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-nd c o xini Air of' J~l NALETOV, Nikolay Alekseyevichj prof.; DEREVLYANSKAYA, F.I., r;,d. [Pathological physiolagv and pathological anatomy of farm animals] Patologicheskaia fiziologlia i patologichesk&ia anatomii.a sell skokhoziaistvenr*rkh, zhivotqrkh. Moskva, Ko- los, 1964. 358 p. (MIRA 18:3) JI, l,/ A L/, V , V KASIMOVA. M.. otvefErtvenrqy za vypusk; DEMON, P., ENRturo and natural resources of StavropcI`lTe`;`rI~; a bibliography] Priroda i pr1rodnye bogastva Stavropollia; ukazatell literatury. Stavropol', 1957. 39 P. WILI 11:6) 1. Stavropol. Krayevays biblioteka. Bibliograficheskiy otdal. (BibliograpIT-Stavropol territory-Natural resources) (Stavropol Terri tory-Na tura 1 rosources-Bibliography) ORNATSKIY, P.P. , Icand.tekhn. nauk; ZO/',IJLIA, V.I.;__P~~Yr,~V A _ A. Using electrochemical convorters in electric neasuring equip., ment. Avtom.i prib. no.lt67-70 Ja-Yx 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Kiyevskiy politakhnichei3kiy institut (for Urnatskiy, Zozul,ya). 2. Krasnodarskiy zavod izmeritelInyl(h priborov (for Derevoyedov). DM,PIV-,HCHIKOV, N.A. Simplified device for discharging petroleum products from the bottans of tank cars. Transp. i khran. nefti i nefteprod, no.7: 22-23 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Moskovskoye upravleniye Glavriogo upravleniya po transportu i snabzheniyu neftlyu i neftei3roduktami RSF,'.',R. CiRITSAYP F.A.; DEREVSHCHIKOV, N.A. Semiautomatic device for packing lubricant8 into small containers. Transp. i khran. nefti I nefteprod. ac,.5:30-32 t6f; 18:10) 1. Moskovskoye upravleniye Glavnogo upravleniya po transportu i snabzheniyu neftlyu i nefteproduktami pri Sovete ministrov RSFSR. EGREVSHCHIKOV.9 N. A. Remodeling a 39Y.-I fuel p=p for servic:ing Motor vehicles. Transp. i khran. nefti i nefteprod. no.9:30-32 16,1+. (1111RA 17:10) 124-57-2-2208 zhm-i-.aI. Meb-A.a,!iha. JQS7. Nj- ? p 106 (USSR) K. K. T' T L E: Expei-Irnental Study cit the Dellect on, ot a Cit-cular Plate Under a Centi-a! I-)ad (Eksperimentallnoye izucheniye p~-og3bov krug- toy pl,,,,, pri tsenti-aUncm zagruzhenti) PERIODICAL: Sl,- nauch. stud. i-abot. Mosk. in-t inzh, -vod. kli,,!a, 1956, Nr% 3 pp 10- 31 ABSTRACT: BibLographic ent,-y 1. Sheets-Deflecticn 2. Sheets-Load' distribution Card !,,/I DE-tEVSKIY, Alaksandr KUKIWIKM , Yevgeniy Stepanovich; I I . Frinimal uchastiye IONKIV, P.A., prof.; EURLAK, F..F., red. N., .I ['11jeorn-tical principles of electrical engineering] Teore- ticheokie osnovy e2ektroteklmiki.. Mooh-va, Yysshaia shkola. Pt.2. 1965. 282 p. (EIRA 18:10) ~_ ~151 665 EWT(I)/ETC(f) IJP(c) AT ACC NRi AP6008823 SOURCE CODE- UR/0294/66,1004/001/0020/0026 AUTHOR: Derevshchikov V. A. (Moa(!O'W); De.Mbina, IMI. A. (NDscpw) ORG; none TITLE: Spectroscopic investigation of a pulsed low-voltage, discharp plasma in a vacuum SOURCE-. Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, Y. 4, no. 1, 1966, 20-26 1''OPIC TAGS: gas discharge spectroscopy, plasma temperature, gas discharge plasma, plasma research LBSTRACT: The authors present ~,%xperimental results of spectroscopic investigations of a 12ulsed discharge plasma on solid electrodes of a coaxial geometry, with an initial pressure ~ in a vacuum chamber amounting to 10 -5 - 10 -6 mm Hg. The investigation was conducted in a. discharge tube similar to that described by S. V. Gurorv et al. (Zh. tekhn. fizild, 34, 868, 1.964). The Ornstein method is used to determine the excitation temperature in various sections of the torch. The distribution of two-fold aluminum ions is investigated according to their excited states. A temperature maximum of the plasma is established with a specific energy In the discharge. A determinalion is made of the radial distribution of temperature in an anode torch. A rise in temperatitre Is observed with increasing distance from the szode. Orig. art. has- 8 figures and 3 tables. SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATE: 20Janl;5 / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: 004 UDC 533.915.537.525 BIBIKOVAp K. [translator]; DEFCEVTSKV, S., spets. red.; KRIVINA, N.9 red.; LUCHKIV I M. 9 tekbn. recT.-- [Five hundred typen of home baking,- Hungarian cooking: pastries, piesp tarts, c:reamsp liqueurs, sandwiches,,etc.) 500 vidov do- mashnego pechenlia; iz vengerskoi kukhni: pechenle, pirogi, torty, krenyq likeryg buterbrody i.t.d. Uzhgorodg Zalcarpatskoe obl. knizhno-gazatnoe izd-vo, 1961. 251+ p (MIU 14:9) (Cookery, Hungar;an) DEUVTSOV, I.A.; KIREYMMD, V.I. Problems in the psychology of school children's work at a psycho- logical conference. Vop. paikhol. 6 no.5:174-175 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Slucational PBychologr) S/137/62/000/006/047/i63 Aoo6/Aloi AUTHORS: Sinakevich, A. S., Derev-tsov, Ye. F. TITLE: Experimental thermal reduction of indiun oxide PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1962, 17, abstract 6G12q C'Sb. nauchn. tr. Irkutskiy n.-i. in-t redk. met.", 1961, no. 9, 193 - 196) TOM Thermal reduction of In2O was performed in two test series, namely with a solid (charcoal) and a g4seous ~CO and C02 mii:ture) reducing agent. It w1a.s found that the interaction of In 0 with a solid reducing agent proceeded in- c .mpletely in neutral atmosphere at 9r- c .); - 1,OOOOC anti led to the formation of mainly In metal. During the effect of a gaseous reducting agent upon In203 (at CC' : C02 = 3 : 1), intensified In sublimation takes place and at 9500C extraction of In attains 76 - 90%. G. Svodtseva LAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 S/146/62/005/004/005/013 D295/D308 i'LUOR: _2erev~Lan~~hej~_o, V.T. i'l'.TLE: Electronic indicator for a string-type pick-i~p 10 D 1 C AL Izvestiya vysshilch uchebny1ch zzavedeniy. 11riboro- stroyeniyc,, v. 5, no. 4, 1962,.28-30 '21-',XT: The oscillation freque-zicy of the steel strin. o:Z a stri-n-type Dick-up for static loads is measured by comp=in- it 'dal signal o' a mull-ivib-ato-r- i-rith the --Frequency o.L a sinusol L L. r - -tY;?C standard-freauency generator having stable o-,peration over the b-and 344-2DSO c/s: The remote-co-atrolled repetitive "Tp i nc I-Ling" of 'Che strinc., is carried out b~ a relay fed by a relaxation oscillator of -r..ioothly adjustable repetition frequency. The relay switches on and off the maS-Lietization coil of the pich-up and. at the same time feeds the resonant -frequency signal, i-nduced by the st-ring, to a two-stage ampliflier. The string signal and the standard--freque-ncy signal 'are mixed in a cathode-coupled mixer, and beats are either listened to in earphones or observed visually. The instrument is Card 1/2 El-actro-nic iridicator ... S/14 62/005/004/005/013 D295YD303 self-contained, ucicclis 6.2 kg, measures 320 ~-, 190 '220 am, consumes 7 0 U. The measurement accuracy is within There are 2 figures. V 3 S C C I XI, 10 li Kharlkovsl:iy politekhnichoskiy institut im. V.1. Lanina (Kharlkov Polytechnical Institute im. V.1. Lenin) SUB11LITTED: December 3, 1961 ,'I ~"A ') /') 82673 S/07 60/000/009/003/007 B021 YB S-,2i 20 056 AUTHORS: Blokh, K. I,, Shevelevich, R. S., Derevyagin, A. N. TITLE: Optics - A New Field of Application for Glass Fiber PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1960, No. 9, pp. 19-21 TEXT: A comprehensive study has been conducted lately at the Institut steklovolokpa (Institute for Glass Fiber) for the production of light- ognductingl5g'lass fibers, utilizing t7e-ir optical properties. Luminous energy can be transmitted by means of a light-conducting texture with arbitrary position of the fibers. Pictures can be transmitted by such a texture at a suitable position of the fibers in it (Fig. 1). The light pipes must exhibit high transparency and high resolving power. The resolving power of the light pipes is determined by the number of discernible target lines, which fall to Imm of the image field. The utilization of glass fibers as light conductors is based on the pheno- menon of the inner total reflection, as can be seer. from Fig. 2. The angle of aperture of the rays penetrating into the fiber is the greate:r, the bigger the difference of the refractive index of the glass-fiber Card 1/2 82673 Optics - A New Field of Application S/072/6o/ooo/oo9/oo3/OO7 for Glass Fiber B021AO58 material and the surrounding madium. Investigations by A. L. Korobko- Stefanov showed that the electronagnetic fieldff of the light wave do not stop at the separation boundarj, but propagate within the medium. The investigation results of the t:ranspa:rency of textures from fibers of various diameters, from glassea of various compositions with various fiber casings are tabulated. The coefficients of expansion of the glasses and their casings must be approximately equal, to prevent the forming of cracks. Optical glass fibers of small diameter with high refractive index in a thin optical glass casing with low refractive index must be placed in regular order to obtain lieht pipes with high resolving power and high transparency. The elimination of the aber:ration of optical systema is mentioned among the many problems which can be solved by means of fiber light pipes, the paper bY 0. G. SlyusareV being mentioned. These light pipes can also be used in electronic optics. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 3 Sovie-t references. Card 2/2 a nd e I n 112 L 1-07-5 f()T' Spe.Clftl, ne I- prom. V ui D I. (I metect fit"O'll"o made o tel, 01,10 roil A A, a fold obt"11, 1"trt thoba is Dridy typc!g of Itce, is anav"Sis DEREVYAGIN, N.P. insh.; GONGHARUK, K.F., inzh.; ANTONOVA, G.T.; %"QRwMMM1vWfflT6A, N.Ye.0 kand. tekhn. nank.; KLUBUCHKIN, K.F., kaad. tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; DOWNH, N.S., red.; DOASKAYA, G.D., takhn. red. . . (Uses of rare elements and titasium in chemical Industries and analytical chemistry] Primenenie redkikh elementov I titans. v khimich.eskikh proizvodstval:h i &naliticheakoi khimii; obzor literatury. Moskya, Cltdol nauchno-tekhn. in- formatsii,, 1962. 64 P. (Informataiia, no.27(38)) (NIRA 16:8) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isoledova.tellskiy I proyektny-Y institut redkometallicheakoy promyst.Llennosti "Giredmet." (Matals, Rare and minor) (Titanium) DMVYAGIN, P.Yu. New data on birds of the Teugiz-XurgaIdzhI& Basin. Izv.MI Kazakh. SSR.Sar.zool. uo.6:ioo-io6 s47. (wju 9:6) (Nara Valley--Birds) P. Yri Derevvn---in, P-i~ Yr,, "On thn rble jjl~~.yod by birdq in th- life of' s,.ruce foresti- of t',-e northerr of tuhi~ Tr,,,ns-I!,, Ala Truti Alm-tit :Or. Issue 7, 1048, .1 p- 55-102 SO: Ti-k-9111. 2) Cct 57, (letopis 'Zhurnal 'nykh Stntoy No. 16, 19-lig). TTREVYAGIN, P. Ya. Derevvnrin.-P * Yti. -- "On t~p virious period!- of arriv- 1 -Ind z mn!~i t 51, ~- "e.-It rubSTecies cf bir(Ir in tl-.e foothills of Lhf- Tr~ns-Il~ Ajf~ Mt. ~ I U, " Trud:,i A!::.-,:, t. CoF:. Zapoved,nlkn, Issur '?, 1918, z-. Vi8-51 SO: , 20 ~2.ct 577, (Letopis 'Zhurn7-1 Inyl-h Stt~tey, No. 10, l9lig). DM-IrYAGIN,P-ya. 1189ting of the Siberian goldfinch in Alma-Ata. Zool.zhur.. 34 no.2:470-471 mr-Ap 155. (mIRA 9 ~ 6) 1. Alma-atinskaya semiletrqava shkola. No.2 (Alma-Ata-Goldfinches) ER *yy A G INAI V. P Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 152 - 6/22 A ID P - 915 r Authors Deravyagina, V. P. and Talmud, S. L. Title Stability of emulsified resin in the system resin-water and resin-sulfite liquor-water Periodical Zhur. prikl. kh1m. 27, no, 5, 501-505, 1954 Abstract Lowering the temperature causes a sharp decrease In the stability of resin emulsions. Precipitation of the resin is particularly pronounced at 100-500C. Sulfite liquor has a stabilizing effect on the emulsified resin.-Three tables., I diagram, 4 references (Russian: 1932-1953). Ihstitution : Chair of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry of the Leningrad Institute of Technology im. V. D1. Molotov Submitted : My 6, 1953 Itcain dtfficuffits la the Indiwtry & cellul,,SL of emulsified lar in t v tar- t water, tar-sidrite liquor-water, and tar-Eulfilc liquca- fiber- wntor P. Dr-mwyagiurt ;old S. L- Taialud (V, M,. 24,141- toir ' Zhur. Prtk~zd. Kl;irfl., 9f)T--d'71 ff&i T.' '-cr CA. 48, 11047b.-ThL magulition of tar in suffitc speut liLillor !ip.t~,mi by means of addri. of (1,-c- trolylvs Is incffmtiv~. at f fit hightr levels of oiillkv '~Iqiipr in tile 53TAtill. In tile sytitc-11% (tur-l-f-0 the coa gill il tili Ka hili r N~ jol i..-; r0hted diti-vtly' to of tb-t itious; RnioiLi rite imffmcivt. At mitt IN- rr%.Aily Ithe q Stun; 1"I cli'l Nil; re(joire M411cr czmk'11z. of 01-~ ;1rolytes, N., mid K du not C~'uSQ "oloplot% 1 ( lou. Hcncc. Ali(604)' 11'~(El ill tile ~"Iljitq~..wllt t.'.Pt-;~ ilil tl'(' coaKillati~xl of tar-sulfitc, Fystcln the :5 Lability of the sy~;Vim witli rerilcet to c,?agulatimi i~, lela-. tively Rml 1110.1e j!; VVqljijkd L-VC11 '4htll Only lhl~!.! '.11Mte liqlloy i'. prQ'4eut; ~';t lliAlict. lkwcl~; '~f liquor (0.25 eveu coned. -olus. 'A 011~ cmagulating ap2llt -!, ;t1-"fffcd.4. If fibers ;Irv 1&0 prc--~Cot' C~ Ag'u lilt; on , aints. of lant. llencc, 1fwj('11gL w'!Oliug of cf-'1110o~p to m1fite spult liquor i.! very impfjlj~ijlf. 'Tilu'." pre:~[It afVl fozn, art. tmtjjSj1)i-,S 11-1t1t jjjjjVj~ Ir', eZ ~,,)Jjfj CfjjtCm:-.i than (to tar! ' froin the inkial st!igvs; the fc'rnler J-11-q Vm'd cZuulr';Qr;S with Jowt~- p1l (2 vi unzip~tm.-On tvith pll 4-58-2 abt.drd;ij; prior -Lo ;J~m- %tioll llith cainbaunt acLion of i3 !1,,!:.':'!Y J luore CM.'2tive, tharl ii individlial G. 4M. 0 DEREVYAGINA ~P-V~-F -RAVDKL'P A.A. Automatic control of pH in vats used in the production of 3ithopone. Trudy LTI no.62ji65-72 16o. (MIRA 15:5) (Lithopones) (Hy6ogen-ion concentration) CCIU!TRY : USSIR. A',`,,TCRY : ZoolowIcRI!M.1?v. ACArlds anil Insects as Masses Insects. JOUR, : RzhBiOL, 11o. 14,3.958, Vo. 62-575. AfJ1ViC)R3 : Doyni',rov A. V.; Dore vyan cheqy~.,, K,. I_T,;* The Astrobsn' Arifl-4 z) t Fless of thi Rodentii In the Sand Zone of the Lily, AstrakhansWaya Oblastfs Left 3ank Territory. 1ORTG. PUB. Sb. tr. AstrRkhansk. protivochymn. St., 1955. vvp. 1, 302-355. For 1947-1950, there were coil-anted on the anuthweste:':,n Volga-Ural ssndB mainly from the crested (03E) and midlaY (-vSE'1 ter-bils 222,057 floas. The little beasts, he an- i1rances Inte burrows (by means of raking) and the nests (with the helr, of digrinp) were examined. 26 flea specips'were diBcovered. "Actual" (obtained b! a enreful re&~istered collection) abundance indices (1) of the CAM)- 1/7 *Xazantsevm, Yu. M.; Chernova, N. I. COUNTTRY- CATEGOPY A U"F!;'C)F ITTST. TITIT! Lind for fleas for "SE were t1itoc; E 3 .3 times 7reater than the "worl~ln~ I n,';*I-aLi (ob- tdined bv it niAns collect Ion) .SpaeovF,l varln- tions (.-,f "itetusilt k9nd llworlklng~' 1 ar- 11~!r, but ~~belr magpituOe differazices In cold west-her of the yetAr Ara tlic~n in w-nrm- weather. Observational exi:oo"Llons aro IIIUB- tr9tod bt the "worklncr " 1. On the gerbils, I - - GaratnorhyllLIE IFIRVICerS, Xenc),psyll-a conformis Pnd Ooptoay118 lamollifer predorilnc~fe. I ne ;eAns (for the 1reF;rF. ISI-hr---19~0) of 0. laevicere, C D, c 'vr. r olff V;. Jn A i 7? 4 rT 3/7 No 62675 .1 snd conforuals equalloa, 0 Pnd 0.20 or, CSE end 0.15 Find 0.17 on C. lnovlc~(s,~s are ,qp-.roxl.,lqtely thn ~,~tma or, t')..;, aQrblls and In the burrow entr,"nClOst FirlA the 1 i f X. co ri l'o r).n 1 s Is 1 . 1: -3 t 1. me s' h 1 v, h E!, rn o n the oerbils. AlcoorOlnir to-the I chanro?., the &-uthnrs c,)nsider thnt ~he numbers of 0. litevl.- caps Are veqtast in Msrcth (the I of CSF urd uP to 1.71) tind In Novem"v-v (u,. to 1.13, and 20 c 0 ur! 17 I, R y Ails. JUR. 62675. ATT90M I'VET. T T T LE )v c- lenst In ,Lmo-,Tu1y; nmnAring n relaliv numbet of famnies w16 09fra, It 11~ aAlumied that the fleas of this spocies develop in wintering nests ma well All in summar Onect auO, boar two qonerptlons 1m one vfysr. X. con- formis eippear on the oarbils and Jri the bur- rows I entrsneas a ~.nce' MRr(.-h-Aprll (tha I. of "'ISE, 0.35-0.45; at the entrancos, 0.51-0.67); these j fleaR were ancoantermd on the nents in i4srm nnd cold periocla of the ymir - lar~,e I were noted In April-Mmy (un to 7.4) And In Febru- 4/7 1,11% JOUR. vo. 62675. AIM"M T;. TIL E ORTO. MT. A P 3T T? A C Tary (1-7). Tha ruthors ABEIUMe thRt the 'IleAB I of thia spo,3ies develop In the PLUTimer burr,:vws and bear, on the whole, one generation in a year. Due to the fact thELt th(A I of X. con- formIB on the gnrbils are very h1oh, all summer through, a conjecture wets formed that the liffe B-oan of the imago at this time waB long (ur In. 5'months). DurinE 1947-1950, conslders~ble fluc-i tuations or the fleas' I on the --terblis were CLM: 5/7 CATEWRY Aps. JOUR. : No. 62675. AUT14OR 11,1ST. TITLE ORIG. PUB. : A DSTTuA OT : noted; thc-.. grestast chanires were produced by X. conformis (from -84 to +253%, in coniTari- son with the mean for 3 depenlence on weRther conditi-mg wy-.s not F'reat G,qt I fir the ' fireclep. of the ~~erbils' fier-is wers particuls;rly msrked In a yerx of ~Ihsrp IncreigFe In the dempity of their nectc-' r,,:)7u- tion. Certain dAts on fiess of other rodents were nubmItted. On the mle-rrtt (over gobo sr~eclmens ex~nmlnfd), amona the 214, collected fieRs 179 turned out to 0. laeviceps and X. CPTZD: 5/7 COU"TRY CATHT(',RY ABS. JOUR. Po. 62t,75. AUTM J~!%q-. TITLE Olt-, G. PUB. AlOTPACT c,-.) n fo rm 1 B .14,esops,rlls hebas, fie-.qi? oil' the larEe ~erbo6, were rriand In cons Idercble qunn- titles in t'L-.,.e first bend of the barrows. A broad exchpar,*e -af fleps betwe,:in r,.),9ents of various species and a !art-a particiratIon, In them of the gerbils' fleas nre H. F. Dqrs-aya CARN 7/7 USSR/Medicine Tularemia Card 1/1 Pub. 148 - 13/25 FD-2602 Author Pilipenko, V. G. and Derevyanchenko, K. I. Title An instance of the detection of nymplis of the tick %,alomma plumbeum Panz. infected with the causative agents of tularemia on the rabbit Lepus europaeus Pall. Periodical Zhur. mikro. ejid. i Immun. 4, 63-67, Apr 1955 Abstract The ecological conditions under which H. plumbeum nymphs were found on the rabbits are described. The extent of infection with tularemia in the surrounding area was tested. The rabbits them- selves were not infected. The results of investigations of the tick nymphs found on the rabbits are presented on a chart. Six Soviet references are cited. Institution Scientific-Research Institute of the Caucasus and Transcaucasus, Ministry of Health US,91 (Director - V. N. Ter-Vartanov) Submitted January 4, 1954 DERMANCT~%Q,p_Xjf; M)LOWSM, A.V.; KALUZHENOVA, Z.F. Contact of rodents with other 4d aninals through bloodmmking arthropods on the ?kWablak Peninsula. Zool. zhur. 42 no.,6: 903-913 163. (MIRA 16: 7) 1. Astrakhan Anti-Plague Station, the State University of Gorky, and Central-Asian Anti-Plague Institute, Alma-Ata. (Mangyeh1ak Peninaula-~.iimals as carriers if disease) (Fleas-11oat animals) (Ticks--Hoat animals) SHIRANGVICH, P.I.; MOLODOVSKTY, A.V.; OSOLIN-M, B.Ye. (deceased); DER MANCHENK0. K.I. i SAMARIN, Ye.G. Microclimate of the burrowis of the greater gerbil Rhombomys opimus Licht. Zool.zhur. 44 no.8:1245-:L254 165. (MIRA 18: 11) MARANTS, A.G.; DEREVYANCY-ENKO, L.D VARIYEND, V.A., tekhn. red. [Enumeration of standards and specifications for articles of the refractories industry and for raw materials used in their production as of October 1, 19591 Pereeben' dei- stvuiushchikh standartov I tekhnicheski)dt uslovii na iz- deliia ogneupornoi promyshlennosti i iskhodnye materialy dlia ikh proizvodstva (po sootoianiiu na 1 oktiabria 1959 goda). Sost.A.G.Marants, i L..D.DereviancheWw. Leningrad, 1959. 71 p. I (KRA 16: 10) 1. Leningrad. Vsesoyuznrj gosudarstvennyy institut nauchno- issledovatellskikh i proyektnykh rabot o,gneupornoy pro- myshlennosti. (Refractory materials--StandardB) MARANTS, A.G.; ZEGZIM v V.P.; TIMICKOVAt L.A.; 30KOLOV, V-I.,' RYBNIKOV, V.A. [deceased]; DZRMANqREIM)'j,-L.D.; KARKU[Tr A.K.; AKSELIRAD, E.A.j SARMIN,A.P.; nUDG-A-NDLER, G.G., red.; RAKSIMCVj, Ye.l., red. izd-va Y%ARASEVp AeEej tekbn, red. I (Handbook of refractory materialso productsp and raw materials; compiled accoridng to state standards aid technical specifications] Spravoobnik na ogneupornye izdeliiat materialy i syrIe. Sostavlen po gosudarstvanrym standartmn i teUnicheallm usloviiam. I!Bd,2,p ispr. i dop. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-.vb lit-ry po chernoi i tvvet- noi metallurgiit 1961. 338 p. (MIELA 14:9) 1. Sotrudniki Vsesayu=ogo instituta ogrouporov (for all except DAIdgandler, Maksimov, Karasev). (RefNcitory materials-Standards) PHASE I BOOK Exr'LOITATION SOV/5865 Zegzhda, V. P. 1. A. Tikhonova, V. 1. Sokolo,i, A. 0. Nlarmts, V. A. Ryllnikov [ eccased),_L. D_Perevy~~c~fjj~q, A. K. Karklit, E. A. Aksell rad, and A. P. Sarmin Spravochnik na ol-neupornyye izdcliya, materialy i syrl ye. Sostavlen po vw~;udnr- stverm)rni sintidartam i te',6nicheskin. usloviyaln (Handbonk of Refractory Products. Materials and Raw Materials. Compiled Accordin,(! to 91ate 91and rirds rind Technical Specification.0 2d ed. rev. ind.enl. Moscow, MvIaIIurj,,iz- dat, 1961. 338 p. Errata slip inserted. 12,5)0 copies printed. Supervisor: A. G. Mlarants; Ed. : G. G. Fell dgandler; Ed. of Publis:iing House: Ye. 1. Maksimov; Tech. Ed. : A. 1. Karasev. PURPOSE: This manual is intended for technical personnel workinr,, in ferrous and nonferrous industries and in other branches of industry and construction, for planners. designers, and personnel of technical supply adminis,.rations, Card 1/9 11midbook of Refractor/ Products (Cont. and for specialists In rcfractory manufacture and application. COVERAGE: The manual deals with State standards and technic.11 spc cifi cat lolls for refractory wnre) ninterials. mid stock itse(i in tho construction and rc- pair of furnnees used fov smelting, licatior, t~alcinntion, and distillation, and of fire chambers for boilers and dryers. The specifications also cover other thermal units used for processing under high thermal conditions, but fit) not include all refractory materials since npdroximately 10"/'~ of them hive ni-ver bevn standardized. This editton has b( en enla rved hy ths, - t f int Ills on 0 d Aa on cast refract.:lrics and carbollaccous wnrv Nvell I- ndd!tiollal data un ;-eFrictory stock, nmj.,ni t(-, -,c rite -11 lo. nd a P C, i;', d Tin 4, 1 i - ti C! i! I I 11 1 t ~:, IC1! 7 1.-i '. i "I's -11) (1 -r~~on, III,:( re nvntio)-,Ld. 'I h( ru are ncy rofcxci~cv,;, Card 218 Handbook of Refractory Products (Cont. SOV/586'1 TA13LE' OF CONTENTS flibridged): Foreword (Marants, A. G. ) M Introduction (Fol' drandler, G. G. I I A. REFRACTORY AND HIGHLY REFRACTORY WARES 1. Charnotte and Seiniacid Ware. (Zel,,zhda, V. P. 15 it. Iligh-Alumina Ware (L. A. Tikhonova) 107 111. Dinas Ware: (Sokolov. V. I ) 125 IV- Lightweight Refrnctory"Warc (Zcgzhda, V. P. 153 Curd 3/ a Handbook- of 11f,fractory Produrti' Wont. V. Fired Magnesite, and 11,11,1qnenitc-Chromite %~arc (Marints; A. G. ) 161 V1. Unfired Marne.911.e. Chrome-Magnesite, and Alaqnesite- Chromite Ware (RybnikGV, V. A. , Decea!;cd) 191 Yll. Forsterite and Talc-Alarnesite Ware: (Ry1:?jjjkov, V. A. , Deccased) 201 VIE. Alullite, Zirconium -Mullite, and "Bakorcvyye" [basically of corundum, baddeleyite. and vitreous substances] (Electrosmelted, Cast Wares) (Marants. A. G. ) 206 IX. Ware of Pure Aluminum and Zirconium Oxides (Marants, A. G. , and L. D. Derevynnchenkn) 210 Card 4 / 8 I, Wont. !~OV/58G5 X. Carborundum Ware., (Ryl)nikov, V. A. , Deceased) 215 XI. Carborundum Electric Henters and Resist:)rs (Ohinic) (Gavrilov, A. a. ) 217 XM. Carbonaccaous Ware~ (Derevyanchcnko, L. D. 224 13. REFRACTORY AND HIGHLY RLEFRACTORY GROUND MATERIALS - I1OWDLRS, MORTARS, COATINGS, AND PASTES (Karlit, A. K.) T. Magnesite Baked Powder 244 IT. Dolomite Powder 247 Ill. Mortars 249 Card 5/8 Handbook of Refractory Products (Cont. SOV/5865 IV. Various Ground Coatings. Pastes, and Materials C. LUMP CHAMOTTE AND SCHAP (Marnnts, A. G. . L D. Derevyanchenko, and E. A. Aksel' rad) D. REFRACTORY RAW MATERIAL (Sarmin, A. 11~ 1. Refractory Clays '-' 7 0 Il. Kaolins 2B I 111. Bauxites 284 TV. Quartzites, Quartz, and Quartz Sands 286 V. Magnesites 289 Card 618 Handbook of Refractory Products (Cont. SOV/5p,65 V1. Dolomites 292 VIT. Chromite Ores 2 P.S Vill. Dunites 207 1,,'. SOME MAI'ERIALS USED IN REFRACTORYMANUFAcIrURE TECHNOLOGY (INlarants, A. G. , L. D, Derevyanchenkci, and E. A. Akso'i' rad) F. . RULES FOR, RECEIVING, STORINCO. AND TRANSPORTING RE- FRACTORY WARES (Marants. A. G. , and L. D.. Derevyanchenko) Appendix No. 1. List of Standards for Testing Methods and Labeling . Refractory Ware- and Materials (Marants, A. G, , and L. D. Derevyan- chenko) 329 Card 7/8 Handbook of Refractory Y'roducts (Cont. Appc.ndix No. 2. Flasic Condillonn of the Instria-tion on the Order of Adjustment and Approval oll Tc6nlca! Specl tications for FerrOUS Metallurgy Products (Alarants. A, G. , and I... D. Derevynnchenk-3) 331 Appendix No. 3. List of Standards and TechnL.-al Specifications Used in the Manual 333 Appendix No. 4. Organizations Apportioning Funds for Ware and Materials Listed in ~,-he Hvaidbook (Marant, A. G. , and L. D. Derev- yanchenko) 337 AVAILABLE. Library of Congress (TNG77.k;G7) JA/rsm/jk Card. S /8 1/22/62 L 090~1~61 Dq(m)/EWP(t)/ET1/E*WP0k-~JD~ ACC NRt AP7002329-------"------ SOURCE CODE: uli/oe422/66/000/006/0044/0045 j'Aarants, A.G., Derovyanchonko, L.D., Vorkina,'A.S.- "New Standards - ProductJ for Pouring Steel Irom the Ladle" Moscow., Standarty i Xachostvo, No 6, Juno 99, p, 44.45 3 J' Abstractl Tho All-Union Institute of Refractories has developed and the Commit- too or. Standards has opproved State AIYX-n-i"n-fi~dard (GOST) 5500-6 on =nactory stopper materials. The now titandard Haas roplAcod GOST I /red- 5500-50 (tan 49?8-49 in th stoppor tube section. It covers refractory and highly refractory .products for pouring stool from the ladlo'. stopper tubon, plugs, molds, mold ;cover.,; and pit bricks. The nunber of standard dimensions was reduced for stoppor tubes from 15 to 8, for molds from 31 to 20, for covers from 3 to 2. For pit brick the number of strindard diomsions increased from 3 to 12, since component brick has been introduced for the most widely used mold typos ( 160 and 210 mm diameter). Largo size ladlos are ' to use thicker atoppor tubes nnd 200 mm diameter plugs which will protect the pin from overheating; a plug with a lengthened spherical portion ig also called for. For chamotto stopper tubos tho, content of A1203 plus TiO2 is sot at 33% for all enterprises. For chamotto plugs, speclaY9 this norm Is set at no less than 39%, which corresponds to the requirements for heat resistance. Tho temperature at whoih chamotte semi-dry produced plugs zay-start to deform under load acoordinig to the new standard. Card 1/2 L 09099-67 ACC Mt AP7002329-__ i.s 13200 C for go'noral 'purpose and 135ADO C for spoclal purpose plugs. This will, i ~provirlo for nonnal opera-Ung conditions of the plug device. The compressive Istrongth for chamotte pit brick is incroasod from 100 to 125 kg/cm2. The ~expansion of the assortment of plug productst improvement of thoir jointing, ;wide introduction or +.he semi-dry viothod of production of aluminosilicate i Cal fi~roducts and stiffening of requirewmts as to certain physical and chemi. Indices allow an improvement of the quality of plug suglies and a considerable,. the rel ility of the.plug.,stru. ture... /J ir),:7 37p'480/- ORG: none TOPIC TAGSt refractory, aluminum oxide SUB CODEt 11 / SUBH DATEt none not BABICH. Andrey Dmitriyevich; IXJBIMKIT. G.P., kam.d.geograf.nouk,; red.; TR&INWO, A.S., takhred. (The steppe oasis of Admniya-Rova; characteristics of natural conditions of the reglon) Stepnoi oazin Askaniia-Novs; kharaktariatika prirodiiirkh uslovii raiona. Kharskov, Izd-vo Khartkovskogo gos.univ. im. A.K.GorIkogo, 196o. 2o1 p (M;MA 14:3) (Askaniya-Rova Preserve) KONOVALOV, Oleg Mikhaylovich:; SKOROBOGATOV, B.S.) kand. fiz.- matem. nauk, otv. red.; DEREVYANCHENKOI R.M., red. [Semiconductor inateritLlsl Poluprovodnikovye materialy. Kharlkov) Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo univ., 1963. 212 p. (MIRA 17:5) POLULYAKH, Konstantin Stepano-vich; SIDOICENKO, B.G.p kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; Dl~,NANCHENKO,_.I.M. , red. (Electronic measuring devices] Elektronrge iweritelInye pribory. KharIkov, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo univ., 1963. 311 p. (MIRA 17:5) M4Z, Semen Naumovich; YEMELIYANOV, Miney Stepanovich; PARKROMRIKO, Vladimir Dmitriyevich; PANASYUK, V.G.,, doktor tekh-. nauk, prof. retsenzent; BLOKH, G.A.p doktor khbri. nsuk, prof., retsenzent; KOZOPOLYANSKIY, N.S., dots., otv, red.; DEREV)~ANCWj-Q.,--KXj. red. (Plastics in the instrument industry] Plastmassy v apparato- stroenii. Kharlkov2. Izd-vo KharIkovskogo univ,., 1963. 198 P. MIRA 18:6) F*OPOVA, Mayya flikiforoma; GOF, S-E., kax.,J. -,411r,. y retsenzent; KOVAIEV, K.'~.j kand . t,3khi-;-.naukY ."-v. -:"6 , .; D;-:ftEVY'ANCH2-,1J,'O, red. [Vethods for solving problems on the strength cill i -,-c-er i al, ( Vet(Ay resherilia zadach po soprotivIonilu KharIkov, lzd-vo Kha2-lkovsko,-,-o univ,, 1964, -24F i_,. Or, 11. ~ -', -1 --, : I ) PLTR,'T"';- Gc.:)rr.iy Ver-i-aminwil-ch; 1311KHMUSEV, G,V~, k8rd. tekhn. nauk, ctv. r0,.:, lol~'RP~VY~1*1~ii.Q~i'Kb,,-,Ft.l~',,p red. 1 tBquiplnent ~f ri~,da plants) ".borudovanie .-.o6ovykh zavadov. Xhar:'.K~~V, Tzd--ve) Kharlkovskog-,, uni.,.-., 1965. 325 F. (MIRA M9) VINOUROV, Lev Pinkhusovich; ALEKSEYEV, Yu.14., prof.,doktor tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; DEREVYANUMMO, R.M., red. [Theory of elasticity and plasticity; theory of the deformation of a continuous solid and metbods for calculat- ing cortinuouS SYE,tems based on this theoryl Teoriia upru- gosti i plastichnosti; teoriia deforinirovaniia sploshnogo tverdogo tela i oE:novannye na nei metody rascheta splosh- nykh sistem. KharIkov., Jzd-vo Khartkovskogo univ., 1965. 327 p. (MIRA 18,12) BOYARINOV, fb-,is Yevgenlyevich; CHUPIS, Elikolay MakEiiL;~)v,;,:h~ GORBENKO, V.L., kand. tekhn. nauh, otv. r~-O.; DERETIANCM-MO, R.M,, red. [New metals, metal alloys imterials] Novye metally, neniia i polupravodnikovye Xh,irlkovskogo iiniv., 1965. and compounds and semiconiuctut, metallicheskie splavy J. soE-,ii- materialy. Kharlkov, lz,:'-vo 60 p. e~> C ci~4/j?r_4/Pa_4 mL jwr m L, 21318 ACCESS 8/2850/64A, 11/000/0042/0 047 JO.N NR: AT600100i 'U -B __Derj~T At rM O'R ZhUb=OV. ~P, Rafikov,-I;.,R, TITLE: Sludies of the field of polymmer syntheBtfii, Part 16.Aaludy of the polycondensa- tion reaction of m-xylylenedlamlve vdth Phthalic haid 1~ SOURCE; AN KftzSM. Dwtitat WiWicheskikh m1uk. Trudy, v. 11.1. 1964. Sintez .1 issledovanlye vysokomolekul 8OYedi!1eUiy';; eats and res.earch of high-wniolecular compounds), 42-47 TOPIC TAGS: polycondenBation, pht]hallc acid *lylenediaMine polvarni'de synthesis, cyclization -m xylylenediaxone, with o-phthatlc acid at 212-200C in -ADMACT:: Polycondensationof an. Inert atraosphere did not 31eld padyamides of bilgh molecular wDilght but linear and cyclic 011gomers; the amount of Oydilc polymer Increasod and that of linear polymer decreased Nvith an ine-Mase In temperatue, and Vhe amount!pf - ammonia. libarated was GimUltarjeWaSly increased whereas that of recovered m-xylylene-Oiamine was decreased. The'pol3mers, Which were light-yellow to dark brown in color, ikere fractionated by extraction -.viih ethyl ether, ethyl alcohol, benzene, and acetone, and Olio benzene-soliOle fraction was identified 'C 1/2, ard ~p L '2~~6-15- ULIT N j! 75 ACCESS1014 MR: APS012827-1 01/00$0/0037 j ub 13. IAUTHOR-, Rafikoy~ S~ '~D2,Mv r,~nchenko, Z31 aTlov, A -y of para TITIX: 8,tudy of the thermal stabibt y ,SOURCE: AN KazSSR... lzver-tiya. Seriya khinl'cheskikh nauk, n:). 1, 1965, U-37 amine, de-amination, -qe, ani e to ycondihsation, TOPIC Th(Z . ~tylylenediami n P po'N polymer,, reactive hydroca~.5on xVlen, 4as t-- dAerpine tile tab . 1ABGTRAC1:: 0 j lit of m ji The purpose ofithe ~study -y and p J-xylylenadi,~mine eiit 2594100C (LO. J at temp~.~4,attlres clnciei to t h vs e used :In the syn-~ esis of polyami eles) pand:t 6 itiv6stl.~kate the,~~inetlcs and meclanism of degradation ith F, of these diamines.i The:7deiami-wcH on Vite wag ineauumd by fitrat-i-ng the am-nonia devolved Y by the xyj lenediEunineri., U4 rate c0listwits of deamination of the meta iso-~ I iner wem found to be consider&Ily . lo1qer than ithose of the Dara iE;o-Irer. Potentio- 'ecomposition -,.,4~sidue with (1.1 N -Derchlovic acid in r.1c cf the solid .1 glacial acetic acid showed. thai the :Uaermal d 1gradation of the. -trieta isomer forrr-e'd tbat t-A~ -the para i.~-iomrur' Forr!.P-d large quanti- ilarge amounts Of Secondary amir'es, aid -lies of t.ertiavy amines (low mqjlecul~"- polyalid.-nes), Electron ;~Din ivsonance Spec- tra showod that no -t free radica];s verb preqen't Un the h~ozen: reaction prodiacts. I ~~ard 1/2 AC Z MR: AI?6032913 CON --uit/0360/66/000/(,,-.IJ3/0101/0102 AUTHOR: Rafikov, S. R.; Derevyanchenko,, V. P.; Zhubanov, B. A. q ORG: none TITLE: Synthesis of polyimides from the adduct of maleric anhydride with beryene acid and various diamines SOURCE: AN KazSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 3, 1966, 101-102 TOPIC TAGS: polyimido acid, polyimide, heat resistant polymer I . I ~1~4 61 A13STRACT: a authors have synthesized aromatic and aliphatic-aromatic polyimides having the groups 0 C -ICH C1 C1114 1. H I C > 0 2 where 'CH2 r-A 1/2 UDC: 541.6:542.91 ACC NR: AP6032913 in the backbone. The polymers were prepared from 3:.6-endoethylene-9-bicyclo-(2,4)- octane -1,2,4,5 tetracarboxylic anhyaride and variouti diamines in N,N-dimethylformamide The polyimides were pre ared in two ste:?s: 1) formation of a dimethy1formaiiiiiu- .;-.soluble poly(amido acidy; and 2) conversionof. the acid to a polyimide by gradual i heating to 300C. The synthesized polymer:6*4r.eligh".-yellow substance-s insoluble in the common organic solvents. They fuse at 450-500C, and decompose at higher temper- atures. The poly(amido acids) form rigid transparent films from solutions. SUB CODE: 11, 07/ SUBM DATE: 06May66/ OTH REF: 002/ P) 66218 SOV/146--59--l-21/21 -9(8) q,.2S-00 AUTHORt Derevyanchenko, V.T. TITLEs A Central Station for Measuring Deformation by the Wire Strain Method -Transistorized- PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeni.y, Priboroxtroy-oniye, 1959, Nr 1, pp 139-142 (USSIO ABSTRACTt At the Laboratoriya "Dinamicheakaya prochnost' detaley mashin" (Laboratory "Dynamic Strength of Machines") of the Khar1kov Poly- technic Institute imeni V.I. Lenin, a transistorized device was developed for measuring static magnitudes, for example, the pres- sure of the base of a building on the ground, etc. A steel wire is used with this device which changes its natural oscillation frequency with changing stress. The natural oscillation frequency of such a wire may be determined by the device described in this article. It consists oft 1) A reference i.-requency generator, com- posed of a multivibrator circuit wit'h transistors PIA and P2B with high feedback and voltage stabilization. The frequency range of Card 1/2 the generator is divided into five rangea 420-665 cps, 658-880 cps 7X 66213 SOV/146-59-1-21/21 A CentraV,Station for Measuring Deformation by the Ifire Strain Method -Transist- orize - A "850-1155 cps, 1100-1460 cps and 1390-1875 cps. 2) An tanplifior, composed of transistarn PIG, PlZh, P2B. 3) An indicator, headphon- es may be used. 4) Batteries of type EBS-L-0.5; 4.5 volts are re- quired. The device is installed in a housing of 22-xl85xlOO mm, has a weight of 2.18 kg and is shown ka photograph, fig.l. The circuit diagram is shown in fig.2. The frequency of strain wire oscillations are determined by means o:F the calibrating graph, shown in fig.3. The frequency stability of the generator was test- ed during one hour and the deviation did not exceed + 0.5%. The test was performed uning an audio frequency generairr of type ZG- 11 operating on 1000 cps and a cathode-ray oscillograph EO-7. Card 2/2 There are 1 photograph, 1 circuit diagram, I graph and 3 Soviet references. ASSMATION: Eharlk~ politekhnich*skiy institut imeni V.I. Lenina (Rharlkov Polytechnic Institute imeni V.I. Lenin) L41^, SUBMITTEDt December 9, 1958 DEREVYANCHENKO) V.T.; KASATKIN, A.A. -1-- -1. ~ - ~... -I.---.--- Universal electronic tachometer equipped with transistors. Izv.vA. ucheb.zav.; prib. 3 no.2:17-22 t60. (NIRA 14:4) 1. Khartkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institiat imeni V.I.Lenina. Rekomendovana kafedroy ding-icheskoy prochnosti detaley mashin. (Tachometer) ,PI~REVYANCHENKO, V.T. Electronic indicator for a strain gauge. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; prib. 5 no-4:28-30 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheakiy institut :Lmeni Lenina. Rekomendovana kiLfedroy dinamiki i prochnosti mashin., (Strain gauges) (Frequency measurements; DEWYANCHENKO, V.P.; ZHUBANOV, B.A. Determination of amonia in the preseince of m-xylylenediami-ne. Zav.lab. 29 no-4:419 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Institut khimichaskikh nauk AN Kazakhskoy SSR. (Utmonia) ()~,lenediamine) DOEVYA113MO, Yu.G.., Imnd. tokhn. nauk. Aiitomtizing welding procesues in shipbuilding. Svar. proizv. no.3: 12-17 Mr 158- (MIRA 110) 1. TSontrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'okiy institut Mininterstva sudostroltallnoy promyshlonnosti. (Blectric welding) (Hulls (Naval arohitecture)-lielding) IMEVYANKIF, B.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Determining critical loads of compressed parabolic arches. Trudly Xhab.IIT no.7:125-120, 134. (MIRA 8:1) (Arches) (Structures. Theory of) DERWrUNKIN, B.A., kandidat takhnicheskikh navk. M" Calculation of deformo.tionsi in arches subjected to moving loads. Trudy IthaMIT no.9:94-111 156. (KM 9:12) (Arches) (Deformations (Nechazics) FONIZOVSKIY, Vladimir Mironovich; DFJUXY.TKII:A, L.A., red.; eURIINOVA, V.A., mlad. r-e777.-----'--- -- ['Scarlct pearl. of the Antilles] Alain zhemchuzhinn Antil. Moskva, 111,17sl, '1' 1964. 79 P. (NIRA 17: 0 ISHIMAMUN, M. Chemical cleani of vork clothes. Avt.transp. 40 no.12:9 D 162, (MDU 15:12-) (Work clothes-Cleaning) DMMTYANKIII, M.Ye., inzh. - -,NX0Mlqprovi4,~worklng conditions at the enterprises of the Chief Admints- tration of Motorized Pfaight Transportation of the Executive Com- mittee of the Moscow City Soviet of Workers' Deputies. Gor. khor. Moak. 32 no.1:32 Ja 158. (MIRA I].-I) (Koscow--Transportation, Automotive--Safety measures) DXWYAPKIN, M.Te. - Results of the competition for the quality of production in organi- zations of the Main Administration of Motorized Freight Transporta- tion in the City of Noscow. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 34 no-7:26-27 J1 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Starshiy inzhener proizvodstvenno-tvl-,hnic:heakogo otdela Glavmosavtotransa. (Moscow--Transportation, Au,tomotive) ,(FSVjANLIXT4f-.Yu-.- ,, inzh. _PF Chemical cleaning of working clothes in automobile shops. Gor,khozeMosko 36 no,2,,:41 F 162, (miu L6:2) (3Aundry machinery) U-MAUK14-Y, What kind of a shutter to selact for the camera'.; ("Lo be continued). Sov.foto 21 no.4:27-2:9 A 6:L. (14Mk 14:3) t , Shutters, FhotograFhic) ZEREVYANKIN. T.I. [Derevliankln,, T.I.] V.I. lenin on economics of pre-reform manufacturing. Vianyk AN URSR 29 no.41l9-Z9 Ap 158. WRA il;6) (Russla--Manufactures) DERI~'VYAlk'KINj,-3-1--[])arev"iiinkin,, T.I.) Inventor O.I.Varfolomeev and his machine. Nar.z ist.tekh. no.7:1-13-115 161. (MRA 15:2) (Varfolomeev., Oleksandr Ivanovich, 1828-) DEMYANKINs, 'Timofey Ivanovich [Derevliankin, T.I.1; VIRNIKv D.F.[Virnyk,D.F.], red.; PAVIZNK09 M.P.t red.,- VUNIY,, R.O. [Bunii,R.O.)p tekhn. red. [Ukrainian textile fiwtories based on hand labor in the late 18th and the first half of the 19th century] Manufaktura na Ukrailt-v kintsi XV1II - persWLi polovyni XIX st.; tekstyllne vyi~obnytstvo. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad. nauk URSR, 1960 0 126 p.- (MIRA 14:7) (Ukraine-Textile industry) DARAGM, Y.VjDarahan, M.V.J. otv. red ; PRIVAK, K.V.(Prymak, K.V.] zam. otv. red.; DERMANYMI: T.I.[Derevliankin, T.1.1, red.- BZIKOVICH, V.Ya.[Dzykovychx V.IA.1) red.; OGANYAN, G.A.(Ohanian, H.A.3, red.; PROFATILOVA, L.14., red.; SOTCHOKO, Z.Ya., red.; BORYAKIN, V.E.) red.; REKES,M.A.y tekhn. red. [Problems of thei socialist econoriV and history of the national oconor*,; based on materials of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] PytannifL r,--tsialistychnoi ekonomiky ta istorii narodnoho bospodar-o-tva; na materialakh Ukrainslkoi RSR, Kyiv, Vyd-vo Ali 1963. 280 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Akademiia nank URSR, Kiev. Instytut ekonomilW. re J L P- D.Ali, A G, N . V, VD a r r 11, y [Dere,rliank'n, TA re-1,7 7y;/. rl Fit-) V-TA,,]- re-d- F,TTLDVA. re.j,,; -:ioR'Y AIK 111 , 'V,V,. . red economnicq --a~d i s I. a ty 5 t.", k .t P-1-al-ei;,-'Ya na:ak 'ITRSR, K-ev. j ollit- 1v -0 it J~ mnes 00A vlf ftAWNA ~On U40 gistia lw!;:~ is, of the ge-, mdont- Fq - -, gfflh~ . E52 ~Alx I effea al the fulawirtg gm Oil t4desut Of dtoulim. A of to ge,~ CtIUL11, I% D0136-a V-1 th", owmt4li;: Q1 dlliwim, I lit men; te~,rq~s. tA Watrent ~ulas*ilf w und 73 vrlih wup Lu 1.10 ali'd iJ bt- twtim 0.1 r-.15 3.4. ]h wa). -Ath 41 LAxvit 1.10 atid up to I.All a-uli P ~ 1,4 A ll~lte nuire r~pljty ;I A 4 tl~m In S(A~m with P -i 0.1, I:t tht liarwer Mir- %Ymsu~bshibllimi pui-J, wbvrval; In tl~r. fatter iird in Sol itho Itsi ~hml 0.1 thv iub;.bitk,:i -periul inc us;ji dvzre~i~td, ~k huaras-W rqjdlr 644 tv "i jhv~ viskwf-z~ 6 in-vri-10411 fcr.,~,,u 0.1 tc) 11imi, ~s iroyt -PwzOui1cl!--1 iti wins. wittl ~rumjulkl In im 1)~Qreus dn he ilb"n w, 1i gj,FjA2T;lxU!11t tban t,y rlthw vri'dow- a] ThU4 Ole iojd1:UKS tile !~,Xue in 0 'Rib und ISF40 uLO AIOs U'21.0 mul. 134,5 v4l, I-7f h 11 Increas4ig ikn Mww~i 4rl~l P Oil *N: k-4 wadul V. SOV/ 137-57-10-18787 TrAnslat ion from: Refer ativnyy zhurnal, Metal lurgiva, 1957, Nr 10, p49 (USSR) I AUTHORSi Kuznetsov, S.I., Antipin, L.N., Sryvzilin, I.T., Serebrennikova ON., Derevyankin, V.A. TITLE: Properties of Alurninate Solutions (Svoystva alyurninaLnykh rastvorov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Ural'skogo politekhn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 58, pp 36-50 ABSTRAGT~ A study is made of the properties of aluminate solutions for density, viscosity, electrical conductivity (C) and surface ten- sion. Subjected to the investigation were solutions containing -30-320 g N2C~totalhiter and 15-320 g A1.03/liter, with a basicity of 1.48-3.53. The solutions are made by dissolution of grade Aoo Al in chernically-pure caustic. These properties of the alurninate solutions are measured at 30, 40, 50, 60, and GGc'C;. Density is determined by pycnometer, viscosity by the Ostwald viscosimeter, and electrical conductivitv by the Kohlrausch bridge. Surface tension it, determined by the method of maximum pressure of air bubbles (the "Rebinder" instru- ment). An investigation of aluminate solutions of various n1olar Card 1/2 Na2ototal A1203 ratios in accordance with strength shov., that SOV/ 137- 57-10-18787 Properties of Alurninate Solutions at first specific C rises with NaZO concentration, attaining a rnaximurn at 90- 140 g Na?,Ototal /liter, and then declines. The molar C of alurninate solu- tions drops smoothly as concentration rises. Molar C decreases with in- creasing YU203 concentration in the solution. As temperature -rises, the C maximurn shifts toward higher concentrations. The viscosity of alurninate solutions containing up to 100 g Na20total /liter at various AIZO3concentra- tions is virtually the sarne as the viscosity of NaOH solutions of the same strengths. The high values of the rnolar C of aluminate solutions and the low values V the energies of activation bear witness to the fact that the predomi- nant Na solutions in dilute solutions are also accornpanied by a smaller amount of OH-. Viscosity is determined primarily by the large. and sluggish aluminate anions. As temperature rises, the density of the alurninate solu- tions shows a linear decrease. In dillute solutions, the energies of activation, 4Ep. and :., are 400-700 cal/mole, while in strong solutions they differ and depend upon the Na?O:A]?-03 ratio. Surface tension rises with concentration and drops as temperature rises. Card 2/2 O-B. I ,8(4) AUT111ORS: KuzyIetscv, 'S.I. , Derevyank-in, V.A. , 15/47, Snabalina, C,K. TI.TLE Investl aL-icn of the ilec--ystallizat-ion Proceso of Gibb5ite InLo ~ ~Issledovan_iye protses~:a pere~ris tall izzatsii Eidrargili-ita Bemi te bem-; t) PERIODICAL.: Nauchnyye doklady vys2hey shkcily.. Meta.]Iurgiya, 1Q.56, Nr 4, pp S7 - 93 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At temperatures of over 1200, g-,'bbsite, if observed in an a ueous or basic ipedil 'im, beccmes unstable and changes into "bemite"Nefs -,,2)~ Up t,-N now, -.his process has not yet been fully investigated. Tn the present irtotance the course of recrystallization of gibbsite into "bpmite" (B.Alemian ruby?) was investigated by means of X-ray ana-.4,9is and eie-,;~.ronic mJ,croscovy. A description is given of the experimental method., The recrystallazation in question took place r1i: ;)J00 in water cir alternatively in aluminate solutions of dif- ferent concentrations, saturated or unsaturated with respect to "bem-'-te". Elertron-microsc-)pic in~.restieations offered the possibili- .y of f~13,:~,vlng the ch2_nges ocr~urrizig in the surface Particles of Card 9/2 hydroxide during the recrystallization process of gibbsite into Invest.'.gation of 1,he Recrystal.lizatiQn Prclcess SO 16~-56-4-15/47 V/1 of Gibbsite Into Bemite "bem-'e" under various corditions. At the same t-Ime, the re- tests J-n aluminate solutions gave clear evidence cif ~)ne. vf t'ne cauqi--.~s ot' the Tedu3tim of the size of the crystals. 'With an --icrease of tlie temperature of the aluminate solution up to 80 - 900 the gibbsite crystals split up into smaller particles fragments to be scattered in all directions. Thus, aluminate aLfect the aplitting-up of g-ibbsite crystals and this is be regarded as the hrst cause of the comminution of hydroxide durang the recrystallization. process. There are 4 figures and 5 Teferen(;Ps, 4 '-)f which are Soviet. ASSOCTATION: Ural 'sk-Jy pol-itekhni.cheakiy Jnititut (Ural Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: March 15, ',958 Card 21? 18(4) SOV/!63-59-1-10/50 AUTHORS: Derevyankinp V. A., Kuznetsovp S. I., Shabalina, 0. K. TITLE: Investigation of the Aluminum Hydroxide Forming in the Spon- taneous Decomposition of Aluminate Solutions (Isaledovaniye gidrooldsi alyuminiyap obrazuyushche eya pri samoproizvol~nom razlozhenii alyuminatnykh rastvor7 PERIODICAL: Fauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, PP 42-47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method used in this investigation is described first. The aluminate solution was obtained by dissolving AOO aluminum in a chemically pure caustic soda, solution. The solutions thus obtained contained 25 - 264 9/1 Na 20 and were practical- ly free from sodium carbonate. The molar ratio Na2 0:Al2 0 3 in the solutions was 1.193 and 1.70. ObservatiomB with the electron microscope in combination with an X-ray structural analysis provided the information for the determination of the phase composition, the shape and the nature of the sur- face of aluminum hydroxide crystals formed during the Card 1/2 spontaneous decomposition of alutainate solutions.The most SOV/1 63-59-- 1 -10/50 Investigation of the Aluminum Hydroxide Forming- in the Spontaneous Decom- position of Aluminate Solutions interesting conclusions drawn in this paper are as follows: 1) The newly precipitated alumintim hydroxide foxming in the spontaneous decomposition of aluninate solu-tions of different concentration, is a hydrargillita. If the aluminum hydroxide is kept in -the parent solutions for some time., baydrite is found in the precipitation produotl of this hydroxide. 2) The crystals of newly precipitated aluminum hydroxide exhibit a surface still in a state of development. The SU3'faCO is in direct contact with the parent s,:tlutiop. In the course of time their habit turns into that of hydrargillite crystals. In highly concentrated solution they develcp a pronounced bayerite habit- 3) If the crystals are kept in the parent solutions it is found that t6ntacles are formed on the sur- face of the hydroxide parti--;2ei, which take the shape of thin triangular or rhombic platelets. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy ;olitekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: March 29, 1956 Card 2/2 5.4120, 5.4130 77626 SOV/80-33-2-1/52 A'UTHORS-. Kuznetsox,, S). I., D-3i,evyanlcill,-,V.-..A..,..Shatialina. 0, K. TITLE: The ECfect, of Boemlte and Waspore Addltlcjn on the Rate of Decompositlon of' Aluirilriate Solutions PERIODICALi Zhurnal prikladnoy Ichimil, 1.960, Vol 33, Nr 2, pp 257- 266 (usn) A10TRAM Tais is the first article ol' a series devoted to study of different all-uri-'num hydroxides and oxides on the rate of decompo3ltlon of aluininate solutions. Decomposition of the aluminate 3011.1tions with seed crystals of boemite and diaspore was studied in this article. The starting aluminate solution:3 were prepared from "pure" brand aluminum and chemically pure NaOH. The amount in these solutions was 120-135 g/liter and that 0 of A1 2 3 of Na o o , -1202-5-1114 g/lltev; Na 121-131 g/liter;. ,,,-,. 2 2 ,,,"t, 0 is the amount of Na 0 In the solution Note; Na, 2 I gen 2 Card 1,/'*g in the form of allcall, aluminate, arid soda; Na2okst The Effect of Bocirilte and Diaspore Addition on 77626- the Rate of D-ecomposition of' Aluminate Solutions SOV/80-33-2-1/52 is the amount of Na 2 Oln a J.'orm of alical-I and aluminate. The molar ratio., a of Na 0 to Al o, is 1.63- gen.' 2 gen 2 :~ -1-735 and that of Na 2 OICS tto Al2 031 a kst is 1.6o- 1.73. The wi. lint of organic substances in the starting aluminate sol,itions varied from 0 to 2%. The following seed crystals were tised: boemite obtained by roasting hydrargillite at 3000 for 3 hours, henceforth called thermal boemite; boemite obtained by hydrothermal recrystallization of hydrargillite at 3000 for 8 hours; diaspore synthesized by A. Laubengayer -and R. Weisz method (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 6F-~,247 (19113); and product of Incomplete hydrothermal recrystallization of boemite into diaspore, containing 75,%"diaspore and 2;:,% boemite. The size of the seed c::,ystals varied from -40 to 4-100 /~ . The decomposition temperature ranged from 5)*60 at start down to 300 after 72 hours in all cases. Tile seedins- activity of the thermal boemite is shown Card 2/9 in Fig. 1. The Effect of Boemite and Diaspore Addition on 776,,26 33-2-1/52 the Rate of Deccmposition of Aluminate &Solutions SOV/80- 10 0 -to 20 40 0 60 20 40 FO 9 Fig. 1. Decomposition kinetics of the aluminate solution with different amounts of thermal boemitei a - without organic admixtures; b - with organic admixtures, 0.96% 0 2 based on Na2 0gen. ; A - degree of the solution decomposition (in %); B - duration of Card 3/9 the 8ey?m~o3ibi~~ 4houEQ The seeding ratio: I - 0.05; 2 3 T r 40- 30 ?0 f lz~_ ~__f' 10 0 The Effect of BoemIte and Diaspore Addition on 77626 the Rate of Decomposition of Aluminate Solutions SOV/80-333-2-1/52 Note i Die beedlr~cr , ratio Is the rlatio of Al203in seed crystal. to Al203in sol.ution. The seeding activity of the hydrothermal boemite isshown in Fig. 2. A a) so. 30- RO - 40 60 F-j - A b) Card 4/9 See caption on Card 5/9 The Effect of Boemite and Diaspore Addition on 77626 'the Rate of Decomposit-ion of Aluminate Solutions SOv/8o-33-2-1/52 Caption to Fig. 21 Fig. 2. Decomposition kinetics of the aluminate solution with different amount of hydrothermal boemitez a without organic admixtures; b - with organic ad- mixtures, 0.25% 02 based on Na2ogen; A - degree of solution decomposition (ill %); B - duration of the decomposition (hours The seeding ratioi 1 - 0.02; 2 - 0.05; 3 - 0.07; ~-- 0.1; 5 - 0.2; 6 - 0.5. The seeding ratio in Fig. 2b is between 0.02 and 0.5. The seeding activity activity of the product of . - incomplete recrystallization of boemite into diaspore is shown in Fig. 3. Card 5/ 9 The Effect of Boemite and Diaspore Addition on 77626 the Rate of Decomposition of Alum1nate Solutions SOV/80-.33-2-1/52 jo go- I J,J/ 10 0 - to z0 40 W 80 40 JO - 10 1 ~ = - ~ ~--f f ! ~ ~ ~0: -10 00 40 60 60 F, Ij Card 6/ 9 See card 7/9 for caption