breeling Kara!--al
Sheep, 0 Sub. 10 Feb 47, Moscoie '!ur wid Pelt Inst.
Dissertz)tIons pre-ented for de~7,reer in science and engineering In Moscow In 1~M?.
SO: Sum.11o.45?, 18 Anr 55