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S/058/63/0(m)/003/066/104 A059/A101 AUTHORS: Demishev, G. K., Razumovskaya, I. V. TITLE: The problem of the theoretioal:strength of solids :PERIODICAL:: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 3, 1963, 523 abstract 3E346 ("Steklo. Byul. Gos. n.-i. in-ta stekla", 1962, no-.2 (115), 30 - 36) TEXT: The term. "theoretical strength' is considered which is understood as the maximum quasi-elastic.f6rce in the iviiform deformation of an ideal solid from defects in the.absence of heat fluctuations. The destruction process in the case considered represents a dissociation &tid difters from the real de- struction process with the formation.of new free surfaces of rupburt). The bi- .,~.,nomial fornula for the potential energy of a particle, U(r) - -A,/rm + B/rn is examined which Is correot for any type of chemioal bond. The quasi-elastic Jorce F, the equilibrium distance ro betweeil the partioles, and the'distance be- tween partJ:cles which corresponds to the maximum force axe caiciiLatod, The elongation of the bond (or the deformation of the homogeneous body) at break, Card,1/2 1, oirC- of the unstretched body perpendloular 'to sti-I)toh, ard IS is Young's moclujus. i.,,The relation 13j= j)uBO was obtained, for the theorotioal strength where a j)](m+1)/(n-m). Th,~ :='[I/(n+l)l - L(m+ Am- ic"ff.Loient is is independent of the 'form of uniform deformation and the direotion of atrdtoh. For NaCl assuming 'The ooncept of 1, n = 10, a.= 0.6, and for metals, a. 0. 15 vras obtained. .-:the theoretical strength for real composite materias and the ways of taking into C a ---i in+ +'^~ "~A4 a+ "41-.i+4rn t%f )%AnA a 4n A&ft%vtMn+4r%T% n-AA +*hn nnocurne- A nf n+~-rmt%+tiyaI ACCE&&S ON NRI AR3003334 S/0059163/0W10051E0121M.12 BOURCM 'M4, Fiz*ap Abe.-.5E?2 J AVMORs "Brekhovakikhj S. C; ~Denivhevp G Ch L N Trw s Change of elastic A~ dielectric vro ion gLeLg".jnduced by gamma irradiation CITED SOAE I Stelclo. By4_1 ~Gos. ~n.-i. ~in-ta ~stekl& no. 3(U6),1'1962.y 14-17 TOPIC TAOS: gama irradiationp. glasst elastic property,~ diele.,tric property. TRANSLATION:. glass is irradiated with galwa royis, an inereMe U observed in the modulus of longitudinal elasticity'R and in the slae&r modulus')A-. This can be -.attributed to the healing of the deracts of the glasii structure V the diffusion of' I the modifier atoms. Annealing has a similar influenea on the change in the elastic parameters. The tangent.of the angle of the dielectj:%Lc losses and the dielectric constant also increase during the irradiation ~rocesjs-~ probably connected, 1 like the colQring of the. apecimens upon irTa~diation, with - ioni2ation proces --es in the glass. 00 Mazimin F11CL: -0O:-_-'_r DATE ACJ: 17Jun63 ..SUB CODEj PH Cc A DEMISHEV) G.K.; BUTOVICH, L,N-;~? KOLBASNIEOVA, A.. ~,, GAUDIIIIIA, NJ4 Ga=.mgraphic control of internal defects ir. fusad refractories. Ogneupory 27 no,.6~288-2092 ~62. (MIRA 15! 5) 1. Gowidarstvennyy nauchno,-,iL;919(lovatelli3):I..v institut stekla. (Ga=a rays, - -Industrial application-9) (Refractory material,*- -Defocts) 2BLENEV, YU.V.; BARTENEV, G.M.; DEMISHEV, G.K. Determination of the dynamic characteristics of polymers by the resonance method. Zav.lab. 29 no.7:868-872 163. (IqRA 16:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut im. Lenina. (Polymers-Testing) DEMISEEV, G. K. "Concerning heterodynamism of stlicate glass." "Structure of glass and its structural stresses." reportssubmitted for 4th All-Union Conf on Structure of Glass, Leningrad, 16.~Pi mar 64. Ins" L JA h )EVn m z 0 5 )/EVPtb)/ AWA(11- pcw4jPq- ...-AccuSION AR3010294 Si'00111/63/000JO12/0475/0475 -P URGE: RZh, Khimiya, Abe* 12MI00 :Atrrjj0R: MijkLovs kh, S. H. Deiaish~v_,, C. xi; BUILOVich L. N. -i-n--th rtie the Tr=f: anges ILES r AnfluenceW izamw radiation -CITED SOURCE: Steklo~ Nu I Cos fi.-i. In-;t'% stelcla, no. 3 (116), 1962, 14-17 :TDPIC TAMS., glass elastic prope rty,-glaes dielectvic property, 81asa annealing, glass irradiation. Ga=ia radiation, glass iomization, crystal defect 1;ealing qjW'XS1 Ver ic ally drawn- out -window gliksa -VAi irrad'ated- wit -h -Fays and :then studied for ch-anges in its elastic and dielectrieparcmeters, which were found to increase with increasing doses of radiation. The curve representing the f 1o6 r, 11-ie of-longitudinal elasticity reached s aturatton, at a dose o enomenon is caused by healing of structural authors suggest that this h de- fects due to diffusion-of the atoms of the VIDdifier, and by internal rotation around the single bonds.* They note the similarity between the-effects of ~(-radi- i ation and annealing on the elastic parameters of glass. The phenoutonen of disi. coloration and theincreape in the dielectric parmeeters are explained on the J--, -~4, . 3. prDbjen~ of perennial cereals. el i sei-3. 19 -C) t~5 1~"') ZHIGACH, K.F.; ADXL', I.B.; HIMIX, J,K,; Jrx4jSH3.V, v.N.; GctiCHAROV, X.N. Oil-base drilling fluids for revealing.the productive strata and for drilling under complex conditions. Ywrt.khoz-34 *9.8:9-14 Ag 156.