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ACCESSION NR: AP4020915 stimx1atos these centers,, causing a temparary reaction of the erytki~ocyte cells or a prolonged reaction characteristic of polyglobulia, However, restricted oxygen diffusion between blood and carotid sinus chemoreceptore zurkedly reduces their sensitivity to partial oxygen pressure ehanges of the bloods Orig.'arte has: 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut moditsinb1cikh issladovani-y rpmyns1co7 narodnoy respubliki i kafodra fiziologii iaediko-farmatsevticheskogo institutaR'* Muzh, (Institute of Medical Research of tie Cluj Branch of the Academy of Seienees of tb.e Rur=:Lan Peoplas Repatlic and Physiology~ Department of the MedicalPharmaaeutioal 1nst1tutq,, Cluj) suBmiTTED: 19pab63 DATE AG"Q: 3lMm-64 ENCL: 03 .SUB CODE: .,LS NR REP SOV: 007 OT 025 DERWENCO, P.; DEREVENCO, Vera Experimental data on neuro-endocrine regu2ation during physic--a exertion, 0 &=&nian M Rev. no.1:141-142 Ja-Mr 161. 1. The Medical Research Institute of the R.P.R. Academy$ Cluj Branch, and the Chair of Physiology of tho Medicopharmiceutical Institute Cluj. (PITUITARY GIND physioll (ADRENAL GLAND3 Physiology) ogy) (EUMION Physiology) MMUMUP, N. [translator]; M'IMG, Be 1& 9 prof . 9 reteenzent (deceased]; MINA, A.1j., red.isd-va; GOMMA, L.F., [Designs of precialon Inntruments; 50 examples of improvements in elements of instruments and machines developed by the technical section ofthe O.Zeins poople's enterprine. Konstruktaii toohnykh priborov; 50 primerov usovershenstvovaniis alementov Jon5truktisii priborov i mashin, rasrabotannylch nauchno-tekhnicheakla kollektivom nerodnogo predpriiatiia K.TSelist' Xena. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 118 V. Translated from the German. (KUL& 14:4) k (Inatz nts) SEMBP N. K. (Moskva); DEREW110, N. A. Homemade sohool planetaria. Fis. v shkDle 22 no.4:69-77 ,TI-A,,, 162. IWRA 15: 10) 1. 1-ya Svesslaya arednyays, sbkola, YazRollrikogo rayona Sunskoy oblasti, UkrSSR (for DerevenIko). (Planetaria) DIMOUNK0. N.K., kandidat tek)uitcheskikh nauk. , : .-4~Z,~ t~ , . "k" ~~,3 ,~ ~O~Z~ ~ I .; Methods of designing disproportionate d!~als. [Trudy] KVTU no.4"r: 102-110 155. (MIRA 9:5) (Gauges) lr&gR/Optics Gemetric Opticaj, K-2 Abst Journalt Referat Zhkir`*- Fizika, No 12, 1956, 35661 Author: Derevenko, N. K. Institution: None Titlet Calculation of Errors of Angular Mirrors Original Pericdical: Sb. statey Mosk. vyssh. tekbn. uch-shc:ha, 1955, 57, 951-107 Abstract: An angular mirror is a system of 2 pl&ne mirrors with internal or external *lecting layers, forming a dihedral angle 1'. In the case of mirrors with external reflecting layer the error 6Y that can be tolerated in the assembly of the angular mirr(n- is equal-to 1/2 the permissible error of' the angle ar deviation of the ray. In the case of mirrors with internal reflecting-layerEi the error of tbo angle of d viation be det tied from the approximate e equation: AV X 201/c0 iin2lr~lor,/cos I') ~_n~- s:02 1~4 M2 (:~ - '( , where 11 and a2 are angles that determine the wedge shape of the plane mirrors, -5; the angle of incidence of the rays on the Card 1/2 USSR/OpJ;icB - Gemetric Optics,, K-2 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, Bo 12, 1956,, 35661. Abstract: mirror, and Y the angle between the mirrors. The use of the equa- tion is analyzed as applied to the calculation of the end re- flector of a range finder. Card 2/2 DMMVENKO, II.K., dotsent, kand.takhn.nauk Characteristic coefficients of an optical system. [Trudy] 14VTU no-73:5o-66 '59. (MLTU 13:5) (optical instruments) DEREVENKO -NjKt,--kand.tekhn.nauk Differential properties of the characteristic coefficients of an optical system. [Trudy] MVTU no.102:~5-42 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Optics, Physical) SANTA'Y, 1. Mushi Rumynskaya Narodnaya Respublika); DEREMIKO, P. (Kluzh, Rmynskaya Narodnaya RespublJ.ka);_k= , _Q,,,,V pij~ ' - K:Luzhp Rumyn- okaya Narodnaya Reoptiblika); URAYj 3. (Kluzhv Rumynskaya Narod- naya Respublika) Ptudy of B-32 inclusion into erythrocytes under reaction to ftress. Pat. fiziol. ekspe ter. 7 no,5353--55 S-0163 (MIRA 17:2) I* Iz Kluzhskogo otdola yadornoy moditsiny (direktor T.Kholan). HUNGARY Dr-EREVEENKO, V., SZANTAY, J., DEREVENKO P - Nuclear Medical Department of the Znd Clinical Block of Cluj-Kolozsvar (Clu,j-Kolozsvari 2. sz. Kli- nikai tomb Nuklearis Orvosi osztalya) and the Physiological Institute (Elettani Intezet), Cluj-Kolozsvar. "Determination of Adrenal Function with Fhosphorus-32." Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol 15, No 2, Apr 63, PP 113-118. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] Pharmacological and physical stress which causes an endogeneous ACTH [Adrenocorticotrophic hormone] secretion leads to an increase in P-32 --'ncorporation into the adrenals of white rats. Thib increase of P-32 incorporation is sensitively mir- rorred in the rise of the adrenal P-32/blood P-32 and in the adrenal P-32/ plasma P-32 ratios. The effect of endogeneous ACTH is identical with the effect of exogeneous ACTH while the effect of pantopon i3 an oppo5ite one. The rise in P-32 incorporation and the drop in the adrenal ascorbic acid level suggest a connection between them. The results lead to the conclu- sion that the adrenal P-32 incorporation is a measure of the metabolism of the organ to the extent that these metabolic processes are related 412 HUNGARY Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol 15, No 2, Apr 63, PP 113-118. to the secretion of the adrenocorticotrophic hormone and the appropri- ate energetic requirements. Of 21 references, 11 are Eastern European, the rest is Western. j212 -A PUNGARY Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol 15, No 2, Apr 63, PP 113-118. to the secretion of the adrenocorticotrophic honnone and the appropri- ate ener.getic requirements. Of 21 references, 11 are Eastern European, the rest is Weritern. 121.2 FARCASAPIU, M., dr. j- HOLANq T. j drejJ=MCL V dr.; DUMITRWCU, D., dr. . .U , Data to the problem of thyroid dysfunctIon occurring in func- tional disorders of the central nervous syetem. Orv. hetile 106 no,361:1695-1697 5 S165, Ia Clui-Kolozovari Nuklesa-Is Orvosi Intezet, Roman Nepkoztar- sasag vezetot Holan, T*, dr.). DEREVENCO,P.; TIGSA,I.; CSUTAK,M'.j DEREMCO, Vera; BIRZU, Terema Some correlations between physical effort and the phamaco- dynamic action of oome subetances. Fizlol. norm. Pat. no.6t 549-558 164 1. Inatitutul do Corcetari medicale al Academiei Republicii Populare, Romine, Filiala Cluj (directors acad. A. Moga) si Catedra de farmacologie Institutul (directors prof. C.C. Velluda). OVGHINNIKoV, K.M.; MORMVSUTA, M.I.; TISHGHINKO, O.D.; DJCHGBMKO, I.A., direktor; NADTOGHIY, S.S.; GORLIMHEVA., I.I.; BZLISKAYk, M.K.; KONTOROVSKAYA, T.M.; BZLYY, Ta.M., taveduyushohiy; DJUVOKO, 11.1.; SHEVCHUK, M.K., saveduyushchiy; D'YACHINKO, V.I.; SAKOVIGH, VX,9' O.O~OCN., raveduyushchiy; BZVAMILI- HATA, P.S. Prognosis of malarial incidence of a locality and organization of antimalari- al measures in the zone of the Aiture Kakl-.cjvka reservoir. Med.paraz. i pa- raz.bol. no.2:109-116 Kr-Ap '53, (MLR& 6:6) 1. Ukrainskiy inatitut malyarii t meditainekoy paratitologii imeni profes- sora Rabashkina (for Demchenko). 2. Upor-oshekaya oblastnaya protivomalya- riyW& stantsiva (for Belyy). 1. Dn~Dropetrovqkaya oblastnaya protivomalya- riynaya ntantaiyu (for Shevchuk). 4. hersonska~ya oblastnaya protivomalyu- riynaya stants:Iya. (for Agafonov). (Kakhovka reservoir region--Malarial fever) (XalarW f~V~F--1rd*hovka reaervot- regim) MEMO. V.I.; BFLYY, Ya.H., zaveftyushchiy. Role of free-flowing artesian urells in mularLal incidence in the general water-sim 1y and irrigation zones of the South Ukrainian canal. Med. paras.i partiz.bol. no.2:127-133 Mr-Ap 15). (MLRA 6:6 ) 1. Zaporozhskava oblastnaya prcitivomalyariyaayu stFLntsiya. (Sm,Lth Ukrainian Ganal. Region--Kal&:.~ial fever) (Artesian, wells) C MOROZOVSKAYA, H.I.; DENCHICNKO, I.A. TISHCHMJKO, O.D.; GORELYSHEYA, I.I.: YWT.MIOVA, V.F.; HADTOCIDUY, S.S.; GALIPBRIN. 1.Yu; BELTr, Ta.M.; LAZEBNrY, N.V.; DPMVENKD,, V.I.; SERTIMMO, G.A.; SHEVCHUK, M.K.; DIYACHENKO, BMSFAMILINAYA, P.S., CHERNMO, Tu.L. Preventive antimalaria measures for lu~uberjacks employed in clearing the bed of the future Kakhovka Reservoir. Hed.paraz. i parat.bol.24 no.3:20?-208 J1-S 155. (MLRh 8:12) 1. Ii Ukrainskogn nauchno-isoledovatelleikogo inBtituta malyarii i meditainskoy parazitologi'L Imeni prof. 1'. Ya. Ibibashkina (dir. institute I.S.Demchenko) I Zaporozhskoy, Dnepropetrovskoy i Khersonskoy ohlastnykh protivomalyariyM-kh stantsiy. (MAURIA, prevention and control. in Russia, in forest workers) DIU VZMKO, V. 1. 0-0 Ylood period check on the prediction of a change in the malariogento conditions of the Xekhovka Reservoir area. Ned.peras. i paras.bol. supplemed to no-1:9 '57- (MIRA 11:1) 1. Is Zaporozhokoy oblautnoy protivomalyariynoy stantsii. (XAKHOVXA RMSERVOIR-MOSqUITONS) A- V. DMVRIXO, V.V., dots. of barij on picker drums of the cotton-hArventing machine. Sel'khosmashilia no-7:21-25 Jl '57. (MIRA 11:1) (Cotton--picking mnchinex7) DEREVEVKO, V.V.,, dotoent; FMIN,, P.A., lnzh.; FRISHMAN, V.S. P. Use of electric drives in testing the wcTking parts of a corn harvester. Trakt. i sellkhozmaBh. 32 no.6:28-30 Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Kubanskiy seltakokhozyayetwennyy institut. (Harvesting machinery-Testing) DEREVEWAOV V.V., kand. teklin. nauk; MLCHANOV, D.R., inzh.; AVAGIMN, E.A., inzh. ~-- -, r .1. 1 4 o,-, . Combine for harvesting corn at increased speeds. Mekh. i elek. sots. sellkhoz. 21 no.5:31-33 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Kubawkiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut. DMIEUNKO, POPOV, L.S.; KOZLOV,, Ye.l. PlanstAry multiroller ear snapping apparatus. Trakt. I sell- kho=aeh. no.5t2l-22 My 16,11~. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Kubanskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institv.t. DEREVEHRO, V. IA. rine Raising pine seedlings without shade. Les i step' 4, No. 2, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress., June 1952. Uncl. 1, DEREMTKO, It. Ya. 2. USSR (600) 4. Botaitr - Kherson Province 7. Help the disserdmation of ve- tation in the Nizhnedneprov'ye sands. Les i step' ,e 4 no. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly Lists of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, March 19,53, Unclassifiedo 06 r #FV "AF NIP SW A.. ~Wi i UW M/Chqiitstry~ Hydr~earbo deompooitiCin -Card VI - 2/27;~ AMors Ch Do and'.- Dix Aikhi :L.V. *ien Title 1he kiiie.d a a I,Id M-eChintim cit hpdrocarbon decomposition. Airt 2. The kinstios and Mechanism of jit harm decomposition at low press'Lwes. kbia Mur A"403# Teb.1954 dditj; one on the decomposition ofethhane at low The effect of:is6butylene'a pressAn'.108 -Was invoitigated.L.: Thei quartz walls of the reactor contaminated with itiobutylene 46compositien IInoducte weit foand to have acceUmted Us rate ojLAhaft_ deoOMPositig no The isobutylens. In Itself inhibits the cata- lyzed anA non-catallsed, eth'ane decomposition kid saturation takes effect on the,inobutylens. 1heAdhstics, of ethanel: decomposition. was establisbed at% 63.5~~ C in the presence -olf iscibutylene a-.,d the catalytic efffect of tre con- ibition taminated reactor walls~ was dste;rminei. The possible mea anism of inh reaction.,with isobutylene, consisting in s0stituting tho active radicals with loss active. ones, 'Which leads to the contraction of the chain, was: evalvated. Nine references 7-USSR; 1-USA. and 1-English (1935-1953). Tables; grapho. Institution, : The.N. G. Ch6mishevski:Sr State University, Saratov Submitted : January- 1, 1953 USSR/ Phynical Chemistry - Kinetics. Catalysis Combustion. Explosives. Topochemistry. B-9 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1957, lla6 Author : IM.A.D. Stepukhovich and G.I. Kate IV. A.D. Stepukhovich and G.P. Voroblyeva V. A.D. Stepokhovich and L.V. Derevenakikii VI. Stepukhovich A.D., reremin V.V. VII. Stepukhovich A.D., Derevenskikh L.V. Title Kinetics and Mechanism of Decomposition of Hydrocarbons. ITI. Kinetics and Mechanism of Ther-1,Decomposition of Divinyl at Low Temperatures. IV. Kinetics and Mechanism of Decomposition of Isobutane in the Pre- sence of Isobutylene and Propylene as Inhibitors V. Kinetics of Thermal Decomposition of Gaseous Paraffins in the Pre- sence of Added Divinyl .VI. Kinetics of Thermal Decomposition of Gaseous Paraffins in the Pre- sence of Acetylene VII. Kinkic 'sand Mechanism of Decomposition of Gaseous Alkanes in the Presence of Allene Orig Pab Zhurnal fiz. khimii, 1954, 28, No 7, 1174-n85; No 8, 1361-1370; No 10, 1720-1724; No 11, 1878-1881; 1955, 29, No 3.2, 2129-2132 1/14, USSR/ Phynical Chendstry Kinetics. Combustion. Explosives. Topochemistry. B-9 Catalysis Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 4, 1957, n216 Abstract III. The velocity constant of divinyl decoaq*sition, calculated in accor- dance with the equation of the reactions of eiecond order, varies linearly, at 570-620P and 2-30 mm 1(g pressure, depending on l/po (po-- initial ptes- sure). Calculat8d were mean duration of lifet of divinyl molecule in activa:- ted state, 5.10 seconds, the number of kinetically active degrees of free- dom 20, and dissociaton energy of divinyl E = 79.4 11-9 kcal/mole. Decom- position of divinyl conforms to the Dintsess-Frost equation and is interpre- ted as a chain reaction undergoing spontaneouB-iiihibition by decomposition products. Additions of diviftyl accelerate decomposition of CA at 62&. Accelerative action of divihyl reaches a limit at 12%_ IV. By the method of inhibiting additives (RZM:Lm, 1953., 8215) at studY was made of thermal decompos't18n of isob-dtans at press-ur'b o*f'10 n6 Hg and temperatures- of - 548 and 573 . Addition of 0.516 eldws'dovn,_~the- de.-' composition sharply, on increase of the addition from 1 to 7% effective- ness of its action decreenes, and with 7-10% tsaturation is reached (fitst order velocity constant acquires constant value). Under the same condi- tions inhibition by isobutylene is more effectlive than by propylene. 2/4 USSR/ Physical Chemistry Kinetics. Combustion. Explosives. Topochemistry. B-9 Catalysis Abs Jour Referat Zhur Xhimiya, lqo 4, 1957, 11216 Experimental data on inhibiting action of additives fit the equation: 11W - WON A + BC (1), uiierein V -- reaction velocity, Wo__ residual velocity, A and B .2- constants, C(add) -- -- concentration of additive, vhich proves the chain nature of the decomposition. The primary effect is decomposition of isobutane molecule at C-C bond. Inhibiting action of olefins is explained by removal of H atom by active radical from to- lecule of additive with formation of inactive imseturated radicals. By means of equation (1) were calculated velocity constants of the reaction of chain termination at the wall and at molecules of additive. Activa- tion energy of inhibiting reactions brought about by isobutylene and pro- pylene is, respectively, 5.6 and 8-5 kcal/mole, that of the reaction of termination at wall, 14,7 kcal/mole. V. Study of kinetics of thermal decomposition of propane, butane and isobutane, in the presence of diviAyl, vith initial pressure of decom- posing hydrocarbons - 10 mm Hg, and at temperatures of 510-5930. Ad- ditions of divinyl, which is a product of crackLng of hydrocarbons,.do not inhibit decomposition of these hydrocarbons. Absence of inhibiting 3/4 USSR/ Physical Chemistry Kinetics. Combustion* Explosives. Topochemistry. B-9 Catalysis Abs Jour i Referat Zhur Khiwlya, No 4. 1957, 11216 action of divinyl is correlated with greater durability of C-H bond, in CH2 groups, at the double bond carbon, in comparison with durability of C-H bond in methyl groups of propylene of isobutylene. V1. Study of kinetics of thermal decomposition of propane and butanes In the presence of 1-20% C2H at pressure of decomposing hydrocarbons-ll(~ MM and temperatures of 50OZ6600. Additions of C,H. do not inhibit rate of decomposition. Tnoreased values of decompos I Ion velocity constant of propane at pressures below 10 vm, in the presence of C2H2, are due to the fact that that C2~2 impedes diffusion of active centers to the walls. Thermal calculations have shown the possibility of a reaction between atomic hydrogen and C2H,, with formation of highly reactive vinyl radical which is stable under cracking conditions. vir* Additions of allene inhibit cracking of C R and 180-COT10, but do not affect decomposition of C4H e Mechanism 3 ?nhibition resides in ad- ddition of H atoms to &Ilene moloacul, with formation of little active allyl radicals. Absence of inhibition in the case of C 4Hio is due to the fact that increase of lattor occurs essentially with f6mettion of CHS radioal, Communication II, see RZhKhim, 1957, 393, 4A _aWA STRPUKHOVICH. A.D.; DEMVIRSKINH, L.Y. .. ~- ~ - . Kinetics and mechanism of kvdrocarbou decomposition. Part 7. Kinetics and mechanism of the decomposition of gaseous alkanes in presence of allene. Zhur.fiz.khim. 29 no.12:2129-2132 D '55. (ULRL 9:5) 1. Saratovskly goeudaratvennyy universitet imeni N.G. Chernyshev- skogo. (Paraffins) 84633 S/016/60/034/010/015/02.2 BG'15/BO64 AU91HORS: Stepukhovich, A. D. and Derevenskikh, L.V, TITLE: The Mechanism of the Thermal Decomposition of Ethanel and the Composition of the Resulting P-r-o-a-ucts PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 160, pp. 2315 - 2319 'T: The decomposition mechanism in ethane cracking has hitherto T EK not been completely clarified., The present paper investigates the formation of methane in ethane cracking at 612 0C and 635 C,pressures of 20 mm Hg and 180 mm Hg, and extents of conversion of up to 50%~ The dependence of the composition of the cracking products on tempera- ture, pressure, and the extent of conversion was studied by means of an ap aratus used for gas-volumetric chromatographicanalyses (Refs, 20 M. Results are tabulated. Experimental data show that reaction chains are formed, and that the apparent chain length is reduced with increasing extent of conversion. This is due to the retarding effect of the cracking products upon the rate of decomposition, Special Card 11A 84633 The Mechanism of the Thermal C,-/076/60/034/010/015/022 Deoomposition of Ethane and the 11015/BO64 Composition of the Resulting Products experiments (by Ye., K. Mogileva and N. S. Sukho-,r4 showed that small additions of allane or acetylene inhibit ethane cracking considerably the yields of ethylene and hydrogen thus decreasing considerably and that. of methane increasing noticeably~ This inhibitory effect of the .racking products is to be observed up to an extent of conversion of 25%,- The limit of the chain length does not depend on pressure and only little on temperature and the residual chain reaction (with a chain length of the order of 7 - 8 links),, The resu'a.ts show that the ratio CH4/[11/2 (H2 C2H4 )] does not remain constant with a change of pressure, which means that methane is also formed by side reactions. The ratio (H) / (CH 3)%%--09 32/sl was derived from the rosults of analysis, with 5 /S 1r--->iO--2 '10-3 (Ref,. 23) being assumed, L.e.1the concentration 2' 1 c~f H is smaller by two orders of magnitude than that of CH For 3' 63'5'JC the -onsentration of H Is determined to be (H),--,,--10-12 moles/,. Ca-rd 2/4 The'MechaiJsz., Vht, Therhal S/076/60/034/010/0-15/022 Decomposition of Ethane and the B015/BO64 Composition of the Resulting Products In view of the fact that the dissociation to radicals proceeds 10 heterogeneously, this value is irk good agreoment (with respect to its order of magnitude) with the experimental data of Sachase (Ref. 6). There are 1 figurep I table, and 24 referencies: 8 Soviet, 10 US, 1 Canadian, I German, *n&-*4LSrWsh. ASSOCIATION: Saratovskiy 90Buniversitet ini. N. G. Chernyshevskogo (Saratov state University imeni N. 0. Chernyshevskiy) SUBMITTED: May 59 1959. 25 Card 3/4 30-M 8h633 A TCOMPSTYPa, $121 6 6 0 91 6 10/015/022 B/07 0/0341 / B015/BO64 Manz T Mle, Am 180 20 1 ISO 2M0 IN 20 ISO 14PCHRM no 10,0 13,2 - 26.7 27,0 19.4 5 47,7 47.1.:, ! 11 r. 8114affay 061.eKa. 111 4.95 0.4. 13.0 12,7 9,6 10.4 22,9 22.4 CH, 0,15 0,4 1A 1,7 0,3 0,65 1,85 2,25 Gill, 11 C 4.85 90 05 GA 80 8 127 73 3 12.5 7 0 9,5 10,4 7 22,9 22,4 i 1 4 . . , 3, 80,6 8,5 52,3 52,9 CAHS 018 0, Annuli 1jerst fit vr-w 33.0 16.0 B,i 7.5 32,0 10.0 12,3 9.9 t CH4 14 T( ) 0,615 0,03 10.06 10.00 10,015 1 0,'047 '2 6 "Sn. Legend of Tab 1e: Composi tion of the cracking pr6ducts according to chromatographi6 analysis (volumetric variant), 1 - temperature 2 - time Imin] 1 3 - initial pressure KI P 4 cracking IMM Hg a er analYsi so 5 vol%p 6 length of chii4p 7 -(0 R 2 6 decomposed. Card 4/4 35 40 45 so 55 DEREVINSKOV, Georgiv Nikolayevich, --z-, - , [Electric a! mec I, "tri 7le'd j Ila tninen,? an d ric- I :r- i n c:,l.,,j.,,., , ;,,c , - I ; . . I ti on ] Elektromakhmi zi ravannyl I P .3 t I'llfilf---ri 1,1 f I V i ~' :T)') fl`-lb I e, I!! ' 'i v stroit.ellstvp. Mc c;k~,ra, " tro 11 z(lij t , . 2 ',~9 i, . . ( m, l ii ~~ -iL, " 3 ) DEREMS) I.S.Derevets'. I. S.1y inzh. Are vholexale prices nueded in major repairs ? Mekh. sil'- hoop, 14 no.2-120-22 F '63, (MIRA 16:4) (Ukraine-Tractors-Maintenancei and repair) IVANOV, Ivan Yevtikhiyevich;_RN _1 S,K. axed.; STARODUB, T.O., jpg~S tekhn. red. [corn as a material for industrial enterprises]Kukuruda - syrovyna promWslovykh pidprriemstv. Kyiv Derzhtekhvydav URSR, 1961. 37 p. NIRA 16%1) (Ukraine.-Corn (14aize)) IVAKBNENKO, Aleksey Grigorlyevna[Ivakhnenkol O.B.); KOSWUY,, V.I., kand. tek1m. naukv retsenzant; DEJUrMS.1, S.K., red.izd- va; KATUSMCH, S.M.(Matwavych, S.i.],- tei&fi.'red. [Cybernetic systems with composite control.] Kibernetychni systemy z kombinovanym deruvanniam. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo tekhn.lit-ry URSR, 196"i. 486 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR ",for Ivakhnenko). MZVBTSKIY, I.K. 10"w-, .Device for calculating the dirt on sugar beets. Sakh.prom. 27 no-9:34-35 '53. (MA 6 '. 11 ) 1. Yaroshavokiy eakharnyy savod. (Ikt&r ipdastry-Iquipment anii supplies) VYSOTA, A.D.; DIMMSKIY, K.K. -, Supplementary prWment for sugar beets produced on collective farms. Sakh.prom.29 E-0-7:36-37 155- (KLU 9: 1) 1.Y&rqsO9vskiy sokhanyy Swod, (Sugar beets) AGAFONOV, T. I. ; DWYT Moral education in students' agricultu,.ral brigades Polite~h. obuch. no.10:12-16 0 159- iHIU 13:2) 1. Krasnodarskiy pedagogicheakiy Inatitut. (Moral education) i.XCERPT.4 Y-1Z1CA See 8 Vol 15/5 60 2604. INFLUENZA wn-ji Psycinc DisTURBANCES (Itussian text) - De r e-." c h I. and Zonnenralkh K. Psychiatric Clinic, Ir.i;titutc for ATZ-a-ri-F-Can- 11 -Training of Physicians, Bucharest. 1~unnania - Zl1.NEVHOI3A'r. I 11SIKIIIAT. 1959, 59/3 (2611-274) A report is presented on 12 patients suffering from Asian influenza with neurologic and psychiatric symptoms, viz.. 3 patients vilth neurasthenia, 2 with anxiety de- pression', 2 with catatanic syndrome, 3 vith k~onfmi ton and irritability, I withschAtu- phreniv ancl I with hypomaninval Hyndrollit'N' Tlw majority of Fivallitolas COV- responded to those of the classic psychic disturbances ass,;ciateii with influenza. Some peculiar manifestat tons, however, were noted. The ~onfusiona~ syndrome or delirium usually coincided with the period of highest temperiture of the disease. disappearing again with the decline or the fever. The psychotic manifestations in the described patients started at different periodn of the disease. The onset of the most serious forms characterized by irritability (confusional syndrome, schizo- phrenic and hypomanincal syndromes) coincided with the phase of high fever: de- pressive forms developed during the convalescenze. The syndromes beginning at -canc of the tempera- the time of high fever did not always disappear with the deci lure, but continued to develop Independently of th,~ course of the influenza. The schizophrenic syndrome, and the hypomaniacal syndrome in particular, did not follow the typical course of Infectious psychoses. A close connection between psychotic % syndromes and influenza was rarely evident, therefor( . the actual artiology may still be unknown. Leucopenia was never observed in the patents. In 3 cases, leucocytosis with neutrophilia were present. No question exists that the psychoses dCVCIOPE!d an the basis of a disease with high fever, and there is no ground for an- euming that this was any other disease than influenza. This still leaves room for ~ possibility of existence of another epidemic disimse which would account for such ~ large number of affected persons. There is no agreement among virologists about the possible neurotropic nature of the Influenza vi.rus. The authors' observations support the view that Influenza Is a reaction of the organism associated with neuro- vegetative, pathophys iol ogle manifestations and functional cerebral disturbances. Manifestations of a latent form of parkinsonism.observed in one case suggest the possibility of organic lesions of the extrapyramidal system. .Burakovskii - 26loscow DMEVICH, L.O,, alMiStent --------- -1 - Efficiency of unloading Ohips by concentrating harbor-handling eqlApment. Ekono i eksple mora. tranaps nolt!;"l 163, (MIRA 17:8) 1. Odeseldy institut inzhonerav morskogo flola. BROYTMAN, A.A.; MEVICHt V.A.; SEDOR~ A.M.; ANDREYFJA, L.S.P red.; SKOBELING, L.V., red. [Load-hois-ting machines and arrangements on ships] Sudovye gruzopod"emnye mashiny i ustroistva. Moskva, Transport. 1964. 298 p. (MIRA 17t1:2) 1 . MRMCHEIR f ENG. A. P-. USM (600) 4. Glass manufacture 7; Wider use of nepheline irglAss manufacture., Za ekoi:1. mat., no. 4, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congross, FebruarY J953. Unclassified. S/138/611/000/001/010/010 A051/AO29 AUTHOR: Derevicher, A. B. TITLE: Rewards for Work Displayed at the Exhibition of the Achieve- ments of the.USSR.National Economy in 1960 PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, 1961, No. 1, PP- 55-58 TEXT:- By order of the "Rubber Articles and Tire Products" section of the USSR Council of the Achievements of the USSi, 'National Economy the follow. ing plants were awarded diplomas, medals and valuable premiums for the fol- lowing work submitted in 1960 at the pavilion "{;hemical Industry": 1) The Gosudarstvennyy proyektonyy i nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut.promyshlen- nosti sinteticheskogo kauchuka (State Designing and Scientific R&search In- stitute of the Synthetic Rubber.Industry): a) for the development ard in- troduction of a new technique for ethyl alcohol production by the method of direct hydration of ethylene. The cost of the synthetic alcohol is twice as low as alcohol obtained raw material.. The production of ethyl alcohol has been introduced at the Azerbavdzhan, Checheno-Ingush, Bashkiria, Kuybyshev, Saratov and Orenburg Sovnarkhozes. The work was awarded the f irdt Card 116 S/138/61/000/001/010/010 A051/iO29 Rewards for Work Displayed at the Exhibition of the Achievements of the USSR National Economy in 1960 degree diploma and 8 medals. b) For participation in all the technological calculations and diagram drafting.on the production of thiocol. The work was awarded two medals. For participation in the development and introduc- tion of a new technique for producing ethyl alcohol by the direct hydration method awards were given to: the Nauchno-issle(icivatellskiy institut sinte- ticheskikh spirtov (Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Alcohols) diploma of the second degree ai)d two medals), the Bakinskiy opytnyy zavod Baku Pilot Plant) (two medals), the Ufimskiy zairod sinteticheakogo spirta ~ (Ufa Plant of Synthetic Alcohol) (four medals), the Kuybyahevslciy zavod sin- teticheskogo spirta (Kuybyshev Plant of Synthetic Alcohol) (two medals). 2) The Vsesoynznyy nauchno-issledovatelskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchu- ka im. S. V. Lebedeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber im. S. V. Lebedev): for creating thiocol samples produced according to a new, more perfected technology (second degree diploma and three medals) 3) The Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut shinnoY promyshlennosti (Scienti- fic Research Institute of the Tire Industry)t for developing the tire de- Card 2/16 B/1 38/61/000/001/010/010 A05VAO29 Rewards for Work Displayed at the Exhibition of the Achievements of the USSR National Economy in 1960 sign of' the 260-20 size, V-202 (1-202) model, 1-203 and 200-20 size, 1-238 model. The advantages of the tires lie in the modernization of the tread design and elevation of the durability. The ii-.1stitute was awarded the di- plomaof the first degree and 15 medals- 4) The Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut rezinovoy promyshlennosti (Scientific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry): a) for development, and introduction of the technology for manufacturing drilling sleeves of braided design: 38 - 102 mm. in diameter, 18 m long, weight 200 kg, working pressure 150 - 300 atm. The sleeves are being manufactured at. the Kazanskiy zavod RTI (Kazan',Rubber Articles Plant). b) For developing a formulation for the production of bearings which are the main supporting element of turbine drills. The first and second work were awarded the first degree diplomas and five medals. c) For developing a de- sign and formulation of steam-conducting sleeves and their introduction into industry: diameter 16 - 50 mm, pressure of up to 8 kg/OM2, length from 3 to 20 m. The sleeves are being manufactured at the "Kauohuk" Plant. The work was awarded two medals. d) For developing a design and technology of sleeve Card 3/6 S/1 38/61 /000/001/010/010 A051/AO29 Rewards for Work Displayed at the Exhibition of the Achievements of the USSR National Economy in 1960 manufacture of the circular fabric type (hose-hauling variety) and for deve- loping the technical requirements for designing the mechanical process of the sl1faeve production and the'3*.r introduction into industry. e) For develop- ing the flat gear-type belts~bas;ed on metal-cords length 600 mm, pitch gage 15-4 mm, width 14-5 mm, transmission power of UP to 3 kw, and another type with a length of 2,315.0 mm, pitch gage 19.1 mm, width 80.0 mm, transmission power of up to 7 kw. The work was awarded two medals. f) For the introduc- tion of the continuous.method of production of sponge rubber packing mate- riala. The work was awarded three medals- 5) The Kazanskiy zavod rezino- tekhnicheskikh izdeliy (Kazant Plant of Rubber Articles): a) for developing a technology of drilling.sleeve production. The work was awarded the second degree diploma and two medals. b) For the introduction of the sleeve-manu- facturing technology of the circular-fabric variety (hose-hauling). The work was awarded two medals. 6) The Leningradskiy zavod rezino-tekhniches- kikh izdeliy (Leningrad Plant of Rubber Articles): a) for introducing the continuous mechanized method for producing spcniKe rubber packing materials Card 4A S11W61.1000100110101010 A051/AO29 Rewards for Work Displayed at the Exhibition of' the Achievements of the USSR National Economy in 1960 two medals ; b~ for the introduction of a new formulation for bearings two medals~; c development of mass-production of flat gear-belts based ~ on metal-cord (two medals)- 7) The Moscow "Kauchuk" Planti a) for parti- cipating in the development of steam pipes and introduction of these into industry (third degree diploma and two medals); b) introduction of conti- nuous mechanized method of sponge rubber packing material production (one medal). 8) The Kurskiy zavod rezino-tekhnicheskikh izdeliy (Kursk Plant of Rubber Articles). a) for creating and introducing a ce--ontinuous mechanized method of conveyor belt production (the first degree diploma and five me- dals); b) for development of the maBs-production of closed hollow packing hoses for filter-press machines of the 4~V-30-75 (FPA-30-75) type. The fil ter-Press machines are used at concentrating the coal industry (two medals). 9) Vsesoynznyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy i konstruktorsko- tekh-nologicheskiy institut asbestovykh tekhnicheskikh izdeliy (All-Union Scientific Research Designing and Technological Institute of Asbestos Artic- les): 1) for developing a new heat-resistant friction material "Retinax" Card 5A S1138161,1000100110101010 AOWA029 Rewards for Work Displayed at the Exhibition of the Achievements of the USSR National Economy in 1960 capable of working in brake units of aeroplanes, excavators, drilling ma- ohines, eta., at 1,0000G with a wear-resistance 3 - 10 times higher then in other materials (the first degree diploma and one medal); b) for partici- pation in the development of non-metal railroad brake shoes ~three medals); a) for developing asbesto-glass fabrics (two medals). Awards were given to Upravleniye shin i rezino-tekhnicheakikh izdeliy-(Administration of Tires and Rubber Articles) at the State Committee on Chemistry at the USSR Council of Ministers (one medal), the Inatitut-mashinovedeniya (Institute of Machine Science) at the USSR AS,.(two medals), the Tambovskiy zavod asbestovykh i rezino-tekhnicheskikh'izdeliy (Tambov Plant of Asbestos and Rubber Articles) (third degree diploma and two medals); Tsentrallnyj nauchno-issledovatell- skiy institut zheleznodorozhnogo trans orta ( Central Scientific Research Institute of Railroad Transportation) ~second degree diploma and two medals) and the Lyuberetskiy zavod plastmass (Lyuberets Plastics Works) (one medal); the Leningradskiy zavod asbestov kh tekhnicheakikh -~zdeliy (Leningrad Plant of Asbestos Articles) (one medaT Card. 6/6 WZ.'LVICIU;R, AB. ~ Technical SeuinELr at the ~~xhdbjltion of -i'Ll-, " - 7aluional. ~~'conoray. KIILII.Volok. n0.1:80 161. (,*-;.-It 11,:2) (Textile f ibors, Syn-Vic-Ac) S/lc)1/61/000/009/001/007 B110/B218 AUTHOR: Derevicher, A. B, TITLE: Diplomas and medals awarded at the VDNKh SSSR 196o PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 9, -1961, 1-2 TEXT: On suggestions made by the Department I'Vysokopolimernyye sintetiches- kiye materialy i plasticheskiye massy" (High-molecular synthetic materials and plastics), the Komitet Soveta VDNKh (Committee of the Council of VDNKh) distinguished the following exhibitors at the 1960 exposition: (1) At the zavod "Karbolit" Moskovskogo oblastnogo sovnarkhoza ('Karbolit" Plant of the Moscow oblast' sovnarkhoz), ten co-workers were awarded medals for the production of an automatic production line for thermosetting plastics. The factory was awarded a diploma of the first degree. Nine workers were awarded medals for a new method of producing molding powder (continuous rolling process in thin layers). Five workers were awarded medals, and the factory a diploma of the third degree, for the construction of 25%- more-prodactive two-stage multiple presses for thermosetting mass-produced articles, (2) The Kuskovskiy khimicheskiy zavod Moskovskogo oblastnogo sovnarkhoza (Kuskovo Chemical Plant of the Moscow oblast' sovnarkhoz) was Card 1/4 S/191/61/000/009/001/007 Diplomas and medals awarded... B110/B218 awarded a diploma of the second degree for the introduction of a four-times- more-productive, continuous method of producing M~-MMF-17) resin of Improved quality in liquid phase, the condensate being used for spraying. Seven workers were awarded medals for introducing this method at the zavod "Galalit" ~"Galalit,, Factory) in Moscow. (3) The zavod sloistykh plasti- kov Leningradskogo sovnarkhoza (Plant of Laminated Plastics of the Leningrad sovnarkhoz) was awarded a diploma of the third degree for the industrial introduction of TH.-I(PN-1) polyester resin, the accelerator H