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he d IJ- N 6, Yj LISSR~Jjuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei. c-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, 8706 Author Demirkhanov, R#Ae, GuItkin, T.I., Dorokhov) V.V., Rudenk-o,-K. ~.' Inst 4 Title Masses of Isotopes H, D, He and C12 Orig Pub Atom. energiya, 1956, No 2, 21-27 Abstract A pew exact measurement of the masses of the atops H, D, He4 and C12 has been made. The measurements were car- ried out with a mass spectrograph developed by Ardennei with the participation of Eger and the authors of this work. The apparatus has double focusing by means of electric and magnetic fields, effected respectively by cylindrical capacitor and a sector magnet. The iron beam is created by a plasma source with single contrac- tion of the discharge. Recording of the mass spectrum is photographic; "Schumann" plates ftre n-sed. There USSR/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei. c-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizila, No 4, 1957, 87o6 is the possibility of visually observing the spectrum with the aid of an ioU-optical converter. The maximum resolution of the instrument is 100,000 -- 120,000, and the dispersion (roughly calculated) is not less tvam 2.34 am percent of relative mass difference. The cal-,wation of the scale of the masses of the instru- ment Is made using photographip of certain basic lines, namely those of the groups N14+ __ N14H4__ H14 N14H 4 C~%_'_ CPH -12 'L~ 31 4 3- 4 4 -4 -5 and 016 Olq __ 01-6 '2' - The masses of the atoms H, D, He4 and C1-2 w2;e found from photographs of the doublets H2 -- D, D2 D3 -- 1/2 C12]j 4 -- 016. Me results are:. Card 2/3 6LISM/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei. c-4 Ahs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, 8706 1 H -. 1.oo8l,42 � 10-6 . He4 ---4.003872 t 4 x 10-6, D -- 2.014736:� 2 x 10-6, and C12 __ L-2.003820:r 5 x 10-6. The cl-ats. obtained are in agreement with the values deter- mined from the energy balance of the nuclear reactions. Card 3/3 A USSR/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei. Abe J6ur : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 452 C-4 Author : Demirkhanov, R.A., Gutkin, I.I., Dorokhov, V.V. Inst Title Mass of the Isotope HO. Orig Pub Atomn. energiya, 1957, 2, No 5, 469-47o Abstract A mass-spectrosco~ic determination was made )f the mass of the isotope He , in a mixture of helium isotopes en- riched with He3 to 99-5%, using a setup previously des- cribed (Referat, Zhur Fizika, 1957, No 4, 87o6). The mass was measured in the doublets H3 -- He3 and HD3 He3. The results of the measurements were checked against the HD __ H3 doublet. The mass scale was cali- brated against the spectrum N14 H -- N14 H2 -_ B14 H3' The value obtained for the mass of HO is 3.016970~!- 2 atomic units of mass. The data of this Cai-d 1/2 L E A U.-.,C;%/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei c-.4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 453 Author : Demirkhanov, R.A., Gutkin, I.N., Dorokhov, V.V. Inst Title : Masses of the isotopes c13, N14, and N15. Orig Pub : Atom. energiya, 1957, 2, No 6, 544-551 Abstract : Results are reported on now ma s-spectrographic measure- ments of the masses of c13, Nl&, and N15. It is shown that there exists "an internal agreement" for the values of the masses of these isotopes, obtained from various systems of coublets. The measurements were performed under conditions that exclude the systematic errors. A procedure is given for a precision adjustment of the ion-optical system. For the masses of cl3J, 14, and N15, the values6obtained were 13-007491 ! 3 x 10-9, 14-007527 i_ 4 x lo- and 15.oo48go � 5 x 10-6 atomic units of mass respectively, which is in good agreement with the values Card 1/2 24(5) mirkhanov. R. A., Gutkin, T. I., AUTHORS: ke Dorokhov, V. V. TTTLE: '.uc1t3..r Bo.,(i -i:, the Region of the 82 Proton and-la-, Neutron Magic Numbers . t -.1. . v 0~;1; i po !)-otorlam 012 i n-01 -0:-,i 126) Zhurnal ekspcrii-.ieita1'noy i teoretic.'iosskoy fizil: PERIODICAL: PP 917 925 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors of the present p,--..c-:rnport on ic" .2--- peri~wntal material which is i!i ~-. c1l;--,--~- in tables. By means of a MLSS S-JCCtrO-rLiph 'resolvinj pover 60000-30000, description in refererces 4,5-1) the masses of the following isotopes vier3 measured: Lead.: Pb 204, 206, 207 and 208 (Table 2'j Mercury: He 198, 199, 200, 201, 202 and 20,~ (T:-Ile Thallium: T1 203 and 205 (Table LI'l Bismuth: Bi 209. Deter~-,iination of masses was carried out by direct Card 1/3 comparison with the masses of the corre-pondin- Z, le-.r BoDd Zz-,3- -,y i--, the Region of the 82 Proton -r-md -'uc 126 Neutron Magic Numbers (10-'JOWIjo, a8 for Pb 204 - C1 H Pb 208 H110, 16 12' C1411BO2' 11; 1()9 C13 Hg 204 - C16H12, T1 203 C16 H11, T1 205 - C16H13' Bi 209 - C14H13N2* The masses for the various iootopes are given up to 6 decimals, data given are accurpte up to 3-4 decimals. From mass meazurcinents the nucleon bond ener,3ies in the nucleus are calculated. The results obtained indicate a shell structure of the nucleus with a well-filled shell of 62 -~)rotons and 126 neut:i-ons. The difference of the nuclear bond energy for an evon and odd number of nucleons in the nucleus and its smoothing out as the shell is filled up can dictinctly be seen. After the shell is filled up with Z= 82 and N= 126, the bond energy of the next ne,,.tron iE hiGher than that of the next proton. The ener-y of' two bound neutrons (which yields the Hg 204 nucleus) is arenter than the encrUy of nttachment of two protons in the for::1ation of the Pb 204 nucleus. The aut.-Ilors Card 2/3 thank Ye.Ye.Baroni, T.N.Lel3sadze, K. A. -Nuclear Bo d &-erp~y in the Region of the 82 Proton and 2~6 Neutron Magic Numbers Kovyrzina and V.K.Shoniya for placing the metallographic compounds and the heavy hydrogen at their disposal, and they also express their gratitude to P.S.Brostyuk, M.I. Dzkuya and G.A.Dorokhova for their practical help. There are 2 figures, 9 tables, and 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: May 17, 1958 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/-1 Demirkhanov, R. A., Gutkin, T. 1., 20-118 -6-14/43 Masses of Lead Isotopes (Massy izotopov svintsa) Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol.- 118, Nr 6, pp. 1103-1104 (USSR) The present paper reports on the resalto of the measurin of the masses of load isotopes Pb204, F-b 20b I Pb207 and Pb2og . These measurements were carried out in connection vith the determination of the binding energy of the nucleons in a nucleus in the range of the magic numbers 82 and 126 with respect to the protons and with respect to the neutrons. respectively. All this is connected with the necessary exact definition of the mass of the isoto,,~e Pb2o8 which is used as base value for the computation of the masses of heavy isotopes with z>- 82 X from the data of the nuclear reactions. The measurements were carried out by means of a device described already earlier by the same authors (ref 1). The dissolving power Masses of Lead Isotopes 2o-118-6-14/43 of this device amounted in this region to 60,000 - 80,000. In order to increase the accuracy of the measurements the masses of the lead isotopes were determined by immediate comparison with the corresponding m ss of hydrocarbons which contain the isotopes H1, C12 and 019. The values obtained here were controlled by the determination of the mass of the lead isotope from various doublets and by the production of lead ions from various compounds. Each value &M of the doublet was determined by treatment of 18-20 mass spectrograms (which were photographed on different plates). The results of the measurements are given in a table. Following is shown by the data of this table: Within the measuring error limits a satisfying "inner" connection exists between the mass values detected from various doublets. The results found here confirm the absence of systematic measuring faults and the reliability of the data obtained here. Finally the differences between the present measurements and the earlier ones are pointed out Card 2/# in short. 210), 21(l) W -2/76 I THORS: Demirkhanov, R. A. Gutkin, T. I., SOV/56-36-5-o' Dorokhov, V. V. TITLE: The Mass of the Isotope Pu 239 (Massa izotopa PU239) 11BRIOD1CAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 5, PP 1595-1596 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Already in a number of previous papers the authors reported on the mass determinations of lead and uranium isotopes, and they also described the mass-spectrometric device used for these measurments (Refs 1, 3, 4). In the present "Letter to the Editor" they give a veport on meaBurements carried out with Pu 239 by means of this spectrometer, which has a resolving power of 60,000 - 80,000. For mass determination doublets of various organic compounds were used, which consisted of the already exactly known elements H, C 12 and 016 , viz. alizarin (C 14 Ha 04 P Id w 240) and perilen (C 20H12 , M - 252). Ion formation occurred in, an arc Card 1116 discharge in helium, the pairs Pu 239 _ organic compound 2-- I . 239 Vhe*Maas of the Isotope Pu -36-5 SOV/56 -62/76 were introduced into the discharge by evaporation from special crucibles. The mass differences 23~M of the doublet and the corresponding mass values of Fu are: doublet M&ME3 mass of Pu 239 Pu 239 C 14H7 04 18-446-+0-082 239-128922+92 C19H11 PU239 33-447�0-067 239-128695�74 239 Mean value: 239-128784~�l 65 The mass of Pu calculated from nuclear reactions gives 239-128025�155 if a correction of the more accurately known value of Ph 208 is taken into account, and 239-126999�150 if this correction is not taken into account. It is found that the difference of the masses of Pu 239 and U238 calculated according to the authorsidata, when compared with the data obtained from nuclear reactions, amounts to only 0.166+o.250 mME, i. e. that it is still within the limits of errors. It is therefore assumed that Card 2//Y the error of mME is due to an inaccurate Q-value. 1- 21 "8) AUTHORS: A iov/20-124 J)gzj rkbanny, R tki n, T, 1,; -2-16/71 Dorokhov~ V. V, U~234 U23" Th 232 d 'U 238 f th h t M I TITLE: so asses o e an T e opes , , (massy izotopov Th 232 , U234, U235 i U238 PERIODICAL: Doklady.Akadoinii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 2, PP 301-303 (USSR). - ABSTRACT 232 234 235 238 Measurement of the masses of Th ii U and U made . it possible to determine the binding energy of nucleons in the nuclei*not only of these isotopes but also of many radioactive isotopes connected with them by the naturally-radioactive series 4n, 4n + 2 and 4n + 3. The exact masses of these isotopes have hitherto not been determined by direct measurements. The authors determined the masses o~' these isotopes by means of an already previously (Ref 3) described mass-spectrographid'al device having a resolving power of the order of 60000 - 70000 - The masses of the isotopes were determined by direct comparison with the corresponding mass of organic compounds. Thes%,organic C12 and N14 compounds contained H 1 the masses of which are Card 1/3 , , known. The Masses of the Isotopes Th 232 U234, U235 and U 236 so-,.7/20-124-2-16/7, Whe substances uscd for mcaourements are Given; control wac carried out by determining the mass o.1" U from the doublets; 12 238 12 13 238" L. -'erence is made to a C 19H10-U and G18 C h9 - U Short re~ second control method. Each doublet was determined b:~ the evaluation o.-." 13-20 mass s-occtro~;rama (which had been Photo- graphed on different plates.). Reaults of measurements are given by a table.,, The masses of II.-he isotope U238, which weredetermined from 2 different doublets, agree viell with one another within the libits of measuring errors . The "mean value" calculated by t aki n.,'accouht of weight amounts to UU238= 238-127284 t 35-10 - 6 mass units... The mass values determined by the present paper are lower than-the corresponding values determined by nuclear reactions. Also these differences remainivithin the limits of permissible deviations, an exception beir, formed only by uranium. Card 2/3 The Mlasses of the Isotopes Th 232 , U234, U235 and U 238 SOV/20-124-2-10-/71 The authors thank Ye. Ye. Baroni and K. A. Xovyrzina for placing heavy hydrogen at their disposal, and they also thank M. I. Dzkuya, G. A. Dorokhova and P. S. Brostyuk for their active help. There are 3 tables and 11 references, 6 of which are Soviet. PRESE11TED: September 26, 1958, by L. A. Artsimovich, Academician SUBMITTED: August 29, 1958 Card 3/3 -21,20 AUTHORS: D-,nnii,lkhanov, 11. A ., Gevoi~',~,,)v, A. K'. Lo,,,ov, A. 1~. TITLE: III gi I -V 1-0 (11,101.1 cY Osell.latlun:, I'll Call!") 10 110 d in 19~8) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tulftiiehesl~oy fizIVI, iq~t-.O, Vol N't pp (USSR) ABSTRACT: Os~cill-atlons observed In dloch--ivj~t2z~ DU Ooi.,.Iltlatloll- Lttld Brovin 1.t-see veference) obsevveci ;om(~ occuil only in presence of' dOUble on pla2-.m- boundarle-z' .This is not in utith the of pla.~~;jna o.,.,.tA*I1at1on~*. The 311thOPLI, "leve, the naturu and excitation i-ReehLini6m in bounde~l by doublu, !aye,-,L-, and show that &.:ie ob*,ai,,-15 oscillati-ons due to oscillato1-Y motLon of electrons in the potential well of the plu3mZi. They Card 1 /7 used an appai,atus similar to t1hat, of Looney and Bi-ovin (see FiEr. 1) - Higi-i-Frequency OscillatIons in a Restricted Plasma W8 4 2 -1 S 0 v /;,-" ( - -, 0 - - 8 /15 FiC. 1. volistrucvlon of tiiL)--. Plasma was produced, between tjji2 ().Nic-coate~i cathodes A and anodes E. Electron, up to 5 of ene-1-Sy entered the vegion tjj,.,o~jj:,,ji I., ~)n,l nftci- a dif, C 'a I. c 1 2 / I ( tl~Anc,(~ 1, WIL,Ougil the D.-. vion"d C-III I an F, I I ~Pequeznc y Wc- I I lat in '.-i connected elcetrically to C . The Potell'Ll 1 -,11 INC I I fcl~ electruns 'wns cauned b" !on 1:--vorz!, bc!l amlk*.l'-4'r aviudcL3 E alij, cjectpades J~ C. variable vol":,IEe 0-4100 v enaMed 1,Irge vzij.,j,,-jtjc-jj:; ()f j.c)jj la~.y(,,p Dist-mcc L between F and C c-ould 1,~c chamt-led ri.-mi. WoviXinu pz~essure .-:as 1C--'--IC) Tma Hg. vihi-,e the gases u -- bused viere Ar, 11.,), and 1,142. A unmrable coa-,,ial p-,-,,obe was plasma parameters and oscillation frequencies, lqitll t'11C S(l-l-lSjtjVjtY Of t1le (1(~VjCe It 1()- 11 v. Tne authors first derive an c.-.~p::,ession for the frequency inside the potential well f, of electrons caused by secondary eml.,-sion olf clect-rans by primary 1~eani on F: 2 (L - 2d) 4 =-::-- fit C a'~-"-l Wcl In a sov /1 V.1here 6 Is of 1.0111C i,'3 a vel-age vc,ior"Ity of eiectrono, in ia,,7-_-,~,; v, is, i-Ilot~:!-.1111al of Ma 1-10 th I'CSIDeCt to SOLIVCC Oi' elect ron~: . They founc,that these occondla,,-; thc potentl:_-~! are fov the of' oscll-~atloiw. uteasut~e(j L-)y tAle j_)p(Dt)e at-ld lai'le 1. Note that observed -elation f. == nfo (n := i, ' 2, 3 Simlla,,, results were obtul'_ir_~d for fixed potentials and va,,,iable L. A contiijuotis .1'low of clectrot-)s oscillating iri-c-lule the well could not prodiuce an of alterilating, ficlcl,_ unle"s-s' aa "llotio!1 and (-nabilill- papticlc"--, to Ove t0 the, alluell-latinc, fiolri. T' c- aul-h,)-,::. that st,ich a mechanism, of ! i can pro-, Wed, there iL; an on In T, 1) 1 c: I I f 1,c~qucnlcy 0 bution; f I f, (11 1 1-1 0 ollsorve~i t, IW' I". T f, I Cr. 10% v 1 16 2.0 125 490 51)5- -660 710--790 110 14 2.2 135 1 760- R60 1 i,,0 12 2.4 1,15 5 W-- (:(b'j 1 : no Ro 11 2.8 152 870-920 200 3.0 158 460- 11115 15,~o- v,ol -ilo-n5l -- 220 3.2 164 470-~lo 020-- 1,A I I --- , 210 10 t.9 I r VAI - 53; 0 11) - -,1 11; 7,A-NA 10 17 3:10 'I.U I 490 -5 10 5 /`7 i -Fre a uen cy 0.-tcillatiol);-' ill a Reoztricl--ed Plasma Thio mochanism is Eipplj.cable for frequemcle~~ lo-.;,:.,r than the plamna frerriency since bo-auz:e o."' fa,.rt Olm-nnim, ol' such laltei-ii'Aing fiel,ls insiLle the plasma tubey remnin com-entrated on the ~-A-,vf,-,ce of the The authors, also rhow th4nt the me:jn fr-ee path I of the r~lect-von.,, 1,L; of i*unCI;ml,'-I'nt.L-iL li:'t-'ortauce mill~-t be at jeciot cqilul to ',J,. 1,11ion -1 'lwte ! to approxim,utely 6 cm, oscIII-Aicl"I V,~n'-,;;he~i ~-.t I, cm. Also, tile a-lithor"! Inv- s t lzr:-Aed In"luen-c-es cli' densitleo and 'aidths of the exil--Ited frequell'-Nr gl.~oup,- They found that phase focus-Ing p1~1,%s, a IuI.stu.,intial. vole at M-h cunnlit'uCtcs of T'rlev ob:,;c!i,:' "Onlel-Imes, In the pln't-'Ilvi Oc 11.1c. vwj"'mial'y OSCIIIatiOrl.1, C.-W.,3cd bNr elecixozi ill th;~- potenti-'Il we'll cr tile (.-Itlllo(lo pol."elltial drop!'. A"1 I oscLIla-,ions, ,;ei~e b.", r,idlatimio diocernllyl.,~,, by antenn'I~l tile tube. 'Pho '!Iftlhcw!~ ,.! b/'( nt- pvobably, other -re Hiwri-.~requerjcy Oscillatior-s in a Re,-:tricted Plasra !nechanism of wriplitude Ya. B. Faynberg evaluated many result,,-- of thie p-esent paper. There are 9 figures; 2 tabir--!-,; and -1.1 relon-ences.. 1 Soviet, I Dutch, 1 7. rish. I U,K., ~ U.S. The 5 r1ost Pecent U.K7 and U.,~. referen-,,es -a-e: D. Gabor, IRE. Trans., AP-4, Nr 3, 526 rl, K. All.ej. R. A. Bayley, K. G . Emeleus, Brit . J AT'..)! (1955); D. K. Looney, S. C, Fc--, 9~-,, 9'35 (10,54 IT s, Rev-, -1`9, 18,51 D. Bolim. E. P. Gros, 1864 (194); I 79, 992 (1950)- SUBMITTED: November 2, 1959 Card G'. i . -~ 1 0 4 AU',PHORS z Demirkhanov, P. A., A. F, f 0 A F TITLE: T teraction With Plasma o' a ~'harred Pa-f~icle Beam. Olepol--,tec! at. the IV 1w.-ernatlon~--l corfez-e,lice o,-. iot iot ierlomena August 195~~-,' PERIODICAL: Zhornal tekhnicheskoy fl-,IPCIL, ,10-1 `4 0 ~,,,T L U~- -~,15-7.19- (USSR), ABSTRACT: ~.nljestlgatlon of' excited by a beaa! of fast etectrons iq !-r;iporta~jt, for klnetlc tabillry o' lal-rias, cc-cab- lishment of Maxwellian veloc,tv diZlt-.1ni.itlor,,:,., radlo w -.1 - ars, et-.-- Des-,4 ~- n %r ;~~e emission by sun acid s~ ' -, ~ e _ .1 reports, Investigations cannot be conzzi-~J--~-ed -o,%(;-~uded since many of th~e published result,~ Jlza2-0e. e o re 1 -a.1 works by Boh-m and Gross (Prjy~~ ~ f-we,,j i:36h. lc)4Q- A All ~ 1, z e ',,'a B Fal,nb-r- (Z!-,TF. 21. 1 ~ 6 2 1 s~e Card 1,,r at end of abstract Aoiqe,,J, rJ:a7,. a p, ~isma I n A - . I a .,. J t. e: ac, 'L i o n Wa s j t!a- o a rw; e J Pa i t I c I efie am c 0 r) r, a I n s b e zrn s o f c h -a rgi-, J r, ar, t 1 c 1 es c) f fd Vel 0c Ltie:.', iligner tha~i llne!mal ve_1oc,,r.v of tile plisria eiectrons, t,lle Zzy-'O.-T: bet:~o.-T,e6 tv-,st:_able, -arid ciscillations o,," frequency cioz3e --.o L,-~at o~ *',e plas!i'ta bulI'd ,Ip 'In ariipll.t,lde. P?"o Ooctllatlo-e, cau,-,ed by a electron beam injected Into the plla~:,ma. One of the e.Kper!.TP.er1-Ua1 set-ur,,~,, 1,~ 's'towri Or) F11" Ox 11 Cie - --o-- -,ed cal-no~ie A ani th(--, anon;,, B ,;uPpl1eJ tht~ electron bea!-,i whi-cY, !_~i pa~~&irig tr1rougri a 2-4-murr, c-! rc ua r op e n in g 47 thro,;'g-i C_ into tl-e basic plasra produced-, between ti,)e oxide-coated D ancl C. Ine c~.rre,j of' t-i-e- ~,cam was negligible corripared witin tl,.e of plasma Osciilations were rer;J.stererl b-..r anterinas outside "he tubes or by a prote re.-ion of type of apparatas. P~e autto, s '-,'ere able to register of -1 OCj--,.. - 500 me/,,' - Experlr;~onzus. wete at. Tr-yr. !~P_ of pressure with Ar, T!,,, and N. . The-y ub~ser.-..7ed ulasrria Card 2,/-( oscillation,,i every tlue the !:rosserj the 1 r! e t, I I h ,-t Tnr~ x nmin o c,~ p ven by In Of 0 c".1 Tf~ CA ul Pro (,i -rent: 11 JtlI'el'~lcLJ-')lI With ~i ovor t1w Thc! w!t'hol':' ol, c),", c a 1. C)tl i it,! i vill I c' I I nI't-2 (! w 13011111 and hy "'111111 "Iac The p0wo 1, 0 1., 011(~ I t u!! I ni I I Onc, UL!"ItJon.", lnw~ bc~' t'hf~ oc f-he "')w co1w. Uldr! th"ti; whmwv~~:' I.-, Nr VI I'll; tho 1~1-n::A. '10(~Vlles V~V "':hIch m, ~J"' the (11 !'I"l:1 loll, :o ;loll lljterf~c lon h, PCI F Ljr. I t V~Irl Ptlorl;" r01, ~i Cl,equelic". (I e ll!~ for ea(.1i tlll~, worl" ~01 fcw Iv 1. Eli I T K. 13 i G t! COT ".0, 1 j)iI4 ti 1-o In Leraction With P L a-,Tp a. of a- Chargea P~irtlcle Be a-rr, SUBMITTED-. T. TA P I -i T~ W n i) F. BerZ, FrCC PhYS SOC T K~ Allen '. R. A~ 9pl.-Lay, Appl, Phys., 6, f,,2 L955~, Brown, Phys. Rev ... Phys. RE:v,, 79, c)92 ('1950) lq- -4 f~o K C. D~ K- li6oney, Bol-ri, F.:P Gross, . I/ -~ Novernbev --l, 1959, Card 7/7 S/120/60/000/004/010/028 /,%5v 0 1, 103,3, Y) E032/E414 Gu AUTHORS: Shyuttse, V., Demirldianov R.4 tkin, T, 1. Samadashvili, O.A. and Ka7rpenk6-, I,K, TITLE: A Double Focusing Mass-Spectrograph for the Measurement of the Masses of' Isotopes PERIODICAL:Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960, No.4, pp~92-98 TEXT: A description is given of a double-focusing mass spectrograph in which the double focusing condition is obeyed for all mass numbers. The principal Ion optical parameters are as follows: ion deflection angle in the electric field 31,150'' ion deflection angle In the magnetic field 900, radius of curvature in the electric fi-eld 51 Cm. to large linear dimensions, high stability of deflecting fields and accurate adjustment, a resolution of 120000 was achieved, The corresponding line widths were 1.5 to 2 u~ The dispersion per 1% of mass was between 0.25 and 2.25 mm. A permanent magner. is employed so that the same degree of stability is achieved over the whole mass range. The spectrometer is essentially of thE! MattauGh type, as indicated by Fig.1, where I is the ion source, 2 is d cylindrical condenser, 3 is the niagnet. 4 is a vacuum Card l/ A'T-7. S1120.1ge 1000/004/4)10/028 E032/E4.1 4 A Double Focusing Mass-Spectrograph for the 14easuretnent of the Masses of Isotopes valve, 5 is the input slit, 6 is a vacuum-tight screen which also serves as the ion current receiver, 7 are slits, 8 is a Faraday cylinder, 9 is a magnetic slit, .10 is an ion-optical (image) converter with a quartz light guide, 11 is the photo- graphic plate holder, 12 are diffusion pumps and 13 is the concrete foundation. The length of the photographic plate is 4oo mm, The input slit is at a distance of 360 mm from the boundary of the electric field and the distance between the electric and the magnetic fields is 560 mm. The ion scur~e is in the form of a water-cooled gas discharge tube, With an anode voltage of 50 kV and anode-cathode potential. difference of 25 kV, the discharge current was 4 to 5 mA. The a-_celeraiing ele-.trod,& is earthed and the general arrangement of the el,&~Arode6 is indicated in Pig.3. The anode is in the form of a copper cylinder with a closed end and a cir~,ular aperture drilled through it. The cathode is in the form of a steel di.s.--, having a .-hannel Of 0.5 mm in diameter and 8 mm long, The flux of' slow ion; Card 2/# 87371 S/12o/6o/ooo/oo4/olo/o26 E032/E414 A Double Focusing Mass-Spectrograph for the Measurement of the Masses of Isotopes leaving'this channel is accelerated by a third electrode in the form of a truncated cone and having a 1 mm diameter aperture. The position of the anode can be varied relative to the cathode. The magnet is such that fields up to 11000 De can be produced in a 4 mm gap; it is a permanent magnet with Armco-iron poles. The use of a permanent magilet ensures a high degree of uniformitv (A H/H-lo-7). In order to reduce the effect of the fringe field, a special magnetic slit made of high permeab'ility material is used (9). Acknowledgments are expressed to E.Gotman who took part in the development of the design and to V.F.Moskovskiy and P.S.Brostyuk for practical assistance. There are 7 figures and 17 references: 1 Soviet and 16 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: may 16, 1959 Card 31 P~I-Iltl Pr~--Iltld nt th, 5th C-r--, A R f-.-L,nw, V F D-n!.ch- er-d v I "Imv~sllptloa of a 11-1- 1,, a 7ollor, C;,11:.,Irlcbl Coo Otb 77 b. D G lu ,Ent~v tf Tbst ll~cl.,:nz T~inz T"Iv- A D A N "Cn r 0: t!"d of V;~ d. 7 F K.' toY,~,,~ V N C-' 7'~~-.- 'C-. V, t 1: I.L, , s Tro. _'i -i", V, I i r 1-ho C. A)rc a r.,! vaw C~-Utl~rj cS G M n 7 Y.-al 0 0L An Thy.ntl:~A!cn c.' t:*-- !'-*,,-,,,',Ie Yi,14' V Tu 1; TXvortc- V II Te :1 2 1 curr"At cc-,!" M~'* cl Cqw~g th. 'In Ye s V r.- U~Iroz~ I-r-lzalUm by C.3 of Cv:,2 1z',=4 b7 lWti-cL,r-:l 16za" .1. P V L N 'Z~4 fc, at tli C:za 1.1~-.-,:," k. A L C,,-ris 1.7 Y, I-o"m '0a Dt"tll of rrt!tl,.% rxt~ A, C~;~r Crpl~l ky vitil 89257 S/048/51/025/001/023/031 B029 1~063 AUTHORS: Demirkhanov, R. A., Gutkin, T. I., Dorokhov, V. V. TITLE: Masses of heavy atoms and binding energies of nuclei in the range of 174 -4- M < 239 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SS;3R. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 1, 1961, 124-12~) TEXT: The results of mass-spectrographic measurements of nuclear masses in the range of 1744 M4 239, carried out for a large number of isotopes with an accuracy of io-7 to 5-lo-71 are presented. The mass spectrograph with double focusing-used for the purpose had a resolution of 50,000- 80,000. The masses of heavy nuclei were moasured b the doublet method and with the use of the organic compounds C n HM, CnC~3Hm9 CnitmHk' and 0n0mNkHp as standard masses. The question a.s to whether tbere is a fine structure in the curve of binding energy in the mass range with A,- 200 can only be answered if t-he accuracy of measurement is improved by one Card 1/t~F- e/ C11- L99257 Masses of heavy atoms and binding ... S10481611025100110231031 B029/BO63 order of magnitude, i.e., to A M/M - 3010-7, and a discontinuity of -3 Mev in the binding energy can be established with an accuracy of -20c;" 6. Ith which the dispersion if AM/M -- 3-10- The high degree of accuracy id coefficient can now be measured, and the method developed by the authors make it possible to increase the accuracy of measurement in the respective mass range by a factor of 10-50. In many cases, the mass of the isotope was determined from various doublets, i.e., the "inner agreement" was tak- en into account. Table I contains the masses of the Re, W, Ta, and Hf isotopes and, for comparison, the masses obtained by the mass-spectro- scopic method and nuclear reactions. The masses of ReI85, Hf179, 11f177, and Hf174 were measured for the first time. The mass values of the majority of isotopes measured by the authors are higher than those obtain- ed in Refs. 8 and 9. This is obviously due to the fact that a defective standard mass had been used. A comparison of the present data with similar values obtained by other methods is of particular interest. The results of the present paper are compared in Table 2 with those of other papers. They agree with those published by W. H. Johnson and V. B. Bhahat Card 2/ W 89257 Masses of heavy atoms and binding ... S/D48161/'025/001/023/031 B029713063 (Ref. 17) within the limits of error, but differ from the results obtained from nuclear reactions by about the double error. According to what has been said above, the Q values for the reao-,ions Hf'77(y,n)Hfl76 and Hfl79(y,n)Hfl78 are probably erroneous, or the limits of error in the determination of the q values of these reactions must be increased two or three times. The nuclear masses of 42 stable isotopes measured by the authors were then used to letermine E/A as a function of A (per nucleon) within the range 174 4 M ( 210 (Cf. Fig.). In addition, the binding energies of 66 radioactive nuclei were calculated. Table 3 contains the binding energies Bn of the last neutron and B P of the last proton, and also the pairing energies Pn and P P of the neutrons and pro- tons, respectivelyg for the Hfp Ta, W, and Re isotopes. On the strength of these measurements it is possible to establish some rules concerning nuclear energies. The nucleus has a shell structure, and the shell is completely filled at Z - 82 and N = 126. In the case of nuclei with odd A, the binding energy is always lower than in the case of nuclei with even A. At equal values of Z, the shell structure may be derived also Card 3/W Y 89257 MELeses of heavy atoms and binding ... S/01~ 61/025/001/023/031 B029YB063 from the mutual behavior of the (Z+l)th proton and the (N+l)th neutron (Z - 82, N - 126). The binding energy of the latit neutron or proton satisfies the law of conservation of parity. The authors thank Ye. Ye. Baroni and his co-workers K. A. Kovyraina and V. M. Soyfer for several P37eparations, as well as M. I. Dzkuya and G. A. Dorokhova for assistance. This is the reproduction of a lecture read at the Tenth All-Union Con- ference on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Moscow, January 19-27, 1960. There a3?e 1 figure, 3 tables, and 21 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 13 non-Soviet- bloc. Card 4/W DEMIRKHANOV, R.A.; GUTKIN, T.I.; SAMADASHVIIJ, O.A.; KARPENKO, I.K. Mass measurements of tin and antimony isotopes. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 25 no.7:871-873 JI 16:L. (MIRA 14:7) (Mass spectrometry) (Tin-Isotopes) (Antimony-Isotopes) S/057/62/032/002/007/022 B104/B102 AU'PHORS. Demirkhanov, R~ A., Laontlyev, N~ I., and Kosyy, I~ A. TITLE: Concentration measurement of charged particles in a strong high-frequency pulse discharge in a magnetic traveling field PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 323 no. 2, 1962~ 180-164 TEXT: The authors compare the results of measurements of the charged particle concentration made with strong h-f pulse discharges using data obtained by the microwave method. The measurements were made with a cylindrical quartz gas discharge chamber (800 mm long, diameter- 36 mm)" The plasma was excited by h-f electromagnetic traveling waves. The particle concentration was determined with the aid of a double Mo-Vire (1 mm in diameter) probe. The voltage drop due to the probe current at a resistor is fed into an 3HO -1 (ENO-1 ) oscilloscope (Fig, 1 ) The results of the measurements made at I .10-1 and 6-10-2 mm'Hg are in good agreement with those obtained by the microwave method. Measurements of the distribu- tion of the electric field made it possible to determine the surplus charge of the ions caused by the different rates of diffusion of ions and Card 1/3 5/057/62/032/002/007/022 Concentration measurement of B104/B102 electrons to the chamber wall. The concentration of the surplus ions is low compared with that of the ions Wtth r . 0.65 cm ni surplus - 3.6-108 am-3, ni - 4-;.1013 cm-3. The authors thank T. M, Filatov for his assistance in the probe measurements, N~ I. Malykh for microwave measurementst and I. R. Yampollskiy fordiscussion of the probe measuring method. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 7 references; 5 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet~ The two references to English-language publications read as follows: B. Wharton~ a. M. S. Donald. J. Appl. Phys,.P .Ll_, 2, 428, 196o; D. Bohm. The characteristics of the electrical discharge in magnetic fields, Ed. by A. Guthrie a. R. K. Wakerling., New YorkL., Toronto-London, 1949- SUBMITTED: November 24, 1960 (initially), April 3, 1961 (after revision) Fig. 1: probe measuring circuit; Legend: (1) probe; (2) to the oscilloscope; (3) battery Card 2/3 S/057/6-/032/003/008/019 V 3 -Y B108/B104 AUTHORS: Demirkhano -y,-R. A., Khoayrev, Yu. S., Romashko, N. D., and Nadykto, B. T. TITLE: Discharge induced by electromagnetic travelling wave PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, V. 32, no. 3, 1962, 2113-321 TEXITI: The authors studied the parameters of an electrodeless pinched discharge induced by standing and travelling electromagnetic waires in a toroidal 10 cm wide discharge tube. The experimental arrangement is shoum in Fig. 1. The power of the h. f. tube generator could be varied continuously from 0 to 10 kw, its frequency from 0.0 to 4 McPs- Charged particle concentration, electron temperature and space potential were measured with probes. Pinched discharaes were observed in Xe, Xr, Ar, He, 02' N., and H2 . The particle concentration from the center of the pinch discharge to the wall decreases more rapidly than would follow from diffusion theory of the positive column. It was found that the minimum diameter of the pinch for all powers of the discharge is reached at a Card 1/ 1-:2 S/05-1/62/032/003/008/019 Discharge induced by electromagnetic ... B106/B104 0.02 mm mercury head. The pinch broadens with increasing pressure at powers greater than 200 w and also with increasing power at pressures above 0-03 mm Ef,- Up to a certain pressure, eleQtron concentration rises, but it decreases again when pressure is further increazed. A monotonous increase of the electron concentration with power was established. Electron temperature was between 3-10 4 and 6.104 OK. The pinchin,- of the discharge plasma is determined essentially by the r-compon~nt of the electric fiEld of the wave which, through the non-diffusional departure of Aectrons from the plasma to the wall, increases tle negative patential (with respect to t'.Iie plasma) of the wall. V. P. Volkov is thanked for assistance. There are 13 ficures and 14 references: 6 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The 'Lour most recent references to English- language publications read as follows: E. R. Harrison. J. of Blectr. a. control, ~., 4, 5, 1?58; T. H. Y. Young, J. Soyers. Proc. Phys. Soc., .12,. no. 45113, 663, 1957; H. A. H. Boot a. R. B. R. Shersby-Harvie. Nature, 1-6, 1187, 1957; H, A, R, Boot et a!. J. of Electr. Control, 4, no. 5, 434, 1958. SUBIJITTEDt December 17, 1960 Card 2/3 DMRKHAICV, R.A.; DORCKHOV, V-V- Mass of the isotope Pu240- Ap 61. (Plutmium-Mass) Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 40 no.4:1033-1034 (MIRA 14:7) DEMIRKHANOV, R.A.j DOROKHOV,, V.V.; DZKUY/k, 14.1. Isotope masses and binding energies of nuclei in the region from strontium to ruthenium. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. .40 no.6:1572- 1582 Je 161. (MIRA 14:8) Nuclei., Atomic) sotopes-44asio) R 3US "12 9 3 S/056/62/042/002/004/055 B 10 21B i 3a AUTBORSi Demirkbanov, R.. A.. Leontlyev, N, 1. , Kosyy, I, A~ Filato-va, "T. . TITLEs Plasma instability in a toroidal discharge ex-Ated by a traveling electromagnetic field I PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental'ncy i teoreticheskoy fi'zaki. v.. 42 no~ 2. 1962, 338 -- 343 TEXT: The oscillation frequency of a plasma produced by traveling magnetic H-waves in a toroidal glass chamber was studied experimenta--ly An dependence on the discharge parameters. The traieling fie-1-.d was 1~r-_-- duced by a delay--line spiral with R wav e - 16,,5 ahms, fed by 900-ke p,11--el V of 250 1,-,v, duration T - 4msec. H at the inner chamber walle was 1.150 nE., max 7 T'he phase velo-^--,ty of the wave along the delay line was 5.6, 10' cin/~ie:~ The toroidal chamber was 160 mm in diameter, tube diametez 40 -mm jn2.4~ia-. -6 pressure 10 mm Hg, pressure during opera-.ion 4- 10 irr-9 Hg. In Card 0 S/056/62/042f/()D2/004/055 Plamma instability ... BlOcn/B1318 5pectroscopic measurements of a hydrogen d-ischarge only the Bal-mev was found, The radial di5tributions of the field Oomponent'2 ~~i re',- ,!.,_~th and without plasma. Some of the experiments were III R _.nlic-r.-~' traveling field w1th closed delay.-line spiral.. At two p.),,rtq t~~'r:er- 7he a -Dha--e shift was 90 and 8 waves were traveling along the line, v.--th bot- ,Kenera-.or3 operated at 'Mw and '.5 Mc, H mF_X at the inner -v;all wan 1100 cie without, and -550 oe with, plasma, Tbc charged partic'-e :;on~,entratioz., was measured with two e"Iec-vric probes, azimuthal. currents -xith a R_1)j_zC:_._11~:1__1;:/t band and discharge brightness with a photocell. An (SFR-1 ) --amera was used for the high--speed. photography. The n5tab-i.lition observed os--illations -.n charged partlele concentration, Currert. nems and h.--f magnetic field auiplitade., The os--illa-cions were dal bur with ar, error of 15%, so that, with som(i approximat-_.on thr.. lope; of t"he -probe signals could be expanded into a Fcoir-ler Ti, - frequency ln-,~reased with H At the maximum az:~mii'lo,-A currtint J -these oscillations were observed in the whole rarige of ~~perat-iorn~ The results show that the SE instabilities can unly be due to between J and the plasma. Thq o5cillatlon frequency ob..~er%u'i C'a r d 2 S/05(3/62/042/002/004/055 Plasma instability ... B102/B138 owne order of maUnitude as that of the ionic "soiind", observed by A. V. Ncdospaoov (Paper No 217, Salzburg Conference on Plasma Physics ani Con- trolled Thermonuclear Reactions, 1961). S. S. Germayeva, E. 1.1. Barkhuda- rov are thanked for help, S. N. Lozovskiy and I. R. Ynmpollski,~ for dib- CU3SiOnS. V. P. Velikhov (Preprint IAE AN 386R, 1960) and G. V. Gordeyev (ZIIL'.'L'F, 21, 19, 1954) are mentioned. There are Tfigures, 2 tpbles, and 7 references: 6 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The roference to the Enplis~- Ian[,-uage publication reads a3 followst P. C. Thonemann et al. Vature, ILI 34, 1952. SU-3141TTEDt July 6, 1961 Flr~- 7. Plasma oscillation frequency (kc) as a !'--tion of hi atomic weight of the gas. ( 1 ) wo C - Peri,,-,i_-ntal curve, (2) maiTnetoacoustic frequency. B1 Odlbl 02 -em ~.r,:rfanov, A. Jorokhov, V. V. , lj--kuya, I. of lutecium, ytterbium and thulium T e i o t A c fr. Y TL 1) alljR .Dohl -dy, v. 1 -6, o. 1 , 1--.62, 72 74 isotope Masses .-.-ere ::~,e.,~sured with a double-focusinC mass For rcferar"ce, doublets for~med by ions of the cle.,!;-ent to c, r, Al. 13 -1 !~~d by orptinic 't 1711C ting of H 0 c IN co:~..~rjunls con3: a u-ced. Thc socctroEr%ph able to resolve the mas:~c.s Pf C and G !I'-ic- mass of each isjto-,)e ca-loulated fro,-fi the mass of the doublet. -'esult's rood a[--,.e,,ment those by V. -3hrlnot et al. \(P',IY'.. ."CV. 12';, no. 1 235, 1960). Thf--re are 1 fi,-ure and 1 table. a, 3, V~62 b; L. A. r,~siriovicti, AcL~de:..-Lc-ian 26, care. 1/2 masies 0l . . . M 1A) Cl) L t C;f s 0 t c1 cl W 16 17C -,Ss (~or C~'Ll M the cri-or refers to the lpst 4'j r-,Ire3 171 172 173 M S7G 175 170 Gard 2/2 31 -2 C,,11,.N - TWO B1 A"V�6.QM C,,11,.N - IW- 103 1 b" - I bll- 20 1 !, 0 0: 2 A) rdi_Nl - lb-*- JGI.8.42i-0.02 C,,Ii.ON - It,"- 12,~ C,,C-lIi,,N - J b- 157 37. : '~0,210 C.,1170N. 1O.G76:1:0,27.) c"Clill."', - ibill pq 1b" - lb- lO5l,b3ljO:vGO C,.11,0,N - lbl?l b- - I bm I lbl?.- It,... 1m.2-0=0.118 c I[. - I bit- ' 10 1 M2 0, 667 ,0.N - HO" .11 I p. lb , I ICOI:O_2'+0,050 C,ji MIT- la; M24-0.03i lb-- Ibll- 201:653;:E0,050 Cid 1. - lb%T' 1%1,018 E0,NG ' C,,II,N - Ibl" 107,223 : 100 C,,l 1, - Lu." 114 157-0:037 C,~ullj. - L~lls 10):793:t C.j I. - Lul" l t D), CN t LW- - L ul- I0D:!,30I:e),UVJ 16,9,1$7106 1 r,1 N! 947707�10 IG7,9S;W:�.,) 159,94v_",qt- "01 17S�.$, 161l,MlD.1b7_t210 170 9X6W,-t7u 171) ~ ,, 170,9 170:pl~)-. 11 ::765 IM VD'117,; f 6' , 1%ljly_.40 i-n 172.PD2LQ_' i-51 17MQ7q'.2�:LS 3, 173,s~031%~Iro MJ~AR5574-'G M EIA 7, tlOll j74:.;_'72-37' 175,lrl~5-,S4Jn 115jW,&5ib:E70 ISS( 'An"TC/AFWL/hSD/ W~-63 EWG(k)/bbS/A1T(3.)/EECW-2 ESD-3/SSD Fz-4/Pabs-4/Fi-4/Pa-4:: :'ijF(0AT AGGESSICK MR: A?3004386 31010916. 008/003/1489/14.1 AUMOR: Patirkhanov. R. A.; v A* KI; A, Khorasmiov, G. TITLE: On use of a aeaVing detectlim of an.shf-siffnik.1 S aJR= RaftiotekbnUm.1 elektrctdka, V. 8S no. 8j? i.5Z3, W9-1490 TOPIC TAGS: W sigma dwolulai;loia., plasma pulse discharge, clecayin,$ plasma plasma afterglow quenching, :p1amia decay ABSTRACT: Some results of a stW[y. ca the use of decaying plasma as i= shf detec- tor are prei3ented. - Experiments irere carried out with plasma produced by a pulse discharge in beli= for the 1.,ase of a tbree-particle recombination, which was assumed to 'be the most prdbable process. The p1mum, Vas produced in glass t1lbe (1) (see Fig. 1 of Enclosure)j, Liserted in selenoiel (4) by zaeans of shf pulses of 1 to 3 see frcm a magnetron. An shf probing sl.Epial frcm a sweep genera-~or witn a frequency deviation ar 3200 to 3380 Me vas applied dixring the period be- tween two magaetron pulses to cadty (2) for Pla=L firing. The quenching er- fect, ca an afterglow by the probing -signal was reco-Lted by neans of -a photo- electron multiplier., vhose outpwb pulse vas applied to one chmmel of a dual.. tr6ce oscilloscope. The other channel of the osciltoscope imz fedby a tcwd -I 13833~--63 ACMSION Al''AP30043% 4emoftlate& And ampUfted prtbIA3 sigule The plasw density vas determine(I cavity dotminge The vhole rystem was synchronized by a special circuit cmtrolled by a master aceMator, vith a pulse reyetitim frequency of 60 cps 12he discha-me tube vas fillelL by apectraLly pure heliun up to a pressure of 10-1 to 10-1 M Rg. * ftS. 2 reprepents, a t~~cal oscillogrem of the i;1(7,,r inten- sity variattoas of a'plamm at a,~mvelength of 38M A In the presence of the probing sigaal, The selected wavelength corresponds t 'a the transititm of an electrm to the metastable bellwl level as a result of a triple colUsim: H,+ + er+ er-~ He* +- V*- . The osdllogrm Illustrates a case of cyclatrm reso- na4ae. 14 a numbei of cues, 4a emi~lete pLa,4ma lie:bt boom vai recorlecl within the spectrn! sensitivity of a mxiltiplla~r (see Fig. ~b). The minim= parer of the probina signal vhieh leeAs io,marked quenching of afteMlov (signal-to- noize ratic at the output of 'the multiplier, approDdmately. 2) is approximately 10-19 to 5 X: 10-7, we Orig. aft. has: figures. :~.AS$OCLMM!: none DATR ACQ: 2Mug63 IMCL: 02 1990v63 SUB CCD4: SD 110 FW SOV: 001 OIM: 005 Card DEMIRICHANOV, R.A.; DORMOV, V.V.; DZKUYA, M.I. Isotope masses and nucleon binding_gnor ies irl the rare- earths region (1504.,,A .4.176, Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 no.10:1338-1356 0 163. (WRA 16:10) /ASD/ESD-3/A M / X ACCESSION IM: AP300000T 13/0057/63/0331005/0544/0549 AMOH: Demirkhanoy A.I.-Chitkin, T. I.; Ap 1jukay, T. TIM: Containment of partlbUs4u a fluied-systau vith current A SOME- Mmrml tekhnicMakoy fixiM, V. 33, no. 5v 1963, 544-549 TOPIC TAGS: Plasma containment fluted magnetic Jkield,, toroidal Arift ABSTRACT: Drift equations me uaed to dewlba tko motion of a pacticle in a fluted mogtitic field, vith longitudinLI curreat taken into account. A Teylldr1cal rather than a toroldal coordinate isysten Is used,, permItting simplification of the analysis;, so drift vwgle eazt. be considered the same in both toroidal and cylijArIcal systems, 11; Is ishom that under certain J conditions of current,, mapetle field'ooclulati*n, end peri(dicity,, resonance particles uhich lead to increased losses can W e3laimated in a closed system i vith a fluted magnetic held by a longItudinal aux-rent along the aKis; charge separation and toroidal drift i4particloo to the walls ani thereby prevented, card 1/2 DEMIRIMANOV, R.A.; XURSANOV, Yu.V.; BARATOV, D.G.; KHARIN, G.V. Mtion of electrons in a space-periodical helical magnetic field. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 33 no.9:1099-1103 S 163. (MIRA 16: 11) 'ACCESSION NR: AP4018358 S/0120/64,/000/001/0030/0033 AUTHOR: Demirkhanov, R. A.; Xureanov, Yu. V.; Blagoveshchenalkly, V. M. TXTLE: Source of high-intensity protons SOURCEt Fribory* I takhnika eksperimenta, no. Is 1964, 30-33 TOPIC TAGS, Ion source.' high intensity proton, high intensity proton source, electron fore injector, 10 Gey proton synchrotron, duoplann-jatron AB6TRACT: An ton source in described which is capable of developing a proton emission ol'I.5'amp and was.used in 1956 as a fore-injector in the 10-Gev proton -a ynchrotron at the Joint Nuclear Research Institute. The design of the source with magnetically contracted discharge in shown in -rig 1, its electric- supply scheme in rig z, Enclosure I. Emission characteristics of the source were investigated under rather long (100 microsec) pulse conditionn; the effect- of the arc current, magnetic field, and gas pressure upon the ion currant are reported. The 'basio psx4wAarv.-- of the ion source are: Card,, I ACCZSSION NR.- AP4018358 Accelerating voltage 30 kv Ion emission current 1. 5 ai.-np Arc current 20 amp Arc voltage 110-120 V' Gas pressure (5-7)x10" torr Magnetic field 1,000 gausa Emission port diameter 6 nun, Proton component 85% Orig. art. has: 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fixiko-takhnicheskly inatitut (Physico-Tochnical Institute) SUBMITTED: 04Apr63 DATE ACQ: l8M&r64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: NS NO REF SOY,. 00,2 OTHM: 002 Card .,ACCESSION NR: AP4033098 5/0120/64/000100Z/0019/0021 A. 1 P6*oshin, 0. F.; Isele o1, p. y AUTHOR: Darnirkh4a no Mk%.eidz TITLE: Heavy-current injector of hydrogen JozL~ SOURCE: i Pribory* i tekhnika ekoperimenta nt 2 19*64' ;9-21 TOPIC TAGS: injection, too: injection, hydrogen ion injection, heavy current ion injection ABSTRACT: A new hydrogen-ion injector (whose development is claimed to have been completed in 1959) operates continuously at a drawing Yoltage 50 kv or lower. The system uses a magnetic-type arc plasma source with. oscMating electrons. The foUowing operating'data to reported: ion-boam current, 275 ma at 45 kv (drawing), beam diameter at 250 cm from the source, 5 cm; aperture of the converging beam, 2. 5 x 10-21 beam dbrectivity,, 7 acn37-t ; current of the h-v Card 112 ACCESSION NR: AP403309.8 source, 500 ma; gas pressure In the source in the cathode region, 3z 10 torr; same, in the I 'intermediate -electrode -anode 11 region, 6 x 10-2 torr; arc voltage, 220 v, arc current, 12 amp; magnetic field of the source, 600 oerst; magnetic field of the principal focusing Ions, 1, 500 oerst; muguetic field of the 'auxiliary lens, 220 oerst. "The authors. thank Yu., V. Kursaikov, T. I. Gutkin, N. -I.- Leontlyev, and G. I. Bolislavskaya for their participation in the initial phase of the project; I. A. Chukhin for design work; and A. M. AW-anitize. A. A. Kolodub, and S. L Filatov for their practical help with the project. 11 Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 formula. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekbuichookiy institut GXAZ SSSIL (Physico-Technical Institute, GKAE SSSR) SUBMITTED: Z8Apr63 DATE AGQ; IlMay64 ENCL: 00 SUB CUDE: NS WaA=.-SOV.- 003 OTHER: 002 AP4009921 8/0057/64/034/001/0060/WGS AUTj4OR: DemirkhanQv,RA,1 Xursanov,YU.V.1 Raratov',D.0.1 Kharth,O.V. TITIX: Resonance Imprisonment of electrons In a magnetic mirror device with a spatially periodic helical magnetic field SOURM: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fisiki, v.34, no.1, 1964, 60-65 TOP'iC TAGS: belical magnetic field, magnetic mirror, magnetic mirror trap, charged particle capture, particle imprisonment, helical magnetic field resonancu, helical magnetic field trap ABSTRACT: The equations of notion of an electron in combined longitudinal uniform and'transverse helical magnetic fields are solved approximatoly for paraxial tra- jectories. It is found that at certain resonant values of the longitudinal elec- tron velecity there is an interchange oflongitudinILl and transverse (Larmor) kine- tic energy of the electron. The resonant velocities are those at which the appar- ent'frequency of the.magnetic field as seen from the moving electron is equal to the'Larmor frequency, or to its second or third harmonic. Depending on the phase of the electron motion, either the transverso kinetic energy or the longitudinal Card 1/3 AP4009921 kinetic energy may increase at the expense of the other. It in suggested that the resonant loss of longitudinal kinetic energy may nalu) it possible for a particle to be imprisoned between two magnetic mirrorr. after having penetrated one of them. T~e theoretical conclusions were tested experimentally. A longitudinal magnetic field of 300 Oe or less was produced in a 9-4gn diamolter coppor vacuum chamber by a solenoid 115 cm long. Magnetic mirrors with mirror ration of up to 10 were locat4d 160 cat apart. The transverse helical field was provided by three pairs of conduc- tors carrying currents up to 700 amp. Each of these conductors was wound about the vacuum chamber in the form of a helix of 16-Qm pitch. A 2-mm diameter 100-microamp beam ul 0.75-keV electrons was injected at one end. The resonant loss of longitud- inal kinetic energy was observed with the aid of a retarding field collector. The ,resonances at the fundamental and the second harmonic of the Larmor frequency were ,'quite marked, about 40% of the electron energy being converted to transverse motion :,in a typical case. The energy conversion is more efficient when the electron~beam is not too close to the axis, but the resonance conditions then become complexITIlLs fact is illustrated with an experimental cuive. To detect the capture of electrons between the magnetic mirrors, electron pulses of 3.5 microsec duration were Inject- ed and the decay of the current In the spW,stus was observed with an oscilloscope. Two distinct halt lives were usually obmervW: 1.5 vacrosec, inaludille some 20% of Co,d 2/3 AP4009921 the injected electrons, and'S microsec, inoluding 45% of the electrons. The cur- rent~was still perceptible an long as 18 micr)sec after bean out off. This portion of-the current was due to electrons that had completed about 150 oscillations be- tween the magnetic mirrors. 10 formulas and 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBM17TED: O.Wavft DATE AOQ: lOFeb64 EMM.: 00 SUR CCDE- PH NR REF SOV: 002 OMR-. 003 Card 3/3 'ACCESSION XR: AP4013412 8/0057/64/034/002/0266/0268 AUTHOR: Demirkhanov ,;,Gutkin, T.I.; Soldatenkov, T.R. TITIZ: On the equilibrium of a plasma in a spatially periodic magnetic field 1. I.SOUTM Zhurnal tekhn.fIz.pvo34# noo2p 1964, 266-268 :'~'~TOPIC TAGS: plasma, magnetic field, periodic magnetic field, plasma equilibrium, mpgnetDhydrodynamics, pinch, linear pinch, resonance particles !ABSTRACT: A solution of the magnetohydrodynamic equations is obtained which des- cribes an equilibrium state of a plasma filament in aspatlally periodic magnetic ,field. Such a solution is considered to be of Interest because It has recently been shovM that the resonance particles that occur in these systems can be ramoved by means of a longitudinal current (R.A.Domirkhanov, T.I.Gutkin, T.R.Soldatenkov,Zh77,, 33,544,1963). The solution.was obtained with the aid of an equation derived by R. Ldst and A.SchlOtor (Zo.Astrophys.38,190#1955) and under the assumption that both the current and the pressure gradient are proportional to the magnetic flux. For a certain value of the longitudinal current, the periodicity of the magnetic field In*: the solution obtained disappears, and the solution reduces to that for a linear :Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: hAol3422 pinch. When the longitudinal current vanishes, the solution reduces to one jiven by LUst and Schluter (locealts), Orig.ait.hast 14 fonmilaa, ASSOCIATION; none SUBMITTED- =an63-~ DATE ACQ: 26Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH REF SOVt' 003 OTHER., 001 1 Card "ACCESSION NRt AP4031133 .1;/0056/64/046/004/1169/1177 AUTHORSt Demirkhanov, R. A.1 Kady*sh, 1. Ya.1 Khody*rev,. Yu. S. TITLE: Skin effect in a high frequency annular discharge SOURCE: Zh. elceper. i teor. fiz.# 10 46, no. 4, 1964, 1169-1177 TOPIC TAGSt skin effect, plasma, discharge plasma, gas discharge# toroidal discharge, electron.collision J ABSTRACT: The penetration of a longitudinal high-frequency magnetic field.into a plasma was investigated at frequencies 0.9, 4.6, and 5.6 Mc, with particular attention to the study of the dependence of the th*ickness of the skin layer on the plasma density, which was varied continuously o*v r a wide range. To eliminate edge effects in the plasma and ir nei, magnetic field, a toroidal discharge in a quartz glass was used (diameter 18 cm, 2 diameter 5 on). The tests were made for different limiting ratios of the field and electron- 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4031133 collision frequencies, and of the ratios of the skin layer to the mean free path of the electron ((D/v ()f f