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The developulaut of the electrical reaOton cli i6'reG4 112 61116~:
F'~aezlv. (;. WOUCIllircht'glyali and V. S. JlVirtipt:i W. R. Atal.
I- '?SS., 1951 90 .171- 37 4).-Tht, hTSt igli Of Vivctric~d activity
if) Air rabini ";-0, :1 shm pmifiv~! Ivaw. "m iffilill il'.6oll, %us fimild
to appear till the 701-10th day atter birth. It), the. 18th-22ild
day, tile viectrorctitiogram NvjLs t%()j it-fterent frilitt that
uf tile adult cyc' G. S. BRINDIA.Y.
"The Fundamental Processes in an tical Analyzer." Dr Biol Sol,, Acad
Med Sol USSR, 7 Doe 54. (VMp 25 Nov 54~
Survey of Scientifid and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Figher
Educational Institutions (n)
SO: Sum. No - 521, i Jin~,55
DMIRCHOGLYAN, G.G., kandidat biologicheskikh nank.
Ii. .. .. I-... x-1
Radioactive isotopes and their utilization in biology and medi-
cine.19st. v shkole no.3:17-22 MY-Je 154. (HLRA "1:7)
1. Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy S.S.H.
(Radioactive tracers (Isotopes)
UN, M.A.
Now date. on conditioned reflex changes in the visml analvoor of
ram. Izv.AN Arm.&SR.Biol.i sellkhot.nauki 7 no.9:57-67 S 154.
(96RA 9:8)
1. Institut fiziologii AN Arm. 33R.
I- - . -j~ , ,W;-7
Effect of electric (pain) stimulation of the skin on the functional
properties of the retina. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 18 no.4-125-128 154.
(MLBA 8:3)
19 Inatitut fiziologii Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Predstavleno
(Retina) (Receptors (Neurology))
Blectroretinography in amblyopia antl ammiroals. Dokl. Ali Arm. SSR 19
no63:79-81 254. (MLRA 817)
1. Klinam glaspykh boleznoy Toravy=skogo meditainskogo instituta J
Institut fixiologil Akademll nauk Armyanskojr SSM. P~redstavleno G.Kh.
Bunyatyanom. (Skiascopy)
The slow oscillatIone of electrical potentials in the visual ana-
lysor, Izv.AN Arx.SQ.Biol.i sel'khos.nauki 8 no.2:67-76 IF '55.
(Km q.- 8)
1. Inatitut fisiologit AN Arm. SR.
t Garf; a novich ; IKOV, N G. , ro (I a ktor ; MAK~MV~
i ~
takhi)i(-,heI8 ZT~^-"d'tjftttyr% .. 0- -%
r,qk%,Djnj,.)U of arnlysors; a manual for teachers] Firiologiia
torov; prisobie dlia tichitsilei. Mook-va, Gos. uchabno-oedagog.
MiAtiterstre lDroaveshchentia RSYSR, 1956. 94 p. (:-ILTU~ ~:-!I;
DIMIRCHOGLYAN, G.G., kandidat biologichookikh nALWi.
-- -- 11 ;. - . ", - i-
Biological effect of radioactive radiations. 3st.v shkole no.l:
1.1-14 ja-F 156. (MLHA 9:5)
1. Alutdomiya nauk Armyanskoy &U.
(lWion,ativity-Phyalological effect)
,game results and prospects in electroretinographic researeb. Izv.AN
Arm.SSR. Biol. i selikhoz.nauki 9 no.8:3-12 Ag 156. (KLHA 9:10)
1. Ilinika glaznykh bolezney Yerevanskogo maditainskogo instituta,
fiziologii Akademii nauk AManskoy SSR.
An article Ontiti,6d, "tigtt Sensitivity of Visual Axwl4rzer Under Con-
ditions of Ceirebral Inhibition" by 0. G. Demirchoglyan and M. A. Allakh -
verdyan of the Institute of Physiology, Academy of -Sefences Armenian-MR,
presen s further studies on the conditioned reflex shifts of the visual
Analyzer of man as related to the cortical regulation of primary visual
.functions. Studies were made on the effect of various types of cortical
Imbibition on the light- sensitive function and on the course of uncon-
ditioned reflexes.
It was found that the successive action of conditioned stimulation
v:Lthout re-enforcement by light caused an increasingly slower decrease
Of light sensitivity, and, subsequently, light sensitivity even rose
above the initial level established in the dark. This significant rise
of light sensitivity of the rods always appeared as a result of the ex-
tinction, of a formerly established conditioned reflex. Similar results
we re obtained against a background of extinguishing inhibition.
The: authors conclude their article by saying that further research
is'-necessary on the mechanism and the changes of photochemical processes
6fthe retimL (increased concentration of rhodopsin due to the develop-
iint of extinguishing inhibition or a decreased degree of rhodopsin de-
emposition during illumination), but it is evident that the condition
of the higher branches of the central nervous system are important for
tbiq effect of strong sitInWAtion by light. (Dok~ady Akademil Nauk SM,
Vol 10%, No I, 1~656) PP 225-w228) (U)
USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. The Nervous System. T
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.~j No 90 1958g 41747,
Author L__Dzzjr
- . _,ghaglyan,, G. G.; Allakhverdyan, M. A.
Inst Not
Title On the Analysis of the Alteration of Sensitivity
to Light of the Optic Analyzer of Man Under Con-
ditions of Cortical Excitation and Inhibition,
Orig Pubt V sb..- 141opr. Vyssh nervn deyat-,sti i kompensatorn,
prisbosoble-nil (Problems of Higher Nervous Activity
and Compensatory Adaptations) iryp 2 Arevan. AN Gruz
SSRV 1957, 169-160.
Abstract: A conditioned reflex, lowering of sensitivity to
light, was elaborated during dark adaptation after
Card I/?-
USSR / Human and Animal Physiology, The Wervous System, T
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 99 19580 41-747.
Abstract-. 3-19 associations of light with a preceding buzzer,
Upon extinction of this reflex, sensitivity to
light increased, Cortical InhilbItIon weakened the
effect of light on the sensitivity of the retina,
In directing the light upon one qye, conditioned
reflex changes also spread to the other. It Is
postulated that the Impulses fr~om the CNS Inhibit
the function of the retina, In the various forms
of cortical inhibition the retina frees Itself
from central Influences. -- K. S. Ratner.
Card 2/2
USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - The St-.nsory Organs. .1-9
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1958, 18651
Author B.H. Melik-Mus'yan and G.G. Demirchoglyan
Tnst The Republic Clinical Hospital of the Arminian SSR.
Title Various Disturbances in Visual Function and its Restora-
tion According to the Data of Clinical ",lectroretinogra-
Orig Pub Sb. nauchn. tr. Resp. ';-Iinich. bollnitsy krmSc% 1957, 1,
Abstract No abstract.
Card 1/1
USSR/11uman and Animal Physiology - Sensoty OrganEl. T-11
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 32253
Author : Dcrdrehoc.~ ~_n~Adunts, G.T., Avalkyan, Ts.M.
Inst 4,efqy,4wcK,,,v 55R.
Title Action of Radioactive Phosphorus on the Functional
Dondition of the Retina of the Eye,~
Orig Pub Izv. AN ArmSSR. Biol. i s.-kh. M., !':)57, .0, No 2, 3-13.
Abstract Inmersion of a preparation of an isolated froC, eye in a
solution of NaOP3204 (strength not indicated) caused
stronger depression of ERG than did irriersion of the same
in a solution of NA2HP04- Sometines depression of ERG
pruceded an increase. With subcutwieous introduction of
NajiP32o 41 impairments of the ERG (removed also from the
isolated preparation) set in only -through four to ton
d,iys after the introduction. In addition) the accuciala-
tion of p32 was the same in the retina of an exposed and
unexposed eye.
Card 1/1
"The Biological Effect of Small Doses of' Ionizing Radiation."
paper to be presented at 2nd UK Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic
Energy, Geneva, I - 13 Sep 58.
,,.)V/'89-5 - 5 -11, i5
AUTHORS: Lebedinskiy, A. V., Grigorlyev, Yu, G., Demirchoglyan, G. u.
TITLE: On the Biological Effect of Ionizing Ptndi~itioft J-11
biologicheskom doystvii ienizziruyanhuhppo Jz11u-i)eni,yZ,
ma.lykh dozakh)
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1958, Vol. 5, Nr i, pp. 310-7~!6
ABSTRACT: This is a summarizing account concerning the., fc1lo-.riing Soviet
paperst N. 1. Vuzhdin, N. I. Shapiro et al.: Pistarbance of the
sexual cycle in female mice after a daily irnuUation of C.1 r
for a period of 15 months. G. S. Strelin: With a dose of 2 r
a retardation of the mitosis of the epithelium of the cornea
of rats at times occurs. N. P. Smirnova(Laboratory A. V.
Lebedinskiy): Irradiation of 50 r causes a phase-modification
of irritability in the various centers of hypothalamic areas
during stimulation by an electric -.urrent. Yu. G. GrJgor'yev:
Tii-functional state of the human cerebral cortex durinp a thera-
peutical irr&diation of the head and of the abdomen (electro-
encephalographical method). A. B. Tsypin.-Recording of the bio-
logical activity of the brain of hares during irradiation with
Card 1/2 a dosage of 0,13 to 0,03 r./-qec (Method developed M. N.
On the Biological Effect of Ionizing Radiation in Small.
Livanov). A. I. Danilenko, N. D. -1teteenko: Changa of the
frequency and amplitude of an electroencephalogram of a dog to
which 0,1 to 1 mC/kg p52 is administered. 1. K. Zyu:,i-,i: In Llic
case of serious psychic diseases t.-he cerebral c-ur:;ex was fauna
to become more sensitive already -v-th rt~apect tc- ivdicat~,r
doses of radioactive substano,~:s. Ye. !-. London: -he
- -
feeling" of the eyes as a result of the of radio-
active substancea. Ts. M. AvaL,.yant The electroretirogram, ob-
~he i3olaled eye 04' a f-Cg ei-11
tained after irradiation of
doses of 10 to 100 r. G. G. Demirchoglyan, G. T. A%Laants, Tz. M.
Pvakyan: The influence of p52 On the functional proper-ties of
the retina of the eye of a frog. A. V. Lebedinskiy, G. G.
Demirchoglyan: The influence exercised by small dooeo Df radio-
active strontium preparations upon the functiorvil z-,tat~! of the
retina. There are 3 figures and 33 references, 22 )i' -whi--h are
(Continued on abstract 12/15)
Card 2/2
"i(NI189 12/15
AUTHOH.5: hebc,dliiskly, %. V., Griw,(~rlyev, '1u. G., Demirchoglyan, G. G.
TITLE- On th-e Bir)lugict~l Effent of Ionizing Radiation in Small Doses.II
deys',vii ioniziruyushchego iziucheniya v
mallykh dozekh)
(Continued from abstract 11/15)
PFRIODICAL: Atomnaya energiyp, 1q1,6, Vol. 5, Nr 3, PP. ~16-~~;~n 'U!:,'1Hj
ABSTRACT: -A. V. Lebediaskiy, A. I. PeymertThe dependence oil the regenera-
LlOn and iensitivity of the retina on metabolic proco-~rses,
eepecially on the carbon-tater metabolism. .4. 1. Lebedinskiy,
V. V. Yakovlov: Disturbed development of reflex-movement re-
action3 (inveatigated in 300 embrycis of rabb_Jts~~'- A. V.
Lebc~dinskiy, Den Chzhi-chen: chan,-
,e of The nervoun 90
system of living beings that have been con,;jnticuoly fed with Sr
during -mbryogenesis. V. A. Muzheyev: The influence of radon
radiation upon the functional Ftate of' nerves and musclcs. A. I.
.Danilenko, N. D. Stetsenko: The nerve-cords undergo a modifica-
'kion of functional properTies under the effect of Irradiation if
9e exceeds 17 ergaiT,.M2
th,~. radiatior do, N. Ye. Vved_:~nskiy: The
shorLen~ng of the duration of zierve rei'!-:~xes cIF a -esul-. Of
Card Sr.~7LII dwies. V. N. Strelltsova; if I '~00 - 1 ~O'J)~O Cr
On the Biologi cal Effect of lonizi-Ng Raldipilt jun in f,mal I Doae~!
Ru 06 is administered to ruls only once, th~, elfe~.t calzoing
i.s tne same as it' lc,C JAC g were fidirini.,*eved
fo'r a puvic~i of if~ll' d,9,V--. N. Krayt-vskiy anl N. N.
Gb,~nlijpd a sJ,milsr result. Theve ai-e I f-j*&.ire und refr?vencc-s'
of whj,,,,h five
Card 2'''.
CAMRY Pharmacology and Toxicology. Narcotics and
'I BS. JOUR. RZhBiol, . No, 1 1959., No. ~ L"7
AUTHCR t Derai agl d' G.; Dihanpoladyan, L. M.;
Lr9h - yan,
INST. A 9 -A rm S SIR~
TITM Contribution to the Study of the Effect of Small
Doses of Cognac upon Certain Functions of the
1PIGs MD. v Aykakan SSR Gitutyuhnerl Akademial tegekagir.
Biologlakan ev gyukhatntesakan gitutynner,
,RSTRACT t In healthy tested persons oogneo alcohol (CA)
caused a drop in photo6onsitivit-y-of the eye
(PE) adapted to darkness and an Increase In the
rate of the oardlao rhythm. The disturbances in
the cardiac activity were loss prolonged as com-
pared with changes of PE. The same doses of CA
*Allalchverdyanp M..A. ,
**Izv. AN ArmS3R., Biol,, i a.-khl. n.0 1956S ill
No 2, 93-96
7ARD: 1/2
~ I I-- .
Prionry proaessee In the visual nnRly9or. Probl.fiziol opt* 12t8?-99
158 imiRA 11:6)
1e Institut fiziologii Akademii nauk Arm, SSR.
DMIRCHOGLTAN. GrAnt. Ourgenovich; YARKOT, N.G., rad.; KAKHOVA, N.N.,
[Radioisotopes and radiation in biology] Radioizotopy i izln-
cheniia v biologii. Moskva, Gos.uchebno-pedagogAzd-vo Y~va
prosv.RSPSEL, 1959. 59 P. (MIRA 13:4)
/4 C
21(4); 17(0) PHASE I BOOK EXPWrPATION SOV/2808
International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. 2d, Geneva, 1958
Doklady sov-etskikh u6henykh; radiobiologiya i radiatsionneya meditsins.
(Reports of Soviet Scientists; Radiobiology and Radiation Medicine)
Moscow, Izd-vo Glav. upr. po ispollzovaniyu atom3oy energii pri
Sovete Ministrov SSSR, 1959. 429 p., 8,ODO copies printed. (Series:
Vtoraya Mezhdunarodnays konferentsiya po mirnomu ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii.
Trudy, ton, 5)
..General Ed.;, A*V, Lebedinakiy, Corresponding M~mber, USSR Academy of Medical
Sciences; Ed.: Z,S. Shirokova; Tech. Ed.: Ye.l. Mazell.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for physicians, scientists, and engineers
as well as for professors and students at vtuzes where radiobiology and-
radiation medicinesee taught.
COVERAGE: This is Volume 5 of a 6-volume set of repoxts delivered by Soviet
scientists it the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of
Atomic Energy, held on September 1-13, 1958,in Geneva. Volume 5 contains
Card 1/7
Reports of Soviet Scientists (Cont.) sOV/2808
32 reports edited, by Candidates of Medical Sciences S.V. Levinskiy and V.V.
Sedov. The regorts cover problems of the biological effects of ionizing
radiation, future consequences of radiation in small doses, genetic effects
of radiation, treatment of radiation sickness, uses of radioactive isotopes
in medical and biological research, uses of atomic energy for diagnostic
and therapeutic purposes, soil absorption of uranium fission products,
their intake by plants, and their storage in plants and foodstuffs.
References accompany each report.
Lebedinakiy, A.V., Yu.G. Grigorlyev, and ZG-. Demirehogl Biological Effect
of Ionizing Radiation in Small Doses (Report No. 2C argan~ 5
Burykina, L.N., D.I. Zakutinskiy, N.A. Krayevskiy, E.B. Kurlyandskaya, N.N. Lit-
vinov, Yu.1. Moskalev, A.P. Novikova, Yu.N. Solovlyev, and V.N. Strelltsova.
Remote Aftereffects of Injury by Small Doses of Radioactive Substances in
Ghronic Exposure (R(.port No. 2077) 17
Gorizontov, P.D. Problem of Pathogenesis of Acute Radiation Sickness In the
Pathophysiological Phase (Report No. 2316) 43
Card 2/T
Reports of Soviet Scientists (cont.) SOV/2M
JAvanov, M.N., and D.A. Biryukov. Changes Appearing in the Nervous System
Following tbe-Ionizing Radiation Effect (Report va-2315) 74
TonkM, A.V. Role of Suprarenal Glands in the Pathogenesis of Radiation
Sickness (Report No. 2132) 95
Tarusov, B,N. Primary Reactions in Biolipides Under the Action of Ionizing
Radiation (Report No. 2248) 105
Kuzin, AX, and A,L. Shabadmish. The Importance of Change in the Native State
of Nucleopr9teins in Radiation Injury (Report No. 2319) 110-
Frank, G.M., N.A. Aladthalova, and A.D. Snezhko. Scme Problems in the Bio-
physical An"Is of Radiobiological Effects (Report No. 2237) 123
Gra,vevskiy., B.Ta. Some Tissue and Cell Reactions to the Ionizing Radiation
EffLact, (Report No. 2080) 139
Blyumenfelld, L,A.' and A*Z, Kalmanson. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra
of Irradiated Amino-Acids, Peptides., Proteins, and.1qophilized Tissues (Report
No. 2079) 152
Card 3/T
Reports of Soviet Scientists (Cont.) SOV/2 W
Seyte, IJ. The Acetylating Function of the Coenzyme A System in Radiation
Sickness (Report No. 2239) 16o
Meysell, M.N., R.D. Galltsova, GA. Medvedeva, N.A. Pomoshchiiikovs, L.A.
SeUverstova., and M.N. Shallnova, Effect of Ionizing Radiation and df Radio-
mimetic Substances on the Microbe Cell (Report No. 2320) 167
Klemparskaya, N.N., and V.V. Shikhodyrov. Local Tests to Show the State of
Homosensitization and Autosensitization of an Irradlattd Organism (Report No.
2073) 180
Bagdasarov,-A.A., P.R. Vinograd-Finkell, M.O. RsUBhenbekh, M.P. Bogoyavlenskiya,
R.I. Rodina, B.P., Belysyeva, G.M. Abdullayev, and N.Ya. Lagutina. Experience
in Treating Radiation Sickness With Leukocyte and Thrombocyte Substance (Report
No. 2238) 188
IstDmina, A.G., and I.B. Keirim-Markus. Experiments to Determine 'Maximum
Pirmissible Thermal Neutron Flux (Report No. 2078) 196
Grodzenskiy, D.E., and T.1'. Ivanenko. Isotopic Method in Studying the Hormone
Effect on Metabolism in Osseand Tisme (Report No.,2072) 205
Card 4/7
Reports of Soviet Scientists (Cont.) sov/aBo8
Bogdanov,, K.M.,, M.I. Shallnov, and Yu.M. Shtukkenberg. Some Results of Labeling.
With Tritium in Biological Studies (Report No'.. 2070) 212
Sisakyan, N*M, Special Features of Albumin synthesis ia the Plant and Animal
Cel.l (Report No. 2244) 2n
Amiragova, M.(;. Control Mechanism of the Th7roid Gland Ftmetions, by the
Cerebral Cortex (Repwt No. 2202) 238
Kolli, Ye.A. Effect of Various Factors on the Biosynthesis of Thyroxin Pro-
duced by the,Thyroid Gland (Report No. 2075) 25i
Kometiani,, P.A... L.K. Tkashelashvi3t, and T.Ya. Ovsyanko. Using Phosphoric
Eaters of Choline, Ethanolamine., and Serine in Phospholipid Synthesis in the.
Bizain (Report No. 2318) 263
Ferdmez, D.L. Using C14 and N-15 to Study Metabolism in Muscles (Report No.
2134) 271
Fedorov, N.A. Relative Charaiteristic Fate of the Three Phenathiazine Compounds:
Card 5/7
Reports.of Soviet Scientists (Cont.) SOV/.'~M
s35- Aminazine (chlorpromazine), s35- Promazine, and s35- Chlormepazine
(Chlorpakaftla) in the Orgimiss (Report No. 2076) 28,
Kbz1ov6,,,1L.V. Using Radioactive Isotopes in the Clinic for Diagnostic and
Therapeutic Purposes (Report No. 2056) '296
Shemovj, V*N*j K*N& Ba&nLyev,, and N.P, Bekhtereva, Isotopic Encephalography and
Electroencephaloscopy for the localization of Brain Tumors (Report No.. 2069) 307
Gabeloya, N.A., and G.M. Frani~ Studying the Past Translocation of Substances
in the Organism- by Means of Omma Ebdttibg Isotopes (Report No.2081) - 314
Troitskiy, V.L., M.A. Twwwyan, Z.G. Pershina, V.M. Vadimov, V.G. Ehrushchev,
D.R. Kaulen, I.M. Goncharenko, O.V. Chakhava, A.P. Daplishcheva, and T.S,
Sedova. Methods of Using Ionizing Radiation in the Production of Bacterial
Preparations (Repoft No. 2OT1) 329'
Klechkoveldy, VM., LX Sokolova,, and GX Teelishcheva. Sorption of
Microquavbities of Strontium and Cesium in Soils (Report No. 2316) 346
card 61T
Reports of Soviet Scientists (cont.) SOV/2M
Gulyaldn, I.V., and Ye.V. Yudintseva. The Plant intake of Strontium, cesium, and
Other Fission Products and Their Storage in the Crops (Report No. 2311) 35t
Dabinin, N.P. Mechanism of 'the Radiailft Effect on Nereditr and the Problem
of Ridiosensitivity (Report No- 2074) 372
Tinyakov, G.G., and M.A. Arsenlyeva., Cytogenetic Effect of Ionizing Radiation
in Naclei of Monkey Germ Calls (Report No. 2476) 385
A14khanyan, S.Io, X.P. Garin&, S.Yu. Golldsm, L.I* Yerokbina, V.G. Zhdanov,
N.I. Zhdano~a, O.N, Kapitonova, F,S. Klepikova, S.Z* Mind:Lin, A.A. Firokoflyeva
-Bellgovskeya, and A.F. TkWryatnik, Genetic Effect of Radiation and the
Selection of Microorganism Producing Antibiotics (Report No. 2493) 396
AVAIIABIZ: lAbr&ry of Congress "NMOM~)
Card 7/7
1. 1
on electroretinography in Czeohoslavakla.
Biofizika 5/no.3s382-384 160. (MM 13:7)
Syq)oeium on alectroratinography in ozoohoolovalcia. Izv. AN
Arm.Ur.Siol.nauki 13 im,).1:103-106 A 160. (MIRA 1-3:7)
-- --Z.--- --
Meehaniam of the origin of the electr6retinogram. Biofizika 6
Y. 2:249-252 061. 1 (MIRA 14.4)
1. Institut fiziologii 4LN Armyanskoy SSR!, Yerevan.
Role of retroaotivo conneotions in the aotion of analysors. Biofizika
6 n0-4:499-502 161. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Institut fiziologii imeni akademJjm L,A.Orbeli AN Armyanskoy
SSR, Yerevan.
Measurement of retinal impedance. Izv. All Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 14
no.8:81-83 Ag 161. (IMA 14:9)
1. Institut fiziologii AN Armyanskoy SSR i Institut biofiziki
AUTHOR: Demirchoglyan, G.G.,Allakhverdyan, M.A., Melik-Mus'yan, A. B.,Ogandzhanyar., V.G.,
Pogosyan, R. I., Lalayan, A. A., Vasilyan, V. V.
TITLE: The cffect of ionizing radiation on the retina and some light-sensitive systems
PERIODICAL: Radiobiologiya, v. 2, no. 3, 1962,442449
TEXT: Unlike in other studies, the effect of small radiation doses ( 10-50r, 125-900t) was here investigated
in both acute and chronic experiments (during 11/2 years). Elect roret inography (ERG) was performed
with con tact-icns-clect rodes; intraretinal potentials were recorded with n-kroelectrodes, SH-groups in the
retina were determined amptrometrically; the absorption spectra of rhodopsin extracted from the retina were
established and both morphological and bistocbemical analyses were carried out. The radiosensitivity of
light-sensitive 3-z gans in worms, of the compound-eye in insects, and of eyes in vertebrates, were compared.
Chronic irradiation with small doses brought about an abnormal functional condition of the retina, and this
effect had cumulative charact-.ristics. The light-sensitive (chromatophore reaction) system in the skin of the
frog turned out to be non-radiosensitive within the limits of 50-5000r. The studies of 0. D. Hug on the direct
effect of radiostimulation on tissues are mentioned.The role of SH-groups, included in the proteins of rhodopsin,
for the light-sensitivity of the retina is discussed. There are 5 figures.
Card 1/2
9 The effect of ionizing radiation ...
ASSOCIATION: Institut. fiziologii im. akad. L. A. Orbeli AN ArmSSR Yerevan (Institute of Physiology
im. Academican L. A. Orbeli, AS ArSSR) Yerevan I
SUBMITTED: September 13, 1960
Card 1/2
I - ...
Significance of sulfhydryl groups inoriginating electrical
reaction in the isolated retina of animals and man. Biofizika
7 no.2:225-226162. (141RA .16.8)
1. Fiziologicheskiy institut universiteta imuni K.Marksa,
Leyptaig i Institut fiziolop,,ii imeni akademika L.A.Orbeli
AN Armyanskoy SSR., Yerevan.
-------MWA-AVAKYAN, I. I.
Possibility of the vigistration and preservation of the
retinal bioelectric reaction in an enucleated human eye.
Biofizika 7 no.6:719-724 162. (IaRA 17:1)
1. Sektor radiobiologii AN ArmSSR i Yerevanskiy gosudarstvennyy
meditsinskiy institut.
, ---- P , doktor biolog.nauk
Response to ionizing radiation. Friroda 51 no.5.-Ul-1-12 My 162
(MIRA 15: 5)
1. Institut fiziologii im.. akaderaike. L,Qrbeli AN Armyanskoy SSR,
Tht local flicker-electroretinograpby.0
Report to be submitted for the Second meting for the Intarnational
Society for 91,ectroretinograpbyp Rotterdant Netherlands, 12-31t Sept 63
Study of the effect of c7steine on some visual functions
after pigmental degeneration of the retina. Izv. AN Arm.
SSR. Biol. nauki 16 no.12:19-30 D 163. (MIRA 17:2)
1, Klinika glazrqkh bolezney Yerevanskogo instituta uso-
vershenstvovaniya vrachey, otdel biofiziki i bioniki AN
Armyanskoy SSR.
DE34IRCHOGLYAN, Grant Gurgenovich; SHEVELE,, I.A. . red.
[Pbysiology and pathology of the retina; primary
mechanisms of vision] Fiziologiia i patologiia setchatki
glaza; pervichnye mekhanizmy zreniia. Moskvii., Meditsina,
1964. 142 p. (MIRA 17:10)
Physiological Institute of the K. Marx University In Leipzig
terman Democratic Republic). Izv. AN Arm. SSR, Biol. nauki 17
no.2:101-104 F 164. (KRA 17: 8)
I.E!Ccrld Bajnpwium on problems of electrOr3tinography in Erivan,
Tzv. AN Am. SSR. Biol. nauki 18 no,4:90-92 AP 165. (14TRA 1815)
I. Predsedatell 0- :,anlzatsionnogo komiteta 11 Simpcziuma PO
probleman elektroretinografii v Yere-,%ne.
Second symposium on problems of eltictroret'Anography In Erevan.
BioA'izika 10 no.3057 169~0 (PIRA 18,11)
ACC NR: AT6036549 SOMCE CODE: tjR/0000/66/000/000/0149 /0150
AUTFOR: Demirchoglyan, G. G.
TITIE:~ New data on the mechanism of effect - ionizing radiation on the functional
state of the retina [Paper presented at thevCLonference on Problems of Space Medicine
held in Moscow from 24 to 27 May 1966]
SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam kosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problenq
kosmichesk meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentsii,
Moscow, 19F60 149-150
TOPIC TAGS; cosmic radiation biologic effectp space medicine, vision, rhodopsin,
retina, electroretinogram
ABSTRACT: Determination of the effects of radiation on human visual functions i8-of
paramount importance for manned spaceflight. The radiation effect on the
retina is characterized by direct stimulation of photoreceptors, with
-accompanying development of bioelectrical reactions. EVCIA the smallest
radiation doses substantially affect retinal photosensitivity and other visual
Experimenta were conducted to determine the effect of ionizing radia-
tion on various aspects of retinal activity, especially the causes of its high
radiosensitivity. Retinal activity under these conditions was compared
with optic-nerve activity, and the radioeensitivity of the visual photopig-
ments was studied. Spbctropliotometry of rhodopsin (visualpurple) demon-
strated the possibility of change in its content without change in its molecular
structure especiany during irradiation of the pigment in the regina. Study
of the content of sulfhydryl groups in rhodopsin solutions (extracted from
-frog retinas) by the method of amperometric titration showed a decrease in
sulfhydryl content without a corresponding change in the process of lib,eration
of SH groups from rhodopsin molecules. Irradiation of rabbit retinas
caused definite morphological and histochernical changes, indicating the dis-
ruption of some metabolic processes; at the same tm'le, functional shifts
-were observed in electroretinograms. I
In spite of the occurrence of changes, the irradiated visual system"
retained its capacity to perceive and process visual information. This
:ability is clearly shown by the retention of impulsation in the optic nerve
.of frogs after intense irradiation of the visual system. These data
:agree with recent American studies, which also demonstrated the high
radioresistance of the optic nerve. Future studies by this research team'
wM be concerned with the minute changes occurring in the retina at the
moment of irradiation. In order to conduct these studies, a method of
~remote registration of ERGa for use in radiation conditions has been
developed* [W' *A* "No. 22;* ATD'Report, 66-1i6]
'hul.,ce" In. Ll~c bloc-d and alood--,Por, ;Iill~
Ti sc stue as Pun al C'c: i 'I'Llre z i, eTo
.-'.. `,u4*7, -11 All-
USSR/General Pr:)blens of Patholoa - Tvxiors. Experimental Therapy. U
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 1, 1959, 42o4
Author DerArchoLAyan, I.G.
Titlo A Study of the 'Lction af a New Preparation ~)f the Group
of ChlorethylarAnes (Preparation No 12) in Experinental
OriC Pub V sb.: Vopr. rentgenol. i x-dml. T. 2. Yerevan, 1957,
Abstract Preparation No 12 (1) was ackdaistered irtra-abdorAimlly
to rxice of the afb line with inoctilated leukisis upon
the 7-8th day following the inocv.-lation (when the tunor
reached the size of a pea) fir a duration of 8 days in a
dose of 0.2 nr,/kC;. I was also adaLnistered to raice with
spontaneous leukosis following the sane method. Of 25
nice of the lst Group, 3 perished bn the 25tA day, and
at this time the-ttumor either decreased or recessed in
Card 1/2
- 32
USSR/Gworcil Problens of Patholoa - Turiors. Experimental Therapy. U
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 1, 1959, 42o4
the reminder. DurinC: the sane time, in the controls
4 jut of 9 nice died, Ue tiinors increased to the size
of a chestnut in 3 and res,31ved in 2, SDme shrinkinG
of the dimensions of the tvmrs, and an increase in the
average life duration was aiso noteft in nice with spon-
taneous leuk~)sis under the effect of 1. -- OiV. Zubova
Card 2/2
USSR/a~n,eral Problens of PatholoL7 - Tumors. ExTerimental Therapy. U
Abs Jour
OriG Pub
Card 1/2
Ref Zhur Biol., No 1, 1959, 4205
Dci.IirchoC;lyan, I.G.
Experimental Study of Preparation No 12 of the Group of
V sb.: Vopr. rent_-enol. i onkol. T. 2. Yerevan, 1957,
The action of the-greparation No 12 (1) upon henopoie5is,
mDt3r action of the st=ich and cardiac activity was
studied. Experiments op. the effect of I up-.3n hemopoicsis
vere carried out 6n rabbits; I was injected into Vhe au-
ricular veiD for a period of 8 days in doses of 0.1-0.2
or 0.5 mdkG in 24 hours. Leukopenia and aplasia of tile
blaod-forminG orGans develops in rabbits. With either
dose the leukopenia vas more remarkable when the number
of leukocytes in the peripheral blood was Lweater before
- 33 -
USSR/General Problems of Pathology - Turiors. Experime..tal Therapy. U
Abs Jour Ref 21hur Diol., No 1, 1959, 4195
Auth or Papoyan, S.A., Movsesyali, M.A., _~)emirchoalynn, I.G.
Title On the Problen of the Mechanism )f the Action of Enbichine
Ori6 Pub : V sb.: Vopr. rent~;ezjol. i onkol. T. 2. Yerevan, 1957,
Abstract : The effect of embichine lio 4 (E) upon the bone-morrow
blood formation af the posterior extremities of a rab-
bit was studied followinj~ prelininary section of the
lower segnents of the spinal cord. It was demonstrated
that the depression of blood fDrmtion was significantly
weaker in the experizent than in the coiltrDl. E was in-
jected into the otic vein in a single dose of 0.5 utVkG
(for do(,s) and 0.25 (for rabbits). The i1mber of
leukocytes in the peripheral blood increased sharply
within 5 minutes aad 1 hour following the injection of E;
Card 1/2
- 29 -
USSR/General Problems of Pathology - TImnors - Experimental Therapy. U
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 1, 1959, 4195
it decreases within a few hours, and at the end of the
day it was smaller than 24 hours before, Followinc, a
few daily injections a conditioned reflex developed in
the experinental animals - the number of leuk.)cytes
decreased iii the sarae order wita injections of physi,)-
logical solution. On the basin of this, the authors con-
cluded that ar. inportaat role is played by :4euroreflex
factors in the raechanisra of the action of E. -- O.V.
Card 2/2
Use of fibrin film in the treatment of skin lesions from irradiation
(with eummary in Inglish], Med.rad. 2 no.6:61-65 N-D 157. (MIRA 11:2)
1. Iz Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo inotituta rentgenologii. radiologii
i onkologii Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya AraWmnskoy SSR i Nauchno-
iseledovatellskogo inatituta perelivaniya krovi knisterstfe zdrevo-
okhrananiya Armyanskoy SM.
exper. skin lessions in rabbits, eff. of fibrin
membranes on healing)
(SK-We off. of radiations on
x-ray induced lesions in rabbits. eff. of fibrin
membranes on healing)
fibrin membranes, on healing of x-ray induced skin
lesion sin rabbits)
PAPOYAN, S.L, starshiy nauohnyy sotrudnik; DMMRIOGLYAR, I.G!,
~-audamed.nalak; SMMYAV, S.G., mladffTT-y-nauohny7 sotrudnik
StAte of protainases in threaltment with J'Iuoromef4warcolysins. onk. 6&175.a78 t6l (MIRA 16s2)
PAPOM, S.A., sta--Lshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik,- SHUKURYAN, S.G., mladshiy
nauchnyy sotradnik; DEMIMOGLYAN, LG., kand.zedonauk
&Jlaot of fLuorine derivativeD of alylambies an some biochemical
b16od indices. Toperent.i onk. 6*.187-192 161. (M3RA 160)
DMARCHOGLYAN, 1. D. Cftnd Biol Sci -- (diss) "Test of the effect of wdvr�vzttva
"0* RO
Eq o -ro Wj-hy i~e (preparation a.-dmal s
rGil Or"12) upon the organism of laboratory
and the possibility Of -UPN.= = in cases of leukemia and lympho-
granulomatosi6." Ar-even, 1957. 12 pp (Min of Heal-th Annenian SSR. Inst of
RoentganoloMF and Onoology), 150 copies (KL, 6-58, 100)
Glucose trannport repilatJon in a broin cell. AN Arm.
SSR 40 no.5~285-288 165. (MMA 18.7)
1. Tnstitut binkhiwdi AN Si2ImJkttFd Jvminz-y 29, 196~.
Interrelationship betveen Insulin and stror-hanUn in the process
of glucose transport. Izv. AN tirm. $SR. biol. nauki 18 ne.4.*3-9
AP '65. (MIRA 18:5)
1. Institut biokhimii AN Armyarskoy SSR.
Effect of insulin on the reabsorption of glucose and sodium in
the, kidneys. Vop. biokhim. 3t147-158 163. (WRA 17t12)
1. Institute of Bioohemibtry, Academy of Scie-ces of the Armenian
S,S.R., Erevan.
AUTHOR: Demirchyan, G.G. (Engineer) MV/110-58-10-11/24
TITLE: Electro-magnetic processes in magnetized current transformers.
(Elektromwitnyye protsessy v podmagnichivaye*h transformatorakh toka)
PERIODICAL:, Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti, 1958, No. 10. PP. 37-41 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Three-phase amplidynes with parallel lond axe often used in current-
control circuits, particularly for field control of small alternators.
This article analyses the electro-magentic processes in an amplidyne
and current transformer built as a single element and magnetized.
The object of the work was to investig&te the operating conditions of
current transformers with various degrees of magnetization; to
study the laws of variation of magnetic flux, current and voltage
under different conditions; and to determine the relationship between
the mean secondary current and the magnetization current with
constant primary current. The assumptionB made in the theoretical
investigations are explained. Either of -the amplidynes may be saturated
or inisaturated, but it is shown that with magnetization, all three
phases of the device cannot be unsaturated simultaneously. The
condition is then considered in which one phase is saturated and the
other two are not. Flux-linkage equations have to be formulated in
order to determine the current. This -is done and an equation for the
current is given. Gur-Tes of primary and secondary current, flux-
'Card 1/3
Blectro-magnetic processes in magnetized current transformers.
linkage and secondary voltage for a particular case are given in
Fig.2. Corresponding experimental curves of secondary current and
voltage appear in Fig.3. Calculated current values for this
condition in which one phase is saturated are given in Sable.l. Tb&
case is then considered in vidah two pheses are zaturated and one is
not. Again current equations are derived.and the lover limit of
magnetization at which this condition obtains is deteriftined. Wave-
shapes of the primary said the secondary currentj, voltege and flux-linkrZe
a:~-e calculated and given in Fig.4. The i,-orrespondirg secondary
d-jurrent eancl voltage cur,,res, determined experimentally, are dravn in
Fig-3- Calculated data for this condition with two phases saturated
are recorded in Table.2. Next, the case is considered in which P"
three i)hases are saturated. The secondary currents and voltages axe
always zero. Various combinations of the previously considered
conditions are then treated and calculated graphs 4of vave-shape and
tables of calculated data are given as before. Ite relationship
between the mean relative aurrent and the degree of magnetization
with primary d.c. is plotted in Fig-7. Testsvere made to verify the
calculated results. The construction of the equipment is described.
The experimental results are also plotted in Fig. 7. There is some
?Ufference between prwtice and theory for high values of
Card 2/3
Electro,magnetic processes in sub-magnetised current transfo SOV 110-58-10-11 24
maguetisation. This is because of the Properties of the magnetic
circuit of the dquipment tests and because of the usumptions
made for the purposes of the calculatious. -Otherwise agreement is
excellent. There are 7 figures-9 4-tables and 2 literature-references
(1 German and I English)
SumffTTEDs March 21, 1957
1. Transformers--Magnetic factors 2. Transformers--Performance
3. Electric currents--Contr,)l systems 4. Amplidynes--Magnetic factors
5. Mathematics
Card 3/3
The HS-52-4 synchronous generator. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.
no-1:34-35 '59- (MIRL 12:2)
(Electric generators)
Method for calculation of phase compounding circuits witb
a corrector. Vest.elaktroprom. 31 no.2:67-73 F 16o.
(MIRL 13-.6)
(Falectric motors. Synchronous)
of 'a POci`
SC i th
r.a-iMzCTrlATl,, IC. r-.: 1.1aster Tach
Ion of vodelir~c, in an elactrolYtic bath". Lenlngracl, 195~1- L? P-P
. Kallmn), 1---0 copier, (KL, 170 16, 1-999,
Eclue MOIR, Leningrad Poly-bech Imt ina I
GOLIDIN. OskBr Tefimovich;_UWMCHTAN, K.S., red.; LU2WSOV, I.F.,
red.; ZHITNIKOVA, O.S. , to -~-
[Problem manual for the course OTheoretical Principles of
Blectrical Engineering."] 7.adachnik pa karan tooretichaskikh
oanov alektrotakhniki. Moskva, Gos.enorg.ixd-vo. 1960. 271
(MIRA 13:M'
(Blectric engineering-Problems, exercises, ate.)
NITM&N, L.R., prof.; MIRCHTAN,-K.5., kand.tekbn.nauk
WhV the charge of partial capacitances does not correspond
to the resultant field flux. Blektrichestvo no.6:1-6
Je 160. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Lenbigradskiy politekhriicbeekiy inst!Aut im. Kalinina.
2. Oblen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Heyman).
(Electric kields)
(Electromechanical analogies)
N-EYNAN Teonid Robertovich; POLIVANOV, K.M.
prof., retsenzent; IRADK174, B.M.p dote., re-tsenzent; KUPAIYAR,
S.D,,,, dots., retsenzent; PMOVSKAYA, G.Yei.,, red.; IlUi(ASHOVA..
V.A., tekhn. red.
[Laboratory manual on electromagnetic fields) Rukovodstvo k la-
boratorii elektromagnitnogo polia. Moskva., Gos. izd-vo "Vysshaia
shkola." 1961. 219 P. (MM 15:4)
(Electric engineering-Handbooks, mauals, etc.)
(Electric fields) (Magnetic' fields)
ZAYTSEV, I.A., kand.takhn.nauk; DEMIRCHYAN, K.S., kand.tekhn.naWc
Determination of the initial conditions for sudden jumps of
currents and voltages. Slektrichestvo no.7:52-55 Jl 161.
(14M 14:9)
1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Kalinina.
(Electric networks)
!"KlY y = h -
-0~ 6
NVI C;,!Yji,
AUTHOR: Demirchyan, K,S.
TITLE: Another method of simulating a rotational magnetic fl'.eld
PERIODICZ: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Avtomatikaptelemkhanlka i vy(;hislitellnaya
tekhnika, no. 3, 196.3, 7, abstract 3B38 (Dokl. 4-y Mf)zhvuz. konfe-
rent-sii po primeneniyu fiz. i matem. modelirovaniya it razlichn.
otraslyakh tekha. Sb. I, Moscow, 1962, 155 - 163)
TE)U: It is noted that the,problems of simulating a non-rotational and a
rotationil magnetic field is solved by the introduction of the no s s ar
tion of cal
and vector potentials of a magnetic field, respectively. Hoare a distinction is
made between the cases of simulating a collimated.and a merldian-plane field.
The application of a scalar magnetic potential tosimulation has 'the advantage
that the conditions of simulation for collimated and meridian-plwie field are al-
most the same and do not require the construction of special simu~Lators. Conse-
quently it is expedient to simulate the field of the scalar potential also in
the case of a rotational zone. The possibility of simulating a rotational mag-
Card 1/2
D-7 T-1 -.7-.-
per4 4 -,roj
D 7"-- " P-A for la'L)or--+ory invcsi~-a'iol-
engineering work; according to data of ~;Iie cliall,~y Faysch in Pulf-arivl
In Russian. p. 1.
Monthly List of East European Accession (TIFAT), I'll%, Vol. A . no.
February 1"59, llrcl!iss.
za uprasheniia
Inzenerna geologiia. Sofiia, Nauka i izkustvo, 1956.,
East European Accessions (EEAI)j, IC, Vol. B. no. U. Nov. 1959
Notes or the forwation of suffision knrst in the alluvinI j?r~~vel terraces in
the southern parts of the Sofia valley. p. 169
Buli-arska akademiia na naukite. GeoloRicheski institut. '-,ZV!'STIILk. Sofia,
Bul.varia., Vol. 7, 1959.
Morth--~y List of T',ast European Accessions (EEM), LC, Vol. o. 12,
December 1959
Young magmatites in the Botevgrad region. Izv Geol Inst
BAN 11: 163-177 162.
Role of certain geologic petrographic factors in the formation
of the physicamechanical propertis of marl in the basin of the
rivers Rositsa and Vidima, Izv Geol inst BA14 10:235-265
Se-ierr Connection of Condensers. RADIO (Padio) #~:18:Sep 54
Diode detector. p. 35
Vol. 4, no. 7/8 1955
Sofiya, Bulgaria
So: Eastern European Accession Vol. 5, no. 4 , 1956
Library of
Electronic voltage regulator. p. 25.
RADIO. Vol. 5, no. 2, 1956
Sofiia, Bulgaria
SOURCE: East European Accessions Ust (E-EAL) Ubrary of
Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957
DEMIREV, I. Amplifiers with ground grid. p. 24. Vol. 5, noA 11, 1956
SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol 6, No. 4--Aprii 1957
Characteristics and
gas rectifier tubes. p.25.
3, 1957, Sofia, Bulgaria.)
LC, Vol. 6, no. 12, Deceeber 1957, Unel,
P-fi-Iter in the last stage of the transmitter. p.26.
(RADIO I TELMEziu, vol. 6, no. 4, 1957, Sofia, Bulgaria.)
SO: Monthly List of East Europeans, Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 12, December 1957
Detector stahe in television receivers. P9499
(RADIO I TEIEVIZIIA, Vol. 6., no. 7, 1957, Sofia., BuIgnaria.)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 12, December 1957 Unal.
- DEMIREV, Iv.,inzli
354-355 1~1,
attenuators. FMio i televizj;ia 10 n0.11/12:
I(DULEVA Z. GLWEVSKI M and DEMIUUA4_K,_,_- Chairs of Pathological
Physiololr,y Pathological Anatomy (Ilead Docent
K. P. Popov), Ad-vanced Medical Institute, Varna
"Effect of the Thymus on the Development of a Transplante4 Tumor"
Sofia, EkayerimentaIna Meditsinix i Morfoloiriya, Vol 5, N012, pp 82-85
Abstracts The effect of the -thymus on the development of a transplanted
Yoshida tumor in rats wan ntudied. Increased Ciymum activity that was
produced by thymus trftnsplantation accelerated tvnor grolifth. Figures,
table, 10 references (9 Western, I Japanese). Manuscripl received Feb
66. Russian and English sumaries.
TASHEV, Tasho A., prof.; DERMIREVA, M.
Vltwiins in the food of the pormla-Uon oi' the liurgas
District. Izv Inst khranene 2:5-12 163.
1. Chl.-kor. na lhtlgarskata akademiia na naukite, chlen na
Redaktsionnata kolegiia i otgovoren redaktor, "Izvestiin
na Instituta po kranone" (for Tasbev).
DMMWI, y 1~ I
I-hitrition. of the population in the District of I'leven.
Izv Inst khranene 2:13-46 163.
1. Chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia, I[Izvestiia na Institut~%
po khranene".
DOIROV, M.; PIPERKOVA, Sl., d-r.; PL'-~',~RLVA, 1".
SuffJciency of vitamins A in some settlements of the District
of Pleven. Izv Inst khranene 2:47-60 163.
1. 0t Katedrata po ochni bolesti pri VMI rukovoditel
dots. E. Zhivkov (for Piperkova).
2. Ghlen na Redaktoionnata kolegiia, "Izvestia na Instituta
po kranene" (for Demireva).
L 34,186-66 JAJ(A)
ACC NN 06026:M3
AUTHOR: Deml"va, M.; Krustev, L.
ORG t none
TITLE: Second National Conference on Nutrition
SOURC-E.: Bulgarska akaderaiya na nauldto. Spisanie, no. 4, 1965, 80..86
TOPIC TAGS: Mologic conference, nutriology
ABSTRAM The Second National Conference on Nutrition. organized by the Institute
of Nutrition, Bulgarian Acade= elenms. was hold on 7 and 8 October 1965. Th
confemnee opewd with a report of Corr* Hember of the AcadomV Taahev, To on the
activities of the Institute during the past five yeara of its wdstences This was
follamd 171thm presentation of 67 papers, and the present art o1, gives the names
- Ne
of the authors together with brief imumuries of the papers- RS: 36..5927
SUB CIME: 06 / SUBH DATEt -none
IMIRI, Mustafa; MITRUSHI, Illya.
Flora and fauna of Albania. Priroda 45 no.13:71-80 Ag 156.
(K[aA 9: 9)
(Albania--Botany) (Albania--Zoology)
DEMIRI, M. - - -
"Effect of burning on the spontaneous plants, especially on fodder plants, shrubs, and
wastelEads for winter grazing"
Buletin. Seria Shkencat Natyrore. Tirane, Albania. Vol 11, no. 1, 1957
Monthl,y list of Fast European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8., No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas
c lifj~, DFrI111~1AN9 Hog
73 '(4
Med. inter".
k1i u
SCU, Gonovova, mD; IO.NI;A, C., MD,- "ESCU
DE'ji"A", MD; IONES' 0
anwmj, C. 0 IADO- SUCI~, D.., MD; VASILESCUp G. p MD.
Medical Clinic of the "Carol Davila" Hospital" ( medicala
a Spitalului "Carol Davila") - (for all)
Bucharest, Vinta ModictLlaj No 3, 1 Feb 64-p pp 167-181
"Data Concerning Dispensary Supervision and Treatment of E~idqmia
Hepatitis in a.Section ofthe town of Buchare-sto 11